Australia prison. Cognitive facts about Australia

She appeared thanks to the opening of new lands by Captain James Cup - the navigator who proclaimed New Holland (now Australia) by British possessions. Soon, in 1786, it was decided to make the eastern coast of Australia by the place of reference. Next year, the "first fleet" sailed from the shores of England to base the first colony in Australia called New South Wales. Other ships went behind him, and soon in Australia there were many relocative settlements.

Eastern Australia was proclaimed by the United Kingdom territory in 1770, and the first colony was founded on January 26, 1788. As the population of Australia grew, six self-governing colonies were founded on the territory of Australia.

January 1, 1901 These six colonies formed a federation. From this time, Australia retains a stable democratic control system. The neighbors of Australia are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua - New Guinea from the North, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu from Northeast, New Zealand from the south-east. The shortest distance between the main island of Papua - New Guinea and mainland Australia - 150 kilometers; However, from the Australian Island of Boygu to Papua - New Guinea is only 5 kilometers.

The name "Australia" comes from the lat. Australis, meaning southern. The legends of the "Unknown South Earth" (Terra Australis Incognita) go from the times of Romans, were a common place of medieval geography, but were not based on real knowledge. The Dutch used this term for all newly open southern lands from 1638.

The name "Australia" has become popular after publishing a trip to Terra Australis Captain Mafej Flinders. The governor of the new South Wales McCweii used this name in correspondence with England. In 1817, he recommended this name as official. In 1824, the British Admiralty finally approved this name of the continent.

How to begin immigration to Australia

In the UK, the XVIII century was marked by significant social changes that led to the growth of crime. The main reason was the extreme need. To stop it, the authorities issued strict laws providing severe penalties. At the beginning of the XIX century, about 200 crimes were punished with death. "To death, even for the smallest thief," wrote one traveler. For example, one 11-year-old boy hung over the stealing of the nasal handkerchief! Another man was recognized as guilty of insult, in the theft of a silk wallet, gold watches and approximately six pounds sterling. He was sentenced to hanging. The execution was replaced by a lifetime link. In that terrible era, such a fate has suffered approximately 160 thousand people. Women, as a rule, together with their children, sentenced to 7-14 years of religion work.

However, at the beginning of the XVIII century, the authorities issued the law, in many cases allowed to replace the death penalty to the English colonies in North America. Soon there, mainly in Virginia and Maryland, on the courts began to send up to thousands of prisoners per year. But, declaring himself in 1776 by an independent state, these colonies no longer wanted to take British criminals. Then they began to send them to the terrible floating prisons on the Thames River, but they were crowded.

The exit appeared thanks to the opening of the new lands by Captain James Cup. In 1786, it was decided to make the eastern coast of Australia by the place of reference. Next year, the "first fleet" sailed from the shores of England for the founding of the first colony called New South Wales. Other ships went behind him, and soon in Australia there were many factory settlements, including Norfolk Island, located 1,500 kilometers northeast Sydney.

"Many deported in Australia" Criminals "were children who have not achieved adolescence," writes Bill Beatti in his book "Early Australia-with Shame Remembered". As stated in this book, in one case the court sentenced to the "lifelong link to Australia" a seven-year-old boy.

The first wave of immigration to Australia: the foundation of religious colonies.

Initially, the staging in the Australian colonies was for prisoners placed in raw and dirty ships trims, a real nightmare. Hundreds died on the way, others - shortly upon arrival. Many lives took the qing. But over time, doctors appeared on the courts, especially on those who transported concluded-women, such a mortality rate has decreased significantly. Subsequently, with the improvement of ships, the time of the way has decreased from seven to four months, and deaths have become even less.

Another threat to life was shipwrecks. The British ship "Amphitrite" five days after sailing from England, still being located within visibility from the coast of France, got into the strongest storm. Non-religiously thrown by waves for two days, the vessel stranded in a kilometer from the shore on August 31, 1883 at five o'clock in the afternoon.

However, the team did not make any attempts to save and did not descend the rescue boats. Why? For one simple reason: so that the prisoners are 120 women and children - did not run away! After three hours filled with horror, the vessel began to sink, and people began to wash off in the sea. Most of the team and all 120 women and children died. In the following days, 82 corpses threw ashore ashore, and among them was the corpse of the mother, pressed her child so hard that even death could not solve them.

But I must say that the situation of some prisoners was not so bad. After all, for someone in Australia, in fact, the best prospects opened than in the homeland. Yes, that part of the history of Australia was distinguished by extremely inconsistency: she combined cruelty and mercy, death and hope. She took his beginning in the UK.

Settlement of Australia: when death is desired.

