What to take with you on Goa. What to take with you to India on Goa? We are going on Goa what to take with you

Friends gathered to India for the first time, often ask what things to take with you. The country is rather exotic, truly unpredictable. From your three-year experience I apply for a certain experience :))), therefore, it was taken to draw up this important list that would affect the comfort of travelers throughout the trip.
So, to put in the backpack, so that it was not painfully painfully not to experience discomfort, traveling in the Indian Earth.

1. Stamp passport + its photocopy + scanned copy to e-mail
2. Airline tickets to several copies + confirming letters from Ashram or hotels for accommodation + printouts railway tickets
3. Driving license (Rights) or Color High-quality Copy, Illuminated for Original
4. Money in cash dollars + bank cards with money on them (minimum 2). Access to money on the map should be opened specifically for removing or using them in India.
5. Package Passport Size - 2-3 pcs.
6. Austrian is such a Masna handbag for documents and money worn on the neck or on the belt under the clothes
7. Contact addresses in India with a visa questionnaire (in the plane you need to fill migration cards and indicate them there)
8. Two handles with notepad
9. Travel Guide or Prints from sites + map of India

Medicines and hygiene
1. Medications:
A. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine (bottle is good to pack, as the evaporation of iodine spoil clothes, books, etc.), wool, bandage, march, bactericidal plaster, tea tree oil.
B. Activated coal, Levomycetin, Imodium or Loperamide, Enzymatic and Improving Digestion Means (Festal or Mezim, Smekt)
V. Antipyretic (aspirin), anesthetic (but-shp)
Customized drugs
2. Wet wipes and / or bactericidal hand gel
3. Dry napkins (3-4 packs)
4. Soap + shampoo in a small tube
5. Towel
6. Toothbrush, paste
7. Razor
8. Gaskets + Tampons
9. Toilet paper
10.Orcoating skin cream
11. Sunscreen high protection + cream from sunburn. Especially relevant for the south of India: Goa, Kerala and Himalayas
12. Mosquito
13.Rece + mirror
14. Washing powder

1. The suspension lock of small sizes (they close the doors in hotels and caught the bags under the veins in the train)
2. Cycling castle
3. Flashlight
4. Candle
5. Boil
6. Mug, spoon, knife, plate (if there is a light hiking, if not, then a few plastic plates)
7. Called, match
8. Needles, threads, scissors, nail file
9. Tourist seat
10. Rope
12.Shir scotch
13. Two sheets that are not sorry to sweat and throw out at the end of the road
14. Sleeping bag (if a bag with a blanket, not a cocoon, then, probably, you can one for two)
15. Little lightweight backpack for caulders in the city
17.Toist pillow for sleeping in an airplane

1. Two pairs of pants (one on itself, one about the stock)
2. Long shorts or breeches (for sea resorts of India)
3. X / B Long Sleeve Shirt + 2-3 T-shirts With Shoulders Closed + Successful Linen
4. Warm sweater (fleece). If you go to the north, then scarf + hat
5. Windbreaker from rain and wind or jacket (for north)
6. Raincoat or umbrella
6. Socks x / b 2-3 pairs + warm woolen socks 1 pair + tights (for north)
7. Melting, swimsuit + glasses for swimming
8. Sunglasses
9. Panamka / Sun Cap.
In India, clothes are inexpensive and can be purchased in place.

1. Boots / sneakers and / or sport sandals (depends on the region and season)
2. Ships (the cheapest)

Technique and Leisure
1. Camera + Charger + Flashki
2. Video Camera + Charger + Flashki
3. Mobile Phone + Charger to Him
4. Cardrider
5. Player + Headphones
6. Laptop + Charger to it + Flashki + Bag-Case + USB Cable
7. Dictionary / Phrasebook English
8. For evening time: Books / Cards / Chess / Checkers / Tamagoches / Pleag Eruvatives, etc.

1. 0.5 kg of different nuts, raisins, dried fruits.
2. Tea
3. Chocolate

When drawing up a list also used the experience of other travelers from the site

What to take with you in Goa.

Good day, dear readers of the site site! In this article we will talk about useful things in your journey in Goa and India.

This list includes everything that you can come in handy for travel not only by Goa, but also by other countries. The list will be useful regardless of, you go for two weeks or a year, as it is compiled at the maximum. You can estimate yourself that you need, and what is not, and delete from the list unnecessary. Recommend to the place where you are going to the desired comfort and so on.

To begin withdrawing a couple of statements:

There are no necessary things, there are only those that are able to facilitate the solution of some problems.

The fewer things that you feel freely.

If we talk about Goa, then you are useful, except for a couple of T-shirts and shorts. You can grab the camera, and everything else can be purchased in place. And now let's get to the list:


Be sure to have a passport with you and at any time. Carefully treat the storage of your documents, their loss will promise big trouble. Have copies of documents and tickets with you, but keep them in other places. Decide yourself that leave in the hotel and what to take with you.

More useful information in the article:


In India, it darkens pretty early. There is also a high probability of turning off the electricity, and most often the streets are not covered, and there is a high probability of not finding your home. Not a bad way to avoid such a problem will be the purchase of a LED flashlight. Such lanterns spend a little energies, work for a long time. You can buy a model that is put on the head, in case you have to search in the dark.

The padlock:

In the rooms of budget hotels, guesthouses and bungalows have their own locks, but if you are afraid of the thieves, you can lock the number also to your castle, in most cases there are places to install such locks. The lock can be both code and key. The keys are easy to lose, and the code is easy to hack. Solution for you. Although many do without locks.

Lane Rope:

If your hotel has no mining services before it makes sense to stock such things. You can buy in Goa.


It can be useful if you have a lot of equipment. The sockets are little, and lacks all the electronics. The sockets in India are slightly different from ours, but the forks are suitable. In extreme cases, you can buy a tee in India.


You can take your own, or if you are not a specialist in this area, you can buy it in Goa, but it is not enough likely that you will find good quality glasses.

Protective glasses for travel on motorcycles and scooters:

Suitable if you are planning such a vacation. Protect eyes from dust and insects.

Native Wallet:

You can take with you to improve the reliability of storage of money and documents.

Quick-dry towel:

Microfiber towel, thanks to the rapid drying does not start in the Indian wet climate. It takes a lot of space in the baggage.

Light sleeping bag:

Even in a hot climate can be useful, because in some hotels and guesthouses, the blankets are not at all, or a bed linen of very low quality and freshness, and sleep in his native sleeping bag will be much nicer. Plus, from many windows is swaying. Can be replaced by plaid.


Backpacks are a very convenient way to carry things, in comparisons for example with suitcases. When sorting things you can adhere to the following scheme - one large backpack, where not the most valuable things are assembled, in the meantime, in the meantime, to paint on pockets and chest bags. If we rent a backpack into baggage, then there should be nothing that can be broken or split.

Inflatable pillow:

If you know how to fall asleep in buses and trains, you can take an inflatable pillow and construct more comfortable.

Mug, thermos and small boiler:

It is useful for cooking for travelers if you are not going to often visit your hotel room.


Small money, handles, other things, will help to establish friendly relations with local residents.

Pen and notepad:

It will be needed when filling out various documents. With the help of a notebook, you can explain something to a person if you could not find understanding in oral speech.

Photocopy of tickets and passports:

You can make a non-one copy, and store each in different places to minimize problems due to the loss of documents or tickets. You can take a picture of your documents before departure, and place photos on the Internet so that in the case of which make these photos.

2 Colored photos:

May be needed when buying a SIM card or Internet connection.


You can have electronic, or print paper, or buy.

Stories and reports:

If you travel throughout India, it can be useful to study the place in which arrived. If a lot of Internet resources with detailed information. for example

India is a country of tropical climate, thousand-year traditions and strict laws that are committed to compliance with tourists. From how you dress up with you, and how you will behave, it will depend a lot - namely, the attitude of the local population to the "next" tourist.

Collect the bag in India is better not in a hurry. After receiving long-awaited documents, it is worth checking the contents of suitcases several times - do not take anything superfluous and especially valuable, but also not to forget that without which rest in India will surely be overshadowed.

Meet the approximate list of what you need to take with you to India. This is incomplete, and can be expanded by individual things.

Travel Documents to India

Russian citizens for staying in India up to 30 dayscan get an entry document on arrival at the airport. To get the right to visit the country, you must have:

Passport with a term from 6 months at the time of the planned departure from India;

Copies of filled pages russian passport;

One color photo. on any digital carrier in format.jPEG . The file size should not exceed 300 kB. ;

Filled I. certified visa formulation. It is wrapped online for 4 days before departure;

Visa or MasterCard card with an open account for payment of visa collection in the amount of $ 60.

If you are planning to live in India over 30 daysthen you have to make a visa in advance and only through Consulate General of India in Moscow.

international passport

We collect a suitcase in India


When traveling to any place in India, except Goa, it should be remembered that women are indecently pleasing to the shoulders or knees, wear too frank or tight clothes, look defiant. There are no such restrictions.

Any clothing should be lightweight, light and more comfortable. Well will have a few t-shirts, two pairs short or Bridge, Pants or Jeans, some skokor dresses. When combustion will strongly help long Sleeve T-shirtwhich will protect the burned skin from new stress in the form of UV rays.

Example of clothes in India

For swimming and tanning on the beach you need to take a pair of melts or swimsuits. But for cool summer Indian nights, it is better to put with you sweater or summer jacket, In the evening, walk and inspect the sights even more comfortable than the day. It will also be better to take a few steam. socks And more clean underwear.

When traveling, you should not forget about the heads. The roast sun of this country can cause a sun blow, so that the head is better to cover with light Panama, a wide-headed hat or cap.

For a trip to the mountains, warmer clothes will be useful, however, it is not too expensive to buy it in place. May also need cape from rainHowever, it will be needed only in particularly rainy months, or again when hiking in the mountains.


Footwear for a trip to India needs to be chosen especially carefully. It should be comfortable shoes, it is desirable from natural materials, and it is better not yet worn, as the new shoes sometimes begins to rub, although it seemed comfortable.

For hiking in the mountains and long-term excursions, it is better to stop your choice on sneakers or other closed comfortable shoeson a small heel. In such a shoe, the foot will not be tired for a long time, so it is the perfect option for long walks.

The city is best to walk in sandals, light shoes or other open shoesin which the foot will breathe. And for walking on the beach or even the shale or beach slippers are best suitable for walking.

Outside the city same better don't wear outdoor shoesNo matter how hot weather. In Indian jungle, there are a lot of dangers in the face of representatives of the local fauna - poisonous snakes and spiders are found even near the densely populated villages.

To visit various entertainment and public seats, you can take high Heel ShoesHowever, it is not constant to wear it - the legs will be too tired, which is significantly overshadows rest.

Aid kit

The first-aid kit must be from each tourist - it depends not only comfort, but also health after the trip. In addition to personal medicines that you need to take, in the first-aid kit should be:

· Bandage, iodine, plaster and other means for handling small injuries;

· Currents from gastric disorders (activated carbon, immodium, lines, etc.);

· Headache funds. It should be borne in mind that aspirin is not sold;

· Simple painkillers;

· Means from conjunctivitis - ointment or drops;

· Hygienic lipstick;

· Tools that shoot out cold symptoms;

· Drops or ointment from nasal congestion;

· Personal hygiene products - It is difficult to buy in India, for example, women's gaskets or cotton cars;

· Preventive preparations from malaria can be useful.

In Pharmacies, India can be seen analogs A varieties of "Russian" drugs, but under other names. You can buy them only at your own risk. The quality of some drugs in India is constantly criticized by international organizations of doctors.

Pharmacy in India

What to take when traveling with a child?

When traveling with a child under 14, he must be sure inscribed In your passport. After 14 child is laid your document.

Many hispanic hygiene In India, there is simply no, so pampers, powders and other means will be better taken with you. The same refers to special nutrition.

The child should be dressed as well as an adult, in the easy convenient light clothes. Don't forget about headdress.

Important little things

Sun cream - No joke, tourist "currency" in India. Sell \u200b\u200bit at every step, but quality and prices will upset even the most generous tourists. Therefore, it is better to take it from the house, and better - with a margin.

Be sure to take a few adapters for sockets. Some hotels still use an outdated standard. In addition, the room in general there may be one outlet - electricity for a number of Indian states even in the 21st century remains luxury. In this case, when you need to have tee or extension.

On this problems with electricity will not end. Each guest of India, even in such a rich staff, like Goa, must have with him set of LED flashlights. Fan shutdowns on power plants here - the usual thing.

The question of sanitation in Indian hotels is also easy to decide - it's enough to take with you towels and linens. With the last, by the way, you need special vigilance - too expensive sheets can steal maids.

For long excursions in the open air in India, several replaceable steam will be useful. sunglasses.

Traveling yourself, always have GPS. -navigator In a charged smartphone or special device. "Paper" cards and guidebooks for tourists take meaninglessly - there are simply no many settlements on them.

GPS navigator in phone

Hindus speak well in English, and in large cities there are even the experts of the Russian language. But nonetheless, phonybook Hindi It is extremely desirable to have. If it turns out to find a similar phrasebook MarathiYou can safely go to Maharashtra on excursions to Bollywood's legendary film studios.

Things in india must be collected Very thoroughly, so as not to take extra and not forget what in India the day with fire is not rally.

My backpack weighed 7.5 kg, But I drove to the north of India and took warm things and trekking boots. I tried to collect such a backpack so that I missed me to the plane - Aeroflot permits to take up to 10 kg to the salon. If you go to the warm edges, it is quite possible to collect a backpack and smaller - weighing 4-5 kg.

Here is an exemplary list of things that you should take with you to India. Something can be reduced, and something, on the contrary, add

Documents and money

1. Passport with a visa of India. You need to have copies of passport and tickets and store them separately. You can also scan the passport and store scan in your email. In case of passport loss, the availability of a copy can accelerate the receipt of the new one.

2. Yourself + His Xerocopia (also in case of loss).

3. Cash (US dollars or euro). In India, bank cards are not taken everywhere, so it is better to have cash. Maps are needed to pay tickets via the Internet.

4. Photos 3x4, can be useful for permits and additional visas (if you are going to border areas).

5. A native handbag for documents and money.

6. Guide to India, for example, Lonely Planet publishing house (you can buy in bookstores or order online) or buy it already in India - there I saw it in Delhi and in small towns, you can buy a new or used. The thing is almost essential. Without him, I would spend much more money and time. Better, of course, buy it in advance to read before the trip.

Medicines and hygiene products

1. A small first-aid kit in case of small injuries (iodine, bandage, plaster, etc.).

2. Drugs in violation of the work gastrointestinal tract: enterosgel or activated carbon, lactobacterin, immodium, etc. I took only coal, he was not useful for me. Coal at the rate of calculation, which during the disease (for example, diarrhea) it is necessary to take 5-7 tablets (at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kg of your weight) 3-4 times a day.

3. From headache - cyuteromon, ketanov, etc.

4. If you take some medicines, take a stock with you.

5. In many states where malaria is common, you need to take preventive measures from malaria.

7. From mosquitoes, the means that is applied to the body and for the premises (but there is no mosquito in the mountains)

8. Hygienic lipstick.

9. Drops or eye tetracyclined ointment from the conjunctivitis - can be useful, weighs the tube quite a bit.

10. Personal hygiene products (female pads in India are sold everywhere, problematic with tampons and thin pads for every day).

11. Wet wipes, better antibacterial (you can buy on the spot).

12. Sunglasses, if you use them.

13. Soap (but you can buy and on arrival), shampoo.

14. Manganese (for washing of hands and fruits).

15. Sun cream - it's quite simple to burn out. You can buy in place.

Clothes, shoes, etc.

1. Two sheets or one duvet cover. Bed linen in hotels is often dubious, if it is, of course, not the Empire Hotel. You can also buy in place.

2. Clothing for hot weather. Women need to close their shoulders, do not wear tiping t-shirts (GOA exception). In the rest of India, the morals are still strict, not even any t-shirt here you can wear. Dresses, blouses with embroidery and without you can buy in Delhi, cost 100-300 rubles, natural cotton. Indians, by the way, look very approving if foreigners in India walk in local clothing.

3. If you are going to the mountains, it is worth getting clothes for cool weather, but it can be cheap in place. But the trekking boots are better taken with you.

4. Cape from rain (when hiking in the mountains in some months).

5. Sneakers, sandals on velcro.

6. Small backpack for the camera, water, etc., with which you will walk every day. If gifts purchased in India do not fit into the backpack, with whom you arrived, on the spot you can cheaply buy a large and spacious bag of Chinese production.

Need fine things

1. The knife (easy to buy on the spot, as they will not be empty with him, it is necessary to pass into baggage). Needed, for example, to clean or cut fruit.

2. A small hinged castle (they close the doors in hotels and ride the bags under the beads in the train) - but it is not necessary. I had no castle with me, it is easy to buy in India.

3. Flashlight, better LED. In some areas of India, electricity is often disconnected.

4. Boiler (boiling water for tea or for rinsing the mouth when cleans your teeth).

6. Metal mug (it can be boiled water).

7. Needles, threads, scissors (scissors again have to take into baggage).

8. Tee - if you have a lot of equipment that requires recharging. The rooms are often only one outlet. Easy to buy on the spot.

A dream came true and the long-awaited stay is no longer around the corner. A trip to another country always requires careful preparation, especially if you plan to leave with children in India. You need to think in advance what to take with you to Goa, take into account the recommendations to have a stock for all occasions. Civilization has long come even in the smallest resort towns, you can do everything you need to buy on the spot, but it is better to take with you the most basic part of things and drugs.

There are two ways to prepare for the trip.

  1. Take a minimum of things to purchase beach accessories at the local market or the market already in Goa, and when departure, unnecessary throw away. Panamki prices, slippers, light shorts and T-shirts available. Quality is not very good, but vacation such things will stand with honor.
  2. Collect baggage from beloved clothes and not hope in case.

What clothes to take on Goa?

Be sure to consider, in which month the trip is scheduled. There are no special temperature differences, and the year is divided into dry and wet season. The most good time is the period from the beginning of October to mid-March, it is necessary to take only light things from clothes that they do not lose the shape and protect against the hot sun. In the rainy period, you will need:

  • raincoat;
  • boots;
  • umbrella.

For reinsurance, you can put one warm sweater or windbreaker, jeans, closed shoes in a suitcase. Sometimes nights, by the standards of Indians, are cool. Fans of campaigns and hiking will need closed clothing, sports shoes, headdress.

Important! Outside the beach is not welcomed overly open and tight clothes, out of respect for local residents in the wardrobe, it is worth incorporating several loose things with closed shoulders and knees.

Hiking aid kit

Its makeup depends on the health status of the traveler. The basis will be:

  • preparations from intestinal disorders, including activated carbon, imodium, smect;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • miramistin;
  • tools for temperature;
  • ointment from burns, for example, Bepanten;
  • anesthetic, such as fair, nurofen, citrate;
  • cardiac, especially Validol and Corvalol;
  • antiallergenic;
  • bandage ordinary and elastic;
  • patch;
  • hygiene products for women.

Let this list better remain unclaimed than something will not be at hand. To the list of what pills and medicines take with you on Goa, drugs are added to the appointment of a doctor if there are chronic diseases.

Should be considered! In India, many drugs are much cheaper, there are analogues with a more gentle action, so you need to take with you only the necessary minimum.

What do you need to take with you in Goa first?

The most important point will be documents. Come with me:

  • passport;
  • medical policy;
  • visa;
  • driver's license;
  • e-tickets.

Tourist insurance is not mandatory. But it is unreasonable to save on health and security. Under the contract payment fee is carried out in the event of loss of baggage, the abolition of the flight is compensated for the means for treatment. The cost depends on the age, the term and type of insurance, the number of included options.

The list of what you need to take with you to India in Goa includes a tan cream, otherwise rest can end on the day of arrival. The climate of the country differs from Russian, especially if you go there in the fall or winter. The skin by this time is lost by natural immunity to the active Sun, which leads to burns.