Project on the country of the world Paris. Message about France

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Project "Let's open the world to each other" Nomination "I will show you this city" Paris performed: Smirnov Ivan, Team "Klio", School №185 of Nizhny Novgorod

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Sita Island Paris originated on the island of Sita in the middle of the Seine. In the 3rd century BC There was a tribe of Parisians. In 52, the settlement captured the Romans, and in the 5th century - francs. The city, called Lutection, developed, became the intersection of important trade routes. Gradually, the name of Lutection disappeared from everybody, he was replaced by the name "City of Parisiev", which was soon transformed into Paris. Over time, the city went beyond the limits of the sieve, people settled on the shores of the hay, held the hills closest to him. Now, from the medieval buildings of the eastern part, only the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God has been preserved.

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The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady The first stone in the foundation of the cathedral was laid in 1163 by the King of Louis VII and Pope Alexander III. Prior to that, there was an ancient Roman temple of the 1st century on the scene of the cathedral, later the Christian Basilica. Construction of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God lasted until 1345. History did not save the name of the first architect of the Cathedral. It is only known that Paris Bishop Maurice De Sully took part in the design of the project. The construction has reached us in an unfinished form. The two of its 70 meter towers should have been crowned with spiers.

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The cathedral is a five-fri basil (length 130 m, width 105 m, the height of the arches of 35 m). The entrance overlooks the central high nave, choir and altar. The cathedral is the largest body of France (Master Kliko, 18th century, 7,800 pipes)

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The stained glass windows "Roses" from the interior jewelry of the 13th century in the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady remained only the stained glass windows "Roses" - round windows (10 meters in diameter) of the southern portal of the central facade. The stained glass window is devoted to the topic of "blissful eternity": apostles, holy and angels of Paradise are located around Jesus Christ.

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Square John XXIII for the southern facade of the Paris Cathedral of Our Lady is Square John XXIII. At the site of the square first there was a landfill of the construction garbage, then from the 17th century, the archbishop residence. In 1831, the building was demolished, the wasteland bought the prefect of Seine Rambütto, landed trees and flowers there and decorated the fountain of the Virgin (1845).

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Conciergeri Conciergeri - part of the Royal Castle of the Cappetian Epo (14th century). The two towers of the castle - Caesar and Silver - framed on both sides by the facades of the 17th century. From the Middle Ages in the castle, the hall of the warrior, the hall of the armed guard, kitchen services, courtyard

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New bridge The new bridge connects the western part of the Sieve Island with both seachers of the Seine. Contrary to his name, he is the oldest of the preserved bridges of Paris. The first stone was laid on May 31, 1578. Construction completed in 1606. The project of the bridge belonged to an outstanding architect Andruue du Siro. The bridge turned out to be so strong that I never rebuilt.

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Horse Statue of Heinrich IV in 1614, not far from the new bridge, the statue of Heinrich IV was established. During the Great French Revolution, the statue was removed from the pedestal, but in 1818 he was restored to the sculptor leo.

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Basilica Sacre-Kor When Prussian troops were siege to Paris in 1870, two Frenchman Catholics, Alexander Lajanti and Roho de Flei, swore - if France wins the war, build a church and dedicate to her Holy Heart of Christ. France lost, but Paris escaped the occupation. In 1875, the construction of basilica on folk donations began. The project developed an architect Abadi. The consecration of the temple took place in 1919. Basilica was built in the non-agitine style of white sandstone. The interior is richly decorated with marble sculpture, stained glass windows and mosaic.

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The cathedral of the disabled houses frequent wars led to the fact that in the middle of the 17th century there were many forced begging of retired disabled soldiers in France. In 1670, Louis XIV decided to build a house and temple for them. The Cathedral of the Disabled Houses (Architect Aarden-Mansar) is a sample of architectural grace and symmetry. The facade is decorated with double colonnade. A huge dome, used by gold garlands and flowers, is crowned with a gold-plated flashlight with a spire. In Kripte Cathedral, Napoleon Bonaparte is buried.

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Pantheon in 1744 Heavily sick Louis XV gave vows to build a temple in honor of Paris Paris Saint Genevieve. The consecration of the church took place in 1790. During the Great French Revolution, the church was turned into a Pantheon - the tomb of great people. The architecture of the building is a sample of classicism. Lands of build support columns of the Corinthian Order. There are no window openings in the walls. They are replaced by the canvas marufla, glued on the stone walls. The picturesque cycle created by Piges de Shavano and Laurent dedicated to Saint Genevieve.

