Datsans Buryatia: Egita Datsan. Statue of Sandal Buddha - Zhuu Zhuu

Hello, dear readers - Knowledge Finder and Truth!

Until our time, an amazing Buddha monument was preserved, created during the lifetime of the Shakyamuni teacher himself. The monument is a sandalwood Buddha. It is even more amazing in this fact that he is in Russia, namely, in one of the datsans in Buryatia, so we are simply obliged to tell about it.

The centuries-old history of the statue, its appearance, features - the article will tell about everything below. You will also learn a wonderful legend about creating a monument. And for those who have already gathered in the path to see the shrine, we have collected useful information about where and how Datsan works.

What is this statue

Buddha from the sandalwood, sandalwoman or, on the Buryat manner, Zhuu Zhuu - the most valuable relic. Buddhism. The fact is that this is the only statue created during the life of Shakyamuni.

Of course, there are skeptics that argue that other sculptures and paintings were also created before its parubi. Perhaps this is the case, but in any case, Zhuu Zhuu is the only one who has survived until today's time.

Now Zhuu Zandan is located in the Egituistic Dacan of the Buryat Republic. He is identified with a living Buddha. It is believed that the energy of Shakyamuni is concentrated in it, and therefore the statue is capable of granting goodness. Many of those who have happened to visit her confirm such an action.

Zhuu Zhuu has a powerful energy: some visitors go, not in a state for a long time to be near the shrine, others, on the contrary, can see for hours before it, not noticing time.

According to Buddhist views, the sculpture contributes to cleansing, happy long life, full health and successful events. The main thing is to sincerely believe it, to combine with regular practices and lifestyle, worthy of a Buddhist.

In addition to the undisputed reverence of Buddhists in the world, the Buddha from the Sandala deserved the title of a monument of Russian culture at the federal level.

Legend of appearance

According to the Buddhist text "Annutara-Nika", written in the 4th century of our era, the priest of Dharmanandi, the appearance of a lifetime statue of the teacher has an interesting mythical history. Shakyamuni was in the heavens of the stew, where it was shared by the foundations of the teachings with his mother of Maya. At this time, the Indian king Prasative luck wanted to see the teacher, but it was not possible.

Then the Master-architects met with Gautama were sent to heaven. Returning to the ground, they are in memory of the Buddha body from sandalwood with a striking accuracy.

Returning himself to the world of people, Shakyamuni saw that his sandal copy did 6 steps towards him. Then the teacher pre-promptly, that the statue will gradually move all the north, and in the terrain of Buddhism will flourish. So it happened - in the Egita Daman, carefully storing the Allbudian Shrine, the crowd flock every day.

Egita Datsan in Buryatia

Another version, less legendary, but, obviously, more reliable, it says that the statue ordered Indian Rajes suryana more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Shakyamuni then was 38 years old.

Historical reference

For many years, the statue has undergone a lot of movements. They can be traced on the map of Asia.

Created in ancient Indian territory, in the third century it was moved to Chinese lands. There she remained relatively long - military actions were intense in the 4th century, and one Kashmir monk took her with him to the former Buddhist country - a bunch, where he himself took the post of chief confessor.

By the 8th century, the spouses of the Tibet ruler brought a monument to the future Lhasa. Very soon, Buddhist teaching conquered its truth of Tibetans. By the XIII century, the location of the sculpture is called the Mongolian steppes, where she stayed several centuries, and then - the Chinese monastery Sandan Sy.

Tibet, Lhasa

With the onset of the 20th century in the capital of China, the riots were created, and in January 1901 in the monastery, where the sandalword was kept, a fire broke out. Cossacks come from Buryatia killed him from the fire and delivered to their small homeland. So the sculpture was in the Eginic Dacan.

There is a version that Buryat masters created a copy of the shrine from the metal, put it in the Hall of the Dacan, and the original was hidden. When the Japanese learned about where the statue of the Buddha is stored, they came to Datsan to take it, but they found only a copy.

In the Soviet times, religious objects ruined, temples and churches were closed, and Buddhist datsans did not exception. Then Zhuu Zhuu was sent to the Buryat capital - Ulan-Ude. He was kept in the local history museum and only half a century returned to Buddhists.

