What you need to go to China. How to get to China cheaply? How much is

So, you are about to go to China. And they did the right thing! This country is famous for its centuries-old culture, inventions, natural landscapes, food and much more. Now there are many offers on the tourist market, but they are all of the same type and follow the same well-trodden routes. In addition, they do not give freedom: look to the right, look to the left ... How about entering a country where they look at you with genuine childish interest, like an alien, where the whole carriage gets up when it sees you)). Or chat with locals and get to know the life of the country from the inside. All this is provided by independent travel.

Below are the main practical issues related to independent travel in China.

1. Visa to China

The first thing you need for such a trip is a PRC visa. There are several types of visas, respectively, they require different documents, different costs. The simplest is a one-time tourist. You can register at a travel agency, which will naturally take an additional fee for its work. You can make a visa yourself by taking the documents to one of the consulates of the PRC: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

2. How to get to China and travel within the country?

There are several ways to get to the Middle Kingdom from Russia: by plane, by train or by bus, and by hitchhiking. It all depends on your budget, where you are going from and which places in China you are going to visit. China, as you know, borders with Russia in the Far East, from there the path to Beijing is the closest. You can cover this distance by train. The easiest way to fly from Moscow, St. Petersburg and the European part of Russia is by plane. There are both direct flights and with a transfer in Astana, Almaty, Dubai, depending on the airline. Cheap tickets can be found on the website .

Within China, you can also move in different ways, which is more to your liking. We traveled by train, bought tickets ourselves at the box office a few days before departure.

3. How much money to take to China?

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here - everyone has their own requirements and preferences. I can only give a link to our

It is better to exchange cash in advance in Russia for dollars, since rubles are not changed in China. Dollars to yuan are changed mainly by the Bank of China, the exchange rate in the spring of 2013 was 6.1 yuan per dollar. You can also use Visa and MasterCard bank cards. A commission will be charged for withdrawing money from the card. It is different for different banks, check with your bank before traveling.

Anya and I issued ISIC youth cards, and in some places they give a good discount. For example, we saved 90 yuan (450 rubles) on Mount Emeishan.

4. What to take with you to China?

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes)) We did not understand why we were dragging sleeping bags with us, but it turned out that China is full of cheap and comfortable housing.

When packing, pay attention to the weather in China. For example, in the spring, the southwestern regions are rainy and damp, while Xinjiang can be cool but dry. From here and choose what to take. For independent travel a backpack is an irreplaceable and convenient thing that must be \u003d).

In extreme cases, buy what you need in China, all the same, all the clothes are made there!

5. Accommodation in China - where to sleep?

As mentioned above, the choice of accommodation is huge, especially in places that are popular with tourists. And competition makes prices acceptable. You can book a hotel or hotel in advance - it is easy to do on the website. If you prefer to improvise, you can decide on the housing already on the spot. But I strongly advise against doing this if you are traveling on holidays: in early May and in the first half of October.

If you want to stay in an apartment or rent a room from the owners (often it is cheaper than a hotel) - try Airbnb (go to and get a gift for your first booking - $ 25).

6. Where to go in China, attractions

Here the choice is simply endless, China is an amazing country! At every step, opening is waiting \u003d).

We visited 4 provinces, or rather , and the province , Yunnan and Manchuria. We just passed the rest of the districts by train.

7. Food

They love and know how to eat in China! Local residents have adopted the rule "War is war, and lunch is on schedule")). The choice of food is very large, although the main products for the Chinese are rice and noodles, as well as additives to them. You can grab a bite to eat at local chifans or by purchasing food at the market or supermarkets.

It should be noted that Chinese food is very spicy - be careful, especially in the early days.

When organizing an independent travel, mobile applications are very helpful. We wrote .

That's all I wanted to say about traveling to China on my own. Come to the Celestial Empire, you will definitely be satisfied! Easy roads!

China is a big country that has its own culture. That is why many tourists strive to get to the Celestial Empire. There are many cities in the country worth seeing. Let's dwell on the main points that are important for every tourist to know. First, you need to resolve the issue with a visa, since every tourist needs it. If a single entry visa is issued, then its cost is 1,500 rubles, double entry - 3,000, multiple - 4,500.

How much does the flight cost?

Consider how much a ticket will cost to fly to China from Russia, while the rate is taken at the rate of 1 dollar approximately 7 yuan, which is equivalent to 58 rubles.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Beijing for the year ahead

departure date Return date Transplants Airline Find a ticket

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

2 transfers

2 transfers

1 transfer

1 transfer

1 transfer

1. It will be inexpensive to go from Moscow to Beijing or Shanghai, the ticket price will be about 20,000 rubles.

2. It will be even cheaper to go from Vladivostok, here the ticket price to Beijing will cost only 11,000 rubles.

The cheapest flights from Vladivostok to Beijing for the year ahead

departure date Return date Transplants Airline Find a ticket

1 transfer

3. You can fly from Irkutsk to Beijing for only 14,000 rubles.

It often happens that airlines hold various promotions and if you carefully study them, you can find options for a few thousand more rubles cheaper.


When planning a vacation in China, you do not have to worry about transport, the infrastructure is well developed here. You can get anywhere in the country without any problems. If your stay in China will be long, then it is best to purchase a travel card, so there will be an opportunity to save a little. The pass is a plastic card that can be used freely on the metro and buses, it costs only $ 4. For travel, a tourist within the city will only need to spend $ 30 a month on public transport. Instead of a taxi, it is better to take a moped, such a trip will be much cheaper, in addition, mopedists never get stuck in a traffic jam, which means there is an opportunity to save your time.

Living in China

When deciding to go on vacation in 2020 to China, you should immediately take care of housing. The real estate market is actively developing in the country, so it will be possible to find a lot of advertisements for renting housing, while there are apartments that can be rented for a month. For a tourist who came to the country on vacation, there are two more suitable options:

1. You can rent a hotel room, but do not trust too much the photos that are posted on the sites, so you should only use trusted sources.

