How to hand over an apartment so as not to be deceived. Dangerous rent

What is worth paying attention to and what needs to be checked before leaving the apartment:

  1. Only the owner of this housing can take housing Or a person by proxy.
  2. The price that is significantly lower than the average rental prices should alert. Low price is the most common trap for gullible tenants.
  3. Intermediary's requirement to pay urgently Or, it is also an indicator of the uncleanness of the agent. Those realtors who are not going to deceive customer in advance will never demand money forward.

How to rent an apartment not deceived

  1. Check out the documents confirming the ownership of the owner at housing. Moreover, it is necessary to watch only the original of the documents, and not their copies, the copies are not difficult to fake. Ask the owner to show you a certificate of ownership. You can also see the contract of sale, a donation agreement, privatization agreement, on the basis of which the right to the owner passed the right to her. Very well, if the owner of the apartment will provide you with the USRP.If there is no such extract or something is alarming you, ask the owner to wait a few days, and order such an extract yourself. This can be done in any district branch of the Registration Chamber or in the Multifunction Center.
  2. Check the owner's passport. Remove the copy from the passport or take a picture to the phone. And pay attention to the fact that the information in the right-ending documents of the ownership of the apartment should coincide with the passport data (FI. Series, number).
  3. Ask the owner, whether he is in a registered marriage. If the apartment has been acquired during a marriage - it is considered shared by the property and to lease it, the owner must enlist the consent of the spouse (s). Consent must be notarized. The same applies to the case if the apartment is in overall joint ownership, for example, belongs to two brothers, or mother with his daughter. In any case, the consent of all owners of housing is necessary. Consent can be expressed in a power of attorney or registered in the rental agreement itself, where the signatures of all apartment owners will stand.
  4. Ask to show a house book or a certificate of family composition. So you will learn who is registered in the apartment. Remember that persons registered in the residential premises have the right to unhindered to enter and use this premises. If you do not want unexal guests to break at night, speak in advance in the contract that persons registered in the apartment at the time of your lease agreement will not live in this room. Also, take written consent to your accommodation.
  5. Talk to your neighbors. Explaining to them that you are going to rent this apartment, ask them to tell you who lived in the apartment, how often the tenants changed, do they know the owners in the face. The more information you collect about housing, the better you will imagine all possible risks associated with rent.

For renting apartments for rent:

  1. Safer to remove directly by the ownerIn order not to run into scammers.
  2. Remove the agency or a firm that is specially done by this. The organization must have an agreement with the owner of the apartment, which gives the right to give it or power of attorney from the owner. But it happens that the apartment is owned by the company itself and this is the best option.

Brief tips novice tenants:

  1. Always carefully read the terms of the contract, Check the data of the contract with the documents submitted.
  2. For any payment, demand from the owner written receipt or mark on payment in the contract.
  3. Before renting an apartment, learn existing ads on the Internet.To remove the average rental price for real estate.
  4. Do not share with respect to very low prices for removable housing.Most likely, the fraud lies behind it.
  5. Remember your rights and responsibilities, After all, the owner is waiting for counter-decency from you.
  6. Take care and keep propertyIn the apartment, if you spoil it, you will have to compensate for damage.

How to make a lease agreement correctly?

  1. must be concluded only in writing and signed by both parties - a hide and tenant. Ideally, the contract is better notarially assured. But few of the owners agree to spend money on the notary services and the payment of state duty.
  2. Specify the term of the contract, rental price, date and frequency of payments (once a month, quarter). How payment is made, for the current month or a month ahead.
  3. Fix accurate features of the apartment: Address, floor, area, to whom on the right of ownership, how many owners.
  4. In the text of the Treaty, make it up to the guidelines for the documentsconfirming the right of ownership, reflect the passport data of all parties, address of their registration.

