Travel in Mongolia by car. Package: Giant Mongolia Travel Guide

We arrived with our almost three week travel by car.

Preparation for travel

Preparation of our journey began almost six months ago, during this time we were a bit prepared for our trip, namely:

  • Installed Schnorkel.
  • Bought an autonomous charging - panibank (proven on the Mongols, it works).
  • Bought a bunch of spare parts:
  • brake hose - 1 pc. - I did not need
  • ball - 1 pc. - I did not need
  • remkomplekt for brake caliper with piston - I have not needed,
  • laying the valve cover - not needed,
  • engine sealant - not needed
  • metal clamps 3 pcs. - one needed for fastening the stabilizer bushings, due to the loss of the attachment bolt,
  • drive belt - not needed
  • the belt at the Viscouft - I did not need
  • filters (cabin, air, oil) - replaced the air filter after replacing the oil in the engine;
  • engine oil - changed the oil in Ulan-Ude (excellent one hundred on the road, I do not remember the name),
  • antifreeze - not needed
  • brake fluid (helped Mongols on a minibus, which were broken tube). Subsequently, she he himself needed himself ... I had to buy in p. Aktash.
  • Candles 4 pcs. - not needed
  • remkomplekt for repair of tires - I did not need, I got without punctures, although we drove more than 30 km along the sharp stones in the places where they were worn!
  • Fuel Activator Motion LAN 200 ml. - 3 pcs. On 600 liters of fuel (used only 1.5 packaging).
  • They received international rights - they did not need, they do not need anyone there. Mongol Spit, Spit and decided to let us go, still did not achieve anything.
  • Changed oil and filter in automatic transmission.

I will start with the fact that our route on the path changed mainly to the most side, with races in interesting places.

Part 1. Road in Russia

The first day

Our journey adventure began June 17 at 15.00, Start from Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok).

Put the full tank AI92, one canister is 10 liters, and drove ...

On the first day, there is almost nothing interesting, except for annoying cracks on the windshield from the mad "voraja", which, not having to do Zuravlevo, drove to the roadside during the laying of asphalt. From her and two stones flew in size with a chicken egg ... I thought it would break more stronger, but he was separated by a 2.5 x 2.5 cm by a web. It would be necessary to scroll until there are no cracks through the entire glass.
The first night we had on the lake near the city of Maryinsk.

Second day

In the morning, the husband tried to catch the fish, the result of zero, the neighbor has a couple of crucies with his palm. Have breakfast and moved on.

Most major cities were traversed. So it was with Krasnoyarsk.
The next night was on the Biryus River (finally found out where the river takes place, in honor of which the refrigerator is called my house).

By the way, no wonder the refrigerator was named after this river. Stopped immediately, moved the bridge. The cloth is clean, the shore, however, all in the garbage, I had to get a little bit ... The part was taken to the nearest urn, the part was burned in place.

One of the places we wanted to see is Lake Baikal.

The plans we had to drive along the bank. Baikal and stay in the town of Baikalsk, but we decided to change your route and visit about. Olkhon.

As a result, we left Irkutsk in the village of Sakhurt, from where it goes to the ferry. Olkhon. They got to the village about 22.45, in the village, near the ferry, we stopped the crew of the DPS, checked that the driver sober, and let us go. There are no queues, I drove on the ferry about 22.50 and immediately headed for another shore.

The ferry was free. Reaching the shore, we went to navigate Maps Me to the village of Khuzhir. The road, to gently say, bad ... Sometimes it was possible to go no more than 20 km / h, you could not immediately reduce the tire pressure.

We arrived in Khuzhir, have been concerned in the streets, tried to go ashore ... But, because On the courtyard night, the roads did not find. Let's go to the outskirts of the village ... Pine forest appeared, decided to spend the night in the forest.

Day Three. Baikal

The next morning went, bought products and souvenirs in the largest supermarket on the island. I drove on ul. Baikal, 58, assigned the most delicious postures that were prepared specifically for us.

Well, of course, we bought the omulus g / k, x / k and drnamed (from 100 rubles per piece).

In order to ride and make a photo of Baikal, took 3 bikes, cost 100 rubles per hour per pc.

Visited the local beach ... I tried to swim, but it was not there - the water temperature is + 9 ° C. Husband with his son went on his knee, did not risk further. I plunged completely. 10 seconds, most of my body did not allow. Although I love a contrasting shower, but then he protested.

I spent another night on the island, but closer to the ferry, on the sandy shore in a deserted place.
The next day I successfully reached the village of Sahurt on the ferry, we met an expedition from China for 5 cars, they travel from Manchuria to Baikal and back.

While we wait for the ferry, we decided to blow the wheels for asphalt. Local ones rushing without a queue. By the way, buses, minibuses and specialists on the ferry are missing without a queue.

We left towards the city of Ulan-Ude. Made photos of Baikal from the sightseeing site.

Until Ulan-Ude got closer to the evening. It turns out, even time for an hour ahead it was necessary to translate.

Through some kind of hotel reservation site, a room in a small hotel called "Campsite" (located almost immediately at the entrance to the city, to the Soviet area). We arrived at the place - the administrator was surprised that they could book something on the Internet. In general, settled in the junior suite for 1100 rubles +200 rubles. Child (up to 7 years old), for which we got: toilet, shower in the room and clean bed, that's all we need for the night. True, we are not lucky with hot water. Well, I am something trained by Baikal, I could wash it so much.

Day four. The border

On the way out of Ulan-Ude, I drove a hundred to change the oil. Changed in 20 minutes, oil and filter their own. We have already for 50 thousand km Zic X7 LS 5W30, we buy a 6 liter canister - it is very convenient, the remainder after replacement is just enough for a tank until the next replacement of 9-10 thousand km. Consumption up to 1 liter. by 10 thousand km I consider normal, moreover, exploitation sometimes happens.
On the way to the border, this beauty is in Buryatia, almost near the road.

Now our path lies in Kyakhta's border town.

Hooray! We in Kyakhta.

We refrained, produced products at the local store of the metro type, went to the passage of customs. I stood about 20 minutes before the first gate. Mongols are engaged in the Trucks.

We were launched, we went to the inspection ... A woman came to us with an action-camera and checked the contents of our things, also learned from us, if we were not allowed. Things from the trunk had to lay out. There was a suspicious suitcase with our things and sports. Bag with tools. And, by the way, really in the suitcase lay Fireworks of the Son, which I took the other day with RCR. On this inspection was over. All employees want to notice, the Russians are very friendly. We had 3 cans with me: 1-20 liters. With water, 2-20 liters under gasoline is empty, 3 - 10 liters. With gasoline, previously read that only 10 liters of gasoline can be brought. However, we did not check anything in the canes, they are filled or not. Inspection of the car passed, went to make out documents and pass passport control.

In the car installed a stationary radio of 27 MHz (SIB) and 2 portable radio - asked several times whether they should somehow declare, they answered that there was no.

When making documents, if you are going to leave through another transition point, then definitely specify it. You will be given a small sticker with the bar code, you will need it when you pass the border back to Russia, otherwise it seems like your car will stand on control in customs.

Further, immediately behind our customs, the Mongolian customs is located, after the barrier and the intersection of the muddy fusion (seemingly disinfection), take a piece of paper, immediately at the entrance there will be a booth. Next, we again pass the inspection, but by the Mongolian side, again turn the car, pass the passport control, fill in the mini-form, then pay 60 rubles. For the dirty puddle, which was driving.

Put all the necessary prints and go beyond the boundaries.

Immediately after the barrier, a woman runs to you, which you need to pay a transport tax of 10,000 tugres or 300 rubles. (It is better to first change rubles in Tugryki, it will be cheaper, you can change literally 20 meters in the exchange station). Registration of insurance is 10 meters away. I paid 1150 rubles. (pointed out the real volume). Changed rubles to Tugry ... became millionaires - Course 1 rub. \u003d 39 Tuggers. (On the border with the Tashanta course was 1 rub. \u003d 41 Tugress, in the city of Mandala Gobi course was 1 rub. \u003d 37.75 Tuggers).

