Fabulous Berat - "City of Thousands". Berat - Berat, Albania Berat in Albania

Berat is a rare exclusion from Albanian cities that have retained ancient architecture. Of course, UNESCO's organization did not bypass him, including in 2008 in the list of world heritage. If you are planning an independent holiday in Albania or want to ride here from Montenegro, I advise on the Berat to allocate the day, and better with overnight. We were in Beret on May 10 and already stood the heat ... So I advise you to visit the city in early in the morning. Let me remind you to the Russians and Belarusians in 2018 from April 1 to October 31, Ukrainians, Armenians and Kazakhs, it is a visa-free year round.

In the photo - the historic area of \u200b\u200bthe Mangalem, the view from the terrace of our hotel -

In Albania, we left for 3 days from Budva, riding 1000 km on different roads, from rustic and killed, to free beautiful autobahn. IN first day Skoder was visited, bathed under the Ottoman bridge in the Kir River, and received gastronomic ecstasy in the restaurant "Mrisi and Zakava" (). Second day: Berat - Gyroista - Saranda.

From Shkodra, I advise you to minimize in the town of Fushka-Roules towards the city of Durres, there will be an excellent speed highway everywhere. And I advise Tiran to skip because of the traffic jams, it is a million megapolis, from which you will get out of two hours .... Andrei could not rejoice at smooth roads and high speed after Chernogorsk serpentines 😁 I will show on the screen with maps.me. As we drove, download this card to the phone. But then we care - sometimes she paves the road shorter, and does not choose the highway, there simply include the intelligence, the routes on the MEPS. Maps are different, the best - red-haired fatty

I will be back to the hotel in Berat - attracted its panorama to the city and parking for cars. The owners are adorable, the room was for 30 euros with a fresh repairs and a comfortable bed. In the evening they made hot tea at my request, for free. In the morning they covered a chic table, breakfast on 2 people in Albanian was delicious and dense

One overnight stayed to us for the inspection of the city in the morning, because his fortress is located on a hill, where else I need to crash, I read the familiar traveler in the blog that there are goat trails with a free entrance to the boral fortress.

Opened Mapp.Mim and found! Hiking trails are a barchpunctive line. Top Star Left - Our Hotel - 40.706434, 19.951659 We went on a blocking, then in the forest and calmly found the entrance. We went around the fortress, visited the museum of the iconography of the onufri and went down the other path to the river to the nearby hill.

On the way they met a young couple, Albanian spoke perfectly in Serbian-Croatian language, because He worked in Croatia in the bakery. And those who know Russian or Croatian have met several times for our journey through Albania. In the fortress, the historical certificate was given a police officer, told the value of the trail to the river during World War II in pure English

If you briefly describe my interest in Albania - the country has not lost its authenticity, incredibly solicing, picturesque, and what a pleasant price tag! Pay attention to the two older men sitting at morning coffee, both are dressed in costumes, and so all Albanians look in cities - intelligent, with dignity, despite income or employment!

The streets in Berate all in a blocking, the Ottoman architecture, an abundance of stone and redheads and embroidered tablecloths instead of the arrogant magnets created a wonderful ensemble!

Berat is located on the River Osumi at the foot of the Tomori Mountain Ridge, 70 km south of Tirana. I saw on advertising booklets, which make rafting on this river. And the panorama of the area of \u200b\u200bGoriyzv is removed from a huge ambient on the fortress

This view of the left is a mangalem with old dudomies, and in the center - modern streets and buildings, with a dome - this is a university.

The fortress on the hill is partially still residential, you can rent an apartment!

I was the most interesting for the fortress walls to me the Museum of Onufriya, named after one of the main masters of Albanian painting of the 16th century. Was opened in the premises of the old church "Son Virgin Mary" in 1986

Above the entrance - frescoes

Surprisingly, as with a tough communist mode and the ad atheism of Albania retained the chic iconostasis of 1807 ... in the Albanian Orthodox Church, special status and special liturgy.

The collection of the museum will be from 173 objects selected from about 1,500 facilities Foundation, part of the church and monastic foundations of Albania and the city of Berat, 106 objects of which are icons and 67 - liturgical objects.

Going away from the fortress on the other trail down to the river, enjoyed cherished straight from the tree, met a turtle and admired blooming gardens in private houses

On the River Osum there is a reproduced bridge
We go to walk in the city, at home there are similar, attract the attention of the door

A neighboring bridge I find the AntiGoni restaurant to relax and cool beer

From its terrace overlooking the city "1000 windows", on the right somewhere our hotel

Go through the street to find the bank - change the euro on Albanian leeks. There are already modern buildings, the people are resting, the situation is relaxed, this is not a megalopolis Tirana!

