Where is the Russian bridge. Five years Russian bridge: History, technology and myths about Vladivostok Construction Building

A large scandal risking to grow into corruption, flared up in Vladivostok. There, because of the rain, the bridge was literally crumbled, which is a portion of the road, on the construction of which 29 billion budget rubles was allocated. According to local residents, the rain was quite ordinary - "average intensity", which means the bridge collapsed due to a construction defect. The reasons for such rapid destruction of a large infrastructure facility built to APEC summit are still to be established, but now it can be assumed that the case, most likely, in the premiumbery of the general contractor, corruption and devoting officials, as was the case with the infamous "dancing bridge" In Volgograd.

"Just light rain"

As it turned out, the soil under the newly constructed portion of the track. During the day, the ground under the road continued to shifted down, and it may continue in the case of expected in Vladivostok in the upcoming weekend rains.

As a result, several tons of soil buried garages with vehicles inside and, presumably one boat: the road passes almost along the shore of the Bay of Patrole.

"When there stood, really heard the wire burst and stones crunch," a local resident writes about the situation on the Internet forum. - terribly and scary. Children there forbade walking towards the sea. "

"But it was just a light rain of average intensity for two days," reports another eyewitness.

Local deputies paid attention to the situation with the route. "I was on the site of a landslide," Alexander Yurtayev, Alexander Yurtayev, told PRIMAMEDIA agency. - My point of view: The wall builders tried to make more vertical due to garages below. The track itself is straight, there are almost no lavety on it, and it turns out that the entire flow of water flows just towards the Gabion grid. And it was still weak rain. And if the ordinary seaside Typhoon is charged? Asphalt should be laid with a slight inclination in the opposite direction so that water leaves. And the slope itself should be planted with grass and turpentine to hold the stone laying. This expensive we actually cut off the passage to the beach. But the road could be started differently, through Sakhalin, and then the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe microdistrict would be preserved. Unfortunately, the situation has emerged emergency. Now, to remove the consequences, you will have to shoot more than 40 meters of asphalt, as the emptiness under it, and do everything in a new one. "

Local residents turned with a collective letter to the Governor of the region, Vladimir Miklushevsky, since, in their opinion, the construction of the road almost destroyed the beach, turned into a rocky desert.

Retained wall installed right on the garage

Representatives of the General Contractor, which built this section of the road, CJSC Pacific Most-Building Company (TMK) stated that the eight-kilometer portion of the highway on which the soil collapse occurred was to surrender only on July 1, but citizens of citizens could move on it, because it "It was convenient for them, and everyone closed her eyes."

Now the movement on the unfinished section of the track is blocked by a bunch of soil, full after the incident. The asphalt is covered with large faults and cracks over several tens of meters. Use this part of the road Local residents are now afraid. At the same time, the spokesman for TMK Olga Zarubina assured the Gazeta.ru portal that the incident would not affect the deadlines for the commissioning of the route.

As the local resident named journalists, by the name Alexey, the cause of the landslus could be the fact that the builders began to install the gabions of the retaining wall right to the roof of his garage. According to a man, he warned the Proba that the garages for 40 years and they may not withstand. However, the builders did not pay attention to his remark.

In CJSC, TMK stated that the causes of the landslide finds out the special commission and they will be called later. It is clear that the rains continued in Vladivostok from June 9 were clear that one of the main reasons for the incident.

"The ground in the first few months after the construction of the road is very unstable and exposed to breaking under abundant moisture, the President of the Association of Road Research Organizations Oleg Skvortsov commented on the situation. - When the ground turns into the grass and stabilizes, it is difficult to move the ground mass. It is difficult to say, for what reason the accident occurred. Could and designers make mistakes, and builders, but here you need to deal with the situation in place. "

Who will refund material damage to the owners of garages and will refund him at all, while it is unknown. According to unofficial information, the garages were on the slope under the road illegally, so the locals can only count on payments for the cars buried under the ground.

