Dominican. My first time in Santo Domingo

Before the appearance on the island of Haiti Spanish nautical seafood, the tribes of the Indians Taine was already inhabited. They called his homeland Kiskeya ("Mother of all lands", "Great Earth"), and Ahatti ("Mountain Country"). The last name later gave the name to the whole island and a separate country - Haiti. Christopher Columbus, who opened the island in December 1492, dubbed his Espanyola.

The Spaniards laid the settlement on the northern coast, giving him the name of Queen Isabella, but the unfavorable climate forced the colonizers to leave these edges soon. In 1496, the younger brother of the great navigator Bartolomeo Columbus, ordered to build a new city in the south of the island, near the Osama River. He was called "New Isabella", but later renamed the Holy Dominic, the father of the discoverer of the new world was baptized under whose name. The city of Santo Domingo stood on the eastern bank of the river to 1502, when a powerful tropical hurricane destroyed him. The new governor Espanyola Nicolas de Obando ordered to restore Santo Domingo on the opposite bank of the river - in the place where he is and today.

From Santo Domingo to the conquest of Cuba and Mexico, the expeditions of Diego Velasquez de Cuelar and Ernana Cortez were sent. From here, Vasco Nunies de Balboa rushed to the shores of modern Colombia, where he founded the first Spanish city on the mainland. In 1509, Diego Columbus arrived in Santo Domingo, the eldest son of the Great Spaniard, who was granted the title of Vice-King Spanish Colonies. Here, a residence was built for him, which became known as Alcazar de Colon.

In 1586, Santo Domingo, one of the key outposts of West India, with an amazing ease captured the English caper, Admiral Francis Drake. From the Spaniards he demanded a redemption to get out of here with his team out of 1200 people. After half of the city was burned and destroyed, the townspeople were collected for the invaders who focused on about a month here, 25,000 ducats, although they originally demanded almost 10 times more. Satisfied British retired, taking with them in addition artillery guns from the fort.

In the middle of the XVII century, the British were removed to take possession of Spanish colonies, and in 1655, Fort Santo Domingo was attacked by Armada under the command of General Robert Velaimalism. This time the Spaniards had a worthy resistance to the British, and they were retracted. However, at the same time the western coast of the island captured the French. In 1697, Spain had to officially recognize the right of France to possession of these lands.

In 1791, the Gaitian revolution began in the French colony - the world's only successful rising rebellion in the world. It was completed by the formation of the first independent state in Latin America - the Republic of Haiti (1804). In the hands of Haitian rebels of Santo Domingo visited 1800-1801, then the French were established here, and after - again the Spaniards. In 1821, the city of Santo Domingo became the capital of the ephemeral independent state of the Spanish Haiti, which existed 2 months, after which he was captured by the troops of the Republican Haiti. In 1844, the island was finally divided into two parts: the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic with the capital in Santo Domingo.

In the following decades, Santo Domingo witnessed economic and political chaos, accompanied by countless coup. In 1916, during the "Banana Wars", the Dominican Republic occupied the United States. The occupation years were marked by the growth of the country's economy, the construction of infrastructure facilities in its capital, but the loss of sovereignty was oppressed. The first collision that occurred in Santo Domingo between American marines and local residents, led to victims on both sides. In 1924, the Americans left the island.

In 1930, the Dominican capital was suffered from a deadly hurricane San Zenon. In the same year, the country occurred another coup in the country, and General Rafael Trujillo was in power. Bloody dictator ruled by the state until 1961, until he had become a victim of a conspiracy and was killed. In recent years, dictatorships in Santo Domingo, which is now called "Ciudad-Trujillo", more than once broke out mass armed protests. The stabilization of the situation in the country is related to the name of President Joaquino Balaguer. It was when it was in 1978, for the first time in the history of the country, the power to the opposition switched to a peaceful way. Today, the Dominican Republic is the largest economy in the Caribbean region and Central America, and Santo Domingo became a famous tourist center. At the same time, the neighboring Republic of Haiti remains the poorest state of the new world.

Geography and districts

Santo Domingo is located in the southeastern part of Haiti Island, in the south of the Dominican Republic, and occupies the plain section of the coast of the Caribbean Sea. He spread out on the square about 104 km² along the coastline, long ago step over its historical borders within the Osama Rivers in East and Isabella in the north. It is at the shore of Osama, flowing here in the Caribbean Sea, the ship of Christopher Columbus threw anchor when his expedition first approached the island.

Osama, dividing the city to the eastern and western part today, is one of the most extended rivers in the country, but it is the most polluted. In her mouth, almost in the very center of the city, is the port of Santo Domingo. Luxury liners mooring at its modern cruise terminals Sans Sousi in the West and Don Diego, which is on the opposite bank of the river. Western and East Coast Osama are connected by the modern bridge, erected next to the old, divorce.

Santo Domingo is divided into squares by the main streets that intersect under right angles, so if you remember their names, orient to the metropolis will be quite easy. They are sold in any souvenir or bookstore. The main arteries, the names of Churchill, Lincoln, Maximo Gomez, Juan Duarte, cross the city from the north to south. Infendencia Avenue, Bolivar, Kennedy, Street February 27 stretch from west to east, like Malecon - 15-kilometer boulevard, ranging along the Caribbean through the entire city. Officially, this Promenade is called George Washington Avenue.

Because of the huge length of Santo Domingo, it sometimes has to overcome decent distances to get from point "A" to the item "B". This also applies to the attractions that are in different quarters. In the capital of the Dominican Republic, you will often have to use public transport or taxis if you are not going to limit the acquaintance with it only walks in old quarters, known as the colonial or old town.

From Santo Domingo diverges the rays of the road to the north, the West and the East, they do not intersect together. Tourists who wish to get acquainted with different regions of the Dominican Republic will have to return to the starting point - the capital of the country every time.


In Santo Domingo, with its tropical climate, you can relax at any time of the year. The so-called summer season lasts from May to September, when the daily temperature average is +28 ... + 31 ° C, but can rise and up to +35 ° C. The hottest months - July, August, September. Thanks to the sea breeze and Passat, Santo Domingo rarely experiencing suffocating heat, they also soften the humidity throughout the year, which is 65-80%.

Winter season lasts from October to April and is distinguished by moderate temperature: +25 ... + 30 ° F. From November to March, cold fronts can bring short-term cooling to +16 ... + 18 ° C.

The greatest amount of precipitation, and usually it is short, but strong shower, it is from May to October, and the smallest - for February-March. The water of the Caribbean in the summer season is heated to +29 ... + 31 ° C, in winter - up to +26 ... + 27 ° C.

Since the island of Haiti lies on the way of tropical cyclones moving from the Atlantic and from the small Antilles, Santo Domingo is subject to the impact of the elements. In July-August, cyclones, each of which is called the beautiful name in alphabetical order, are frequent guests on the island. The approximation of the cyclone is preceded by rain, storm, squall gusts of the wind. In case of danger in the media, warnings are constantly broadcast, data on the development of the cyclone, advice are given, how to protect themselves. As the hurricane approaches, the pressure rises sharply, the sky acquires a lead shade, it seems to be lowered below, and the wind literally overstate.


The official currency in the state is the Dominican Peso, which is 100 centavo. However, almost everywhere, tourists can pay American dollars. In many stores on price tags, the abbreviation of the US currency is banging. The main thing is not to confuse: local money is marked as RD $. Euro is rarely taken. Rubles can be exchanged only in the departments of large banks.

