Forbes found airplanes on which Russian oligarchs fly. Photo

What Russian businessmen move their bodies around the world.

Rich Russians, about which Russian Forbs often writes, - people with faders, and they have money for these quirks. We have already written about what houses domestic billionaires live and on which yachts are moving around the seas and oceans. It is time to look at another almost compulsory attribute of the image of oligarchs - its own aircraft.

Take a personal aircraft to the category of quiet, however, will not always be a right decision. Sometimes its own liner is needed just because "time is more expensive than money." In addition, often personal Jet is not the property of the individual - it can be leased or belong to the corporation that provides its business owner.
In the air park of Russian billionaires there are a wide variety of aircraft samples - from Yak-142 to Boeing 767-300 and army helicopters. Spacious far-haul Boeing and Airbus are used for distant flights. However, they are extremely expensive maintenance, and therefore more popular among billionaires are less spacious Falcon, Gulfstream and Bombardier. In total, in a number of data, in the Russian Federation there are about 500 private VIP aircraft.

According to the VIP-Pass-Sahirov themselves, they first need safety, reliability, speed and certain level of comfort. The oligarchs understand why they are needed by airplanes, and equip them under the existing tasks and their tastes, why the interiors of the aircraft often reflect the individuality of their owners. Someone from the rich is plane in the style of Hi-Tech, someone loves the Golden Eastern Luxury and expensive carpets, someone suits the art gallery from the original or library. In addition, there are originals whose plane inside looks like a hut or as a restaurant.

There are adherents of a healthy lifestyle, equipping a gym with running tracks and exercise plane. However, there are restrictions in the decoration - it is forbidden to establish billiard tables, heavy baths, as well as to use fire hazardous and bulky materials (for example, marble). In general, on the individual decoration of the aircraft salon in Switzerland, one or two years and up to 20 million dollars. The content of the air castle costs 3-5% of its value per year and depends on the country of the registry.

Who, how and who flies

A private aircraft fleet is divided into large liner park, which are sent in flight only to resolve dispatch services, and small aircraft flying only with notice. All of them can be both private and corporate property. There is also a rental business aircraft used by businessmen and officials, and the officials are more likely to use regular aircraft. On the leased aircraft flights of Nedleysh: the middle check is a million rubles and more. There is also a price tag for the most frequently ordered routes: for example, rates for rent a four-bed aircraft from Moscow there and back to Courchevel range from 40 thousand euros, from the Maldives - from 80 thousand euros, to Nice and Paris - from 30 thousand. Euro. It is clear that all this services are not for the poor.

It is significant that almost all a flying business technology, and private and corporate, usually registered in offshores and does not pay Russian taxes, although based in the Russian Federation.
The cost of servicing private aircraft, including the flights themselves, can be from 100 thousand dollars and up to several million per year. Standard when calculating: four pilots, one engineer, two or three flight attendants and one manager. By the way about the staff: monthly salaries of pilots in business aviation make up 12-15 thousand dollars, flight attendants - 2.5-5 thousand, but this money is given to them with difficult work: the flight attendant should own a foreign language, the basics of psychology, medical skills, to understand In wines and kitchens of various peoples, and at the same time in detergents with which the salon is served. Food order on board (Pushkin's restaurant in Tver Boulevard) and the guidance of order and cleanliness in airplanes is also the obligation of a flight attendant. High loads on the body often lead to stewardess caregivers: forgetfulness due to oxygen starvation, infertility, onco-scab, varicose veins, etc. This is how - or health, or money. By the way, for these money and IQ require, well, the appearance, of course, should be attractive to look adequately against the background of an expensive aircraft.

