Where is the city of Ephesus. Ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey Photo History How to get to Visit Ephesa Alone

But it was an article about the Greek island. And the ruins of the city of Ephes are located in Turkey.

Ancient megapolis Ephesus has several thousand years. Naturally, at the dawn of his existence, the name of the city was different. But settlements in these places existed even in the epoch of Neolith, that is, tens of thousands of years ago. The city was located on the seashore, and, it means, stood at the intersection of trade routes. What allowed the city to develop and become one of the largest metropolis of antiquity. And that, destroyed the city - the past sea cut off the Ephesus from trade, and the city gradually came to the launch. But we will not rummage.

Now the city is located in Turkey, near the city of Selchuk:

On the website of Wikimapia there is a fairly detailed map of the ancient megalopolis Ephesis with marked attractions:

According to legend, Andrkl, the son of the Athens rule of the coder, received an order from the Delphian Oracle to establish a new city. Place for the new city, he should have indicated fire, fish and wild boar. Andrkl went to search for "signs" along the shore of the Aegean Sea and landed on the shore of the beautiful bay. Just at this time, local fishermen fry fish. From the spark that flew out of the fire, the bush caught fire from which the disturbed boar jumped out. Here and the city was laid. Wild boar became a symbol of the city, where he was installed a monument. During the construction of the city, Andrklu had to meet with the militant tribe of Amazons, in one of which, Efesia (which translates as desalted ), he fell in love. In honor of her and was called the city. Later, almost all Amazons became wives of the Greeks of the settlers.

So an ancient megapolis Ephesus got his name because of love 🙂

According to those who visited here:

Ephesus - the city is bright, surprisingly large, pretty good for his years has survived. At one time he was one of the most famous and most beautiful cities of the Roman Empire, and all of Europe at all. Inside the empire, it was the second most important city after Rome, and outside of its borders it was known as one of the largest ports of that time. Everything was here: from great wonderful structures to a detailed designed water supply, public toilet and a public library. Probably, to live here in those days was considered rare luck.

The exact date of the founding of the city is unknown. People lived on this territory more than 10,000 years ago. The Greeks-myckens lived in these places 1500 years BC, and the Allen Colonia was founded 1000 years BC. Most of the time of the city's existence, tyrana rules. The townspeople periodically raised the uprisings against their tyranny kings, and the city was trying to lead the Council. However, the greatest heyday of the ancient megapolis Ephesus reached when it was ruled by the iron hand of the sole ruler.

For its history, the city of Ephesus experienced lifts and decals. The decals were usually caused by enemies by external (Kimmerians, Goths, Persians, Romans, etc.), as well as uprisings. The lifts took place when the city was allowed to trade (for which he, in fact, was created), and also did not take too large taxes.

Under Roman dominion (which stabilized in the 27th of our era, the city became actually the capital of the Roman province of Asia, which occupied the western half of Malaya Asia. The city began to develop rapidly, and over time he became one of their largest in the empire, yielding only to Rome himself. At the first and second The century of our era came the flowering of the city, the population of which was estimated at 400-500 thousand people. In these years, the famous Library of Celsius and a huge theater was built, which accommodate up to 25 thousand spectators. In Ephesus there were several large baths and one of the most developed aquicula systems, In addition to four major aqueducts, many smaller facilities.

However, after about 200 years, the city was ready for an attack. Since that time, a period of decline began. The population gradually went after the retreating sea, and those who remained gradually died of diseases - as the city was in a swampy terrain. In another thousand years, the city was completely abandoned, and the entire population moved to the neighboring city of Selchuk, which exists and was now.

In Ephesus, many attractions have survived. Let's go through some of them virtually.

Let's start with an Ephesus business card - from the Celsius library. The Celsius Library was built in the Epoch of the Empire, during the Board of Adrian on the project of the architect Tiberius Julia Akvava, who wished to devote her to his father. Construction began in 114 N. e. And it was completed in 135 N. e. Already by the heirs of Tiberius Julia Akvila, who visited a large amount of funds for the purchase of books and the content of the library. In the 2nd half of the III century. During the invasion, the inner part of the building was completely destroyed by a fire, which spared, the facade of the building.

The bunk facade, decorated with columns, has the form of theatrical scenery. Columns of the lower tier, which stand on the podium of the central staircase of nine steps grouped into four rows and are crowned with Corinthian capitals.

Upper tier columns have smaller sizes. Triangular and semicircular tympans are crowned with three central steam columns. On the lower floor, three portals in the frame of the finest ornament imitating the embossed frieze can be seen at the lower floor. The portals are three huge windows of the windows.

