Essay about traveling in the train. "Russian Railways - Past, Present and Future

There are prestigious professions (highly paid), noble, creative, romantic - different. Among the many people who "under the posts" will have such people who sought their goal, made a career for several years in different ways, not always honest (this is the first option). There are those who ever thought to become a very high-paid specialist in a prestigious position, but simply performed their work honestly, in good faith, having enjoyed his work (the second option). I increasingly began to think about - how, including both options, become successful in this life, what way to choose. Eternal problem

Sometimes the choice of profession is random, but this does not mean that unsuccessful. Perhaps, often a person leads fate. Of course, I want to look at the score of the future 10-15 and decide whether today is worth doing one or another step into the future. It will be necessary to take into account a lot: whether the profession will generate income, as it is important - you will need to feed the family; Will the profession be pleased - psychologically important to receive pleasure from his work. Problem!

Choosing a profession, I started thinking what I like, what I have the abilities that friends and parents advise. It turned out that I was comfortable among people, to communicate with them, to delve into their problems, even help. In order to solve the acute situations in the family and among my friends, I read psychological books, I try to smooth out the brewing conflicts in life. I also wonder to be always in motion, travel around the world, watching what is happening in it, because it is so bored all my life to sit in one place, live on the same street, ride on the same bus route!

Everything is clear, I am the future conductor on the railway! Everything will be here: new faces, and new cities, and life on wheels. Even (I understand it) will be a big responsibility for the comfort, the convenience of other people, sometimes it may have to communicate with irritable people - just here it will be possible to apply their knowledge of psychological techniques to resolve conflicts.

Maybe someone will say that it's all - a solid romance. Let be! But it is interesting. And imagine how joyful can be meeting with family after a two-week absence! And how many new people, new impressions ahead!

My parents, rather, support - Mom believes that if I have a goal, then you need to go to it. Dad is so silent, my choice does not comment. Perhaps believes that one year and a half before the graduation, which dreams may change. I'm firmly sure: you need to go to the railway college, because I still do not find other interesting and affordable professions. I will go to the dream!

The profession of the railway worker is stable, like no other. Even in the most difficult transition period, when many enterprises of Russia stopped working, the railway continued to transport cargoes and passengers. The life and work of Russian Railways employees is in a limited space of cars on the train schedule. The famous RZD abbreviation is Russian railways - railroads jokingly decrypt how rarely live at home. And this is true: the schedule of work implies frequent trips and life outside the house. The profession is ideal for those who do not like to sit in one place, easy to rise and eager for new impressions. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in social studies (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The head of the train holds under control everything that happens in the train:

  • responsible for the timely shipment and arrival of the train and the safety of passengers on the way;
  • manages the work of conductors of all wagons and technical staff;
  • disasses conflict situations and complaints of passengers.

During the landing of passengers on the train and on the road, the head of the train becomes the head of not only wire-nikov, but also by the patron of hundreds of passengers, the comfort, health and the life of which is on his personal responsibility. He is confident in himself and his competence and always knows - in what cases to cause the transport police, in which ambulance, and where you can settle the conflict or solve the problem on your own.

In any journey, unforeseen circumstances can occur, and the task of the head of the train can be prevented from them. There are different situations: from changes from passenger places before the need to delay the departure of the train. It also happened: the DDT group was late for the train and had to take measures to delay the composition. Especially fun, but also troublesomely transport artists. The participants of the show "People's Artist" on the trip sang all night long.

The head of the train, like each conductor of the Wagon owns the skills of providing first aid and methods for servicing electrical equipment.

Features of the profession

Responsibilities of the train head are divided into steps:

1. before sending a train - must make a trafficking of all cars of the train, make sure that all the consignments of the train brigade, the availability of all conductors and technical staff at their workplaces. Check the sanitary readiness of the train cars, the completeness of the equipment of cars with fuel, water, bedding, products and medical preparations. Control the timely submission of the passenger train under the landing of passengers. Implement a guide to the landing process, resolving conflict situations.

2. after sending the train - to declare the route route and the time of arrival at the final station, report on the rules of behavior on the way, about finding a restaurant car, about the provision of paid and free services and other important information. Exercise control over the work of the conductors and the entire service personnel, compliance with the schedule of duty and the form of clothing, qualitative fulfillment of functional duties. Maintain constant control over the equipment of cars with fuel and water. Take measures to provide medical care if necessary: \u200b\u200bthe challenge of passengers or from the near station. At the end of the flight - collecting money revenue from conductors for the provision of services, charging penalties and surcharges, reporting. Issue the books of feedback and suggestions at the request of passengers.

3. upon arrival at the final station - set the schedule of conductors duty at the time of parking, inform PTO (maintenance point) on the faults of the wagons found on the way and control their elimination. Apply for equipment of cars with fuel, water, etc. Materials. Severed bags with bed lurps.

4. in extreme situations - act in accordance with the instructions depending on the incident .

5. upon arrival of the train to the formation item - record in the repair book on PTOs detected in the path of malfunction; pass the revenue received from the conductors and report on the form in accounting; report to the head of the reserve on the results of the flight and receiving instructions for the next flight, instruct the conductors of their brigade.

Pros and cons profession


  • Constant demand for profession
  • Quite high payment of labor on branded trains and certain directions


  • Traveling nature
  • Excessive communication with different types of people
  • High level of responsibility for the work of a large team
  • Replaceable work, you have to work on weekends and holidays on schedule

Place of work

Russian Railways, International Railways, Metropolitan, Transport Enterprises, Scientific and Teaching Works in the University Complex Miit.

Important qualities

  • responsibility and organization
  • ability to competently and effectively organize the work of the train brigade
  • skill working in a team, sociability
  • fast and accurate reaction
  • ability to work yourself with minimal control
  • ability to make accurate, weighted and responsible solutions
  • accuracy in work in the documentation
  • ability to analyze and systematize information
  • the ability to find non-standard solutions in stittle
  • strong physical health (bosses of trains, like conductors, pass a special medical examination in the manner prescribed by MPS)
  • Knowledge of English on international routes

Training headquarters

The head of the train can be a specialist with higher or secondary technical vocational education and work experience of 3 years.

1. Introduction

2. Description


Used Books

1. Introduction

The main in the work of the passenger car service is the service of passengers. The conductor is a representative of railway transport that directly contacts passengers and ensures their right to train with the necessary level of amenities and services, and is also responsible for their safety. In addition, the conductor works with Wagon technical devices: heating, ventilation, water supply, power supply. On the conductor assigns work on the sanitary content of the car.

The conductor must have a fairly high level of cultural and political development, to be an active supporter of restructuring passing in our country. Attentiveness, warning, politeness, willingness at any time listen to the passenger, to help solve the misunderstandings and questions - all these are the most important professional qualities of the conductor of the passenger carriage. If it is impossible to satisfy the requirements of passengers or resolve the misunderstanding should be invited by the train chief.

The conductor has quite definite official duties in the passenger car, which it serves, including pre-triply prepare and equipment, when landing passengers to a car, during the flight and after the end of it. The work of the conductor is governed by the rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation, the instructions, the rules of transportation of passengers, orders and instructions of Russian Railways. The conductor must know these documents and strictly fulfill their requirements. In all situations, when the threat to the safety of motion or the life of passengers arises, the conductor must be ready to act strongly and competently.

2. Description

2.1. The duties of the conductor for the preparation and equipment of the car before the flight

Each passenger car before the flight passes technical and sanitary training. Explorer, taking a car, must ensure that it complies with the requirements, rules and instructions in the sanitary condition. Technical inspection and repair of wagons, both in the chassis and internal equipment of the car, carry out special brigades of the maintenance point. Cleaning, cleaning and washing inside the wagon produced in the section of the train special brigades completely, brigades with the participation of conductors of cars and the conductors themselves.

At the points of formation and turnover with the help of car vehicles or manually, an outdoor washing of the surface of the body, window windows and chassis parts is carried out. The knee is made by hot or cold water and special detergent solutions. In this case, contamination of the outer surface of the car should be removed, but without damaging the color. As a rule, the outdoor wash is made before each flight.

Inside the wagons are washed and wipe the window frames, walls, shelves, sofas, roses, floors, washed with hot water with the use of detergents tambura, heating pipes and toilet placing, produce disinfection treatment of toilets and trash bins. At least once a month, disinsection treatment of cars with the use of insecticides should be carried out in order to prevent the appearances of insects in the wagons (beds, cockroaches, etc.). Cleaning of internal premises of the wagons is made after the desobration and repair work. After disinsectioning processing, repair and cleaning can be started no earlier than 2 hours, and after disinfection processing - after 30 minutes.

The brigade, producing the sanitary training of a passenger carriage, must be provided with overalls, detergents, rag, mop for washing floors and hot water. Inventory for the inner washing of the car must be marked with inscriptions: "For toilet", "for the floor", "for shelves". The bucket "for the shelves" is used for washing the walls. Inventory used for cleaning inside the car, at the end of the work, disinfect with a 3% solution of chlorine or 5% lysol solution with a shutter speed of 1 h, then rinsed with water.

After graduating from the formation or turnover, all passenger compounds are subjected to a sanitary inspection, which is carried out by the employees of a sanitary and control point together with employees of the passenger economy and with the participation of conductors. All prescriptions of sanitary supervision are required for execution, and the departure of the passenger composition can be detained until eliminating all the shortcomings identified under sanitary inspection, and the passenger car at the request of the sanitary service can be disabled from the train.

Equipment of passenger cars with necessary internal equipment and tea products provide databases for passenger trains, the base produces laundry, chemical cleaning, repair and disinfection of bedding. Preparation and issuance of property in equipped compositions is made according to the train schedule drawn up in accordance with the schedule of their departure.