Note: The cost of entrance tickets to museums and some Santo Domingo Parks for foreign tourists are higher than for local residents.

Pay to dollars in the tourist areas of Santo Domingo is unprofitable: the course here is underestimated. But, if it is so convenient for you, stocking of small dollar bills, as instead of delivery, candy, chocolates and useless trinkets can be offered here. The pretext is "Noou Menudo", that is, "no delivery". In short, it is advisable immediately by arrival to exchange dollars or euros for the local currency. It is best to carry out an operation in one of the branches of banks that can be found near any shopping center, or in small exchange offices in the tourist area. In hotels and airport is the most unfavorable course.

Colonial city

The main tourist attractions of Santo Domingo are located in the territory extending from the West Bank of the Osama River to the ruins of Fort, who defended the city. Luxury vintage quarters, the architectural appearance of which is associated with Styles Isabelino (Late Gothic) and Placement (Early Revival) are marked in guidebooks like Zona Colonial. In order not to hurry to inspect about 300 architectural monuments, wander through the old streets and squares, admire the picturesque patio courtyards, you will need at least three days.

First of all, it is worth a walk along the most ancient crucible street of New World - Damas (Calle Des Las Damas). So it was called for the fact that the crews of the court lads were constantly accumulated here from the Vice-Queen's Sweetheart Sweets - High-Room Mary de Toledo, the spouses of Diego Columbus. They say the street was dismissed to ladies do not pack their shoes and long skirts.

At the end of the Lady Street are the entrance gates of Carlos III, leading to the fortress of Osam. The stronghold was erected between the 1502-1507 by order of Nicholas de Obando to protect the city from pirate attacks. This fortress has become the first fortifications built in America by Europeans. In her center, the massive 18-meter Torre Tower del Orenakh rises. Top can be climbed to admire magnificent views. At different periods, the fortress was strengthened by the construction of small forts. She served and prison, where they were kept both slaves and pirates and the oversized presidents. In the fortress you can see the statue of Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo - Conquistador, historian, chronicle of the era of the conquest of new light.

On the Lady Street, next to the Osama fortress, the monumental building of the Columbus era - the house Rodrigo de Bastidas (Casa de Bastidas or the captain's palace) is banging. The bastydas family in the new world lived in the mansion. Rodrigo himself, Konkistador, who was a favorable attitude towards the Indians, is known for founding the city of Santa-Martha on the coast of Colombia, and one of his sons was Archbishop San Juan (Puerto Rico). The residence covers an area of \u200b\u200b3000 m² and includes the frontal halls, residential chambers, household premises and an elegant patio, fastened by openwork arcades. Now in a renovated building there is a children's Museum of Trampolin, mobile exhibitions are regularly held in its other premises.

Another remarkable building on the Ladiesky Street is Ernana Cortes Mansion. According to legend, it was here that the legendary conquistor developed a plan for the conquest of Mexico. This impressive gothic structure, built in 1507, is called the French house. Back in 1978, the Dominican government transferred the right to him by France for a period of 50 years. Today, the mansion is located the embassy of this country.

The building of the National Pantheon, built between 1714 and 1745, looks impressive, built between 1714 and 1745 as a monastery and church for Jesuit. Then there was a tobacco warehouse, seminary, theater, and finally, in 1955 Trujillo ordered to equip the Pantheon of National Heroes. The dictator planned to be restored in one of the Tomb of the Pantheon, however, the remains of his murderers are among the buried here today. An ambiguous impression is made by empty tombs, silently waiting here of the death of now living outstanding figures. The central span of the building together with the side chapels has a cross. Under the dome hangs a huge copper chandelier - the gift of Spanish Generalissimus Franco. The lattices with a swastika on the second floor were taken out of the Nazi prison. You can visit Pantheon for free, but the entrance here in shorts and mini skirts is prohibited.

It looks spectacularly located near the Pantheon's former residence of Nicolas de Obando, to which the governor's personal chapel and their own mini-forty with cannons are adjacent. Today, rooms with terraces facing a river, magnificent patio with fountains, ancient furniture are the heritage of the Hodelpa Nicolas de Ovando 4 * +.

To the north of Pantheon is the Museum of Royal Houses. In the colonial era in this palace complex, consisting of two buildings, was located first in the New World Supreme Court, the royal treasury, the hall of royal audiences. This palace ensemble became the museum in 1973. The name "Royal" he received three years later, when the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I, arrived on his official opening.

The main entrance is decorated with the coat of arms of Charles I Spanish, the island of Espanyola and the city of Santo Domingo. The museum demonstrates treasures found in Dominican waters, and exhibits illustrating the history of Spanish conquests: engravings, maps, weapons of different eras. The entrance comes here at $ 2.

Opposite the museum is one of the most unusual monuments of Santo Domingo - the sundial, they are also called royal. The clock was installed in 1753, and since the citizens argue, they are not mistaken for a minute. It is located near the arms area, in the center of which the statue of Nicolas de Obando is minted.

On a spacious Esplanade, the Osama River has a palace of Alcazar de Colon, built in 1510-1514 at the venue of Diego Columbus and served as a family and governor's residence. One and a half thousand Indians under the guidance of an architect specifically caused from Spain built this building from the blocks of coral reefs mined by hand. In Alcasar, the Vice-King courtyard was located about 60 years. The legendary Spanish Conquastadors Cortes, Ponce de Leon and Balboa, were sheltered on his walls conquering the American continent.

Alcazar, having a quadrangular shape, strict, imposed, and combines the Gothic and Arabic styles in his appearance. The facade, decorated in the corners of the slender spreader palm trees, is impressive with spectacular arches framing each of the two floors. Today here is the most visited museum visited in Santo Domingo, where furniture, weapons, paintings, manuscripts, unique tapestries and other art objects of the XIV-XVI centuries are exhibited. Most museum exhibits are the gift of the Spanish government. A luxury garden with a view of the river spread over the palace. Visiting the museum will cost $ 2.

Near Alcasar are the Sea Gate of Santo Domingo (1540-1555). Previously, only through them travelers and the goods fell into a fortified city. The remaining buildings of the Fort of San Diego, which the city defended the city from the invasion from the sea.

To the north of Alcasar, the street of Atarasana is stretched from Anfilat buildings, erected at the beginning of the XVI century. They housed customs services and arsenals. After the reconstruction of this old corner of Santo Domingo in 1972, art galleries, bars, restaurants, small shops are located here.

At the beginning of the street, in the Las Atarasanas Reales building, decorated with arches, columns and galleries, in 1990, a museum was opened, which presents a rich collection of weapons, dishes, jewels, antique coins, unique crystal vases, naval navigation instruments. All these treasures were found in 1976 in the thrums of sunken galleons, victims in the territorial waters of the Dominican Republic in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

On Isabella Catholic Street is the first stone house in Santo Domingo, built in 1503. At first, Francisco de Garay, Christopher Columbus and the richest colonist of America, then, during the construction of the Alcazar Palace, - Diego Columbus and Maria de Toledo, two of their daughters were born here. In 1586, the scales on which weighed the jewels brought by citizens were established in the walls of the Order of the Orel Ribbon, before delivering them as a ransom of extortioners headed by Francis Drake. The building was obtained by the building of Franciscanians engraved on his facade.