Another mandatory document, together with the contract, is an act of acceptance and transmission, which is signed at the time of the transfer of keys and settlement. In the act, be sure to describe in detail the condition of the residential premises located in it furniture, household appliances. If something is listed in non-working condition or you have no comments, specify it in the act.

Also, on the day of the transfer of the apartment, remove the testimony of accounting devices in the presence of the host and fix them in the act. Ask, for what rates are paid utility services and discuss the terms of their payment. You can pay them on your own or refund the cost of the cost and include them in the cost of renting housing.

Often, when contacting agency, realtors offer the client to conclude a contract not to find a specific apartment, but on information services. Under the terms of such a contract, the client provides only a list of potential apartments with addresses and owner phones.

As a rule, by calling the specified numbers, the client learns that half of these apartments has already been handed over or surrendered at a price much higher than it was stated in the contract. Because if you add to the agency, demand that the contract specifically indicated which services will have an intermediator. He must find an apartment for you in a specific area.

Agencies, relevant to their reputation, will never require paying services in advance. The moment of payment should be defined only after you have found an apartment that you wanted and strictly after signing the lease agreement and transfer the keys.

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The article tells how to rent an apartment for rent in order not to be deceived, explains the subtleties of the contract.

If you are interested in how to remove accommodation, you need to pay attention to who gives it. Private traders most often deceive citizens in the field of rental housing. But, entering into a contract with a legal entity, you can also be broken.

Important! If you need to rent an apartment, you should pay attention to the terms of the contract. Fraudsters can take money from customers and include in the contract the condition for the provision of information services. This means that a citizen has nothing but information for his money.

The company can simply advise who wants to rent housing, but does not guarantee the conclusion of the contract.

There is another scheme, how to deceive citizens in St. Petersburg and other cities. Lease conditions change after signing the contract. Other residents are hired to the employer or there are no elementary amenities: no hot water, broken elevator, etc.

It happens that in St. Petersburg or in Moscow at all surrender an alien apartment, and the owner does not know about it. When the owner detects the subtle, the scandal will be inevitable.

How to rent an apartment for rent without cheating

You need to pay attention to who reserves accommodation. A company that provides services must be registered in the form of LLC or IP. Also working can on the basis of a patent. If the question is how to rent an apartment for a day solves a privately operating officer, then, most likely, it will be fraudsters.

It is better to go around the part of those sites that take an additional fee for their work. Some housing rental sites give their visitors additional bonuses.

If there are very beautiful photos of housing for an inexpensive price, the announcement is also better to bypass the side. You can punch information by photo. To do this, the picture is copied and inserted into Google Images. There will immediately be seen where the photo was already lit.

When a person takes off housing, then for viewing with it can not take fees. The very fact of settlement and the cost of daily residence is paid. Some firms specialize on the fact that money is taken for displaying housing. So slowly accumulates a decent amount.

Payment scheme

You need to pay only after the decision is made about the transaction.

2 payment options:

  • transfer of funds when concluding a transaction;
  • payment when booking through the site.

If the booking is done through the site, the property owner will receive cash only on the fact of settlement.

How to rent an apartment in Moscow without cheating

You can successfully rent the metropolitan housing if you follow the instructions:

  1. Do not believe the first announcement of the announcement disclined at train stations or written on asphalt.
  2. Search for housing a few days before arriving in the capital.
  3. Collect maximum accommodation information that is planned to book.
  4. Book in advance through a proven agency.
  5. You need to call the owners and collect information if you plan to shoot a living space without intermediaries for a day.
  6. Choose housing, which is within walking distance from the subway. Distances in Moscow are large, if you rent a room away from the subway, it will also have to get on the minibus. Given the transportation load, the distance to the apartment will increase significantly.
  7. Carefully explore the lease agreement. They indicate the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as responsibility for their failure. Renting daily accommodation, a person does not intend to take a teapot with him, microwave. Because such things should already be in the apartment.
  8. Check if the owner of housing provides the necessary amenities: the presence of hot and cold water, other minimal amenities.

