Jobs Dmitry Rusaero. CJSC "Capital Jet" G

Who is engaged in business aviation in Vnukovo

The airport complex Vnukovo-3, which is engaged in servicing business aviation and VIP charters, was opened in 2004 on the site of the former departmental terminal Roscosmos. Since 1963, a terrification of Rocket and Space Corporation "Energy" was located here. In 2004, at the request of the Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov RKK "Energia" handed over the airport of Vnukovo 4.6 hectares under the construction of the Vnukovo-3 business aviation zone.

Now Vnukovo-3 includes three business terminals: "Cosmos" and "Vipport", which allow to serve about 40 people per hour, and Abt Vnukovo-3, serving about 15 people per hour.

Falcon, who flew the head of Total Christoph de Margery, flew through the most demanded in Vnukovo-3 terminal "VIPport". The owner of this terminal is the same name with a confusing structure of ownership: a 50% company belongs to Cyprus Cythercorp and Morimoto, whose beneficiary, in turn, is registered on BVI Corwell Finance Limited; Another 50% is the company "Rusaero Flight Center", which is controlled by a businessman Dmitry Kuppetov (SPARK data).

The same Cypriot offshores are 75% controlled by the Abt Vnukovo-3 terminal. They also, if you believe Spark, belong to the share of another three dozen companies that provide various services at Vnukovo airport, among them - the "transgeneration of Vnukovo" (aircraft in the airport building), Aviatekhinvest (owns the technical facilities of the airfield) and others. Finally, the same two offshore belongs to 75.5% of the management company Vnukovo-Invest.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Co-investigator of Vnukovo Airport Vitaly Vitansev and billionaire Andrei Skosch are considered co-owners of "Vnukovo-Invest". In June 2014, Vnukovo-Invest re-elected the Board of Directors - in addition to Vitaly Vanzueva and the representative of Schocha, the general director of the Generation Foundation, Denis Mausenko, entered Larisa Gitar, director of development of USM Advisors LLC, which manages the assets of Alisher Usmanova, Schach And their other partners. The USM representative refused to comment. The source close to the company confirmed that Skoli through his father is indeed co-owner of business terminals in Vnukovo. Vans from comment refused.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies of the Rusaero Group of Companies (it includes the same airline) Dmitry Metztsov, who belongs to the second half of the "Vipport", a little known. Previously, merchants were engaged in providing flights of business aviation in Sheremetyevo, RBC told one of the former employees of this airport, then translated his business to Vnukovo. Now he is considered the largest player in the business aviation market, says the general director of one of the business jet operators. According to him, the structures of Motversaw provide the same services in St. Petersburg Pulkovo, as well as at Sochi airports, Krasnodar, Anapa and Gelendzhik. Contact him RBC failed.

"Dear guests

Vnukovo is the most popular airport from the Russian business. According to the statistics of the European Flight Safety Organization (Eurocontrol, aggregates data on international flights), for 2013, on average, 30 flights of business aviation flew from Vnukovo-3. For comparison: from Sheremetyevo - seven, from Pulkovo - five, from Domodedovo Business Aviation Center - about four.

On the day of the four Moscow airports, 90-110 business jets (including domestic flights) depart, says the general director of one of the companies operators specializing in private flights. Vnukovo accounts for about 75%, his colleague from a competing company is approved. "Nine out of the ten of our flights depart from Vnukovo," says the representative of the company "Business Aviation".

Business Aviation in Moscow

90-110 Business Jets on the day take off and land at Moscow airports

75% of Moscow business jets are accounted for by Vnukovo Airport

8 km - the distance from Moscow to Vnukovo. Proximity to the capital - the main advantage of the airport in front of Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo

20-30% - for so many business terminals in Vnukovo more expensive than in Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo

3 business terminals currently operate in Vnukovo - "Cosmos", "Vipport" and "Abt Vnukovo -3"

348 million rubles. - Revenue of the VIPport Business Terminal (Vnukovo) in 2013

11.5 million rubles. - Net profit of the Vipport Business Terminal (Vnukovo) in 2013

3 airlines dealing with business charters based in Vnukovo

Vnukovo-3 services also enjoy the richest Russians, and corporations: here, for example, Alisher Usmanova and Rustam Tariko aircraft are based, as well as Rosneft business jets, Gazprom, Novatek and Russian Railways. Abrau-Durso Group regularly rents business aviation aircraft based on Vnukovo-3, says the representative of Daria Domostroev. "We rent charters when we have large events in Abrau, which you need to bring a large number of guests." According to her, this year the company was rented twice the Bombardier Airline "Severstal".