The route of the village of New - Peninsula De Friz - Sedanka - Bay of Patrokl with a length of 42 km should connect the airport of Vladivostok and the bridge to the island of Russian. According to builders, thanks to the fact that the road will be a "continuous movement", that is, without traffic lights and ground pedestrian crossings, travel time from the airport to the island, which has always occupied at least one and a half hours, will be reduced to 20 minutes. The highway was planned to be commissioned in 2011, but the deadlines were revised. On the construction of an object from the budget allocated 29 billion rubles.

Everybody dance

Note, last year the scandal broke out around another bridge - in Volgograd. It was erected for 13 years, the object cost a budget of 12.3 billion rubles. The bridge was opened for movement in October 2009, and in May the next to the bridge, strong fluctuations began to be observed, because of which the locals were danced by "dancing". Movement on the site was blocked.

During the investigation of the causes of the oscillations, it turned out that corruption was the cause of the occurrence: violations were identified by 152 million rubles, and the project was more expensive than its true value by 1.5 billion rubles. Thus, during the control event it was established that the administration of the Volgograd region was committed a significant increase in expenses for the separation of citizens from the construction zone. The share of such expenses in the estimated cost of construction increased from 2.9% to 9.1% and exceeded 1.1 billion rubles.

In November last year it was reported that experts strengthened the "Dancing Bridge" with respect to the oscillations. The cost of work amounted to 112 million rubles.

"We can now guarantee the safety of the movement on the bridge. We are now sure that a bridge, as it was on May 20 last year, will no longer "rush," the then governor of the Anatoly Brovko region said to journalists.

Based on:

The construction of the bridge on the island of Russian is carried out under the subprogramme "Development of the city of Vladivostok as a center for international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region."

The bridge on the Russian island will be one of the largest guy bridges in the world, the central span of which in length 1104 m will be a record in world painting practice.
This bridge will have the highest pylon, and the longest guys.

Bridge parameters:

  • Bridge circuit: 60 + 72 + 3x84 + 1104 + 3x84 + 72 + 60 m
  • The total length of the bridge - 1885.53 m
  • Overall with overpass - 3100 m
  • Length of the central channel span - 1104 m
  • Total width of the roadway - 21 m
  • Number of traffic strips - 4 (2 in each direction)
  • Podmost Gabritis - 70 m
  • Pylon height - 324 m
  • The longest / short guy - 579.83 / 135.771 m

    The design of the bridge is determined on the basis of two main factors:

    • The shortest distance along the water area at the place of intersection of the bridge - 1460 meters. The depths of the fairway reach 50 meters.
    • The construction area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge transition is characterized by complex climatic conditions: temperature difference from -31 to +37 degrees, the speed of the storm wind is up to 36 m / s, the height of the storm wave is up to 6 meters, in winter, ice formation is a thickness of up to 70 centimeters.

    Construction of reinforced concrete pylon

    Under each of the two 320 meter pylons of the bridge, 120 boronobiling piles are arranged (on the pylon M-7 on the part of the Russian island - with an unetected metal shell).

    Concretion of pylons is performed using the original self-lifting formwork by the invipres of 4.5 meters. On the first three invigs, a crane uses, then the formwork begins to move independently due to the hydraulic movement of modular elements.

    Bridge pylons A-shaped, so the use of standard formwork is impossible. A separate set is mounted for each pilon.

    The transition by type of section is performed in the level of jumpers at 66.26 and 191.48 meters.

    The use of self-lifting formwork makes it possible to improve the quality and reduce the timing of the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures by one and a half times.

    At an altitude of 189 m begins the zone of the attachment of the VANT. Installation of guided pairs and pilon body concreting will be held simultaneously. Such a technological solution dramatically reduces construction terms.

    Installation of the central span structure

    The design of the span structure has an aerodynamic section for the perception of loads from the squalle wind. The configuration of the cross section of the span structure is determined on the basis of aerodynamic calculations and is optimized according to the results of experimental processing of a large-scale model at the stage of work design.

    Mounting compounds on the welding are used for longitudinal and transverse joints of the coating leaf of the orthotropic plate and the lower ribbed plate. For the joints of the vertical walls of blocks, longitudinal ribs, transverse beams and diaphragms, mounting compounds on high-strength bolts are applied.

    Large sections for mounting a central span structure in specially designated "windows" are delivered by barges to the assembly site and climb the crane to the 76-meter mark. Here the multi-torque elements are joined and guys are attached to them.

    Vantova system

    The vantovaya system assumes all static and dynamic loads, it is from them that the existence of the bridge depends. The guys are maximally protected from natural elements and other adverse effects and are designed for the entire service life of the bridge.

    High rates of strength, endurance, corrosion resistance of the VANT provide the calculated life of at least 100 years.

    For the central span structure, an improved, the so-called "compact" system PSS is applied with a more dense placement of strands in the shell. Compact configuration of the VANT using a smaller shell helps to reduce wind load by 25-30%. At the same time, the cost of pylon materials, stiffness beams and foundations is reduced by 35-40%.

    PSS-guys consist of parallel strands with a diameter of 15.7 mm, each of which consists of 7 galvanized wires. The guys include from 13 to 85 strands (Strands). The length of the shortest guy - 135,771 m, the longest - 579.83 m. The guy protective casing is made of high-density polyethylene PEVP (HDPE) and has the following properties:

    • resistance to the effects of ultraviolet rays;
    • resistance to environmental impact in the climatic conditions of Vladivostok (temperature range from -40C to + 40C).
  • Ten years ago, no one else could think that the bridge on the island of Russian is not a dream of local science fictions, but a closer reality. For non-small 44 months above the Strait, the Bosphorus Eastern Russian builders built a giant construction that became a record holder at once in several interrelated indicators. Prior to that, no one in the world built bridge pylons of such a height (324 meters), no one installed the guys of such a length (580 meters) and did not create the main span with a length of 1104 meters. On the history associated with one of their new symbols of Vladivostok, read in the material of PRIMAMEDIA.

    Castles in the air

    The first mention of bridges through the Golden Horn and Bosphorus Eastern refers by 2007, when the government commission, together with the leadership of Primorye (then, at the head of the region, Sergey Darkin stood) decided to hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Vladivostok (APEC) in Vladivostok.

    It was decided not to spend it on the basis of any Ocean VDC or the most fashionable at that time at the hotel Hyundai, but in the Russian island, where there was not a decent hotel - not a single asphalt road. To get to the island, according to Vladimir Putin, it will be possible to "bridge, and maybe two."

    It is not surprising that then many locals perceived all this idea as a joke: "Say, too, the bridge is already in the Russian island. Yes, and until 2012. At all, there were crazy in my Moscow," the collective opinion about the project sounded, which Often expressed Primorye.

    Meanwhile, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development (there was such a), Dmitry Kozak already announces that an unprecedented amount of 15 billion rubles has been allocated to build a bridge. It is about a third of all its own income of the region for the year. To take over the ambitious project was entrusted to the Omsk Association "Mostovik", the competition whom she wanted to draw up Taiwan company T.Y.LIN International, who promised to build a bridge to the island of Russian for just 10 billion rubles.

    "As in general, without having a ready-made project, it is possible to give an objective assessment of the cost of construction and installation work? - The general director of the Russian enterprise Oleg Shishov was indignant. - If Taiwanese builders have such a project, a lawsager question arises: whether the strongest was taken into account when it was developed. Wind loads, high seismic activity, complex geology, low temperatures, possible impact on the supports of loads from naval vessels with displacement of up to one hundred thousand tons, ice thickness up to eighty centimeters? These are serious, heavy loads that enhance the large expenditures of materials when erecting long spans. Not only the cost of the bridge is needed, but also the cost of the entire bridge transition in the complex, including overpass at approaches to the bridge, the construction of roads in the bridge transition, the arrangement and reconstruction of architectural monuments, the settlement of residents of individual houses falling under the demolition, and the mass of other very important nuances ".

    As a result, NGOs "Mostovik" developed a project and the general contractor of construction determined "UK Bridge". Subcontractors were "SK Most" and all the same "Mostovik".

