On the river Chao Praia from. River transport in Bangkok - schemes, maps, schedules and prices

Chao Phraya - Translated from Thai means "Royal River". And it really is such - wide, full, real pride of local residents:

Through Chao Praya stretches huge mounted bridges, this bridge is awesome at night:

1.1. PJSC PJSC Options

In Chao Prime, there are many boats and ferries, all boats can be divided into 4 types:

  • Express boat
  • Special tourist boats
  • Ferries running between the banks of the river
  • Boat-taxi

So how to navigate them?

This will help us with a map that is on every pier of Chao Praia:

The map shows all Pershes Chao Praia. Near the number of each pier, multicolored triangles are drawn, which indicate which ferries stop on this pier. There, the map shows the route of each ferry and the cost of the trip.

Express boatslocals enjoyed, this is one of the cheapest types of river transport.

1.2. Express boats routes in Bangkok

There are everything 4 express boat routes (To find out how the route is a boat, it's enough to look at the color of her flag, it is in colors and routes vary):

  • Boat without flag stops on each pier. Cost - from 10 to 14 baht. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 6.45-7.30 and 16.00 - 16.30.
  • Orange flag. Route: NonThaburi - Wat Rajsinkorn. Cost - 15 baht. Opening hours: daily 6.00 - 19.00.
  • Yellow flag. Route: NONTHABURI - WAT RAJSINKORN, RAJBURANA-NONTHABURI. Cost - from 20 to 29 baht. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 6.15 - 8.20 and 16.00 - 20.00.
  • Green flag. Route: Pakkret - Sathorn. Cost - from 13 to 32 baht. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 6.10 - 8.10 and 16.05 - 18.05.

There is also special tourist boat.She does stops less, mainly near the sights. Also on this boat there is a guide, which in English will tell you about the route and sights.

A ticket one way to a tourist boat costs 40 baht. At the same time, you can buy a ticket for 150 baht, which will allow you to make an unlimited number of trips during the day. Tourist boat is indicated blue Flag, departs every 30 minutes from the Central Pier (Sathorn Pier).

Scheme of routes of express boats and a tourist boat:

You can view more detailed information on the official website: http://www.chaophrayaExpressBoat.com.

The entrance to many piers is very beautifully decorated with bright greens and flowers:

1.3. How to get to the other bank of the river

In addition to tourist and express boats between the shores of Chao Praia, ferries run on which you can quickly cross on the other side.

Cost of crossing - Total 3 baht. To check if there is a concrete pier to cross on the other side, you can use Google Card, there are all the routes of Bangkok water transport.

For example, to get from to the other shore, it is enough to sit on the ferry, pay 3 baht, and you will find yourself on the right side of the river:

View from the ferry on Chao Praya on the road to Wat Arun:

In some places, the river blooms so much that even no water can be seen:

If you want an individual excursion to Chao Prime, you can rent boat-taxi On any of the piers. True, this pleasure will be expensive - from 1500 baht.

You can also go on a tour of the evening Chao Prime on a special ship, where you will be offered a delicious dinner and live music. You can order an excursion in advance or directly through this form:

In addition to Chao Praia, Bangkok is permeated with a network of water channels, called BlongsFor some of which can also be moved by special boats.

Unfortunately, Google Cards have not yet learned how to build routes using clone, however, and independently deal with the routes are completely simple.

Official Transportation Website for Blogs: http://khlongsaensaep.com

The pisces are indicated as follows:

Cloth boats run daily from 5.30 to 20.30, on weekends until 19.00.

2.1. Pierce routes and names

In total, Bangkok 2 lines for which boats go: Golden Mount Line and Nida Line. And in fact, this is one long route, one line ends - another starts.

The entire route and names of Piers:

The fare depends on the distance, from 10 to 20 baht.

When transplanting to another line, in theory, a new ticket does not need to buy, it is enough to show the existing one. At least it is written on the site. But when I went on this boat for the first time, I was asked to pay again, although I showed a ticket from the previous boat. Perhaps I was just the cheapest ticket, and I had to go almost to the end of the route, I do not know. Tickets need to be bought directly inside the boat at the conductor.

Transfer is carried out on the pier Pratunam.

2.2. Central Pier (for shopping and visiting observation tiek sky)

Pratunam Pier is located in the center of Bangkok - from here it is convenient to reach, and:

To get into the boat, you need to beat into three deaths and jump into the swinging boat, not to crush anyone at the same time.