The newly formed train in accordance with the norm installed for each carriage is issued mattresses, pillows, blankets, curtains, napkins and other inventory in the number of sleeping places. The number of bed linen issued to the flight is determined by the duration of the flight, the number of sleeping places in the car and the estimated population of wagons. Bed linen and other sleeping equipment bring to each car and transferred to conductors.

Passenger bedding consists of a mattress, pillow, blankets, covers for mattress, pillows and bed linen set. The bed linen includes two sheets, closed-type pillowcase, a towel, in the wagons of SV - instead of one sheet of a duvet cover. The bed linen set is placed in a sealing or stitched cloth envelope or a stitched or thermally missed package of synthetic film. Bed linen is packaged in special bags of 15 sets, which are sealing and numbered. Sheets, pillowcases and towels must have an enterprise stamp with the year of commissioning. Some of the sheets and pillows are made of cotton fabric with the signs of Russian Railways in the form of a solid ornament.

The number and quality of the internal inventory issued to the passenger cars of different categories: international, branded, fast, local communication, stub, checkpoints, departors are established by the list approved by the Order of Russian Railways, as well as the Regulations on the corporate train. The internal inventory can include curtains and curtains, carpeting tracks, corridor and jew rugs, tires for corridor tracks, napkins for window tables, sofa covers, cup holders, glasses, tea spoons, plates, knives and forks, teapots for tea brewing and for boiling water, towels for dishes, board games, brushes, clothing and shoe, paper and soap toilet, as well as inventory for the sanitary content of the car, vacuum cleaner, fire extinguishers, landing rooms, route board and other inventory.

The conductor carries material responsibility for the safety of the internal inventory, he personally accepts it and rents. In case of damage or loss of inventory, the passenger conductor takes measures to reimburse its cost for railways. From the passenger, the cost of a damaged or 1 lost subject according to the above-mentioned statement, approved by the Order of Russian Railways, is held.

Products for tea trading, tea and other dishes Equipment brigade (or train) receives on the basis of passenger service and delivers cars. It also breaks the charcoal or peat briquettes for boiling.

Wagons are supplied with soap, toilet paper, detergents for dishes (soda, washing means "progress"). In Each car, there is an inventory for cleaning the premises: vacuum cleaner, brooms, scoop for garbage, washing and disinfectants, rags and rags, labeled buckets (for floors, for shelves, for toilets). Each car must have a tank with derochor and a hero. Personnels of current use and emergency are equipped with medicines. The passenger composition should have two stretcher.

2.2. Supplying water and coal of passenger cars at the points of formation, turnover and in the way

In the initial and end items and during the period of the flight, passenger cars are supplied with water, and in the winter heating season - and coal. In the path of the passenger train, the supply of coal and water is carried out at the stations with a parking lot, in time sufficient for this operation, every 8-12 hours of trains. To supply the wagon water, the tankers are connected to its water pipes to the hoses available at the station water treatment columns. The conductor opens the shut-off valves of the filling pipes and follows the dressing of the car, not allowing water overflow to the rail path. The conductor should pay attention to how the car is filled. It is strictly forbidden to drag the filling hoses heads on the ground. The head of water sleeves in the period between refills should be placed in special devices that prevent pollution. At all points of water supply with a water seducing network of both capital and temporary type, periodically check the quality of water quality by the requirements of the GOST.

The wagon conductor is required to ensure that the heads of the water pipes of the wagons are also protected from contamination. In order to prevent the freezing of the chipper head, equipped with water or electrical heaters. The most reliable means is heating the filling pipes with hot water. The water heater consists of a welded cylindrical body on the terminal part of the bulk tube. It is supplied to the heater and removes hot water on pipes .. The heater housing to the touch should always be hot. Disordered cranes and valves on the supply and discharge pipes of the heater in winter are constantly open. After refueling the valves on the water pipes closed.

Start the heating of passenger cars at an outdoor air temperature + 10 ° C and below. At the beginning of the heating season, even with the plus temperatures of air, the supply of coal is made only in the points of formation and turnover of trains. In winter, all passenger trains with turnover more than a day are supplied with coal at the formation, turnover points and in the intermediate stations indicated in the train schedule.

Coal supply standards for certain brands are established by JSC Russian Railways for specific railways (Table 1). The amount of coal per day (in kilograms) is calculated depending on the temperature of the outer air and the coal brand available in the supply item.

Table 1.

Coal brings to trains on electrocars, tractors with trailers and trucks packaged in metal drawers with a capacity of 15 kg. The conductors pour coal from the boxes in the storage location in the car, and the boxes are returned. In the formation and turnover points in the winter, passenger cars must be supplied until their compatibility.

The trains following the combined heating can be heated as electricity and coal and therefore supplied at the formation points at the full norm, and at intermediate stations - only in an emergency case, when electrotaging and coal does not work for any reason, is issued at the request of the head Passenger train.

2.3. Landing and placement of passengers in the car

The main task of the wagon conductor is to provide the necessary amenities and services to passengers in the following way. The most important points in the work of the conductor are the landing of passengers and place them in the car, ensuring normal heating, ventilation and lighting in the car, the provision of bedding, tea, board games, the necessary information.

Passenger landing at the initial departure point begins immediately after the announcement of it on the loud-speaking network of the station, and in the following way - after the arrival of the train and disembarking passengers. Any delay in landing is unpleasant for passengers, so the conductor is obliged to prepare for it in advance. During the landing, the conductor meets passengers in front of the entrance to the car, and if bad weather is in Tambour at the open door of the carriage. Landing into the wagon is made through open workbamas working (boiler) side of the wagon from the landing platform.

When landing, the conductor is obliged to carefully check the passenger travel documents: to establish whether travel documents are executed correctly, whether the number of the train, the direction, landing and departure date, and the category and number of the car and the place are indicated in the documents. If necessary, it may also ask for a passenger to present documents giving the right to acquire a preferential ticket.

If when landing the conductor found that two or more tickets sold the ticket to one place, he resolves the passenger to enter the car, and asks him to wait for the issue of providing him. The head of the train itself or using the station workers highlights the passenger place here or translates it to another car. You should apologize to the passenger for a mistake admitted by the railway workers.

In alcoholic intoxication, passengers are not allowed to land on the train. If a drunk passenger is detected by a conductor during a trip, then he removes the head of the train or police officers from the car. At the same time, an act is drawn up, which is signed except for the conductor or the train chief two more witnesses. A passenger in alcohol intoxication is made a corresponding mark in a ticket or a ticket is repaid, and so it is deprived of the opportunity to use or pass this ticket.

It is forbidden to land in the passenger car with manual loop, the total weight of which exceeds the established norm (36 kg per adult or children's ticket) or it closes the passages or coupe. Excessive hand-made weight passenger offer to pay for the current tariff through the station station or directly to the train chief. Only after that the landing is allowed. Since there are no scales at the station to determine the exact weight of the hand-made bag, it is set approximately by external inspection.

In passenger cars, it is forbidden to proclaim with yourself lightly, explosive and toxic substances. If they are detected in the hand-made passenger, it can be denied a landing for a train or remove it from the train. A trip can be permitted only after the passenger removes dangerous goods from his hand-made bag. In case of refusal to the passenger on a trip due to the presence of light spherical, explosive and toxic cargo in its things, its travel documents are not losing.

The conductor is obliged to prevent the passengers so that they do not forget the tickets from the victims. 5 minutes before departure of the train, the head of the train warns about this passengers on the train speakerphone. 2 minutes before departure, the head of the train on the loud-speaking network, and the conductors - in the wagons offer to escape the wagons.

Passengers who have been issued without specifying space have the right to enter the car. If there are free places after sending the train, they are provided to them, and in the absence of places they are transferred to other cars or offered to wait until places are released.

Passengers are nice to see when landing a friendly and polite conductor. It must assist the elderly passengers, disabled and passengers with children. If, when landing into a car, any misunderstandings arose or a passenger requested the conductor, he invites him to wait for the end of the landing, and if the passenger had travel documents decorated for this train or in this car, he asks him to enter the car. After graduating from landing and sending a train, the conductor himself or with the help of the train authorities allow the misunderstanding or satisfies the request of the passenger. If you go to meet it is not possible, you need to explain in politely.

After sending a passenger train from the station, the conductor passes by the car, once again checks the travel documents and compliance with their places engaged in passengers, in secondary, coupling and soft cars, takes away the travel documents from passengers and lays them in touch with the rooms in the car in pockets for Ticket storage. Tickets are repaid by folding and donning. It is impossible to repay the tickets of transit passengers who will make a transplant to another train, and those passengers who stated that they will make a permitted traffic rules in the following way. Passengers who wish to receive bed linen, the conductor brings and gives linen sets directly from their places.

If the train went from the initial point and in the car two conductors, then in order to reduce time serving passengers together: one collects tickets, the second distributes bed linen. Then the conductor will then fill the form of the population and flow of bed linen Lou-72: notes the landing station and disembarking passengers, the rooms occupied by them and makes a mark about the extradition of linen.

By mutual agreement, two passengers can exchange places, putting the wagon conductor about it. If the passenger appealed to the conductor with a request to provide him with the lower place in return to the top or replace the place in one compartment on a more convenient place for it in another compartment, the conductor allows it only with the consent of the other passengers. In this case, the conductor should be extremely polite. On requests for passengers about translating them to another car or in a higher category car, the conductor informs the head of the train, which makes the decision.

In all cases, when the cashier erroneously sold tickets on the same places to two and more passengers, the conductor allows you to take this place to one of them. First of all, the place of disabled, sick, aged, veterans of war, passengers with children or those who came to land before. The second passenger head of the train itself or with the help of station workers places on a free place in this or other car in accordance with the rules of transport.