Oligarchs privatize airports

Vnukovo-3 on the territory of Vricov is the largest business airport in Europe. On average, there are 35-40 thousand private flights per year, which is 90% of all Russian business flights. The complex for servicing business class aircraft and VIP passengers is under round-the-clock rigid guard. The departures and arrivals of VIP-airplanes are not announced and do not mean in schedules, and VIP passengers arrive and fly through specialternlys, where no one sees them. By the number of flights, in a certain direction, you can make an opinion about what is happening in the business community. For example, compared with 2014 last 2016 decreased by 30% of flights to France, almost to zero dropped the number of flights to Ukraine. But the number of departures to Malta has increased from 39 to 120. Curious, what would it?

At Vrithers-3, there is another feature. It is this port that those who need to leave the country as soon as possible. It was from here that I wanted to fly to the rental of Antalbank Magomed Mukhiev for a long time for a rental aircraft, suspected of embezzling 30 billion rubles. It seems that it was from here that Borodin's banker, accused of embeding 62 billion rubles, and a number of other gentlemen who were ahead of the prosecutor's office. From here it was flying away by loading antiques, paintings and even hives, ex-mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov. From the same airport, rich people fly abroad to doctors and cosmetologists.

By the way

In 2013, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the exit of the state from ownership of Vnukovo airport. One of the main advantages of this port is its high yield. At one time, the port really wanted to get Moscow - failed. However, the money capital invested in him decent, and in recent years in Vnukovo-3 there was a lot of state budget.
Airports are strategic objects that they are usually in state property. However, the Government of Medvedev does not think that purposefully transferring the largest airports under the oligarchic management. Groups of airports Viktor Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska have already been formed.

Thus, the state is deprived of income from airports and refuses to benefit the oligarchs from the strategic resource. Forbes regarding the privatization of Vribov said that private shareholders would own the controlling stake, consolidated Vnukovo International Airport OJSC (75%), in which 81% will be Socha, co-owner USM Holdings Usmanova. For private owners there will be an option on the redemption of the remaining 25-30% of state shares. Vnukovo can later enter USM Holdings Alisher Usmanova. The scheme is simple: in response to an investment of relatively small funds, the oligarchs will receive a huge piece of state ownership. This is not only an airport, but also a railway entrance, and a road, and the surrounding infrastructure, and land in the directions where the Russian business elite mainly lives: Rublevskoye, Mozhaisk and Novorizhskoe highway. What is not the continuation of the collateral auctions?

Favorite aircraft oligarchs:

1. Airbus A340-300.
Owner - Alisher Usmanov
Cost - 350 million dollars.
Alisher Usmanov has several aircraft, but Airbus A340-300 is the largest of them. $ 112 million was spent on his retrofit. The aircraft has four engines, its flight range is 13,500 kilometers. There are no more than 30 such aircraft in the world. The Liner is named after the Father of the oligarch "Burkhan" (yacht oligarch is named after his mother). On-board number M-IABU in "Translation" apparently deciphered as "Men's Oh, I-AB. Usmanov. "

2. Boeing 767-300ER.
Owner - Roman Abramovich
Cost - 191 million dollars.
It is known that the aircraft is registered in the Offshore Aruba (Caribbean, the Netherlands). The range of this Boeing is 11 thousand kilometers. Capacity of liner -
245 passengers. The plane is sometimes called the "gangster" for the characteristic black "glasses" at the cockpit of the pilots and the dark strip along the aircraft. In addition to Boeing, Abramovich has other personal aircraft.

3. Airbus A319 M-RBUS.
Owner - Mikhail Prokhorov
This is a large 6-year-old liner with a dynamic color and call sign Silver Arrows. The length of the aircraft, which prefers to fly politician and billionaire, is 33.8 meters, the scope of the wings - 35.8 meters. In the cabin can accommodate up to 156 passengers. Catalog cost is 88.6 million dollars. However, the interior of the liner is most likely specially converted to the needs of the owner.

4. Airbus A319-133.
Owner - Dmitry Rybolovlev
Cost - 86 million dollars.
The liner has the on-board number M-Kate in honor of the daughter of the oligarch Catherine. Up to 156 passengers are placed in the standard aircraft, the business modification takes up to 19 people, flight range is up to 12 thousand kilometers. Dmitry Rybolovlev is one of the first to be engaged in securities and their buying. He is interested in collecting the work of impressionists, lives in Monaco. The basis of its state is the means obtained from the sale of Uralkali.

