Chronicles of the Zone. Location "Amber" - AP-PRO - Stalker mods, news, reviews, stalker mod

Length:796 m

Federal District:Northwestern Federal District

Region:Kaliningrad region

Reservoir type:lakes

Fish:grass carp, carp, tench, perch, eel, pike, carp

Fishing types:float fishing, bottom fishing, spinning, fly fishing, live bait fishing, winter types of fishing, other types of fishing

Width:138 m

Maximum depth:32 m

Square:2.5 km²

GIMS:Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kaliningrad region


Amber Lake is a reservoir on the Baltic coast of the Kaliningrad region, near the villages of Yantarny and Sinyavino. It is known as the place where more than 90% of the total world amber production is mined.

The lake is located 50 km from the city of Kaliningrad and is separated by a narrow strip of land from the Baltic Sea, which determines its specific climate.

Amber is of artificial origin. In 1650, the first amber mine appeared in its place, over time the pit grew and deepened to 50 meters, and after it was recognized as unprofitable, it was decided to fill the pit with water. This is how a man-made lake appeared, with an area of \u200b\u200b2.5 km².

A distinctive feature of this reservoir is an underwater forest, where trees are overgrown with algae and coexist with fish and shells.

The shores of the lake are steep and quite inaccessible, but very picturesque. The unique features of the lake are its great depth (up to 32 meters), clear water, clean sandy bottom, blue clay, as well as cold springs constantly hitting from the bottom, forming two so-called thermoclines, when the warm and cold layers of water do not mix and the temperature difference reaches 10 degrees.


The lake is home to grass carp, carp, carp, eel, tench, pike, perch, Californian crayfish and even special, "shaggy" crabs.

Date of creation: mid-2003
Last revised: 2008
[Tech name: vl06_yantar
Location: aboveground (flat)
Connects with:
Research Institute "Agroprom" (cut out.)
Dead City (cut.)
Red forest in ChN
Status: present in PM and CHN



The southern part of the valley consists of a basin of a dried-up lake, the bottom of which is very swampy, heaps of abandoned trash and debris are visible all around, most likely it was thrown out from the nearby Plant. In the middle of this swamp there is a small islet on which a couple of trees grow. The background radiation is not great, but the air is not suitable for breathing. In the center of the basin there is a scientific complex consisting of a bunker fenced with a concrete fence and a couple of hangars for equipment. In the south-west of it lies a wrecked Mi-8 helicopter and the corpse of a deceased environmentalist. A little to the west is visible a huge "Inverted" anomaly (somewhat similar to the one in the Call of Pripyat) and several corpses of dead stalkers. From this side, you can go around the entire Factory and go to the passage leading to the Red Forest.
Two pipes protrude from the slope of the basin in the north and northeast. The north was almost certainly used by the plant, while the purpose of the northeast is not clear. The northeastern pipe leads to a small valley with a wrecked bus in the middle.
An asphalt road from the Wild Territory skirts the basin from the northeast and leads north to the factory.
The territory of the plant is a fenced area of \u200b\u200bbuildings and hangars, some of which are badly destroyed, equipment has been removed or destroyed everywhere, so it is impossible to determine what the plant was producing. Perhaps there were more buildings before the appearance of the Zone.
The basement of the central building houses the X-16 laboratory and the psi installation. When it is turned on, the area north of the basin becomes deadly to humans due to psi radiation.
Anomalies and openly lying artifacts are almost never encountered, but a careful examination of caches can reward a successful stalker generously.
At the location there are only zombies and snorks living both in the lake basin and at the factory. The abundance of anthropomorphic mutants, together with bad air and many corpses, creates the famous oppressive atmosphere of Amber. Interestingly, the ratio of these species varies greatly depending on the location: in the eastern part of the basin, almost exclusively zombies live, in the western part, on the contrary, snorks prevail, in the territory of the plant snorks are found around the buildings, and zombies occupy the rest of the territory.
The only people permanently living on Yantar are a group of ecologists led by Professor Sakharov. The main areas of research are psi radiation and snorkeling. Since environmentalists do not know how to handle weapons for expeditions, they use the services of stalkers, who serve as guides and guards. The complex also buys artifacts and parts of monsters for research from stalkers on Yantar by offering equipment. Despite this source of income, the stalker on Yantar is rather the rarest exception than the rule.
The Duty group sometimes sends out patrols to guard the complex. The military only guards scientists with Mi-24 helicopters.