Manual sting passengers are placed on places intended for this. The conductor is obliged to clarify the passengers that the runes under the bottom shelves serve to storage of bedding and that only with empty roses passengers having sleeping places both on the lower and on the upper shelves, can put their things there. In passenger cars below the floor level there is a container for storing the used linen. Do not put any passengers there.

As mentioned above, the passenger must begin his trip from the point that is specified in the ticket. If, when sending a train, the place turned out to be free, the head of the train places a passenger on it or pays it on sale, so the passenger who makes landing on the train on the way, loses the right to the place that is noted in his ticket at the initial point of departure. In international trains, there is an order, according to which a place not occupied by a passenger within 30 minutes after the departure of the train is considered free and can be provided to another passenger or transferred to the sale.

If, when boarding the train of passengers with small animals or a bird (although it is allowed by the rules of transportation), the coupe neighbors object to the joint passage with them, the conductor can resolve this conflict itself or with the help of the train chief. If the passenger in the compartment of the International Wagon objects to the transport of animals, the owner of the animals is provided in another coupe. With disagreement, it is paid to the cost of travel and placentar in a separate coupe, he refuses to transport.

Passengers of different sex can go together in the bedrooms of the international train only with mutual consent. Otherwise, the train head is obliged to translate them to another coupe.

Conductors must prevent the passengers of their wagon about the entrance to their destination station. Conductors of sleeping wagons are responsible for the passage of passengers of destination and transplant stations specified in the ticket. In the case of passing a passenger station, the disembarkation is drawn up with an act signed by the head of the train, conductor and the passenger itself. The act is wrapped at the station and gives the right to return to the destination station, which he drove, without paying the passage.

If it is found that the passenger has fallen behind the train, the conductor reports this to the boss. Then with the participation of two passengers as witnesses constitute an act in which the form and number of things belonging to the passenger retained are indicated. The act signs the head of the train, wagon conductors and both witness passengers. The conductor is obliged to ensure the safety of things and, on the instructions of the train, transfer them to the station along the path or in the destination. If the conductor discovered forgotten or lost things in the carriage, it should handle them like a find. These things can be returned during the flight to the passenger who declared about the loss, if it can accurately describe them. The fact of returning things the passenger must confirm the conductor in any form - writing or verbally. If the owner of lost things is not detected, they are surrendered to the chamber of forgotten things at the station destination station.

2.4. Passenger service in the following way

The work performed by the conductor on the way is diverse, and its main goal is to provide comfortable, sanitary and safe passengers. Terms of travel. The duties of the conductor enters; Providing passengers of the necessary services, the management of the technical devices of the car - heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc., the sanitary content of the car, ensuring the execution of passage rules by passengers, maintaining public order in the car, accounting and transfer of free places, providing the necessary assistance to passengers in case of illness, Message to the passenger with the information you need about the train movement.

At least two times a day, the conductor is obliged to make wet cleaning in the car. Four times a day, and if necessary, the toilets with mandatory washing of floors should be removed more often. In the jewelry, soft and wagons of SV twice a day, vacuuming tracks in the coupe and corridor. Before stopping the trains at large stations, while following the city and spa areas in the sanitary zones, to the bridges and tunnels, the toilets should be closed, and passengers clarify that it is required by sanitary rules.

Trash Passengers are discharged into a special box in a small carriage corridor (from the side of the non-working tambour). On the wagon wall, the inscription with the pointing arrow "for garbage" is postponed. Accuming in the way of garbage Explorer burns in the firebox of the boiler or h removes into special garbagers at the stations that are listed in the schedule book. Throwing garbage on the distillations and stations is prohibited both passengers and train staff.

Passenger trains in our country for one flight can proceed through several climatic zones, from north to south, from west to east and vice versa, so one of the most important charges of the conductor is to maintain the necessary thermal regime in the car. This is possible with the proper operation of the heating and ventilation system.

At an outdoor temperature of up to - 40 ° C, the temperature in the car is maintained at coal heating at least 18 ° C, with electrical combined-in the range of 18-20 ° C. Before serving, the carriage must be enough. In the way, the Wagon conductor is obliged to trample water heating boiler, follow the work and state of the heating system. In wagons with electric or combined (electric or coal) heating, it must constantly work automatically and on manual control of heating is transmitted with the permission of the train head or train electromechanics only when the automation elements faults are malfunctioning or with a violation of the normal temperature mode.

Passenger cars are equipped with devices for natural and forced ventilation. Wagon conductor should know their work well and correctly apply these knowledge in practice. It is necessary to provide normally in the car! Air exchange so that with a long stay of a significant number of passengers in it, the humidity and air temperature and the content of substances harmful for the livelihoods are not increased for the livelihoods of the organism did not exceed the valid norm. The temperature in the car is adjustable using ventilation devices, especially air conditioning systems. As a rule, passengers feel well at the air temperature inside the car 18 - 20 ° C and a humidity of 30-70%. The maximum allowable "carbon dioxide content in air is 0.1% of the volume, dust - no more than 1 mg / m3.

With an increase in the speed of movement of passenger trains to 160 km / h and higher dust entering the wagon with closed windows, doors and reflectors increase dramatically as a result of a suction through no density, so the ventilation system should create the necessary air profile from the inside of the car to ensure air and exclude air Dust hitting.

During the flight, the conductor must constantly monitor the temperature in the car and the ventilation state, not only relying on its feelings, but also by the readings of the instruments. It should also listen to the opinion of passengers. Taking care of their work or being in the office, the conductor may not feel a stuff and elevated temperature in the car.

Forced ventilation provides in winter mode the additional flow of heat for the heating of the wagon, since the air is heated by the calorifer, in the summer, with its help, air exchange and cooling air inside the car occurs. Installation of forced ventilation of the passenger car valid on three modes, or steps, work. The first step with a small volume of the air supplied in winter. The second stage with the supply of average air volume into the car is used in the spring, autumn or in summer at low population of the wagon and with a relatively low temperature of the outer air. The third stage with a large supply of air is used in summer.

The most comfortable conditions for passengers are created in wagons equipped with air conditioning devices. In these installations, the air supplied to the car in the summer is cooled, and in the winter it is heated, which allows in broader ranges to change the temperature, humidity and other air parameters inside the carriage. Air conditioning allows you to create normal travel conditions in the car at an outdoor temperature from + 32 ° C to - 40 ° C. Currently, installations | for air conditioning are equipped with wagons, restaurants and part of the coupling cars. In these wagons, the windows in the coupe are not opening, and the windows in the corridor are open through one.

Natural car ventilation is carried out through ceiling deflectors and windows opened. Explorer with the help of heating and ventilation devices in winter and summer adjusts the temperature and air exchange inside the car. Normal thermal regime in the winter car, at low outdoor temperatures, it is achieved by the correct operation of the water heating system of the boiler and heated from the ventilation air unit to a temperature of at least 20 ° C.

If the car becomes too hot, the conductor must reduce the heating of the heating boiler and increase the air flow through the fan. In winter, with a large population of wagons, especially a second-class or shared places, with a working ventilation unit, you need to restrict deflectors in the passenger room to improve the air exchange and removal of used air with a large humidity and carbon dioxide content. On the side of the boiler end of the car, the deflectors are opened by 10-15 mm, in a non-boiler part of the car - by 20-25 mm.

An objective indicator of bad operation of the ventilation unit is to fog windows from the inside of the car. In this case, the conductor includes a higher air supply to the car, and in order not to cool the room, enhances the operation of heating. When the power supply system fails or malfunction of the ventilation unit itself, the deflectors are open.

In summer, at an outdoor temperature of +20 ° C and higher, the ventilation unit must work continuously, including at the trains stops. The fan is turned off for 10-15 minutes over each hour of operation. When the temperature increases in the car above + 25 ° C, the ventilation unit does not reduce the temperature, so you need to open the windows on one side of the car, and at a temperature of +30 ° C and above, open all windows. It should be borne in mind that when driving on two-way areas on the right side, in the course of the train, there is a danger of dust from the oncoming trains to the open windows of the wagon (Fig. 1). Therefore, open the windows should be on the right side along the train. When moving the train at a speed of over 120 km / h, the windows do not open, as a large amount of dust will fall into the car. In the summer and when working forced ventilation, all deflectors should be opened, in the winter, deflectors in the toilets are constantly open.

Position "openly" position "closed

Fig.1. Closing and opening windows in the passenger car: 1-latch; 2-trigger head; 3-pressure frame; 4-lock; 5-hand

In fig. 1 shows devices for closing and opening the car. When preparing lower windows for the winter, lock the latch 1. Trigger head screws mounted on the pressure frame 3, must be evenly tightened. In this state, you cannot open the windows anymore. Opening windows with effort leads to damage to fixing parts and windows themselves.

The air-conditioning installation should operate automatically and maintain the air temperature in the car in the range of 22-25 ° C in the summer and 18-22 ° C in winter. The installation of the installation is automatically adjusted using the thermostats installed in the car, which are adjusted to a change in temperature when thermostats malfunction can be processed to manual control. The permit for this gives a train electromechanic to which the conductor of the Wagon is obliged to contact with any fault of air conditioning systems, ventilation, power supply

The conductor is obliged to constantly provide passengers of his car boiled cooled water. To do this, there are a combined boiler for continuous operation, a drinking water cooler and a tank for drinking water with a folding crane. Boiler (Fig. 2) serves to provide passengers with drinking water and for making tea.

Fig.2. Drinking water supply system

In the permanent point before serving the wagon, the conductor melts the fluke of the boiler and dries it with wood coal or fuel briquettes. Electric boiler heating is turned on only when the train is moving. The capacity of the boiler of the continuous action when operating on a solid fuel is 16-18 l / h, on electrical heating-12-14 l / h. After the preparation of a sufficient amount of boiled water (with a level on a water-gauge glass of a boiler, corresponding to the level of 15 l), it is pumped by a manual pump to the drinking water cooler until it appears in the viewing glass at the top of the cooler. Then the electrical distribution shield includes a cooling unit. Check the quality of drinking water and its temperature, which should be within 12-18 ° C.

The place to pave the drinking water is located in a niche of the wall of the office, located in a small corridor of the boiler end of the car.

Hot water is also needed for washbasins in toilets and for washing dishes. In the boiler department of the carriage there are water heaters. In summer, the water is heated by the furnace, in the winter - a coil with hot water, the temperature of which should not be higher than 70 ° C. In the service room, the conductor is equipped with a washing for dishes made as a steel enamelled shell or stainless steel sink. The sink has a mixer of hot and cold water and a drain pipe. Hot water comes across a special pipeline to washbasins in the toilets, and is also used for cleaning in the car, toilet washing and thawing toilet bowls in winter.

The power supply system of modern passenger cars provides work, fluorescent lighting, ventilation and air conditioning devices, high-voltage car heating, and a combined boiler and a drinking water cooler, converters for the electric RAGVT. The conductor takes direct participation in managing the work of the power supply system of wagons and controls the action of the signaling of the heating rail bucks of the car and fire alarm.

The basic controls, alarms and protection devices are installed on an electrical distribution shield located in the service compartment of the conductor. From the electrical protection panel with switches and buttons, the entire power supply system of the car, as well as heating and ventilation, is performed. On the remote control of the wagons, there is also alarm (lamp) of the closure and leakage of current on the mass of positive and minus chains, the inclusion of the fluorescent lighting converter, the inclusion of groups of lighting devices, the electric boiler, the cooler of the drinking water, the circulation pump of the heating system, the converter for the electric rates, the tail signal lamps. On the control panel there are signaling lamps of the supply of high voltage voltage and the inclusion of the car heating. In addition, there is a beverage heating alarm.

In case of emergency failure of the generator and the battery, the current is supplied through a low-voltage subwaggered highway from the adjacent car and vice versa.

The conductor should know how to control the power supply system of the wagons, be able to determine the faults. To do this, the overall circuit of the power supply system is highlighted in the service coupe. There is a specification of the components of the element scheme, and their main data is given. Composite parts of the circuit are the power supply system, lighting system, high-voltage electrical installation, control of the ventilation unit, a radiolism network, a radio installation (in the radio carrier cars).

The main switch for the power supply system has three modes: day, evening and night. In the "Day mode" position, the lighting lamps of the boiler room, plug sockets in the corridor, toilets and under the wagon, calling signaling are included. In the position of the main switch "Evening mode", all lighting lamps are included, and in the "Night mode" position - only incandescent lamps and plug sockets.

At the installed hours of the train radio network, passengers get the opportunity to listen to the latest news, transfers of outlaits, musical and entertainment. Of particular importance is the service information, which in every train should be transmitted at least twice or a day. Passengers report the main provisions of passenger traffic rules, including the rules of the passenger's behavior on railway transport. Passengers warn of the need to comply with the rules of fire safety and public order. The conductor should not only monitor the serviceability of radio broadcasts in the car, but also to prevent passengers about the need for "listening to official information. At the same time, attention should be paid to the work of the train radio broadcast network, the passengers do not interfere with the rest. For this periodically Check the inclusion of reproductors, especially in the corridor of the jewelry and soft wagons, and if necessary, the sound is reduced.

The conductor is obliged to follow the observance of public order in the car, not allow drinking drinks, smoking in a compartment, corridors, toilets and tambone from the working side of the car, as well as finding unauthorized persons in the carriage. Gambling and speculation are also not allowed. Travel in Tambura, on the transition site and the roof of the car is prohibited.

The duty of the conductor includes ensuring the safety of the internal inventory and the passenger carriage itself. The free coupe must be closed to the key, with the turned off radio, light and closed windows.

On the arrival at the destination station, the conductor warns the passengers in advance, and 30 minutes before that it removes bedding, makes a calculation with passengers for tea and confectionery and returns them tickets. After a complete train stop at the destination station, the conductor opens an outdoor tambour door, wipes the handrails and starts landing, and then landing passengers.

Upon arrival of the train to the turnover point, after disembarking passengers, the conductors collect used bedding in bags and fold them in the runes, remove the mattresses, pillows and blankets to the upper shelves and the ceiling. Cleans the vacuum cleaner and roll down the carpet tracks and jiggle mats, sweep the floors, wipe the dust from sofas, shelves, tables, walls, with electric machines, carry garbage from cars to special garbagers. During the distance of the train at the turn point, all the floors and toilets should be washed. This makes the brigade of washers or the conductors themselves depending on the established order. At the point of formation and registering of the passenger train, after arrival, we recalculate and fold both both and clean underwear, preparing it for delivery. We swell the floor, wipe from dust all the inner surfaces of passenger premises, corridors, clean the toilet room, boiler room, tambura. Delete garbage from cars. If the brigade is changing, then it gives the internal car inventory with another brigade or to the storerooms.

2.5. Services rendered by passengers in trains

The train passengers provide a whole range of free and paid services. Bedding and bed linen set in a packaged form (two sheets, pillowcase and towel) are issued in wagons with bedrooms. Payment for using them 1 rub., But if additional items are included in the kit: second towel, toilet soap, etc., - the cost of the service is increasing. The passenger has the right to demand the replacement of low-quality bed linen without payment. In the following way, the passenger can take a new set of bed linen in return used. The receipts for using bed linen are not issued. For commodent report for the use of bedding, the train serves as a ticket for a sleeping place in the car.

Conductors stood all beds in the wagons of the SV, and in the jewel and departure - only disabled and the elderly. Bedding takes away from passengers no earlier than 30 minutes before arrival at the destination station. Passengers themselves remove their bed, and the conductor takes it out of the coupe from the bed. In the warents, the conductor cleans the conductor.

Branded trains are submitted to landing with shining beds on the upper shelves of the coupling cars. In international trains, the cost of using bedding is included in the price of the placenta. If an international train. Entires at night from 21 o'clock to 7 hours local time, sleeping places should be covered with a wagon conductor in accordance with the data of the cardogram on the places sold from him before serving the train to the platform where landing will be made. If an international train is sent in the afternoon, the training of sleeping places with covert beds is the conductor at the request of passengers.

Toilets in all trains are mandatory should be toilet paper and soap.

All passenger cars are supplied with tea, sugar in individual packaging, confectionery products in small packaging (cookies, waffles, etc.). In the passenger trains of all categories of passengers at least three times a day from 8 to 10, from 15 to 17 and from 20 to 22 local time, the conductors should offer tea, and in branded and international trains - additionally at the request of passengers at any time day. The tea is brewed in a special custard kettle with a boiling water from a boiler exhibiting in the car. A joint indication of JSC "Russian Railways" and the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation establishes the laying of tea for a glass of beverage - 1.25 g. For the preparation of welding, high and first grades are used in a ratio of 1: 1. 25 g of tea must be consumed on the liter of welding, a glass of tea (200 ml) - 50 ml of welding.

The fee for the passengers offered by passengers, coffee and confectionery is charged in the following sizes:.

for tea (without sugar), prepared from weight tea, - 2 cop. per glass;

for tea (without sugar), for the preparation of which tea is used in a small packaging (sachets of MAC-I Soy 2 and 3 g), - 4 copies. per glass;

for coffee natural, soluble, without sugar (2.5 g) - 22 kopecks. per glass; For sugar, 2 pieces weighing 15 g in individual packaging or for a bag of sugar from laminated paper weighing 10 g - 2 kopecks. for packaging.

Tea is served by a passenger with the number of sugar, which he wishes, or without sugar, too, at his request, confectionery products are sold for passengers at the retail prices of the 2nd belt with an extraction of 20%, and crushers - at the retail prices of the 2nd belt.

Calculation for tea and confectionery is made with the consent of the passenger immediately, per day or completely at the end of the trip. Take money in advance for these services is prohibited.

Passenger trains provide for trade in souvenirs, household and industrial goods, which should conduct conductors of cars. These additional responsibilities are determined by the joint order of Russian Railways and the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation from 1987. Trade organizations, and they can have city or local enterprises of trade, management and labor supply departments of railways, organize training conductors based on the Russian Federation approved by the Ministry of Commerce and curricula. Then the employment contract is then a labor contract or they are credited to the post of sellers of part-time in the states of trading enterprises and issue certificates of admission to trade in passenger trains.

Conductors, selling goods in trains, are provided by a special inventory (seals, locks, trays, trolleys), advertising avenues, blanks, packaging materials with Russian Railways emblem. Order of JSC "Russian Railways" and the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation approved an exemplary list of goods to be sold in passenger trains. For this additional work, the commercial enterprise pays a remuneration conductor in the amount of 5% of the amount of the existed amount.

Supporting conductors should be supplied in goods or shops created at the points of finding reserves of conductors, in car depots, plots or additional. Based on the guides of conductors, employees of a trading enterprise select the goods in an amount sufficient for trading in the wagons in direct and reverse flights. The goods lets the conductor upon presentation of a certificate of admission to trade and draw out the expenditure invoice in four copies. Date, Train Number, Route, Departure Time, Surname, Name, Seller's Patronage, Seller's Patronage (Conductor), His Certificate, List and Number of Goods, Retail Prices, Cost of goods and Amounts on the invoice, name and Number of inventory issued. The invoice sign the storekeeper, issued the goods, and the seller (conductor), who accepted it. The first and third copies of the invoice remain at the storekeeper, the second is laid in a container with a commodity, the fourth is transmitted to the conductor. The conductor sells goods issued to it in state retail prices with the accrual of the trading cape 5%. Sale of goods not specified in the expenditure statement is prohibited.

