Here are the majestic mountains and rocks. Hosted by the Black Tower

There was no majesty (1) of mountains and rocks, surrounded by clouds (2); It was an ordinary Russian landscape: fields, meadows, rare villages with straw (3) and trees (4) roofs.

Task: Insert the missed letters, mark the conditions for selecting the orthogram.

She is Okoldova ... but a fairy tale; This story of the sacrament ... A, mysterious ... A; The investigation is confused ... about the investigator; Her farm is running ... oh, things scattering ... s; Lingerie collection ... oh in bags and decompose ... o on the shelves; She spoke in ... oh, incoherently; He did the scatter ... o and wind ... oh; He looked concerned ... o; The terrain is empty ... A; The girl was spoiled ... and attention; Heroes of Heroves ... s glory; Queen several idealizers ... A; Hair testing ... s sides; Problems of study ... s scientists; Everything is well thought out ... o and envoy ... o; The task is to reshe ... A; scare ... hay beast; they scare ... s; salabe ... They were frivolous ... s; differently ... batch; Dresses are different ... s on a mannequin; it is me unavailable ... oh; Everything was unnatone ... o; Organiza ... enable; Ovchin ... born Tulup; oati ... aya porridge; windows ... oh glass; a joke of ... bn anecdote; simplifying ... empty ... suder; She is empty ... And the raster ... a.

Task: Perform test work.

1.NN. ?

Petersburg Goncharova as the city of "art (1) of feelings, lifeless (2) oh turmoil" does not accept the poorer (3) of the oceliness, simplicity, the nature (4) of the aiste dominate in the wilderness.

2.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

Working in the sand (1) ohm career was suspended (2) in connection with higher (3) in danger.

3. Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenNN. ?

Who had been in the villages under Vladimir, I remembered the house for a long time, decorated (1) a tree (2) threaded, similar to thin lace, considering that you can think about (3) about to visit the fairy tale.

4.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

Before this day, the archives have preserved accounts, brought (1) by the artist for delivered (2) to him oil (3) paints.

5.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

And thick milk, flowing from the clay (1) wow, and the lush loaf in the punch (2) with a basket, and the slipping napkin of the statement (3) by the artist in all the details and with special expressiveness.

6.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

The store was purchased (1) A Party Leather (2) Oh shoes at a down (3) prices.

7.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

The university's victim from the fire of 1812 was restored (1) about and partially rectifying (2) on Domenico Liberadi, which remained the composition (3) of the architect Kazakov.

8.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

The house was somewhat away from the forest, the walls here and there renob (1), with fresh boards, the windows of painting (2) s blelyl, a small porch side, isoching (3) thread, also smelled of resin.

9.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenNN. ?

In the old large guests (1) Ice on a spacious square, where it was quiet and empty (2) Oh, visitors did not expect, but an unexpearance (3) about the porch came the crew.

10.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenN. ?

The central square was framed (1) and a granite parapet with lion (2) masks and huge grinding (3) balls of stone.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,3

11.Specify all the numbers on the spot that is writtenNN. ?

On the country (1) ohm and a formidable background of the sunset sky, the wall of the coniferous forest seemed clearly to Narisov (3) oh, and in some places the transparent round tops of birches who protruded over it were mastered (3) on the sky with light strokes.

Start + first quests

Going out of the Dean, Artem looked at the cherished "brick" in the counters. Well, the session is closed. Ahead of two months of summer. Seducesmen joyfully Gomonea moved towards the nearest bar. After conducting them a dreary glance and sighs hard, Artem resolutely moved in the opposite direction. Ahead was waiting for work. Cutting a path through the yards, he stopped at a colorful poster, adorned by the wall of the shopping complex. A huge spacecraft surrounded by bright stars. His armor in someone decorated the crater meteorites. Some segments of the trim were buried, having raged sometime by fires. Duza march engines have long extinguished, but the ship still continued its way through space. "The ark". Place of his future work. The Virtual World "Ark" has become an excellent alternative to the players who the sugary elves, brutal orcs and puffing through the beard with bearded gnomes. There were no majestic castles, there were no ginfed houses and other fantasy delights. There was a gigantic colonial ship. Its numerous decks and compartments, abandoned hangars and destroyed greenhouses. And all this is inhabited by mutating flora, aggressive xenophaw, sneaking reminds, combat cyborgs and deadly viruses. The role of descendants of the surviving crew fell by numerous NPS. Well, the players were those failed colonists whose bodies were immersed in the cryootes capsules.

Also for the "ark"? - I didn't even notice how Artem even did not see how it entered the trading room. And practically buried in the seller-consultant.

Stepping in the morning in the direction of the ill-fated cryootsec, Artem never decided how to do. On the one hand, if you perform the task of the bartender, then in the award, in addition to experience and money, Ferum activates you the skill of "Ase Cooking". With it, it will be possible to prepare a first-level food. Hunger is one of the important characteristics of the character for which you need to follow. As soon as hunger reaches the so-called "red" zone - endurance will be automatically begins to decrease. It drops with it and the speed of movement, which in the conditions of the "Ark" often means death. And given the prices of purchased food, this skill is worth opening one of the first. But despite the arguments of the mind, Artem was confused by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fulfillment of this task. If you pass the barman sherif, then instead of cooking the scanning skill opens. Which, with subsequent levels, is divided into bias "bioscation" and "scanning mechanisms". What does not hurt in the future at all. Some players advised not to bother with this task, but simply buy these skills. But for Artem, who came to the game for the sake of earlier, the thought of spending money, where you can take it to free, was also not acceptable. In general, it was not decided with the choice, Artem decided to first fulfill the task of the sheriff for the destruction of rats.

Yesterday's corridor met silence. Only the sound of closed flaps behind his back. Artem unwittingly looked around. The door looked quite shabby. Ponizu densely donated with deep scratches and dents. As if rats were trying to break into the residential compartment more than once. The corridor itself was a deserted. Only some small garbage littered the floor. Carefully moving forward to Artem reached a break in the wall, near which the corpse of the lecturer lay yesterday. The bodies were no longer, only small shreds remaining from the costume, and very spilled boots. In the depths of the break of the Arseli's eyes of rats, which waited for another victim.

Remembering the past battle Artem wondered. Yesterday killing a couple of rats himself was on the verge of death. The damage caused by the knife was too small. It is necessary to increasing it or after each battle will have to sit for a long time, waiting for regeneration. So it's time to see how yesterday Nurts in his pockets yesterday, in a smoky cryootsek. Thanks to the skill, cold weapons-1, you can use any suitable items as a weapon. And he just remembered at least one rather long, serrated shard capsules.

Such fragments turned out to be three. Half-wrapped them with scraps of the wires, formed a handle. He loved the result obtained:

Homemade knife. Level-1. Type: one-handed. Damage: 1-2. Strength 10/10

Immediately alert came:

Congratulations on your own open skill "Creating objects-1".

A pleasant surprise. Not only did not have to spend on the opening of the skill of the skill, so also for each created knife of the experiment slept.

Armed with two knives Artem step by step approached the prolve. Trying to make small tags to disrupt the agro zone of only one of the rats. The creatures did not move. Only red eyes continued to glow in the dark. Finally the invisible barrier was passed. Immediately there was a nasty squeak and the rat rushed from the break. He retreated a little back to be guaranteed not to complain the rest and made the lunge towards the approaching creature. A vile creature completed and tried to bite the hand, but was met by the blow of the second knife. Fucking two knives, Artem violently crushed the library creature. Under the blows humidly rushed torn flesh. Skaking finally, the rat collapsed to the floor.

And then went like a converable. Approach to failure, rattling rats and departure followed by beating it in a safe place. With each killed rat, the tail fell. Failure in well-established work on the destruction of rats occurred on the seventh corpse. Artem habitually extended his hand, touching only that the killed twey. That also habitually broke into the dust leaving behind the tail. It was not familiar to the fact that the tail did not fall alone. Next to him lay a piece of meat. In confusion, lifting a piece, turned in the hands of reading the description issued by the system:

Piece of meat. Level: 1. Type: Resource. Description: A piece of meat, at least a little harsh, but is suitable for cooking.

Hmm .. a piece of meat. Interestingly, what's the bartender about the requirements? Hurryly began to flip the task log. "Bring ten pieces" and no word about whose meat should be. Is it really a third way out of the difficult situation? But for this you need to get nine more.

Made Artem with enthusiasm began for the next rat. Embed again one tail. And with the following too. During the battle with the tenth, a homemade knife broke. He just crumbled into dust at the next blow. Mentally punishing yourself, always to follow the strength of weapons and clothes, spent the rest of the fight with one knife. Finally, the tenth rat crumbled in dust leaving Artem's hand only the tail. The message appeared to think.

The required number of objects was produced (rattail 10/10). Present their sheriff compartment №317 to receive award.

But still decided to continue the rat genocide. After all, it is still necessary to check the version of the meat for the bartender.

Rats in the break ended. Or were far enough so as not to react to closely suitable Artem. I had to climb there yourself. The most real Nora began in the break. The space between the two corridors was filled with various structural spacers and sealing material. Just through the rat seal and laid the path. Having dropped on all fours and putting a knife in front of them, crawled. Darkness and the narrowness of Laza forced him to feel all the charms of claustrophobia. It was added to this fear to stumble into the crust on rats. Therefore, falling out of the hole into some kind of corridor, Artem happily caught.

The corridor was clearly a technical purpose. The tops of the wires and fiber optic cables were covered. Along the walls stretched the batteries of different-caliber pipes. Through equal intervals, niches were formed by racks. Having passed the meters of fifty on this corridor and mined a couple of tails, Artem went on a small platform in the center of which rumped up a big hatch protrusion with a locking wheel upstairs. He was shifted to the side and a stair of staircases flowing down visible through the gap. Without thinking by Artem dived in Luke and began to quickly descend.

Below was the same platform and the battle was boiling on it. About a dozen rats surrounded some player and fiercely attacked. However, the player himself did not completely worry. Armed with a trimming pipe with a barbed wire wound on him, he spoiled, pulling the blows to the right and left. At the same time, he still managed to housing some kind of children's song, without worrying for breathing.

Stand your children stand in a circle

Stand in the circle, stand in the circle.

Song words, squeak and ratings of rats, climbing sounds of pipe strikes alive, all created a dedicated sound asphony. And at least in the form of a stranger and you can not say that he needed help. Artem could not remain a third-party spectator and making some kind of militant cry, rushed to revenue.

The extreme pair of rats has not yet had time to get damage from an unfamiliar player, so it easily switched to an approximate Artem. The stranger on the appearance of the submits only shook his head and stopped singing. His pipe continued with the rain frequency to dwell on rat backs. So I swallowed alone. Almost immediately disintegrated by the right of the second. At this point, Artem also finished his first enemy. The experience gained testing tactics in the fight against rats made himself felt. Artem constantly moved no giving creatures to attack at the same time. And the whole damage is concentrating on one of them. I achieved the last he looked back on the player. Surprise, I realized that he was rushed to the rescue to the girl. If this is certainly applied to the player playing at cyborg race. But despite the belonging to the "weak" floor, with its improvised bat, she owned virtuoso. A rude mechanism replacing her left hand was someone an analogue of the electrical shock. The discharges, periodically disappearing from it, forced rats to chain and beat in convulsions. Those few that all the same broke through to her closely, fidelled with teeth, unable to contact the skin. Probably acted some kind of protection.

