What to take with you on Goa with a child? What to take to India (list of things) What to take on Goa in January.

A dream came true and the long-awaited stay is no longer around the corner. A trip to another country always requires careful preparation, especially if you plan to leave with children in India. You need to think in advance what to take with you to Goa, take into account the recommendations to have a stock for all occasions. Civilization has long come even in the smallest resort towns, you can do everything you need to buy on the spot, but it is better to take with you the most basic part of things and drugs.

There are two ways to prepare for the trip.

  1. Take a minimum of things to purchase beach accessories at the local market or the market already in Goa, and when departure, unnecessary throw away. Panamki prices, slippers, light shorts and T-shirts available. Quality is not very good, but vacation such things will stand with honor.
  2. Collect baggage from beloved clothes and not hope in case.

What clothes to take on Goa?

Be sure to consider, in which month the trip is scheduled. There are no special temperature differences, and the year is divided into dry and wet season. The most good time is the period from the beginning of October to mid-March, it is necessary to take only light things from clothes that they do not lose the shape and protect against the hot sun. In the rainy period, you will need:

  • raincoat;
  • boots;
  • umbrella.

For reinsurance, you can put one warm sweater or windbreaker, jeans, closed shoes in a suitcase. Sometimes nights, by the standards of Indians, are cool. Fans of campaigns and hiking will need closed clothing, sports shoes, headdress.

Important! Outside the beach is not welcomed overly open and tight clothes, out of respect for local residents in the wardrobe, it is worth incorporating several loose things with closed shoulders and knees.

Hiking aid kit

Its makeup depends on the health status of the traveler. The basis will be:

  • preparations from intestinal disorders, including activated carbon, imodium, smect;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • miramistin;
  • tools for temperature;
  • ointment from burns, for example, Bepanten;
  • anesthetic, such as fair, nurofen, citrate;
  • cardiac, especially Validol and Corvalol;
  • antiallergenic;
  • bandage ordinary and elastic;
  • patch;
  • hygiene products for women.

Let this list better remain unclaimed than something will not be at hand. To the list of what pills and medicines take with you on Goa, drugs are added to the appointment of a doctor if there are chronic diseases.

Should be considered! In India, many drugs are much cheaper, there are analogues with a more gentle action, so you need to take with you only the necessary minimum.

What do you need to take with you in Goa first?

The most important point will be documents. Come with me:

  • passport;
  • medical policy;
  • visa;
  • driver's license;
  • e-tickets.

Tourist insurance is not mandatory. But it is unreasonable to save on health and security. Under the contract payment fee is carried out in the event of loss of baggage, the abolition of the flight is compensated for the means for treatment. The cost depends on the age, the term and type of insurance, the number of included options.

The list of what you need to take with you to India in Goa includes a tan cream, otherwise rest can end on the day of arrival. The climate of the country differs from Russian, especially if you go there in the fall or winter. The skin by this time is lost by natural immunity to the active Sun, which leads to burns.

Things in india must be collected Very thoroughly, so as not to take extra and not forget what in India the day with fire is not rally.

My backpack weighed 7.5 kg, But I drove to the north of India and took warm things and trekking boots. I tried to collect such a backpack so that I missed me to the plane - Aeroflot permits to take up to 10 kg to the salon. If you go to the warm edges, it is quite possible to collect a backpack and smaller - weighing 4-5 kg.

Here is an exemplary list of things that you should take with you to India. Something can be reduced, and something, on the contrary, add

Documents and money

1. Passport with a visa of India. You need to have copies of passport and tickets and store them separately. You can also scan the passport and store scan in your email. In case of passport loss, the availability of a copy can accelerate the receipt of the new one.

2. Yourself + His Xerocopia (also in case of loss).

3. Cash (US dollars or euro). In India, bank cards are not taken everywhere, so it is better to have cash. Maps are needed to pay tickets via the Internet.

4. Photos 3x4, can be useful for permits and additional visas (if you are going to border areas).

5. A native handbag for documents and money.

6. Guide to India, for example, Lonely Planet publishing house (you can buy in bookstores or order online) or buy it already in India - there I saw it in Delhi and in small towns, you can buy a new or used. The thing is almost essential. Without him, I would spend much more money and time. Better, of course, buy it in advance to read before the trip.

