Where the plane crashed into the Pentagon. American fairy tale cut into a pentagon of the plane

The snapshot was made even before the Pentagon building collapsed. Where is the plane, where is the gigantic shaver in the wall? The picture shows the burning hole of small sizes, but it could not slip into it the plane with the wings of the wings. 38 meters.

  • According to Bin Laden, the divisions of the terrorist organization Al-Keda have nothing to do with the events of September 11 in New York and Washington. The terrorist stated that the enemies of Islam and Christianity were organized. "Countries such as Israel, India, Russia and Serbia could organize terrorist attacks. Do not ignore the fact that Jews are discontent with the election of George Bush's president," said Bain Laden in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Takbir. (eleven)
  • 2002 - Bush and his junta managed to redirect the anger of America from Osama Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein. This is one of the greatest PR tricks in history. According to the results of a recent public opinion poll, now every second American believes that Saddam Hussein was involved in attacking the World Trade Center. Dumb American masses again showed that they would believe everything they say on TV. What country is still preparing a cunning attack on America? (five)
  • Have you ever seen a photo or video of the aircraft at the Pentagon or what fell from the forest? No, no one has seen them, because They do not exist. But there are shooting, where there is simply scorched land on the site. There were no these aircraft! Here are 2 pentagon pictures immediately after the explosion.
Boeing height approx. 13 meters somehow punched only the first floor, although the height of the building is approx. 24 meters).

Left: Obviously, the plane folded the wings and dismissed in a small hole without a trace. Right: So it was supposed to look like a hole from impact

  • Nero is acknowledged Rome to blame Christians.

    1964 - Americans pretend that they were fired by Vietnamese. It becomes the official reason for the beginning of the war, which claimed the life of 58,000 American soldiers and 3.1 million Vietnamese fighters and civilians.

    1979 - Italy. The CIA creates terrorist groups in Italy, which had to discredit missum-communist red brigades. To do this, attacks on civilians who were then attributed to the Communists. In 1979, about 2,000 attempts were committed.

    1983 - Grenada. The reason for the beginning of the US military operation was the seizure of American students. US President Ronald Reagan \\ Ronald Reagan said that "Cuban-Soviet occupation of the Grenada" was preparing ", and also that weapons were created on the Grenada, which can use international terrorists. After the seizure of the Island of the United States (1983), it turned out that the students were not held in hostages, and the warehouses were filled with old Soviet weapons. Before the invasion of US invasion, they announced that 1.2 thousand Cuban Commandos was located on the island. After it turned out that Cubans were no more than 200, a third of them made up civilian specialists.

    The Americans have broken operation, during which they wanted to blow up a nuclear warhead at the Iraqi military factory. It is possible that then report the world about the terrible danger of Iraq and introduce troops there, but the exact details are unknown. (14)

    1993 - 1st Attempt by American intelligence agencies to undermine the old and dilapidated global shopping center. The explosive was incorrectly located and did not work, as expected. All guilt hung on Islamic terrorists.

    1995 - the explosion of the State Department in Oklahoma City. Again the handwriting of the special services, again accused of the guilty of unfortunate people (in the end, the case is hanging on one person who is executed). Proper panic does not arise, therefore, push the new world order is not possible. But 58% of Americans agree with the cutting of their rights for the sake of more efficient struggle against terrorism, which happens. After the explosion, President Clinton legalized the police law to commit any crimes against the Constitution in the interests of fighting terrorism. As in the case of the World Trade Center, certain categories of workers were prevented in advance about the "terrorist attack" and did not go to work. In this case, these were all the employees of the Bureau of Control for Sale Alcoholic Beverages, tobacco Products and Weapons.

    September 11, 2001 - 2 aircraft are cut into the same World Trade Center. The government claims that there were 4 airplanes, although there is not a single eyewitty of their fall, like no photos or video. The shock was strong enough to lean 94% of Americans to the exclusion of hostilities, "even if many thousands of innocent citizens are killed." The new redistribution of the world in favor of the United States begins, which also proclaimed the Americans on September 11, 1991. Again as an excuse, they used an attack on themselves.

    We will add countless smaller episodes to this list when the Americans arranged the terrible crimes of opponents with their own hands to incline the world community to their side. The "terrorist attack" on September 11, in principle, no different from the actions of the fictitious divisions of Vietkong, who the Americans instructed to kill and rape Vietnamese to discredit the front of national liberation. He does not differ from the "finds" of the fictitious communist weapons warehouses in El Salvador. He does not differ from the fictitious symbiological army of the liberation created by the CIA / FBI to discredit genuine revolutionaries. " (1, 2, 13, 15, 24)

  • Download file: Here you can see the video presentation of the facts that refute the official version of the United States (need Flash-Player, approx. 3 MB).
  • "In 1997, when Bush held the post of governor of Texas, the Air Force, Air Force showed a report on the leaders of the Taliban, who arrived from Afghanistan to Houston to meet with the heads of the Unocal oil company and agree on the possibility of building a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Collection of information regarding the feasibility of such The project was charged with the company "Enron" - the very corporation that was the main sponsor of your election campaigns - and the governor's and presidential. The construction of the gas pipeline was to carry out the company "Halliburton". At that time he headed her Dick Cheney (Dick Cheney) - the current Vice -President of the United States. For what reason, Texas took these representatives of the government of terrorists on his land? "(7)
  • Mayor of San Francisco Willy Brown 8 hours before the start of the "terrorist attacks" received a call from the Condoleezza Rice not consulting him to fly by plane in New York that he had scheduled for September 11. (25)
  • "According to the London" Times ", Bush allowed a private aircraft from Saudi Arabia to cross the territory of the United States in order to collect and take out a dozen relatives Bin Laden beyond the country. It happened in the coming days and weeks after the events of September 11. Relatives Bin Laden They were called for interrogation either into the police or the FBI; there was no uniform attempt to find out if they have any important information. " (7)

    "Major International Corporations, including" Microsoft ", Ubs and Compaq, were among those who transferred donations to Islamic charitable organizations, which, according to official representatives of the United States, were among the leading financiers of Al-Qaida (Al-Qaeda ), Osama bin Laden organization. " (nine)

  • As it is known, the pit at the site of the fall of the aircraft in Pennsylvania was filled with wreckage "less than a cigarette pack", i.e. the plane burst into the smallest pieces (see photo gallery). However, even if on all the loading capacity of Boeing, it was loaded into it any powerful explosive, such as hexogen, then the aircraft fuselage would not break the puzzle level. Dural, from which the aircraft housings are built, does not apply to fragile metals - it is not phosphorous steel of bombs and shells. (eighteen)

    In October 2001, the attackers were sent by mail envelopes with disputes of Siberian ulcers in a number of government agencies, including Congress, as well as television companies. In December 2001, the FBI recognized that the disputes of the Siberian ulcers found in the postal sections are of American origin. "They were produced here," the Assistant Director of the FBI Boston Gluri said in an interview. At the same time, he referred to the results of a laboratory analysis. However, MON refused to go into details. Previously, thanks to the American media, a version of the Iraqi origin of the dispute was distributed. Often the republics of the former Soviet Union are mentioned in the same connection. (19) The use of letters as a tool for the propagation of deadly bacteria has not become news for South African specialists who worked on the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons by order of the apartheid regime as part of the fight against national liberation movement in southern Africa. The Siberian ulcer was one of hundreds of toxins, which were produced in Rudopleate laboratory in the 80s. Moreover, it was successfully turned into such a form that allowed it to be used as a "weapon". The technology of application of the Siberian ulcer on the subjects of everyday consideration, including letters and stationery, with the aim of killing people was applied within the framework of the project "Coast" for the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons with the help of the American CIA. Speaking at the lawsuit passing in Pretoria over the head of this project by Dr. Water Basson, Microbiologist Mike Odendale said that he worked with 46 strains of Bacteria of Siberian ulcers. In particular, according to the director of research by Andre Immelman, he puts the disputes of Siberian ulcers for several packs of cigarettes. These packs, according to him, were distributed among the "enemies of the South African state" in Angola and Namibia. Odenadal brought the disputes of Siberian ulcers into chocolate, mixed them with glue, which was used to seal letters. (10)

  • "After the collapse of the" Evil Empire ", the USSR - America lost grounds for the heroic world expansion. No one could answer the simple question" Why should America must be the leader of mankind? ". Blessed Years Clinton, when American Exchanges were leaving from growing above the sky. Empty computer shares, added doubts in the world-historical role of the United States as a Messiah country, the only and last federal empire. It was necessary to bring America from afternoon hibernation, remind her about Messianism. Bush Jr. did it. Not by chance Washington Superman, Deputy Minister Wolfowitz, as similar to the caricature Reagan from the journal "Crocodile" of the beginning of the eighties, was mentioned soon after the booster of the Jr. on the throne: so that we shake and remember our destination, America needs a new Pearl-Harbor. "The right" disaster did not force themselves for a long time wait. " (29)
  • in July 2001, the international terrorist Usama Ben Laden, who was already announced "to international wanted", was treated in the American clinic in Dubai (UAE). There he met with the head of the legal representation of the CIA in the UAE. The American Dr. Terry Calluway, heading the branch of urology in the clinic Dubai, was allegedly engaged in the treatment of Ben Laden. With the Taliban, the United States also had quite partnerships until recently. So, on May 17 of this year, US Secretary of State Colin Powel announced the transfer of 43 million dollars to the Taliban for the destruction of poppy fields in Afghanistan. About where the money went and whether the poppy fields were actually destroyed, no one knows. (20)
  • In this Pakistani newspaper "Ummat", Interview with Usama Ben Laden reported that he considers the Jewish community of Florida to be the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States, who "did not forgive George Bush to election him in the presidential election in the United States." Removing himself guilt for the terrorist attacks, Ben Laden, in particular, says: "Neither I nor my organization Al-Keda is not related to those who attacked America. They could be anyone - people who are part of the American system, But at the same time, they opposing it, or any group, intending to turn this age in the age of confrontation between Muslim and Christianity. " Speaking about the evidence of his guilt, which intend to submit the US intelligence service, Ben Laden, according to the newspaper "Ummat", says: "The intelligence service about this and ask, they receive billions of dollars every year. We are against the American system, but we are not against the American People. Islam does not allow to kill innocent men, women and children even in wartime. " (22)
  • Americans continue to argue that there were no explosions in the buildings of the World Trade Center. Were! It's hard to lie when there are witnesses. In both buildings, an explosive was embedded in advance, which helped so beautifully engage the skyscrapers. You can listen to the passages of the two Amer reports. Channel Si-Bi-Es, where bombings are reported inside buildings.
  • It is curious to observe America's reaction to the emergence of information that exposes the official version. At first there were numerous pressure attempts to the government of other countries, so that they banned the publication of some books, especially dangerous for the USA T. Miesesan's book "Monstrous Machination. No plane fell on the Pentagon"

    Download file: because It contained the unique photo of the Pentagon, where the absence of an aircraft in front of the Pentagon is clearly seen (see photo gallery). The reaction was reverse, the book was transferred to 28 languages \u200b\u200band sold out with millions of circulation. There were telephone threats and media campaigns against journalists who died to doubt the statements of American propaganda. Then there was a series of "documentary" films, where the "conspiracy theory" allegedly exposes. Consider one of them, "September 11th was not" (Der 11. September Fand Nicht Statt). It was shown throughout Europe. In 2004, the authors argue that this very "conspiracy theory" was invented ... Communists and fascists who have personal accounts with America. A kind of communist plot of paranoids. Argument? It is simply not. The authors of the film use well-tested techniques - they do not even try to prove something, refute, explain at least the most ridiculous inconsistencies of the official version. Instead, they are trying to create an extremely negative image to someone who thinks their head instead of believing Bush-junior. The authors are trying to inspire the viewer that if you are not a communist, a fascist or paranoid, then you will believe in the American version without any evidence. Worse, leading horror on the face reports that some still believe that America really seeks to rule the world, and the war in Iraq is due to oil. "If you do not believe in the American version of the attacks, then you do not believe in the Genocide of Jews during World War II, you do not believe in freedom and democracy, which are incompatible with all theories of conspiracies, but you believe in the nightmare" protocols of the Zion Wise men "Russian Production. Only totalitarian states are capable of conspiracies, with democracy such practices are incompatible, "so his message sounds. Obviously, the author himself does not notice that he is trying to make us believe in the communist conspiracy in order to discredit the United States as a "good empire". It even reaches the frank insults of the type "those who do not believe in the official American version - idiots, assistants of terrorists, paranoids." Such arguments do not explain the absence of Boeing in the ruins of the Pentagon. But there is in this film and interesting information - for example, you can find out that in Germany, 20% of the population believe that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 arranged the American government.

  • at least five of 19 terrorist hijackers who have committed terrorist attacks in New York and Washington have passed flight practices at military bases in the United States. (21)
  • "At least 15 of the 19 terrorists who participated in the operation were citizens of Saudi Arabia. But to bomb, nevertheless, Bush became Afghanistan. An error occurred when aiming? Or was it too risky to attack the country that supplies America 25% of gasoline? As soon as it was A campaign to establish control over all Afghanistan was completed, Bush immediately appointed the head of the temporary government of the former adviser to one of the oil corporations. Then one of the former members of the Unocal Council was appointed a new ambassador in Afghanistan, and after a few more months, a contract was signed on construction of the gas pipeline. "(7)
one plane made three small holes in each of the pierced buildings

maybe it happened because the building struck three rockets?

  • We will not forget that the attacks of retaliation were applied to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, where such ordinary people are sitting, but, frankly, military and economic gangsters engaged in the economic challenge and the destruction of entire peoples. Millions of "ordinary Americans" happily squeezed and sang when the American missiles, bombs, shells of peaceful people on all continents of the planet. And here's the result. As the saying goes: "Oh, you sang? So go fucking!" "Dance" in a pan, which the United States is constantly holding a hot church for other peoples, will still have a lot, because in the overwhelming majority they are too accustomed to see themselves in the role of the world's lords. Therefore, today 71% of Americans speak out for war and extremely brutal revenge terrorists. And with all this we are trying to tears to tall today's situation in the United States. TV speakers say: "An incredible tragedy, which has not yet been in the history of mankind!" And millions of people destroyed by America in Korea and Vietnam!? And Russia genocide annually decreasing more than a million people? We want to tighten the fact that in the whole of Europe there are already 3 minutes of mourning. But why did the "civilized" europe "supercivilized" America did not declare mourning, but, on the contrary, was shoved during the broadcasts of the brutal shooting of the Supreme Council in 1993? We are told that under all conditions terrorism is very bad. And debris state terrorism USA? And the fact that the United States has long been transformed by the UN International Terrorist Organization, under the flag of which the extermination of millions of people is open, is that good? Familiar Logic: Who is Silen, that's right! And what to do that who has no such strength and who constantly gives someone else's evil force? Suppose these terrorist attacks are really committed by representatives of some Arab states. But how else, besides terror, these small states can fight the terror of the monstrous military car USA? How else can you form America? Judging by the highest qualifications of execution, the operation of September 11 could be carried out only by professionals of state special services, and, quite possible, American. And as not ashamed to issue such Chernukha as the evidence of the Arabic trail, as "who detected suddenly" the car with "randomly" left instructions for the management of Boeing in Arabic and the Koran! The provocation of American special services could be carried out to protect such a beloved America of Israel. And we know how the Israeli invaders were activated after the terrorist attack. The provocation could organize American democrats to discredit Republicans and, most importantly, to prepare their victory in the following elections. But, if we talk about the purely American origin of this provocation, then it is the most likely motivating factor may appear to be a permanent desire of the United States with someone to fight, first, keep peace in fear, secondly, and this is the most The main thing is to fulfill from economic crises and, moreover, to extract profits from these wars. The United States is generally needed constant duty for war, and when the reason to fight exists without a completely definite "culprit", from which you can make a "scapegoat, it is the best option for them, for it allows you to rush to anyone. In this case, Ben Laden is just a find For America. It is especially good what is unknown where it is located. Maybe in Afghanistan, maybe in Pakistan, Iraq or anywhere else, and therefore you can bomb anyone. And, of course, if bin Laden was not, That America would come up with him. By the way, it was in essence and it was. America not only came up with, but also in reality created the Taliban and the Taliban movement itself to combat the Soviet Union. (17)

Why immediately after extinguishing the fire in the Pentagon, the lawn was covered with gravel in front of the building? Maybe it was not clear that there are no traces of the aircraft's strike on the grass, which at first fell according to the lawn?

  • 2004. At least 76 percent of Internet sites close to Al-Qaeda radical Islamist organizations are based in the United States and Canada. This was announced on the eve of the Algerian newspaper Expresson, which refers to the report of the Washington Research Institute for Middle Eastern Information received at its disposal. "At that moment, when Washington and His allies" Total War "against terrorism reached apogee, close to Ben Laden, radical groups continue to propaganda over the Internet, and at least 76% of their sites are on American Earth," quotes Newspaper Excerpt from the report. According to his authors, in the United States, in particular, 25 sites "only the organization close to Al-Qaida. There are two sites of the Algerian radical Salafis group of preaching and jihad. Islamist electronics, noted in the report, settled Also in the UK, Russia, UAE, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries. From there they lead to propaganda, they assume responsibility for the perfect terrorist attacks, serve for communication between different Islamist groups. (30)
  • "Izvestia" (12.09), calling the United States "Empire of Good" (! ??), write: "Is it worth talking about some kind of inadequate at all? It will not be" point blows "in the databases of terrorists, but full-fledged military operations against integer. nations. " And with the cannibal delight they report that "with Russia now demand is now." "Vedomosti" require from the Russian leadership to decide with whom it is: "with protecting civilization or with those who are protected from whom?" The newspaper asks: "Will the heads of rogue countries be visited ... or Russia will finally become a sincere partner of the Civilized state club?" "Countries - otgoes"! .. No, this, constantly used today, expression does not just give fascism, it is a direct evidence of the most real fascism, which is long over the USA and which they seek to infect all their Kolauyev. The most famous US agent V. Pozner, gathered recently a gang of "political scientists", tested them on loyalty to the overseas owner with a question: "Who should Russia have to be with the West or with terrorists?" And what to do with highly paid Judah, if Putin has long hurried to declare that "We are with America"? Some, though, spinning a little, trying to portray intelligence and flour conscience, but in the end everyone joined the general opinion that Russia should be sold. And how many such villains are publicly competing today in Christ! You can understand them. After all, they are all direct debtors of America. She made capitalism in Russia for them, she feeds them today and ensures their safety. You can understand. But remember well - you need! (17)

Ann Kaleter is a political analyst, a journalist, which is not only constantly printed in the right newspapers, but also regularly appears on the popular current of the US TV. In short, celebrity. However, it acquired loud fame after September 12, 2001, when he wrote in the newspaper New York Dale News: "Now it is not time to accurately determine the direct culprits of this terrorist act ... We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and turn them in christianity. "(16)

  • Zinoviev A., Philosopher, Writer, Scientist: "I personally have events in New York and Washington remind the beginning of the Second World War, when the Nazis organized a provocation against Poland, staged an attack on the border German Gleivitz town." (12)
  • Bush has signed plans for "combating terrorism" around the world, including the occupation of Afghanistan, on September 10, and the explosions occurred only on September 11. (27)
  • august 2002 - 52% of the Russian respondents continues to think that on September 11, 2001, the Americans "got a file." (28)
Right - Genuine photo of Osama Bin Laden 1998.

Left - a frame from the video filled with the American authorities in December 2001. (The shadows were removed in the photo, made sharper tones and corrected focus). This film allegedly proves the involvement of the "terrorist number 1" to the September 11 terrorist attacks. However, we are clearly visible on the left photograph of a person with a much wider nose, more complete and with completely different features of the face. (23)

September 11, 2001 in the United States carried out a series of terrorist attacks, which caused the death of 2977 people. According to the official version, destructive attacks were carried out by members of the Al-Qaida grouping *, but there are facts that can refute the generally accepted point of view.

Fast version

The official version of what happened is. Early in the morning of September 11, 2001, four passenger "Boeing" were captured in the air Arab terrorists. The hijackers were armed only by stationery knives and gas cans. Two aircraft attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan, the third aircraft was sent to the Pentagon building, the fourth did not fly to the Capitol and collapsed in the middle of the field in Pennsylvania.

This version was formed literally a few days after the tragedy and the US government did not change it anymore. Such spelling conclusions suggest that in Washington to this was preparing in advance.

We have already come across a situation where in the White House "knew exactly" that Saddam Hussein develops weapons of mass destruction, Muammar Gaddafi sponsors international terrorism, and Bashar Assad uses chemical buildings.

None of these accusations confirmed. However, these suspicions have become a pretext for US authorized by the US authorities in Iraq, Libya and Syria. It is expected that after the events of September 11, the Americans have intensified hostilities in Afghanistan.

Immediately after the explosions, the head "Al Caida" * Usama Ben Laden declared his innocence to terrorist attacks. An unusual behavior for a person who was always happy to take responsibility for terrorist attacks, which was committed with his participation. Later, Ben Laden was still confessed in involvement in the events of September 11, however, according to some, it was a person only similar to the leader Al Caida *.

Strange destruction

Probably, do not everyone know that during the attack on New York, three buildings of the World Trade Center (WTC) collapsed. In addition to the well-known twin towers №1 and №2, there was also a skyscraper number 7. The Government Commission, created to investigate the events of September 11, chose the fact that the fact. The house at number 7 is a 47-storey height, visually inferior to its twins in growth.

In particular, the New York Department of the Headquarters of the CIA was located. This building escaped the aircraft hit, but by 5 o'clock in the evening collapsed by the same scheme as the twin towers.

According to the authorities, the reason for the collapse of the building was the burning fragments that fell on it from the collapsing skyscrapers, as well as the fire for this. However, much closer to the towers were the WTC buildings at the numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6, and they all survived. Maybe the fall of the 7th house was another reason?

As for the twin towers, the researchers still worries a curious question: why not only the upper floors of the building struck, but also the bottom? The official version of the unbalance: when the building is destroyed, the top dried over and his rest.

However, there is a problem. Parts of the tower design fell not in different directions, but they were straightforward under the base, as if a card house.

WTC designers, everything as one claims that when the height is erected, an aircraft will be taken into account, as it happens with all skyscrapers. If the catastrophic script is still happening, then, according to them, it cannot lead to the destructive consequences of this scale.

On the frames of the catastrophe, it is clear that the planes are cut completely differently into the buildings: in the northern tower, the liner "entered" right in the center, to the southern - under an acute angle, having chopped the height edge. At the same time, the destruction of the towers was surprisingly uniform and symmetric, as with a prepared explosion. And then there is a strange: the first collapse of the southern tower is collapsed, and only after half an hour the North falls, where the consequences of the disaster should have been more impressive.

Experts analyzed the video crash and almost unanimously stated that this is how the industrial demolition of buildings occurs. And indeed, if you carefully view the slow motion of the catastrophe, it can be seen how the explosive waves run on equal distances at the entire height of the building - as if it was detonated in advance the charge.

Here are two more facts that will make thinking. Shortly before the terrorist attack, the planes later flew off, closed for repairs. And a few weeks before the tragedy, the owner of the twin towers, Larry Silverstein insured them by $ 3 billion, and the insurance against terrorist attacks was spelled out with a separate paragraph.

Electoral fire

If you believe the official conclusions, then hundreds of thousands of tons of steel structures melted in the monstrous fiery fire, and hundreds of tons of concrete were erased into dust.

Is it possible that the flammable air kerosene, the combustion temperature of which is less than 1000 ° C caused the "tremble" tempered steel, which melts not less than at 2000 ° C. At the same time, there was a critical loss of strength of 50 massive beams at once, which is possible only if the fuel evenly differed in all the floors of the floor.

As a result of explosions from the passengers of both "Boeing", charred and non-identifying particles of bodies remained. Meanwhile, the passport of Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers of the aircraft, which became one of the main evidence testified in favor of the "Al Caida" guilt *, turned out to be absolutely unharmed. According to the Commission, the document miraculously survived a powerful explosion, fell out of the plane and landed safely near the building.

The US government has so rushing to come to the desired conclusion, which was not even going to pay attention to such incidents. Further more.

The Investigation Commission announced a recognition of a part of passengers and members of the crews of aircraft according to DNA residues. And this after the fire actually destroyed the body of a liner, made of high-resistant air aluminum temperatures.

It is curious that despite the "DNA remains" preserved fantasticly, black boxes were recognized by completely destroyed fire. Looking at this, it will only remain to believe that the fire acted selectively, without not guided by the laws of the physical world.

Without traces

The third vigorous "Boeing", which operated No. 77 of American Airlines, according to official data, crashed into the Pentagon building. To apply the most sensitive damage to the construction and people, terrorists sent a liner at the lowest trajectory. It is known that the height of "Boeing 757" is 13 meters, the Pentagon is 24 meters.

Based on this, the final kilometers of the flight of the liner should have been held at an altitude of just a few meters above the ground, which is practically impossible task for pilots, which have just completed express courses.

Moreover, such a maneuver was absolutely unjustified, since, according to many specialists, would not lead to such damage as with a fall at an angle. In this case, it would be difficult to miss even inexperienced pilot, considering the impressive Pentagon Square - 117 363 sq.m. It turns out that terrorists who carefully planned the terrorist attack, chose a more complex and less effective way.

However, the main incident is ahead. Independent researchers studied photos of the catastrophe alarmed the fact that "Boeing" when hitting the building did not leave marks from the wings. There was no debris and nearby. Moreover, all sorts of hints on fragments of the aircraft were absent inside the destroyed section of the building. According to the official conclusions, they were all destroyed by powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

All listed facts suggest the idea of \u200b\u200banother cause of destruction in the Pentagon - a planned explosion. But if we assume that Boeing 757 did not crawl into the Pentagon, where then the car was disappeared with passengers and the crew of this ill-fated flight?

As for the fourth "Boeing," who did not fly to the Capitol and fell in the Pennsylvania fields, then it was fewer questions. However, non-stalks are still there. The authorities claim that the cause of the death of people was a blow to the Earth, but to detect how many significant number of aircraft fragments on the estimated place of the fall failed. Eyewitnesses say that the debris was scattered for many kilometers. According to the assumption of researchers who do not share the official point of view, the liner could be shot down in the air of the rocket, brushed from the fighter.

The official version reads: passengers, contacting mobile phones with relatives, learned that two aircraft were crashed into the building in Manhattan and decided to prevent the plans of the hijackers. It was as a result that the plane knocked on board struggled from the course and went to a steep peak. However, experts argue that the opportunity to use cellular communication in flight appeared only since 2005.

Avoid differences

In this story, everyone is alarming, including the behavior of the Higher American officials. Thus, President George Bush had long ignored the invitation to speak in front of the Congress, but when he agreed to the meeting, at first glance, the conditions for the fulfillment of a logical explanation. He insisted on the restriction of the conversation in time - no more than an hour and obligatory invitation to the event of Vice President Dick Cheney. At the request of the head of the White House from the Commission that was investigating the tragedy, only two people were to be present.

After a long debate, it was still possible to agree on the participation of 10 members of the Commission and remove the time limit. Everyone expected during a meeting to hear from the president exhaustive, and most importantly reliable information about what happened, but everything turned out to be much more difficult. Bush did not allow to produce video, audio recording and even stense the meeting. In addition, Bush and Cheney refused to give an oath, which could assure listeners in the truthfulness of what was said.

In April 2004, the performance finally took place. However, to this day it is not known that Bush and Cheney have come to congressmen. Many pay attention to the absurdity of this situation. It looks like this if one witness agreed to act in court only in the presence of another witness. Why do you need it? Probably in order to avoid inconsistencies in the dacha tests.

In the world, the conviction is stronger every year that the terrorist attacks were planned by the US intelligence services to justify the actions of the American military in the Middle East. But the final conclusions are premature. While it is safe to say only the following: if the US authorities and did not suit the terrorist attacks themselves, they, at least they did not prevent them from planning.

* Al-Qaida - terrorist group, prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation

The terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of a huge number of people. 2973 people died, and this, you agree, a significant number.

Preceded the seizure of four aircraft sent to California and the eastern part of the United States. The tanks of aircraft were full, so we can say that they turned into managed rockets.

At 8:45 am in the northern tower, one of the aircraft was crashed - "Boeing 767". 92 on board (11 crew members, 5 terrorists and 76 passengers). The plane crashed into the gap between the 93rd and 99th floors. The fuel that broke out in the tank rushed down the fiery post down by killing even those people who were in the lobby. At 10:29, the burning building collapsed, burying with him a huge number of people. The aircraft number crashed into the twin towers - AA11.

At 9:03, the aircraft was also crashed into the southern tower, it was the second "Boeing 767". The blow came into the gap between the 77th and 81st floors. On board the aircraft there were 65 people (5 terrorists, 9 crew members and 54 passengers). At 9:59 local time the burning building collapsed. Airplane number - UA175.

There were two more aircraft. One of them was hit by the Pentagon, it happened at 9:40. 184 people died. And the latter fell in the forest Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh. I managed to see the records from the so-called "black box." It became clear that the terrorists spicked down when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit of pilots. On board was 44 people.

According to journalists, some passengers were able to call their relatives from captured aircraft. People reported on terrorists: on one board 4 people, on others, 5. It is believed that these data were specially fabricated the FBIs, because there was one call that caused a lot of distrust. Called the son of the mother and, when she took the phone, said: "Mom, this is me, John Smith." Agree, it would be unlikely that he actually started talking from the presentation of his last name.

No one of those who were on board could not survive. 274 people died aboard aircraft (terrorists are not taken into account), 2602 people in New York (and on Earth, and in towers), 125 people in the Pentagon.

Not only twin towers were injured. Another five buildings were either destroyed or badly damaged. A total of 25 buildings were injured, and 7 had to demolish.

What are the consequences of this terrible tragedy? Two skyscrapers and the adjacent pentagon wing were destroyed. Around three thousand people died. The New York Exchange has suspended its work for two days. Neighboring the tragedy area turned out to be completely soaked as ashes. The President announced the terrorist attack served the United States with Afghanistan, and then with Iraq.

The tragedy received the status of national, and the news about it flew through the whole world in seconds. No wonder these buildings were chosen by the terrorists, because the twin towers were proud of the United States.

The towers were built in the 60s, at this time the prestige of America was shaken. It was decided to build something giant, grand, stunning to return to people optimism and faith in themselves and the future. No one imagined that the "project of the century" will turn the main "tragedy of the century".

A series of terrible terrorist attacks shook the United States and the whole world on September 11, 2001. It is in that outstanding day in the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, two aircraft crashed under the control of al-Qaeda terrorists. In the same way, an attack was made on the Pentagon, and the fourth aircraft under the control of suicide bombers fell to Earth in Pennsylvania.

The terrible catastrophe claimed almost 3 thousand people (excluding 19 terrorists). She combined people around the world, since among the victims of the terrorist attack there were not only Americans, and more citizens of 91 countries.

Even after 17 years, new facts appear about Terrorist attack 9 \\ 11. Collected 10 most amazing of them.

Not the first terrorist attack

The Towers of the World Trade Center underwent terrorist attacks earlier. On February 26, 1993, an explosive car crashed into the building of the World Trade Center. It exploded in the underground garage of the northern tower and provoked a powerful explosive wave. Six people became victims of the incident, and another 50 thousand employees and visitors experienced difficulties due to the lack of oxygen in the building. Driving a crashing truck was Rami Jusefs, who later fled to Pakistan. Soon he was found in Islamabad and extradited in the US for the court. In 1997, Jusefs sentenced to life imprisonment.

Coincidence or not?

Four years before the terrorist attack, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a book "Emergency Answer Terrorism". On the cover of the collection posted photos of the northern tower under an optical sight. It is in place specified in the photo that crashed the first aircraft under the control of terrorists.

Ominous number 11.

In the title of New York City 11 letters, just like in the word Afghanistan. Also in one of the captured aircraft there were 92 passengers (9 + 2 \u003d 11), and on board the other - 65 passengers (6 + 5 \u003d 11). Terrorists staged an attack in New York on September 11, or 11.09 (1 + 1 + 9 \u003d 11). In the name of Ramsin Yuseb (artist of the terrorist attack in the twin towers in 1993) there are 11 letters, as well as in the name George Bush (George W Bush).

However, the most frightening is another fact. One of the most famous symbols of the United States of America is an eagle.

In the main holy book of Muslims - the Quran - at number 9.11, such a verse was written:

"And it is written that the son of Arabia will wake up a formidable eagle.

Eagle's anger will be griting all the lands of Allah,

And while some people will tremble in despair,

Many rejoice: since the anger of the Eagle will cleanse the land of Allah

And the world will come. "

Conspire theory and radio-controlled aircraft

Many Americans adhere to the opinions that the members of Al-Qaida did not capture aircraft. In their opinion, the attack on Manhattan was planned by the US authorities to later explain the military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as explain several adopted laws, which, among other things, allow the special services to have access to the personal life of Americans.

But this theory causes doubts due to certain difficulties. The Boeing Remote Control Technology, with which it was possible to direct aircraft, really exists, but it is extremely difficult to do it. Would need airlines for coordination and four teams for remote control (one by one in a hornbeam). And these are already a lot of people who would be devoted to the government plan.

Rent of the World Trade Center

At the end of June 2001, the Twin Towers took a rent (one could say) for $ 3.2 billion Entrepreneur Larry Silverstein. On the day of the tragedy, he was in one of the towers. However, Silverstain's spouse called him to recall the reception of the dermatologist. So, he left the World Trade Center and retained his life.

Photo George Bush after tragedy

US President George Bush said that the terrorists staged an attack on the twin towers because of hatred of freedom and democracy. Only in 2015, pictures made in the Center for Emergency Management in Washington after a couple of hours were made as a terrorist attack. The photos captured the American leader, US Vice-President Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice National Security Advisor and Senior Employees. Note that Cheney in a very interesting posture is watching the news about the tragedy.

99 days fire

The fire on the site of the ruins of the World Trade Center lasted 99 days, and the work on cleaning the territory took 261 days. All this time, tens of thousands of people were engaged in the export of garbage, which was collected by 18 tons. Steel structures of the building taken to the landfill, later sold to China and India. The Chinese company Baosteel bought 50,000 tons of steel at a price of 120 dollars per ton.

The youngest victim of the terrorist attack

At the attack of terrorists, Christine Hanson died, who flew with his parents in Disneyland. The girl was two years old. In total, three children under the age of five died as a result of the tragedy. More than three thousand children on September 11 were left without one or two parents. During this period, a record number of psychologists worked with children.

Depression Americans

70% of Americans fell into depression after a terrorist attack on the WTC. More than 33 thousand residents of New York were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which usually put people who came from "hot" points. In addition, the use of alcohol in Manhattan increased by a quarter, and tobacco and marijuana consumption - by 10%.

Barack Obama and the elimination of Osama bin Laden

The identity of all terrorists who have implemented the terrorist attack established. It turned out that they were legally in America, and many of them were trained in US flight schools. Later in the video image, the leader Al-Qaida Usama Ben Laden admitted that it was he who oversees the work of 19 terrorists on four aircraft. 10 years after the bloody terrorist attack, the American intelligence services were eliminated by Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. For this, the then US President Barack Obama, and his team, was observed.

In 2011, a memorial of the World Trade Center appeared on the site of destroyed twin towers in New York. In 2018, in New York, the surviving 9 \\ 11 terrorist attack and relatives will come to the Grand-Ziro platform. In the sky, two beams of light will be designed in memory of the dead. Also in the Pentagon there will be special services for families of the dead.

September 11, 2016 marks 15 years from the moment of committing unprecedented in the world history of terrorist acts. The tragedy claimed the lives of almost three thousand people.

19 terrorists - citizens of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Lebanon - captured 4 passenger airliners. Two aircraft were sent to the Skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, the third airliner crashed into the Pentagon building. The fourth plane fell in the field in Pennsylvania - his passengers and the team tried to repel the control of the airliner at terrorists.

The victims of the terrorist attacks were 2977 people from 92 countries: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2606 people - in New York, in the buildings of the WTC and on Earth (of them - 341 firefighters and 2 paramedics of the New York Fire Department, 60 police and 8 employees "Ambulance"), 125 people - in the Pentagon building.

As a result of attacks, 110-storey twin towers collapsed. Work on clearing the territory of the World Trade Center continued for more than eight months. The burning and dextion of the twin towers in the location of the twin towers continued, before the fire was completely extinguished.

Chronicle of tragedy 9/11

The moment of colliding the first aircraft with a skyscraper of the shopping center. Video: YouTube

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Video: YouTube

Passersby on the streets of New York indicate the complex of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
People look out of the windows of the northern tower. September 11, 2001
President of the United States represents schoolchildren, after which George Bush begins to read them the book "The Pet Goat". At this moment, the head of the headquarters of the White House Andrew Card is suitable for him and reports: "The second plane crashed into the second tower. America is attacked. " September 11, 2001
People watch the collapse of one of the TCC towers. September 11, 2001
Rescuers endure a deadly wounded man from the destroyed building of the WTC. September 11, 2001
Burning towers of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
The helicopter is circling over the burning Pentagon, after one of the stolen aircraft crashed into the building. September 11, 2001
A group of firefighters among the wreckage of the TCC complex. September 11, 2001
The helicopter is circling near one of the TSC towers. September 11, 2001
On the background - the smoldering building of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
Medpersonal Saint Vincent Hospital in New York waiting for victims. September 11, 2001
Firemen among the debris at the foot of the destroyed complex of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
The affected pentagon wing. September 11, 2001
The fireman calls for help on the ruins of the WTC. September 11, 2001
Firefighters disassemble the WTCs. September 11, 2001
Casters of cars near the World Trade Center complex. September 11, 2001
US President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in the Presidential Department of Emergency Situations in Washington, September 11, 2001
US President George Bush performs on wreckage of the World Trade Center. September 14, 2001

History stories

Fred Eicler

On September 11, 2001, the 54-year-old Insurance agent Fred Eikler came to his office on the 83rd floor of the Northern Tower of WTC at 8.15 in the morning. In 8.40 Fred went to the restroom, but on the road met four colleagues, and they stopped chatting. The window they saw the plane, which flew towards their building. At 8.46, the airliner crashed into a skyscraper, destroying everything in its path. The shock wave of Fred and his colleagues dropped for several tens of meters. Having come to himself, the man called 911, and then got through home to talk to his wife, daughters and parents. He was sure that he would never see them again.

Fred went to the meeting room, three strangers joined him. The floor gradually delayed smoke, along the corridors and stairs passed the streams of water from the broken pipes. The gathered stunned with wet rugs and towels with a gap under the door, trying to stop smoke. Having consisted, they decided not to open the windows, fearing that the air swells the flame.

At 9.02, the second blow was rang out: the plane crashed into the neighboring, southern tower. Fred and others decided to try to get out of the fire ladder. But when they got to the door, the light went out in the building. They returned to the negotiation room and hid under the tables.

At 9.30 Fred saw the light of the flashlight. A fireman reached their floor. He was able to save the found people, but he died himself. The rescuer brought the survivors to the stairs and advised on the 78th floor to go to another staircase and descend on it. On the 20th floor they heard a new impact sound. All the building shuddered: it collapsed the southern tower. North began to tremble - the elevators fell into the mines, the stairs swore. When Fred got on the street, he asked someone's phone and scored his wife's room. She shouted into the phone: "Run, run, run!" The same shouted fire and police. A few minutes later the northern tower fell.

Michael Wright

The 30-year-old Michael Wright was located on the 81st floor of the Northern Tower of the World Trade Center, when the plane crashed into the building.

At that moment Michael was in a male toilet, where you just installed the plate asking for maintaining cleanliness in the room. The building shuddered. When Wright looked out of the toilet in the corridor, he saw the fire and heard the female cry - his colleague Alicia could not get out of the burning female toilet. Men knocked out the door and were able to pull out a woman.

In the semi corridor there was a huge crack, the hall near the elevator was completely destroyed, everywhere was smoke. Michael began to withdraw colleagues to stairs, people descended as in fire exercises - in two rows.

"To keep calm on the stairs helped the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unreality of what was happening, it seemed that the building could not collapse. When we overcame a few floors, we relaxed a little. We understood that something bad happened, but when the fire remained thirty-2 floors above, he is no longer so worried, "recalls Wright. According to him, some floors people passed quickly, some - for 10 minutes.

On the 40th floor, Michael and his colleagues were welcomed by firefighters, which advised to continue down down, assuring that it was safe. Having descended below the level of the 20th floor of Wright hit the site of the South Tower and understood the seriousness of what was happening: there were corpses everywhere, tens of tel.

When the building began to collaborate, Wright with colleagues was at the escalator from one of the exits from the building. Cloud of debris and dust rose, the air as if he became black. Michael threw off his shirt and covered her nose and mouth her. Without seeing directions, he crawled, trying to find a way out.

Michael was lucky - he came across the firefighter, who was able to take it through the surviving bookstore building.

Reaching the phone, Michael called his wife Jenny.

"I said:" Jenny, that's me. "On the end of the tube broke out the moan. I said: "I am alive. I'm alive. I love you. I love you". We cried and cried. Then the connection was cut off, "says Michael Wright.

Frank Razzano

On the morning of September 11, the famous American lawyer Frank was spantered in his room on the 19th floor of the Marriott Hotel, located at the foot of the twin towards the World Trade Center. He woke up from the sound of the first strike, saw the paper flying outside the window and returned to bed. A few minutes later there was a second blow. The plane crashed into the southern tower to which Frank's windows came out. Crowded turned on the TV and heard news. He still thought that nothing was worried about, because all the problems of the floors were 60 above. Firefighters will come, and everything will be fine.

Frank took a shower, dressed, gathered things and suddenly felt like the hotel was fired from heavy artillery: this southern tower began to fall apart. A lawyer saw in the window, as from the sky is lying, as if in slow motion, the mountains of concrete and steel. He rejected the opposite side of the room and pushed into the wall.

Suddenly the roar stopped. Wrapped out in the corridor and shouted: "Is there anyone alive?" Someone answered: "Go here." The fireman sent herself to the stairs. Falling, the tower broke the hotel in the middle, but the long-round staircase remained Czek. I was wrapped in it to the third floor, and there, together with a group of people, broken through the opening in the wall on the second floor. A few minutes later, the northern tower, having embarrassed, poured the rest of the hotel. Some lower floors remained.

It was there that was herself. There was nothing to breathe: the air seemed to consist of one dirt and dust. People still managed to find the opening in the destroyed wall of the building, and with the help of a carpet path to descend on the mountain of the wreckage. There the police helped to get to doctors.

Pascal Bazzeli

The 43-year-old designer engineer Pascal Bazzeli was in the elevator of the Northern Tower, when the first blow heard. The elevator stopped at the 44th floor, and Pascal saw panic people, but decided to get up to his office on the 64th floor. He called her pregnant wife and asked her to turn on the TV and find out what was the matter. When she told him what was happening, Bazzeli and his colleagues themselves surrounded the TV in the office and saw how the plane flies into the next tower. They rushed to the stairs and managed to descend on the 22nd floor when the building began to fall.

Bazzeli turned out to be an incredibly lucky person - curled her lump, he rolled down the wreckage on 15 floors down, like a surfer on a huge wave and, that the most striking, survived, having tried a broken leg. All his colleagues died.

On the way down the Bazzeli lost consciousness and came to himself three hours on the ruins of the seventh floor.

Ron Diffranchesco

On the morning of September 11, the 37-year-old Broker Ron Difranchesko worked in his office on the 84th floor in the southern tower. At this time, the plane crashed into the northern tower. Seeing smoke, Difranchko decided to get out of the building and left the office. A few minutes after his departure, the plane crashed into the southern tower - between the 77th and 85th floors.

Going down, Digranchko met a group of people who began to persuade him to go to the roof - they said that the fire was too strong at the bottom, and there should be fresh air at the top.

Ron tried to rise to several floors above, but all the doors were closed or blocked. Panic intensified, breathing became harder, and the diffranches finally decided to descend down. He got to the site in the beam zone and lay down on the floor, among other chips. It began to cover panic. But some voice in my head, says Ron, ordered him to run down. Covering his face with his hands, he escaped on the first floor, where the guard sent it to another exit and, already running out of the door, he heard a stunning roar, the building began to collapse.

Seeing the explosion, the broker lost consciousness and woke up already in the hospital - with burns and a spinal fracture.

According to official data, he was the last person who left the building before collapse, and one of the four surviving Americans who worked above the 81st floors, but were able to escape.

John McLaughlin, the last of the saved

When the plane crashed into the southern tower, Sergeant John McLuffly was a few miles from the shopping center, he patrolled the bus station in Manhattan. Like many, that day he headed towards the towers to help the victims.

After arriving at the place of the tragedy and not yet knowing the scale of damage to the WTC, Maclaflin gathered a team of four - three policemen Antonio Rodriguez, Chris Amoro, Dominica Petoullo, as well as Novobrantsa Will Himeno.

They were on the ground floor, uniting the Buildings of the WTC complex when the Southern Tower collapsed. Police fell wound by fragments.

"At first I thought that he died. I did not feel anything: I did not see, I did not feel the smells, I did not hear. There was a ringing silence around, "recalls John McLuffly.

Amorozo officers and Rodriguez died immediately. Maclaflin and two remaining from his team were trapped. Dominica Petoullo managed to free himself from under the grooves and he tried to save his colleagues when the Northern Tower was collapsed: he was fatally injured by fragments.

Maclaflin and Will Himeno, lying under the rubble, heard the voices of rescuers and firefighters.

"I heard the screams and also shouted, but it was useless. I said then: "I don't think that we will look for. Upstairs too much happens. They are so busy, "recalls Maclaflin.

He reached the radio and left the last message for his family, as well as for Will's wife, who was in the seventh month of pregnancy.

"I think that the moment when Will asked to convey his wife, so that she was still a unborn daughter, she called Olivia, was the worst. I think that then we humiliate with what I will die here, "says Sergeant.

Men spent under the rubble for more than 10 hours before the submersogue arrived. At about 11 pm, rescuers managed to pull Himeno. Before Makloflina, firefighters got only in the morning on September 12 - he had to wait for his salvation for another 8 hours.

Sergeant was sent to the hospital, where the doctors initially did not believe that he would survive - the injuries were very serious. Doctors introduced John in someone for 6 weeks, he made about 30 operations, including skin transplanting on their feet. After several years of therapy, he was able to return to normal life.

John McLuffly turned out to be the latter who was pulled out from under the collapse of the World Trade Center's terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

Causes and perpetrators of tragedy

Responsibility for the terrorist attack assumed the grouping Al-Qaida. The large-scale terrorist attack has become the consequence of the announced jihad against Jews and Americans, and the reasons were called the American policy of supporting Israel, aggression against Iraq, as well as the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida accused America in the "plundering" of the region, oppressing people by supporting totalitarian regimes, in monitoring the policy of legitimate rulers of Arab countries.

The individuals of all suicide bombers were established - these were citizens of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Lebanon. It turned out that men were in the United States on legal grounds, and some were trained in American flight schools. The leader of Al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden in the video message admitted that he directly led the actions of 19 terrorists.

On May 2, 2011, in the north-west Pakistan, the US intelligence services "terrorist number one" was. The US President Barack Obama and his team observed for the operation of the destruction of Bin Laden in the literal air.

US President Barack Obama and his team follow the course of the operation to destroy Osama Bin Laden. Photo: White House press service

In May 2012, on the basis of Guantanamo, a trial began on the ideological inspirer and the chief organizer of the terrorist attacks by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was detained in 2003 in Pakistan. The sentence is still not rendered.

The terrorist attack that has changed the world

In October 2001, the United States and the United Kingdom began military operation in Afghanistan to destroy Al-Qaida's bases and its heads of Osama Bene Laden. The operation lasted for 13 years - most of the US military and NATO's forces left this country only at the end of 2014, but still in Afghanistan there are about 8 thousand US Army servicemen - for "maintaining peace and order".

9/11 served as a reason for one military conflict. A year after the terrorist attack on the United States, the US government accused Iraq and the regime of Saddam Hussein in renewing the development of weapons of mass defeat and in collaboration with Al-Qaida. On February 5, 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell acted as a special meeting of the UN Security Council with his famous report. In his speech, Powell said that Iraq was working on the programs to create biological and chemical weapons and possesses two of the three necessary components for the production of nuclear weapons.

In 2004, Powell admitted that the data published to them was largely inaccurate, and sometimes falsified. But it was late - March 20, 2003 the United States and the Allies invaded Iraq in violation of the UN Charter, and the war was already in full swing. In 2006, Saddam Hussein was executed, but the coalition forces left Iraq only in 2011.

These wars became one of the reasons for the radicalization of Islamists in the Middle East. After the destruction of Bin Laden Al-Qaida is limited to tactics of declarative statements, which are usually not related to specific terrorist attacks. But one of the branches of the grouping, Al-Qaida in Iraq, eventually turned into a terrorist organization "Islamic state". It was the grouping "Islamic state" seized part of Libya, Iraq and Syria and declared Khalifat in the land. And it is the "Islamic state" is responsible for the long terrorist attacks of recent years.

Material is prepared on the basis of open sources