Finally, the last creature published his suicide squeak and collapsed on the dirty floor. There was an opportunity to consider a stranger in more detail. Pale, almost bluish, leather. Smooth as a billiard ball head covered with a rite of intricate tattoos. The right eye is replaced by cyberprotes, immediately reminding Artem the first cameras. He was made in the form of the same harmonica. And he was in constant movement, then retracts, then on the contrary, moved to more accurate focusing. The rest of the features of the face were simply lost against the background of this melting.

This thanks, of course, for the help, but I would have done myself - and for clarity it turned the pipe. Loaded disseminated air.

Yes, nothing for. There was no time to think about the meditation, I saw how they were already surrounded.

I have a second-level nanobot, "steel leather". Damage almost does not pass. All money drummed, even no weapon left. And rats I specifically stood in a bunch, so as not to run after each.

This statement of Artem is even slightly offended. He also believed that she was in a hurry to help, and it turned out to be almost prevented. Hung out to the corpses of their rats, touched by a hand collecting Lout. This time, luck was on his side and he got another piece of meat.

Sorry, got excited. Not often come here to disinterested help. - The girl has already collected her share of prey and now stood stretching her hand.

Peace? My blonde is called.

Hasive nickname taking into account the bald head. Artem smiled and shook out her hand.

And I'm a darkness.

How did you get here? It seems I have not seen you at the entrance to our sector.

Meat looking for.

Hunger supports? - Blonde asked with sympathy - I wait now. - And he began to rummage in a small backpack with hobby.

Here you keep, it is a standard pak. Just for a day. - She extended an artem brown brown briquette.

E..E.E, thanks, of course, but I don't need meat for food, but for a task. I first hunted in the upper corridor, but there the rats ended, I had to climb here.

Told the blonde about rat hole. At the same time, sharing its problem with the task. The blonde turned out to be a completely different starting scenario. Entering the game, she found himself in the hospital ward, where she lay after an unsuccessful operation for the introduction of the eye prosthesis. According to the script during the operation, something went wrong and she lost memory. In general, such an extreme start, like Artem, she did not have. And rats she killed for tails. They not only brought money, but also a reputation for the head of repairmen raised.

I want to open the skill "Transport", and without high reputation only for money.

So they walked talking and brazing soldering. And destroyed the goned rats. Mountain tails grew. Meat pieces were added. Now they have become eight, ten minutes later another one. And then the corridor ended. They approached the roaring the blocking further path. Some drawers, remnants of racks, metal stripes, plastic panels - everything was set to a huge barricade. It was not even a speech about to get through it. The narrow slit remained under the ceiling, could not even penetrate Artem with his physique.

How much meat is not enough? - Blonde's blonde asked.

One. - Artem looked at the body.

So we will search for bypass. Move through the same rats. So there must be another way.

They slowly went back along the corridor, carefully looking around the walls. The workaround was noticed together. More precisely, it was suggested by a rat, who dried out of the ventilation box, stretching under the ceiling. The rat twisted the nose and did not find the danger jumped onto the standing rack, with him on the floor and cheerfully seated along the corridor. But they did not give her far away. The blow to the electric shock forced her to measure it, and two knives and a baton crumble in the dust. For a more detailed study of Nakhodka had to climb the rack.

You know, but these are not rats broke the panel. She was unscrewed by someone. Now looked even the bolts were naked, so as not to be lost. - With these words, the blonde on the belt climbed into the hole.

Well, what's there?

Yes, no damn is visible. Now the flashlight set up. - She breathed in his prosthesis. And the sorus of the corridor cut through a bluish beam of light.

The beam of light was though narrow, but rather bright. Blonde again disappeared in the pipe.

Now it's all clear. There a fan ahead, see the panel shot to get the tolerance to the repair mechanism.

Clean it is possible?

Blonde looked at the frozen blades in doubt - I will try. - With these words, she completely disappeared. A few minutes from the hole came her concentrated puffy, finally heard

Pollying here.

Do not make yourself wait for Artem easily pulled into your hands and broke into the hole. The lantern beam rushed from the wall to the wall allowing you to nicely navigate. Working the elbows quickly reached the fan. The gap between the blades allowed to penetrate further.

In my opinion, I hear the rat squeak! Soon we will give your last piece. - The voice of the blonde was happily excited. She quickly moved along the pipe to the side of the bomb. Artem did not remain anything else how to move behind her and try to keep up. The idea to be in the dark one caused a shiver. But here ahead appeared the light penetrating through another removed panel. This showed a noticeable narrowing of ventilation. And it is hardly possible to penetrate further. For a moment, the light departed a silhouette of a blonde expressing outwards. After a couple of moments, Artem got out. They were on the other side of the rode. From this side, it was more gentle, which allowed rats without problems to penetrate the air duct.

The corridor stretched another ten meters, and then his walls were diverged forming a small, rounded room. And there was a rather loud rat peak from there. Similar to peak rats published rushing to the attack. After overloading a couple of friends carefully moved forward. The look caused by the blonde amazed sigh. Artem was more eloquent:

It seems I now understand the saying about the locomotive of which should have killed while they were teapot.

Most of the premises occupied rat. More precisely, even so - rat. A height of his height was almost with Artem. Long cutters spoke out of the mouth of centimeters by thirty. Powerful claws on the paws and a thick buggy tail. Like her smaller conifers, it was practically devoid of wool. Purulent meadows and framed ulcers denounced her skin. The monster stood in the far wall and was clearly waiting for something. On frozen players, she did not even react.

Blonde slowly pulled her backpack. Plowing in it she took out two syringe. One of them extended Artem.

So it is time for "heavy artillery". This will spur our regeneration twice, but just a couple of minutes. Therefore, during this time, the creature is preferably finished. This is probably a boss rat.

Having accepted a stimulator and checking the state of the weapon, a couple with a scream rushed on the rat. The creature instantly responded to their approach. Pouring a loud peak sharply hit the tail. Having hitting the strike of Artem, she turned his head clung to the teeth in the blonde. Jumping on the legs Artem managed to notice the sparks of the discharge hit the rat in the face. And the blonde is well done, not confused.

For getting a creature! - And Artem's knives with a brusk plowing wrinkled skin. Blonde without losing time it takes her back on his back. Again the punch tail. But this time the players were on guard and the blow passes by. The discharge beats the rat forcing in convulsions to fall on the floor. Until the effect of Artem takes place perforates the knives is uncomplicated belly. The rat came into itself and wide shovels of the front cutters are in foot. Despite a crushing stimulator, health immediately sends to a third.

Banzai !! - The blonde tube collapses one of the monster's paws. Enviously heard crunch bones. It is a little delivered acne, making a rat more ridiculous. Artem immediately changes tactics. To run up, hit, shift to the side, hit again, dodge from the tail. And circling, circling around, not allowing you to put into teeth again. Another discharge beats a rat in the head and she shudders falls to death.

Congratulations! You received a new level. Current level: 3. Available for study Skills: Resource collection-2, Pistols-1, Equipment-1, Cold weapons-2.

Immediately activate resource collection, the rest can wait. Judging by the blonde, she also received the level and is now studying accessible skills. Having killed the killed rat and again amazing her size, Artem approached the far wall of the room. He was wondering what this creature was guarded there. When there was a passage here, now the path was blocking a powerful grill cooked from thick rods. With the size of the cell of centimeters fifteen. She served an obstacle clearly for something large. Further examination interrupted blonde.

It's time to proceed to the section of the cake, - and rubbing in anticipation of the hand, she moved to the rat, while having sparse

Give me your hands

Give me your lips,

But seeing Artem's silent look, silently silently silent. And to the defeated body, touched already with the most serious expression on the face. This victory brought a long-awaited tenth piece of meat, as well as thirty credits for everyone. It's nice to zinking a message came about the replenishment of the account. The artem standing near the lattice was rather caught. Foot cut pain. The system duplicated the message about the resulting damage. She turned sharply, the eyes were noticed in search of the enemy. Easily slipping between the bars of the lattice to it, the seed of some beetle size is slightly less palm. Most of all he reminded the ugly ant. Unnaturally large, half of the body, head armed with sharp rhives. Do not risk bending Artem just threw the Zhuchara foot. To his surprise it brought an unexpected result. Muraney Roshok died. After his death, as a trophy, the players got crushed, chitine shell.

The shell of the nomadic termit. Type: Quest.

And followed and the description of the quest.

Available task: "Termitic threat". Description: Recently, the path to the womb termites was blocked by the leader's leader. But he fell in battle and now nothing holds termites from the attack on the residential sector. It is necessary to warn the residents of the compartment number 317 on the coming enemy. Requirements: Deliver the shelter of the mortar and present it to the sheriff. Reward: 50starts, 150Preat and 10 reputation points with compartment No. 317. To accept? Well no.

And the rat was not even a rat, but quite a watchdog. And I understood everything, as she managed so to be squeezed in such a small place.

You can talk about it on the way back, but for now it's not worth linger here. - Artem pointed out one more termit of heating through the grille.

The return path went much faster. And it was much easier. Despite the fact that they were delayed by putting the revealed duct panels. As blonde explained - you should not simplify life insect.

Having chosen into a familiar technical corridor, they did not climb, following the example of Artem, through the rat hole, and went ahead. A little drinking, and descending to the level down, they reached a wide gate. The old, sweatful inscription informed about the entrance to the technical sector of the compartment No. 317. Satisfying sash sash, missing friends. If with the upper level of Artem yesterday less familiarized, then everything was in Dikovin for him. Going along the corridor, following the blonde, he only managed to turn his head. There was a kingdom of mechanisms, and cyborgs that all these were filled. From all sides, it came to grinds and heavy blows, squeal saws and grinding machines. Periodically heard the roar of Klaksons and had to give way to vehicles. A wide corridor was filled with the people. Basically, it was of course cyborgs, but had enough players and other races. And various shops, shops and just street vendors were many times more than in the Central Hall, where I visited Artem. Along the walls of the heaps lay different parts, pieces of plastic panels, parts of droids, some control panels. It seemed here you can buy anything. Blonde on the move gave a brief explanation, pointing to the finger: Bronnikov, gunsmiths, there are garages and workshops on the repair of droids, no pay attention to transport - here is the departure to the main tunnels. Finally they stopped at the largest heap of details. Leaving Artem to stand, the blonde dived into a discontinued door. Waiting for the girl, he looked around. Several players are interested in the drop-down rubber, looking for the necessary details. Sometimes a joyful exclamation was heard, when pulling out another find. All this cooked questions: - Is it really ...? Same …!! To which the seller only proudly smiled, overlooking the superiority, looking at the neighbors. Suddenly, a wild cry of blondes rang out of the opened door. By bouncing from surprise, Artem snatched knives and rushed to revenue. But the picture seen, made it stop. It was not clear who need help, and whether it is required at all. Blonde joyfully circled around the hall, squeezing in the arms of some cyborg. Seeing Artem, she left the unfortunate wizard alone, skidding now with a partner. It was so unexpected that Artem did not even have time to remove the weapon. And he circled, with knives clamped in the hands. This blonde but did not bother anything. It was overwhelmed with joyful emotions.

I managed! You understand? I can now create transport itself!