Now there are many options how to remove accommodation. Particularly different in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Where many visitors, there will be more options for accommodation. In addition to renting an apartment, you can consider alternative options for temporary placement.

Where else to find accommodation for rent

Hostels and hotels are an alternative to daily apartments. Book a room directly through the site or by phone. There are many sites that work like intermediaries. There is a detailed information on accommodation, prices, photos of rooms. It is convenient that directly on the site can be found with the reviews of real visitors. After that, to make a decision, it is worth setting out or not.

Some hotels and hostels work only on prepayment. Others simply simply call in advance and pay accommodation already on the fact of settlement. Cash is transferred directly to the owner of the hotel, then the hotel is already receiving the keys from its number.

There are house hostels. The usual housing is rebuilt under the mini-hotel. Do everything you need to temporarily accommodate guests. In such a hostel you can feel no less comfortable than at home.

The room can be chosen for every taste and wallet. It all depends on financial capabilities. You can choose a room that will cost more than rent apartments. In addition, various shares are often held, which is reported by the mediator website, and rent housing with the benefits of the wallet.

No desire to make a prepayment? Call the phone specified on the site, and agree with the host's owner of the settlement. After the number inspection, you can already adopt a weighted solution, it is worth paying it or not.

If the housing is needed for a day, then rental rooms in the hostel is a reliable and affordable option.


  1. There are several options how to remove accommodation for a short time. It is necessary to carefully read the terms of the contract and familiarize yourself with the reviews before giving money.
  2. It is not worth believing the first thing that the announcement. You need to pay personally to the owner or a proven housing rental agency.

You can avoid all the wires with the search for an apartment, if the first thing tolerate all your friends about what is looking for an apartment. Most often friends, relatives, can recommend you your friend who gives accommodation.

Rent an apartment through friends is convenient, as there is a confidence that they do not deceive. But such an opportunity is far from many. Therefore, consider the next step.

But remember that you should not hang friendship to business relationships. This can lead to a completely unexpected turn of events.

What needs to be done before the search for apartments?

First of all, you need to decide on the budget. It should be understood that for a low board it is impossible to get better accommodation. It is necessary to find a middle for myself and repel from it when searching for.

Nuances that need to be thought out in advance:

  • District. That is, look for accommodation in a convenient place. In walking distance infrastructure, transport junction. To work out these moments, open the map and pave the routes (below the map example). Yes, and before work or study, you also need to get on time. Remember this.
  • Apartment parameters. Think what the size of the apartment should be. It is logical that the larger the area, the higher the cost of rent. Most often, one-bedroom apartment for one person is more than enough.
  • Repairs. You need to know what the apartment should be equipped, what the condition of the cranes should be, toilet bowls. After all, it is nice to live in a neat apartment with normal repairs, which was last held not 20 years ago.
  • Furniture and household appliances. Most often, the supplied apartments are adapted to accommodation. But sometimes it is better to talk in advance with the owners of the apartment and learn about the availability of a particular instrument.

Let us sum up: when choosing a removable apartment, the most important thing is comfort, security, adequate terms of the contract.

Remember that the formulation of the "apartment in good condition" can hide various troubles. For someone, a good condition is windows without cracks, a good shower, but at the same time the holes in the ceiling, the faulty plumbing system is not taken into account. That is, make sure the help of the housing personally.

How to find an apartment without intermediaries - 3 reliable ways

For resilts, 3 reliable ways are devoted to the resistant to seek housing:

  • Through the Internet.
  • With newspapers and magazines.
  • Through ads.

These ways are available for everyone, because even grandmothers have smartphones. Consider each method separately. After all, under them hide their pros and cons.

Announcements on the Internet

At the moment, almost every person has the possibility of accessing the Internet. The global network has a lot of free sites on which ads are published for removal, delivery, buying and selling housing. There are divisions on parameters, type and cost of housing.