5. Airbus A319-115 CJ.
Owner - Andrei Skost
Cost - 50 million dollars.
Through the Father, which is a ninth dozen and on which business is rewritten, Andrei Skosch participates in the company USM Holdings, the main owner of which is Alisher Usmanov. It also owns a significant share at Vnukovo airport. USM Holdings combines metallurgical, telecommunication and Internet assets of partners.

6. Gulfstream
Owner - Vladimir Potanin
Cost - 33 million dollars.
The plane is designed for 19 passengers. Its height of flight is 15 kilometers, flight range - 12.5 thousand kilometers, speed - 850 kilometers per hour. Potanin worked in the structures of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, created the Foreign Economic Association "Interros", sold natural resources, created an ONEXIM Bank (probably, using the CPSU money), gave birth to the idea of \u200b\u200bmortgage auctions and through them for small borrowed money received Sidanko's oil company, Novorossiysk maritime shipping company and Nickel. Capital is earned at Nickel, in Rosbank and on the purchase and resale of assets.

7. Bombardier BD-700 Global Express. Owner - Victor Vekselberg
Cost - 23 million dollars.
Vekselberg is the founder of the Russian-American joint venture "Renova" and Aluminum Holding "SUAL". His condition is estimated at $ 12.4 billion. Large earnings from Viktor Vekselberg went after the purchase of generating facilities (CES-Holding) and overstaving the tariffs of services provided and active work with IC Skolkovo, very generously funded by the Ministry of Finance. According to Ruspers, if the Investigative Committee actively will actively occur, T.F. Indeed, it may urgently need a plane. However, Victor Vekselberg is a member of many public organizations and enjoys the support of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation, which includes Dmitry Medvedev, Vladislav Surkov and Arkady Dvorkovich, so that he apparently trust.

8. Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ.
Owner - Suleiman Kerimov
Cost - 50 million dollars.
The model is designed for 19 passengers, flight range - 9300 kilometers at a speed of 850 kilometers per hour. Kerimov also has a Gulfstream G-V for 35 million. The Kerimov family owns a 61% stake in Polyus (the former Polyus Gold) - the largest producer of gold in the Russian Federation, as well as Makhachkala International Airport. In addition, Kerimov owns Nafta Moscow. In 2015, Kerimov sold the Moscow Hotel. The state did, investing in growing stocks. Since 2008, a member of the SF from Dagestan.

9. Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ.
Owner - Rustam Tariko
The same jet has the owner of the bank and vodka brand "Russian Standard" Rustam Tariko. Now the company Tariko "RUST" is a growth in sales of vodka, but the Russian Standard Bank, according to the "MorningNews", is walking. The bank should be about 70 billion rubles, the reason is the debts on loans provided in the currency. Tariko has already sold a favorite yacht, but the plane still holds - suddenly it will be needed.

What are Russian oligarchs fly on? Surely, many are interested in this question. After all, due to the seriousness of their business, the transport of billionaires is also becoming more serious. Therefore, we decided to satisfy the curiosity of readers. The airframe of our Russian billionaires is truly wide - from Yak-142 to Boeing 767-300. What there is only no - birds for every taste.

A large banker co-owner of alpha groups, owner of the 3rd line of Forbes rating Mikhail Friedman in 2005 bought his personal Bombardier Global Express aircraft. Such a toy cost a businessman € 40 million.

Bombardier Global Express

The owner of the TSK holding, Telman Ismailova, there is not only the Golden Hotel Mardan Palace (Turkey), but also as it turned out, even the Falcon 7X VP-BVY Golden Airplane. Although, official data that Jet belongs to Ismailov, no, most likely the owner still he. All the facts speak in favor of this. It was this plane, Telman sent to Switzerland, for the sons with overlapping on Stritage. How much is such a miracle is not known.

