Huashan's track. Mountains Huashan (华山) and "Death Trail", Shaanxi Province, China

It is in the central part of this country are sacred for the mountains of the mountain. Excursion to Mount Huashan Death Path will open for before the unprecedented sensations, because it is the most dangerous walking path in the world.

Mount Huashan

This mountain consists of 5 vertices that form a silhouette of a flower, from which this place and got such a name. Huashan is located in the Shaanxi area and is one of the most significant mountains for the supporters of Taoism.

This mountain attracts not only pilgrims and Wanderers of Taoism from around the world, but also attracts many tourists, because it is not just a beautiful place. Here, besides beautiful landscapes, many celebrate beautiful temples, gates and bridges, vintage monasteries and mysterious caves. All this can be seen by going on a tour of these sacred Taoist places.

You can view these places as walking the excursion for which several routes are provided, and climb on the funicular, which is more simpler and safer. But the funicular acts only before the northern peak, because to inspect all 5 vertices, then you will have to do it only on foot.

Adherents of the culture of Taoism go to the top exclusively on foot. Since climbing is not a simple, then on tops stay to spend the night to resume the forces and continue the pilgrimage.

Trail of death

It is their paths Mount Huashan famous for many tourists. Lifting to this grief is extremely dangerous and very extreme, so not everyone comes up. The easiest rise is the rise to the northern vertex, which is the lowest of five.

On the way up there are not only paths, but also bridges with steep ladies. What is noteworthy, there are not only suspended staircases, but also cut down the stairs. Most often climbs are cool, so you need to prepare for physical exertion. The shortest route will take at least 5 hours.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the trails are and completely dangerous. To pass them, individual insurance is attached to everyone, because one wrong step can cost life.

But this path and sensations are worth it, no one can forget this journey. This place, as in China, is simply not found, it is worth the attention of all tourists. Mount Huashan The death trail is waiting for all extremes, will hit incredible landscapes and historical monuments.

Good day, dear Extreme lovers! Today, our post will be devoted to the place, which is called Mount Huashan in China. What is interesting there? And everything is simple, there is a famous death trail. This is a spectacular place and will be speech today. Drove.

Mount Huashan death trail

Another extreme attraction of the world is trail on Huashan Mountain (Huashan) in China. Mount Huashan is one of several sacred mountains in China, which are worshiped by Buddhists and Daus around the world. The sacred mountains are only five, and they form a figure similar to the cross, the parties of which are focused on the sides of the world.

  • In the East, this is Mount Taishan (Chandun Province, 1545 meters above sea level).
  • In the West - Mount Huashan, which will be discussed in this story (Province of Shaanxi, 1997 m).
  • In the south - Hanshan Mount (Hunan, 1290 m).
  • In the north - Hanshan (Shanxi Province, 2017 meters).
  • In the center there is Mount Sunshhan (Hunan Province, 1494 meters).

Recently I saw a video on the Internet from this place, and decided to figure out a little more detail that this is for a terrible route.

Mount Huashan death path video:

Lifting to Mount Huashan is considered very interesting,

due to the fact that the surroundings in which it occurs is very picturesque, and the lift itself is very extreme, since he passes almost over the precipice.

The height on which you are, moving along the route - almost 2000 meters above sea level. Tourists climb upstairs, going through a thin boardwalk, bonded rusty nails, while holding the chain, which is done right in the rock. There is also an insurance that apparently does not give much confidence that does not give a lot of confidence, since there is a huge abyss below, and the insurance resembles a straw for which the drowning is enough. And so, slowly, "sticking" to the rock, you need to go from the beginning to the end of the route, and still go back. At the end of the route there is no exit, you need to return back 😉

Another video about the death trail on Mount Huashan:

I look at the Huashan Cliffside Path in Huashan Cliffside Path) and adrenaline is enough for the most liver, despite the fact that you are at a computer. I imagine that people feel in place feel. Judging by the reports on the Internet, there are people who having made one step further, they cannot move on either a centimeter, their hands and legs are grown from horror and take them carefully with a pedestrian route.

By the way, while I studied the materials on this route, there was a natural question: "And someone from there with a parachute jumped or?". If you know something on this issue, let me know in the comments, please.

The cost of the attraction of the pedestrian route Huashan: 30 yuan (about 160 rubles).
Interest: 9.0 out of 10 (captures the Spirit, and it seems to me that it is a serious test for strength for those who are afraid of heights).

Text - Adventure Lovers (C)

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Where does fear of death come from and how to stop afraid of death? Extreme attraction "Cell of Death" in Darwin (Australia)
Lying Buddha on Mount Taju, or Personal End of Light

During a trip to Central China, I advise you to visit one of the five sacred mountains of Chinese Taoism - Huàshān Mountain (Huàshān), located in the province of Shaanxi, about 123 km east of the city of Xi'an.

This mountain consists of five main peaks (vertices) - northern, eastern, southern, western and central, by type resembling flower. Hence, she got its name: "Hua" - a flower, and Shan "- Mountain.

Huashan has a great religious value in China and is the object of mass pilgrimage of supporters of Taoism. In addition, it is famous for its amazing rocky landscapes, as well as monasteries, pagodas, temples, caves, and very dangerous lifts to the heights.

You can climb the mountain Huashan as on foot from the town of the same name below (there are two pedestrian routes) and on the funicular (to the north peak). Usually, pilgrims climb only on foot and spend the night on one of the vertices, and the next day all five peaks bypass.

In general, in order to get on foot to any of the five peaks, you first need to go up to the north peak, the lowest (1614 meters). As mentioned above, it can be reached by two routes:

The first is the traditional and most popular route "Hua Shan Yu", designed in the 3-4 century of our era. Its length is about 6 km (on average it will take about 5 hours), begins from the village of the town of Huashan.

The second is the new route "Huang Pu Yu", passing parallel to the cableway through the Huang Pu Yu Gorge (Juan Pu Yu).

From the northern vertex, a number of narrow paths are departed, which can be reached by four other vertines - Western (height 2038 m), central (2042 m), Eastern (2100 m) and southern (2154 m). Until 1998, it was the only option to get to other vertices, but then in the east of the mountains built it alternative. The new path is enveloped by the ridge and branches up a few paths leading to the tops of the mountain.

Eastern peak is considered the best place to observe sunrise. Next to him is the "Cave of Dawn", near which tourists usually break the tents. From the top there is a narrow path, literally hung over the precipice, at the end it is a small pagoda. Here is an approximate sunrise time:

Spring: 05:00 - 06:00

Summer: 04:30 - 5:20

Autumn: 05:00 - 5:20

Winter: 5:30 - 06:00

By the way, most peaks have guest houses, where you can stay in a separate room (from 120 USD per night) and in rooms for 4-20 people (from 20 to 40 USD per person). Not cheap, but the pleasure of meeting the dawn on the height of a bird's flight is worth it. Please note that guest houses are not landscaped (no water supply, toilets outside) and not heated, including in winter.

Another thirty years ago, Huashan Mountain was a place of privacy for hermites, but the last two decades she gained popularity among tourists (for which they even built a cable car), and not only at pilgrims, but also from extreme lovers.

Very cool lifts, dangerous narrow trails and suspended bridges - it is because of them, the routes to the tops of Huashan are called "death paths" and "the most dangerous paths in the world", they are attracted here to ripped nerves here.

The peak of the tourist season on Mount Huashan falls for the period from May to October, but the most beautiful time to visit is September. In the winter months, the mountain is open for visiting, but, nevertheless, this is the most successful time for walking.

Tourists usually get to the Huashan mountain from the nearby city of Xian, located 120 kilometers. From Xiane to the town of Huashan, there are buses (35 yuan one way, in the season they want from 6 am, travel time for 2 hours). From here to the eastern or Western gate of the Huashan National Park, where the mountain is located, you can take a taxi (10 USD for the car). Cable car - 80 yuan one way, 150 - back. The entrance to the territory of the National Park is also paid - 180 yuan per person.

On Earth, it remains less and less than the places where the leg of man did not go. In particular, they (these very legs) got to the sheer slopes of Mount Huashan. And since it didn't work around the mountain, it was necessary to lay a real death path on its slope.

Where is the mountain Huashan

Mountain itself is located approximately in the center of China, 120 kilometers east of the city of Xi'an, in the province of Shaanxi. Just 20 kilometers to the northeast you can see the bending of the famous Yellow River Juanhe.

Geographic coordinates 34.477797, 110.084682

Mount Huashan

Briefly should be said directly about Huashan Mount. This is the western mountain of the five Great Mountains of China. In fact, the mountain has several peaks. Initially, it was classified as a mountain with three vertices, but it is considered now that she has five peaks. The highest - southern peak with a height of 2,54.5 meters (according to other data height of 2 160 meters).

At the top of the mountain there is a tea room, which is actually one of many Taoist temples located on the five vertices constituting the mountain Huashan. Given that the first inhabitants of this region were monks and a ascetic lifestyle, their daily meditation was accompanied by a cup of tea.

Thus, gradually the temple became a tea, which thousands of tourists visit annually. But it's not so easy to get to this secluded place. The tea vertex of the mountain is located on its south side, at an altitude of 2155 meters. Having passed along the path of death, you can get to the top.

Trail of death

Many people annually go to conquer one of the most dangerous pedestrian routes in the world. No wonder it is called the death path. It consists of steady stairs and boards born to stones. Each step of this road is accompanied by a powerful emission of adrenaline from any person.

The road to the top begins with a large staircase called "Heavenly Staircase". At first glance, she leads to the sky. This is a kind of climbing clouds, as it is unrealistic to see where the steps end, and there are thousands there.

Heavenly staircase

On the way to the top you can see at home and even small villages. However, the road does not end here. This is only the beginning and most affordable part of the journey. As soon as you find yourself on the south side of the mountain, you will find one of the most dangerous routes in the world.

This part of the path is made of thin boards, which are fixed on the mountainside. To preserve the balance, you must hold on the chains, also fixed on the slopes. Sometimes you can use small holes in the rock. There are practically no security tools.

We think that when (and if) you will reach the end of the way, tea on the top of the mountain in aggregate with adrenaline will be incredibly tasty.

Someone overcomes a crazy path only to prove to themselves something or ripping nerves (for himself and relative). But in the world there are the most real road of the death of Jungas. People use it only because another path is simply not.

Myth about the trail of death

Many sources argue that the death path is the only way to the top of the Huashan Mountain. But it is not. In fact, the top can be inserted easier ways. 2 Cable roads lead respectively on two vertices of the mountain. And death path is only another attraction on the expanses of the subway. But the attraction is really dangerous. Visiting the trail of death paid.

Crowds of tourists storm the death path

Recently, various security systems are being introduced, for example, safety cables.
Be that as it may, the death trail unequivocally deserves attention, at least for the species that open with it.

Do not forget to visit the legendary terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shihuandi. It is located about 70 kilometers west of death path, not far from Xi'an

This staircase can be found on the death path

For those who were bored with monotonous tourist programs with a visit to various monotonous temples and an infinite number of museums, there is an excellent alternative, for real extremes: this is a death path on Huashan's mountain in Si'an City Shanxi Province.

This trail is located at an altitude of about 2,000 meters on the sacred mountain Huashan having five vertices in the form of resembling petals, the highest peak - the southernmost height of 2154 meters from the sea level, the lowest northern peak of 1614.9.

How to get on top

On the mountain you can get in two ways there are two inputs, one entrance from the westwhich is equipped with a cable car and climb on top only on it (the cost of lifting one end costs 140 yuan, it is about $ 20), the cost of the bus that will take you to 3 $.

Second entrance from the northHere there is also a cable car, but it costs a little cheaper than 120 yuan in both directions. But also there is a hiking route with steps carved in the rock, and rope bridges. But the path will not just take you about 6-8 hours on the rise.

What is the death trail

On the top, it opens simply amazing views of the mountains and nature of China.

The path on the mountain Huashan is a very popular tourist place both at visitors from other countries and the Chinese themselves. Therefore, a decent line is very often created, so get ready for at least 20-30 minutes to simultaneously in it. (Maybe of course you are lucky, and you will pass it, but we are not lucky).

Although the photographs of the death path looks awesome, it is almost safe, since before starting you are given a special safety ammunition (belts and cable with a carbine total value of about 30 yuan is 4 bucks approximately).

After you get an ammunition and give out our things to the storage chamber (so that I would accidentally lose them while walking along the trail at the bottom).

We'll have to wait a little more, since the trails have only one end and you can return from there just the same way, trying to rear with people going back to you at the meeting.

Only after that you can go on the road. The trail begins with a descent on the metal pile of pile of stone.

In the bottom you will be celebrated by a Chinese who will help you preclude carabiners from one cable to another.

Somewhere in the middle of the way, in the hole in the rock is a booth where you can make first-class photos, but if you have a phone with you, you will not need the main thing. Do not drop your gadget at the bottom. The Chinese say that this happens very often maybe they do to sell their photos, but it is better to be restrained.

The time route lasts only 15-20 minutes. Rising to the top you can see a small sacred altar and a beautiful landscape opening from the mountain Huashan.

Be sure to visit the death path, get new emotions and enjoy the views of the surrounding nature.

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