    The difficulty of the standing task was to overestimate it was impossible. Even experienced builders doubted the success of the enterprise. Colleague and competitor Omsk Association, CEO of the "Pacific Most-Building Company" (TMK), then asked for the construction of the bridge through the Golden Horn, Victor Grevhev, was sure that it was simply impossible.

    "I am configured and constantly telling my workers that the bridge over the Bay of the Golden Rog should be built to the APEC summit. There is no way back the way back, this is our Russian image. It will not be said to builders of the bridge to the Russian island, but to build it technologically It is impossible, "said Victor Grevnev.

    Start of construction, first town. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Difficulties have enough. From the very beginning of the survey work, the builders faced a well-known problem of military lands on Russky Island. "Today we have everything ready to start its construction - the necessary human resources are concentrated, modern technique has been prepared. It remains only to get a formal permit for the beginning of construction work," said the governor of the Primorsky Krai Sergey Darkin in 2008, when it was time to start.

    Although in reality at that time, the actual illegally was conducted. Finally deal with Earth under the Russian bridge managed only in 2009.

    Construction century: piles

    It all started with the skewlings of special sites in the strait, on which pylons were subsequently located, and from drilling. Under each pylon of the bridge, it was necessary to make 120 bonabilic piles with a diameter of 2 meters - they are also called the roots of the bridge. The depth of these roots reached 77 meters. Drilling in the open sea - technology, which before that in Russia has not been applied.

    But drilling is only half. We also need to concrete, and also in the open sea. Salt water, as you know, is not very well combined with steel and concrete. Therefore, a special mixture and technology for underwater concreting was developed specifically for this task.

    Sweep the peninsula for pylons. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Sweep the peninsula for pylons. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Sweep the peninsula for pylons. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Foundation driving. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Under normal conditions, the pile pouring would have occurred in gradually, as the laid portions of the concrete are gaining the necessary strength. But here everything was the opposite. The entire depth of pile (inside the pile pipe) immersed the pipe supply of the mixture with a small gap for its release at the bottom. Concrete went to the bottom and pushed the water upstairs. Everything happened in a continuous cycle, and the lid of the pillar in contact with the water was then simply cut off.

    Install and concrete all piles managed by the summer of 2009. In the meantime, working towns with their concrete plants, reinforcing and welding shops, laboratories of quality control, plumbing and carpentry workshops, table and housekeepers for workers have already grown around the construction site.

    Construction century: pylons

    In August 2009, the construction of the bridge over the island and the mainland begins, and in 2010 it is the creation of the main supports of the entire object, the highest in the world of 324-meter pylons. Their tasks include not only the retention of the central span, but also resistance to adverse weather conditions in the form of storm winds and temperature drops.

    Everyone knows that pylons inside are hollow, but few know that the thickness of the walls of these giants is unequal at different heights. In the pylons of the Russian bridge, this value varies from 2 meters near the water itself up to 70 cm on top. In addition, the design implies a change in the angle of inclination of the bridge support in the jumper area.

    Supports bridge. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    Construction of a bridge into Russian. PHOTO: IA PrimaMedia

    Construction of a bridge into Russian. PHOTO: IA PrimaMedia

    Construction of a bridge into Russian. PHOTO: IA PrimaMedia

    Construction of a bridge into Russian. PHOTO: IA PrimaMedia

    To concrete such a geometrically complex object, it was necessary to constantly change the design of the formwork. In total, with the help of self-lifting structures (the very blue and yellow screws, familiar to all local observers for construction), the workers held 72 fill cycles.

    To provide with such an almost manual mode of operation, the compliance of the pylons to each other, the error was laid in 2 mm deviations. Geodesists constantly twisted the control lengths between points.

    That's just when the distance from the target over 80 meters, it was impossible to achieve the necessary accuracy with optical methods. To solve this problem, you had to use two satellite navigation systems at once - GLONASS and GPS. Only their combined use made it possible to position all the elements of the design, so that in the end the bridge is accurately in the middle of the strait.