Medicines and hygiene products

1. A small first-aid kit in case of small injuries (iodine, bandage, plaster, etc.).

2. Drugs in violation of the work gastrointestinal tract: enterosgel or activated carbon, lactobacterin, immodium, etc. I took only coal, he was not useful for me. Coal at the rate of calculation, which during the disease (for example, diarrhea) it is necessary to take 5-7 tablets (at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kg of your weight) 3-4 times a day.

3. From headache - cyuteromon, ketanov, etc.

4. If you take some medicines, take a stock with you.

5. In many states where malaria is common, you need to take preventive measures from malaria.

7. From mosquitoes, the means that is applied to the body and for the premises (but there is no mosquito in the mountains)

8. Hygienic lipstick.

9. Drops or eye tetracyclined ointment from the conjunctivitis - can be useful, weighs the tube quite a bit.

10. Personal hygiene products (female pads in India are sold everywhere, problematic with tampons and thin pads for every day).

11. Wet wipes, better antibacterial (you can buy on the spot).

12. Sunglasses, if you use them.

13. Soap (but you can buy and on arrival), shampoo.

14. Manganese (for washing of hands and fruits).

15. Sun cream - it's quite simple to burn out. You can buy in place.

Clothes, shoes, etc.

1. Two sheets or one duvet cover. Bed linen in hotels is often dubious, if it is, of course, not the Empire Hotel. You can also buy in place.

2. Clothing for hot weather. Women need to close their shoulders, do not wear tiping t-shirts (GOA exception). In the rest of India, the morals are still strict, not even any t-shirt here you can wear. Dresses, blouses with embroidery and without you can buy in Delhi, cost 100-300 rubles, natural cotton. Indians, by the way, look very approving if foreigners in India walk in local clothing.

3. If you are going to the mountains, it is worth getting clothes for cool weather, but it can be cheap in place. But the trekking boots are better taken with you.

4. Cape from rain (when hiking in the mountains in some months).

5. Sneakers, sandals on velcro.

6. Small backpack for the camera, water, etc., with which you will walk every day. If gifts purchased in India do not fit into the backpack, with whom you arrived, on the spot you can cheaply buy a large and spacious bag of Chinese production.

Need fine things

1. The knife (easy to buy on the spot, as they will not be empty with him, it is necessary to pass into baggage). Needed, for example, to clean or cut fruit.

2. A small hinged castle (they close the doors in hotels and ride the bags under the beads in the train) - but it is not necessary. I had no castle with me, it is easy to buy in India.

3. Flashlight, better LED. In some areas of India, electricity is often disconnected.

4. Boiler (boiling water for tea or for rinsing the mouth when cleans your teeth).

6. Metal mug (it can be boiled water).

7. Needles, threads, scissors (scissors again have to take into baggage).

8. Tee - if you have a lot of equipment that requires recharging. The rooms are often only one outlet. Easy to buy on the spot.

It is necessary to think out in detail the list of all necessary things that must be at your hand if you go on a trip. All fees can be conditionally divided into three stages - we will turn to you step by step to take with you to feel confident and comfortable in any situation.

Step 1: Preliminary Readiness

Of course, the very first thing that must be present in your road suitcase are documents, among which will be:

  1. International passport. For an Indian visa, it must have two empty pages in it, it is also necessary to trace the passport to remain active 3 months later of your ride from the trip.
  2. Copies of a passport (in case the main document is lost).
  3. Package tour. documents.
  4. Indian visa.

Step 2: Before the departure, it remains not so much time

So, you are already mentally noticed on the Golden Sand in Goa, but you can not forget about things that you will need to be needed on the road. So, do not forget to take:

  1. Medicines. One of the most important items of things that you must have with you. Not always drugs can be bought in any stall on Goa, so take care in advance so that you have at hand:
  • zelenka;
  • plasters;
  • bandages;
  • checked insects;
  • peroxide;
  • anesthetics;
  • medicines against campus;
  • means to improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any antipyretic pills;
  • sunscreen spray or cream (in India there are a lot of mosquitoes and other insects that are carriers of various infections).
  1. Take with you credit cards, money. If you plan to take on vacation more than 10 thousand dollars - they must be declared in advance.
  2. Insurance policy.
  3. International driver's license (it is worth remembering that left-sided movement was introduced on Goa). Many prefer to take a personal driver - for their own security.
  4. Do not forget to get hats for yourself and children.
  5. Charging for the phone, cameras, camcorders - and for them do not forget the charging devices.
  6. A small guide to Goa, which will help you navigate the area.
  7. Phrasebook - Anglo-Russian is quite suitable. Despite the fact that in India there are a large number of people who communicate Russian, you must be fully armed. To take lunch in a cafe, buy souvenirs - knowledge of language is required, so if you are experiencing difficulties with English, it is better to prepare in advance in order not to buy a phrasebook in place at an incredible price.
  8. Flashlight. Already at 6 pm, the sun begins to enter the sun, and if you consider yourself to a night-time lover - this device is worth taking with you.
  9. Bed linen and towel (at least clean sheet). So that experts do not say there, India refers to one of the most dirtiest countries in the world. Therefore, it is better to take personal belongings in order not to catch the infection.

Step 3: Final Readiness

Goa refers to one of the smallest states in India. Here you can make an unforgettable time, both newlyweds and family couples with kids, even the company of young people will find entertainment to taste. Economic shopping, fun parties, exciting walks - all this is waiting for you on vacation, but in order for the trip to not be overshadowed by unforeseen incidents, you should definitely capture with you all of the items.

At the airport, you must make sure that all the suitcases have with you, documents in place, and their copies lie in separate pockets. Think well, whether you have forgotten something from important items, if it was still a omission - it is better to buy missing things while you are in my native land.

After that, you can finally relax and tune in to the positive - you fly into one of the most wonderful, picturesque, unforgettable places on the whole earth!

Well, friends, I understand that you have already bought tickets, the visa is made, - so today we will collect suitcases! :) And let's talk about what you should take with you, and what (this is important! :)) - Do not! :) so that you did not work like my friend: we were going to the rope training in the forest (!), And she was painted for about an hour and did a hairstyle, as a result, I simply noticed her: Of course, the main thing in training in the forest is to be beautiful! :))

Well, as they say in Russia, with God!

Of course, I would gladly reduce all this post to one sentence: Do not take anything - they buy everything here! :) And to some extent there would be right, because everything is cheap and almost (!) Everything is.

Nevertheless, I understand that some of you will go to Goa not for the whole season, but for a couple of weeks, and they will be dear to them every day, so spending precious time to find the necessary - it will not be quite clever :)

So, let's start-with ...
Clothes and shoes
I remind you that we are talking about the time of year - the season (October-March). During this period in Goa - warm and hot! :) Temperature - +30, but these are completely different +30 than in Moscow or in the south of Belarus, here in +30 you can breathe, walk and live! :)

Come on the list:
- shorts,
- T-shirts / T-shirts (I remind the male faces that the Topless Riding in Goa is prohibited by the police, and I know the cases when I stopped and took money for the contemplation of a wonderful torso - I ask you to notice: they did not pay, but waited! :)),
- Cotton pants (if you are going to some very serious temple, it is better to replace shorts for pants),
- T-shirt with long sleeves (for girls, also for the temple),
- "Shal" (you can hide her shoulders when visiting the temple),
- Sweatshirt (for riding on a scooter in the evening and at night),
- flip flops,
- Sandals (if suddenly come together to walk in the mountains-dollars),
- Panama / Cap / Bandana,
- bathing suit:)

Also, remember - we have everything easy here and simply: no one does not affect the outfits, and the sparkles do not shine in the sun :) Therefore, about evening or cocktail dresses, I would also think. Although - again - met ...

At parties, the majority comes almost in the same thing that was dressed a couple of hours ago on the beach :) Somehow it was so historically, since Hippie times :)

Cosmetics and hygiene
That I will leave at your discretion, because everyone has their own personal data list.

I just want to pay attention to some subjects:
- There is a toilet water here, but I am not sure of it at all :) On the other hand, she has few people use it :)
- cotton wheels here are expensive (compared to Moscow), so take them with it in sufficient quantities,
- Selection of tampons - limited,
- just like the choice of gaskets, including daily,
- Sunscreen (in my opinion, he is also more expensive here ...),
- Enpact sunglasses in this section,
- Also, if you have glasses with transparent glasses - take: for ride in the evening and at night on a scooter - so that the midges in the eyes do not fall.

In general, almost all kinds of cosmetics here are present here and I always come to another country everything is necessary from here. I especially adore Dabur Red toothpaste - try: it's great to wake up in the morning - sooooo refreshing! :)

I repeat: Indian medicine is one of the best in the world. In addition, it is one of the cheapest! Therefore, there are no problems with good medicines and magnificent doctors.

Nevertheless, traveling to Goa for the first time I recommend to acquire medical insurance. I used Rennesans Insurance Company - everything is fine: the doctor came to the house twice! :)
Why do I need insurance? First of all, "new" in Goa usually "pick up" something like food poisoning. Disease, I confess you, not pleasant ... And it is sometimes inevitable: it's not just a bad food or dirty hands before meals, perhaps it is just the clean hands of the waiter who serves the glass and leaving the Indian bacterium on it. Moreover, I even recommend you to pass through with this disease, because, as my Russian-speaking doctor said, "after him you can eat even in the most dirtiest local eatery - knowing the problems! Because your body has developed immunity, and the real Indian has settled in it, already harmless, bacteria! "
And one more quotation of my doctor: "Indian diseases need to be treated with Indian medicines!" Therefore, you can not strain with smell and activated carbon - it does not help! :)

In the drug list, enable your personal medicines that you take. I remind you: to carry medicines better in two places - in the baggage (main part) and in hand-made (two-week stock). Thus, if you lose luggage, you will have two weeks in order to solve the problem with the drug you need.

Separately, I want to say about vaccinations: they are an independent decision of everyone. Personally, I did not make vaccinations. Nevertheless, before Indonesia, I want to make myself all the necessary vaccinations here in India. Because it is high quality and cheap.
Important: Some vaccinations need to do long before the trip, so be careful!

Of course, this is also at the discretion of everyone. Nevertheless, it will be easier if you have here to possess:
- Mobile phone and charging for it,
- camera, charging to it, sufficient memory card and wires for transporting photos from a memory card on a computer,
- Player and Charging to Him (I loved to ride with a player on a scooter),
- camcorder, charging, memory card and wires (this is if you do something later with a coupled video, and we know the history of many home cameras :)),
- laptop and charging to it (too - optional),
- Pocket flashlight - in case of turning off the electricity (this happens often :))

In addition, one of the problems in Goa is a shortage of information :) Because there is no TV, the Internet you will also use it too and often (if you eat for a short time), newspapers we have long been looked away ... so take with you A couple of books and download a couple of films on a hard drive - they will "inform you" :)

And do not forget a small mounted castle - it will help you to keep an inviolable not only your new home, but also your backpack in the train / bus :)

For those who are still not quite in freaks with English: Capture a pocket phrasebook and pocket Russian-English and on the contrary, they will help in communicating and clarifying household and vital issues! :)

Have a good trip!

Next time I will tell about how to seek and rent housing in Goa (O-ho-ho!) :)

Capture a lot of toys and special fixtures for swimming is not necessary, all this can be purchased in place.

Aid kit

What will be very useful, so this is a first-aid kit in which everything will be. It is worth staying and disassembling the question in more detail. You should not forget about such things:

  • Bandages, greenery, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Good tools from insect bites. It is important that they are proven and high-quality, since insects in the exotic country are carriers of many infectious diseases.
  • Preparations facilitating the state when making.
  • Package preparations.
  • Thermometer and antipyretic drugs.
  • The medicine that allows you to cope with the stomach with specific Indian cuisine.
  • Sunscreen with high content of SPF
  • Personal hygiene means of a child.

Freight nuances

The flight will be quite long, but in most cases it is an exciting one for the younger generation, moreover, there is still one in the plane, and there are some more couples with children who can pass the time with each other.

The landing of the aircraft is less irrevocated for children. They may have ears either sick or specify. It is worth taking care of a mint candy, and the massage of the sumps behind the ears will help.

Be prepared that after arriving in India, there will still have a watch, and even more to stand in the queue for registration. Local workers perform their duties a little in slow motion without acceleration. So think about some snack for babies, by this time they will be hungry.

With a passing to the country with special sanitary standards, closely follow the children, especially if your heirs are lateral and blond, such a type of kids causes delight from local residents. Indians are very rainbow and hospitable people with great love for children, if they like the passing child, they can easily treat his local spice or specific sweetness. That's it precisely behind this, it is worth watching very intention, since not every adult organism can accept Indian delicacies without consequences, but for children especially.

Before you depart from the airport, it is necessary to consider that the process of checking and labeling luggage will take a decent time, and the child will need to do something and eat.

A little about acclimatization

Upon arrival, you may encounter such a concept as acclimatization, which is accompanied by diarrhea and a minor increase in temperature per day. If the temperature is very high and holds more than 24 hours, take care of the call call. It is worth noting that this process in children is much easier. Do not worry if the child becomes encounter with the stomach disorder. This is a normal phenomenon that per day must pass. After all, the first aid kit will be with you!


Remember that in India the climate is significantly different and has increased humidity.

More about what should be extremely careful, it is with street animals. They are pretty cute and do not touch the child, but they can still harm if some locals are shaking.

When planning to visit India, the optimal period is the rest from the beginning of October to March. From April, it starts rain for a couple of months when everything around the water and the precipitate falls daily. And with the arrival of August, it starts to be very angry when there is nothing to breathe, and even saves swimming in the reservoir. It is possible to hide from this by going to the northern part of the country.

List of necessary things


There must always be a passport, tickets and an Indian visa. It is very convenient to store them and wear with you in a special bag on the belt. In no case during the movement should not be removed from themselves. In addition, it is important to have copies of the necessary documents and tickets that are stored separately. An alternative option can be the scanned documents that are conveniently stored on the phone or other convenient gadget. In an unpredictable situation, they can be printed. During movement on Goa, the originals of the documents are desirable to give the hotel's safe, and with you have their copies. Thus, it is possible to be confident that there are unpleasant situations during recreation.

Many people discount their scanned documents on the post office or lay out in a free photo hosting. So, you can open access without having a gadget. That is, using a stranger computer.

Cash issues

It is convenient to take euro or dollars with you, they should be changed in rupees. You should also have a plastic card. But before you need to make sure that it can be used in this state. It is better to consult with the experts of the bank.

It is also important to remember that amounts exceeding $ 10,000 need to declare. In addition, in an exotic country, it is not necessary to pay a credit card in the markets and in dubious trading trays.

For kid

It is worth understanding that clothes you need to take the smallest. If necessary, your favorite things can be purchased at the local market. At the same time in India, it is customary to bargain. As a result, you can buy things 5 \u200b\u200btimes cheaper.

If a child is completely small, a sling is needed on the road. He will allow the world together with parents with comfort. An excellent travel option will be a sling in the form of a backpack, which allows you to adjust the straps on yourself in front and rear. Thus, you can move around the city and in transport without stroller.

For parents who are not afraid of difficulties, and plan to take a carriage, it is worth stopping your choice on a light and compact model with large wheels. On such a stroller, it will be convenient to move around the beach and you can relax both a child and parents. It is worth understanding that in conditions of high humidity, the stroller will find an unsuitable view much faster than in his homeland. Therefore, it is better to take a model that is not sorry.


If the baby is chest, you should take baby food with you. It is impossible to hope that it can be bought on the road or in India. The kitchen of this country is very sharp and specific, because it is not an option for preschool children. Otherwise, the rapid children's body can respond unexpectedly.

In an airplane or bus offer food harmful to children. It should be in advance the necessary products that the child will be saturated and will be useful to it. The optimal option will be not only canned food, but also instant porridge. You can also take muesli, well-washed fruits and vegetables. To tea - not sweet crackers. Water with you can not take, its quality is quite satisfactory, and the bottle is convenient to purchase anywhere.

What to take kid

In the process of movement, flight or traveling in the train The child needs to do something. Perfectly develops a shallow motility of plasticine, you can also pour on paper. Children love soap bubbles very much, it is worth capturing a couple of bottles with them. It is important to take with you on the road toys and items that the baby has not yet seen, so it will be busy for a long time and get a lot of positive emotions.