The traditional entrance to Ephesus - through the former port located below, at the very slope of the hill, on which the city lies. According to logic, it would be necessary to enter the city, and then it is already up to rise gradually upstairs. But the heat and natural human laziness do their job: many tourists prefer to go to the city from above, and then then slowly go down, to the former port. They say that we see in Ephesus now, is only a fifth part of what he represented earlier. Numerous excavations are conducted from all sides of the city, and on its "modern" outskirts you can see a lot of the ancient ruins found. All the most valuable, of course, will be held at the local museum. For some reason, a large number of residues of ancient pipes were remembered in the site of the excavation - these are parts of an ancient water supply, which walked through the whole city, supplying water almost every home:

Then we take a look at Odeon. Odeon is a semicircular structure, known as a small theater, stands on the hillside, north of Agora. Judging by the inscription, he was built in 150 g. e. Publics lead in Anthony. The initial purpose of Odeon - Buleveras is a place of meetings of the city Senate. The first indoor structure, designed for 1400 seats, was used alternately: it is for the meetings of the Senate, then for theatrical representations.

The next sight of the ancient megalopolis Ephesis on our way is Agora, an ancient market.

Ruins Agora belong to the Romanesque facilities of the period of the Roman Empire, built, most likely, during the reign of the emperors of August and Claudia. Agora, which was finally built up at theeodosia (IV century), was decorated with a double colonnade of the portico, under which trading rows were placed.

It was a trading center where merchants came from all over the Empire. The slave market was also here and meetings were held on the occasions of religious and secular holidays. In the north of Agora, the ruins of the Basilica colonnade, built under the dynasty of the emperors of Augustus.

Another interesting landmark is the temple of Emperor Adrian. So, from the school year of history, you probably know that emperors in the Roman Empire were considered equal to the gods. So there is nothing unusual in the fact that one of the emperors sponsored the construction of the temple named after himself.

The inscription, engraved on the architecture (support horizontal beam) of the temple, testifies to the date of its structure - about 138 g. e. - a little-known architect Qintelius, who dedicated to the temple to Emperor Adrian. In front of the monumental entrance to the main part of the temple, pedestals from four statues are raised, which once decorated the temple.

Two central columns support a lightweight, sophisticated arch - everything that has been preserved from the original triangular inner part of the front (front of the roof), which once walked the building. The ornament of the Arch, as it were, continues the motive of friezes, which go a solid line on the eaves; In the center of the arch is placed Bust Taje (the goddess-patroness of the city). Taife is a goddess of good luck, in ancient Rome, Fortuna became its analogue.

Horizontal portal beams are richly decorated using antique ornaments. Above the main portal, which leads to the central part of the temple, there is a semicircular luente (semicircle of Arches above the entrance), where against the background of the sophisticated weave of colors and the leaves of Akant are a female figure, which resembles antique images of jellyfish.

In the middle of the main part of the temple you can see part of the original podium, which once supported the statue of the adorable emperor Adrian.

Now let's go from the temple to the amphitheater. The amphitheater reached us in good condition and is rightfully considered one of those monuments of the past in this archaeological zone that are best preserved.

As all the structures of that time, the Ephesus Theater is divided into three sections: Skena (including the Acender), Orhestra (round site, where the choir spent) and Kavea (the audience sector for viewers).

Theater capacity is about 24,000 - 25,000 seats.

The hall towards the scene rose to 30 m and completed by a portico to improve the acoustics of the entire ensemble.

In the afternoon on the stage of the theater, up to 50 fighting of gladiators among themselves and with animals.

And finally, the most popular local attraction is a public toilet. Once it was a favorite place for meetings. The men's population of the city loved to sit on the pots near the murmur fountain and arguing about life, women and politics. At the same time, the tap water carried away all the waste of vitality away.

The public toilet was opened only for men.

In general, apparently, in Ephesus it is very interesting and you can see a new and unexpected lot.

Thus, the ancient megalopolis Ephesus is a really beautiful city.

According to Wikipedia and http://marina-pavlova.livejournal.com/170849.html

On the south-west coast of modern Turkey, the ancient Greek city of Ephesus was spread. Once it was the fourth largest city of the East Roman Empire. He was the largest spiritual and cultural center of the entire Mediterranean. Today it is an open-air museum, which includes one of the seven wonders of the world - the temple of Artemis.

Geographical position

Ancient city is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea in Turkey. It is located 7 km from the sea and 20 km from the Aegean Port. Just 3 km from the ancient city is the area of \u200b\u200bSelchuk. Nearest to Ephesus, Kusadasi, Izmir, Bodrum, Pamukkale, Antalya, Marmaris.

Distance from Ephesus to different resorts.