I must say that at least transport in the game and was, but it could only be used in the main tunnels. These tunnels passed through the entire ark, entangling his thread of transport highways. Not everywhere they were passing. Somewhere were collapsed decks. And in some it was not to break through the gangsters of all the masters. Basically, the players were sinned, but gangs consisting exclusively from the NPC met. But despite the difficulties, in the sectors of the already oblique players, the main tunnels were used to quickly move between locations. Some clans occupied a niche of transportation, carrying out regular passenger flights. And such services willingly used, even though the prices were rather big. Yes, and create your own transport is not given to everyone. Someone lacks experience to open the desired skill, someone elementary too lazy. So that the opening of the skill was really an event.

Now Artem threw a blonde with congratulations. Their fun interrupted the grumbling of the old master, about whom everyone forgot.

Oh, this youth. All of them are dancing to arrange, and who will speak with the sheriff?

Oh, really. About termites, we forgot!

Master, where do you know?

Blonde immediately confusedly admitted, - That was all told, just thought Master Hepesty enters the Council of the village, then he is obliged to know about the invasion.

Stop chatter! "The old master has already started angry - and well shouter to the sheriff." Tell him that we will safely block the entrance. But while the uterus of termites do not destroy, the threat will remain. Let the volunteers convene.

It was not the easiest thing to find the sheriff. At the post at the entrance to the upper level it was not. After reviewing all the shops in the central hall, they also did not find it. The hall followed the nearest corridors. There was a valiant guard of order only at the bar at Ferum.

Seeing the incoming Artem, the lips of the bartender were in a vile smirk. Pretty winning, he asked:

Well, what do I warm up the pan? Brought fresh meat?

Wanking from the question, Artem hurried to the sheriff table. As you progress, the face of the bartender was becoming more sullen.

What is obliged? - Sheriff broke away from magnificent chop. -Do you really got rid of us from these vile rats?

At the sight of fried meat, Artem again remembered his suspicions. He immediately muddied. Unable to explain to anything, he just laid out on the table rat tails.

The task "Gray invasion". Experience gained. Loans received. Reputation with the settlement "Compartment No. 317" is raised.

Not particularly reading in the System Posts, Artem still silently laid out the Terminite shell on the table. The next message about the task is highlighted. Seeing the state of a partner, the blonde hurried to tell how they got it. During the story, the sheriff's face more and more.

Hell! Just coped with rats like a new attack! But if, with the penetration of rats in the residential compartment, security torments coped well, then for termites I'm afraid not enough rapidity.

Master Hepestus promised to reliably overlap all the exits. But it fears that while the uterus is alive, it will not help too much and the residential sectors will be in a real siege.

Hearing it, the sheriff resolutely rose, "you will have to announce a reward for brave-ready to eliminate a new threat.

As soon as he said, as the air ruined the howl. In front of the eyes, the text appeared:

Attention! Launched Local Event "Termites Protection". Restriction: only for players 1-4 levels. You are invited to eliminate the threat to the compartment number 317, from the wrath termites. Award: Experience, depending on the contribution to the general victory. 1 loan for each destroyed termit. 1000 loans for the destruction of uterus termites. Finding the uterus is added to the map.

The same message received all the players present. Hall approvingly incompass. Outflows obeyed noise, hastily moved chairs. Players left the bar in the hope of the first to get to the uterus of termites.

Come and we? To build even a simple scooter, money will be required.

Minute. There is still no completed business.

Artem approached Barmen. Ferum's face did not express any emotions. He looked at the ridiculous player with full calm. But as far as the rack is laid, pieces of meat, his human half took a threatening look. And an artificial eye hung at all, like a malicious demon.

What is it?

Meat, as you asked. - Despite the confident tone, Artem confidence did not feel.

The bartender picked up one of the slices of its urozky-like prosthesis. Carefully looked at him.

Did you bring me rat meat? - His glance became even more fierce. Artem began to feverishly estimate that it is better to use a hopeless battle or escape, hoping for the gentleness of the legs. Probably, something flashed on his face, because the bartender laughed deafled. This laughter seemed to transformed Ferum. Turned into a completely different person. Where is the vile type that I gave an Artya task. Or a sullen killer with fanatical fire in the eyes, brought to him a minute ago. There is none of them. In front of Artem was sat ordinary grandfather, scattered good-natured laughter.

Well, of course, rat. There are simply no other animals here.

And why were all these hints on human flesh?

The appearance of the killer returned again, and the look became cold, evaluating. - What do you think?

Artem, which all these metamorphoses completely knocked out of the gauze, shrugged.

The ark went to fly for a very long time, and the colonists took almost anyone, there would be hands, legs. Including the inhabitants of the prisons, giving them a chance to a new life. Of course, information about every colonist was, but you myself understand the time destroyed all the archives. And now when the timers on the capsules began to work massively, it is necessary to somehow check people.

Some kind of brutal check.

Believe that a real person will always find a way out. But how many massel was found. However, something I was sick, you are still to fight with termites. Hold the award.

The task "Meat for Barmen". Experience gained. Loans received. Improved reputation with the settlement "Compartment №317". Improved reputation with all game races. Received "Aza Cooking". Received "Scanners" skill. A new implant was obtained (properties are not known).

For many years, I have been collecting interesting quotes of travelers, climbers, researchers on Outdoor theme.

All this will mostly be copied "to the table", although sometimes uses.

So, for example, we made a package for ours with some quotes from my collection.

But still the bulk mass lies with "dead cargo" and does not work, although many quotes like the quintessence of experience and views on the lives of people, the great and dismantling not on the hearse in travel, mountaineering, human interaction with wildlife and mountains can be useful And interesting for many.

Some quotes can cause a smile with their naiveness, for example, I liked the statement of Maurice Erzog about Annapurn, and I took it to my collection. The words about the mountain were told before the expedition began on this eight-year-old, they sound in Russian translating:

"As for Annapurna ... This peak is easily accessible and that is why only limited sports interest is."© Maurice Erzog.

It is difficult to agree with this statement now, knowing that Annapurna is one of the most complex and dangerous eight-thousandths of the planet.

Some quotes are imprinting an era, are a product of their time and personify the development and ideas of society, for which we can look through the prism of our achievements known to us. As an example, frankly racist quotes Robert Pear

"One smart white person should stand at the chapter, two white, invited to the expedition because of their courage, determination, physical endurance and devotion to the head, should be arms, and dog traffickers and other locals are the body and legs of the expedition. For the peace of mind, men must take on the journey of women; In addition, they are also useful in many ways, as well as men, and they are often not inferior to them from strength and endurance. "

But a special value, I think, have thoughts told by great travelers, climbers and investigators on training, organization and security. Very often, one label and strong phrase, uttered by a deserved person, can give much more to understand the essence of the question than the volumetric articles and verbose explanations.

My favorite quote from these belongs to Rulya Amundsen and sounds:

"Expedition is preparation"

In three words, the great polar star was able to express the main success of any case.

Quotes about mountains and mountaineering

"In the mountains you need to depend only on myself, from my forces, so it will expect that someone will assist at a high altitude - it is immoral." © Anatoly Breuryv

"Mountains are not stadiums, where I satisfy my ambitions, they are temples, where I confess my religion." © Anatoly Breuryv

"The mountains have the power to call us into their edges, this is no longer a passion, this is my fate ..." © Anatoly Breuryv

"Better the mountains can only be mountains,
On which there were not yet. "

"Everyone needs something exclusive in an era when you can have everything for money." © Reinehold Messner

"A person learns through defeats, and not victory, as it may seem. In order to competently assess the situation, you need to know your limit and it is possible to determine it only in practice. I had failures for thirteen eight thousandths, and I want me to remember as a climbers who suffered the greatest number of failures. Records did not interest me. If I did not have failed to Dhaulaagiri, Makalu and Lhotse, for a long time I had already died. I love challenges, but I can retreat on time. " © Reinehold Messner

"If you go to the mountains where there is no danger, you are not a real climber." © Reinehold Messner

"Mountaineering is an archaic world, devoid of rules, and that is why the error price is very high here. Anarchy's reigning circuit forces the climber to respond independently for his life. Each complex climb is deadly, and in this sense, mountaineering is a deep-emitted occupation. " © Reinehold Messner

"I also did not adhere to the opinion that the climber who died when climbing automatically becomes a hero. The death of a climbers is a tragedy. No more no less. And the only thing you can do for the dead is to help them close. " © Reinehold Messner

"The mountain suffered from stress lost in the expanding civilization of the Mountain has become a kind of" game space ", in which it can enricts experience and experiences not accessible to him in everyday life. Gaming space, game, rules of the game. Ownership is the only condition for full enjoyment of a breathtaking lifestyle: mountaineering. " © Reinehold Messner

"Only climbers know how much will will and courage needs to retreat where there is at least something that would justify the movement up." © Reinehold Messner

"I am a happy man. I had a dream, and she was realized, and this infrequently happens to a man. Miscellaneous people call him Chomolungma, was the innermost desire of my life. Seven times I was accepted for business; I failed and started first, again and again, not with a feeling of fierce, which leads a soldier to the enemy, and with love, like a child, climbing his mother's knees. " © TRACING NORGEY

"I hate grinding and clashes on trifles when we are talking about great things. When people go to the mountains, they should be forgotten about moleblocks. Who goes to a big deal must possess a big soul "© TRANSING NORGEY

"For the sake of opportunity to go to Everest, I would agree on any work, starting with a dishwasher and ending the Jeti's charter" © Tencing Norki

"... I trained hard, trying to restore my shape. I got up early in the morning, I loaded a backpack with stones committed long walks along the hills around the city - so it was started with me for a number of years before the big expeditions. I did not smoke, did not drink, I avoided the pirosh, who usually love very much. And all this time I thought, planned, built assumptions how my seventh campaign to Everest will be held. "This time you have to defeat the top, - I said to yourself - overcome or die .." © TRANSING NORGEY

"Future generations will ask:" What kind of people were the first to go to the top of the world? " And I would like the answer to be the one I don't have to be ashamed. Everest: the highest point is not one of the country, and the whole world. He was taken by the people of the East and the West together. He belongs to us all. And I also want to belong to everyone, being brother to all people ... "© TRANSING NORGEY

"The vertex can not conquer. You stand on it, followed by minutes, and then the wind sweats your traces. " © Arlen Bloom

"You Never Conquer a Mountain. You just stand on the top a few moments. Then the Wind Bleow Your Footprints Away. " © Arlene Blum.

"For most people, Mountains are something majestic, but far from everyday life, that is, the perfect harmony." © Uli Sht

"It is often scary to me, although no one believes. But when is a man not scary? When he does not know or overestimates his abilities. Fortunately, this - so that I overestimate myself - I did not happen to me ... »© Ulya Sht

"Love, above all, the mountains. Mountains need to know, respect and not think that they throw them with the caps. You need to be on the "you" with the mountains. Whether it is the top of 1b category or route of the highest category. " © Vladimir Shatayev

"I can watch the mountain from the bottom for hours upwards. It may seem strange, but I speak with a mountain. I try to understand - she is waiting for me or not, let it go or not. " © Herlda Kaltenbrunner

"Sometimes I think, that's why I go to the mountains to understand how the roads are for me, the gray weekdays. Returning to know the taste of a cup of hot tea after a few days thirst, sleep, after many sleepless nights, meet with friends after a long privacy, silence, after hours spent in a terrible bore. " © Wanda Rutkevich

"I'm not going to defeat the mountains - they are the same part of the world as people. I won myself." © Wanda Rutkevich

"Mountains are a way, the goal is the person himself. The final meaning is not in achieving mountain peaks, but in improving a person. Ascension acquires meaning only if a person remains in focus. " © Walter Bonnati

"I think every climber has a lot of his reasons to go to Matterhorn. But the main reason for everyone is alone: \u200b\u200bto go to Matterhorn »© Gaston Rebubuf

"Raised to the top, a person elevates himself and his soul, his heart and his dream. As far as the eye is enough, the country of snow and rocks is spread in silence and mysteriousness. Mountains are a special world, they constitute a part of the planet, as a mysterious, isolated kingdom, where the symbol of life is the will and love "© Gaston Rebumb

"Tien Shan is not a place for climbing entertainment!" © Gottfried Merzbahher.

