Facts about South America. Interesting facts about South America

  • 1. Part of South America opened Spanish navigator Columbus. About the presence of a big mainland, he learned the first. The theory of Christopher Columbus that water is becoming more fastar only if the river falls into the sea, found a confirmation in 1492.
  • 2. The largest Country of South America is Brazil. She is famous for lush carnivals and performances of various sambo schools.
  • 3. The largest river in the world proceeds through this continent. Amazon has more semi-tech tributaries.
  • 4. Angel is the so-called the highest waterfall in the world. It is located in the South American Country of Venezuela. The height of the waterfall is more than 1000 meters. This miracle of nature is in hard-to-reach places, so it can not see him to see him.

Angel is the highest waterfall in the world - interesting facts about South America.

  • 5. The most alpine capital on Earth is located in Bolivia. La Paz is located at an altitude of 3-4 kilometers!
  • 6. Machu Picchu is the most highland city of antiquity. It was built by Indian tribes in Andes, Peru. In our time, Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive attractions all over the world.
  • 7. Interesting facts about South America reveal the secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of its distinguished countries. According to scientists, eating fresh seafood and unique natural conditions of the mainland contribute to the development of mental potential and strengthening people's health.
  • 8. Did you know that the South American Country of Venezuela was named after the European city of Venice? Florentine traveler Amerigo Vespucci, having studied the principle of the construction of Venezuela (system of canals, houses on piles, on water), discovered similarity with Venice. Hence the name of the whole country in South America.
  • 9. At the shores of this continent there is a famous sailors around the world Natural Lighthouse of Itzalko (or Isalko). In fact, it is a volcano, about 2 kilometers high. Every 8 minutes magma is poured here and a 300-meter column of smoke rises. The reliability of this lighthouse is tested by the continuous 200-year work of the volcano.
  • 10. In the northern part of the state of Chile there is a unique desert of the Atakama. It is interesting for the fact that within 400 years there was no completely no precipitation. For this reason, the humidity of the air in the most dry planet of the globe is 0%, and the local mountains, despite the impressive height of 7 kilometers, do not have glacial hats. Imagine the surprise of local inhabitants, when in 2010 Nature gave lifeless lands of the desert snowdrifts in May.
  • 11. In the highlands of Peru and Bolivia, the tribes of indigenous Indians still live.
  • 12. South America - the habitat of the biggest in the world of Zhukov (fuel oil beetles), the most poisonous frogs (a red-eyed poisonous frog, spotted elderly, two-color philoma, small tree and others), the smallest monkeys (butterfly) -Agrippina), the most dangerous fish (Piranhai).

Beetle of the woodcutter, Agrippina butterfly, a monkey toy, a monkey poisonous frog - Interesting Facts about South America

  • 13. Colombian River Canyo-Kristales is considered one of the most beautiful and unusual worldwide. Her uniqueness gives a large number of multicolored algae. Like red, yellow and green threads, they fill with reservoir amazing shades.
  • 14. In the South American country, Paraguay still pass (and allowed) duels.

Paraguay duel.

15. Summer Panamks were invented in Ecuador, and not in Panama, as logically, you might think.

The huge continent of South America, open for Europeans in the era of great navigators - the real storehouse of ancient cultures, traditions and customs. Despite the century under the domination of colonialists, many local peoples retain the traditional way of life, and those that were assimilated, gave rise to an amazing cocktail from Indian and European cultures.

