International programs. How and where to go to study abroad for free - I’m studying offers

In order to always remain a true professional, you should regularly attend various events aimed at improving your skills, including various seminars abroad, which will be held in 2019. Otherwise, very soon you will notice that your knowledge is outdated, and career growth has become more of a dream than a real goal.

What are the benefits of overseas training events?

This type of training has several positive features. For example, at seminars abroad in 2019, you will have a great opportunity to communicate on professional topics with colleagues working abroad. This will allow you not only to take a different look at solving many work problems, but also to re-evaluate your working conditions and career prospects.

Another positive feature of seminars abroad in 2019 is that you will be able to master foreign working methods. It is no secret that currently many managers have begun to actively introduce foreign practices into business. This is a really smart decision, because to achieve success you should try all kinds of methods and options. The ability to implement new technologies will be useful to any professional who wants to climb the career ladder.

So, if you want to improve your skills, you can attend one of the seminars abroad in 2019 and thus make your growth prospects more realistic.

Why choose us

Our company has been organizing various events aimed at improving the skills of professionals for many years now. We conduct seminars, webinars, and various other similar events. By contacting us in 2019, you will be able to undergo training not only in one of the cities of our country or via the Internet, but also attend a seminar abroad.

Our lecturers are true professionals in their field, so each training event is a great way to improve your knowledge. Our company’s seminars are very lively, because we understand how important it is for a specialist not only to receive information, but also to actively discuss it with colleagues and experts. And this format for acquiring knowledge is one of the most effective, as practice shows.

In addition, the topics of the seminars organized by our company are always relevant. We spend a considerable amount of time and effort to analyze exactly what issues concern specialists in a particular field, thanks to which we select only the most interesting and useful topics for events. And we try to adapt the format of a seminar or webinar to the wishes of our clients. We collect and analyze feedback from event attendees, so we always know what our clients would like to see and hear, and we make those changes.

At the present time, the development of modern business is impossible without an active exchange of information, without studying the experience of world experts, without mastering new technologies, therefore, improving the qualifications of employees and participating in international congresses and exhibitions plays an important role.

Managers of organizations and enterprises should think about conducting advanced training for workers and specialists in various industries abroad.

Why are seminars abroad needed?

IN Lately Russian companies need to expand business ties with foreign partners, find investors and promote their goods or services on the world market. Training companies provide the opportunity to take part in seminars and trainings taking place abroad, in the CIS countries on different directions and business.

Seminars abroad are an ideal tool for increasing the level of professionalism of staff, so they are simply necessary for companies wishing to develop rapidly. Corporate trainings allow you to take into account the specifics of the activities carried out, the competence of the working personnel, which will allow you to adapt the classes individually to the needs of a particular organization.

The key to the successful operation of any company and an important condition for the required level of professionalism of personnel is continuous training and development that corresponds to the realities of a constantly changing market. Let us note that saving money on conducting seminars is a rash decision. As practice shows, under difficult business conditions, conducting corporate training for staff is a reliable investment that pays for itself many times over, which will help maintain the success of the organization even in the most difficult situations.

A professional approach to organizing comprehensive programs for training employees abroad allows you to approach employee development systematically, ensuring the development and growth of not only people, but also the organization itself.

Comprehensive trainings and seminars on personnel training abroad, conducted by professional specialists, are an important step towards winning business and achieving your goals.

Open and corporate trainings

Open classes are conducted by training companies according to a specific schedule and topic. As for, they focus on the specifics of the customer’s work. An individual training program is selected for managers and staff, taking into account the company’s field of activity, working conditions, and staff competence. Classes are tailored to business needs.

Every manager who is concerned about the development of the company, improving the skills of subordinates, maintaining a healthy climate of working relationships, organizing and establishing the work of the company’s departments should understand the importance of such trainings. In the world of information and technology, which is constantly changing, in order to maintain a decent level of competition and achieve your goals, it is necessary to adopt experience in more developed countries where business is at a high level.