First of all, you need to find exactly the owners and exclude intermediaries. On some resources (their majority), for example, on the bulletin board "Avito" there is information about who rent an apartment. But even this "tick" is not 100% guaranteed that you will bloom on the owner. Therefore, be alert.

Sometimes intermediaries write in the ads that they are owners. Therefore, by phone, ask clarifying questions to accurately deal with the owner.

There are even moments for which you can identify an intermediary:

  • Intermediaries do not put forward any requirements for removals: nationality, the presence of children and domestic animals, the number of people who will live in the apartment. For them, the main task is to quickly shove the apartment and get your percentage. But the owners do not like to give accommodation to anyone.
  • Intermediaries do not pay attention to the timing of the lease. The owners are interested in long-term lease.
  • Agents are little familiar with the apartment itself. The owners know everything about their apartment and can answer all your questions quickly.
  • Owners are not trying to learn your data when you first call. Intermediaries first work will begin to recognize personal data to replenish the client base.

Social networks also help users rent an apartment. There are many public biblies and groups by cities in which owners post their ads. But here you should be kept vigilance. Remember that any prepayment and speech can not be on the inspection of housing and the conclusion of the contract.

Search for housing in VK:

Newspapers and magazines

In newspapers and magazines there are whole columns that are devoted to housing. Most often to such a way, the owners of the elderly are resorted.

You can choose the most attractive ads and contact the owner.

If you have time and you liked some particular proposal, just wait. It happens that in a week the owners reduce the rental cost.

The minus of this method is obvious: the search will go for some time, as you need to spend it on the view of the apartments.

Do not rush, because it is important for you to choose the most advantageous offer. Check out all the ads, then the confidence that you found the best will appear.


If you are looking for in some particular place (area) accommodation, you can go there and find ads on entrances or stands.

You will spend a lot of time on this, but you can find really inexpensive accommodation in the right place for you. Often such ads push the people of old age.

If you found such an ad, do not rush to stop searching. Now you need to make sure the content of the announcement and in the adequacy of the owners.

Instructions for housing

Consider step by step instructions, without which you can not do when removing housing:

  • Find the best option for you. At the same time, rely on the area in which you will be more convenient for living and what your apartment should be. This will allow you to save time in search.
  • Sign in contact with the landlord. During the conversation, find out all the nuances that you are interested. Specify the state of the apartment, the availability of furniture, the Internet, for what period is the accommodation for rent, who pays utility services. Also try to find out from the contact person, it has documents confirming property rights.
  • Consider a meeting. Inspection of the apartment is the key to your calm in the future. Specify all your questions. Check the devices for health (refrigerator, stove, TV and other). If something does not work, notify the owner. It is advisable to reflect all faulty devices in the contract.
  • Enclose the lease agreement. At the same time you need to fix the meter indicators.

4 simple steps to follow each. A little attentiveness and you get what you want.

Rent contract

How it would not seem amazing, many do not know what should be prescribed in the lease agreement. At the same time, your well-being and calm depends on this. Therefore, this topic will determine the section.

Many sign a lease document without reading it. This is categorically impossible to do this. Agreement needs to be read from start to the end. If there is such an opportunity, show the contract by the lawyer.

Not all the tenants have extra money to go to a lawyer, so consider here the main items that exactly need to pay attention to:

  • Payment, prepayment, pledge: the amount of payment, what date is paid by which method.
  • Actions in case of delayed rental payment (it is important that you are responsible only if the delay of payment happened in your fault).
  • Responsibility of the leased and the landlord. It will be reasonable to know who is responsible for.
  • Accommodations.
  • Payment of utility services.
  • Actions in case of early termination of the contract.

It is important to pay attention to increasing the cost of the lease. Practice in advance that per year the landlord may increase the board 1 time and 10% (this is for those who remove housing for a long time).

Even if you remove the apartment for a couple of days, conclude a contract anyway. It is necessary for a class to not overpay and not get into trouble.

