Construction of the pyramid of Heops. Pyramid Cheops Egypt

Hope's Pyramid A brief message will tell you a lot of useful information about the only miracle of the world, which is preserved in our days.

Message about the pyramid of Heops

How old is the pyramid of Heops?

The largest pyramid of the Egyptian complex - Giza is a real embodiment of the targeted ambitions. Its author was Vizier and the Pharaoh Hemion's nephew, which was also an architect in combination. The construction was built in 2540 BC. And construction began much earlier, about 2560 BC.

To build in Giza, the Great Pyramid needed to deliver more than 2 million huge stones. The weight of the blocks reached tens of tons. Granite boulders were delivered from a quarry located in 1000 km from construction. The place of construction is also chosen in vain. In order to Cheops, having a weight of 6.4 million tons, did not sleep under his own weight, it was decided to build it on the rocky durable soil in Giza. Scientists from all over the world still can not understand how the stones were transferred, and how Heopsy's pyramid was built.

How did Heops pyramid built?

Nowadays, the construction technology of the pyramid causes ambiguous disputes. To get the stone block first in the rock outlined the future form. Then they hollow out small ditches installed dry wood in them. The tree was powered by water until it expanded and did not form a crack in the rock. Only so it was possible to separate the block. Then he was treated with instruments to the desired form and on the river were sent to a construction site.

To raise the block to the top The ancient Egyptians used spray mound. On them with wooden sleighs, Megalith was silent at the desired height. After the construction of the pyramids were engaged in internal decoration: painting walls, filling the royal tomb and so on. It is noteworthy that initially the peyramid of Heops was completely covered with a smooth white facing material, which was delivered from the other Nile.

Description of the pyramid of Heops

Hope's pyramid has the form of the right quadrangular pyramid. The base of the construction covers an area of \u200b\u200b53 thousand m 2. The base length is 230 m, the side edge is 230 m, the side surface area is 85.5 thousand m 2. The initial height of the Heops' pyramid is 147 m (as a 50-tiestal house), and today it is 138 m. A thousand years of earthquakes hit the stone top of the facility. Smooth facing stone of external walls crouched.

The entrance to the pyramid is located on the northern side. Initially, he was at an altitude of 16 m, embedded with granite cork. Modern tourists fall into the deployment through a huge break 10 m below, which was left by Arabs in 1820 (Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun tried to find treasures).

Inside Cheops There are 3 tombs, one over the other. At the base of the cliff is the lowest, underground chamber. Tsaritsa and Pharaoh's burial cameras are located above it. A large gallery leads to them, rising up. The pyramid is equipped with a complex system of mines and corridors, the plan of which is not yet fully studied. There are a lot of hidden doors and other design features.

  • It is believed that the Great Pyramid served as an astronomical observatory for the ancient Egyptians. Its ventilation canals and corridors accurately indicate stars like Tuban, Sirius and Alnito.
  • Egypt is officially celebrated on the start of construction of the Kheops pyramid on August 2 August 2480 BC. e.
  • The top of the pyramid was previously crowned gilded stone pyramidal form.
  • Near the pyramids, archaeologists have found pits with ancient Egyptian cedar boats made without the use of fasteners and nails. She was disassembled on 1224 parts for better transportation. Restorer Ahmed Yussuf Mustafa for the past 14 years old collected her back.

We hope for Hueopsey, the report helped you learn a lot of useful information about this ancient Egyptian construction. And you can add a brief story about the pyramid of Heops through the comment form below.

Hope's pyramid inside, like a Russian matryoshka - consists of three pyramids of three pharaohs. What does he say that the pyramid of Heops is the similarity of the Russian nestling, containing two more pyramids within himself, one in another? Let's think, we will understand the facts and on this basis will create new knowledge.

Any creation of human hands makes sense. "... Everything that arises should have some reason for its occurrence, because it is absolutely impossible to arise without a cause." (IV century BC e., Plato, Timy).

Secrets are overcome by knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained or creating it.

As a "tool for creation", we take common sense, the logic of the thinking and knowledge of people who used ideas about the world at that distant time.

"What is comprehended by reflection and reasoning is obviously eternally identical being; And the fact that it is subject to opinion ... arises and dies, but never really exists. " (IV century BC e., Plato, Timy).

To confirm the conclusion that put forward above will begin with the facts and consider the chart of the Heopse pyramid in the context (what is there).

In the pyramid of Heops there are three funeral cameras

Three! From this fact it follows that the pyramid at different times had three owners (three pharaohs), and because each had its own separate burial chamber. Few people from living people comes to mind to prepare themselves a tomb in three "copies". In addition (as seen in the size of the pyramids), their construction is - the case and for our time is quite time consuming. Also, the archaeologists were established that for his wives, Pharaohs built pyramids-tombs separately and much smaller.

Egyptian historians have established that long before the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt, in the IV millennium BC. e. And earlier, Pharaohs were buried in facilities called Mastabami. The ancient crypt of Pharaoh (Mastaba) consists of underground and terrestrial parts. Mummy Pharaoh was located deeply under the ground in the underground hall. In the ground part of the hall of stone blocks, a low, trapezoidal truncated pyramid was constructed. Inside She was a challenge with the statue of Pharaoh. In this statue after death (on the representation of the ancient Egyptian priests), the soul of the deceased Pharaoh was moved. Halls in the ground room Mastaba could be interconnected (or isolated from each other). Under the pyramid of Heops there is an underground course (4), at the end of which an extensive unfinished underground hall (5) with exit (12). According to the theory of burial, for the passage of the soul of Pharaoh in the ground part of the premises of Mastaba.