Somewhere deducted that Albania is now the first country in Europe by the number of cafes, bars, per capita restaurants. It is so everywhere in the Balkans - the people love to meet in the fresh air, communicate, to solve things are not in stuffy offices.

Immediately we notice a couple of dozen workers from public utilities with brooms! They cleaned the consequences of yesterday's flood, before our arrival in Berate, she was shining all day.

Of course, in Albania, they love coffee ... True, not cappuccino, although it is served, but rather Turkish, fragrant, so that it was cooked in a jesva and spill on small cups. On the way to the hotel on the next street saw a mini shop with freshly suited coffee

Not kept - bought 100 grams of fragrant coffee, 120 lek (a little less than 1 euro)

This day did not end, then the way was kept in the Gyro Castra, and we advised to choose the road to Fii, and from there it was already descending along a good highway. But almost without reaching Fii, we turned into a Patos and Balls and sawing villages, olive groves, poppy fields, oils! But the road around the villages left to desire the best ... Although there were and funny!

Read the continuation of about

From the Tirana to the Berat "Total" 120 km of the road, and that is pleasant, not in the mountains, but on a roving track, i.e. on the highway. Well, or let's say it: 80% is a rivet track, and 20% - on bodies and irregularities. We are already accustomed to that in Albania the path needed not to kilometers, but for hours, so they knew - we have about 3 hours of road there and the same back (because we did not want to stay there for the night).

We went to Berat, we are our own way, i.e. by car. To do this, you first need to go out of tyrana, getting along quite a civilian highway (two rows in each side, divided in the middle) to the port Durres (about 40 km, almost everywhere permitted by the speed of 80 or 90 km / h), then roll south to the side Rogosins - Again on a good highway. After some time, the part of the road passes into unfinished. It makes it be more attentive, because There may be not yet extended waste hatches, holes in the middle or other "joy" of the driver. Transitions between the segments of the highway is now a separate song - solid cords that you need to literally overwhelm at the lowest gear. Not all segments have the necessary marking or backlight, so traveling at night is a special line of automotive sports for survival. However, road works are underway and from month to month the difference is noticeable for the better.

At the Lushnier level (Lushnije), you need to navigate on the map and roll towards this town (the main highway goes to the right hand towards the fjera). Acknowledge, the quality of the road has changed so much, and sharply and immediately, that I even seemed to me, as if we were getting off the way. They stopped near the cafe with local drivers, we were on an understandable Albanian :) immediately explained that we were going to go correctly and you need to hold onto this strange road.

The road seemed to me strange because of his disgusting. Just Berat is a famous tourist place, a city under the protection of UNESCO, etc. For some reason, it seemed that there was some kind of normal track. But no. The remaining 30 km from Lucier to Berat Cruising speed was about 30-40 km / h (from 5 to 70 km / h), you constantly needed to keep my eyes on the road and watch not to please into another pit or go around the next crack in time old asphalt. They met and simply stunned sites, where Koldybin on Coldinet.

Albanian drivers in principle are not echohat. There and there is no place to accelerate. But what is nice that they are not malicious and rather try to help than show aggression. Maximum than it can be impatient, it is pressed by Klasson. But few people pay attention seriously. Well, C70 is customary here when overtaking on the left to warn another driver, as well as in the mountains in front of the next blind turn.

Already from afar, there is a beautiful view of Mount Tomor snow-covered at this time.

Fame and tourist attractiveness Berat received due to the well-preserved historic center, very picturesquely located along the course of the Osum River, and representing a sample of the city development of the Ottoman Empire. The first Greek settlements here are still given by the IV century to R.Kh., but the modern name of the city is on behalf of Belograd (White City), this Bulgarian king Simeon I in the 9th century. The city was located as part of the Bulgarian kingdom until the XI century, later entered the epirus despotal. In the XIII century, the city is again as part of the Byzantine Empire. In 1345, the city entered the Serbian Kingdom in Stefan sashan. In the XV century, Berat was the capital of the Muzaki Principality, in 1432 -1444. - Capital of the Principality of Arianiti.

The city was conquered by Ottomans in 1431. In 1450, Berat was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire and was in its composition until 1912. By the way, it was here in 1912 the independence of Albania was proclaimed.

In Albania, Berat has the definition of the "city of thousands of windows" due to a specific impression that gives a dense development on the slopes of two low mountains.

We were actually parked in the very center in the Mangalem area just on the street and went to view the surroundings. We had a little time (because we have left tyrana very lately), so we were limited to one part of the city, leaving otherwise on the next journey here.

On the mountain we saw a pretty church and decided to get there higher to see more detail.

The road to the mountain is essentially an old street, paved by a white stone.

On the way there are very pleasant panoramic views of the surroundings.

The church was closed, but in the guidebook we drew that she was consecrated in honor of St. Mikhail and dates back to the 16th century.

As it is usually for Albania, the closer to the south, the more Orthodox churches (in the north of Albania more Catholic). In general, historically, the Albania is a Christian country, here the Apostle Paul was baptized here, and Islam appeared here with the Turks and no earlier than the 15th century. Albanians took Islam mainly from economic considerations to avoid the tax on the injectors. The Greeks helped to pay this tax to their units in the south, so Christianity was preserved there. Rome less actively financed Catholics, so north the influence of Islam is more noticeable, and many Albanians who did not want to change faith, at one time emigrated to Italy (where, by the way, still retained, living with separate communities ... and they did not save it Having writing).

However, about Islam in Albania could also be told interesting stories, because It is not at all uniform and is distinguished by very curious features.

The Albanians themselves are quite indifferent to religion, as well as tolerances to all religions.

The descent down the narrow streets is very picturesque.

Fortunately, in February it is not hot (although not cold, the sun shone and in the end we even removed the jackets).

In the summer, when everything blooms, there is probably a wonderful shadow from grapes ...

Useful information for tourists about Berate in Albania - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Berat - the city in southern Albania is located on the banks of the Apsim River. Began existence in the 3rd century BC. As a Greek city of Antipatrea, a fortress city, some time successfully reflecting the onslaught of Roman legions. The city is mentioned in the list of fortifications of Emperor Justinian.

At the entrance to this city, the museum offers a delightful view of the mountain and, as if shuffling her white houses. Berat is known as the "city of a thousand and one window" due to the large number of windows in the houses located in such a way that the sun is reflected in them with thousands of lights.

The city is divided into Muslim and Christian Quarters. The Muslim quarter is famous for eight historical mosques, which are architectural monuments - for example, lead and royal (built in the 16th century); Bachelor Mosque (Bachelor Mosque) was built in the 19th century and now there is a museum of contemporary art. The path from the Muslim quarter Mangole in the quarter of Goritsa, where Christians live, passes through the stone bridge with the seven arched spans. The unique architecture of urban buildings, which can be inspecting, walking along the narrow and looping like a labyrinth ancient streets, makes this place special.


The main city attraction - towering over the city on the mountain range the fortress of the 13th century. There is a museum and several churches in it. This ancient citadel is the only construction of this kind in Albania, where people live on the territory of the fortress (most of them also wear water in buckets and drown home furnaces). The population of the fortress in Berat was Christian, so about twenty little churches were built on its territory. One of them, the most beautiful and famous, is the Church of the Holy Trinity. It was built very unusual - on the slope, so that it seems that it hangs over the cliff, and at the bottom right under it the city and the river is spread.

In the museum of ethnography, which is located in the fortress in an old two-story building, the exposition is a collection of clothing, household items, weapons, as well as moonshine devices, grain grip fixtures and much more. The museum has brochures and pointers in Russian, and the guides are perfectly owned by English.

The most famous museum of Berat is the onufri icon painting museum, in which you can see 173 work of Albanian painters iconographic written from 14 to 20th century.

All hotels are located near the center. There are several five-star hotels in Berate, as well as many mini-hotels.

Berat Albania

Berat has a population of about 37,000 inhabitants and is located 76 miles southeast of Tirana.
The city, built on the slopes of the mountain, height of 2400 m, surrounded by fig and olive trees, Berat is known as the Albania Museum. It is also called the "city of thousands of windows" due to numerous large windows in homes and red roofs. The history of the city dates back to the 6th century BC. e. When he was the birthplace of the ancient Illyrian tribe Dasaretes. In the 9th century, the city was captured by the Bulgarians who renamed it, Beligrad (Beligrad) (White City), from which the current name is derivative. Museums, mosques, monuments in Berate talk about the subsequent conquests and struggle of their cities.

Fortress Berat, although significantly damaged, it is still one of the most magnificent historical monuments. During distress, almost the entire population of the city was able to live in his walls. During the 13th century, about 20 Christian churches and one mosque were built. Those who remained this: Orthodox Cathedral of Our Lady, Church of the Holy Trinity, Church of St. Michael and the Church of Evangelists. The Church of St. Mary was built in the 16th century, there are frescoes of painting by the artist Nikol, the son of the most famous medieval artist of Albania, onufri. The Church of St. Theodore, located near one of the entrances of the fortress, has wall paintings on onufri.
History and painting lovers will want to visit the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, who was scrupulously restored and the museum dedicated to Onufri was located in it. The works of Nikol and other artists, also several icons and other religious works of art and crafts are the museum of icon painting onufri, which is the attraction of the city of Berat. A copy of the Gospel of Berat (4th century) is also here. Attractions in Mangalam include the Muslim Quarter, a lead mosque, a royal mosque, a bachelor's mosque and the text, a small temple where Islamic sects are located, such as Dervishi.