Governor of the New South Wales, Sir Thomas Brisbane, decided that the most accurate criminals should be sent from the new South Wales and with Tasmania to Norfolk Island. "There, these bastards will lose all hopes for returning home," he said. Sir Ralph Darling, the next governor, swore to create on Norfolk "Such conditions, worse than only death." So it happened, especially during the reign of John Price, the governor of noble origin. Price "The thought of criminals guessed with a deadly accuracy, and this, together with the strict observance of the law, gave him some kind of mystical power over the convicts." For singing, insufficiently fast walking or insufficiently zealous pushing, the convict could get 50 shots or 10 days staying in the chamber, where there were up to 13 prisoners and where it was possible only to stand.

Only priests, as spiritual faces and therefore, inviolable, could openly condemn such inhuman appeal. "They do not describe any words as severely treated with the convicts," wrote one priest. "What to even think about it was terribly impunity."

History of Australia: a glimpse of hope.

With the arrival in 1840 to Norfolk Captain Alexander, the situation has improved somewhat. He introduced a new assessment system, which took into account how much the convict was corrected, he assumed encouragement for good behavior and gave him the opportunity to earn freedom, accumulating a certain number of estimates. "I'm sure, writing the patterns that you can correct any criminal. The intellectual abilities of a person are rapidly restored, if you direct his thoughts into the right direction, to handle Humanno and not deprive of its hope."

Reform Images turned out to be so effective that it was subsequently used to be widely used in England, Ireland and the United States. But at the same time, with his innovations, the makons struck a strong blow to the pride of some influential people whose methods he rejected. It cost him places. After his departure, the cruel treatment of Norfolk resumed, but not long. In 1854, thanks to the priests, the island stopped being a venue of relocative settlements, and exiles were crossed by Tasmania, in Port Arthur.

Port Arthur, especially in the early years, also inspired horror to people. But still the treatment of the convicts here was not so cruel as on Norfolk. Body punishment here was abolished almost completely in 1840.

As Ian Brand wrote in his book "Port Arthur-1830-1877", George Arthur, the strict governor of Tasmania, wanted to consolidate the reputation of "places with iron discipline" for his colony. And at the same time, Arthur wanted every convict to help that "good behavior is rewarded, and the bad thing is punished." To do this, he divided the convicts for seven categories, starting with those who for exemplary behavior was promised early liberation, and ending those who were sentenced to the most difficult work in the chambers.

When the link to Australia turned out to be a blessing

"For the convicts, with the exception of those who were exiled in Port Arthur, on Norfolk ... and in other similar places, when unbearable conditions have reigned," Bitty wrote, "the prospects for the future in the colony were much better than at home ... here in front of the convicts opened the opportunity to survive the best life. " And in fact, the convicts who received early liberation or left for the period, realized that in Australia, their families are waiting for the best life. Therefore, after liberation, only units returned to England.

Governor Laclan McQori, a hot defender of liberated convicts, said: "A person who came to freedom should never remind about the criminal past and, all the more to reproach them; it is necessary to let him feel like a full-fledged member of the Society that has already redeemed his guilt and became a decent behavior man. " McKouri supported his words: He allocated the liberated exile land plots, and also gave them some prisoners to help on the field and by farm.

Over time, many hardworking and enterprising former convicts have become wealthy and respected, and in some cases even famous people. For example, Samuel Lightfoot founded the first in Sydney and Hobart Hospitals. William Redforn became an all respected doctor, and Francis Greenway Australians are obliged to many architectural structures in Sydney and its surroundings.

Finally, in 1868, 80 years later, Australia stopped being a place of reference. The modern society of this country is not reminded of those terrible years. Partially preserved calerables represent only historical interest. A less terrifying evidence of that era: bridges, buildings and churches built by convicts are preserved. Some of them are in excellent condition and are used to this day.

The new prison of the highly strict regime "Hunter" in the north of Sydney is little similar to the prison in general. There are no cameras and doors, and prisoners can call at least to late night or watch TV with a touchpad. At the same time, they are under the scrutiny of 600 camcorders 24 hours a day, and in case of incidents, the elite quick response command is always ready.

The prison leadership believes that this is the future of the rehabilitation system for such criminals, as killers, rapists and recidivists.

What can surprise those who smiled skeptically, reading this: in the first six months, the work of the Khunter correctional center did not have a single attack on the guards and a single clash between prisoners. Not a single death case, escape, and only one prisoner hurt himself. And this is an excellent result compared to other strict regime institutions.

The purpose of the prison is to "achieve a hundred percent result on the employment of prisoners, the receipt of life skills, education and programs that corrective their illegal behavior."

Prisoners work at five o'clock a day and get 65 dollars per week for it. They also have three hours on leisure, which includes a treadmill and other simulators, a library and a multi-conversion chapel.