"A climbers woman is a major danger. We all know this non-cultivated truth. © Maurice Erzog

"Crossing the limits of his forces, navigating the border of the human world, we realized the true greatness of a person" © Maurice Erzog

"No victory could justify the conscious game with human lives." © Maurice Erzog.

"As for Annapurna ... This peak is easily accessible and that is why only limited sports interest is." © Maurice Erzog 1950

"I live as if in a dream. Death is close, I feel. What a wonderful death for a climber! How she harmonizes with a noble passion that owns our souls! I am grateful to the top for being so beautiful today. Her silence resembles the greatness of the cathedral. I do not suffer from all and not worried. My calm is terrible. " © Maurice Erzog on June 4, 1950.

"From time to time, at least for cheerfulness it is useful to look upstairs. Down, on the contrary, it is not recommended to look, since the type of these horrific disappears can shake the hardness of the spirit of any optimist. " © Maurice Erzog.

"Mountains are the name of those whose soul them for growth!" © V.L. Belilovsky

© V.L. Belilovsky

"A good climber should not be only healthy, he must be dodgy and cunning, guided by one thought - survive ..." © Vitaly Gorelik

"My partners were to be strong, modest, rapid and always optimistic." © Simon Moro.

"Accident and risk are part of our life. In love, work, sports, etc. We risk every day throughout life. The climbing in the mountains, of course, is much more rislarious in the office, but I do not attract a safe life in return to the deep and full ... I prefer to be happy every day from my 36 years, than to be happy on Sundays for 80 years ... "© Simone Moro

"It is important for me to return the whole and unharmed, but I will notice if I win or lose, although this term is not particularly suitable for those who descend from above." © Simon Moro.

"Even if I have to use it, I hate climbing with oxygen. These are dishonest and unfortunate ascents, and therefore I go to those mountains where it climbed with oxygen ... »© Simone Moro

"Easy, fast style and a small team - that's what I love in the climbing. Why? This is a more sport and honest game between the waters and the mountain. I respect, but I do not like the attack of the peaks with big teams ... »© Simone Moro

"The ice ax and cats instead of claws, boots and clothes complement wool and fatty cover, tent instead of a cave or hole. And oxygen - a change in nature itself, the environment .... And another comparison is about divers. Can you dive 200 meters without scuba? That's right - no. And no one can, however, everyone admit that it is absolutely different sports. And for some reason, everything is confident about the mountaineering that there is no big difference. Paradox?" © Denis Urubko

"In general, all the most severe moments in the mountains, however, as in ordinary life, occur in the consciousness, in overcoming themselves and in relationships between people. Frost, wind, height - all this is only an attribute, specificity of the sport, which is only a background for knowing himself and their friends. All "extreme" is changing, forgotten, and experience and feelings remain. " © Denis Urubko

"We'll all be there ... But I want to push the period of care on" as far as possible. " And for this it is necessary to control each step, act asbidno competently, learn from the masters. " © Denis Urubko

"I believe that mountaineering must be enjoyed, even when it becomes completely tight, and even when someone has to pay for an abominated challenge. After all, if we are ready to pay such a price, it means mountaineering really brings pleasure. " © Chris Bonington

"Society is very unfair to climbing women and climbing mothers. There is no such relationship to men climbers who risk their lives in the mountains, leaving the family at home - and the audience often condemns mothers who want to make ascent. In my opinion, both parents are equally important for the child, and therefore I do not see the difference, be it father or mother climbers! " © Edurne Pasaban

"Turn in a situation where, it would seem, there is nothing particularly dangerous - sometimes the heroic act. Such feats are only for you. Make them. Turn back, but get the opportunity to go here again. No mountain is worth not a single nail on Mizinza! " © Nikolay Totmianin

"The mountains! Their snow-white, dazzling dome on the background is unthinkable blue and deep blue - is they not the symbol of the human dream, the call of which the bold souls are disturbed by centuries? And doesn't everyone have their own height in favorites? " © Mikhail Turkevich

"The higher and more complex the vertex, the more on her slopes you meet friends, in which area of \u200b\u200bthe globe it is neither." © Mikhail Turkevich

"We stood on the highest top of the planet. We climbed into this swell, overcoming frost and wind, oxygen shortage and reduced pressure. They climbed here, risking every minute to break, get under the stonepad, under avalanche. We gave out to comrades the last sip so desired water here, inferior to each other in the tents, the most convenient place was heated, warmed up the neighbor on Bivak, joked and sang songs when the wind tried to disrupt the tents together with us ... for such minutes, to test yourself , it is better to know my friends, to achieve a limit possible and look at this limit - for the sake of all this it is worth going to the mountains. " © Mikhail Turkevich

"The stars with a fist pulsed above us. They broke and fell to the ground. Fantastic stars! The moon hung over his head itself, and it seemed to be very easy to get her hand ... "© Mikhail Turkevich

"What a pleasure is to contemplate majestic mountain arrays and be above the clouds! What another can be so solid in the world, as fully as climbing the mountains. " © Konrad Gesner

"Here is the concept of front fraternity, there is also the concept of the climbing fraternity. This is true. I have a big instructor practice. When newcomers after a 20-day stay in the Alpalar begin to touch around, they travel around literally with tears. Why? People, while in the hard climatic conditions, combined with a common idea, communicate, solve the overall task. Help, mutual execution, just finding together - combines people to such an extent that the phenomenon is called fraternity. As in the war, when people joined in the greatest conditions, making a significant business, winning, losing, fighting, dilding, etc.

This is an integral part of the mountaineering, it is good, pleases. I am happy that I am familiar with all the people who gave me mountaineering. That we were merged with the idea. Although it was in different years, different areas, we have no longer met, but what happened, I will not throw out of our destiny. " © Sergey Bogomolov

"When you stand on top, especially if this is the top of the eight-tier - in all directions, how many eyes are enough, the mountains stretch. It seems that the whole world is the ridges covered by eternal snow and nothing but. But we know that this is not. There, on the sea and oceans, forests and gardens, beautiful cities ... So in my life. Mountaineering is a favorite thing, a profession, but besides her there is a family and friends, songs and books, theaters and exhibitions. All this I am also very interesting and expensive. All this is my life. " © Sergey Borsov.

"Always keep a clear head and be prepared to work in any conditions and meet with any surprises. To do this, it is necessary to comprehensively and constantly prepare. And then you can enjoy the beauty of the mountains and enjoy the climb itself. " © Evgeny Vinogradsky

"I can't give you a new answer, why do people strive in the mountains. Most still goes just climb to the top. " © Edmund Hillary

"... The struggle of a person with a top goes beyond the climbership in his purely sporting understanding. In my eyes, it is a symbol of human struggle with nature; It pronounced the continuity of this heavy battle and the cohesion of all who took part in it. ... Soon after our return with Everest, some of us had to talk with a group of students. One of them turned to me with the question: "What is the point of climbing Everest? Have you been financially interested or is it just a kind of madness? " © John Hunt

"Long attempts to conquer a complex vertex can be compared with the relay run, where every team member, overcoming their field of the path, transfers the stick to the following until the whole distance is passed." © John Hunt

"While the climber adapts to the grief, it is mountaineering. When he begins to fit the mountain for its purposes, these are construction work. " © John Hunt

"I love vertices, as a separate person, as equivalent parts of a large whole." © Herbert Tikhi

"The risk must always be justified." © Vitaly Abalakov

"Mountaineering is a complex and dangerous multifaceted type of human activity. A rare combination of sophisticated mental and physical work in a very difficult setting. " © Vitaly Abalakov

"What gives the mountaineering of a separate person? - asked half a century ago a prominent Western climber and answered: - He returns us to nature, the element with which most of us has lost direct relationship. The desire to swell, boundless, spontaneous - does it not carry us on, as on the magic wings, somewhere in the usual level, and with it from ordinary doom? " © Evgeny Abalakov

"That sparkling, joyful, calling, then formidable and angry, causing martial arts, then a mysterious, elusive curtain hiding himself and only for a moment the wonderful fantastic vision of a special world, harsh, beautiful, eternally calling the elements of mountain peaks." © Evgeny Abalakov

"You can be the greatest climber in the world and at the same time be a selfish asshole that does not care about your family and friends. Or you can be the one who is trying to learn from rivers and mountains, who will get better from there on returning from there. I'm trying to be such a person. " © Doug Ammons.

"The climbing for me is one of the forms of knowledge that inspires me helps to oppose your inner world - Nature. This is a means to experience the state of consciousness where there is no distraction or wait. This is an intuitive state of being, something that gives me the opportunity to know the moments of true freedom and harmony. " © Lynn Hill

"Bright and unique paints of mountain sunsets are scarlet, purple, punch and crimson, then complete royal gloss when it seems that the full bond is flooded with melted gold." © Konstantin Rototayev

"The mountaineering begins where the paths are erected, and it does not even erect on top, because it's a little climb, you still have to go down. On the climbers' descent often wrapped heavy tests. " © Nikolay Tikhonov

The path to the tops of anyone is open

Height who will love fearlessly

Where ice ax is ringing and where the heart rises

Friendship is born there!

© Nikolay Tikhonov

"... important as you climb, and not where you climb. You know, many years ago we understood that there is nothing at the top. You climb, and there are stones and a path down. Therefore, even then it became clear that it was not important where you climbed, but how did you do it! And it is this process "how?" Completes the unrestrained use of bolts. Or take, for example, Everest. The most terrifying example of "deadlock" mountaineering development! Dozens of practically stationary installed aluminum stairs, railing kilometers ... Climbing up. You climbed to "something", but not to the top of the world - Everest. " © Ivon Shoynard.

"It is important what you are doing here and now. It is important to crawl the route having enjoyed and it is not at all important to leave the trail on the century. Who needs it, this is your track on this not necessary mankind of the rock wall? " © Ivon Shoynard.

"What a spaciousness! What charming beauty in all these snowy giants can be towering towards the sky! What a variety of colors and toning of these fabulous cliffs of the endless chain of mountains, losing somewhere far away. How deeply all this touches the soul and middle of a person! They mastering such a feeling of delight, described over the human strength. " © Sergey Kirov

"I'm afraid of only bad weather in the mountains. This is the only thing in the mountains that does not depend on us. " © Dzünko Tabay

"It is necessary to go to the mountain. It is difficult, but you have to go to meet, the mountain itself will not come to the base camp. " © Vladislav Torzyul

"There's height, closer to God, the person becomes cleaner and noble" © Vladislav Torzyul

"Mountains, Mountains! What magnetism is hidden in you! Which symbol of calm is concluded in every sparkling peak! The most bold legends are born near the mountains. The most humane words come on snow altitudes. Some people are afraid of the mountains and assure that the mountains are souched. Are these people and big deeds fear? " © Nikolay Roerich

"Mountains are the only place where I can relax." © Igor Tamm

"Non-contrary nature brings with nothing comparable spiritual pacification. This is joined by deep satisfaction from overcoming obstacles. In the mountains, a friendship with comrades remained for life bonded, remaining for life. " © Igor Tamm

"High-rise mountaineering is the closest cosmonautics sport" © Terman Titov

"Everest is a high-altitude pole of the Earth. Get to the top on foot, I rely on my own legs and for the power of the mind, it turned out only a little easier than to land a person on the moon. Only 16 years old divided these two events. " © ©

FM Sveshnikov

"Mountaineering is a sport of difficult solutions. In the mountains do not hide behind an empty word, only the case is appreciated here. A man in the mountaineering is exactly as much as he really is. " © F.M. Sveshnikov

"At any age, you must continue to dream. You must try to make dreams to reality. I know well that if you have a solid heart and make one small step after another, you will reach the top of the world. " © Juryauth Miuro.

