Acre city in Syria. What is the mysterious Crimean Atlantis from the coast of Kerch? Watch what is "Acre, the city" in other dictionaries

The accounted ancient city of Accra was already called the "Crimean Atlantis". But, unlike Atlantis, the ancient acre is in untouched condition and scientists have to make a lot of discoveries.

Not far from Kerch, at the foot of Cape Takil, in the southernmost point of the Kerch Strait, the group of underwater archaeologists of the international expedition is engaged in the study of the ancient city of an acre, which several millennia ago absorbed the water of the Kerch Strait.

The ancient city of Acre is a small ancient Greek port city in the Crimea, which existed in the composition, from the end of the VI century BC. e. According to IV century n. e. Located Acre by 3.5 hectares in the eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula and was charged with a six-meter wall. This defense saved the city from enemy raids and from storms. Due to the geological changes in the coastline of the Black Sea and the formation of a Kerch Strait, part of the ancient settlement, and the 30-meter segment of the defensive wall of the ancient city of Akra turned out to be water.

The ancient name of the city of Acre has been preserved in the title of land measures - Acre (eng. aCRE; Fr. Ager and ACRA, Celt. aCRE. - Field ) - Land measure used in a number of countries with the English system of measures. one acre equal to 0.4 hectares; 1 acre \u003d 1/640 square meters. miles. one acre. \u003d 4046.86 m² ≈ 0.004 km²

In the marine underwear, researchers overlook the defensive walls of the ancient city of Acre. All archaeological layers of an ancient city have been preserved under water in a non-distorted state.

Over the past two years, a large number of architectural structures have been found in excellent safety. The head of the archaeological expedition, Viktor Vakhonev, considers the ancient city of Akra with a real storehouse for underwater archaeologists, calling the ancient Greek city of the Acre "Crimean Atlantis".

Underwater archaeologists explore the residential neighborhoods of an ancient city. The planning of the streets of the ancient acres and antique residential buildings, at home, in which people once lived were well preserved. Found furniture, utensils, female crest, similar objects on land are not saved at all, and in the sea they survived and found in primeval form. In the territory under study, defensive walls of the city found, 3-4 rows of stone masonry were preserved under water with a height of more than 1 m 60 cm. Archaeologists were mapped most of the masonry.

Leading Researcher of the State Hermitage Sergey Soloviev, who participated in the underwater expedition notes that a large number of antique ceramic dishes are found on the territory of the city of acres, clay amphoras for transportation of wine, oil, fish, grains and other products.

Residents of the city of Acre were engaged in trade, fishing and shipping. The acre researchers determined that it was not a very large trading city of the Bosporian kingdom, which occupies area 4 hectares. The presence of defensive walls around the city says that an acre was ready for defense and was able to defend himself from nomads.

The Black Sea Research Center is now preparing submarine excursion routes for the ancient city of Akra for tourists, lovers of underwater adventure, divers. Creating an underwater archaeological park "Crimean Atlantis" in ancient acre it happens with the support of the public and the Council of Ministers of Crimea.

Head of the underwater archeology department of the Black Sea Center for Underwater Research Viktor Vakhonev is confident that underwater tours of the ancient Greek city of the Acre will be enjoyed among tourists very popular. This object is as suitable as possible for underwater excursions, as it is located on a small sea depth, not more than 4 meters. In the underwater acre offshore Kerch, an archaeological expedition is now working.

In parallel with the work of archaeologists, tourists are offered a sightseeing route called "Member of the underwater archaeological excursion." Tourists, lovers of underwater adventures, are offered to make an unforgettable underwater walk along an ancient acre, and watch the work of underwater archaeologists.

In these places, there are still a lot of fish and crabs. Those who know how to catch crayfish will easily cope with marine crabs. For lovers of underwater hunting offers an amazing underwater world of the Black Sea.
Viktor Vakhonev believes that for tourists it will be interesting to immerse themselves and together with archaeologists to participate in research under water.

Head of the underwater archeology department of the Black Sea Center for underwater research says that the ancient acre this year is registered, as a historical monument and is protected by the state. The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea is interested in creating an archaeological expedition of the first underwater archaeological park on the basis of the Archaeological Expedition.

The ancient Greek city of Accra, which is located on the territory of the modern Crimea, went under the water about a thousand years ago - at the end of the X century AD. Local journalists nickned by its Crimean Atlantis, because only a few meters of the settlement go to the land.

The city could not find more than a hundred years. The fact is that with the ancient Greek word "Acre" translates as "elevation" (and it is difficult to remember the Acropolis - "Upper City"). In addition, the ancient authors (Plinia, Strokon, Ariana, Pseudo-Ariana) an acre is referred to as a completely small settlement, which led to the formation of two stereotypes at once with historians. First, the acre is a small city, secondly, it is located on the hill. But in fact, everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. The acre where about a thousand people lived (at the time, the population of a major city) was an important port city of the south of the Bosporovsky State, which stood at the foot of Cape Takil - in fact, in a lowland. But all this turned out much later - only about thirty years ago - thanks to the occasion.

Underwater ruins of the city of Acre. Photo:

In 1982, the Crimean schoolboy Alyosha Kulikov found an ancient coins on the coast, which, as it turned out, was used by local residents of 2.5 thousand years ago. Later, already received an archaeological education, Alexey Vladislavovich Kulikov began researching an ancient city and found three households whose age was about two thousand years. In the 1990s, excavations were discontinued, and they resumed them quite recently, in 2010, on the initiative of Hermitage employees.

Antique map of Kerch. Photo:

For the past six years, archaeologists explore an ancient monument of ancient architecture - the city of Accra, most of which is under water. This year, the spaces for holding the excavations were "dried".

"We have been in a row with an expedition for the sixth year in a row in a row. But this year we first spent not only underwater work, but also work on land. Or rather, in the zone under the shore: they made a large excavation area of \u200b\u200ba hundred square meters and studied the exits to the remains of the city preserved under the coastline. Such a safety of architectural residues, which we observe here, we no longer observe anywhere in the Northern Black Sea region, "comments Viktor Wahonev, deputy director of the Black Sea Center for underwater research.

Study acre. Photo:

Every year, during the expedition, the collection of scientists is replenished with amazing artifacts. One of the most important finds is a defensive wall with tower with a length of 150 meters. Interestingly, it can be seen even in pictures from the satellite.

"The acre was founded on a trapezoidal sublinear cavity, which leaving the water of the Kerch Strait somewhere 250 meters. Cape itself was very low. The Greeks settled here as a result of the colonization of the Bosphorus at the beginning of the V century to our era. And in the middle of the IV century BC era crossed the cape defensive. It secured the city from the barbaric raids, "says Viktor Vakhonev. - We examined the defensive tower several seasons, and what was our surprise when the tower base was composed of huge oak beams in the form of a crate! Analogues in ground archeology are unknown. Perhaps this building was needed to combat seismic or groundwater. One way or another, we investigated wooden structures whose age is two and a half thousand years! "

And in 2013, an ancient wooden ridge of about two thousand years found in Acre. It is impossible to find a similar object within the framework of terrestrial archaeological excavations: an organic order for such a long time is simply disintegrated.

Acre. Photo:

As for the 2016 season expedition, the archaeologists managed to collect many artifacts. About one of the most significant told Alexander Konevich, author of the movie "Acre": Archaeologists found the real homeie in the remains of an ancient Greek dwelling. Such an artifact is a real luck. And one more proof that an acre was indeed a major city, where the inhabitants were constantly, and not a temporary fortress with massive fortification structures. "

In addition, a huge number of ceramic remnants of different times found near the home hearth.

Acre - A small ancient Greek port city (according to the ancient Greek authors - a small village) in the Crimea, which existed since the end of the VI century BC. e. According to IV century n. e. He was located in the southernmost point of the Kerch Strait, at the foot of Cape Takil (according to Strabo - the non-freezing port of the Bosporian kingdom). Due to the lowering of the coast, part of the settlement - layers of the IV century BC. e., including a 30-meter stretch wall segment, is under water. Acre is called the Crimean Atlantis.


In addition to Strabo, the Acre was mentioned by Ptolem, Stefan Byzantine, in the Pseudo-Arrian Pesudo and Elius Gerodian. The first examination in 1976 conducted researchers of the settlement of Chinese E.A. Male and N.V. Pray. Anthropomorphic steles and amphoric stigma were found on the seaside terrace. In the early 1980s On the sandy spit between the Yanyush lake and the sea A.V. Kulikov near the scientific base Azornet was found more than a hundred antique coins and other ancient objects. These finds served as a reason for subsequent research. In the summer of 1982 V.N. The chillok (Kerch Museum) spent the first excavations, both at the Perepini and the Hill to the south of the lake, during which the cultural simplifications of the ancient era were opened without well-pronounced stratigraphy. A.N. Shamray discovered the remains of an ancient wall under water and well. In 1983-1985 K. K. Schilik (Loia Academy of Sciences of the USSR) began underwater studies of this area and found that the ancient city lies at a depth of 4, and to the east of him, the harbor was located to the depth of 7 m. During underwater exploration, defensive walls were found, two towers and a well, in the filling of which seven Amphoric Herakley Pontic IV in. BC E., Fragments of Chernolakoy dishes, chip of a lead anchor rod, wooden parts made on a lathe.


The city occupied the northeast tip of the Cape formed by the mouth of the ancient Unnamed River and the Bosporus Kimmerian (Kerch Strait). Its territory probably had a trapezoid form of about 3.5 hectares, currently almost completely hidden by the waters of the Black Sea, with the exception of a small western portion on a sandy jumper, which turned the mouth of the river to the modern Lake Yanyush off the coast of the Kerch Strait. Due to the transgression of the Black Sea, which began near the middle of I thousand n. e. The ancient city was at a depth reaching 4 m. The peculiarities of the wave regime in this part of the coast of the Kerch Peninsula led to the fact that the cultural layers of an ancient city were mainly not blurred and its buildings were not completely destroyed, but only partially listed by sea sand.

Was the Atlantis? The answer is unequivocal - yes! It can confirm any tourist who visited the Crimea. The ancient city of Accra, who was once on the shore of the Kerch Strait, at the beginning of our era plunged under water. Streets, houses and a fortress wall hid in the waves of the Strait. What is not this mythical island-state?

Where is the city of Acre in the Crimea?

"When life" - if you can put it, it was located in the southernmost point. The famous ancient geographer Stragon argued that the Policy is an unimportant port belonging. Modern settlement closest to the location of the city - the village of Embankment. Nearby are also detected by the village cherished and. And all this is 30 km south of Kerch.

The history of the ancient port policy

According to the ancient authors, the acre existed from the VI century. BC, And later, the century later acquired its own fortifications from sushi for the sake of protection against nomads. The port is described as a small settlement, but its value for the navigation of the Greeks does not leave doubt. It stood on the cauldron, creating excellent conditions for ships. At the beginning of our era, approximately in the 4th century, the part of the coast and changes in the water balance of the Black Sea occurred at the same time. So the acre was under aquatic thickness, turning into the Black Sea Atlantis.

The second stage of the history of the ancient city is a return to people. In search of acres with archaeologists, the keen joke played toponymy. The words "Acre" translates from Greek as the "Hill", "elevation" (compare - "Acropolis"). Well, who will look for hill underwater? No map could help - they simply did not have the corresponding cape, the drowned century ago.

The stentered city was found by the will of fate. At first, the researchers examining in this place the shore, found a certain amount of the material of Greek and Roman times. And in 1982, Lesha Kulikov, a schoolboy from, found on the banks of the coin of the Bosporus kingdom. She became the starting point. In the 90s. last century graduate of Moscow University A.V. Kulikov headed the expedition to study acres. First, the excavations were carried out on land, only then moved to the marine smooth.

The Crimean Atlantis demanded large funds for his study, so from the very beginning Ukraine appealed to Russia - the expedition was international. There were years when the work was not carried out at all - there was no financing. "Black archaeologists" at this time loosely robbed a monument - they only give will! But now normal, honest scientists returned to the Crimea. The ancient city of Accra is among the priorities for archaeological research. There are plans for the subsequent transformation of the monument to a special museum under water. There are fears - observed changes in flows in threatening the preservation of the city.

Motherland of the Trojan Hero

Some authors seriously believe the acre of the birthplace of the Achilles itself. There are mentions of such a name in ancient Greek literature. However, it was very common in the Greeks - for the simple reason that they preferred to be built on the hills, so the story is from the legend area. But convincingly proved that Achilles in the Crimea was honored.

Crimean Atlantis: Aqualing Excursion

Today, the priority direction of the Crimean underwater archeology is an acre. The Crimean Atlantis is a real treasure for archaeologists, a sea driver has retained such objects that the millennium could never lie in the ground.
In particular, in the last season there were wooden foundations of buildings of fortress towers and the comb - finds are completely unique, such an ancient tree does not occur on the surface of the earth.

Acrery can examine divers during the work of the expedition, usually the field season in the Crimea coincides with the tourist - from May to October. Specialists are not against, but categorically prohibit it to touch something on the monument. A stone fortress wall of the city is clearly visible, pretty well preserved, at home and streets are viewed. In one of the buildings, a very whole focus was recently discovered - unifying the center of the ancient Greek family.

The underwater museum is under birth - it is too new for the Crimea. Yes, and the manipulations have a lot more, the settlement is large - according to scientists' counting, at least 1000 people constantly lived there (according to the concepts of that time, a decent town). The interests of science are in the first position - even temporary drainage of the acra is planned by facing the dam. However, the leadership of the peninsula, and experts consider the archaeological center to a promising project.

Photo under water is difficult to do, but professionals are able to be superb. They regularly publish "portraits" of ancient, ancient acre. In November last year in Feodosia, who sheltered on his perimeter, premiere

Akra's settlement, one of the most ancient settlements of the Crimean Peninsula, opened at the end of the last century on the Kerch Peninsula. The settlement is sometimes called the Crimean Atlantis, due to the fact that it is mostly under water.

Geographic coordinates of acres on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.133028 E 36.423812

Ancient settlement acc Located near the village of the embankment, or 25.4 km. From the city of Kerch, near Lake Yanyush. Excavations are being conducted on land today, but most of the city is located at a distance of 30-50 meters from the coast, at a depth of 4.5 meters, up to 8.5 meters. Every year, several dozen archaeologists are building a fence from the sea from sand bags and reservoir equipment to be selected to the base of the city. A visit to the city is fully open for tourists and guests of the peninsula. If you are not afraid of the depth of up to 10 meters, then you can see the outlines of the ancient streets, small stone houses (mostly base) and the famous well of acres. It was in the well that the most artifacts and items of that era were discovered.

History of the city of Accra

The city of Acre was founded In the 6th century BC. The first references to the city are found in an ancient Greek historian and geographer Storabo. Strabo mentioned acre as a small fishing settlement, with a very convenient port, which even in the most crowded winter never frozen. From the 6th century to our era, up to the 2nd century of our era, the city of Acre flourished and expanded. In the vicinity of the city, the vineyards appeared, land lands were equipped, and from the 3rd century our era, by unclear reasons, the city began to go under water, as evidenced by the 1.8 meter stone dam on the outskirts of the city. Gradually, the population was cut off by another peninsula. In the 4th century, our era, the city completely went under water and disappeared from the face of the earth.

In 1976, in the vicinity of Lake Yanyush, fragments of ancient amphors and home utensils were found, which was the beginning of the research. So in 1981, on the shore of Lake Yanyush, about 150 antique coins from silver and bronze belonging to the Bosporian kingdom were found, and already in 1982, during excavations under the guidance of archaeologist V. N. Kholkov, were found at a depth of 2- 3 meters, cultural layers, which indicated the existence of an ancient settlement.

Excavations, the first ten years, were carried out exclusively on land, but a large part of the ancient settlement was also discovered under water, and this was one of the largest historical events of the 80-90 years of the last century in the Crimea. In the late 80s, a well was discovered under water, most likely after his drainage residents began to use it as a warehouse. There found 7th ceramic jugs and many ancient artifacts. Excavations of the ancient settlement of the Acre are being conducted to this day.

How to get to the ancient city of Acre in Crimea

Get to acra The easiest most from the city of Kerch. From Kerch, we leave for the southwest, towards the village of Priozerous. Driving it, moving towards the village of Sparkle and then in the village village. Behind the village is cherished, Lake Yanyush is located. There is an acre between the lake and the sea. If you like the story or want to diversify your holidays in the Crimea, then a visit to the excrement settlement will bring a variety and novelty, and if you like Diving, then the acre was created for you. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Peninsula, there are especially many attractions -