Information that should be reflected in the lease agreement:

  • Treaty for ownership.
  • Extract their EGRN at housing. This document is the only evidence of ownership.
  • Host passport or apartment owners.
  • Extract from the passport table with information about the faces that are also spelled out in the house.

You still need to register the condition of the house:

  • Doors.
  • Window.
  • Kitchen.
  • Furniture.
  • Technics.
  • Lighting.
  • Walls, floors.

When departing, these moments are taken into account, you will not be able to require an extra charge.

Denote this item priority. The contract is a document that, in case of what needs to be used as protection. Including from cases where the owner turns the borders (declares you at any time, cleans the refrigerator, noise and so on).

Counter readings

At the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to pay attention to the indicators of the counter. Why do you need to pay debts of previous tenants? And it does not matter whose debts.

If there are debts on utilities, it is important to reflect their size in the contract. It is important to determine the amount that the owner will pay in connection with the debt.

Rental of luxury housing

If you are interested in not just housing and rent, but elite accommodation, you will need to know additional recommendations. After all, elite accommodation must comply with the status. We learn what the status is explained.

When removing luxury housing, you must pay attention to the following:

  • Location. Luxury real estate is most often in historically important areas (this fact contributes to the value).
  • Street. The attention is necessary to pay not only for infrastructure, but on the prestige and quality of service.
  • House. Remember that the luxury is considered the buildings, erected 7-10 years ago. These are new buildings, club houses. It is important that there are no more than 30 apartments in the complex, otherwise it is not luxury housing.
  • Neighbors. If celebrities will live in the neighborhood with you, the cost of housing will increase.

Find elite housing is not easy. If you are in a hurry and do not want to spend time (at the same time you have money), you better contact the realtors. Since the ads on the Internet on this topic is not enough, and you do not want to go to the real estate, the best way to search is a srangian radio.

Pledge is one of the nuances when removing housing. Since it is charged immediately three or four months ahead.

It is also important to comply with the terms of the contract, as the fines are the fairly high

The rental agreement for luxury housing can be compiled in a standard order. But most often the owners make up individual contracts, relying on their requirements and wishes.

Without the help of a lawyer, it is not worth entering the contract. Since the items of the contract should not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation (otherwise they have no legal force).

Relationship with owners

Have you already decided where and who has to rent an apartment? It is perfectly! Just remember that with the owner you need to be friendly, while maintaining a distance.

Always keep calm. Even if in the future the owner will suddenly increase the rent, it is not necessary to react violently. After all, a constructive built dialogue will allow you to solve any questions in your favor.

But at the same time not to express excessive friendliness to the owner. Do not give gifts or often invite to tea drinking. Just show yourself a responsible landlord.

And a little we will pay attention to your attitude to the apartment. Not everyone feels like at home in a removable apartment. And in vain. After all, you pay a lot of money. Do not be afraid in the case of something to cause plumbing once or to nail the shelf.

Those who are not all as well as where their money is sent can familiarize themselves with 10 tips from specialists who will help them in the future:

  • Tip 1. By all means, check the availability of documents on housing. This is an elementary recommendation, but not everyone follows it. And then it turns out that you did not give the owner with housing, but his relative. Or worse: a completely someone else's owner, a fraudster.
  • Tip 2. Be sure to conclude a lease agreement. All real estate operations require documentary confirmation. It does not matter what time you rent an apartment. Anyway, enter into an agreement in which all significant moments are prescribed.
  • Tip 3. If the owner of the house or agents refuse for any reason to enter into an agreement, switch to other options.
  • Tip 4. Before contacting this or that company of realtors, check it on reliability. Even outwardly calm and adequate people may be fraudsters. Collaborating with the realtor, call his company, find out whether a specific employee is in their company.
  • Tip 5. Only after the conclusion of the contract make payment. If the contract is not yet concluded, and you pass money, you send from nowhere. Do not give in to oral deals.
  • Tip 6. Check the technique at the time of the first inspection of the apartment. This will allow you to understand that you pay money is not just like that.
  • Tip 7. Rate the condition of locks. Their reliability is the key to your safety. If the castle is in a deplorable state, agree with the owner of the change of castles (at his expense, of course).
  • Tip 8. Rate sound insulation. When inspecting housing, few people pay attention to sound insulation. But this is an important point, especially if you get noisy neighbors.
  • Tip 9. Inquire on the availability of parking. This applies to motorists. The safety of the machine is your concern, but it is important that all the conditions have had.
  • Tip 10. The presence of insects. To live in an apartment for a couple with insects is unpleasant and difficult. They are not so easy to get rid of them. Of course, at the first inspection, they will not hurry to meet you. Your task is to inspect the corners and cracks for the presence of insects.

