Alhambra. Earth Paradise

The advantage of Spain is budgetary holiday especially for those who want to go abroad. Beaches, mountains, fabulous cities, colorful festivals, historical monuments, exquisite dishes and, of course, the sun is almost in all of Spain - this is an excellent vacation.

It is not surprising that Spain is one of the most popular European countries for those who want to combine recreation and entertainment. Despite the economic crisis in the country, Russian travelers can find a list of budget hotels in various categories. For example, on the official website you can order a hotel for special offers.

Spain as a place of tourist holiday

This country boasts a rich history and culture, as well as fantastic food, wonderful wine and famous attractions. One of the main factors attracting emigrants here is the standard of living of Spain. Right now, for emigrants, Spain is more affordable than a few decades ago. For example, daily expenses can be very low.

Tourism in Spanish cities

A big plus for Spain is that there will be a tourist or a local resident, anyone can get a comfortable in Spain as comfortable as possible. The country is rich in museums, old castles, historical palaces, theaters - not only in the biggest cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut also in small circles. Small cities can be attributed to Alicante, San Sebastian, Torrevieja, etc. In all these little cities, less than half a million people live.

Note! Prices in hotels decrease sharply when the beach season of Spain (April-October) ends. For example, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba room in a four-star Vincci Gala hotel costs from 285 euros to 165 euros. Similar situation and in Madrid, prices Rooms in the four-star Las Letras Gran Via Hotel vary from € 260 to € 158. * However, not all cities prices for accommodation are too low. For example, in Seville, the maximum temperature drops to 20 degrees. Travelists from different countries come here every year to enjoy solar warm days.

Some travelers love to come to Spain on the weekend. There are popular places of recreation, which are considered the most budget. Locals and tourists from neighboring countries love to come for a weekend in Bilbao or to the province of Barcelona Sant Susanna. Of no less interesting is Granada. An old cultural city with its ancient history stands on three hills. All that fascinates tourists is an incredible atmosphere in the region, white quarters with new buildings and beautiful landscapes.

Description Granada

Granada, presented on the map of Spain

The traditional ancient city of Granada is located in the Eastern Region of Andalusia, in the province with the same name. A distinctive feature of this magnificent city is a picturesque variety, architectural beauty and a rich, outstanding story. Having visited this place, no one dismounts the magnificence of the Alhambra Palace, against the background of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. In this area, the River Hanil and her influx of Darro flows.

Note! Each tourist should see the surroundings of Albaitin. To date, this is a worldwide heritage.

Although the origin of the city belongs to the Ibero-Celtic era, most of the city, was created during the Moorish occupation. The period of economic recovery of Granada falls at the time when the domination of the Cordic Caliphate was weakened, which marked the beginning of the influx in the city of Muslims from Valencia, Cordoba and Seville. In 1013, an independent Muslim state was founded in Granada.

The Albaisin area, which is located on the hill, has the name of Medina or Kasba, is very popular. The ancient Arabic area has a beautiful labyrinth of narrow streets and alleys, with snow-white houses and hidden internal well-kept gardens. Reaching the top, you can go to Plaza de San Nicholas. From this place you can enjoy a magnificent view of the palace called Alhambra Spain.

To the north of the city is the Sakhomonte Hill area, which is famous for its cavemen. Local residents still live in them. This area belonged to the Gypsy community. Therefore, many famous musicians and Flamenco dancers rose in this passionate and cheerful area.

Important! Visit the Palace of Nasriov, which is located in Alhambre, you can only on a special ticket. More than 30 people are not allowed to the mansion. The lock is open until 18:00.

Each tourist can get a lot of pleasure from learning Granada's streets. The charm of winding streets and impressive monuments, ancient buildings, does not leave indifferent many travelers.

Mauritanian occupation of Granada literally formed the city; When they crossed the strait and settled in the then small town, they laid the foundations that now is one of the most visited places in Spain.

In the ninth century Granada, Spain became an important city that reigned after the fall of the Cordoba caliphate. In the XII century, Mohammed Ben Nazar founded the nasride dynasty and the Kingdom of Granada. During this period, an uprising against Almadov was headed. Thanks to local residents, the Arab ruler managed to create a Granada emirate. It was this period of his reign that he went down in history as the flourishing of the Emirate. The Moorish fortress, which fell to Christian invaders at the end of the 15th century, still retains the remains of the Arab heritage, both in his customs and in architecture, in the Royal Palace of La Alhambra.

Weather conditions for rest

Weather in Granada

It is important to note that the temperature in Granada differs from the nearest cities. Given the humidity, the temperature becomes cold for half a year. There is a low probability of precipitation in the region for 365 days. The area is less moderate than the closest neighborhood. On average, the maximum temperature reaches up to 39 degrees. In order to enjoy the sun, the warmest time for visiting Granada - June, July, August. The hottest time of year is usually fixed in early August, where the maximum temperature reaches about 98.1 ° F (36.7 ° C), it is rarely reduced below 61.8 ° F (16.6 ° C) at night.

Spring (from March to May)

Humidity and temperature in aggregate make the weather moderate. High temperatures range from 83.2 ° F (28.4 ° C) and 62.6 ° F (17 ° C). The probability of rain is quite low. During the month, precipitation is possible from 3 to 4 days. Spring is an excellent time for tourism. The emigrants are coming here in finding work.

Note! Tourist activities are well developed in the city.

Summer (from June to August)

From June to August is fixed quite pleasant weather for relaxing on the beach. In the afternoon from 12:00 to 15:00 high temperature fixed. In these months, the smallest rainfall is observed. June - August - the busiest season for tourism in Granada, so housing and other services can cost more than usual.

Autumn (from September to November)

The temperature of the autumn ranges from 88.8 ° F (31.6 ° C) and 56.9 ° F (13.8 ° C), which is comfortable for studying attractions. The rains here are extremely rare, usually from 3 to 5 days a month. During this period, hotels fall sharply. Therefore, this is an ideal time for budget travelers.

Winter (from December to February)

At this time of the year in Granada too cold. The average temperature during this season is 62.6 ° F (17 ° C) and 55.1 ° F (12.8 ° C). In winter, the city becomes boring.

Spanish Winter

Description of the sights of Granada

Granada Spain offers guests sights that have been preserved from the 15th century. Among them should be allocated:

Palace Karl V, who was erected in 1526. Spaniard Karl V after taking the complex, rebuilt some structures. Palace complex is the National Museum of Spain-Muslim art. On the territory of the complex there are Museum Alhambra and the Museum of Fine Arts (Califat).