Sakharov is one of the scientists. Located in a mobile camp on Lake Yantar. According to the plot, the Shooter made a deal with him - he allegedly wanted to help in testing the psi-radiation blocker. Sakharov gave him an experimental sample. However, the Shooter never returned from the territory of the Yantar complex, where the test took place. Scar asks Sakharov about the Strelka and receives this information, after which he performs Sakharov's task, and the scientist sends Scar to a detachment of stalkers led by Lefty, who is heading there.
After a series of studies, Professor Sakharov calculated the time interval during which the anomalous activity decreased in a certain sector, which was previously considered impassable, and thus found an opportunity to get into one of the suburbs of Limansk that had previously been inaccessible. The opportunity to be in a previously inaccessible territory attracted stalkers and monoliths with its riches. The Monolith, having learned about Sakharov's discovery, were the first to immediately react, seized the camp of scientists and took up defensive positions. Scientists managed to evacuate before the fanatics arrived, but valuable information remained in the bunker. After some time, stalkers gathered in a bar in a large crowd and went to fight off the camp of scientists. The battle was long and bloody, but the stalkers still managed to recapture the bunker. Having gathered in the right place and waiting for the decrease in anomalous activity, the stalkers went to Limansk ... They were followed by the surviving Monoliths ... Following the stalkers, the quirky Barman entered Limansk and immediately opened a branch of his establishment there. Under his wing, Professor Sakharov and his colleagues continued their research. From the documents obtained by stalkers, the scientists became aware of the research laboratories that once existed in the closed city. The materials and accumulated experience of past years would greatly help the professor's team.

Interesting Facts

The professor's image and surname were taken from a real person - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, human rights activist, one of the creators of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.
Sakharov looks like the Bolotny doctor.
There is one oddity associated with it. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, it is said that he personally met with the Shooter and presented him with a prototype of protection against psi radiation. But in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: For some reason he did not recognize the Shadow of Chernobyl in the Marked Arrow. Perhaps he suffers from forgetfulness.
In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat, you can install a modification of the Zaslon helmet and the Seva overalls called the Psi-dome hoop, which was developed by Sakharov.
At Sakharov, you can see a laboratory rat running in a wheel.
Sakharov is the only PM and CHN character who buys artifacts at a nominal price.
There is a bug in which you can use a weapon in Sakharov's bunker. If you attack Sakharov, he will become hostile but will not offer resistance, and he cannot be killed either.
If in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl you take advantage of a bug and join Svoboda, Sakharov will also become hostile and will buy artifacts at a significantly reduced price.

Quests in "S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl"

Receive a reward for saving Kruglov.
Take measurements of psi radiation.
Lots of side quests.

Quests in "S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky"

Find documents of the missing Strelka group
Talk to Lefty.
Normalize the operation of the installation.

Game content from the old plot

Everything that was planned at the level within the framework of the old plot of 2003-2004. Extracted from design documents of the period.

Lake Yantar. Everyone who approaches the lake falls under unknown control and leaves along the shallow bottom ringing from radiation into fog to the center of the lake. In the far part of the level there is a mobile science camp, which was brought in a year ago. Local scientists measure the Zone, the local background, try to study local attractions, and in particular pay attention to the strange lake "Yantar". Calculations show that inexplicable telepathic "waves" are emitted from the center of the lake, which zombie random victims. Before the Ejection, the radiation of the lake sharply increases and for a short time covers a huge territory, everyone who finds themselves there becomes zombies and, forgetting about everything, go to the lake. How many zombies have accumulated in the center of the lake is unknown. It is only known that the lake has always emitted telepathic waves. The lake itself was crushed after it was filled with "dirty" equipment and various industrial trash. The radiation from the artificial bottom is so strong that a person almost instantly gets severe radiation sickness. Lost zombie stalkers can be found in the village. Their weapons are heavily worn out and radioactive. A road leads to the center of the lake, after driving along it you can get off with only light radiation. Only zombie stalkers, soldiers, scientists and zombies who have completely lost their human form will block the road. Zombies are partially armed. Also, several underground communications lead to the center of the lake, which intertwine in the center.