To get out of the boat is also not so simple:

Several boats met in a narrow bangkok clone:

This time we were lucky - almost no passengers. Inside the boat are wooden benches, and on the sides - the oilbox, which can be lifted to escape from splashing.

The right is visible a special handle that lifts the oilcloth, usually who sits nearby, he keeps this handle:

2.3. Rules of travel in boats

As I wrote, you need to buy a ticket directly from the conductor in a boat, calling him the place that you are going to get into. So, inside the boat for the conductor, there is absolutely no place, so to collect money, the conductor right during the movement bypassing the boat around the perimeter, keeping the rope and roof on the outside of the boat (for the loaf). So work is not from the lungs, requires care and dexterity, as well as the skills to swim - so, just in case.

Types of boat are very interesting, unfortunately, part of the way the overview lights up the oilbox, but you can still look at it:

Blowing through the clocks, you can see the real life of local residents - poor neighborhoods and skyscrapers. The feeling that you are immersed in history, it was here that the spirit of the old days was very well preserved, this is exactly what they lived here 100 years ago, as if time was frozen:

3. Conclusions on the use of river transport in Bangkok

In the opening hours of the boat are simply indispensable! In traffic jams, they do not stand, float quickly. True, the people use them very actively, so you need to hurry into the boat.

By the way, when Rangkok was held in Bangkok and the center of Bangkok was overnight, the buses went completely along other routes, and it was easy to get to some places, the boats were very helpful.

Who watched the film "Bangkok Hilton"? I looked at him as a child, I was about twelve for about it, I remember how I was very worried about Nicole Kidman, I was especially impressed by the soundtracks at the beginning and remembered how the heroes of the film famously traveled on long-tailed boats around the city. I still smelled my mind: to see "when I grow up" this unusual city, which is literally permeated with river channels.

If you come to how we did, then at the first crossroads, the drivers of Tuk-Tukov will definitely offer a tour of Bangkoka channels. But do not hurry to agree and sits in a taxi chair, the price for such pleasure is not the cheapest (40 baht driver + 2000 baht for rent of boats / person), there is a more budget way to see Bangkok this excursion yourself, having reached the pier and honeying the boat On the spot.

How to rent a boat for a walk through the Chana Praia River

When we arrived in Bangkok, the first thing was the first thing to look at the main attractions, located in the street area, and walking around the Greater Royal Palace (The Grand Palace), we walking on the crowd of Chinese tourists, went to the stop of the river tram - the berth of Tha Chang.

Here, many local tour firms offer rolled through the channels of Bangkok, and this excursion includes:

  • visiting a floating market (Floating Market)
  • fish farm
  • morning Dawn Temple (Wat Arun)
  • Royal Barge Museum (Royal Barge Museum)

After catching through the pier, we were a little bitten and hired a boat for 500 baht, on which our tour of Bangkok canals took place. No one will be allowed to manage the boat, the boat is rented along with the driver. In addition, only a local boatman will be able to deal with these vessels.

Pier Tha Chang near the Royal Palace

On the channels of the Chao Praia River in Bangkok with a private boatman. Our reviews

As our boat was represented, which rolled us on clocks, so thais call river channels. This is a wooden "long-tailed boat" with it is not clear as the attached engine from the truck - to control such a device, the captain of the boat is constantly moving and literally hanging on the lever. On the sides of the vessel there are adhesive sides, which protect passengers from splashes, from the same material - the roof stretched along the top. In general, the boat itself looks very beautiful: Thais love their "Londheals" and dress up with bright decorations from flowers and garlands.

That is how tysters manage their "Longel" - a long-term boat
Dressed "Londhey" near the pier in Bangkok

What can be seen on the river canals of Bangkok

As you know, in Bangkok there are only about 150 channels with the main artery of the city - the majestic river Chaoprayia, which shares the city into two halves. Our excursion was held on a pre-planned route, besides, we had only two of the boat - not counting the captain itself, so our journey was very familiar: we were constantly transplanted at different places, photographed and loudly welcomed the boats by the boats with tourists.

A little retreating from the topic to say that our tour took place exactly on the day when exactly the same boat exploded, at 6.30 in the morning on one of the river channels of Bangkok. Nobody warned us about the danger, and in general, on that day there were no panic on the pier - there were ordinary crowds of tourists, hurry to take places in river trams. In the evening, having phoned with my mother, I learned about this incident.