Navas Street is one of the most popular and favorite places of tourists. On this street there are bars and restaurants.

Henellifa is a summer residence of Moorish partments. On the territory of the Alhambra there are luxurious gardens with fruit trees and fountains. Hennelife mansion is the Sultan Summer Palace.

Algambra mansion - what a tourist should see

Alhambra: Emir Palace in the Spanish city of Granada

Alhambra in Spain is the Arab Palace Complex located a few km from the central part of the city. Translated from Arabic means Red Arabian chronicler Ibn Hatib. Most of the Alhambra itself is a series of carved halls and courtyards, considered a model of the Mauritan style and miraculously preserved to the present day. Terraces rose through the step to the top of the hill. In order to look at the splendor of the Alhambra Palace in the city of Granada, it is necessary to walk along the steeply powerful streets of the ancient area. For more curious tourists, the Guides of Spain offer to look at the castle through the satellite.

Often travelers are wondering how to easily reach Alhambra. In fact, tourists are recommended to go to Alhambra's castle early in the morning (walking). In summer, it is better to buy a ticket online in order not to stand in the queue. Tourists usually offer a "blue subscription". The cost of the ticket is 20 euros. The price includes a visit to the complex and gardens of herolean.

Important! In order to buy a ticket to the fortress of magnificent Alhambra, you need to go to the official website. This portal also specifies the address of the complex.

What should tourist know

Going for a walk, you should take a copy of the document certifying the person, as well as the hotel's map. All valuable things are recommended in a hotel room, in a safe. Car lubers are also worth remembering that leave any valuable things in the car are very dangerous.

Note! Most of the shops and shopping centers work from 9:00 to 20:00. In small stores in the afternoon there may be a lunch break, and large supermarkets and shopping complexes work without interruptions. Sabbath is considered a reduced working day, and Sunday is a day off.

In conclusion, it should be noted that going for a walk to remote areas, it is better not to walk on unfamiliar streets at night. Tourists recommend using guide services. Vacationers should carefully look after their own things (bag, camera, mobile device, etc.).

* Prices are relevant for the summer of 2018

Alhambra is the architectural treasure of Spain and one of the best samples of Islamic architecture in the world. This majestic palace complex, towering over the city of Granada on the La Sabik Hill, was the last refuge of the Muslim rulers of Spain - the Nasre Dynasty (1230-1492).

View of Alhambra from Albaisin Hill

Outside, the huge fortress-palace looks very impressive and gives the impression of the Terrible Military Bastion. However, this impression is deceptive. Inside the complex there are exquisite palaces and gardens of the Arab rulers, falling into which, visitors are in the world of harmony and dreams. Alhambra is a characteristic example of the so-called Muslim "hidden architecture", which forms a habitat, inaccessible to alien. From the outside to estimate the building built according to these principles, it is impossible: the most beautifully hidden inside and can only be seen in residents and guests. In Alhambre, the fact that it seems to be accumulated by the towers, in reality is a miracle of thoughtful planning, the embodiment of the brilliant engineering thought and fantastic beauty, decoration and decoration.

The construction of the fortress was launched in the middle of the XIII century and continued for 150 years. The first stone in the foundation of the Alhambra was laid by the order of Mohammed I Ibn of the Narre, who was called the nickname "al-ahmar" (red). Capturing Granada in 1238 as a result of the internal internecial war, he began the construction of the Citadel on the site of the old Arab fortress. The structure was named Alhambra (from Arabic الحمراء), that is, "red" - this color had a material consisting of a mixture of stones, sand and clay and mined right under the legs from the builders, on the La Sabik hill.

The first was built (Torre de la Vela) or observation tower (also known as a sentient). Its height is 27 meters. From three sides, the tower protects the sheer slopes, which gave her huge advantages in defense. In the past, this structure was also the center created by the Mohammed intelligence network and the final point of the chain of signal towers. With Torre de la Beta itself, there is a magnificent view of Granada.

Torre de la Vela Tower

View of Granada from Torre de la Vela Tower

Torre de la Vela Tower

Torre de la Vela Tower

The tower is located - the fortress where the barracks of the military who defended Alhambra were located, and Medina (city), in which people who served the fortress lived. In addition to their homes in Medina, there was a bakery, leather and warehouses that provided the livelihood of the inhabitants of the medina. During the heyday, Alhambra Alcazba inhabited about 5 thousand inhabitants.

The heart of the Alhambra is (Los Palacios Nazaríes)who belonged to the rulers from the genus of Nasriov in the Granada Khalifat. Palaces, each of which was unique, were built one by one different emiers. Each Emir wanted to surpass his predecessor, thus leaving a trace in history. This formed a complex of interconnected buildings, considered one of the most exquisite, beautiful and sophisticated palace ensembles in the world. Palaces of Nasreidov are conventionally divided into three parts: Meshvara, Komarence Palace and Lviv Palace.

Palaces of Nasridov, View from Henellife

Entering the palaces of Nasriov, the visitor will first fall into the oldest part of the complex called Mesharin another transcription - Meshuharor Mexoir(Mexuar). The name comes from the word Maswar - a place where the Council of Ministers is sitting - "Shura". Mashar consists of several premises and miniature yards. Rectangular passing hall of sumps (Sala de Mexuar) - The first hall of the palace, where the Royal Court was supposedly located according to one given data, and on others there is a place of receptions and meetings. The upper part of the room is decorated with a carved knock (gypsum panels), and marble columns with capitals in Arabic style support a beautiful carved ceiling made of cedar. On the wall is located in the technique "Zelljan" Color mosaic in the form of arabesque. In the Christian kings, the hall was rebuilt and served as Chapel, but then he was renovated, partially returning the original appearance.

A small room is adjacent to the sump hall, which overlooks the Albaisin area. It is assumed that the chapel was in this room. Her walls are covered with quotes from the Quran. In the eastern part of the room there is Mihrab - Niche, indicating the direction to Mecca, in the direction of which each praying Muslim appeals.

This is followed by one of the most interesting chambers of the Alhambra - the yard (Cuarto Dorado) Or the yard of the gold-plated room. This is a charming courtyard with a fountain in the center. On the southern facade, the courtyard has double windows that are closed with wooden lattices ( "MASHRABIA"), created with jewelry accuracy. The facade is inscribed by the "throne poems" from the Quran, which pursues some scientists to the idea that Querato Dorado was a central entrance to the palace.