2. You can find where to stay through thematic groups in social networks, where announcements of renting an apartment for a month can be posted. It is very convenient to use such services, as you can find a room that will fully correspond to reality.

Many tourists advise to book a hotel or a room for just a day, and then decide whether to stay further or look for other options.

How much is housing?

Prices in the country are very different, so it all depends on what conditions the traveler wants to receive in return. If you want to rent an entire apartment for a month, it can cost $ 500, rent a room will be cheaper, somewhere around $ 300 will be enough. The options can be very diverse, for example, in Shenzhen, near the beach, you can rent an apartment for as little as $ 600. You can rent a room in a simple small hotel for only $ 20, but, according to tourists, it is still better to use the services of chain hotels that value their reputation, but in this case the room will cost $ 40.

Food and national cuisine

National cuisine in China is specific, so it may not please everyone. You can grab a bite to eat at McDonald's. Also, cafes will always come to the rescue, where the cost of lunch can be as little as $ 5, but as for restaurants, then you will have to pay double the price. But taking into account the reviews of tourists, it would be most correct to conclude that it is best to eat in a cafe where locals eat, in which the cost of a hearty lunch costs only $ 2.

If you want to cook on your own, you can stock up on food in the supermarket. There is a huge selection of different fruits and vegetables here. It is not recommended to buy sausages, because they differ from those products that our compatriots are used to using.

Features of China

In China, many tourists feel uncomfortable, especially when on the street a Chinese man may come up and ask to be photographed, as if with a celebrity. In addition, the Chinese associate a white person with wealth, so tourists are often trying to make money here, so there is no need to be ashamed of bargaining in the markets. The locals themselves are good-natured, but there are also cunning among them. Every tourist should know how to take care of their safety. It is best to keep the bag in front so that it is always in sight, as there are enough scammers and pickpockets everywhere.

How much will a trip to China from Russia cost?

Typically, a couple who wants to travel to China for ten days will need to calculate the funds as follows:

1. To get a single entry visa for two, you need about $ 50.

2. A flight to Beijing or Shanghai can cost 34,000 rubles.

3. An inexpensive hotel for ten days will cost $ 110 per night, a three-star hotel will cost $ 250.

4. You can eat in inexpensive cafes, this is about $ 600 for two for ten days.

6. The cost of transportation and excursions will be $ 200.

Of course, you can, but spending a vacation on your own is much cheaper, so budget tourists can enjoy the beauty of the Middle Kingdom for only $ 1100 for two. Travel Tips

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Holidays in China

Holidays in China

Holidays in China

China is an amazing country that attracts tourists with its culture and wide opportunities for a variety of recreation. Holidays in China are liked by very different people, since everyone can find something of their own here - attractions, noisy nightlife, exotic cuisine, beaches, shopping and much more.


China is a fairly large country with a huge number of resorts. We will try to describe the most popular ones.


Hong Kong

Entertainment center in China. Famous for its rich nightlife and low prices for local goods.


A city of flowers with many cultural attractions.


A resort in Tibet, the main religious center of China with many monuments of Buddhist architecture.


A city on the border of Russia and China, with great shopping opportunities.


A large cultural and business center in the south of China, very popular with tourists.


The capital of China, with numerous cultural and historical sights and very wide opportunities for active and interesting recreation.


A tropical island in the south of China, a great place for a beach holiday and diving.


A resort with a very vibrant nightlife and excellent affordable shopping opportunities.


The best ski resort in China, which also has all the conditions for various types of winter and active rest.


IMPORTANT: Resting in China is most comfortable in autumn and spring, when there is no sweltering heat or cold, and there are not very many tourists.

Visa and customs

To apply for a visa to China, you must contact the embassy or consulate. However you can visit Hong Kong or Hainan for two weeks with a tour group without a visa, and in Sijiao and Macau (this is Manchuria airport), a visa is issued right at the border. You can also stay 72 hours without a visa in Harbin, Wuhan, Guilin, Dalian, Shenyang, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shanghai, but only if you fly through these countries to others.

How to get to China

By plane

Airplanes fly from different cities of Russia to Beijing, Harbin, Urumqi, Guangzhou and several other places. It will take much longer to travel by train - from the European part of Russia the journey will take about 130-140 hours, sometimes in transit through Mongolia. Of course, you will have to travel less from the cities of the Asian part of our country.

By bus or taxi

From some southern cities of Siberia and the Far East, buses regularly leave, for example, to Manchuria and some other cities. But it is still much more convenient and cheaper to get to Beijing and the southern cities of China by plane.


You can get around China by plane, train and bus. Aircraft they are not very popular with locals, but there are airports in almost all major cities, so this method is quite convenient.

Buses are quite popular, some have reclining places, and routes between big cities are even equipped with toilets. Sometimes buses are noisy due to the constantly running TVs.

IN trains There are always a lot of passengers in China, the trains are mostly modern, they run on time. Z-class express trains are especially good.

In cities, you can ride busesbut they are always very crowded. There are metro stations in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Tianjin, and it is better to give preference to it, as there are always terrible traffic jams in cities.


The main currency of China is cNY... It is best to go to China with dollars, although almost everywhere you can exchange rubles and euros. People often pay with a regular ruble card while traveling.

In Suifenhe, located on the border, it was recently officially allowed to pay in Russian rubles as an experiment.



The beaches of the town of Beihai in Guangxi province are no worse than the beaches of Hainan. Of particular interest is the two-kilometer long white sand beach. However, this beach is paid, and the entrance to it costs 25 yuan.


In the province of Liaoning, in the city of Dalian, there are many not only attractions, but also beaches. For example, on the rocky Tigris Beach, you can admire interesting marble statues and visit the local water park. Tourists also love Bangchuidao Jugga, Fujiashuang Beach and Golden Stone Beach.


This island is located in a tropical climatic zone, so you can relax here all year round. There are a lot of beaches on the island, but tourists especially love the city of Sanya for its white sand beaches and amazing palm trees. Yalong Bay Beach is also very beautiful. The secluded beaches of Hainan can be found on the Lihuitou Peninsula.


Shandong is a city with interesting architecture and amazing beaches. Members of the Communist Party like to rest here. There are six numbered beaches in total. The sixth is located the most conveniently, and the second is much cleaner and quieter. However, it is best to rest on Huang Dao.


Shenzhen has some of the best beaches in all of China. The most popular beaches are Dameisha and Hioameisha. The beaches are well equipped, and a short distance from the coast there are picturesque islands where you can also have a good rest.


Xiamen's coastline stretches for miles, providing nearly endless swimming and sunbathing areas. What is nice, beaches with white sand are absolutely free.


For understanding people, China has not been associated with something low-quality and cheap for a long time, because here you can buy excellent quality goods of various kinds at fairly pleasant prices. However, it is not so easy to go to China for shopping on your own, as in the end you can significantly overpay for purchases. That is why so popular shopping tours to Beijing, Hongkong, Shanghai or, for example, Guangzhou, because they allow not only shopping at a guaranteed low price, but also visiting local attractions.

Buying something is especially pleasant in Beijing - after all, there is even a Russian street called Ya Bao Lu, where the sellers speak Russian, and all the goods are adapted for us. Inexpensive clothes, shoes and accessories can be bought at the Silk Market, while souvenirs and antiques are worth taking at the Panjiyuan Market.

IMPORTANT: It is customary to bring tea, porcelain, silk products and pearls from China. Many people like porcelain vases and ivory souvenirs. Almost every store sells various colorful souvenirs such as lanterns and boxes.


Beijing cuisine

The cuisine of this region is based on rice. It is served here as a separate dish, added to meat, vegetables and fish. Lamb, pork and poultry are preferred here. Here are the typical dishes of Peking, Northern, or Imperial cuisine:

Peking duck;

Beggar Chicken - clay-baked chicken stuffed with cabbage, herbs, onions and mushrooms and wrapped in lotus leaves;

Pork in sweet and sour sauce;

Chinese samovar from many components;

Chinese dumplings, can be both vegetables and meat;

Dandelion salad.

Shanghai cuisine

In the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is customary to add rice vodka and a large amount of spices to meat, and many dishes contain fish and seafood:

Shanghai duck;

Soy fish pie - tofu;

Shaggy freshwater crab;

Cabbage soup with pork;

Mushroom noodle soup;

Squid in a spicy garlic sauce;

Eel with garlic in wine;

Fried noodles with shrimps.

Cantonese cuisine

Very sophisticated, the dishes are prepared in unusual ways with unusual ingredients. When cooking, they use the meat of turtles, snakes, dogs, cats and other animals. Light snacks are very popular with local residents. Even if you don't like exotic things, it's worth trying:

Daikon pies;

Chinese dumplings, fried in oil;

Steamed fish;

Rice noodle rolls;

Shark fin soup;

Dumplings for a couple of dim sum;

Cantonese rice.

Sichuan cuisine

It is famous all over the world for its spicy and spicy dishes - garlic, red pepper, anise, coriander, sesame and many other spices are always used in cooking. Products are most often steamed or smoked. Worth trying:

Sichuan style pork stew;

Little tofu, a meat-free soy dish;

Sichuan noodles, tribute to mian;

Chicken gongbao - spicy, with peanuts;

Duck baked in green tea;

Garlic-seasoned king prawns;

Doufu is a cheese made from fermented soybeans.

In general, Chinese cuisine is very interesting and varied, so you should definitely try it in all the regions you visit.

China landmarks

There are really a lot of sights in China, and it's impossible to list them all. Of natural attractions Yunnan Guizhou Highlands, Mount Taishan, Dongbhuang Caves with examples of ancient art, stone forest in Wansheng, caves near Guangxi and much more can be noted. However, many people value not natural, but architectural sights of China much more, which are mainly concentrated in cities.


Beijing is not the oldest city in China, but perhaps the most interesting. To the northwest of it there are some sections of the Great Wall of China; in the city itself, the Forbidden City deserves special attention - a unique palace complex, an architectural landmark that has now been turned into an interesting museum.


This ancient city houses the Terracotta Figures Museum, which houses figures from the tomb of the famous Emperor Qin Shi Huang.


This unique scenic mountain is a highly revered shrine of Taoism. Not far from it is the Confucius Temple and the Yanshengong residence.


Many of the sights and cities listed above are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


In this region there are a huge number of monasteries, Buddhist temples and monuments of ancient culture. The center of Tibet is Lhasa, which is definitely worth a visit to all connoisseurs of oriental culture and philosophy.

Amusement parks

China is famous not only for its sights and beaches - there are a lot of big, interesting and extreme amusement parks... One of them, for example, is located in the city of Guangzhou. There is also a zoo and a unique eco-hotel.

Beijing park Happy valley also deserves attention, as there are many world-class attractions and interesting thematic zones. By the way, there are parks with the same name in other cities of China, and in all of them you can have a good rest with the whole family.

In Changzhou, the amazing Dinosaur Island is open during the summer, with interactive exhibits and attractions for both children and adults.


Alpine skiing in China was very unpopular for a while. However, the government has decided to support local ski resorts, and their level has skyrocketed, so China now has excellent skiing conditions. The season here and there opens in September, although it is better to come in November, so that the snow is already everywhere. The snow cover lasts until April. At the same time, there are practically no abnormal frosts, the temperature does not drop below -10 degrees Celsius, which is very comfortable.

There are a lot of mountain ranges in China, so resorts are scattered almost throughout the country. The first season opens at the resort Wanglun... There are good resorts in Tien Shan, both elite and very economical.

Many ski enthusiasts stop at Chengbai - The snow for skiing here is just perfect, and since the resort is located in a nature reserve, all tracks pass through very picturesque places. In addition, the resort has hot springs.

The resort is popular with beginners and experienced skiers Alshan, on which, by the way, there are also the best cross-country skiing trails.

The largest ski resort in China is Yabuli... Tourists like it for its varied terrain, numerous tracks of different lengths and difficulty, trampolines, as well as a large freestyle area. The landscapes here are also very picturesque.

There are not very many opportunities for diving in China - it is mainly available in Hainan or Zhejiang, but in general the underwater world is rather scarce here;

Surfing... The tropical island of Hainan with fairly high waves is best suited for surfing. Beginners will love the Houhai Bay Beach.

As you can see, holidays in China are really extremely diverse, and everyone can find something to their liking.


In total, there are about ten thousand hotels of various levels in China, and about seven hundred of them are five-star. Local hotels are classified separately here, only representatives of international hotel chains have a star rating. A Chinese inn is an analogue of a one-star accommodation, a guest house is a two-three-star accommodation, a wine house is about 3-4 stars. Five-star hotels are only chain hotels. In general, tourists note that the level of service in China is often lower than in other countries.

  • Really varied vacation;
  • There are a lot of interesting cultural sights and architectural monuments;
  • Pleasant climate, especially on the islands;
  • Many people like local traditional medicine;
  • Low prices, especially for fairly expensive goods;
  • Interesting nature.
  • Very dirty in places;
  • Some resorts and districts are not interesting, more like ordinary Russian cities;
  • There is a very strong language barrier - almost no one speaks English, and one cannot even dream of Russian;
  • Some are unlucky with the attitude of the Chinese towards tourists;
  • Municipal equipped beaches are often crowded with Chinese;
  • Large cities such as Beijing or Shanghai are very crowded;
  • Some resorts have almost no infrastructure.

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So, for example, a double room in Suba Hotel Xi'an Dongmen 2 * per night costs 428 rubles, a room in Xi'an Forest City Hotel 4 * 1309 rubles per night, a room in Golden Flower Hotel Xi'an by Shangri- La 5 * for 2783 rubles. In general, the choice is huge, and the prices are quite affordable.

The first day. By yourself to Xi'an

Xi'an is an amazing city with more than 3000 years of history. It is considered to be one of the oldest cities in China. It was here that the Great Silk Road began. Here you have to spend two days. We begin our tour of the city with the most famous sights.

We catch a taxi and go to the Big Goose Pagoda, which is located in the Qien Temple. Here you will see the most beautiful gardens and unique architectural buildings. Many of which have been rebuilt after repeated destruction. The Pagoda itself, 64 meters high, has 7 tiers. From the very top, there is an excellent panoramic view of the entire city, where many other unique attractions are concentrated. An observant tourist will notice that the Pagoda is at an angle that increases with time. This is how the pagoda received the unspoken name "Chinese Leaning Tower of Pisa".

The Big Goose Pagoda is a great place to walk and contemplate the beauty. Be sure to check out the Peony Pavilion. Near the Pagoda, the fountain show starts in the evening. A very beautiful sight. Not far from the fountains there is a shopping center "Narru New Year", where you can have a bite to eat at the "Hot Pot" restaurant. In such restaurants, food is prepared right at your table, in which a heating element is installed.

After a short rest, we again use the services of a taxi and go to the inspection of the Fortress City Wall, whose main task was to protect the city. Here are the most famous and significant sights of Xi'an - the Drum and Bell Towers, the Muslim Quarter, the Great Mosque.

We recommend starting your tour from the south gate. Here you can see the Drums show, which takes place daily. After the show, you can take pictures with its participants dressed in national costumes and even knock on these very drums. Tourists are treated with respect here.

The wall is 12 km long, so you can rent a bike on site. Paid entrance. The Bell and Drum Towers are located in the immediate vicinity of the South Gate. The Muslim Quarter is also close. The Silk Road directly influenced the fact that there are two religions - Islam and Buddhism.

In the Muslim Quarter, you will see Great Mosque, which is one of the four largest in China, and which was built in the 18th century. The Muslim Quarter is a fantastic, colorful and must-see place. The shopping streets in the quarter deserve special attention. Here you can buy souvenirs made of stone, wood, silk.

Second day

To visit Xi'an and not see the eighth wonder of the world - the Terracotta Army, will be simply an unforgivable mistake. You can get from Xi'an by one of the buses that leave from the railway station every five minutes. Look for the sign on the "Terracotta army" bus. The road will take no more than an hour. The bus will stop near the ticket offices, and you need them. Also here their services are offered by local guides who speak passable English.

Before you get to the entrance, you will have to walk past souvenir shops, eateries and other places that will make you spend in every possible way.

Now that the path has been passed for you, three pavilions will be opened on the territory of the museum. To see the terracotta army, go to the first pavilion. The height of each soldier in the army reaches about 195cm, and the weight of the sculpture is 135kg. The faces of all the sculptures are directed to the east, towards the defeated states.

After seeing the eighth wonder of the world, go to the bus stop, get on the bus and after three stops ask the driver to stop in Lintong. Huaqing Hot Springs will be interesting here, so be sure to prepare a note with hieroglyphs for the driver or explain in English. Just let me know you need Hot springs. Why is this place a must visit? It is here that the Garden and Park Assembly is located, which occupies an honorable place in the top hundred in the PRC.

You will have to pay about 110 yuan to enter. The romantic but sad love story of the beautiful Yang Guifei and Emperor Xuanzong is associated with this place. It was for his beloved that the emperor built a beautiful park and baths.

Today, next to the Lotus Pond, you can see the Tree of Love, to which thousands of ribbons are tied. Hot springs are also functioning, so you can wash yourself with healing water. Now is the time to appreciate the place from the observation deck on Lishan Mountain, which is located near the park.

Now, with a sense of accomplishment, you can return to Xi'an to taste the famous local dumplings. We recommend visiting the restaurant located between the Bell and Drum Towers. You will definitely not pass by this place, because at the entrance you can see a huge dumpling.

You shouldn't stay up late, because tomorrow you will have a flight to Guilin.

The third day. By yourself to Guilin

How to get there

In order not to worry about the transfer, contact your hotel administrator and order a taxi. The flight to Guilin takes 1 hour 50 minutes. What is so special about this place? Unique nature, inimitable landscapes, Lijiang River, karst mountains. In addition, it was here that the third episode of Star Wars and the film Painted Veil were filmed.

From Guilin Airport to the city can be reached by express bus. If your hotel is farther than the final stop, then after the bus, change to a taxi.

Where to stay

Hotels can be noted from budget accommodation options:

  • Guilin Ling Hong Express Hotel ($ 6 per night)
  • Guilin 68 ° Hotel North Train Station Branch (£ 6 per night)
  • Guilin Muslim Hotel ($ 10 per night)
  • Yu Long Hotel ($ 9 per night)
  • Guilin Hetai Hotel ($ 10 per night)

If the price does not really matter to you, and you do not want to save on comfort, then we recommend hotels:

  • Grand Bravo Hotel (£ 53 per night)
  • Guilin Golden Oriole Hotel ($ 53 per night)
  • Sheraton Guilin Hotel ($ 60 per night)
  • Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin ($ 67)
  • The White House Hotel Guilin ($ 140)

Now that you have settled in the hotel and have a little rest, we recommend visiting the iconic place of Guilin - Elephant Trunk Mountain (Xiangbishan), which is located in the southern part of the city center. This place, which is 100 meters high, got its name because the shape of the mountain resembles an elephant, which seemed to have lowered its trunk into the river. A very interesting place. It is here that the Li River joins with the Peach Blossom River.

According to legend, a herd of elephants descended from heaven to earth in this place. The beautiful views and picturesque nature amazed the elephants so much that they wanted to stay here, but this caused the anger of the Jade Emperor, who ordered them to return immediately. The herd returned, but the emperor was missing one elephant.

Enraged, he drew his sword and stabbed it in the animal's back. The elephant turned to stone. Today, tourists can visit this place by getting to the place by ferry. The ferry departs from the terminal at ul. Nanhuanlu. At the top of the hill, you can see a brick pagoda. Its shape resembles the hilt of that very sword.

Near the park you can see the Hezhong tourism travel agency. We recommend stopping by here to purchase a tour of the rice terraces. Of course, you can get to them on your own, but then you have to make a change, and the road itself takes more than three hours. In general, many tourists prefer organized excursions. You will have to pay about 170-180 yuan. The bus will pick you up from your hotel and then take you back. Do not forget to leave the hotel business card to the employee so that there are no misunderstandings, since English will not help you here.

Waterfall at Lijiang Waterfall Hotel

Take your time to leave the park, because an evening walk through the picturesque complex of ponds and unusual bridges will bring a lot of pleasure. Be sure to walk to the hotel
Lijiang Waterfall Hotel, which is in the center. In the evening, crowds of tourists and locals gather here to see how the wall turns into an amazing waterfall for ten minutes. Another moment and the waterfall again becomes the wall of a five-star hotel.

If you are planning to extend your stay here for a couple of days, be sure to visit the Reed Flute Cave and Seven Stars Park. In the cave you can contemplate not only the magnificent halls, the beauty of which is difficult to describe, but also one of the most beautiful underground lakes.

Fourth day

Today we go to Yangshuo to see with our own eyes all the beauty of the karst hills and take a walk along the Li River. To get to the city, you can purchase a cruise for 420 yuan per person. You will not find cheaper, as only one firm is engaged in their organization. The journey will take four hours.

By bus, independent tourists can get there in an hour. We recommend not to waste your money and time and choose this option.

According to local residents, the section between Yangdi and another village of Xinping is the most picturesque and mesmerizing. If you look closely at the Chinese 20 Yuan banknote, you will notice the Li River, karst hills and lush vegetation.

To get to the place, go to the bus station to buy tickets for Yangshuo. The fare is about 15 yuan. Having reached the city, you will need to change to a bus at the same bus station, which will go to Xinpin or Yangdi.

A bus to Yangdi will take you to the pier where you can rent a raft specially designed for tourist walks. Such an alloy will cost a tourist about 300 yuan.

Be careful, as for less money, cunning guides reduce the walking time from one and a half hours to 30-40 minutes and drop off far from the final point. So, having fallen for "divorce" you will have to get to Xinpin on your own and spend a lot of time and effort on it. In general, we recommend not to save much on a walk and pay money for a full-fledged rafting. The price usually includes a transfer from Xinping Pier to the bus station.

The guide can also stop for lunch at one of the local cafes. Nobody promises that it will be presentable, but they will feed you tasty and inexpensive food. In general, if you are feeling light or not very hungry, then agree.

The 3-hour walk from Yangdi to Xinping will delight you with beautiful scenery and a unique atmosphere. To return to Yangshuo, take a regular bus, the fare is about 7 RMB.

Moon Hill

Before leaving for Guilin, do not deny yourself the pleasure of seeing the miracle of nature - Moon Hill, which has a unique shape. You can get to Moon Hill by bus, just 15 minutes and you are there. A ticket to Moon Hill costs 15 RMB.

The ascent will have to be done on your own, since the lift is not provided, but for the money at the very top of the hill you will find a mesmerizing view. It's worth it! Also prepare 5 yuan for grandmothers who will accompany you until you buy water or any other drink from them. Now head back to the train station and take the bus to Guilin.

Fifth day

We go to the Huanglo ethnic village to the long-haired Yao

We use this day to see the rice terraces of Longzhi, especially since we thought of everything in advance and bought a tour in the Hezhong tourism agency. In the morning, a bus will drive up to you, which will go to the Huanglu ethnic village, where representatives of the Yao people live.

In this village, girls never cut their hair, and at the same time they have really beautiful and thick hair. For residents, this is a guarantee of long life and wealth. It is also surprising that a rich hair color can be found even among the elderly representatives of Yao, they have not heard of gray hair here. One can only envy this.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records recorded the maximum hair length of one lady living in Juanlo, which was 2.1 meters. In general, travelers, getting to this village, envy in silence, and sometimes do not even restrain their emotions.

Previously, traditions were strictly observed here, so only the girl's husband could see her loose hair. Today, hardly anyone remembers this tradition, so for a fee, the villagers will not only let their hair down for you, but will also happily pose for the camera. No wonder they say that money spoils people.

All the girls are talented needlewomen, so the souvenir business is developed. Here you can buy handmade items. Here, next to Juanlo, you can already see rice fields.

Drive to Pin An village (rice terraces)

The next village to visit is called Pinh An. If you drive on your own, you will have to pay for the entrance. As a part of organized tourists, the entrance is usually included in the price of the voucher, so you do not need to pay anything extra. The distance from Guilin to the village is about 100 km. To get to the place, you will have to change to another bus, designed specifically for driving along the mountain serpentine, a specially trained driver is attached to the bus.

This is with regard to the program of the purchased tour. If you are stubborn and decide to explore the area on your own, then you need a bus that follows to Kepin. It's easy to find one at the bus station. From Kepin you can get to the village entrance by car. When you find yourself at the entrance, you will have a difficult choice between the two routes.

The "packers" have only one option - to transfer to the bus, which goes to the rice terraces of Ping An. The locals gave them the name Dragon Ridge. Land for rice fields began to be cultivated more than 800 years ago. The Yuan dynasty ruled at that time.

To say that it was a titanic work is to say nothing. It took centuries to implement the plan, and today travelers discover a unique landscape. There is even something unearthly in this. On the terraces, you can find two viewing platforms - Nine Dragons and Five Tigers and the Landscape of Seven Stars accompanying the Moon. You will have to get to the observation decks on your own, overcoming the rise of the stairs.

Besides rice, tea is grown here, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of purchasing it at the local booth. Freshly picked tea leaves will be dried and packaged right in front of you. After viewing and purchasing souvenirs, you will be asked to get on the bus and will be taken back to the hotel in the evening.

Sixth day. By yourself to Shanghai

How to get there

It's time to go to Shanghai. It is better to buy tickets in advance. You can get there without any problems on board a Shanghai Airlines plane. There are several ways to get from Pudong Airport to the city center: taxi, bus, Maglev Train, which speeds up to 430 km / h. Maglev continues to LongYang Road Line 2 Subway Station. Perhaps this is the best option. The fare is RMB 50, but there is an opportunity to save money.

Show tickets upon purchase and you will be given a 20% discount. You will be there in 7 minutes. After you arrive at the final stop, you will need to change to the metro or take a taxi to get to the very center. If you choose the metro, after 5 meters you will see metro line 2. The journey will take about 10 minutes. If you prefer a taxi, then ask the driver to turn on the meter, it will be much cheaper. If the meter refuses to turn on, then the fixed amount should not exceed 80 yuan.

Where to stay

  • Baolong Homelike Hotel (Zhongshan Branch) 2 * from $ 15 per night
  • Shanghai Amersino Hotel 3 * from £ 15 per night
  • Jitai Hotel (Shanghai Train Station South Square) 3 * from £ 17 per night
  • FX Shanghai Liuying 4 * from 2006 rub. per night
  • Golden River-view Hotel Shanghai from £ 35 per night
  • Grand Mercure Shanghai Central (Formerly. Grand Mercure Shanghai Zhongya) 5 * from 4500 rub. per night
  • JI Hotel Shanghai Railway Station West Tianmu Road 4 * from £ 87 per night

These hotels are located very well. Shanghai Railway Station and Central Railway Station are nearby.

After check-in and a little rest, we recommend heading to the Old Town. To get to the place, take the metro. You need purple line 10, Yuyuan Garden. In the Old City, we recommend visiting the Yuyuan Garden. The entrance fee is from 30 to 40 yuan, depending on the time of year.

This garden, located in the old part of Shanghai, was founded more than 400 years ago by the Pan Yundan family, or rather by their son, who wanted his parents to spend their days in complete peace and happiness. The rich have their own quirks, but the idea was a success, though it took over 20 years and all the savings. Later this garden will be bought by a guild of Shanghai merchants. Today, this park is one of the main attractions of Shanghai and causes an indescribable delight among visitors.

In the park, you can leisurely enjoy the pond with blooming lotuses, gazebos, terraces and, of course, the picturesque Nine Turns Bridge. According to legend, walking along it, you will be able to cleanse of evil spirits, whose entry to the bridge is prohibited. The Usintin Tea House is located right on the bridge itself. We also recommend visiting the Temple of the City Gods.

Dive into this park today and enjoy its charm, beauty and splendor at a leisurely pace. Near the park you will find many cafes and souvenir shops.

The Bund embankment and the Pearl of the East TV tower

If time permits and there is a desire, you can drive to The Bund and the Pearl of the East TV tower. On the waterfront, you can take stunning photos of the city's skyscrapers. It is located near the 10th subway line, East Nanjing Rd station. From the metro move towards the river. Huangpu.

Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located one metro stop from the waterfront, near Lujiazui Station, line 2. You can also visit the famous Aquarium here. On the way back, we recommend to stop at the railway station in the ticket pre-sale hall, especially since the hotel is located in the immediate vicinity.

For tomorrow you can buy tickets to Suzhou here. Choose the G train, it will take you to your destination in just 25 minutes, the ticket costs about 40 RMB. There are cheaper options, but it will take more than an hour to get there. Keep in mind that you will need to present your passport at the ticket office, as tickets are issued in nominal terms.

Seventh day. In Suzhou on your own

Why is Suzhou a must visit? Yes, because here you can enjoy the splendor of the famous gardens, of which there were about 280 in the 16-17 centuries. Today there are much less of them, about 69, but this is more than enough for one day. The city itself is more than 2.5 thousand years old, and its historical part is part of the monuments World heritage... In general, there is something to see and be impressed with. Also Suzhou is the center of silk. Well, how can you resist?

After arriving at the station in Suzhou, we change to bus number 5, which departs from the station and follows to the Panmen Gate ("Gate of the coiled dragon"). Travel time is about 50 minutes, ticket price is 1 RMB. The Panmen were once part of the wall. Today we can see the landmark that has already been restored.

A huge amount of work was done and at least $ 2 million was spent. Thanks to these investments, the territory was also ennobled: trees, flowers were planted, the pond, where carp live today, was cleaned, and lighting devices were installed. Walking, you can easily find the Zhuiguanta Pagoda, which in ancient times kept a Buddhist stupa made of pearls.

Fisherman's Garden and Wangshiyuan

Wangshiyuan is one of the most popular gardens in Suzhou. Here architecture and nature, perfection and grace are combined. In the pavilions you can see the interiors of the past centuries, and in the center of the garden, visitors can admire the beauty of a picturesque pond, which is framed by beautiful plants and stones. In Wanshiyuan you can also do beautiful pictures in the bansai tree garden, on the arched bridge, which has the lyrical name "Leading to Serenity". In summer, the garden can be visited even at night, so do not miss this opportunity.

The next must-see garden is the Lion Grove, a distinctive feature of which is a pile of stones of a certain type (taihushi). Several decades are needed to "grow" such stones. To get a certain look, it was necessary to make holes in ordinary stones and place them in the lake. Over the years, these stones took on very unusual shapes. In general, there is something to see and something to be surprised at. The Lion Grove Garden is definitely a must see. The ticket price is 30 yuan.

Now is the time to go to the Garden of the Modest Official or Administrator, which covers an area of \u200b\u200b5 hectares. Of course, several hours are not enough for its inspection, it is better to lay the whole day, but if there is not much time, then during this time you can see quite a lot here.

The construction of the garden was started more than 600 years ago by an official removed from public affairs for corruption. He worked on its creation for about 20 years, and today he will cut with a unique design and inimitable beauty. If you visit the garden in summer, you will see the lotus festival and the azalea festival in spring. The entrance ticket costs 70 RMB.

If you are in no hurry to get to the train, you can walk to the railway station and be sure to drop by the 85 pastry shop to brighten up your day with delicious pastries and aromatic coffee.

Eighth day

Self-guided to Chinese Venice - Zhouzhuang

Today we will go to explore the Chinese Venice - the city of Zhouzhuang, which has almost a thousand-year history. You can get to it by bus from Suzhou, so first we will use the comfortable train G. Not far from the railway station there is a bus station. The fare is 17 yuan. Travel time from Suzhou to Zhouzhuang is about an hour.

If the road is not tired and you are full of energy, then you can walk from the final stop to the Old Town or take a taxi, if you do not consider this option. You have to pay 100 yuan to get to the attraction. The old city, after the noisy and dynamic Shanghai, will surprise you with its regularity and silence, especially if your trip takes place on a weekday. Unlike Venice, the local canals are narrower, and the boats are run by local women.

We recommend you do not miss the opportunity and see the city from the water. The local gondola rental price is 100 RMB. So much is a 25 minute walk. If you're lucky, they'll even give you a wheel and sing something folk and very sad, about love, probably. But for love, or rather for singing, you will have to pay extra. No romance.

After enjoying the walk, you can go to explore the city and the way of life of local residents. Be sure to inspect the Key Bridge. If you are observant, you will understand that local residents receive their main income from private canals, restaurant and souvenir business. The most interesting thing is that men here are engaged exclusively in intellectual work. Women get the hardest part - physical work. Maybe that's why they sing such sad songs?

If you are looking for a bite to eat, you will find many places to eat, but whether you dare to try something is another question. Keep in mind that the water for cooking is taken from the same channel, where the laundry is washed and other household chores are done. No, of course, the water is pre-boiled, and, as the locals assure, after that it acquires a unique taste (who would doubt it), but the choice is always yours.

If you have already examined everything and do not want to stay overnight to see a stunning sunset, then we recommend you hurry up, because the last bus to Suzhou leaves at 17.10, and to Shanghai 40 minutes earlier.

Ninth day. Shanghai self-guided walks

Today you can take a walk in the French Quarter. You can get to it via Red Line 1, Shanxi Road. This place is very atypical for a metropolis, here you can safely walk and feel its romantic atmosphere. If you have been to Europe, then you will recognize its appearance - cozy cafes with cutlery we are used to, and pastry shops, paved roads and pretty design of balconies. Despite the name, not only Frenchmen lived in the quarter, but also Russian emigrants.

The remaining time can be devoted to sightseeing that you have noted for yourself, but have not yet had time to see or go shopping. Recommended for viewing and visiting the Shanghai Circus and Zoo, the Temple of the Jade Buddha, the Pushkin monument, the Museum of the Chinese Communist Party.

If you are interested in fashionable world and local brands, we recommend the Grand Mall. On 7 floors, you will surely find something for yourself and your loved ones. There is also a supermarket where you can buy delicious fruits and vegetables, while the choice is simply huge. The Grand Mall is close to the Lujiazui Subway Station.

We hope that our itinerary in China will help you plan 9 days correctly and get a lot of pleasant emotions!

For the third decade, our enterprising compatriots constantly travel to this exotic country for the goods. If at the end of the last century they brought bags of clothes, today the flow of clothing consists of electronic equipment, cosmetics, and even furniture and cars. You can buy everything in China!

In addition to commercial interest, "celestial" has become a discovery for Russian tourists, as an unknown land rich in exclusive sights. Today it is very easy to purchase a tourist ticket to any country, including China, including specially for the goods. But, it turns out that it is much cheaper and more interesting to organize an independent trip.

What awaits you there

The sights of the country, on the territory of which one of the most ancient civilizations of the planet arose, it is difficult to list in one article, let's try to mention at least the most famous in the world.

Leshan... Giant Buddha In the west of the country in the Sichuan province, a giant statue with a height of 71 meters was carved from the rock. There are structures on the planet even higher, but this work was carved out of stone in 713.

Xi'an... Terracotta Army Over 8000 warriors, 670 horses, 130 chariots carved from natural material in 200 BC. and those dug out of the ground are now in three special halls of the museum. And this is far from the entire army of the ruler Qin Shi Huang. Some of the sculptures are still underground.

Forbidden City At the beginning of the 15th century, on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 70 hectares, one of the largest palace ensembles was erected, consisting of thousands of buildings and walls 10 meters high. Now the Forbidden City has become a museum and is open to tourists.

The great Wall of China. The only man-made object on the planet visible from Space with the naked eye. It is difficult to imagine a trip that did not include a visit to this colossal structure, erected in the 14-16 centuries to protect the country from the attack of northern nomadic tribes.

It is almost impossible to list the natural monuments of China. Li River, Huangshan Mountains, Hainan Island, Victoria Harbor and thousands more interesting places waiting for you.

If you are going to get acquainted with the places that interest you, historical monuments, interesting artifacts, you need to be aware of the natural conditions in which you will find yourself. Sightseeing China is most favorable in spring and autumn. In summer, the air temperature here rises to 400, and in winter, on the contrary, drops to the same temperature with a minus sign.

The huge country, of course, has a different temperature spread from south to north and humidity from east to west. The best time for a beach holiday on the famous Chinese island resort of Hainan is from October to May. And you can take part in the grandiose original celebrations of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar during the New Year holidays in all large cities of the PRC.

Need a visa

China is a visa country. You can issue it both through a travel agency and independently at the embassy of the Middle Kingdom. In the first case, it will be done for you quickly, without unnecessary delays and bureaucracy, but for an amount that will exceed the embassy visa two to three times. In the second, you will have to fill in all the papers yourself, but it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper (about 2,000 rubles).

There are privileges in obtaining visas for tourist groups of more than 5 people. Also, visas are distinguished for tourist, business, multiple and double entry visas.

On the resort island of Hainan, you will be issued a visa right on the spot for two weeks, but it is not a fact that you will then be allowed to move with it to other territories. This tropical islet with craters of long-extinct volcanoes is a special economic zone, oriented by the government of the country for the beach vacation of tourists from all over the world.

Fly or drive

Aviation is considered to be the most convenient transport for bringing tourists here. Even within the country, a well-developed network of local airlines allows you to quickly and inexpensively reach any of the most remote points.

Experienced tourists are advised to start their trip to China in Hong Kong. The short distance to the capital, inexpensive flight and visa exemptions speak in favor of just such a route.

Trains and regular buses also run between cities and regions and are quite inexpensive, however, they do not differ with the comfort we are used to. Do not be surprised if the carriage of a train, subway, or bus suddenly turns out to be smoky and dirty. But the prices for travel will pleasantly surprise you.

Don't be afraid if your trip suddenly takes you to the most remote area. There are villages in China where no white man has yet set foot, and where all visitors to the cafe will stand up when you enter.

The Chinese people are very peaceful and friendly to all guests. And you can get out of any remote places by calling a taxi. By the way, do not forget to write down their phone numbers immediately upon arrival.

Hotels and others like them

A huge selection of hotels of different stars and comfort explains the wide range of prices. There are hotels familiar to Russians, where everything is inclusive with five stars on the facade. A day in them will cost you from 5,000 to 18,000 rubles.

If your trip is not designed for a long stay in one place, you can stay in an inexpensive hostel or hotel, spending only 1000-3000 rubles per night.

You can freely and safely use the services of the private sector. It will get even cheaper. Prices range from 180 rubles to infinity. They are comparable with the price ranges of the Crimean offers and, naturally, depend on the location and comfort.

In many hotels it is more profitable to book rooms in advance. This will not only provide tangible discounts, but also give you a guarantee that you will not be left out in the open, especially if you come during the holidays. Moreover, it is recommended to make a reservation two to three months before the trip.

To eat or not to eat is the question

China has very spicy food. Be careful. If you want to cook your own meals, try to get raw materials for them in stores without being tempted by low market prices. It’s not hard if you don’t get curious and experiment with showcase suggestions. All products we know and at the same price can be found in all Chinese provinces in large department stores.

The most profitable and interesting thing is to eat in local cafes and restaurants. Of course, even if you know Chinese, you will not understand the menu that will be served to you. Do not be shy! Feel free to poke your finger into the plate from which a white gentleman is eating by both cheeks on the next table. You can even, taking the waiter by the arm, make yourself a fashion show around the hall and choose on the tables the dish that seems to you the most edible. Point your finger at it and they will bring you the same.

What do you guys have in your backpacks

What to take on a trip is a big problem for the female half of travelers. Despite the variety of climatic and natural zones, and hence the weather conditions, you can not take anything to this country. Yes, just put your documents, wallet in your case and go light. Remember that all clothing, electronics, and other essentials are made in China!

If you still want to be independent from shops, look on the Internet for the climate of the place to which you are planning your trip. Be sure to study the weather forecast for the duration of your trip, and only then put your umbrellas, swimwear or fur coats in your suitcase.