Conductor sellers are obliged to ensure safety in the way of the goods accepted by them and cash values, they carry material responsibility for them. In the event of damage or damage to the goods, an act is drawn up in three copies signed by the head of the train and the seller's conductor indicating the causes of damage or the battle of goods, their quantities and cost. The first copy of the act is sent to the separation of the road, the second is applied to the heading report, and the third leave the seller.

After the end of the flight, the conductor is obliged to go to the cashier of the trading company revenue for sold goods and no later than 24 hours after returning from the flight to delivered non-soldered goods to the storekeeper, issuing a return on the second and fourth copies of the expenditure statement, and to rent a trade report to the accounting plant accounting. The second copy of the invoice, which is the reporting document, surrenders to the accounting department, the fourth - is transmitted to the storekeeper for the posting of non-sold goods.

B paths of passengers inform through the train ridge about the goods available from the conductor and their prices.

Passenger trains sell newspapers, magazines and books. There is an agreement on the procedure for organizing the sale of periodicals on railway transport, concluded between Russian Railways and the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Newspapers, magazines and other printed publications Conductors sell in passenger trains under an agreement with RosPinger enterprises. They are issued certificates for the right to sell periodic and non-periodic. Examination and for receiving newspapers in the following way. Manages this work directly the head of the passenger train. According to employees of printed materials from the employees of train brigades, it should periodically declare a train network.

Conductors of the wagons receive newspapers and magazines in the expeditions of "RosPextry" located at the points of formation of passenger trains. Newspapers and magazines prepared for sale in trains must be packed in packs, with an invoice forms of SP-22. The first copy of the invoice takes the conductor, and the copy of it with the signature of the conductor remains at the expedition of the communication enterprise. Upon returning from the flight, the conductors pass to the enterprises of "RosPezz" cash revenue at parish orders, and non-sold publications - at the arrival overhead components in two copies. The receipts of the parish orders and the first copies of the invoices are issued by the conductors of passenger cars. At the enterprises of RosPressat, on each conductor, the Face Accounts forms of the SP-9 are discovered, which take into account the cost of released publications, handed over the money revenue and the cost of returned publications.

Fresh newspapers Conductors acquire during flights at the freight forwarders of RosPinger enterprises at railway stations at the expense of money from the sale of printed materials or received in the expedition of the train formation item. Employees of Expeditions of Rosprice, located at the station, deliver packs with newspapers directly to trains and transmit them to conductors for cash. In the invoice forms, the SP-22 on the issued newspapers indicates the amount payable for the newspaper, and the amount of commission remuneration.

For the implementation of printed publications in passenger trains, conductors of cars once a month receive a commission of a fee of 10% of the nominal value of publications. On cases where the receipt of periodicals is broken through the fault of enterprises of RosPence, the management of the reserve of conductors reports to take measures to these enterprises or to the Union or Republican Ministry of Communications, and in the following way the head of the train must give about this telegram. If the conductors refuse to receive newspapers delivered to the car, RosPence enterprises put this informant to the leadership of the carriage depot, carriage or reserve of conductors.

According to the rules of passenger traffic in all freight passenger trains, there must be board games (dominoes, checkers and chess), which are issued for passengers for free.

The passenger occupies the seat on the second shelf has the right to get seat belts. If the top shelves of the car are not equipped to use such belts, the conductor must in politely explain to the passenger inability to satisfy his request.

Passengers are free of charge medicines available on a train aid kit.

In a number of branded trains, free household corners, children's rooms, reference and information coupe, train libraries are organized on a voluntary basis.

Depending on the organization of work and local conditions, the train brigade can have passengers and a number of services: organizing a ticket composting for a further trip or receiving orders for a direct placentar, calling porters, receiving telegrams, taxi orders. In branded trains there are such services to passengers as repair of clothing, hairdresser, etc. In the international and number of other trains for public, there are advertising publications of Soviet railways, political literature in Russian and foreign countries. Passengers who are in a long trip are established in many trains, paid video galleons are organized.


In paragraph 2.5 are the prices of 1987


Memo for conductors of passenger freight cars :

"On the sanitary requirements for the internal cleaning of cars in the following way"

To support the purity and compliance with sanitary standards and rules on the path, the conductor of the passenger car must be carried out regular cleaning of the car of the carriage, passenger compartment, toilets. And it is also necessary to rinse the dishes used by passengers and wagons used regularly. It should be remembered that the utensils intended for the passenger are stored in a specially reserved place and separately from the dishes of conductors.

1.For cleaning salons and coupe used : 1% solution of special asset (100 ml (half a glass) means of 10 liters of water).

2Cleaning toilets is used : 3% septopol solution (300 ml of means (1.5 glasses) per 10 liters of water

3.For washing dishes used : 0.5% -2% solution of soda calcined (5 grams per 1 liter of water)

6.Anti-epidemiological events .

When identifying among passengers or members of the train brigade, persons with suspicion of infectious disease are necessary:

6.1. Schedule through the head of the train to the Medpunkt, SCB or other medical facilities, the nearest trains in the presence of the infectious patient;

6.2. Increase the patient in a separate coupe, and passengers in contact with it are pre-released it from passengers in the next compartment.

6.3. In a second-class car to curtail the coupe with sheets moistened in a 1% solution of chlorine lime;

6.4. All operations associated with current disinfection, as well as processing of patient care objects are made in overalls and in rubber gloves.

6.5. For a patient, two capacity required for collecting secretions (are on a storage wagon).

6.6. The current disinfection of the entire dishes available on the car, in 1.0% chlorine lime solution;

6.7. Disinfection in the toilets, in the cabin, in the coupe, are wiped up all the walls, floors, ceilings, shelves with a rag-moistened in 1.0% chlorine lime solution.

6.8. The patient with the discretions of the patient and bed linen are assembled into an adhesive package or in a pillowcase pre-moistened in 1.0% dissolve lime and stored in a patient's compartment in one of the lower shelves, up to the railway station where the patient will be removed and the final disinfection carried out. .

6.9.Pol, walls, ceilings, doors, windows, shelves and roses in the patient's compartment, as well as the places contaminated with the discharges of the patient first are processed by the discrepancies and then remove and wash with the use of deserements. There is also cleaning of toilets, washroom bowls, toilet bowls, a cabin of a car, floors, walls and ceilings with the use of desecessions.

7. And tea dishes.

Glasses, cup holders, spoons, forks and knives wash with hot water with the addition of calcined soda, rinse, folded into a rinsers for washing dishes or in a sink in the service of the conductor, pour boiling water and leave for a few minutes (the drain hole of the sink should be closed with a plug).

The conductor in the reception of the car must ensure that the plugs for closing the drain hole. Clean wash dishes to dry on a tray or put on a clean towel.

8.Warm cleaning

When cleaning the car in the flight conductor, it is necessary to carry out the following types of work:

8.1. Help the cleaning of the cabin of the car, along the corridor, on the coupe with the help of a vacuum cleaner at night-to-bore the corridor and all the tambura bro, as well as the loose coupe, without interfering with the rest of the passengers.

8.2. Lightening the floor-standing for cleaning toilets to remove the floor in the toilet and the floor behind the toilet, the other with a rifle wipe the washbasins in the toilets, if necessary, update the deeschor in tanks with the ram. Wipe the shelf for toiletries, mirror, soap, washbasin crane, windows, walls and ceiling in the toilet. Add soap and toilet paper, and in "branded" cars check for a paper towel.

8.3. In Tamburas, rinse floors, walls and windows (in the winter time-rinse, tambura and leaf ice). In the non-working tambone, clean and rinse ashtrays.

8.4. Protect ventilation grilles in Tambura, along the corridor, at the bottom of the door of the coupe and the recirculation grid in the wagons with a climate installation.

8.5. Interest on the corridor: the housing of the heating system, windowsills, the root of sunscreen curtains, handrails, advertising shelves, the top of the salon doors, glass and the doors themselves from the traces of sweat of passengers. Wipe the doors of the coupe and walls along the corridor and window windows from the spots of sweat of passengers.

8.6. Handle the pallet of the boiler, it should be clean without residual dirt, ash, soot and fat spots around the perimeter. Clean and rinse the filter sump boiler. Water all metal parts and a boiler cover from dirt and dust. Rinse and clean the drain hole in the pallet, as well as rinse the doors covering the boiler. If the boiler is heated with solid fuel, then clean the separation for the collection of ash.

8.7. Mint and wipe the sink under the crane of drinking water and swing up drinking water into a water intake tank.

8.8. Interest with a wet rifle intended for cleaning floors along the corridor, floors under the batteries of the heating system, the floors in the small tambour (opposite the toilet with the non-working side) and the floors in the braid tambour on the work side.

8.9. In the service room, the conductor must be purely, on the closet and in the closet for the storage of "tea" dishes and confectionery products for the "tea" trade, nothing should be except for confectionery products received on the flight. In addition, inside the cabinet should stored dishes for the pavement of tea and the utensils intended for the passenger. The conductor is allowed to store its dishes and unspoiled food on another cabinet shelf.

On all products that are subject to implementation should be quality certificates and confectionery should not be overdue. Categorical is prohibited storage in the closet - "tea house" - items not related to subjects of trade in confectionery products, to "tea" dishes and food products (money, car keys, etc.,) glasses should be clean, without heaven, without traces of food and without fat spots. Washing and dried glasses should be covered with a clean towel. Custard teapots and teapots for drinking water should also be clean and do not contain the remnants of welding and footprints. In the storage department of spoons, forks, the knives nothing but the above should not be stored.

8.10. In the sink located in the service department of the conductor, except for the means for washing the dishes should not be. The sink should be contained cleanly not to have a fat layer, should not be clogged.

8.11. In the nearest station where boxes for garbage collection are provided,

the conductor is obliged to free the garbage collector in the car. Categorical

it is prohibited to release garbage to railway tracks.