I sit in Londheyla - Business sausage)
Approach the floating market

Floating Market (Floating Market)

The first seller of the floating market, seeing us immediately boiled on her boat to our Londelli and began to offer souvenirs and other trinkets (the price tag on Barahlishko was not at all Konsky, then on O.Samui we saw the same souvenirs only twice as expensive). In general, at such boat markets you can buy a lot of useful things: local farmers flock here, which are selling fresh fruit at competitive prices, you can try natural juice and ice cream from the coconut right from the boat. But to enjoy the spectacle of the market on the water, you need to come here by the morning.

City on water

We float further and then the most interesting thing begins - the city of Bangkok appears in front of our eyes completely on the other: we see the involvement of this multi-million Asian metropolis: the poorest Bangkok quarters, hubers built from cardboard boxes right on the water. I immediately had an association with the film Water World with Kevin Costner: Here, too, people live on unthinkable as built on piles of houses. They drive up to their harping housing on boats, because it is not necessary to get different. We have seen a Thai old man who fishes with a fishing rod in the canal directly from the window of her house. The feeling that these houses can fall apart at any time - simply from the blow of the wind, they are swollen and dilapidated.

The familiar picture on the canals of Bangkok - posted to dry up underwear

Water in the river for which we are moving - turbid and polluted from constantly running Londeilov and river trams. But despite this, local children in our eyes merrily splashed and jumped into the river. At the expense of that crocodiles are found in Chaopraya and are safe to swim in such a river - I will not say, but we have seen a huge Varan with a sunshine on the sunshine on the shore.

Varan, brazing on stones on the banks of Bangkok river canals

Temple of Morning Dawn Wat Arun

By the way the temple of the morning dawn Wat Arun, in the photo in the background you can see a high Pagoda in Khemtersky style - in other words "Prang", was at that moment on reconstruction, so we just sailed by without stopping. The construction itself is unusual because it is decorated with colored glasses, mirrors and porcelain. This mosaic is posted in the form of patterns and drawings by Thai masters manually. But we did not leave the thought to climb the Top of the Temple of the Morning Dawn Wat Arun, and look at Bangkok from the aerial view.

Temple of Morning Dawn Wat Arun

Walk on Bangkok on a river tram

On this, our excursion ended, but we continued our acquaintance with the River Chaoprayia on their own. The next day, we armed with Bangkok map, came to the nearest pier and sat down in a river tram to ride along the widest river canal of Bangkok - along the Chaopraya River, made of barges and boats. Here we did not take an excursion, but just bought a ticket as ordinary passengers - locals. The price for travel is very symbolic - only 13 baht.

Stopping a river tram in the building of the Bangkok shopping center

There is already a completely different picture: instead of the slums, the baked area stuck with skyscrapers is cast before his eyes. Immediately you begin to feel all the power of the Asian metropolis, urban modern architecture gives to understand how much the city of Bangkok is developing and growing.

View from the window of the river tram
Reminded the hotel "Cosmos" in Moscow

With the breeze, you are used by the main attractions of the city of Bangkok - the Greater Royal Palace (The Grand Palace). So such a walk can be considered an express - excursion, besides, if you want, you can go out - a river tram stops at the pier with access to the Royal Palace (The Grand Palace).

That's how we were floating along the river canals of Bangkok. I think this walk is the first thing you should commit upon arrival in Bangkok: it allows you to better understand the place in which you arrived and see the city from different sides. In addition, this is a budget way to learn to move around Bangkok, bypassing the traffic jams and enjoying the splashes of the waves.

How to order a river cruise in Bangkok

In order to go on a fascinating walk through Chaprahia, it is not necessary to go to his move to the berth, especially if you are for the first time in the city and do not want to get lost. It is enough to book yourself a place on the boat via the Internet, the benefit now there are such applications. Surely, you heard about the satellite, and if not, then excursions from Sputnik8 is Bangkok through the eyes of the locals, because the guides are people who have long lived in the city of Angels, and at the same time they speak Russian! Well, where else will you find such a trip where the Russian guide, dinner and transfer from the hotel will be included? Go on the banner and read the program, it is very saturated.

The River Chao Praia or Chow Piray (which means "Tsar - River"), is one of the largest in Thailand, in size with it can except the Mekong River. It is formed by the merger of two rivers (ping and nan) together near the city of Nakhonsavan and moves along the embossed area, rice fields and arable land, capturing various cities and, in the end, reaches the Siamese bay, where he completes his long path.