In September 91, an important event occurred - a statue in air transport was returned to Datsan. At the beginning of our century, it was counted for Buddhist shrines of the Russian Federation.


The statue of sandalwoman looks very majestically - 2 meters of 18 centimeters. It is made of sandalwood, but some researchers argue that in reality the material is linden covered with paint based on the sandalwood.

Sandal Buddha in the Eginic Dacan, Buryatia

Hands Zandan Zhuu Long: Right raised and bent in the elbow, symbolizing the greeting and good intentions, and the other - lowered down, parallel to the body, but the palm looks out. There are eyelids buddha covertly, and eyes look a little bit top.

Temple for shrine

Zandan Zhuu Temple is located in the Eginuy Dacan, which is called Damchya Ledeling in Tibetan. Built in the 19th century, he did not survive the 30s of the last century. By the beginning of the 2000s he was re-built.

Some visitors are surprised by the facade of the building, made on the generally accepted canons of Tibetan temples, but from ceramic tiles. Such an architectural solution is caused by the considerations of fire safety.

At about the same time rebuilt a separate Dougan from one floor specifically for storing the statue. The trends of modern architecture are observed, and the implemented technologies help maintain the desired temperature, humidity, lighting. This temple was consecrated in the summer of 2008.

Today, Datsan is a pleasant place in the midst of the picturesque nature, where pilgrims-Buddhists come, as well as just curious tourists. The territory is quite extensive, circular, bells and other attributes dipping into the atmosphere of Buddhism. At certain days, hurals are held.

Helpful information

How to get to the Egituy Datsana: from the capital Ulan-Ude 280 kilometers along the eastern road to the Hara-Shibir area at the Marakta River. A full address that will help to find the Navigator: Buryatia, Eravninsky district, village of Egita, Datsan Street, House 3.

For visitors, Datsan is open every day from 10 am to 7 pm. Khuralov schedule can be viewed on the official website.


The statue of Sandal Buddha is a unique heritage and the main shrine in Buddhism. Therefore, it is especially nice that it is located in our country, in the Buryat Egituy Dacan. The sculpture was created in the very teacher, and later overcame hundreds of kilometers for 2.5 thousand years. It was where the statue appeared, Shakyamuni's teachings spread.

Many thanks for your attention, dear readers! I want to believe that by reading our article, you will certainly want to visit Datsan, where the statue is holy to see it with his own eyes.

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In the distant Buryat datsan, the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni is kept, which may be the most valuable relic of the entire Buddhist world. We are talking about Sandalov Buddha, which in a distorted Buryat pronunciation is called in Tibetan Zandan - Zhuu.

Unknown shrine.

In the distant Buryat datsan, the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni is kept, which may be the most valuable relic of the entire Buddhist world. We are talking about Sandalov Buddha, which in a distorted Buryat pronunciation is called in Tibetan Zandan - Zhuu. This statue can be compared with the Turin Doodler or with a black stone of Kaaba. Yes, what to go far, its meaning for the Buddhist world is comparable to the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaye or the Singhale tooth of the Buddha. But unlike all the above religious relics, Buryat zandan - Zhuu in the Buddhist world is almost unknown. What is the matter? Buryatia is already difficult to call a "bearish angle," by God forgotten the place, information about which can be found, attention only in the notes of rare travelers. The era of the Internet equalized everyone, and travel agencies compete in sophisticated methods of "promotion" of brand objects of the republic. Why, in this case, the Sandal Buddha remains the shrine of local importance, unlike, say, the imperious body of Itigelov, the pilgrimage to which already acquires international scope?

To answer this question, it is necessary to figure it out, is unique and sacred by the Buddha statue stored in the Egituy Dacan. In recent years, two serious scientific works of the Czech religion of Losaja Proteins and the famous St. Petersburg Buddhist Andrei Terentyev have come out about it. Much of what will be said in this article is drawn from these works.

History of wanderings of Sandal Buddha.

Buddhist legendary tradition argues that the lifetime image of the Buddha Shakyamuni from sandalwood was made in heaven, where Buddha miraculously moved to teach the teachings of his mother, which was reborn goddess. The ruler of one of the small Indian states of that time of Raja was pleased with the disappeared teacher and ordered several sculptors to go to heaven and log out there with his exact copy. Buddha liked the statue, and after his return to Earth, he declared it with his deputy. Subsequently, for two and a half thousand years, sandalwing Buddha has struck in Asia. In the III century. The statue hits from India to China, from where, in turn, it was transported to Central Asia, to the city of a bunch, the capital of the state of the ancient Indo-European Juezhzhi. Later, the statue, perhaps, visited Tibet, where a copy was removed from her, which Tibetan Buddhists consider the main shrine. Another copy of Sandal Buddha was taken into Japan, where still kept in one of Kyoto temples. The statue worshiped Hubilai - Khan, on the task of which sandalwing Buddha was delivered to Hanbalyk Marko Polo himself. The famous statue of standing buddha in the Afghan Bamian, destroyed by the Taliban, is also its enlarged copy. Finally, Zandan - Zhuu found a temporary refuge in Beijing, where he became the main treasure of the Manchurian imperial yard.

Burning Beijing.

1900 has become for the drains of the Qing Empire catastrophic. Restricted by the aggressive colonial policy of European powers and Japan, the Chinese peasants and artisans began to unite in the detachments and row the embassy quarters. Russia was among the 8 other powers that were injured from the actions of the rebels, and joined their troops to a foreign punitive contingent. As a result, the punishers broke into the capital and subjected to the shape of the Imperial Quarter Beijing - the Forbidden City. Europeans robbed the palaces and, noticed traces burned them. The memory of one of the eyewitnesses that happened to the robbery was preserved: "Soldiers, tearing with your head in the chest of red varnish, rested in the things of the empress, the other twisted porks and silk, who called on his pockets or simply refused in a shirt or a pigeon cap, sapphires, pearls, rhinestone ; Who was taken away with precious pearl necklaces. Calm clocks with fireplaces, filmed hours from the walls; the sappers wrapped the axes, chopping furniture in chips to choose the precious stones that were inlaid chairs. One of them hardly tried to destroy the adorable watches in Louis XV style. To extract the dial on which crystal numbers shovel; he imagined that these are diamonds "(link.

Operation "Urgent Evacuation".

The same fate was waiting for the temple of Sandal Buddha with his precious content. However, the Buryat Cossacks from the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops from the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops, which were located in the Russian contingent, at the request of Mongolian Lam. For several years, they were brought to Buryatia. The operation was coordinated by the head of the Postal Service of the Russian Embassy by Nikolai Gomboev, the most disheezed and omnipresent Agrian Dorzhiev and the abbot of the Egituy Datsan Lama Zodnoev. As reported in the studies: "She was taken to Sanya, the storm, a straw, a husk, disguised as a provisional and postal details" (link. When the statue was brought to Buryatia, it was decided to determine it into a remote datsan, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to it. Russian authorities They did not have a muster act of the Buryat Cossacks, and if they found out, they would probably be regarded as a dangerous official. The operation did not go beyond the "Buryat circle".

Farming statue.

The Statue of Sandal Buddha is a shakyamuni Buddha image of 2 meters 18 centimeters with a small pedestal. Contrary to the name, the statue itself, as the analysis showed, is made of linden and covered on top of a layer of sandalwood paste. There is information that the upper part of the head is Zhuu originally decorated with ruby \u200b\u200bor diamond, and the Buddha's power were placed inside the statue. These valuable artifacts were probably abducted in 1935, when the statue was transported from Egitis in Ulan-Ude. The tradition also argues that the statue does not rest on the pedestal, but as it would be soaring in the air into the hairs from him. Therefore, check its authenticity, allegedly, can, spending a silk thread between the soles of the feet and the base. However, such an inspection was not carried out, as well as a full scientific analysis of the age of wood. And this is despite the fact that the statue of some time was on storage in the Odigitriev Museum, which served as a museum repository, and on the restoration in the Hermitage. In the 80s of the last century, the Statue was returned to the Egituy Dacan.

China's shrines return requires.