Ephesus, Turkey

How to get to Ephesus

You can get to the place in different ways, since the ancient Greek city is popular with travelers. The closer to the area is located in Izmir. From there you can come to public transport from the bus station. You can take a taxi.

If the airport is not needed, and the tourist is already in the villagers or Kusadas, it is simpler. From the villagers you can walk on foot, because the distance is only 4.5 km. You can drive on the local bus-dolmoshe from Kusadasov, located 17 km from the resort. From Kusadas to Ephesus, the passage costs 5 lire (for August 2018), takes about 30 minutes of time.

Climate resort

On a note! Climate in Ephesus Subtropical Mediterranean. There are no sharp temperature jumps. It is very small in the resort season of precipitation, it is time for warm rains in winter. Summer here is roast to +35 during the day, the peak of temperature increase falls at the end of July, August.

On a summer day in Ephesus, it is difficult to find a shadow, as the vegetation is a bit. Some holidaymakers even take umbrellas and fan with them to escape from the scorching sun. Therefore, it is better to come here in recent months of spring or at the end of autumn. So excursions will not seem tedious because of the heat.

Attractions Ephesus

In the ancient city come, mostly lovers of history. In the past, he accommodate up to 250 thousand people. For centuries over the city, they sought to find the power of the Romans, Persians, the Lydians. However, he managed to preserve some freedom and self-government. Ephesus became famous as a religious center not only in the ancient peoples. During the spread of Christianity, he was the main center in all Greece.

Ephesus on the map of Turkey in Russian

Interesting to know! According to legend, Ephesus was founded by the Son of the Athenian ruler Andrkl, who fell in love with Amazon. The name was its effect, respectively, in honor of her and called the city.

To date, Ephesus is one of the largest historical complexes. He has 2 entrances, but it is more convenient to go lower expensive for inspecting historical values.

Entrance to the territory of Ephesus is paid, tickets are purchased at the self-service key. The cost of the ticket is 30 lir *. Additionally, it will have to pay 5 lire * for the entrance to the terrace, in the museum of archeology and for visiting the Basilica of St. John.

Museum opening hours:

  • 8:30 - 19:00 from April to October;
  • 8:30 - 17:00 from November to March.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

A description of all the sights of the city begins with it, because it is 3 miracle of light. The temple was erected by the 27th centuries ago in honor of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis Efesse. She was worshiped as a goddess of prosperity, fertility.

  • he was burned by Herostrat, only in order to leave his name in the centuries;
  • in the 260s. The temple plundered her goths.

After the first destruction, the desire to restore the temple himself expressed Alexander Macedonian himself. He allocated her own money. All proportions and sizes have retained. In height, he stretched 18 meters long, the length was more than 100 m. The temple stood on 127 columns. To date, only 1 column remained from him, that is the most that remained from the fire of Herostrat.

The ruins of the temple of Artemis

Holy Virgin Mary House

One of the main Christian attractions of Turkey is located in Ephesus. This place is honored by Christians, since according to the legend, God's Materia held here the last years of life. John to defend the Virgin Mary from persecution, brought her to this port city.

Today, the renovated building attracts not only followers of Christianity, but also all tourists. Behind the house with the church is a wall of desires. Visitors here are asking for help from God's Mother and tie memorable ribbons on the wall.

Amphithera Ephesus

Odeon (Booleuria)

Odeon was built in 2nd. BC e. The theater has two levels divided into four sections. In ancient times, the Small Theater was used for the meetings of the Senate, 5000 people accompanied. In the interruptions between performances of politicians, performances showed, concerts, held religious ceremonies.

House of Virgin Mary in Ephesus

big theater

In the 3rd century BC e. The largest amphitheater was erected in the region. Once the upper ranks of the building reached a height of 30 meters, today only up to 18. The three-tier construction has accommodated 25 thousand spectators who observed the fights of gladiators, presentations and concerts.

Library Celsa

The building was erected at the beginning of the second century, it was called in honor of the prominent statesman - Tiberius Julia Celsius. The library has become a repository of 12 thousand scrolls and the tomb of Julia Celsius. The construction was also a hall for lectures and an underground stroke into a public house.

Goths burned the old building, only the facade remained. The two-storey facade, decorated with sculptures of muses of wisdom, virtue, knowledge and thought - a favorite place for tourist photo shoots.

Additional sights Ephesus

Excursions from the city: Ephesus - Pamukkale

What to see in Pamukkale?

  • Thermal sources. There are only 17 of them. There is antiquity on white travertines (sedimentary rocks) terraces. These ruins are made to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, their beauty is not subject to the description. Water sources changes its temperature depending on the season. Tourists will be interested in walking barefoot on mineral sources and picked up the blue cascades of the terraces.
  • Pool Cleopatra. According to legend, Cleopatra herself stayed here during Rome travel. It is always crowded in the thermal pool to plunge into the thermal pool, so it is always crowded here. It is better to come early in the morning or later in the evening.
  • The ancient city of Jerapolis. Located a policy (from ancient Greek - city) above travertine terraces. The city was built during the silence of the Roman Empire. Later he will become part of Byzantium.

In the hierarpolis, it is necessary to visit:

  • triton Fountain, located on the left of the entrance to the city;
  • amphitheater. A huge structure was at all over 20 thousand spectators. The most significant and honored guests were sitting on a special elevation (even emperors attended him);
  • Holy Source Nimphon. According to legend, the source defended the nymphs, hence his name. The statues of nymph and the remains of the fountain were preserved to this day;
  • temple of God Pluto. The place is sheaved by legends and stories. After all, Pluto is the God of the Underground World, the Lord of Human Life and Death. Carbon dioxide carbon dioxide, intensive evaporation of which is poisonous for birds and animals come out of the clefts in rock. The ancient priests used it to prove their power to ordinary residents of the city.

The cost of visiting hieropolis complexes

For a visit to the city of Hieropolis, you need to pay 35 lira (for 2018). The ticket includes travertine terraces. The Cleopatra pool is paid separately - 33 lines per person. The mode of operation of urban ruins of the hieropolis around the clock.

Thermal sources of Pamukkale

There are no separate types of entertainment in the city of Ephesus, since its main value is history. Therefore, it is worth visiting fans of antiquities, architecture and beautiful artifacts.

  • When visiting the city with young children, you need to take enough water, wet wipes, panama. Otherwise, the child can overheat in the sun.
  • Time on excursions in Ephesus leaves about 3-4 hours. It is better to come early, closer to the opening, while not very hot.
  • There are many attractions here, you need to take a camera with full charge with you.

In Ephesus, Turkish Rest acquires a new meaning, each stone of the city will penetrate the history, legends, secret.

* Prices are in August 2018

This old architectural monument is dated to the V century BC. It is a popular tourist destination - after all, his ruins have survived to this day. The temple dedicated to Artemis is included in the list of 7 miracles of the world.

The King Crop from Lydia was engaged in financing the construction of the temple, and Hersiphron and his son Methagen performed architects. The temple was a structure of a 51 meter width, 105 meters long and its colors height - up to 18 meters. Total temple decorated 127 columns. In the new temple, Artemis statue was installed, made of ivory and gold. Also inside the temple there were many paintings, statues, reliefs.

To date, only one recovered from the fragments of the column remains from the majestic temple.

Clock tower

the anniversary of Abdulhamid II is on the throne. Directly the hours themselves were presented to the German emperor Wilhelm II (the years of the Board 1888 - 1918). The entire design of the tower is sustained in the style of the Ottoman Empire. The base of the tower has four fountains.

From 1983 to 1989, in Turkish banknotes, a nominal 500 lir was depicted with a clock tower surrounded by palm trees.

It seems that in Izmir everything is focused on the tower with a clock ... And everything is just near it and meet. Romantic Mysterious Tower Building is standing in the center of Konak Square. The mosque of Camii is located nearby. On the square is always full of pigeons, and people resting on the benches can feed them straight out of their hands. Numerous tourists have the opportunity to make here just unique photos. Especially the fabulously clock tower looks at night when it is highlighted by multicolored lights of the lanterns.

And what sights of Ephesa did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Library Celsa

The Library of Celsius was built in the period 114-135 in honor of Tiberius Julia Celsius - Roman Proconsula, who had a versatile formation and a rich horizon. The Library of Celsius is the second largest after Alexandria and is a vertex of Hellenistic architectural thought.

The library burned down in the III century when attacking is ready, having existed for about a hundred years. To this day, only the facade of the building came out, remotely resembling theatrical scenery. The length of the facade is 21 meters, in height - 16. The lower tier of the facade decorate the sculptures of "virtue", "knowledge", "wisdom", "thoughts". On the left side of the facade there are statues of the slaves of the Mazeus and Mithridate - architects of this magnificent library, which received freedom from the hands of Emperor August after the construction of the library.

Mount Sipil, or Sipuli-Dag, - the sprog of the mountain chain, referred to as Homer. Mountain is famous for its complex rope, resembling an image of nations that gave birth to Son. Sipil, like other sons of nagob, was killed by Apollo arrows. Nioba, distracted from grief, turned into a stone - so tells the legend.

Mount Sipuli-Dag was broken by a powerful earthquake on separate parts-clocks. Also, the ancient capital of the money (Lydia), rich in gold, was destroyed by an earthquake, is a tantalide located on the slopes of the mountain.

Cracks and settlements of Mountains SIPIL indicate that the vulcanic activity of the mountain has not yet ceased. But today the mountain range is calm and safe, and is popular with tourists.

Warehouse walls at the Virgin Mary's house

The house of the Virgin Mary is located in the nightingale mountain (Bulbul Dawa) at an altitude of 358 meters above sea level. Next to her house is its monument, as well as a wall of desires.

It is known that the last years of his life the Virgin Mary spent here, in Ephesus. Also in this place the Apostle John wrote his gospel.

Numerous pilgrims attend this holy place, put candles, gain holy water from Rodnikov and, of course, leave their cherished desire on the wall.

The wall is an unusual building in its appearance, which is completely covered with scraps of fabrics, sheets of paper, napkins and other materials on which believers write their desires. Once a week, the remained wishes are burned, and the ashes are dispelled in the wind.

It is believed that the mysterious desires must come true.

Cadifekale castle

The Cadifecal Castle is located on the hill of the old Turkish city of Izmir, the pearls of the Aegean region, and is one of the bright old architectural monuments. Translated from the Turkish "Cadic" means "velvet castle".

Cadifela was built in the IV century BC, General Alexander Macedonian Lisimah General. The castle area is 6 square kilometers, the highest point earlier reached 35 meters. To date, five fortress towers and its southern wall are preserved. The remaining buildings were reconstructed.

Cadifecal Castle is located about two kilometers from the coastline of the sea. The hill on which it is built consists of six districts, which were in essence of the slums. But in 2007, the city administration of Izmir decided to reconstruct all the buildings of the hill.

Today, Cadifekal Castle, built during the reign of Alexander Macedonsky, is ready to take into his destroyed walls of everyone who wants to "talk" with history. Humming over Izmir, it represents an excellent Ferris Plan, which opens a beautiful panorama of the Izmir Bay.

Ancient city of clasome

The ruins of the ancient Greek city are clasome, founded in the X century BC. er, are near the resort town of Izmir in Turkey, on the territory of the modern city of Urla and its nearby areas. The name is clad with ancient Greek translated as "people of the port city". Earlier the city was located on the mainland, but in the fifth century, after the war with Persians, was moved to the island. Permanent excavations are conducted in the ulla, which open all new facts about clastic. At the bottom of the bay, you can see the foundation of a small ancient theater.

South of the port of Urli, the Institute of Archeology of Greece found ancient necropolis with 40 painted terracotta sarcoofrd burials. Archaeologists of the Institute also discovered a lot of depressions and wells. It turned out that these are ancient tanks for the manufacture of olive oil. For their manufacture, an oak bark was used that did not affect the taste or on the smell of the product. Excavations showed that clads are the most ancient center for the production of olive oil in the ancient world.

Clauses are becoming increasingly popular with tourists as a place where you can touch the oldest history, to the old buildings and to the subjects used by the locals in the distant X century to our era.

Konak Square

Konak Square is the most animated part of the oldest city of Izmir. On the square there are central bus station, Konak Mosque and the City Hall building. The central place on the square occupies the famous clock tower, which is the symbol of the city of Izmir. Also, the area is the entrance point to the Kemeralti major market. At the southern part of the area there is a cultural center of the University of Ege, which invites visitors to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Opera House and Music Academy.

Despite the fact that the square is always crowded - this is a very beautiful part of the city. It is located next to the Aegean Sea, and the light sea wind pleases people on the square of their coolness. To approach seawater, you need to go through a lively green alley and a pedestrian bridge, next to which there is a beautiful fountain.

There are always many pigeons on Konak Square, which can be fed straight from their palms. A good park and many small cozy cafes are waiting for their guests. Konak Square is a great place for walking and various purchases. For tourists near the square, a few steps from the sea, a comfortable hotel "Konak" was built.

Most popular attractions in Ephesus with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places of Ephesus on our website.

More attractions of Ephesus

Hilt - The oldest city of the world and one of the most famous centers of Artemis worship. Ephesus is visited. This is one of those places of modern Turkey, where the beauty and greatness of the historical heritage of the world felt.

Here lived and preached the apostle Paul, and maybe he wrote his gospel to the Apostle John, who was buried in Ephesus in the Church of the same name. According to an ancient tradition, in Ephesus held the last years of life, the mother of Jesus Christ - Virgin Mary.

The city, which is necessary to visit, if you arrived on holidays in Turkey - this is an ancient city - Ephesus. Ephesus is the most visited attraction of Turkey, as well as the second most importantly, the ancient city in the Mediterranean after Pompeii in Italy.

City of Ephesus in Turkey It is famous for the whole world thanks to one of the seven wonders of the world.

All preserved in Ephesus refers to the Greek and Roman period of the history of the city.