Now there are many agencies offering to pass and rent housing. Intermediaries work with real estate owners, as well as those who want to get it for rent. At the same time, do not everyone know how to properly remove the apartment. Just about this told in the article.

Through the agency

When for the first time, it is necessary to deal with the receipt of real estate for rent, people usually turn to special companies. It is best to choose the organization on the recommendation of relatives or acquaintances. How to remove the apartment through the agency? Experts should find suitable accommodation, so it is important to state your requirements.

Then the appropriate options are selected and meetings are assigned to view housing. Agency specialists must accompany the client in these cases. And when executing the contract, they lead all negotiations. Agency staff advise on issues of interest.

An expert is subject to verification of property documents. If everything is true, then the lease agreement consists, the act of receiving and transmission is drawn up, which contains an inventory of property of housing. Specialist services are usually worth 50-100% of the price of housing for the month.

Varieties of fraud

How to remove the apartment to make the deal to be done by law? It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the common fraudulent actions that should be avoided:

  1. Photos are not real. Especially carefully, it is necessary to treat cases of discrepancies between rental housing and its repair. If luxury interiors are represented in the pictures, and the cost is average or lower than the market, it is likely that these are fraudsters. They can be said that this apartment is handed over, and will recommend another. To check whether the photos from other sites are not taken, the coincidences can be determined using the Google Images service. Lower ads are designed to generate customer base.
  2. The apartment is fictional. It is necessary to observe attentiveness while filling the contracts. It is important to check all the information, even if the transaction is performed using a realtor. Often there are cases when the addresses recorded in the contract does not exist, and people have to pay for rent without housing. In this case, there is the right to terminate the lease agreement unilaterally with the departure of the letter to the Moderator. There are such cases that the customers are provided with the number of landlords, but they do not negotiate and do not accompany.
  3. Paid inspection. No one can demand money for watching housing. If this is offered by the realtor, then he earns so, and the transactions are not interested. Often, passage from small cities and villages come to these tricks.
  4. Secondary housing. Tenants cannot subside or settle temporarily other individuals, as well as take a deposit, fee, commission. How to remove the apartment with the owner? You need to check the documents on the right at housing.
  5. Customer base purchase offer. Wishing to withdraw property offers access to the online database of owners. The realtor can convince that the database update is carried out every day, but after receiving access to it, it will be discovered that the information is obsolete.


How to remove the apartment without intermediaries? To do this, see ads from the owners, and not from real estate companies. If the proposal liked, it is necessary to assign a meeting and inspect the object.

Ads can be sought on the newspapers on the Internet. Also hang them at stops. Although in this case, it also lies a lot of dangers, but still many people do not want to contact the realists.

Pros and cons of hiring without intermediaries

Real estate without attracting intermediaries has advantages and disadvantages. To determine how nevertheless act, you need to explore all sides of the question. An independent shot has the following advantages:

  1. Savings due to the lack of additional spending for mediation.
  2. Joint hiring with friends and dividing payment size.
  3. Bargaining with the owner and a decrease in payment.