Hooray! Finally, we passed the border ... Because of the fact that we trighed with Brod and did not take a piece of paper - we did 2 hours.

What is needed from documents to pass the border to Mongolia:

  • Stamp passport on all passengers and driver.
  • Documents on AUTO - Certificate of Registration (Tech Passport) - Plastic Card.
  • ! It is necessary that you are the owner of the car, or as a last resort, a notarized power of attorney was issued.

Expenses: 10,000 gasoline, Mileage: 2500 km.

We drove in Mongolia ....

Part 2. Mongolia

Our main task was to visit the monument of Genghis Khan on the outskirts of the Ulan Bator, visit the Gobi Desert and eat fish on the purest lakes and rivers. We left in the direction of the monument of Genghis Kone on horseback. Drove ...

The first city was Sukhbaitar, we drove it without stopping.

What rushes into the eyes when visiting Mongolia is the insane amount of TTUTA machines Prius and the number of tires on each corner - in Mongolian "Dugui Sea".

Fifth day

I woke up somehow early, at 4 in the morning, but it was already pretty light, and the horned was embarrassed. Nearby stood yurts.

For 100 km to Ulan Bator, we once again stayed for the night.

Day sixth. Ulan Bator

The city of Ulan Bator met us a small rain. Movement in the city is disgusting, and there are two hours in traffic jams. About movement in Ulan Bator: everyone stops on the traffic light ... On this, all the rules end. Pedestrian crossing - as in Thailand, if you managed to slip, you are lucky ... But although it can be lucky, and one car will miss you. When rebuilding, the signal does not include. Rules of the rings on the contrary, not as with us. In front of us in the city, a training car was driving, toast headed by novice drivers ... How hard it was. For public transport there is a separate strip, and even it is managed to take passenger cars, but buses ride without traffic jams.

In general, it is possible to get used to such a movement in half an hour. If you have driving experience in our city center. I tried around the cities did not ride, gave the steering wheel to her husband.

In Ulan Bator, they saw the signs of KFC and Burger King - left in the alley of the car houses and went shopping. Went to KFC, because Son loves hamburgers, and they will not buy them anywhere else. Made an order: Hamburger and drink 7500 Tugrykov (192 rubles). The child then his classmates on the campaign check sent the classmates to be acted. My wife and I decided to try the buds, went to the first cafes, there were a local cuisine - Buouza and Cai (green tea with oil and salt), I liked the cheeky tea, gave for all about 5,000 tugres - 130 rubles.
Moontoon Buouz (600 Tugrias per 1 pc.) I liked more (something on Pyanase dough it seems like). Tsai 300 Tugrykov.
Two pieces I was enough to join.

Robed and decided to search for sights.

They tried to first find on the map, in which side there is a famous monument to Genghis Kone on horseback, but the Mongolian card did not really help us. There is no Internet, mobile communications stands around 100-150 rubles. per minute, so it was turned off immediately after entering this wonderful country. We decided to look for passers-by who speak Russian, because ride around the city is a suicide (with such movement and traffic jams). An hour later, such a person was found. He told how to drive to the monument, and even showed a photo on his phone, we immediately understood that this is what we are looking for.
After leaving Ulan Bator, in the side of Bayandallger 40 km we arrived before the first stop.

The monument really affects its scale.

The entrance for us three came out a little more than 20,000 tuggers (530 rubles.), Children are cheaper.
At the entrance you will meet guides that speak English and Russian - you will tell you everything for free.
On the first floor there are shops with souvenirs, prices, by the way, are quite adequate - low. Nearby there is hire of national clothes for only 3000 Tugrykov (75 rubles). Here is the largest Mongolian boot and whip.

On the second floor there is a restaurant and a toilet. The above is the elevator and the staircase for lifting to the viewing platform, which is located in the head of the horse.

On the ground floor there is a museum with two rooms, in one of which can be sitting at the table, like a real khan, and make wonderful photos, and there are no rare artifacts in another, and it is impossible to photograph ...

Gobi Desert

In Mandalgov, we understood that the money that we changed on the border - 10,000 rubles. \u003d 390,000 tugrias will not be enough for us. We decided to go to the bank and change.
Found in the navigator the bank and went to it. Near the entrance to the bank was a small crowd.

Inside, of course, it does not hang any scoreboard with a exchange rate ... approach, show your papers and change, taking an electronic queue.
We fell, it seems, on such a day, when the entire population of the city came to receive a pension, benefits, salary and other payments. Elderly people are dressed in national clothes - they go in it constantly, and not only on holidays. One of Mongolok gave us the root of an electronic queue, which reduced our wait for about 1-2 hours. We showed our 5000 pages. Operator and waited for a positive response from her side. In the end, they changed 15,000 rubles for 550,000 tuggers.

In banks the most disadvantageous conditions. But we had nothing to do, money on the outcome, and we go to the heart of the desert.
On the way, drove off the roadside cafe. We, as usual, with your husband Buouza ordered with Cam. And the son asked meat with rice and lipton.
That's what they brought us.

The child, of course, did not eat it, but it is worth it a dish of 5,500 tugres.
Buuza here is 500 tugry.

At the entrance to Dalanzadgad, police stopped us. At that moment I was at the helm. After the stop, the husband opened the window from the passenger side, handed over to the polisman insurance and its international rights, although I am driving ... Polisman looked at insurance, gave back, looked at the right, not unfolding (inside there is a photo and the available categories), judging by the type, I did not understand what he was passed - he returned the rights and left. And we moved on.

Here is the first and last acquaintance with the Mongolia police. Not a single policeman with a hairdryer (radar) on our path was found no ...
After we drove the city of Dalanzadgad, the asphalt told us "while".

In the Dalanzadgad region or Gourvantes (already vaguely remember), our navigator has been heading for a dead end. Well, as a dead end ... I simply turned out to be a Barhahan height with a 4-5 storey house. Left the car and went to do beautiful photos.

Gasoline on the outcome ... in the canices of 29 liters, and still need to get out.

Let's go back, the navigator was confused. Let's go with the Mongolian card to ask the road near the nearest yurt. Mongol approached us and his daughter, looked at the map ... But they could not show anything on it. He asked for a piece of paper and a pen (he doesn't speak Russian and does not understand), painted us an exemplary path ... We did not understand anything. I waved on us with my hand, sat on the motorbike and showed to go beyond us. We drove kilometers 30, he stopped and showed to follow the power line. Asked where we, we said - from Russia. True, the word "Russia" did not understand, but after the word "Moscow" he smiled and showed the "class".
Hooray! We went on the road that is in our navigator.

Traveling the Gobi desert and in general, riding on the primers of Mongolia, you can see a lot of empty bottles from vodka (in Mongolian - arch), frankly drunk at the wheel saw only in the city of Khoved, more precisely, on the road from the city. There was a police car, it seemed that there was a "cloud", there was a 200 kruzak nearby, whose driver barely kept on his feet ... There was a smelled of at least 1-2 filled Bottles "Arch".

After hanging in Mongolian cities, and even more so, the village, we have always been the focus of attention, sometimes even people from houses went out to see us, as if Circus came to clowns.
In the city of Barun Bayan Ulan, we once again asked help from local. But such a feeling that they see the first time the map of their country is seen.

Somehow understood the direction, moved again in high-voltage columns. But her husband wanted to get to the lake, which he was so sought after Dlanzadgad, not far from Bogd Sum, Lake Orog. But before him we did not reach, there is a very bad road, pits and hollys, for which you need to go to 5km \\ h. And while we tried to get closer to this lake, we came across the sands again.

Here the sand is petty and white. Title, and we decided to put a tent on the sands.
In the evening, the sand is cold, and in the afternoon barefoot, do not get up, very hot.

Seventh day

In the morning we headed in Bogd, in the direction of Bayanhogor. In the steppes met a single pointer.