During training, the level of professional knowledge of employees is determined, possible directions and topics of training are considered. Establishing communication between the manager and staff is ensured. Only through the work of the united team can the intended goal be achieved. Business seminars abroad will help staff pick up new techniques and ways of working in a particular team. After completing them, there is a tendency for the company to develop rapidly, so the costs of training are fully justified.

Features of the seminars

Classes are conducted by highly qualified specialists from different countries (associate professors, candidates of technical, psychological and economic sciences), consultants from various sectors of the economy. The topics are determined by the company within which the trainings are conducted. Naturally, the customer’s wishes regarding the specifics of the enterprise’s operation, difficulties in work, etc. are taken into account.

Often training is conducted in Russian, which eliminates the barrier of communication between teachers and students. There are also no problems with translation errors.

For example, the seminar “Project Management Methodology” examines what a project is, context, stakeholders and project environment, life cycle, organizational structures. Groups of project management processes are indicated, namely initiation, planning, monitoring, execution, and completion. Issues such as project management results, certification preparation, professional responsibility, etc. are outlined. The material is accompanied by examples from the lecturer from his own professional practice, practical exercises are carried out, which gives the greatest result.

Business education abroad is very popular today. Many people strive to attend trainings abroad. Such training allows you to increase the level of professional skills in the shortest possible time.

Do you want to stay ahead of your competitors, always develop and strive for success? The E&V Advisor company will help you get training abroad! We are pleased to offer you both short-term (2-3 days) and long-term (up to 8 weeks) programs. Training is always conducted in prestigious business schools in English.

Advantages of foreign business trainings

Many businessmen do not have free time. For this reason, they often put off studying! This does not allow you to successfully develop and improve.

Practice shows that even short-term programs at business school allow you to:

  • get the necessary experience,
  • expand knowledge in the chosen direction,
  • become a real professional!

It is not surprising that the leaders large companies They value those employees who not only cope well with constant tasks, but also constantly improve.

Rest assured! Business education will be an excellent investment in your future career.

All training abroad has a number of advantages.

  1. Information content of educational programs. In the shortest possible time you will receive a large number of knowledge and valuable skills.
  2. Individual approach. It allows you to pay attention to the problems of each student.
  3. Practical orientation of classes. During the training, you will analyze real situations and find ways out of crises.

The most popular business trainings

We offer the following business trainings:

  • Sales and business negotiation skills,
  • Teambuilding,
  • TimeManagement
  • RiskManagement
  • LeadershipandManagement,
  • CustomerServiceDevelopment,
  • Top Teams Coaching and Development,
  • Project Management etc.

Didn't find a suitable program? Just contact us. Experienced specialists will take into account all your requests and wishes. They will select an individual training program as soon as possible.

Options for business education programs abroad

The trainings are designed for those who actually work in business. As a result of training, our students not only receive a certificate of completion of courses, but also gain experience in solving specific problems.

We offer various program options.

You can choose to:

  • MBA courses,
  • business trainings to improve skills,
  • seminars for top managers,
  • ExecutiveEducation.

Features of MBA programs

The abbreviation MBA stands for Master of Business Administration, which translates as “Master of Business Administration.” This academic degree is valued throughout the world. A specialist who has received an MBA education becomes a middle or senior manager.

The presented training is aimed at stimulating initiative and making independent decisions. During the classes, issues that can be encountered in practice in management, marketing, finance and other business areas are addressed. MBA education allows a specialist not only to gain basic knowledge in the field of business administration, but also skills in a more narrow specialization.

We are also ready to offer you a special program for senior managers - Executive MBA. It was developed by the famous British businessschool LSBF. Typically, participants in Executive MBA programs have many years of experience in a management position. The Executive MBA program brings together corporate leaders from different countries, providing an opportunity to exchange experiences, ideas and knowledge.

Have you decided to educate yourself? Do you want to quickly climb the career ladder?