Visiting the departments of Far Eastern Art in the Louvre or the British Museum, you can see ancient porcelain vases and a panel that fell there as a result of the looting of the forbidden city in 1900. China has long been demanding the return of values \u200b\u200bfrom Western countries and Japan. Only in the event that it fails to agree, the Chinese authorities and major business redeem lost objects at auctions. So, today there are about 200 units totaling $ 33 million (reference. For the Government of the PRC, it is a matter of honor to restore the forbidden city in the same form and close the shameful page of the history of your country. This is, however, only a drop in the sea, since the number Such exhibits, according to some estimates, is equal to one and a half million. China understands this and puts the goal to return at least the most valuable.

Strange situation.

In the case of sandalwood Buddha - the situation is strange, if not to say unresolved. In fact, in this story, Buryats circled around the finger and China, leaving it without a masterpiece of world importance, and Russia, which will have to solve this problem if the attention of the authorities of the neighboring power will arise. Officially in China it is believed that the statue of Sandal Buddha burned out with the temple in which she was kept. But is there any little masterpieces considered irrevocably lost, returned to their owners?

In 2003, the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia recognized the Statue of Zandan - Zhuu one of the three Buddhist shrines of Russia. However, at the federal level, the recognition of the Egituyan shrine with a genuine monument to Buddhist art, exported from China, faces cultural diplomacy.

Westerns are not over?

One Petersburg colleague somehow expressed the idea that neither in the interests of Buryatia, nor in the interests of Russia to promote in the media the question of Sandalov Buddha. Sooner or later, this will lead to the fact that the PRC will send his experts and will require a shrine return to Beijing. But, on the other hand, such a promotion has already begun. The studies and Terentyev's research mentioned by me are written in English and probably already known to the Chinese colleagues.

Is Zampan destined - Zhuu to remain the shrine of local significance, "inland Buryatsky case" or someday the question about Sandalov Buddha will enter the agenda of Russian-Chinese relations? One thing is clear, the sandalwist statue of the Buddha is a hostage of the situation, and it means that its wanders have not yet been completed. (C) Nikolay Tsylimpilov.

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Live spiritual teaching applies not only through conversations with a teacher and reading books, but also through the visual perception of works of art, interior, architecture of temples. Training through observation is associated with a visual model of the Macrocosmos of the Universe and a human microcosm. This observation allows you to see the finest spiritual experiences and moral qualities: love, joy, kindness, wisdom. An example of such dissemination of knowledge is religious shrines.

One of the revered shrines of the Buddhist world is the statue of Sandal Buddha, Zhuu Zhuu Zadanan, which is in the Egieta Dacan of Buryatia. He is considered a living Buddha - his images carry grace. He has a special iconography on the tanks: it stands with big long hands to almost knees, among colors and landscape. This is such a bodily human Buddha, such a Buddha Maitrei, but at the same time, among the fertile heavenly worlds.

The statue of sandalwear Buddha is considered to be reached by this day the lifetime image of the Buddha Shakyamuni, made by order of Raji Uddiyana. There is a legend, recorded by the Torak monk Dharmanandi in 385 AD. (In Chinese translation of Ecottara-Agama-Sutra from Anuttara-Nika, according to A.A.Teenteyeva), that the enlightened was at this time in the heavens of thirty-three gods, preaching the Dharma of his mother Maye, which was reborn there after death. Raja Prasountitis wasveling to see the enlightened and commanded to log out his statue. Mudghalian, the student of the Buddha, who has reached wonderful abilities, suffered masters to heaven, where they met with an intelligible. The masters were returned to the ground and pissed the statue of the sandalwood "Goshirsha" on a natural amount of about two meters. height.

When Buddha Shakyamuni returned to the earthly world, the statue welcomed it, making 6 steps. And the enlightened made the prophecy that it will be moved to the north, and there will be a flourishing of Buddhism.

In Chinese sources there are information about its movement from India of the time. In the IV century, Kumarayan's monk from Kashmir, to save the statue from the local wars, took her to Central Asia, where in a heap (the city-oasis city of the Great Silk Road) was forced to marry the sister of the ruler of Jeva and become a spiritual mentor in the state.