The popularity of the airport is explained by its proximity to Moscow and Rublevo-Assumption Highway, from where high-ranking passengers are often coming. Vnukovo is located 8 km from Moscow, Sheremetyevo - 10 km, Domodedovo - 22 km. Only the latter provides the departure-arrival of a business jet without binding to time, clarifies the representative of this airport. However, the general director of one of the business aviation companies notes that Domodedovo did not find his permanent client because of its remoteness from the city center. Sheremetyevo among the business elite is not very popular yet, the deficit of the area is affected: one of the aircraft Alisher Usmanova was relocated in Vnukovo, since it interfered with the work of the Sheremetyevo cargo terminal. But the biggest problem is traffic jams (it is difficult to get to the airport due to the fact that the Leningrad highway is too loaded). Representatives of Sheremetyevo previously said that the airport will be able to return the position after the first plot of paid highway Moscow - St. Petersburg will be built.

Vnukovo is not only the most convenient, but also the most expensive capital airport for business aviation, employees of the operators and customers themselves are told. The service in Vnukovo costs 20% more expensive than in other European airports and Sheremetyevo, and by 30% compared to Domodedovo, says the general director of one of the airlines. The cost of the flight from Moscow, for example, to the south of Russia and back for passengers of one business jet with a capacity of up to 50 people is about 1 million rubles, the employee of one of the companies often flying from Vnukovo says.

Who is in share?

How exactly this revenue is exactly divided - it is difficult to understand. The cost of business jet is consisting of several parts, RBC was told by an employee of one of the brokers companies, which organizes flights by order of private clients. The cost structure includes the airport, which is calculated from the maximum take-off mass of the aircraft, the navigation collection (about € 100) for the provision of weathering (about € 50). This money is divided between state structures.

The main part of the remaining costs of passengers remain the owners of the VIP terminal. The so-called handling package for one of the most popular LEGASY 600 liners is located in Vnukovo € 2800, says the source RBC. It includes the provision of a tractor, accompaniment machines, technical control on arrival and departure, providing rooms for crew briefing and other services. Separately, cleaning services are paid, providing land sources, treatment with anti-icing fluid, the provision of hotel for staff and its transfer. The use of the Vnukovo-3-3 terminal by the passenger of such a flight will cost € 200.

Another important part of the cost of the business aviation passenger is the aircraft refueling (mainly fuel supplies the company "Vnukovo", the service for refueling is provided by Vipport or Swissport Russia, which serves regular flights to Vnukovo).

The title cost also does not include catering. Its passengers can order both at the airport and in the restaurant. Particularly popular, according to one of the operators, uses catering from the Pushkin restaurant. The cost of the aircraft parking lot per month at the airport Vnukovo is € 5-6 thousand. In the covered hangar, the price tag can reach € 1200 per day.

Neither the difference in the price, nor the tragedy with the plane of Chapter Total has not yet forced any of the clients of Vnukovo-3 to abandon his services (at least there was no public statements about it). "We will continue to fly from Vnukovo," says Domostroev from Abrau-Durso, "we will have the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the company in 2015, there will be many guests, and we will take advantage of their services again." "In the current situation, Vnukovo will not lose its client, this is a convenient airport, and the Total President not change this," said Alexander Evdokimov, the general director of Jet Transfer company.


Born in 1969 in Khabarovsk. He graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military Topographic School.

In 1993 he resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces

1995 CEO of VALS on oil processing at the Moscow and Ryazan refinery

1997 Deputy General Director of Vnukovo Airport on Investment Poll

2002 General Director of Vnukovo International Airport

2005 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vnukovo Airport



Vanzany, together with his father, Anatoly was the co-owner of the Aviation and Oil Company (ANC), which actually controlled the entire airport business Vnukovo, despite the fact that until November 2003, most of the shares of Vnukovo Airport was owned by the Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation. True, officially did not declare about the control of Vantsev. Ank Companies belonged to Vnukovo-Invest CJSC and part of Vnukovo International Airport JSC, as well as some other companies associated with air transport.