"Believe in yourself in the face of death. Fear will not do anything. No matter you are alive or died when your heart beats faster than 100 shots per minute. Fears go when they just start to climb up. " © Juryauth Miuro.

"I very early realized that the one who walks with a strong partner may never know the very essence of the mountaineering, and in any case, only a part of emotions from Lazania will receive ... In the end, he is only a follower ... If he is leading, takes The responsibility for the success of the enterprise, he opens something more ... I do not see the reasons why women could not lead in serious ascents ... But I also realize that if a woman takes on this role, then the participation of men in the project cannot be speech. " © Miriam O'Brien Anderhill

"Who is not confused in the snowy mountains, he does not steal in battle." Such is the slogan of the Soviet climber. Cowardice is insecurity in itself, in their knowledge. With cowardice it is impossible to mix such qualities as caution, attentiveness, accuracy, sometimes slowness due to careful control of the path, effort and self-adhesive.
The brave is the one who, weighing all the difficulties and prepared accordingly to their overcoming, decisively, is vigorously fighting for the implementation of the task, who is not lost in a difficult moment; Who is cool, patiently looking for a path to victory, he will always find it .. "© PHICULATICAL PREPARATION OF ALPINISTS I. YUHIN, 1939.

"The only way to compensate for its inferiority, its insecurity in their own strengths was in the climbing classes. Saying this entirely remained for me the only salvation. Now the natural course of the events of my life was the conquest of one vertex after another - first in Japan, and then abroad. " © Naomi Uemura

"Mountaineering is more like a mental sport than physical. If you really really want to do something that for you, in this case, a little more pain? Just go with it. " © Mark Inglis

"Call of high mountains ... Maybe this is part of the eternal search of a person, a certain excess of the vital energy that moves humanity from century to the century in his attempt to always achieve an increasingly high peak of human aspirations? .. Even if the conquest of Everest will be the usual event, always. There will be higher everses; Even if in the distant future, our land will be a place without secrets, there will always be other peaks for ashens and other worlds for research. For those who are willing to go fearlessly in the uncharted seas and on the revocible peaks of human aspirations, there will never be a lack of adventures for mind and body. " © Jawaharlalu Nehru.

"Let, however, do not think that climbing the highest peaks is only heavy, tedious work. There are no words to describe the impression produced by these giants, or convey the feeling of the clutter, which was on the verge of a dead kingdom, where the buoy wind, the scorching sun and a merciless frost, and the affairs of the air make it impossible every life. " © Evans Charles, inviolable Kanchenjanga, M., Physical Education and Sport, 1961

"What made both a person and the animal strive for these fruitless altitudes? Dr. James Chapin, who dedicated many years to the study of the Birds of the Congo, found one day the skeleton of Gamlin Martyshka on the top of Carisimby, for many miles from her native forests. And recently, I read an interesting note about the pack of hyenan dogs, which was seen in Kilimanjaro glaciers, at an altitude of almost twenty thousand feet. Perhaps a person is not the only creature in this light that climbs the mountain only because it stands in front of him. " © George Shaleler Year under the sign of Gorilla. M., thought, 1968.

"... as I passed through the ridge in Georgia, I threw the trolley and began to ride: Lasil on the snow mountain (cross) to the very top, which is completely not easy; From there, half of Georgia is visible as a saucer, and, right, I do not undertake to explain or describe this amazing feeling; For me, mountain air - balm; Kandra to hell, the heart beats, the chest breathes high - nothing is necessary at that moment; So would sit yes watched a whole life. " © Michael Lermontov

"I am far from self-praising, far from ambitions and rivalry, I just want to say that mountaineering should be considered as an excellent game in which every accident is either a mistake or negligence, and death is a real tragedy. In order to avoid the demonstration of heroism, I, like most of us, believe that it is better to wait for how to rush and risk, it is better to slow down a step than to choke, it is better to sing than shouting ... "© Jean Franco" Makalu "

"We entered the grandiose and wonderful fight with nature, insert all our physical, mental and moral forces in achieving victory. For a few weeks of battle, which occurred in an atmosphere of passionate heat and fraternal friendship, raised us over human media. " © Jean Franco "Battle for Jeanne"

"When you look from the height of the Victory Peak, then it seems that the rest of the vertices crumbled." © Lyudmila Agranovskaya

"Mountains and made in order to show a person how a dream can look .." © Yuri Vizbor

"Life is a continuous climbing on the failed path, which goes on the mountain slopes ... I stand on a white grief and I look in the blue distance traveled ahead of the top under the blue dads of the snow. I will succeed on it to climb - I will see new gave ... "© A. Keshokov Tale View from the White Mountain

"Great things are done when men and mountains meet ..." © William Blake

"Something inside me, kills interest in the game on low limits. For me there is either a high rate or nothing. And it devours me. " © Jerzy Kukchka

"Mountains are a place where you can exchange life for infinite bliss." © Milarepa Shepa Dorje

"Mountaineering in my life was not just a sport giving a good mood. It is a worldview that approves simple truths, which plays good things: courage and partnership, the desire to learn and the desire to help, the dedication of the goal, the meaning and joy of daring, sensitivity and striking courage. " © Boris Delone

"Love is not to look at each other, but look together in one direction. Comrades are only those who, holding one rope, are closer to the mountain peak and they find their proximity. " © Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Winter high-altitude climbs is a sophisticated way of suffering in the mountains." © Voyting Kurtka.

"Winter expeditions is the only mountaineering without the struggle of the" stars ", rivalry, competition with each other. Mountain in winter is so difficult that everyone is paid for the sake of a common goal in the atmosphere of partnership, mutual assistance and goodwill. Such an atmosphere has now been preserved only in speleology yes in the winter Himalayan climbing. It is no longer possible to find in the summer in the Alpine ascents. " © Voyting Kurtka.

"The essence of winter Himalayan climbing is to overcome their own pain caused by cold, discomfort and other reasons. You can believe me, it is. I believe that winter Himalayan ascents have little general with the essence of the real mountaineering, which begins where ordinary tourism ends, and the person is forced to overcome technical difficulties with the help of hands. In winter, you can't remove the mittens, so there is no speech about the complex technical aspects. The combination of a very low temperature and 8000 m makes real mountaineering impossible. " © Voyting Kurtka

"Meeting that about the deceased is either only good or nothing, plays an extremely negative role in understanding the catastrophe occurrence. Not an adopted truth of what happened is the last gift of the past - alive. We are His (Dar), often, ignore, allegedly from moral motivations. But this is really immoral. " © Igor Komarov

"Freeride - martial art, a rate in which- life." © Igor Komarov

"Go first - the work is special. Here you are with the wall one on one. Comrades mentally with you, but there is no one. Only the rope is much pulling down, tying you with the world of people, and the rock hangs over his head. Often, the next part of the route seems impassable, and no confidence in success, and over the wall, like a cloud, hangs alarm. Then, as for a comfortable shelf, grab it for the thought: you decided, took a challenge - so drive doubts, turn off the consciousness all the outsider focusing on the purpose, you must pass "© Vitaly Bodnik

"The victory in the mountaineering generously gives man the joy of victory over himself. And she makes a friend on your brother, and this is a masculine fraternity tight granite "© Vitaly Bodnik

"Many are afraid of mountains, but it is from their ignorance. The unknown always scares. Mountains, of course, are terrible, but not causary and not malicious. Torch in the mountains! You are waiting for the opening of the pristine nature. You are waiting for the discovery of yourself. " © Vasily Kovtun

"Caucasian Mountains are much more beautiful, their peaks are pointed; The abyss separating the vertices from each other, impress an immeasurable depth. " © Douglas Freshfild.

"The strongest fear occurs in those moments when you understand that you are still alive, healthy, but you already have an end ... That is, the brain has time to fully realize that you have practically no chance to survive." © Valery Rosov

"I have no respect for people who go to the rope using insurance. I don't really like the fact that if you fall, you will die, but this is part of what is called walking on a rope. " © Philip Petit

"Snow hid and waits. Waiting for our oversight. It is worth only to cut the layer, maybe even shout loudly - and the slope will leave from under the feet. We know how it happens: first a quiet crackle, then rustling, and then rumble. Just second. Do not have time to look back, how will you be buried under the multi-meter thick and heavy, like cast iron, snow. " © A. Kuznetsov "At the bottom of Svanetia"

"... from the edge and to the edge, along the entire horizon, in glaciers and snow there is a great Tien Shan system. She burns golden-orange and red sunset tones, and Khan-Tengri floats from above, like a giant face ruby, filed in a dark turquoise sky. " © Semenov-Tien Shansky. "

"Forces uncompressed - vetep, clouds, shtov and cold - find their most powerful expression on the tops of the GoP, hanging the height of the wilderness of the wilderness in its most extraphemal and unsatisfied state." © © Bernbaum Edwin

"Snow is snow, wherever he fell, but avalanches speak the world of violence ..." © Montgomery Outer

"... After all, there are mountains, there will be traces on their slopes, there will be notes on tops ... This is the law of struggle of a person with the mountains. And in the life of everyone sooner or later, the moment comes when he must meet with the nature of face to face and feel that the person and in the small number is stronger. Twenty thousand generations There is humanity, of which nineteen thousand eight hundred generations are ninety-nine percent - fought with nature without the help of electricity, cars and science. In the current generations there were still decently disturbing blood ancestors. The word "feat" means action that is not given to everyone. But going to the mountains, as a rule, do not think about the feat, dreaming only to enjoy with nothing with a comparable feeling of first-hand, want to see entire countries lying from their legs under the clouds so that the shade of the hand stretches for hundreds of kilometers and the purple sky was to them A little closer than to the rest of the people ... And the voices for a while let them disappear from the vortex and leave people alone with the mountains. For mountains and people are a continuous fight. " © Evgeny Jordanishvili

"I only know three real sports: Corrida, mountaineering and auto racing. The rest of the sport are games. " © Ernest Hemingway

"In the fight against the vertex, in the desire for an immense person wins, acquires and approves above all of himself. In the extreme voltage of the struggle, the universe disappears on the verge of death, ends next to us. Space, time, fear, suffering no longer exist. And then everything can be affordable. As on the crest of the wave, when during a fierce storm suddenly agrees in us as strange, great calm. This is not spiritual devastation, on the contrary - it is the heat of the soul, her impulse and desire. And then we are confidently realized that we have something uncomplicable, the strength, in front of which nothing can resist. " © Lucien Devi.