The next part of the palace was the official residence of the ruler. It was built in Yusuf I and got a name Palace Komarez. (Palacio de Comares). She begins S. Miratian courtyard (Patio de Los Arrayanes) - One of the most famous places of Alhambra. He conquers visitors with his sophistication and simplicity of lines. Inside a rectangular yard with an area of \u200b\u200b36.6, a pond (34.7, 7.2 meters) is located. It is framed by marble plates, on both sides of the round fountains in it flows water. The efforts of architects water is supplied so as not to disturb the smooth surface of the pond, and its smoothing hearing barely audible murmur produces a pleasant impression. The pond itself was intended for breeding goldfish in it.

At the pool courtyard, on the north side, Komarese Tower (Torre de Comares) - The highest among the towers of the Alhambra. Its height reaches 45 meters. It contains the most majestic and central place in the palace complex. Hall of Ambassador (Salon de Embajadores). The size and interior of this room should have given visitors to the thrill. During the reign of Yusuf I, the power of the Spanish Catholic kings became stronger, and when the Hall of the Hall of Ambassadors, Emir set himself the task of stranger and impress his foreign guests, leaving the power and inaccessibility of Alhambra's protective structures in their memory. The interior of the tower is a miniature model of the Universe, in the center of which the ruler of the Granada Caliphate was sitting. A fantastic cedar ceiling room, consisting of 8 thousand elements, symbolizes the seven heavens of Muslim Paradise. Walls are decorated with Arabic, praising Allah.

East of the Mytovo courtyard are located Bath Comares. (Baños de Comares). The room of Hammamov (so in Arabic is called baths) has a hemispherical roof with holes in the form of stars. Baths were heated with hot air, which was done on pipes, laid inside the walls and under the floor. Behind the wall was the boiler in which the water came into the bath. The floor and walls are decorated with an elegant mosaic.

Palace Lviv (Palacio de Los Leones) - These are private orders of the ruler and his harem. He was erected with emir Mohammed V. This is one of the most beautiful monuments of Arab-Islamic art. His heart is (Patio de Los Leones), striking the viewer with its harmony, beauty and refinement. At its perimeter there is a colonnade from thin single and dual columns, and two elegant pavilions are located on the eastern and western side. The amazing sense of proportionality and harmony is created thanks to the exact mathematical calculations, during which the Arab masters relied on antiquity experience.

In the center of the courtyard there is a fountain with sculptures of 12 Lviv, on the backs of which the bowl is resting, decorated with verses of the Arabian poet Ibn Washa, praising Emir: "Blessed God, who gave Imam Muhammed Abode, beauty superior. Here the garden, the wonders of art, like that God forbidden to admit anyone else. Look at a solid mass of pearls, illuminating everything around and penetrating the air with a hare of tiny crystals ... ". When caliphs, a garden was broken at the courtyard. It was a place to walk the ruler harem.

The rest of the palace, in which the visitor gets from the lion's courtyard is decorated with an amazing invention of Arab architects - a stalactite arch, whose nature is very difficult to understand, as well as difficult to assess its real proportions. During the day, the appearance of the ceiling changes together with a change of lighting, creating the illusion of movement. The most complex design is based on accurate mathematical calculations and philosophical ideas of Arab scientists.

From the south side of the lion's courtyard is Hall Abensherrakhov (Sala de Los Abencyrajes), named after the tragic event - the murder on the rear of 37 people from the genus Abenserrs. This structure has an unusual dome in the form of an octagonal star, decorated with stalactites. Through windows in the dome pour soft light.

Hall of kings (Sala de Los Reyes) Located on the east side of the lion's courtyard. The ceilings of the room decorates painting, depicting the scene of a lively conversation Ten people in Arab clothes and ladies watching the Knight's tournament. It is assumed that these murals were made in the Catholic kings.

In the north of the lion's courtyard is located Hall of two sisters(Sala de las dos hemanas), named so because of two identical plates on the marble floor. The ceiling of the hall is decorated with an excellent stalactitic arch, and on the walls in round fragments of the knob (gypsum) decor, poems of the poet Ibn Washa, glorifying the Palace of Emir Mohammed V.

Poems poet Ibn Wall on the wall in the hall of two sisters

Passing from the hall in the northern direction the visitor enters a small room with a double window (Mirador de Daraxa)which overlooks Darachi Garden. It is believed that in this small elegant room Women rested a harem.

At the exit from the palaces of Nasridov is located (Torre de Las Damas) - A small structure with a tower, located opposite the pond. This building is what remains of the destroyed Palace Partial. The ceiling of this structure took the German banker to Berlin, who owned this site in the XIX century. Now the ceiling is exposed to the Museum of Islamic art, which is part of the Pergamm Museum in Berlin.

(Palacio De Carlos V), located next to the Nabid Palace was launched in the XIV century and was finished only in XX. Inside it has a round yard with a diameter of 30 meters. On the first floor of this room is located Museum Alhambra (Museo de la Alhambra), where archaeological finds found during the Alhambra excavations are presented. On the second floor is located Museum of Graceful Arts Granada (Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada).

Above the Alhambra is located the former summer residence of Emirov Granada - the Palace and Gardens of Henellife, which is described in a separate section.

The best view of the Alhambra opens from the Albaisin area. On the hill there is a special observation deck. In winter and spring, the species is especially beautiful due to the fact that the Mountains of Sierra-Nevada, located behind the Alhambra, are covered with snow.

Tickets to Alhambra.

Alhambra is one of the most visited places in Spain. If you eat into the tourist season, the tickets are best to buy in advance so as not to expose huge queues and get to the Palaishes of Nasriov, in which you can enter only in a strictly defined time you specify when buying a ticket.

Tickets to Alhambra can be bought at (the official partner specified on the official website During the pre-sale of Tickets, the collection of 1.3% is charged. When buying at the box office or through the terminal on the day of visits to the Alhambra, the cost of a ticket rises by 10%.

Types of tickets to Alhambra:

General ADMISSION Ticket: 13 Euro. This ticket gives the right to visit the entire complex. It is necessary to maintain it until the end of visiting the Alhambra. At the entrance to the Palaces of Nasriov and the residence of Henellife, there are additional turnstiles. When buying this ticket, you choose the time of visiting the palaces of Nasridov. If you do not come to the palaces of numbers in the table declared on the ticket, the ticket will be canceled. Please note that from the entrance to the Alhambra to the palaces of Nasridov walking about 30 minutes.

