The length of the Marianian depression. Where is Mariana Wpadina? Secrets and riddles "Hirva Gay"

The Mariana Wpadina (or Marian chute) is a gutter in the ground crescent-shaped crust, with a size of 2550 by 69 km. This is the deepest place on earth (about 11 thousand kilometers!). Located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean near the Mariana Islands, which gave her the name.

Below is described in detail by the Mariana Wpadin and its distinctive features are given.

Uniqueness of the depression

Few people decide to plunge into the bottom of the ocean in this place, since in the Mariana Wpadine water pressure exceeds the pressure in other places of the ocean about a thousand times.

The water temperature in the groove varies from 1 to 4 degrees of heat. In addition, there are a large number of hydrothermal sources (different "black smokers"), of which water flows with a temperature of up to 450 ° C.

Due to severe water pressure, all living beings in this part of the sea are doomed to extinction. But at the beginning of the 21st century, living organisms (mollusks) were found near the clusters of Serpentin, which were able to survive in such conditions.

In addition, liquid carbon dioxide was revealed here. Mariana Vpadina is the only such underwater area called champagne (in honor of bubbles that break out of the water).

Dirt or mucus - the usual coating of the bottom of the depression. Due to the fact that the pressure does not give the remnants of animals and plankton climb upstairs, everything remains at the bottom of the ocean, turning into a dirt of gray-yellow color. Sand in the groove is practically absent.

The deepest point of the Mariana depression is "the abyss of the Challenger."

Other interesting facts can be found from the section.

Mariana Wpadina is the deepest place on our planet. I think almost everyone heard about her or studied at school, but I myself, for example, have long forgotten her depth, and the facts about how she was simply developed. So I decided to "refresh" my own and your memory

Title This absolute depth received thanks to the Mariana Islands located nearby. All Wpadina stretched along the islands per one and a half thousand kilometers and has a characteristic V-shaped profile. In fact, it is an ordinary tectonic rift, a place where the Pacific stove enters the Philippine, just Mariana Trench - This is the deepest place of this kind) the slopes of its cool, on average about 7-9 °, and the bottom is flat, wide from 1 to 5 kilometers, and separated by thresholds into several closed areas. The pressure at the day of the Mariana depression reaches 108.6 MPa - this is more than 1100 times more than ordinary atmospheric pressure!

The first who dared to challenge the abyss were the British - the Military Three-Mail Corvette "Challenger" with sailing equipment was rebuilt into the oceanographic vessel for hydrological, geological, chemical, biological and meteorological works in 1872. But the first data on the depth of the Mariana Globra were obtained only in 1951 - according to the measurements, the depth of the depression was announced to be declared 10,863 m. After that, the deepest point of the Mariana depression began to call "Abyss Chalenger" (Challenger Deep). It's hard to imagine that in the depths of the Mariana, the highest mountain of our planet is easily placed - Everest, and there will also be more than a kilometer of water to the surface ... Of course, it will not fit on the area, but exclusively in height, but the numbers are still affecting ...

The following researchers of the Mariana depression were already Soviet scientists - in 1957, during the 25th flight of the Soviet Research Ship "Vityaz", they not only declared the maximum depth of the depths of 11,022 meters, but also established the presence of life at depths of more than 7000 meters , thereby refuting the appearance of the impossibility of life at the depths of more than 6000-7000 meters at that time. In 1992, "Vityaz" was transferred to the newly formed Museum of the World Ocean. Two years, the vessel was repaired at the factory, and on July 12, 1994, a museum berth in the very center of Kaliningrad

On January 23, 1960, the first and only immersion of a person on the bottom of Mariana deep-water gutter was carried out. Thus, the only people who visited "at the bottom of the earth" were Lieutenant Navy USA Don Walsh and Researcher Jacques Picar

During the diving, they were protected by armored, thickness of 127 millimeters, the walls of the Batiscopa called "Trieste"

Batiskof was named after the Italian city of Trieste, in which the main works were made to create it. According to the instruments on board "Trieste", Walsh and Pichari plunged into a depth of 11,521 meters, but later this figure was slightly corrected - 10,918 meters

The immersion took about five, and the rise - about three hours, at the bottom of the researchers stayed only 12 minutes. But this time was enough to make a sensational discovery - at the bottom they found flat fish in size up to 30 cm, similar to Cambalu !