Falcon 7X VP-BVY

A large businessman and one of the co-owners "Wimm-Bill-Dann", David Yakobashvili, owns the Bombardier Challenger 604 aircraft. There is such a bird about $ 30 million .. In addition, Multimilliona still owns a business jet Gulfstream G550 worth $ 55 million ..

Gulfstream G550.

The richest senator of Russia and at the same time a large businessman, Sergey Pugachev, at its disposal has two aircraft: Falcon 2000 Ex Easy for $ 25 million and Gulfstream IIB worth $ 10 million ..

Falcon 2000 Ex Easy

Gulfstream IIB.

The owner of Norilskie and the former partner of Mikhail Prokhorov, Vladimir Potanin, also did not cost without his flying transport. The billionaire belongs to the Gulfstream V plane for $ 33. million

Gulfstream V.

Of course, such toys can afford not everyone, because the price of the aircraft is 10 times of millions of dollars. However, this is not just a capricious oligarch. The argument in favor of such purchases is also the fact that ordinary flights are difficult to use for business trips when you need to visit several places at once. The presence of your aircraft solves the problem. Plus, large businessmen thus improving their safety. After all, where big money, there is a big risk.

The owner of Severstal Sergey Mordashov acquired a luxurious liner for business flightsBombardier Challenger 604 for $ 28 million ..

Bombardier Challenger

The owner of the Russian Standard Bank and the Vodka Brand of the same name, Rustam Tariko, preferredairplane Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJworth $ 50-52 million.

Oil Magal t Vagit Alekperov enjoys the comfort of Falcon 900Ex for $ 30 million .. Also in the airlike billionaire, a more modest Yak-142 aircraft, which costs $ 2.5 million.

The head of the Innovation Center Skolkovo and the owner of Renova Holding, Victor Vekselberg, carries out its flights to Bombardier BD-700 Global Express. The price of such a crumb is about $ 23 million ..

One of the most expensive liners among our billionaires has the owner of Rusal Oleg Deripaska, who, in turn, belongs to the part of Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanina. Oligarch uses servicesGulfstream GV-SP worth $ 45 million ..

These are birds are in the air park of our Russian billionaires.Big money - great opportunities. Butcool business jet is not only a demonstration of the status of the oligarch. This is not a luxury, but a means of movement, thanks to which major businessmen decide their no less large affairs.

Billionaire-politician Mikhail Prokhorov, who is going to create a folk hybrid "E-Mobile" and develop domestic basketball, owns two aircraft. Prokhorov flies on Gulfstream GV-SP worth $ 45 million and Falcon 900 Ex, the price of which is about $ 30 million.

Falcon 900 EX.

The deputy from the United Russia faction Andrei Skosch, who is also a member of the Forbes rating and part-time the richest deputy in the State Duma also prefers to fly with taste. A billionaire is a luxurious Airbus A319-115CJ aircraft. To fly on such a bird in your own pocket, you need to have about $ 50 million .. it is precisely so much a business jet.

The head of the company Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov is also not a fan of public airlines. Billionaire travels with comfort on its own plane Embraer-135BJ Legacy worth $ 25 million ..

Hollywood Star Harrison Ford was filmed as a pilot in several pretty famous paintings, such as the "Presidential Plane" or "Star Wars", but also in life is considered a good pilot. Not in vain in 2001, the Federal Air Department of Aviation (FAA) attracted Ford to participate in the company to prevent intrusion on the runway. Own "Cessna 525B CJ3" worth about $ 8 million, which can comfortably deliver 6 passengers for a distance of more than 3,000 km, Harrison Ford pilots himself.

One of the greatest "Formula 1" riders, Michael Schumacher, acquired this business-class jet plane for $ 28.5 million in 2002. At that time, Michael was the current car driver of the Ferrari team and often flew to the venue of the next Grand Prix at the same aircraft. Most likely Schumacher interested not so much comfortable luxury salon, but the speed that this aircraft can develop is 900 km / h.