The prison "Hunter" was built in just a year and opened on January 30th. In the building four wings, each of which has four common bedrooms, or "block". Each unit accommodates 25 prisoners who live in open single rooms, more like an office. The rooms have a table, chair, mattress and interactive television.

Although the Khunter correctional center works differently, it still remains a prison.

The rapid response team is always ready.

The senior prison warder Melanie Campton is watching one of the common bedrooms through the window before lunch.

Prisoners can store products and personal hygiene products in their room.

An interactive TV with a diagonal of 60 centimeters has access to free television channels, radio and some movies.

In contrast to the usual prisons, the prisoners of the Khunter correctional center are not sitting behind bars.

Through such windows, the guards are watching common bedrooms.

The prisoners are provided to toilet paper, plastic kitchen appliances and a secure razor. All this they can store in their room.

Wall with posters in the room of one of the prisoners.

Criminals lined up for roll call. Each of them, having heard his surname, should answer "Yes, Miss" or "Yes, Sir".

The officers of the rapid response team in two minutes will be in any part of the prison to prevent a dangerous situation.

In the arsenal of guards, pep springs and noise grenades. However, since the opening of the prison, they never needed.

Personal hygiene objects - baby powder, shampoo and deodorant.

Each prisoner is obliged to work. They can learn, for example, working with the metal that they will come in handy in life behind the walls of the prison.

Also prisoners can learn the drapery craft. The furniture they manufactures is used in other prisons of the state new South Wales.

The head of the correctional institution "Hunter" Richard Heikk wants convicts rehabilitated and returned to society.

To recreation sites in prisoners more access than in other Australian special regime prisons.

In common bedrooms high ceilings and partitions, absorbing sound. Surprisingly, in the premises are usually very quiet, even if all prisoners in place.

In total, in the prison "Hunter" 400 prisoners. Most of their day are engaged in work, learning and other programs.

The correctional institution has a multi-confessional chapel.

Wherever there is room for the ablution of legs.

The menu is hanging in the kitchen for a week, and the prisoners can choose dishes.

Touchball is a popular game in the Hunter prison.

Prisoners are preparing lunch. On Thursdays they have chicken Taco and Salad.

Each mainland, every country and the state is amazing, wonderful and unique. On any continent, every nation has its own characteristics, traditions and which will be very interesting for any tourist. Thanks to these features, a bright and complete idea of \u200b\u200bone or another area is also folded.

This article presents useful and very interesting facts about Australia.

Continent Country

Australia is a very big country. She ranks sixth in the world in terms of its territory. She is so huge that it takes a whole continent. Its territory takes more than seven million square kilometers.

Interesting facts about Australia relating to the geographical location of the country are undoubtedly three oceans. The mainland is washed immediately by Indian, quiet and southern.

The huge part of the country is occupied by deserts and semi-desert areas. The most famous of them are large sandy and Victoria. From a bird's eye view, Australia looks like a bladder and red desert.

The country is really considered the most arid continent, since only 500 mm of precipitation falls here per year.

But despite all this, the mainland is in the top ten countries in the world in terms of quality and level of living.

The most famous Australian animal is a kangaroo. It is a symbol of the country. They are complete in Australia. When it darkens, they are attracted by light headlights, go on highways and jump under the wheels of cars. Therefore, Australians even have a special sign "Kangaroo" to prevent drivers about the danger on the road. Mostly Australian small kangaroo - up to 60 centimeters. But there are more individuals more - up to 3 meters.

The most dangerous animals of Australia are crocodiles. The northern part of the country is simply sisit. And almost no weeks, as accidents involving these animals occur. Alligators simply devour people who came across them. Crocodiles on the continent are full. The most famous - Australian salted. It is found in salted sea water and is the largest of all species presented on Earth. An adult crocodile can weigh a ton (!) And reach 3-4 meters in length.

It is quite well known terrible stories about the predatory poisonous hundreds of people die. However, this is just a bike. Since 1979, in Australia, not a single person died from Spider bite. So you can be calm.

The same applies to the shark. At the coast of the Australian continent, they are not uncommon. Yes, they are dangerous, but if they behave carefully and not provoke them, then everything will cost. Sharks - non-conflict creatures, they never attack the first.

What other animals are varied Australia? Interesting facts about its inhabitants, you will learn if visiting local zoos. For example, have you ever heard of an animal called "Vombat"? And this is the continent. Little guinea pig, which externally looks very similar to wild boar. Do you know about the Tasmansk devil? This is the Australian breed of dogs, resembling French Bulldog.

River Life

The largest river Australia is Murray. It proceeds in the eastern part of the continent and reaches 2570 kilometers. The river takes its beginning in the Australian Alps, and flows into the Indian Ocean. On the way to the sea, it proceeds through the most different environments: cities, agricultural land, etc.