All specified points will help save on receiving a detachable apartment a large amount. But minus is the risk of fraud. From other deficiencies allocate:

  1. Difficulties with a search for a suitable apartment.
  2. The probability of conflicts with the landlord.
  3. Risk of eviction.
  4. Lack of guarantees of rights.

Where to looking for?

How to properly rent an apartment by choosing the most suitable options? There are several services that will noticeably facilitate the search:

  1. AVITO and DOMOFOND. This is a rich real estate base of different types and categories. To familiarize yourself with the offered apartments, you need to choose the section "Private" ads. You can specify the number of rooms and the necessary metro stations. You can configure the alerts about new ads.
  2. Yandex. Applyingness. The service allows you to set the maximum number of search conditions. Ads are a bit, but often there are interesting offers.
  3. The Locals, Rent-Rent and other communities in social networks. This is a great option for those who want to rent a room. Often, such sites charge for access to the database. You can search for ads in thematic interest groups.
  4. CYANOGEN. This large base of housing includes many apartments offers. For this intermediaries do not take fees.

Check host

How to make an apartment and for the first time? To do this, check the legal purity of housing. The host should be requested by the following documentation:

  1. Certificate of ownership.
  2. Agreement of ownership.
  3. Passport.
  4. Notarial power of attorney, if the transaction is carried out through the owner's representative.

It is important to check that there is no debt on utility payments. Checking payment receipts and counters for electricity and water is carried out before the conclusion of the contract.

Resolution of owners

If the real estate has several owners, then the consent of all is required (upon reaching 14 years). The employment contract must be the signatures of owners or signature of an authorized person who has a special power of attorney.

When removing the room in a communal apartment it is necessary to resolve neighbors. This is the concerns of the landlord. He must provide a document confirming the right to use this apartment. It will save from probable conflicts.


How to remove the apartment to not be deceived? It is necessary to carefully check the documentation. The lease agreement must include the following information:

  1. F. I. O. and the passport data of the owner, tenant.
  2. Rental fee.
  3. Change conditions for payment.
  4. Number of visits to the owner for verification.
  5. Persons who can live with a tenant.
  6. Deadline.
  7. Terms of termination of the contract.
  8. Location description: address, area, number of rooms.

In each case, the contract is individual, there is no standard form. It is important that he contains the rights and obligations of the parties.

Inventory property

It indicates the property transferred to the tenant for temporary use. Inventory is an application to the contract. It is necessary to include furniture, appliances, linen, kitchenware, dishes, carpets and so on. In case of loss or damage to items that are not specified in the inventory, the owner will not be able to return them.

Acquaintance with neighbors

How to remove the apartment so that there are no unforeseen situations in the future? You should get acquainted with the neighbors. So it turns out to be installed, rightly housing belongs to a specific person. Neighbors can tell who lived before, how often tenants change. If the house is new, you can visit the local boob and find out the name of the owner, as well as other information you are interested in.

Rights and obligations of the parties

According to Russian laws, the stream repair of the room, for example, the taps, dugout wallpaper, or cracked plumbing are repaired at the expense of the landlord. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate that the elimination of the defects of the room should be carried out by the owner of the property, for example, due to the monthly payment.

If this is not fixed in the contract, then the employer will have to independently eliminate the shortcomings. The owner can check the condition of the house, but this does not mean that he may come at any time - you need to agree when, and how contacting will occur.

Rental Rules

How to remove the apartment if you are found a few suitable options? It is important to check the documents, the availability of contact information. The apartment must be connecting to the Internet: you should learn the rules for payment of this service.

During the inspection of the room you need to check the condition of plumbing, electrical wiring. The main thing is that the plugs do not knocked out with the connection of the minimum set of devices. Indoors should not contain cockroaches, bugs and other insects.

How to remove an apartment for a long time? When planning a long stay, you need to specify all the details. Do not hurry. If some shortcomings were identified, it should be found at whose expense will repair and eliminate. It is important to record the rooms of urgent services by solving different problems. It should be resolved with furniture. Since the cost of renting on the market is unstable, it is undesirable to arrange contracts for a long period for a fixed value.

During the signing of the document, the owner of the room transmits a set of keys to be checked. Usually the term of the contract is 1 year without 1 day. This is a short-term lease and reduces the probability of subsidence of co-stageders. To extend the contract, it is necessary to sign an agreement a month before the expiration.

Since I already lived in a rented apartment and just wanted to find a better option, I had a lot of time to understand the widespread tricks and tricks of agents for renting apartments. And they were not so little. Unreal photos, non-existent apartments and more serious divorces with louse money.

In some of them I was convinced myself, I know about others from the words of people who were lucky less and who gave their money fraudsters.

Failure photos

This is the first divorce with which I encountered. Without believing too cool photos of inexpensive apartments, I decided to check them in searching Google by pictures. And not mistaken.

Excellent apartment in the center of Kharkov

It turns out an apartment in the center of Barcelona

Most often, such apartments do not even require verification using Google. The ratio of price and quality in them initially looks untrue.

The meaning of the divorce.You call on this ad, and either the apartment is already prone and you are offered another option, or ask a small amount of money for looking at the Apancement Apartments. Is it worth saying that you should immediately send these people in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin their apartment?

Non-existent apartments

With this trick, I suffered most. The bulletins of the bulletin board are quite high-quality apartments, but after the call at the specified number it turns out that the apartment has already been handed over. I could not understand for a long time, what is the essence of such a deception, until I accidentally went into the profile of one of the "owners" of the apartment.

Too many apartments for one owner

The meaning of the divorce.After you say that the apartment has already been handed over, two junction can be followed: you immediately offer another apartment or your number gets into the database, and you are called the next day from another number to offer the agency services.

Prepayment for watching apartments

Never, remember, never let the money for watching the apartments or for the services before you met with the owner of the apartment and concluded a deal.

On the appointed day you can is free come and see apartment. The same applies to the agency services. What makes you meaning to pay the agent for his services, if you have not yet concluded a contract with the owner of the apartment?

The meaning of the divorce.Divorced works on the principle of "little, but often." They ask a small amount of money in advance and then disappear along with it.

Realcut the apartment

With this problem, I was collided by my friend who leases an apartment for rent. Having passed the apartment with a young guy on one day and come for the key the next day, she discovered an elderly couple in the apartment, moved from another city.

According to the words of the elderly, it turned out that they found an apartment for long-term accommodation on the site a few days before and turned to the specified number. They were offered to see the apartment in one day and to immediately move. When they came, the young man showed them housing, took the money for the first and last month, gave the keys and evaporated. Perhaps the most unpleasant divorce from all.

The meaning of the divorceobvious.

Contract with the Agency

The last mistake, which can be allowed when I eating an apartment is the conclusion of the contract not with the owners of the apartment. The agency in which you will come may be unreal with what a considerable number of people faced. By concluding a contract with the agency and receiving (or not received) the key, you fall into the amount of money, which is equal to two months of rent, and the office in which the agency was located, the next day no longer works.

The meaning of the divorce.Remove the office for a couple of days, get money from several people and disappear.


Here are some tips that will help not get into the unpleasant situation:

  1. Check the apartment carefully before calling the owner or agent. Do not forget about Google Images and your intuition. If you see that the apartment is too good for your money, most likely it is a divorce. But you can call and make sure that yourself.
  2. Do not let any money before you meet with the owners of the apartment. Paid Looking, Advance Agent and Prepayment - All this is only banal ways to divorce you for money.
  3. Contract the contract only with the owner of the apartment. He should have a passport and documents on the right of ownership.
  4. Enter in Google request "black list of landlords". You will show you a whole selection of sites with a list of unscrupulous landlords.

That's all. I hope you will not fall into the paws to deceivers. And if you already got, tell us about your experience.