This aircraft belonging to Challenger Administration LLC, located in Washington, is registered in the name of the Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates. It was created to make it comfortable 8 people at a distance equal to the flight from Los Angeles to Moscow or from New York to Tokyo. In the on-board number of this aircraft (N887WM) there are first letters from the names of the parents of Gates "William" and "Maria".

CONVAIR 880 Elvis Presley was purchased in 1975 for, then essential money, $ 250,000. Immediately was re-equipped - instead of 110 passengers he could now accommodate only 28, but a large table for negotiations was installed, huge leather chairs and a bar. After modernization, he was already worth $ 600,000. Presley called this Lisa Marie plane - in honor of his daughter.

Mark Kuban, founder of, acquired Boeing 767-277 for the Dallas Mavericks Basketball Team, the owner of which he is. This aircraft is equipped with specially designed seats to ensure maximum comfort for tall players.

Roman Abramovich made his condition mainly during the privatization of the Russian oil industry. But abroad he is known primarily as the owner of the Chelsea football club. His personal "Boeing 767", serviced in London "Luton Airport" 51 km from London, painted rather inconspicuous, unlike the interior. In the case, the aircraft is decorated with natural gold and red tree.

Despite the fact that Boeing 767 is quite a big plane, Abramovich became the owner of the newest Giant "Aerobus A-380". Abramovich one of the first ordered this aircraft at the air show in Le Bourget. The plane will deliver its owner only in 2011, then after re-equipment, its cost will be $ 400 million. For Abramovich, it is equipped with several living rooms, a negotiation room and luxurious apartments. This is the largest passenger airliner who initially could accommodate 380 passengers.

Boeing 727-23 Donald Trump originally belonged to the company "American Airlines", but then was redeemed "D.J. Aerospace, one of the companies of the American billionaire. Light leather armchairs, gilded seat belt clasp, art gallery, special soft lighting and personal career personnel - Everything is aimed at the most comfortable trip Donald Trump and its guests. The "Trump" emblem on board the height of more than a meter, 9 meters wide and made of a 23-carat sheet of gold.

This Boeing 747-430 belongs to the ruler Brunei Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the richest people in the world, who is also known as the owner of one of the most amazing collections of cars and works of art. This aircraft is the most expensive private plane - its interior is decorated with clean gold, genuine expensive skin and a real crystal. The cost of this aircraft is more than $ 120 million. The ruler Brunei also owns 2 Aerobus A-340 and the new "Boeing-767".

Actor John Travolta is a licensed pilot of the Qantas airline, which allows him to pilot passenger airliners such as Boeing 707. For its 54 years, Travolta flew more than 5 thousand hours, owns 5 aircraft, including: "Boeing-707", two "Learjet 24b", "Gulfstream 2" as well as "Canadair CT-114", on which military pilots are usually trained Rules of fighting and higher pilotage figures. On the territory of his residence in Hemborair, in Florida, equipped with a runway, 2 km long and a steering path leading to the house.

The most expensive luxury items: villas, yachts, cars, phones from platinum and diamonds, is no longer so relevant for the richest people of the planet. The last modity of fashion for billionaires is a private aircraft equipped with the best designers of the world.
It is the acquisition of a personal supersonic aircraft that today is the main criterion that distinguishes at the truly rich and influential person from simply wealthy. After all, who laid personal airliners? Correctly: the presidents and first persons of the state: Barack Obama (USA) and Vladimir Putin (Russia), Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan) and Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan) and Elizabeth II (United Kingdom), not to mention the premier Ministers of Israel, Canada, Italy, etc.
Agree to be in something similar to these persons - not the worst thing imitation, especially when your airliner is no worse, but in something even better than "official public persons".
What brands of aircraft choose modern billionaires and multimillionaires of Russia, and which of them wins in the battle for the most prestigious aircraft? - analysts of the section "Russian News" of the magazine "Birzheva Leader" were prevalent.