"In the mountains are not legs, they go head in the mountains." © Folk wisdom

"The bad road is the one with which the traveler will definitely fall, and it is impossible to find it. A good road, with which the traveler falls, but the corpse can be found and buried. And the beautiful way of that, with which the traveler may not fall down. © Folk wisdom

"Letter remember, in the mountains you are like a tear at the eyelashes of Allah." © Folk wisdom

"Everest is a bird that soared above other birds." © Folk wisdom

"A person who is on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky." © Confucius

Quotes about travel, expedition and wildlife

"Expedition is preparation" © Amundsen Ruody

"Will strength is the first and most important quality of a skillful researcher. Just knowing how to manage your will, he may hope to overcome the difficulties that nature erects on his way. " © Amundsen Ruody

"The fact that is still unknown to us on our planet, gives some negle to the consciousness of most people. This unknown is something that the person has not yet won, somehow the constant proof of our powerlessness, some unpleasant challenge to domination over nature. " © Amundsen Ruody

"Promotiveness and caution is equally important: prudency - in order to notice difficulties in time, and caution is to carefully prepare for their meeting." © Amundsen Ruody

"It's badly long to linger at one bonfire: the eyes get tired to look at the same thing, the ears are sick. Need to go. In quick water, the torment does not hold ... " © Ulukitkan.

"When I ask me why I go to a second or another trip, I usually answer: I don't know, b is really so. After all, if I knew what I was waiting for, I would not go on the road. " © Jacques Yves Kusto

"Only impossible missions seek success." © Jacques Yves Kusto

"Dark cold night, looked into the blanket, I still sit on the shore and listen to the fountains of smooth whales. They are very near. Although in the dark it is difficult to distinguish between their massive forms, I know that they are swimming near the shore, taking the bottom of the bottom in the shallow water. But they jump meters in two hundred from me. Their huge bodies with terrible noise are collapsed into the water. In the intervals between the bursts, deep breaths of whales are heard: For me, this powerful choral concert is the most beautiful music in the ocean. So goes my first night in Patagonia ... »© Philip Cousto

"I believe that there is no height of neither the depths that a person with the help could not be achieved." © John Hunt

"Polar night, you look like a woman, on a delightful, beautiful woman with noble features of an ancient statue, but also with her marble coldness. On your high brow, clear, like a clean air, there is not a trace of sympathy for small sorrows of the human race, on your pale beautiful cheeks - not a track of feelings ... I exhausted from your cold beauty, I'm thirsty of life, warmth, light! Let me return either by the winner or begging - for me anyway! But let me come back and start living again. © Furoof Nansen

"We will have to agree with our experience that genuine wealth would not be addressed with the help of troops, do not win with the help of the capabilities or bombs, which is able to fifteen times flying around the world and hit us in the back of us, and not just our enemies. Genuine values \u200b\u200bare located on Earth Enemy and not in the bank. Do not put them on the scales and you will not see a simple eye, because it is necessary to look for them inside your own head. What is stored in the soul cannot be taken away. " © Tour Heyrdal

"Borders? I have not seen any. True, I heard that they are in the heads of some people. " © Tour Heyrdal

"True, why raise noise because of something that is done? I never only remember the past. Too much is to be done in the future!. " © Edmund Hillary

"Many of us are trying to prove to themselves who are capable of overcoming unusual situations. For me, this situation was autonomous life in the forest. Soon realized that killing a beast or bird, to use mushrooms, berries, but why? Everything turned into a more challenging task: you need to remove what you see, turn seen in visible images. So I take off all my life nature. " © Vadim HippenReuter

"In a person's life, romance is needed. It is she who gives a person the divine powers for traveling on the other side of the ordinary. " © Furoof Nansen.

"The victory is expected to have everything in order, and this is called luck." © Roior Amundsen

"Winter is not an enemy, she is a great assistant, throwing bridges through the sea, covering naked stones of the mountains and smoothing clefts. And as soon as the sledge will make a trip. Possible, you are uncontrollably pulls away, new plans are born, and you are just waiting to be frowning. " © Knud Rasmussen

"... if water is more important than food, then hope for a person is more important and more water." © Alen Bombar.

"Thank you those who did not believe us! Without them, we would never know the joy of victory! " © Alen Bombar.

"The victims of the legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: not the sea killed you, you did not kill hunger, you did not kill the thirst! Rocking on the waves under the wound cries of the chap, you died fear. " © Alen Bombar.

"One smart white person should stand at the chapter, two white, invited to the expedition because of their courage, determination, physical endurance and devotion to the head, should be arms, and dog traffickers and other locals are the body and legs of the expedition. For the peace of mind, men must take on the journey of women; In addition, they are also useful in many ways, like men, and in force and endurance often they are almost not inferior. "© Robert Piri

"Romance of distant wanderings, contemplation of the surrounding nature, the immersion in it is combined in me with the desire for sports records" © Marina Galkina

"A single journey without a connection tool is an exciting thing. It is without a means of communication, I emphasize. There is an undoubted share of risk in this and the severity of sensations, the fullness of life is guaranteed. It all depends on you, from your strength, your skills, skill. You are given the right to choose any path, you are the last word. You feel true freedom. Only in such a journey completely disappear from civilization, we merge more closely with nature, you understand your insignificance and defenselessness. "© Marina Galkina

"Frankly, a traveler needs to be born, and it should be put in the distance only during the years of complete strength" © Peter Kozlov

"The most favorite place in Russia, and in the world is Kamchatka. There is a unique nature. I am generally more interested in riding the country than abroad .... Selfless can not love not knowing. We love the place where they grew up, because they absorbed it from childhood, grown together with these trees and this grass. Russia knows very little - I myself, for myself, I discover again. " © Yuri Senkevich

"Rivers are a gift to us. Water is a metaphor of time flow, and everyone has its own place in the stream. " © Doug Ammons.

"In order to see the stars, every year farther and then you need to leave home ...» © Yuri Visbor

"My worst enemy on the way to the goal is fear. I am a very cowardly person and, like all the cowardly people, strive to defeat your fear. Victory over fear makes me happy ... .. I want to be stronger than my own fear, I'm looking for danger again and again. " © Reinehold Messner

"I am a Sisyphor that I can roll up my stone all my life, that is, without reaching the top, because there can be no vertices in the knowledge of yourself." © Reinehold Messner

"I do not remember when I was freed from a religious feeling, I know only one thing: since then it became harder for me to convince myself in the fact that I am not alone in the world, not thrown." © Reinehold Messner

"I am my homeland for myself, and my banner is my nasal handkerchief" © Reinehold Messenner

"Minimum extra, but vital - in double quantities, this is my motto" © Reinhard Messenner

"I am doing with passion to everyone - except for bureaucratic cases that I hate" © Reinhard Messenner

"Adventures give us joy. But the joy, in the end, is the goal of life. We do not live in order to eat or make money. We eat and earn money to be able to rejoice. That is the meaning of life, and that's what she is given. " © George Mallory.

"I traveled to the world to ski. Fly along with the wind. Laugh with gods. " © Juryauth Miuro.

"People give up when hard, dogs give up when you die." © Naomi Uemura

"The deep dive is always solo, it is comparable with the ascent on the eighties and the whole responsibility lies only to you. Full self-sufficiency. " © Pascal Bernabe

"Travels were, there will be. And after a hundred years, and in two hundred, and in a thousand. They will change - become different, only the word will remain the same. You can no longer be like Miklukho Maclay or Sedov. Now they do not open the mainland or islands. You open your spirituality. " © Fedor Konyukhov

"For a true traveler, there is only one goal - overcoming difficulties. And only one desire is to break through the horizon. " © Nick Tendy

"Why do people love wild places? For the sake of the mountains They may not be. For the sake of forests, lakes and rivers? But this may be a desert, and still people will love her. The desert, the monotonous ocean, untouched snowy plains of the North, all the deserted expanses, no matter how sadness are, are the only places on the ground where freedom lives. " © Rockwell Kent.

"Sparkling immaculate whiteness of high-mountain snow, untouched, and maybe unattainable; The beauty of the mountains, tightened by a foggy haze, because of which not to distinguish - the Earth is or cloud; False, clear, impassive mountains - all this symbolizes the highest aspirations of the Spirit. The universe is people in all its glory and greatness, they are covered by anxiety, they are waking up with their ancestors for adventures, and they leave ... Almost a conscious choice causes people to change the amenities and safety on adventures and adventures - most likely the impulse is more likely. Deep and strong than consciousness and mind »© Rockwell Kent

"Speletology requires great patience, and not powerless patience, but perseverance of long effort." © Norbert Caster

"The climber can study the mountain of his dreams, examining it into binoculars, and outlaw the way the way of ascent among paths and rocks. The speleologist, the building assumptions, is almost always mistaken due to the surprises and the incredible difficulties of the underworld. Alas! All its hypotheses are broken, facing insurmountable obstacles. Country collaborations, impassable cracks, deadlocks, lakes, siphones, and it is a ruthlessly stopping a speleologist on his way. " © Norbert Caster

"Underground is uncomfortable. Everything is severe, sometimes ominous, always majestically and fully threats. Of course, that is why people and animals instinctively avoid and afraid of the underground world. Only a few adapt to this kingdom of death and are of interest, even a passion for his research. These are speleologists. " © Norbert Caster

"The abyss, you barely destroyed me and, maybe you will become my grave! But how many elevated moments of happiness gave me among all the suffering! Here I knew the delight of searches and intoxication of discoveries. " © Michel Sifr.

"There are no extensive white spots on geographic maps, not finding virgin lands. Only three areas are still of interest to research: only a few favorites have access to there, then the ocean providing unlimited obstacles for scientists, and finally the land of the earth with their caves, grotts and abysms. This is my world. " © Michel Sifr.

"For a speleologist, the mesh sticky, viscous, unsubstantial and all covering the clay never happens just mud, and always remains the noble substance that he is all soaked, which covers it from head to the legs, and sometimes turns into a layering, but which in the final The score to such an degree is inevitable and habitual, which becomes like a classic characteristic feature of the caves. All Izmazed clay, this time, say, just mud, the speleologist does not have the right to say how Sirano de Bergerac: "I elegance morally!" © Norbert Caster

"All extreme activity is a tribute to life. After all, how can I say your life "I love you," if it got all her sofa? " © Dan Osman

"I was always different. People look at me and say "You are crazy!" . But what I do, I do for myself, no one else. I am not inclined to suicide. When you sit on the sofa, overlooking the drawer, you are dying. I feel the most alive when I turn face to face with my fear. " © Dan Osman

"A man goes to the mountains again and again, just as a person again and again goes to the storm sea, because only among the wild elements of nature, a person can challenge his deep abilities, as our ancestors did in distant times. Modern life is a kind of artificial existence. Most of these qualities are simply disabled as unnecessary, and most of us do not even imagine that they are in fact, do not know the entire power of their own opportunities. And it is in wildlife that the true essence of each comes out. " © Abram T. Collier

"What is the point to buy a car to drive around asphalt? Where asphalt, nothing interesting, and where it is interesting, there is no asphalt. " © Brothers Strugatsky

"When the journey intends to study the country difficult to accessible when it introduces us to nature, which was known only on superficial and inaccurate descriptions, then the difficulty disappears ...

A person is able to defeat many inconvenience of life ... He will find a black tear, worked in key water, tastier than the best dishes, unless he is inspired by curiosity if the goal he wants to achieve, excites live interest in it. "

© MA Kovalevsky, "Geographical definition of places and magnetic observations in the Northern Urals." St. Petersburg, 1853 year.

