Impressions about the upper Mongolia. Travel to Mongolia, only positive impressions! Solovya bass do not feed

For traveling in Mongolia, I almost did not prepare. Two weeks before the border crossing, I did not know what I will go there. Therefore, many things that should learn in advance and read more in place, passed by me. Perhaps I missed some attractions that were on my way. But in any case, I think my little experience will be useful for the next generations of travelers. General issues described in different kind guides (how to travel on airplanes, trains, cars, horses, etc.), I will not affect, see for this link in the "Information" section. I will tell only about what I saw and heard with my own eyes.

Technical information
In Mongolia, I was from June 19 to July 8, 2009. Together with the Polyachka, now working in Ulan-Ude, we drove into the country through a border crossing in Kyakhte (Republic of Buryatia), held two days in Ulan Bator, drove along the route Ulan - Battle - Arvaiher - Bayanhongor - Altai - Hovd - Ulaangom - Harhorin - Ulan Bator. Then I was already driving on the route Ulan-Batar - Wanda © Rhaan - Bayan-Wool and left to Russia through the borderline of Upper Ulhong (Zabaykalsky region). Most of the path drove the hitchhiking, part - on the minibuses and buses.
Hereinafter, in the text, I use the original Mongolian names of geographic objects, with the exception of the Ulan Bator, which I will write in the traditional Russian transliteration (on Mongolian the name of the city is written as "Ulaanbaatar").
Travel Map

Pros and cons
Mongolia is known two things. The first is the nomadic population, which preserved the traditional lifestyle. It is said that for Mongols, life has not changed much since the times of Genghis Khan, and it looks like the truth: a significant part of the country still lives in yurts, breeds cattle, cares from places to sites in search of new pastures, eats meat and milk. Unless now, many on UAZ and Japanese trucks now, and the most wealthy, near Yurts are satellite antennas and solar panels. And otherwise the same thing is to the national costumes that the Mongols are not worn on large holidays, but in everyday life.
The second plus is beautiful and untouched by man nature. This is not the dull steppe of the south of Russia or Ukraine, who has a boredom and longing. Mongolian steppe landscapes are always beautiful and diverse and very rarely mutilated by human buildings. The leaving the distance of the plain on the horizon is always framed by beautiful hills, somewhere the picturesque rocks or stones come across, somewhere the steppe goes into the stony or sandy desert, somewhere replaced by mountains covered with forest. And on these Mongolian expanses here and there are yurts and wander the fat herds of large and small cattle: cows, goats, sheep, horses, camels, yaks.
Cons Mongolia logically flow out of the advantages. Beautiful nature and traditional lifestyle have been preserved due to the fact that the civilization has not yet reached here. Only Ulan Bator, whose photos I have already shown, can be called a civilized city, where everything you need for life. Most of the rest of the cities are the urban-type settlements. The regional center of Mongolia resembles the most recent Russian district center, Mongolian district centers and remind the villages. And between these cities, huge spaces extend, where the human presence is noticeable only on the lonely yurts yes, and rut in the steppe (see the section "Roads").
In general, after traveling in Mongolia, Russia begins to seem quite a civilized country, in which there are many automotive and railways, roadside cafes, toilets, shops and supermarkets. When I went out of Mongolia to Russia, there was a clear feeling that I was returning from Asia to Europe - because the last 50 km before the border was the killed dirt road with the pit and puddles, on which 1-2 cars were passing a day, and after the border, a smooth asphalt began With good traffic. In a word, it's nice that we have ever overtaken about a hundred years ahead. The only thing about Mongolia was noticeably ahead of us - this is the development of animal husbandry. After you see the herd of several hundred animals, which, like a locust, occupied the green Mongolian pasture, not very happily look at three or four thin hungry cows, wandering around some Transbaikal village.
But, otherwise, as I said, our country is much civiful. With all my passion for travel, I still love comfort, smooth roads, fast cars, hot lunch at least once a day and hot shower at least once every two days, and in Russia after Mongolia returned with some relief. So read the descriptions of Mongolia and think about how you should - are you ready for such difficulties or better go to the hitchhiking trip to the countries of Benilyux.