Studies of 1995 have shown that the depth of the Mariana depression is about 10,920 m, and the Japanese probe "Kaik?", Lowned in the abyss of Challenger on March 24, 1997, recorded a depth of 10,911.4 meters. Below is a depression scheme - when clicking it will open in a new window in a normal amount

Mariana Vpadina frightened researchers mocking at her depths of monsters. The first time the expedition of the American Research Ship "Gombom Challenger" was faced with unknown. Some time after the start of the device, the device registering the sounds began to transfer to the surface of some metal grinding, resembling the sound of the sawn metal. At this time, there were some unclear shadows on the monitor, similar to gigantic fairy dragons with several heads and tails. An hour later, scientists were worried that the unique equipment made in the NASA laboratory from the beams of heavy-duty titanium-cobalt steel, having a spherical design, the so-called "Yozh" with a diameter of about 9 m, may remain in the abyss of the Mariana depression forever - so it was decided to immediately raise Apparatus on board the ship. "Herge" removed from the depths of more than eight hours and as soon as he appeared on the surface immediately put it on a special raft. The camera and echo sounder raised on the deck "Gombus Challenger". The researchers were horrified when they saw how deformed the strongest steel beams of the design were deformed, which concerns the steel 20-centimeter cable, on which he had lowered the "hedgehog", the scientists were not mistaken in the nature of sounds transmitted from the aqueous bunch of sounds - the cable was half a pilot. Who tried to leave the apparatus at a depth and why - so forever and will remain a mystery. Details of this incident were published in 1996 by the New York Times newspaper

Another encounter with an inexplicable in the depths of the Mariana depression happened to the German scientific research apparatus "Haifis" with the crew on board. At a depth of 7 km, the device unexpectedly stopped movement. To clarify the cause of malnutrition, the hydronauts were included in the infrared chamber ... What they saw in the next few seconds seemed to them by collective hallucination: a huge prehistoric lizard, drinking his teeth in Batiskof, tried to spoke him as a nut. Friendly from shock, the crew pulled the device, called the "electric gun", and a monster affected by a powerful discharge, disappeared into the abyss ...

On May 31, 2009, the Nereus automatic underwater apparatus was plunged into the bottom of the Mariana Wpadin. According to measurements, it dropped 10,902 meters below the world ocean level

At the bottom of Nereus removed the video, made some photos and even assembled samples of deposits at the bottom

Thanks to modern technologies, researchers managed to capture a few representatives Mariana VpadinaI suggest to meet them and you :)

So, now we know that different octopuses live in Mariana depths

Scary and not very scary fish)

And different other incomprehensible creatures :)

Perhaps not so much time left until the technologies allow all the diversity to get acquainted with the inhabitants Mariana Vpadina and other ocean depths, but while we have what we have

Despite the fact that the oceans closer to us than remote planets of the solar system, people investigated only five percent of the ocean bottomwhich remains one of the greatest mysteries of our planet.

Here are other interesting facts about what can be found along the way and at the very bottom of the Mariana Vpadina.

Temperature on the day of the Mariana Wpadin

1. Very hot water

Going down at this depth, we expect that there will be very cold. Temperature here reaches just above zero, varying from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius.

However, at a depth of about 1.6 km from the surface of the Pacific Ocean, hydrothermal sources are called "black smokers". They are shooting water that heats up to 450 degrees Celsius.

This water is rich in minerals that help maintain life in this area. Despite the temperature of the water, which is hundreds of degrees above the boiling point, she does not boil here Due to incredible pressure, 155 times higher than on the surface.

Residents of Mariana Vpadina

2. Giant toxic amebe

A few years ago, at the bottom of the Mariana Vpadin found a giant 10 centimeter ameb, called xenophiophophores.

These single-celled organisms probably became such large due to the medium in which they live at a depth of 10.6 km. Cold temperatures, high pressure and no sunlight, most likely contributed to the fact that these amids bought huge sizes.