  1. The largest South American country is Brazil. Argentina followed after it. Both of these states are the 6th and 7th on the area among all countries of the world, respectively (see).
  2. The average height of South America above sea level reaches almost 600 meters. 580, if you are accurate.
  3. It is in South America that is the most wetal settlement on Earth. This is the Colombian city of Bainanventura, where rains fall more than anywhere else.
  4. The thinnest of hot deserts, attack, is also located on South American mainland. Full rains were not about 400 years old (see).
  5. In most countries in South America, the Spanish, but other languages \u200b\u200bare also common.
  6. About half of the entire South American population lives in Brazil. Talk here at the local Portuguese dialect.
  7. In most major South American cities, there are bad areas where even the police are not visited. In Brazil, they are called favorites, in some other countries - with vice.
  8. In South America is Ushuaia, the most southern city of the planet. Standing on his shore and looking at the south, you realize that there, behind the horizon, there is only one land - Antarctica (see).
  9. Not all former colonies of new world belong to South America. Many confuse southern America with Latin. The first is a geographical definition, and the second is rather ethnographic.
  10. The only English-speaking state of the South American continent is Guyana, one of the poorest countries of the world.
  11. French here is also widespread. They speak French Guiana, France's overseas.
  12. The overwhelming majority of the population of South America are Christian Catholics.
  13. There were no time here the Empire Incas and Maya existed, but they were crushed by conquering conquerors.
  14. In Argentina and Uruguay, most people are direct descendants of the Spaniards and Italians, and the locals look like Europeans. And the most Indian population is in Bolivia and Peru (see).
  15. In South America there is the highest capital of the world, La Paz. True, the capital of Bolivia is only actually, and not nominally.
  16. South American Solonchak Uyuni, formed on the site of a dried lake, in the rainy season turns into the most huge mirror in the light.
  17. In Paraguay, one of the countries of South America is still allowed duel.
  18. Among all the continents, the South American is the most wet.
  19. The most famous waterfalls of the world are also located in South America. Angel is the highest of them, and Iguazu is the most powerful (see).
  20. Lake Titicaca is located here is the highest shipping lake in the world.
  21. In total in South America there are 12 independent states plus the dependent territories of other countries.
  22. In the Republic of Chile from 10 to 25% of the population, according to different estimates, there are immigrants from the Spanish country of Basque and their direct descendants.
  23. In the same chili, about 3% of the population are ethnic Croats, and about half a million people are Germans.
  24. The only country of South America, where in the go Dutch language - Suriname, the former Colony of the Netherlands.
  25. In Bolivia and Peru, drinks are popular in the leaves of Coca, but it is impossible to export them to other countries.
  26. It was here, in Argentina and Uruguay, such a popular dance originated as Tango.
  27. The most popular sport in all South American countries is football.


South America is one of the seven continents of the world. It is located between the quiet and Atlantic Oceans. South America was opened by the European researcher Amerigo Vespucci. There are 12 countries on its territory.

By South America Square ranks fourth among the continents of the world after Asia, Africa and North America. In terms of population, it stands in fifth place, yielding Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. South America has many natural resources, most of whom focused in the Amazonian basin area. Amazon River is one of the largest rivers of the world.

Historical Facts about South America
There are historical facts proving that civilization known as Chavin (chavin) covered the period from 900th century to 300 centuries BC. Many remnants of this civilization were found in Peru, in the area of \u200b\u200bChavin de Huanter, lying at an altitude of 3,177 meters above sea level. The trading network and agriculture were developed during the Chavin Civilization.

One of the oldest civilizations of South America is the Inca civilization (INCA). The capital of the Inca civilization was Cusco City (CUSCO) in Andes. Incas were known for their unique highly developed culture. The ruins of the Inca civilization indicate that their cities buildings were laid out excellent masonry and designed with great accuracy. Historians believe that the Inca successfully carried out surgical operations on the brain. Natural resources of South America were used by such European countries as Spain and Portugal. Many South American countries were the colonies of these European states.

Funny facts about South America
The South American Country of Brazil gave the world many outstanding and famous actresses, such as Florinda Bolkan, Sonya Braga (Xuxa), Bruna Lombardi and Vera Fischer (Vera Fischer).

The British Director of Alan William Parker, created by the British director Alan William Parker, was based on the British director Alan William Parker (Alan William Parker).

South America is the mainland, which is located in the southern and western hemisphere. It is surrounded from the west to quiet, and from the east by the Atlantic Oceans. This land is rich in stunning natural beauty, she keeps the secrets of ancient civilizations, the colorful peoples live here and the tribes lost in the jungle. Interesting facts about South America:

Everyone knows the fact that America in 1492 opened Columbus. But she received his name in honor of the navigator from Florence Amerigo Vespucci. It was he who first suggested that the land found is not India, but a new light.

In 1541, Spaniard Francisco Orelian opened the longest and largest river in the world - Amazon. The length of the river is almost 7,000 km. His expedition was floated along the length of the whole river.

Amazon pool area can be compared in size with Australia's area. And this is about 7,200 square kilometers.

Titicaca is considered the highest lake in the world. This picturesque lake is in the mountains of Andes between Peru and Bolivia. The height of the lake above the sea level 3812m.

Marakaybo - the biggest and oldest lake on the ground. This is pride and an important source of wealth of Venezuela, because there are many deposits of oil. In the southern and western banks, Marakaybo in the houses on piles from ancient times, tribes cut from civilization.

South America is rich in waterfalls. And not simple, but the most. Angel is the highest (1054 m) waterfall in the world. It is in the tropics of Venezuela.

The most powerful and full-water waterfalls are on the border of Brazil and Argentina. This fantastic complex of Iguazu waterfalls is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and one of the seven wonders of the nature of the world is considered.

An interesting fact about South America is that this mainland is considered the greatest on earth.

Brazil is the largest country of South America. She is known for its annual enchanting carnival.

One of the most popular attractions of South America is considered a unique ancient city among the clouds, or the lost city of Inca, Machu Picchu. It is located in Peru at an altitude of 2450m above sea level. In order to preserve the ancient city, the Government of Peru is forced to limit the number of visits to tourists up to 2500 per day.

Statue of Christ on Mount Corcovad in Rio Degano is a business card of Brazil. Its height is 38m, and the scope of hand 28m. From the height of the foot of the Statue of Christ, a breathtaking view of Riot Janeiro and its surroundings.

South America is one of the largest continents intersectable by the equator, which is spent immediately in two hemispheres: North and South. Civilization on its lands developed in different ways. Therefore, today the amazing original culture of South America and the incredible beauty of local nature is still of interest and attracts millions of tourists.

The continent is of its name in honor of the Florentine traveler Amerigo Vespucci. It was he who for the first time suggested that the Earth's Columbus open by Christopher are new light, since they have nothing to do with the already open Europeans in India.

The southern continent of America is connected to the Northern Panaman Cleans.

Not the territory of the largest mainland today is 14 countries, most of which are among the developing. The biggest - Brazil. This amazing country of South America for 1.5 centuries is a disrete leader in the production of coffee and real queen of lush carnavals. In the former capital of Brazil - Rio de Janeiro is one of the new seven wonders of the world. This is the 40-meter statue of Christ-Redeemer.

The most high mountain capital of the continent is recognized by the Bolivian city of La Paz. It is located in the crater of the extinct millions of years ago volcano at an altitude of 3.6 thousand meters. Due to the highlighted location in the city there are critical indicators of the UV index, exceeding the permissible marks at 16 and more than what makes the capital of Bolivia especially life-threatening.

It is noteworthy that in the highlands of Bolivia and Peru still live the tribes of indigenous Indians. Almost half of them are representatives of the people of Kechua. Straight descendants of the culture of the Incas were preserved in the original form of the tradition of ancient civilization.

The coastal countries of the continent became famous for the fact that the "foci of longevity" focused on their lands. In these areas, people live much longer, while maintaining energy, vitality and mental potential until the end of their days. The average life expectancy is 75 years. Such a phenomenon is explained by the unique natural conditions of the mainland and regular use of fresh seafood.

Amazing animal and vegetable world

The continent washed by two oceans - Atlantic and quiet, also the Caribbean Sea, is famous for the incredibly diverse world of flora and fauna. Within the largest countries of South America - Brazil presented over 4 million types of flora and fauna.

Unusual fauna representatives

This is the habitat of record holders in several nominations.

  • The most poisonous frogs.

Representatives of the Trevolz family live in tropical forests. Tiny creatures, the size of the body of which does not exceed 30 mm, move perfectly on trees with suction cups and curls. Bright spotted body painting warns potential enemies about danger. The main weapon of the baby is a toxic poison that is mortal for a person even in small doses.

Not less danger and two-color philomases are carried. Representatives of the Kvaksh family of real giants in comparison with small spotted squeaks. The length of individual individuals can reach 120 mm. The poison of these amazing animals of South America is also dangerous for a person. It can cause problems with the stomach and provoke hallucinations. Knowing this feature, the indigenous inhabitants specifically produce poison philomes in order to once again experience a hallucinogenic effect.

  • The smallest monkeys.

Primates of championship families are so small that for a long time they were considered young of other animal species. The size of an adult individual is only 15 cm, and together with the tail - 20 cm. The weight of the animal is only 100 gr. These babies prefer to shall with family groups of 5-6 individuals on forest edges, in the outskirts of the jungle and the banks of the rivers. Feed on fruit, wood juice and insects. They are perfectly moving between trees, with ease overcoming any obstacles.

  • The biggest butterfly.

Tizania Agrippina became famous for the whole world with incredible dimensions. The scope of the wings reaches a mark of 31 cm. Externally, it looks like a huge beautiful moth, and on the dimensions she can surpass even a large bird. Wings of fluttering beauty decorated with a bizarre pattern of gray-brown coloring, have wavy edges.

The removal butterfly is very buggy. It leads a night lifestyle and feeds on exclusively by fleshy leaves of the Kassia bush.

  • The most dangerous fish.

Burdes are among the most dangerous animals of the world. They keep huge flocks, most of the time spent in search of production. These residents of the underwater kingdom are famous for the extraordinary scent, through which they are able to detect victim for hundreds of meters. Their main weapon is a huge jaw with protruding sharp as a razor with lamellar teeth. Piranhas attack suddenly, attack lightning and tormented mercilessly. Prediters are pretty voracious, and therefore they can only be found in rivers replete with fish. The jaws of fish are so powerful and teeth are so sharp that they can easily eat a stick thick in a finger of a large man.

  • The biggest beetles in the world.

Wood-axle beetles they are Usachi are representatives of the trooper squad. They obtained its second name due to long segmented mustache, the length of which can be 3-4 times higher than the length of the body.

On the lands of South America there are Titans-woodcutters, the length of which reaches 20 cm. At the same time, only a torso is taken into account without a mustache. Adult insects have a monophonic brown-black color. They live only 3-5 weeks. Moreover, at this stage of physiological development, the beetles do not eat anything. All the necessary substances they receive from reserves deferred at the stage of larvae.

Surprisingly, the Titans-woodcutters do not have close relatives in the nature. Therefore, these unusual insects cause live interest not only among scientists, but also collectors.

Amazing vegetable world

South America is a place on the planet, where natural wealth has been preserved almost since the Mesozoic era almost in primeval form. On her lands you can meet many wonderful plants, which are no longer anywhere on Earth.

What are only handsome cosmey flowers, whose petals have a rare chocolate shade, or a ghost orchid, creating an illusion that it grows from nowhere.

Trees of continent can boast of extraordinary beauty. Jacaranda with a splashing crown, covered with tens of thousands of lilac flowers, creates a stunning effect of a huge cloud descended from heaven. And the tulip tree, which received its name on the unusual form of the collected in the sinking of flowers and bizarre lovid leaves, simply fascinates with its "fiery stars."

If we talk about the unusual plants of the continent, then they should be attributed to them:

  • Bottle tree

Brachihiton has a trunk of up to 15 meters high, which in the girth of over 3 m. An unusual shape in the form of a giant inflated bottle is due to the adaptability of the plant: it stores the reserves of delicious drinking water. In the upper part of the brachihithon barrel there are tanks created by nature in which sweet thick thick juice accumulates.

  • Cashew Pirangi

The famous tree of 177 years old is interesting to the fact that literally steals on the ground. At the same time, the branches come into contact with the ground instantly start the roots, allowing the tree to grow. Today, Piranji's cashew "covered the territory of almost 2 hectares. And on it it does not stop. An unusual plant that occupies an area equal to two football fields annually brings up to 80 thousand fruits. It turns out that one tree created his own forest.

Among the aquatic plants, the most interest is the representatives of the family of pita. These amazing plants of South America have no analogues in the world. The leaves of the world's largest water lishes outwardly resemble huge 2-meter plates, the edges of which are bent to the top almost at right angles. The dense structure of the leaves allows plants to be afloat even if they have to hold weight of 50-60 kg.

Unique places of continent

The landscapes of the mainland are diverse, starting with lifeless deserts and picturesque hills, completing impassable forest arrays and majestic mountain systems.

On the territory of South America there are 6 deserts. Solonchak uuest in Bolivia causes the greatest interest. This Solonchak with the Altypano Plateau is interesting to an unusual landscape, which is not distinguished from the fantastic landscapes of other planets. In its territory there is a "cemetery" of the steam locomotive workers.

No less interesting and attack desert. Her land for 4 centuries did not see precipitation, and therefore moisture in this area is 0%. It is noteworthy that the mountains of the desert, despite the impressive height of about 7 thousand m., Deprived of glacial hats. Atakama is so poor vegetation that its landscape more resembles the surface of lifeless planet.

But the desert of Naska is a real museum of culture and the history of the ancient peoples. She became famous due to its drawings, thanks to which the name "Drawing board of ancient civilizations" was called. The area of \u200b\u200b50 km with a length of 50 km has over 30 drawings with the image of man and animals, more than 700 geometric shapes and several tens of thousands of lines and strips.

Andes are another unique miracle of nature in South America. The world's longest mountain range extends 7, 3 km. Its highest point at an altitude of 6.96 km is called Akonkagua, which is translated from the language of Kechua denotes "Stone Guard". On the territory of the Andes are the largest volcanoes of our planet.

It is in Andes that one of the most amazing places of South America - Machu Picchu. The alpine city of antiquity was built by the Indian tribes. The lost city of the Inca is located at an altitude of 2.45 km. Nowadays, Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive attractions of the world.

No less interesting is the water element of this amazing space on the planet. On the territory of South America, the largest and largest pool area of \u200b\u200bthe river in the world - Amazon proceeds. It has 1.5 thousand tributaries and is a concentration of the essential part of the world's reserves of drinking water. The mighty river gives the living wicking of rainforests, which are often called "light planets". For all the existence of humanity, people could not conquer the Amazon: until now, no dam slows her flows.

The second largest lake Titicaca is considered the second largest water. It has more than 300 rivers that flow from glaciers framing altiplano alpine plateau. The reservoir, located at an altitude of 3.8 km above sea level, was recognized as the highest among shipping lakes in the world.

Angel is the name of the highest waterfall in the world. Its height reaches a mark of 1000 m. The water drop speed is so much so huge that it simply dissipates, creating an illusion of the rapid water jet disappearing in the fog. You can admire his beauty on the lands of the South American Venezuela countries.

Not less picturesque and waterfalls Iguazu. Located on the border of the three states - Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, a complex of beauty waterfalls will be competition to famous Niagar. It includes 197 drop-down flows of streams separated by small islands. The length of the widest waterfall of the planet is almost 3 km.

The coast of the mainland is another amazing object - the Natural Pacific Lighthouse Isalco. A young volcano, reaching the height of almost 2 thousand m., Is considered the most active in the world. From it every 8 minutes, magma is poured out, and the column rises in a 300 meters high. The reliability of this natural lighthouse is verified by the continuous 200-year operation of the volcano.