Level filling:
1. Zombie stalkers
2. Zombie soldiers
3. Zombie scientists
4. Controllers
5. Lost human zombies
6. Scientists researchers from the mobile camp
7. Few mutants
8. "TBU-1" - telepathic bio-installation

Level objects:
1. Camp of scientists
2. Village
3. Separate building
4. Underground communications
5. Lake "Yantar"
6. Building in the center of the lake
7. Underground rooms under the center of the lake

Creation in the fog
On the lake there are several islets of piled industrial debris and dilapidated buildings. Stone skeletons protrude from the poisonous water. The lake is dead, nothing can live in it, getting into the lake leads to severe acid burns. In rubber boots, you can walk in shallow depths. In the center of the lake there are several large islands from rubbish and skeletons of buildings. Several shallow water paths lead to them. The largest has a descent to an unlooded basement. A creature in the fog settled there. The creature in the fog is a living telepathic bio-installation, a strange creature with fragments of human thinking. Among acid puddles, in a deep fog, it telepathically manipulates taken under control puppets (zombies, packs of blind dogs, corps, zombie stalkers, scientists and soldiers).

Despite the set of psi-protection, near the center of the lake (where the psi-effect is especially strong), the player will have imposed phantom hallucinations. Dark, half-shaped silhouettes will be seen among the ruins. They are completely harmless, caused by too strong psi-waves that occur near the working psi-generators.

When trying to get to the center of the lake, zombie soldiers will open fire on the player. Further in dilapidated buildings will begin to attack the blind dogs.

Having penetrated through the hole into the underground room, the player will fall under a stronger hallucinogenic effect.

He will get to a special, illusion level: Somewhere ahead, an amplified voice speaks monotonously. In complete darkness, the player walks through the tunnel to the voice, he turns the corner and sees the tunnel going out onto the street of some city. It's a bright sunny day.

The city is empty and the player goes to the voice, separate lines are already heard. A terrible voice hypnotizes the player, pulls himself. Phantom formations gradually appear more and more. When you try to return or turn off the road, the world begins to darken, unpleasant ringing sounds begin to grow. If you continue to deviate from the route, the player is killed. In complete darkness, he goes into fog ...

The player enters the square with the monument to Lenin, the terrible voice continues its monologue. Stalkers stand in front of the monument with their backs to the player.

The stalkers turn around and begin to attack the player, the voice becomes angry, croaking.

If the player is killed, he falls to the floor. The body falls through the floor, darkens in the eyes. The player finds himself in a tunnel, around a huge number of zombies. There are so many of them that the player dies under their onslaught.
If the player kills stalkers and breaks further into the tunnel, where there are a bunch of corridors. From all sides, the slaves of the creation in the fog attack him. After breaking through, the player will reach a room with a creature in the fog.
A long abandoned room covered in dust. The detector is choking with radiation. In front of the player is a three-meter jelly-like entity in an armored capsule. The room is filled with phantom formations.

If the player does nothing, then the screen turns black and the player becomes a slave to the creature in the fog.
If the player starts shooting the capsule, then the darkness recedes for a short time, and the voice in his head begins to scream heart-rendingly. To destroy the capsule, you must blow it up. Bullets only inflict light wounds.
After destruction, the psychotropic field disappears, and the player can calmly explore the corridors. He will find a number of documents that reveal part of what is happening in the Zone.

Reports on experiments on the creation of psychotropic weapons, which will describe the goals, personnel and problems encountered with the tests.
Detailed description of the psychotropic antenna project.
Psychotropic antenna plan. Emergency and underground exits from the premises under the antenna will be marked on the plan.
Mobile Science Lab
The mobile laboratory looks like a small metal bunker with small tinted windows. In the front part there is an airlock compartment. The laboratory is completely sealed, capable of withstanding almost any damage, both chemical and physical. The laboratory is delivered to the Zone by a cargo helicopter. She has everything she needs to live for months. On the outer door of the gateway there is a call button with a built-in video camera. Friendly stalkers are allowed only inside the airlock, the entrance to the laboratory is strictly prohibited. Trade and communication between stalkers and scientists takes place in the airlock.