Guide Lonely Planet in Mongolia (English)
Report of travelers on the forum
For acquaintance with a cultural and historical context, I recommend to read the wonderful book of the ISAE Kalashnikov "Cruel Age" (1st part and 2nd part) - the history of the life of Genghis Khan from birth to death, and also to see the great film Nikita Mikhalkov "Urga - the Territory of Love" about the relationship between Russian and Mongols in China.
In Russia, there is a Mongolian embassy in Moscow, as well as consulates in Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Kyzyl. It is usually impossible to make a visa on their own without an invitation, they immediately refer to travel agency. In Ulan-Ude, the registration of a visa in a travel agency costs 2300 rubles, including consular fees, and takes 10-12 days. In the comments, they say that in Moscow things are better - I do not know, check with the commentator. Previously, a visa was made in the Kyzyl Consulate without an invitation, but now, I think this is no longer.
There is already 10 border crossings between Russia and Mongolia. It is usually working from 9.00 to 17.00. For more information about the transition of the border in Kyakhte, I wrote, in Ulukhun -. Interestingly, only three transitions are international, that is, there may be a border of third countries. So if you are not a citizen of Mongolia or Russia, it will be possible to move the border only in Kyakhte (Buryatia) or Tashanta (Altai Republic), or move it by train to the mains (Buryatia). Note that the transition to Kyakhte is a car, it is impossible to cross it, so if you are going to stop, you will have to fit into some car on the border. Transition in Upper Ulukhun (Transbaikal Territory) - pedestrian, sit in a car or a bus no one forces.
From Ulan-Ude in Ulan-Batar, there are buses every day, in addition, the train Moscow - Ulan Bator takes place through the capital of Buryatia. How things are in other regions - I do not know.
Before traveling to Mongolia, I thought that there were no roads in Russia. Now I realized that in our country there are still there, and even quite good. Because Mongol dear is such a tin that you will most likely see anywhere. Only from north to south, from Russia to China through Ulan-Batar leads a decent asphalt road, plus there are plots from Ulan-Bathan to West to Arvahheer (569 km, of which, of which, 50-60 km are not yet built) with a branch Harhorin and from Ulan Bator east to Wanda © Rhaan (331 km). Perhaps there are other sites, but I didn't go on them.
The remaining expensive, including the most important routes connecting the West and East of the country, are usually three or four rolling ruts in the steppes that converge-diverge and lead from one town to another. There is no refueling, no cafes, no kilometer pillars between the settlements, no piggybacks, nor cellular coating - only naked plain, according to which everyone goes as he wants. However, the quality of the roads is that it will not be able to break the speeding regime at all desire, and the abundance of the killets reduces collisions to a minimum. The relief is usually such that you can even move from the rut and go along the steppe in any direction.
According to such roads, some manage to ride even on simple cars, but it is still better to use SUVs - Japanese jeeps or Russian UAZ. The latter, by the way, is preferable, because the Mongols are very common and, what happens that you will quickly find spare parts. Mongols travel on motorcycles, Korean minibuses, Japanese trucks, Russian Kamaz. Foreign tourists usually move on jeep and motorcycles. So, on the track we met colleagues four times: Poles on motorcycles, a group of French on jeeps, one Australian motorcyclist and a company of Koreans, who traveled to a minibus (most likely, also Korean).
If you are going on your transport, be sure to store the GPS-navigator - instead of the roads here are directions, so it's quite really get lost, going by chance by a track leading to some kind of distant village. The card is better to buy on Mongolian - then it will be easier to figure out the nomads where you are and where you go. If you travel hitchhiking, it is possible in principle to do without a navigator - drivers usually know the road and go from one city to another. The main thing is to find out where the driver goes exactly, and further entrust him to search the right path.
Mongolia is the most difficult country for the car from all I was. However, the hitchhiker is interesting here and funny, and if you have time in stock, you can ride in this way. Just consider some features of the Mongolian highway.
The first and main problem is low traffic. Very good ride only on asphalt tracks (see the section "Roads"). The track is still quite revived from border guard in Tashanta to Ulan Bator (through Ulaang and Cezzarleg), although it is sometimes possible to wait for a few hours. On the rest of the roads, the cars are extremely rare - up to three or four cars per day. So be patient, and still books, magazines or crosswords - you can take something at least to take yourself until half a day sit at the track. In short, "in the backpack my fat and matches and Turgenev eight volumes" is just about Mongolia. We have some times so bored to sit at the road that we took backpacks and went on foot, so many Mongols have drivers and locals - the feeling that we are still going on their own country. The essence of the hitchhought to explain to them is difficult, so even better. Still keep in mind that between regional centers (if this road does not lead to Ulan-Batar) the traffic is completely low - for example, from Ulaangoma in Mu © Rhus © N is unlikely you can get directly, because the main flow of cars in Ulan-Batar is south , through Cezzarleg. And on the local roads, do not even stand and try to try, if you do not want to get stuck somewhere for a week.
The second problem is the choice of the desired gauge for the vote. The easiest way to travel out of a major city: usually a few kilometers before and after a major settlement there is one asphalt road, so it is enough to get out of the city and start voting from this road. A different thing is in the steppe or small towns and villages. Here the ruts can be diverted to the distance to a half-kilometer and it is quite difficult to choose from them. Sometimes you can navigate through the power lines - usually pillars are standing along the main rut, but this rule does not always work. It is best to find some exaltation, from where it opens the view of the surroundings, follow, which expensive the car will appear on, and in the case of which it is quick to move there. If you wore your hands, and the driver will see you, he will most likely stop or even turns and comes to you.
The third problem is the overcrowding of cars. During the trip, we only went twice in the car, where there was one driver. Usually, in addition to him, there are passengers in the car, which, as a rule, occupy all the places. Interestingly, cars stop, even if they are overflowing - to find out if something happened to you, but it is not always possible to sit in a stopping car. Sometimes you go to the car in the car in the back seat, putting on the knees of the Mongolian child, sometimes you lie on the luggage in the body of a truck, covering dust and sand, sometimes you sit on a sleeping bag in the cockpit, slightly blowing a bunch of things and distant relatives of the driver, whom He took with him. In short, do not wait comfort.
And the fourth problem is the money-freeness of the local population. In principle, everything is expected to be money for trivia, but most persuades for free. "No money" Mongolian "Mungo Bayhgo" - and before landing in the car, always one or twice, say these words. Only four times the drivers, having heard such a phrase, were disappointed further - and all these times happened on a busy site of the route, where we quickly caught the next car. In the rest of the places, drivers understand that you will wait for the next car for another half a day, and after heavy thoughting, they still nod - they say, climbs. However, truckers and wealthy Ulan-Batorians on jeeps do it without long thought. But still it's a bit hard - especially after Russia, where there are practically no one about money about money, and I don't even warn that I'm for free.
In short, I recommend, if you allow funds, ride in Mongolia on your motor transport. If the funds do not allow, but allows time, use a bike - it will be slightly slower, and if you are an experienced cycleriker, it may even faster than the hitchhiking. So, for example, a plot from Bayanhongor to Altai long in 390 km we traveled in three days. A plot from the city of Bayan-Wool to the border crossing of Upper Ulhun a length of 49 km I drove all day - here I could walk on foot during the same time.
But still the hitchhiker helps to get acquainted with the local life, chat with Mongols, many of whom know Russian. So if the listed difficulties do not confuse you, collect a backpack - and forward.
Flight transport
Only in Ulan-Bator has some kind of car station, with which buses on a certain schedule and tariffs go to different regional centers. In the other cities, the buses either do not go at all, or go like God for the soul. Travel guides recommend looking for minibuses in the city market. There you can also find drivers who go to other cities, and are looking for travelers to compensate for expenses. Lonely Planet for some reason exactly calls the "hitchhiker" - that is, it recommends to go to the market and find such a car. I do not know, in my opinion, the traditional motorway is still more effective.