The largest river Australia is the most "live" of all reservoirs. Frogs and fish, and ducks, and crayfish, and snakes, and many other animals live here. The river is so diverse that every representative of the animal world can find the place for himself here. In pure crystal waters, proud swans float, and frog cooks and snakes and lizards are rocked in wetlands.

The Murray River is found a wide variety of fish: trout, cod, golden perch, Australian Koryushka, Pescari and many others.

Above the mountains of only mountains

Interesting facts about Australia are undoubtedly the lowest and highest geographical points. So, on the one hand, the continent is below sea level, if compared to other land sushi territories. The lowest point is Lake Air (15 meters below sea level). By the way, it is the most dry in the world. It is covered with a thick four-meter salt layer, and there is absolutely no water.

On the other hand, there are Alps here, in the territory of which the highest mountain is located in Australia - Kostyutko (2228 meters). This is the highest point of the green continent.

Why is the highest mountain in Australia, is the name of the Polish General and the Hero of Belarus Tadeusch Kostyuto? The fact is that its discovery was made by the Polish geologist of Strokenets in 1840. By the way, it was originally so not called, but I wore the name Townsend. "Kositko" - it was a neighboring mountain, which was then considered the highest. But later, when it was scientifically proven that the Townsend is 20 meters above, the Australians changed the names of the mountains so that the highest point wore the name of the hero of Poland. They made it as a sign of respect for the discoverer.

City life

The most Australia is Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Hobat. And none of the listed capital. The fact is that the capital of Australia - Canberra is a very small city. It lives a little more than 350 thousand people.

The largest Australian city is Sydney. It lives about five million people. Next comes Melbourne with a population of about four million. By the way, Melbourne was previously the capital of Australia. Today this city is only the cultural capital of the continent. In Brisbane, a large industrial center of the mainland - about two million inhabitants live. In Perth and Adelaide - one and a half million.

Gastronomic facts

What can the travelers agree to Australia? Interesting facts about the culinary characteristics of the country can also be bypass. First of all, you should talk about the traditional Australian dish - mesadis. The name sounds mysteriously, isn't it? And in fact, everything is much easier. These are ordinary yeasts, smeared on fresh bread. A sharp smell of brown mass and her salty taste will fall to taste far from every traveler. What you can not say about the Australians themselves, who simply adore their traditional "pate".

Another unusual edible feature of the country is patties in the shape of a basket. Inside - meat filling. And looks beautiful, and tastes nice.

Sydney sights

One of the most amazing and excellent buildings in the world is the Sydney Opera House. His discovery took place in 1973 by the orders of Queen Victoria. This unusual building is considered to be rightfully the most beautiful building of the twentieth century.

The television tower in Sydney is the highest design of all southern her height striking - 309 meters in height! Thousands of visitors rose annually to the tower to admire the panorama of the city from the sightseeing platform, opening up the heights and the largest bridge in the world - Harbor Bridge.

Also in Sydney is the largest aquarium in the world. His huge amount of submarine tunnels will not leave anyone indifferent. There is something to see - more than six thousand species of various representatives of the sea depths at your service!

What else to see in Australia?

The most important attraction of the continent is a big barrier reef. This is a real miracle of nature. The most huge system of coral reefs in the world. 900 islands stretched to a huge territory - more than 3,000 kilometers. By the way, it is here on one of the islands the most remote mailbox is located.

Another natural miracle of Australia is the pink cause of his scarlet, scientists cannot explain so far.

Local residents

Interesting facts about Australia You will tell the residents of the continent. By the way, Europeans live here - more than 90 percent of the entire population. Mostly it is the Irish and British.

The inhabitants themselves call themselves a funny nickname "Ozzy." They also refer to the American dollar. Strange, do they really associate themselves with money? But we do not understand this.

By the way, there are still aborigines in Australia. They occupy five percent of the entire population. These dark-skinned Australians live in remote reservations and settlements.

Australians are a very fun people. They love to joke and laugh. And in general, they seek to live and breathe full of breasts. Probably, therefore they are so friendly and hospitable. In addition, they love to travel very much. Not only in its continent, but in general throughout the light.

Every year, a wide variety of international holidays are arranged in Australia to attract foreign guests.

Unusual facts

1. Only in Australia there is a medical service "Flying doctor". They only provide urgent assistance to the patients living in the locality distant from the city. This service is a kind of symbol of the country. After all, she speaks of a high level of medicine and life at all.

2. Australia - country sheep. In 2000, there were more than 100 million of these animals in the country. It turns out that the number of "sheep population" is five times higher than human.

3. Here is the most huge pasture in the world. Still would! After all, in Australia so much sheep! And they must also graze somewhere. The most huge pasture is called Anna Creek and occupies a territory of 35,000 square kilometers.

4. Increasing capital. Canberra is a small town and unremarkable. Unlike Sydney or Melbourne. Then why is she? This is a kind of compromise. The city is exactly in the middle between Melbourne and Sydney. As they say, there is no disagreement.

5. In the mountains of Australia Snow more than in the Swiss Alps. The fact is that in the territory of the Australian Alps there is a huge amount of snow, much more than in Switzerland. Therefore, winter holidays is very popular here.

6. Continent of prisoners. Australia was discovered by Great Britain and became her colony. England used a distant island for the reference of criminals. Therefore, those who have survived the long-term sailing in the dirty shipprokes actually became the first inhabitants of this country. So a quarter of the Australian population is the descendants of British prisoners.

7. The largest part of Antarctic is owned by Australia. In 1933, the Antarctic Territory of Australia was officially transferred to it by England. This is a huge area - about six million square kilometers.

Australia: Interesting Facts for Children

1. This green continent was opened by James Cup in 1770.

2. The most common animal in Australia is a kangaroo. It dwells the most huge number of snakes around the world.

3. Australia is the smallest continent. At the same time, it is the largest island in the world.

4. Australia speak English. And there are mostly Europeans here. Although the indigenous population is found - aborigines.

5. The main architectural value of the continent - Sydney Opera House. It is built directly in the harbor and is surrounded with water from three sides. The roof of the building resembles a ship with sails or swan wings.

Port Arthur is located on the Tasmania Peninsula, in Australia. This small town is known for the fact that until 1877 there was a core prison, which was considered one of the most terrible prisons in the world. It contained the most revealed criminals, including those who have already escaped from other prisons. In prison, built in 1933, serving about 13,000 prisoners, 2000 of which died in it.

Port Artur Prison was a complex of 60 buildings. There were 80 single cameras, a morgue with a hospital, a Catholic chapel, a cathedral, which could pray for representatives of all denominations, a psychiatric hospital, bakery, laundry, kitchen, a residence of a commandant and much more. Most of the prison buildings were injured during forest fires, wooden buildings were destroyed by them, only stone was preserved.

Now Port Artur Prison is available for tourists. They can examine what remained from prison buildings. In the walls of prison, the actors play scenes from the life of prisoners. Excursions are also held on the island of the dead, where the prison cemetery is located, tourists also show a former colony for boys Point Puer, where they sent from nine years.

Coordinates: -43.14929800,147.85251300

The Soviet Gulag is definitely the largest experiment in the history of the development of territories with the help of subane labor. But he had predecessors - not only an American south, but also a whole continent-prison. However, in the middle of the XIX century, in England, the work of prisoners inhibits the economy of Australia, and ceased to send conveyors there.

Elena Chirkova

The war between the North and South in America ended in the defeat of the Yuzhan Army Yankees and the abolition of slavery in the southern states. Slaves are released, that is, these people are not only delivered from slave labor, but also removed from contentment and are forced to now look for work on hiring. For money, they are not too needed. Especially when there is an alternative. "I almost decided that I would hire on the platforms of the convicts. I somehow spoke with Johnny Helleger ... How hard to make these black masses work, and he asked why I did not take the convicts. It seemed to me a good thought. ..- says Scarlet about "Hara, the main heroine of Roman Margaret Mitchell" worn by the wind ".- You can smoke them to the essential nonsense and feed on the cheap ... You can force them to work as much as you need, and no bureau of free people (followed the observance of rights Black after the abolition of slavery. "Money") it will not get on me as a swarm of OS, and will not poke me all sorts of laws and interfere in what does not concern them. "When it comes to the case, even Scarlet, during the war years and post-war destroyed The entrepreneur cannot put up with bullying people who suffer the convicts from the sheard control that wishes to squeeze the maximum income.

To the edge of the world

Scarlet O "Hara was not the first one who took to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bGulag as an economic organization. Since the XVIII century, the UK was engaged in this, turning into a colony-settlement Australia and nearby Islands. Initially, the goal of colonization of this continent was ship wood and cultivation in a suitable climate of flax, From which sails did. And that and the other England imported from Russia through Riga. There was no suitable tree in Asia, it was impossible to grow there, so it was impossible to build a ship in India, therefore, to build a ship in India, I had to drag the materials across the polio. Deliveries of Russia depended on the relationship between England and France and sympathies of the Scandinavian countries.

In 1784, France received the resolution of Sweden to create outpost near Gothenburg, at the exit from the Baltic Sea. In this regard, they remembered the island of Norfolk in a thousand miles from the eastern shores of Australia. This island was opened by James Cook in 1774. Cook has reported that on Norfolk and the neighboring islands saw pines up to 60 meters high with trunks of almost meter diameter and what Ros Leng there. The flax samples delivered to them were already tested: the caulier made from it was very strong. In addition, in 1783, the war for the independence of the United States ended in 1783, and England lost its most important colony.

The first proposals for the colonization of Australia and the nearby islands assumed to send English poor. The lack of them was not due to the depression caused by the lost war, as slaves for the colonists intended to use the Chinese. Slaves needed necessarily. Only free land and the working work force could attract immigrants to distant - at that time, nine-ten months of the way - continent. The other idea won - to reduce the burden on English prisons and rush to remote areas of thieves and murderers. In an economic sense, they had to replace slaves.

It was decided to establish colonies on the shores of the Botanical Gulf (modern Australian state of New South Wales with the capital Sydney - the city, grew from the first settlement) and on Norfolk. The presence in the region of French ships and information that the seaflomer Count de Lapruz has already planted on Norfolk, forced to hurry with the capture of the island. However, the solar pine for the construction of ships turned out to be unsuitable due to too soft, thin-fiber wood (beautiful ship pine found on Tasmania, but after several decades). The economy "Project" turned out to be not at all as planned, nevertheless, the colony on Norfolk rushed, becoming actually a prison with very rigid conditions of content.

Developed a business plan: criminals will be sent to the Botanical Bay by the courts of 600 people; About £ 19 thousand (£ 2.6 million in modern money) will go to the organization of the settlement, the costs of it in the first year will amount to about £ 15 thousand, in the second - about £ 7 thousand, and on the third it should go to self-sufficiency .

The first shipment took place in 1786, 736 people immersed on board. There were no political among them who had taken serious crimes like rape or murder - too. The picture of the contingent moved to Australia over the years of this practice was about such. 80% are convicted of theft, from half to two thirds sentenced to two. The vast majority - city inhabitants; Selyan, who were in demand as the workforce, were only the fifth part. 75% were lonely, six men had one woman. Middle age - 26 years. Most were illiterate - more than half could not write even their name.

Floating prisons

For transportation in record deadlines, an appropriate fleet was built - a trial with a well-insulated room equipped with membranes. At the prisoner, there was about 50 cm space in width, three-four-four were determined on some naps. In no case do not two - it was believed that the threesomic sleep insures homosexual contacts. Australian Writer Marcus Clark (1846-1881) described the insides of the floating prison in the novel "sentenced to life": "Nag was twenty-eight, on every six people. Nara was held a double tier on two sides of the prison ... For some citizens, five squares were given Futs and six inches. However, the latter were cut due to lack of space; but with such a crowding, twelve people were still forced to sleep on the floor. "

The height of the trim was about human growth. Lights, except natural, was not - candles were not given to avoid a fire. During the storm, the hatch was trembled, and fresh air did not flow into the bag, but in good weather a walk was allowed. On the "Malabar", on which the Dowea Ruples, the Hero of the Roman Clark, is being taken to Australia - the Hero of the Roman Clark, the junction compartment is arranged: "The middle part of the deck had a strange look. It seemed as if someone built a cattle chamber there; at the foot of Fok- Mast and on Utah, a dense bulkhead with holes, inputs and outputs went across the deck from one falseboard to another. Outside, this padded was guarded by armed watches. And inside sitting, stood or with an indifferent look, they were planted in front of a number of brilliant rifles. Man and boys in gray Arrest clothes. All of them were prisoners of the English king ... "

And this is still divine conditions. Dawa is sent to Australia in the second half of the 1820s, when the hygienic standards at least somehow were observed. Much harder was the fate of the first parties of prisoners - they had much worse than the slaves delivered from Africa to the United States. For example, out of 499 "passengers" one of the first shipping ships to the place in relative health was reached only 72, the rest died or seriously fell ill. By the way, high mortality was beneficial to private contractors who delivered prisoners: food was loaded in England according to certain standards, and if the "mouth" naturally decreased, the surplus could be sold in ports in Latin America or in Cape Town. Yes, in those days to Australia went through Latin America.

To reduce mortality, the ships began to appoint doctors who are not accountable to private companies that struggle to transport the contingent, and the companies themselves were charged for its successful delivery. The bonus for each living prisoner delivered 20-25% of the basic price of transportation is the amount paid independently of mortality.

Katorga with lobster

The first ships sent to Australia took on board the stock of everything necessary for life for several years ahead - there were no guarantees that the following vessels with the provincial reached the goal of the journey. It is only in the fairy tale of Daniel Defo "Robinson Cruzo" An Englishman survives on the uninhabited island, feeding by the foot feed. In Australia, the convicts lost to the mainland died of hunger, or returned and voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. If the next ship was delayed, the diet often had to be cut to a hungry minimum. In the first years, it reached the fact that the prisoners and officers were equalized by the lads. The only significant addition to the imported provision was lobsters - they were inhabited by the coast of Australia, so the brigade of prisoners could catch five hundred per evening. Australia began to independently provide the basic needs of the inhabitants about 1810 - 23 years after the first landing of the settlers.