Whose more expensive: private aircraft of richest people in Russia

Following billioners whose names for several years do not leave the rating of the richest people of the world of Forbes magazine, who have long felt the comfort of transportation by frequent aircraft, take advantage of business jets hurried and their "colleagues" -milliadera from Russia.
According to the organizers of the JETEXPO exhibition, 158 jet business aircraft were registered in Russia, and by 2020, in Russia and the CIS countries, this amount will increase to 525 units.
The most expensive private aircraft belongs to the former Governor of the Chukotka AO, now - the owner of the Chelsea football club and just a billionaire Roman Abramovich. Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) produced by the United States depending on the configuration and decoration of the cabin costs from 47 to 310 million dollars and accommodates 62 passengers. The cruising speed of the air is 850 km / h, the practical range - 10 220 - 11,270 kilometers depending on the number of passengers. This is not the only aircraft on which Abramovich moves. Another pride of his fleet - Boeing BBJ767, which costs a little less - only $ 180 million (speed 860 km / h, range - 5,990 kilometers).

Nearby from the "colleague" and the richest man of Russia 2012 according to the Bloomberg edition, the owner of a 20 billion state of Alisher Usmanov. It has Airbus ACJ340 aircraft (manufacturer - France), worth $ 300 million (capacity of the cabin - 75 people, speed - 881 km / h, range - 14,300 kilometers) and Airbus ACJ319 (80 million dollars), which accelerates 895 km / h and has a practical range of 11,650 kilameters.

More modest requests from the "Aluminum King" of Russia Oleg Deripaska. He preferred a Gulfstream V aircraft made in the United States. The cost of the aircraft is 35 million US dollars (cruising speed of 850 km / h, flight range is 12.5 thousand kilometers).

President of the Private Investment Fund "Glasses ONEXIM", Politician and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov For travel and business trips chose the Embraer Legacy 600 plane, made in Brazil. There is a volume of luxury 27 million US dollars, you can take up to 19 people on board; Its speed is 834 km / h, practical range, depending on the number of passengers - from 2,610 to 5,926 kilometers. Also in a fleet of the newly made policy is the Dassault Falcon 2000 worth $ 25 million (speed - 880-911 km / h, range - 5,778).

President and co-owner of the largest oil company "LUKOIL" Vagit Alekperov Moves on a private aircraft Bombardier Challenger 605 (manufacturer - Canada). The ship is designed for 12 people and costs $ 25 million. Cruising speed - 850 km / h, practical range - 7,491 kilometers.

What is "for the hill"?

Rich and famous, billionaires from around the world Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani, the stars of show business of the first magnitude, as the legendary Madonna; The director of the sensational "Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson or director Stephen Spielberg - has long understood that the expensive "toys" in the form of a personal aircraft are not only an integral attribute of beautiful life, but also an incredibly comfortable means of movement.
Often, the richest people of the planet emphasize their status with the pompous interior of luxury objects, and besides the luxury-friendly leather seats and double beds for private aircraft, things that are several times the cost of the vehicle itself appear in the aircraft salons. So:
- Donald Trump - Happy owner of Boeing 727-23, acquired for $ 100 million. The interior of the plane salon cost the owner significantly higher, because it is made in the decadence style with gilded fasteners of seat belts and crystal chandeliers. The bathroom is decorated with porcelain and precious stones.
- Sultan Brunei, I purchased Boeing 747-430 per 100 million dollars, and I spent on the decoration and gilding the interior ... 120 million. Furniture in the cabin is made of the finest skin of blue.
- Dear "toys" - not just a men's prerogative. In the private aircraft Boeing 737 BBJ Owners of the Israeli Bank "Apoalim" Sherry Arison There is a bedroom, a children's room, a conference room with plasma TVs and high-speed Internet.
The plane is not a luxury, but a vehicle- I explained in an interview with the "Expert of the MasterForex-V, the famous Canadian Expert of the MasterForex-V Academy of Evgeny Olkhovsky, - paraphrasing the joke famous from Soviet times. If a person has a large corporation with branches in different parts of the world, he needs to have a plane in which he could continue to continue its work in the air, not to be dependent on commercial flights.
Of course, this is also prestige. And the fact that some private airliners have become works of art - the personal matter of taste and the size of the bank deposit of their owners and owners. In any case, to own the plane - dear and costly thing. December 13, 2011, 17:01

