Homer's Odyssey presentation. Presentation "Homer" Odyssey "presentation for the lesson on literature (grade 6) on the topic Presentation on the story of the Odyssey

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1. Homer and his "Odyssey"

The Odyssey is the second classical poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer. Created probably in the 8th century BC. Tells about the adventures of a mythical hero named Odysseus during his return to his homeland after the end of the Trojan War.

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Odysseus's journey from the walls of Troy, captured on his advice, to the island of Ithaca takes 10 years. According to the positions of Mercury, Venus, and the Moon in relation to the constellations, often mentioned in the poem, scientists of the US National Academy of Sciences were able to determine that Odysseus returned home on April 16, 1178 BC. Although the poem is heroic, heroic features are not the main thing in the image of the protagonist. They recede into the background in comparison with such qualities as intelligence, cunning, ingenuity, and prudence. The main feature of Odysseus is an irresistible desire to return home to his family.

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Judging by both Homeric poems, Odysseus is a truly epic hero and at the same time what is called a "comprehensively developed personality": a brave warrior and an intelligent military leader, an experienced scout, the first athlete in fist fighting and running, a brave sailor, a skilled carpenter, a hunter, merchant, zealous owner, storyteller. For ten years of returning home, he appears as a navigator, a robber, a shaman, summoning the souls of the dead (scenes in Hades), a victim of a shipwreck, an old beggar, etc.

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Odysseus disembarks with his companions on the island of the Cyclops and ends up in a cave that turned out to be the home of a giant. He discovers the aliens, takes them prisoner, locks them in a cave and devours three pairs of Odysseus's companions. The cunning Odysseus waits for Polyphemus to fall asleep, and in a dream gouges out the only eye of the Cyclops. The captives manage to leave the cave of an enraged but blind Polyphemus, hiding in a flock of sheep. Polyphemus called on his father Poseidon to take revenge on Odysseus.

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Then Odysseus and his ships sailed to the "high city" of Lamos. One of the satellites sent by Odysseus to reconnaissance was swallowed by the king of the Lestrigones (giant cannibals). Then Antiphat called other Laestrigones, who began to destroy the ships, throwing huge stones at them from the rocks. They strung people on stakes and carried them to the city to be devoured. One ship managed to escape.

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The last ship landed on the island of the sorceress Kirka. When some of his companions, who went to explore the island, were turned into pigs by Kirka, Odysseus went alone to the house of the sorceress and, with the help of the miraculous plant given to him by Hermes, defeated the magic of the goddess, who, recognizing Odysseus as a brave guest, invited him to stay on her island. Odysseus bowed to the proposal of the goddess, but first made her swear that she was not plotting anything bad against him, and return the human image to his companions, who were turned into pigs. Having lived a year on the island in bliss and contentment, Odysseus, at the insistence of his comrades, began to ask Kirk to let them go home.

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Odysseus ended up on the island of the goddess Calypso, and she fell in love with him and kept him on her island, hiding from the rest of the world, for seven years. Calypso promised Odysseus to grant immortality and make him happy, but could not make him forget his homeland. Obeying the command of Zeus transmitted through Hermes, Calypso handed Odysseus the tools necessary to build a raft, and also supplied him with bread, wine and water for the journey.

Homer's poem "The Odyssey"

MKOU "Nizhnegridinskaya average

Comprehensive school"

History teacher Polunin Alexander


Amid the terrors of the land and the terrors of the seas

Wandering, in distress, I looked for my Ithaca

God-fearing sufferer Odysseus;

With a fearless foot I went into Aida of gloom;

Charybdis of the furious, underwater Scylla moan

Do not shake the soul high.

It seemed that cruel rock won out with patience

And he drank the cup of sorrow to a drop;

Heaven seemed tired of punishing him

And they quietly drowned sleepy

To the sweet homeland of the long-desired rocks,

He woke up: what then? He did not recognize his homeland.

L. Tolstoy

Who is the most attentive?

Exercise 1.

Remember what ancient Greek gods we met in the poem "Odyssey" !, and determine who owns this or that attribute.

Task 2.

  • Read a passage from the poem and set the scene:

A) Steel from the sides - the deity, of course, put courage in them; They grabbed the stake and squeezed its red-hot tip into the sleeping man's eye; and lifting it from the end, I began to turn it; The cannibal howled wildly - the cave groaned from the howl. steel from the side - the deity in them, of course

  • Taking his mighty bow, Odysseus, tough in trials, Instantly pulled the bowstring, and the arrow flew through the rings. Having then spun on the threshold, he poured arrows from his quiver ... In his house he destroyed all the violent suitors here, Taking revenge on them for all their iniquities and for all offenses.
  • Odysseus took on his appearance, and Penelope rejoiced. And peace reigned in Ithaca.

The presentation was used in the study of the work in the 6th grade according to the Buneev program "(educational system" School 2100 "). The work contains information about the author, the version about the origin of the work, features of the work.



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Homer "Odyssey" Literature lesson in the 6th grade Teacher MKOU secondary school №2 Kozelsk, Kaluga region Potapushkina NV

I greet you, travelers, strong and brave! Today we will go to Ancient Greece by the wide, noisy sea. Oh Gods of Olympus! Send us a fair wind. We want to see the great Troy, heroes of the brave, We want to know about the great Odyssey. And the spark of divine thought will not dry up in us. Oh Gods of Olympus! Send us a thirst for discovery.

Homer's Life The timing of Homer's life is debatable. Ancient versions span a period spanning several centuries. Ancient biographers believed that Homer was born on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor. Seven cities argued for the right to be considered the homeland of Homer: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Pylos, Argos, Ithaca and Athens. Homer's name is not Greek. There are 2 versions of the translation of this name - “blind” and “hostage”. The second option emphasized the poet's non-Greek origin. The biographies indicate that Homer went blind, after which the muses inspired him to create poems.

Homer is portrayed as a blind wandering aedom singer. However, coins from about. Chios depicts Homer with eyes wide open. In the Museum of Naples there is a marble bust of Homer of the 4th century. BC e. and also without any trace of blindness. Other ancient images of the sighted poet are also known. Why is the opinion of the blind Homer so widespread in our time? It turns out that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "great blind man" originated in Alexandria. Plutarch (an ancient Greek writer and historian) says that Alexander in all his campaigns did not part with the text of the Iliad and called the poem his greatest treasure. Having conquered Egypt, Alexander decided to found a large city there and call it by his own name. They found a suitable place for the city, but Homer himself appeared to Alexander in a dream and read him poems from the Odyssey: On the noisy sea There is an island lying opposite Egypt; It is called there by the inhabitants - Pharos ... The dock is right there, From which large ships come out into the sea, Stored in dark water. Alexander immediately went to Pharos and saw an area surprisingly suitable for the construction of a large city - with a river and a harbor. In the winter of 332-331. BC e. Alexandria was founded. Naturally, a temple to Homer was erected in the center of the city, and the poet himself was deified. To the numerous philosophers of Alexandria, the old images of Homer seemed ... not interesting enough. God the poet, in their opinion, should not have looked like an ordinary mortal. The image of the blind founder of world literature turned out to be very attractive. And Homer began to be portrayed as blind.

Homer's poems Homer wandered around Greece, participated in poetry competitions. According to most scholars, the poems The Iliad and The Odyssey were created by Homer in Ionia (Asia Minor) in the 8th century BC. e. The plot of the Iliad and the Odyssey is taken from the Trojan cycle of legends about the campaign against Troy, the ten-year siege of the city, the victory over the Trojans and the return of the Greeks to their homeland. The Iliad was written in the 9th-8th centuries. BC e. in Ionia and dedicated to events last year Trojan War. It glorifies the military events and exploits of the Achaean heroes - Achilles, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Hector, Diomedes, etc. The main character of the Iliad - Achilles - the son of the sea goddess Thetis and Peleus, king of the city of Phthia in Thessaly - performed many feats under Troy, but in the tenth year of the war he was killed by an arrow of Paris. “Odyssey” tells about the last adventures of one of the heroes of the Trojan War, the king of the island of Ithaca, Odysseus, returning from the walls of ruined Ilion to his native Ithaca. Unlike the Iliad, the Odyssey depicts mainly everyday pictures: household chores, household chores, family customs, rituals of hospitality, and so on. It was created somewhat later than the Iliad and contains about 12,100 verses. NI Gnedich translated the Iliad into Russian in 1829, and VA Zhukovsky translated the Odyssey in 1849.

Heroes of the Trojan War Menelaus Hector Odysseus Achilles Elena

True or Fiction? The Trojan War, according to the ancient Greeks, was one of the most significant events in their history. They did not doubt the historical reality of the Trojan War, that the ten-year siege of Troy was a historical fact, only embellished by the poet. Indeed, there is very little fiction in the poem. If you remove the scenes with the participation of the gods, the story will look authentic. The historical science of modern times saw in Greek myths only legends and fairy tales. Historians of the 18th-19th centuries were convinced that there was no Greek campaign against Troy. The only European who believed the epic was Heinrich Schliemann. In 1871, he began excavating the Hissarlik Hill in the northwestern part of Asia Minor, identifying it as the location of ancient Troy. Good luck awaited him: the hill hid the ruins of as many as 9 urban settlements, replacing each other over the course of 20 centuries. Schliemann recognized the three described in the poem in one of the settlements. In one of the discovered royal tombs, the remains of Agamemnon and his companions rested; Agamemnon's face was covered with a golden mask. The discovery of Heinrich Schliemann shocked the world community. There is no doubt that Homer's poem contains information about real heroes and events.

Revived Troy Hisarlik Hill (Turkey).

Winged expressions Winged words are one of the means of figurative and expressive literary speech. It is in Homer's poems that this name occurs many times (“He uttered a winged word”; “We exchanged winged words among themselves quietly”) Homer called words “winged” because from the mouth of the speaker they seem to fly to the ear of the listener. After a while, this expression began to denote short quotations, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, the names of mythological and some literary heroes that have entered our speech from literary sources. Homer's poems also have expressions that have become winged. Let's listen to the messages prepared by the guys and determine what meaning we are now putting into these expressions. Trojan Horse Apple of Discord Achilles Heel

Achilles (Achilles) - the hero of the epics of Homer, a great warrior who knows no defeat. He was a demigod. His mother is the sea nymph Thetis, who was forcibly married to the king of the Myrmidians, Peleus. According to the legend, which Homer relies on in his epic, Achilles was the seventh child in the family. His brothers died at the hands of a mother who dipped her babies in boiling water to test if they were immortal. Achilles was saved by his father. Having inherited powerful power from the mother goddess, the son of a mere mortal remained vulnerable to all dangers. In order to save him from future hardships, Thetis dips the baby in jets of Styx. The mother held her child by the heel, and the waters of the sacred river did not touch her. Achilles took part in the campaign against Troy. No one could defeat the warrior, because everyone was aiming at his body, head. Under his blows fell the queen of the Amazons Penthesileia and the Ethiopian prince Memnon, who came to the aid of the Trojans. But a poisoned arrow shot by Paris, whose hand was directed by an angry Apollo, hit the hero in the heel - the only unprotected place, and he died. Since then, any flaw, flaw, unprotected place has been called "Achilles' heel". The myth did not give rest to the minds of people. Anatomists have preserved the memory of the hero, calling one of the connective tissues located above the heel bone "Achilles tendon". Every person has their own Achilles' heel. Someone openly admits this weakness, someone hides, but be that as it may, its presence once again confirms the expression "there are no perfect people." Achilles' heel

The myth of the apple of discord tells of the events that caused the Trojan War. The great Zeus wanted to marry the beautiful Thetis, the daughter of a titan. However, Prometheus predicted to him that the son she had born would overthrow his own father from the throne. Therefore, he gave it to the Thessalian prince Peleus. All the gods of Olympus were invited to the wedding. And only one Erida, the goddess of discord, was not called, remembering her bad character. She figured out how to avenge the insult. She took the golden apple and wrote a single word on it: "Most beautiful." And then she threw it on the banquet table. Three goddesses saw the golden apple and the inscription on it: Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Each of them claimed that the apple was meant for her. The Goddess of the Thunderer asked them to judge. However, Zeus decided to cheat. After all, Hera is his wife, Athena is his daughter, and Aphrodite was truly beautiful. Then he instructed Hermes to give the apple to Paris, the son of the king of Troy. The young man did not know that he was a prince, because he was raised by shepherds. It was on Paris that Zeus assigned the duty to name one of the goddesses the most beautiful. Each tried to attract the young man to her side. Hera promised him power and might, control over Asia, Athena offered him military victories and wisdom. And only Aphrodite guessed the secret desire of Paris. She said that she would help him get the love of the beautiful Elena, daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of Atreus Menelaus, Queen of Sparta. It was Aphrodite who gave Paris the apple. Hera and Athena hated him and vowed to destroy him. Aphrodite kept her promise and helped him steal Elena. This was the reason for the start of the war. Menelaus decided to punish the Trojans and get his wife back. As a result, Troy was destroyed. This is a myth, and the phrase "apple of discord" became winged thanks to the Roman historian Justin, who lived in the 2nd century. Apple of discord

About the garden of Troy dragged on for 10 long years. Even despite the fact that the spear of Athena was stolen from Troy, it was impossible to take the city by storm. Then the cunning Odysseus came up with one of the most brilliant ideas. If it is impossible to enter the city by force, the Trojans must be made to open the gates themselves. Odysseus began to spend a lot of time in the company of the best carpenter, and in the end they had a plan. Having disassembled some of the boats, the Achaeans built a huge hollow horse inside. It was decided that the best warriors would be placed in the horse's belly, and the horse itself with a "surprise" would be presented as a gift to the Trojans. The rest of the army will pretend to return home. No sooner said than done. The Trojans believed and brought the horse into the fortress. And at night Odysseus and the rest of the heroes left it and burned the city. Therefore, it was with Homer's light hand that the expression "Trojan horse" acquired the meaning of "a gift with a trick, something that, although it seems harmless, can destroy everyone and everything."

Features of Homer's speech All the works of the folk epic are large poems, which tell about the great events of bygone times and in which extraordinary heroes act. Wanting to convey the grandeur and significance of the glorified events and heroes as expressively as possible, Homer resorts to exaggeration, poeticizes everything that surrounds the heroes, endows them with a beautiful appearance. Homer's heroes are endowed with extraordinary strength, these are heroes, their deeds are beyond the power of ordinary people: for example, Odysseus's bow cannot be pulled by any of Penelope's mighty suitors. Designed for listeners, epic works contain many detailed descriptions that delay the development of the action; these descriptions can be repeated many times. The ancient Greek poems of Homer, like the works of Russian folklore, are saturated with constant epithets. So, Odysseus is called "cunning", "long-suffering"; women - "fine-haired", "blond", "long-haired"; ships - "Black" (resin), "red-sided"; sea \u200b\u200b- "noisy", "fishy", "gray", "crimson", "foggy" ...

“Homer made gods out of people, and turned gods into people” Homer highly honors man, the human mind, and human activity. He seems to assert: the gods are immortal, but man has an immortal mind; the power of thought and skillful hands of man is able to resist the omnipotence of the Olympic gods).

summaries of other presentations

"Homer" Iliad "and" Odyssey "" - Odysseus. Tells about the adventures of a mythical hero named Odysseus. Siege of Ilion. Homer's poems. The meaning of the name "Homer". Homer's place of birth is unknown. The action is attributed to the tenth year of the siege of Troy. The singer Demodoc in the Odyssey is blind from birth. The Odyssey is replete with fairy-tale elements, of which there are even more. Homer. Iliad.

"Poems" Iliad "and" Odyssey "" - Greek antique theater. Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The work of Penelope. Ancient Greece... The singers performed well-known texts in a solemn atmosphere. The Iliad and The Odyssey. Hexameter is a special kind of verse that is used to write the Iliad and Odyssey. Trojan War. Lexical work. Homeric epic "Iliad" and "Odyssey". Hellas owes its spiritual development to Homer. The Iliad. Military events and exploits of the Achaean heroes.

Homer - Rhodes. Illustration. Odyssey. Medieval illustration for the Iliad. Smyrna. Nothing is known for certain about the life and personality of Homer. The historical basis of Homer's poems. Homer's birthplace. "Sons of Homer". Homer is a legendary ancient Greek poet-storyteller.

"Poems of Homer" Iliad "and" Odyssey "" - Multilevel tasks. Compare. "Odyssey". Read passages from poems. Homer's poems Iliad and Odyssey. Compare with the reference. The Iliad. Test for the country under study. Fill in the blanks in the proposals. What trials does Odysseus talk about in the poem of the same name. Homer's poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". Achilles. We all boarded the ship and set out on the open sea. Collect catch phrases with their explanations.

"Iliad" - Mount Olympus. Troy. River Styx. Cistr. Kefiss. Ocean in the Iliad. Pylos. Tartarus. Xanthus. Fields of Olyson. Iliad. Ida.

"The Poem" Odyssey "" - The ship of Odysseus sails between Scylla and Charybdis. Island of lotophages. Odysseus sails to the coast of the island of Sharia. Return of Odysseus. An epic hero. Gets the required information. The ship landed on the island of the sorceress Kirka. Ships. Homer and his Odyssey. Odysseus sails past the island of sirens. Odysseus lands with his companions on the island. Arrival to the island of Aeolia. Companions of Odysseus. Penelope.