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In the 20th century, the pantheon dome supports installed 4 sculptural groups (counterclockwise): "Jean-Jacques Rousseau" (Bartolome, 1912), "into the glory of the generals of the revolution" (GASK, 1925), "speakers and publicists of the restoration epoch" (Marquest , 1919), "Didro and Encyclopedists" (Treruar, 1925) and "National Convention" (Sicar, 1924)

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Foucault's pendulum to the light dome of the Pantheon is attached by a valid copy of Foucault's pendulum, with which the physicist Leon Foucault showed that the Earth rotates. That this is in fact, anyone can make sure.

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Palace Royal Palace was built in the 17th century by order of Cardinal Richelieu. After his death, the palace passed to the ownership of King Louis XIII. When Anna Austrian was settled here, the palace became called royal (Pale-Royal). The architectural ensemble Palee Royal consists of a palace itself, in which the State Council is accommodated today, and galleries, which are framed by the inner garden, which is planned by Louis XIV.

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Square of Consent Place for Square chose Louis XV, and the project developed J.-A. Gabriel. The construction of the square was completed in 1779. In 1836, his modern species acquired the area in 1836, when the architect Kittorph installed the Luxor Obelisk in her center - the gift of Egyptian Pasha Mahmeta-Ali.

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Tuileries in the 16th century on the site of the garden was a landfill, and the clay produced here was used for the production of the tiles - in French "Tuile", where the name of Tuileries originated. By order, Catherine Medici in this place was divided by the garden, which became the first public space for outdoor walks.

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The Triumphal Arch on Square Carousel Triumphal Arch was erected at the beginning of the 19th century in honor of Napoleon's victories. It is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the most famous episodes of Napoleonic wars. The Triumphal Arch served as a solemn entrance to the residence of the emperor - the Palace of Tuileries. An equestrian group was installed on the arch, removed by order of Napoleon from the portal of the St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. In 1815, the sculpture was returned to Italy, and the Arch was crowned with a bronze quadrigue with the statue of the world.

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Louvre Palace complex of the Louvre was developed for many centuries. At the end of the 12th century, the King of Philip Augustus built a castle that defended the approach to the island of Sita. The fortress was called Louvre (from Leovar - fortification) in the 14th century around the city, the fortress walls and the castle lost its defensive function. With Carla V, it was rebuilt and turned into a royal residence. In the 16th century, a significant part of the building was demolished and a new palace was built on the vacation place, which over time was constantly expanding.

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Until recently, the museum's exposition was only the right wing of the palace, the old Louvre and a square courtyard. In 1981, it was decided to create a large Louvre. The Ministry of Finance, which occupied the left wing of the palace, moved to another building, the museum square was significantly expanded. The problem of creating a single central entrance. According to the project of the architect EO Ming Lyu in the courtyard of the Louvre built a glass pyramid, connected by all departments of the museum underground transitions. It housed the hall, cash register, wardrobe, shops where you can buy catalogs, souvenirs, books.

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The Louvre Museum as the Louvre Museum opened in 1793. The basis of the exposition was the collection of the French kings. Currently, more than 25 thousand works of art are kept in the Museum of the Louvre. The museum is divided into 7 departments: the ancient East and the art of Islam, ancient Egypt, ancient Greek, Etruscan and ancient Roman art, decorative and applied art, European painting (1200-1850), European sculpture (1100-1850), graphics. The pearls of the Louvre collection are Joconda, Venus Milos and Nika Samofraki. Venus Miloskaya

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St. Estash Church Church of St.-Estash is built in the mid-18th century for money collected by traders located nearby market. It is one of the last gothic churches of Paris. The originality of the temple consists in combining gothic arches with renaissance forms of the facade and columns. In this church, Moliere baptized, Cardinal Richelieu, Madame Pompadur. Here on the church authority, Berlioz and Leaf were performed. Among the artistic values \u200b\u200bof the Church - Painting Rubens and Sculpture of Pigal.

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The Palace of Justice in ancient times at this place was the Palace of Roman governors, and in the 13th century, a fortified castle was built during the dynasty of the capeting dynasty, which served the residence of the first French kings. At the end of the 14th century, the Royal Palace became Louvre, and the Paris Parrega was located in the old residence. After the Great French Revolution, the building began to be called the Palace of Justice. Now here is the highest judicial instance of France - the Cassation Court.

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Saint-Chapel in the Justice Palace Ensemble includes the Saint-Chapel Chapel (Holy Capella), built in the 13th century by order of Louis IX for the storage of the relic - the thorns crown of Jesus Christ. Saint-Chapel consists of two chapels located one above the other. Lower was designed for courtiers. The top held a service for the royal family. The chapel matches the 75-meter spire. Openwork rose on the facade dates back to the 15th century. The stained glass windows of the 13th century are preserved in the rocks - 1134 scenes on biblical plots.

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Marso Field of the Marso Field was created at the end of the 18th century as a learning fear for pupils of the military school and named after God's war. Here were the first horse racing in Paris (1780), the first aerostatic experiments (1783), the first attempt to rise in a balloon (1784). In 1889, Marso field was chosen by the Eiffel Tower Construction Place. At the beginning of the 20th century, a beautiful park was smashed here.

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Eiffel Tower Symbol of Paris and France, the famous Eiffel Tower was erected by the project engineer of Gustava Eiffel in 1889 as the exhibit of the World Industrial Exhibition. The 324-meter tower has 3 viewing platforms: at an altitude of 57, 115 and 276 m. In the days of excellent visibility, from the top observation deck, the view can cover the space by a radius of up to 70 km.

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There are many different countries on Earth.

There are giant countries;

  • there are countries, in the area and population population rather similar to cities;
  • there are countries that occupy the entire continent;
  • there are countries that are located only on the islands.

Each country is unique and unique!

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On this map, different colors are shown not plains and mountains, as on a physical card, but different countries.

Maps on which various countries are depicted, are called political.

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Work in pairs.

  • Consider the political map of the world in the textbook on page 126-127.
  • Show on the map to each other our country and countries that you know.
  • Slide 5.

    Work on the textbook.

    Consider photos on page 128-129.

    Find the specified countries on the political map of the world.

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    • Great Britain
    • France
    • India
    • Japan
    • China
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    Big Ben is the bell tower in London.

    The hour tower rises 98 meters over the Thames Embankment. Big Ben's dials look at all 4 sides of the world.

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    Gloomy, indevertient fortress, built on

    north Coast of the River Thames, for a long time

    serving the residence of English monarchs.

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    Tower Bridge.

    Divorcing Bridge in the center of London over the River Thames, not far from the Tower London.

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    The capital of France Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

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    Eiffel Tower - a symbol of Paris.

    Its height along with the new antenna is 324 meters. The tower is the most visited attractions of the world.

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    One of the largest art museums in the world. Museum building is an old royal palace.

    The glass pyramid in Napoleon's courtyard serves as the main entrance to the Louvre and is one of the symbols of Paris.

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    Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God.

    The construction of the cathedral lasted more than 100 years.

    The cathedral was supposed to accommodate all the inhabitants.

    But while it was built, the population of Paris has grown several times.

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    The capital of the United States of America is Washington City. This city is named after the first American president.

    13 white and red stripes on the flag - the symbol of the first 13 states. Now they are exactly 50 and as many stars in the corner of the flag.

    Slide 17.

    The Statue of Liberty.

    The statue is located near the port of the largest city of USA - New York. This is a gift of French citizens to the century of the American revolution.

    From the day of its discovery, the statue served as a navigation guideline and was used as a lighthouse.

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    The amusement park opened in 1955, becoming an embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bWalt Disney about the park, in which the world of cartoon and fairy tales was recreated, where it is interesting to all - and adults and children.

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    The history of India has thousands of years. In the depths of the country there are ancient Indian fortresses, temples, cities, and among them the capital - Delhi.

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    Taj Mahal - Mausoleum-Mosque.

    Lotus Temple

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    In traditional Japanese homes, very few furniture. The entire floor is covered with rice straw mats. On the floor are sitting when they dinner, on the floor are sleeping, underwing special mattresses.

    A brief report about Paris, the wonderful capital, the eternal city of love and romance, is stated in this article.

    Message about Paris

    The capital of the Republic of France is located in the Il de France region, the northern part of the state. She lies on the left and right bank of the Seine. Administrative Paris is divided into 20 districts. The first district is located in the center, further clockwise - the rest of the districts diverge.

    Paris population

    The population of the capital is 2 196,936 people without taking into account the surroundings. It is worth noting that Paris is the place of contact of cultures. More than 350,000 immigrant foreigners from Algeria, Morocco, China, Portugal live here. As for religion, 80% of the population of the city - Christians, 15% - Muslims.

    Transport Paris.

    The fastest and most convenient public transport of the city is the subway. Its network is 16 lines, the first of them was launched back in 1900.

    In Paris, there are 2 international airports - "Charles de Gaulle" and "Orly." There are 7 railway stations in the capital. With 4 of them, high-speed trains type TGV are sent.

    Paris climate

    The climate of Paris is moderate, close to the oceanic. The average winter temperature is +5 ° C, and summer - +20 ° C. In the French capital, about 645 mm of precipitation falls over the year, most of which are in the form of rain, and a smaller percentage falls on wet winter snow. The most dry season is spring, but in the summer there may be stranded rains that quickly pass.

    Relief and minerals Paris

    The relief of the capital is quite diverse: near the plain regions, (quarter Mare, Saint-Germain Boulevard), hills (Montmartre, Montarunas regions) are towering. On the outskirts of Paris you can see the forests - Boulogne and Vensenesky.

    In Paris, limestone, plaster and oil were previously mined. Today, the mining is also carried out, although not so intense.

    Large rivers and lakes of Paris

    In addition to the large river, the Sena, Canals Saint-Marthal and URK, in Paris there are still lakes, or rather - ponds. The largest of them are - Gravel, Minima, Domenil, and Saint-Mande.

    Sights of Paris

    Champs Elysees, Elysée Palace, Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Triumphal Arch, Cathedral of Paris Mother of God, Sorbonne University, Grand Opera, Comedy Frances, Versailles.

    You can also visit Disneyland Paris, Tuileries, Orsay Museum, an agreement area, Luxembourg garden.

    We hope that the 3 class Paris report helped you prepare for the lesson, and you learned a lot of interesting things. And your story about Paris, you can leave through the comment form.

    . The motto of the republic - "Freedom equality Brotherhood"

    The largest country in Europe on the territory is France. Its area is 551 thousand square meters. km. France belongs to a major island in the Mediterranean - Corsica. Also, France has distant, overseas possessions. The biggest and famous is the island of Tahiti

    Cities of France

    Avignon -Ced 1400 was the center of the Catholic world. His religious history;

    Arles - rich in his museums and monuments that are UNESCO World Heritage;

      City Bordeaux - The port city and the city of growing and processing grapes. The local vineyards will make you be surprised by your beauty and scale;

      Valley Loire - called so because of their mild climate; Cannes - called the city of "Stars", the resort of the Cote d'Azur. Here is the International Annual "Cannes Film Festival";

      Courchevel - Diverse with its snowy descents, a great pastime for Extreme lovers. The beauty of the tracks will affect you with its beauty;

      - Tourist paradise. It is very diverse with its natural beauty and landscapes that open the view of the Alps. This is one of the favorite recreation places not only tourists, but also local residents;

      Marseilles - The largest seaport of France, its attractiveness is the bay rich in his islands and small rocky bays;


    Paris - the capital of France since the end of the X century. At the site of the historic center, the Islands of the Site in the I century BC, the settlement of the Celtic tribe of Parisiev - Lutection was located. From the III-IV centuries. The city was called Parisian. Celebrated the 2000th anniversary of Paris.

    Sights of Paris:

    1) Champs Elysees The Elysees fields are the name of one of the most famous and most beautiful avenues of Paris. The length of this prospectus is almost 7 km and width 70 m.

    2) Triumphal arch on the square of the carousel
    In 1802, during the Amiens world, to commemorate the great victories of the French weapons, it was decided to build a triumphal arch in Paris following the example of the Arch of Ancient Rome.

    3) Triumphal Arch on the star Square
    Having decided in 1806 to build two triumphal arches in Paris - the monuments of the fame of French weapons - Napoleon elected two places for these purposes: Carousel Square and the beginning of Saint-Antoine Street. The second place was chosen not entirely successfully - after the arch construction, it would greatly difficult the movement, and, in the end, the construction was transferred to the stars' stacking (since 1970 Square Schal de Gaulle), at the very beginning of the Elysee fields - a beloved place for walks of citizens . And the ensemble of the relief ensemble of the well-known French sculptors depicting the significant events of the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.

    4) Eiffel Tower

    At the end of 1884, Gustave Eiffel headed by him, the company is developing a project for the construction of a tower with a height of about 300 meters. Before the construction of Tower, Eifel has already performed engineering work, including a metal frame for the Statue of Liberty in New York. Together with the antenna, its height is 320.75 meters, it weighs 8,600 tons, and, as experts assure, in the process of its construction, 2.5 million rivets were riveted. The highest tower in the world in the world was mounted 250 workers in an amazing short term.


    Louvre is the most popular museum in the world. It is in the center . The museum building is an ancient royal palace. Louvre was opened on August 10, 1793. Since then, he managed to collect a magnificent collection of exhibits reflecting the culture of ancient (Greece, Rome, Egypt) and modern (Islamic, European) civilizations.

      Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady (Notre Dame de Paris) cathedral on the island of Sita in Paris.His huge building, like the guard, rises above the historical center . and Noter Dame de Paris is the two most famous and unusual Catholic temples in the world. Notre Dame - calls another pearl of French architecture.


    Founded in the first half of the XVI century, Shambian castle enters the system - the longest and beautiful french river. There is a version that the magnificent architectural Palace in the Renaissance style was created on the project of Leonardo da Vinci. Chambor Castle consists of 426 rooms, 77 stairs and 282 fireplaces.

    8. Parizh Disneyland is considered one of the most visited places in all old world. . Paris Disneyland Square is huge and is almost 2 thousand hectares. Disneyland Park.openedApril 12, 1992.


    The plant world of France is rich and diverse. In mountainous areas, depending on the height, lichens and mosses, alpine meadows, coniferous forests (spruce, larch, pine and fir) and broad forest (beech, chestnut, oak) are growing. And on the Mediterranean coast, shrubs and low trees are growing, which are worn to long droughts. Here you can see the cork oak, Alepskaya pine and olives.

    And also in France there are wonderful lavender fields.

    In France, you can meet brown bears, sulfur, stone goats. Among predators, foxes, badgers, otters, generates are most often found. And the animal world of France is represented by squirrels, rats, mice, bats, hares, noble deers, roots, boars, beabons and couplons.

    Bearded Neuzat

    ; ibex


    National traditions

    1. do not suggest a visit to the French, they don't like it.

    2. in the subway or other form of public transport, do not ask in front of standing people whether they willgoing out on the next stopproprost, pushed to the exit and pass the sorry to everyone;

    3 . If you were invited to dinner, then come to 20 o'clock, lunch in this country is at this time;

    4. always apologize if someone pushed you on the street - here the tradition apologize to both parties.

    A message about France for 3, 4th grade, tell you about the amazing Motherland of Napoleon, a small prince and three musketeers.

    Quick message about France

    The report about France should start with the fact that it is located in the west of Europe. It includes the island of Corsica, located in the Mediterranean. France is often called hexagon due to its hexagonal form.

    France is bordered by Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg in Northeast, with Italy and Monaco in the south-east and with Andorra and Spain in the south-west. The country is washed by the Mediterranean and the Northern Seas, the Biscay Bay of La Mans and Pa de Cala.

    France - 551 thousand km 2.

    The greatest rivers France - Sena, Loire, Ron, Garonna and Rhine.

    Capital of France - Paris

    Large cities of France - Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice

    Population of France - 66.7 million people (2016)

    Form of government - Presidential and Parliamentary Republic

    The territory of France is mainly hilly, with extensive hills, lowlands and medieval mountains. The exception becomes two high-altitude array in the south-east in the form of the Alps and in the south-west in the form of pyrenees. The highest point of the country is Mount Mont Blanc, its height is 4807 m.

    The climate is completely dependent on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. In the north, climatic conditions are softer, wet and sea, and in the south the climate is warm and Mediterranean. In the mountains, the climate is distinguished by low temperatures. Here more precipitation falls. Pokrov snow at large altitudes is preserved.

    All over the world know that French wines are the best in the world. France was still famous for its fashionable clothing, perfume and cosmetics. France is rightfully considered to be the world capital of fashion.

    Today, in all countries, people use aircraft, cars and cars (Citroen, Peugeot and Renault), made in France.

    Religion France

    Approximately 4/5 of the country's population confess Catholicism. About 12% of the population consider themselves atheists. 3% Population is confessing Islam, 2% Protestantism, 1% - Judaism.

    Sights of France

    In France, more than 5 thousand castles have been preserved from ancient times.

    Notre Dame, Disneyland, Fontainebleau Forest, Basilica Sacre Cour, Flea Market in Saint-Wen, Ruan Fleet Armada, Eiffel Tower, Versailles Palace, Louvre, Pompidou Center, Parisian Cathedral, want to visit all tourists.

    Famous French glorified their country to the whole world - Onor de Balzac, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Jul Verne, Emil Zol, Albert Cami, Standal, Jacques Yves Kusto, Pablo Picasso, etc.

    We hope the information about France helped you. And you can leave your brief story about France through the comment form.