Region Castilla Spain. Castile and Leon.

Castilla and León (Castilla Y León) - An extensive area located on the plateau is interesting to magnificent landscapes, bright historical past and monumental monuments.

Castile and Leon. - The largest region in Spain. The territory of this region extends from the border with Portugal in the West to Riohi. and the east. Scenery Castile and Leon. Plain and monotonous. The relief monotony is only occasionally disturbed by small hills.


Castile and Leon. - This is the cradle of reconquists. It was from these lands that all Spanish lands and the development of Spanish (Castellano) began.

In the Middle Ages, there were two independent kingdoms in the northern part of the Plateau - Leon and Castilla (Castilla), which were combined by King Fernardo I in 1037. The modern province of Castilla and Leon was created as a result of the adoption of the decree on independence of 1983, when there was a union of two historical districts (Leon and the old Castile, from which Santander and Logrono separated).

Attractions and rest

When traveling through the region, attention attracts a large number of well-preserved ancient cathedrals, monasteries, monasteries, and small churches. After the magnitia of the monumental heritage of cities, pleases the eye simplicity of the plain landscapes of natural parks and the magnificence of the mountains. Most popular use in Castile and Leon Winter Sports. More than a dozen modern ski resorts are open every winter in the region. Summer and spring is especially popular culinary routes in the area.


Segovia (Segovia), a small town, with the preserved atmosphere of the past, excellent monuments, churches, old fountains and inner courtyards attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world and is included in the list of world monuments of cultural heritage of mankind. Roman Aqueduct (Acueducto de Segovia) - The most famous monument in the city. It was built under the Emperor Trian three thousand years ago. Stone blocks 167 Arches and spans are not bonded with each other at a distance of 15 kilometers. Royal Palace Alcázar de Segovia - Looks like a medieval fortress, although after the fire of 1828 it was reconstructed and renovated. The palace, located on the outskirts of the city, was a popular holiday destination Kings Castile. Alcazar has many underground premises and secret passes that reach rivers and are associated with other palaces of the city. In addition to the aqueduct and the royal palace, there are many and other monuments of various epochs - several magnificent Romanesque churches, big gothic Cathedral.

Salamanca (Salamanca) was famous already in the era of the Renaissance University - One of the first in Europe founded in 1218. Now the city is famous for the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals, the picturesque main square with arcades and the building of the University of Renaissance.

Burgos (Burgos)- This is the city of one cathedral. The construction of the cathedral lasted the 5th centuries and today is the most beautiful in Spain and the third size after the cathedrals of Seville and Toledo.

Avila (Avila) - The city is located at an altitude of 1131 meters above sea level. The symbol of the city are medieval fortress Walls (Muralla de Avila), powerful military strengthening of the romance period. Basilica San Vicente (Basilica de San Vicente)Built right into fortress walls.

Leon (Leon)- The ancient capital of the kingdom, is located on the path of Pilgrimov to the relics of St. James. This ancient city retained many monuments of ancient architecture. The old town is still fenced with a high fortress wall. Inside are two outstanding historical monuments - church San Isidoro (San Isidoro) (XII century) with a crypt decorated with romance frescoes and Gothic Cathedral with numerous stained glass windows - the brightest example of the era french gothic architecture. Vintage monastery of San Marcos (San Marcos) - The magnificent structure of the Renaissance, is located on the shore, rebuilt in the last century to the hotel of the highest category (parador).

During the second republic, this initiative was developed. The development of the legal basis began to create an autonomous region. But this time, the plans were not destined to be embodied: the defeat of the Republicans in the Civil War and the centralization of power in the Epoch of the Board of Franco for a long time, the prospects for finding autonomy. The transition to the democratic form of management, which began after the death of the dictator, was accompanied by an increase in the popularity of nationalist and separatist movements. In Castile and Leone, several socio-political organizations were created on the positions of regionalism. None of these organizations have survived until today. Their ideological successor was the Union of Regionalists of Castile and Leon, formed in 1993. The transition to autonomy began in 1978 and ended five years later.

Castile and Leon: Nature and climate

Today, Castilla and Leon are the largest of the autonomous regions of Spain. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b94,222 km square. Her outlines in general coincide with the outlines of the Douro River basin in Spain in the northern part of the Central Castilian Plateau. It also includes some adjacent valleys, including El Bierzo (Leon) and Mountain Valley of Lasiyna (Leon), Valle de Meaa (Burgos) and Valle del Tierar (Avila). The central Castilian plateau is an elevation, rising at a height of about 800 meters above sea level and surrounded by mountain systems. In the north, the mountainous provinces Palencia and Leon are located, the Burgos Ridges will come out, divided into two parts of Pancordbo's pass, which leads from Castile to the Basque Country. Of these two parts, the northern, relating to the Cantabrian mining system, approaches the city of Burgos.

Eastern and southeastern ridges belong to the Iberian mountain system. In the northeast there are undergoing strong erosion of the mountains of a mast. Most of the local peaks under the action of erosion turned into a dilapidated mountains (Mesas). Society mountain ranges located in the east also belong to the Iberian system. Here is the highest of its vertices - El Monkayo \u200b\u200b(2 314 meters). Sierra de Gata, Sierra de Grados, Sierra de Guadarram and Sierra de Ailon separate the northern regions of the Central Plateau from Castile La Manci and Madrid.

The largest rivers of Castile and Leon include Douro and his tributaries. Douro's length from his origin in Picos de Urson (Soria) to the mouth, located near the Portuguese city of Porto (Oporto), is 897 kilometers. Right-bank tributaries Douro - Pueuerg, Valderadway and Esla are more fulfilled in comparison with left-bank tributaries - Adoja and Düriton. Not far from Samora in the direction of Douro, who passed on the territory of the park Arriibes del Duero, the border between Spain and Portugal. The most important rivers of Castile and Leon also include Halon, crossing Palencing, Burgos and Sorids and flowing into Ebro, Mino, carrying their waters from Leon to Portugal, and Alagon, which flows in Tahoe. Water arteries played an important role in the development of the region. The capitals of all provinces that are part of Castile and Leon are located on river shores. In the duer pool, there is a large number of lakes, including Laguna-Negra (Picos de Ursy), Laguna-Grande (Grados), Lake Sanabria (SAMOR) and Laguna de la Nava (Palencia). There are several large reservoirs in the region. Despite the relatively small amount of precipitation, the region occupies one of the first places in Spain on the total volume of reservoirs. In Castile and Leone there are many mineral springs.

Reducing the population of agricultural areas is one of the factors that impede the development of animal husbandry. The agricultural enterprises of the region, among which minor farms prevail, feel a steadily growing shortage of labor. Nevertheless, in Castile and Leone, several large livestock farms employed by the breeding of cattle of meat and dairy breeds, pig breeding and sheep breeding are successfully operating. In Castile and Leone, more than 1,500,000 liters of milk are produced annually - according to this indicator the region is inferior only to Galicia. Cattle's livestock has about 1,200 individuals, pigstope of pigs - 2,800,000, the livestock of sheep - 5,425,000. Local farms are also engaged in horse breeding, breeding goats, mules and donkeys. The region annually produces more than 240,000 tons of pork, about 90,000 beef tons, about 66,000 tons of poultry meat, in addition, it ranks first among Spanish areas in terms of wool production (7,500 tons).

The share of industry in regional GDP is 25%. The largest industrial centers of Castile and Leon are owned by Valladolid, Burgos, Aranda de Douro, Leon and Ponferrada. Among the most important sectors of the regional industry, the automotive industry, the paper industry, the chemical industry (Valladolid and Burgos), the food industry (the capital of all provinces), the textile industry (Behar), the production of tiles and bricks (Palencia), the Sugar Industry (Leon, Valladolid, Miranda de -Ebro, Benavent), Pharmaceutical Industry (Leon, Valladolid, Plant GlaxosmithKline in the municipality of Aranda de Douro), Metallurgical and steel industry (Ponferrada), Aerospace industry (Valladolid). Avila province, Palencia and Valladolid export cars and components of the running parts, Burgos and Valladolid Tires, Leon - Steel, Salamanca - Beef, Segovia - Pork, Samora - Mathemia and Goat Meat, Soria - Rubber products. Wines occupy a significant place among export articles. The largest suppliers are located in Valladolid and Samora. Castile and Leon's companies export their products to various countries of the European Union, Turkey, Israel and the United States.

The extractive industry played a prominent role in the regional economy since the Roman Empire, when the "Silver Road" Via del Plata was laid from the Las Medullas deposits and El Bierzo deposits from the Las Medullas deposits. After many centuries, after the end of the civil war, the production industry has again gained key importance for the development of the region, but in the 1970s a reduction in the production of iron ore, tin and tungsten began. The coal mining (including anthracite production) ensures the needs of local CHP. In the 1980s and 1990s, many Leon mines closed, which led to the rapid growth of unemployment and the next burst of emigration. Despite the investment program, which is implemented within the framework of approved by the regional council for the development of coal mining, the situation in the industry remains difficult. Many hydropower plants were built on Duero and Ebro rivers. HPP of Castile and Leon each year produce 5,417 GWH electricity, NPP - 3,483 GWC, HPP - 16,956 GWC. Santa Maria de Garona NPP, located in the province of Burgos, was commissioned in 1971. Its conclusion is scheduled for 2013. There is more than a hundred wind farms in the region.

Castile and Leon: Tourism and Attractions

In the service sector, tourism plays an important role. The last decade of the twentieth century was a period of rapid development of the tourism industry. The basis of its potential was the historical and architectural attractions and picturesque landscapes of Castile and Leon. Six local attractions are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. These include the path of St. Jacob - a pilgrimage route leading to the city of Santiago de Compostela and crossing the provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Leon. Other World Heritage sites on the territory of Castile and Leon: Cathedral of Burgos, Historical Center and Aqueduct in Segovia, Historical Center and City Wall Avilic, Historic Center Salamanca, Roman Golden Peace Medullas in Leon Province, Caves in the Sierra de Atapuerc Mountains where one of the most ancient traces of the person staying in Europe are found. The most famous sights also belongs to the city of Lerma (Burgos Province), where the residence of the Duke of Lerma was once located.

The construction of the Cathedral in Burgos began by order of the Castilian monarch Ferdinand III and Bishop of Burgos. Construction began in July 1221 on the site of the old Romanesque cathedral. The eastern limit of the cathedral was completed nine years later, the main throne was consecrated in the 1260th. Construction resumed only in two centuries and was completed in 1567. The cathedral is designed in the Gothic style. Architects from France and Germany took part in his design. In 1919, the remains of Campadora Side, the famous Castilian commander and a political figure of the second half of the XI century, the hero of many folklore works were buried on the territory of the Cathedral.

Among the architectural monuments of the Middle Ages, there are many castles, including Alcazar in Segovia, Almenar Castle in Soriy, Arenas-de-San Pedro Castles, Arenalo, Bonilla de la Sierra, Castles of Burgos and Samora, Castle King Castile Enrique II (Siudad Rodrigo), Castinnow Castles, Coca, Caullar, Aguilar de Campoo, El Barco de Avila, Gormas, Fuenadan, La Adrad, Iskar, La Moth, Miranda de Ebro, Mironsillo, Montleon, Montealegre de Campos, Peniafiel, Ponferrada, Portillo, Puebla de Sanabria, Puente del Congosto, Simankas, Torrelaobaton, Turkino, Fuentez de Waldepero, Villavicios.

Other attractions include a cathedral, a diostez museum, St. Benedict Church, St. Michael Church, St. Paul, Savior, Virgin Mary, Monastery of the Virgin Mary, Monastery of St. Anne, State Museum of Sculpture, Museum of Science, Survantes Museum, House-Museum Columbus in Valladolid; Cathedral, Basilica of the Isidore of Seville, Palace de Los Guzazane and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Leone; Roman aqueduct, Church of St. Martin, St. Stephen, St. Clement, St. Justina, Alcasar's gardens in Segovia; Roman bridge across Carrion, Cathedral of St. Anthony, Church of St. Michael Buildings of the XIII century, Church of St. Francis, Archaeological Museum and the building of the Benedictine Monastery in Palencia; Cathedral of the 19th century building, the architectural ensemble of the central square, the monastery of the Order of Augustines, the monastery of St. Stephen, the Palace of Monterrey, Tore-del Clavero Tower, the Museum of Ar-Nouveau and Ar Deco in Salamanca; City Wall, Cathedral, Church of St. Vichetia, Monastery of St. Thomas (Thomas) in Avil; Romanesque confrontation of the XII century, parador, church of the Virgin Mary, St. Magdalene, St. Jacob, city walls in Samora; Town Hall, the ensemble of the main square, the monastery of the Order of the Templars, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, the Church of St. Dominica in Soria; Basilica of St. John Building VII century in the village of Banos de Serrato.

Transport accessibility of Castile and Leon in recent years has improved significantly, largely due to low cost airlines flying from Valladolid International Airport, located ten kilometers to the north-west of the city in the municipality of Villanubla. The air service connects Valladolid with various regions of Spain, with London, Paris and Brussels. International airports are also located in Salamanca, Leone and Burgos. From Salamanca Airport, which is located 15 kilometers from the city, aircraft flight to Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe capital of Balearia Palma de Mallorca, as well as the Canary Islands to Lanzarote Island and to Las Palmas de Gran- Canary. Burgos International Airport was commissioned in 2008. It is located four kilometers to the west of the central business district of Burgos and provides air traffic with Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTenerife and Majorca. Leon Airport is located six kilometers from the city, provides a message with Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTenerife and Mallorca. Nearby is the largest international airports of Madrida - Madrid-Barahas, but there are no direct flights of land passenger transport connecting Madrid Barajas with cities of Castile and Leon.

The branched system of the passenger railway link connects Castile and Leon with Madrid, Cantabra and Galisia. Paris-Lisbon line runs through the area. The major railway units include Astorga, Burgos, Leon, Miranda de Ebro, Ponferrada and Valladolid.

Events, Holidays, Festivals

In addition to the large number of attractions and picturesque landscapes, the area attracts tourists by mass events. Celebrations are usually confined to church holidays, the end of the harvesting suffer, anniversary of important events in the history of the region. Among the most famous should be noted the carnival passing in Toro (SAMOR) at the passion week, the run of Bulls (Emborro), which is held in Caullar (Segovia) on the last Sunday of August, the feast of the baptism of Christ in Palencia (January 1), St. John the Baptist In the city of Banos de Serrato (Palencia), which is held on the first Sunday after June 24, the holiday of the body and blood of Christ (Laguna de Negrilos), the Gastronomic Festival of the Great Holiday of Palelia in the Palencian city of Olteros de Pueuerg (the first Sunday of August ), Palencian festival of rowing slalom in Alar-del Rey (second Sunday August), the pilgrimage of Our Lady Snowy (Las Machorras, August 4 - 6), Easter week in Leone, the day of the battle between the troops of the Navargian monarch of Garicia III of Navarsky and his brother Ferdinand I Castilsky (Atapuerka, the last but Sunday of August), Baroque festival (Lerma, 10 - 11 August), Alba de Tormes festival (August 25 - 27), Passion Friday in Agred, with Tustet Saturday and Carnival Bulls in the city of Siudad Rodrigo.

The carnival of bulls usually begins in the last Saturday before the greatest post and lasts four days. Running the bulls and the corrida, which alternate with performances of performing teams, invariably collect a huge number of viewers. Corrida also enters the program of the EL-Novennie festival (San Felises de Los Gallegos, the second May weekend), the holiday of the Virgin Sosnova (Nuestra Senora del Pino - according to the legend, the image of the Virgin Once appeared on the trunk of pine tree, grew near Venues village; Celebrations are held here on August 14 - 18), St. John's holiday in Soriya (June 23), the holiday of bulls in Sepulved (August 19 - 28), the August Festival in Iskar (the first weekend), festivals in Arenas de San Pedro (August 17 - 27), in Bernardos (last week of August), in Orco-de-Las Torres (the first weekend, following the 15th of August), the holiday of the bull in Wilweistra (August 17 - 19).

In the cultural life of the region, the day of Castile and Leon takes a special place. This holiday is celebrated on April 23, on the anniversary of the Battle of Villara, in which the troops of the communion - Castillas who rebelted against Karl V were defeated by the Imperial Army. The battle occurred on April 23, 1521 near the city of Villars (Valladolid Province). The uprising communion began during the period of political instability, which occurred after the death of Isabella I Catholic in 1504. The throne inherited Juan I insane, the second daughter of Isabella and Ferdinand II Aragon, the wife of Philip I is beautiful. Philip died, spending two years on the throne. At this time, Carlo, the son of Philip and Juan, was only six years old. This fact, along with the unstable mental state of Juans, led to the situation in which Castile was ruled by Ferdinand Aragon and representatives of the highest nobility.

In 1516, after the death of Ferdinand Aragon Sixteen-year-old Charles I climbed the throne of Castile and Aragon. Grown abroad Karl badly owned by the Castilian dialect. The monarch, who arrived in Spain in October 1517, accompanied the numerous retinue, consisting of representatives of the Flemish nobility and clergy. These circumstances contributed to the growth of distrust and suspicion in relations between the new king and the Castilian nobility, which he saw in his climbing to the throne threat to his position and power.

In 1519, Karl was proclaimed by the Roman emperor. The next year, when he went to Germany, Cardinal Adrian Utrecht became the Castilian governor. Soon, the wave of the uprisings rolled around the Castilian cities: the bodies of urban self-government opposed the king and captured power. The rebels elected Huan I. The rebel movement has gained anti-refortionality: his participants supported the peasants who raised the uprisings against the landowner aristocracy.

The battle of Villanra occurred about a year after the start of the uprising. In March 1521, the Army of the royalists moved to each other in order to bring a joint blow to Torrellobate (Valladolid), the rebel citades. Castile's connainable began to transfer his troops (including parts that recently participated in the defense of Navarre) to the south-west of Burgos to connect to the army of Admiral Castile Fadrica Enriches. This maneuver became possible due to the fact that the troops of an ally of the rebels of the Count Saliserres, who at this time were the siege of Medina de Pomar, were not able to prevent the actions of the rest of the royalists.

In the Middle Ages, Burgos has repeatedly become a witness to armed conflicts between Christians and Muslims, between Leon and Navarroy, between Castile and Aragon. About the medieval period of urban history today reminds many historical and architectural monuments. In addition to the world famous cathedral of the Mother of God, their number includes the Cathedral Churches of Lerma, Villadeniy, Pamplegie, Palensuel, Church of St. Stephen, St. Jailor, St. Peter, St. Jacob, St. Lorenzo, as well as several monasteries.

More than interesting this area

Currently, the province is known for the products of agricultural production and the food industry. Here they produce Ceso de Burgos, young sheep cheese or cow milk. In each comer, which is part of the province, produced its own variety of this cheese. It also produces Morsile de Burgos - pork blood sausage with bow, rice and spices.

Modern kitchen of Castile and Leon in the whole variety has absorbed the culinary traditions of nine provinces that are part of the region. In the local menu dishes from pork, lamb, rabbit meat, trout, meat partridge, beans, peas, lentils. The most famous dishes include a straak - baked milk pig or lamb, anklety (swine stomach stuffed with pork clipping, pork ribs and tail), stuffed with mushrooms baked pigeon, quail, baked in breadcrumbs, rabbit under garlic sauce, dense soups, in including Kidido Maragato from Turkish pea, pork ribs and legs, potatoes and greenery, garlic soup, soup with trout, Samoretic soup with garlic, tomatoes and chili pepper, snacks, including sausage chorizo, smoked ham from Hihuelo (Salamanca) and Decabasses from Burgosa (Salamanca), blood sausage from Burgos, Farinato - sausage with lard and breadcrumbs from Siudada Rodrigo, sausages from Saratan (Valladolid), Chorizo \u200b\u200bfrom Viligaio (Burgos) and Cantimpalos (Segovia), Empanadas pies with meat and fish filling. Many desserts prepare according to the traditional recipes of local monasteries, their origin is often reflected in the names - Biscuch-San Lorenzo biscuits, "Tuscas de la Virgen" and so on.

The Football Club "Real Valladolid", founded in 1928, plays as part of the first division of the Spanish football league. On the account of the team Victory in the Spanish League Cup in the 1983/84 season. The Burgos Football Club, created in 1936, is currently in the composition of the third division of the Spanish Football League. The Numania Football Club, founded in Soria in 1945, acts in the second division of the National Football League.

Among the varieties of active leisure, which have gained the greatest popularity among tourists, there is a skiing. After the first snowfalls on the slopes of the Cantabrian Mountains, the Iberian Range, Leon Mountains, San Isidro and Lytaregos in Leone, La Pinyli and NavanderRada in Segovia, Lunada and Valle de Sol in Burgos are going to many lovers of mountain skis and snowboard. Other popular forms of active leisure: horse riding, speleology, mountaineering, deltalanenism, balloon flying, hiking, rides on mountain biking and SUVs, golf, archery. For a region that has no way out to the sea, the area offers an enviable manifold of forms of active leisure on the water, including boat trips, rowing, yacht and fishing.

Castile and Leon - the most extensive autonomous region of Spain, was formed in 1983 g. Square in Region94 223 Population - more 2,5 million people (6th place in Spain). The Autonomous Region of Castile-I-Leon includes 9 provinces: Avila (Ávila), Burgos (Burgos), Valladolid (Valladolid), León (León), Palencia (Palencia), Salamana (Salamanca), Samora (Segovia) and Soria (Soria). All these territories in the past were related to the kingdoms of Leon and Castile. In the Middle Ages, as new territories conquer, 6 The provinces that are included in the composition of Castile and Leon, became referred to - "Old Castile". To this historical region in the past belonged also Rioja and Cantabria.
The autonomous region of Castile-and-Leon lies during the Douro River (Dooo) in the northern part of the central place and borders on Asturia, Cantabra region and the Basque Country (North), Rioja and Aragon (East), Castile La Mancha, Comunidad de Madrid , Extremadura (South), Galisia and Portugal (West). Metropolitan functions perform g. Valyadolid. The Supreme Court of Autonomy is located in Burgos.
23 April was announced in the Day of Castile-and-Leon.
The last edition of the Statute of the Autonomous Region was adopted in 2007 g.

Geography and climate

Relief of Castile and Leon Determines the center of the central place, which is surrounded by mountain chains of Central, Cantabrian and Iberian systems. Average height of the web - 800 m. above sea level.
Cantabrian system Lies in the north of the autonomous region, in the provinces Leon, Palencia and Burgos. The mountains of this system dissected the Pancorebo (Pancorbo) gorge (Pancorbo), which has long been communicated with the Basque Country.
In the East and Southeast of the Autonomous Region, Sierra (Mountains) relating to Iberian system. The main peak of this system is mount Monkayo. (Moncayo) is located in the province of Saria. In the north-west of the region, there are mountains of Samora with peaks of strongly subjected to erosion.
Central system It divides the lanes into two parts (Northern and South) and is a natural border between Castile and Leon and Castile La Mancha. Castile and Leon include the oriental slopes of Sierra de Gata (Sierra de Gredos), as well as the Western two other mountain ranges - Sierra de Guadarram (Sierra de Guadarrama) and Sierra de Ailon Ayllón).
In the course of geological evolution in the area, there were strong faults of the earth's crust, as a result of which low mountains Leona (Montes de León) and also appeared thermal sources In Almeida de Sayago, Bonyar (Calabor), Caldas De Luna (Caldas De Luna), Castromonte, Kucho, Kujuelo Del Barro, Morales De Campos (Morales de Campos), ValdoTheha (Valdelateja) and Villarijo (Villarijo).
The largest and most important river of Castile and Leon - Douro. Its origins are located in Picos de Urbion (Picos de Urbín), Soria Province. The total length of Douro is 897 km. The river flows into the Atlantic Ocean at the city of Porto (Portugal) under the name of Douro. By the course of this river, the natural border between the two Pyrenean states is partially passed. In the Castile and Leone there are many lakes. The most famous of them: Black Lagoon (Laguna Negra) in Soriy (Picks of Urbion), Big Laguna (Laguna Grande) in Sierra de Grados, Lake Sanabria (Lago de Sanabria) in Samora, Laguna de la Nava In Palencia (NAVA EN Palencia). In recent years, many reservoirs have been created, which are filled with the melting of snow in the mountains and rain.

Castile-and-Leon climate - In general, it is characterized as a Mediterranean continental. His distinctive features - long and cold winter (average temperature - + 4-7 C) and short-dry dry and hot summer (average temperature - + 19-22 C). The average rate of precipitation in the region - to 500 MM per year.
Due to the fact that the relief of Castile-and-Leon is very non-uniform, climatic realities in certain areas of autonomy are strongly deviated from the average values. The smallest amount of precipitation falls on the east of the province of the Samora. But in the western regions of the Mountains of Leon and in the north, in the zone of the Cantabrian system, the annual rate of precipitation in 3 times ( 1500 mm) exceeds the average norm. However, the climate of this part of Castile-and-Leon already applies to the Atlantic type.

Historical facts

The history of the territories included in the autonomous region of Castile and Leon is rich in the most diverse events and is very closely intertwined with the history of the entire Pyrenean Peninsula. After all, the land in which the Kingdom of Leon, Castile and Galicia existed in the past, became the cradle of the current Spain and Portugal.

The history of the region during the heyday and decline of the Roman Empire and the period of Westgoth rule that followed this period coincides with the history of other regions of Spain. Main events begin later - in VIII. in. When conquerors from North Africa arrived on the Pyrenees Peninsula. They submitted to themselves almost all the territory of the Westgoth kingdom, with the exception of hard-to-reach lands in the north, in the mountains of Cantabria. Here and fled from Muslims Westgoth to know, which soon proclaimed his own kingdom - Asturias.
Having strengthened in these places, the Westges began to fight for the return of lost possessions. Already in the middle IX c., At the king of Ordono I, the city of Leon was included in the Kingdom of Asturias. An important reference points on the border with Al-Andalus at that time were also Astorga, Tui (Galicia) and Amaya. The case of the Father on the expansion of the borders of the kingdom continued his son - Alfonso III Asturias, on nicknamed "El Magno" (Great). He managed to move to the shores of the Duero River and take the city of Toro and Samora. After death Alfonso III, The kingdom of Asturias, according to the custom of Visigoths was divided between his children. As a result, two more independent kingdoms appeared: Leon and Galicia. Kingdom of Galicia existed not long since his king - Ordono, gets Kingdom Leon. in 913 G. (after the death of an older brother). He combines the crowns, transfers the capital to the city of Leon and from this point is referred to Ordono II Leonsky.

At about the same time (the middle of the ih century) arose county Castile, With the capital in Burgos. Initially, it was in vassal dependence on the Kingdom of Leon, but in 1028 county Castily passes to King Navarre Sancho III. IN 1037 Castilsk Count Fernando (son Sancho III) opposed King Leon Bermudo IIIwho dies in the battle of Tamaron. Fernando same B. 1038 G. becomes the new King of Leon. After death Fernando I., Castile received the status of the kingdom and moved away Sancho, Senior son. Father's pet, middle brother, Alfonsobecame the King of Leon and, respectively, elders in the clan. Younger son, Garcia, Halisia was pleased. Samor Fernando I left daughters - Urrak. Further, as headed in a good historical novel - Brother went on his brother. First, the elders took away from Garcia And they shared Galia among themselves, and then they started the war with each other. Good luck and well-prepared army of the famous Hero of the People's Epos - Castille knight Side helped Sancho Seek Leon. Alfonso VI.the sister was hiding with the army in Samora. In the siege of this city, luck turned away from Sancho, and he was killed, and Alfonso VI.combined Leon and Castile under the same crown. Some time later Alfonso VI.even got from the hands of Pope Roman Gregory VII. Honorary title "Emperor of Spanish Lands". IN 1157 , after death Alfonso VII., Kingdom of Castile and Leon were again divided. Castilla got Sancho III, and Leon Fernando II.. "Merit" of the final unification of the two kingdoms "in the same hands" belongs Fernando III "Saint"which B. 1217 G. G. received the crown of Castile (mother's inheritance), and in 1230 And the Crown of Leon, but contrary to the will of his father - Alfonso IX.. After that, the Kingdom of Leon and Castile became integral parts Castile Crowns. Fernando III "Holy"Actively continued the" restoration "of the lands from Mavrov. With it, the ownership of the crown of Castile spread far to the south. Cordoba, Murcia, Khan and Seville were conquered.
In subsequent 200 years ( XIII-XIV. BB) repeatedly made unsuccessful attempts to separate Leon from Castile.

Curious historical fact - Representative body - Cortes appeared in Castile and Leone earlier than in other European kingdoms (they were first convened in 1188 G. in the city of Valladolid). The effect of Cortes on all directions of the life of the kingdom and the monarch family was very large. Thus, in the acts of the Cortez meeting in Valladolid (1256) it is indicated that the king's family has the right to spend no more than 150 mupy per day, has no right to treat outsiders and should behave "fit".

IN 1367 Corona Castilla goes to a new dynasty - Trastamara . Her first representative was Enrique (Heinrich II), an extramarital son Alfonso XI. "Fair". Tightening war between him and the lawful king Pedro I cruel ended in favor Enriquenot only thanks to military assistance to the Aragon King, but also due to support from the Castilian nobility and city inhabitants. To strengthen your power in Castile Enrique In the future, I had to smash the armies of two more applicants for the throne: Fernando I Portuguese and Juan de Gantte (John Gon), Duke of Lancaster (Husband Infanta Constance, Pedro i daughter).

IN 1469 mr. Two Representative of the Dynasty of Trastamar - Isabella Castilskaya and Fernando II Aragonsky(Catholic kings) entered into a secret marriage, which was the consequence of the Aragon and Castile crown and the emergence of the Kingdom of Spain. Before becoming the queen of Castile ( 1474 G.), Isabelle had to compete with the opponent known in history as Juana La Beltrunha.
IN 1520 – 21 gg With the grandson of the Catholic kings - the emperor Carla V.(in Spain is known as Karl i) an event occurred, left a deep mark in the history of Castile-and-Leon. It received the name "Commier War". The exact reason for which the inhabitants of cities were rebelled almost throughout the Castile, it is definitely not established, but it is known that the citizens opposed the Zasilles of Alien in the Royal Administration, who arrived from Austria with Carl. The whole country crashed into two batch of opponents and supporters of the king. The first performed under the slogans: "Santiago and Freedom!", And the second "Santa Maria and Carlos". At first, the communos had a significant advantage, but Carlo managed to drag to his side of the aristocrats. In the Battle of Villars (now Villalar de Commune), the royal troops caused a decisive defeat of the rebel, and captured their leaders. Now, the day, when the battle took place, declared the national holiday of Castile and Leon. The leaders of the uprising were executed at the beginning 1522 G.
After the reform of the state device and the division of the Kingdom of Spain on the province ( 1833 G.) The Kingdom of Leon and Castile cease their existence as separate administrative-territorial units.
During the first republic ( 1873-74 GG.) The project was considered on the creation of a federal state on the territory of Castile and Leon, in which they were supposed to enter 11 provinces that are within the Duer River. The republic soon fell and these plans were not implemented. Separatist sentiments arose in the region and subsequently, but special activity supporters of regionalism showed 1931 – 36 gg With the second republic. The victory of Franco destroyed their hopes. After the death of the dictator and with the beginning of the democratization process, various movements arose, who advocated the creation of the autonomous region, Leon, who would include three provinces: Leon, Salamanca and Samora. However B. 1983 g. The autonomous region of Castile and-Leon, which was included 3 provinces of the historic region Leon and 6 - historic region Old Castile (Castilla Vieha).


The official language on the territory of the Autonomous Region of Castile and Leon is Spanish (Casteliano). However, there is also a special Spanish dialect, which in this autonomy is called "Leone". In the areas border with Galisia (Bjero and Sanabria) speak Galician. In the area of \u200b\u200bReblia (Salamanca), the Dealer Extremeno is common, the so-called "Abla de Reblia".

Administrative and territorial device

Castile and Leon sharing on 9 provinces: Avila (Ávila), Burgos(Burgos), Valladolid (Valladolid), Leon(León), Palencia (Palencia), Salamanca (Salamanca), SAMOR (Zamora), Segovia (Segovia) and Soria. (Soria). Their capitals are the same cities. Special status has a border with Galisia ryerso district (Comarca de El Bierzo), in view of "geographical, social, historical and economic features" is managed by the local Comercal Council (CONSEJO COMARCAL DEL BIERZO).

Autonomous Region Castile and Leon authorities are:
Cortes of Castile and Leon (Cortes de Castilla y León) is the highest legislative body (local parliament). Their location is Valladolid.
Hunt Castile and Leon (Junta de Castilla Y León) is the highest executive body (government), located in Valladolid. It consists of president (President De La Junta), Vice-Presidents and Advisors (Consejeros).
Supreme Court of Castile and Leon (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Castilla Y León) is the highest judicial body of the autonomous region. Sits in Burgos.

Transport system

The railway network in Castile and Leone is fairly branched and operated by several companies: Adiff / Renfe (ADIF / RENFE), Feb (Feve), Ferrocarril MSP. The main lines that pass through the territory of autonomy are associated with Madrid with Galisia and the coast of the Biscay Bay. On the territory of Castile and Leon, Paris - Lisbon train route is held.

Lines Adiff / Renfe (ADIF / RENFE): Madrid - Irun (Madrid - Irún / Basque Country); Madrid - Segovia (Madrid - Segovia); Madrid - Burgos (Madrid - Burgos); Castechon de Ebro - Bilbao (Castejón de ebro - Bilbao / Basque Country); Venta de Bayos - La Coruna (Venta de Baños - La Coruña / Galicia); Palencia - Santander (Palencia - Santander / Cantabria); Leon - Gijón (LEON - Gijón / Asturias); Medina Del Campo - Santiago de Compostela (Medina Del Campo - Santiago de Compostela / Galicia); Medina del Campo - Fuentes de Ongoro (Medina Del Campo - Fuentes de Oñoro); Torrelba - Soria (Torralba - Soria); Madrid - Valladolid (Madrid - Valladolid).
Lines Feb and other companies: León - Bilbao (León - Bilbao); SERSEDLY - COTOS (CERCEDILLA - COTOS) and Ponferrada - Villabyno (Ponferrada - Villablino).

Car roads.
The autonomous region is an important node of communications between the North of Spain, Madrid and the south of the Pyrenean Peninsula. Through it also pass by road connecting the rest of Europe with Portugal.
The most important highways of Castile and Leon:
A-1 or Autov Del Norte (Madrid - Burgos);
A-6 or Autov Del Noróeste (Madrid - and Round / Galicia);
A-62 or Autov de Castilla - binds among themselves the main cities of the region: Salamanca, Valladolid, Palencia and Burgos. From her in the area of \u200b\u200bPalencia, the high-speed motorway (A-67) is bred by Santander (Cantabria).

From Villanubla Airport (Valladolid), regular flights abroad and other cities of Spain are carried out. Leon Airport (La Virheen del Kamino) is still used only for domestic passenger traffic, as well as Salamanca Airport (Matakan). In 2008, Villafria Airport opened in Burgos.


The kitchen of Castile and Leon is distinguished by a huge variety. It is even impossible to find one traditional dish - common to the entire autonomous region. Each province is famous for its own culinary delights. Love for garlic is the only thing that unites all the inhabitants of the region. It is used in almost all recipes, and also prepare garlic soup (Sopa de Ajo). In the diet of the residents of Castile and Leon are present: beef, lamb, pork, fish, vegetables and cereals, forest mushrooms, chestnuts, cedar nuts, cheeses. Here they like to enjoy frogy legs, shells and river crabs. Previously, they were found in the set in the mouths of the rivers of the region, and now the crabs are specially grown.
Magnificent local wines that are produced in zones of the so-called. Controlled origin of wine. This is the Valley of the Douro River ( Do Ribera Del Duero), as well as the Toro areas ( Do toro.), Rueda ( Do rueda.) and Siguez ( Do Cigales.).

Some traditional recipes of provincials of Castile and Leon:

Botillo (Botillo) is the most common dish of Komarka Riesel (Leon), which in the past ate in the winter almost daily. This smoked sausage is prepared from a mixture of ribs, tail and tongue with the addition of pimenton (paprika), oregano, garlic and water. The boot is used to prepare a broth, in which the vegetables are then boiled (usually cabbage and potatoes). After the vegetables are ready, the saucement is back to sausage and serve this soup on the table.
Kidondo Maragato (soup) from Turkish pea, pork ribs and legs, potatoes, greenery and some other components. The main feature of this dish is that it is eating it "on the contrary" - first meat, then Turkish peas with potatoes, then greens and finish the tongue with a broth.
Cache (soup) Kanas (Sopas Canas). The basis of this dish makes bread and milk (goat or sheep). A fried garlic and pimento (paprika) are used as refueling.
Niscolos (Níscalos) is very tasty mushrooms that grow in the Almatan area. In the fall they are assembled and fried on olive oil with potatoes and garlic.
Drum (Trout) Sanabresa (Trucha Sanabrasa) - prepares in fish broth and olive oil with pimenton (paprika).
Messtra de Verdouras(Menestra de Verduras) or vegetable stew. The most famous province dish. It includes: green (tricky) beans, carrots, abas (large beans) and other ingredients. Messenter is sold in canned food throughout Spain.
Morsilla de Burgos (Morcilla de burgos) - pork blood sausage with bow, rice and spices. Before serving, it is usually roasted in olive oil. Sometimes fried in breading or in the egg.


Holidays in Castile and Leone, as in other regions of Spain, bright and colorful. In rituals, which residents of the region have become strictly followed by many hundreds of years, captured the centuries-old history of this region and the peculiarities of the national nature of the inhabitants of this autonomous region. Their openness and involvement in what is happening are that even a stranger, accidentally turned out to be in a crowd, feels like a full participant in celebrations. Carnival processions, harvest holidays, ritual processions of a passionate week in large and small cities - this is not a complete list of what can be seen in Castilla - and Leone.

Holidays of international tourist importance:
Holiday San Juan.(De la Madre de Dwos / Our Lady) in Soria (Fiestas de San Juan / De La Madre de Deus) - celebrated on June 23-24;
Paso del Fuego and Las Mondidas (PASO Del Fuego Y Las Móndidas) in San Pedro de Menrick / San Pedro de Manrique - celebrated on June 24;
Passionate (holy) week (Semana Santa en León) in Leon - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week (Semana Santa En Salamanca) in Salamanca - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week (Semana Santa en Medina de Rioseco) in the town of Medina de Rihodo - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week (Semana Santa EN Valladolid) in Valladolid - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (Dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week(Semana Santa EN Zamora) in Samora - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar).

Holidays of national tourist importance:
Fiest de Santa Áged(Fiesta de Santa Águeda) in the town of Samarramala (Zamarramala), Segovia Province - February 8;
Carnival de Toro (Carnaval de Toro) in Ciudad Rodrigo (Ciudad Rodrigo), Salamanca Province - February;
Passionate (holy) week(Semana Santa en Ávila) in Zavila - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week (Semana Santa En Medina Del Campo) In Medina Del Campo, Valladolid Province is a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (Dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Passionate (holy) week(Semana Santa En Palencia) in Plencia - a holiday that begins on Palm Sunday and ends Easter (dates are determined by the church Catholic calendar);
Corpus Christi: El Krelo(Corpus Cristi: El Colcho) in Castrillo de Murcia (Castrillo de Murcia), Burgos Province - June;
Holidays in honor of John the Baptist/ Fiestas de San Juan Bautista (Baños de Cerrato), Palencia Province - June 28;
Fiestas de Noustra Señora de la Asuncion(Fiestas de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción) in Alberka (La Alberca), Salamanca Province - August 14-17;
Desenzo Internal Del Carry / International Rafting on the Carrian River (Descenso Internacional Del Carrión) in Velilage del Rio Karryan. (Velilla Del Rio Carrión), Palencia Province - August 14;
Desenzo Internetsal del Pueuerga/ International Rafting on the Pisuherga River (Descenso Internacional Del Pisuerga) in Alar del Rey (Alar Del Rey), Palencia Province - August 15;
Emborros de Cuelar(Encierros De Cuéllar) in Cuelr (Cuéllar), Segovia Province - the last weekends of August;
Rommeria (religious procession) de Nourera Señora de Chile (Romeria de Nuestra Señora de Chilla) in Candeleda (Candeleda), Avila Province - September 13;
Toro de la Vega(Toro de La Vega) in Tordesillas (Tordesillas), Valladolid Province - September 15;
Romery (Religious Procession) Del Santissimo Cristo Del Caloco(Romeria del Santissimo Cristo Del Caloco) in El Espinar (El Espinar), Segovia Province - September 20.

Nature and Natural Parks

Forest arrays, which once covered the entire territory of the site on the territory of Castile-and-Leon, were almost destroyed in the Middle Ages. In their place there were pastures and arable land. Only in the provinces of Saria and Burgos can still meet small groves.
Mountain areas Cordillera Cantabrika and the central system avoided this fate. Beech forests grow on the slopes of the mountains, rising to the height of 1500 m. Brown groves are often found at an altitude of 1000 - 1100 m. The Pyrenean Oak is capable of climbs to a mark of 1700 m above sea level. However, oak forests are so common earlier in the mountainous regions of Castile-and-Leon now gave way to pine. Unlike the southern regions of Spain - Oliva is absolutely not typical of Castile and Leon. It grows only in the Rueda area (Valladolid). A significant part of the province of Salamanca is covered by the so-called. Dehesas (Dehesas) is a special type of forest, externally resembling African savannah.

The animal world of Castile-and-Leon is very diverse. There are very rare species. For example, "Cabra Montes" (the Pyrenean Mountain Goat) was preserved only in the area of \u200b\u200bSierra de Grados. The mountainous areas live wild (mountain) cats, brown bears, wolves, pleahari, several types of eagles. In rivers dwell nutria (water rats), trout, carps.
In the early 1990s, the local government (junta) adopted a number of laws, in accordance with which environmental zones were created on the territory of autonomy. These include:
Regional Parks (Parques Regionals) Castile and Leon:
Sierra de Grados(Sierra de Gredos) in the Navarredonda de Gredos region (Navarredonda de Gredos);
Europe Peaks National Park (Parque Regional Y Nacional de Picos de Europa) in the Riaño region (Riaño);

Natural Parks (Parques Naturales) in the Castile and Leon region:
Montes (Mountains) Oparanes - San Sadornil(Montes Obarenes - San Zadornil) in Pancorbo (Pancorbo);
Fuentes Karrionas and Fuente Cobre - Montanya Palentina(FUENTES CARRIONAS Y FUENTE COBRE - MONTAñA PALENTINA) in the Server de Pisuerga (Cervera de Pisuerga)
Las Batuekas - Sierra de France(Las Batuecas - Sierra de Francia) in Alberca (La Alberca);
(Arribes Del Duero) in the Fermoselle region;
Osse del Rio Durat(HOCES Del Río Duratón) in the Sepulveda region;
Osse del Rio Rias(HOCES Del Río Riaza) in the Montekho de la Vega Seressela (Montejo de la Vega Serrezuela);
Del Rio Lobos Canyon(Cañón Del Río Lobos) in the Usero area (Usero);
Lago (lake) de Sanabria and Averedores (Lago de Sanabria Y Alrededores) in Galende (Galende).
Reservas Naturales
Valle (Valley) de Iruhalas (Valle de Iruelas) in the Tiemble region (EL Tiemblo);
Sabinar de CalatanyAsor (Sabinar de Calatañazor) in the Calatañazor region;
Riberas de Castronuno(Riberas de Castronuño) in the Castronuño region;
Villaffila lagoon(Lagunas de Villafáfila) in Villafáfila (Villafáfila);
Natural Monuments (Monumentos Naturales)
Monte (Mountain) Santiago (Monte Santiago) in Berberana (Berberana);
Oho Guarty (OJo Guareña) Cave in the area of \u200b\u200bMerindad de Sotoscueva (Merindad de Sotoscueva);
Lago (Lake) de la Bana(Lago de la Baña) in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Baña;
Lago (Lake) de Trumillias (Lago de Truchillas) in the Thruchas region;
(Las Médulas) in the Caruedo area;
La Funton "OKHU DEM" (La Fuentona "OJO DE MAR") in the Muriel de la Fuente area (Muriel de La Fuente).

World Heritage of Mankind and other sights

The historic center of the cities and declared UNESCO "World Heritage of Mankind" in 1985. In 2007, churches outside the city wall of Avila were added.

The UNESCO World Heritage List The UNESCO also included:
Cathedral of Burgos(1984);
Historic center Salamanca (1988);
Pilgrimage path Santiago (1993) on the territory of Castile and Leon;
Place of archaeological excavations in Atapurque (2000);

In fact, in Castile and Leone, there are much more cities and attractions, to get acquainted with which it is worth spending time. First of all it is the ancient capital of the medieval kingdom. In the capitals of other provinces of Castile and Leon, the cities of Saria, Palencia, Valladolid, a very remarkable monuments of the past have survived. Above Ponferrah, still proudly rises a powerful castle, the legacy of the legendary order of the Templars. Another castle is, like a heavenly ship, floats over the Vineyards of the Douro River Vita. Under the crown of the church of the monastery Santo Domingo de Silos Today, as 1000 years ago, Gregorian chants sound. Astorga, Ciudad Rodrigo, Fromist, Tordesillas, Medynasels also deserve attention.

Las Medullas - Gold Break of Antiquity

The article uses materials from the section "Castile and Leon" (Wikipedia - Use.), As well as information published on the official website

The autonomous community of Castilla and Leon (Castilla y Leo "N, sometimes Castile - Leon), located in the north-west of Spain, in the northern springs. The landscape of the area is predominantly plain, but most of the territory lies at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level and away. From him, therefore, the climate here is suspier enough. And nevertheless Castile and Leon today is one of the most important agricultural and, that is important, the wine regions of Spain. Also this cradle Reconquisters, the birthplace of the legendary Side Campaadora (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar - National Hero of Spain) And Teresa de Jesus, the foundation of the first university of the country and the construction of the last Gothic Cathedral of Spain. If you add beautiful landscapes and many unique old cities to this, it will be clear why this region attracts more tourists from all over the land.

The capital and the largest city of the region lies in the center of the site, at the confluence of the Pueuerg and Esgev rivers.

The administrative center of the eponymous province, the city lies on a rocky hill 90 km north-west of Madrid.

The ancient capital of the Kingdom of the same name and the modern capital of the Autonomous Region and the same province, the city lies in the north-west of Spain, in the southern spurs of Cantabrian Pyrenees.

The capital of the province of the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon, a small (only 160 thousand inhabitants), the city is considered the most elegant in Spain.

Around Salamanca worth visiting a small town Alba de Tormes (20 km south-east of Salamanca) with his monastery of Convention de Las Carmelitas, founded by Sveti Teresa in 1571; Famous with its oldest walls and dozen Romanesque churches town SAMOR (62 km north of Salamanca), the place of the famous battle of 1476 - the city Toro. (Home Military Citadel Castilian Kings in the North-West of the country), known as "Alhambra Castile" City Tordesillas. (It was here that an agreement was signed on the division of spheres of influence in the new world between Spain and Portugal), one of the largest castles of the region - Castillo de la Moth (XII-XV century) in Medina del Campo, quiet city Ciudad Rodrigo With its oldest defensive structures and mansions, the Dé Las Batuekas Natural Park, as well as the picturesque mountainous areas of Sierra Penas de Francia (1723 m) with a charming old village La Olberka. (50 km southeast of Siudad Rodrigo), announced by the National Monument.

The administrative center of the province of the same name, lies on the right bank of the Adaho River, halfway between Salamanca and Madrid. This is the most "high-altitude" provincial capital in Spain (1117-1182 m above sea level), as well as one of the oldest cities of the peninsula.

The modest provincial capital is allocated by impressive churches and monasteries.

The capital of the old Castile for almost five hundred years and the Motherland of Sida is notable for its characteristic medieval entourage with an abundance of dark stone and forged lattices. In the vicinity of the city also a lot of interesting facilities - the tiny Westgoth Church of the Ermita de Santa Maria de Lara (VIII century) with its arch and unique sculptural nearby, a small town Kovarrubias. with its picturesque white historical center, Benedictine Abbey Santo Domingo de Silos (XI century) is one of the largest Christian monuments of Spain, the natural park of La Yeshek with his impressive gorge, as well as many old towns on the famous path of fire De Santiago.

Palencia (47 km north of Valladolid) wears a pronounced medieval character - its main decorations are the beautiful Cathedral (XV century) in the style of late Gothic, Palace Palace-episcopal (now the Museum of Church Art) and the Wonderful Archaeological Museum.

20 km north-east of Palencia lies the birthplace of the sculptor Alonso Berroup - town Paredes de Nava, famous for its beautiful restored church of Iglesia-Miseo de Santa Eulalia with a magnificent Romanesque tower.

And the whole series of beautiful medieval castles, which have fallen by the once Christian world from the South, stretches, - the famous Coca (1453, is considered the most beautiful in Spain), Castillo-de-Los Dukhes de Albukek (XV century) in Cuelllar , Turkino (XV century), Pedras (XVI century), Penafel (1466), Castillo-Foretles-Califel de Gamas (X-XIV centuries, one of the biggest fortifications in Spain), Berland de -Deuro, as well as the picturesque ruins of the castle in the Sepulved, from which only the Romanesque Church of San Salvador remained. Here, according to the valley of the Duero River, one of the largest wine-making areas of the country stretches - Ribera del Duero.

In the northern part of the Plateau Plate, there were no time for two independent kingdoms - Leon and Castile (Castilla), which currently make up the Unified Autonomous Region of Spain - Castile and Leon.

Region of wine Castile and Leon

The Kingdom of Asturias, who later received the name Leon (by the name of his capital), was formed in 718, shortly after the start of the Arab invasion. As you know, Maurov won most of the Pyrenean Peninsula, but their possessions were in His southern and southeast. This kingdom was one of the few preserved Christian citades; Accordingly, there was no ban on winemaking. However, until the time before the time, the vineyards were not paid to the attention of which they deserved - however was war. After all, the formation of Asturias (Leon) historians consider the commemoration of the beginning of reconquists. Castilia, whose name comes from the word "fortress", was originally a county formed in Leon. In 1035, she became an independent kingdom, and after a while he became part of the United Kingdom of Castile and Leon. The end of the 15th century became significant in the history of Spain - it was then combined with a marriage "Catholic kings" - Isabella Castilskaya (Queen of Castile and Leon) and Ferdinand Aragon. They own the main merit of the association of Spanish lands and the liberation of them from the Moorish rule ... Actually, their victories are not limited to. So, for example, they played an important role in the opening of America, approved by the expedition of Columbus and putting the beginning of the colonization of Western lands.
Isabella and Ferdinand made a lot for the development of wine culture. In their will, there were monasteries on the liberated lands, which, in turn, began to actively promote winemaking (just as it happened in other European countries).
The development of local wines contributed, in particular, the fact that the city of Valladolid for several centuries (until the XVI century) was the capital of Spain. Accordingly, the royal residence, and the courtyard were also here; Aristocrats were already given proper wines of Castile and Leon. At that time, laws governed by the production of wine were put into effect. After Valladolid lost the status of the capital, Castilian wines were experiencing not the best times. However, it is unlikely that we can say that the winemaking here has been declining - rather, it went to the background for a while.

Landscape of Castile Leon Plain and monotonous. The relief monotony is only occasionally disturbed by small hills.

Cities and towns here are small. Locals are engaged in agriculture, but it is developed weakly. The climate of the region is influenced by several factors: remoteness from the sea, surrounding the mountains and the fact that the knee is located at an altitude of about 600 m above sea level. Castilla-Leon is one of the most arid areas of Spain. Winter here is harsh and long, and the summer is not very roast, short and dry.

If you look at the map of Spain, you can see that her capital is Madrid - is located exactly in the center of the country. A little north of Madrid is Castilla Y Leon (Castilla Y Leon), one of the 17 Spanish autonomous regions. The territory of this edge is quite extensive and extends from the border with Portugal in the West to Rioja and Aragon in the East. Castile Leon is beautiful gardens, picturesque plains and low mountains; These are the ancient fortresses of Segovia and Avila and the Monumental Cathedrals of Burgos and Valladolid; This is the famous University of Salamanca, the vintage walls of which remember Servantes and Lope de Vega. Castile Leon is a cradle of reconquists, movements aimed at resting at the Moors captured by the territories of the Pyrenean Peninsula. Hence the legendary LED Campador, whose name means for Spaniards no less than for Russians the name of Alexander Nevsky. At the same time, Castile Leon today is one of the most important agricultural regions of Spain. And one of the most (if not the most) significant places in its economy occupy wines.

Nowadays, it is here that one of the most famous Wine Spain is produced. Today in the Castile Leone there are five D.O. (Names controlled by origin):

  • BIERZO (Bierzo) ...
  • Ribera del Duero (Ribera del Duero) ...
  • Rueda (Rueda) ...
  • Cigales (Cigales) ...
  • Toro (Toro) ...

Map :: Region of winemaking Castile and Leon

Region of winemaking Spain (Castile and Leon) - D.O. Bjoce
Territory of this D.O. Located in the valley surrounded by the Cantabrian Mountains and the mountains of Leon. Only in the south-west mountains are interrupted, giving way to a small valley of the river forces, thanks to which the influence of the Atlantic penetrates in Bjaco. Therefore, the climate of Rigeso ...

Region of winemaking Spain (Castile and Leon) - D.O. Ribera del Duero.
Undoubtedly, this most important D.O. Castile and Leon is also one of the most prestigious wine-making regions of Spain. So, it is here that the legendary estate of Vega Sicily (Vega Sicilia) is located, whose wines have become famous in the XIX century and to this day remain