In prices for buses to navigate quite difficult. For example, from Ulan Bator to the Moon (130 km) we drove for 6 thousand tugres, but from Ulan Bator to Darkhan (220 km), my fellow traveler went for the same money. Although, maybe the fact is that Darkhan go along the asphalt road, and part of the path to the moon - already described in the steppe.
Even who travels in Mongolia must certainly spend the night from nomads. It's easy enough to do it - it's enough to approach the yurt in the steppe and politely ascend. During our only one in the yurt, we did generally very delicately: they asked if it was possible to put a tent next to the yurt, but then, while we were sitting and rested after a hot day, we were invited to the yurt itself. In general, if it was in the steppe and there will be a yurt - boldly suggest a visit. It is better to take in advance candies and chocolates - distribute children, put something on the table to tea and everyone will be happy. If you're lucky, get to abundant dinner, but we just drank tea and goat milk.
Another good option overnight is roadside cafes. Almost every one there is one or more large beds with a width of 4-5 meters, where anyone who orders dinner or breakfast in this eating can be spent free of charge. Usually dinner per person costs 2-3 thousand tugres. True, on the same bed a few more people will sleep, but free travelers in the presence of their own sleeping bag, I think it will not embarrass.
In major cities there are hotels. We stayed in those two times - in the city of Arvyahher, the room for two cost 11 thousand tugres, in Altai - 15 thousand tugres. In the first hotel there was no soul, in the second - hot water. But if that, in cities you can find public baths where you can take a shower for 1-2 thousand tugres.
In particularly promoted among tourists, there are Guesthouses and hostels, including seeing legal campgrounds (several Yurt, in which you can spend the night). However, those who spent the night in the real yurt, it will not be particularly interesting: inside there are no attributes of nomadic life, only a few beds and bedside tables. In Harhorina, such a guesthouse cost 5 thousand tugres with a person.
Well, a huge selection of overnight stay in Ulan Bator. Firstly, this is the only city where more or less active members of Hospitalityclub and Couchsurfing are living, so that no challenges can find free overnight. Secondly, there are hotels, hostels, geeshaus for every taste and pocket. By the way, in Guesthouse Golden Gobi there is a discount of Russian and Poles: the chief administrator was so straight and said, so for the night they paid not six, but five dollars per person. Keep in mind.
Vegetterians in Mongolia do nothing. All vegetables and fruits will be taken from China, and the Mongols themselves make and eat almost all of meat or milk. Only in Ulan Bator can find vegetable salads, in other places such a luxury is rare. I have always been a meat and antiveganom, but then I even started experiencing nostalgia by vinegret or tomato-cucumber salad. So be prepared if you don't carry meat at all, buy the necessary products in Ulan Bator and carry them with you.
The most popular dish in Mongolia - Buouza, known those who have been in the Irkutsk region or Buryatia, under the name "posture". This small meat, wrapped in the dough and cooked for a pair. Very tasty and nutritious thing - so that I will have enough 4-5 pieces. It is usually worth 300 tuggers apiece. Another popular food - Hushur, resembling our native Cheburek and standing 300-400 Tuggers apiece. Plus, the noodles with pieces of meat and potatoes - either in a dry form, or as a soup. Unfortunately, I did not remember how it is called, costs about 2-2.5 thousand tugres. Actually, these three dishes we are traveling mainly and fed.
There are a lot of interesting dairy dishes, but they, as a rule, are not sold in cavets - we were treated either in yurts, or in the machines. There is a cool cheese, to taste reminiscent of cottage cheese, very tasty creamy oil and a low-alcoholic drink based on milk, resembling koumiss.
The main soft drink is tea with milk. In Ulan-Bator, I did not like it, but then, for the absence of choice, I had to love him. It is usually served without sugar, but slightly salted - however, I didn't feel this salt. In the capital there also add some oil, but there is no such in the province. In general, a very nutritious thing. It costs 100-200 tugresses for a cup, and sometimes it is served at all for free.
As in all other aspects, Ulan Bator and the rest of Mongolia are two big differences. In the capital, the choice of food is great and diverse. There is both cheap tables with mentioned above dishes and prices, and pathoral restaurants with Italian, Japanese and other kitchens for every taste and pocket. We once wandered even in a vegeteric cafe. A cheap dining room can usually be identified by the word "Gazar" on the sign.
As for the products, there is also a big difference between the capital and the province. In Ulan Bator, many shops and supermarkets with a good choice of products, in other cities - mostly small shops, the choice is less than in any Russian rural store. The usual set is soda, vodka, chocolate-cookies and, if lucky, a huge piece of meat in the refrigerator. Even bread falls rarely. The store can be identified by the word "Delhur" on the sign.
Cafes and large shops are found only in cities, so, given the quality of roads and low traffic, it is better to always have a stock of water and eating at least one day.
In Mongolia, a lot of people speak Russian. Once we even brought a graduate of Philfak MSU. Of the drivers encountered, most of them knew at least a few words and phrases in Russian, and approximately with each third one could even be fully understood.
But still specifically rely on the fact that you will get out of Russian-speaking Mongols, it is not worth it. Try all the same Mongolian to learn a little, it will greatly facilitate your life in the journey and will help much better know the local life. Unfortunately, I knew only a few more important phrases for the traveler, and the rest complemented by Russian words and gestures. But if I could still say gestures "Is it possible to put a tent" or "Stop here, please", then ask more complex and interesting questions ("How do children nomads go to school?", "What do you try the stove?" And etc.) no longer succeeded.
Mongolian Language Phone
The missing phrases to it (double vowel read as one, but elongated):
Can you go with you? - Hamt Новжа и у уу?
Where are you going? - That hasha Навж bin vi?
We travel in Mongolia - Bid Nar Mongolore Ayalazh Baygaa
The people knows English much worse than Russian - mostly formed young people, metropolitan beggars and workers of the tourist sphere.
1 dollar \u003d 1428 Tugry
1 ruble \u003d 46 tugry
Change money better immediately in Ulan-Bator for all the journey. In the rest of Mongolia, banks are found in an amount not exceeding the limits of a statistical error.
Like Belarusian rubles, Mongolian tugresses exist exclusively in paper, so the feeling occurs during the journey that you have a lot of money.
Internet and communications
There are several cellular operators from which we recommended Mobicom. On the road, cellular bond, naturally, does not work, but in almost all major and small settlements there is a coating.
1-2 Internet cafes are found in most regional centers and in abundance are common in Ulan Bator.
Danger and trouble
Most of all I was frightened by dogs of nomads - they say if you fit into, then approach the yurt early, and they will not attack her dogs. Even recommended to learn the phrase "Noah Horio", which means "hold dogs". Therefore, I expected every nomad to see the evil wolfges, which are a little bit to tear you into pieces. In fact, near Yurts, we saw the meal and encouraged pieces that are not able to scare even steppe gloom. Mongols of dogs do not like themselves and often award them with a kick, passing by. Therefore, all these friends frightened when we tried to stroke them.
Other dangerous animals are already from the world of wildlife. Travel guides lists steppe wolves and bears living in the desert of scorpions and snakes, ticks living in the grass. Nothing from this came across. The largest wild animals we have seen - lizards size less palm, constantly running under their feet in the Gobi desert, and steppe rodents - or hamsters, whether Surki.
I personally did not come across the crime, but my fellow traveler, which walked in the last day alone on Ulan-Batar, pulled the camera. However, it can happen in any city of the world. And so the Mongols are friendly and non-aggressive, the gopniks are almost never found here. I felt in complete safety throughout the journey at any point of Mongolia - in contrast, by the way, from Russia, where in small district centers is not always pleased to be located.
Weather in Mongolia changed, with sharp fluctuations in temperatures. In winter, it is very cold (Ulan Bator is considered the very cold capital of the world), in the summer it is usually hot. The summer heat soften the winds, walking along the Mongolian plain, but they also create a different difficulty. A couple of times the blowing so hard that the tent was simply impossible to install - and on the plain it is often impossible to find any shelter from the wind. I can not imagine how terribly here should be in the winter with such a wind.
Route Ulan Bator - ARVYUKHEER


Highway Arwehheer - Bayanhongor


Bayanhongor's track - Altai. Group of Poles traveling on motorcycles

Bu © MBA © GE © R

Northern Gobi Desert

Whether the holiday, whether the lesson of physical education at the local school



Altai Track - Hovd

Australian Jeff, who lives in Ulan-Bator for three years. Driving by bus to the parents of his bride into one Mongolian village


National character
Mongols, as I already wrote, the people are very friendly and friendly. Foreigners will always help and prompt, where, like what. The prices for them to overestimate have not yet learned - at least those who work not in the tourist sphere. Russians for the Mongols are generally almost native, many of the older generation recall their studies or work in the Soviet Union. True, such an open and welcoming reception, as in the Caucasus or the Middle East, do not wait - any Russian-speaking Mongol will gladly talk to you, but it is unlikely to call a visit. In general, friendly, but quite even attitude.
Like many other Asian peoples, Mongols are pretty preoccupied, relaxed and leopard. The situation is completely normal when the seller or the administrator in the hotel departed to an hour or another from the workplace and it is necessary to wait for it or look somewhere nearby. They are not particularly hurry, especially since in Mongolia anyway, nothing will happen. Agneshka said that she had several Mongolian students in Ulan Bator, who were constantly late for classes for half an hour and sincerely surprised when they were reproaches them. And indeed, in Mongolia in the steppe, the car can easily arise, it will be necessary to wait half a day the passing car, then refine and eventually come to the destination in the day later. What are the half an hour of late. In a word, "there are nowhere to rush, they have eternity ahead."
At the same time, the Mongols have a very developed mutual assistance. If you broke the car, the first passing car stops and his driver offers help. Often he can stay with you for a few hours, helping to start an old UAZ or replace the springs from the truck. However, they say in remote regions of Russia, such as Yakutia, Kamchatka or Chukotka, everything is the same.
From the whole Mongolian people, Mongolian children produce a particularly pleasant impression. They are very lively and immediate, and the most colorful objects for photography are even more than old men or all-tree riders on the horses. They are clearly not tormented by some punishments and prohibitions, but they do not indulge in anything - yes, there is nothing particularly walked. Instead of plastic toys, they have a whole flock of goats or sheep, instead of a bike or rollers - horses, in which many ride, it seems, from six or seven years old, and instead of dirty streets and convinces - green plains. There are no urban temptations and entertainment here, so they are sincerely glad to any chocolate chip, which will bring a foreigner from the city. My fellow traveler liked the Mongolian children so much that she even wanted to have one such. True, it is afraid that her boyfriend from Kiev will not understand this - all the same few men such tolerant as the hero of the film "Styles".
Ulan Bator is the only real city in Mongolia. In terms of the level of availability and development of infrastructure, he resembles a large Russian regional center. There are supermarkets, cinemas, restaurants, internet cafes, public transport - everything you need for life. The rest of the country is a big nomadic camp. Even in regional centers, a significant part of the population lives in a nomadic - in the center there may be several Soviet buildings in two to three floors, and it surrounds all the private sector with wooden houses and yurts. But, of course, the real Mongolia begins outside the cities.
In the steppe yurts come across every few kilometers, in the desert - every 10-20 kilometers. Sometimes the yurt stands separately, sometimes several such dwellings form a kind of mini-sealer. I expected that the interior of the yurt would be quite ascetic, almost like in a hiking tent, but in fact they are usually always well furnished and remindes the insides of the Russian hut or even a modest urban apartment. There are several beds, a wardrobe, a table, a chest of drawers, on which there are photos of distant relatives, TV (sometimes even with a DVD player). In the center there is a stove-bourgear, the long tube of which is directed into a round hole in the middle of the roof.
The only occupation of people living here is animal husbandry. Next to the yurt is driven to the land of Konovyaz, to which several horses are tied, goats or sheep are crowded (and more often without it), the grass and cow are erupted alongside, and the desert roam and chew rigid camel shrubs. These animals are at the same time all agriculture, food and textile industry, and often transport.
Mongols are practically engaged in agriculture. You can drive the whole country and not to see a single field. Only in the vicinity of the city of Ulang we saw a kind of vegetable gardens Yes, the Russian border was brought to us, who said that she was going on some farm. In the rest of the places, the Mongols do not grow anything and all their huge plains are used exclusively under the pastures. They say that they still consider sinful to dig and do something from the ground.
National costumes are large robes of dense tissue, usually gray. I never put it on, but judging by the appearance, such a robe protects well from the penetrating Mongolian wind. And also, I apologize for intimate details, such a robe helps Mongols to ignite need in the steppe: here it is usually impossible to find any shelter, so you can move a little from other people, get up or sit back with your back, closing a bathrobe, and make your business, no one when This is not shocking.
As in any other communist country, in the 90s, a religious revival began in Mongolia. Began to restore the old and build new monasteries, create religious educational institutions. Buddhist monastery or temple became the same indispensable attribute of the Mongolian city as the Orthodox Temple - Russian. In the monasteries you can see young monks, and if you're lucky, getting to the religious service, when they sit at the table and read the mantras or in Tibetan, or on Sanskrit - fascinating spectacle.
However, special religiosity at Mongol-laity is not noticeable. Only in one yurt I saw something like a small altar, and in cars I never met any religious attributes. So, if you do not travel to cities and not to look for Buddhist temples there, in general, you will not define any of the religion the Mongols adhere to. True, as in neighboring Buryatia, the relics of shamanism have been preserved here: along the roads are "obo" - piles of stones and pillars with blue rags attached to them. But in contrast to the same Buryatia, drivers next to them stop and do not show any respect.
Of all the Mongolian culture, the traveler can best meet music. Mongols love to sing very very much, and on the road can often be observed such a picture - the driver begins to sing a melodic and sad song, and his partner sings to him as far as possible. Or the old woman drags the song, and the entire bus is picked up together. If no one sings, the driver puts the cassette (by the way, almost never seen in CD-magnetic machines - only cassettniki) with Mongolian folk or modern popular songs and listens to her, looking at the road leaving for the horizon. Quite often, the Mongols, including those who do not know a word in Russian, listen to Russian music. Several times we heard that Valery, then Dima Bilan, then the song "Million Scarlet Roses" performed by the Mongolian singer, singing in Russian with a funny accent.
Except to sing, people still love to drink. Moreover, at first glance, it seems that even more than in Russia. For the month of traveling in Eastern Siberia, I was offered to drink vodka once, and in two weeks in Mongolia - five times. However, it is explained by the fact that in Mongolia, except for the driver, there are always many passengers in the car, and just they so that it should be more fun, drink half a letter, and the driver is limited to tea with milk. In Russia, drivers, mostly go alone - there will not be much eating here.
Lyrical conclusion
What I did not understand after the trip - why the eight hundred years ago, Mongols needed to leave their cozy nobra and native steppes and to conquer polim. After all, they were not going to breed the cattle and put yurts on the conquered lands, so unlike Mongolia - all these Chinese rice fields, the ancient cities of Central Asia, the peaks of the Caucasus, the Iranian deserts and Russian forests. And it is impossible to learn in these peaceful and friendly people of those evil and cruel conquerors who passed with fire and a sword as well as the Adriatic coast. Maybe the whole thing in a strong person who can collect and lead people behind themselves - I do not know.
But Mongolia makes it possible to understand another thing: that our whole civilization, all that humanity has come up with the last few thousand years - this is, in essence, pleasant, but not so necessary excesses. In this country, people almost do not use them, and those that use it seems to be not so needed. Tens of thousands of Mongols cost without sewage, gas and microwave ovens, washing machine, computer, telephone, car and completely not concerned. And the omnipotent force of electricity uses, it seems, only for watching TV. Do not be it - just asked by the travelers, which is new happening in the world. And having learned about our entire progress, the Internet, flights to space, nuclear energy, nanotechnology and laser surgery, they would have nodded disapprovingly - why do something invent something, if for a good life only yurt, fifty goats, dozen horses and endless green plain .
Route Hovd - Ulaang

Group of French and Swiss on jeep

At this page I will try to touch on the problems that a person going to Mongolia may encounter (\u003d155).

Tomgem Plus Video. Western Mongolia. Khashaki Duck 2561m Pass

VISA. We received a visa at the Consulate of Mongolia in Yekaterinburg. And this occupation is not simple, get a visa to Germany easier. Theoretically, this process takes two to three days, but really the person who does it, there are no weeks in place. To obtain a visa, you need an invitation from the Mongolian side. We received an invitation here It costs 800 rubles per person.

Tomgem Plus Video. Western Mongolia. Mount Cast-UL 4208 m

Customs. Customs we passed in Altai, in Tashanta. Mongolian customs works from nine in the morning to five hours of the day always, except Saturday, Sunday, festive (Mongolian holidays) days, as well as several miscellaneous days. Lunch with an hour to two, which, according to Mongolian arithmetic, is one and a half - two hours.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Sands near the village. Bogd.

International driver's licenses are needed to enter their car. They were not useful for us. In general, the time of passage depends on the case. At the entrance to Mongolia, the Russians were issued us for ten minutes, and the Mongols were tormented by an hour, not counting two-hour lunch. On the way back, Mongols were issued for fifteen minutes, and on the Russian side we stood about three hours - there was a big turn, the procedure itself took fifteen minutes.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Lone Saksaul.

Relationships with local. We asked such a question trucker at customs. He told us in detail about the fuel, about the roads and bodies. And after the question about the attitude of the Mongols to tourists hung ... as it turned out, it was from what. Most of the local belongs to the tourists of the type "Impress here", that is, at best, in any way. Therefore, if that, do not hope that the locals will pull you out of the sands and out of the swamps. In Russian and in English, Mongols, for a very rare exception, do not say, except at refueling. However, if the Mongols in their Mongolia lost and asked the road, then recall Russian, and English, and even the language of gestures.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Weathered cave in granites.

As tourists, we began to perceive us in Bayanhongor, and east. But the crime is just skin felt, especially in northwestern cities. Arch, local vodka, drink everything and a lot, drunk driving - this is the norm.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Stone partridge.

Roads. About the roads of Mongolia is written a lot, but it is simply impossible to describe them completely. Imagine that a piece of the Moscow-Peter track, a couple of kilometers, repaired. And there is a detour by primer, with all uhabami, dust and other charms. This is the best sections of the Federal Mongolian Road. But the worst is the "washing board" of its maximum manifestation - for 130 km in front of the city of Altai. Ripple on the road is giant. With the length of the half-wave of centimeters 40, its amplitude reaches 20 centimeters. Machines just raw. If you reduce the tire pressure as much as possible, it will help.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Sands of the Datsyn Thaw.

New roads in Mongolia are made, but ... all at once. And often you can see a picture - on a hundredokilometer plot, a well-damp road is engaged in aligning one single grader, sometimes one skating rink helps him. So it's not a quick thing. Nevertheless, individual sections of asphalt, kilometers of 20 - 60 already exist.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Jaran.

And further. If you order a tour with a rented car - do not agree to UAZ. Not only most likely you do not have you at him. With a forty-breeding heat, you will breathe not by air, but dust, while regularly deform the top of the car with his head.\u003d155

FUEL. I will talk about the diesel. He is practically in all settlements. We fled on the red refueling Petrovic. The cost of fuel is 45-55 rubles. Along the federal tracks the quality of fuel is high, it's better better than in Altai along the Chui tract. And on the distance from the federal highways diesel is very bad, in the sands the car boils on it. So in the desert it is better fuel to the tank to fill out of the seashed canisters.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Tract Dotsyn-Tsav.

Hotels. This is a very big problem. If it is an expensive hotel, from 1200 rubles, then, as the Mongols themselves say, they are "not for sleep." The girls scream all night. If this is a cheap hotel, you will listen to the disassembly of drunken mongols until morning. We were lucky with housing only twice - Hotel Seoul for $ 40 in Bayanhongor and Khan Uul for $ 100 in Dountzadgad. These are real business rooms, any better than business in the Moscow Izmailovo.

Products. No problem. In major cities, full stores with any products, and the price is twice the lower.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Dune Hongoryan Els.

PUBLIC CATERING. There are problems. The restaurants will most likely offer a low-pass local food. It is easier to eat in the cafes in the markets. Here you can eat buds - such Mantophelmy, Chebureks, rice with meat. It is tasty, and we had enough 150 rubles on three. There are better between cities in yurts. First, it is not delicious, secondly expensive. And it takes it an hour and a half, because it is most likely to cook from scratch.

Tomgem Plus Video. Mongolia. South Gobi. Dune Hongoryan Els.

CURRENCY. Along the southern federal road, only Tugry takes, and in banks only dollars take to exchange. In North-Western Mongolia, it is possible to calculate both tugres, and dollars and rubles.

NAVIGATION. For locality orientation, a map and navigator were used. Map - Mongolia Survey Map of 1: 5000000 with schematic roads, settlements and mountain arrays. This turned out to be enough. There were maps of provinces with a bunch of roads and a bunch of villages, but really it was not a village, but migratory casing, and Mongolian calarys are generally a mirage. That is, the provincial maps are absolutely useless. Without what in Mongolia can not do - this is without a navigator. We had a Garmin Montana-600 with staged by Genstabov cards 1: 500,000. On the roads he did not led, but showed the direction. And on the ground roads enough to follow these directions. In general, I did not scarily, and even the misfortunes of Mongols poked your finger where to go. And further. Mongols rarely imagine that it is further 50 km from their overhead, village, cities. So it is better to hope for your strength.

Continued here.

Under the severity of the square

One of the Paris lectures organized by the international exhibition of surrealism, almost turned around the tragedies for the Salvador invited to her. According to the artist, the lecture needed some revitalization and clarity, so he dodged into a skate. With his booty and, at the same time, heavy, outfit, the artist, as he himself admitted to journalists, wanted to symbolically, to portray full creative immersion. It all started quite traditionally, an extravagant artist was photographed with Ruperton Briton Lee and his wife Diana. But when Dali tried to remove the helmet, it turned out that he was jammed: the air in the scaffle ended, and the artist began to choke. If the skate was not broken, then this touch could cost an eccentric life, and nothing suspects would applaud, enjoying the dramatic effect.

Bike bike

On December 7, 1959, a presentation of a bicycle (Ovocypedee) took place in Paris: the devices that Salvador came up with and embodied Lapare engineer. Rivet - transparent ball with fixed seats for one person. This "transport" has become one of the devices that gave successfully used to shock the public with its appearance.

Shocking showcase

Stay was given in America became the most scandalous time in his life. Back in 1939, the artist agreed to place a showcase of the Bonuita Teller's store on the fifth Avenue and, I must say, this decision made it known as never. On the mannequins of the beginning of the twentieth century, used in the composition, instead of artificial wigs there were real hair cut off from the corp. In addition, the composition consisted of a black satin bathroom, a bath lojani and a canopy from buffalo head, in whose teeth was a bloody dove. Such a showcase could not remain unnoticed for residents of New York. The interest of the public was so great that in the sidewalks of this street it was impossible to pass. The city administration, fearing the riots, decided to dismantle the composition Dali. However, the artist's reaction was unexpected. Having angry, he turned the satin bath, crashed it a mirror showcase of the store, and came out of there to the street, where the police arrested him.

"Rainy taxi"

Arriving the exhibition in Paris in 1938, Dali, he tried to warm the interest of the public with all their might. Shortly before the discovery, he stated that it would be one of the most amazing events of the first half of the twentieth century. So it came out. Before entering the building of the exhibition visitors, an extravagant surprise was waiting - "rainy taxi". The maestro created a car, inside which it rained, the floor was eliminated by Ivy, and on a mannequin, sitting in the back seat, crawled a hundred burgundy snails. To date, a peculiar "taxi", a finalized and complemented by the artist, can see all visitors to the Museum-Museum in Figuene.

"Cadillac" instead of bull

On August 12, 1971, a festival was organized in the city of Figueras in the city of Figueras. The discovery began with the battleship of the bulls and the procession created in the style of his beloved artist Dali - Goya. The only stot knocking out of the overall picture was the open "Cadillac" Salvador. Maestro welcomed with his hand to all the gathered and proved that he would not lose even against the background of Spanish bulls, it would be able to surprise. By the way, "Cadillac" was given in a special line "Caddy", consisting of only five cars. Holders of this limited series were the most famous or shockful personalities of the last century: one belonged to President Roosevelt, the second - Clark Gablo, the third was in Al Capon, who came to the freedom, the fourth became the property of the couple Gala and Salvador Dali, the name of the owner of the fifth car still unknown. Notice, a good acquisition, given that Dali used his "Cadillac" only for the appearance in public.

"Andalusian dog"

In 1929, the premiere of the film "Andalusian Dog" took place in Paris, which became the result of the collaboration of Salvador Dali and Louis Bunuel. Punching and shocking scenes of the picture (cutting the blade of the eyeball, ants, crazy hands, etc.) made it, perhaps, the most famous surreal work of two creators. The script was written in just two weeks and was based on Dali and Bunuel dreams. "Andalusian dog", contrary to the expectations of the directors, was enthusiastic adopted by the public. Gloomy fame film added the tragic death of leading actors painting. Pierre Batcheff died from overdose of the drug "Veronal" on April 13, 1932 in the Paris Hotel, and Simon Marieil made a self-immolation on Périgueux Square in Dordon. Later, Dali used a film as a source of inspiration for the next rapid act. He again won the public, appearing in front of the telecons in the coffin, put on the money and sising ants, with the egg shell on the face.

Mongolia with mushrooms

In his life, Dali himself completely completed the work only over one film, "impressions of the uppermost Mongolia", released on the screens in 1975. In Ribe, who did not receive special recognition of the public, he told the story of an expedition, which went to search for huge hallucinogenic fungi. The video series "impressions about the upper Mongolia" is large part based on increased microscopic stains of uric acid on the brass strip. "Author" of these stains was given. For several weeks, he "drew" them on a piece of brass.

"Ball of dreams"

On January 18, 1935, Joella Levi and Caris Crosby are organized in honor of the departure Dali and Gang from New York organize the "Ball of Dreams". On the costume Ball, the artist appeared in the image of the windows of his wife's bra, as a headquarter, he used lobster, and behind his black wings in white gloves gave the black wings. Gala defiled in the Red Skirt from Celofan, in a green bodice and with a celluloid baby as a headdress. In his "mystery life," he would later write that the image of a "charming corpse", which chose his companion, attracted even more attention than the costumes of Eve, bloody nightgowns and English pins, stuck in the skin of the other ladies. From this rapid appearance of a married couple on the ball journalists blown a real scandal. The fact is that at that time the kidney of the Lindberg family was widely discussed in the press, and one of the journalists of the Paris newspaper wrote that he was not just a doll on the head, but the image of the kidnapped baby. The artist himself rejected a similar "version" of the outfit.

Love on Troykh

At the end of 1965, El Salvador Dali meets the model Amanda Lir already known at that time, which becomes his mistress. The appearance of the favorite was not a joke withdrew the legitimate wife of the artist, however, the wayward gala gradually gets used to an unusual love triangle. They often walk together, dinner in restaurants and attend receptions. Of course, such public ease only disbanded reporters who did not miss the top three out of sight. Every interview of that period did not work out without questions about the personal life of the artist, which he answered with his inherent journey. However, one of the maestro's outcomes seriously angry Amanda. In an interview with the Minut newspaper, Dali said that his girlfriend is a former boy Alain TEP and thus strengthened the already existing rumors about the transcemption of the model that arose due to the low voice timbre of the model.

Jacket - Aphrodisiac

The jacket, also known as Aphrodisiac Dinner Jacket, Salvador Dali invented in 1936. To the tuxedo on thin straws were suspended 83 cups with mint liqueur and dead flies, and instead of a manica, the artist used a bra. The original "jacket - aphrodisiac" has been preserved only in photographs for which it periodically recreates for special exhibitions. Later on one of the techniques, Dali appeared in a jacket resembling a sample of 1936. However, this time the cups with a liqueur were replaced with numbered crystal glasses. A photograph on which Maestro is captured in this strange outfit, was called the Air Force TV channel with one of the symbols of the twentieth century.

For a week in Mongolia, I could not understand what she was: outside the "sixteenth republic of the former USSR", and inside - Virgin Asia, or vice versa: outside - Virgin Asia, and inside - "Sixteenth Republic"? The main emotion of the traveler in Mongolia is the removal of the brain, and at every step. The main emotion of Mongolia itself, her national motto is "all do not care!" Well, the Mongolian Altai, the Cobdo River Valley in the aimaks Bayan-Ulgiy and Hovd is the furthest from the capital and the most atypical corner of Mongolia. In the first part, I will tell about the road there from Russia and the local, more urban, specifics; On the second part, I will leave a story about the life of nomads. But for all Mongolia, these impressions are typical, or only for its Western corner - so far I do not assume.

There is still an aircraft, but it is completely different prices: from Uligi to the capital by the bus 80 thousand tugres (about 2000 rubles), and the aircraft is 350 thousand. Airplanes are beautiful here, all that flew over us - were turbopovintov, such as this Fokker 50.

Specific transport (besides airplanes, of course) gives rise to a specific attitude towards the toilet. On the tracks there are not even the calm rustic sorts, hide in the steppe there is nowhere, so the sanitary stop looks like this: half the bus goes out, it is built in a rank and begins to cope. Or bleak - judging by two trips to dear Ulgiy-Hovd, the critical number of local residents have a weak vestibular, refusing to the passes. It is possible to sit down in a large stone, but this is if it is. Women in this sense are not much more shy men, so Mongolian buses can be in every way advise the adepts of urinophilia. Wheel people (like us with Olya) will have to be morally ready. Let's say in the ulgie a sorter without a door facing the street:

The appearance of its cities of Mongolia does seem to be the "Sixteenth Republic". The same five-story buildings, low-rise Stalinings and even wooden barracks, the same garages, rusty children's playgrounds and garbage tanks, and of course balconies, glazed who in what is much:

Familiar landscapes, if I saw, or:

In some places there are something other - barracks with extraordinarily frequent windows and square in the section of the pipe of the yard boilers cause me a association with China's times of Mao Zedong, which I have never seen.

In general, the Mongolian city looks more launched and uncomfortable than even in Kyrgyzstan or in the Russian north. In the same Khovde, once laid a paving and tile, lay lanterns and shops, but without daily care, all this was covered with garbage and dust. A new buildings are particularly contrasting - nowhere in the former USSR there are no such close yards without a single bladeing:

Mongolian entrances are quite post-Soviet - that is, the shaft, written and the pictured ads. But right to pay attention to a small detail - from the threshold, the staircase does not only up, but down: in the basements of new buildings here are also apartments!

The centers of Mongolian cities come across very non-free Stalinkins, mainly administrations, hotels and houses of culture:

Twice - in Ulgie and Khovde - we came across a stone watch. At first we joked that it was a very visual expression of how Mongolians refer to time. But after seeing the watch the second time, we realized that the arrows on them in the same exact position. What time is it captured on them? Revolution, proclamation of independence, some victory?

But the main "chip" of the Mongolian cities is that in them from the most unexpected places suddenly literally jump out yurts:

Here I will say Yurt on the backyards of college - maybe in it they live repairing workers from somewhere from the steppe?

In Khovde on the outskirts there is a whole yurt city. This is essentially the workers of the slums - the people come to the city, and does not build Halupa from Kyzyak and stick, but simply installs the yurt and lives in it. Others are so complaining that they put fences around the yurt, cutting sites, but I think most of the inhabitants of Yurtograds come to the city to work on season:

Even in the courtyards of rich homes, Yurt can stand, at least performing the role of summer kitchen, veranda or living room. This is already a Ulgiy - Yurthedograd there is no, but in the yards of YUT, it is unlikely not more, and notice that they are another design - in the Hovde of Yurts Mongolian (GER), and here - Turkic (Kazakh-UY):

Mongolian cities are a very bright monument of what is called "false urbanization". Here in the Hovde on the lawn at the central square, a cow is grazing:

42. Photographed Olya.

And one of the "chips" ulgy - regular scotoproogon through the city:

Cattle is far from the only animal, notable in Mongolian cities. I watched the same thing in Kosh-Agach, that is, this is apparently the overall feature for the nutrition - here are the core instead of Crow:

Sit on wires, trees, roofs:

Round over the garbagers:

47. Photo Ol.

They dive into the courtyards, hunting on pigeons, puppies, kittens or meat for the dog, while she sleeps in a cone:

48. Photo Ol.

So it is no wonder that the turbulent turbulents hang on the power lines:

Mongolian is beautiful, although where we were, it is presented in the main inscription and pop. I think, "a clear letter" came to him much more than Cyrillic: a solid "hole bu shlitur". But the meaning of the inscriptions in general is clear: "Come, go awesome!", "Everything is very difficult there, before doing something - think" and "from the fire there will be Tamhi Tatha Garghayg!".

Contingent in Mongolia if different from Central Asia, Kazakhstan or Altai, then not much: there are here and sloppy selyus, and the pretty stylish youth. Gopniks I do not remember here, and the police are friendly and is not inclined to extortion - there are never scenes like Central Asian, there have never been in Mongolia. They say it is easy to run into drunk, but we didn't have such experience, and with other people's words, drunk to tourists are not aggressive and in the worst case they will be climbed to fight. Again, as I understood from other people's notes, much worse than with aggression, things are doing with theft - things are better not to leave without supervision even on the borders.

Another unusual property of Mongolia is perhaps the easiest and painless transition to democracy in history. Until 1911, she was China's province, in 1921-90 - quite a totalitarian socialist country, and in the 1990s he took it a democratic - without sort and pogroms, without a "father of the nation" with an iron order, without political hysteria. Since 2017, the country has already had the fifth president, the Mongolian folk (previously popular-revolutionary) and the democratic party regularly replace each other in elections. Lenin in Ulan-Bator demolished only in 2012, but in Khovda at one of the stores (!) Hovid the Order of the Sukh-Bator - apparently, there are socialist nostalgia here:

But the red star peacefully gets around with a swastika. Mongolia sent to the aid of the USSR caravans with warm clothing and meat, tens of thousands of cameljores from Hovd to Biysk. Maybe there were Mongol volunteers on the front, but in principle, the Mongola was not fought with fascism. The important difference between Mongolia from the former USSR - there is no press of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, for Mongols, the swastika is just a sun:

Before the trip, I was confident that Mongolia turned into a protectorate of China. But I would say, chitized is hardly more than more. Tajiks from the mention of China are flashing that Ukrainians with the word "Europe", but from the Mongols before the consecutive long-time fear, for which it is possible to contact Russia. They say, closer to Ulan-Bataror, Chinese influence is more noticeable, but Bayan-Ulgiy and Hovd definitely look north:

The ownership of the Russian language here I would estimate approximately the level of the most unbredded places of the former USSR type of South Tajikistan or the rural depth of Estonia. Each second here in Russian can link a few words, and almost in any crowded place there will be at least one person who speaks Russian almost freely. Moreover, he heard about it from different people, - Mongols are very conscientious in study, so if the Mongolec speaks Russian in Russian - it is worthy. In Russian, it is possible to explain here, and in any case, at times easier than in English. Knowledge of English, as it seemed to me, correlates with age (the youth peculiar to me), but the knowledge of Russian in my opinion does not correlate with anything - among young people and residents of Yurt and among the older generation and citizens all three cases came across equal proportions. In general, the grip of between two great powers here is very noticeable. For example, once we met a woman who has a daughter in Beijing, and Son - in Tomsk.

A strange socket on different plugs in the Hovd Hotel is a visual testimony of China's proximity with his cheap lots of the world. Maybe therefore Mongolia and to the Anglo-Saxon world seems closer than post-Soviet countries, with the exception of the Baltic States.