Monastery of St. Mary in Ardenice is one of the oldest monasteries of Albania, whose history goes its roots in distant antiquity.

The monastery, located on top of a high hill, is located in close proximity to the collapse of the ancient antique city of Apollonia - the largest ancient Greek port in Illyria, founded in the VI century BC. For the construction of the monastic church, in about 1220, the builders used blocks borrowed from the ruins of the Apollonia long abandoned by the moment. However, the first religious buildings appeared in this place long before the XIII century - the inscription on the wall of the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary testifies to the fact that it existed in 858.

The monastery was founded on the orders of the Byzantine emperor Andronika II Paleologus in 1282. It was here that the wedding of the famous National Hero of Albania Georgy Kastiotiotic, more famous as Skanderbeg, with Donika Arianiti.

In the middle of the XVIII century, the monastery was significantly rebuilt, and most of the buildings, sculptures, frescoes and icons, preserved to this day, go back to this period. In the same century, Ardenic became the center of religious education. The school was opened here, and then the gymnasium that was safely existed before the Second World War. The library and the richest, but most of it died as a result of a fire in 1932.

In 1967, the monastery was closed, but thanks to the status of the cultural monument, I escaped destruction - a hotel was opened on its territory.

In 1992, the monastery was returned by the Albanian Orthodox Church, and here the worship resumed here, and in 1996 monks returned here.

Fortress Berat.

Berat is one of the most ancient and picturesque cities of Albania, and his old fortress is almost the only one in the country.

The city was founded almost 2500 years ago, at about the same time, the first fortifications appeared at this place. Then they were wooden, and the stone triangular fortress with the defensive towers appeared on the top of the hill in the XIII century - in those days when Albania entered the zone of influence of the Byzantine Empire. However, even a powerful citadel could not save the city from the conquest of the Turks in 1417. In the centers that followed this century, the mosques appeared at the bottom of the fortress of the borants, look at which it is possible today.

In the century of its existence, the fortress has undergone a lot of changes. To see how she looked initially today you can only on a coin dignity in 10 Albanian lek - but even a fairly destroyed citadel is still inhabitable. True, there are few people daring to live among the overgrown moss of the ancients of the ancients of the ancients in the territory of the ancients, but in the territory of the citadel a lot of houses that local residents are used as a "country real estate" - by narrow winding streets passed chickens, lingerie will dry on the ropes, children play. Nearby is a museum in which the exhibits that tell the history of the fortress and its inhabitants are collected.

Berat's fortress is one of the favorite places of Albanian newlyweds, so if you are lucky, you can see the Albanian theatrical wedding rite.

And what sights of borants did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.


Goritsa is an archaeological site that is located in the south of Berat, at the merger of two rivers. Traces of an ancient fortification were found here, on the one hand, a magnificent view of the city citadel was opened, and on the other hand, one of the rivers is visible on the palm (Velbisht). Scientists believe that this fortification has played a significant role not only in the defense of the city, but also in navigation.

From the north, an ancient fortress in Goritsa was reliably closed by a rock, and a main wall was built on three sides. Fragments These walls were discovered by archaeologists in good condition and became one of the favorite places in tourists and the subject of interest of historians.

According to the fragments of ceramic dishes, which was also discovered during the excavations, the archaeologists managed to establish that all these items are dating about IV-III centuries to our era. After the Romans appeared in Gorice, there was a decline of life, and it happened in the II century BC. Studies of the material obtained during the excavations continue continue, and historians suggest that the first settlements in Gorice appeared significantly earlier - in the late bronze age, or in the early Iron Institute.

Berat is located in seventy kilometers south of the capital of Albania. The city is famous for the fact that since 1961 wears the official status of the city-museum. The number of historical monuments here exceeds two hundred. There are several mosques of the XV-XIX century, stone arched bridges of the 18th century among the attractions of Berat. But the main monument of architecture is the Citadel, built in the XIII century along the mountain range and towering not only over the river bed, but also over the whole city.

A visit to the Citadel is a mandatory point of the newlyweds who come here from the whole country, and sometimes theatrical wedding rituals are held right here. Inside the fortress is also located a historic museum and several ancient temples. Berad is famous for the fact that at the end of the XIX century it was here that the center of the National Albanian Movement for Independence from the Ottoman Empire was located.

The most popular attractions in Berate with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places of borants on our website.

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