In April 2002, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov proposed Vladimir Putin to convey the shares of Vnukovo to the repayment of the debts of Moscow. Soon the corresponding decree was signed. Initially, for this was planned to redistribute the actions of the airport and transfer to the management of one structure. This was not done, but JSC Vnukovo Airport was chosen by the coordinator and the management company of the modernization project of the airport complex.

Source: "Kommersant-Power" dated January 30, 2002

At the end of 2008, CJSC "Commercial Agency of Domodedovo Airport" (Caad) filed lawsuits on the debts of AIRUNION, the head of the operational headquarters for the management of carriages of which was Vanzians, to the structures of Vnukovo airport, which was the guarantor for a number of obligations of Chrysair companies, " Domodedovo Airlines "and" Samara ". Vantsev argued that in all agreements arising from September 4 to September 7, 2008, during the remnation of carriers from Domodedovo to Vnukovo, the company paid.

Source: Kommersant No. 233 (4050) dated December 20, 2008

In August 2008, Domodedovo Airport refused to serve AIRUNION's Moscow flights due to debts of companies. To avoid crisis and thousands of unbelievable passengers, it was decided to transport flight AIRUNION from Domodedovo to Vnukovo, instead for the provision of AIRUNION debts for servicing in Domodedovo Vnukovo Airport.

Source: "Prime-Tass" from 06/22/2010

In 2008, Chrysair Airline, a member of the AIRUNION alliance fell under the inventory of property. Bailiffs received 40 executive sheets on decisions of arbitration courts on debts before tax authorities and legal entities. Without waiting for the results of the process of bankruptcy "Craysair", the bailiffs began an inventory of the company's property of the first stage: real estate, tables, telephones, computers. Arrest was imposed on the aircraft. But the company continued to transport passengers on aircraft, which were in leasing.

In addition, the Craisair bankruptcy claim was submitted by the leasing company Ilyushin Finance. And the head of the TEAP trading house, the largest lender AIRUNION, Evgeny Ostrovsky, said that the TOEAP sued dozens of lawsuits to the airlines of the Alliance for the fuel supplied.

Source: Kommersant (Novosibirsk) No. 181 (3998) of 07.10.2008

In December 2008, Vantsev became the largest owner of the SkyExpress airline, which was engaged in budget air transportation, receiving 39% of the shares. The founders of this company were brothers Boris and Alexander Abramovichi. On the basis of their bankrupt assets in the form of AIRUNION airliner, the company "Airlines of Russia" was created, the chapter of which was the Vantsev. However, SkyeExpress, he decided not to include in its composition by making a company to his personal project. Later, the baths consolidated 75% of the company's shares.

Source: Kommersant № 220 (4037) of 03.12.2008

In March 2009, Vans offered the Government of Moscow to buy 75% minus one share of Sky Express in one ruble. They said that a businessman thus sought to get a guarantee of his own investment in the company, which had big debts. Vanzov would be advantageous to unite the company with the Moscow Atlant Union, which was supposed to enter Rosavia - a company created by Rostechnologies and the Government of Moscow. Rosavia by that time also headed by Vanzians.

Source: "Kommersant" № 45 / P (4100) of 03/16/2009

However, Vantsev did not work with the managers of "Rostechnology" and soon left the post of general director Rosavia, instead of him the company headed the Deputy Minister of Transport Boris King. Vantsev was not only the general director of Rosavia, but also owned by the company of OJSC "Airlines", which should have become a legal entity of the new carrier, so Moscow bought at Vantseva his shares. The reasons for the resignation of Vanzueva were not called, but it was known that he had a relation to the relationship with the deputy director Igor Zavyalov, who oversees Rosavia. For the company "Rostekhnologii", Vantsev was a man whose conflict of interests, because he was a major shareholder of Vnukovo and Sky Express.

Source: Kommersant № 69 (4124) dated 04/17/2009

In July 2009, the Moscow Government began an offensive on Vantseva. The head of the city department of transport Vasily Kichegi in a letter to Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said that through the company Vnukovo Handling, controlled by Vansu, is the conclusion of the urban government assets. He asked to check the actions of the leadership of Vnukovo, believing that because of them, the city did not receive a controlling stake in Vnukovo-Handling, which had the right to conclude lease agreements in the new terminal under construction. In other words, the city tried to strengthen his influence over the airport.

Source: Kommersant No. 123 (4178) dated July 10, 2009

In 2009, JSC Vnukovo Airport, controlled by the Government of Moscow, bought 49% of the shares of Vnukovo Handling, a single operator for the sale of services at the airport. The package was bought at a nominal value - 500 thousand rubles. Thus, the city provided himself to larger control over the airport. It was specified that from the structures of Vantseva, the Vnukovo Handling packages were sold Vnukovo-Invest OJSC and OJSC Aviation and Petroleum Company.

Vans previously stated that "Vnukovo Handling" is just a cash center, and it does not object to the repurchase of the package of Moscow.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Co-investigator of Vnukovo Airport Vitaly Vitansev and billionaire Andrei Skosch are considered co-owners of "Vnukovo-Invest". In June 2014, Vnukovo-Invest re-elected the Board of Directors - in addition to Vitaly Vanzueva and the representative of Schocha, the general director of the Generation Foundation, Denis Mausenko, entered Larisa Gitar, director of development of USM Advisors LLC, which manages the assets of Alisher Usmanova, Schach And their other partners. The USM representative refused to comment. The source close to the company confirmed that Skoli through his father is indeed co-owner of business terminals in Vnukovo. Vans from comment refused.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies of the Rusaero Group of Companies (it includes the same airline) Dmitry Metztsov, who belongs to the second half of the "Vipport", a little known. He is considered the largest player in the business aviation market, says the general director of one of the business jet operators. The structures of Motversaw provide the same services in St. Petersburg Pulkovo, as well as at Sochi airports, Krasnodar, Anapa and Gelendzhik. Contact him RBC failed.

"Dear guests

Vnukovo is the most popular airport from the Russian business. According to the statistics of the European Flight Safety Organization (Eurocontrol, aggregates data on international flights), for 2013, on average, 30 flights of business aviation flew from Vnukovo-3. For comparison: from Sheremetyevo - seven, from Pulkovo - five, from Domodedovo Business Aviation Center - about four.

On the day of the four Moscow airports, 90-110 business jets (including domestic flights) depart, says the general director of one of the companies operators specializing in private flights. Vnukovo accounts for about 75%, his colleague from a competing company is approved. "Nine out of the ten of our flights depart from Vnukovo," says the representative of the company "Business Aviation".

Business Aviation in Moscow

90-110 Business Jets take off and landing at Moscow airports

75% Moscow departures of business jets fall on Vnukovo airport

8 kilometers - Distance from Moscow to Vnukovo. Proximity to the capital - the main advantage of the airport in front of Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo

20-30% - For so many business terminals in Vnukovo more expensive than in Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo

348 million rubles. - Revenue CJSC Vipport, Operator of the International Transport Business Terminal in 2013

11.5 million rubles. - Net profit of CJSC VIPport in 2013

3 airlines dealing with business charters based in Vnukovo

Vnukovo-3 services also enjoy the richest Russians, and corporations: here, for example, Alisher Usmanova and Rustam Tariko aircraft are based, as well as Rosneft business jets, Gazprom, Novatek and Russian Railways. Abrau-Durso Group regularly rents business aviation aircraft based on Vnukovo-3, says the representative of Daria Domostroev. "We rent charters when we have large events in Abrau, which you need to bring a large number of guests." According to her, this year the company was rented twice the Bombardier Airline "Severstal".

The popularity of the airport is explained by its proximity to Moscow and Rublevo-Assumption Highway, from where high-ranking passengers are often coming. Vnukovo is located 8 km from Moscow, Sheremetyevo - 10 km, Domodedovo - 22 km. Only the latter provides the departure-arrival of a business jet without binding to time, clarifies the representative of this airport. However, the general director of one of the business aviation companies notes that Domodedovo did not find his permanent client because of its remoteness from the city center. Sheremetyevo among the business elite is not very popular yet, the deficit of the area is affected: one of the aircraft Alisher Usmanova was relocated in Vnukovo, since it interfered with the work of the Sheremetyevo cargo terminal. But the biggest problem is traffic jams (it is difficult to get to the airport due to the fact that the Leningrad highway is too loaded). Representatives of Sheremetyevo previously said that the airport will be able to return the position after the first plot of paid highway Moscow - St. Petersburg will be built.

Vnukovo is not only the most convenient, but also the most expensive capital airport for business aviation, employees of the operators and customers themselves are told. The service in Vnukovo costs 20% more expensive than in other European airports and Sheremetyevo, and by 30% compared to Domodedovo, says the general director of one of the airlines. The cost of the flight from Moscow, for example, to the south of Russia and back for passengers of one business jet with a capacity of up to 50 people is about 1 million rubles, the employee of one of the companies often flying from Vnukovo says.

Who is in share?

How exactly this revenue is exactly divided - it is difficult to understand. The cost of business jet is consisting of several parts, RBC was told by an employee of one of the brokers companies, which organizes flights by order of private clients. The cost structure includes the airport, which is calculated from the maximum take-off mass of the aircraft, the navigation collection (about € 100) for the provision of weathering (about € 50). This money is divided between state structures.

The main part of the remaining costs of passengers remain the owners of the VIP terminal. The so-called handling package for one of the most popular LEGASY 600 liners is located in Vnukovo € 2800, says the source RBC. It includes the provision of a tractor, accompaniment machines, technical control on arrival and departure, providing rooms for crew briefing and other services. Separately, cleaning services are paid, providing land sources, treatment with anti-icing fluid, the provision of hotel for staff and its transfer. The use of the Vnukovo-3-3 terminal by the passenger of such a flight will cost € 200.

Another important part of the business aviation passenger costs is the aircraft refueling (mainly fuel supplies the company "Vnukovo", the service for refueling provides Swissport Russia, which serves regular flights to Vnukovo).

The title cost also does not include catering. Its passengers can order both at the airport and in the restaurant. Particularly popular, according to one of the operators, uses catering from the Pushkin restaurant. The cost of the aircraft parking lot per month at the airport Vnukovo is € 5-6 thousand. In the covered hangar, the price tag can reach € 1200 per day.

Neither the difference in the price, nor the tragedy with the plane of Chapter Total has not yet forced any of the clients of Vnukovo-3 to abandon his services (at least there was no public statements about it). "We will continue to fly from Vnukovo," says Domostroev from Abrau-Durso, "we will have the celebration of the 145th anniversary of the company in 2015, there will be many guests, and we will take advantage of their services again." "In the current situation, Vnukovo will not lose its client, this is a convenient airport, and the total president that happened to the President of the President Total will not change this," Alexander Evdokimov says the general director of Jet Transfer.

We hope the air will have too

September 9, 2015, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2015 No. 393 "On the Open Joint-Stock Company" An International Airport "Vnukovo" was published an order of the Government of the Russian Federation on measures to determine the size of the Russian Federation and non-state shareholders in The authorized capital of the Open Joint Stock Company International Airport "Vnukovo". On this, about the development of the airport, the support of airlines, and many other things we speak with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC International Airport Vnukovo Vitalya Vantsev.

Vitany Vitaly Anatolyevich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Vnukovo International Airport". Born on November 10, 1969 in Khabarovsk. In 1990, at the end of the Leningrad Supreme Military Topographic School, he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 1997 he graduated from the Academy of Economics and International Economic Relations. In 2001 he defended The dissertation for the degree of candidate of law. Works in civil aviation since 1992 and all these years his activity is connected with Vnukovo airport. He served various leadership posts in the Vnuków Airport Complex. He was awarded the badge of the "Excellence of Air Transport" in 2004 and bad sign "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia" in 2005. Married. Has six children.

- Vitaly Anatolyevich, at the disposal of the president states the creation of a single company, managing all the airport complex "Vnukovo". Please explain how it will be implemented.

At this disposal of the government is defined only the perimeter of steps. Based on the order, an appraiser from the Big Four will be hired. Further, on the basis of the assessment, the shares between the state and the private shareholders of the entire group of companies will already be distributed. The result of this process will be the fact that in the airport "Vnukovo" there will be one legal entity. Where they started, to this back arrive in more correct commercial civilized conditions.

- What are the next steps? Is privatization of state lobe?

I think that today it is still early to talk about this topic, especially in the current economic situation. First we are consolidating on the basis of "Vnukovo International Airport", and then we will make adjustments depending on how the market will move in general. The state itself will decide that it will do with its share. For the state may be interesting and sell your share package, and leave it at yourself. I think that at the moment it's too early to talk about it, we have already seen many times how it was announced - "Now we privatize it", then "no, do not privatize ". Unpredictable for anyone. There is a lot of options for the state, right up to the market of securities, maybe it will be. Let's see.

- Indeed, the state does not rarely change their plans. It is remembered, there was such a story with the alleged association "Vnukovo" and "Sheremetyevo" under the wing of the Unified Management Company.

It was a long time ago. There was an instruction at that time Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin is about just to work on consolidation. This process took about one and a half years, consultants worked, which showed that synergies do not give it, and the deterioration of market relations will occur. The state based on this work decided that the consolidation of the Moscow aircraft would not, but the consolidation of the enterprises themselves are separately "Sheremetyevo", separately "Vnukovo", by the way, separately "Domodedovo", it is necessary to do this. Actually, this way we go today. You know that on Sheremetyevo, the decree on consolidation also came out. A similar situation happened in world practice 25 years ago.

- So now the process goes faster? When to expect the emergence of a single company in "Vnukovo"?

I think that in "Vnukovo" it should be in 9-12 months. Such deadlines are necessary to harmonize technical issues.

- Is there a general assessment of the value of all assets that will be included in a new company?

A new assessment will be made. Everything changes, today old numbers are irrelevant. Everything is in dynamics. This year we grew by 30% in the volume of traffic, and this is also reflected in the cost of assets. In the airport business - the more passengers, the more capitalization.

- What airlines generate such a significant increase in volumes?

The main companies that we gave rise to - "victory" and "Transaero". They continue, apparently, will be growth drivers.

- But today, many believe that Transaero's airline will be eliminated.

If Tranzaero wanted to "kill", then we have already slipped the "murder". Today, when all solutions have already been adopted and the company changes the owners, it means only one thing - it will definitely fly. The new owner will tell us the strategy of its development for 6 months. I do not think that we will see something that they do not assume. Not the first time this story happens. We have seen already an association of a number of companies under the auspices of Aeroflot in subsidiaries. Yes, some legal entities are no longer there, but there are directions and passengers, and there are planes. Actually, me, as the leader and co-owner of the airport, more interested in the number of flights and passengers serviced in Vnukovo. I think "Aeroflot" does not just take the "Transaero" under the wing, definitely not to destroy all this and give someone to another market share, namely, to consolidate all this inside itself. What will the Consolidation scheme itself, I think that today and in Aeroflot will not answer this question. Need time.

- There was information that the directions of Transaero will reduce and only about 30% of the aircraft fleet will be preserved.

I would not have spent so categorically yet. It happens that the situation occurs, and everyone starts to make loud statements. Here I have a lot of experience in resolving such situations. If you remember, I solved the problems associated with the bankruptcy "Air Union", and I want to explain to you one thing: passengers themselves do not go anywhere, they need to be treated. It will reduce, maybe. But first the analysis of the fact that there is today in Transaero: what leases, what aircraft, under what conditions, which are planes are contracted in the Aeroflote. Do not forget, all airlines have long leases, fresh commitments, aircraft that come now. Maybe you should first get rid of the old, considering that new people come. It is about it, and not to reduce the directions. What for? See, as soon as you cut here, and the passengers will not go anywhere, they must be transported, it means that someone will definitely do this. For example, our basic carrier "UTair" optimized last year its route network by 30%, and passengers did not disappear anywhere, they simply disassembled other companies. "UTair" had an ineffective aircraft fleet, which were at one time taken on ineffective rates, here "UTair" from them got rid of them. And someone in the market airplanes and capacity booted to a greater extent, that's all. Therefore, there should not be sharp conclusions. I think that today, no one in the Transaero, nor in Aeroflota will not say, from which they will be in "Transaero" to get rid of, and from what not. I can definitely say what they do not get rid of - from international destinations. It is necessary to work on them, and they are recorded for Transaero on intergregative agreements. And the Transaero has 50% internal transportation, and 50% - international. And she will not leave anywhere. The route network, of course, will decrease partly, but not exactly 70%. Surely, the fleet can cut percentage by 20, get rid of some cost-in-efficient aircraft, taking into account the fact that new, already contracted Transaero. In any case, this is the best solution that could be taken in the current situation. Aeroflot rescued everyone!

- And you did not discuss with the new owner of Transaero my share package? What will you do with it?

No, we have not yet discussed. Another time has passed since the decision to make a decision on the transfer of Aeroflot. I think we will discuss next week. My package is about 4.8%. We will negotiate with new owners. They will announce the company's development strategy. From this we will be repelled what to do with our package and how we will interact. Mass options ... from sale, before you leave.

- Does Transaero have debt to "Vnukovo"?

There is. But the situation is quite working. I am sure that we will find mutual understanding about this and with new owners. Moreover, we have already a good experience in resolving such issues. For example, we can restructure it. We can consider any options to help the airline fly and work.

- When "Utaira" had problems debt, you seemed to them discount?

The situation with "UTair" has also developed right away. The problems of "Utaira" began at the end of July 2014. And when we saw all the depth of the problems, discussed and outlined a further strategy. And we were given a discount only in October. That is, 2 months of negotiations have passed, discussions. I think that the process is also not fast here. Of course, let's go to meet. We always go towards airlines so that they live and worked. This situation will not be an exception.

- And what about the repayment of debts "UTair"?

The situation with "UTair" is a very good example of the strategic cooperation of the airport and airlines in various crisis situations. There were many experts on the market in September last year, who shouted about default. No, for October, the month of last year the duty of the airline in front of the airport was 900 million rubles, and today it has already decreased to 700 million, and I am sure it will continue to decline. Do not forget what difficult situation was the airline, but it, in addition to current payments (for operational activities), finds the possibility of extinguishing debts. "UTair" does everything possible to close old debts, and it absolutely suits us. This is exactly better than the loss of the carrier. And then what to do? Write off debts during bankruptcy - the worst thing that could be. Better long restructuring, interaction and cooperation.

- So, do you have resources to lend debtors and live yourself?

I will say honestly, there are no resources. Also with great difficulty, we all succeed. We try. In fact, we spent very much work to reduce costs. We talked about it more than once. Built the airport in such a way that our permanent operating costs are minimal. Shareholders invested once really very seriously, and this allowed today to save on the OS. In the "Vnukovo" good cost, so the airport today can be so competitive to maintain our airlines, providing preferential tariffs. Our main task is to give our partners to safely work and develop. And the airline for this is responding - we expect to move to us more than more carriers.

- What are the expected results of the year by passenger traffic?

We plan to serve about 16 million passengers. Last year - 12.8 million, that is, about 30% of growth. Modern infrastructure "Vnukovo" allows to grow up to 30 million passengers per year. We have problems only with the bandwidth "by air", but this is the problem of the entire Moscow aircraft. The situation is on the control of the Prime Minister. I am sure that it will still be solved.

- What about the business aviation segment in connection with the current general economic problems? What is the speaker?

Of course, the dynamics are negative, but not so negative, which we predicted in November last year. When this year's budget was built, expected a radical abbreviation in the business aviation segment - from 20 to 35%. But in the whole year, we see that there will be a decrease in about 12-15%. Moreover, the main decline fell at the beginning of the year, and now the third quarter is already, and the situation is slowly aligned. On the contrary, there is a trend towards an increase in volumes. Business adapted to a new situation and starts to play. Of course, routes change. If earlier there were more flights to the west, that today we have a grid changed enough enough - more flights has become east, to Central Asia, to the Middle East. For example, such a number of flights to the UAE, as now, there is never to this region. Many flights to China. This is visible not only by business aviation, but also on regular flights. In the Chinese direction in Vnukovo, passenger traffic grows significantly. If in general in many countries passenger traffic falls, then China is one of those markets that shows growth.

- Do you lead statistics on transit passengers? How technologically is ready for the growth of transit passenger traffic?

We are conducting such statistics. For example, by the two largest "Vnukovo" carriers "UTair" and "Transaero", the share of transit passengers served at the Vnukovo airport is about 30%. I think that now will be more, because in the direction of increasing the share of transit passengers and ORENAIR is moving. Technologically, we are ready to provide the possibility of transit in a much shorter time period than the one asks for the airline themselves. Vnukovo can provide transit in an hour, but because airlines prefer to collect passengers from several flights at once, it can be said that, on average, today we have a transit of 2-2.5 hours. You were at the airport, we saw that it was necessary to spend no more than 20 minutes to transition to international lines from the internal passenger. This is with all the procedures, both in one and the other way, without leaving the common rooms and not receiving your luggage. I won't be afraid to say, in Mau, we are generally organized the best transit. And, probably, in the whole country. All in one place, everything is very convenient. On the one hand, locally, on the other hand, in a large, comfortable space.

- As the main passenger terminal (saturation) of the main passenger terminal, will there be any problems with business aviation on Earth?