9.Bedding Storage Rules

9.1. Bed linen must be stored: separately dirty, separately clean.

In the form of an exception is allowed (if the dirty underwear box is already busy with dirty linen or there is no it at all) storage in a vacuine coupe under the bottom shelf, naked in a bag, dirty bedding.

9.2. Pure bed linen should be put into a bag and stored on the second shelves or an attic niche. In the turnover point, dirty bedding must be separated by the head of the train.

9.3. Established the storage of noncompliament linen (dishwashed towels, napkins, curtains, etc.,) are similar to the storage rules for bed linen.

9.4.Categorical It is forbidden to store the dirty and clean linen (both complete and not complete linen) in the Runduk in the service department of the conductor, as well as near the "tea house" cabinet.

10.General sanitary requirements for the conductor .

10.1. There should be four labeled buckets in the car: a bucket for cleaning the toilet must be stored in the toilet or in a boiler department on the boiler, a bucket for cleaning floors should be stored under titanium, a bucket for cleaning tables - should be stored in a closing niche over a boiler and a bucket for garbage It must be stored on the floor in the boiler room. In the vendors categorical it is forbidden to erase or store something. Storage buckets in the bucket is not allowed.

10.2. Brooms should be stored in a small standing of the non-working tambour.

10.3. Lift for cleaning the seats of the corridor, coupe, tambour-stored on the floor under the casing of the heating system on the corridor near the boiler. The toilet harvesters should be kept on the bucket for cleaning toilets in the toilet from the work side.

10.4. Each conductor of the passenger car must be two bathrobes: one bathrobe for cleaning toilets (stored in a larger than working tambura), a second bathrobe for cleaning the cabin (stored in the service room of the conductor in a cellophane package in Runduk).

10.5. Slang from the vacuum cleaner should be kept in the toilet from the working side for the toilet, and the vacuum cleaner itself in the service department of the conductor.

10.6. After the end of the harvesting of the car, the conductor must change (if necessary, as dirty), the tire on the carpet.

10.7. All work on cleaning toilets and a car is carried out by a conductor in rubber gloves, which after the end of cleaning should be washed under running water without removing from the hands. Wash hands with soap under running water and lubricate with cream.

10.8. The equipment in the cabin is made at least three times a day, and the cleaning of toilets is carried out as needed, but at least four times a day.

10.9. Measuring and Dissense should be kept in a closed container and must be signed. Store them are recommended under the wash bowl in the toilet from the working side.

10.10. When the harvesting is harvested, cleaning equipment, vest, the wind should be rinsed and disinfected.

Explorer remember !!!

Compliance with these rules will retain your health and health of your passengers and will not lead to a violation of sanitary standards and the requirements of sanitary services.

Used Books

1. Cars Passenger main railways. Instructions for the maintenance of equipment. - M.: Transport, 1986. - 80 s.

2. Hygienic training of the conductor. - M.: Transport, 1977. - 26 p.

3. Egorov V. P. Operation of the electrical equipment of passenger cars. - M.: Transport, 1980. - 296 p.

4. Instructions for ensuring fire safety in passenger trains cars. - M.: Transport, 1986. - 47 s.

5. Instruction conductor of passenger cars. - M.: Transport, 1982. - 15 s.

6. Instructions for wagon inspection. - M.: Transport, 1983. - 93 p.

7. Instructions to the boss (mechanic-brigadier) of the passenger train. - M.: Transport, 1982. - 14 p.

8. Instructions on the work of controllers - auditors and auditors-instructors for the control of passenger trains. - m., 1984. - 23 p.

9. Instructions for maintenance of the heating installation of a passenger carriage. - M.: Transport, 1981. - 14 p.

10. Matveyev V. I., Kalymulin Yu. M., Dremin L. G. Guide to the conductor of passenger cars-M.; Transport, 1983.-255С.

11. General course and rules for the technical operation of railways / Ed. M. N. Khatzkevich. - M.: Transport, 1983. - 394 p.

12. Fundamentals of the standard technological process of centralized guidelines for the sale of tickets on railways and branches. - M.: Transport, 1973. - 168 p.

13. Rules for issuing free tickets for travel through the railways of the USSR. - M.: Transport, 1979. - 47 s.

14. Rules for the transport of passengers of international communication and tourists following passenger and tourist excursion trains on the USSR railways. Compilation; Basic guidelines for rail transport. - M.: Transport, 1968. - 302 p.

15. Rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage through the USSR railways (Tariff Guide No. 5). - M.: Transport, 1978. - 168 p.

16. Rules for the use of wagons in the international passenger and railway goods (PPV). Tariff Guide No. 10/11-g. - M.: Transport, 1985. - - 136 p.

17. Rules for the technical operation of the USSR railways. - M.: Transport, 1986. - 141 p.

18. Sanitary rules for the accomplices of passenger cars at railway stations. - M.: 1986. - 17 p.

19. Collection of guidance and methodological materials on sanitary surveillance of passenger traffic. - M.: Transport, 1974. - 117 p.

20. Agreement on the International Passenger Report (SMPS) and Service Instructions for SMPS (Tariff Guide No. 10-A and No. 10-B). - M.: Transport, 1978. - 141 p.

21. Solovechik M. 3., Sotnikov T. A. The organization of passenger transportation. - M.: Transport, 1983. - 223 p.

22. Directory of international passenger communications. - M.: Transport, 1986. - 112 p.

23. Passenger directory. - M.: Transport, 1981. - 251 p.

24. Typical technological process of work stations. - M.: Transport, 1978. - 53 p.

25. Typical technological process of inspection, without packed repair and equipment of passenger cars, - M.: Transport, 1975.-96 p.

"My life is iron road".

Host: (Sounds recording ... The knocking of the carriage and beeps of the diesel locomotive).

Listening to these sounds, you realized that the speech today will go about the iron

road. Our competitive - game, the poetic program is devoted to iron

road. Do you like to ride the train?

Then why did it happen? Seek more comfortable and on the road! And will help us

drive on the railway ... Poetry.

1 Reb.: In large cities by shoulders -

At the station, in the forever fields,

Like arrows in a glass quiver,

Waiting for the sending compositions. More!

Here she is the side of the departure.

Goodbye, homemade comfort!

Here it is the side of surprised,

Behind which the opening get up!

2 Reb.: In the Spring Meadow, the decoration,

Then in the river pose

Grind space

Merry hollows mills.

It will be cold, and heat, and fatigue,

Just still do not look back:

Behind - only the past left

Present - there, ahead.

Host: But in general, we are so accustomed to this amazing phenomenon,

which is the railway, which is sometimes not even thinking about

how we would live without it. But they lived in Russia and all over the world without

railways! Who will tell me when and where the first one appeared in Russia


Child: Our Russian railway is still very young. First passenger

steel highway tied Petersburg with a tsarist village, it happened in

october 1837. Its length was only 25 km away. But in general

"Castling" - so in the commoner called the railway - a little bit appeared

previously: in September 1834. Fortress Masters of Breeders Demidov, Father

and son of Cherepanovy Efim Aleksandrovich and Miron Efimovich, connected

a narrow-skinned quarry where iron ore was mined, and the Nizhnya Magilsky plant,

at which this ore is melted into cast iron. It is this tiny iron

the road is only 3.5 km long and has become a great-grandfather and current iron

The child: rushing, rushes iron horse!

Round around the gland.

Pairs are smoking, hasshes;

Rushing, rushing iron horse,

She picked up, planted, and rushes ...

Baby: Everything is good under the shine moon,

Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...

I quickly fly on cast iron rails,

I think my dummy!

Host: Let's play the game:

"Decipher the word"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Suggest children tickets (different colors), on the front side of the tickets are written numbers by the number of subgroups. You need to read the words in the order in which they are recorded, allocate the first syllables in them and make a new word on them.

Task for the first team:

vase, Mount, Dirt (wagons)

lodge, Skin, Motion, Quiet, Challenge (locomotives)

houses, Mountain, Viper (Road)

Task for the second team:

field, riding, gifts (trains)

spatula, skiing (sleepers)

body, swimmer, water, zybun (diesel locomotive)

Needed in railways , even kings - emperors were interested

in that. Committee of the Great Siberian Hospital chaired

emperor Alexander the Third decided to build a highway from two

parties: in the West - from Chelyabinsk, in the East - from Vladivostok. And heir

the throne of Nikolai Third in 1891 his own first stone

in the station building in Vladivostok and overturned the wheelbarrow from the earth, thereby

positioning the construction of the Ussuri railway. This road

And in October 1916, the railway bridge was commissioned through the Amur

Khabarovsk, Russia proudly stated the world that it was she who tied iron

dear two ocean - Atlantic and quiet.

The twentieth century has come - the eyelids and high speeds. Continued

build new railway highways. All these buildings (TURTSIB -

the route, taking the center of Russia with the extreme north - with Vorkuta, Murmansk,

Baikalo - Amur Highway) forever entered the history of our Motherland and

decent great respect, because their laying is a feat.

"Hymn of Railway"

On the motive of the song "Trucchik", from the repertoire of Zarechny.

Game - warm-up: "What can I, and what is impossible."

Host: If what I will talk about, you can do, children should jump if

it is impossible to sit down.

1. Purge through the railway in a prohibited place?

2. Play with matches and lighters?

3. Go on the street on the green light of the traffic light?

4. Suggest from the windows of trains, trains?

5. Is there dirty hands?

6. Edible fungus - put in the body?

7. Throw garbage to the train window?

8. Ride the train without a ticket?

9. Instead of electrogylands, use candles?

10. Sleep your little children on the upper shelves in the train?

11. Leaving the house, leave the electrical appliances included?

12. Play various games on the railway?

13. To sit on the train without a ticket?

14. Go through the balcony railing?

15. Close the mouth with a handkerchief when coughing?

16. Protect the conductor, call upon the train?

The game "Come up with a funny story."