His son Kumaradi became the famous Buddhist sage. His glory became so great that in 384 the Chinese troops were sieged to capture Kumaradzhiva and bring to China. Together with him, the statue of Sandal Buddha was transported, after which the rise of Buddhist thought in China was followed.

At the beginning of the VIII century. The wife of the Tibetan king Sronzzangambo from Nepal and China brought Buddhist relics, and among them the statue of Sandalov Buddha, Tibet. Nepali Princess Bhrikuti was revered as a green packaging, and the Chinese Princess Wen-Chen as a white container. And already with the next ruler, Tisarditsan Tsar, Buddhism became the state religion of Tibet.

According to other Chinese sources, the statue fell first to Mongolia during the Board of the Genghis-Khan in the XIII century. And then it was transported to China, where it was unknown how many years was kept in the province of Lee, in a specially built monastery of Sandan-Sy - "Monastery of Sandalov Buddha".

The history of her stay in Russia is amazing.

In China in 1890-1901. A boxing uprising (I-HE-Quan's secret society and-he-Quyan "fist in the name of equity consent") broke out. In June 1901, Beijing was captured by the rebels, burned and crushed. The statue of Sandal Buddha was kept in the monastery of Sandan-Sy - "Monastery of the Sandal Buddha", where all Buddhist pilgrims of Mongolia, Buryatia and Tibet worshiped her by visiting Beijing. Orientalist and one of the oldest Russian buddhists V.M. Montlevich writes about this: "But the scraps of information about the abduction itself are preserved, and this information is more or less reliable, because I told them in 1969. Famous Russian easternist Boris Ivanovich Pankratov, for many years (32 years old, from 1916 to 1948) Holded in China.

In the winter of 1901, after the defeat of a boxing uprising, Buryat Cossacks, using the turmoil and devouring in the city and a fire in the monastery itself, taken out a statue. He managed the operation of the Russian Mail Gomboev. The statue was put on Sani, shelled straw and chores and disguised as a provisional and postal prop. In total, there were two sleds, the statue was taken on the second, as if freight, sleigh. You can submit a reverent thrill and desperate delight of those who fulfilled this bold and dangerous enterprise, because they committed a religious feat for the sake of extension of the exercise, of course, by performing orders not known for us and revered teachers and Lam. The performers knew that there was a belief: where the Sandal Buddha is located, there is a center of Buddhist religion. What a believer will not admire the soul to consider its country and his datsan as such a center. Without special adventures, the statue arrived in Transbaikal and was covered in the Egituy Monastery (Datsan).

Then a metal copy of the statue was made and placed in the Eginition Dacan; The original was thoroughly covered in a secret place. This precautionary measure was quite relevant.

The uprising in China was cruelly suppressed by the forces of England, Germany, Russia, Japan and France in September 1901 and soon the Japanese experts in search of the famous statue arrived in Buryatia. The Japanese had the information that the statue was in the Egituy Dacan. We arrived showed a metal copy, and they were forced to leave in full disappointment.

After the revolution, in the thirties, when Buddhism was in Opal, the sandals Buddha for many years becomes the "arrestant" - it is stored in a glazed cabinet on the second floor of the Odigitrian Church of the city of Ulan-Ude, where the Funds of the Museum of Local Lore. And, I must say that it was a happy fate for Statue, because in those dumb years on fire and unsightly storage conditions a lot of remarkable religious monuments of antiquities. Only in the 80s, the statue was returned to believers, the posting is no longer secret, but open in the same Egita Datsan, where there was once a metal copy. "

Prediction comes true, and the appearance of Zhuu Zuu in Transbaikalia in the twentieth century. It is a good deformation for the development of Dharma in Russia.

The statue of Sandal Buddha seems to enumerate Buddhist teachings, creating conditions for all interacting with it in the form of karmic situations favorable for the prosperity of Dharma. The statue exhibits itself as a live Buddha, causing interest in texts and teachings, awakening the desire to study Buddhist thinking - the possibility of the practice of Dharma.

Buddha sculpture with a height of 2 m 18 cm, made of sandalwood, according to legends, 2500 years ago by order Raji Udandy.

