Where the attic was located. Attica, Athens

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The meaning of the word Attica

attica in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in antiquity, the area in the southeast of Wed. Greece. In modern Greece Attica - one of the nomes (center - Athens).


(Greek. Attike), in antiquity region in the south-east of Central Greece. The political association A. Around Athens (Sinakism) occurred, according to ancient Greek legends, with Tsar, the process, in reality, this process stretched over several centuries. By the beginning of the 6th century BC. Athens received an absolute economic and political prevalence in A. (see Athens Ancient). In modern Greece A. ≈ one of the number of the same name (center ≈ Athens).



Attica (, Ati. - letters. "Coastal Country") - the southeastern region of Central Greece, the connecting link between the Balkan Peninsula and the Archipelago, which is approximately 3808 km², borders in the north with Boeotia, in the West through Corinthian End - with Megarid and All Peloponnese. From the south is washed by the bay of Saronyikos, from the east - the Bay of Petalia and the Northeast - the Bay of Noyos-Evoicos of the Aegean Sea.

Attica (Prison)

Attica - New York State Prison Category Maximum / Super Maximal Security, is located in Attica, is managed by the Department of Correctional Services of New York. After the completion of construction in the 1930s, many dangerous criminals of the time contained there. In the dining and industrial premises of the prison, a system is installed, spraying tear gas in order to suppress conflicts. The prison is now contained by prisoners who leave for various times of punishment from short to life, as well as prisoners translated from other prisons due to disciplinary problems.

In 1971, a riot occurred in prison, during which 43 people died, from them 33 prisoners, ten officers of jailers and civil servants. One of the guards died from the hands of rebelled concluded in the very beginning of the conflict. The rest were shot at the prison storming by the Police of the state and the troops of the National Guard. One of the reasons for Bunta was the overcrowding of prison. The suppression of this rebellion was dedicated to the song John Lennon "Attica State" from the album "Some Time in New York City" (1972). To date, the prison is also overflowing. Part of the prisoners is contained in two in small chambers intended for one person.

Attica (Values)


  • Attica - Area in Greece
  • Attica - Strict Regime Prison in New York

Examples of consumption of the word attic in the literature.

The Council of the Amphus in Delphi continued to fulfill the role of the Supreme Court, but another, more advanced Council chaired by Philip, who was supposed to be located in Corinth, that is, between Attics and Peloponnese, and which was a real manager of the coalition.

Saw once Borea, rushing over Attics, daughter Erechtea Orifia and loved her.

What did with Attics Teze, - only the development of thoughts and ideas of Hercules.

The Great Goddess of Athena Lottzala on his covered in the middle of the majestic Athenian Acropolis, and he portrayed his dispute with Poseidon for power over Attics.

In contact with

Attica Translated from the ancient Greek "Coastal Country" - the southeastern region of Central Greece, the connecting link between the Balkan Peninsula and the Archipelago, which is approximately 3808 km², borders in the north with Boeotia, in the West through Corinthian End - with Megar and All Peloponnese. From the south is washed by Saromic, from the east - Petali and Northeast - the Evieu Bay of the Aegean Sea.



Most of the attics is covered with elevations consisting of limestone and marble, and is currently alone naked, deprived of vegetation spaces.

CRNIBOMBARDER !!! , Public Domain

Only higher parts of the Kiferon and Parnassa, as well as the North-West Pentelikon slopes are covered with pine and fir forests. The base of the entire mountain system serves Kieferon (now the estate, the so-called spruce hill, the highest point of which rises at 1411 m above sea level).

Kieferon, the main ridge, separates the attics from Boeotia; From Megara Attica is separated by its branch coming to the south and the name of Kerat (Horn); With the southeastern spurs of the Kiferon, the 1413 m Parnas (now Oceya), which northeastern branches, now wearing individual names (Beletti, Armenia, Maurovo, Tsanaany, Straighkorak, Kotronic), stretch to the eastern edge of the region, are formed in this part. Attiki is a real mountain country (diacrium or ancient eappry).

The southern continuation of Parnass is to rise significantly below the sea of \u200b\u200bEgaleos, which in the southern part, where he goes into the sea against the island of Salamin, is called the corridalos (now Skaramant), and in the middle, where he disperses the gorge connecting the plains of Athens and Elevais is called Pekilion.

Bishkekrocks, Public Domain

In the northeast, the Athenian plain is bored by Brilltos, or, as it was commonly called around the terrain lying on his southern slope, Penterikon (now more than more than now). This is 1110 m of the height of the pyramidal elevation with extensive, now with success exploited by marbles, which deliver an excellent white marble of the finest grain, going on buildings and statues. The valley of 4 km width separates in the south of the Pentelikon sole from the southern belt, almost extremely consisted of a bluish-gray marble, which in antiquity used for architectural purposes. This ridge - thoughts (now drove) - rises by 1027 m, almost deprived of forest vegetation, but covered with fragile herbs and therefore inhabited wild bees that give excellent honey.


The eastern edge of the area (in the ancient parallia) is breaking with less high chains of the hills, which south of the Himmete, where the peninsula is narrowed, are connected to one ridge - the Lavrionic Highlands, which is Cool descending to the sea, Sunium, on which the ruins of the temple of Athens will now come out , on the columns of which, now, the cape is called the sailors of the cap-colonum.


Lavrionian mountains in their richness silver had a high meaning in antiquity; But these mines, at first very profitable, before it was exploited, which is immediately after the beginning of N. e. I had to stop prey. Only in the later time they tried, and not unsuccessfully, from slags that remain from previous work, to extract benefits.

The mountains stretch part directly to the sea, the apparent land accumulated part of their soles, forming more or less broad shore plains, of which many were known in antiquity.

Rabe! , GNU 1.2.

The wonderful of the marathon plain on the north shore. It represents lowland 9 km, length and from 2-4 km shir., With an extensive marsh to the northeast. Here in 490 BC. e. The Persian army suffered a defeat from the Athenian troops.

More significant plains, which or, starting at the shore, stretch far away in the country, or are completely separated from the sea, in the country only three: 1) Athenian plain, often called simply "plain" (pedion); 2) The smaller, separated from the Athenian Egaleos Mountains, the Triatic plain (the so-called the ancient terrain of TRIA) and 3) of the plain between the gymnas and lower mountain chains of the Eastern Coast, which is connected to the Athenian Plain by the valley separating the Pentelikon from Himmete.

The irrigation of the country is extremely poor. The most significant streams proceed along the Athenian Plain, namely: Kefis, starting at the south-western foot of the Pentelikon in the rich forest area of \u200b\u200bCeffs, fed by different tributaries from Parnassa. It proceeds to the plain in the south-west direction and to the west of the city is given to numerous channels for irrigation of vegetable gardens and plantations; Ilway begins at the northern foot of the Himmete, proceeds from the eastern and south side of the city and to the southwest of it is lost in the sands. In addition to them, you need to mention another Keffis of Eleusinskaya Plain, about the teething marathon plain the pole Enoe (so named on the above-north of the ancient terrain) and about Erasinos, which flows further to the south of the eastern coastal, in the ancient locality of Arafen (now Rafina).

Grzegorz WYSOCKI, GNU 1.2


The population of the country, not to mentioning some pelasgic elements of the prehistoric era and the enormous number of foreigners, subsequently living in Athens, belonged to ancient times to the Ionian tribe. Residents called themselves authtons, that is, indigenous, since their ancestors were made directly from the soil of the country and from time immemorial, the Earth consisted in their continuous possession.

As all the ionic peoples, the inhabitants of Attica disintegrated into four knees or classes (films): Heleonts (noble), goplites (warriors), Egikoreev (shepherds in general and goats in particular) and Ergadeev (farmers). According to legend, in the country from time immemorials there were 12 independent cities or community unions. It was part of individual, even later existing settlements as keacropi (later Athens), Eleusin, Dealer and Athena (the last two in the north of the country), Buron (among the Eastern Coast), Torikos (in the southernmost part of the Eastern Coast), Kiteros (location Unknown), Sfetos and Kefisia, part of the Union of several settlements, like Epacrius (Northern Mountain Country), Tetrapolis (Union of Four Cities) at the Marathon Plain and Tetrakomiy (Union of Four villages) in the south of Athenian Plain. According to legend, these 12 communities are connected by theses in one political integer, the capital of which are Athens.

Hansueli Krapf, CC BY-SA 3.0

Administrative division

On the map of Prefectures (Nomov), the decentralized attic administration is divided into 4 nomes (nomarchies) shown on the map below:

  1. Athens
  2. East Attica
  3. Piraeus
  4. Western Attica

After the administrative reform of 2011, the decentralized attic administration consists of 65 municipalities.

Agriculture and fossils

The country's soil is almost completely light, rather thin layer of rocky limestone, which is little suitable for the cultivation of wheat, more - for barley and grapes, but especially for olive and figs, and therefore the last as in antiquity, and now are the main products of the country and Items of its export. Cattle breeding is significantly today, and in ancient times, attic wool used great glory. In the mountains, not to mention the Silver Minerals of Lavrion exhausted already, excellent marble is mined; The soil in many places, especially on the coastal strip, coming to the south-west of the harbor of Piraya and the Falern Bay and the footpit from the foothills of Kolias (now Gagios Kosmas), gives excellent clay for dishes, and therefore a pottery presented in ancient Athens the flowering branch of industry and His products had a very common sales.

Photo Gallery

Helpful information

greek. Αττική.
english Attica.

Political device in antiquity

In politically, Attica was in antiquity the most centralized area of \u200b\u200bGreece.

The main city was not only the location of the administration, but the court, equally and the people's assemblies, in the hands of which from the time of democratic reforms started by Clisphen and finished by pericles, focused on the supreme solution of all public affairs.

The value that Attica was due to its main city of Athens, in the political and cultural life of ancient Greece, can be correctly appreciated only in connection with the presentation of the general history of Greece.

Administrative division in antiquity

The division of the people on 4 films remained both with the kings and during the archonds. Even the legislator of Solon did not cancel this unit, and in parallel with it, part of wanting to reduce the influence of ancient aristocratic genera, part to lead to a more equitable distribution of the applied burden between citizens, created a new division of citizens on grade 4 on their property.

Only Clisphen canceled the ancientionic division of the knees and put in his place the division of the people by 10 Phil, of which each wearing the name of the ancient andothic hero (eponym).

Each of these phil hugged a certain number of communities (demos) lying in different parts of the country.

Commodably, every not very significant area was a special "Dima", the largest as the cities of Athens and Buron, disintended several dem. The number of the demas was different at different times: - at the beginning of the Christian era there were 371.

Thanks to the writers and inscriptions to us, the names came about 180 dem, but the location of many is now impossible to establish. The total number of citizens hesitated, judging by the censuses during the heyday of the state, to the Peloponnescent War, in the range of 80-100 thousand. The number of huems stood under the auspices reached 40,000, the number of slaves reached 400,000, so that the total number of free and non-free population exceeded 500,000. Increase in the number of phil (10) two new ones occurred in 307 BC. e.

From the desire to flatter Demetrius, the lattes were named after his name and the name of the Father of His Antigone - Antigonide and Demetriad. But the first was renamed 265 BC. e. In honor of the Egyptian king, Ptolemya II Philadelph in Ptolomaida, the second in 200 g. In honor of the Pergam's king Attala I in Attalid.

Finally, at the emperor Adriana, the 13th Phil was attached and named Adriaanide named this benefactor of the city of Athens.


Ancient ("Attikn) - the region dr. Greece. Settlement from the Neolithic era. Sobs of Kiferon and Pareneta divide A. For small plains: Athens, Eleusinskaya, Mesogean, Marathon - suitable for C. X-Wa. In addition to flat, terraced agriculture . Ch. S.-H. Cultures A. In antiquity there were grapes and olives. The crops of barley and wheat were low, bread lacked. On mountain pastures, sheep and goats were bred. A. was rich in salt, marble, clay, silver (mined In the mountains of Lavrion in the south A.). In A. The crafts were developed (pottery, processing of metals, shipbuilding). Reluctance of shores A., its middle position in Dr. Greece, the need for bread has contributed to the development of mor. Trade A. (Harbor - Piraeus, Falonon). By 5 c. BC. E. A. Gradually became the most developed social economy., Politic. And the cultural area (center - Athens) Dr. Greece. In Sovr. Greece A. forms one of the ADM .-terr. units.

Lit.: Kolobova K. M., Glushkina L. M., Essays of the history of ancient Greece, L., 1958; WREDE W., ATTIKA, ATHEN, 1934.

Attica Times Clisphen

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukov. 1973-1982 .

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    In antiquity, the region is in the south-east of Wed. Greece. In modern Greece Attica is one of the nomov (the center of Athens) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (attica, ή άττιχή). The most important area of \u200b\u200bmedium eleventures, the country is mountainous and low-grade; Her capital was Athens. (Source: "A brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities." M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, Edition A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) ... Encyclopedia mythology

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 area (62) ASIS synonyms dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Attica - (attica), region in southeast. Parts Center. Greece. In antiquity there was several. Small settlements, to rye gradually united in the city of the State of Athens. This process ended to 7 V. BC. Family of large landowners continued to live out ... ... The World History

    The style of this article is non-Encyclopedic or violates the rules of the Russian language. The article should be fixed according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia ... Wikipedia

    In antiquity, the area in the south-east of Central Greece. In modern Greece Attica is one of the nomov (the center of Athens). * * * Attica Attica, in antiquity region on the south-east of Central Greece. In modern Greece Attica is one of the nomov (the center of Athens) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Attĭca, ή άττική (from ακτή, instead of ακτική), was also called earlier, "coastal country", and the poets μοψοπία, or ίωνία, or ποσειδωνια and was the most important out of 8 regions that constituted their own (secondary) ELLADE. She had a form ... Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities

    - (Greek. Attike) in antiquity area on the south-east of Central Greece. The political association A. Around Athens (Sinakism) occurred, according to ancient Greek legends, with Tsar, the test (see Testa), in reality the process of this stretched on ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Greek. ή αττική, which means the coastal country) South Eastern region of Central Greece, the connecting link between the Balkan Peninsula and the archipelago, approximately 2200 square meters. km of space; border on S. Viotia, on Z. Megar, with Yu. And V. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Attica - (from Greek. Country coast) of the peninsula, one of the largest areas in the south-east medium. Greece. Her mountains are the branches of the Kiferon, a steep rocky ridge, which formed the natural border of A. with Beotia and Megaras. Among ... ... Antique world. Dictionary-directory.


  • Athens. Between heaven and sea, Philipple Plesson. "Indeed, we, the Greeks, - the first navigaters in the world, and we have trusted Philipple Plissene to create this magnificent album. In it, Athens, yes, actually, and the entire attic look ...
  • Ancient Attica at the end of the V-IV centuries. BC e. Order of public land in Polisa, Bulychev E .. The book is investigated by the problem of renting and selling public land in Attics in V IV centuries. BC e. The main source of study is the epigraphic material. Based on the ancient Greek ...

In Greece there is everything looking for a modern tourist. This country caresses the sun 300 days a year, her borders is washed by 4 seas and surrounds 1400 islands.

Greece invites you to fascinating hiking in the ancient ruins and museums where antique treasures are stored. This sunny country is manitis with its fruit groves and goodies prepared from the gifts of the Mediterranean Sea.

Greek beaches deserved the title of the best for holidays around the world. Tourists flock here to sunbathe, spend time on youth disco, make unique photo shoots and enjoy the taste of fragrant olives.

One of these tourist places is Attica. It is located in the heart of the country. This area where statehood was laid, and where the capital of Greece is located.

Attica in translation means "coastal country". Attica is located on the peninsula, which is washed from the first three sides by the bays of the Aegean, Evasi, Petali and Saronic seas.

How to get to Attika

Getting to attics best of all of Athens, where tourists deliver regular international flights from any country in the world.

And you can get acquainted with this historical area with the help of a developed public transport system.

The suburban buses station is located at 100, Kiffissou Street.. From here, the transport of CTel Aththics will deliver to the attachment bus stations, one of which is located near the Acropolis, and the second on Egyptian Square.