In Bog, we roared the drinks in the store.

Nearby snacks in a local cafe.
The child eating sausages in a grain (1000 Tugry), I, as usual, about Buoupe (500 Tugs) with Cam, and my husband ordered a dish for 5,500 tugres.

Moved towards Altai. In Bayanhogor, we did not drive. Road works are underway there. Put asphalt.

Not far from the city of Zhizhins there is a MEBN.

The map showed a good asphalt road there. By 12 o'clock in the morning we still got to her. For 40km to Dalger city. Put a tent at night. The weather began to deteriorate. Russia is not far from Russia. This was reminded of us by the wind and gathered in the sky of Tuchci.

The next stop was planned on the lake near the city of HOVD.

Not far from the city of Hovd there is a wonderful lake Har-Us Nuur. Found a place near the shore and put a tent. The next morning managed to catch only 3 fish on the fishing rod ... Because the fish was only on the fly (alive), and they ended in what a fish, we did not understand ... But it looks like Ottoman.

In connection with the fuel of the crew, it was decided to go towards the border with Russia.

Again border

Having arrived at the border in Tsagannur at 17.45, they learned that the time of work comes to an end, and we would not have time to miss.
We unfolded and went to seek the nearest place overnight stay.
We arrived in the area of \u200b\u200b12 hours, of course, hit the lunch break. Submission near the cafe. On the menu only buds and tea green with milk. They took 5, then 5 more and 7 more, eventually ate on three 17 Buuses and drank 1.5 liters of tea.
Little buds, 300 tuggers per pcs.

We lined up a column of 6 cars with Russian numbers - 42, 174 regions. It turned out, they also traveled in Mongolia. They said that not far from the lake, on which we stayed, there is a lake Jargas Nuur, on which the fish can be caught hands. And rather large. I like a fisherman, I wanted to return, but the wife and son wanted to Russia. There is a reason to go to Mongolia again, now I already know where it is necessary to call.
The Mongolian side of the customs passed pretty quickly, at this point a lot of people talking in Russian, always suggested what to do. Lookup quick, superficial.
Mongolian side passed.
We left for the fence, again a broken dirt road.
Reaching the Russian side, checked the passports and passed the number of people in the car to the Russian customs, so that no one was talked along the way. As soon as they entered the Russian border zone, excellent asphalt began.
The representative of Rospotrebnadzor was met on the Russian customs. In a form, she was like Mary Poppins from the film. Passing the control of Rospotrebnadzor, went to passport control and inspection.
Everyone passed. The car with control was removed.
Hooray! We returned to Russia ... That feeling when ready to kiss your own asphalt.

Now our waiting for mountain altai.

Regarding clean drinking water - we always bought it in supermarkets. 5-liter canisters, stand around 50 rubles. Well, of course, soft drinks are screens with pineapple taste, peach, apples, grapes. Sprite with mint taste ... This is not a spritten with a taste of cucumber, as in Russia.
What I liked from food purchased in supermarkets: B / P Korean noodles (we know her well, because a couple of years ago I was engaged in wholesale sale of similar products in the territory of the Russian Federation), pate from whose liver (Mongolian production), camel milk, Delicious bread. Very cheap and good green tea. In the city of Ulgae, even on sale there were chicken eggs production of Sciences Koltsovo (Neighbor Academgorodok in Novosibirsk). Very many Korean and Chinese products, all delicious. I liked the local ice cream (maybe, because I was in the position, 16 weeks) for 600 tuggers, the taste is specific, their.
The gifts brought a couple of bottles of vodka "Genghis Khan", in the region of 14,000 tugrics (360 rubles) per piece, the cheapest vodka is almost like from us, from 190 rubles. 0.5.

Spent in rubles:
Fuel - 8,000 rubles. or 312,000 Tugrykov

Insurance Mongolian - 1 150 rubles. (If you drive from the city of Kyakhta through Altan BULAG, without it they can not release ... and I was calm with her, by the way, the engine volume did not underson, although it was possible to do less).
Transport tax - 300 rubles. (In essence, it is possible to agree on 150).
Travel on the roads between cities (standing booth with a barrier - 150 rubles. - One passage 1000 Tugrykikov (25 rubles) - you can drive around, so makes part of the Mongols.
Common mileage - 7480 km. (approximately about 1000-1500 km on primers, of which are 300 km. For terrible roads - stones, pits where speed could not exceed 20 km.)
Fuel burned down - approximately 950 liters (approximate consumption of 12-13 liters).
The refueling of almost full tank accounted for 100,000 tuggers.
Prices for gasoline in Mongolia - from 1500 to 1800 Tugrykov (i.e. from 36.5 to 44 rubles. For 1 liter AI92). The quality of fuel is not worse than our ... there were no problems. Above 92, you can only find in large cities. Diesel fuel cheaper than 92 gasoline. And gas with his Mongolian name "Ahui" is like gasoline AI92.

Here it is, the final part of our route.

The first settlement in Russia - Tashanta, there is nothing to do here. They drove to Kosh-Agach, here it was purchased and refueling with fuel.
The first thing was thought to go to the plateau of ocke, but, as always, not on time. Skip can not be ordered, because The working day on Friday is abbreviated, and on the checkpoint, it seems to be immediately disagree. Nothing terrible, Altai we love and are ready to come again.
Next, because We safely left the map with the main attractions, we are looking for them on the Maps Me phone. The first thing found ... Mars-2. The road was less than 50 km, but what an interesting road ... taking into account the growing rain. On the way there were very steep climbs, and large stones, not to mention the fact that we were tightened several times in a cuvette. We still got to this point ... But, unfortunately, our dreams were not justified.

Besides the road, nothing interesting to this place. Back we drove according to my husband's method ... He saw where you can cut and ride in a straight line. In one of the places where there was a risky land, we began to pull into the nearby River Chaguanzun, decided to go back and go through the passes. The photo did not do, lil rain.
Next, we went to our place overnight, near the village of Kosh-Agach on the Schu River. Put a tent, extracted the awning on top. So the awning was not quite right, the liters of 20-30 rain water were pulled in the morning.
Fishing on a gossip again in the span. I tried to skip the worms on the fishing rod ... there are no them here either.
Next, we are going towards Aktasha, but I remember that a year ago we wanted to look at the Aktra glacier. We return to the village of Kyzyl-Tash and we go to the side of Alpalage transshipment. The road is not entirely bad, to Alpalage, sometimes they get puzoterki, however, it does not cost them without losses. On the way to transshipment of the car there are only loaf, 469 UAZ, Urals ... So we are on the right track. On the way, they met: 1 bridge, 3 fodes (depth of no more than 50 cm, can be without a snorkel), then the road with large stones and cool lifts began.

There are very large stones in Brode ... The hit of the unclosed distribution about such a stone is the opportunity to stay here for a long time. As according to the law of meanness, not a single car to see, what kind of brodes it is better to go.
We make a decision to walk, approximately 17 km there. We put the car on the transshipment and go. They took in the car, grounds. The river is very cold and stones slippery, I checked. My son suffered a husband through a trip to another shore. The road to Alpalage is heavy, lifts, descents, slippery stones. After halfway, it starts rain, part of the route goes through the forest, a little wet.

The son did not expect such a stand. If I knew, stayed in the car to sit.
It remains less than 1 km, the glacier is already clearly visible.

After 2.5 hours we got. Wife with her son went to look for a cafe to warm up and snack. I went to Spring to replenish the water reserves. The rain intensified, I made a couple of the monument of the monument to the broken snowboarders in May 2002 and the monument to all the dead mountaineers.

To the glacier himself in this weather, we did not go, and the time is closer to the evening, but on the dark to go along the trail in the forest risky.
Drinking delicious herbal hot tea with pancakes in a cafe, we went back to the transshipment.
The way back was much easier, as they were mainly descents, very few rates. We left the grounds at the beginning, so as not to drag overweight. We find them in the preserved labels of the navigation program, taking and go to the broth.
In general, the road is though complicated, but having good protection and Schnorkel, you can drive.
Next, we go to the Geyser Lake. I am moving to the base "Rest", the passage to it goes through the swamp, we give 30 rubles. For adults, children for free, and we go 300 meters to the lake.

We make a photo of a wonderful geyser lake and go further towards Aktasha.
Rotating to s. Aktash, turn towards the Ulagan, we are going towards the most beautiful of the Mountain Altai passes - Katu-Yaryk. Distance from Aktasha to P. Katu-Yaryk is approximately 100 km in one direction. The path passes through another attraction - a red gate, but here we have already been photographed a year ago, we go further. On the way there is a large number of recreation databases. All nearby lakes are leased, so fishing again in the span. Closer to the pass the road spars, the puzoterki weave 15-20 km, carefully overtake them and go further ... Our speed is 70-80 km, the suspension allows you to go comfortably. Most route passes on asphalt, primers are only 30%. I reached the pass, we make a photo, screw the lossed on the road a stabilizer fastening bolt.

According to the pass, we do not go down, no sense. The road through the pass goes to the south of Teletsk Lake, for which we would not go, were already. Another reason why not going towards the lake - the residue of gasoline, which will not allow to go back.
Further, our path passes through the waterfall of the maiden tears (Shirlak), here we were, but decided to visit again.

Stay at the monument to the shovethright, which we usually passed.

"The monument for the village is white bom. The hero is equipped with a well-known song about the Ring of Sneghereve. Decoded to all drivers who died in the Chui tract."

Starting at the site of the merger of Katun and Chii.
Pass Chica-Taman pass easily, the car with the snorkel is easier to breathe. We buy souvenirs on the pass, teas as a gift.
Seminar pass also in one breath, they do not stop here, a lot of people. Mongolian goods sell 5 times more expensive.
Closer to. Ongudai go down to the Ursul River, the descent is very cool, if it is raining, then it will be difficult to call back. Find a great place for overnight stay.

On the way home, we buy honey devices to celebrate the journey at home.

Next we are going home, no stops no longer.
At the entrance to the Cherepanovo, heavy rain began. That's how Novosibirsk met us, washed away from dirt. July 4 at 22.00 we arrived home.
Huge thanks to our car that brought us home and did not give any problems on the road!

After arrival, the first thought - where we are going next time.

Question price: 10,000. Mileage: 1050 km


Great story! But I have a question on gasoline consumption,
Fuel spent - 8,000 rubles. , Fuel burned down - approximately 950 liters (approximate consumption of 12-13 liters). The price on gasoline 36.5 to 44 rubles. For 1 liter.
It turns out consumption for gasoline about 35 tons. Rubles, and you have written 8,000 rubles.

Any country has its own characteristics. They can appear literally in everything. And the stronger the difference between nature, landscape, climate, and the lifestyle of local residents with those that exist in Russia, the more impressions. Many unusual can be seen, feel on yourself and in Mongolia. She is very close to take into account the regions of South Siberia. For those living in the European part, of course, this is far away. But today a distance of several thousand kilometers to overcome is not difficult.

Stage 1. From Novosibirsk to Biysk

It will not be a mistake to say that the most interesting trip to Mongolia will be if you choose a car route. In this sense, it is better to go on the road in the Chui tract.

Altai, Chuy Tract (Federal Automotive Road P256, until January 1, 2018 also applied the number of the M52 route)

It officially begins in the Big Siberian city of Novosibirsk, but before it was so called only the way from the city of Biysk (Altai Territory) to Tashanta. This is a settlement near the border of the two countries - Russia and Mongolia. The journey can take from several days before weeks. The question is only in some days you have. To visit Mongolia is simple enough, having preliminary information.

Important!Since we are talking about traveling from different Russian corners, it is better to start the countdown from Novosibirsk. True, one of the travelers, preparing for a trip and leaving the western part of the country, laying the route, takes the map, try to cut the way. In this case, it will focus on a shorter route.

Without reaching Novosibirsk, about the middle between Omsk and this big city, many shorten the way to drive immediately through the Altai Territory to the city of Barnaul. Do not do that. After a few tens of kilometers, you can make sure that in fact the most interesting adventures begin after the words "I know a short road." It is better to get to Novosibirsk to reagent to Novosibirsk, cross it on the bridge or on the dam of the hydropower plant and roll to the right.

Water Clock Novosibirsk HPP

After about twenty-thirty minutes (it all depends on the intensity of the car traffic) will be the city of Berdsk. It will take less than an hour, and behind the city will remain Iskitim, and the long way to the south will begin.

Iskitim from a bird's eye view

To Barnaul, more precisely, to Novo-Altaisk (Barnaul city on the left bank of Ob) take less than two hours. If you want to have lunch, then there will be no problems with it. There is no difficulty and with refueling the car. The same setting after turning in Novo-Altaisk towards Biysk. Before this city can also be reached in less than two hours. True, if you find yourself here on Friday in the afternoon on Friday or on Sunday, the trip will delay.

M-52 route in the Biysk area

The fact is that on Friday the strip of the road towards the Biysk will turn into a solid plug. This is due to the fact that those who want to rest just at this time are sent to the mountains or to the resort town of Belokurich. On Sunday, all these thousands of cars go back.

Stage 2. On the Altai to the border

But finally, the city of Biysk. For trucks here there is a bypass road. It is not necessary to turn on it. A trip through the city only twenty minutes. This is tailored to entry and departure after the bridge across the Bay River on the outskirts itself. And then the very Chuy path will begin, which is a little told in the movie "Lives such a guy."

Municipal Bridge in Biysk

Although the distance from Biysk to the Mongol border can not be called large (especially in Siberian standards), it will have to go long. At first, really, everything will be, as usual, but then climbs, descents, turns will begin. However, the trip will not seem particularly long. Why? Because the road goes through special places. Sometimes it stretches literally a few meters from the raging, like a huge stream, the river Katuni. Then the mountains stretch. Particularly interested in the seminal pass. And another road along the poya river.

River Katun.

Finally, here is the cross-border zone. A large village of Kosh-Agach, and then only tashanta, border zone twenty kilometers wide, and Mongolia. However, it may be difficult. The checkpoint works only to eighteen hours. On weekends, in general, it does not work. An important condition - you can only cross the border on the car. Traveling through the hitchhiking wait for passing cars.

Important! In order to cross the border, you must have an invitation from Mongolia. It can be both from travel agencies and by person. True, this document requires only at the bandwidth Mongolian paragraph. Requires cash there. Usually, when a person shows five hundred dollars, Mongolian border guards take pictures with bills in hand, and passed into the country.

If you get to the border managed only in the evening, or on the weekend, you need to take care of the night. In the mountains in a tent spent the night. But local residents are provided. The room for two is asked only five hundred rubles.

Near the border with Mongolia

With the intersection of the Russian border of difficulties does not occur. Border guards check passports, cars with Russian numbers are examined. But if foreigners ride, especially the Germans, will check everything that you can.

Mongol border guards procedures repeat. Russian citizens are not needed. On conditions for entering the country was mentioned above. After everything is completed, allowing to go.

Stage 3. On the spot - the first impressions

And now Russia is behind, only Mongolia and the almost complete absence of asphalt. It is said that in Russia is not expensive, but directions. Approximately the same here, just ride in these areas more convenient. The main thing is the car so as not tolerance. It is best to go on a jeep trip. However, quite a few tourists starts at such a journey on the motorcycles.

Open pictures can be called monotonous. This is basically brazed mountains. But still beautiful. Typically, travelers are first stopped on the shore of Lake Tolbo Nuur. It seems in Mongolia it is one of the largest.

Dergen Moul Lake

Then there will be a high-altitude plateau with multi-colored ridges, the lake of the Haar-Us, the city of Hovd. The road stretches along the rocky steppe. Someone visible some spiny plants, and still small flowers. What surprises, - big herds of sheep, goats, camels, yaks. Here you can see saigas. Sometimes they graze with pets, sometimes just run somewhere. From the cars do not run away. They know that no one will bring harm to them.