    By the way, in 2010, Vladivostok visited the legendary satirik Mikhail Zhvanetsky, who did not miss the opportunity to wander around the construction of the summit. Arounding a lot of pleasant words about the growing and developing city, Mikhail Mikhailovich left, and his visit was decided to consider the "blessing" of builders for further shock labor.

    Construction century: span

    The total length of the metal span of the bridge is 1248 meters, and the weight is 23 thousand tons. The span structure consists of separate sections of the aerodynamic form. Length and width of each panel are the same: 12 and 26 meters, respectively. But the weight, oddly enough, changes from 185 to 380 tons.

    Section of the span. Photo: Official site NPO "Mostovik"

    These panels were created in different cities of Russia, and came from spare parts in Vladivostok and Nakhodka. More lung panels even immediately docked on Earth to speed up the construction.

    On May 12, 2011, the first panels of the central span were delivered from the find on the sea. All quality tests they came before shipped. It was necessary to raise them to a height of 70 meters with the help of special lifts and plash "Grigoric", named so in honor of one of the veterans-browovikov.

    It was "Grigorich" with the help of three tugs tirelessly for next year, the next sections on water brought to the lifts. Docking two sides was originally scheduled for April 11. But on weather conditions it was decided to transfer the next day, more precisely, the night. When the wind is verse, and the air temperature stopped fluctuating, "Grigorich" for the last time I went to the shed Bosphorus East with the final section of the span on board.

    A little-known fact, but that the last piece gets into its place, the whole bridge had to tighten in different directions so that the gap between the edges of the panel from each side was 10 cm, and then release the bridge to the Last section in the middle.

    Docking bridge. Photo: Anton Balashov, Ia Primamedia

    Docking bridge. Photo: Anton Balashov, Ia Primamedia

    Docking bridge. Photo: Anton Balashov, Ia Primamedia

    Docking bridge. Photo: Anton Balashov, Ia Primamedia

    Rumors and predictions

    When the inevitability of the creation of the bridge into Russian, even skeptics were recognized, a lot of new rumors appeared around it. If earlier, experts of various industries and competencies argued that it was not to have time to make builders to the opening of the summit and which element of the bridge would fly to the Water Strait first, then it was now fashionable to give the estimated prices for travel from the continent to the island.

    The fears of citizens that they will take money for the use of bridges, reached such a degree that they had to refute them had not to anyone, but Igor Shuvalov's first deputy prime minister. "Of course free. This is someone launched a duck. This is an ordinary duck," he said, responding to a direct question of a journalist about a paid travel on bridges. "For this, they are built - so that citizens it is convenient to move from different parts of the city," the first deputy prime minister added.

    But the most famous Russian astrologer Alexander Rempel in 2011, referring to the stars, predicted both bridges delay in the deadlines.

    "According to my calculations, the bridges will be completed after the summit. Although it is possible to solemnly cut the ribbon and it may be much earlier. We have been accepted and, most likely, it will be somewhere in two or three months before the opening of the summit. But I I am talking about the readiness of the bridges to safe operation. The bridge over the Golden Horn - the Silver Dragon Bridge - should be built until February 11, 2013. And the bridge on the island of Russian, which Chinese specialists Feng Shui called another 150 years ago the tail of a white tiger, should be built until January 12, 2013. Of course, it is very difficult to specify the exact day of completion of the construction, and the specified dates are more symbolic than practical importance, and fluctuations are possible in a few weeks in one way or the other, but still this year is 2013, I assured Rempel.


    The pylons unique at their height began to attract the attention of extreme lovers. Under the construction curtain, the group of the Ruiferov put in an uncomfortable position of the construction of the construction site, having arranged with her the game in the catch-up, while the hooligans did not bring FSB employees.

    Rufhers on top. Photo: Vitaly Raskalov

    Photo reports about your adventures, the violators later posted on the Internet. "Recently, I completely stopped pleaseing you with interesting and unusual posts, in connection with the work I almost don't choose anywhere. But here I was lucky to fly to Vladivostok to the May holidays and arrange a real overlap, rising without insurance and permission to the top of 220 and 350-meter Pilons of the bridges, which are built through the Bay of Golden Rog and the Island of Russian, "wrote Herpfer Vitaly Raskalov.

