Bus schedule to Khrubornovo Bus Station Airport. Kaliningrad Harborovo Airport

The airport in Kaliningrad is called Herborevo. It was founded in 1945 and is one of the oldest air sup of Europe.

Brave class is classified as. It is used both for the transport of passengers and for the goals of aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

On the territory of the airport bravely arranged:

  1. Storage cameras.
  2. Medical Center.
  3. ATMs.
  4. Cafeteria.
  5. Pharmacies.
  6. Numerous shops.
  7. Taxi dispatcher stand.
  8. Self-service terminals.
  9. Floral kiosks.
  10. Police room.
  11. Mother and baby room.
  12. Waiting halls.

Kaliningrad is an incredibly popular city among Russians. Every year, hundreds of tourists are visited annually, who, by arrival at the Herborevo airport, are interested in the question of how to get to himself.

You can get to the city of Kaliningrad in three ways:

  • by bus;
  • by taxi;
  • on cars.

Next to the airfield passes the railway, but it is not intended for passenger traffic.

The fastest and most convenient way to get to the city - this is used by taxi. But this is also the most expensive way, because taxi services are quite expensive.

You can order a taxi in two ways:

  1. Call taxi service.
  2. Contact a taxi dispatcher. The dispatcher stands directly in the airfield building on the first floor.

You can order a taxi by numbers:

  1. Taxi service "Cobra": + 7-40-12-919-191.
  2. Kaliningrad Taksopark: + 7-40-12-585-858.
  3. Taxi Service "Königsberg": + 7-40-12-92-08-30.

Table: Taxi cost in various regions

Taxi is the only transport that can be used at night.. At night, buses do not go. Car rental also does not work. Therefore, a person will have to either expect in the morning in the airfield hall or cause one of the above taxi services. It is also worth noting that the nearest hotel is located 10 kilometers from the airfield.

Transport rental

You can rent a car at the Khrabrov airport. Rent is provided by five transport companies:

  1. "Hertz". To order the car it is worth calling the numbers: + 7-401-276-15-55, + 7-96-32-96-04-99.
  2. "City-RENT". You can order a car by number: +7 -401-250-91-91. The rental cost directly depends on the car brand and the rental period. But on average, rent a car from 1 to 3 days can be 1300 rubles per day.
  3. "Auto Rental." Order number: + 7-401-239-88-55. "Renthotors". You can order a car by number: + 7-98-14-70-99-66. The average rental price is 1500 rubles per day.
  4. "Avis Russia". Order numbers:
  • +7-40-12- 52-57-29.
  • 8 -80-02-50-12-13.
  • +7 -92-17-10-57-29.

Any point of the city is more convenient to get from Moscow Avenue.

In order to get to this street from the airfield by car, you need to go along the following location:

We leave for a car to Nevsky Street, we pass along the Nevsky Street to turn on the track, then turn on the highway at the number A-217 we go on this highway in a straight line to the street on the street, a large district, we go to the street Alexander Nevsky, we are going along this street to Marshal Vasilevsky Square, then turn left to Chernyakhovsky Street. From Chernyakhovskaya Street turn to the left to the proletarian street, with the proletarian street turn to the left to the Leninsky Prospect, which intersects with Moscow Prospect.

How to get by bus

Not far from the airport building is a bus stop. You can get to Kaliningrad by two buses:

Bus schedule №144.

To clarify information on the schedule of buses, you can call the number: + 7-40-12-99-91-99. This is the number of the bus station "Southern", which is located on the Moscow Prospect, 184.

But tourists should take into account that the return routes of buses are somewhat different.

Bus schedule number 2444 Identically schedule of route taxi №144.

Bus route № 244-E:

  1. Marshal Vasilevsky Square.
  2. Square of victory.
  3. Central square.
  4. Bus station.

We carry out a transfer (we celebrate and accompany) on the routes: Apartments - South and North Station, Bus Station, Airport.

Transfer cost:

  • south or North Station, Bus Station → Apartment: 100 rubles.
  • airport → Apartment: 500 rubles.

You can alone To get from the airport to the apartment by bus number 244E. Ticket price - 80 rubles. Travel time: 40-50 min. The timetables are below.

Bus route № 244E From the airport "Khrabrovo" to the bus station passes through the central streets of the city:

  • ul. Alexander Nevsky - stop pl. Marshal Vasilevsky
  • ul. Chernyakhovsky - Stop the central market and pl. Victory
  • Leninsky Prospect - stop pl. Central (Hotel "Kaliningrad")
  • until the final stop - the bus station (South Station).

Most of our apartments - hotels are located along this route.