Located in the Egituy Dacan of Buryatia. It is a Buddhist shrine and is considered the first in the history of the statue of the Buddha and the only statue made in the life of the Buddha. In literary sources, there are references to other lifetime portraits and sculptures, but there are no reliable confirmations.

Vera Lubsanova, CC BY-SA 3.0

According to Buddhist tradition, it is considered a living Buddha - his images carry grace. The statue has a special iconography: Buddha stands, with long hands to the knees, among colors and landscape, "human" Buddha, such a Buddha Maitreya.


According to tradition, the Buddha prophesied the movement of Zhuu Zhuu and, respectively, the movement of the center of Buddhism.

In the III century. The statue of India was transported to China.

In the IV century, Kumarayan's monk from Kashmir to save the statue from local wars, took her in a bunch, married her sister of the local ruler and became a spiritual mentor in the state. His son Kumaradi became the famous Buddhist sage.

In the VIII century - Wives of the Tibetan Tsar Sronzagambo brought the statue of Tibet. In the next ruler, Tsar TisronDezan, Buddhism became the state religion of Tibet.

In the XIII century. - Location presumably in Mongolia.

Arkady Zarubin, CC BY-SA 3.0

In the winter of 1901, Sandal Buddha was in Transbaikalia. After the defeat of the boxing uprising, the Buryat Cossacks, using the turmoil and devouring in the city and the fire in the monastery of Sandan-Sy ("Monastery of Sandal Buddha"), where the statue was kept at that time, they were taken out. He managed the operation of the Russian Mail Gomboev. The Buryat Cossacks during the fire carried a precious statue from the burning monastery, and thus saved from death on fire. As a trophy, the statue with great precautions on the sleigh was taken to Buryatia.

Vera Lubsanova, CC BY-SA 3.0

According to another version, Zhuu's loan was delivered to Enthann due to the incredible efforts of the sorce-lades of the Egitu district Datsan Gombo Dorges Erdyneev and many other people who risen their lives. Upon arrival, a metal copy of the statue was made and placed in the Egituy Dacan, the original was hidden. During the Civil War, Japanese interventions have learned the location of the statue. Upon arrival, they showed a metal copy, and they left with anything.

In the 1930s stored in G. Ulan-Ude, where the Funds of the Museum of Local Lore.

In the 1980s, the statue was returned to believers. On September 25, 1991, Zhuu Zhuu is driven by a helicopter to Egita Datsan.

On April 22, 2003, the decision of the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia (): "To approve as a Buddhist shrine of Russia: the statue of Zhuu Zandan, the Atlas of Tibetan medicine, the precious body of Hambo Lambo D. -d. ITIGELOVA. "

Temple for storage

For some time, the statue was kept in the Dugan of the Egituy Dacan, in a small wooden single-storey building, not adapted for storing cultural and historical values.

In this regard, Buddhist Sangha decided to build a special storage room with maintaining a permanent microclimate.

Photo Gallery

Helpful information

Zandan Zhuu
Sandal Buddha
Sandalus Vladyka

Buddhist legend about the appearance of statues

According to the Thahor monk, Dharmanandi (385, N. E.) (Ecottar-Agama-Sutra from Anuttara-Nima), Buddha was in the heavens of the stew, preaching the dharma of his deceased Mae's mother.

Prazenady wanted to see the enlightened Lord and ordered his statue. Mudghayan suffered masters to heaven, where they met with Buddha.

After returning the wizard, the statue of the natural size of sandalwood was poured.

When Buddha Shakyamuni returned to Earth, the statue took six steps towards him, then he made the prophecy that she would be moved to the north, and there will be a breakdown of Buddhism.

Impact of a statue on believers

Not everyone can be at Zandan Zhuu: some do not stand, come out of Datsan. Others, on the contrary, discover that it took several hours from the moment they got opposite Sandalla Buddha. It is believed that the shrine eliminates negative acts, gives a long life, gives an installation for good luck, happiness, health, if praying hopes for him and believes in it from a pure heart.

The Egita Damsan Damchya Ledeling is located in the Republic of Buryatia 300 km from Ulan-Ude in the picturesque West Bank of the Marakta River in the Hara-Shibir area of \u200b\u200bthe Eraktinsky district.