In addition, xenophylamores have incredible abilities. They are resistant to the effects of many elements and chemicals, including uranium, mercury and lead,who would kill other animals and people.

3. Mollusks

The strong water pressure in the Mariana Wpadine does not give a chance to survive any animal with sink or bones. However, in 2012, mollusks were found in the gutter near serpentine hydrothermal sources. Serpentine contains hydrogen and methane, which allows you to form living organisms.

TO actually, the clamsters have retained their sink at such pressure, remains unknown.

In addition, hydrothermal sources isolated another gas - hydrogen sulfide, which is mortal to molluscs. However, they learned to bind the sulfur compound into a safe protein, which allowed the population of these mollusks to survive.

At the day of the Mariana depression

4. Pure liquid carbon dioxide

Hydrothermal source Champagne Mariana Vpadina, which is outside the Okinawan gutter near Taiwan, is the only well-known underwater area where liquid carbon dioxide can be detected. The source opened in 2005 received its name in honor of the bubbles, which turned out to be carbon dioxide.

Many believe that these sources called "white smokers" due to lower temperatures can be a source of life. It was in the depths of the oceans with a low temperature and an abundance of chemicals and energy could be born.

5. Sliz

If we had the opportunity to swim on the very depth of the Mariana depression, we would feel that she covered with a layer of viscous mucus. Sand, in habitual form, there is no.

The bottom of the depression mainly consists of crushed shells and remnants of plankton, which accumulated at the bottom of the depression for many years. Due to the incredible pressure of water, almost everything turns into a small grayish yellow thick dirt.


6. Liquid sulfur

Volcano daykoku.which is at a depth of about 414 meters on the way to Mariana Wpadin, is the source of one of the rarest phenomena on our planet. Here is located lake clean molten sulfur. The only place where the liquid sulfur can be detected is the satellite of Jupiter - Io.

In this pit, called the "boiler", boiling black emulsion boils at 187 degrees Celsius. Although scientists failed to explore this place in detail, it is perhaps further contained even more liquid sulfur. It may reveal the secret of the origin of life on earth.

According to the hypothesis of gay, our planet is one self-governing organism, in which all living and non-residential is connected to maintain her life. If this hypothesis is true, then a number of signals can be observed in natural cycles and earth systems. So the sulfur compounds created by the organisms in the ocean should be fairly stable in water to allow them to go into the air, and again return to the land.

7. Bridges

At the end of 2011, in the Mariana Wpadine was discovered four stone bridgesThat extended from one to another end to 69 km. It seems that they have formed at the junction of Pacific and Filipino tectonic plates.

One of the bridges Dutton Ridgewhich was discovered in the 1980s, turned out to be incredibly high as a small mountain. At the highest point, the ridge reaches 2.5 km Above the "Abyss Challenger".

Like many aspects of the Mariana depression, the purpose of these bridges remains unclear. However, the fact that in one of the most mysterious and unknown places, they found these formations, is awesome.

8. Immersion James Cameron to Mariana Vpadina

Starting from opening the deepest places of the Mariana depression - "the abyss of the Challenger" In 1875, only three people visited here. The first were American lieutenant Don Walsh. and researcher Jacques Picar.who have committed a dive on January 23, 1960 on the trial ship.

After 52 years later, another person drank himself - famous film director James Cameron. So March 26, 2012 Cameron went down to the bottom And made some photos.

Now anyone can see the fantastic underwater world captured on the video, the fantastic underwater world of Mariana depression, the very deep place on our planet, and even enjoy the direct video broadcast from 11-kilometer depth. But even relatively recently, the Marianic chute was considered the most unexplored point on the land map.

Sensational opening of the Team "Challenger"

From the school program, we know that the highest point of the earth surface is the top of Mount Everest (8848 m), but the lowest is hidden under the waters of the Pacific Ocean and is located at the day of the Mariana depression (10994 m). On Everest, we know a lot more, the climbers conquered him more than once, there are enough photographs of this mountain, made both from the ground and from the space. If Everest is all in sight and does not represent any riddle for scientists, then the depths of the Mariana depression keep a lot of secrets, because to get to her bottom at the moment it was possible only to three bolts.

Mariana Vpadina is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, she received its name thanks to the Mariana Islands, which are located next to it. A unique place in the depths on the seabed received the status of the National Monument to the United States, it is forbidden to hide fish and produce minerals, it is essentially a huge maritime reserve. The shape of the depression is similar to a huge crescent, reaching 2550 km long and 69 km wide. The bottom of the depression has a width from 1 to 5 km. The deepest point of the depression (10,994 m below the sea level) was called the "abyss of the Challenger" in honor of the British vessel of the same name.

The honor of the opening of the Mariana depression belongs to the team of the British Research Ship "Challenger", which in 1872 conducted a depth measurements in a number of points of the Pacific Ocean. When the ship was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mariana Islands, at the next measurement of the depth, the hitch arose: the kilometer rope went overboard, and the bottom could not be achieved. At the direction of the captain, a still a couple of kilometer segments added to the rope, but, to universal surprise, and they were not enough, I had to add again and again. Then it was possible to establish a depth of 8367 meters, which, as it became known later, was significantly different from real. However, it was quite enough to understand: in the World Ocean, the deepest place was found.

It is amazing that already in the 20th century, in 1951, it was the British with the help of a deep-water echo sounder clarified the data of their compatriots, this time the maximum depth of the depression came out more significant - 10,863 meters. After six years, Soviet scientists began to study the Mariana depression, which arrived in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean at the Vityaz Research Ship. Applying special equipment, they recorded the maximum depth of the depression in 11022 meters, and the main thing was able to establish the presence of life at a depth of about 7,000 meters. It is worth noting, in the scientific world then it was the opinion that due to the monstrous pressure and the lack of light at such depths of the manifestation of life are absent.

Immersion in the world of silence and gloom

In 1960, people were visited at the bottom of the villain. How difficult and dangerous was such a dive, one can judge by colossal pressure of water, which at the lowest point of the depression is 1072 times higher than the average atmospheric pressure. Immersion at the bottom of the fence with the help of Batiscopes "Trieste" was made by Lieutenant Navy USA Don Walsh and researcher Jacques Picar. Batiscop "Trieste" with the walls of a thickness of 13 cm was created in the Italian city of the same name and was a rather massive design.

Lose Batiskof for a bottom five long hours; Despite such a long-term descent, at the bottom at a depth of 10911 meters, researchers stayed only 20 minutes, they left for about 3 hours. During the minutes of staying in the abyss, Walsh and Picar were able to make a very impressive discovery: they saw two 30-centimeter flat fish, similar to cambal, which were sailed by their porthole. The presence of them at such a depth was a real scientific sensation!

In addition to the opening of life on such a breathtaking depth, the picar managed to experimentally refute the resulting opinion that at the depths of more than 6000 m there is no upward movement of the aquatic masses. In terms of ecology, it was the most important discovery, because some nuclear powers were going to carry out the burial of radioactive waste in the Mariana caviar. It turns out that Picar prevented a large-scale radioactive infection of the Pacific Ocean!

After immersing Walsh and Picara, only unmanned batisysphs were descended to the Mariana Wpadin, and there were few of them, because they were very expensive. For example, on May 31, 2009, the Day of the Mariana Vpadina reached the American Deepy Nereus apparatus. He not only spent on an incredible depth of underwater photo and video filming, but also took the soil samples. The devices of the deepwater apparatus recorded the depth of 10902 meters achieved.

On March 26, 2012, the man was again at the bottom of the Mariana Vpadin, it was the famous director, the creator of the legendary film "Titanic" James Cameron.

His decision to make such a dangerous journey to the "bottom of the earth" he explained this: "Almost everything was investigated on earthly land. In space, the chiefs prefer to send people to circling around the Earth, and the automata to other planets. For the joys of the opening of the unexpected, one field of activity remains - the ocean. Total about 3% of its water volume is investigated, and what's next - unknown. "

Cameron made a dive on the Batiscife of Deepsea Challenge, it was not very comfortable, the researcher was in a semi-bent condition for a long time, since the diameter of the interior of the device was only about 109 cm. Batiskof, equipped with powerful chambers and unique equipment, allowed the popular director to remove fantastic landscapes Deep places on the planet. Later, together with The National Geographic, James Cameron created a spelling documentary "Challenge the abyss."

It is worth noting that during their stay at the bottom of the deepest depressions of the world, Cameron did not see the monsters or representatives of underwater civilization, nor the base of the aliens. However, he literally looked into the eyes of the challenger. According to him, during his short journey, he experienced the sensations indescribable words. The ocean bottom seemed to him not only the deserted, but somehow "lunar ... lonely." He survived a real shock from the feeling of "full isolation from all mankind." True, the problems arisen with the equipment of Batiscopa may have interrupted "hypnotic" the impact of the abyss on the famous director, and he rose to the surface to people.

Residents of Mariana Vpadina

In recent years, a lot of discoveries have been made in the study of the Mariana depression. For example, in the soil samples taken by Cameron, scientists discovered more than 20 thousand of various microorganisms. There are among the inhabitants of the depression and giant 10-centimeter amids, called xenophyophos. According to scientists, unicellular amids, most likely reached such incredible sizes due to a rather hostile medium at a depth of 10.6 km, in which they are forced to dwell. High pressure, cold water and the lack of light for some reason clearly went to them, contributing to their giantism.

Mollusks are found in the Mariana Wpadine. It is unclear how their shells withstand a huge water pressure, but they feel at a depth of very comfortable, and they are located near the hydrothermal sources, which allocate a deadly hydrogen sulfide for conventional mollusks. However, local clams, showing incredible abilities to chemistry, somehow adapted to process this destructive gas in the protein, which allowed them to live where, for the first
Look, it is impossible to live.

Many inhabitants of the Mariana depression are rather unusual. For example, scientists have discovered fish here with a transparent head, in the center of which are her eyes. Thus, in the course of evolution, the eyes of the fish received reliable protection against possible injury. At a great depth, there are a lot of bizarre and sometimes even terrible fish, here it was possible to fix the video and fantastic medus. Of course, we do not yet know all the inhabitants of the Mariana depression, in this regard, scientists have a lot of discoveries.

There are a lot of interesting things in this mysterious place for scholars-geologists. So, in a depression at a depth of 414 meters, a volcano daykoku was found, in the crater of which is the lake of the raging molten sulfur right under water. As scientists say, the only one-known analogue of such a lake is only on the satellite of Jupiter - Io. Also in the Mariana Wpadin, scientists found the only underwater source of liquid carbon dioxide on Earth, called "Champagne" in honor of the famous French
Alcoholic beverage. There are in depression and so-called black smokers, these are hydrothermal sources that function at a depth of about 2 kilometers, due to them the temperature of the water in the Mariana depression is maintained in fairly favorable limits - from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius.

At the end of 2011, scientists opened very mysterious structures in the Mariana cavity, these are four stone "bridges" extending from one to another end of the depressions by 69 kilometers. Scientists are still difficult to explain how these "bridges" arose, it is believed that they were formed at the junction of the Pacific and Philippine Tectonic plates.

It would seem that by the twenty-first century, humanity knows about our planet everything and there are no white spots on the maps. But do not forget that about 90% of the ocean bottom is still covered not only the thickness of water, but also the secret. While in this area of \u200b\u200bquestions more than answers. All because only a few cough courage to immerse in these places. It is believed that this is akin to suicide.

Harsh conditions

The Mariana Wpadin is a tectonic underwater spill and has a V-shaped silhouette, with steep slopes and a flat bottom width of about 5 km. At depths there are also peculiar underwater mountains about two kilometers aluminum. The deepest point of the planet, reaching 11 thousand meters, is here and referred to as the abyssful challenger. Even the highest peak of our planet - Mount Everest, would be recessed under the thickness of water in the Mariana Wpadin.

Pressure at such a depth of more than a thousand times the normal atmospheric pressure of the Earth. Just imagine, a whole ton of weight falls on one square centimeter of the surface. Such loads barely withstand titanium alloys. It is a person here, it would be ripped into parts at the same second. It is curious that the water temperature at such a depth of about 4 degrees with a plus sign. All thanks to the oceanic hydrothermal sources of "black smokers", which closer the surface of the ocean will overtake 450 degree jets.