Host: Try to come up with fun stories about what happened if

what kind of work was performed by people of a completely different profession.

What would happen if ...

The courtyard swept the ballerina;

The train would be chef;

The path to repair would be repaired;

Instead of the conductor would be an artist;

The boss of the train replaced the conductor;

Letters to the house brought a gardener;

Fish caught a musician;

Tickets at the box office sold singer;

Costumes sewed sailor;

Treated patients librarian;

Host: While our train moves to a given item, answer me such a question.

Here we say: Railway ... Railway ... And what she contains in

ourselves? What belongs to the railway?

Baby: tunnels, bridges;

Railway highway is unthinkable without train stations, stations, gerverters,

distils. She needs semaphores, arrows, platforms.

Baby: Such concepts like "Track", "ticket", "Regiment", "Speed", "Schedule"

apply to the railway.

And of course, the railway is wagons, coal, steam, electricity.

Host: Trains are different. Well - ka, tell me what kinds of trains you

Baby: Trains are divided into passenger and freight. The first type of trains includes

sourid (or trains - expressions), with a second-class and coupling wagons.

An example of such a train is the express "Russia", which comes from Vladivostok

to Moscow, - the train passing in 6 days is the longest railway

route on our planet (9290km). He was assigned a number 1. But no less cute

and expensive become local trains, suburban, taking us on

dacha, to a grandmother who lives in a small village.


Railway - everything is stronger

And the rails - the rays of the world brings closer.

From southern mountains to northern seas,

From the West to the East runs.

To serve the railway

Specialists need a lot:

The driver himself, the driver's assistant,

Cashier, Minister and near - Deputy Minister,

As well as an impartial auditor,

More - principal controller,

Pathway traveling, attentive,

Dispatcher intelligible, mandatory;

For the fact that the wagon wagon and walks the train,

They all cordially bow to the belt!

Child: Commodity (cargo) trains are also different: they are carrying different types

cargo, and for each type - your car. Low rectangular wagons

deliver to us coal and forest, high rectangular - grain, small

trapezoid wagons are designed to transport cement and flour, round

tanks transport oil and petroleum products; Huge refrigerators

(refrigerators) are carrying us products, and platforms installed

lattices are designed to transport containers, cars. there is

more postal - baggage cars.

Song "Blue railway carriage".

Host: Now let's talk about the professions associated with the railway,

more precisely, the railway combined. Who works on the iron

road? Due to whom the railway lives?

The game "Make a word".

That team wins, which will find the most of all the names of the professions.

(associated with the railway).

Bash Kas Me Nista on Waters Jour Tever But Power Nick Mach Poo

Cher Hel Nick Ma Et Sir Ha Shi Nick about de dis dis dis

Trick Key Sil Ree Zor

(Bashman, Runners, Cashier, Mechanic, Machinist, Assistant, Explorer,

on duty at the station, dispatcher, electrician, porter, auditor).

Poem professions

(associated with the railway)


Parallels are rotated in the distance,

Arrows, distillation, adjoining.

Once in the soul to keep sorrow:

Need to arrive on time, without being late.

Behind the carriages of a series

Hundreds of shower, from them some dependent

People - those that go anyone where

For the care of their inconceivable.

Someone goes to the sea to rest

Who is commoded with the task

Someone will celebrate the holiday

Someone on the last date.

People ride, knowing

That they are up to the expiration date

The train will certainly take

To any destination.

But they, fatigue forgetting,

Not the descent of the shower with the rail flare,

Will lead locomotive,

Putting in the timing of the schedule.

Wish we want them more strength

So that duty were all calm,

So that diesel does not let them

Passengers would be satisfied.

Head of Train

Passengers - fidgets

They fuss here and there.

Live quietly quit

Do not give exercises.

Disassemble them difficult

Reassure, scold ...

If this is not possible,

That bosses should be called.

After all, the head of the composition

In the train and the king, and God.

Just he right

Moderately kind and moderately strict.

Someone confused place

Someone "hare" sat in the car.

You need to help someone

And who will drive out.

With those who are hauting everything in the world

Figure out

And with a mistake in the ticket

Situate to solve.

So we wish them the world

Happiness in life again and again!

And diligent passengers

So that they did not spoil them.

Labor of their glory and honorable

Climbing for us for everyone.

Let them please work

And in all, let the success waiting!


Passengers that children. During the way

Someone should answer for them:

All tickets check, bed bring,

Feed and laying sleeping.

Boil strong tea, night sleepy awake,

Clean the wagon

In heavy titanium water fresh pour

And the floors are not forgotten.

Close to ride Ile the way that lies far ...

On the railway while

Passenger will have to, alas, not easy

Without a good conductor!

What will they wish?

Only patience, and forces,

And health - it needs everything!

Let the work on your work now always

Thanks only sound.

And native hearts, despite the year.

Let you be with you, as before, knocking.

Let duty go without accidents and dramas,

Happiness, cheerfulness, in the future without longing!

More good people let me meet you

Our cute conductors!


In their orange vests

Under the sun and in the night lights,

They are winter and hot summer

Work on the paths.

Checks, sleepers and nuts,

Inspection of wheels and brakes ...

There is a hammer and flashlight -

They will tell everything without words.

Their work is severe - the result is clear:

And passengers will know

That their way will be safe

Accidents can not be expected.

Paths all will check everywhere

All problems will be eliminated.

They are sacred to them:

They always follow everything.

And hundreds of the coming catastrophe

Do not come true. They will warn

One routing omnipresent -

All problems will eliminate.

Thank you for all the stales,

We wish you happiness and good,

Love, mutual understanding!

Hurry trains - Hooray!


No one would not know without you

In the train stations, the train expecting

When will he come? Late?

Is the platform waiting for it?

And passengers would be a gorn

From anger digestion and metal,

Without information such

Would chaos be reigned at the station,

Calm streams flowing

Before all carrying without unnecessary words

Flows of valuable information.

You know everything about everything

And about the slightest changes

Everyone inform

The usual brief declaration.

About all movements of trains

Already known to them in advance.

And your long-awaited words

Everyone is waiting with high attention.

Let happiness, joy and love

Always "pursue" them will

And passengers again and again

"Thank you" will say, do not forget!


Ate would not be on the railway,

Electric trains would not raise her

Darkness would rear as in the Black Berorgan,

Semaphor did not show the right lights.

We are constantly needed by their strong hands:

Wires, insulators - to disassemble everything.

The day goes around the day, only they are not boredom,

Faults should always be eliminated.

Wish them we want less accidents,

To bring us joy to us.

Well, in personal matters there was a good scenario.

Happiness, cheerfulness of the Spirit, Love and Heat!

Head of Post Vagon

He delivers mail wagon

Reliable, right, exactly at any end of the country.

Stores and sorts him with letters bags.

Parcels forms, not leading longing.

Will always be filled with their fulfillment,

Parcels, Banderoli will deliver people on time.

Postal cars sent to everyone carrying

Bypassing the distillation, tops your kind work.

And to those who are on duty

We wish you always

Do not frown your eyebrows, do not think about year!

After all, your glorious business for many days

You valiantly, skillfully bring together people!


Passengers on the platform

Hits landing mandrage,

To take place in the car,

Without forgetting about your luggage.

Who will help them skillfully

Before the wagon il taxi

Deliver your luggage?

Can only ask

Then the porter is sureless.

He will not throw you in trouble!

Your things under the supervision,

He will deliver in the same hour

Suitcases and trolley,

Chests, knots, bales

It's all without unnecessary hurry

Hurry up - not with hands.

Forces more, and success,

And good luck and good

Less grief, more laughter,

Let the work be like a game!

Duty officer at the station

Our duty officer at the station

For no accident ,

Know everything - he's kind small

And no case is sitting.

That baby is lost

Or the train will not find

Someone in what was confused -

Everything is running to the duty officer.

Everyone will help who in sorrow,

Not offended anyone

What is happening at the station,

Under control of him.

Let work be less

And the family reigns peace

Everyone knows at the station,

What our duty officer is a hero!


Breakdown happened, downtime go,

The trouble happened, the mechanics are waiting.

With a smile in the view, not knowing the obstacles,

He will quickly wait for any unit.

In the way, the locomotive breakdowns are threatened,

They are not pleasant and slow down.

Mechanics smart breakdowns - trifle,

No screams and noise fix it.

I will say without doubt, without unnecessary sticks:

Ways reports can not without you!

"Song of railway workers"

(on the motive of the song "My Address-Soviet Union")

Profslovar game

Host: I suggest you to determine what professions are those groups of words

which I will read you now.

1. Canya, cutting, leaf, scissors, studio. (Tailor).

2. Car, coal, tea, tickets, coupe, shared car. (Conductor).

3. Beauty, hair, scissors, hairstyle, style, shampoo, paint,

customer. (Hairdresser).

4. Platform, station, passengers, locomotive, cabin, rails, wagons,

traffic light, responsibility. (Locomotive driver).

5. White bathrobe, patient, diagnosis, polyclinic. (Doctor).

6. Cold, rails, sleepers, heat, path, distillation, "window", "crutch".

(Runs, shoe).


Lead 1: Transport We know a lot: there is a bus, a steamer.

Lead 2: The conversation about the railway will now go.

Lead 1: Pro Station, wagons, cashier.

Lead 2: And about those who carry us.

Leading (chorus): Prepared for you, we are the most interesting story.

Lead 1: Who is more important on the road - driver Ile conductor?

Lead 2: Everyone is known - the most important on the road engineer! Who at sight

strict auditors immediately a juicer?

Lead 1: What's the hard suitcase in the city of Alien?

Leading 2: If the train is too early, how do we spend the day?