Quotes about ecology

"Yeadhimikati and all sorts of garbage we fure in the ocean, as a negligent hostess notice the trash under the carpet." © Tour Heyrdal

"We do not notice the air, but we choking without it. So with wildlife. Only when we lose it completely, then we realize that they lost ... "© Nikolai Sladkov.

"At the beginning of the 21st century, a coolant faith in progress seems utopia. We know that our planet's resources are partially exhausted, we know that you break the balance and climate and subsoil, and now we ourselves compared to those who lived to us, also in their own way - we do not know how to endure Pain, enduring, do not work with hands. " © Leonid Kruglov

Quotes about running

"I ran up one or twice a week at night, because After working, I had no strength for workout at all. " © Pasang Dawa Sherpa

"Daily run is not a luxury, but a lifestyle. And I can not refuse him only because it is busy on the throat by other affairs. If other cases were a sufficient basis for me, I would have had no long ago. The reasons that prompted me to run - once or two and turned around, but the reasons to end this activity is a car and a small trolley. The only thing that remains for me in such a situation is to continue to holish and cherish those that "once or two and turned around." © Haruki Murakov

"Suffering Personal Selection of Each." © Haruki Murakov

Quotes about the Urals (Ural Mountains)

"The Ural Mountains are the essence of the most important in the whole empire and, of course, of course for those that were called hyperbores and referees for the first descriptors. Tatars refer to their Urals »© V.N. Tatishchev, 1744

"... stretch to the coasts of her highest mountains, whose vertices ... are completely deprived of all forests and almost even herbs. Although they have different names in different places, however, they are generally called the belt of the world. And in Vlad History of Moscow, you can see only these mountains, which were probably the ancient rife or hyperborean. " © Sigismund Gerberstein 1549 (Index path to Pechora, Ugra and the Ob River)

"Teach immeasurable depth of stone rivers, which solid drops make up a huge block size" © pp Alosov



In his "History of the Russian State", in the second chapter (narration in the Nestorovsky Chronicles) An outstanding Russian writer is a holder, a mentor, that is, the spiritual father Pushkin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin very clearly described the origin of the Slavic tribes.

« Many Slavs, - considered Karamzin, - the only combined with lyhas who inhabited on the shores of the Vistula, settled on the Dnieper in the Kiev province and were called Polyans from their clean fields. Such an ethnicity disappeared in the ancient Russia, but his name was made by the general name of Lyakhov, the founders of the state of Polish». « From this tribe, - wrote Karamzin, - there were two brothers, Radims and Vyatko, the heads of the radar and nodgy: the first one elected a dwelling on the shores of the village, in the Mogilev province, and the second on the Oka, in Kaluga, Tula or Orlovskaya. Drevlyan, named so from the forest land, lived in the Volyn province. It is still accepted so much. And the tribes of the Oka and Sester river basins were a tribe of skillful curvice».

On the map of the modern Russian Federation, the territory of the Kaluga region of the multi-bast clove is sewn into the mosaic of the Central Federal District between 54 and 55 degrees of northern latitude and 36-37 degrees of Eastern longitude. About 4 percent of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region occupies the territory of the renoval region located on the shores of the Oka South from the regional center.

According to the map of the modern Kaluga province, the location of the municipality "Menshlsky district" - in the east of the region. East and delight - loved on the sound of the word in Russian. Sunrise in the east of the sky gives the delight of the agriculture. It became, the eastern edge of the earth is the most beautiful. So there is in the land of Kaluzhskaya: her pressing edge - enthusiastic and beautiful!

The author of the magnificent book of 1998 pro Prishel - the quiet district city of Kaluga region - was Sergei Fedorovich Pitirimov, a man of active modesty, wise, and therefore alien to any rhetoric and Praera lyrical poet. He and sincere love told about his cultural fellow precursors. This is a forest professor of Turki, playwright and translator Lyubimov, the son of the Politzmeister and the educated encyclopedist of diamonds.

In 2004, I participated in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region on the Machine Electoral District. In the election course, a documentary essay "Sineokaya Oka - Russian shores" was written as a campaign material, published in 2004 in the form of Agitbrochure Tiographic "Polygraphinform". The book "Peremyshlya" is the execution of the "candidate" debt before voters from the shores of Oka.

In this narration, I tried to add my older comrade and friend from 2000 in the Kaluga writer S. F. Pitirimov in the eternity of the senior comrade and a friend. My contribution is information about the modern administrative structure of the municipality, the story about Tsiolkovsky travel on a bike in the village of Korkorevo, as well as personal memories of the outstanding lyrics of Oki - Sergey Pitirimov, Anatolie Kotinov, journalist and Poet Alexei Golden.

Chapter 7. Oka Culture

Drive in Mesjyshl


Alexander Pushkin left the Russian people not only ingenious poems, but also a wonderful prose: drama, tale and notes of the traveler. In the first chapter " Traveling to Arzrum "He wrote:" I went from Moscow at Kaluga, Belove and Eagle, taking 200 lines of extra, but I saw Yermolov».

Maybe driving through the rented fields, the poet once again indulged in sadness among the unbarrous expanses, and poems sounded in his heart:

I drove to you: live dreams
Behind me were the crowd of playful,
And month on the right side
Accompanied my race rigging.

Stay by A. S. Pushkin in the vicinity of Meswlch did not notice anywhere, however, they could not bear them on a trip of 1829, he could not, because his path ran through the old Kaluga-Kozel tract.

Driving in Peremyshl have repeatedly visited the Kireevsky brothers, Ivan Vasilyevich and Peter Vasilyevich, N. V. Gogol, A. K. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, V. A. Zhukovsky, F. I. Tyutchev, A. N. Mikov, A. A. Fet, A. N. Apukhtin, M. M. Svtain, who visited the Optina Monastery. Stayed in Peremyshl L. N. Tolstoy, making a trip to Shamordino and Opto.

Memory of warm earth

"Warm Earth" called a wonderful Russian writer I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov his homeland - the Mozlylsky region - and always with the deepest tenderness recalled him:

« The modest nature of those places where I spent the first years of my conscious life, did not shine magnificent beauty. There were no majestic mountains and rocks surrounded by clouds, spectacular, seductive for artists, stunning panoramas. It was the usual Russian space: fields, forests, villages with straw and wooden roofing, scorched velvet moss, with dull small rubs, of which the pale faces of people peeking out. You are going, you go, it happened, dozens of wool, and no matter how much landscape around you almost does not move».

« From the mother, the Kaluga hereditary peasant, I borrowed love for the Word, anxiety of character, from my father - love for nature, lyrical warehouse of the soul.

Trips with the Father, Walking to the Forest, Fishing In the Quiet Pond Thirsty, every cherished corner of which I am also remembered, the stories and fairy tales of the Father left an indelible impression. Together with the dreams of traveling, the father awakened a passion for the hunt».

"In the fate, the tastes of each person is of great importance to his childhood, the environment in which he lived was brought up and crossed. Words that we hear from our mothers, the color for the first time seen the sky, running away the road, overgrown the river bank, curly birch under the house of the native home forever remain in our memory. "

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov lived a long and difficult life. He was born 17 (29) May 1892, and died - February 20, 1975.

Far Birds

In August 1950, the poet Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava arrived in these edges. In Shamordino, in a rural school, he taught Russian and literature, many times visible and in the surrounding villages. The impressions of the stay on the shores of Oki found a bright reflection in the first book of the poet "Lyrics", issued by the Kaluga Book Publishing in 1956.

Bulat Shalvovich says:

Creative meetings with Prosaikov Vladimir Koblikov, Poets Valentin Yermakov, Mikhail Kuzkin, are memorable for workers.


Hakas arrived by nationality from the shores of Yenisei on the shores of the Oka live, serve and write poems. The last years of life, Mikhail Kuzkin-Vorontetsky spent in the village of Andreevsky, where many hours at all times of the year trampled along a high coastal terrace, hypnotized by the sub-view of the Oka Valley. He loved this edge with all his heart and squeezed him.

Kuzkin is a wonderful master of lyrical description of the nature of the Kaluga region and ardent relationships to women.

... swim in Tarusu on the big oke
And remains aside for us
Kaluga - a little alien in the distance, -
Large forests.

Emundered in the sun so ortra
And the shore retreats so hollow ...
Among the oaks crawls like a smoke campfire,
Winding narrow road.

... River Dal Light and deep.
And the world is so open now! Right,
I never thought that an eye.
It happens so full and magnicity.

On the shore I look out of hand
And I think in Ringopups for a long time:
How did you live b, Russia, without Oka -
With one Volga?

... I remember how to end the summer in the very
ripping day when he is growing
Behind Yellow Prioki Forests
Opened to the sky shifted steppe.

Increased the road field ...
On the stone dropped under the pine
I sat for a long time, I remember,
As the hills of bends in heat.

... and can be seen, this world steppe to tears
I'm the roads because I will become soon
green swirl solar berez
Running along the highway on Kosoyar.

And so when forgetting about the bustle,
I look at the forest - he is near, far, -
As if I look at the appearance,
In which eternity will soon find it.

And therefore a whole red slope
Earth with oaks in sunny shiny,
What will preserve for future times
The riddle of my existence.

Translator Lyubimov

Theatrical town

Peremyshlyani is rightfully proud of their wonderful countryman, an outstanding writer and a fiction translator by Nikolai Mikhailovich Lyubimov, the books of which decorate the shelves of many libraries, bring up a love attitude to the Russian word from readers, strengthen the feeling of devotion to the edge of the edge, develop a subtle artistic one.

In the family of the beloved, who lived in the county town of Mozsyshl, there was a persistent tradition - to give birth to a birthday and the name of the book.

In the biographical story of life, loves says:

« Our town was published by the town of theatrical. From 22 to the thirties in winter and summer forces of rural teachers, students of high school students who come to the holidays of students of technical schools and universities were played by performances under the leadership and with the participation of the Russian language and literature of Sophia Josephovna Melozina, subsequently moved to Moscow and awarded for their pedagogical activities to the Order Labor red banner and the Order of Lenin. And almost every performance of this Commonwealth of lovers became an event in the life of the town; He shake us, enriched, wakeful and thought, and the feeling, brought up artistic taste. With the beginning of the performance, they were usually delayed. Gallery etching and yell: "Time!" But the souflare jurled into his booth, the curtain crawled on both sides and in front of the eyes of the Small spectators is born art, far from perfect, but - the genuine, in which it was impossible not to believe, whose ingots I still get out of my memory from the bottom. The scenery changed slowly, the inter dams were well-minded, and when the spectators at dawn diverged at home, the hostess had already expelled in the herd of cows. And then you live for a few days as in a dream: the inner rumor with the votes, before the eyes - figures and faces. And in the soul is sad: it was waiting for this evening, and so he was going. You will be comforted by the fact that the month will pass - and again you will cover you inexplicable, like any magic, holy spells of the theater, under the influence of which since ancient times uncontrollably sought to fall humanity.

The repertoire of this permanent group gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits literary culture and daring. Here is some list of plastered plays: "Auditor" and "Marriage", "His people will find!", "Poverty is not a vice", "revenge place", "forest", "talents and fans", "shines and not heats", "King Fedor Ioanovich", "Wedding of Krchinsky".

Sophia Josephovna played mainly domestic roles, discovering chain observation and sense of humor. Her best role is the old witch Evdokia Antonovna in the "days of our life." Oh, how she was terrible! .. Especially in the third action, when persuading his native daughter to sell the background - Renken, she screamed at her:

- Potskoshka! Dryan! .. Who will buy you? Such like you, on the boulevard hundreds of hundreds of!»