Ticket for gardens Alhambra, Alcasby and Heneralife (Visit The Gardens, The Alcazaba Fortress and Generalife): 7 Euro. This ticket does not give the right to see the most beautiful part of the Alhambra - the palaces of Nasriov.

Ticket for visits to the palaces of Nasridov in the evening (Evening Visit to the Nasrid Palaces): 8 Euro. In the evening the palaces are beautifully highlighted. We recommend that if you have several days in Alhambre, visit the Palaishes of Nasriov and Day, and in the evening.

Ticket for a visit to the herolean in the evening (Evening Visit to the Generalife): 5 euros.

Blue Accular Pass: Blue Circular Pass:15 euros. It gives the right to the evening visit to the palaces of Nasridov, and the next day - on visiting the Gardens of Alhambra, Alcasby and Henellife,

Red Circular Pass: RED Circular Pass: 100 euro. It gives the right to 15 visits to the Alhambra during the year. It includes 10 day and 5 night visits.

Be sure to take with you on the journey of the bank card you paid when buying tickets via the Internet!

After buying tickets via the Internet, before visiting Alhambra, you must get these tickets in special terminals located in the pavilion next to the ticket office at the central entrance. Each terminal (see signatures on them) gives a certain type of ticket. If you have bought tickets with a visit to the whole range of Alhambra, including Nasrid Palaishes, then look for the terminal with the inscription: Visita General (General Visit). In the terminal, you must select the option "Print already purchased tickets". Then the machine will ask you to insert a bank card with which tickets paid over the Internet. After that, the machine will give you your tickets that need to be kept until the end of the visiting Alhambra.

Terminal for receiving a member of General Visit

At the entrance to the Palace Complex you can take the Alhambra guidebook for free.

Attending the Alhambra in the tourist season is best in early in the morning or in the evening to avoid neighborhood with large tourist groups. The entrance to the Palaishes of Nasriov is located near the Karl V. Palace.

Central entrance to Alhambra has luggage storage (CONSIGNA / Lockers)working from 7.30 to 18.30 from November to February, and from 7.30 to 20.30 from March to October.

Lifting up the mountain on which the Alhambra stands is sufficiently heavy. We recommend that you get to the entrance to the Palace Complex by bus. White-red minibus at number 30 goes on the central street Gran Via. And through Square Plaza Nueva..

Bus number 30, going to Alhambra

Designed as a castle-fortress, towering on the top of the mountain, the Alhambra Palace more than once passed from hand to hand, saw a lot of bloodshed battles, and his walls have acquired a reddish tint over time. Some argue that it happened because of the color of construction bricks, others - due to local ferrous soils throwing a decomposition on the walls of the fortress.

And one of the legends of the Alhambra says: the Red Palace began because they were erected at night, with the light of torches - and the flames of fire played not the last role. Therefore, Maurians called their castle - Alhambra, which means "Red Fortress".

The Alhambra Palace in Spain is an architectural and park complex that is located on the top of Alzabik, one of the mountains of the Sierra Nevada Ridge, at an altitude of 700 m above y. m., in the east of the city of Granada, 450 km from Madrid, the capital of Spain, on the left bank of the Darro River. On the geographic map, the exact location of the palace can be calculated by the following coordinates: 37 ° 10 '37 "p. Sh., 3 ° 35 '24 "in. d.

The construction of the Alhambra Castle began in the middle of the thirteenth century at the initiative of the Moorish ruler of Mohammed I from the Nore Dynasty. The palace is one of the most striking monuments of Moorish architecture on the territory of Europe, which absolutely did not affect the Byzantine culture.

The unique architectural complex was created for several centuries, and therefore over time formed the most real city: there were gardens near his fortress walls, and the guard towers, palaces, mosque, pavilions, and even the city (Medina) were erected on the territory in which about 2 thousand people lived. These were mainly the employees of the castle - doctors, cooks, blacksmiths, guards.

Fortunately, places to build a huge number of buildings on the territory of the fortress were abound: the area of \u200b\u200bthe architectural complex was about 140 thousand square meters. m., Length is almost 750 m, the maximum width is about 200 m, and the total length of the fortressing wall is about 2 km. The works were involved in christian slaves, and brick, concrete, marble, wood, ceramics and gypsum were used as a building material.

To build Alhambra Castle, considerable both financial and human resources were involved. Despite the whole beauty and unusual design for the European Palace, the castle has repeatedly turned out to be on the hairs from complete destruction: his condition was directly depended on who was at that time in power in Spain:

  • King Mohammed I erected the fortress and began the construction of the Alhambra Palace, making it a royal residence.
  • Mohammed II and Mohammed III noticeably strengthened the fortress, completing the guard towers and additional fortress trees. Also during this period, the Summer Palace of General Palace was erected.
  • In the XIV century Yusuf I decided to completely rebuild the fortress. The reconstruction lasted about a hundred years, and therefore the work was completed by Muhammmed V. As a result, the Alcasab's fortress received a purely military destination, and next to her on the mountainside, the Palace Complex of the Alhambra was built on the slope of the mountain.
  • In 1492, the Spanish troops of the king of Ferdinand II Aragoness and Isabella Castilskaya captured Granada - and for the castle did not begin with the best times: decorative drawings were smelled to whitelle, paintings and gilded removed, the furniture was broken.
  • In the XVI century Karl V decided on the territory of Alhambra to build a castle in the style of the Renaissance, almost completely destroying the Winter Palace for this (though, he did not fully implement the idea). The mosque was destroyed, and instead of her the church of Santo Maria and the monastery were erected.
  • In the XVIII century. King Philip V is even more spoiled by the Architecture of Alhambra in Granada, building the palace in the center of one of the Moorish buildings.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte, losing war, ordered the Alhambra castle in 1812, but one of the performers neutralized explosives, as a result of which the French managed to destroy only one tower, while the palace complex himself survived.
  • In nine years, Alhambra in Spain was very destroyed during the strongest earthquake. Perhaps it served to start restoration works of a unique complex, which in 1828 began the architect José Conitary, and after his death they were continued with her son and finished with grandson.

What is a red fortress

Spaniards argue: who visited Spain and did not see the Alhambra, Spain did not see. Many prominent arabists say that Alhambra is the most beautiful of all preserved castles of Moorish culture. The uniqueness of this complex is that when other monuments of the Arab architecture of architecture admire their monumentality, the originality of the Red Fortress is the details, extremely accurate and painstaking work, which was done by Mauritan masters when creating arches, arches, columns, patterned windows.