Return route of the bus number 244E From the bus station to the airport "Khrabrov" does not coincide with the route from the airport to the bus station. In order to be guaranteed to get to the airport, getting to the bus best on the bus station.

For the convenience of searching in the photo album - the description of each apartment has been added routes of movement from the main nodal points of the city:

  • the airport
  • bus station
  • north and South Station
  • pl. Victory
  • pl. Central - Hotel Kaliningrad
  • pl. Marshal Vasilevsky.

Link block is located at the bottom of the page.

How it works?
Changing the link "How pass / pass the From ... ", the route will be displayed on the map.
The marker "A" denotes the initial point of movement, the "B" marker - the final one.
The blue line indicates the path of movement from the nodal point you choose to the hotel apartment.

When clicking on "View Larger Map" In the next window will open a detailed path of movement.
On the left, the route options will be offered, from 1 to 3.
Below - what distance you need to drive / pass, where and where to turn.

When searching for the desired address, you need to take into account the following.
Numbering of houses in Kaliningrad Differs from all-Russian. Numbers are not at home (buildings), but entrances. Those. In one building with four entrances there will be four rooms at home. On the front side of the house - the signboard (for example): Leninsky Prospekt, D.52-58. Directly the house number is written above the entrance.
But since it is not on all buildings there is such a sign - it complicates the search for the desired address. Even indigenous kaliningraders may not know the exact location of the home you need.
For locality orientation, "beacons" are used. Landmark (beacon) - socially significant and recognizable place, building or construction. Apartment search is made near the named "beacon".

Today, hundreds of thousands of residents of the country are used by the services of the air-boring complex. Even considering a large number of tourists and the duration of the aircraft unit, the quality of passenger service and the number of flights performed here remain at a high level. We find out how to get from Khrabrovo Airport to Kaliningrad, because such information is useful to tourists who fly here.

Kaliningrad's runway lies 20 kilometers northeast from the central streets of the city. Today, the airport receives flights from 12 countries and serves internal routes. In addition, the Aviation Structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service of the country is based on this airproof. Thousands of Muscovites arrive here every year to enjoy the local atmosphere.

In 2011, the administration had improved the work of the airport, but this year it is planned to be modernized, improving the structure and activities of this air harbor. Such actions are needed, because it is Kaliningrad's airport that has been chosen by the central node when preparing for the World Cup in 2018. Such an event will bring additional popularity among fans and tourists from different countries and will increase the passenger traffic of this.

Today, the runway annually serves 1,570,821 passengers. After reconstruction and optimization, the management company expects to receive 5,000,000 travelers.

The spacious airport building provides passengers a full-fledged complex of necessary services: ATMs, convenient storage rooms, cafeterias, shops and a large number of points with any mobile operators. There is a pharmacy and a 24-hour first aid. In the terminal, travelers enjoy free Wi-Fi. In addition, a business room and a VIP zone are available here.

Parquins work and public transport stops are equipped with passengers. Note that 400 meters from entering the terminal there is a free parking for 200 seats. In addition, there are also paid parking for long or short-term downtime. True, the main disadvantage of this complex becomes the absence of hotels in the territory of the airport.

Transport infrastructure

Kaliningrad's air gates are located at a distance from the city, so the road to the central quarters will take a certain amount of time. In such a situation, taxi services are available, travel to a rented car or city bus routes. Consider the details of each method to find out the option acceptable and money.


This method is considered the fastest and most comfortable among other options. By ordering the car in the official service on arrival at the airport, the traveler gets to the city center at a high-quality car at affordable and affordable prices. And the ride to the center will delay up to 30-40 minutes. Of course, it will be possible to use the services of private drivers. True, in such a situation the cost of the trip will be higher than the official transport services.

To clarify the price order, we give specific numbers. Route to Central or Leninsky district Kaliningrad by taxi will cost a tourist in 300 rubles. The trip to the Moscow region is already 400 r., And the driver who is engaged in private wrappers, the road to the specified points will cost at least 500 rubles. In addition, it will not be possible to choose the class of the machine and order an additional service.

Car rental

Travelers are also interested in the question, how to get from Kaliningrad to Khrabrovo Airport on your own car, because tourists for independent movement take a car for rent. And car rental is available in the building of the runway. Rent transport and get acquainted with the proposed tariffs and conditions will be able to have four carriers. HERTZ, CIT-RENTAL, AUTO RENTAL and RENTLOVORS, AUTO RENTAL and RENTOVOVO.

The price of the rented car here is determined by the model of the selected machine and the rental period, but travelers note that the cost of such a service begins with 1300 rubles for one day. The listed transport companies will offer the client a route, sticking to which the driver quickly and effortless will reach the right place. Such a service has already rated thousands of people.

To use the rental service, the traveler is enough to present a passport and driver's license. In addition, an early booking of models with a decrease in the rental amount is available here.

Car travel scheme

Moscow Avenue - Street with which it is convenient to get to the desired point of the city. To get here, go on the street. Nevsky or ul. Central and move to the A-217 route. We pass the seaside ring and after the intersection with the annular road, we turn out on the street. Nevsky. Then moving to the intersection with the street. Chernyakhovsky - we turn here on the street. Lithuanian shaft or st. Marshal Vasilevsky. At the first crossroads, we turn to the right and fall on the desired prospect.

Another route is a movement along the ring road, moving to ul. Meliorative and on the first denouement turn right lead the driver to the desired street. Following the signs on the roads, the traveler will get to the desired street for half an hour, from where calmly enters the city center or to another comfortable place. Consider that the likely congestion increase the time interval of the route to 45-60 minutes.

Municipal transport

This is a popular way to get to Kaliningrad Airport quickly and cheap. At the outlet of the airport, passengers will notice a bus stop, where all public transport runs. Bus schedule "Kaliningrad - Khrabrovo Airport" is indicated in the special scoreboard at the stop or when the airport building leaves. Only two regular routes depart in the city: №144 and №244 E. . This transport goes to the city's bus station and 50 rubles per person take a trip for the trip.

It will be possible to get to the city on the routes №144 and №244

The bus at number 244 E and minibus number 144 starts work at 8-20 am and finish moving at 22-00. The duration of this method will take 40-45 minutes. Since the time interval, spent on the road, and the path being laid in both presented carriers is almost identical, consider in detail one of them.

If you take the route of the city bus, a clear travel structure looks like this: Airproof Square M. Vasilevsky-Square Victory-Central Square - bus station. And on the way, transport covers the northern and southern railway nodes of the city.

Retiers timing from Kaliningrad to Khrabrovo

Remember, the route on the same transport is different from the diagram. So, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, specify the desired details in advance by the driver. As you notice, bus flights do not go around the clock, so at night you will have to get to the destination in other ways. Considering that there are no hotels on the territory of the complex, there remains a meager choice - overnight in the waiting room or taxis call.

Given that from the airport to the city, only the motorway is leading, we recommend travelers to think about the trip on the rented car. Given the low cost of rental and the convenience of independent movement, this method is considered optimal. The only disadvantage of this method becomes a mandatory driver's experience and minimal knowledge of the city.

The choice of the optimal travel option is determined by the tourist preferences.

Reserving a car, the traveler independently defines the class class of the model and the required set of additional accessories in the cabin.

For people who do not water or calmly feel behind the wheel, it is appropriate to use urban routes. Such a choice will not affect the tourist budget and will allow in 40 minutes to get to the central part of Kaliningrad. However, this option will not suit travelers who arrive late in the evening or night flights because of the likely.


How to get from Khrabrovo Airport to Kaliningrad, to the city center or in the opposite direction, readers are already known. However, 50% of passengers, which serves the focal complex Khrabrovo, in addition to the capital of the region, are visited by the famous city of Svetlogorsk. This is a popular resort located on the Baltic coast of forty kilometers to the north-west of the main aircraft.

Route №244 Э goes from Khrabrov and to Svetlogorsk

Three options are known as the traveler will be able to get to the city. Here are in demand by travel on the bus, taxi service services or travel by train. Taking advantage of the city route No. 243-e, the tourist will be in Svetlogorsk for 140 rubles. In the presence of large luggage, you will be accomplished with an additional fee in the amount of 20 p. On the way, Zelenogradsk and the Pioneer settlement pass along the way.

Svetlogorsk will be able to get to the resort and by train, paying 76 rubles behind the way. For some travelers, this option is much more profitable and more convenient for time, because trains run from Kaliningrad station every hour.

It will be possible to sit on the electric train on any of the train stations - tourists and northern, and southern complexes are available. Of course, the comfort and speed of the trip on this transport is not compared with the metropolitan "". However, acceptable prices for travel and the most convenient way to compensate for such a deficiency.

Get to Svetlogorsk will be able to use the train from any Kaliningrad station

We presented to the attention of readers famous ways, thanks to which it will be easy to leave from the airport to any place. Of course, it remains for tourists, but at night we advise you to resort to taxi services to avoid the consequences of an uncomfortable overnight stay in the waiting room. Remember that before the flight is appropriate to learn about on board, so that the journey remains a pleasant memory.