On the same street there is a house-museum of Juan Pablo Darte - one of the founders of the Dominican Republic, a wrestler for the independence of the country. Nearby is the Church of St. Barbara, erected in 1537 from the tree and later rebuilt in stone. The parishioners of this church were the parents of Duarte, he was baptized here. Inside the church you can see two magnificent baroque altars. Spectacular views of the colonial city are opened from the church garden.

On the street Arsobspo Merino, stretching parallel to the Lady, is located the Cathedral of Santa Maria La Menor. Diego Columbus laid the first stone of this building in 1514. In 1546, Pavel II declared the church by the main metropolis cathedral, giving it power over all the churches of the new world. In the marble mausoleum until 1992, the remains of Christopher Columbus were resting.

Christopher Columbus died on May 20, 1506 in Valladolid and was buried in Seville. In 1540, his dust was transported to Santo Domingo, where the Great Maritime was wanted to be stubborn, according to the testament. It is believed that in 1785, when the Spanish authorities were forced to move to Cuba, they took with them the urn stored in the Cathedral with the remains of Columbus and reburied it in the main temple of Havana. Later, the urn was transferred to representatives of the Spanish authorities to return the relics of the National Hero to Seville. Today it is located in the Seville Cathedral.

However, in 1877, during restoration work in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, the Francisco Billini Padre found another lead urn with the inscription "Don Christopher Columbus, the first admiral of America." She was solemnly placed in the mausoleum inside the cathedral, where he was before reburial on Columbus lighthouse in 1992.

Dominican and Spanish parties are still arguing, who is the honorary owner of the relic. The intrigue contributes historical data on the fact that for another 1586, during the siege of the city of Francis Drake, the Archbishop of Santo Domingo ordered to erase absolutely all the inscriptions on the tombs located in the main cathedral, in order to avoid desecration of the graves. Suspiciously that the Dominican authorities flatly refuse to exege the remains for DNA expertise.

The church of Santa Maria La Menor built from Coralla looks very impressive, in its external and interior decoration, romanesque, gothic and renaissance styles were intertwined. The facade, decorated with golden coral and decorated with the Imperial coat of arms of Charles V, busts of evangelists and the apostles Peter and Paul - masterpiece of the Spanish Architecture of Renaissance. The luxurious chief altar of the temple is made of mahogany and dates back to 1684.

Near the temple spread out the Columbus Park, in the center of which in 1887 a monument was established to the Great Seavwoman. The discoverer of the new light is proudly towers at an impressive pedestal, which is captured by a touching, elegant feature of the beauty of Anakoan - the government of one of the Indian tribes. It seems to personify the hopelessness of the position of his people who collided with the strength and cruelty of the conquistadors. From the park, which was once the center of the colonial city, almost a kilometer stretches through the Old Town of the Pedestrian street of the city of El Konde. Here are atmospheric restaurants, souvenir and tobacco shops.

On the street with the name of Padre Billini, it will be interesting to visit the Museum of the Dominican Family of the XIX century. It is located in a typical colonial house built at the beginning of the XVI century and belonging to the Tostado family. The museum presents an impressive collection of wicker and wooden furniture, recreated interiors of living rooms, canteens, libraries typical of wealthy Dominicans.

At the intersection of the streets of Billini and Isabella Catholic, the monastery of Santa Clara and the Church of the same name. The abode, built in 1522 for nuns Clarist, became the first new world monastery. Today there is a monastery school. The Church of Santa Clara, very ascetic outside, suddenly striking the wealth of its interiors. Especially impressive altar made of mahogany, inlaid gold. Many colonial buildings have been preserved on the street is one of the most beautiful in Santo Domingo. Its paved by stone Driving part and sidewalks more than once became the stage for filming movies, among whom the most famous became the "Great Father - 3".

In the southwest, the colonial city borders with a fashionable area of \u200b\u200bGasqua, with its green streets and elegant Victorian-style houses. In the neighborhood, on the site of the former manor of the mother of the dictator Trujillo, the area of \u200b\u200bculture extends. In this corner of Santo Domingo, it is worth going to inquisitive tourists. The most famous metropolitan museums are located here: the Nature Museum dedicated to the Dominican Fauna; Museum of Contemporary Art, where the creations of the best artists of the country are collected; Museum of History and Geography, Museum of the Dominican man with expositions demonstrating the culture of the inhabitants of the island from reaching hundreds of times to the present day. The area also houses the National Theater and the National Library. The buildings are surrounded by a magnificent shady fleet, replete sculptures and fountains.


Malecon, or George Washington Avenue, stretches along the stony coast along the entire Santo Domingo. On this boulevard embankment, everything is concentrated that reflects the nature and appearance of the city. Gorgeous casinos adjacent to the poor shops, fashionable hotels and restaurants - with cheap snacks. Under the slender elegant palm trees, concrete benches are equipped, many of whom are clearly waiting for the repair, and the seas of the sea have accumulated piles of garbage. Local boys do not confuse this, and they are desperately dive into the water. Some threw spinning - fishermen built special bridges here.

For walking, tourists usually choose the central part of Malekone - between the colonial part of the city and Lincoln Avenue. Here they are waiting for bars, restaurants, dance floors at every step. After sunset, fun, the open terraces of restaurants are filled to failure, incendiary musical rhythms comes from everywhere, and Malecon turns into a disco in the open air. You need to come here in the appropriate mood, forgetting about snobsm. The lively area of \u200b\u200bthe boulevard begins behind the busy area. It is not recommended to rush in his debrist - you can easily stay without a wallet.

Malekon is the traditional place of carnival and other holidays to which Dominicans are usually thoroughly prepared by throwing work. In February-March, under the sounds of incendiary Creole music and African drums in Santo Domingo, the carnival procession in the country is held. In July, the whole city is sailing at the Meringue festival, which smoothly flows into the celebration of Independence Day from Spain (August 16). Having fun on Malecone and in a passionate week, the rapid festivities here are similar to the pagan. Also in Santo Domingo there is a tradition to meet on the coastal boulevard dawn on January 1.

East of Santo Domingo

On the opposite shore of Osama atmosphere is less busy, but there are interesting places for tourists. Basically, travelers move the bridge to see the Columbus Lighthouse. An impressive building from concrete is 310 m in length, 44 meters wide and 33 m in height - appeared relatively recently, in the 500-year anniversary of the opening of the Columbus of America. The lighthouse, which on the side looks like a multistage pyramid, and from above - like a cross, towers in the middle of the Mirado del Este Park on a hill, where in 1496 the Spanish navigators have established the first signal structure.

To perpetuate the memory of the great admiral, holding a monument in the place where the history of Santo Domingo began, back in 1852 he proposed the Dominican historian Antonio Affairs of Monte Thada. However, in fact, the construction of a monumental lighthouse started almost 100 years later, and ended in 1992. To the festivities who honored his presence of Pope John Paul II, marble mausoleum with the estimated remains of Christopher Columbus was moved here. The building hosts a museum exposition, which is devoted to the history of the conquest of the American continent and the stages of creating the monument itself. It has 157 spotlights for the night sky, a majestic bloody-red cross, bordered by a white line, has been installed on its roof. He seems to boil over the city, and light from it can be seen in 70 km. True, powerful spotlights include only special cases, since their work causes problems with electricity in the surrounding areas.