« The taste in the field of the theater was put in childhood in the pastry", - recalled N. M. Lyubimov.

Telephone communication with the future

When in 1923 in the district center held a telephone connection to Soviet institutions, the small fan of the theater began to climb into the office of the father of one of his friends, where he played the "conversation with Kadov", admired his talent, spoke in love for the famous artist.

From the Moscow Student, the talented provincial rose in the capital of culture and art, theatrical criticism. Translator of foreign classical literature. In the creative practice of loved ones, there was a close relationship with those most masters of the scene, with which in the orphanage, in the motley, he had imaginary discussions on the phone.

On the pages of your book, the memories of the former summer N. M. Lyubimov gave amazingly characteristics of the actors and their creativity. For example, Leonidov in his gaze "permeates the public," Bookper-Chekhov was a "sample of the inner external grace", Tarkhanov hit the "ideal comprehension of scenic art", "ultimate expressiveness", Massalitinov - "Mastery of Reincarnation", Moskvin - " Destruction of tradition. "

The famous writer Veniamin Cavery was a high assessment of the creativity of the Translator of Favimina: " Lyubimov translates so that his personality is visible for the book. You need to be a bit like Rabel himself so that we saw the author for the book, his laughter and bitterness, his mental scope, his irony, his faith in man».

Sage of Corcorkozev

Peasant intellectual

Ask any resident of Korkorev: "What is famous for your village?" Answers will be different. For example:

- It is the longest in the Kaluga region - five kilometers.

- The first post-war orders appeared here, and the chairman of the prudine collective farm was the hero of socialist labor.

- Lutikov monastery - by legend, ancient in our places.

- The first hydroelectric power station.

- This is the only village in Russia, where the three member of the Union of Writers of the USSR come from.

- And for me, Korkorevo is also famous for me, - recalls one of them, the famous Kaluga journalist and the poet Alexey Petrovich Golden, - that a wonderful old man lived here, a sage, true rural philosopher Fedor Kuzmich Pitirimov. In November 1964, the newspaper "Banner" under the heading of "Meetings with Interesting People" published my article "Evening at Fedor Kuzmich". So I then represented his readers:

« It was about a long time to write about Fedor Kuzmich Pitirimov, this "very correct person", according to the expression of the fellow villagers, the communist, chairman of the Korkorevsky village council. He is one of the organizers of the collective farm "May First", eight years old stood at his steering wheel, and when the farm was built and the chairman elected Gregory Nikolayevich Prudnikov, Fedor Kuzmich honestly and conscientiously worked ordinary. For the last three years, he chairs a rural council».

The article describes one evening spent with Fedor Kuzmich. Then there were several more - and everyone is memorable. I will try to remember and convey some fragments of conversations with this amazing person. Like all modest people, he flatly refused to talk about himself: " I have nothing special. In vain it was you conceived ...»About fellow villagers - please.

Fedor Kuzmich stories

Memory of Pitirimova-Sr. saved a lot of stories.

Here are the dragonfly Nikita Nikitich. He is older than me, but it works - from other young people is not lagging behind. From the first days of the collective farm - wherever send. No awards requires no posts. And amazing honesty man. Going an expensive, notice the board or there is a rope - it will not be lazy, it will definitely take - whether to the pilor, on the stable ... And in general, a very interesting old man.

Or another story of Fedor Kuzmich about the fellow villagers Vladimir Ivanovich Nikonov:

Also a very, very original grandfather. I admired his hardworking. After the war, he mainly worked on the crossing. Here, I remember, I go somehow in the morning early, four hours, the zarechny fields decided to see. I did not expect him to meet on the ferry at such an hour, thought at home was sleeping. He looked into the ferry booth - and there is really no one. I look, and he saves a boat, maters something. Told.

And I, my brother, - Shared news Vladimir Ivanovich, - elk is.

Which moose?

And such. Every evening, a little frown, go out of the forest and here in this place are twisted behind the river. There and graze. At night, they are good there, freely. And in the morning - again in the forest. I just overwhelmed before your arrival ... I'm not talking about them: I'm drunk, and they are already accustomed to me ...

What quality do you most appreciate in person? - I somehow asked Fedor Kuzmich.

Eh, here you have a philosophy getting up. Each person is a big book page - stories, and they are all interesting in their own way. As the ancient Romans said, Suom Kuigve - to each his own! .. In short, a person must sow good, sow "reasonable, kind, eternal." It is important for me that a person gives people, on this I judge how useful it is. And finally, honesty. That's what I appreciate most of all in a person ...

Often, we had a conversation about poetry, "Alexey Zolotin continued his story, - and every time I was lost the feeling of something familiar, everyday life: as if before you did not an elderly collective farmer, graduated from five classes of the old rural school, but a specialist philologist. Fedor Kuzmich did not just quoted Pushkin and Lermontov, Byrona and Heine, Horace and Vergil - he freely supported them with the words of his thoughts, views on poetry and literature as a whole. So it is not by chance, but according to the law of continuity, one of the sons of Fyodor Kuzmich, and all he had five children, "Sergey Pitirimov, became a famous Russian poet, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. But Sergey Fedorovich became famous on the slope of the years, and in the young years he dreamed of geology and only tried himself in poetry. I must say, not without approval of your authoritative father.

Another conversation with Fedor Kuzmich was remembered by a comrade of his son and the poetic peer Golden. With a smile of light dignification, Alexey Petrovich, also popularly far outside the native Machley Region, recalls Pitirimov-senior, his Starikovsky bikes.

Somehow I got under the hand of a book- Fedor Kuzmich shared. - She was written in the seventeenth year, even before the revolution. Very important problems were considered in it - how to bring Russia from ruin. The author - I do not remember his surname - he proposed to develop the economy in the east of the country. It seems to be true. But how did he propose to do it? Resort to the help of foreign monopolies. What would be left of Russia? Would swallow her predators. After all, what kind of thing - it seems to be a person for the interests of the birthplace of firing, but no. Love their homeland is not something to talk about this love ...

As if this conversation was held today, he recalled Golden, is so relevant. Now the disputes are again going - how to raise the country's economy: with the help of foreign monopolies or independently? Wins, it seems the first point of view. But it is useful, it seems, the warning of Fedor Kuzmich Pitirimova sounds: Russia would not swallow ...

Better the mountains can only be mountains,

On which there were no ...

Vladimir Vysotsky

A lot of poems, songs and stories are folded about the mountains. Still, everyone who had ever seen the mountain, remember their grandeur and beauty for life. Many are trying to conquer them, and many just look and admire this magnificence and miracle of nature ...

We present you a small photo crying one of the most famous, majestic and beautiful mountains of our planet ...


In many mountains and extinct volcanoes. The highest mountain in the territory of modern Armenia is Aragats, the height of which is 4094 meters.

Mount Ararat is an ancient extinct volcano, the last eruption of which was in 1840. It consists of two mountains that merged the grounds: Masis (Big Ararat) and SIS (Small Ararat) and this is the highest point of Armenian Highlands.

Ararat, famous not only with its natural beauty and greatness, and also thanks to biblical legends. It was on this mountain that the knuckle turned out to be the ark after the waters of the World Flood went.

Altai Mountains

Altai is a great earth of incomparable mountains in its beauty. Altai Mountains are the system of the highest ridges in Siberia.

For more than a century, harsh and beautiful peaks are attracted to themselves scholars, travelers, tourists, photographers, artists, climbers, as well as pilgrims, as many local mountains are local shrines.

The Alps are located in Central Europe and are located in the territories of Northern Italy, South Austria, South Half Switzerland and the eastern part of France.


Swiss mountains are, first of all, of course, the Alps, the majestic and fabulously beautiful, sharp peaks covered with snow, and slopes with green meadows.

In addition, the Swiss Mountains are a real oasis for skiers, snowboarders and other winter sports lovers.


Dolomite Alps are the so-called mountain array in the northeast of Italy. Its length is more than 150 km, and the height is more than 3300 meters.

The presence in the structure of Dolomite Mountains gives them a special charm - in the rays of the ascending and setting sun, the rocks acquire unusual shades, from cream to pale pink.

The Carpathian mining system is in the center of Europe and belongs to the northern branch of the alpine folded belt.

Ukrainian Carpathians are located in the western region on the border with Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. On the tops of the mountains there are Polonins - alpine meadows, where you can see many species of plants.


In the northeast of Tanzania in the deserted plain there is the highest peak of Africa - the incomparable volcano Kilimanjaro. It is located above the Masai flat.

The peak of the sleeping volcano in a snow-white hat, which sparkles in the rays of the bright sun of Africa.

Perhaps, therefore, local and called it - Kilimanjaro, which means "sparkling mountain" in translated from Swahili.

In the old days, tribes inhabiting this area, never seen snow, thought it was covered with silver.

Caucasian Mountains

Mount Fisht

Fisht is one of the most famous and beautiful peaks of the Western Caucasus. In clear weather, it can be seen from Krasnodar, Sochi, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Armavir and Timashevsk.

Unusual Mount Elbrus, attracting climbers, fans of skiing and outdoor activities, in fact - volcano.

Scientists call this mountain by Stratovulkan, which means that from time to time, the lava flows are eructed from time from time to time, which, because of their thickness, do not spread over long distances, and freeze not far from the place of eruptions. Therefore, Elbrus "grows" growing up each time "and today is considered the highest mountain peak in Europe.


Mac-Kinley - double-headed mountain, located on Alaska and being the highest peak of North America. It is in the center of Denali National Park.


Mountains occupy 80% of Chilean territory. These are two parallel ridge - Home and Coast Cordillera. Chile's highest mountain dot - Okhos del Salado.


Mountains, canyons, hills and subnet vertices, Sierra Nevada Mountains surround the center of the California Valley, protecting it from hot desert winds.

In California, there is a lowest point of the geographical level in the valley of death and the highest mountain peak of the United States - Vinty.

Logan - the highest mountain in Canada. Standing in the National Park Cloane in the south-west of Canada in Yukon in the mountain range - the Ridge of St. Ilya.

Canadian Rocky Mountains, Appalachi, Long Ranj, Carlton, Cordillera, Colnence, Mackenzie is just a small part of the mountain splendor of Canada.


Fan Mountains are located in the southwest Pamiro-Alya near Zeravshan and Gissar ridges. Fans are attracted, first of all, excellent solar and stable weather in July - August.

The main wealth of fan mountains is definitely lakes. Here they are more than thirty. Large and small, deep and small, legendary and lost in impregnable gorges.


The Himalayan Mountains are among the most famous incredible wonders of the world. The point is not only in the greatness of this creation of nature, but also in a large number of unknown, which contains these gigantic peaks.

The Himalayan array passes through the lands of five states - India, Pakistan, China, Nepal and the Kingdom of Bhutan. The eastern foothills of the ridge borders with the North of the Republic of Bangladesh.


Despite the densenceliness of Japan, the masterpieces of nature is occupied by the Mountains of Japan. They took the 3rd part of the country's surface. Here you can see the most amazing reliefs - from lowland forests to mighty high spirits.

In addition, Japan is famous for its volcanoes, which more than 200, 160 of which are considered extinct.

The undisputed symbol of the country is the sacred mountain Fuji. This is the most beautiful and well-known mountain of Japan, which was chased in ancient legends and legends.

Besides her, the mountains of Ontainsan, Khakusan and Tateyma are also very honored.