Another property of Mongolia is almost nothing in it. In fact, everything comes down to mines and animal husbandry, but ore will not trade in stores. According to statistics, 2/3 of imports in Mongolia goes from China, 1/3 of Russia, but in Grocery stores Ulgy and Hoved, the proportion looks rather reverse. The geography of goods in the country, not burdened support for the domestic manufacturer, impressive - on the shelves and showcases Callaidoscope are replaced by Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Korea, Germany, Poland, Israel, Japan ... I remember how before leaving we bought 5 Chocolate - and all from different countries. But many products in Mongolia are simply no, because they are not interested in local - for example, we have not seen cheese in stores.

Actually, Mongolian products are few, but all that we came across - excellent. For example, an incredibly tasty and very natural fruit water "Goo":

Well, that the Mongolian stew is the best in the world, for many travelers it is not a secret:

And you probably ask - where is Genghis Khan? So here - no. For a week in two Western aimaks, we did not see an unrealistic monument to the shochar of the universe.

Mongolia is a country that can really surprise. Here, for comparison, the impressions of the same year about Central Mongolia from Denis - See Table of Contents!
Mongolian Altai - Will posts!
Land Cobdo. The first impressions of Mongolia.
Land Cobdo. About nomadic Kazakhs.
Ulgiy. The capital of Mongolian Kazakhstan.
Ulgiy Hovd. Mongolian road.
HOVD (COBO). The oldest city of Mongolia.
Manhan. Land of Zakhchins and Petroglyphs of the Stone Age.
Mongolian Altai. Road to Hurgan-Nur.
Mongolian Altai. Cobdin lakes.
Mongolian Altai. Back through Cengel.
Nealatai Kazakhstan - See Table of Contents!
Steppe Altai - see Table of Contents!

The country of amazing steppe spaces, where many kilometers around can not meet any living soul, and national traditions, which are also strong, as the spirit of the Mongola warrior, is gradually gaining momentum on the tourist market as an exotic direction. During the trip, the bright and tireless sun, snow-covered mountain chains and bunds of colored flags, and Buddhist stups, are certainly becoming a bright and tireless sun.

Important points

  • To travel to Mongolia, the Russian tourist visa will not need.
  • Rent a car in the edges where Genghis Khan was born, experienced travelers are not recommended. The quality of the roads and the state of the proposed machines leave much to be desired. In addition, in Mongolian steppes you can easily get lost.
  • You will need a passport for the purchase of trains or buses.
  • The difference in prices for local airlines tickets for Mongols and foreigners is very substantial.

Choose wings

Direct air communication with Mongolia is carried out from several cities behind the Urals:

  • Aeroflot has a flight schedule on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Direct flight on Russian wings will take a little more than 6 hours, and the ticket will cost about $ 680.
  • Mongolian airlines also take on board passengers several times a week. Their prices begin from $ 800.
  • Much cheaper will cost a flight - on Turkish Airlines aircraft through. The issue price is from $ 550, on the way will have to spend 13 hours excluding docking.
  • The Chinese fly to Ulan-Batar from Sheremetyevo through. The fleer of the flight Air China begins from $ 650.

Travel to Mongolia can be taken on the train. Composition Moskva - Ulan Bator twice a week leaves from Perron Yaroslavl Station of the Russian Capital and arrives in Mongolian through four with a small day. Ticket price - from $ 90.

Hotel or apartment

The bulk of Mongolia hotels went to the republic to inheritance from the times of socialist realities. The "Treşki" number is mostly the old hotels of the Soviet Sample, but the "five" are already distinguished by the current level of service and comfort. The last item is reflected in the pricing policy, and the hotel room in the capital with five stars on the facade will cost an average of $ 150 per night.
If you search, modern hotels 3 * in Ulan Bator are also available, but the price per day and in this hotel can shock an inexperienced tourist. The room for two will cost $ 60 -100. True, for this money guests receive wireless Internet, a fitness center, a free airport transfer and a shower accessories. In a word, the new "treshki" in Ulan-Bator is quite worthy of more stars than they assigned.
However, standard accommodation options during Mongolia travel are available only in the capital and some major cities. The Mongolian yurt is becoming the only tourist home of the tourist. Yurt campgrounds are adapted for tourist needs and are equipped with quite civilized amenities. The cost of the night in the yurt begins from $ 30 for the most uncomplicated comfort.
Private apartments in the capital of Mongols also lease and this accommodation option is quite worthy of consideration. The apartment with three bedrooms in which a minimum of six people will accommodate without interference, with a kitchen, a bathroom and an Internet on specialized sites, it is easy to fit for $ 40 per day. Prices for a separate room in the apartment with the owner oscillate around $ 15 per night.

Transport subtleties

In Mongolia, a network of domestic railways, air markets and bus directions is well developed. All roads in the country are invariably lead to Ulan Bator, and therefore most transplants occur there.
Buses connect all cities and large settlements Mongolia. The trains adopted a division into the familiar to the Russian resident of the reserved seats and coupe, and the most cheap are seated places. The price of a ticket to the coupe from Ulan-Bator to the border city of Zamun-Uud, for example, will be about $ 20. Cities share 750 km.
Internal transportation of passengers take over buses and route taxis. The fare is minimal, and the means of movement are absolutely identical to Russian.

Solovya bass do not feed

If short, food in Mongolia is satisfying, portions are large, and the prices are very cute. For example, dinner for two of the three dishes in a mid-level restaurant will cost $ 25, for the standard kit "Hamburger Plus Potato and Drink" in McDonalds will have to pay $ 7, and for only $ 4 will succeed in the roadside café.
Prices for the most popular dishes in low-cost Cutlery Mongolia look like this: salad - $ 1, meat is a hot dish - $ 2.5, soup - $ 2, tea - $ 0.5.

Useful details

  • Sunny days in Mongolia happens to 260 per year and the luminaries in these latitudes are unusually active. Do not forget to put the sunscreen with a high factor in a suitcase.
  • Rent an SUV with a local driver for traveling in the steppes and other off-road is the optimal version of independent movements in Mongolia. Journey to such a scenario will cost $ 70 -80 per day.
  • A liter of gasoline costs about a dollar.

Best Journey to Mongolia

Cropped continental Mongol climate is real winter and summer with appropriate temperatures. In July, residents of Ulan-Battora often observe on thermometers + 35 ° C and higher, and in the midst of winter to similar marks, mercury columns are lowered. The most comfortable conditions for walking in the capital the weather offers spring and early autumn.
In the desert Gobi, even despite the strong day heat, at night it can be very cold, and therefore the optimal time for traveling in this region of Mongolia is the first half of the autumn.
One of the most striking cultural events of Mongolia is Naadam Festival, passing in mid-July. It takes part in it all the male population of the country. Nail of the program - Competitions in typical Mongolian skills: archery, horse racing and struggle. The winners of the national triathlon receive a special stripe on the cap and enjoy respect among the neighbors and colleagues.