Lead 1: Where always take tickets, we will know from now.

Leading (choir): will give all this answers to us cheerful semaphore!

Scene "Station".

Lead 1: We arrive at the station.

Leading 2: Here is a big and bright room.

Lead 1: At the checkout, we will buy tickets here.

Lead 2: And in the buffet - tea with a kitlet.

Leading 2: Sit in the chair, let's wait (sit).

Lead 1: What we will declare.

Leading 2: And around the pillar, endless motion.

Lead 1: Here with kayaks tourists,

Leading 2: Here is the ensemble of harmonists,

Lead 1: With backpacks, a whole class - after all, the holidays are now.

Lead 2: Here is an old woman with a samovar,

Lead 1: Here are students and guitar.

Leading 2: With Melon in the Uzbek meshe,

Lead 1: And another hundred people.

Lead 2: The reproducer suddenly sneezed:

Lead 1: "Train Adler - Barnaul, maybe now comes!"

Leading 2: immediately ran the people.

Lead 1: And for him and me and me -

We must go home.

Leading 2: Goodbye, station!

Together: Your cozy bright room,

Once are on the way,

We can not get around!

Scene "Camera Storage".

Passenger: here the passage turned out to be

I'm up to the train half a day,

I would walk strolling

But I have things!

Caretaker: you will help without a doubt

Immediately camera storage.

Let the owners walk,

Things are expecting them here.

Passenger: (feeding things in the window)

Bag, suitcase, lukshko

Can I pass the window?

Caider: just not take an elephant -

The cage is needed for it.

Passenger: I passed things, took a token

And free came out!

Scene "Reference Bureau".

Passenger 1: If you need a certificate soon

Get and not alone

We are without unnecessary conversations

To this go the window.

(Everybody is sent to the window and queue).

Passenger 2: Where do we make a transplant?

Passenger 1: Where to train with a closer

Would we relax?

Passenger 2: Here, in the window, we will tell us.

How much is our ticket,

And also - which is also important -

Where the buffet and the toilet.

Passenger 3: Lost Mom crumb,

All tears fled.

Consultant: announced from the window -

Immediately mommy was found.

Passenger 1: Passengers Conditional

All day go to it.

Consultant: This is a smart window "Reference Bureau" name!

Scene "At the box office".

(Passengers with luggage in their hands, queue to the checkout).

Passenger 1: Close to the cashier's nose

Here with what simple question:

"Does Rostov have a ticket?"

Cashier: No.

Passenger 2: heard in response.

Cashier: Here, take - ka, to Brest

There are beautiful two places.

Brest fortress once

They defended the soldiers there.

Passenger 3: Give us in Rostov Tickets.

Cashier: Well, in Odessa, go.

The sea is there and everyone is joking

Living in Odessa will not bother.

Passenger 2: We would still be in Rostov.

Cashier: There are tickets to Chisinau.

There warmly and grapes,

Grapes each happy.

And you do not want to there?

Speak in Spanish?

There are tickets to Madrid.

See Corrida there

Queen with king.

Passenger 3: no, we still wait

Two tickets to Rostov, -

We say the cashier again.

The cashier became boring immediately:

Cashier: Here is a capricious passenger

Now I went to me -

Everything is not good.

I am and so, and Syak,

Well, you can not please!

Scene "Bridge".

Lead 1: You know everything yourself:

The train station is visible bridge.

Leading 2: stretched over the paths,

Rose to all his height.

Lead 1: For what the bridge is built here,

On the ground, not over the water?

Leading 2: Explanation here is simple -

He saves us with you.

Lead 1: Like many guys,

To do not lose time,

Leading 2: We love - yes what to hide there -

Straight along the paths to walk.

The locomotive did not notice -

The trouble has already grown!

Need to remember to children -

Bridge will always help us out.

Together: on the bridge, not on the road,

We need to go!

Scene "Explorer".

Passenger 1: This is an uncle or aunt

Houses here and at work.

Passenger 2: Here I went apartment,

In it neighbors - passengers,

Passenger 3: Thick,

Passenger 4: Slim,

Passenger 1: kind,

Passenger 2: Angry,

Passenger 3: Elderly,

Passenger 4: and young.

Passenger 1: Paren

Passenger 2: or old woman,

Passenger 3: and rosy girl -

Passenger 4: all of them, even if night,

The conductor is in a hurry to help:

Passenger 1: the shelf will indicate,

Passenger 2: About the destination item will tell

Passenger 3: Tea fragrant will bring.

Passenger 4: And in the car will make it.

Passenger 1: Forest and river flashed -

She smokes the stove:

Passenger 2: Little is outside the window,

Must be in order home.

Passenger 3: Lookane did not have time -

Everyone carries the bed.

Passenger 4: even tired and no urine

Will tell everyone: "Good night!"

Explorer: passengers sleep sweetly -

Explorer IL conductor

Only alone will not sleep

And your peace is guarded!

(An engineer in a cap comes to the scene, reads a poem).

I wanted to become a pipeline -

Change the mind suddenly

Because the driver

I was able to see.

He goes gait smoothly

Very stored and shoulder.

Everyone is known - the most important

On the road, the engineer!

Passengers he will deliver

In the right city exactly on time:

In Kiev, Astrakhan, Rustavi,

Ashgabat, Vladivostok.

Day and night leads compositions

With coal, sugar, ore

In the deserts, through the oaks,

According to bridges, what over the water.

Watches from the cab -

Must be a free path.

(Vdal is peering).

On the route this long

Not a minute not to take a short.

Behind his platform

Staff forest ride.

He is in a beautiful blue form

Become such I would like!

("Coupe". The auditor is suitable for sitting passengers, he reads text, passengers show tickets, one is looking for a ticket).


Well, ka, brothers, guess;

From whom the hares suffer?

Gray Wolf is not afraid at all

Unusual hares to our.

Not terrible to them - Miracles!

For some reason and fox.

Here in the car, for a long time

The main doctor is their auditor.

It comes to passengers,

There is a ticket - let go with the world.

(Checks tickets).

And you won't get the ticket -

So, immediately you will become a hare.

And saying that you are wrong

The auditor will prescribe a fine.

(The auditor threatens with a finger).

My Listen to the Council:

We must always take a ticket!


We approach the station,


The road has become clear to us

Semaphore Our Well done!

Forest us with a driver,

And also with the conductor.

We are cozy car, clean

Replaced the house for a while.

Who will meet us on the platform?

What is moving?

Find out about everything in the world

Never get bored.

Why come to the cash desks?

Where is the answer to everything?

And what is waiting for danger,

If in the ways to go?

These rules are a lot,

And without them we have nowhere.

All together: and I'm dear

Forest forever!

Host: And it happens that it is precisely the railway cool changes the fate of a person:

he dreamed of another profession, but, just once, driving on the train, could not

already forget this "tuming" feeling of the road, smooth slip

wagons, smoke of the locomotive and calling beep locomotive. Or maybe,

today, after our holiday, someone thinks, chooses in the future

will become a railwayman, because our city Rtishchevo is a city


Baby: here ended guys

About professions story.

Choose you once

Suitable for you.

But we will not hurry,

You can only dream.

We must learn much to everyone,

To become a specialist.

So that then they proud of you

Your charm labor

To have masters

You are in the profession anyone!

Essay of the student of the 6th grade Kotkina Darya

within the road competition

for the best essay about the railway.

2011-2012 academic year.

Waiting for the train.

Once again I had to wait for a train for a long time - for some reason I was late. There was the end of August, it was necessary to return home after the summer holiday. It was warm outside. In the waiting room, I did not want to sit, and I went to the peer. It was a few.

Several students about something cheerfully joked, a lone cleaner rushed with a grumbling broom, and two bright and noisy gypsies arguably argued with a police duty officer.

I went along the Perron, looking thoughtfully on the rails. It seems that the rails go to nowhere. But the rails, like passengers, have the final point of their path, they do not go into infinity.

Flash outside the windows of the car. Large cities, small stations, immense expanses of our country. Life is not standing in place, and rails are witnesses of many destinies and travels. The joy of meeting and tears of parting, a cheerful gomon of students, glowing dacms, the wiggy voices of the attractive vendors - everything sees and hears the railway.

Reflecting on this, I suddenly caught myself thinking that no man had no life on the railway. After all, railway workers are the main thing. People are very difficult and responsible profession. They ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. Milometers depend on them, maybe the most important meeting in someone's life.

Suddenly my thoughts interrupted the piercing beep of the passing composition. The train rushed past, leaving the warm smell of diesel fuel and fuel oil. He as if he wanted to catch up with the time itself, so quickly and loudly knocked the wheels of his wagons. A knuckle of wheels is a knock, which manites, soothes, gives hope. Let the railway semaphore and velvet rush be on the railway.

Railway future.

I really like to travel by train. On the summer holidays, we go to relax with the whole family. Often we are at sea. Riding long, but in modern trains, even the longest journey flies unnoticed.

I really like to look at the Wagon window and dream. Under the measuring knock of the wheels, I reflect on: which will be the railway, for example, in 50-100 years.

I would love to make trains for children in the future. Fast cheerful train with cars, with drawings of cartoon characters. In the children's train, a comfortable coupe: soft, folding shelves with a remote remote control, adjustable air conditioning. It would be very great if there was a home theater in each coupe in the format 3 and 4D, and the conductor could be called through radio communication.

Of course, the trains of the future should be harmless to the environment, so they will be on the air cushion and almost silent. Perhaps the railway of the future will be laid under water, and pass through glass tunnels, which will allow to admire marine beauty.

And all the trains of the future will be managed by a computer system.

Railway plays a very important role in the life of people. Perhaps when I grow up, I will design the trains of the future, and who knows, suddenly and my dream of a dream is honored by passengers on endless expanses of our country.