Krabi to lipa. How to get to lipe

Lipe Island (Koh Lipe) in Satun Province, in Thailand is perhaps the most pleasant place for connoisseurs of a leisure and peaceful beach holiday. Excellent and clean beaches, beautiful diving and snorkeling, and at the same time sufficient distance from the main packet-tourist flows - these are the main chips of the island to lip.

A good idea to "stick" on Lipa is to combine useful with pleasant - go, and then arrange a long-term beach relax.

When it is better to go to the lip

The best weather on Lipe from December to March. Nevertheless, you can come here from October 20. The season from October 20 to November 16 and from April 1 to May 16 is considered low. At this time, the lowest prices, but they may rain, and the sea is restless.
It should be borne in mind that the island of small and housing is not enough, so hotels in December, January, it is necessary to book in advance (for 6 or more months).

How to get to the lime yourself

You can get to the island of Lipe from Phuket, Pi-Pi, Lanta, Langkavi Islands, etc. - depends on where you are coming from. From Bangkok, first you need to get to the nearest pier, and then swim on the sea on the lipa.

There are no airports on Lipa, it is possible to get there only by sea, besides, not any month. Navigation in this area begins on October 19 and ends on May 16th.

In the photo: ferry to the co-lipa on the wharf hut-yoo

If you are flying from Europe, then the route will be approximately as follows: Flight to Bangkok - Flight to Hat Ya - Bus to Pier - Ferry or Boat on Lype. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems.

The easiest option is to buy a single ticket on the site from Bangkok immediately with the transfer to the lipa. Then you just board the plane in Bangkok, and then you will be accompanied everywhere, until the island.

Important! Note that in Bangkok Airasia aircraft fly from Don Muang Airport (this is not the airport in which you fly from Russia, Ukraine or Europe). Before that airport is still necessary. Therefore, in 1 day to get from Europe to the lipo will be too tiring. It is better to at least spend the night in Bangkok.

It looks like buying a ticket to Ko Lype like this: in the "Where" are looking for "Thailand (Island Transfer)" and choose "LIPE".

You first rent to Hat Yaya, then you will be taken to the port and will rise to the ferry to the lime. The whole road will take from 6 to 9 hours. On the way you will be accompanied by the company's employees. Everything is simple, clearly and understandable.

How to get to lipe yourself, without a shuttle

Most tourists travel to Lype or ferry from the Malay Island of Langkawi, or from Thailand, using comprehensive bus-ferry tickets that sell in any tourist agencies throughout Thailand. To determine from which places it is better to reach to the lime, see map:

I'll tell you more:

How to get from Penang (Malaysia) to Ko Lipe
1. First on the ferry to Langkawi, the price of 70RM, go for 3 hours.
2. Then transfer from Langkawi to the ferry to the lime, the price is 118RM, drive 1.5 hours. On Langkawi, it is better to travel from the berth of Telaga.
A single ticket can be bought at the box office on Penang.

How to get from Bangkok to Island to Lype
1. Fly to one of the nearest airports - Krabi or Hut-Yai.
2. Further on buses or minivans to get to Pak Bar or Hat Yao.
3. Then still distils on the ferry or boat.

Prices depend on the route and selected vehicles, for example, the estimated price of Krabi Airport - to Lype (ferry + minivan) 1400 baht / person. Speedbots are more expensive.

How to get from Phuket to Lype
Many tourists go to the island of Lipa directly with water, on speedbows or ferries. However, this option is only for those who wear a swing well. Long and Mouorne.
The direct ticket can be bought on Phuket in any tourist agency right on the street.

In the photo: tourist landing from the boat. Lipie Island

By the way, there is no pier on the lipa, so at the last stage you have a transplant with a ferry on small boats - Londelates, followed by disembarking into the water. So prepare 50 baht and take care of good shoes and cameras :)

The most peaceful months on the island of Lipa - October and April. The rest of the tourists are many.

Beaches to Lipa

As happens everywhere in Tae, there is no single ring beach for which one could get around the whole island. On Lipa there are only three largest beach - Sunrise, Sunset and Pattaya. And a few small, where you can only get on the boat. The beaches are something similar, the sand is clean and white everywhere, the entrance to the water is gentle. However, there are also differences than experienced tourists. So, look at the co-lipa map.

On the map Lipa looks like horseshoe

Pattaya Beach is first of all a transshipment base. This comes here, and from here the brigade of tourists are leaving, there is also a Thai immigration office and several large hotels. The beach is long and clean, and quite suitable for swimming, but this is not a bounty, if you understand what I mean :)

In the photo: Lype island's most leafy beach - Pattaya Beach

Sunset is the most picturesque and "dyed" beach to lime. Here, climbing slopes, along the coast more stones and, accordingly, less boats.

In the photo: Sunset Beach Ending on Co-Lip

Sunrise Beach, perhaps the most balanced. There is enough space for everyone, - and beachheads and boats.

In the photo: on the beach Sunrise on the island of Lipe
In the photo: Full relax on Sunrise Beach on Koj, Thailand

The best beach bars are located on Sunrise, where it is so nice to spend the evenings, communicating with friends, listening to music and drinking "Chang"

In the photo: "SEA LA VIE" - one of the best beach bars on the co-lip

Diving and snorkeling on lipe

In the photo: newcomers on the lipa quickly master diving

Lipa Island is located on the territory of Ko-Tarutao National Park, so the environment is just ideal for good diving. The surrounding coral reefs are replete with many types of tropical fish, you can also admire the turtles, barrags and dolphins. Newcomers-divers should take training tours to the neighboring Islands of Sawang and Chabang. The most advanced offers organize diving: "Adang Sea Divers" and "Ko Lipe Castaway Divers".

If you look for budget housing, most likely you will stop in the center of the island, in one of the guesthouses around the local Walking Street. Noisy, but close to the entire tourist party: cafes, bars, shopping. One of the freshest hotels and inexpensive - "A Plus Deluxe Hotel". Check Prices and Book Now

In the photo: an inexpensive and modern hotel "A Plus Deluxe Hotel", to Lype

Hotels on the West Bank of Lipe Island (especially on the Hills) are quieter and with chic types of rooms, but they have their own problems - e-mail transport - either constantly calling the local "taxi", or walking on foot, which is inconvenient in the dark.

In the photo: view from the window in the hotel "Mountain Resort" on the island of Lipe

If the main goal of rest is diving, it is best to settle in one of the authentic resorts of Sunrise Beach, like "ADANG SEA DIVERS & ECO LODGE" - Just, but very cheap. Here you can spend more time among submariner comrades, stretch yourself with equipment, and the loading of boats will be more optimal for you.

In the photo: Tusovka divers in the resort "Castaway"

Comfortable hotels in Ko Lipe

The most gorgeous hotels of the island are certainly "Serenendipiti Resort", "Mali Resort" and a modern "IDYLLIC CONCEPT RESORT". If the budget allows, be sure to live in one of them!

In the photo: View from the veranda of the hotel "Serenempiti Resort", Lipa Island

Budget housing on co-lip

In the photo: Cheap bungalows of resort "otga" - exotic in pure form

Oddly enough cheap and hippu bungalok hotel "Castaway Resort"

Yesterday at 8 am came out of the house and the dinner was already in Krabi. They settled in the guest in Town and, without losing time on shower and dressing, immediately went to AO-Nang. It went through the familiar streets, looked in Condo, where we used to live, met readers in the evening. Closer to the night in Town met with friends from Hua Hina. And this morning, all together started on the lipo.

How to get from Phuket to Lype

Pierce seedlings (Rassada Pier) on Phuket is close to Phuket Town. One of the pink city buses goes there. But since the departure time at 8 am, then the easiest way will take a taxi from your hotel on Phuket or from the bus station in Tauna. Order a taxi on the Pierce of Seedlings via the Internet under this reference.

From Phuket on a co-lipa by plane

Another convenient option. From Phuket, you can fly by direct flight Bangkok Airways to Hutyay, and from there to take a minibus to Pak Bar Pier, then speedbot to the lipo. Here is the link to flights Phuket Hutyay.

How to get next? I do not know for sure, but at the airport, you may immediately offer a comprehensive ticket to minibas and a boat to Ko-Lipa. We ourselves went to another route, so I'm not sure that there will be the opportunity to buy such a ticket.

If there are no suggestions, go to the Khatyay bus station from which you comed out by bus to Pakbara Pier. Further on speedbote to the island of Lipa. Order Bus tickets + boat can be on site 12goasia.

Bus Phuket - Trang, Minibuses on Pak Packer Bar, boat up to the lime

Go to Phuket Bus Terminal 2 bus station and buy tickets for Phuket - Trang. You can't buy such tickets over the Internet anywhere, only at the station station station. Tickets will cost about 300 baht plus minus. As you arrive in Trang, right at the station you can buy a minibass ticket to Pak Bar Pier. Here is the site where you can buy a comprehensive ticket for minibus and Cater Trang - Co-Lipe.

If you need to stay at the night in Trange, book a hotel on booking on this link.

How we got to the lipa from Phuket

We drove on the ground. In Krabi, we were waiting for friends by car. Stopped overnight in Krabi Tauna, and the sutort left by car in the direction of Pakbar Pier. By car, drive from Krabi about 3-4 hours. Next, I will tell you how we spent the evening in Krabi, visited the beach of AO Nang, as well as our first impressions of the lime.

Evening in Krabi.

Krabi got on minibas for 3 hours from the central bus station, 140 baht per person. She visited, apparently, a former motorbikeker - the whole road was attacked by the energy and led quite aggressively. For myself, noted, it is better to avoid movies on minibas.

AO-Nang - Not the Best Thailand Beach

What do you need to tell about Krabi? We walked on AO-Nangu. Ponostalgned a little. We wanted to give the beach a second chance, but ... Ao-Nang beach really disappoints! This is how we wrote 2 years ago an article, everything is still so far! Dirty turbid brown water, sand, on which it hits, or the bottom ... Noise from the motor boats is worth it, as if it is not a seashore, but a building with bulldozers ... only the unique mountains of Krabi saves the position. There would be no mountains, there would be nothing to do there. Who would have thought that on such an advertised resort with a beautiful title, Krabi, one of the worst beaches of Thailand

We are in Krabi!

At all the guys lit up, someone will think ... I do not know, maybe it is, especially after. I hope that the lovers of AO-Nang will be forgiven, but the bottom looks like the bottom in the Moscow River

Dirty Beach AO-Nang

By the way, in the far left corner in the sea there is a full-flower stinky river. Very, very stinking

Krabi - the most expensive mainland resort in Thailand

Prices in Krabi are a separate conversation. Among travelers walks the myth that Phuket is the most expensive island ... nonsense! AO-Nang is much more expensive than Phuket! On Phuket Dear Transport? The most expensive route in Phuket costs 40 baht, and Songteo from AO-Nang to Town - 50.


Nepalese everywhere! In all shopping tents on the Nepaltsa. They are very easily identified by the disgruntled expression of the face and Indian appearance. Katya forgot his glasses on the bus, it was necessary to buy new ones. On Phuket in any tent sunglasses 100 baht. These arrogant Nepalese muzzles tell us 350. It is only possible to indignant, from which it is such a triple cheating, as they wait for you with your hand and demonstratively leave. I do not even say that in their etiquette there is no elementary "Halo" and smiles to the buyer. Sit with disgruntled belly, bolding at the phone.


I got acquainted with the guys living in Krabi, who, as it turned out, have been reading our blog for a long time. They are not even insulted that we wrote in our time about Krabi not the best reviews (truth). Loved together with a wonderful sunset.

Krabi Town.

Here in Tauna everything is in Thai. Syly attempt the soup on 80 baht and on the dessert pancakes with a banana. They met with friends from Hua Hina and drove into the macro. At the dream, the coming was made on the beer and sleep.

The next morning we had to get up early. They snapped sandwiches and coffee from 7-11 and drove further by car towards Pakbar Pier.

Island to Lipa - First Impressions

We definitely describe in the lipa. While sharing the first impressions. Water is clean and transparent. But not turquoise, like on Siemilas.

View of the lime with a floating berth

Sunset Beach

First impressions of the lime

  • For each step you have to pay - per ticket for speedbot, for the passage on the Pier, for the boat from speedbot to the beach, for the entrance to the island
  • There are no beaches "Bounty"
  • Beaches forced by boats
  • A lot of garbage and ruin, it is worth only to get off the central wolping street
  • In stores products are more expensive. Prices in the tourist cafes are approximately as everywhere - dishes of 100-150 baht
  • Many Russian tourists
  • Many tourists of other nationalities
  • In the evening on the beach Music, fire shows and cozy barbs, just like in Goa
  • The island is a large market with restaurants, bars and hottest hotels.

By the way, the main beach on the lipa is called Pattaya Beach

They did not want to sleep in cheap straw bungalows, it is romanticized only for those who have never been in the tropics. Severated a decent hotel. A lot of 2,000 baht ($ 55). Well, this is a lime, that's fine !! All cool, hotel new, bed clean, but ... no hot water! Well, how so you can, and ?? For 2 thousand baht, there are rooms for 2 thousand and can't buy at least some cheap water heaters!

  • Read:

Hotels on to Lype

  • Akira Lipe Resort.
  • Bundhaya Villas.
  • Harmony Bed & Bakery
  • The Reef.

All hotels in Koh Lipe

Updated on Sunset Beach. Without much pleasure. There was a tump, very finely, literally knee-deep, and on the bottom there are many stones, and we did not take the shoes for swimming. Tomorrow you swim in Pattaya or go for intelligence on the third beach. About the beach holiday on this island, see a new article.

  • Read:

Co-Lipa is considered to be a national park. For the entrance, we paid 200 baht ($ 6). And on the island itself is full of such swelling places, where garbage, building materials, something reproof and then abandoned. I understand that Thai themselves put on nature. But is it really so difficult to somehow put everything, once take money for the entrance? Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here, but they are not ashamed of them srach to breed and do not remove anything.

Co-lipa is no longer that (c)

Our friends are still not delighted. In the evening they attempted in the cafes, they took Changu and went to the beach. The mood has improved, we liked the evening Pattaya Beach. So, while the impressions of the lipom are ambiguous.

And one of you had been on this island? Write, how is he you? What did you like that not? Where to eat delicious, what excursions took?

PS: Already anticipating the comments of the clever, like - "How touched, they got" or "what non-studies, you see and outside" and the like philosophical nonsense. So, I answer immediately, we drove with a great attitude and expected to see the level of Similan :)

Added the next day: Today, all morning bathed on Pattaya Beach and the next beach. Wonderful blue driver, from which I do not want to get out! The mood and impressions of the island are improving!

Updated: 17 Sep, 2018

The Adang Archipelago, located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea, not far from the mainland of Thailand and Malaysia, is often called "Thai Maldives", first of all, for snow-white sand. To Lype (Thailand) is the only inhabitable island in this archipelago. Tourists come here to enjoy serenity and tranquility. In addition, the island attracts divers, because the coast lives a lot of maritime residents - almost a quarter of all existing in nature. The island is the most southernmost point of Thailand and many tourists scares the question - how to get to the lime. Nevertheless, the number of travelers increases annually. We have prepared detailed information for those who are planning a trip to the island.

general information

The island of the Lype in Thailand is located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea and belongs to the province of Satun. This is no longer southern point of the country. In a sunny, a cloudless day from the island you can see the coast of Malaysia, namely, Langkawi Archipelago, located 30 km away.

Phuket is 250 km away, to Krabi - about 220 km, and the mainland of Thailand is 70 km away.

The length of the island is only 3 km, it is easy to walk on foot, indigenous inhabitants on the lime about 800 people. The main source of income is fishing, tourism.

Interesting fact! The indigenous population belongs to the marine gypsies - comes from Malaysia, who came to the island near the century ago.

On Kojutao themed Marine Park, which was given the status of the national, at the end of the 20th century they were called the second in Thailand.

Tourist infrastructure and recreation features

Every year the number of tourists on the island of Kohl Leip in Thailand increases, despite the fact that it is possible to get here only by water. Infrastructure accordingly develops rapidly - the resort blooms and attracts more and more travelers. The first and main reason why tourists come here - beaches, where you can enjoy a relaxing holiday or make a fascinating dive, snorkeling.

Interesting fact! Not far from the lipa there are several uninhabited islands, where they are sent with the excursion tour or stay for several days in the tent.

Volking Street

The island of Lipe in Thailand boasts a walking street - Volking Street, where souvenir shops, pharmacy, travel agencies, cafes and exchange office work. The rates on the central street of the island are high enough, and the course is unfavorable, so everyone needs to be better stock on the mainland. The local attraction of Pattaya Beach begins and stretches to Sunrise Beach. The signs indicate that the street works from 6-00 to midnight, but Volking Street does not close, many cafes, restaurants and bars open in the afternoon. Of course, most of the institutions for midnight will be empty and closed, but still, you can find several bars that invite tourists.

Regarding recent banking offices and banks on the island there was no, but today it will not make money will not be difficult. It should be noted that the commission will have to pay for the removal of money, and the course is disadvantageous. Also in some hotels, you can pay the number and services of a plastic card, but the Commission is charged for it. In exchange offices, you can exchange dollars and the currency of Malaysia - Ringgit.

On the lipa in Thailand there is Wi-Fi, the Internet access points are presented in hotels and Internet cafes.

Most cafes, bars are on the coastline, the maximum distance to the sea is 200 meters. Disco and other entertainment institutions, however, there are no attractions on the island.

Interesting fact! The maximum distance between the beaches on the island is 1 km, so during the rest you can easily visit everyone. A walk from one to the other will take about a quarter of an hour. Do not like to walk - rent a bike.

For what is worth getting to the lip

  1. Sea landscapes. Already on the way to the island, on the ferry, you can make beautiful photos.
  2. Bright underwater world. The coast of the island has a lot of fish and maritime residents, even tourists who do not know how to swim. For this you do not need to wear special equipment, just enough masks and tubes.
  3. Large selection of sightseeing tours. Most of them are on deserted islands, it's easy to stay here for several days. There are night bathing tours, which flickers from the abundance of plankton, a ride with a barbecue against the marine sunset. The cost of the excursion is about $ 17-19.
  4. Snow white beaches and pure turquoise water. Despite the fact that it is not so easy to get to the island, and there are minor flaws in Thailand, the beaches are attracted by beauty and allow you to not pay attention to small inconvenience. Here you can meet fabulous dawns and sunsets, numerous bars offer drinks, delicious treats right on the shore.
  5. Large seafood dishes. In each restaurant and bar offer delicious treats from such maritime residents, which you did not even hear. Some dishes are prepared right in front of tourists.

Good to know! In addition to traditional restaurants on Volking Street, buffets work, for a certain amount you can try at least the entire range of dishes. Cost about $ 15-17.

It will be incorrect to tell only about the positive sides of the island in Thailand. If you decide to make a journey and get to the lime, be prepared for the following unpleasant surprises:

  • garbage, the power of the island just do not have time to export it;
  • boats - the real Beach of the island, they are moored on all beaches;
  • cats and dogs, some of them are annoying;
  • product prices are higher than in stores on the mainland of Thailand.

Natural disadvantage - strong tides and lowers. During the tide, the coast has underwater, there is no place for the sun. In the clock, the sea is so smashes that only children can swim in the sea.

Interesting fact! The only place on the island, where there are no rows and flows - the northern edge of Sunrise Beach.

Large stores on the island are not, there are small food shops. Be sure to try pancakes - they are sold in street tents.


Getting to the island is not so simple, but on the linda to solve the issue with movement we decide. There are no cars here, few bikes, public transport does not go. Travelers offer several ways to move around the island:

  • on foot;
  • motobike Taxi;
  • bicycle rental;
  • between the beaches regularly run boats.

Accommodation on the island

Every year, new hotels opened on the lipa in Thailand, however, it is not so easy to find a high tourist season, so the room is better to book a few months before the trip. Most hotels are built directly on the shore, many have a kind of bungalow, but you can find a traditional hotel.

In the tourist season, rates for accommodation in the hotel category three stars make up about 3 thousand baht, and the bungalow can be rented for 1 thousand baht. In the low season, the rates are doubled.

Features of hotels in Lipe (Thailand):

Good to know! In addition to hotels on the island, there is also a budget accommodation - tents in Campunga. Most of all they are on the beach of Sunset.

Find out prices or book any accommodation with this form.

Beaches of Islands

The first and most important advantage of the island to Lype - beaches, which are considered the best in Thailand. Coastline is better only on Similans. A few decades ago, the beaches of the island were deserted, but today the situation has changed - infrastructure has emerged, but at the same time exotic nature has been preserved. For the sake of the beaches, many tourists make a decision to get to the lipa. We made a selection of the best places to relax on the island.

There is Pattaya Beach in the south to lipa and is a long coastline with a length of almost 1.5 km. The shore is covered with white and very small sand. In sunny weather, water acquires a turquoise tint, but in a low season, strong waves appear from the wind that bring to the shore of the garbage. The descent into water is gentle and smooth. On Pattaya Beach Strong flexures and tides, and, given the smooth entrance to the sea, find a swimming space is difficult.

Next to the shore there is a reef, so be sure to take a mask and a tube with you. Unfortunately, the shore's boats have a lot, but they are moored, leaving the bathing area. On the evening the fire show is held on the shore. There are many hotels, cafes and restaurants on the first line.

Good to know! Pattaya Beach is a tourist office for visits from Malaysia and the mainland of Thailand. In addition, there are representative offices of all shipping companies.

The eastern shore of the island is Sunrise Beach, there is a large and enough swarm sand, and the descent into the sea is sharp. On the right side there are corals and many different fish.

The coastline was stretched by 1.5 km, and the width varies depending on the tides and tides. The widest part in the northern part, and the narrowest - in the central part.

Good to know! There is no entertainment institutions and discos here, by 22-00 shore empty. To get to Volking Street, you need to go past the local slums.

On the shore there are hotels, cafes and restaurants, you can buy an excursion to the mainland of Thailand, to the uninhabited islands of the archipelago and rent a kayak. Also working diving schools.

The only thing that overshadows rest on Sayraz Beach, is chaotic moored boats.

Interesting fact! It is believed that on the beach the most beautiful sunrises, which is why the place and named Sunrise Beach.

Western part of the island to lipa. This is a small, cozy beach, where the most beautiful sunsets, therefore, called the beach - Sunset Beach. The shore is covered with stones, in some places there are large stones in the water. The sand is large, inhomogeneous color - white with bright and dark splashes. The sea is fine enough, there are fish in the water, but they are not so much. This place is calm, poorly, in the central part of the beach a lot of boats.

Good to know! Sand is unpleasant to the touch because of the fragments of the shells, so take shoes with you.

On the left side of the coast there is a cafe and sun beds. On the first line are hotels. The distance to Volking Street can be overcome for a quarter of an hour.

Sheltered, quiet beach, it is often called secret. To get here, you need to go to the right of Pattaya Beach, get to the wooden bridge and go through it. Not all tourists come to this part of the island, so not everyone knows about the beach.

Good to know! On the shore is built the only bungalow.

Go to the bridge with caution, on the view it seems fragile, creaking boards do not give confidence. Under the bridge lie huge boulders, and the turquoise water is quietly splash.

On the shore reigns a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere - someone bathes in a calm sea, someone drinks a cocktail on the shore, and someone takes pictures of beautiful views.

The beach is perfect for swimming - the water is clean, the sea is calm, the descent is flat. The seabed is soft, covered with sand, without stones.

Weather and climate when it is better to come

To Lipa - Island of two seasons:

  • dry - begins at the end of autumn and lasts until the middle of the spring;
  • rainy - begins in the middle of spring and lasts until the second half of autumn.

Today, the message of the island with the mainland of Thailand remains open throughout the year. Previously, in the summer, in a low season, when the sea is stormylo, the lime was closed, the hotel staff went on vacation. In recent years, the climate on the island is so changeable that even the low season is good, sunny and clear weather.

As for the pricing policy in hotels, there are three seasons here:

  • low - three year old months;
  • high season - two autumn months - October and November, two spring months - March and April;
  • peak - from December to February.

To get to the island, you need:

  • come to Trang or Hut Yai;
  • get to Pakbara Pier;
  • purchase a boat ticket that follows to the lime.

In Trang or Hat Yai, you can get in several ways.

  • aircraft;
  • by bus - flights depart from the South Bus Station, the following schedule - from 6-00 to 20-00, the road takes 13-14 hours, the cost of tickets about 1000 baht;
  • by train - from Bangkok flights depart from Hut Yai, the route is designed for 13-17 hours to get to the island on the day of departure from Bangkok, it is necessary to leave no later than 15-30, the fare from 400 to 900 baht;
  • a comprehensive ticket - provides travel on an airplane, minibace (to the pier) and in a boat (up to Priepe), flights are provided only in the morning.

To Lype (Thailand) - how to get yourself from Phuket.


In high season it is the most convenient way to get to the island by the waterway. Between Phuket and the lime regularly run a boat yellow. Departure from the pier seedlings. On the road, the tourist spend 4 hours. The fare is about 2100 baht.

The first route is the bus. The algorithm is the next - bus to get from Phuket to Hat Yai. It is more comfortable to go to the Night flight VIP 24. Departure of 21-45, to the destination Transport comes to 06-00. Then you need to get to the pier and from there in the boat to the island - departure of 9-30, and arrival at 11-30.

Another route is the plane. From Phuket there are direct flights to Hut Ya - departure to 7-25, arrival 8-30. The price of a ticket is about 1700 baht. In online you can purchase a shuttle - from the airport to the pier, then on the island. Sale of transfer tickets stop over three days before the trip. Also, a comprehensive ticket sell tourist agencies.

How to get to the lime in Thailand from Krabi

The only way to get from Krabi (AO Nang) to the island - through Hat Yai. There is no direct air service, so you can choose the following method:

  • bus;
  • minibas;
  • taxi.

The cost of a comprehensive ticket about 1200 baht

Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

The lack of attractions on the lime (Thailand) with more than compensated by beautiful beaches. To fully enjoy nature and spend your vacation in the bungalow by the sea, get ready for a trip in advance - choose a hotel, book tickets.

Related records:

Between the popular tourist resort of Phuket and one of the most beautiful islands of Thailand, to the lime, the water of the Andaman Sea stretches. If you pave a direct line on the map, then the distance between the islands is about 180 km. It is necessary to take at least 5 hours to get from Phuket to Lype. What transport to choose, prices for tickets and transfers, the nuances that need to be considered by buying tickets for the ferry or boat - we will analyze everything in order.

From this article you will learn:

1 | The fastest way to get from Phuket to Lype

Speed \u200b\u200bBoat (Speed \u200b\u200bBoat) Domacht from Phuket on Lipa Island for some 5 hours. At the same time, the passengers can even have to have a snack or a little stroll along the solid land during the stop on the island of Lanta.

What is worth considering when buying tickets for a high-speed boat from Phuket to a lime or in the opposite direction - the boat is not in a straight line, it stops on the islands: KO Phi-Phi (Phi Phi), Ko Lanta (Lanta), Ko NGAI (Ngai ), Ko Mook (to MUK), Ko Kradan (Koradan).

Schedule and stopping the speed boat with Phuket on the lime and back

A trip on such a boat is also the opportunity to visit one or several islands, in addition to Phuket and to Lype. After all, it is not necessary to immediately overcome all the distance from Phuket to Lipa - you can stop the day or two to relax on any of the islands on the way of the boat. The ticket is divided into several parts. For example, from Phuket to Lanta, from Lanta to the island to MUK, with a flour on the lime. It will be a pretty interesting route in the tropical islands and there will be no fatigue from a crowded trip by sea.

For example, to the Muk there is a scone-friendly Koh Mookine Hotel Sivalai Beach Resort.

Hotel Koh Mook Sivalai Beach Resort on Muk Island

To save your time looking for hotels on the islands, I collected ready-made links to each island:

  • hotels in Ko Phi Phi (Phi Phi): and,
  • ko Lanta (Lanta) Hotels: and,
  • hotels Hotels Ko NGAI (Ngai): and,
  • ko Mook Hotels: or,
  • ko Kradan hotels: or,
  • hotels Ko Lipe (Lipe): or

Price on a ticket for a high-speed boat with Phuket to Ko Lipa - 2500 baht (~ 85 $):

  • The number of places is limited, so better.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bboats run between Phuket and Lype from October 20 to May 15.
  • Based on our own trip to the lipa, I can recommend the company - professional staff and new high-speed boats. Tickets for a high-speed boat with Phuket on to Lype (and on the islands between them) can be bought on the site.

Satun Pakbara Speed \u200b\u200bBoat Club Speed \u200b\u200bBoat

What to take with you on a speed boat ("SpeedBat"):

  • pills from the tech (take 15-20 minutes before the departure of the boat),
  • drinking water or any other drink
  • sun cream (process problem areas before landing in a boat),
  • scarf or shawl (hide from a strong wind or rain)
  • beroshin, or cotton in the ears, or your favorite music (from the permanent whistle).

2 | The most diverse and at the same time a quick way to get from Phuket to Lype

If you do not want 5 hours to ride the sea on a high-speed boat, feeling the irregularities of the sea surface and the impurity of the sea breeze, then this option will suit you more - a convenient and absolutely not a tedious combination of transport:

  1. plane with Phuket in Khatyayi - Departure from Phuket at 07:25 and at 08:30 already in Khatyayai (1 hour flight),
  2. comfortable minibus From the airport to Pak Bara Pick (Pak Bara) - meet at the airport with a sign at 9:00 (from the airport to the pier approximately 2 hours in the way - 119 km),
  3. speed boat From the Pak Pak Pier to the island of Lipa with a stop for 10 minutes - take a walk through the protected island of Tarutao (at 1:30 pm, the boat arrives on the island of Lipe, on Pattaya Beach).

Airway Bangkok Airway at Hutyay Airport

Prices for tickets from Phuket to Lype:

  • direct flight Phuket - Hutyay Airlines Bangkok Airways costs about 2,000 baht ~ 54 $, including luggage 20 kg and easy snack during flight ticket (find and buy a ticket for a flight to,
  • (Speed \u200b\u200bBoat) From Hutyay Airport to Ko Lipe costs 700 baht ~ 21 $ (based on your own positive experience I recommend a trip).

Buying a shuttle in place, at the airport, or separate bus tickets to the pier and the boat to the island of Lipa will cost more (verified).

Minibus from Hatyai Airport on Pak Bar Pier

3 | The cheapest way to get from Phuket to Lype

To save on tickets and on one night at the hotel, you can come to Hatyai on a night bus. During the day, but the most convenient options are two:

  1. the usual air-conditioned bus departs from Phuket at 21:30 and arrives in Hatyay at 05:50 (bus ticket costs 400 baht ~ 13 $).
  2. VIP bus with wide seats and a large space for legs, rolls and food departs at 21:45 from Phuket and stays at the Khatyay bus station at 05:35 in the morning (a ticket to the VIP bus costs 600 baht ~ $ 20).

Photo from a high-speed boat on the island of lipa

4 | Additional expenses

  • entrance to the island of Lipe and all other islands of Tarutao National Park (Tarutao) - 200 baht ~ $ 6 (it is paid once, it acts 7 days - take a ticket to all excursions and islands so as not to pay once)
  • transfer on a wooden boat from a high-speed boat to the island of Lipa - 50 baht ~ $ 1.5 (pays if the boat due to a strong bet will not be able to go to the shore),
  • entrance to Pak Pak Bara (Pak Bara), from where a high-speed boat is sent to Lipa Island - 20 baht ~ 0.6 $,
  • entrance to the Pier on the island of Lanta (if you want to walk during the stop of the boat Phuket - to Lype) - 10 baht ~ 0.3 $.

The island of To Lipa is located in the Andaman Sea in the province of Satun in the south of Thailand, very close to the Malaysian Island of Langkavi. In this article, I describe in detail about how to get to the lime from Bangkok, Phuket, other resorts of Thailand and Malaysia, as well as from Russia.

To lipa how to get

There is no airport on the island of Ko Lipa, it does not lead the bridge to it (as, for example, on Malaysia 🙂), so you can get to the lipa only on water:

  1. On speedback or ferry with Pakbara Pier (PAKBARA PIER)
  2. On the boat (ferry) from the pier of Hat Yao Pier (Trang)
  3. On speedback from the island of Ko Lanta, with stops on the Islands Koh NGAI, Koh Mook, Koh Kradarn, Koh Bulone
  4. On a high-speed boat with Phuket (through Lanta)
  5. On a quick ferry / boat from the Malaysian Island Langkavi
Boats that deliver tourists to the lime
Route diagram to Lipe Island Water transport scheme to Lipe Island

Previously, the water communication with the island was only in the high season (from mid-October to April - Mai), for the summer to the lipa "closed" from tourists now from all the ways listed above in the low season (summer) run speedbacks / boats with Pakbar, Therefore, on the island of Kozya can be reached year-round.

To lipa how to get from Pakbar Pier

From Pakbar Pier, speedbots walk / fast boats of different companies several times a day.

Approximate schedule of Pakbara boats - to lipa:

  • 11:30
  • 13:30
  • 14:30
  • 15:00
  • 15:30.

Schedule maybe change! Even if you have redeemed a ticket for a certain time, this does not mean that the boat will leave exactly on the schedule. We had tickets at 11:30, and we sailed later than 12:00. IN low season (June - October) boats run 1-2 times a day, usually at 9:30 and 11:30.

Time on the way from Pakbara to a lipa one and a half hours, with excitement to the sea may increase to 2 hours or more. On the way, all boats make a stop at 15 minutes on the island of Tarutao. Those who wish can stay for several days on this island, there are bungalows and tents of the National Park. Or simply go to the island and stroll along the shore to the waiting of the boat sailing.

The entrance to Tarutao island is paid - 200 baht, more precisely, it is a fee for visiting the Tarutao National Park, the ticket is valid for 5 days, including to visit the island to Lype and other Islands of Nats. Park, which can be visited during one of.

On the way on Lipe, all boats and boats make a stop on the island of Tarutao
Those who wish can go ashore (entrance to the 200 BAT National Park) and even stay on the island for several days
Next to Tarutao Island
Centralized stage for landing in a boat on Pier Tarutao


  • Speedback ticket rate / Pakbar boat - Ko Lep: 650 baht
  • Pakbara ticket price - to Lype - Pakbara - 1200 baht (return with open date)
  • Pakbara - Ko Tarutao - 400 baht
  • Pakbara - to Tarutao - to Lype - 650 baht, i.e. You can go to Tarutao, live there for a couple of days and on the same ticket saved further 🙂

Prices are usually identical to all carriers, although sometimes there are also specials. Offers 🙂 But the boats may differ!

Schedule and boat prices on the route Pakbara - Tarutao - Ko Lipe and in the opposite direction
Speed \u200b\u200bup to the lime from Pakbara Pier at 11:30, with to Lype at 9:30
Schedule another company that takes on to Lype and to Boulon with Pakbara
Schedule and cost of Pakbar boats - to lipe

Pacbara Pier.

Pakbar Pierce is well equipped, in the air-conditioned room there are places to expect, toilet, a store with any trifle with overpriced prices. Entrance to Pierce Pier (!) 20 BAT 🙂

Before entering Pakbara Pier
Entrance to Pier 20 BAT 🙂
Inside in the waiting room a bunch of people. Here you need to get boat tickets (if you have an integrated ticket or you bought tickets in advance online) or buy tickets
On Pakbara pier
Tourists waiting for boats landing
Landing in boats on Pakbar Pier

But on the lipa pier there is no, in a low season or with strong excitement in the sea boats arrive to the shore on, and in the high season - on. Some speedBots (and our including) are parked near the shore itself, and some boats are further from the shore, and to the beach transported on Londheylah for 50 baht per person.

Landing on the island of the lime

Loading and unloading baggage That is also a circus: things are thrown right above the water and it seems that the suitcase is about to fall into the sea, so do not give the valuables to the boat loading, and keep with you! The luggage is packaged on the stern, and in some places even on the roof of the boat, so the suitcase can sail wet and dirty ...

How to get to Pakbara Pier

Nearest major cities to Pakbara village:

  • Trang (not to be confused with the city of spending, which is near)
  • Hat Yai.

And there and there is an airport, bus stations, and in Hat Yai, even the railway station! You can get to Pacbara Pier on:

  • Taxi. The car from these two cities on Pakbara Pier will cost 1800 - 2200 baht, approximate time on the way and a half hours
  • Minibace. From the bus station Hut Yai goes mini bass, the cost of 150 baht, the time on the path of one and a half - two hours
  • Having bought a comprehensive ticket. For example, by arriving at the airport of Hut Ye, we bought a comprehensive ticket for mini bass + boat: Airport - Pacbara Pierce - to Lype for 900 baht per person. To buy such a ticket is better in advance on this site, firstly it will be cheaper (~ 750 ba T), and secondly do not have to wait long to wait at the airport until tourists come from other flights.

The same integrated ticket (mini bass + boat) can be bought on the railway station Hut Yai, at the bus station, in any tour agency and hotel.

Taxi Rack at Hut Yai Airport
Tour Agency at the airport where you can buy a comprehensive ticket to the lime and other islands
Boat schedule

Important: What to get to the lime on the same day, in High Yat should be until 13:00, and better before! I would not count on a 100% boat, which is scheduled at 15:30 ... You can spend the night in the city of Hut Yai, there are many cheap hotels.

How to get to the lime from Tranga

If you flew to Trang, then the closest to the city of Trang Hat Yao Pier Pier, from which Tiger Line Ferry boats are sent daily to the high season at 13:00. Time on the way 2 hours. Buy tickets can buy a carrier website.

To lipa how to get from Bangkok

To get to Koh Lep from, you must first get to one of the above cities: Trang or Hat Yai, then get to Pakbara Pier and buy a boat ticket to Koj Leip. How to do this is described above in the article. And in Trang or Hat Yai from Bangkok, you can get like this:

1. On the aircraft From Bangkok: choose the best and time and cost flight option to Hut Yai or Trang.

2. By bus. Bus Bangkok - Hut Yai leaves from the southern bus station in Bangkok (South Tai Mai or Bangkok Southern Bus Terminal). Buses run quite often from 6 am and up to 8 pm, travel time is 13-14 hours.

The cost depends on the carrier and class of the bus: from 700 to 1000 baht.

3. On the train Bangkok - Hut Yai. Trains depart from the railway station Hua Lampong in Bangkok. Time on the way of 13-17 hours (+ trains in Thailand have the property being late!). What would have time to get to the lime that day, you have to go on trains that are departed from Bangkok at 15:10 or at 15:30.

Cost from 300 baht (in third-class cars), we usually take tickets to the second class with air conditioning, cost from 850 baht.

You can see Thailand train schedules on the site of Thailand railways, and buy tickets or railway station.

Timetable Bangkok - Hut Yai

4. Buying a comprehensive ticket Airplane + Minibus + Boat

One of the most convenient ways to get to Koh Lipa from Bangkok is to buy an integrated ticket from AIR Asia or NOK AIR. A ticket includes a flight Bangkok - Hut Yai, travel on minibas to Pakbar Pier and boat / Ferry to Lype. Flights are Morning only.

Complex ticket Bangkok - to Lype from Ayraza

Important: Do not forget that the aircraft of these losasost companies fly from Don Muang Airport, and all flights from Russia, Ukraine, etc. arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport. About how to get there between airports and how much time to lay a transplantation

Phuket to lipa how to get

Option 1: By sea

IN high season You can get from to the lipa by sea. Transportation is carried out:

1. Tiger Line Ferry Company On fairly large yellow boats (boats). The departure from the Pierce of seedlings on Phuket (from the same as ferry to) at 9:00, arrival on schedule on to Lype at 13:00, i.e. 4 hours of the way (in fact the boats go much longer!). On the way of changing the boat on the island of Lanta. The cost of Phuket is a lipa ~ 2300 baht. Tickets can be bought in advance on their website:

Yellow large boats of Tiger Line Ferry
The timetables and cost of Tiger Line Ferry tickets from the island of Ko Lipe to other islands and the mainland

2. Satun Pakbara Speed \u200b\u200bBoat Company Boats of which go along the route Phuket - Phuh Phei - Lanta - Ngai - Muk - Kandan - Boulon - Lipa. Transportation on speedbot. Departure with Phuket at 8:30, arrival at Koh Lype at 13:30. The cost of ~ 2400 baht (when buying through the site is cheaper!). You can find out the schedule and buy tickets on their website:

Boat schedule Phuket - Lipe and Lipa - Phuket (via Lanta)

3. Bundhaya Speed \u200b\u200bBoat. From Phuket (seedlings pier) through on to the lipa. Harves on small speedbows. Departure from Phuket at 8:30, arrival at Lanta at 10:30, sailing from Lanta at 10:30, arrival at the lime at 13:30. The cost of ~ 3000 baht. You can buy tickets on their website:

Routes and Speedback Schedule from Carrier Bundhaya Speed \u200b\u200bBoat

Just above the listed tickets can be searching (maybe cheaper!).

We traveled to the lipa just with I thought for a very long time, how to get to the lime from Phuket. I decided to choose the seaway 🙂 The high-speed boat shall immediately (yet 4-5 hours in such a high-speed boat, I would not stand it, I had enough even an hour and a half during 🙂), I wanted to swim on Tiger Line Ferry, for some reason I imagined such a big ferry , the same as or as we 🙂

But, after reading the reviews, I realized that it was better to choose another option to get to the island to Lype from Phuket 🙂 In the reviews, people complained about the old boat and frequent long-term delays, wrote that the boat goes not 4 hours, as stated, and almost twice longer! After reading the reviews, I decided to choose another way to get to the Lamp from Phuket, namely the more standard path through Hat Yai and Pakbaru.

Option 2: Through Hat Yai and Pakbaru

By bus

From Phuket in Hat Yat can be reached by bus. Buses go from 6 am to 21:45, travel time is about 8 hours, cost from 300 to 600 baht, depending on the class of the bus. Tickets can be bought on the bus station in Phuket Town or on the site.

It is best to go through the night bus VIP 24, which departs at 21:45, and arrives in Hat Ya about 6 in the morning. Further transfer to Pierce and on the first boat at 9:30 pm to the lime. Then on the island you will be around 11:00 - 11:30 and still ahead of the day!

By plane

From Phuket to Hat Yai Direct flight Bangkok Air. Departure at 7:25, arrival at 8:30. Most recently, there was still an evening flight at 19:25, but at the moment I see him in the schedule. Cost of about 1700 baht, luggage included and even breakfast on board 🙂 Check the cost and buy tickets Phuket - Hut Yai \u003e\u003e

We chose exactly this option how to get to the lime from Phuket. Everything went smoothly: at 5:30 am I ordered a taxi to our condo, at 6:15 have already been at the airport of Phuket, passed the luggage, drank coffee in a coffee shop, booted into a small aircraft, have breakfasts 🙂 in Hat Yai arrived even ahead of time specified in Schedule.

Little screw aircraft Bangkok Air on Phuket route - Hut Ya
Breakfast in the plane

I wanted to buy tickets on the transfer airport - Pierce - to Lype in advance online on the site (so it turned out cheaper), but while I thought if we had a minibus, which was sent at 9 am (managed and even with a big margin), the sale of tickets stopped (online tickets can be bought no later than three days). Therefore, at the airport we found a tour agency, where and bought a comprehensive ticket Mini bass + spedboat. But I had to wait more than an hour of passengers from other flights.

On Pakbara pier were at 11:15, there were purchased tickets to exchange on the number for which the boat is carried out (the number is very convenient - the queue is not created). They sailed instead of the promised 11:30 at 12:00, and on to the lipa sailed at 14:00 - because of the storm and rain, which began on the way, the boat sailed slower and arrived at Sunrise Beach, and not to the opposite beach. It was even more convenient for us: our hotel was literally a few steps from the place of arrival of the boat 🙂

Hurray, comes our turn to load into the boat 🙂
In the boat we are waiting for sailing on to the lip

Island Lipa How to get from Krabi

You can get from Krabi to the lipa through Hat Yai. Direct flights Krabi - Hut Yai No, and fly through Bangkok, in my opinion, is not advisable, so you can get by bus, minibas or taxis. The distance to the pier is only about 300 km.

Tickets for minibas in Hat Yai from will cost 350 - 400 baht, a comprehensive ticket of AO Nang (Krabi) - to Lype - 1000 - 1200 baht. You can buy in any tour agency or hotel.

Lipa Island How to get from Samui or Pangan

What to get to Ko Lipe C / / should be done the path described above: first you need to get to Hat Yai, then in Pakbaru, and then on the boat on the lipa 🙂 the path is to be wrong ... about how to get to Hat Yai with Samui read in

You can also buy an integrated ticket of Samui / Phangan / Tao - to Lype:

Schedule and cost of transfer from the islands of the Siamese Gulf to Ko Lipe
Shuttle schedule with lime on the island of Siamese Bay

Langkavi to lipa how to get

Despite the fact that Lipa Thai island, from Malaysky, it separates it only 30 km, and in clear weather it is clearly seen from the observation deck Sky Bridge on Langkavi 🙂

Direct route Langkavi - Lipe

In the high season on the route Langkavi - Lipe and Lipa - Langkawi run boats. On the island of Kohlip, even equipped with immigration offices where passport control pass.

Immigrate office on the lime in the center of Pattaya Beach Beach

Boats / Boats with Langkawi arrive at Pattaya Beach on Lipe (read all the beaches to lipe). They are sent from two purses on Langkawi:

  • with Kuah Jetty Pier (in the capital of the island of Kuah, near the symbol of the city of Orel)
  • from Telaga Harbor Pier, which is located next to the ORIENTAL VILLAGE Park

We floated in the opposite direction (i.e., with lipa on Langkavi) and I specifically chose the carrier, the boat of which arrive at the TELAGA Pier, because The first thing on Langkawa was planning to move at GeoPark Hotel, visit and, which are within a walking distance from this pier.

Companies carriers on the route Langkavi - Lipa - Langkawi

Additional Information

Schedule and cost of terrestrial transfer from Pakbar Pier and with Hat Ya Boat schedule from Lipe Island
Boat schedule and transfer with lime
Boat schedule from Lipe Island