Sandal Buddha

in Buryat Zandan-Zhuu., Sandalus Vladyka - A unique and very ancient statue, a well-known relics of the Buddhist world.
This sculpture of Buddha Shakyamuni 2 meters 18 cm high is made of sandalwood, as the legend says, about the V century BC, by order Raja Uddiyana.

There is an opinion divided by the majority that it is the first and only statue made in the life of the Buddha.

In Buddhist tradition, she equates to the living Buddha and carries a limitless blessing into the world.

Currently, Sandal Buddha is recognized in Russia by a monument of culture of federal significance.

The history of the appearance and the path

About how the very first of the images of Shakyamuni Buddha appeared, there are different points of view and many legends. In the Indian version it is said that he was fulfilled by Vishwamitra, while Buddha gave a teaching. He cut out a statue of sandalwood, looking at the water reflection, since bright radiance proceeded from the most enlightened.

It is also known to mention in the history of the Buddha Shakyamuni, indicating the existence of a statue arising from his life and known as "an image from Uddiyna", a statue made at the request of the ruler of this amazing ancient Buddhist country.
It is said that this sculptural portrait radiated "Divine Light".

In the late sutra, Mahayana is written about him: "Maidgaleyana-Putra, a follower of the Buddha, suffered an artist in heavenly spaces, where Buddha Shakyamuni retired for three months to convey the teachings of his mother. There, the artist dispersed the excellent signs of the Body Buddha and captured them in the form of a statue of sandalwood. When Tathagata returned from the heavenly palaces, the image from the sandalie welcomed Mr. "(3). Here we are talking about Sandalov Buddha.
According to A.A.Terenteyev, according to the Chinese translation of Ecottar-Agama-Sutra (from Anuttara-Nima), outlined by the Thara monk Dharmanandi (385 AD), the history of the statue of Zandan-Zhuu is:
Buddha Shakyamuni was in the heavens of the carcass, preaching the dharma of his mother Maye, which was reborn there after death. At this time, Raja prasatively wanted to see the enlightened lord. Then the closest student of the Buddha - Mudghalin, who reached wonderful abilities, suffered masters to the Buddha, so that they could see him, and on returning the statue of the natural value from the sandalwood "Goshirsha".
When Buddha Shakyamuni returned, a statue greeting him, made him six steps toward him, and this was the basis of the prophecy of the Buddha about this statue: it will move to the north, and where it will be, the Buddhism should be expected.
After a century, the Buddha statue really left India.

In Chinese sources, information about its further paths in the northern direction are mentioned.


So in the IV century, Kumarayan's monk from Kashmir, wanting to save the precious statue during the bloody local wars, took her to Central Asia. He settled in the oasis city of the Great Silk Road called a bunch where he married the sister of the local ruler of Jeva and became a spiritual mentor. From this time, Buddhism began to flourish there. The son of that monk Kumaradi grown in the situation, favorable learning Dharma, and became the famous Buddhist sage. His glory was so loud that in 384, the troops were sent to Him from China with the aim of capturing Kumarajivi. Together with him, China was taken to China and the statue of Sandalov Buddha. From that time, China began to accumulate Buddhist wisdom in himself.


From China, the statue went to Tibet at the beginning of the VIII century. Then the Chinese and Nepalese princess Buddhists married the Tibetan Tsar of the Sronzangambo and brought Buddhist Relics into the country, among whom was the statue of Sandal Buddha. Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti was considered the embodiment of the green container, and the Chinese Princess Wen-Chen - the embodiment of the White Tara. Already at the next ruler of Tibet - TisronDesen Buddhism became a state religion in this country.


According to other Chinese sources, during the Board of Genghis-Khan, Sandalla Buddha was in Mongolia, at that time the first contacts of the Mongols were taking place with Buddhist philosophy, who later passed on to the adoption of Buddhism at the state level.

From Mongolia, the statue returned to China. She was kept in the province of Lee, in the Temple of the Buddhist Monastery, built specifically for her - Sandan-Sandan-symbol "Monastery of Sandal Buddha". In the XIX century, this monastery was located on the territory of the capital of China. All Buddhist pilgrims from Mongolia, Buryatia and Tibet worshiped a wonderful statue, visiting Beijing.