From the lighthouse to the east, the Park Midor del Este stretches. Here, guests' recreation areas, sports and playgrounds are equipped for leisure, sports and playgrounds, alleys decorated with original sculptures among the rain tropical vegetation. On the territory of Midor del Este, many grottoes and caves hide, the most impressive of which is Los Tres-horses (or "three eyes"), she gave the name a unique natural park. A cupchaid cave arose as a result of several centuries ago of the earthquakes. Over time, it was filled with the water of the underground river, thanks to which three lakes were formed - fresh, salty and sulfur. Today they are connected by the trails laid out by stone, viewing sites are arranged in water bodies.

Water in each of the lakes has its own color: rich aquamarine, greenish yellow, transparent yellow. According to the largest lakes, which is located in a huge cave room decorated with bizarre stalactites and stalagmites, you can ride a raft.

National Aquarium Santo Domingo is located near Lighthouse, where you can get acquainted with the underwater world of tropical latitudes. In 90 open and closed aquariums and 7 ponds, shark, moray, sea turtles, starfishes are inhabited, in a separate enclosure contains iguana. Watch over the ocean inhabitants and photograph them is very convenient, walking along the transparent tunnel. On the territory there is a playground for children, cafes, a zone with tables for picnics. Aquarium visit will cost $ 4.


Lovers of measured rest in nature can have a great time in one of the numerous parks of Santo Domingo. In the hot clock it is worth heading to the National Botanical Garden located in the western part of the city - the largest in the Caribbean. The great set of tropical plants was collected on its territory. The park is pleasantly walking on foot, but you can use the services of a steam room, which carries around all the most interesting corners of the garden. The entrance ticket will cost $ 2, and an integrated, including a trip and a visit to a small museum, at $ 5.

North of the Botanical Garden there is a zoo. In essence, this is a reserve, there are no cells here, and the territory where dangerous animals live are limited to the moats and grids. Puma, for example, live in a lowlands with stone walls. Cat in the zoo are also tigers, lions, jaguars, animal giants - rhinos, hippos; Pernava - Casual, Flamingo, parrots of different species, bright tropical birds. The bird's aviary regularly hosts a show. The entrance to the zoo costs $ 2. Note that the area in which he is located is unfavorable. It's better to come here for a taxi (from the center - $ 6).

You can spend time in the Mirador del Sours Park, which is in the south-west of Santo Domingo. This green oasis boil over the city, like a mirage. Visitors meet shady allys, beautiful sculptures, fountains, bars and cafeterias, as well as an artificial lake, which can ride aquatic bike.

It is worth visiting the La Calet's underwater park - the popular diving place in the vicinity of Santo Domingo. Here the fans of this sport will find extended coral reefs and underwater caves inhabited by bizarre tropical fish, skates, turtles. At the seabed, at a depth of 18 to 30 m, there are wreckage of sunken ships and specially flooded vessels who have become shelters for maritime residents. There are no underwater flows here, so even for beginner diversion of space is safe. In La Callet from Santo Domingo, excursions are organized on average for $ 40 per person, including equipment for immersion.

Fans of exotic can go on a river trip on one of the small river boats moored in the port of San Diego. Courts rise a few kilometers upstream of Osama, which makes it possible to see from the River Lighthouse Columban, the colonial city, modern neighborhoods and slums of Dominicans, who came to the capital to look for happiness. However, this spectacle does not cause negative emotions, perhaps due to the magnificent tropical vegetation, patronically hiding the buzz of the bidonville.

After sunset, Santo Domingo reveals all the variety of her nightlife before tourists, most saturated among all cities of the Caribbean. Please note that in sneakers and T-shirts in local nightlife, it is not accepted, and a strict dress code, adopted in most of them, will not allow dressing the frequent: it is necessary to look more respectable.

The most fashionable nightclubs and bars you will find in hotels located in the Gasqua district and the quarters adjacent to it. Here the exclusive adherents can visit elite cigar clubs, such as the elegant Arturo Fuente Cigar Club, where the musicians play jazz, and the cooks are preparing exquisite dishes.

Constant Favorite Youth - Jet Set Nightclub with his live music and show Merenge from popular dance groups. The most famous country DJs act in Abacus Club. In this club, girls occasionally treat free drinks. Fans of Merenge and Bachats should go to Bachata Rosa. The club Guacara Taina attracts its location in an inclined cave, at a depth of 15 m. The dance floor is at the very bottom, and above there is a niche where you can retire and relax. Opposite the Alcazar Palace, almost all bars are worthy.

Frank exotic dances performed by black beauties offer Golden Legs Strip Clubs and Doll House. Those who want to experience luck in Santo Domingo are waiting for a casino. They can be found in five-star hotels, mainly in those that are located on Malecone.


There is no beaches in Santo Domingo, but 30 km from the capital is the resort town of Boca Chik. Its magnificent beaches with small, as if flour, sand, washed by the gentle blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, among the best in the country. Boca-Chika lies in the lagoon protected by coral reefs, the depth here is only 1.5 m. The sea here is the purest, luxurious palm trees are imposed above and create a natural shadow for vacationers.

On the beach you can rent quadrocycles, "bananas", kayaks. Those who wish can go on a motor boat away from the coast, and already a 10-minute turn to detect excellent diving places.

Shopping in Santo Domingo

Adherents of traditional shopping in Santo Domingo are awaiting huge shopping and entertainment centers. The most famous of them are Agora Mall, Sambill, Bluemall, Galeria 360, located in the western part of the city, and Megacentro, located on the eastern shore of Osama. Almost all global brands are presented in the TRT, as well as products of local producers in very affordable prices. In specialized stores - a wide range of Roma, coffee, cigars.

For original souvenirs, go to the shops located in the colonial city. The most interesting of them are on the pedestrian street of El Konde. Curious purchases can be made on the famous Mercado Modelo market, which opened back in 1942. Today, a variety of craft goods are sold. It is worth noting that in the Dominican Republic of Crafts are quite weak, the exception is the production of braided, ceramic and jewelry. Handmade products have for the most part Haitian origin and get into the country at ridiculous prices.

Mercado Modelo counter is replete with jewelry from black coral, greenish amber and larimar - semi-precious stone, whose deposits only in Dominican Republic and Italy. Cost - from $ 15. Wooden figurines, strange faceless dolls, carnival masks, amber, amazing coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cosmetics based on coconut oil, avocado, are sold everywhere. Here you can buy original musical instruments, primitive paintings of local and Haitian artists, as well as Mesaloras - rocking chairs, in which the Dominicans are resting on the verandas. Separate rows are engaged in "magic" objects: amulets, magical potions, conspired by medallions and decorations. Under the MAMAJUANA logo, tincture on herbs, which, according to sellers, are healing from all diseases. Use this miraculous product as a funny drink is not recommended, it is better to purchase rum. The championship in this niche challenges the three most famous brand: Brugal, Barcelo, Bermudes. True, experts argue that there are other, no less wonderful brands.

Santo Domingo is a place where it is worth buying cigars: a country is one of the leaders in the production of tobacco, yielding only Cuba. You shouldn't buy a cigar on the street, it is better to go to the store with a factory-manufacturer, where tasting is offered before purchase. Look, for example, in Caoba Cigar Factory, near Columba Square, or Le Leyenda del Cigarro on El Conde. Cigar prices differ significantly by varying from 5 to $ 100 per piece and above.

Local kitchen

The dominican cuisine is based on Spanish, African and French culinary traditions. Locals prefer simple food, slightly flavored spices. Main products: rice, red beef, chicken, pork, beef, bananas - they are used not only as dessert, but also in roast, feeding to meat as a side dish. Fish and darities of the sea, despite their abundance and diversity, not particularly revered by Dominicans, unlike tourists, among which are popular seafood.