    He also admitted that they promised the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs no longer appear at the bridges. But Deputy General Director of TMK CJSC Alexander Yakovlev Extremalov condemned.

    "It's just a terrible incident. After all, if something happened to the guys, all the responsibility would lie on the builders. The protection at the bridges is enough, for those who deliberately decided on such. His behavior of the troubles of tranquility deliver a lot of trouble to the builders themselves, After all, the construction has not yet been completed, "- commented on Yakovlev's incident.

    Opening a bridge

    In 2012, right to the birthday of Vladivostok, the bridge into the Russian island opens to the movement of construction equipment. For the sake of such an event in the capital of Primorye, and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who thanked builders for selfless work

    "This bridge will serve as a huge number of people. And residents of the Primorsky Territory, and those who come here from other regions of our country, or foreigners. And it will simply be a very beautiful building that embodies the genius of engineering and architectural thought," said Prime Minister.

    Before opening it for everyone, the bridge specially tested the columns of simultaneously braking trucks. The test of the dump trucks overcame on the "excellent".

    And in the evening it was quite difficult to drive, because on the side of the bridge transition, hundreds were the cars of those who wanted to feel the bridge to the island of Russian with their own hands and legs, as if did not believe their eyes. Employees of the traffic police, by the way, did not finish the violators on the first day, but warned that the future would not be allowed.

    Today, the bridge on the island of Russian became for Vladivostoks already with a granted, immantable inherent in the city by an engineering structure. Imagine Vladivostok without this giant is now simply impossible. It goes with a dozen flight buses, and lovers of wild rest every weekend get on it to island beaches. If you believe the promises of the builders, then the shelf life of the Russian bridge is 100-120 years, that is, a whole century. So technically it could be called "eternal".

    Well, finally, the opening of the bridge on the island of Russian took place. The bridge to which the right to be called the longest guy bridge in the world. And of course, the special pride is that it was built not somewhere in China or the United States, but in Russia, more precisely in Vladivostok.

    Immediately, in order to avoid "misunderstandings", I want to remind you that the length of the guy and suspended bridges is considered in the central span, and not at the total length of the bridge. That is why the bridge on the Russian island has the full right to be called the longest. The distance between its pylons is 1104 meters. The previous record, 1088 meters, belonged to the Chinese Bridge Lyun. But for a total length, the bridge on the Russian island is inferior to many guy bridges, its indicators are here - 3100 meters. For example, at the same sutoon, the total length of more than 8 kilometers. But this is no longer so important.

    After developing the investment project "Development of the Russian Island", according to which production complexes in the field of biological and information technologies, research institutes, university, large medical center, residential and hotel complexes, an international business center and a lot more will be erected on this island To attract large businesses and tourists here. The need for the construction of a bridge connecting the island with Vladivostok has become an obvious. And in 2008, construction began. At first, there was a lot of doubts, is it possible at all, throw a bridge over the shed Bosphorus East? After all, weather conditions here are very unfavorable (in winter the thickness of ice in the strait can reach 70 cm), in addition to this, the future bridge must withstand the squall wind and be seismically resistant, but as a result, design solutions were found that helped embody the project into reality.

    Digital indicators of this super equipment are as follows. Pile depth under supports - up to 77 meters. The height of pylons is 324 meters (the same as the Eiffel Tower).

    The height of the road canvase above sea level is 70 meters.

    Bridge width - 29.5 meters (4 bands for road transport, two in each direction, plus pedestrian walkways). The total weight of the bridge is 23 thousand tons.

    The technical discovery of the structure took place on July 2, 2012. July 28, the bike was arranged on the bridge. And on August 1, 2012, the opening of the movement was held for all vehicles.

    Perhaps the only shortcoming of the bridge on the Russian island is its high cost. According to different estimates, its construction cost from 1 to 1.5 billion dollars. However, given the weather conditions in which it was built and will function, this amount is quite explained.

    A few more photos of the bridge on the island Russian: