Austria River: List, location, currents, photos and descriptions, historical facts, river length. Austria Rivers which rivers are in Austria

This article provides an overview of the largest and most picturesque rivers AustriaAnd also below there are their photos and some characteristics.
The longest river in Austria . The following larger rivers flow through the territory: Danube, Inn, Olsa, Ens and some smaller.
Danube River - Home River Austria . It is worth noting that the length of the Danube River within the limits of Austria's borders is about 349.8 km. The River Danube is rightfully the most important water artery of the country of Austria.
River Inn. Pretty Long Inn River, which takes its origin on the territory of the neighboring country, and flows out of Lake Lungin, which is located at an altitude of a mark of about 2485 meters above sea level, near Maloya Mountain Pass.
Further, river Inn proceeds through the territory of such and Germany.
River Inn is the right influx of a famous major river Danubeand in the large German city of Passau in a picturesque place of the merger of the three rivers, Inna and Ilza flows into the Danube. The overall length of the Inn River reaches about 517 km.

Burghausen city on the banks of the River Olsa

River Saltsakh. The largest tributary of the Inn River is the River Olsa, the length of which is 225 km.
River Saltsakh Takes his origin in the Kitzbühel Alps near the picturesque Cascade of Waterfalls Crimsl, which is located on the influx of the oletsa river, that is, on the Krimer-Ahe River.
Mining river Saltsakh proceeds through the territory of the two countries and Germany. At first, the river flows in the eastern direction to a small village of Schwartz or Pongau, then the River Oltsakh turns to the north and flows through the Austrian cities of Hallane and Salzburg.
River Saltsakh Blows into the larger River Inn in the vicinity of the Austrian city of Brownau-on-Inn. Oil River For almost 70 km of its path, forms a natural border between Germany's country (federal land of Bavaria) and.
On the beautiful shores of the river, the olecans are such cities like Salzburg (), as well as three cities of the European country Germany: Laufen, Titmoning and Burghausen.
It is noteworthy that the River Olsa is the main river of the Austrian Earth Salzburg.
River Ens.. Another major river Austrian federal land Salzburg is the Ens River, which has a length of about 254 km. The Ens River is the right influx of the Major River Danube.
The source of the Ens River is located in the mountain range Nizhny Tauern, which is part of the Alps mountain system, which are popular among tourists of skiers who bought tours to Austria.
Further river Ens. It flows in the northeast direction through the territory of the Austrian federal land of Styria in the Green Valley between the picturesque mountain ridges of the Eastern Alps.
North of the Austrian city of Streir river Ens. Forms the natural boundary between the so-called top and bottom of Austria.
The Ens River flows into the Danube River in the vicinity of the Austrian commune of Mauthausen and the eponymous city of ENS.
Rivers Austria Photo

Austria's reservoirs are the living space of the local population filled with beauty and natural energy. Here come to relax, will retire and feel the power coming from the depths of the mountains. The lakes are clean here as a crystal, and the rivers are fast as the wind. What is so manitis from tourists from all corners of the earth? Consider the most outstanding lakes and rivers Austria.

District Carinthia

The sun edge in the south of Austria invites guests to appear on the beaches of the lakes with clean transparent water. On the border with Slovenia, not far from the town of Veritsee there is a small lake (19 square meters) with clean sand and cozy restaurants on the shore.

Family recreation lovers will appeal on Lake Klopainers. It is petty, with children's bays. It is always warm here in the summer and nice to swim. You can fish.

In the area of \u200b\u200bCarinthia, you can visit other reservoirs: Maria Lorettto, Felden, Myiernigg, Langsee.

Nature Salzkammerguta

This is one of the most popular resorts of Austria. Rivers and lakes are combined here with blue tops of the mountains, and the brown greens and manitis will sit in her shadows. The lake, where tourists come out, is called Wolfhansee. There are many attractions in its surroundings, while the resort area is represented by hotels and restaurants.

Lake Grüner Zee.

A curious place is famous for the fact that during the year the size of the lake changes. It is located near the town of TRAGES. In winter, the depth of the reservoir is only 1 m, and in the summer the lowland is filled with water by 12 m. And the entire territory of the park in this place goes under water. The lake attracts divers. Clear water makes it possible to consider paths and benches at the bottom.

Water arteries of Austria

The main rivers of Austria - Danube and Rhine, they carry the largest load, are shipping and very picturesque. This is the real pride of the country.

Main River Austria - Danube. Proceeds through the capital of Vienna. In the city, you can find a variety of rivers of the same name - small, new, old Danube. On the latter is equipped with a beach where you can have a pleasant time and take a break from the urban bustle. Many come here to engage in active water sports.

List of rivers Austria

But besides the Danube and Rhine, there are many others - small and large.

We give a list of Austria rivers in alphabetical order:

  • Burents - the length of a little more than a kilometer, crosses the border with Germany;
  • Vienna - the length of 34 km, proceeds in the capital, has an extensive pool;
  • Gail - a small mountain river;
  • Gurk - 120 km;
  • Donaukanal - Nature River, Danube Influx, Length 17.3 km;
  • Drava is a powerful river in southeastern Europe, the influx of the Danube, the total length of 720 km;
  • Dia - the mountain river is 235 km long, partly proceeds in the Czech Republic;
  • Zalech originates at an altitude of 2000 m, length - 103 km;
  • Salza - the main river of Salzbkrga, the source in the Alps;
  • Zamina in Austria is only 5 km away, the rest (12 km) is in Liechtenstein;
  • IHD falls into the Danube in the city of the same name IBS-on-Duna;
  • Izar - source in the mountains on the border with Germany, a small river;
  • Ille - 72 km, on the river there are several hydroelectric power plants;
  • Inn follows from Lungin Lake in Switzerland, length - 2484 m;
  • LKKNER-AH - length is 8.9 km, source in the mountains at an altitude of 1600 m;
  • Lech is one of the tributaries of the Danube, length - 250 km;
  • Malche - proceeds on the border with the Czech Republic, the total length of 22 km;
  • Mura - refers to the Danube pool, source - in the Alps;
  • Slave - a length of 250 km, there are many cities in Austria and Hungary;
  • Schwarzbach - length 6 km;
  • ENS - Danube's influx;
  • Etterher-Ahe - is located in the Austrian Tyrol.

A small stream passes along the capital of Austria for 15 km, then flows into one of the tributaries of the Danube. The source is located in the famous Vienna Forest.

An interesting fact: the riverbed is still in the late XIX century completely laid out on the shores of stones and concrete slabs. The fact is that Vienna has a feature to spill in spring. Her shores are completely made of sandstone, which does not absorb water, but gives it in the river bed. People are tired of constant flooding during the melting of snow and abundant rainfall, and the banks of the Austria River were decided to strengthen.

This is one of the largest rivers Austria. The overall length of the Drahny is 720 km, flows in countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and the beginning takes in the Italian Alps. Drava plays a crucial shipping role. Almost all shipping, only 70 km from the source proceeds through the mountain slopes. On the river are located cities: Lienz, Spittal An der Drau, Phillah, Ferrals.

River Gurk

Austria's rivers and lakes in the land of Carinthia are very picturesque. It is in this region that the small river Gurk (120 km) flows. He originates from two little lakes called Gourcsee and Torzesee. Almost all the way passes through the picturesque valleys and mountain gorges. This is the second extent of the water artery, which is exclusively within the country. Connects with Dran. It is located in the city of Klagenfurt and Felkermarkt.

River Light

All major rivers and Lakes Austria border with neighboring countries. The Light River originates in Austria, and ends in Hungary. This is a big, but disadvantaged river. Blows in Danube. Stretching between the cities of Wiener Neustad (near him is the mouth) and Brooke-en-der Light. Also on the slopes there are many small villages and towns. The river performs an important function, since hydroelectric power plants are built on its artificial branches.

River Raba

This is the average largest Austria River. It flows mainly on the lands of tribes (Austria), there is also the source, at the foot of the Mount Ossess. Then, passing through the narrow gorge, it acquires a powerful stream and ishes the city of Feldbach and Glasdorf. Ends on the lands of Hungary. Total water flow has to overcome a distance of 250 km. It has a wide pool, streams fall into the slave: Martz, Pink, Labies and Rabita. Blows in Danube.

River Slave for Stroke Earth is the main source of electricity. Walking among the mountains, it creates a powerful flow capable of providing a whole city with light. In total, the river has about a dozen hydroelectric power plants.

This is one of the largest rivers not only Austria, but in all Solid Eastern Europe. On her shores you can find a lot of medieval castles shrouded in stories and legends. Walking through Austria, it follows to Germany, and then in Switzerland connected to the Danube.

Innsbruck stands on this beautiful city with a rich history. The symbol is considered the central bridge, which stands on the Inn River. Near the river there is a wonderful embankment with a green avenue that leads to the waltpark. This place is beloved for tourists, because here you can feel the smell of the old city, the remains of which are preserved from the Middle Ages. On the embankment, you can visit the restaurants, nicely spend time, contemplating the landscapes of a huge river.

It is noteworthy that in Vienna there is a statue of Athena Pallas. Her feet lies a statue, symbolizing the Inn River and her rich pastures, meadows and forests. Since ancient times, these territories have been used by landowners along the river. It is known that there was a bloody battle between princes for the right of ownership by these noble lands.

From what - from what, but from lack of water Austria does not suffer. Water obtained from the purest mountain sources serves as the basis of the life of millions of people. Lakes in Austria Chisty so much that you can safely drink water. On the shores of the rivers each other follows natural and cultural landscapes. Sources of water in Austria are simultaneously space for life, a place to relax and conduct leisure. And one of the main water sources is undoubtedly the Danube.


For Austria, Danube is greater than the river: it is a cultural and water space, economic and unlaspped framework of Central and Eastern Europe.
This is also one of the most beautiful regions of the country. Danube, having a length of 2.850 kilometers, crossing Austria for 350 kilometers from the Bavarian Passau to Slovak press, after the Volga is the second largest river in Europe. Danube is angry numerous songs, countless stories tell about everyday life on his shores. The river was also used for traveling emperors and kings, which today resemble monasteries and castles, medieval cities and lush residences. One of the most famous passengers Danube was, perhaps, Empress Elizabeth. The legendary "Sisi" in April 1854 sailed through the Danube to Vienna on a ship, to his wedding with Emperor Franz Josef.
On the eastern outskirts of the city on the Danube there is a Freudenau Power Station, the newest of all nine power plants on the Danube, which in the aggregate produce a quarter of all electricity in Austria. Hence the state border from the pressurgy, the Danube-Auen National Park extends. It is protected by one of the last in Central Europe of large and unaked territories of floodplain meadows, representing the amazing multipath of plants and animals - from beaver to the blue wintering, from the arona to a cypress man. In many places on the Danube, the old customs are still alive - from the festival of vintage to religious processes. Very romantic is also a trip on the ship through Wahau, when the celebration of the Solstice (approximately June 21) with lighthouses on the hills marks the longest day of the year. Also preserved and guarded the customs on the day of Nicolaus (December 6) in Spitz (Lower Austria). On this day, children are sent by the flow of unwrapped ships with candles and their desires.


The 510 km Inn River is the most important influx of the Upper Danube. The INN stems in the Swiss Engadin Am Malojapass and reaches Austria near the Nonders, where he first flows along the narrow valley of "Oberen Gerichts" along the mountain group. The landscape expands the Obserintal, the touching valley, before the U-shape had the steep mountain walls formed by the InnTal glacier.

The Innal Valley is populated from ancient times - Innsbruck had traces of ancient parking lot of the Neolithic era. Inn played a permanent role in the local trade and long-range transport traffic. Later, the region became an apple of discord between Bavaria, Tyroleum and the Habsburg Reach, as well as strategic platform during the Tyrolean Liberation War of 1809. Witnesses of changing history are not only fortresses, such as Landek and Kufstein, but also a magnificent Palace in Innsbruck and Patrician Houses in such major cities on the river, like Landek, Halle in Tyrol, Schwatz, Vörge and Kufstein.

This segment of the river is characterized by the presence of a large number of power plants. The most significant city in this region is Verkhneavustrian Schroting with its colorful houses of 16-19 centuries. Passau river finally flows into the Danube and doubles his full waters. In total, in the state territory of Austria, the Inn flows 183 kilometers.


This lake is the third largest in Central Europe. Actually, the Bodensee consists of two lakes: an overview (473 km of sq. M. is most) and Unterseter, which in the Constanta is connected by the "Large Rhine" of 4 kilometers. Rhine is the most important out of more than 200 tributaries - in a wubble of Hard in Austria, intersects the Bodenza and follows from it from the Swiss town. A natural reserve of about 2,000 hectares arose around the mouth of Rein ("Delta Rhine"), with shallow water, filled meadows and floodplain forests, where they find the shelter and grown Pickro-330 bird species.

Neusidler Zee.

Neusidler Zee - the western steppe lake in Europe and the largest Lake of Austria. It and the same name of the National Park are considered world heritage. Together with the reed belt, the Neusidler More is 36 kilometers, a width of 12 kilometers, and the depth is only 1.5 meters. There is a minor salt content, and in hot summer it warms up to plus 30 C. Winter "Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Ventains" freezes and becomes a paradise for everyone who prefers winter sports on ice. Neusidler will be a real eldorado for vacation. It has the biggest day of sunny days a year for Austria here, namely 300. This is a steppe Lake of 320 km2 - warm and shallow, and therefore optimal for family holidays. Its depth in its deepest place does not exceed 1.8 m. Paradise conditions for sailing lovers and Surfers who have long considered this lake with the guaranteed wind of their Mecca.

The Austrian landscape boasts stunning in their beauty species, because most of the country is the Alps and Valley in the foothills. In the south there are central eastern Alps, which stretch from east to south. The mountainous terrain is a system of mountains and valleys, which is distinguished by its isolated climate, on many vertices of the mountains are the eternal glaciers, which begin mountain rivers that nourish numerous mountain lakes.

Climate in Austria

The Austrian climate is characterized by a distribution to vertical zones that stretch from plains to mountain peaks covered with eternal snow. On many slopes Mount Even cultivating grapes, especially warmly in the Northstast of Austria, temperatures in Vienna are held at the level of 25 degrees, and in January about 0 degrees, moving along the Danube Up temperature gradually falling, at the same time the humidity increases. An early spring begins a thaw, which leads to a sharp increase in the level of this river. The sediments are usually higher in the mountainous terrain, especially on the northwestern slopes, but the cities that are in a closed mountain circle can not boast of abundant rains, maximum precipitation is observed at altitudes from one and a half to two kilometers.

Nature Alps

In the Alps, very strong winds, so-called hair dryers, which are created on the change of seasons due to the pressure difference on the northern and southern slopes of the mountains, so on the northern slopes are manifested as dry and warm downward winds bringing heat and clear weather, which leads to melting of snow Early spring, creating threats of floods and gathering avalanche, and in the summer period accelerated ripening of grapes. For the winter in the Alps, a large amount of snow has been accumulated, which can interfere with transport infrastructure, the spring melting snow often leads to catastrophic consequences.

Rivers and Lake Austria

All Austria is located in the Danube pool, but the western part of the country already belongs to Rhine. Danube has the tributaries of Morava, Drava, Ens and Inn with Salzakh. Mountain rivers are cool, possess significant energy resources, and tourist excursions are held on hydroelectric power plants with overview of stunning species. Danube himself picks up the maximum value in the summer, while his tributaries of the Inn, the olesakh, Enszimy.

There are about 580 lakes in the country, most of them are glacial, the Koristern Lake Lake, which has common borders with Switzerland and Germany, Lake Nyosidler-Ze shares with Hungary, a lot of lakes in the northern foothills of the Alps and in the south in the Klagenfurty Basin, however Waters are not very high, the water is transparent.

Vegetation of Austria, Forests

Austria shows a vegetable diversity, which is characterized by the high-dimensional explanation and human activity, the Dubov-beech-beech forest grows in the valleys, a beech-fir forest appears on the mountains and valleys, and only a coniferous forest remains above 2 kilometers. Interestingly, on the area of \u200b\u200bforests in Europe, Austria in third place after Finland and Sweden, the Green Heart of Austria is considered to be the region of the Styria, where even national costumes of green. In the south of Austria there are subtropical vegetation, in the West predominantly beech, chestnut and oak forests, and in the east forest-steppe. At an altitude of 2 kilometers of vegetation, humidity, temperature fluctuations and strong winds are already interfered, only herbs survive here.

Animal World and Fauna Austria

There is an alpine type of fauna, while in the Alps more wild animals than on the plains of Europe, as you understood the animals, the people, mountain rams, deer, sulfas, goats in the summer period go to the meadows, and in the winter they rise in the mountains, and from birds You can highlight the predominance of delay, thermiles, partridges. On the lands that were redone on agricultural sections there are no animals, however, you can see sometimes hares and foxes.

Sightseeing road Grosglockner

The highest point of Austria Mount Grosglockner with a height of 3798 meters with the largest Glacier of Austria Pastec. The Grosglockner's sightseeing road is held to the mountain in the form of a serpentine of 36 turns, the length of which is 48 kilometers, the trash rises to the mountains to a height of 2504 meters. The road begins in Fush-An der Grosglocknerstrasse and ends in Hailiegenblut. The road is paid and opens wonderful views of the Pastec glacier. Please note that the road is open from the first day of May to October, depending on the weather conditions, the fare is open from May to mid-June from six in the morning to eight in the evening, until mid-September to half the evening and from mid-September to October from six in the morning until a week evening . One-time passage on the passenger car costs 34 euros, electric vehicle 24 euros, a month for a month 52 euros.

In the Danube Valley, the Carpathian and Alpine foothills are located, which are connected to the North Alps and Tower in the south. Tourists will be interested in charming mountain lakes in Salzkammergut, there is a Viennese forest and a Bohemian array nearby. In the north of Austria there is Panonia or Vienna Basil, here are the lowest dots of the country including the lake Neizidler-Ze.

80% of Austria occupy the mountains, 50% are occupied by forests, valleys are involved in agriculture, which are moving in forest arrays in anticipation with eating, pines and a variety of deciduous trees.

On the territory of Salzburg, Carinthia and Tyrol is the National Park of High Tauern the largest reserve in Central Europe, also the mountain gorge of Lychtensteinclam and the picturesque waterfalls of Gulang and Criml.