Laboratory mothballed
The gateway is only opened in case of emergency
2. In the afternoon

Several scientists come out of the airlock, take samples of the earth. They wander around with instruments, study something.
The stalker approaches the first event, the call signal goes off and after a while the airlock door opens. Inside the airlock (at event 2) there are already two scientists in full spacesuits, with weapons in their hands. One of them can give a task, buy an artifact or a mutant, or maybe sell scientific equipment.

Selling information
Scientists know when the next Blowout will be and where the maximum concentration will be. They sell this information to stalkers and traders.
1. Time of Ejection and its concentration
2. Snapshot of the Zone from space
3. Map of electro-magnetic anomalies
4. Features of anomalies
5. Features of artifacts
6. Features of the abilities and behavior of mutants
7. Features of Psi-impact
8. Theory of the Zone
9. History of the Zone
10. Coordinates of strange places in the Zone
11. Coordinates of the lost expeditions and abandoned camps

In the AMK mode, the moment with the message of the Ejection time is restored; so, one of the scientists on the stalker network reports the approximate time of day when the Outburst will occur.
Of the things listed below, only items 6-9 are implemented in the game. Items 2, 4 and 5 were given in the encyclopedia immediately at the beginning of the game. Subsequently, in the RFP, clause 10 was implemented.

Equipment sale
1. Visual anomaly detector
2. Psi stabilizer
3. Universal first aid kit
4. Honey. First aid kit capsules
5. Protective spacesuit

Science camp assignments
Near the camp, a wooden shield is driven into the ground, on which it is written what tasks are (the price is immediately written). If the task is simple, then you can immediately go to carry it out. If the task is difficult, then you need to go to the gateway and they will tell you in detail what is required. Instead of the price, it will be written: "Go to the gateway to discuss details."

Simple tasks:
1. Bring the artifact

Indicates what type of artifact is needed
2. Bring the corpse of the mutant

3. Bring a paralyzed mutant

It is indicated what type of mutant is needed
4. Bring the object

5. Bring equipment from the dungeon

It is written what to bring and from where
6. Bring the records of the lost expedition

It is written what to bring and from where
7. Bring the records of the deceased scientific camp

It is written what to bring and from where
Difficult tasks:
If a player does not complete a difficult task, the attitude of scientists towards him worsens (depending on the task).
1. Take a sample of water, soil ...

The gateway will explain what and where to take. A place will be marked on the map and a device will be given to make samples. It is necessary to take this device in hand, then use it in a certain place. If the location is correct, the green light on the device will light up.
2. Save a scientist researcher

The gateway will explain what happened and who needs to be saved. The location of the scientist in distress will be marked on the map. It is necessary to find, if necessary, then heal, then take to the camp.

3. Guide the scientist to the anomaly

If you kill a scientist, then there will be a choice, confess to the camp of scientists or deceive them (by telling that the scientist was already dead).
In the first case, scientists (if they can) attack the player, or close themselves in a bunker and call for help.
In the second case, scientists (depending on the attitude) believe the player or do not believe him (act as in the first case)
Scientists believe only two times, they never believe in the third. Even if the scientist really died by accident.
4. Help with the evacuation (helicopter crashed, food ran out)

In the gateway, the starving scientists will beg the player to help them get to the Zone checkpoint. If the player agrees, the scientists will leave the temporary camp and go out in spacesuits, armed with a small arsenal. They will go to the checkpoint, and the player will protect them from mutants.
If the player leaves them for a long time, then scientists will consider this a betrayal. When the player reappears, they will warn him not to approach, otherwise they will attack him.
5. Bring food and equipment to the starving scientists (helicopter crashed, food ran out)

In the gateway, the player will buy food for good money or equipment.
6. Destroy the mutant that is prowling around

You need to run to the merchant and bring a certain device, artifact or just an interesting object
9. Take the scientist to the second science camp

A scientist dressed in a spacesuit will be waiting in the airlock. He will explain where to take him. On the way, he must be protected.
If you kill a scientist, then there will be a choice, confess to the camp of scientists or deceive them (by telling that the scientist was already dead).
In the first case, scientists (if they can) attack the player, or close themselves in a bunker and call for help.
In the second case, scientists (depending on the attitude) believe the player or do not believe him (act as in the first case)
Scientists believe only two times, they never believe in the third. Even if the scientist really died by accident.
10. Find out what happened in the second camp (the connection was cut)