The convicts were obliged to work - the embodiment of the idea that the punishment should consist of work, and not in time carried out in conclusion. In the first years, all serving deadlines worked on the state, the harvest was considered to be his property. The grain was reported to state stores, where the colonists were serving norms according to the card distribution system. However, by the beginning of the XIX century, agricultural production and trade began in Australia private affairs, in general, in the private sector, up to 90% of the cortex was undergoing. Those who were busy in public works could produce coal, to equip bays - to build breakouts or lighthouses, as well as build prisons, barracks, roads, laying tunnels, erect bridges.

Scientific sources consider one of the most inhuman work on coal kits: heavy physical work, lack of daylight, dampness, screaming breed, lack of air and professional diseases of miners - asthma and rheumatism. However, even harder fee and burning seashells to limestone, the industrial deposits of which was not near Sydney. The collector worked as a barefoot in the water, stepping on sharp shells, tuskled heavy baskets, smoke from the burning seashells.

However, in the novel of Marcus Clark, work is mentioned and worse. The brutal head of the prison, which has personal motives to hate Rufa Dawa, "gave him ... Fifty letters, and the next day he sent him to grind Cayenne pepper. This punishment the convicts were afraid of the rest of all. Casting dust fell into the eyes and lungs, causing unbearable flour . For a person with a wounded back, this work turned into torture. "

The legislative week of the prisoner was limited to 56 hours, but the standards of development were established, and those who did not fulfill the plan had to work more. In 1800, for example, in a week it was necessary to clear the area from the forest into one AKR (about 0.4 hectares) or nourishing 18 bushels (approximately half a) grain.

It was allowed to have their own coal, it was especially encouraged in the first hungry years of colonization. Prisoners could even release early with public works - at three in the afternoon, for example, so that they could work on themselves.

It was not raised in his free time to throw the forest, clear the sections and the like, getting a small fee for this. And qualified artisans are jewelers, tailors, shoes could work in a specialty and earn quite a lot, up to £ 4-5 (£ 500-700 in modern prices) per week. After the liberation of the former prisoners had the right to choose a matter to taste.

Origin of capital

The first free inhabitants of Australia were military - guards in places of deployment of prisoners and representatives of the infarders. It was believed that on the continent of trust prison, there are no other residents. The continent was filled with free people slowly, even in the 1820s prisoners accounted for 40% of the population of Australia. Free were both former prisoners, sincerely, and simple migrants. Some came in connection with the fact that they were members of the family of the convicted person, but there were minority for the reason for mass failures in permission to relocate (it was necessary to prove that the decent detention could be able to contain a family) and because of the price of a ticket to Australia, which was accumulating for workers.

Others drove for a "long pound." Conduct a new homeland because of what: Earth as you like - a free resident of the colony was provided with 25 acres (10 hectares); Land in Australia almost nothing cost about four decades since the beginning of colonization. Ten prisoners were attached to the future farm - at first this contingent was the only source of hired labor in Australia. At first, the fee for the use of labor of prisoners was not charged, and the state took care of their provision. So it tried to attract wealthy settlers.

But rather soon, already in 1800, the costs of the content of prisoners working in the private sector were transferred to the tenants of the labor force. They had to put an employee for bringing, to provide clothing and housing. It was indicated in detail that from linen and bedding should be provided, in particular, the prisoner had the right to get a blanket. Food and clothing could be borrowed in state stores, paying at the end of the year, after harvesting. Also, a private employer took on some medical expenses.

The minimum term of the contract was 12 months. If it turned out that the farmer is not able to contain workers, they were taken and discharged a penalty for every day before the end of the contract. You could select the prisoner and if it was used unproductive or in a secretly commissioned in the sublease - it was forbidden. It was not allowed to punish prisoners to individuals, it was the prerogative of the state.

A prisoner who performed the functions of the servant of a free man could sit with the owners at one table. Tea, sugar, rum and soap were considered signs of well-being, they rewarded workers for hard work. Of course, it was appreciated and tobacco - perhaps the main equivalent in prisons at all times.

The use of prisoners in the role of the servants did not take place. On the one hand, this contradicted the idea of \u200b\u200bproductive work for the benefit of the Society for the redemption of guilt. On the other hand, in the class society there was an understanding that the London Butler in search of work in Australia will not go, and a rich man is not ready to do without him. Accordingly, the demand for educated prisoners existed. Here, on the background of thieves, as a rule is illiterate, the convicts were allocated for fraud, for example, bank clerks that have prompted bills. On thieves, oddly enough, the demand was also. Of these, wealthy Australians gained protection - the robber represented well how to secure the house from theft.