The colossal pressure does not allow water to throw and the environment is only slightly heated. And the only in kind of deep-sea "white smokers" - produce liquid carbon dioxide in the Mariana depressure, immersing everything around into white fog. Such hydrothermal sources enrich the water medium with chemical microelements and, according to scientists, create good conditions for the origin of new forms of life.

Residents of Mariana Vpadina

The big discovery was the fact that at a depth of more than 6000 m. With incredible pressure, the absence of sunlight and zero temperatures, life boils. On the bottom there are various types of bacteria and simplest, sea cucumbers and booplasts, mollusc shells and glowing octopuses, bizarre marine stars, blind giant worms and flat fish with periscopic eyes.

New types of Spril and Festilors were found. A feature of these frightening externally fish is the presence of bioluminescent glowing processes that hang like a fishing rod. Having freezing in the pitch darkness of the light, mining floats into the light and turn out to be in the toothy leave of the predator. The attention of the physicians especially attracted one of the types of racks, because The substance that he highlights may be able to develop medicine from Alzheimer's disease.

Most of all shook the public. Huge amebe-xenophyophoras. Their size in the Mariana depression reaches 10 cm, while all the most famous types of simplest people can be discerning the microscope. The unique feature of Xenophiofore is that they are resistant to such a potent and destructive for all living, substances like mercury, uranium, lead.


In the mid-nineties, the newspaper was picked up by the headlines about some kind of monster hiding at the day of the Mariana depression. The story read that the research vessel "Glomar Challenger", plunging into the abyss to study the ocean depths, faced difficulties. In some way, the sensors recorded a terrible noise and grinding. I had to urgently remove the apparatus from the water. It turned out to be strongly damaged, the iron corps of the device was strongly fused, and a reliable metal cable would barely cut off, as if someone wanted to have a snack.

A similar incident happened to a group of German scientists, when the "Haifish" probe is lowered by the team, the huge lizard attacked into the water. Get rid of which managed only by blowing electric charge.

Convincing evidence that gigantic prehistoric animals are found in the Mariana Wpadin, no. However, the opposite is not proven.

In the 20s of the last century, fishermen from Australia told that they saw in these parts the heavy white shark about 30 m. Long. While the well-known social science of this species does not exceed five meters. The description of the Australians was completely converged only with the external characteristics of Meghalodon (the scientific name of Carcharodon Megalodon). This animal had a weight of 100 tons and his mouth could swallow mining the size of a car. According to the generally accepted opinion, Meghalodona extinct about 2 million years ago. But literally recently, the tooth of this monster was found in the Pacific Day of the Pacific Ocean in the Mariana Wpadine area. Examination determined that this discovery is not more than 11 thousand years. What else hides the seabed?

Journey to the center of the Earth

Everything that we now know about the Mariana Wpadin was obtained thanks to brave researchers who were not afraid of the unknown depths. Since 1872, more than a dozen expeditions were sent in the Pacific Water. In most cases, research was carried out with the help of the technologies improved every year. At the bottom of the Mariana depression immersed various equipment with sensors and probes with video and cameras.

The first to study the ocean abyss began researchers from the Ship "Challenger". In honor of this, the vessel was called the deepest point of the planet in the Mariana Wpadin - the abyss of the Challenger.

First, who personally visited in the depths of eleven thousand meters, were the Swiss Oceanologist Jacques Piccard and American Military Don Walsh. In 1960, they plunged into the Mariana Wpadin on a deep-sea vessel. From kilometers of frightening unknown, they were separated only 127 mm. armored steel.

Only our contemporary, the famous director James Cameron, the creator of Titanic films and Avatar decided to repeat their feat. In 2012, he alone on Batiscife "Deepsea Challenge" made this immersion. Taking samples of soil and water from the bottom of the Mariana Wpadin, Cameron helped scientists make a lot of important discoveries. However, silent silence appeared his gaze. He did not meet any monsters or strange phenomena in the abyss. James compares his adventure with a flight into space - "Full isolation from all mankind."