Khrubornovo Airport is 20 km from the capital of the Kaliningrad region
The internal infrastructure of the complex provides tourists with the necessary services, and transport communication with the city supports highway
A trip to the city center by taxi will cost 300 rubles and will take half an hour
Car rental will cost travelers from 1,300 rubles per day
Car travel scheme

Herborevo International Airport is 20 km from Kaliningrad in the northeast direction near the village of the same name, serves the Kaliningrad region and passengers arriving for a trip to the nearest European countries (IATA - KGD code).

From the Kaliningrad Airport, both Russian and foreign airlines fly from the Kaliningrad. The main directions:, and regular and seasonal flights to European and Russian resorts, such as, Heraklion, Antalya, etc.

To date, the airport annually serves 1.5 million passengers, to the World Cup in 2018, it is planned to increase bandwidth to 5 million people per year.

At Khrabrov's airport, one passenger terminal, which is divided into two sectors - for domestic and international flights.

Currently, the airport is closed at night due to the reconstruction of the terminal.

On the first and second floors of the airport, the main service services for passengers (rack of cellular operators, a taxi order, car rental, packaging and luggage storage), shops and cafes, entertainment rooms, mother and child room, medplex.

Kaliningrad Airport Scheme

How to get from the airport

The airport is 20 km away. from the city center. Kaliningrad can be reached by bus or taxi. Public transport does not go at night, so passengers who come to the night flight will have to wait for the morning or pre-book an individual transfer.

By bus

This is the easiest and, at the moment, the only way to get from the airport by public transport. Bus or route taxi 244E.

Bus schedule from 08:20 to 22:00. Movement interval every 40 min. The bus does not run at night.

The bus follows from the airport through the central part of the city to the southern bus station.

Route: Airport - ul. Alexander Nevsky - Pl. Marshal Vasilevsky - ul. Chernyakhovsky - Central Market - Leninsky Prospect - Hotel "Kaliningrad" - Bus Station "South"

The stop is located directly opposite the exit from the airport building.

On the way it is 45 minutes. The cost of the trip is 70 rubles. Tickets can be bought from the driver or controller immediately before landing.

By taxi

Two taxi services are collaborated with Khrabrovo Airport: "Cobra" and "Kaliningrad Taksopark". They have approximately the same tariffs, the rack of ordering machines are in the arrival zone. Kaliningrad is a trip to the center of 25-30 minutes.

It is also possible to order a taxi in advance, through the form below. You can select a suitable class and capacity in advance. The cost of such a service is from 1100 rubles, for the company 3-4 people, which is not so expensive, taking into account all the amenities. The cost specified when booking will be fixed: for example, the plugs will not affect it. The duration of the trip is 25-30 minutes. The transfer driver himself will meet you at the outlet of the arrival zone with a name plate and will help with a luggage.

On own or rented car

If you arrive at the later time, love drive cars and have clear intentions often ride, that is, it makes sense to rent a car, especially since you can do it right at the airport. Come on, choose a suitable car, and it will wait for you in the parking lot. Please note that the sooner you decide to book a car, the more choices you will have when booking.

Parking Airport Herbornovo

For arriving on a personal car near the airport there is one free and two paid car parking (short-term and long-term). Both paid parking lots are located on the station Square and work on the following tariffs: short-term - the first 15 minutes for free and then 50 rubles. at one o'clock; Long-term - 300 rubles. per day, free expectations are not provided. Before the free parking lots will have to take a little walk - it is located 400 meters from the airport building.

In the days of the World Cup 2018

From the airport of Khrabrovo during the 2018 World Cup will go separate shuttles "Airport - Kaliningrad", it will be a separate custom transport that will transport fans accredited with tickets.

At the same time, the entire current route network will continue, so problems with the delivery of guests of Kaliningrad from the airport to the city due to the influx of people during the celebration of the World Championship Games should not arise.

From Khrabrovo Airport to Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk, Pioneer settlement

You can only get from the airport to the resort coastal city of Svetlogorsk only by bus or taxi.

Bus Airport Herborno - Svetlogorsk № 243E.

The bus route passes through the city of Zelenogradsk and the village of Pioneer. Flights are performed from May 1 to September 30. On the way about 1 hour 40-50 minutes.

Buse timetable route № 243E Svetlogorsk - Khrabrovo Airport Ch / W Pioneer, Zelenogradsk ,.

Also to Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk, you can get from Kaliningrad on buses from the bus station or train. Electric trains go with two railway stations: "Southern" and "Northern".

How to get to the bus station "Southern" - see above.

Attention! The cost of travel, routes and time of buses can change! Specify before the trip!

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