Boeing-767 Abramovich, including the interior decoration, bathing, plasma panels and anti-missile equipment, cost the owner in the amount of more than 1 billion dollars.
English photographer Nick Glace about 3 years shot the interiors of aircraft of African dictators. Their names of the photographer does not call, but, according to rumors, it was, for example, the King of Swaziland, President Nigeria and the head of Zimbabwe. However, the Russian oligarchs and their chief of Putin are at no less impressive flying palaces.
Photos of interiors of the aircraft of African rulers were presented in the English Brightton Festival. Nick Glace, who spent about 3 years to these pictures, admitted that the coordination of permits for the shooting of each of the objects he at first occupied about 3 months. However, then Glace showed the previous shot to one of the African Karkov. He immediately agreed to shoot his flying palace - "To show the world that he has no worse than a neighbor than a neighbor." In addition, the next dictator received exclusive information, as the aircraft looks like its competitor for screaming luxury. In the future, Glace enjoyed this particular tactic.
While most blacks of Black Africa died from poverty and diseases, their rulers finished their aircraft literally gold. The reasons for such screaming luxury in 2002 explained King Swaziland MSUTI III: "Luxury aircraft is needed to increase the prestige of the state and attracting foreign investment." This aircraft and his finish cost King $ 300 million.
Glace says that the cheapest aircraft (together with the finish) from the rated it was worth about $ 100 million. But most often the devices accounted for $ 300-400 million. They were separated by gold, skins, on their walls hung pictures of impressionists worth several million dollars. According to Glace, the main routes of African dictators were flights to Europe, mainly to France, Switzerland and England. Back airplanes flew, clogged with clothing from Couture, works of art and expensive wines.

However, the Russian co-worker of Vladimir Putin I is not at all inferior in luxury aircraft of African dictators. Earlier it was reported that in 2001, the British company Diamonite Aircraft Furnishing Ltd won the tender for the right to fulfill the IL-96 presidential aircraft interior. The total cost of Russian board No. 1 can reach 300 million dollars (i.e., like the King Swaziland MSVATI III). But MSUTI III and Putin himself interrupted the subordinate "businessman" (appointed by the owners of the British offshore for this role) Roman Abramovich. He had two aircraft in his time. One is the old Boeing-737, adapted under working flights between Chukotka, Moscow and London (now, on rumors, this is the plane sold). In addition, he has Boeing-767. After the interior decoration, the installation of baths, plasma panels and other equipment required in the flight the cost of buying this flying palace passed for 1 billion dollars. Crawled Abramovich even installed an anti-missile system on the aircraft. For 2010, Abramovich also belonged for 4 aircraft. One of the rare pictures of Abramovich in an airplane
This photo shows Abramovich, sitting in his Boeing 737
And this is Boeing 767 Abramovich at the airport of Austrian Innsbruck
Another plane Abramovich - Falcon; At this photo, the arrivals of the "Businessman" in Menaging on the semifinal match of the Cup of England between his Chelsea Club and Blackburn Rovers are captured. In total, the Russian oligarchs own about 450 aircraft. Some acquisitions were symbolic. So, now, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, too, also flew on an exclusive aircraft. His choice fell on the fashionable Gulfstream-5. According to rumors, this choice appreciated the Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin and acquired the plane of the former "oligarch".
But once Abramovich was a simple Soviet guy ...