Wrangel Island. Where is on the world map, population, animals, nature, who opened the reserve why the so called

General information about the island of Wrangel

Wrangel Island is located in the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean, 200 km from the Chukotka Peninsula. Long-separated from the mainland, the island is washed from the West to the Eastosibirsk Sea, and from the East - the Chukotka Sea. Located under 70 ° 51? 44? N and 178 ° 46? 18? O from Greenwich (coordinates of Rogers Bay). The length of the island is about 140 km, width - from 30 to 50 km, the total area is about 4500 square meters. km.

The island has an oval shape. The shores are small enough, and any go-deep into the island of bay is not here. Silence from the shores are subject to more or less significant naming pebble braids, usually stretching parallel to the shore. The braids are formed comfortable to parking the harbor. The best among them is the harbor Rogers - the location of the Soviet colony.

The inside of the island of the elevated, the mountains. The central, most massive part of the mountain range, which isooping a plurality of dome-shaped and cone-shaped vertices, concludes the most sublime point of the entire island - the peak of Berry is 760 meters high (according to other data - 900 meters). In the eastern part of the island, the shore is also elevated, and the cliffs reaches places of 200 meters here.

A number of scientific evidence testifies that Wrangel Island in a long-lasting time was one whole with the mainland. This indicates, by the way, finding on the island of mammoth beats. The island separated from the mainland due to the lowering of the part of the mainland sushi, which is now the bottom of the Long Strait, the depth of which is only a few tens of meters.

According to the geological structure (granite and shale breeds), the Island of Wrangel is the Chukotka Peninsula and Alaska.

The rivers is not rich, besides, they are extremely narrow and shallow water. Only one of them is the river Claire, flowing into the sea in the southeast corner of Cape Hawaii, it is possible to swim on the boat. The glaciers on the island are absent at all, most of its surface covers the polar tundra.

The climate island is extremely harsh. Frosts reach here 60 °. The average annual temperature for this latitude is unusually low: - 11.2 °. Frosts are observed throughout the year, the most cold month is March. Polar night lasts 64 days here (from November 20 to January 22); A polar day during which the sun does not go beyond the horizon, - 77 days (from May 15 to July 30).

Despite the very unfavorable climatic conditions, the island is relatively rich in life. G. A. Ushakov Herbarium numbers 86 species. But, undoubtedly, these representatives of the Flora Island of Wrangel are not yet exhausted.

In the summer, the mass of birds arrive on the island. Among them are geese, ducks, gaga, cakes, cormorants, seagulls, rzhanks, bunches. Most feathered nests on the so-called bird bazaars - single high cliffs located near the coast. From mammals are characteristic of the island of walrow, seals, white bears, sands, lemmings (field mice). Most of the listed representatives of the Fauna Island of Wrangel is a profitable fishery.

Wrangel Island is one of the most impregnable in the ice islands of the Arctic. Located not far from the coast, but by virtue of the special natural conditions always surrounded by the impassable barrier of the ice, the island in continuation of many decades was inadequate. The opening epic island of Wrangel is a curious and instructive page not only in the history of the study of the Arctic, but also in the history of geographical research in general.

The discovery of the Island of Wrangel was preceded by a number of rumors, tales and legends borrowed from Chukchi. Undoubtedly, all these rumors that narrowed about some unknown land located north of the eastern shores of Siberia concluded grain of truth. At the beginning of the XIX century, in order to verify these rumors, the expedition was equipped with Nizhnekolumsk under the superiors of the prominent Russian navigator of Lieutenant F. P. Vrangel. Despite the energetic attempts, Intragel could not achieve the desired land, although he remained with full conviction that the Earth really exists; He even defined her location.

Starting from the end of the first half of the XIX century, in search of the disappeared expedition of the English navigator John Franklin, the Siberian Water Sector is attended by foreigners. The head of one of these expeditions the Kelllet confirms that in the specified place the place he really saw some kind of land, but could not approach her. In 1867, the American Kitol Long was only 18 miles away from the ground, but he could not fall on her because of ice obstacles. In honor of Wrangel, first defining the position of the unknown land, Long assigns it the name of Wrangel.

The Earth attracts more and more attention, a number of expeditions are equipped there, but unsuccessful. In 1881, they set off from San Francisco to search for the disappeared American ship "Jegesta" two ships - "Corvin" and "Rogers". Since the sailors believed that the crew, Zhannetta landed on the island of Wrangel, all their efforts were aimed at achieving the latter. They safely and reach it and produced for the first time a survey.

In 1911, the Russian hydrographic vessel Vaigach visits Wangel. The result of the Vaigach flight was a significant expansion of our knowledge about the island.

In 1913, the American polar researcher Stefenson, challenging the right of Russian on the island, organizes there an expedition on the ship "Karluk" under the team of an outstanding sailor and a polar researcher R. Bartlet. Once in impassable ice, Karluk dies north of Wrangel Island; Parts of the crew can achieve the island on ice.

In 1914, Vaigach is secondary, but unsuccessfully trying to achieve the island of Wrangel. In 1916, the Russian government issues decree on the accession of the Island of Wrangel to the territory of his state.

Approximate map of the Asian coast from Kolyma to Bering Strait

Since 1921, our island rights begin to challenge foreigners. In the fall of the same year, a group of colonists are sent to the island under the leadership of Canadz Kraford and joins him to the possessions of Canada. The protest of the Soviet government canvas does not lead to the desired results. In August 1924 from Vladivostok, overcoming extremely heavy obstacles, the icebreaker "Red October" is sent to the island and restores our rights to it. Canadian mining was confiscated, and they themselves were removed from the island.

After the campaign of the "Red October" in the history of the island, a new, extremely fruitful era comes. On July 15, 1926, Paarboat "Stavropol" under the head of G. A. Ushakov goes to the island of the first group of settlers from 6 Russians and 50 Chukchi and Eskimos. In 1929, the Icerezes "Litke" replaces wintering workers, carries a new batch here and builds a radio station to communicate with the mainland. In 1934, Krasin delivers third shift to the island and erect a number of new buildings.

The value of the Island of Wrangel for us is not exhausted by its fishing riches. Undoubtedly, not at such a long-term time is the island will pay more attention to the northern seaside weighing, when the function of an important nodal point will fall on the island.

Wrangel Island, in addition, is a convincing indicator of the technical and economic relics of our country, which has enough money and energy to master and use even the most remote and hard-to-top polar outskirts.

Today we will talk about the earth of Wrangel. This island is very interesting. He was unsuccessful looking for a Russian traveler, and opened Briton and German. Then the deserted island became a "apple of discord" between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. This land is surrounded by legends. It even has the opinion that one of the colonies of ominous Gulag was located here. But without repressive camps, this land was a murderous for a person. Not one polarist was killed here. And today the island continues to surprise scientists with new sensational discoveries. How is the island, what is the relief, climate, animal and vegetable world - read in this article.

Wrangel Island on the map

This is a rather major land of sushi. Its area is approximately seven and a half thousand square kilometers, and its large part is occupied by mountains. The island itself is in the Arctic Ocean. Even in the simple geographical location of the Earth of Wrangel, its uniqueness is already hiding. It is a watershed between two large ocean water areas, the natural border between the Chukotka and East Siberian seas. And still on the island of Wrangel passes between the East and Western hemispheres of our planet. One hundred eightieth meridian, the so-called "line of change of dates", divides the sushi section to almost equal parts. From the northern coast, at least 140 kilometers of water are separated - Long Strait. Since 1976, this land declared a reserve. The last permanent resident died in 2003. Since then, only polar explorers live here. Administrative island belongs to the district (Iulinsky district).

History opening

With confidence, it can be said that Paleoee's land was found first. According to archaeological excavations, held in the ravine with the name of the damn, people stayed here on the over three and a half thousand years ago. Russian pioneers told about the existence of a distant land of Umkilir ("Islands of White Bears") Chukchi. But two hundred years have passed before the desert and nonlaskaya coast stepped by a European foot. For a long time, the island was considered just a beautiful Chukotka legend. It in 1820-1824 was unsuccessfully searched for the Russian navigator and the statesman Ferdinand Petrovich Vrangel. In 1849, the explorer and traveler from Great Britain Henry Kellett watched two pieces of sushi in the Chukchi Sea. The discoverer called them in honor of himself and his Herald ship. So the "Land of Kellelet" and Herald Island appeared (later Wrangel Island) on the world map. But this is not all the adventures of our part of the land surrounded by the sea.

Why the discovery was named after Wrangel

The island was considered unknown Europeans (Chukchi's opinion about the smarter was not taken into account). The right of the discoverer belonged to someone who did not just see the distant bank with the help of a pavement tube, and stepped on his foot on him. It was the German merchant Eduard Dalmalmann, who spent merchant operations with the inhabitants of Chukotka and Alaska. But he was far from thought somehow call the land visited by him. A year later, in 1867, Kitoboy from America Thomas Long landed on the island. By calling, this brave person was a researcher, a lot knew about the search for F. P. Wrangel. Therefore, I called the outdoor island in his honor. The territory was drawn about 14 years old. In 1881, the American vessel came to the islands of Harold and Wrangel. It was looking for members of the Polar Expedition de Long, who went into conquer the North Pole in 1879 on the ship "Jegesta" and missing. Captain Kelvin Hooper landed on the island of the team. While the sailors were looking for, there are no traces of the missing, captain watershed on the banks of the USA. He called New Colombia.

Education archipelago

Until the twentieth century, the governments of Russia and the United States were little interested, who belongs to the two lungs in the Northern Arctic Ocean. To such respects, their "distant" geographic coordinates contributed. Wrangel Island, for example, the most western in a small archipelago, is located between 70 ° and 71 ° of northern latitude. The length of this place along the meridian is simply unique: from 179 ° C. d. up to 177 ° c. The archipelag is not only not far from North America, but also from Asia. This is all that remained from the once existing jumper between the two continents, when the beerings of the Strait had not yet disconnected them. Thus, it is the islands of mainland. And therefore they are called more Beringia. This area spared the glacial periods, and during the global warming the island did not go under water. This circumstance has retained an amazing animal and vegetable world on Earth.

Polar apple of discord

With the onset of the twentieth century, and at the same time the centuries of the industry, both applicants stated their rights to the archipelago. After all, it does not matter where is the Island of Wrangel, whether someone lives there and whether economic activity can be carried out. The boundaries of adjacent states are shifted to the East or West, respectively, if someone sees the archipelago. In the autumn of 1911, the Russian hydrographic expedition on the Vaigach vessel landed on the island of Wrangel and raised the Russian flag on it. And in the summer of 1913, the Canadian Brigantine "Carluk" was clamped with ice and was forced to drift towards the Bering Strait. Part of the team landed on the island of Herald, and the other - a big party - on Wrangel. Two members of this expedition got to a large land (Alaska), but the rescue expedition came to a disaster only in September 1914.

Mastering the archipelago

In 1921, Canadians decided to "stroke" the archipelago in the Chukchi Sea. After all, it gave the state the possibility of fishing and whale fishery from their shores. But the first settlers in the composition of four polarists and one Eskimo woman did not move the winter (survived only Hell Blackjack). Then Canadians in 1923 formed a second colony. A geologist C. Wells and twelve Eskimo arrived at Wrangels and twelve Eskimos, among them women and children. Since professional hunters were engaged in food production, the colonists successfully survived the winter. But the Government of the USSR sent an icebreaker "Red October" to the shores, equipped with guns. His team forcibly raised settlers on board and took them to Vladivostok, from where he later extraded to their homeland. As a result of such a journey, two children died.

Wrangel Island!

How did he become "domestic" finally? Although the islands of Wrangel appeared on the map of Russia, the government did not calm down until the Russian colonists were established there. In 1926, the polar station was founded, which was led by a researcher G. Ya. Ushakov. Together with him settled 59 Chukchi from the villages of Chaplino and Providence. In 1928, a Ukrainian journalist Nikolai Truveiini came on the icebreaker "Litch" there. He repeatedly in his books (in particular, "the path to the Arctic through the tropics") described the island of Wrangel and his harsh beauty. The collective farms were to be in the country of councils everywhere, and the extreme north was not an exception. In 1948, a reindeer breeding collective economy was founded - for this purpose, a small herd from the mainland was brought. And in the 70s, they introduced the shebities from the island of Nynivak. Although evil languages \u200b\u200bargue that one of the camp of the Gulag was based on the archipelago, this is not true. Takes Ushakovskoye, Percatkun, Star and PGT. Cape Schmidt was inhabited or polar explorers or chukotka tribes.

Reserved land

Back in 1953, the authorities decided to defend the walrus and their fantasies on the two islands in the Chukchi Sea. Seven years later, Magadan's regulator was created by the reserve on the island of Wrangel. Later (1968) he was raised in status. But on this, the Soviet government did not stop. The reserve of state importance in 1976 was transformed into the Nature Reserve "Islands of Wrangel." The zone is still protected according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR under No. 189 of March 23, 1976. Multiple number in the name of the reserve is not a search. The neighboring island of Herald, as well as about 1,430,000 hectares of waters, has come under protection. Ironically, the crisis of the end of the 1990s very contributed to the irony of the fate of nature. Most of the inhabitants were taken to Great Earth, because there were no funds to supply them fuel and food. The last inhabitant of Vasilina Alpown jam is a white bear in 2003. And in 2004, both islands entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Wrangel Island Map shows that this section of Sushi is pretty mountainist. Three almost parallel chains are the northern, medium and southern ridges - circled with coastal cliffs. The highest point - Soviet Mountain - reaches 1096 meters above sea level. It is located almost in the center of the island. The low northern ridge goes into a wetlands called the academy tundra. The lowland shores of the island dissected with lagoons. There are a lot of lakes and rivers. But the fish are not found in them. Due to the harsh climate, these reservoirs are frozen through winter. However, global warming is noticeable here. In recent years, in the mouth of the rivers began to actively come to the spawn of Kosyaki Gorbushi. Crossed relief and Polar location created a number of non-letters of glaciers on the island.

Climate Island Wrangel

A polar night here comes to the second decade of November, and the long-awaited sun is shown at the end of January. The luminaire does not go beyond the horizon from mid-May to the third decade of July. But even the fact that the sun constantly illuminates the Island of Wrangel, does not give the world to the summer. The temperature even in July does not exceed +3 ° C. Frequent snowfall, moro and fog. Only in the abnormally hot summer of the 2007th, the thermometer bar jumped to +14.8 ° C (in August). The winter is very frosty, with frequent snowstorms. Especially Lyute February and March. The temperature during this period for many weeks does not rise above the marker in -30 ° C. Cold air masses from the Arctic carry a little moisture with them. But in the summer with the northern part of the Pacific Ocean blowing wet winds.


B. N. Town, who studied in the east coast of the Earth in 1938, the island became mistaken to the zone to further study the flora pushed scientists to the idea that its territory lies in the belt of polar tundras. And if you have to be very accurate, then the classification is this: the Wedrangela subference of the West American zone of the Arctic TundR. Flora is distinguished by an ancient species. Three percent of plants - subendemics. This is Mac Gorodova, Beskulnitsa, Ostroglogo Berangelevsky and others. Currently, it was revealed that by the number of endemics the island of Wrangel is not equal in the polar zone. In addition to these plants, which occur only here and more anywhere in the world, in the reserve there are even more than a hundred rare species.


Sigor climatic conditions do not favor a special species diversity. On the island, there are absolutely no amphibious, reptiles and freshwater fish. But the island of Wrangel, whose photo is unlikely when it costs without a white bear in the foreground, is a record holder on the density of these animals. Judge for themselves: on the square about seven and a half thousand square kilometers, four hundred Maunditz get along. And this is not counting males and the cubs! So the Chukotka name of the island is justified - Umkilir. And the population of this beast has increased from year to year. The polar bear is the main owner of the island. In addition to him there are brought reindeer and shezeby. In the summer she lies the wind from the mainland of bumblebees, butterflies, mosquitoes and flies. The world of feathered has about 40 species on the island. From rodents, endemic is Lemming Vinogradov. In addition to bears, other predators are found: Polar Lescent, Wolf, Fox, Wolverine, Ermine. Morry rookery is the largest in Russia.

Unique discovery

In the mid-1990s, the Vrangel Island Reserve turned out to be in the first lanes of scientific journals. And all because the paleontologists were discovered here the remains of mammoths. But the find itself was not important, but her age. It turned out that on the island, these crumpled wool's wool surges lived and helated three more and a half thousand years ago. But after all, it is known that Mammoths extinct more than ten thousand years ago. What is happening? When in Greece, there was a flourishing of the Critiancastian civilization, and in Egypt reign on the island of Wrangel raised the living mammont! True, the local subspecies was also different and a small increase - the size of a modern African elephant.

There is only one neolithic parking of Paleoeees - on the southern shore of the island. Archaeologists did not find in the cultural bone of the bones of land animals, which indicates that the diet of the ancient population of the island consisted exclusively from marine animals and fish. When the islands were open by Europeans, there were no local residents here for a long time.
There are direct instructions on the fact that the presence of a large island in this sector of the Arctic also spoke M. V. Lomonosov. In 1763, the Great Russian scholar indicated on the map of the Polar region in the area north of Chukotka, a certain island called them "Doubt". From this indicative name on a modern map of the island, the name of the bay is preserved - doubtful.
In 1820, the Russian government has been equipped with two expeditions on the northern coast of Siberia: the first was looking for the legendary land of Sannikov, the second under the command of the outstanding Russian navigator and the polar researcher Ferdinand Petrovich Vrangel (1796 / 1797-1870) went to search for a very mythical "land Andreev "
For four years, Wrangel explored the north, trying to find an unknown land. His perseverance was also explained by the fact that Chukchi had long known about the existence of the island. Chukotka Kamakai (Leader) told Wrangel that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of one of the rivers in clear summer days are visible in the north of high snow-covered mountains. Chukchi, who themselves were not able to get to the unknown land, there were legends that Kuhai Kamakai of the fabulous tribe of Onkonov, the people, supposedly lived earlier on the ocean shores, went to this land with all the tribe.
The stories of Chukchi attached to the post of additional forces, and in 1823 he went towards the unknown land on a dog harness. He did not get to the ground, but the mountains saw and struck them on the card. Later, this land was called the "Earth of Wrangel."
In 1849, English Captain-polar star, Henry Kellet, I was looking for an expedition to the john Franklin's festival frozen in the ice and also saw the vertices of the Mountains of Wrangel.
The first European, in 1867, I was convincing in the reality of the existence of the island, the American whale of Thomas Long was aware of the enlightened whale hunter, and he called the island with the name of the Russian researcher.
The first who stepped on this island was American: in 1881, the crew of the US ship Tomas Korvin visited here, which also had a search for a ship in captivity. The Americans watered their flag here, called the island of "New Caledonia" and declared US property.
Only in 1911, the Russian hydrographic vessel Vaigach arrived here, which managed to hit the whole island.
In 1924, the Soviet flag was raised on the island, the attractions of Americans on the island were rejected, and the planned mastering of this completely wild land began. At different times, experiments on breeding home reindeer were carried out here, and even a reindeer herding economy was created. Three settlements were built, a soil military airfield was built, a military radar station was installed, mining mining was carried out, acclimatization of oxheb was carried out.


In addition to scientists and military, there were mainly Chukchi on the island, resettled on the island for the organization of fox, walrus fishery, a polar bear, white geese, a charter.
Currently, the villages on the island are abandoned, no permanent population, the island periodically attend border guards and rare groups of tourists.