We must get into the empty bunker of a dead science camp. The event will work and the player "will know what he saw in the second camp." Then you need to return to the first camp and "tell about what you saw"
11. Scan stalkers, search for zombies

With the help of a special device, you need to get close to the island. As soon as the green light on the device turns on, you can return.
14. Penetrate into the hole on one of the islets of Lake Yantar and remove the source of strong psi-impact

The player is given a special device that temporarily protects against psi effects.
Only a part of the points were realized in the game. One of the reasons was unrealizability, the other was the decrease in the size of the Amber location.
In particular, ideas 2 (the quest to find Vasiliev) and 14 (the quest to turn off the psi-installation) were fully implemented. Point 3 and 13 were combined into one (quest for measuring psi radiation).
Also, subsequently, ideas 1 (quests for installing artifact scanners in anomalies), 3 (leading a group of scientists to the exit from the Oasis) were implemented in the RFP. But point 4 became the ending of the plot of the RFP. As it turned out, there were still applications for the plot.

Artifact mining
Bring the artifact. Place it in a special container. The scientist will scan it with a scanner, make sure that it is the right thing, and that it is not too radioactive. Then he will pay a certain amount to the stalker.

Extraction of mutants
Bring in the corpse of the monster. Throw on the floor of the airlock. The scientist will scan it with a scanner, make sure that it is the right thing, and that it is not too radioactive. Then he will pay a certain amount to the stalker.

Arrives once a week. May arrive on an emergency call. Brings:

Medicines and equipment
If the helicopter is shot down, the scientists of the laboratory will starve. A task will appear - to remove the scientists from the Zone.

Lost Mobile Laboratory Z-06
The blackened enclosure of the mobile laboratory, buried in the ground. The sluice doors are open, laboratory tables, dirt, heaps of various scientific rubbish are visible inside in the twilight. There are several corpses in damaged spacesuits ...

Location in game builds

Initially, Amber looked very different from the release. In its true form, it is present in build 1935. There is no swamp and a factory with zombies, but instead there is a rather large village, vaguely reminiscent of the village of bloodsuckers in the War Depots. Instead of Sakharov's mobile bunker, there is a huge scientific complex with satellite dishes. The bunker itself is present, but apparently, this is just a circuit without internal rooms.

Scientific complex with satellite dishes

Bunker of scientists


Underground railroad

Underground communications

Initially, the bunker was conceived as a gigantic complex of underground laboratories, shrunken at times for release. The scale of the authors' idea may be at least evidenced by the fact that the complex was supposed to have an underground railway.

List of assemblies in which the location was encountered:

Build 1865 lvl06_yantar
Build 1935 l06_yantar
Build 2571 l08_yantar
Build 2588 l08_yantar

Key places

Top of the hill
Exit from the complex
Out of the pipe
Tower on the hill
Perimeter garages
Far frontier
Factory backyards
Scientist camp
Artifact Basin
Swamp island
Halt under a canopy
Checkpoint of the plant
Walk-through parking
Waste pipe
Parking lot behind the swamp
Secret entrance
Transformer booth
Factory corner
Back door