From China in 1901 the statue went to Transbaikalia, and since then does not leave Russia.

This happened because of our Buryat Cossacks, which turned out to be at the time in China, and how exactly it is not known.

Orientalist and Buddhist V.M.Montlevich wrote: "But the scraps of information about the abduction itself are preserved, and this information is more or less reliable, because they told them in 1969, the famous Russian orientalist Boris Ivanovich Pankratov, thirty-two years lived in China (from 1916 in 1948). "

In 1890-1901, the Etoeuan uprising in Beijing broke out when the secret society I-He-Quyan "Kulak in the Name of Justice and Consent" organized unrest in the country, widely known as a boxing uprising.

In June 1901, Beijing was captured by the rebels, burned and crushed.

The world community was rigoried to the uprising, the rebels were destroyed by the united forces of England, Germany, Russia, Japan and France in September 1901. In these events, our Buryat Cossacks took part in this difficult time in Beijing.

According to one of the versions, during a fire made a precious statue from the monastery, and thus saved from death, then in the winter of 1901, as a trophy was taken to their native Buryatia. In another version, the sandalwist statue was bought by Lamos of the Egitu district Datsan during an uprising and hit Enthun due to the incredible efforts of the sorce-lades of the Egitu district Datsan Gombo Dorzho Erdyneev and many other people who risen their lives, with huge precautions of it from China. So or otherwise, The precious statue of Sandal Buddha went even further north, and turned out to be at the beginning of the 20th century in Transbaikalia, in the Egieta Dacan of Russia. At the same time, a metallic copy of the statue was prudently made, which was placed on the review in a special dougan temple, as an object of worship and worship, and the original was reliably hidden. In search of the famous statue, Japanese experts arrived in Buryatia, which reached the statue that the statue Located in Egieta Datsan. At the sight of a metal copy, they have suffered a strong disappointment, they were forced to leave with anything. Until 1935, the statue was reliably hidden in Buryatia, while in Russia did not come tragic for Buddhism the times of anti-religious policy, when Datsans were destroyed, many valuable relics were destroyed, and the lamas were repressed. But the statue survived and in this difficult time. She fell into the number of relics that were transferred to the funds of the new anti-Religious Museum, which were in the Tereyvudinsk Church of the Terevdinsk (now it is the National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude), where it was kept under the glass in the closet on the second floor. At the same time On fire and without complying with the proper storage conditions, a huge number of wonderful religious relics and works on September 25, 1991, the statue was returned by Buddhists, submitted to the same Egita Datsan, where it was openly honored a metal copy. For the first time in Russia, only now sandalwing Buddha appeared before People. This is regarded as a good omen for the development of Dharma not only in Buryatia, but also in our country. The statue contains a strong blessing of the Buddha, creating favorable conditions for the prosperity of the Buddha teachings - Dharma, awakening interest.

Buddhist shrine of Russia

For some time the statue was kept in the Temple-Dugan of the Egituiskian Dácan in Buryatia, in a small wooden single-storey building, unacceptable for storing cultural and historical values. It was impossible to create appropriate conditions for the storage of the global Buddhist shrine.

Therefore, the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia decided to build a special premises for storing a statue with maintaining a permanent microclimate. For 15 years, funds were paid for the construction of a palace church for Sandal Buddha. Thanks to donations of the parishioners of the Egituy Datsan and individual sponsors, the new temple of Zandan Zhuu was heated on July 25, 2008. People from different regions of our country came to his consecration ceremony. The older generation of Buryat, movable by desire to support and continue the traditions of his ancestors, especially for this celebration awling new festive national costumes. From noon until eight o'clock in the evening, the lives of people who came to Dace to see the Buddha.
The long way of the wonderful statue of Zhuu Zhuu from India across China, Tibet, Mongolia, to Russia, from the country to the country, in the northern direction for centuries has become evidence of the execution of the prophecy of the Buddha.22 April 2003, a decision was made by the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia "to approve as Buddhist shrine of Russia: Statue Zandan Zhuu,