Ephesus is the largest antique city that has survived to this day, and where the atmosphere of the life of distant ancestors is fully felt. Located on the west coast of Malaya Asia, the second most important after Pompeev.

The view of the city has changed little since the times, there are monuments and buildings on the streets, which are not found in the world. Having visited the ancient city of Ephesus, you can immediately see a huge number of attractions. The ruins, the temple of the Roman emperor Adrian, the Temple of Syrapis, God fertility, the Fountain of Emperor Trojan, the ruins of the sanctuary of the Nymph, the ruins of the bath, gymnasium, legendary Library Celsawhere it was completely unknown to reach our days about twelve thousand parchment scrolls.

Sasha Mitrahovich 23.10.2015 13:58

Ephesus is an ancient city located on the west coast of Turkey, near the mouth of the River Small Menderes.

Self get to the ancient city of Ephesus

Alone Getting to the ancient city of Ephesus is not difficult if you arrived on the coast of the Aegean Sea, on the resorts as Marmaris, Kusadasi or Bodrum. It is best to come to Selchuk and stay here for a couple of days to better watch the sights of Ephesus, as it is impossible to do it in one day. Some monuments can be reached on foot, and Dolmushi and Taxi and Taxi are running from the rest.

Unfortunately, from Antalya or other resorts of the Mediterranean Sea to go to Ephesus far away and expensive, you will have to go early in the morning, and you will arrive back, you already think about it.

Ephesus on the map of Turkey:

Sasha Mitrahovich 30.10.2015 16:59

According to ancient Greek mythology, one day, the Son of the Lord of Athens Andrkl received a task from Oracle. He was ordered to create a new city. The place for the construction of the city was to find Andrkl himself, according to the oracle, a boar, a fire and fish will help him in this.

Handling ship for long-range sailing, Andrkl swam along the shores of the Aegean Sea. Suddenly he saw fishermen who fried fish at a fire. The flame was big, a spark flew around. One spark got into the bushes and from there the boar jumped out. Seeing this, Andrkl decided to build a city in this place.

During the construction of the city, Andrkl met Efesia - the leadership of the Amazons. Feeling in love with beauty, he called the city in her honor.

Sasha Mitrahovich 30.10.2015 18:50

The first settlements on the territory of Ephesus are given by another nonolith period (beginning of 9,500 years BC), this is evidenced by the excavations of Arvali and Kukurichi Kurgani.

There are also settlements of the early Bronze Age (the beginning of 3500 - 3300 years BC), and a cemetery was found quite recently, which dates back to the Mycena Era (1500 - 1400 BC).

The place was very comfortable, there was always a good climate, convenient for agriculture, and Ephesus was always at the intersection of marine and land trading paths.

In the entire history of its existence, Ephesis was repeatedly subjected to cruel raids, during which there were significant destruction, and was also influenced by various eras and cultures.

Large imprint left the Roman period in Ephesus, a lot of architectural monuments were preserved.

Arab robbery VII - VIII centuries led the city to the strongest decline, and by the beginning of the XIV century, only a small village remained from the majestic city and noisy port.

The successful life of the Greek city lasted about 500 years, after which he lost independence and all the time he was part of major empires, paying exorbitant taxes and carrying other duties. It was the Persian Empire, the Empire of Seleucidov and the Roman Republic.

Ephesus was called on behalf of the Amazon Ephesis. Initially, the city was founded as a colony of Greek Ionians from Athens approximately between the XVI-XI centuries. BC e. The aristocratic form of government in the VII century. BC e. Changed by tyranny, and later the city was conquered by the ruler Lydia king creek, at this time the Ephesus reaches the highest bloom.

The king was invested in the construction of the huge temple of Artemis. In 546 BC e. The king of Persia Cyrus conquered Crazy and Ephesus, respectively, passed into the Persian state. Subsequently, the city took part in Greco-Persian wars. About 470 g. BC. Ephesus became a free city and entered the Delos Union.

After 386 BC. The city was conquered by Persians. 356 BC He became a year of burning, because of the manic desire for Herostrata to glorify his name, but thanks to Alexander Macedonsky, who liberated herd from the power of Persia, the temple of Straight began to rejuvenate.

The ruler of Lisima began to transfer the city to a new place, from a wetland valley to the mountain and built a new harbor, everything was an epidemic that captured the city. Many residents did not want to move, and then the ruler blocked access to fresh water.

In 133 BC Ephesus entered the Great Roman state, and in 88. BC. The city joined the Anti-Graysky Updation of the cities of Malaya Asia, but after two years Ephesus returned to the rule of Rome, and after two years of the inhabitants, the Emperor Sulla's heaved tribute.

After the civil war in Rome and the death of Caesar Efes paid tribute to two sides, but at August Ephesus became the capital of the Roman Empire in Asia. It was the most beautiful and lush city of the Roman Empire, but already in 262 BC. He was ruined by goths.

The complete oblivion of Ephesus was devoted at the beginning of the Board of the Ottoman Empire. The main reason was the fact that the city ceased to exist as a port, people left the city and a bright star of Ephesus Ferrock.

Ephesus was remembered only at the end of the XIX century. English archaeologist Wood, dreaming to find the temple of Artemis. Reloaded for the city the glory of the Great Antique Sightseeing. The city "got" literally from under the ground, thanks to archaeologists, beautiful Ephesus appeared again on the map.

Sasha Mitrahovich 30.10.2015 18:52

In Ephesus, the cult of Artemis, the goddess fertility and hunting, the patronage of life, was very developed, in honor of which the huge temple was built, which was considered one of the wonders of the ancient world.

Thousands of people with confusion problems came to the temple to pray the goddess. In the center of the temple stood a large statue of Artemis in the image of a "multi-pour" woman.

The temple had a size of 100 meters long and 50 meters wide, and its columns were 18 meters high.

The amphitheater was built during the reign of the Roman Empire. It was the largest amphitheater in the territory of the Roman Province of Asia, the capital of which was Ephesus. It is designed for 25,000 people, it is twice as much as the amphitheater in Hieropolis (Pamukkale) and three times more than the amphitheater of the city of the world.

The construction of the theater took place in three stages, which is clearly visible in the photo. New floors were added as the city grows. There is also a small theater that is smaller in size and played a minor role.

Temple of Adriana

The Temple of Adriana - was built in 135 of our era and is two central columns that support the arch is all that has been preserved once from Timpan.

It was decorated with statues of the emperors of Dicoletian, Maximian, the Constance of Chlorine and Gallery.

Also preserved in the center of the podium, on which the statue was arrested dedicated to the emperor Adrian.

Basilica St. John

A little further - the Basilica of St. John, built in the VI century. Under the emperor, Justinian I where the tomb of the apostle was supposedly located. It is a cleared square pad, along the edges of which are four columns. In the middle of the square there is a small tombstone in the form of a cross.

Marble street

Marble street leads to the Celsius library. A marble street of 400 meters long was laid in the 5th century on the place more ancient. Trade shops were located along the street and statues were installed on pedestals, under the street there is a developed sewage system.

Houses on the hillside

On the opposite side of the Temple of Adrian, an architectural complex is located, which is called "at home on the hillside", looking to the street of Kurezov. In these houses, rich seats of society were mainly lived, therefore there is another name "at the rich" house. All houses are located so that each house also serves as a terrace for the next house.

One of the most popular houses is the house of Pesser II built in the first century of our era, richly decorated with scenery. Almost all rooms in homes have mosaic floors and numerous frescoes for decoration.


On the right side is located house of Lovewhich consists of many rooms. Presumably it was a public house, and the mosaic paintings depict girls who worked here. On one of the floors you can see an antique toilet.

The underground tunnel was led by the library to a public house, allegedly, in order for the husbands to deceive his wives, saying that they were going to the library, and secretly went to a public house. But many scientists do not agree with this, they argue that the public library was a residential house of a very rich family.

Street Kureov

Street Kureov - stretched along the Celsius Library and Gate Hercules to Agora.

That kind of preserved to the present day, the street acquired during the period IV - V century, during the reconstruction after a strong earthquake. It is paving marble and other natural stones that are perfectly combined with antique buildings.

On Mount Bulbul (at the entrance to the historic area of \u200b\u200bEphesus, there are always taxi drivers with a proposal to take to the place) is the house of the Virgin Mary. According to the legend, before his death on the Cross, Jesus bequeathed to take care of his mother St. John. St. John passed the Mother of God into his hometown of Ephesus and hid it at the foot of the mountain in the hut surrounded by dense forests, where she spent the last years of his life.

Another attraction associated with Ephesus is a seven sleeping cave. According to the legend, the seven young men came to the persecution during the emperor Diocletian (284-305), hiding in the cave, where the Lord enveloped a dream on them. They woke up only two centuries later, when Christianity became an official religion. In a place where this miracle occurred, after the death of young people, a huge monument was erected, and the cave began to call the "cave of seven sleeping."

Sasha Mitrahovich 30.10.2015 19:37

Address: Turkey
Based: X century BC
Destroyed: XV century
Main attractions: Temple of Artemis, Library of Celsius, Big Theater, Odeon (Small Theater), Temple Adriana, Kurekov Street
Coordinates: 37 ° 56 "24.3" N 27 ° 20 "29.8" E

The ancient Greek city of Ephesus is the one where the temple of Artemis, destroyed by Herostrate in 356 BC, is located today on the Aegean coast of Turkey, between the cities of Izmir and Kusadasi.

Gate Herakla

The ruins of the ancient Ephesus are buried under the impassable marsh, and the part that is already excavated, is fenced and is an open-air museum. Ephesus is one of the few cities where the structure of an ancient Greek settlement is perfectly preserved.

Walking on the ancient streets and considering architectural monuments, a tourist can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe already splendor of the Greek policy. The ruins of the Roman Agora and the Small Theater, their, Fountains and the rich quarters of mansions are impressive travelers with impressive size and art of performance.

Street Kureov

Ephesus - Amazon City

Efesia Greek Colony Ephesus was laid in the XI century before the Nativity of Christ. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name Andrkl - the son of the Athenian ruler of the coder. In those times, the Greeks, built a new policy, were treated for advice to the Delphian Oracle, which pointed out the place of the foundation of the future colony. Oracle said Andrkl, that the city should be laid in those lands where three "sign" will comply - fire, fish and boar. Traveling along the coast of the Aegean Sea, Andrkl found such a place: on the shore of the bay fishermen fryed fish, and sparks, broken down from the fire, set fire to a tree, where the disturbed boar ran out. Soon Andrkl met with the amazons-warrior, in one of which, Epusius, he fell in love and called the city in her honor - Ephesus.

Library Celsa

Flower and decay of Ephesus

Ephesus developed rapidly thanks to the trade, but he reached the highest heyday with the Lidius Tsar creek at 560 - 546 BC. e. Interestingly, when the casting castors invaded the city, the locals did not have any defensive structures. They only connected the gate of Ephesus with the temple of Artemis by the rope rope - so they thought they were, the goddes would be easier to protect them! Delivered by such naivety, Krepes stopped the siege and even sacrificed funds to the temple treasury. Later, Ephesus flourished and under the rule of Persians, he was part of the Roman Republic, Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire, and in the XV century AD. Came to decline and was finally abandoned.

Big theater with bird's heights

Ephesis - Center for Early Christianity

In the 50s, AD. Ephesus became one of the most important centers for the spread of Christianity. Here preached the apostle Paul and John theologian. According to legend, in this city, he spent the rest of his earthly life Mary Maria - Mother I. Christ. In Ephesus, the House of the Virgin Mary was preserved - a small building with a basement, where the prechy Virgo lived the last days.

In 1950, the building was reconstructed and rebuilt into the chapel. Although the venue of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary traditionally is considered to be Jerusalem, and the Vatican officially did not recognize the shrine by the House of St. Mary, he was visited by Pope - Paul Vi, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI. August 15, on the day of the Ascension of Our Lady, a lot of pilgrims flocked into the chapel, often different religion.

Temple of Adriana

Slightly above the mountain, over the main entrance to the Archaeological Park of Ephesus are the catacombs and the grotto "Seven Sleeping", where, according to legend, Christian martyrs were alive, who fell asleep by a wonderful bed for almost 200 years.

Attractions Ephesus

Many monuments are excavated in Ephesus, and most of them belong to the Roman era. The upper part of Ephesus begins with the well-preserved gram varium, to which ceramic pipes are connected. At the foot of the bath houses Caldarium - the room where hot water came. Nearby is Agora - the main square of Ephesus, where Big Trading in the past century was boiling, celebrations were held on the occasions of religious and secular holidays.

Fountain Trojan

In the north of Agor, the Ruins of the Basilica of the Dynasty of the Emperor Augustus are standing, and the Basilica is located the small theater Odeon (150 g. BC), from the top rows of which the amazing views of the Baths of Varius and Priva are opening - the place of meetings of the municipality of Ephesis. Next to progress, in the Vesta Temple (III century. BC) found a focus for sacred fire. Along the slope from the gate of Hercules to Agora stretches the avenue of Kureov - the longest and magnificent street in all Ephesus, decorated with columns, galleries, sculptures, fountains, mosaic.

Odeon (Small Theater)

Of particular interest among tourists are the monuments such as the Temple of Adrian (118-138. N. E.), the Bolshoi Theater (III-II centuries. BC. E.), Celsius Library (110-135 N. E. ) And the entry house associated with it is a public house - thus, the Men of Ephesus could deceive their wives, saying that they go to the library to read folirants. The Bolshoi Theater, who served the isna of gladiator fights in the Roman era, still amazing imagination. His arches accommodate up to 25 thousand spectators, and thanks to the magnificent acoustics of the speaker speaking on stage, it is clearly audible not only on the lower and upper tiers, but also beyond the hall.

The ruins of the temple of Artemis