In the period of monsoon rains, from May to October, the river is full. The length of Chao Praia together with the tributaries is about 1.2 thousand km.

Previously, each area of \u200b\u200bthe river had its own name, and various versions exist about the appearance of the current name. One of the versions is associated with the residence of a titled official near the mouth of the river, which had a title called Chow - Pohraya. In honor of him, foreign sailors and began to call part of the River Menam - Chow - Poray (translated from the Thai language, "Menam" is simply translated as "river"), which in the consequence it became its official name. Another version of how the modern version of the river appeared, contacts the prince of Rachanuphab, who described the interesting version of the origin of the title to his "Royal Chronicles". In his opinion, part of the territory was initially left near the Delta of the River, and the water gradually retreated from Prapadenha. As you know, the majority of settlements are formed near any water sources and in this case, the river formed a new settlement, which was called the city of Chauphraya, after - the same "name" called the river.

However, what kind of name "officially" did not wear the river, Thai continue to call the favorite River Chao Praia all sorts of affectionate nicknames: then the heart of Thailand, the historical monument of the ancient kingdom, the river of life, then an integral part of the dramatic history of his region, then the mother of the student.

River Chao Praia in Bangkok

The Piao Praya River is an important transport artery of Bangkok, according to the ferries, water taxis or river trams transport people from the shore to the shore or to the other end of the city. From the river, the channels connecting it with separate areas of Bangkok and beyond. On the river in Bangkok, you can get to key sights of the city or just triple a tour of river transport, and in the evening it is to watch the romantic sunset and night landscapes of Bangkok.

The value of the river Chao Praia in the life of Thai

Such sincere love for the river does not seem amazing, if you realize that life is more than fifteen million people, one way or another, is interconnected with this river. Since ancient times, when the king river was poured and slept coastal territories, he left the injuries that were rich in minerals that feed the Earth and allowed to receive rich yields. Many Thais say that it is thanks to Chao Praia, Thailand began to hold a leading position in the world market for the export of rice.

The river and now has a significant impact on the conduct of agriculture (in particular rice production), which is very developed in this country and is of great importance for local residents. Moreover, the shipping river to this day serves as the main transport majority of the country and a kind of "attraction" for tourists. Children, starting from early age, are delivered by the upper reaches of the river of everyone. Despite the fact that the content of water taxis is considered very expensive in Thailand, for some poor families, this is almost the only source of income.

Modern state of affairs

Over the course of time, there are more settlements and various industrial enterprises around the Chao Praia River. The river stopped cope with the number of garbage, which in her hits, and the problem of water pollution got very sharp.

Even more aggravated the situation that happened recently a catastrophe. On the river Sankled barge, which transported a huge amount of sugar, as a result of which the chemical composition of the water was changed, and many river inhabitants died. The amount of common damage from the catastrophe is calculated by millions of BAT. And therefore, control over the state of the river is carried out at the government level, because, in the opinion of Thais, while the river flows, together with it and life, and therefore, the Piao Praia river needs to appreciate and protect.

Chao Praia is considered one of the most important rivers of Thailand. It can be found during and also during self-journey. She proceeds through the capital of Bangkok and flows into the Siamese bay. The Piao Praia River is wide enough and has a large number of channels.

The muddy waters of the river are used in many directions: like transport artery, urban sewage, residential quarter and even playground. This river has unique flora and fauna. Crocodiles are also found in it, about 20 people die from the teeth annually.

Tourists in their number, of course, do not go, only locals. Thais called Bangkok channels - clongs. They surprise their diversity, and for residents of the city are real streets. On the banks of the clongs are very colorful, since the slums with villas are adjacent. Water in the river looks very muddy and dirty because of the engine transport that motors raises from the bottom of the sand. In the presence of all this, all local children bathe in this water.

Tour of the river in Bangkok.

Traveling on the Piao Praia River, you can not only enjoy all the beauty of the river, and also visit the considerable number of attractions of the capital of Thailand. Since the river flows through the whole city and a large number of channels depart from it, the excursion will give the opportunity to visit both ancient Bangkok and the modern capital.
Incredible temples, raging the greenery of the parks, bridges, high skyscrapers and small Thai houses - all this can be seen without leaving the boat. Also, from the river, you can see and visit the royal palaces, museums, orchid farm and much more. The tour of the river passes daily at any time, but because of the big influx of tourists you have to be recorded. However, the same excursion can be made independently.