E&V Advisor will help everyone.

We are ready:

  • increase your level in English to start training,
  • prepare the documents necessary to undergo training abroad,
  • provide visa support.

Advanced training courses are developed taking into account the needs of various customer groups. We select:

  • specialized options for specialists seeking professional development;
  • effective programs for organizations;
  • training programs for individual clients wishing to develop their interests or find a new hobby.

Corporate training in Europe, the USA, Canada, and other countries can be used by a business owner as a motivational tool. Investments in it pay off quickly: staff training allows you to improve the quality of service in the organization, which significantly affects the profit margin.

Training is provided by specialized accredited educational institutions in foreign countries, this allows us to guarantee quality compliance with high international standards.

Training for business people It can also be a means of maintaining an image. Do you need status courses? The SMAPS team will select an effective program for you in the most prestigious educational institution of the stated country.

Duration of corporate and business programs

Corporate training is presented in flexible and intensive programs that can last 1-30 days. The course is tailored to the needs of a specific client. Profile training will be focused on the professional development of your company’s employees and business support.

How to start training?

To take courses, you must have knowledge of a foreign language at a certain level and work experience in the relevant field. Corporate training is organized for employees of customer companies. Insufficient knowledge of a foreign language is not a reason to refuse advanced training abroad: our language schools regularly hold classes for students with different levels of basic knowledge.

A business seminar involves business communication with colleagues and business partners, but not within the boundaries of your own office, but outside it. Organizing seminars is a serious approach to developing your own company. This does not mean that such a meeting should take place informally. This format of events only implies that discussing a specific issue and the company’s development strategy requires organizing a seminar outside the office. For example, in the region or country of a business partner or on neutral territory for a meeting of partners. This could be entering a separate segment of foreign markets.

Of course, after meetings or during breaks, a buffet is not excluded, but this is more likely to maintain a certain business rhythm between the parties and help smooth out the corners during communication.

As you can see, business seminars are a fairly productive meeting format. It should be considered as an investment in your own business. Business seminars are not created to “throw dust in the eyes” of partners or future investors. This is a certain kind of catalyst that helps create successful opportunities for the future development of the company.

Now let’s look at what organizing seminars and conferences abroad is and how they differ away business seminars taking place abroad.

Traveling business seminars abroad differ from seminars within the country in that there are additional costs for transporting participants (many of them may be from different countries), obtaining permission for all participants to enter the country of the seminar, hotel accommodation, etc. If desired, can be included in the business seminar program excursion programs and team building (if the participants are employees of the same company). The advantages of holding business seminars abroad are that all participants in this event are on equal terms. In this arrangement, you can achieve a positive result and resolve all issues much faster.

On-site business seminars abroad are also perfect for big companies, with branches in different countries. This format can be used to train employees and align performance across all company offices. Transferring experience and setting business tasks within the framework of business seminars has a positive impact on the success and dynamics in the development of any company in any field of activity.

Organization of seminars and conferences

The best thing to do when organizing business seminars is to choose the right contractor. Planning an event will require a huge amount of time to plan the seminar program itself, the group’s stay program abroad, including a cultural program, renting a suitable area for organizing a business seminar, placing guests and employees in hotels and transfer services. This is a small part of the necessary and extremely important nuances. We strongly recommend that the organization of seminars and conferences be carried out at the highest level for the company, contact companies specializing in these services.

Such a company is MyMICE. By ordering a service from us - organizing a business seminar and conference, you can be sure of a high-quality and responsible approach. Thus, firstly, you will save your money - we have many partners abroad and we can offer the most low prices for your services. A separate employee dedicated to organizing your seminar will cost much more. Secondly, our team consists of real professionals, they know the market very well, which will allow you to get best services even with a modest budget.

Our clients and letters of gratitude from them speak for themselves. Organization of business seminars is one of the priority areas. Submit your application and you can breathe out – your seminar is in good hands!