On the way you can stop the Lake Dergen Nuur. Water in it salted. It seems that salt concentration is higher than in seawater. The terrain is quite interesting. Dunes are adjacent to the shores of the lake. Here begins the largest sandy array of Mongolia Mongol ELS. It stretches more than two hundred kilometers from the southeast to the north-west.

Ratio of Mongols to travelers from Russia

The road in Mongolia is often simply a direction. The fact that motor transport is moving here, they say only traces of the wheels. Although sometimes the transport stream is intense (according to Mongolian standards) "driving" part is not broken, as it happens on Russian settlers. Soil is often stony, and the rains do not happen much.
The local population towards travelers is good. Many Mongols know Russian. True, there are less among young people. The easiest way to communicate with such as forty. Among them are often those who studied in Russia. But those who other times in Russian really do not know anything, also, if necessary, seek to help the Rousse-tourist, who fell into a predicary position.

For example, there are some travelers by car, and they happen to breakage. Driving past Mongols stop, are interested in what happened. If necessary, the spare part will be required for free. They can and car towed, even if not along the path, where it is repaired.

A roadside service is developing. A somewhere among the steppe, the yurts stand next to the rolled road. Here and just canopies are arranged. In yurts, under the canopies, under the open sky, metal beds with mattresses. Tired traveler, stopped, went to rest. Nobody will tell him words. Maybe at least a few days to sleep. If you want to eat, explain. It will understand. Immediately bring cooked food on a large dish. Always bring meat. Food here is only fresh. Because there are no problems with meat, as for the cost, then all two times more cheaper than our houses.

Travel to Mongolia

On the Mongolian Altai we were going for a long time ago. Many members of our manda of 8 people there was their interest. The expedition was scheduled for the endseptember - beginning of October. It was decided to go on two minibusessAH-SUVs. The map made up the route, counted the estimate ..

How to negotiate, all meet went early in the morning of September 24le monument leader to the centralnoah Square Pos. Kos-Agach - districtra Mountain Altai. Loaded baggage I.moved to the border checkpoint "thatshannta. " In each car for 4 peoplecentury, personal belongings, campproducts. 45 km from Kosh Agach to"Tashanta" drove almost withoutturns and lifting. Around onlyautumn steppe and clear silhouettesthat sailing on the horizon.

On the new Russian customs everything"Adult": all luggage, as in AEroport, passed through x-raysboy installation, check passports andcars themselves. But passes everythingbusiness, quickly and clearly. To touristsat customs special relationship, facesurprisingly: What's there in Mongoleah, do something? Taking into account fillingall customs paper procedureshe took no more than 2.5 hours. (NeedmO have a passport with MONgolsk visa and international carsmobile rights.)

For "tashanta" kilometer tablebov no longer. But the road is quite goodnaya More about 20 km of cravinga set of height - and wedubet Daba pass (2481 m),who met us cold prolowing wind. Half-breedlying house borderpost with tiedkhudim Mukhtar. In front ofbig dirty concreted flatskump, lonely two columnska - red-green and blue-brownnew, symbolizingborders of Russia and Mongolia. Not youwalking out of the car showed documentsand the barrier was raised.

FROM once behind the Russian boundary of the ASfalt ended. Not a centimeteron the Mongolian side! Pottedto the new customs termlu. Gate on the castle. We as a rulelow foreigners are patiently waiting.After a while she approached MONgoal in the marry bandage on the face and knowkami explained to go to a detourof this new complex for steepspit Mountain. If not this man soi would be waiting for darkness.Old customs called "UlanBayshint "(" Red Yurt ").

Terminal more like a grain reception pointbroken ripped collective farm. On customsnot without any problems, we willwhether any papers on the Mongolianke, and we moved on.On the first bridge at Oz. DanshigNuur with us took a fare (beforenorny duty 1500 Tugrykov plustransport tax 6000 Tugry witheach minibus). Explainedthat this money will go to the maintenanceroads. But it is clear that no one in any wayand never contained.

Roads here - this is exactly what is calledthere are several dozen paraltongular rolling knives going toone direction and invariably sitin the passes and bridges. 20-band Mongolian Highway.It should be extremely attentivehYD: Any low-rise branchcan attempt to create in thatpeak to some lonely standschu. The road is broken by heavy truckskami and "uazami" (soil - solid glyon with a stone), our speed is even on fromrelatively smooth areas rarelyembroidered 35-40 km / h.

Front bridge ne.included, as the road went to the basicsnoma under the slope. Sections with rubble, dogcom and even with major stoneswe were overcome without much effort.But for 1.5 hours, while the sun is neitherhide behind low ridges wewe drove only 30 km. Machines meetingit rarely. Basically it was heavyloy trucks and fuel trucks from Russiaski numbers. From local cars - inmostly old "UAZ".

Already at dusk passed the townTsagan Nuur - a small one-storythe village with the ruins of farms and a cat.Having decided to smash bivouuck, faced withproblem: smooth places there were a lot butall soil is sleeping quite largestones, and put a tent so thatit would be convenient to sleep, not easy. Yes I.with water "strained". Already almost in darkthose drove into the valley of the river dryingHara Magnay-goal and began to put PAlats.

Quickly boiled teaand, judging that "the morning of the evening wiseshe ", lay down under low blackcovered by the scratchy brightest ashthe stars with the sky of Mongolia.In the morning they felt thatsuch an autumn Mongolian dawn. Gasin the cylinders, the frozen and did not wantright in full force. Finally because of the mountainthe sun looked out, and everything movedfaster. Together turned camp andour little caravan moved Dalneck Immediately began to meet the floordestroyed mounds. (We then stilldid not know how much there will be them on ourways.)

We are going along the bottom of the dry valley, whichrouue surrounds low mountains.So the wound-Dab pass (2643 m).Blowing cold, almost burning veter. At the pass itself, the rude popsyes stones - famous about. Nearit is a lot of broken homemadecrutches. Further Road Praktically constantly goes down, in Storowell, the center of Western Aimaka -g. Bayan-Ulya. Birds are almost not visiblebut local crops still did not go to bedand fearlessly stand along the road. Unionti among the city he met a smallshoy herd horses.

P risk in the city at the firstfutsy taxi driver askwhether the road to travel agencies "CANATTour. " In a good one-story officewith a cafe almost in the city center of ustili is very welcome. While we glyalee in the city, with CANAT TOUR hardships operatives, but registered a register and pass to the National Park for us. Bayan-Ulya - according to our standards,rather, a big village. But in the centerit is a bazaar, mail with the Internet, notbig hotels, cafes, museum and prosieves attributes of the city.

There is a hundredth communication. First of all, visited the bazaar. On thestreet near him is a whole stringmotorcycles - red "Izhia" and old"Urals". They are sitting guys in yellowconstruction helmets. First thought:tusovka bikers. But it turned outordinary taxi. Go where is yoursshe has a soul, even in Ulan Bator. Notin the distance are a taxis already more serious:mostly "UAZ" of different constructionscyans and degrees of safety.

Apparently inspection, they did not have to gonever. On many such rubber,what sticks out not only the cord. Howeveron the front windows chamber "Barnaul "," Ust-Kamenogorsk "," Pavlodar ","Astana". Next to the taxi - moving"Exchange items": the same hundredrense cars with looboyou showed with monetary signs: Rossicy rubles, Kazakhstan Teng, chinese yuanya, americandollars.

Most market goodsdecomposed right on earth or carton boxes; mainly chineseth production. Behind a small computeruterna hall right on the street standbilliard tables (about 20) and ongenus, including 8-10-year-old teens,with excitement chasing balls. A little bit farther,on the next street, right on dustyearth decomposed piles Skur Baranov,yakov and other livestock. Right there isshaped animal carcasses.Returned to the office of travel agencies. Trimzeros that diesel fuel to the whole route to usnot enough, and, buying in the local marketseveral Chinese canisters pouredthey are under the neck.

Closer to the evening, kogyes, documents were ready, left inside Sagsai-goal.Still during the preparation for the expeditionwe read a lot of reports. Everythingtheir authors recommended to take withthe battle of the local conductor. We did notnegregate advice and did not regret.With us went to the Cedenbal. Unitythe full difficulty was that hedid not speak Russian at all or in Englishlyasi. But explained well inzaksky. Due to overload machinesvodik we could not take, but from the Turktolmachi among us turned out to beonly Andrei Yurchenkov.

ABOUT five famous Mongolian"Grebelka" (the road with deepripples and ugabami). On someoneplots so shakes that even the guidethe routers does not help and the wheel of the beechit sobs out of the hands, at the same timeright turning and "courtyardki. If you were driving on "UAZ", then onvernyaka would have fallen off onthe first kilometers. We only have oncool lift to Pass Modon hoshoyotin-Davaa (2384 m) at the carflying on Voon, defendedcarter (Carter is a container for avtomotic oil).

As they could, under ruled sledgehammer, tied the rope(wire there is not found) and alreadygot it moving on, in the valley of the riverSagsai-goh. Behind the village of Sagsai, rehaving on the river bridge, got a camp onthe shore has a lonely larch. Undergeneral "Hurray!" raised the flags of Russia,Kazakhstan, Mongolia and drank forchalo expedition. Today we are a passageli just 114 km.

All the next day you can call mountain: solid lifting onpass and plateau.

Modon-HoshoetiyneDab (2384 m), achagardag dab (2698 m),oz. Har-Nuur (2493 m) ... Circle nakedlifeless rocks, solid stonemoting. Classic Marinesdeposits left by ancient icenickname There is practically no water. Ne.motally drove to the post of nationalpark "Altai Tavan Bogd" ("Altai Tavan Bogd "). Big Mongolian yurtoutbuildings. While probelieved our permissions, invitedinside yurt. It seemed that we were waiting for uslee.

Hot tea with milk, Kurt (salthy dried sheep cheese), Erimshik(dried cottage cheese), kaymak (thicktana) and many other local treats. In yurt pure, neatly, notgreat chest of drawers stands Chinese bodyvisor, on the walls of carpets, skin skins,stuffed birds. Wood, drunk, paywere silent with welcoming masterseva - and "By horses".On mountain roads suspicionbut often began to come across the capsbolts.

They usually lose passengersyurt trucks and prochim Skarboga. Moreover, muchmore car itself. And on the versahu this mountains squeeze the nomads themselveski with kids. Often foundsemi-combed trucks thatlocal drivers are trying to a downgradestraight on the side of the dustyroads. And next to them cost no less7-10 passengers. Behind the cars are goingnumerous herds of rams, goats,sarlykov (so local residentsyaks), horses, surprisingly shaggycows, camels.

These are local residentskoom down - for winter pastures. And weraise up! It becomes a littlego uncomfortable from thought about a possible dreamga and ice on passes. But in the mountainlinas still whites a lot of yurt, and we are stillnot alone. In Valley, Herong-goal is prettycrowded: that's what they do not meetlarge core of 2-5 yurt on racesstanding a few hundred meters friendfrom friend. Near the bridge over the river thereeven a gas station: zeroped in the groundon and one mechanical column.

In its cheap sale gasoline A-80 at a priceslightly above the urban. Host with pleasureposing. Demonstrates workcolumns without removing illuminatedcigarettes. But there is no diesel fuel. Good thatwe got stuck in advance.By evening, we approach the pognothing with China, standing onthe shore of the beautiful lake Dany Nuur.Further along the Southeast Berega lakes do not let us. It's time to putcamp. Not far away on the slope of the mountainden small fishing.

No water but but there is firewood, and you can at least a littlego hide from the cold wind. Untilthe guys put the camp, we threesomewe drove to the lake. Overweight Quick timesmotal fishing gear to ultrasoundnat what famous Mongolsky fishing. Fish did not force themselveslong wait: almost the fifththe groan nailed pretty decentharius sizes. To darkness, minutesfor 25, they managed to catch more by coupleke fish. On the speedometer 125 km - ourday transition.

W. tro began with a strong wind. N.what fishing is not anddream: on the lake storm brokenit foam with steep ridges of waves. Tuchi.dust rise into the air. Occasionallygusts of the wind thrown in us aftno coastal sand. Honeyi drove to the southern bank of the lakera Hurgan-Nuur (2072 m). Solid kacineral terraces, big acuteboulders, wetlands,

brody through small mountain rivers.

Towards a very paintednaya Group of Local Residentsluda, loaded with yurts, beds,barrels and other home scrab.Here, finally, the first ancient tallwe read about which we read in reports.All as a team got a picturery. Two small Turkic Kurganrectangular shape. Ancient Tyurki for memorial rite afterhoron struck a kind of temple:on Earth laid out the fence in the formsquare.

Maybe square oddsma symbolized the homeland thatturks were represented in the form of a square,at the corners of which aregi. Near every grave sculpture -stone Baba, and then - two rowsvertically standing small kacancels flying somewherein the distance, in the steppe. Drove "UAZ" withlocal rooms. Passengerfrank Middle-aged,toraya has already lived here for 25 yearsgolsk name Tunga.

Writes books about Mongolia. At night we get up in smallwith larch leafing, protectingwe enjoy us from a strong wind. Our seanniversary mileage 68 km.Thermometer in the car in the morning showsminus 11 ° C, but the wind is almost verse,and the bright mountain sun shines. Purpose bytoday's transition - lakeHoton Nuur. Soon on the way againprogrammer is given. Out ofmeet the officers are friendly healthywe are tested by documents.

Another 500 m approaching the bridgethrough duct cheesegal between lakesHoton Nuur and Hurgan Nuur in the area of \u200b\u200bZmovka Charganga. That's where we arelacial found out what Mongolianfishing! Almost each castingtackle was lucky: a large,weight up to 1 kg, smoking. Fish was chased byany glitter and often engagedside, then gills, then belly. Placesboys without special clauses justthrew a piece of thick fishing line with nakedtee at the end and also notwood without mining.

After half an hour, reshiv that for dinner we have enough fish, buttrus still catch and, most importantly,save will not succeed, let's go further.To farewell to gave the boys 100 mforers and a couple of small blacksmith.The bridge over the protue is madelarch, and as Nastyalae used rods from the same sheetvinnalsy diameter up to 10 cm. But ourmachines drove without problems. Rassenwe carry as soon as we can, by rattymu Jerdia Bridge and with accelerationthrow on a steep sandy oppositefalse northern bank ductures.

Distance our path is northwestthe shore of Lake Hoton Nuur tonorthern his end. There isham, there are numerous rockypictures. And while alone went tosearches for petroglyphs, others againpurchased spinning.Snow-covered peaks Mongolaltai reflected in the mirrorwaters of the lake. This time fishing

was not so successful: far into the water it is impossible to log in, yes and tackle oftencling to stony bottom.

Catching ten Harius and tonging a pair of blisen, decided on fishing law todayespecially since the daytimewalked to us a good dinner. Returnedour friends. Their excursion was wheremore successful: on cloth slopesmountains they found hundreds of petroglyphs: inthe main image of animals. Ochradinary camp set near Pusthat wintering in the bottom of the river Ut-Hitone-goal. Naskovo built the hearth, forwinding fire from wind and coalbaked fish.

Opened in woodenconstructing wintering. On this day ODOlelie only 28 km. Morning again "pleased" his"Freshness." Until the sun rosetse, all went to warm jackets orhang in blankets. Conducted audisesoynery. It seems that she is not enough forpath to the valley of the Tsagan-goal river, to the mountainstanwow-Bogd-Uoul node (4374 m).Sorry ... Well, the roads are not conchayut. Still meet with sacredmi peaks!

It was decided to returnthrough passals east of lakes incobdo-goal river valley andlok Tsengel return to Uleghe. Bythe map this road seemed more aboutwe go. During preparation for exfair sitting at home and on maptea route, we laid in any waynot less than 150 km per day. In realit turned out much less ...On the way back againhimself fishing in a duct betweendu lakes.

D. orog through the passes has becomealready almost familiar. All the samestones, stones, stones ... placesmi where the roads converge can be knocked outside Pitch. For the hundredth time pleasedthere were a local conductor.Even having a lot of driving experience in the mountains,sometimes wondered how he errorsbut pointed exactly that rut, in whichroy must go. The day was extremely "harvest»To historical sights. On this day we saw notone dozen stone women.

But pain all hit huge moundsin the tract mog. Diameter someof them were more than 50 m, and height beforestyna 4 m. began to go down downaccording to the valley of the River Mogoytyn-goal and,having bridge over r. Cobdo-goal, got upcamp in a small wintering. And eveningrum solemnly celebrated the day of ryealexander Lebedev. Todayalmost "record" - 61 km.This night was perhaps the mostcold for the whole journey. In the morningon the thermometer was -15 ° C.

Not Sogre even hot coffee with Altaibalsam. Collected camp andwe drove along the Cobdo-goal river. Doroha a balanced, but still acceleratedoes not work. Driving kilometers5, on the banks of the river saw onboard"ZIL-131" with a dozen cheerful peoplein the body and remembered "UAZ" - "Sanitaryku. " It turned out that "UAZ" with Amerikanque tourists triedcross the deep river and, like canbut it was expected, the ranks in the middleriver. For happiness, in this place"ZIL-131".

Tourists are large inlucky: they themselves would not get out, butwe could hardly help, becausefrom the shore was about 20 m with deepnot up to meter. Yes, and the foddes we don'tknew. From the "UAZ" gapsdried water. Around were brokensanai wet things and other luggageristers. Merry passengers "ZIL"with noise, loaded into the body and tearoverclocking Cobdo Waves, Shot Backon the left bank. 43 km and two hours in the wayjeys in the village. Cengel. On Centralsquare is all the same dust and the same SARlyki. But the store has realmongolian beer!

Road from Cedelle to Ulegay goes through Musgiragiyin PassDab (2251 m). There are no owls aheadsem clear car trail.Obviously not from "UAZ". Through someonetoday we meet the old "MitsubisHI GALANT »With protruding from under itlegs. Stopped, asked, notit is necessary to help. From under the car fromthose that everything is in order. Poweringyou eat fearless local drivers.With the Chair-Daba pass, Ule is already visiblegay. Finally we drove the dayalready 164 km! How home returned! CIWIlake. Although broken, but asphalt,shops, refueling, hotel. True, G.there are no water.

I from the morning of the next day fromwe rushed in the village. Sagsai-goalin the vicinity of which tomorrowit starts a beautiful holiday berkutchi. Dozens of Kazakh hunters withcullive birds (Berktami, Sokolami) gather in the foothills and mouthrail competition. We meet in the Blue Wolf camp. In the evening to us suitable guys from Israel, Jordnii, England, with whom we knowmumped in Ulya, as well as friends fromGorno-Altaisk. Again festivedinner.

This time the birthday ofAndrei Yurchenkova. And how many yearsin a row, again on the road, again with the newmi friends ... Among the audience at the festivalguo tourists and children. Schoolchildren in AKcrosant jackets, adults in yarkih national clothes. Along vereni cars Local craftsmen straightmO on the cat laid down their veinsry. A couple of sellers stand outyoung people obviously not asian onrationality with a little baby.

It turned out to be a family from the USA, whichparadise has been living in Mongolia for three yearsearns on the life of manufactureem and selling souvenirs.Closer to the evening they decided to returnin Ulahey. Not to waste timerode south, on Lake Tolbo Nuhur,some describe all who are hereshaft. It is famous for the large amountfish and rare birds. Already incomplete darkness, fearing stuck in bahtpack (mud furnace), put the camp. UT.rum turned out to be up to more or lessconvenient place for camp not totyanwhether some 600-700 m....

The first rays of the sun timidly Osveshatting calm waters Tolbo Noura.Despite the cold, photographers are already forwork. The rest of the small teamdoy went fishing. 2 km fromcamps are visible attractive rollers.Harius though took, but not so actively,as in the dummy, Syrgal.We turn the camp and, almost nothaving mounted in Ulaga, we are going to Storowell, the Russian border. Here are our already"Old Familiar" - Passtyn-Dab.

Oblast is somewhatcoin hopes for return. Perspent the night on the shore of a small laketsandsheig Nuur. Woke up from Ryuva heavy cargovikov and fuel trucks that pulled in a hundredron border. Local resident of Posocalm hurried because todaynya monday and after weekends oncustoms Large.Losing half a day in line, Pereskate long-awaited border. We are SNOva in Russia ...

N. all the advice. If you are eatingon your car, then in the bayanUllegia is much more reliable toto raise "UAZ". Your car cancrap in the parking lot.Mongolian currency - Tugry.1 r. equal to 45.6 tugps. In Bayan-Ulegia diesel fuel worth an examplebut 920 Tugrykov for 1 l, A-80 - 780 Tugrikov for 1 l. Gasoline in the mountains is noteverywhere, and only A-80. Not preventtake with me the engine cleanerand spare air and fuelfilters.

In the cold season we canbut add an antigel, because in localsaloary has paraffin. Not preventand the second reserve. Tire gun isonly in Bayan-Ullegia. From constantdust woven wet wipes andeye drops. Need to take into account the features of mongolsk roads. In this country onand more used transport -"UAZ" Russian and Sinoproduction and our "ZIL-130",therefore, the rut is rolling under these matires.

If you want a traveldeposit on Mongolia on his tranceport, you need to know that for "parquet"Jeeps are pretty serioustest. Do not leave your own unatteasethings. At customs be attentivewe are neat, polite, calm,patient, do not give in aboutvocation, blackmail, extortion,do not take someone else's luggage and passingpassengers. Some Mongols know Russian

Adygea, Crimea. Mountains, waterfalls, alpine meadows, healing mountain air, absolute silence, snowflakes in the middle of summer, the murmur of mountain streams and rivers, stunning landscapes, songs by fires, the spirit of romance and adventure, the wind of freedom! And at the end of the route gentle waves of the Black Sea.

In short, I will explain to girls and those who are not yet in the know: "Toyota Prius" is a hybrid Japanese car, in which the gasoline engine is supplemented with electric. The process of their collaboration is managed by an onboard computer, and the main (gasoline) engine works only when there is a need. And turns off as soon as the need for its effort disappears - when moving at low speed (for example, in traffic jams), during a stop at the traffic light, when braking, when moving with a gas pedal released or on a slope and in other situations, when the electric motor is in forces Correct yourself.

Thanks to this, hybrid cars are eco-friendly than ordinary cars with DVS, but Mongols, of course, buy them therefore. And because "hybrids" allow you to save on gasoline, which, as I have already written, in Mongolia roads. Consumption of "Prius" - from 4 to 6 liters per 100 kilometers, depending on the version, season and driving manners. Riding in eco-mode for long steppe tracks allows local residents to significantly save on fuel.

Hybrid cars have one small drawback (but also dignity) - a starting battery. It is used to turn on the car - yes, it is the inclusion - and maintaining its functions when it is turned off (clock and alarm meals, for example), so gradually discharged. So the "hybrid" does not like to stand for a long time, it needs to "walk away" at least once a few days so that the starting battery is recharged. These cars do not like to idle these cars in the cold season. But in constant operation mode, the battery feels cheerfully, and the car is not required to put on regular heating in frosts, like ordinary cars. Even in -30 ° and below it will turn on without problems - she does not need to turn a frozen starter. But the possibilities of the starting battery are strongly limited, and, for example, the ordinary car cannot "smoke" from the "hybrid", only fellow with the same cute little battery. So if you suddenly need help of this kind, do not hope for "Priusi", look for the car easier M greasing.

Government of Mongolia Purchase "hybrids" welcomes every possible way. In principle, in this country, and so very human duties on imported cars - they have no one "as it were, the auto industry, which should be dragged behind the ears, and therefore there is no need for importing duties. On the hybrid cars dodulis even lower than the usual. Moreover, since June 2016, a customs rate is canceled in Mongolia when importing new cars from Japan and taxes on the Japanese cars with a mileage of less than 3 years. An excellent example of competent import regulation when the importation of better goods is encouraged. So in the near future, this country will plunge us for the belt in the number of cool cars per capita. For automotive ecology, I think already shut up. Eh, lucky!

Mongolia is the homeland of Genghis Khan. Country of winds, lamb and steppes.
This is a review of a short self-journey to Mongolia. Rent a car with a driver in Ulan Bator.

Mobile communications and Internet in Mongolia. Weather in Mongolia. Mongolian cuisine - what is eating Mongols. National Parks of Mongolia and photos of them

Today is September 1st. As in Russia, in Mongolia, this day was declared the day of knowledge. This day is celebrated by performances of amateur activities, horse racing and camels, as well as a ban on the sale of alcohol in the restaurants of the Ulabator.

Therefore, I sit, dear readers of this topic, in despair, in the heart of the Ulabator, with a glass of water and waiting for the ordered Harci.

Tomorrow I go to eat stew meat with stones. . And then .
By the way, they do not sell to sell, and drunk in the trash on the street is full.

Alone in Mongolia

I wanted to make this trip exactly from Ulan Bator.
In the past, it was proposed to go together from Tomsk or Barnaul. But I am that I can't tolerate from anyone - to go offered to the company of someone I personally do not know and who did not go anywhere.

And I am very thrill towards fellow travelers and ABE with whom a long time to ride. Therefore, I considered only Ulan Bator and rent a jeep here, in Mongolia.

It turned out that cars are leased in Mongolia only with drivers.
It turned out, literally before leaving that SIXT was a car for rent at Ulan Batator Airport - closed his representative office.

Imagine the situation: I have on your hands Tickets taken for Miles in Aeroflot, the tickets have already been transferred from June to September as the plans changed somewhat ... and here such a bummer.

What to do? Of course go!
I am Vinesky and should show yourself on a personal example to behave with real independent travelers.

On the day of departure to Ulan Bator (August 30), I sent out to several Mongolian companies found on the search query "Rent Car Ulaanbaator" through Google, the same type of letters and from several instant answers chose the most arranging me:

  • by price
  • in the absence of a request to prepay something (I can not bear the loot forward)

I note that Russian firms that have fallen in the newsletter gave the most monstrous prices.
I understand that they simply multiplied prices existing in Mongolia for two.

So, I have a meeting party 4 hours before departure.
A windbreaker, socks, a pair of t-shirts, as well as a laptop, tablet, telephone.
I'm ready.
In Duty Free, vodka is bought in the shallow packing on gifts and packing of the cookie for the same.

Visa in Mongolia

Mongolian visa was made in advance. Costs 100 dollars. Of all the necessary list of documents (tickets, profile, photo, certificate from work, a copy of the first page of the s / passport) only an invitation causes difficulty, but it is done easily through the Russian firm sitting in Ulan Bator. Invitation costs 800 rubles. On other issues, it is better to go directly to the Mongols.

Now the visa in Mongolia is not needed

Ulabator Airport

Mongolia met me SERGEY VINSKIY - Welcome to Mongolia and sunny morning.
A few driver spent me to the ordered jeep - Land Cruiser 80 and conveyed by my Mobicom Mobicom operator purchased at my request

Mobile Internet in Mongolia

By tradition, I will tell about the mobile Internet in the country where travel is planned
Simka took for freshly purchased samsung tablet - normal sizes, not micro.
She did not work in the tablet. Then I selected his phone Samsung from the driver and created an access point on it.

Everything. Internet, though weak - GPRS - I had.
I will make a reservation that in those ebeni, from where I returned to Ulaanbaator tonight, there is no cellular communication at all. But on the way there, in small villages, you could check the mail.

Route in Mongolia

Since everything was about everything about everything about everything (for sample I decided not to risk and fly to Mongolia for a long time), then the route I am using the English-speaking sites of Mongolian companies was logical:
- Goba I do not lay down in time
- Lakes and fishing me for the first acquaintance did not interest
- Ulaanbaator did not interest me much more

What is within 300-400 km from the capital of Mongolia?
there is Khustain Nuruu. - Sand dunes (Elsen Tasarkhai), in fact, who turned out to be a tourist desire with Potemkin, camels on camels
there is Kharkhorin. - The ancient capital of Mongolia (you can spend 30 minutes to inspect, and after dinner in Dream World)
there is Orkhon Valley. - But this is already interesting.

First time in Mongolia

Immediately you pay attention to Mongolia - its identity of Russia: the same broken roads, the abundance of SUVs and disputes along the roads. The same unwashed houses in the city - to Ulan Bator and on the perpoles: I had a persistent feeling that I did not get into Mongolia, but I arrived in Buryatia or the Irkutsk region. Equally.

We left the airport and went to the city to pick up the products on the road.
Since I went for a full inclusion, I was going to feed 3 times a day, to provide the stay on the route, pay any entrance tickets and fees, as well as refuel the car.

The price was voiced by Males and I agreed with her: 5 days 4 nights \u003d 1050 dollars, not including the hotel on the last night in Ulan Bator.

I tried to change money at the airport, but the driver gently said (I had a Russian-speaking driver and understanding the driver in Russian):

- Do not waste time. If you need a tugryki - I will give. Then, on arrival - give.

Cyrillic in the Asian country looks ridiculous and funny.
Mongolian writing was banned here in the 30s of the last century, when Chaibalsan began to build socialism in Mongolia, equal to CCCP.

Such devotion was generously rewarded by the mass construction of Khrushchev, panel houses with a blue tile (A la Biryulyo), plants, mines and power plants.

They are three in Mongolia. One is at the distance to the city along the way from the airport - a monument of socialism. One in one smoking monster at the Moscow Ring Road in the Hope district.

In stores are full of products from the Russian Federation, as well as local vodka (naturally Genghis Khan) and beer.

I had a vodka with me, and the beer tried - the usual powder grain type of the Siberian crown or Klinsky.
Take the tested tiger.

While they took the grocery basket (really there was a basket of canned food), rain began. The sky squeezed and caught almost to the ground. It is terrible - everything is gray around, and then there is still sadness-longing sketched.

Go away from the city by half a broken road. Completely someone tried to cut us, stood a steady hum of claksons, the new Land Cruisers competed with the broken Korean trash who will do anyone.

There was not enough just loaf and UAZ - they would show you Kuzkin Mother. But they were ahead.

There was a real Mongolia ahead.
Such is what I imagined it: deserted, endless, cold, windy and insanely beautiful

A little about driving culture in Mongolia

There is no culture. Respect no. Pedestrians are a chance. And they realize it.

Roads in Mongolia

Road to west. Asphalt. In places come across pits, potholes, Colds. The driver swears, mumbles that generally asphalt is evil and better than its (asphalt) at all.

All obstacles are coughing in the opposite or side (more often). Despite the fact that on the side of the pits more often than on the asphalt, there is some reason that there is some reason - often noticed cars on the side of the road with legs sticking out of beneath them and slices of burst tires after such a hole on the road.

Dear are engaged, but little. What is put in the pits is put into the water, in a puddle and in a couple of months, pops up as a seal from rotten tooth.
I said that Mongol with the Russian - brothers in the age.

Roadside cafes in Mongolia

Two hours on the road. We must have breakfast. We visit the roadside cave.
It is very curious while I am carrying ordered soup with dumplings, I consider the public: the chaser.

Use this caveka as a hotel - on the second floor there are rooms and having received bedding immediately, in the canteen, they go upstairs, holding a mattress on the tube.






















































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