In Santo Domingo, it is certainly worth trying national dishes: SanCho (stew from vegetables and meat), SanCojo is prei (stew from 7 varieties of various meats), moro (rice with red beans or other vegetables), manga (puree from Yukki with onion, which Served to meat), Pastela En OHAS (meat and vegetables baked in banana leaves). Seafood have a common name - "Mariskos". Traditional dishes are Kangrecho Gisado (pickled crab, cooked in sauce), Pescado Kon Coco (fish under coconut milk sauce).

Inexpensively snack in Santo Domingo, you can in the snacks Pica-Polo, where chickens and toastns are usually offered - round fried slices of banana, in Freituras - meat and fish in deep fryer are served. You can look at Comedoras, where pre-cooked dishes are exhibited on shop windows. In the COLMADOS eateries menu - drinks, sandwiches, pastries that can be eaten at the table, next to very gambling players in Domino. In such institutions, the snack will cost $ 3, and a tight lunch is $ 8 per person. At about the same amount you will meet, ordering pizza or hamburger in one of the networks of Fastfud.

Restaurants and cafes of the middle and high class are located in the historic center of the city, on Malekone and in the Gasqua district. In different institutions, prices can differ significantly. As a rule, they vary in the range of 15-75 $ per person (first and second dish, drink, dessert). By ordering the dish, specify whether the required 10% of tip and 18% VAT are included in the price, so that you are not surprised why the check does not match the menu it specified.

Among alcoholic beverages in Santo Domingo, the most popular is, of course, rum. It is offered in pure form or diluted stake, served with a slice of green lemon and plenty of ice. All Roma-based cocktails are just excellent, but the most famous - Pina Colada. Local wines here you will not find, but Chilean wines are offered everywhere.

Where to stay

In Santo Domingo, the hotel infrastructure is well developed. Most hotels are located in the most popular places among tourists. But even in the most remote areas of the hotel offer clients elementary comfort.

In hotels belonging to the prestigious Sheraton networks, InterContinental, Marriott, Hilton Daily accommodation will cost $ 100 to $ 370, depending on the season and classroom. Even more will have to pay those who wish to stay in one of the five-star historical boutique hotels, for example, in Casas Del XVI 5 * (Padre Billini, 252). Located in the heart of the Old Town, it takes three buildings, part of the buildings belongs to the XVI century. They are superbly renovated, and in hotel rooms modern amenities are harmoniously adjacent to authentic old interiors. Paying $ 300-570 per room per day, you will be able to try on the role of Spanish nobleman. There are options and more compromising. So, in Boutique Hotel Palacio 3 * + (Calle Duarte, 106), which also occupies an old building, daily accommodation will cost $ 85-150.

In one of the modern three-star Santo Domingo hotels, you can stay, paying $ 60-120, in guest houses prices start from $ 35 per day. The place in the hostel will cost at least 21 $.


Public transport in Santo Domingo is represented by buses, metro, minibuses. Buses serve long routes and associate the capital with painted areas. They usually use Dominicans to get to the place of work. The passage is inexpensive - 0.5-1 $. Tourists who do not speak Spanish, the regular buses are better not to sit down. Their routes are marked with fuzzy, it is necessary to specify the details from the driver.

Santo Domingo Metro has two lines. Subway is very functional, without a confusing system of tariffs and complex transitions. One branch leads from north to south, the other - from the west to the east. Guests of the city usually enjoy the second line connecting popular tourist areas in the West with the eastern coast of the Osama River, which is geographically closer to the airport. Metro Santo Domingo is one of the most budget in the world, the cost of a disposable ticket is about $ 0.6. Opening hours - 06: 00-23: 00.

Wishing can use the services of Guagua - this is an analogue of our minibuses, they run in certain directions, for each of which there is a personal fixed price. Another option is Carro Publico, a kind of collective taxi. Movement is carried out as follows: The machine, next at the specified course, picks up and lines along the path of passengers. Usually, 4 people are placed in the back seat, on the front - two. This allows you to save and start our acquaintance with society Dominicans.

Taxi in Santo Domingo Counters are not equipped, but there are fixed tariffs at distances 5-10 km: about $ 4-7. The cost of longer trips is negotiated with the driver.

Those who want to use the Motoconcho service. The dash driver on the moped will throw you into the right place for $ 1-2, depending on the distance, completely ignoring the rules of the road.

And St. Petersburg is carried out 1-2 times a week, but there are many other, longer options. You can find convenient docks and get acquainted with the prices for flights on the website Here you can also find out the schedule of direct charter flights Moscow - Santo Domingo (travel time - 12 h. 35 min.). These flights several times a month, depending on the season, is carried out by Nordwind Airlines.

Getting from Las American Airport to Santo Domingo is most convenient for a taxi, but it is expensive: from 25 to $ 40. Ride takes about half an hour. You can get to the city and on the minibus. This transport runs every 20-30 minutes from the dawn and about 19:00 (depends on the schedule of arrival of aircraft). The fare is 1.5-2 $. The final bus stop is located near the Enrikill Park, close to the colonial quarters.

Going to the fairy-tale islands of the Dominican Republic, many are looking for velvety beaches, gentle sea and lulling the noise of the surf, but in addition to all this magnificence discovering a completely unique cultural heritage, carefully carried by local residents through the century. The real pearl of the Dominican Crown can be safely called the capital of the Republic, the city of Santo Domingo. Becoming the first settlement of Europeans on the Antille Islands, the city retained its colonial charm literally throughout the original architecture, Creole Cooking, the language and traditions of local residents. It seems to be returned to the era of great geographical discoveries, pirate seizures and unique Caribbean romance.

The oldest settlement of America, founded by Europeans, Santo Domingo became the brand of the famous pioneer of Christopher Columbus - Bartolomeo. He founded him in 1496, calling the original New Isabella, but later renamed in honor of St. Dominic. A century, the city became the capital of all Spanish colonies of the new world, it was here that the first Catholic temple, the residence of the Spanish king, the first hospital, university, defensive fortifications created by the hands of Europeans in the Western Hemisphere. In its history, the city saw a lot of sad pages - the uprising of the black slaves, the transition to the French hands, the occupation of American troops, strong destruction of the hurricane, but any love of love only strengthened in the local population. After receiving independence, the Dominican Republic every year is becoming an increasingly popular destination of tourism, because on this tiny piece of land, lost in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, open up with incredible opportunities for an unforgettable rest.

More than three hundred monuments of antiquities are focused on the streets of the Dominican capital. Stepping on the cobblestone bridge, where the great navigaters and Spanish kings went, do not cease to be surprised at the uniqueness of this place. Colonial Quarter, Alcazar Palace, Cathedral, Columbus Lighthouse - Only a small part of the excursion route in Santo Domingo. Do not rush to leave the city after a runaway dating - penetrate his secrets, look into the most remote corners of street labyrinths and be sure to taste unforgettable Caribbean dishes in one of the cozy restaurants of the Malecon embankment.

Colonial quarter

The starting point of all tourist routes in Santo Domingo, the Colonial Quarter is really the heart of the city. The territory of 5 km², acquired by an old fortress wall, is the first city in a new light founded by Spanish colonists. In his center - a monument to Christopher Columbus, and in total in the territory of the historic quarter more than three hundred architectural objects representing historical value. National Pantheon, Osama Fortress, Fort Santo Domingo, Las Damas Street, Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary and still a lot of colonial architecture samples were not accidentally listed on UNESCO World Heritage List.