The fastest and cheap travel on Bangkok will be the route "vertical" - from the south to the north or vice versa. Such a journey can be made on the river tram of Chao Praia Express. Ticket cost will cost 10 to 40 baht. The river tram rides several routes that are denoted by multi-colored flags on the roof of transport. Also these trams are distinguished by the number of stops. Some make stops on every wharf, and there are also those that have only 8 stops, they are called express trams.

If you go to the main route - from the Pier BangLampakho to the hotel's pier at the hotel, you can see the Rama Bridge VIII, the Bridge Pin Clao, the oldest hospital in Thailand Hospital Siriraj, the Grand Palace, the Temple of Wat Arun, the Royal Seminaries, the residential complex Condominium Riverpark, Pier Ratchawongse. According to the arc side of the same route: Chinese Pagoda, Hotel Millennium Hilton, Calwa Catholic Church in Tonbouri, Old Customs (Old Castom House), Hotel Oriental, hotels Central Point and Shangri La, many residential and office skyscrapers. You can also arrange a tour of the boat "Reya Hang Yao". The cost of such a boat in a couple of hours of riding will cost 400 - 500 baht.

Be sure to visit the beautiful streets of Bangkok. They will help to feel the entire flavor of this city. Phra Arthit Road Street is located in parallel River Chao Praia from Fort Phra Sumen to Thammasat University. Very cozy street with old-fashioned buildings and shops, comfortable restaurants and cafes with live music. During the sunset has a magical appearance. Middle River Pier Phra Arthit Pier.
Thewet - Street for which people come to catch fish, feed soms bread.

It is distinguished by its liveliness and shine of smiles hundreds of people. Middle River Pier Thewet.

The most pleasant place to carry out a carefree morning in Bangkok is a flower market on Pak Khlong Flower Market Street. Here you can choose fresh flowers for every taste, buy unusual vegetables and fruits at good prices. Middle River Pier Rajinee.

The tourist excursion lasts about four hours, the route is about 20 km long. There are several stops to stroll through the temples. If you order a ship to a group of tourists accompany you will be a Russian-class guide, which will tell you about all the sights of Bangkok.

You will also have a choice between the daily and night excursion. These two excursions between them are very different. The cost of the day excursion ticket for one adult is $ 10, children 5 dollars. Night excursion, respectively, is a little more expensive - 15 and 10 dollars. The price is stable and does not depend on the number of people.

What to see in Bangkok.

The temple of the Emerald Buddha is majestic and beautiful, and, at least the temple itself is called Emerald, the Buddha statue is created from jade. All buildings are decorated very skillfully from a different material: gold, mosaic, color glass and ceramics.

The National Thai Museum is also popular with tourists. Snake trainers will show you an unforgettable spectacle.

You will also have the opportunity to visit some parts of the old city. You can watch how the poor class of Thailand lives. Most of their houses are standing on the banks of the channels or simply in water on wooden stilts. Local calls such settlements by the surface city.

Night walk is although little and more expensive, but it is worth it. The night city will fade you with his beauty. Glowing lights and torches in the temples are the most amazing and beautiful sight that you ever had to see. Night excursion does not provide stops, since all temples close at 6 pm.

The end of the walk ends in the old town of Nonthaburi, which is also known as a floating market. There you can purchase a large number of diverse souvenirs made by hand by local residents, and what is very nice - for very low prices. All souvenirs are made very high quality and natural materials. And the locals are very friendly and smiling.

»» »Bangkok (Bangkok)» »» Piao Praia River (Chao Phraya). Motor boats, flight boats and excursion ships.

River Chao Praia (Chao Phraya), Bangkok

The Piao Praya River, originating in the mountains in the north of Thailand, is not only the main water artery of Bangkok, but also one of the most impressive attractions of the Thai capital. Outful tourists who have long time to travel along the river and its numerous flows can see the amazing contrasts of a huge Asian city.

Namely, with its own eyes to see the neighborhood of the gold churms covered with gold and miserable shag of local residents, built on the water in the raised small channels of the terrain, located west of the River Chao Praia.

View at the superior skyscrapers, occupying the east coast of the river, and, for contrast, to visit floating markets that look like they looked a hundred years ago.

And at the same time, to feel the difference between the quiet areas on the western side of the river, with their extensive parks, untouched wildlife and a measured way of life, and a huge human anthill, located in the east.

To organize a trip along the Piao Praia river is quite simple. You can hire a wooden engine boat (Longtail Boat) and inspect most of the attractions in one trip. It costs it expensive, without a small 2000 baht for the whole boat.

You can spend 100 times less than 15 baht per person, and ride along the Chao Praia River on a flight ship. It is not so colorful, but still impressive.

You can cross the river for inspecting any particular attraction, such as Wat Arun Temple. It costs anecdotal small money, 3 baht (about 5 rubles), and crossing, by itself, is a good entertainment.

There is also an opportunity to buy a tour, and combine the trip on the ship on the River Chao Praia with the inspection of the ruins of Ayuttay, the previous Thai capital, destroyed by the Burmese troops in 1767. These ruins consisting of several dozen abandoned temples are located in 80 km. From the center of Bangkok, above the river Chao Praia.

And finally, you can buy an evening cruise on a large tourist ship, and in the process of gala dinner look at the lights of the night Bangkok, sitting behind a lit table and tasting Thai cuisine, drinking the impressions with a glass of Thai beer.

Main attractions located along the Chao Praia River

Bangkok map and list of the main attractions on the shores of the Chao Praia River can be found below.

Royal Palace (Grand Palace) and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew)The most, perhaps, the famous architectural sights of Bangkok are located on the eastern bank of the Chao Praia River, away from the metro stations. A good idea will reach these attractions not on a taxi that no grams are exotic, but on the flight boat, which will ensure you a lot of positive impressions.

Wat Arun Temple, one of the most extraordinary temples of Bangkok is also located on the shores of the Chao Praia River, but not on the eastern bank of the river, as the Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, but on Western. Like the royal residence, the Church of Wat Arun refers to the number of the main attractions of the Thai capital, attractions from the series mUST SEE.

Visit the Royal Palace and the temple of Wat Arun, despite the fact that they are on different shores of the Chao Praia River, it is easy to combine. Near the southern border of the royal residence is the berth of Tha Tien, from which tourists are transported for the opposite bank of the river for the funny 3 bars.

Temple of the underlying Buddha (Wat Pho)Located on the eastern bank of the Chao Praia River, is one of the oldest temples of Bangkok, and is one of the 6 most revered temples of Thailand, according to official classification. The presence of such a rating may surprise, however, Buddhism, de facto, is the state religion of the Siamese kingdom, has its own ministry (National Office of Buddhism), which, among other things, is this rating.

Wat Pho's Temple is within walking distance from the Royal Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, next to the Tha Tien Pier, and its visit can be combined as a trip to the boat on the Piao Praia River and with the inspection of the royal residence, it is very necessary to say impressive.

Floating markets. Floating markets are not a special exotic for Thailand, however, most of them are far away from Bangkok and from tourists usually visited by tourists. On the territory of Bangkok there are only two such markets, the Taling Chan market and the Khlong Lat Mayom market.

The second market, the Khlong Lat Mayom market is also located in the western part of Bangkok, in the Thonburi region (Thonburi), a slightly larger distance from the river bed. And the Khlong Lat Mayom market, and the Taling Chan market, work only on weekends, remember this by planning their trip to the clocks of the Chao Praia River.

Chinatown (Chinatown), one of the most colorful districts of Bangkok, with its Western borders goes to the Piao Praia River.

Visiting Chinatown is unequivocally recommended, this place is not like the rest of Bangkok, there you can look at the classic Chinese architecture, visit the Chinese temples, look at the markets stretching by kilometer rows and go to Chinese stores, some of which, for example, Chinese medicine stores, according to the most High standards are exotic.

District Bang Kachao Located in the radiation of the River Chao Praia, on the western side of the river. This area is not often visited by tourists, and in vain, since this is the only place in the vicinity of Bangkok, where there remained untouched wildlife, quietly, no skyscrapers and there is no mass building, and, in addition to this, the Bang Kachao area is ideal for cycling.

Samut Prakan. In the province of Samut Pracan usually go to look at the impressive monuments of religious architecture.

Namely, on Buddhist temples, located nearby, on the buildings of the Park itself, which is recruited, no, no, 120 pieces, and on a giant sculpture of a three-headed elephant, installed at the entrance to the province and dominant over all those surrounding buildings.

However, the province of Samut Pracan is remarkable not only by this. On the province of the province of the River Chao Praia, and its mouth is also located. Through the river in this place, you can cross and look at the Temple of Phra Samut Chedi, located on the western side of the river.

Prava on the west side of the Chao Praia River stands, as often happens, surprisingly, in this case - 4 baht, and the boat trip itself is a high-quality entertainment, which contrasts the traditional tourist program, consisting of examining countless temples, palaces and Monuments.

The Province of Samut Prakan is not difficult to get to the province, the province territory begins immediately at the southern borders of Bangkok. From the latter (as of September 2017), the branch station Sukkhumvit Line, the station Bearing, the boundaries of the province will be within a distance of less than the 1st kilometer. Taking into account the fact that the branch of Suchumvit Line continues to actively build in the southern direction, in the foreseeable future on the subway it will be possible to travel directly to all the sights of Samut Prakan province.

For more information about the province of Samut Pracan written here:, there you can find other maps and descriptions of each of the attractions.

Ayuttaya (Ayutthaya). The ruins of the previous capital of Siam are in 60 kilometers north of Bangkok borders, higher by the River Chao Praia. The city was the capital of the Kingdom of 417 years old and stopped his existence in 1767, when she was captured and burned with the Birmansk army, after a 14-month siege.

From the once prosperous city at the moment the ruins of several dozen temples, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe already wealth and well-being of the ancient capital of the kingdom. Even in a dilapidated state, these temples are impressive, and Ayuttaya, not without reason, is considered one of the most interesting places in the vicinity of Bangkok.

Summer Royal Residence (Bang PA-in Royal Palace). Bang PA-IN Palace Complex is located near Ayuttay, 20 km. lower by the river Chao Praia. In addition to the palace itself, there are many colorful structures in Chinese, Thai and European styles on site. There is also a pretty park, with lakes, arbors and flower beds.

Visit Bang PA-IN Palace is simple enough, his inspection is included in the program of almost all excursions in the ancient capital Ayuttay.

Trips on motor boats on the Piao Praia River and its numerous clone

Trips on the Wooden Motor Boats (Longtail Boat) on the Piao Praia River and its numerous clone (channels) are one of the highest quality Bangkok entertainment.

The greatest interest, at the same time, is not an inspection of the banks of the River Chao Praia, but traveling by its numerous clone (channels) located in the Thonburi region (Thonguri) in the west of the Thai capital.

The length of the clone of the Tauri region is very significant, the total of many tens of kilometers, and it is impossible to examine them for one trip. As a result, Bangkok boats offer several different routes to choose from, with a characteristic duration of ~ 2 hours.

Speaking about the floating market Taling Chan, it is impossible not to note that it is located not so much on the water, as close to it, on the banks of the clone (canal). This, however, does not significantly reduce his flavor.

And finally, you can visit Orchid Plantation (Niyom Orchid Farm), and see the great variety of colors and shades, characteristic of these surprisingly beautiful plants.

You can take a boat for travel along the Chao Praia River in several places, including on Sathorn Pier, which is located next to the Saphan Taksin Saphan Taksin station. It is worth noting that Sathorn Pierce is the only pier located in the immediate vicinity of the subway station.

The boat can also be taken on Tha Chang Pier, located near the North Wall of the Royal Residence. This pier can be recommended in case you want to combine the inspection of the Royal Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (and it is worth seeing) with a trip to the clone of the Chao Praia river.

If you decide to take a boat, keep in mind the fact that boats walk along the river and its channels only in the bright time of the day. In these places, the twilight is beginning to thicken at 5 o'clock in the evening, so 3 hours of afternoon are close to the extreme time, when you can still take a boat.

Important. On the Piao Praia River, a pretty strong wave is constantly present, surprisingly strong for the river width in a couple of hundred meters. As a result, splashes are constantly flying from passing nearby the boats, which, with a lot of probability, will be out of their boat. Dress up for a river river must be appropriately. Shorts and T-shirt, the total value of 100 baht, are perfect for this trip.

Trips on the flight boats along the Piao Praia River. Persis, prices and routes.

Starting a story about the flight boats by the Piao Praia River, it should be noted that they are used primarily as a means of movement, these boats are not particularly impressive as excursion vessels.

The species opening from the side boat, in general, are not bad, and there are very familiar in some places, but they are greatly inferior to that colorful picture, which can be seen when the river Chao Praia river.

As a vehicle, these boats are relevant and in demand, because allow you to quickly and cheap to get to the palaces and temples of the central part of the city (,) located on a substantial distance from the metro stations.

The only carrier serving regular flights along the Chao Praia River is Chao Phraya Express Boat, a boat of which is performed by 5 different routes, making stops on more than 30 Pirac Pialy Pierces. The flight vessels of this company are marked with multi-colored flags, allowing you to distinguish a boat of one route from another. Four routes of this company, Orange Flag Boat, Green Flag Boat, Blue Flag Boat and No-Flag Boat, were originally designed for locals, the fifth route, tourist boat or Blue Flag Boat, positioned by the company as a route for tourists.

Trips on the flight boats along the Piao Praia River. Sathorn Pier, CHAO PHRAYA Express Boat ticket schedule.

The cost of a trip to the flight boat starts from 9 baht and depends on the length of the trip. For this money you can buy a ticket to the boat specializing in the transport of local residents. Prices of the tourist counterpart (tourist boat, it is also Blue Flag Boat) noticeably above, 40 baht per trip, regardless of distance, or 150 baht for one-day travel. For fairness, it should be noted that the tourist boat has their own positive parties. This type of flight courts is more comfortable and makes stops from all major tourist attractions that in the case of the remaining boats is not guaranteed.

Update Apr 2018. As of April 2018, a one-time trip on a tourist ship was worth 50 baht, the passage cost is still 150 baht.

If you go on a trip from Sathorn Pier, the main Pier of the carrier, and the only pier located next to the metro station, you will have the opportunity to explore the routes and the list of stops of boats on the spot, on this pier there are posters with all the necessary information. On the rest of the pierces of the River Chao Praia, things are worse with informing tourists, and it makes sense to decide in advance, the boat of which route you need.
Spoiler: In the overwhelming majority of cases, tourists need an Orange Flag Boat ship.

Completing this topic, it is worth noting that the flight boats along the Piao Praia River often go, the intervals between flights designed for local residents make up about 10 minutes, the first boats along the river are sent at 6 am and continue to walk to 8 pm. Tourist boats (Blue Flag Boats) walk from 9-30 to 18-00, the interval between the boats, according to the schedule, is 30 minutes. It is necessary to add that de facto, the interval between the ships depends on the availability of demand. In the high season, ships go more often than indicated in the schedule.

Note. On the carrier's website, Chao Phraya Express Boat, you can find all the necessary information about routes, tariffs and schedules (the site has an English-speaking version).

Update Apr 2018. As of April 2018, Tha Tien Pierce (next to the temple) was closed, the ships stopped across from this place, in the temple.

Excursions on the River Chao Praia. Trips to Ayuttay and Cruises on Evening Bangkoku.

In addition to wooden motor boats and regular boats, large excursion vessels used for trips to the Ayuttay region and for cruises around Bangkoku.

The tourist tourists in Ayuttayu include, as a rule, the following steps: a bus ride to the Ayuttai itself, the inspection of the ancient ruins, moving (again by bus) to the Bang PA-IN palace complex and the inspection of the most impressive buildings of the royal residence, loading On the ship (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe palace complex) and the return of Bangkok on the ship, combined with tasting dishes of Thai cuisine and the inspection of the banks of the Chao Praia River.

The cost of such an excursion in Bangkok tourist agencies is spinning around 1500 baht, on the Internet, such tours are sold more expensive, their cost in the network is about 2000 baht. This ratio of prices is characteristic not only for excursions along the River Chao Praia, but also for all other excursions in Thailand.

It is worth noting that there is no practical need to book a tour in Ayuttay, this tour can always be bought a day before the intended trip.

The cost of another popular excursion, the evening cruise along the Piao Praia River, the main program of which is dinner (almost always a buffet), also spinning around a round sum of 1,500 baht. What are cruise ships and what is the exact program of this tour, you can find on the site of one of the main operators of evening cruises on the Chao Praia River, Tristar Floating Restaurant, which owns six cruise ships with the names of Chao Phraya Princess 1, Chao Phraya Princess 2, and T .. The names of the four remaining ships you can guess yourself.

A small comment regarding these cruises. Photos taken above, taken from the site organizer of evening cruises along the Piao Praia River. The last photo significantly more accurately reflects everything that is happening, and the public, and the method of feeding dishes, and the overall environment. It is not difficult to guess, this tour is designed for a very specific audience, namely, on people who can enjoy recreation in Turkish Ol-Inclusions.