According to the law of law, the initially free and the deprived period of detention was the same. In practice, former prisoners, as well as free people who are not related to the military infrastructure of the colony, discriminated. The military could choose their best plot, the best prisoners - those were considered to be people with experience on Earth, paid less for the tools of labor and seeds, and in addition, they could take loans on the security of salary and use them as investment capital. In particular, they bought the land from the liberated prisoners who received areas for free, "among them few people were agricultural and knew how profitably acting. Ground land gradually consolidated. In accuracy by Lenin: capitalism crossed out of fine production.

For three years (from 1792 to 1795th), the military colony was ruled by the military, who monopolized the buying of goods delivered from the metropolis, and their resale. The main cargo was rum, who performed the function of the Universal Equivalent, - the colony did not sink polls. This is another source of the first Australian states.

Slavery as a brake

Separate major conditions were formed quickly, but Australia developed slowly. She suffered from lack of capital, from isolation, large distances, the small number of the population, the conservatism of the penitentiary system, and most importantly - due to the specifics of the workforce, which did not have incentives for work. Very reminds the situation in the south of the United States in the first half of the XIX century, where slavement slowed down economic development ("Money" wrote about it - see "Cost of Uncle Tom", http: // www ..

There were differences. In the United States, the slave planter had to be bought, and its cost was high, which reflected not only the demand, but also the cost of buying and transporting. The English prisoners transported to Australia at his own expense and distributed to the free colonists for nothing, which significantly reduced the cost of labor. But the Darm Labor and Darm land has its own disadvantages - free or subsidized distribution of resources creates throughout the economy: excess products are produced, redundant assets grow. In Australia, these were, for example, herd of sheep. Livestock could give so much meat as country in principle could not eat.

The reasons for stopping the expulsion of prisoners became the growth of discontent with the implementation of the "Project" in the British political environment in the 1830s, as well as the improvement of the status of the penitentiary system and opposition to the Australians, who began to consider the continent to their homeland.

As for England, the crime rate was not reduced there, from which they concluded that moving to Australia for potential violators of the law is a weak threat. In addition, the project economy has ceased to work: local prisons have become more efficient and keep in them prisoners, at least with little time, it turned out more profitable. The fact that the system creates throughout the Australian economy, also understood. Since the continent began to settle still, they wanted focus on the material encouragement of volunteers. For example, in 1837, a healthy migrant to 30 years was issued £ 37 (approximately £ 3,700 in today's money), as well as for £ 5 for each of his young children and another £ 15 - for each teenager.

In the chandels worked no more than 20-25% of criminals sentenced to the most difficult articles, the rest were on the settlement, or, as they said in the USSR, "in chemistry." They could to some extent make decisions regarding their work, master the new profession. They were better prepared for life in society after liberation, rather than prisoners.

In the 1830s, salary in the liberated convicts in Australia were higher than those of similar professions in the metropolis. British prisoners began to consider transportation in a distant country as a chance in life, as an opportunity to get rich. Especially after in 1851, gold was found in Australia. This is one of the indirect causes of the final refusal to move prisoners there. There was no sense for free to carry criminals where many people sought to get along their own will, and for big money.

The viewed in England that Australia is a country of opportunity, reflected in the novel by Charles Dickens "High Hope". His protagonist of the PIP, a face of a simple family, who has lost his parents early, has shown mercy at the age of the Abelay Magwich's runa challenger. He was caught again and sent to Australia on a lifelong settlement. Magvich kept the good memory of Syrote and decided incognito to spend earned in Australia to turn him into a gentleman. After some time, Abel Mugvich, despite the threat of the death penalty, returns to his homeland to spend the Pipa, who by that time he lives in the "horrors" and "Lord will not bend." Abel Magvich opens a pip who was his anonymous benefactor, and there is a lot of meaningful words, as he did his condition: he was in the worker at the cattle, worked as a shepherd "on distant pastures", and the owner left him money when he died, and then Magwich ended The term, and he "began little to do something for himself."

In Australia, the rich, including former prisoners, they demanded a cheap workforce in Australia. Against there were free hired workers, they were afraid of competition from migrant workers and reducing their income. Another argument is according to statistics, many released to freedom became recidivists: the share of newly convicted already in Australia among the entire population in 1835 was ten times more than in England. The view of the working masses turned.

In the new South Wales, the convicts stopped delivered in 1840, to the land of Wang Dimemen (the initial name of Tasmania), which was turned into prison with a strict regime, in 1853. The last landing of prisoners in the western part of Australia took place in 1868. Since 1787, when the first transport with criminals arrived in Australia, 825 "Specraisov" was sent there - on average 200 prisoners on each board, that is, about 165 thousand people were forcedly resettled in the aggregate. According to statistics, only 7% of those who lived to liberation returned home.