We are always when we consider the airport bandwidth as a whole, and when I speak about 30 million passengers, let these figures, taking into account the "Vnukovo-3". We consider everything in the complex. If we worked only for "Vnukovo-1", they could get numbers and in 45 million. It must be understood that 1 flight of the aircraft from Vnukovo-3 and Vnukovo-1 is a completely different number of passengers. And the airfield operations are the same. It is with this account that we leave 10 operations for business aircraft. We have potential for growth. At the same time, if in a year or two we will come to the concession agreement, we will be able to implement the project for the development of the airfield, which we have. To date, it has not yet been completed until the end, and if there is an intensive increase in volumes, we can implement a project for the construction of two additional cargo tracks that will allow you to increase the throughput on the ground.

- Concession agreement - This is meant by the Pulkovo sample?

Yes, between the Russian Federation and the main operator. Only there in concession and airports got. And we have already built airports. In the concession of the air bonds will not fall, but only the airfield.

- Is there any construction on the territory of the airfield now?

At the moment we have completed all our construction program. We have a development project, there are all the conclusions of the State Expertization. Everything is in order to continue development. To date, there is no such need. When we see that we are moving to the border of 20 million passengers a year, we will begin to gradually hold the opponents, first of all, and, in the future, two taxiing tracks. We will have two runways, we hope that we will also have throughout air through the air.

R. Gusarov, Y.Kuzmina

On April 25, 2013, the Official Opening Ceremony of the Pulkovo-3 Business Aviation Center was held.

Pulkovo-3 is the first in the north-western region of the Aviation Business Center, which provides a full range of services and possessing all the necessary infrastructure. Commissioning of such a significant and expensive facility of the airport infrastructure is a new stage of business aviation development in St. Petersburg and in the Russian Federation.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of CBA Pulkovo-3 is 100,000 sq. M., where the peer is located, the Passenger Terminal Building (4000 sq.m.), and much more. The modern interior, a cozy atmosphere, a beautiful view, opening on his own performance No. 6 with 28 parking lots, exclusive bar service, professional staff is only part of the advantages that Pulkovo-3 Pulkovo-3 passenger terminal provides its customers.

Honorary guest ceremony took part in the opening ceremony: Head of the Federal Agency for the Arctication of the State Border of the Russian Federation Dmitry Aleksandrovich Nazelov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Vnukovo" Vitaly Anatolyevich Vantsev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rusaero Group of Companies Dmitry Victoroich, General Director of Air LLC Gate of the Northern Capital "Sergey Vladimirovich Emdin, General Director of the Center for Aviation" Pulkovo-3 "Sergey Gennadevich Pugin.

"I am very pleased to attend the opening center of the Pulkovo-3 Aviation Business, which meets all international standards. I would like to thank the designers, architects, builders - a team that created such a miracle here. The team of Vnukovo has a great experience of such work, we have built not one The terminal and this aircraft business center became a crown of creation. I am grateful to the federal authorities for help and support, for going to meet this project. Special words of appreciation to the Federal Security Service, Federal Security Agency for the State Border Arrangement, the Federal Customs Service. Also I want Say thanks to the leadership of Pulkovo Airport, "said V.A. Vantsev. In turn, D.A. Nezadov congratulated everyone with the discovery of Pulkovo-3 and noted the good prospects of the operating center of business aviation, given that it can serve both domestic and international flights. We will remind, after the comprehensive completion of construction (reconstruction), equipment and technical equipment of buildings, premises and structures necessary for the organization at the checkpoint of the border, customs and other types of control, as well as after commissioning an object in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, Rosrzanitsa Events were held to open the checkpoint of the reconstructed service within the center of Pulkovo-3 business. The bandwidth of the pass point is 30 people. at one o'clock

In total, more than 250 high-ranking guests took part in the official opening ceremony (owners and top management of airlines flying aircraft business aviation, representatives of the aircraft owners, the administration of St. Petersburg, representatives of FAVT Rosaviation, heads of partner companies and T .d.), both from St. Petersburg and Moscow and from the countries of the near and far abroad. The partners of the event were representatives of such a large Petersburg business as: OJSC "Ladoga Industrial Group" and JSC Construction Corporation "Revival of St. Petersburg", which made their additional contributions to the organization and conduct of an event at a high professional level.

During the event, agreements were reached with leading airlines specializing in the fulfillment of flights of business aviation about long-term cooperation in servicing aircraft in St. Petersburg on the territory of the Center for Aviation Pulkovo-3.