It may not be amazing chaotic, but in reality the skillful location of the courtyards, transitions, fountains, water bodies, gardens. Such an alternation of open and closed structures, as well as constant repetition of architectural forms in combination with a light penetrating through the windows or between the columns, creates a rhythm, and a huge amount of diverse ornament on the walls of the building literally affects.

When the palace was erected, the ancient masters paid a lot of attention, creating a huge amount of fountains, ponds, water bodies along the complex, along which gardens were located.

This is due to the fact that the real birthplace of Maurov was a hot and arid desert, and therefore the water was especially valuable. In this regard, Moorish architects in the development of the project tried to make the semblance of paradise on Earth, which was described in the Quran as a magnificent garden, abundant rivers, lakes, streams.

The main buildings of the castle

Despite its inner beauty, outside the palace resembles a medieval castle-fortress, towering over one of the cities of Spain. The construction is noticeably transformed inside and it becomes clear why Mauritans, describing the palace, characterized it as a "pearl in emeralds", focusing on the bright colors of buildings against the background of the forest at the foot and broken in the castle of gardens.

The castle can be reached on the way, which is located between the mountain and the wall. This could also get from the Alhambrian forest through the goal of justice, which were in the eponymous tower, or through the eastern gate leading to the summer residence of Emirov General. All palace structures were in the west of the complex.

Palace Naridov

The Nastride Palace was located in the north-west of Alhambra. Like all other structures, it looks extremely simple, but inside the wealth and magnificence of this castle amazed. The palace provided buildings for the audience and courts (Meshhahara), the official residence of the ruler (Komarence Palace) and private apartments (Lviv Palace), where Emir lived, his wives, children and concubines, and when the castle seized the Spaniards, the kings were located here .

Postmabritarian period

Many buildings in the southwestern part of the complex were built after the Maurians left Granada, among them - the unfinished Palace of Charles V, because of which he destroyed the Winter Palace. This castle has a square shape, two tiers instead of three, and instead of the indoor room with a dome upstairs - an outdoor round yard. Near him is the church of St. Mary and the monastery.


In the West there is a fortress of Alhambra - Alkazaba, separated from the rest of the palace complex with a wide moat, as well as a double fortress wall, between which a narrow courtyard is located. Later, when the Spaniards came to power, the third wall was added on the northern and southern slope of the mountain. The composition of the citadel was a nine pediatric towers, with which the surroundings and weapons were well visible.

Writing this post was difficult. And I had to say my brother, "shove the insecious", make a sample of 500 frames and write some minimal text, and not a scientific study on the topic "Alhambra as it is."

So on November 4, from the morning early, i.e. At about 9 o'clock in the morning, we plunged into the ordered taxi and went to the main attraction of Granada - Alhambre, the majestic architectural and park ensemble, which includes the ancient palaces, the fortress and gardens of the Muslim rulers and is considered to be the highest achievement of Mauritan architects in Western Europe.

Alhambra can be reached by four ways:
1) the easiest - order a taxi (we were worth 7.50 European money for two)
2) take advantage of the 30th route of the 30th route departing from the Cathedral (value of 1.80 money for one soul, or rather the body)
3) Ride on your (removed) machine (the cost of gasoline and kilometer of your nerve fibers and cells that are not restored and which you will start to spend confusing in one-sided, narrow streets (and you will warmly confuse).
4) Go on foot - money is not worth it, but from 30 minutes and to infinity you spend it (depending on where to go where to go). It should be noted that choosing this way of delivering yourself to Alhambre, you need to consider that it will be necessary to go to a fairly cool slide and the rise may become tedious, especially in summer. And in the Alhambre itself will have to walk and walk.
Some guidebooks say that for the examination of the Alhambra you need 3 hours. I do not know how you can all have time for 3 hours, probably, only if you jump a rolling gallop. We were there almost 6 hours and not all went around and looked.

And one more important remark. Due to the fact that the bandwidth in Alhambra is 8,800 people a day, all guidebooks recommend ordering entrance tickets in advance. The site for order and phone numbers are located in Google without problems, as well as written in the same guidebooks. We knew it, but not having a clear plan of the trip (they decided how to go, would go, they didn't know what day we would be in Granada, and therefore did not order tickets in advance, having happened that November is not the height of the tourist season and those who want Visit the Red Fortress (and this is how Alhambra is translated from Arabic), there will be not 8800 people, but a little less and we buy tickets on the spot.

True, on the eve of the evening, I read the reviews of the same tourists-Rolling, which could not buy a ticket. Yes, and the taxi driver who drove us to the fortress, asked "and order whether we are about?", I was very surprised to hear a negative answer. So on the way to the fortress I was somewhat exciting, and Lida did not worry and discussed with a taxi driver a geopolitical situation in the Middle East. Their dialogue was very entertaining, because it was based on ten Spanish words, who knew Lida and five English, who knew the taxi driver.

So we got to the office, whose people were very little, bought tickets unhindered and rushed to the palaces of Nasriov. There is also another feature that you need to consider when visiting the Alhambra is a little get a ticket at the checkout and go to the territory of the complex. You still need to pay attention, at the time of entry into the palaces of Nasriov. This time is pricked on the ticket and go to the palaces you can for half an hour from the appointed time. All guidebooks also speak about it.

We arrived at Alhambra around 9:30. The entrance to the palaces was appointed at 10:00, but inattentively looking at the map

they missed the desired turn and went to the other side, and when they were signed up and realized that they realized that we were not going there, I had to turn around and quickly flee to the palace.
I naturally, I photographed something on the run, but without going into details that I remove.

After 15 minutes of a long walk, exactly at 10:00 we stood in the tail of about 150 and meter queues to the Nabid Palaces.

So - "Algámbra (Spanish. Alhambra, from Arab. قصر الحمراء Casre Al-Hamra -" Red Castle ") - Architectural and park ensemble, located on a hilly terrace in the eastern part of Granada in Southern Spain. The main development received in times The Board of the Muslim Dynasty of Nasridov (1230-1492), in which Granada became the capital of the Granada Emirate in the Iberian Peninsula, and Alhambra - their residence (the preserved palaces belong mainly to the XIV century). The composition of the extensive complex concluded in the fortress walls with the towers was also included. Mosque, residential buildings, baths, gardens, warehouses, cemetery. Currently is the Museum of Islamic Architecture. "

While we stood in line looked at Carlos Palace 5th. Built very close to the Nabid Palace. We, just looked at this palace outside, did not go inside. Now there is a Museum of Fine Arts Granada (Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada), the Museum of the Alhambra (Museo de La Alhambra), the Museum of Islamic art, where it is built mostly archaeological finds made in the Alhambre itself. This is the only object where we did not go from all those where it was possible to go. Just by the end of the day there was no longer the strength of any physical nor moral.

