What Larisa Savitskaya died. For me already dug grave

Juliana, fastened to a row of chairs, fell into the jungle. Consciousness at the moment when the plane collapsed, it, unfortunately, did not lose. Therefore, I had to fully feel the approach of the terrible death ...

The surviving after falling from the plane and could not imagine that several kilometers of free fall for a person do not always mean death. However, there is always your happy exceptions.

Spring vollich (10 160 meters)

The absolute record holder was the 22-year-old flight attendant in Spring Vollovich. The girl should not have been flying at all, the ill-fated flight. She was sent to him by mistake, instead of another stewardess with the same name.

On January 26, 1972, the plane of the McDonnell Douglas DS-9 model "Yugoslav Airlines" flew from Stockholm to Belgrade with landings in Copenhagen and Zagreb. At the Copenhagen site - Zagreb Polet was held in regular mode: the board took the desired height of 10 160 meters, and everything was fine. Suddenly, his fuselage literally fell apart. It was a terrorist act, responsibility for which "Croatian National Movement" took over.

Spring vyolovich

On board there were 23 passengers and 5 crew members. In addition to spring, no one survived. The wreckage of the aircraft fell over Czechoslovakia. Residents of the village heard it and ran to the crash site. Spring found a former soldier of Wehrmacht Bruno. He groped the girl with a pulse and provided first aid. Bruno realized that she was broken by the spine and did not try to move it independently. Just stopped blood. By the time the girl took an ambulance, she lost 4 liters of blood.

The stewardess survived after the fall of the aircraft, but she had broken hand and leg, 3 vertebrae, and one was fragmented, and a skull was brought together in several places. She spent 16 months in the hospital, and he studied four and a half years. When she was completely recovered, he returned to his profession and worked all his life by the flight attendant. That, the other spring, instead of which he was sent to the ill-fated flight, after the disaster quashed and did not fly more ever even as a passenger.

Julian Köpka (3200 meters)

Right before Merry Christmas, December 24, 1971, 17-year-old Julian Köpka with his mother ornithologist went to visit his dad Biologist, who worked in a small town of Pukalpa to Peru. They flew out of Lima by plane "Lockhid L-188 Electra". On board there were 86 passengers and 6 crew members.

Fabulic This flight was when the pilots took the wrong decision to fly through the thunderstorm Front. Lightning struck the aircraft in the wing and provoked a fire in the fuel tank. After some time, the wing was torn off, and after this, the fuselage began to fall apart in the air and fall into the jungle from a height of 3200 meters.

Juliana fell along with his chairs and, unfortunately, she did not lose consciousness until the very moment his rigid fit in the jungle. The girl believes that she came to himself only the next day. She lay in the jungle, covered near the chairs, which, apparently, softened her drop, clinging over the branches and lianas. The girl survived after the fall from a big height, but she had a broken clavicle, the right eye was bruised, which was very quickly swimming and stopped seeing the bunch of the right foot, there was a lot of cuts on the body, including somewhat deep.

Julian could not move normally for a long time, constantly losing consciousness. She repeatedly saw search airplanes, but they did not see any debris nor her. The girl among the wreckage found a kulok with candies, as well as a cake that was mixed with mud. Candy took a girl, and the cake left, after a week she spoke to it much.

Juliana went on the stream in the hope of going to a large river and, perhaps, to people. All this time she fed on candies and saw from this stream. Sleeping the girl almost could not because of pain from the wounds. Especially disturbed shoulder - in a major wound on it, larvae wound.

Only on the ninth day after the fall of Julian was able to find lumberjacks. They finally handled her wounds and pulled out almost all larvae. Then the men crossed her to the city, where Julian met her father, pointed out the place of the wreck on the map and received medical assistance.

Justice to say that besides Juliana after falling from a high height, another 14 people survived, but they were injured more seriously and died in the following days.

Already adult julian near Mehet TPAGE

Larisa Savitskaya (5220 meters)

Survive in a plane crash when a civil plane ran into the air with the military during the USSR, is that even joy. The terrible incident was strictly classified, they did not write about him, they did not speak about it. Savitskaya, in contrast to Köpka and Vollovich, the celebrity did not become, and compensation received only 75 rubles, and if she died, her relatives would receive 300 rubles.

On August 24, 1981, the young couple of Savitsky Vladimir and Larisa returned from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk at the small passenger aircraft "An-24RV". They had places in the middle of the cabin, but people flew a little (38 with the crew), and the couple sat down in the tail.

After some time, the passenger plane caught up with a long-range bomber "Tu-16K" and literally cut off his part. This happened due to the fact that military and civil dispatchers poorly agreed with each other. "An" began to collapse, the fuselage broke, Larisa was joined in a chair and began to fall. Studies have shown that Savitskaya fragment fell 8 minutes.

Larisa woke up in the taiga and the first thing that saw in front of him was her dead husband who was sitting in a chair on the contrary. Savitskaya was damaged by the spine in five places, the ribs were broken and almost all their teeth were knocked out. Her and the bodies of those killed next to her were found only in two days, Larisa was covered with paint to the head, bounced off the fuselage, and the hair was one solid chopenne. 21-year-old girl later studied walking. But still she was able to recover and even gave birth to a son five years later.

Ivan numbers (7000 meters)

Ivan numbers

In the winter of 1942, Ivan was an assault in the crew of a flyer of Zhugan and the arrow of Melnikov. Their bomber "DB-3F" has already returned with a combat task, but was attacked by messerschmitts. After several queues, the aircraft of Soviet soldiers became uncontrollable, and the Zhugan commander ordered to leave the car with parachutes. At that time, the height was about 7,000 meters. Numbers immediately jumped through the lower hatch. His parachute was not revealed, and the guy at a huge speed began to approach Earth. Zhuan left the cockpit at an altitude of about 5,000 meters, everything was fine with his parachute, and the commander was safely landed at the location of the Soviet troops. Melnikov was killed by the queue.

The air battle was observed from the ground Soviet soldiers and from there immediately headed towards the place of falling the number to pick it up. To the surprise of those who came, the navigator was alive. He fell on a steep slope from which she rolled down, gradually slowing down to a large snowdrift at the bottom of the ravine. Snow softened the fall, but the man was damaged serious, especially the pelvis and organs located in it.

After the amendment, Ivan the numbers asked back to the front, but he was refused and sent to prepare the navigations in the school, where he worked until the end of the war.

Nicholas Elkimide (5500 meters)

Nicholas Elkimeid

This is also a military story. In 1944, 21-year-old Nicholas fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. The plane on which Nicholas flew, performed a combat task on bombarding Berlin and returned to the base. At that moment the air battle was started. This happened over the territory of Germany. British bomber "Avro Lancaster" lost control and caught fire. The parachute and the clothes of the young Nicholas also caught fire, even started to melt the mask on the face.

Of the two evils choose the smaller, and the brave guy decided to die from hitting the ground, and not burn alive. Therefore, he jumped without a parachute from the height of 5500. On his happiness it was in winter, and landed in a thick pine forest. The sputterous old spruce gently accepted the military and put it in an even fasigned snowdrift. Nicholas did not expect such a turn of events. He felt some pain in the dislocated leg and light dizziness. Although the pilot could move, it was difficult to get up. Therefore, he just began smoking cigarettes one after one and whistle in a whistle. The German patrol came to the sound, which immediately took Nicholas. Enemy soldiers could not believe that there were surviving after the fall from such a height. However, miracles still happen.

In fact, there is no difference, from which height a person falls - from 10,000 meters or from 140 meters. In both cases, his body develops its limit speed in 190 km / h if a person flies plastics, and 240 km / h if the "soldier" flies. The only difference can be in pressure. For example, in the case of voyolich, all passengers died at the moment a sharp pressure change when the aircraft collapsed. Their light and hearts were simply born, but why this did not happen from the spring - a mystery. For 3000 meters, such a large pressure difference will not be, which gives an additional chance for survival.

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One of the crew members survived in a plane crash, which took the life of 71 people.

"I put all the bags between the legs and accepted the post office recommended in cases of emergency." Erwin said that many passengers were dirty from their places, began to shout and fall into a panic - this and pushed them to death.


Spring vyolovich

The 22-year-old stewardess is the owner of the world height record for survivors with a free fall without a parachute according to the Guinness Book of Records.

In 1972, the plane, on board whose Spring Vollich was exploded at an altitude of 10 160 meters. Spring not only survived the destruction itself, but also turned out to be the only surviving from 28 passengers and crew members.

Stewardess should not fly by this flight at all, she was sent instead of another flight attendant simply because of the airline error. When an explosion occurred, Spring Volovich worked in the passenger compartment. She immediately lost consciousness and subsequently could not remember what was done and where exactly was.

Spring received many injuries: fractures of the base of the skull, three vertebrae, both legs and pelvis. According to the Spring itself, Volovich, the first thing she asked, returning to the consciousness, to smoke.

The treatment took 16 months, of which the lower part of the body was paralyzed for 10 girls. Spring Vollovich died in December 2016 at home in Belgrade.

Larisa Savitskaya

Young student Larisa Savitskaya in the summer of 1981 returned together with her husband Vladimir from a wedding trip. The spouses fleame 811 on board An-24RV from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk and, since the plane was half empty, instead of its places were taken by comfortable chairs in the tail part of the aircraft.

During the flight, the An-24 aircraft on which Savitsky's spouses flew, at an altitude of 5220 meters, collided with the Tu-16 military bombarder. Crews of both aircraft died.

At the time of the catastrophe Larisa Savitskaya slept in his chair in the tail of the aircraft. It woke up from a strong impact and a sudden burn due to a strong temperature difference.

The fuselage fewer occurred right in front of the Larisa chair, it was thrown into the passage. The girl got to the nearest chairs and was joined in him. Larisa subsequently argued that at that moment she was remembered by the episode from the film "Miracles still happen", where the heroine when the aircraft crashes was clicked into the chair and survived.

Part of the body collapsed into the birch grove, the trees softened the blow. Waking up on Earth, the first thing that I saw Larisa was the chair with the body of a dead husband. She got a number of serious injuries, but could move.

Two days later, she discovered rescuers. During this time, the student has built a temporary refuge of the aircraft fragrant, heating the covers from the seats and hiding from the mosquito cellophane package. She fell into the Guinness Book of Records not only as a person who survived after falling from the maximum height, but also as a person who received the minimum amount of compensation - 75 rubles.

Baya Bakari.

A 13-year-old Frenchwoman is the only one who survived in a plane crash near the Comoros in 2009. On June 30, 2009, Bayya, along with his mother, flew on the aircraft Airbus A310 on the Komora to Grandma and Grandfather.

The plane collapsed into the Indian Ocean a few minutes before landing. Baya, sleeping during the catastrophe, decided that somehow fell out of the window.

In the newspapers they wrote that she spent in the charts of the Mozambique Strait from 12 to 14 hours, the Bayy itself in his autobiography claims that there was no more than 9 hours. Bakari saved fisherman, he took her to the Komorial hospital.

In addition to her, there were 152 people on board - no one survived. The story of her salvation wanted to film himself Stephen Spielberg, but Bakari refused.

Ruben Van Assuvo

A nine-year-old boy was the only surrounding plane of AFRIQIYAH Airways Airlines, which collapsed during the landing. Ruben with her family made a tourist journey through South Africa. On board the crashed aircraft were passengers from 10 countries, most of which were subject to the Netherlands subjects.

His father, mother and brother died with the rest of 103 passengers. Ruben immediately lost consciousness. He broke both legs, but they managed to restore after the operation. Now he lives with his aunt and uncle in the Netherlands.

Statistics stubbornly testifies - aviation in safety plan is much higher than motor vehicles. In the United States in autoavaria, more people die annually than died in plane crash in the entire history of air transportation.

But even those who have suffered a trouble in the air remains a chance. Let even one chance per million. Here are seven stories of those who pulled out their lucky ticket, being in the hairs of death.

Sessil Sichan

On August 16, 1989, from Detroit Airport began to take off the usual flight - McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 Northwest Airlines airlines. On board were 154 people, among them - a 4-year-old girl of Sissylia Sichan. Together with her, her parents and a six-year-old brother flew.

Liner began to rock already on takeoff, he hurt the left wing of the lighting mast, part of the wing broke away and caught fire. Then the aircraft tilted to the right, and another wing struck the roof of the car rental office. The plane collapsed on the highway, lounging in pieces, and caught fire. The debris and body of the victims were scattered on the square more twin.

Worker firefighter John Tedhe heard a thin squeak and saw a children's pen among the wreckage. A 4-year-old girl who received a fracture of the skull, a fracture of legs and clavicle and burns of the third degree, turned out to be the only one who managed to survive in a catastrophe. She moved four skin transplant operations, but managed to fully recover.

Sessilia brought up her aunt and uncle. When the girl grew, she made a tattoo on the wrist in the form of an airplane, in memory of the tragic and happy day.

The session is recognized that it is not completely afraid to fly on airplanes, guided by the principle, well acquainted in Russia, - if this happened to her once already happened, the probability of repetition is negligible. Simply put, two times in one funnel does not fall.

Larisa Savitskaya

August 24, 1981, a 20-year-old student Larisa Savitskaya returned from a wedding trip along with her husband Vladimir. The An-24 aircraft followed the flight from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk. Above the city of Zvildin at an altitude of 5,200 meters, An-24 collided with the TU-16 bombarder. As a result of the collision, the crews were killed by both aircraft. An-24 broke into several parts and began to fall. Larisa, who spawned in his chair in the tail of the aircraft, woke up from a strong impact and a sudden burn caused by the depressurization of the cabin at the height.

Another felt fuselage threw it into the passage, but Larisa managed to get out again in a chair. As she recalled later, she was remembered by the Italian film "Miracles still happen," where the heroine was saved in a similar situation, shook in the chair. Larisa itself confessed that he did not believe in salvation, but just wanted to "die small."

The surviving part of the aircraft body fell on the birch grove, mitigating a blow. Specialists subsequently established - Larisa Savitskaya for 8 minutes fell from a height of 5,200 meters on a wreck of aircraft with dimensions of 3 meters wide and 4 meters long.

From the blow, she lost consciousness for several hours, but then came to himself and could move independently.

In the forest alone, among the corpses and debris, the girl spent two days, sowing to build himself even like shelter from bad weather.

Rescuers, who coming to the place of fall, were shocked, seeing the girl. Larisa Savitskaya was the only one of 38 people, who was lucky to survive in this aircraft crash.

The search engines were so confident in her death that the grave was already cooked for a woman, as for other victims. Doctors identified her concussion from her brain, spine injury in five places, hand fractures and ribers. She also lost almost all his teeth.

Larisa Savitskaya twice entered into the Guinness Book of Records: as a person who survived after falling from the maximum height, and as a person who received a minimum amount of compensation for physical damage in a plane crash - 75 rubles (in 1981).

Spring vyolovich

On January 26, 1972, the Yugoslav passenger aircraft Douglas DC-9, who followed the flight from Copenhagen to Zagreb, exploded in the air near the village of Serbsk Kamenites in Czechoslovakia at an altitude of 10 160 meters. The cause of the tragedy, according to the Yugoslav authorities, was the bomb hidden on board the airliner with Croatian terrorists-tired.

The plane, having broken into parts, began to fall down. In the middle section there was a 22-year-old stewardess Spring Vollovich. Spring should not have been on that flight - she replaced her colleague and aunt - Spring Nikolich.

The wreckage of the aircraft fell on the snow-covered trees, which softened the blow. But luck for the girl was not only in this - her in the unconscious state was first discovered by a local peasant Bruno Honke, during the war years worked in the German Field Hospital and able to provide first medical care.

Immediately after that, Stewardess, the only surviving catastrophe was taken to the hospital. Spring Vollovich spent 27 days in a coma and 16 months on the hospital bed, but still survived. In 1985, she was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records for the most high-speed jump without a parachute, having received a certificate from the hands of his musical idol - a participant in the famous group "Beatles" Paul McCartney.

Eric Delgado

On January 11, 1995, the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-14 aircraft flew from Bogota to Cartagena with 47 passengers and 5 crew members on board.

Due to the refusal of the altimeter during the landing approach, the aircraft literally collapsed in the swampy terrain. 9-year-old Eric Delgado, flying together with his parents and with the younger brother, threw out of the plane at the point when he began to fall apart. The girl talked later that her mother pushed her out of the liner.

The plane exploded and caught fire. Eric fell into a bunch of algae, which softened the blow, but could not get out. According to her memories, the ladding immediately began on the site of the catastrophe: with her, with a living, one of the locals ripped out a gold necklace and disappeared, ignoring the requests for help. After some time, the girl found in her cries and pulled out a local farmer from the swamp. Erica Delgado, the only surviving catastrophe, was separated only by a broken hand.

Julianna dealer Caper

On December 24, 1971, the LOCKHEED L-188 Electra Airline of the Peruvian airline Lansa fell into an extensive thunderstorm area, he received a lightning strike and underwent turbulence. The plane began to collapse in the air at an altitude of a 3.2 kilometer and fell deep into the rainforest, approximately 500 kilometers from the capital of the country of Lima.

The 17-year-old schoolgirl Giulianna Caper was fastened to one of the chairs in a row, who broke away from the rest of the hull. The girl fell among the raging elements, while the debris rotated, as if the blade of the helicopter. This, as well as the fall in the thick crowns of trees, softened the blow.

After falling at Julianna, the clavicle was broken, his hand was severely broken, the right eye piled from the blow, the whole body was covered with bruises and scratches. Nevertheless, the girl did not lose their ability to move. The fact that the father of Julianna was a biologist and taught her survival rules in the forest. The girl was able to get meal, then found a stream and went downstream. After 9 days, herself went to the fishermen, who saved Giulianna.

Based on the actual history of Julianna, the cap was shot by several art films, including "Miracles still happened" - the one who in ten years will help to survive in a plane crash Larisa Savitskaya.

Bahiya Bakari

June 30, 2009 Airbus Airbus A-310-300 Yemen's airline followed a 626 flight from Paris to the Comoros with a change in the capital of Yemen Sana.

Among the passengers there was a 13-year-old Bahia Bakari, flying with his mother from France to the Komorist Islands to visit her grandfather and grandfather. The plane collapsed into the Indian Ocean in the territorial waters of Komor just a few minutes before landing. What exactly happened, the girl does not remember, because at the time of the catastrophe she slept. Bahiya herself believes that it was thrown through the porthole.

With a fall, she received multiple bruises and broke the clavicle. However, it was waiting for a new test - it was necessary to survive in water before the arrival of the rescuers. The girl was able to climb one of the wreckage of the aircraft remaining afloat. She spent nine hours on him, according to Bakari itself, although some sources claim that the rescuers found it only after 14 hours after the catastrophe.

The surviving passenger found fishermen, who delivered it to the hospital. Not everyone believed in the possibility of such salvation - there were rumors that the girl was thrown out of the boat of illegal immigrants, since the Bahia has a suitable appearance.

Girl was delivered to a special plane to Paris, where the then president of France visited her at the hospital Nicolas Sarkozy.

Bahia Bakari was the only one escaped out of 153 people who were on board the aircraft. After half a year after the bakari catastrophe published the autobiography of "surviving".

"Happy four"

On August 12, 1985, the largest catastrophe in world aviation with the participation of one aircraft occurred in Japan.

The Boeing 747Sr airline "Jepan Airlines" flew out of Tokyo to Osaka. On board was 524 passengers and crew member. 12 minutes after the takeoff during a set of 7500 meters, the aircraft broke out a vertical tail stabilizer, as a result of which the depressurization occurred, the pressure in the cabin fell and all hydraulic liner systems were denied.

The plane has become uncontrollable and was actually doomed. Nevertheless, pilots in incredible efforts managed to hold the liner in the air for another 32 minutes. As a result, he failed a catastrophe near Takamagahar Mountain, 100 kilometers from Tokyo.

The airliner collapsed in the mountainous area, and rescuers managed to get to him only the next morning. To meet the survivors they did not hoped.

However, the search group found immediately four living - 24-year-old stewardess Yumi Othiaia, 34-year-old Hiroko Yoxidzakiwith his 8-year-old daughter Mikiko and 12-year-old Caico Kavakas.

The first three rescuers found on Earth, and 12-year-old Caico - sitting on the tree. It was where the girl threw out at the moment of liner's death.

Four surviving received in Japan the nickname "Happy Chettroke". All of them during the flight were in the tail compartment, in the area where the plane is gap occurred.

In this monstrous catastrophe could survive much more people. Kaiko Kavakas told later that he heard his father and other wounded. As doctors, many of the passengers "Boeing" were installed on earth from wounds, cold and pain, because rescue groups did not try to get to the catastrophe place at night. As a result, 520 people became victims of the crash.

Larisa Savitskaya
Larisa Savitckaya.

Citizenship: Russia

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For me already dug grave

In 1981, when Larisa Savitskaya was 20 years old, she returned to Blagoveshchensk with her husband from a wedding trip. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Zvildins at an altitude of 5220 meters, the An-24 aircraft faced the Tu-116 military bombarder. Husband died. Larisa after 8 minutes of falling remained alive. She told the correspondent of \\ "Izvestiy \\" that he experienced a person at such minutes and how then his life was folded.

Site: Izvestia.

In 1981, when Larisa Savitskaya was 20 years old, she returned to Blagoveshchensk with her husband from a wedding trip. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Zvildins at an altitude of 5220 meters, the An-24 aircraft faced the Tu-116 military bombarder. Husband died. Larisa after 8 minutes of falling remained alive. She said that he was told that she was experiencing a person at such minutes and then his life was folded.

Larisa, who was to blame?

I think the military. They laid their airstairs, not overlooking it with civilian. But I learned about it only 2 years ago. The official investigation came to the conclusion that both pilots are to blame.

Newspapers wrote something?

They say "Voice of America" \u200b\u200bpassed. In the USSR, the first publication was in 1985 - oddly enough, in the "Soviet Sport". Apparently, they really wanted to write about it, but it was impossible to mention the plane crash. Then they came up with that I, sort of Ikarushka, flew on a homemade aircraft and fell from five kilometers, but survived, because the Soviet man can all.

How did it really happen?

Airplanes collided by tangential. Wings at the An-24 tearned together with gas tanks and roof. For some fraction of a second, the plane turned into a "boat". At that moment I slept. I remember a terrible blow, burn - the temperature with plus 25 instantly fell to minus 30. Scary cries and whistle air. The husband died at once - at that moment his life was over for me. I did not even scream. From grief did not have time to realize fear.

Have you fallen in this "boat"?

Not. Then she was still overwhelmed. The spindle passed right in front of our chairs. I was in the tail part. I was thrown into the pass, right on the bulkheads. At first I lost consciousness, and when I came to myself, I am lying and thinking - but not about death, but about pain. I do not want to hurt when falling. And then I remembered one Italian film - "Miracles are still found." Only one episode: as the heroine is saved in a plane crash, shook in the chair. Somehow I got to him ...

And fastened?

I did not even think about it. Actions awarded consciousness. I began to look into the porthole to "catch the earth." It was necessary to fly on time. I did not hoped to escape, I wanted to die not hurt. There was very low clouds, then a green flash and a blow. Fell in Taiga, on the birch - again lucky.

Just do not say that you have not received any injury.

Shocking brain, spine damage in five places, hand fracture, ribs, legs. The teeth almost all were knocked out. But disabilities did not give me anything. Doctors said: "We understand that you are a disabled one. But we cannot do anything - every injury is separately not drawn into disabilities. Now, if there was one, but serious - then please."

How much time did you spend in the taiga?

Three days. When I woke up, the body of her husband lay directly opposite me. The state of shock was such that I did not feel pain. I could even walk. When the rescuers discovered me, they, except for the "Mu Mu, could not say anything. I understand them. Three days to shoot pieces of bodies from the trees, and then suddenly see a living person. Yes, and I had a kind. I had all the colors of the prunes with a silver tint - the paint from the fuselage was extremely eliminated, my mother then smelted her month. And the hair from the wind turned into a large piece of glass gambles. Surprisingly, but as soon as I saw the rescuers, I could not walk. Relaxed. Then, in Zavitelsk, I learned that the grave was already diverted for me. They were digging by lists.

Rescuers did not explain how you managed to fall so successfully?

This, then scientists came to the conclusion that a piece of the aircraft in which I flew, planned as a sheet. And the sheet - it falls either around the circumference, or from the side to the side - as a swing. It depends on its form. What sheet turned my debris of the plane - I do not know. I also read a study on my drop somewhere on the Internet. Scientist, his surname Gorbovsky, disassembles my case in one row with cats and children who have the ability to fall from a high height and not break. According to the laws of physics, the impact force depends on the weight, the height of the fall and the measure of surface resistance. The scientist comes to the conclusion that in the case of me, children and cats, some of these quantities are not subject to the laws of physics. The stressful situation includes a mechanism blocking gravity. I do not know if this scientist is right, but I like comparison with cats and children.

After what happened, you do not believe in God?

At that moment, there was no spiritual fracture. I did not hit the religion or in drink, or depressed. I love life. But sometimes he is herself-half-witted: "I am a beloved girl from God." Because such tests he sends only his beloved creatures. I live like it lived. I remember all this only on August 24 - when the second birthday is celebrated. Even - in the spring and autumn, when the diseases are exacerbated. And when the next catastrophe happens. At this moment I am worried about everything that happened then. All air crashes are mine. It seems that part of me remained there. Not yet landed.

How was your fate after falling?

After five years, the child gave birth. She worked first by the teacher, then, when Gosha fell ill, he was engaged in every work. Reprinted texts, books traded, starval. After restructuring, I had a firm for the sale of shoes. Then he worked as a representative office of Borjomi. As long as I was not paralyzed. The consequences of the cranial injury. Recovered. Now I work as an office manager in a real estate company. After work I try to go home immediately - the spine is strongly tired. You know, I'm in the Russian book of Records Guinness in two nominations.

And what is the second?

The smallest compensation of physical damage. 75 rubles.

Per month?

At the same time. According to the norms of the State Strag, the dead was supposed to be 300 rubles, survived - 75. I hope Tatiana and Arine will not have to beat this record.

But at least we cured as follows?

Cured. Only not the Ministry of Health, and the Folk Healer-Kostoprav from the city of Free Amur Region. The surname seems to be wolves. For a whole year, I worked for free - I hurt I was an interesting patient. Re-bones broke and edited. I did everything that could, but said that if he turned to him immediately, it would be new. And I inserted my teeth only 10 years later. One good man helped.

You did not have to communicate with people who were also able to escape in the plane crash?

I know that the Yugoslav Stewardess is still alive, which in 1972 fell from a height of 10 thousand meters. Recently, I was interviewed by the Germans and said that in Germany there is a woman who fell from 3 thousand meters. Now two of our flight attendants. I always had a huge desire to talk to a person who survived the same thing as me. Very happy for Tatiana and Arina. When they approach, I would like to meet them. I still live this idea that you can learn to survive in such situations. For example, why are women who are more susceptible to the quiet voice of intuition are mostly saved? It seems to me that you have to search in this direction.

In 1981, when Larisa Savitskaya was 20 years old, she returned to Blagoveshchensk with her husband from a wedding trip. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Zvildins at an altitude of 5220 meters, the An-24 aircraft faced the Tu-116 military bombarder. Husband died. Larisa after 8 minutes of falling remained alive. She said that he was told that she was experiencing a person at such minutes and then his life was folded.

- Larisa, who was to blame?

I think the military. They laid their airstairs, not overlooking it with civilian. But I learned about it only 2 years ago. The official investigation came to the conclusion that both pilots are to blame.

- Newspapers wrote something?

They say "Voice of America" \u200b\u200bpassed. In the USSR, the first publication was in 1985 - oddly enough, in the "Soviet Sport". Apparently, they really wanted to write about it, but it was impossible to mention the plane crash. Then they came up with that I, sort of Ikarushka, flew on a homemade aircraft and fell from five kilometers, but survived, because the Soviet man can all.

- How did it really happen?

Airplanes collided by tangential. Wings at the An-24 tearned together with gas tanks and roof. For some fraction of a second, the plane turned into a "boat". At that moment I slept. I remember a terrible blow, burn - the temperature with plus 25 instantly fell to minus 30. Scary cries and whistle air. The husband died at once - at that moment his life was over for me. I did not even scream. From grief did not have time to realize fear.

- You fell in this "boat"?

Best days

Not. Then she was still overwhelmed. The spindle passed right in front of our chairs. I was in the tail part. I was thrown into the pass, right on the bulkheads. At first I lost consciousness, and when I came to myself, I am lying and thinking - but not about death, but about pain. I do not want to hurt when falling. And then I remembered one Italian film - "Miracles are still found." Only one episode: as the heroine is saved in a plane crash, shook in the chair. Somehow I got to him ...

- And fastened?

I did not even think about it. Actions awarded consciousness. I began to look into the porthole to "catch the earth." It was necessary to fly on time. I did not hoped to escape, I wanted to die not hurt. There was very low clouds, then a green flash and a blow. Fell in Taiga, on the birch - again lucky.

- Just do not say that you have not received a single injury.

Shocking brain, spine damage in five places, hand fracture, ribs, legs. The teeth almost all were knocked out. But disabilities did not give me anything. Doctors said: "We understand that you are a disabled one. But we cannot do anything - every injury is separately not drawn into disabilities. Now, if there was one, but serious - then please."

- How long did you spend in the taiga?

Three days. When I woke up, the body of her husband lay directly opposite me. The state of shock was such that I did not feel pain. I could even walk. When the rescuers discovered me, they, except for the "Mu Mu, could not say anything. I understand them. Three days to shoot pieces of bodies from the trees, and then suddenly see a living person. Yes, and I had a kind. I had all the colors of the prunes with a silver tint - the paint from the fuselage was extremely eliminated, my mother then smelted her month. And the hair from the wind turned into a large piece of glass gambles. Surprisingly, but as soon as I saw the rescuers, I could not walk. Relaxed. Then, in Zavitelsk, I learned that the grave was already diverted for me. They were digging by lists.

- Rescuers did not explain how you managed to fall so successfully?

This, then scientists came to the conclusion that a piece of the aircraft in which I flew, planned as a sheet. And the sheet - it falls either around the circumference, or from the side to the side - as a swing. It depends on its form. What sheet turned my debris of the plane - I do not know. I also read a study on my drop somewhere on the Internet. Scientist, his surname Gorbovsky, disassembles my case in one row with cats and children who have the ability to fall from a high height and not break. According to the laws of physics, the impact force depends on the weight, the height of the fall and the measure of surface resistance. The scientist comes to the conclusion that in the case of me, children and cats, some of these quantities are not subject to the laws of physics. The stressful situation includes a mechanism blocking gravity. I do not know if this scientist is right, but I like comparison with cats and children.

- After what happened, you do not believe in God?

At that moment, there was no spiritual fracture. I did not hit the religion or in drink, or depressed. I love life. But sometimes he is herself-half-witted: "I am a beloved girl from God." Because such tests he sends only his beloved creatures. I live like it lived. I remember all this only on August 24 - when the second birthday is celebrated. Even - in the spring and autumn, when the diseases are exacerbated. And when the next catastrophe happens. At this moment I am worried about everything that happened then. All air crashes are mine. It seems that part of me remained there. Not yet landed.

- How was your fate after falling?

After five years, the child gave birth. She worked first by the teacher, then, when Gosha fell ill, he was engaged in every work. Reprinted texts, books traded, starval. After restructuring, I had a firm for the sale of shoes. Then he worked as a representative office of Borjomi. As long as I was not paralyzed. The consequences of the cranial injury. Recovered. Now I work as an office manager in a real estate company. After work I try to go home immediately - the spine is strongly tired. You know, I'm in the Russian book of Records Guinness in two nominations.

- And what is the second?

The smallest compensation of physical damage. 75 rubles.

- Per month?

At the same time. According to the norms of the State Strag, the dead was supposed to be 300 rubles, survived - 75. I hope Tatiana and Arine will not have to beat this record.

- But at least they cured as follows?

Cured. Only not the Ministry of Health, and the Folk Healer-Kostoprav from the city of Free Amur Region. The surname seems to be wolves. For a whole year, I worked for free - I hurt I was an interesting patient. Re-bones broke and edited. I did everything that could, but said that if he turned to him immediately, it would be new. And I inserted my teeth only 10 years later. One good man helped.

- You did not have to communicate with people who were also able to escape in the plane crash?

I know that the Yugoslav Stewardess is still alive, which in 1972 fell from a height of 10 thousand meters. Recently, I was interviewed by the Germans and said that in Germany there is a woman who fell from 3 thousand meters. Now two of our flight attendants. I always had a huge desire to talk to a person who survived the same thing as me. Very happy for Tatiana and Arina. When they approach, I would like to meet them. I still live this idea that you can learn to survive in such situations. For example, why are women who are more susceptible to the quiet voice of intuition are mostly saved? It seems to me that you have to search in this direction.