The walk through this quarter will also be remembered by the amazing views of the Osama and Sea Port River, as well as the ability to purchase original Dominican souvenirs on the Shode's trade street.

Lighthouse Columbus

The Grand Construction in Santo Domingo, the named Lighthouse Columbus, essentially a large-scale museum telling about the life of the Great Maritime and the history of the Dominican Republic. The first thing that rushes into the eye is an unusual form, because the building is made in the form of a cross of giant sizes, in the center of which is located the mausoleum with the remains of Christopher Columbus. The fact of the burial of America's discovery is in Santo Domingo, it remains controversial, but despite this, the honorable guard is exhibited at the Mausoleum, and 157 powerful searchlights are included on the roof on the roof of the beacon, illuminating a huge cross at a distance of several kilometers.

The museum exposition of the complex - documents, maps, historical certificates associated with the life and discoveries of the Great Maritime, with the traditions of residents of the Caribbean, the Museum of Countries, which helped in the construction of a lighthouse and many more curious exhibits that will help to learn the culture of the Dominican Republic.


It is believed that the first Catholic temple on the territory of America was built under the leadership of the son of Christopher Columbus - Diego. It was he who laid the first stone in the foundation in 1514, but the construction was stretched for 30 years. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is made of coral limestone extracted in local quarries, and is an unusual mixing of baroque styles and gothic.

The Square of the Cathedral of more than 3,000 km² - inside a collection of antiquities, among which you will see carved wooden statues, ancient furniture, dishes, silver jewelry, religious households and much more. Not far from the temple is a monument to Christopher Columbus, pointing towards Spain. For a long time, his ashes was buried next to the Altar of the Cathedral, but after the construction of the Columbus Lighthouse was transferred to a special mausoleum, where he is now under guard of honor guard.

Osama Fortress

The fortress, seen all historical events, starting from the XVI century, the first Fort of America, who saved Santo Domingo from pirates, a unique historical structure made to the world heritage list - all this fortress Osama, standing for many centuries at the mouth of the river of the same name. It was built in 1508 in the style of a medieval castle from coral limestone without any fastening solutions - it is considered that such a design becomes only stronger, which proves the centuries-old history of the fort. The castle-fortress to this day has the original architecture, only a part of the internal decoration was replaced with a copy.

Today, tourists have the opportunity to climb the top of the vigilance tower, overlooking the endless expanses of the Caribbean Sea, inspect the Bedroom of Christopher Columbus, explore the tunnels and dungeons, where many years have contained prisoners.

Embankment Malegon

The main tourist site of Santo Domingo, the Embankment Malecon is a 15-kilometer avenue stretching along the picturesque Caribbean coast. Furized palm trees replete with souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes of national cuisine, passes through the colonial quarter and many other historical monuments. It is here that residents of the capital and her guests are gathering every evening, passing mass holidays and events, you can see the most impressive sea sunsets and enjoy the cool after the hot urban quarters.


Santo Domingo is a city of opportunities, so I will like the rest here without exception. Perhaps the main tourist leisure was the beach pastime, the most picturesque is considered the beach Juan Dolio Guayacanes, which combines the advantages of snow-white sand and thick tropical ages nearby, where you can always hide from the heat.

Family travelers should pay attention to the local water park Agua Splash Caribe Parque Acuatico, National Zoological Park Zoo and Happy HAPPYLAND children's game center.

Do not imagine a good rest without nightly institutions? The Dominican capital offers dozens of bars, the most popular of which stretches along the Malecon Embankment. Tropical cocktails, incendiary music and fun until the morning guaranteed!

The passionate love of the Dominicans to music, as it should not better reflect the annual February festival of Dance Merenge - an unforgettable show passes right on the streets of Santa Domingo, and in the music broadcasting, you can clearly notice the merge of Haitian, Caribbean, Spanish, African and many other cultures.

How to get

Las Americas International Airport is a 30-minute drive from the city center.

There are no direct flights from Russia, so you need to consider a route with a transfer, for example, through, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bNew York, Miami, Boston, and so on.

Local transport

For some unknown reason, the buses in Santo Domingo are not very convenient and more oriented to dispake the locals to work and take away from there. It is often impossible to find out which bus is going to, until you ask the driver, since neither the buses nor their routes are not clearly indicated.

In Santo Domingo, his metro recently opened, passing along the north-south axis under the street. Maximo Gomeza, following the Villa Mella to the center of the monument to the dead heroes and Malecon, passing by the National Theater and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. One trip costs about 20 pesos (less than 0.6 USD). The second branch is currently being built, there are still 5 branches in future construction plans.


Hotel Sofitel Nicolas De Ovando Santo Domingo - luxury in the heart of the city, not far from the historic colonial quarter. Comfortable rooms will appreciate how those who come to the Dominican Republic for rest and those who will spend here business meetings - one of the hotel services is to transfer documents and rent a conference room.

Assess the architecture of Santo Domingo, its magnificent beaches and a varied leisure, without spending the largest means of accommodation - tourists are located with such goals La Colonia guest house. Pure cozy rooms, breakfasts and the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting people have become the main advantage of this hostel.

The elite five-star Crowne Plaza Santo Domingo Hotel is located right on the famous Malecon Boulevard - its conditions will satisfy even the most demanding tourists, because the highest level of service, luxurious rooms and a whole range of related services are guaranteed.


Dominican cuisine is a gastronomic fairy tale that combined Caribbean, African and Spanish culinary traditions into a single unique "bouquet". Arriving in Santo Domingo, be sure to rate the magnificent taste of freshly prepared seafood. One of the best restaurants of this destination is DON PEPE RESTAURANTE.

Excellent food and colonial-style interior were loved by visitors of the Meson de Bari restaurant, and if you just want a quick snack, look at the Barra Payan eaterial, which serves excellent sandwiches and fresh juices.

Pura Tasca is decorated in colonial style and is always ready to offer traditional Sangria guests - an excellent refreshing drink in hot weather, and in addition - sausages on a baked apple, hummus with raisins or pumpkin soup with avocado and mango.


Santo Domingo opens up wide opportunities for all shopping lovers. This is the main shopping center of the entire Caribbean, so here you can buy shoes, clothing, local and foreign production technique. Going for shopping, boldly go to Malecon Avenue, where the best boutiques, souvenir shops and shops are located along the sea. The most colorful souvenirs from the island have become local rum, amber, Dominican coffee, cigars and an unusual turquoise stone Larimar.

There are several large shopping centers in the city, such as Plaza Central, Acropolis, Beiy Vista Mall, Diamond Mall, Malekon Center, Mega-Center, where the infinite number of stores are located, in which a wide range of clothing from inexpensive everyday to elite designer known world brands.

, Santo Domingo, often call " living history"Although, at first glance, this is a typical Latin American metropolis with high-altitude buildings, residential quarters, built for different layers of the population, huge shops, expensive boutiques, restaurants and educational institutions. As well as in any other Large city, In the capital, there are many advantages and minuses.

Pros and Cons of Santo Domingo

If you consider the city from the point of view of a beach holiday, then it is not particularly detailed here, almost the only beach of Santo Domingo, is a private beach on his outskirts-aura Beach: there is no crowd of tourists here, and in a small restaurant you can enjoy freshly catchy seafood.