Opposite the palace of Carlos Wall Alcasaba - the Alhambra citadel where the first fortifications were built.

And here is our goal at the moment - the Palace of Nasriov. Outside it looks very modest and inconsistent.

And here we have to enter.

Now a slight retreat. Granada was the last stronghold of "Arab resistance". And it was here that in Alhambre it was decided to build the royal residence after the displacement of Arabs from the Pyrnenestany Peninsula. The Moorish complex organically fit into the architectural ensemble of the new Imperial Palace (Palace of Carlos 5th) and thus the masterpiece of Moorish architecture was saved from destruction. The truth survived not all. From the seven palaces, to the present day, they lived only three - Mehuar, Komarene and the Palace of Lviv. But on them, you can judge what luxury and magnificence surrounded myself the last owners of Alhambra in the era of the Moorish Decadence.
And the first palace, where we hit - Mehwar.

Mexuar (Mexuar). The most old part of the complex is markedly rebuilt after Christian conquest. The name comes from the Arabic word Maswar - the place where Shura is going, that is, the Council of Ministers.

And the first room is a Sala Del Mexuar. In the center of the hall, the patterned set of wooden ceiling of Christian times is supported by four columns with Mozaraara's consoles. The ceiling is made in the XVI century, before that, in his center there was a light lamp (the side windows was not). The upper part of the walls is decorated with a gypsum ornament, the lower finished with tiles, which are mixed with panels with images of the coat of arms of Charles V, the genus of Mendoza, Hercules pillars, etc. In the Christian period served as Chapel.

Chapel (Oratorio). A small room adjacent to Meshoir, overlooking Albaisin (one of the oldest Aribean quarters of Granada). Walls are covered with quotes from the Quran and praise Muhammed V.

view of Albiasin

In the eastern part, Michrab is a niche in the wall pointing to Mecca (so that the praying accidentally was not mistaken in which direction to pray).

In 1590, an explosion occurred here; In 1917, the room was restored.

Next we moved to the courtyard of Mexair (Patio del Mexuar), or the yard of the Golden Room (Patio del Cuarto Dorado). Located between Mehuair and the Komarence Palace. Here we were detained to skip the big crowd of "organized" tourists and not to attack them on the heels, but at the same time admire such beauty.

well, in these arches in the crowd of tourists.

Here is the "Gold Chamber" - the last hall in the Palace of the Sokhar, named so because of the gilding on the original artesonad ceiling. His finest carving, restored during the Catholic kings, in addition to Aararabic, carries and gothic motives.

A bit of a crowd of tourists and the facade of the Komarence Palace, renovated in the 19th century. "Created to commemorate the city of Algeciras Muhamed 5 in 1369, was conceived as a triumphal arch, as evidenced by the inscription and uncharacteristic facade for Islamic architecture with two separate entrances.

Palace Komarez (Palacio de Comares) was the official residence of Emir. Built in the middle of the XIV century. under Yusuf I and his son Mohammeda V. Different versions were expressed about the origin of his name; It is possible that it comes from the Arab "Hamarian" - the so-called colored stained glass windows in the windows of the main hall of his highest tower, also called the Komarence tower.
We enter it and first go on corraders

and soon we fall into the mirietary courtyard.

"Patio de Los Arrayanes). The composition of the composition of the entire palace, almost the most famous place of Alhambra. In the middle of the courtyard there is a marble pond with a size of 34 × 7.1 m, where water from two fountains is supplied to the short sides of the rectangle, for which the courtyard is also called Patio Pond (Patio del Estanque, Patio de La Alberca). On long sides, he was attacked by a tonsured hedge from myrtit, through which the courtyard was called. On the northern and southern parties, open portico, having seven semicircular arches with openwork threads and columns, were made. having a square sequence (Central Arch above all others). On their walls on top of the tiles, laid already under Christians at the end of the XVI century, the Arab inscriptions, praising Emir, are in particular, the poems of Ibn Wheems, Minister Mohammed V. at the ends of porticors There are richly decorated niches, where there were vases with flowers or oil lamps. On the long sides of the courtyard - richly decorated inlets into women's chambers. "

he is on the other side.

walls and Arches

We look into the boat hall (Sala de La Barca). "An extended rectangular hall with an entrance from the northern portication of the Mytt courtyard, connecting it from the Komarez tower. Its name occurs, by different versions, or from a cylindrical arch, resembling an inverted boat or from distorted Arabic Al-Barack - a blessing (this word is often found among the arabesque on the walls). The walls are covered with plaster stucco, pioneage.

And from it we fall into the tower of Komarez and an amazingly beautiful Embassy hall. (Salón de Embajadores), "Height of 18.2 m, the most majestic hall of the Alhambra. The floor there is tiled, in the middle - the coat of arms of the Alamarians (XVI century). In three walls, except input, very thick (2.5 m thick), niche has been done With three arches inside and the window outside. Windows pocked with patterned lattices, go on the second tier. All walls, niches, arches, transitions in abundance are filled with inscriptions, carvings and stucco. Extremely richly decorated with a wooden set ceiling, symbolically depicting seven heavens of Muslim Paradise With the breath of Allah in the middle; the ceiling surrounds the stalactitic frieze. On the upper floor of the tower there was a winter bedroom of Emir, and from there was going to the terrace. "

I am against the background of "thick walls with niches." The backpack on the belly is not just like that, but according to the ultimate recommendation of the caretaker. Apparently, pickpockets are smaller here.

my hand is here for scale. To make it easier to assess the subtlety of plaster stucco.

The next and last palace on our way - the Palace of Lviv (Palacio de Los Leones) is privatelying Emir. "Built in the XIV century. With Mohammed V after it comes to power; there is also a version that Mohammed built it as a palace, fully independent of the Komarese Palace. In the style of this building, the influence of Christian art is, apparently explaining Emir friendship with the Castilian king Pedro. Cruel. "
The Lviv Palace is built on the principle of grouping premises around the open yard.