In the process of acclimatization, the kids may appear, as a result of the influence of a roast and wet climate. In this case, you need to use the usual powder after bathing. Well, if it is in the first-aid kit. But if it is not, it does not matter, this product is sold in a nearby pharmacy.

It is also necessary to pay attention to special disinfectants. It will allow you to wash your hands at the most inopportune moment when there is no access to soap and water.

Personal things

It is necessary to stop at the fact that the trip you need to cook not only kitchenware, but also clean sheets that can be useful. India is considered a very dirty country and therefore it is better to have personal bedding. Or at least take it for a child.

Sometimes you have to move on India by bus, some of them are equipped with air conditioning. Because, besides light things, take a few COFT and pants who use and protect the child from a cold.

As an option to put in a suitcase diapers. But it's not a problem. They are sold in most shops for small money.

Need fine things

  • Oddly enough, in Goa there is no buckwheat, because those who love this product is better to take a pair of packs with them.
  • On Goa, it is better to take kitchenware with you, as they are not in most removable apartments, but to acquire expensive.
  • It is very important to arrange insurance for the entire stay. Do not save on it, as safety and health first. On time, placing insurance, you can easily expect to compensate for the funds spent on treatment.
  • In the process of designing an Indian visa you need photos. Those who will stay better take on a journey. They can be healthy for purchasing special SIM cards.
  • The lantern will become an indispensable thing on Goa, as the roads are not covered there. Therefore, it is comfortable to move, it is worth stocking not only a pair of powerful flashlights, but also by spare batteries or batteries. In addition, it is very convenient to see where they step, and do not step on peacefully resting animals.
  • If a long rest is planned, you can create a list of some products that are not in India. These include chocolate, cheese, cheesecake sausage, seeds.
  • Going to an exotic country, it is important to understand that conservative views reign here and not even accepted by tourists strongly curtsy. You do not need to take a mini skirt, shorts and tight linen. Otherwise, the local population will think well with you.
  • In most hotels on the doors there are small ears intended for mounted locks. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to purchase a small neat lock, which to insure the door. Thus, you can be sure that no one can enter the room.


External battery is an indispensable thing that is very useful for modern phones. It is considered a normal phenomenon when the battery sits quickly. In this case, it will be impossible not only to contact the world, but also have to refuse the child in the desire to see cartoons or play. If you ended up from the outlet, that in Goa is the norm, it is worth using an additional external battery. He will charge the phone a couple of times. It is recommended to take a battery with a capacity of no more than 5000 mAh.

Rope for linen

Oddly enough, but not in all places in Goa there is a post service. There are no problems in the hotels of megacities. But if you want to relax away from the city, you will have to wash with your own hands and here an indispensable thing will be the lingerie, up to 20 m long. Also, it can be bought in the supermarket in place.

And once again referring to the climate to pay attention to the fact that in conditions of high humidity, it is better to use quick-dry towels.

Comfortable clothes and shoes

As for the child, it is necessary to take comfortable shoes for yourself. Options on the heel will not be useful. For the main movements will come down sneakers or sneakers from natural materials. The ideal option will be strong sandals with a solid sole. You can also capture conventional slippers with you. From the beginning of October, the nights in India become cold, therefore it will not be superfluous to capture except shorts of melting and swimsuit clothes with long sleeves, fleece sweatshirts with a hood.

It is not advisable to take cumbersome suitcases with you. It is best to use a backpack.


As in any other country, you should not take dear gadgets and phones on the journey. It is quite possible to do cheap cells, since in the conditions of high humidity, the smartphone can suffer greatly. On the beach and in other places you should not take valuable things with you. Documents and decorations are better stored in the hotel's safe. At night, close windows and doors.

One of the dangers that can happen in this country is the current. Most hindows are poorly swimming, and help to get out will be no one. It often happens that the course of tourists.

It is worth noting that on the beaches there are a lot of stray wild animals that can be needed. But it is better to stay away from them.

A trip to Goa will give you and your family an unforgettable feeling and excellent rest, if all the way to plan and get together without a rush and bustle in time.

A little more about Goa - in the video: