The Mobi Dick Terminal (Kronstadt) has begun processing the SEA Connect container line. How Transsib kills Mobi Dick

As part of a technological retrofit program at the Mobi Dick terminal (included in the Global Ports group), a new mobile port crane Liebherr LHM 420 was commissioned. The crane is made on the order of the company at the Liebherr plant in Rostock (Germany) and delivered by the Terminal by sea in the collected form.

The new faucet "Moby Dick" is one of the most modern Liebherr models. With a relatively small sort of weight, the faucet has a high load capacity and thanks to the special design of the chassis can move in any direction - forward, backwards and even sobl. The maximum arrival departure is 48 meters makes the LHM 420 perfect crane for processing vessels of various classes. You can manage all the functions of the crane not only from the crane film cabin, but also from the remote control.

LHM 420 is equipped with an economical diesel engine of own production Liebherr. As a force actuator, a hydraulic drive is used for all mechanisms, which allows you to smoothly adjust the operating rates of all movements from zero to the maximum.

The main characteristics of the crane:

maximum load capacity on the hook - 120 tons;

load capacity on the hook at the maximum departure - 35 tons;

the minimum and maximum departures are 11m and 48m, respectively;

maximum lifting height - 45m;

own weight - 380 tons.


Mobi Dick LLC is a specialized container terminal, located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the Harbor of St. Petersburg. It is located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan auto plant. The project is implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish Corporation CONTAINER FINANCE (25%).

Total area - 15.1 hectares

Power - 400 thousand TEU

Length of berths - 321 m

The depth of the berths is 10.3 m

Container seat capacity - 7,500 TEU

Refsion capacity - 450 outlets

Global Ports Investments PLC is a leading container terminal operator on the Russian market. Global Ports Terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions of Russian cargo flows. Global Ports manages five marine container terminals in Russia (Petrolsport, "First Container Terminal", "Mobi Dick" and "Ust-Luzhsky Container Terminal" in the port of St. Petersburg and the Ust-Luzhsky Port Cluster, Eastern Stevedoring Company in The port is eastern) and two - in Finland, as well as the logistics complexes "Yanino" and "Logistics Terminal" under St. Petersburg. The group includes the oil product terminal Vopak E.O.S. in Estonia. Global Ports develops in the Strategic Partnership of the N-Trans group and APM Terminals, which is part of AP.Moller-Maersk A / S.

As part of a technological retrofit program at the Mobi Dick terminal (included in the Global Ports group), a new mobile port crane Liebherr LHM 420 was commissioned. The crane is made on the order of the company at the Liebherr plant in Rostock (Germany) and delivered by the Terminal by sea in the collected form.

The new faucet "Moby Dick" is one of the most modern Liebherr models. With a relatively small sort of weight, the faucet has a high load capacity and thanks to the special design of the chassis can move in any direction - forward, backwards and even sobl. The maximum arrival departure is 48 meters makes the LHM 420 perfect crane for processing vessels of various classes. You can manage all the functions of the crane not only from the crane film cabin, but also from the remote control.

LHM 420 is equipped with an economical diesel engine of own production Liebherr. As a force actuator, a hydraulic drive is used for all mechanisms, which allows you to smoothly adjust the operating rates of all movements from zero to the maximum.

The main characteristics of the crane:

  • maximum load capacity on the hook - 120 tons;
  • load capacity on the hook at the maximum departure - 35 tons;
  • the minimum and maximum departures are 11m and 48m, respectively;
  • maximum lifting height - 45m;
  • own weight - 380 tons.


LLC "MOBI DIC" - Specialized container terminal, located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the Harbor of St. Petersburg. It is located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan auto plant. The project is implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish Corporation CONTAINER FINANCE (25%).

  • Total area - 15.1 hectares
  • Power - 400 thousand TEU
  • Length of berths - 321 m
  • The depth of the berths is 10.3 m
  • Container seat capacity - 7,500 TEU
  • Capacity Refsons -450 Sockets

More information can be found on the

Global Ports Investments PLC - container terminal operator in the Russian market. Global Ports Terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions of Russian cargo flows. Global Ports manages five marine container terminals in Russia (Petrolsport, "First Container Terminal", "Mobi Dick" and "Ust-Luzhsky Container Terminal" in the port of St. Petersburg and the Ust-Luzhsky Port Cluster, Eastern Stevedoring Company in The port is eastern) and two - in Finland, as well as the logistics complexes "Yanino" and "Logistics Terminal" under St. Petersburg. The group includes the oil product terminal Vopak E.O.S. in Estonia. Global Ports develops in the Strategic Partnership of the N-Trans group and APM Terminals, which is part of AP.Moller-Maersk A / S.

On the Container Terminal Mobi Dick LLC (included in Global Ports) completed the processing of the first container friendly company Unifeeder, which is one of the largest feeder carriers on the European container market. In accordance with the contract concluded between the companies Unifeeder and Mobi Dick, LLC, the Unifeeder shipyard on the terminal will be carried out at least once a week.

Owned by Unifeeder Ida Rambow vessel, the next from the port of Hamburg (Germany), with a capacity of 1008 TEU and a deadweight of 11.6 thousand tons, faced the processing to the communals of Mobi Dick LLC on March 14. Importing containers of companies Unifeeder and MSC arrived on the vessel. Unloading was 667 TEU, loading - 729 TEU. Processing was carried out in accordance with the schedule.

According to the general director of Mobi Dick LLC, Valery Mesalova, cooperation with Unifeeder will make it possible to more effectively use the capabilities of the terminal by increasing the volume of transshipment of containers. Unifeeder became the second client of the terminal after the Finnish company Containerships, which will continue to provide the main traffic flow of the terminal.

At the moment of the capacity of the container terminal of Mobi Dick LLC allow the transshipment to 400 thousand TEU. The container area of \u200b\u200bthe terminal is equipped with refrigerated stands with the possibility of one-time connection to 504 refrigerator containers.

Mobi Dick LLC has two cargo arrows with the possibility of mooring of container ships and vessels of the Po-Po type with a side and aft rifle. The total length of berths is 322 m. The container terminal has a modern information system with time-stroke functional.


LLC "MOBI DIC" - Container terminal in Kronstadt (about. Kotlin), is included in the group Global Ports. The terminal was commissioned in 2002, the construction of the third stage was completed in 2010. Located in close proximity to St. Petersburg and major freight traffic. The terminal is owned by a large Russian port operator Global Ports and the Finnish Corporation CONTAINER FINANCE GROUP. For more information contact:

GLOBAL PORTS INVESTMENTS PLC (GPI) - A group of companies combining the leading container terminal operators in Russia. It is included in the group "H-TRAN" (the largest private operator in the market of transport services in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries).

GPI terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins. GPI manages three Russian container terminals (Petrollsport, Mobi Dick in St. Petersburg and "Eastern Stevedoring Company" in the port of East) and two container terminals in Finland ("Multi-Link Helsinki", "Multi Link Kotka" ). Currently, GPI also implements the development project of the Yanino dry terminal under St. Petersburg. For more information contact:

Danish shipping company Unifeeder It works in the segment of feeder services and neighboring shipping, serving approximately 1.6 million TEU per year. The Fleet of the Company is 35 vessels with a capacity of 700-1699 TEU.

The Mobi Dick terminal (enters the Global Ports group) started processing the SEA Connect container line. According to the press service of the ferry and transshipment complex, the container carriers of the new line arrive in Kronstadt from Hamburg and then follow the terminals of the Big Port of St. Petersburg.

Sud trucks on Moby Dick are carried out weekly with rotation "Rotterdam (Wednesday) - Hamburg (Friday) - Port St. Petersburg (Monday). The Moby Dick terminal is included in the rotation of the line along with other terminals of the St. Petersburg port.

Mobi Dick LLC is the sea cargo terminal, located in Kronstadt on Kotlin Island at the entrance to the Harbor of St. Petersburg. Specializes in the processing of containers, also carries out the transshipment of bulk, general, large-sized goods and goods RO-RO. It is located in close proximity to Hyundai and Nissan auto plant. The project is implemented by the Global Ports group (75%) and the Finnish Corporation CONTAINER FINANCE (25%).

The total area is 13.1 hectares, the capacity is 400 thousand TEUS, the length of the berths is 321 m, the maximum sediment of ships is 8.9 m, the container area capacity - 7,500 teus, the capacity of the refsons - 450 outlets

Terminals Global Ports are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins, which are key regions of foreign trade freight traffic. Global Ports controls five container terminals in Russia ("", "First Container Terminal", "Ust-Luzhsky Container Terminal" and "Mobi Dick" in Baltic, "Eastern Stevedoring Company" in the Far East) and two container terminals in Finland ( The terminal "Multi-Link Helsinki" and the Multi-Link Kotka terminal). The Global Ports group also owns the "Yanino Logistics Park" with a rear terminal under St. Petersburg and 50% in a large petroleum product terminal AS Vopak E.S. in Estonia.

The main shareholders of Global Ports are the "Case" group of companies, one of the largest private transport and logistics holdings in Russia (30.75%), and APM Terminals B.V. (30.75%), the main activity of which is the design, construction, management and operation of ports, terminals and internal terminals. APM Terminals has a global terminal network in 76 ports and 117 internal terminal complexes, thanks to which the company is represented in 59 countries of the world. 20.5% of Global Ports shares own shareholders in the form of global depository receipts that are listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (Tikker on the London Stock Exchange: GLPR).


Container terminal Mobi Dick (Global Ports Group) entered into linear schedule "Maersk Line"

Maersk Line, the largest international sea linear carrier, opened the container line on the Mobi Dick terminal (enters the Global Ports group). In accordance with the contract concluded between companies in March of the current year, the ship shipment will be carried out once a week. The processing of the first vessel of the new line was completed on Mobi Dick LLC last weekend. The Mistral Mistral Capacity of 868 TEU, the following from Bremerhaven (Germany) in Rauma (Finland), was treated for the coaches of Mobi Dick LLC on March 24. On the ship profit predominantly containers "May Mares" are loaded by autocomplete. The unloading was 641 TEU, loading - 468 TEU. According to the general director of Mobi Dick LLC, Valery Mesalova, the arrival of one of the world's largest shipping companies on Mobi Dick LLC became a significant event for the terminal. "The opening of the new line is the result of the company's work on the expansion of the client base and confirms the readiness of the Container Terminal" Mobi Dick "to ensure a qualitative level of service in the interests of customers," said Valery Matern. At the moment, the main traffic flow of the terminal provides the Finnish company Containerships. In March, S.G. The weekly shipyard at the terminal began to implement the European feeder carrier Unifeeder. The current power of the container terminal LLC MOBI DIC allows you to carry out the transshipment to 400 thousand TEU per year. Moby Dick LLC became the Third Container Terminal Global Ports included in the Maersk Line schedule, - after Petrolsport OJSC (Port St. Petersburg) and LLC VSK (Port East). On March 28, 2011, a certificate of Mobi Dick LLC is a container terminal in Kronstadt (about. Kotlin), enters the Global Ports group. The terminal was commissioned in 2002, the construction of the third stage was completed in 2010. Located in close proximity to St. Petersburg and major freight traffic. The terminal is owned by a large Russian port operator Global Ports and the Finnish Corporation CONTAINER FINANCE GROUP. Global Ports Investments PLC (GPI) is a group of companies that combines leading container terminal operators in Russia. It is included in the group "H-TRAN" (the largest private operator in the market of transport services in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries). GPI terminals are located in the Baltic and Far Eastern basins. GPI manages three Russian container terminals (Petrollsport, Mobi Dick in St. Petersburg and "Eastern Stevedoring Company" in the port of East) and two container terminals in Finland ("Multi-Link Helsinki", "Multi Link Kotka" ). Currently, GPI also implements the development project of the Yanino dry terminal under St. Petersburg. For more information contact: Maersk Line is the largest global container carrier. It has offices in more than 130 countries of the world, manages a significant fleet of container ship courts.