We entered there, as usual, with a huge crowd

But gradually the people dissipated and the opportunity to consider it all.
So, the lion's courtyard (Patio de Los Leones). The central courtyard of the Palace, around the perimeter surrounded by arched galleries similar to the Gallery of the Mytovo Court, but the advantage of the dual columns, the total number of which is 124. The inputs in the apartments are mostly highlighted by protruding porticoes. The surrounding houses are covered with pointed tiled roofs. In the middle of the courtyard there is a fountain of Lviv (Fuente de Los Leones), depicting twelve stylized lions holding a twelve-footed bowl on the backs. For a long time there was a version that the figures of Lviv were made in the XI century. And they originate from the house of Vizier Shmuel Ha-Nagid, and since he was Judea, they allegedly symbolized twelve knees of Israel. However, during the restoration of the fountain at the beginning of the XXI century. It turned out that the lions and the bowl were made during the construction of the palace, that is, in the second half of the XIV century. The bowl is also decorated with verses Ibn Wheel.

Stalakty Hall (Sala de Los Mocárabes). He served as a lobby to enter the palace. The title is obliged to the ceiling of Mukarnas (Cellular Arch, Muqarnas, Muqarnas (Arab. Muqarnas, Arab. مقرنص), stalactites - a characteristic element of the traditional Arabic and Persian architecture; a variety of folded arch from closed biased folds in the form of rhombic trample-hexagons, pyramidal deepening, similar to wax bee honeycombs or in stalactites), strongly affected by the explosion of the powder cellar in 1590 and replaced; Since 1863, you can see the remnants of the initial ceiling. Occassed along the ceiling with a rich frieze of plaster stucco with inscriptions and maidises of nasriids. It has three arched entrances to the lion's courtyard.

makarna. In the palace of Lviv they are everywhere.

Abysenrakhov Hall (Sala de Los AbencyRrajes). "Located in the housing on the south side of the lion's courtyard. It is obliged to the name of the legend, according to which 37 representatives of the notable family of absenters on denunciation of a hostile family were killed here during the festival: allegedly one of the absenters was close to his wife Sultan . Rusty stains in the twelve-particle central fountain are associated with their blood. The most noticeable in this hall is the dome of the star-shaped form, consisting of MUKNN, with windows that give soft light. Walls are decorated with plaster stucco, pioneage - tiles of XVI B.

opposite the similar room - the hall of two sisters (Sala de Las Dos Hermanas). The central room of the chambers of the sultach. It is obliged to its name with two large marble floors of the floor, a divided fountain. The eight-marginal dome with Muqarow is particularly expressed here, which relies on the thrombus, also covered with MUKARN. The walls are covered with the thinnest thread on the knock, where you can see the motto names and the sounds.

Kings Hall (Sala de Los Reyes). Closes the lion's courtyard from the east. Perhaps it was a living room and a lounge. Divided by paired arches for three square sections

The central log on a special position was intended for Sultan and his environment.

A few more shots of a lion courtyard and move on.

We pass through the hall of two sisters and get to Mirador de Daraxa. The indoor balcony of the two-sisters hall, leaving in the courtyard of Lindaraja (Patio de Lindaraja). The first in the enfilade of the Harem premises. The name is from a distorted Arab "I-Ain-Dar Aisha" ("Eyes of Sultanshi"). It has low windows (based on semi-seated), central - double arched, side single. Initially, before the construction of Pacific Varl V, it opened up the view of the Darro River Valley (now the gaze is resting in the deaf wall of the gallery). Gypsum stucco with poems of Ibn Washed, black and white and yellow tiled base, caissional ceiling.

the windows overlook the yard of Lydarakhi

another mehuel

We pass along the gallery built under Carlos 5th. We look at the courtyard of the lattice (Patio de la Reja), or cypress (Patio de Los Cipreses). Created between the wall, the bathhouse and the shakers of Charles V at the same time, when the latter was built; It was called the balcony grill on the southern wall made in 1654-1655 for the passage between the Komarence Palace and the rest of the emperor. In the middle there is a marble fountain, at four corners - centenary cypresses.

The grill, more precisely, the railing is not remarkable - visible in this window

Since the gallery, the roofs are visible

On the other hand, on the ancient fortress wall of Granada

quarters Granada

one of the tower

Go down and get into the yard of Lydarakhi

And here we leave the Palaces of Nasriov

But while we walk in the park next to the portal, look at the palaces outside. As I said, the external walls do not speak about the inner splendor.

As I said we went out to Partial.

The name "Partial" (PARTAL, from the Arab word meaning "portico") is east of the Palace of Nasriov. Occasionally, it is called the "Patio de la Higuera". A significant part of it was previously accounted for Palacio Del Partal, or the Palacio Del Pórtico (Palacio Del Pórtico), built before the Naridian palaces - at the beginning of the XIV century, with Mohammed III. From this palace left very little; The greatest of its buildings is the ladies tower (Torre de Las Damas),

Its portico with five arched entrances goes to a rectangular revenue, like other palaces. The topor is located on the topor of the Darro Valley, as well as from the lower square hall. According to the legend, it was from this tower to their rebel supporters a future emir Boabdils ran.

A little rolling in the gardens of partial

We look at the church of Santa Maria de La Alhambra (Iglesia de Santa María de la Alhambra). Built in 1581-1618. At the site of a large mosque on the plans of Juan de Errera and Juan de Orea Architect Ambroso de Vico, somewhat simplified them. He has the form of the Latin Cross.

We pass by the walls of the Palace of Carlos

We go towards Alcasaba

We pass through the wine gate. According to generally accepted opinion, from 1554, under these gates, there was a free trade of tax trade, hence their name.

Alcasaba (from Arabic word al-Kasba, meaning "Fortress") - Alhambra citadel; It was here that the first fortifications were built. In Alcasaba 9 tower connected by somersault fortress walls.
I will not list the names of all the tower.

"Weapon Square (Plaza de Armas), the space between the walls of Alcasaba. Here are the foundations of houses where the garrison lived and its population, the remains of the water tank and is visible in the underground prison."

Where I do not know the entrance to prison, and nucleists are good!

ADARVE (Adarve), a configured way on the northern wall. And also visible the highest - sentiment tower (Torre de La Vela), the highest tower of the citadel (about 27 m height), square in the plan, four-storey. It was on it that in 1492 the conquerors raised the flag of the Order of Santiago and the royal banners. Later was used as a dwelling (until the middle of the XX century. Members of the War Disabled Corps have lived here, called the bell on holidays). There was a teeth, but in 1522 they destroyed them an earthquake. The bell was installed in 1492 (why it was also called the bell tower, Torre de La Campana), but the current belfry dates back to 1840 (in 1882 it was destroyed by lightning and restored).

We naturally climbed on it (oh's poor my knees) but the views were worth.