Here, perhaps, the entire value of the beach.

But in fact, in Santo Domingo, no one goes for a beach holiday. It is much more useful here to spend time, studying the historical monuments of Santo Domingo, and they are here, a great set, because the capital of Dominicanna is a city with an extraordinary, living story and rich traditions.

How many things happened on this earth: it was also the discovers, and conquerors, here it is literally everything is saturated with the spirit of historical events, and a special care of the colonial style is reminded of the difficult fate of this city, which posted the beginning of the conquering path towards both Americas.

History of Santo Domingo

The history of America began from the capital of Dominicanna, at that moment, when Christopher Columbus was first stepped on his shore in 1492. Due to the fact that this city resembled a paradise place, the first settlers from Europe were chosen by the current capital of Dominican Republic-Santo Domingo.

In the process of colonial wars, the purpose of which was control over the sea routes, this city inhabited, displacing each other, then the Dutch, then the Spaniards, then the French, the British and Portuguese.

And from the sea, another battle-pirates were carried out, robbed boiled trials, devastating them and hovering horror on brave navigators.

All these historical events could not pass without a trace for the history for the architecture of Santo Domingo, therefore, having arrived at the modern Latin American megalopolis of Santo Domingo today, you can plunge into the events of the past days and experience the unique atmosphere that reigned here many centuries ago.

Sights of Santo Domingo

Singlely colorful place of Santo Domingo, his colonial quarter with many historical monuments, for example, Santa Maria Cathedral, the construction of which dates back to the 16th century. This quarter is able for a long time not to produce tourists from the announcements of the famous era.

The historic center is the building that once belongs to the Governor Espanyola, Nicolas de Obando, in honor of which it is called. Everything here reminds about how at the beginning of the 16th century it was from here he managed the island. This building amazes with its luxury, massive columns and a charming courtyard in which amazing tropical plants grow.

Nearby is the governor's palace, called Alcazar de Colon, erected in the 16th century. To date, this building has become a museum of arts in which the expositions of the Renaissance and Middle Ages are exposed.

However, the historical events of Santo Domingo have long been drowned in the past and the city lives hereby: on the ancient bridge colonial block, lined with a cobblestone, luxurious restaurants, boutiques and hotels are located, and modern residents are already much reminded of their heroic ancestors.

But still the old historical center of modern Santo Domingo has the special magic and charm, which are inherent in cities with a rich history and cultural heritage.

Resting in Dominican Republic, be sure to order an excursion by historical places Santo Domingoin order to touch living history of the capital of Dominican RepublicYou will be interested!

Relatively recently, Russian tourists laid a new holiday route - to the Republic of Dominican Republic, located on the Caribbean. And now wishing to get into this exotic region, it has become quite a lot.

The magnificent country with its snow-white multi-kilometer beaches, picturesque nature, surprisingly colorful coral reefs, hospitable inhabitants and distinctive culture will not disappoint those who decided to spend rest in this unique place.

Exotic country

Dominican is a special place. In the sphere of tourism, she is a recognized leader among the countries of the Caribbean. In addition, Dominican is ranked first in the number of different attractions (historical, cultural and natural). This country has an amazing flavor. To this day she was able to preserve many ancient monuments and values. In addition, tourists attract magnificent beaches, not far from which are luxurious resorts.

Opening of the Great Marithener

Christopher Columbus considered these places the most beautiful of those who were seen in his travels. He opened the great navigator Dominican in 1496 he called this paradise from Espanyola. Columbus could not even imagine that in the future these picturesque landscapes will attract the attention of numerous tourists, and the country will turn into a rapidly developing resort territory.

Geographical position

Exotic Dominican is located on it spread in the eastern part of it. Countries a country and several nearby islands. The largest of them are Saona, Beat and Kayo. The islands on which are located relate to the large antilles.

The capital of an exotic country

After the four-year period after the Europeans disembarking, the Island of Christopher Columbus - Bartolomeo was founded in their beauty, the city was founded. Currently, this is the capital of the Republic of Dominican - Santo Domingo. It is located on the southern coast of Haiti Island.

Numerous tourists attracts Dominican Republic. The capital of this state is Santo Domingo - is characterized as a noisy and tireless city. To date, he boasts three airports built in modern style. All of them are near the center of the capital. The road by car on this route takes no more than half an hour, while there are no problems with transport. Faster and easier to get to the city by taxi. It can be easily taken in any of the airports. On average, the fare for one kilometer is equal to one dollar.

The one who decided to visit for the first time this state will certainly ask the question: "How much to fly from Moscow to Dominican Republic?". This long-term path of more than nine thousand kilometers long you will have to do in 11-13 hours.

History of the city

The capital of Dominican Republic of Santo Domingo was originally built on the banks of Osama, in the eastern part. Nicholas de Avado, elected to the position of governor of the city, after two years of his reign began to build on the opposite shore. He ordered to build houses from stone. It is thanks to this large damage from the fires of Santo Domingo that did not suffer. At one time, the city was the marine base of expeditions and the capital of Spanish possessions located in America.

Sights of Santo Domingo

What excursions in Dominican can attract the attention of tourists? In the capital, the first waste pit is preserved in the days. Its length is two hundred meters. Inside the pit has a finish of red brick. In order to inspect it from the inside, a special permission will be required. At the same time, the value of such an excursion must be negotiated separately.

Tourists will remain satisfied and the excursion in the old quarters of Santo Domingo. These walks will be forced to plunge into those distant times when the city was one of the richest in the new world.

Dominicans are not accidentally called Santo Domingo Latin American Athens. After all, the city has a huge number of cultural monuments. No wonder the colonial part of the capital of the Dominican Republic of UNESCO took under his guard. At the same time, it declared the property of humanity. By its area, this colonial part is comparable to a whole city. On its territory there are hospitals of the New World, the first cathedral, as well as the university.

As a rule, excursions begin with the streets of the ladies. According to it in the past, noble ladies made their daily promenade. On the street ladies is the tower of Torah De La Minako. On her in the past were duty of sentinals. In their duties, it was followed by the sea - whether the pirate vessel will not seem on it. For many centuries, the tower was used as a prison. Today it contains the best hotel in the old town. Street ladies leads tourists to Spanish Square, the main attraction of which is the house of Gordon. This is the first residential building, which was built on the island. The owner of the building was Francisco de Gorai, the first notary in this area. Horseman came with Christopher Columbus and the extraordinarily rich on transactions with local real estate.

From the windows of Gordon's houses you can see Alcazar de Colon. The building was built in 1510. This is a house of prince. Approximately one and a half thousand Indians were driven for its construction. They led by Spanish architects. The construction of the palace was carried out using the most primitive tools - saw, hammers and chisels. During construction, nails were not applied.

In 1985, the local academy was studied as dust in the lighthouse. The verdict was unambiguous: he belongs to Christopher Columbus. On the day, namely on October 12, a visitor to the tomb was allowed to the same evening in the sky over Santo Domingo, a unique system, consisting of a hundred fifty spotlights, paints a huge cross in the sky. The spectacle can be seen even for tens of kilometers.

Climate of the country Dominican Republic

The capital of the republic, as well as its numerous resorts, does not accidentally attract tourists. The fact is that the climatic area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean is attributed to the sea tropical type. It is distinguished by warm, high humidity and frequent winds-trade. Winter period in this area is relatively dry. Increased humidity is observed in the summer, at the end of which frequent rains are coming. August is the hottest month: the temperature can rise to thirty degrees. However, the heat soften the northeastern winds, which blow from the sea.

It is worth saying that throughout the year there is no significant fluctuations in temperature. Even in the coldest January, the thermometer column is rarely lowered below twenty-two degrees. To zero, the temperature may fall in winter only in mountainous areas.

The air masses of the tropical zone become the perpetrators of the occurrence of storms, typhoons, strong pressure drops and powerful rains. Typically, these phenomena in August occur.

The most popular resort that attracts tourists to the Republic of Dominican Republic

The capital of an exotic country is not the only place to relax for numerous tourists. Resorts that are in Dominican Republic are a real paradise for vacationers. They are characterized by tender ocean water, snow-white sand beaches. The local population has a hospitality. Love these resorts not only Americans, but also Europeans.

The best place to be rightfully proud of Dominican Republic - Punta Cana. This resort is a truly paradise corner of our planet. Beautiful beaches, coconut palms, snow-white sand, coral reef, as well as the hot sun leave a significant mark in the hearts of many tourists. That is why they return here to enjoy their holidays and the exotic country of Dominican.

Punta-Ka has a constancy of weather conditions throughout the year. The value of the average air temperature in the area is very comfortable. It is twenty-six degrees. The hottest is the season since April to November. Over the rest, there is a decrease (a few degrees) air temperature and tropical rain temperatures.

Family holiday in Dominican Republic at the Punta Cana resort is the perfect choice. For those who wish to retire in this exotic region, there is also a suitable place. This can be done on the huge areas of untouched jungle.


The main attraction of the resort of Punta Cana - Manati Park. This is a place in which a huge number of exotic plants and animals are collected. Tourists can see in Manati Park of the Show of Sea Lviv and Parrots. Vacationers are given the opportunity not only to admire those animals that they seen earlier only in the pictures, but also stroking them.

Manati Park is the only reserve that is located on the territory of the country of Dominican. For tourists there are bars and restaurants, as well as souvenir shops.

Stand at the famous resort in Barcelie Dominican. This institution belongs to the Spanish group of hotels. Located "Barcelo Dominican" on the beach Bavaro. The entire territory of the hotel is an exotic tropical garden. Recreation facilities are built in full harmony with the surrounding nature.

Other resort zones

The best are located in the city of Boca Chik, not far from Santo Domingo. In order to get on them by car, you will need only twenty minutes. With these beaches, except Punta Kana, competed by Juan-Dolio. This is an exotic lagoon, which is protected by coral reefs. If these resorts are too expensive for a tourist, then rest in Dominican Republic is great and in Bayya Princepe, as well as Playa Bavaro.

If someone has a desire to observe in whales, he can go to the resort of Samana. This place is one of the few on our planet, which has kept the wildlife. Youth will like Cabarete. At this resort, windsurfigists are traditionally collected. The same who prefers to combine beaches with excursions, the Puerto fee will suit. There is a museum of amber and numerous architectural buildings of the era of colonialism.

The tourist, who arrived in the Dominican Republic, must attend its capital, filled with history, the first city of America, Santo Domingo. Naturally, tourists are heading for the Caribbean, planning most of the time to spend on the wonderful beaches of numerous Dominican resorts.

Unfortunately, the capital of Dominican Republic Santo Domingo cannot boast comfortable beaches, so those who wish to simultaneously get acquainted with the old town and enjoy the beach holiday, choose hotels in the small town of Boca Chika, located just forty kilometers from Santo Domingo.

In Boca Chik, most hotels are located at a minimum distance from the beach area, and some of them have their own comfortable beaches. Living in this small resort town, tourists can successfully combine beach holidays with a leisurely study of Santo Domingo's attractions. In modern realities, forty kilometers separating the coast of Boca Chik from Santo Domingo are not a significant distance.

What can be seen in the capital of the Dominican Republic

The history of Santo Domingo begins from 1496, when under the leadership of Bartolomeo Columbus, the brother of the famous navigator, the first buildings of the future capital of Dominicans began to be erected here. At first, the settlement was called New Isabella, but after a hurricane, almost completely destroyed the construction, the city was renamed, having received the name - Santo Domingo. Dominican is rightfully proud of its capital, for the century of its existence that has become from a small settlement to the city with a population of more than 3 million inhabitants, but at the same time carefully preserved its history.

Today, Santo Domingo spread over the shores of the Osama river flowing along its territory, separated by it into two parts. The western part of the city is built later eastern, being a business and cultural center of the city. However, in the same part there is a colonial zone located near the Osama River.

River Osama divides the city of Santo Domingo on the 2nd part, Western and Eastern

In the area there are the most vintage monuments of the architecture of Santo Domingo. Dominican invites numerous guests of the country to see the buildings built in the 16th century, stroll through the old streets, and today looking just like in times when they were built. There are many buildings that are not only architectural, but also historical value. Thanks to their presence, I received the status of "the property of mankind" from UNESCO.

This area is necessarily enforced by the tourists offered by tourists, but during the time rending to excursion, to see even a small part of the attractions of the Dominican capital is impossible. It is difficult to even imagine what the number of unique vintage buildings is available in the city.

House Columbus, First Stone Building, Built in Santo Domingo

Here is the house of Columbus, the first stone building built in Santo Domingo. Not far from him, in Spaindad Square, there is a magnificent two-storey mansion Alcazar de Colon. He was built by Diego Columbus, the son of the famous Columbus, at the time of construction the former vice-king of the island. The construction of this palace, which is now the museum, was completed in the 1520th year.

Cathedral of St. Mary, First Cathedral of America

It is impossible to pass by the Cathedral of St. Mary, the first Cathedral of America, not far from the Cathedral, the statue of the Great Maritime Made from Bronze is towers - Christopher Columbus here is established in honor of the opening of America. Ladies are leading to all these historical monuments, which is the monument itself, as the oldest distinguished street of the city. It can be approached to the fortresses of the Ozama, which decorates the amazing beauty of the "Honor Tower", built in the 1507th year.

The eastern part is also of interest to tourists, as there are many buildings built in a colonial style, surrounded by a variety of vegetation. In this part of Santo Domingo is one of the symbols of the capital of Dominican Republic - "". In its central part, there is a mausoleum made of snow-white marble, where the remains of Columbus are stored. The rest of the building housed the museum. Its expositions tell the story of creating this monument, and a lot of interesting things about the opening and conquest of America.

Lighthouse Columbus in Santo Domingo

In addition to the famous St. Mary's Cathedral, there are many churches in the city. It is difficult to accurately calculate their number, because they were built with the purpose of spreading Christianity among the indigenous inhabitants of America. Most of them are dated to the beginning of the 16th century. Some of them managed to turn into ruins, but the bulk is used so far. Several religious structures were built later, in the 18th century.

Shopping in the capital

The capital of Dominican Republic of Santo Domingo can be called the city of parks. Around each of the historical buildings, many greens, and on the inspection of each of the parks of the city will need a whole day. However, the capital is coming not only for inspection of parks and monuments. Many tourists depart in Santo Domingo for shopping and entertainment.

There are many shopping centers and small shops with an attractive assortment of goods. Especially popular with shopping and other entertainment lovers, the coastal Avenue Malecon, which is a 15-ticklete shopping and entertainment zone.