Local train schedule is available at Athenian stations. In addition, the attic acts ferry and flights.

Royal Olympic Hotel. Located within walking distance from Acropolis. From the luxuriously furnished rooms of the hotel offers a magnificent view of the temple of Zeus or a fragrant garden with a swimming pool.

Poseidonion Grand Hotel. Spets is located on the island of Speses and is its attraction, due to his rich architecture. The rooms are furnished with stylish furniture, and wooden floors add luxury. The balconies overlook the sea landscape or flower garden.

  • Hotels 4 *

    Amalia Hotel. It is within walking distance to the Acropolis and the central square of the city of Claw. For the use of natural toiletries, cleaning products and organic products, the hotel was marked with an ecological icon Green Key.

    Herodion. Located at the foot of the Acropolis. This hotel has an elegant style hotel. On the roof of the hotel there is a magnificent garden, where you can relax in the hot tubs and sun loungers overlooking Athens.

  • Hotels 3 *

    Hermes Hotel.hid in a quiet area of \u200b\u200bthe cry. It offers a spacious lounge and a rooftop garden.

    The hotel rooms are furnished with modern furniture, and the interior is made in bright colors.

    PLAKA HOTEL. Located in the historic center of the capital of Greece. On the roof of the hotel there is a cafe-bar with an impressive view of the Acropolis.

  • What to do in Attics: sightseeing

    The land of Attica absorbed the ancient legends and myths who come to life in the eyes of impressionable travelers.

    See also: Three days in Athens: we learn interesting places of Athens. Day Three.

    Walking along the attractions can be easily transferred to the ancient times, when death inhabited all-fat deities. Once in Attica, do not deny yourself the pleasure to visit the following temples and monasteries and just interesting places:

    • Temple Poseidona

      Unique building located on Cape Sunion. This temple was committed by the sacraments and rites to lean the Terrible Maritime God. The building combines the subtlety and the greatness, personifying the connection of the Earth and the sea.

    • Monastery Daphne
      It can be found 10 kilometers from Athens. This building is erected on the site of the pagan temple of Apollo Daphnia in the VI century. To date, the monastery has the status of the monument.

    • Ostrina Island

      This small island attracts its luxurious beaches and transparent sea water. It is located in the midst of the Sardonic Bay. In history, this island is known for the fact that about 360 temples were built on it. Most of them have been erased from the face of the Earth, but travelers who love old people can get to the city of Paleochor, who is considered by the ghost, in which no one lives for a long time.

    Attica is the historical region of Greece, which is located near the modern capital. Drawing around in the picturesque peninsula of the south-east of Greece, she served as a cradle of ancient culture. It is difficult to imagine a more appropriate place to get acquainted with the ells and relaxing on the lap of nature, among the wonderful beaches, amazing mountains and emerald vegetation.

    Geographical features

    Atika on the map of Greece resembles a triangle, which runs along the sea coast and extends to the central part of the country. On his expanses is the capital, the port of Piraeus and several cozy towns of resorts. The terrain is predominantly hilly, surrounded by limestone and marble mountains. Their vertices are weakly covered with vegetation, but the intermountain plains are striking with all the shades of thick greenery.

    The coastal part is very winding, numerous sandy beaches are located on it. Waters of the blue water of the sardonic bay. Beaches are very clean and beautiful, many of them boast a blue flag - the highest environmental award for cleanliness and safety.

    Myths and historical facts

    Of the few preserved sources it follows that the first settlers, the Greeks-Ionians, took the territory of Attica for another two millennium BC. Although Plato in his works argues that the inhabitants did not come from other lands, and always lived here. The fact that a person has long settled on this territory, is evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations.

    Later, the society was divided into small communities, each of which worshiped a separate God. Periodically between the settlements arose war, which was considered and wars between the gods - community patrons. At the same time, the affected community and her God did not disappear completely, but simply changed the importance of one or another patron. Gradually, as a result of several internecine wars, a single pantheon was formed.

    After the expansion of attics and inclusion in its composition, Athens, near the Achropole and the temple of Athens, the sanctuary and the rest of the gods of indigenous settlements began to appear. Athens also turned into a bright pearl of Greece, where culture, art, philosophy was actively developed, and new states were formed.

    Sights of the region

    Attica - Earth with a rich historical heritage - boasts a variety of attractions. For the most part, these are the ruins of temples and other important structures, as well as places on which the fate of the ancient Greeks was peaked. Let us dwell on the most interesting sights of Attica.

    Temple Poseidona - The majestic structure, which is located at Cape Sunion - the most southern point of attics. It seems that the God of the Seas is still cleaning the remnants of his temple, which was almost the cliff at an altitude of 60 m. It is best to visit here closer in the late afternoon, when the rays of the setting sun pass through the preserved columns.

    Acropolis - The oldest fortress in Athens, which even today causes trepidation. Important historical events left a lot of marks on stone blocks. Acropolis is a rather large multi-level complex, which can be wandering for a long time in search of unusual places and backgrounds for photography.

    In the vicinity of Athens is monastery Daphne - Byzantine heritage of Greece. Initially, it was built in honor of Apollon, but later the monastery moved to the possession of Christians, then the building was used as a fortress wall and even as a psychiatric hospital.

    Eagina - A small island off the coast of Attica in the Sardonic Bay. Here you can endlessly admire the beautiful landscapes, as well as numerous churches. There are 365 religious buildings on the small area of \u200b\u200bsushi. No less interest is the abandoned city of Palaioohor.

    Near Athens, in the thick of the cypress forest, the ancient monastery hid. It is at the base of the Mount of Imittos, next to the Medical Source. The structure is striking with dimensions, beautiful architecture, mosaic and frescoes.

    Resorts Attica

    Widow is satisfied with the mind of familiarity with attractions, it's time to go to the beach. Along the coast there are several cozy towns with developed infrastructure. They are united by title "Athens Riviera". It is difficult to find a desert or secluded corner, but there is everything for a comfortable stay: yacht clubs, bars, hotels and nightclubs.

    Just 15 km from the center of Athens is the famous Glyfada. Here you can have a fun night in numerous clubs, and in the afternoon to go to a huge game of golf.

    Lagonissi - Less noisy and very cozy resort. It is ideal for a measured family holiday on the Aegean coast. The calm sea with a gentle bottom and the beach with the smallest sand allow you to forget about time. After lunch, you can stroll through thick lemon groves.

    Loutraki - Town, where you can not only enjoy a calm beach holiday, but also to improve health in the famous hospitals. Soft climate and healing sources will return health and youth to everyone.

    Vouliagmena - Prestigious resort with expensive hotels and luxury villas. The city is located the same lake, famous for healing sources. With their help, it is possible to get rid of many serious skin diseases, bones, nervous system and reproductive organs. In the city, there are beautiful coniferous forests.

    The maximum cosmetic effect will have rest in Sunione. There are many beauty centers in which cosmetics based on local herbs, colors and mineral complexes are used.

    Things to do?

    Attica is a place where everyone will find a lesson in the shower. Most tourists start familiarizing from sightseeing or relaxing on the famous beaches. In addition to passive lying on the shore and bathing, you can ride on scooter or water skiing, as well as enjoy the views from the walking yacht.

    Adults and children are equally like to spend time in the water park. Lovers of the underwater world will be able to dive with scuba. On the beaches there are several diving centers.

    Appannels of gambling and stormy nightlife will not be ignored. They can go to a noisy casino in Loutraki or numerous nightclubs around the coast.


    In the Attics there are areas where they go shopping even from neighboring countries. In the center of Athens there are shopping centers and boutiques, where you can buy jewelry and fur products. In memory of this paradise, fragrant herbal teas, leather products, cosmetics based on minerals and olive oil, oil and olives itself, as well as ceramic products from Marusi masters.

    How to get?

    Since the capital of Greece Athens is in Attica, then there will be no problems with the flight. The city has a large international airport that takes direct flights from various parts of the world.

    You can get to more remote towns on comfortable over regular buses or train. They regularly run in the suburbs. In order not to depend on the schedule, you can rent a car and make your own route to dating the region.

    You can get to the island of Aegina on a ferry from the port of Piraeus. It delivers passengers every hour from early morning to sunset.