Roof Granada


View of Alhambra (historical value does not represent, but picturesque.

Fortress Walls Alhambra (Lida is set for scale).

Under the walls, already in the Christian era, a small park was broken.

On this park we leave Alcasaba, pass by the gardens of Partial

What these two do, for us there is a mystery.

we go past the dwellings of Arabic nobles

On the path lies with this snow-white palace at a nearby hill.

This is henellifa - the former summer residence of Emirov, located east of the Fortress itself and connected to her several roads. The complex includes palaces, gardens and a number of other structures.
At first we went on the "Lower Gardens" broken here in 1931 and not having historical significance, but not less than that beautiful.

Gardens themselves are beautiful, and more of them opens a completely stunning view of the Alhambra.

And aroma colors around.

Palace Hennelife (Palacio del GeneralFe) was built in the XIII century. and rebuilt in 1319

Its facade is made intentionally simple and modest, contrasting with a rich interior in the style of the palaces of Alhambra.

The strongest impression in it produces a courtyard of Aryka (Patio de La Acequia), through which the same channel passed, the traces of which are visible in Alhambre; Here it is framed by two rows of water jets, and flowers, bushes and trees are planted along the shores.

He brings to the observation site (Miradore), which opens a beautiful view of the city.

Named so alone standing dry gigantic cypress. Otherwise, he was called the courtyard of the Sultanshi, for here, according to legend, there was secret dates of the Sultan's wife with one of the absenters, who was worthwhile to a whole family of nobles. (Killed in the lviv palace of the same name).

here is another couple of types of cypress

What does this window relates to, I do not remember - it just liked it, very much.

In the 19th century, "upper gardens" broken slightly above the slope

And in 1836 a romantic Mirador Romántico is built in a non-neutic style contrasting with the rest of the buildings.

By climbing there you can see the following pictures.

Like the window, I also liked this tower, but that I will not say. I will say, just that it was the last structure that we looked in Alhambre.

After that, on a shady lady with the trees of cunning shape, we went to the gate and on that our six hours walk along the Alhambre ended.

We went down to the city on the miniwed buse, which I wrote at the beginning of the post, and about what we saw in the second half of the day, I will tell you in the next post (for this, I think the information is enough).

If mostly the works of Arabic architecture are striking by their monumentality, then the highlight of the Alhambra - on the contrary, lies in the details. This is not just a palace, as many of it is called - this is a monumental architectural complex, striking with its beauty and splendor

This greatest monument to the Arab construction art in Andalusia appeared here thanks to Muslim Maslims, under the domination and influence of which Spain was located for several centuries. At the sunset of its power, Mauritanian decided to create a small paradise on Earth, a small paradise - the Palace-Fortress of Alhambra

Translated from the Arab "Alhambra" means "red" - it may have happened from the color of bricks, of which the castle wall laid out, but there is a more interesting version of the origin of the name of the Mauritanian architectural complex - the Arab historians believe that construction was conducted at night, with the light of torches, And such a backlight gave the walls a reddish tint - hence allegedly the name "Alhambra" happened

Alhambra is located on the top of the Assabik Valley, in the southeastern border of Granada. As in other Moorish Palaces, in Alhambre, all the treasures are hidden inside, for nothing outstanding, you can even say unsightly walls - because the facades of her buildings are not decorated with nothing

Alhambra is an extensive courtyard complex with gardens, where the fountains are bored and fish are splashing in the pools. Each courtyard is surrounded by arcade, behind which richly decorated indoor rooms are hidden - bedrooms, halls for peaks and reception of ambassadors. The names of the courtyards themselves speak for themselves, for example, if you enter the courtyard, decorated with evergreen lobby patterns, mytov trellis - you can guess that this is a "peaceful courtyard"; The courtyard with a fountain, around which 12 stone lions were frozen - it is logical called "Lviv courtyard" or "lionic courtyard"; Another courtyard, with two huge plates of white marble in the floor, called the "two sister" hall

The architectural ensemble of Alhambra is, in fact, the city on the territory of Granada. The foot of the high fortress walls are broken down the gardens and pavilions, a mosque, a palace ensemble, Alcasaba (Fortress), as well as a small medina (city)

For official ceremonies and court celebrations, a special "Chamber of Ambassadors" was created here, the high dome of which is decorated with star pattern

Alhambra's architectural ensemble is unique in the sense that it is built from short-lived materials - simple clay and alabastra! But the Arab architects of the XIV century managed even from such materials to create a real miracle, while finely feeling the harmony and the proportions of each element, playing with light and space

Feature AlhambraAs, however, and other Moorish Palaces, is a carving of plaster, in which the Arab masters carved an openwork ornament in the form of an infinitely repeated Arab patterned vessel

Also amaze with their luxury Arches, located absolutely symmetrically and something resembling giant stalactites

A few more examples of Moorish carving on the plaster in the arches Alhambra

A very important role in layout Alhambra plays water that was a big luxury for Mavrov - residents of hot and arid desert. In Alhambre, the water should have created a coolness and to delay the hearing with his murmion. That is why the water in Alhambre is blown in the splashes of fountains, foams in the cascades and rapidly running through the channels, filling the ponds and reservoirs, and cypress and oranges grow around, flower flower beds - and all this on the background of snowy mountain peaks of Sierra Nevada and soft blue sky . Rectangular reservoirs, reflecting the bright blue of the Spanish sky, also expand the space and create a feeling of space. Moorish masters tried to make a kind of paradise on Earth, because in the Koran paradise it is described in detail as a lush garden, abundant by water flows.

Once at the foot of the Alhambra, the green forest reinforced, against which the architectural complex was highlighted by its bright colors, for which Moorish poets in their works called her "pearl in emeralds". The time could not be so negatively affected by the complex so that it would cease to be one of the best nonypical samples of Mauritania architecture in Europe

After several centuries in a state of launch, in the XIX century, the complex was repeatedly "open" by European scientists and travelers held for his reconstruction. From 1984, Alhambra has been part of UNESCO World Heritage Site

Due to the very accurate and miniature work of Moorish masters when decorating wooden and stone elements, Alhambra, such as arches, vaults, carved patterned windows, elegant columns and slender columns, as well as the skillful location of the courtyards and transitions between them, fountains, cascades, water bodies and fancy Plant ornaments - thanks to the synthesis of all of the above, many today consider the Alhambra to the highest achievement of Moorish art in Western Europe

Today Alhambra is the museum of Islamic architecture and one of the most visited historical structures of Spain