The State Reserve "Island of Wrangel" was established by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1976
Currently, the Reserve "Wrangel Island" is the northernmost of the conservation zones of Russia. Its total area is 2.3 million hectares, including water area - 1.4 million hectares. The reserve is located on the two islands of the Chukotka Sea - Wrangel and Herald. Two thirds of the territory - the mountains. The climate is extremely severe.
The purpose of the reserve is to organize the protection of the natural complex of the island, its unique environmental systems, both on land and in the ocean. To do this, around the island was created a five-car metering zone, a reindeer garbage economy and a radar station was closed.
The status of the reserve helps to preserve the White Bear population: this is the only place in Russia, where the bear come from 330 to 600 individuals - to arrange the maternity Berlogue and make off the offspring. It is guarded by the walrus on which poachers of several countries hunt.
The most numerous type of local lastonodii is the Pacific Morzha. In the period of summer fence, the largest coastal fokers in the Chukchi sea are formed here: up to 80-100 thousand walruses.
In total, 15 types of mammals, including seals (ringed nerft, Lakhtak), Siberian and hoofed lemmings, sandsha, fox, wolf, Wolverine, live, live on Wrangel Island. Favoring here with people, the house mouse took root in abandoned buildings.
There are a lot of birds: 400 species, among which the most numerous is a seagull-alek, a thick-frustrated Cair, a black chamber, a dead end, a gagar, Icelandic sandbreaker, a polar cleaner, Bering Blank, a long-tailed chamber. Here is the largest white goose colony in Eurasia.
Waters around the island are weakly studied. When summer is nearing an end, the island sails for feeding and migrations. Gray whale whale, Belukha, Gorbach, Finval and Greenland whale in hundreds of lakes on the island of fish.
It is not surprising, but there are even insects on the island of Wrangel: 31 species of spiders, 58 types of beetles, 42 species of butterflies. Such a variety of invertebrate species, focused in one place of the Arctic tundra, is characteristic only for the island of Wrangel.
Despite the harsh climate and other conditions of the natural zone of the Arctic tundra, there are 417 species and subspecies of plants, among which there are quite a few endemics. There are species that have been preserved from the Pleistocene era: Beskulnitsa, Ostromoter Vrangelevsky, Imgangeleevskaya Pepper, Mattik Vrangelevsky, Mak Gorodova, Mak Lapland. All these species are brought into the Red Book of Russia.
The home reindeer brought here for breeding has already completely and multiplied: its number is 1.5 thousand individuals. 20 shessbans released on the island in 1975 were also successfully mastered, and now there are about 700 individuals here.
When people still lived here, in the reserve it was admitted - and it was the only exception for Soviet reserves - traditional nature management for Chukchi: in extremely limited scales they were engaged in hunting and fishing. A small turgroups coming here are allowed to move along the island along the coastline, it is forbidden to fly on a helicopter at a height below 2 km, observation of sheeps, deer, gray whales, tundra and marine birds are allowed. When the ice furnishings make it possible, visitors to the reserve can pass several water routes on the boat by doubtful and the bay is Krasina.

general information

Location: , between the East Siberian and Chukchi seas.
Administrative belonging: Schmidtsky district of the Russian Federation.
Distance from the mainland (North Coast of Chukotka): 140 km - Long Strait.
Origin: mainland.
Settlements (all abandoned): Ushakovsky, Star, Percatkun.
The largest rivers: Claire, mammoth, unknown, tundra.
Lakes: Gagache, Reserved, KMO, Komsomol.


Area: 7670 km 2.
Population: there is no permanent population.
The highest point: Soviet Mountain (1096 m).
Rivers: 1400 rivers and streams longer than 1 km long, 5 rivers in length over 50 km.
Lakes: About 900, Term Carts, Total Area - 80 km 2

Climate and weather

Active cyclonic activity.
The average annual temperature: -11.3 ° C.
The coldest month: February (-24,9 ° C).
The warmer month: July (+ 2.5 ° C).
Frighteous period: 20-25 days a year.
The average annual precipitation: 152 mm.
Polar day - from the 2nd decade of May to the 20th day of July; Polar night - from the 2nd decade of November to the end of January.
Bilnels at wind speed up to 40 m / s and above.
Relative humidity: 82%.


    Reserve "Wrangel Island"

    Sovetskaya Mountain

    Mountain Percatkun

    Colony of white goose

    Pacific Lajor Flaws

    Bird Bazaars

    Paleoee Eastern Parking (ravine damn)

    Place of landing of Canadian settlers at the mouth of the River Predators

    The bay of doubtful

    Laguna treacherous

    Gulf Krasina

Curious facts

    F.P. Wrangel was widely known as a fierce opponent for the sale of Alaska by the United States of America and did not hesitate to openly express his disagreement with Emperor Alexander II.

    Until the mid-1960s, there was no border post on the island. In 1967, hundreds of seeded walrus were discovered in the northeast coast: the result of the poaching hunt of foreign fishing vessels. After that, a look appeared here, which was overlooking the end of the 1990s.

    Starting from the 1980s. The number of sheep on the island has steadily increased, by 2003, the livestock was 600 individuals. The reason is that the solvents are more adapted to life conditions on the island of Wrangel than deer: in the winter period, the shebission survives due to accumulated fat reserves and does not need a large number of feed.

    Facilities of the ravine - Paleoeee Parking on the island of Wrangel, discovered in 1975. The most valuable artifacts were found here, dated 1750 BC. - Time when the last mammoths have died out.

    In 1993, a number of scientific publications reported that the employee of the Vrangel Island Reserve found the remains of a small Mammont, the age of 3.5-7 thousand years old, while the Mammons extinct 10-12 thousand years ago. So, the most recent mammoths on Earth lived on the island of Wrangel.

    Contrary to the widespread statement, on the island of Wrangel, there was never a priestly labor camps of Gulag.

    The biological diversity of the vegetable communities of the Island of Wrangel is not equal among the Arctic island territories and exceeds the entire Canadian Arctic Archipelago in this regard.

    In the reserve on the island of Wrangel, there are the world's largest frying fools in the world: up to 75 thousand accumulates at Cape Blossom, and there is doubtful to 20 thousand.

    The walrus is able to stay underwater without air to 10 minutes.

    Lemming Vinogradov - Endemic of the Island of Wrangel - builds complex holes with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 30 m 2, with three dozens of inputs and a depth of half a meter.

Wrangel Island is a deserted place surrounded by a lot of legends. If you find it on the map, then you can understand why people do not live there. It is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean, almost all year round there is winter. Studies are constantly conducted on the island.

Wrangel Island on the map appeared in the XVIII century. I designated it I. Lviv, Russian researcher. Then, already on the polar card, the island was inflicted by M. Lomonosov, who gave him the name "dubious. It is known about the existence of these lands was Russian navigators on the stories of Eskimos. F. Wrangel tried to find it, organized search expeditions, but he failed to do this.

The discoverer is the one who first stepped on the new land. This man was Eduard Dallmann - a merchant from Germany. This event occurred in the XIX century. But Dallmann was not a navigator, no interest in giving the island name, he did not see. He had an exclusively business interest in his island - it was associated with trade relations with local.

The second person who landed on the island was Kitobech T. Long. He was interested in research, navigators. Long knew a lot about Ferdinand Wrangel and that Wrangel was looking for these lands. It was T. Long and gave the island name in honor of the Russian researcher.

Over the next 14 years, these lands did not belong to anyone. Then Americans landed here who were looking for a missing expedition. He headed these searches Captain Hooper. It was he who proclaimed the island of New Colombia and installed America's flag there.

In 1911, an expedition from Russia arrived on the island. The crew of the icebreaker installed the Russian flag here. Since then, this land is Russian. For a long time between Russia and the United States were conflicts due to the island.

Today the island is a reserve and is included in the World Heritage List. The area is about 7670 km 2. This is a watershed of 2 ocean water areas. And he is the border between the two seas, as has already been mentioned above. Among other things, the island passes the junction between the two hemispheres of the planet. Sushha here is divided into half the 180th Meridian.

This meridian is called the "Date Changeline". From Chukotka Island is separated by the strait. The length of it is 140 km. Today, there are no residents on the island. The last one who lived there constantly, in 2003 died. Now there are only polar explorers who conduct various scientific research.

Getting to the island is very difficult. In summer, you can only get here on the icebreaker. And in winter, the only transport that will allow you to visit these places - the helicopter. You can get to the island only with an expedition. There are such organizations that give tourists such an opportunity. The path to the island starts from Anadyr Airport.

Islands research

Wrangel Island, on the map officially indicated in the XVIII century, attracted the attention of many expeditions. In 1913, the Canadian group of researchers, at the head of which was the anthropologist V. Stefenson, on the vessel with the name "Karluk" went to explore the island of Hecher. But, without going to the place of some 300 km, the vessel was clamped in ice and drifted.

Several people from the team, including the head of the expedition, went to hunt, but they could not return to the ship back from behind drifting ice. The group had to go to Cape Barrow. The team members remained on board decided to go to the island of Wrangel. Sailors were divided into 3 groups.

The first group that consisted of 4 people commanded which Bjarne Maten, mistakenly landed on the island of Herald. They all died there. Allegedly caused poisoning or carbon monoxide or food. The second group (also from 4 sailors) on the way to the cherished goal disappeared. And only the remaining team members managed to get to the island of Wrangel.

In the summer of 1914, Russian icebreakers tried to break into the sailors, they did not succeed. Soon, 3 members of the team died from the cold and the use of spoiled products. In September 1914, the surviving people were taken from the island. In 1988, traces of the camp of the failed Canadian expedition were found. In its place a memory sign was installed.

In 1921, V. Stefanson organized an expedition to the island of Wrangel. His goal was the colonization of the island. To get support, the researcher tried to receive official status from the government of Canada for his expedition.

In September 1921, the team of the colonists collected by Stefansson landed on the island. They set the flags of Canada and Britain, and declared the land owned by the King of the UK. As a result, a political conflict broke out between Canada and the United States. America was outraged by the capture of the island. The US government believed that these lands belong to the United States.

The colonists who were on the island could not return home because of ice. Three polar children from the group collected by Stefansson disappeared without a trace. One - died from zing. Survive succeeded in the Eskioska who performed the duties of the cook.

At this time, Russia said its rights. L. Krasin demanded explanations from the Britain's king on the illegal installation of his flags. Krasin said that the island is Russian possessions and asked that the reisons from Canada stopped, and the sovereignty of these lands was not broken.

Distinctive features

Wrangel Island - Arctic Tundra, where there is no population. People who lived here once left the island. And those who remained, have already died. Here, only employees of the reserve, polar explorers, meteorologists and military live temporarily. They work the Watch method. On the map of the island, you can only detect the station, residential buildings here. 6 people are at the station.

The climate is stern here. From mid-May and until the last numbers of July - Polar day. From mid-November and until the end of January - Polar Night.

Winter on the island of Long, Frosty. The temperature can hold below the mark -30 ° C for several weeks in a row. Often there are blizzards. Wind speed can be above 40 m / s. In summer, the temperature is not higher than +3 ° C, humidity - 83%, often snowfall. In the center of the island, the air warms up better, so the humidity there is slightly lower and the temperature is somewhat higher.

The terrain on the island is mountainous. There are lakes. Mountains form several ridges, between which many rivers (5 large and 140 small rivers and streams). The lakes are approximately 900. All of them are shallow, on average no deeper than 2 m.

Vegetation in these places is rich. There are more than 300 of its species. Many of them are ancient and rare. All plants in these protected places are short-lived. Herbs and mosses prevail. There are willows in the mountains, the height of which is not more than 1 m. Because of the harsh climate, the island of Wrangel does not boast of a rich fauna. Animals are small here.

Here they live:

  • walru;
  • sands;
  • lemmings;
  • shessbikes;
  • seals;
  • wolverine and others.

Here you can see about 20 species of birds:

  • sparrow;
  • bunches;
  • black chambers;
  • dubbing;
  • chechekee;
  • wilotous choles;
  • red Gargar and others.

Often the guests of the reserve are representatives and other types of feathers who fly here for a while.

What to see

Wrangel Island (on the map it is noticeable) is significantly removed from the Big Earth. The climate is tough here. It is for these reasons for tourists a little sailing there. But every year tourist groups on the island are. Guests are moving on quad bikes and all-terrain vehicles.

Sights of the island:

  • lagoon "betrayal";
  • mountain "Perkutun";
  • bay "Krasina";
  • laguna "Davydov";
  • "Doubtful" bay;
  • "Damn ravine";
  • river "Predators";
  • lagoon "Popova".



Wrangel Island on the map looks like this "edge of light." And this is true - it is located on the "edge of the Universe" - in the Arctic Ocean and is the most difficult-to-reach of all reserves on our planet. It is because of this location to get to the island is very difficult. For this reason, tourism is poorly developed here. But it is still possible to visit here.

Ecological, cognitive tourism is developing here. The best time for traveling to the island of Wrangel - from May to the end of July. At this time, the polar day, always light, the snow is rare, no frosts. To visit this reserve, you need to get permission.

For tourists have developed several routes:

Tour name, route number The length of the route Accommodation and nutrition Methods of movement
№1 35 km Short-term recreation and nutrition in the database. quad bikes, all-terrain vehicles, walking
№2 21 km Short-term recreation, food and accommodation in rooms based on "doubtful" or on the field cordon. quadrocycles, all-terrain vehicles
№3 100 km (3 days) Overnight and doubt "doubtful" in the 1st night, overnight on Cordon "Peak Tundrov" on the 2nd night. Short-term rest on Cordon "Middle Mammoth". vegethers
№4 160 km (3 days) Rest, meals and overnight on cordons: "doubtful", "medium", "red flag", "peak tundra". Short-term recreation with tea on Cordon "Unknown". quadrocycles, all-terrain vehicles
№5 350 km (5 days) Outdoor, food and short-term recreation on the basis of "dubious", on Cordon "Unexpected", on Cordon "Komsomol" and on the "peak of the tundrov". Short-term rest and tea drinking on cordons: "Lower goose" and "middle mammoth". vegethers
№6 250 km (5 days) Outdoor, recreation and meals on the basis of "doubtful" and on the cordon "peak tundra" and "unexpected". On the cordon "Middle Mammoth" and "Lower Gusina" is possible to organize a brief rest with tea drinking. vegethers
№7 550 km (9-10 days) Overnight, food and recreation in the ghost village "Ushakovsky", on the Cordon "Peak Tundrov", on the basis of "doubtful", on Cordon "Komsomol" and "unexpected". Tea party and rest on Cordon "Medium Unknown". vegethers
№8 up to 50 km Rest on the basis of "dubious". zodiacs
№9 620 km Rest, food and spending on the cruise ship. cruise ship

Route №1

Tourists are sent to examine the island from the house for guests on the basis of "doubtful". Next, the group follows the shore of the Bay "Krasina", where to get acquainted with the features of the landscape. The path continues to the stream of "damn ravine", where tourists can explore the parcels of Paleoee.

Next, the island's guests waiting for the plateau in the canyon, where the largest river on the island of the river, which is called "Mammoth". After that, guests waiting for the descent on the old road, which ran near the "line of change of dates". Further, through the Canyon of the Channel of the Chour Orag, the group again falls to the bay of "Krasin", where you can see the ice, if available.

Depending on the season, tourists will also be able to consider animals at a safe distance:

  • lemming;
  • polar bears;
  • gray whales;
  • sands;
  • sheby;
  • seal.

Wrangel Island is filled with different animals, such as seals.

After that, the group returns back - on the base, from where the journey began. Part of the path tourists are overcome on quad bikes or all-terrain vehicles. Canyon and Plateau Group passes on foot.

On this route, guests will explore from July to September. Excursion groups are accepted no more than 2 per month. Each group may have a maximum of 15 people.

Route No. 1 is considered easy, therefore visitors of all age categories are allowed, including children of school age.

Route №2.

On this path, excursion groups examine the island from July 20 and October 1. A month for Route No. 2, a maximum of 6 groups is accepted. The permissible number of each group is not more than 6 people. The tourist group goes to campaign on Wrangel Island from the doubtful base.

Next, guests follow the beach and through the lagoon "Basic". If the river is opened in the lagoon, the path of tourists lies around the lagoon. Then the path continues through the airfield and the stream with the name "Basic". On the shore of the Bay "Doubtful", tourists inspect the ruins, remaining from the camp of hunters.

Next, travelers are sent to the Spit "dubious" and from there return to the base from which their path began. This route is also impossible, therefore tourists of all age categories are allowed, including children of school age.

Route number 3.

According to him, the group goes down from the base "Doubtful" and completes the journey on the Cordon "Peak Tundrov". Specialists of the reserve take groups wishing to go through this route, from August 1 to September 1.

At this route, guests of the island will visit the "Crystal" stream, will examine the neighborhood of the base "doubtful", learn the Mount of Prusatkun. And also the route includes several cordons, a "misty" stream, the "Medvezhya" river. Guests make stops, where they are watching the representatives of the animal world, view landscapes and plants.

They have the opportunity to visit abandoned mines, where they mined a mountain crystal, admire the northern mountains. During the trip you can find bones or mammoth tails. The route is complex. It is designed for guests who are prepared for the Arctic conditions.

Route number 4.

This trip is calculated for 3 days. Excursions on this route are based on August 1 to October 1. The group moves from the database base. Then the path runs through the pass called "Eugene". Guests move to the "Percatkun" grief, then to the "Crystal" stream. It is assumed to visit the "Outside" river, the River "Unknown".

The program includes several streams, passages. Guests acquainted with the landscape, Flora and the Fauna Island. The route will be interested in those who love birds, as well as schoolchildren. Tourists who go on the journey must be physically strong and hardy.

Mashrut number 5.

Traveling on it is performed in August and in the 1st half of September. The point of departure of the tourist group is the base "doubtful". On the way, the guests will examine the Bay of "Krasina", visit the "Mammoth" river, on the crime of "damn ravine". As well as on the River "Gusina", Creek "Konnesharka", Cape "Bird Bazaar". The route involves visiting the "Drem-Head" mountain.

On the route there is a plant inspection, an acquaintance with animals and birds. Guests inspect the parking lot of Paleoee, old gallery and landscape of the sights of the island. Stop locations on the route may vary, depending on the weather. The journey is intended for tourists over 14 years old with good physical training.

Route number 6.

It includes a visit and inspection:

  • the creek "Crane";
  • river "Tundrov";
  • crystal stream;
  • river "Gusina";
  • creek "Perkatkun";
  • river "Soviet";
  • slopes of "Knotsky Nips";
  • "Lines of change of dates";
  • Mountains "Kit";
  • cape "Bird Bazaar" and so on.

The route is valid from August 1 to September 15. Tourists are allowed not under 14 years old, prepared for the conditions of the Arctic.

Route number 7.

The tourist group travels on it for 9-10 days. Excursions from tourists who want to make a trip along the route number 7 are taken on the island at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn. There may be no more than 6 guests in the group.

Tourists have managed in 10 days to inspect a huge number of attractions, watch animals and plants. On the route there is a restriction by age - tourists under the age of 14 years old do not accept it. In addition, guests must be physically prepared.

Route number 8.

This is a light route, which involves a boat trip. It acts from mid-July and until the end of September. Guests depart from the doubt "doubtful" and explore the boat waterfront "Krasina". On the tour of the tourists of all age categories are allowed.

Route number 9.

It is called the "ring route". Guests travel around the island of Wrangel and swim to Herald Island. Moves the excursion group on the cruise ship. The range of the route is from mid-August and to the end of September. The route is suitable for tourists of all ages, there are no restrictions.

That is prohibited by tourists, responsibilities and rules

To visitors of the Island of Wrangel, arriving with a tourist purpose, is made a number of requirements that they are obliged to perform.

Guests are prohibited:

Each tourist is obliged:

  • navigate through the reserve only accompanied by an employee who provides guests with security and controls compliance with them of the rules of stay on the island;
  • approach the birds and animals only by the permission of the inspector, and keep them from them at a distance he will determine;
  • move on all-terrain vehicle or quad bike at a speed of no more than 20 km / h;
  • stop approaching birds and animals with the slightest signs of their concern;
  • in case of being close to the road of a bird sip, reduce speed up to 7 km / h and proceed further, without stopping;
  • stop near baby animals and birds no longer than 15 minutes;
  • go out of transport only in those places that will determine for landing guide;
  • immediately sit down in the boat and leave the shore by order of the guide, in case the group is approaching the white bear;
  • consider the leading boat in which the specialist of the reserve is located, and accurately follow the algorithm of movement and behavior of the leading boat.

Observing all these rules, the tourist will provide himself, as well as others, an interesting and safe stay on the island of Wrangel. Wrangel Island looks frightening only on the map. In fact, it is a very interesting place. Every moment of stay here will forever be deposited in the memory of any tourist. All who once visited the island, pulls back here again.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about the island of Wrangel

Wrangel Island, Nature, Features, Island Overview:

Posted Sun, 16/11/2014 - 07:49 by CEP

Wrangel Island from the west side is washed by the East Siberian and the eastern side of the Chukchi seas. Herald Island is a mountainously and is located 60 km east of Wrangel Island in Chukotka Sea.
Wrangel Island is located north of Chukotka, between 70-71 ° C.Sh. and 179 ° zd - 177 ° V.D. An important feature of the geographical position of the island is the fact that it is the only large land located in high latitudes in the northeast sector of the Asian Arctic, in the mainland shelf area, the boundary of which ends at about 300 km north of the island. At the same time, the island of Wrangel is located close not only to Asia, but also to North America, and to the Bering Strait dividing these continents, which serves as the only highway connecting the quiet and northern ice oceans and the reproduction of many types of marine animals.

The island is separated from the mainland of Long Strait, the average width of which is 150 km, which ensures reliable insulation from the mainland. At the same time, the Square of the Island of Wrangel is large enough to provide biological and landscape diversity. Other Arctic Islands and archipelagoes are separated from Wrangel Island with hundreds of kilometers.

Until the last raising of the World Ocean, Wrangel Island was part of the Unified Beringian Sushi.

The greatest length is diagonally from the northeast to the southwest (between Cape Wering and Blossom) is about 145 km, and the maximum width from the north to South (Traverse Bay Lacenaya - Gulf Krasina) - a little more than 80 km. Approximately 2/3 of the island area occupy mountain systems with the highest height of 1095.4 m N.M.. (Soviet).
Wrangel Island is one of the highest islands in the Euro-Asian Arctic sector and the highest island, deprived of the coating glaciation, in the Arctic at all. The island is characterized by the strong dismemberment of the relief and a wide variety of geological and geomorphological structures.
The Islands of Wrangel and Herald on climatic conditions, the peculiarities of landscapes and vegetation cover are the subzone of the Arctic TundR (the most northern subzones of the tundra zone).

Geography of Wrangel Island
Wrangel Island (Chuk. Umkilir - "Island of White Bears") - Russian island in the Arctic Ocean between the East Siberian and Chukotka seas. Named in honor of the Russian navigator and the statesman of the XIX century Ferdinand Petrovich Vrangel.

Located at the junction of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres and is divided into 180-M Meridian into two almost equal parts.
Administratively refers to the Euulty District of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
It is part of the reserve of the same name. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2004).

Archaeological finds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe parking area of \u200b\u200bthe ravine ravine indicate that the first people (Paleoeoe) hunted on the island for another 1750 BC. e.
The existence of the island of Russian pioneers was known since the middle of the XVII century on the stories of the local residents of Chukotka, however, he got into geographical maps only two hundred years later.

In 1849, the British researcher Henry Kellett (Eng. Henry Kellett) found a new island in the Chukchi sea and called him in honor of his ship herald island Herald. The west of Herald Kellett was observed another island and noted him on the map. The island received its first name: "Land of Kellett".

In 1866, West Island visited the first European - Captain Eduard Dallmann (Eduard Dallmann), who conducted trade operations with residents of Alaska and Chukotka.
In 1867, American whale by profession and researcher on the vocation of Thomas Long (English. Thomas Long) - maybe not knowing about the previous opening of the kellett, or incorrectly identifying the island - called him in honor of the Russian traveler and the State Worker of Ferdinand Petrovich Vrangel.
Wrangel knew about the existence of the island from Chukchi and during the 1820-1824 he was unsuccessful looking for him.

In 1879, the way of Expedition of George de Long, which tried to reach the North Pole on the Jeannetta vessel, passed near the Island of Wrangel, which was trying to reach the North Pole. "USS Jeannette"). The sailing of De Long ended the disaster and in search of it in 1881, the American steam cutter Thomas Corvin approached the island (English. Thomas Corwin) under the command of Kelvin Hooper (English Calvin L. Hooper). Hooper landed on the island of the search batch and proclaimed its territory of the United States.
In September 1911, icebreaking steamer "Vaigach" came to the island of Waigach from the composition of the Russian hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean. The crew of Vaigach performed the shooting of the coast of the island, made a landing and raised the Russian flag over him.

herald Island, Wrangel Island Satellite

Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1916
On July 13, 1913, the Brigantine of the Canadian Arctic Expedition "Karluk" (English "Karluk) under the leadership of the Anthropologist V. Stefanson came out of the port of Nome (Alaska) to study the island of Hearshe in the sea Beaufort. August 13, 1913, 300 kilometers from the destination, "Carluk" was clamped with ice and began a slow drift to the West. On September 19, six people, including Stefanson, went hunting, however, due to ice drift, they could not return to the ship. They had to do the way to Cape Barrow. Later, Stephenson was charged with deliberately left the ship under the pretext of hunting in order to study the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
25 people remained on Karluk - team, members of the expedition and hunters. Brigantine drift continued on the route Barka Zhannetta George de Long, until January 10, 1914, she was crushed.
The first batch of sailors on behalf of Bartletta and under the command of Baryna, Mameman spoke to the island of Wrangel, but Herald was mistakenly reached. Herald's island remained senior assistant captain "Karluk" Sandy Anderson with three sailors. All four died, presumably due to food poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Another party, including Elassker McCoy (Member of the Sheklton Antarctic Expedition in 1907-1909), took an independent trip to the island of Wrangel (at a distance of 130 km) and disappeared. The remaining 17 people under the command of Barletta managed to get to the Island of Wrangel and went ashore in Draghi Bay. In 1988, traces of their camp were found here and a memorable sign was established. Captain Barlett (had the experience of participation in expeditions of Robert Piri) and the Hunter Eskimo Cataktovik together went on the ice on the mainland for help. For a few weeks, they successfully reached the coast of Alaska, but the ice conditions did not allow to take an immediate rescue expedition.

Russian icebreaking steamers "Taimyr" and "Vaigach" in the summer of 1914 twice (August 1-5, then on August 10-12) tried to make their way to the rescue, but could not overcome the ice. Several attempts by the American Cutter "Bear" (English "Bear) also turned out to be unsuccessful.

Of those who remained on the island of Wrangel, 15 people were killed: Mallock from the aggregate of such reasons as overwork, supercooling, ganlena and eating spoiled peummican; Mamen, as a consequence of kidney failure caused, apparently, the same pemmican; Braddie, according to some members of the group, was killed Williamson, who stated an accident when cleaning the revolver. The reason is a heavy psychological atmosphere in the group camp. The murder has not been proven, Williamson denied all the charges. The survivors mined themselves to feed the hunt and were saved only in September 1914 by the expedition on the Canadian schooner King & Wing (English "King & Wingence).

Northern Shine above the island of Wrangel

Expedition Stephenson 1921-1924
Inspired by the experience of survival of the Karluk crew and the prospects of sea fishing at the Island of Wrangel, Stefenson deployed a campaign on the colonization of the island. To support his company, Stefanson tried to receive official status on the part of Canadian first, and then the British government, but his idea was rejected. The refusal, however, did not prevent Stefenson to declare the support of the authorities and then raise the British flag over the island of Wrangel. As a result, it led to a diplomatic scandal.

On September 16, 1921, a settlement of five colonists was founded on the island: 22-year-old Canadian Alan Crawford, Americans Galle, Maurera (expedition participant at Karluk), Knight and Eskimo women Adda Blackjack as seamstress and cooks. The expedition was poorly equipped, as Stefanson relied on the hunt as one of the main sources of supply.
Successfully overlooking the first winter and losing only one dog (from the seven), the colonists hoped for arrival in the summer of the vessel with reserves and shifts. As a result of heavy ice conditions, the vessel could not get closer to the island and people remained at another wintering.

In September 1922, the Bloat of the Belaya Magnet "Magnet" can be held to the island of Wrangel (the former messenger, armed during the Civil War) under the command of Lieutenant D. A. Von Driver, but the ice did not give her such opportunities. About the goal of the "Magnit" to the island of Wrangel Opinions disagree - this is the suppression of Stephenson's activities (expressed by contemporaries and participants in the events), or on the contrary, assisting him for remuneration (expressed in the newspaper FSB of Russia in 2008). Because of the military damage to the white movement in the Far East, the ship was no longer returned to Vladivostok, the crew "Magnit" went to emigration.
After the hunt fails and food reserves approached the end, on January 28, 1923, three polarists went to the mainland for help. Nobody saw them more. The remaining Island of Knight died from Qingi in April 1923.
Alive remained only 25-year-old hell blackjack. She managed to survive on the island alone before the arrival of the vessel on August 19, 1923.

In 1923, 13 settlers remained on the wintering on the island - American geologist Charles Wells and twelve Eskimos, including women and children. Another child was born on the island during the wintering period. In 1924, a concerned about the creation of a foreign colony on the Russian island, the Government of the USSR sent to the island of Wrangel canoner boat "Red October" (former Vladivostok port icebreaker "Reliable", on which guns installed).

"Red October" came out of Vladivostok on July 20, 1924 under the command of Hydrograf B. V. Davydov. On August 20, 1924, the expedition raised the Soviet flag on the island and taken out settlers. On the way back, on September 25 in the Long Strait at Cape Schmidt, the icebreaker was hopelessly clamped with ice, but the storm had a storm helped him. Overcoming heavy ice led to the overflow of fuel. By the time when the vessel threw anchor in the bay of providence, the fuel remained 25 minutes of the stroke, and there was no fresh water at all. Vladivostok icebreaker returned on October 29, 1924.

Soviet-American, and then the Chinese-American negotiations on the further return of the colonists to their homeland through Harbin took a long time. Until the return, Troy did not live - the head of the expedition Charles Wells died in Vladivostok from pneumonia; Two children died over the next way.

Development of the Island of Wrangel
In 1926, a polar station was created on the island of Wrangel under the leadership of G. A. Ushakov. Together with Ushakov, 59 people landed on the island, mostly Eskimos who previously lived in the villages of Providence and Chaplino.
In 1928, an expedition was performed on the icebreaker "Litche", the boiler house on which the Ukrainian writer and journalist Nikolai Truveiini worked, who described the Island of Wrangel in a number of his books, in particular "to the Arctic - through the tropics." In 1948, a small group of domestic reindeer was brought to the island and a branch of a reindeer herdded state farm was organized. In 1953, administrative authorities adopt a resolution on the protection of foolishness on the island of Wrangel, and in 1960, a long-term reserve was created by decision of the Magadan Regional Executive Committee, transformed in 1968 to the reserve of republican importance.

Lie about gulag
In 1987, the former ZKK Efim Moshinsky published the book in which he argued that he was in the "Correctional Labor Camp" on the island of Wrangel and met Raul Wallenberg there and other foreigners' prisoners. In fact, contrary to legend, there was no Gulag camps on the island of Wrangel.

Wrangel Island (Reserve)
In 1975, the island of Nynivak was introduced to the island, and the executive committee of the Magadan region took the land of the islands to the future reserve. In 1976, the Reserve "Island of Wrangel Island" was founded for the study and protection of natural complexes of the Arctic Islands, which also included the small neighboring island of Herald. In connection with the reserve around the islands, the security zone of the reserve 5 sea miles wide. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve amounted to 795.6 thousand hectares. In 1978, the scientific department of the reserve, whose employees began to be a planned study of the islands of plant and animal world.
In 1992, a radar station was closed, and the only settlement remained on the island - the village of Ushakovsky, which by 2003 was empty.
In 1997, at the proposal of the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the State Economics of Russia, the area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve was expanded due to the inclusion in its composition of the water area of \u200b\u200b12 maritime miles wide, the order of the Government of the Russian Federation N ° 1623-p dated November 15, 1997, and in 1999, Around the already protected water area by the decision of the Governor of Chukotka JSC N ° 91 of May 25, 1999, a security area was organized by a width of 24 nautical miles. Wrangel Island

Various military exercises are regularly held on the island.
At Schmidt's Cape and Wrangel Island in 2014, more than 2.5 thousand tons of various goods will be delivered for the first time.
On August 20, 2014 Sailors of the Pacific Navy under the command of Captain 3 rank Evgenia Onufriev, who arrived on the island of Wrangel for holding hydrographic works on the Marshal Gelovani ship, raised the Naval Flag over the island, thus founding the first point of the basing of the Pacific Fleet of Russia.

Wrangel Island Nature
The island area is about 7670 km², of which about 4700 km² are occupied by mountains. Coast lowlands, dissected by lagunis, separated by sandy braids from the sea. In the central part of the island, the area is mountainous. There are small glaciers and small lakes, the Arctic Tundra.

Wrangel's Island relief determines significant thermal differences within its limits. Thus, at different points of the southern coast, the mid-July temperature ranges from 2.4 to 3.60c, which corresponds to the range of the arctic tundra subzones; On the northern coast, the same indicator fluctuates about 10s (as in polar deserts), and in the intermediates of the central part of the island, it reaches 8-100s, which is characteristic of the southern outskirts of the tundra zone.

Climate in the Area island area with a significant influence of cyclonic activity. Most of the year, cold arctic air masses are dominated here, which are distinguished by low temperatures and low moisture content and dust. In summer, they are crowded with warmer and wet air masses from the Bering Sea. Not rare here and dry, dusty or continental air masses from Siberia. The average annual air temperature is 11.3 ° C. The coldest month is February (- 24.9 ° C), the warmest - July (2.5 ° C).

The frost-free period on the islands usually does not exceed 20-25 days, often constituting only about 2 weeks. During the year it falls on average 152 mm of precipitation, of which approximately half of the snow months. For the winter period, strong and long-lasting northeastern winds are characterized, whose speed often exceeds 40 m / s. At the same time, the snow sediments are significantly redistributed depending on the form of the relief and the direction of the wind, forming a very uneven snow cover - from its absence on places in the places to multi-meter in lowlands and on the leeward slopes. A significant part of snow precipitation is demolished by the wind in the sea.

Meso-climatic differences are well expressed on the territory of the island of Wrangel. The central sector of the island has a greater continentality of the climate compared to the coastal (Western and Eastern sectors), which are characterized by lower summer temperatures, the later gathering of snow and much greater than the repeatability of cloudy weather and fogs.

Approximately 2/3 of the territory about. Wrangel occupy mountains. In the central part of the island to the north and south of the central mountains, two longitudinal wide (up to 3 km) valleys are traced in the latitudinal direction. The highest point of the island of the Soviet Mountain is 1096 m. The central mountain part of the Island of Wrangel is a middle mountain, towering over all island.
The middle house array is strongly dissected by numerous valleys. The peaks of the mountains, with the exception of several highest with the mountaineering outlines, have a predominantly plain form. From the West, the North and the South of the Mediterraneury, the lane is surrounded by a lane and holmogriy, which are strongly dissected Penmentelene with high-altitude marks from 200 to 600 m. Substrengths are also densely dissected by valleys, among which there are several particularly large, forming extensive intermountable basins. Mountain structures of the island from the north and south are bother with accumulative plains, folded predominantly alluvial sediments, with ridges and respects rising 10-15 m above the general level.

The northern valley is dedicated to a large latitudinal one, and South - to the border of multi-time and varietary thickness. The north and southern part of the island occupy low-lying tundra. The northern low-album of the academy tundra is a slightly coated lowland with absolute marks from 5-10 to 30-50 m. Plain tundra in the southern part of the island by the nature of the surface of the Tundra of the Academy. The absolute marks of its heights at the foot of the central mountains reach 100 m. From the west side of the island there is a seaside narrow plain.

The plain coast of the island belongs mainly to the lagoon type and are characterized by abundance of sandy-pebble braids and bars. Where mountainous structures come to the sea, various types of abrasion shores are developing, characterized by rock cliffs up to several tens of meters. Herald Island is a high rest of the granites and gneises, from all sides, the steep rocky yields of up to 250 m in the sea. For both islands, a variety of cryogenic forms of nano- and micro-relief are characterized, among which various polygonal and spotted forms prevail. In the low-lying areas of the plains of the island of Wrangel, termeral hollows are also developed, and in intergranty valleys - Bajjarakh complexes resulting from the drawing of polygonal ice ice.

In accordance with the landscape and ecological zoning of the territory of Russia (Isachenko, 2001), the Island Island is part of the Chukchi-Koryak group of the provinces of the Far Eastern sector of the subarctic zone. However, most researchers (Alexandrov, 1977; Chrome, Mamontov, 1974, etc.) refer it to the Arctic zone. For the island as a whole, the development of arctic type landscapes is characterized, including polar-deserted and arctic-tundra subtypes. In accordance with the Botaniko-geographical zoning of the Arctic (Alexandrov, 1977), the Island of Wrangel belongs to the Werangele's subfroval of the Vrangelev-West American province of the Arctic TundR. On the island of Wrangel, all the main types of Arctic landscapes are presented. Plains, abrasion and accumulative origin, according to morphological types, give a wide range, which includes low-alley and elevated, flat, hilly and inclined.
On the territory of the Island Markov, (1952) and V.V.Petrovsky (1985), there were 5 districts characterized by relatively homogeneous geological and geomorphological conditions and features of plant communities: Tundra Academy, Southern District, West District, Central District and East Area.

wrangel Island, Chukotka Sea coast

Hydrology and hydrography
Total on the island of more than 140 rivers and streams with a length of more than 1 km and 5 rivers with a length of more than 50 km. All watercourses have snowmall. Of approximately 900 lakes, most of which are located in the academy tundra (North Island), 6 lakes have an area exceeding 1 km². On average, the depth of the lakes is not more than 2 m. According to the origin of the lake, they are divided into thermal lights, to which most of the older (in the valleys of large rivers), glacial, footprint and lagoon. The largest of them are: KMO, Komsomol, Gagache, Reserved. The entire island surface is dissected by an intensively developed river network. All over or less large rivers take the beginning within large mountain varnishes, where their valleys are usually narrow, with steep slopes and canyons in some sections. Mountain streams and rivers have a relatively low depth with a small row width. The valleys are deeply embedded, differ not yet installed equilibrium profile. Mountain rivers, which flow the embrace structures, almost all throughout have steep rocky shores. With the exit to the plains of the surface of the watercourses sharply expands: flows are dismembered by several sleeves, meanders appear, ples, rigs. For watercourses, the academy tundra is characterized by a calm flow in winding rods. The erosion cut into them is weakly expressed. There is an abundance of old lakes, especially in the floodplain part.

The water area of \u200b\u200bthe East Siberian and Chukotka Seas, adjacent to the Islands of Wrangel and Gerala, is distinguished as a separate Wangel chemical-oceanographic area, characterized by the special types of surface water with low salinity, high saturation with oxygen and increased content of biogenic elements. From the Bering Sea of \u200b\u200bBering, the flow of warm Pacific waters, which form a clearly pronounced interlayer at a depth of 75-150. In the northern part of the water area, at a depth of 150 m, and warm atlantic waters penetrate.

The ice regime adjacent to the islands of the water area is characterized by almost constant presence of ice in the summer. The edge of the drifting ice, during their minimum propagation, is located in close proximity to the islands, or a little north-west (in exceptional cases far north). In the Long Strait, throughout the warm period, an ice array is preserved, known as Wrangelsky. In the East Siberian Sea, near the island of Wrangel in the summer there is a spong of the Eyone Oceanic Ice Arrays. In the winter period, to the north or north-west of the island there is a stereo in stationary wormwood.

East-Siberian Sea. Due to the low depths, the temperature is characterized by a uniform distribution from the surface to the depth. In winter, it is -1-20s, in the summer + 2 + 50c, in bays to + 80c. The saltness of water is different in the western and eastern parts of the sea. In the eastern part of the sea at the surface, it is usually about 30 ppm. River stock in the eastern part of the sea leads to a decrease in saline to 10-15 ppm, and in the mouths of large rivers almost to zero. Near the ice fields, salting increases to 30 ppm. With a depth of salting rises to 32 ppm Chukotka Sea. The temperature in winter -1.70s, in the summer rises to + 70s. From the southern part of the island of tides and low-rise, about 15 cm. In winter, an increased saline is characterized (about 31-33) of the waters of water. In the summer period, saline is less, it increases from west to east from 28 to 32. In the melting edges of the ice ice saline, it is minimal at the mouth of the rivers (3-5). Usually with a depth of saline increases.
Describes the Chukotka current from the West to East from the East Siberian Sea and the Geraldovskaya and the Long Branches of the Beringovomorsk flow going to the north, north-west and west to the Strait of Long.

The island is complexed with a variety of sediments (metamorphic, sedimentary, magmatic, etc.) of a wide age range - from the late Precambrian to Triass, which are blocked by non-quaternary precipitation that perform depression in the north and south. Lovely nude, lightweight tundra and in most cases moderate exceeding, good decryptability of objects make an island convenient for geological study. In addition, contacts between the midstalls in most cases are well pronounced in the relief.

Wrangel Island is composed of two main complexes: metamorphic formations and deposits of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Cover.

Metamorphic formations are exposed in the axial part of the central and mammoth mountains. The sedimentary and volcanic rocks are strongly deployed and metamorphiced in the green and epidote-amphibolite facies and small intrusions of the main and acidic composition, stand out as the Webhelev complex [Ivanov, 1969], the lower part of the Sweets of Berry [Tilman et al., 1970; Hanelin et al., 1989; Bogdanov, 1998], Gromovskaya and Inkalin Sweets [Kamenev, 1975]. Total capacity is estimated in 2000 m. G.I. Kamenev on finds of microfossils Gromovskaya retinue attributed to the middle and upper rife, and an Inkalin retinue to Wanda. ON THE. Bogdanov, S.M. Tilman and V.G. Hanelin with co-authors tend to consider these formations as a result of dynamometamophysome-ma Devonian or early Paleozoic breeds, which is confirmed by K-AG dating 457 ± 25 million years. During the works of the Soviet-Canadian expedition, the definitions of zirkons were obtained, testifying to the Late Proterozoic age: 699 ± 1 million years (zircons from basites), as well as 609 ± 10, 633 ± 21 and 677 ± 163 million years (zircons from granites). Our field observations (2006) are likely to indicate that there are both ancient and Paleozoic education in the metamorphic complex.

The Paleozoic-Mesozoic Case is complicated by the deposits of Silur-Demon, Devon, Carbon, Perm and Triassa. The contact of the Vrangelev complex with a nonmetron-free case is most likely tectonic. In the upper reaches Predators, it is distinctly expressed in the relief by a ledge and a conjugate saddler covered with vegetation with numerous rashes of black clay shale.

Silico Devon. Territative and carbonate sediments of this age are known only in the northern part of the island. Total capacity 400-500 m.

Devonian. Represents sandstones, often quartzites and slates with horizons of conglomerates, gravites and limestone. MK Kosko with co-authors describe the disroxant stratigraphic contact of Devon with conglomerates at the base in the breeds of the Webhelev complex. Power 600-2000 m.

Lower carbon. In the upper reaches Predators The lower part of the cut is made dark gray and black clay shale with the darkeys of dark organogenic limestone. The above is a pack of alternation of greenish-gray and brown limestone sandstones, aleurolites and slates. Gradual lamination is clearly visible. Across stretching there are Mergelist-limestone packs, interference and lenses of carbonate rocks and dolomites with plaster. For this part of the cut is characterized by motley brown, yellow, gray, green and pinkish colors.

Carbon. Pelitomorphic and organogenic limestone with horizons of terrigenous rocks, the number of which increases in the northern direction. The total capacity of deposits is 500 -1500 m. In the middle course p. Unknown there are yields of volcanogenic rocks of sour and main composition with relics of ball alive and yashmoid lenses.

Permian. Clay shale with bits of bituminous limestone and sandstones. In the southern part, clay slates are dominated, and in northern, more shallow, there are limzid horizons of conglomerates. Power of deposits 800 m in the southern part and 1200 m in Northern [Kosko et al., 2003].

Triassic. Territative sediments common mainly in the southern part, where they can be traced in a wide band from m. Bird bazaar to the east coast. The triass is characterized by turbidates and an internal fold-scaly structure.

Triass Turbiditis overlap the various horizons of Paleozoic sediments. Some researchers tend to consider these relationships as discountable stratigraphic contact, others as long. In the places studied by the authors (r. Predators, Hands. Doubt, m. Brew) Tectonic contact. However, it is impossible to exclude a long history of contact formation.

Initially, a stratigraphic relationship could have been existed, then it was formed with a total northern northern vergeedness, typical of Wrangel, and in the lowest stages, discharges could arise, including along the plane of the slope, due to the total stretching and formation on the shelf south of young sedimentary pools.

Soil Pokrov
The entire territory of the reserve is located in the zone of everlasting breeds. The soil islands are formed relatively well. Arctic tundra turf and tundra or arctic gley soils prevail. In the most continental central regions of the island, the soils are completely uncharacteristic for the Arctic Islands - steppe cryoaride and tundrospal, peculiar to the continental districts of Siberia and the North of the Far East. Under the name of the arctic tundra saline soils are described on the island and typical salt marshes, with lithogenic origin, i.e. We owe their existence to the discharge water regime, which is characteristic of arid territories and completely atypically for the Arctic. In the central regions of the island, the type of carbonate arctic-tundra soils is quite widespread, which is the endemic of the island of Wrangel.

On the island of Herald, the colonies of seabirds at an altitude of 100-200 m are well formed peat-humidic zogenic soils, which are extremely developed vegetable cover.

The first researcher of the vegetation of the Island of Wrangel B. N. Town, in 1938 studied the eastern coast of the island, taken it to the zone of arctic and polar deserts. After a complete study of the entire island from the 2nd half of the XX century. It is referred to the subzone of the arctic tundra tundra zone. Despite the relatively small sizes of the Island of Wrangel, due to the sharp regional features of his vegetation, it stands out to the Special Wedrangela subference of the Vrangelian-West American province of the Arctic TundR.

The vegetation of the island of Wrangel is characterized by a rich ancient species. The number of types of vascular plants exceeds 310 (for example, at a significantly larger Novosibirsk islands of such species of only 135, on the islands of the Northern Earth, about 65, on the Earth Franz Joseph less than 50). Flora island is rich in relics and relatively poor spread in other indoor regions of plants, which here in various estimates are not more than 35-40%.
About 3% of plants subendemic (Beskulnitsa, Mc Gorodova, Ostromoter Vrangelevsky) and endemic (Mattik Vrangelevsky, Mak Ushakova, Phalgelayevskaya, Mak Lapland). In addition to them, 114 species of rare and very rare plants grow on the island of Wrangel.

Such a composition of the plant world allows us to conclude that the original Arctic vegetation on this site of ancient Beringi was not destroyed by glaciers, and the sea prevented the penetration from the south of later migrants.
Modern vegetative cover on the territory of the reserve is almost everywhere incurred shorty. Sexual moss tundra prevails. In the mountain valleys and intermountains, the central part of the Island of Wrangel is found areas of Zamnik (Iva Richardson) with a height of up to 1 m.

bird Bazaar, Wrangel Island

Quite often, the bird of the reserve is flying or recorded by the wind of the bird from North America, among which the Canadian cranes are regularly visiting the island of Wrangel, as well as Canadian barrocks and various American small sparrows, including reels (mytov singer, savanna bunties, gray and Oregon Yunko, Chernobrovaya and Whitenesh zonologia).
Fauna mammalian reserve poor. Endemic lemming of Vinogradov, who previously considered the subspecies of the hoofed leming, Siberian lemming and sands, live here. Periodically, and in significant quantities, the polar bear appears, the maternity burgots of which are located within the borders of the reserve. At times in the reserve penetrate wolves, wolverines, mountainous and foxes. Together with people on the island of Wrangel settled riding dogs. The house mouse appeared in residential buildings. For acclimatization on the island, the northern deer and shezeby were brought.

The northern deer dwells here and in the distant past, and the modern herd comes from those delivered in 1948, 1954, 1967, 1968, 1975 of home deer from the Chukotka Peninsula. The deer population is supported in an amount of up to 1.5 thousand heads.
There is evidence that shezebiks lived on the island of Wrangel in a distant past. Nowadays, the flock of 20 goals was brought in April 1975 from the American Nunivak Island.
On the territory of the island is the largest frying fryer in Russia. In coastal waters inhabit seals.

In the mid-1990s, in the magazine "Nature" it was possible to read about the stunning discoveries made on the island. The Sergey Vartanyan reserve employee discovered the remains of woolly mammoths here, whose age was determined from 7 to 3.5 thousand years. Despite the fact that, on emerging opinion, Mammoths are everywhere extinct 10-12 thousand years ago. Subsequently, it was found that these remains belong to a special relatively small meaning, who inhabited the island of Wrangel in times when the Egyptian pyramids were standing long ago, and which disappeared only to the reign of Tutankhamon and the heyday of the Mycenaan civilization. This puts the island of Wrangel and a number of the most important paleontological monuments of the planet.

rest of the village of Dobyazy

Ushakovskoe (non-residential)
Star (non-residential)
Percatkun (non-residential)

The official village of Ushakovsky on the island of Wrangel was declared non-residential in 1997. However, several people refused to leave him.
The last 25-year-old woman-islanders named Vasilina Alpown in 2003 prickly white bear.
After her on the island of civilians, there was only a man Grigory Kourgin, a practitioner shamanism. Repeated the presence of people on the island provided the Russian military from the troops of the East Military District (VVO), which on October 1, 2014 set up a military town created for them.

Reserve Island Wrangel
"Wrangel Island" - the State Natural Reserve, occupies the most northern position (is mainly north of 71 ° C. sh.) From protected areas of Russia.
The State Natural Reserve "Island of Wrangel" was established by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of March 23, 1976 No. 189. Total area - 2,225,650 hectares, including a water area - 1,430,000 hectares. Square Zone - 795,593 hectares. It takes two islands of the Chukotka Sea - Wrangel and Herald, as well as an adjacent water area, and is located on the territory of the Schmidtsky district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
This northernmost nature reserves occupy two islands of the Chukotka Sea - Wrangel and Herald, as well as an adjacent water management, and is located on the territory of the eastern district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Approximately 2/3 of the territory about. Wrangel occupy mountains. Arctic tundra and mountains - the prevailing landscape. The Hydrographic Network of Wrangel Island is about 150 relative to small rivers and streams, only 5 of which have a length of over 50 km, and about 900 small shallow water lakes.

Flora Islands of Wrangel in its wealth and the level of endemism has no analogues in the Arctic. To date, 417 species and subspecies of vascular plants were revealed in the reserve. It is more than known for the entire Canadian Arctic Archipelago and 2-2.5 times exceeds the number of species on other Arctic tundra areas of such sizes. About 3% of the flora of the island of Wrangel are subendemic species. Among the vascular plants 23 Takson are endemics of the island. In terms of endemics, Wrangel Island has no equal among the Arctic Islands, including Greenland. A row of endemic plants (Oxytropis Ushakovii Oxytropis Okolodeliki, Mac Multipath Papaver Multiradiatum and Mac Snow-Manped Papaver CHIONOPHILUM) are common on the island. The endemics also include the variety of Besklinnitsa, the subspecies of Lapland Maca, Maks Gorodova and Ushakov, Phachchka Vrangelevskaya. The number of famous types of moss (331) and lichens (310) on the island of Wrangel is also superior to other territories in the Arctic TundR subzone.
Sexual-moss tundras predominate, the middle and lower belts of the mountains are engaged in grass-lichen and shrub-divergent tundra. There are swamps with the participation of spa, low and raised on Earth thickets of Evnyakov. In the flexible belts of the mountains - extensive rocky placers.
Natural conditions are not favored by the wealth of fauna.

In the reserve, there are absolutely no amphibians and reptiles; Fish (sike, washing and some others) can only be seen in coastal waters. But on the island of 169 species of birds, most of which are flying, nesting are registered for 62 species, of which 44 species are nesting on the islands regularly, including 8 types of seabirds. For example: Seagulls, Cayra, etc. Among the birds should be primarily mentioned by a white goose, which forms a large autonomous nesting colony from several tens of thousands of couples in Russia and in Asia. Black barrocks nest regularly (moreover, the nestless barrocks are arrived at a mongrel with mainland Chukotka and Alaska), an ordinary Gaga and Gaga-Grebenushka, in a very small number of Siberian gaga, panels and slices. On the ripped sea shores - the birds, which appealing in the 60s, according to the well-known researcher of the North S. M. Uspensky, 50-100 thousand Tolstoculus Kair, 30-40 thousand Maewings, 3,000 cormorants. V. V. Djkinkin in the book "In the world of nature reserved", published in 1989, writes "now these birds less", and on the official website of the reserve the total number of colonies of seabirds is estimated to 250-300 thousand nesting individuals.

The basis of the bird's population is the tundra species, most of which have circumpolar aroles and are common to all arctic tundras. This is a lapland plantain, a bunk, tules, stonecock, Icelandic sandbird and a number of other species. At the same time, there are cases of nesting nesting uncharacteristic for the Arctic of species, such as Turukhtan, a sandplash-redish, an imaging and an ax, a foam talovka, for whom Wrangel Island is the most northern point of the nesting. In recent years, Ipatka in recent years began to nest on the colonies of seabirds of the Island of Wrangel regularly and the number is growing.

The world of mammals is poorer, and the most typical representatives - Siberian Lemming and Lemming of Vinogradov, which in the years of high numbers are very important in the ecosystems of the reserve. Sandshadow, ermine, wolverine, wild northern deer, wolves, will raise red foxes. But a particularly famous resident of both islands is a polar bear. Wrangel's Islands and Herald are known as the world's largest concentration area of \u200b\u200bthe White Bear Berlerg. V. V. Dezhkin writes: "In some years, the reserve was organized by the Berlogs until 200-250 Medveditz." On the site of the reserve there is information that "annually on the islands in the Berlogs from 300 to 500 bears. Approximately 100 generic burgrels from this quantity is arranged on a small about. Herald. In the spring with a slightly rapid offspring, they are stripped into the sides of the Arctic's expanses.

Hoping are represented in the reserve with two species - the northern deer and the sheep. The northern deer were delivered to the island of Wrangel in the late 40s - early 50s: brought two batches of home reindeer from Chukotka's coast. Currently, they are a unique history and biological characteristics of the island population of the wild reindeer, the number of which at certain periods reached 9-10 thousand individuals. In 1975, a year before the establishment of the reserve, 20 shezebians caught on the American island of Nynivak were brought to the island of Wrangel. The period of adaptation of the sheep on the island and the development of the whole territory passed with difficulties and was stretched for several years, after which the survival of the original herd did not cause doubts and the population began to grow actively. Currently, the number of sheeps on the island is about 800-900 individuals, according to the position for the fall of 2007 - possibly up to 1000. According to paleontological data, both types of hoofs lived on the territory of the Island of Wrangel in Late Pleistocene, and the northern deer and much later - only 2 -3 thousand years ago.

Finally, on the coasts of the reserve, the wallery seals are arranged - the most interesting and valuable marine animals. Their protection and study are included in the task of local scientists. Pacific walrus lives here, for which this water area is the most important area of \u200b\u200bsummer feeding. In certain years, in the summer and autumn period - from July to the end of September-beginning of October, - near the islands, most of the females and young people accumulate. The walruses are holding at the edge of the ice and prefer to crawl on the vacation on the ice, until they are in the water area. With the disappearance of ice near the most cordless shallow sections, the walruses are suitable for the islands and form on certain braids the largest coastal fokers in the Chukchi sea. At the same time, on the coastal frying walruses on the island of Wrangel, a total of up to 70-80 thousand animals were recorded, and taking into account the beasts floating in the water here to 130 thousand walruses. On the wintering wallery migrate to the Bering Sea.

During the whole year in the coastal water area, ringed nerves and lahtak are common. The ringed nerve is the main feed for polar bears during the year, providing a full predator life cycle.
In the summer and autumn period adjacent to the islands of Wrangel and Gerald, the water area - the root of feeding and migrations of cetaceans. Gray whale is most numerous here. In recent years, the number of gray whales in the summer-autumn period off the coast of the Island of Wrangel has increased markedly. Every year along the shores of Wrangel Island on autumn migrations are large herds. According to satellite blossoms, it was found that Beluhi is suitable for the island of Wrangel in the fall, which are going to childbirth in the Mackenzie River Delta (Canada).
The purpose of creating a reserve is to preserve and explore the typical and unique ecosystems of the island part of the Arctic, as well as such species of animals, like a white bear, a walrus, the only nesting population of the White Goose, and many other types of Beringian flora and fauna with a high level of endemism. In 1974, shebik was acclimatized on the island.

Especially valuable natural objects

Tomas Valley Thomas with surrounding slopes
High concentration of generic white bear burgrel, high density of family groups and females of a white bear in the autumn period

Cape Blossa district
walruy rookery on the spit; High concentration and activity of polar bears in the autumn period; concentrations of pink and white cups on the autumn span; The area of \u200b\u200bthe concentration of walrus and feeding of gray whales in the coastal water area

Spit doubtful
walrus rookery; Place of high activity and concentration of polar bears in the autumn period

Southern Coast in the Bay Doubt
Cryophyte-steppe and tundro-steppe plant communities; rare and endemic taxa plants; Places of nesting of yeast car; The area of \u200b\u200bconcentration on the span of pink and white chaps; The high activity area of \u200b\u200bpolar bears in the autumn period

The mouth of the river Mammoth and Lake Jack London
high concentration of linen black chambers; concentrations of hives on the autumn span; Big colony of the vilochofit seagull; The high activity area of \u200b\u200bpolar bears in the autumn period

Average river mammoth
Cryophyte-steppe and tundro-steppe plant communities; relic community of arctic continental halofitis; High density of the nests of white owls and reproductive holes; Numerous small colonies of a white goose and other plastifers around the sockets of white owls; The nesting places of the yolkoskik and the Bardowan of the Sandplash; High density and variety of types of lemming settlements

Gusina River Valley
Relic tundmont communities, the growth of Evnyakov; High nesting density of white owls; Numerous colonies of a white goose around the sockets of white owls; Bardwoman's nesting location; High concentration and variety of types of lemming settlements

Mountain Massif Kit
nesting area Bardova Sandplash, desiccitus, concentration of melting black chambers; Big colony of the vilochofit seagull; High diversity of lemming settlements

West Coast (Plot from Cape Thomas to the mouth of the Soviet river)
High concentration of the generic burgrel of a white bear on the coastal slopes of the mountains, high activity of white bears in the autumn period; Large colonies of seabirds (Maewings, thick-frustrated cakes, beregs of cormorants, soaps); Bardwoman's nesting location; unique and high-aesthetic geological structures (I-VI); Arctic continental halofitis

Cape Warring district
High concentration of generic white bear burgrel; High activity of polar bears in the autumn period; Large colonies of seabirds (Maewings, thick-frustrated cakes, beregs of cormorants, soaps); The highest density of the Bardowan of the sandplash, the eponymous tip; location of mountain crystal and calcite; Unique geological structures

The supreme river is unknown (key section "Upper Unknown")
The most stable and densely populated reproductive settlement of the White Owl known in the area of \u200b\u200bthe species; Mixed reproductive settlements of White Owls and Sands; Very high concentration of colonies of plastiflowers around the sockets of white owls; High concentration of micropopulations and communities of relict, endemic and rare taxa plants; The growth of Ivnyakov

Basic nesting colony of white goose in the upper river Tundrov
The only major colony of white geese, preserved in Eurasia; with a concomitant unique ecosystem that formed in this habitat when influencing the zogeneous factors

Herald Island
The highest concentration of the generic burgrel of the White Bear is known in the area of \u200b\u200bthe species; walrus rookery; The most large in this sector of the Arctic colony of seabirds with the community of concomitant species; Unique and high-aesthetic geological structures

Mountains Drem-Head, Western Plateau, Warring, Eastern Plateau Plot in Cape Pillar
The main areas of the concentration of the generic Berler's Bear on the island of Wrangel, the areas of high concentration and activity of white bears in the autumn period

The lower river Tundrovaya
High concentration of white geese with chicks during molting period; The most stable and densely populated reproductive settlement of the Pots, known in the area of \u200b\u200bthe species; The area of \u200b\u200bthe high nesting density of the Voice of the Seagull; High concentration and variety of types of lemming settlements

Lake Basins in the Tundra of the Academy from the River of the Bear to the River Hydrographers and the Lowness of the Rivers Unknown, Songsova, Red Flag and Hydrographers
areas concentration of white geese with chicks during the post-challenge molting; The main places of the nesting of the Voice of the Seagull


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Photo: S. Anisimov, V.Timoshenko, A. Kutsky.