Hiding places

1) log under the hill
As zombies flooded from the factory, they had to part with the swag and hide it in a log at the base of the hill.
- "Marta", first aid kit, bandage
2) Backpack at the entrance
I stuffed a full backpack of the swag, but at the very entrance I had to throw it in the ruins. Has someone already managed to get there or not?
- April first aid kit (x2), scientific first aid kit
3) Stash at the crane gear
I don’t know myself. Why the hell I made a stash on such a superiors. Now I can't get there, damn it.
- "Cora-919", .45 ACP Hydro (x8)
4) Case at the factory
Found in the hangar a box + from under the tools. Something rattled inside, but did not have time to open it, threw it there until next time.
- scientific first aid kit, 7.62x57mm 7N1 (x10)
5) Backpack under the seat
There was no time to think: he threw a swag under the seat of a driver in a rusty UAZ.
- army first aid kit, 7.62x54mm PP (x100)
6) Hiding place by the fence
I hid something in the joint of the pipes near the construction trailer, next to the fence.
- first aid kit (x3), bandage (x5), antirad (x2)
7) Shield on transformer
When it began to "chop" at the plant, I threw everything in a quick way into the panel on the transformer.
- army first aid kit (x3)
8) Box in the truck
A good place for stash. Right between the cab and the body. Again - zombies and radiation are guarded.
- VOG-25 grenade (x4)
9) Small things in the pipe
He took the most valuable things with him, and threw the little things into the chimney of the room with a hole in the wall.
- 7.62x54mm PP (x100)
10) Schron in the safe
The best cache in my zone is the Safe on the territory of the plant.
- grenade OG-7V
11) Log behind the garages
Near the garages near the plant on Yantar, I hid the bots in a log: there was no better place.
- Chaser-13, 12x76mm dart (x6)
12) Stump next to the tower
In the hollow of a stump on a hill with a high-voltage tower, another secret was muddied. And everyone thinks that I get on there to admire the views ... assholes.
- army first aid kit (x2)
13) Hollow log
At the "Thorn" he hid his cache in an empty log.
- first aid kit (x4)
14) Switchboard at the factory
From Andryukhin's PDA he wrote that he hid a swag in a rickety electrical panel on the territory of the plant when he began to cover the Mozgodrobilka.
- AC-96/2, 5.45x39mm BP (x60)
15) Synchronization in the ventilation pipe
This is Owl. Remember, Toha, the coordinates and landmark - a backpack inside the ventilation pipe near the broken wall of the complex!
- first aid kit, antirad (x2)
16) Boiler room roof box
There is one cache on the roof of the boiler room in a blue box. Zombies are swarming around, so be careful.
- "Chaser-13", first aid kit, 12x76mm dart (x6)


Location "Laboratory X-16"

Date of creation: 2005
Last revised: 2006
Tech. Name: l08u_brainlab
Quests: yes (main storyline)
Location: underground
Connects with:
Status: present in PM

X-16 (It is also BrainLab or "Brain Laboratory" - a laboratory located under the "Yantar" plant. It contains the so-called "Brain-bulb", in fact - a huge brain that creates psi-radiation at the plant and the northern part of the lake. Prikhodko Pavel Stepanovich.


The laboratory is located under the main building of the plant. The entrance is down the stairs connecting the floors of the building.
The laboratory has two floors connected by an elevator (which, however, has not been working for a long time). Lighting is not available everywhere, so you need to use a night vision device or a flashlight.
The mutants living in the laboratory are snorks and zombies. Zombies are armed with AKM 74/2, AKM 74 / 2u, and less often with sawn-off shotguns. The hall where the "Brain-bulb" is located has three floors, on each of which there is a switch. To turn off the installation, they all turn off, as well as the main switch in the control room.
From the upper floor there is a corridor leading to a dead end where the controller lives. There is a hole in the floor through which you can get into the old sewer.
The earth fills the pipes unevenly, forming hills higher than human height. This slows down movement, but also allows you to take cover from shooting. Snorks, zombies and a pseudo-giant live in the sewers. The exit is to the surface of the earth through a hatch. The hatch is located away from the factory, therefore it was often used as a secret passage.

Laboratory history

The time of creation is probably after the 1986 accident. After the formation of the Zone, it was used as a protective agent.
In 2012, two attempts were made to turn off the emitter. For the first time, the stalker Ghost and the scientist Vasiliev entered the laboratory, who made their way to the emitter, but did not turn it off (apparently, Vasiliev got scared and ran away; he got to the fallen helicopter on the lake and was killed by a zombie). The ghost was killed by the controller who lived on the way to the sewers.
The second attempt was made by Labeled, who single-handedly cleared the laboratory and turned off the emitter. He found the corpses of the Ghost and Vasiliev.
After the Shooter went to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and did not return, and Fang died, the Ghost offered his services to the scientists at Yantar. One of the forays into the X-16 laboratory together with the scientist Vasiliev was the last for the Phantom: Vasiliev escaped, and the Phantom was unable to fight off the controller. The Ghost's body in the laboratory was later found by the Tagged One - not yet knowing that it was his friend. There is a version that the Ghost himself killed Fang in the Warehouses, wanting to get into a nearby mercenary, but he missed and killed Fang. After that, he lied to Strelka, outweighing everything on the mercenary. The version has been refuted. Interestingly, according to one theory, as well as in one story, he was killed by a mercenary Scar.

Interesting Facts

There is a legend about the Ghost that he destroyed the "Last Day" group. The bartender says that he really killed their leader.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky has a character with a face model like the Ghost. This is the leader of a group of bandits - Yoga.
It is possible that he accidentally killed Fang while aiming at Scar, but missed and killed his friend.
He possesses a unique Zarya jumpsuit, which he retrieved from the anomaly.
Sakharov gives the quest to find his overalls.
The controller who killed the Ghost was not very strong and not very tenacious, because it is easy to kill him in the game.

In the book "Law of the Marked One", the Ghost is alive, and the corpse in X16 is his master key.

Hiding places
1) Swag in the switchboard
Rumors go that there was a stalker who got into this laboratory and hid his swag in the electrical panel in the elevator shaft. And I could not pick it up.
-Vincent sun
2) Scout Backpack
Rumors go that there was a stalker who got into this laboratory, so he threw skates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cages with the experimental, with all his swag.


50 kilometers from Kaliningrad, on the Baltic coast, there is the village of Yantarny - a place where more than 90% of the total world amber production is mined. The Germans developed these deposits by the mine method, but our compatriots were closer to the career method. Quarries here are more than 50 meters deep.
One of them, after being recognized as unprofitable, was flooded, as a result of which a beautiful lake was formed, on the shore of which the diving center was located.
Picturesque shores overgrown with sea buckthorn, white sand, a fenced-in dive center, a playground, barbecues, and a parking lot - you will find all this on the shore of Amber Lake in Kaliningrad.

Let's stop at the underwater attractions. As a result of the fact that someone once tried to “stock fish” the lake, today you have a chance to meet a variety of animals while walking: grass carp, carp, carp, eel, tench, pike, perch and stupid Californian crayfish (large such , with red claws). By the way, it is forbidden to hunt in the lake, you can just swim and enjoy the beauty.

In general, the landscape in the lake is very diverse: the forest gives way to a desert, cut by a concrete road, abrupt drop-offs with the ruins of old structures turn into underwater plains, and those, in turn, after a break turn into underwater dunes. The heap of artifacts left there at different times by a person does not let you get bored under water.

The village of Yantarny is a unique place not only in Russia but throughout the world. Here, on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe Baltic coast, 90% of the world's proven amber reserves are concentrated. Therefore, the village has the only plant in the world that extracts and processes amber.

In addition to the plant, the village has one more attraction - the widest beach in the Kaliningrad region. It is not washed away by the coastal current, as in other parts of the coast, but, on the contrary, is constantly "poured" with a mixture of sand and water obtained as a result of the work of the plant. Divers often come here to dive in Amber Lake, a flooded amber quarry.

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The most mysterious corner of Crimea, without a doubt, is the Tarkhankut peninsula. This is the westernmost point of Crimea, which goes far out to sea. There are no rivers nearby, so the water is surprisingly clear. Since ancient times, many legends and traditions have been preserved about the Taranhut Peninsula.

On the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, one of the most beautiful bays in the world, Avachinskaya Bay, cuts 20 km inland. Avacha Bay is a vast, enclosed, rounded bay with an area of \u200b\u200babout 215 km, which is connected to the Pacific Ocean by a rather narrow strait 3 km wide.

All year round, diving in the lakes near Moscow is organized: ice diving in winter, educational and educational dives in the "open water" season - in spring, summer and autumn. Some diving courses can only be taken in open water and for this it is not at all necessary to go to the sea, it is enough to get out to the Moscow region for the weekend.

Due to its beauty, richness of flora and fauna, this lake is often called the pearl of Russia. It is also the deepest and oldest freshwater lake in the country. The greatest depth of the lake reaches 1637 meters - this is the maximum depth among the lakes of the entire planet (on Earth, only 6 lakes are more than 500 m deep).

Diving in the Black Sea - for those who want to make an exciting excursion to sunken barges, planes or ships, admire the beautiful landscapes and canyons. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe sea is 420.3 km, the maximum depth is 2211 meters, the average depth is 1300 meters.

Kazan Blue Lake is a typical karst sinkhole. The lake is located in the floodplain of the Kazanka River. The depth of the lake reaches 15 meters, its diameter is about 30 meters. Springs at the bottom of the lake. Due to the constantly flowing spring water, the lake has fantastic visibility for the freshwater reservoir.