According to plan, the pyramid of Heops can be concluded that if there is an underground hall (5) and there is an output from it to the top (12), then the upper chastles of Mastaba should be in the center and just below the average burial chamber (7). Unless, of course, by the beginning of the construction of the second pharaine of his pyramid over Mastabab, these premises were not littered, destroyed and preserved.

Conclusion The presence of Mastabu on the plateau in the center of the peyramid of Heops is also confirmed by the facts of research of French scientists - Gilles Dormaion and Jean-Yves Verdarthart. In August 2004, exploring sensitive gravitational instruments Paul in the middle burial chamber (7), they found at the bottom under the floor at a depth of about four meters of impressive sizes of emptiness.

By planning plan, the pyramid is a narrow oblique-vertical mine (12), built for the passage of the soul of Pharaoh, comes from the underground funeral pit (5) to the top. This passage should be connected to the aboveground mastaba chamber. At the yield of the mine, at the level of the surface of the Earth, under the base of the pyramid there is a small grotto (expansion of up to 5 meters in length), the walls in which consist of an ancient masonry that does not belong to the pyramid. Ascending from the underground hall and ancient stone laying there is nothing more than the belonging of the first Mastaba. From the grotto (12) to the center of the pyramid should be a passage to the ground hall (halls) of Mastaba. This passage was probably closed by the builders of the second pyramid.

In appearance and approval of archaeologists, the underground burial chamber (5) remained unfinished. Perhaps remained, the upper above-ground part of Mastabu with a prayer room was not completed (which is to be found out by opening the passage).

The height of the first internal truncated pyramid (Mastabi), according to the scheme, must be no more than 15 meters.

The presence of an unfinished funeral structure located on the most fale place (on top of the stone plateau in the town of Giza), served as a pretext to the second (before Heops), unknown Pharaoh - use the mastague for the construction of the pyramid over it.

In favor of the fact that the Plateau in the Giza was previously "covered" with ancient Mastabami, says the fact of the presence of Sphinx there. The age of the Sphynx (the Divine, in which the soul of Pharaoh should relate) assesses much older than the pyramids - about 5-10 thousand years.

In Egypt to the beginning of the III Millennium BC. e. The burial of Pharaohs in Mastabu was changed to more majestic structures - stepped pyramids, and later on the "smooth" pyramids. Egyptian priests also have a new worldview about the place of residence of souls after death. According to their ideas, after the death of the soul flew to life to the stars. "The one who will live a duty doubtful to him properly returns to the monastery of his star." (Plato, Timy).

The burial chamber (7), belonging to the second inner pyramid (on the transverse section plan), is located above the chamber of the first Mastaba. Ascending to it, the corridor (6) is laid on the wall of the Mastaba, and the horizontal corridor (8) is on its roof. Thus, these corridors to the chamber (7) show an exemplary contours of the ancient first internal truncated trapezoid pyramid-Mastaba.


The second inner pyramid of meters for ten on each side is less than the current external third pyramid of Heops. This can be judged by the length of two outgoing from the chamber (7) in the opposite sides of the so-called (in modern representation) of the "ventilation air ducts". These channels in a section of 20 per 25 cm about ten meters do not reach the border of the external walls of the pyramid. The recording of these channels by air ducts, of course, is not true. No ventilation air ducts are needed by the Pharaoh. Channels had a different purpose. This is one of the "keys" to the raystery of the secrecy of the pyramid of Heops. Channels - a pointing path to the sky, oriented with great accuracy (to degree) on those stars, where, according to the ideas of ancient Egyptians, the soul of Pharaoh will settle after death. At the time when the second pyramid was built, the channels from the funeral room (7) reached the edge of the outer walls and were opened into the sky.

The second burial chamber of Pharaoh probably was also not completed (judging by the absence of its internal design). This suggests that the whole pyramid was not fully completed (for example, the war had happened, Pharaoh was killed, prematurely died of illness, an accident, etc.). But, in any case, the second pyramid has already been erected to a level not lower than the height of the channels emanating from the burial chamber (7) to the outer walls.

The second inner pyramid detects itself not only closed tightly channels and its separate burial chamber, but also a stamped central entrance (1) in the pyramid. It is striking that the entrance to the body of the pyramid (approximately the same ten meters, which is closed with huge granite blocks (about the same ten meters, as the shortened channels from the second burial chamber).

When building the third pyramid of Pharaoh Heops, this entry to lengthen to the boundaries of the outer wall did not become, and therefore, after an increase in the perimeter of the walls, the entrance turned out to be "recessed" inside. Entrance gates of buildings always make several outward outward structures, and not blown into the depth of construction.

Pharaoh Heops (Hufu) was the third builder and the owner of the pyramid-tomb

Archaeologists, historians, according to the deciphering of the hieroglyphs, it was established that the pyramid of Heops was built not slaves (as previously thought), and the wenconimated builders, who, of course, had to pay well for hard work. And since the volume of construction was huge, the pharaoh was more profitable to take an old or unfinished pyramid than to build a new one from "zero". In this case, the advantageous location of the second pyramid was and favorable is on the top of the plateau.

The construction of the third pyramid began with the fact that they disassemble the central part of the unfinished second pyramid. In the resulting "crater" at an altitude of approximately 40 meters from the ground, a pre-booth (11) and the third fuel chamber of Pharaoh (10) were built. The passage to the third burial chamber was required only to extend. The ascending tunnel (6) continued in the form of a large 8-meter high cone-shaped gallery (9). The cone-shaped form of the gallery, not similar to the initial part of the ascending pass, indicates that the passage did not at a time, but at different times in different projects.

After the third pyramid of Heops "was expanded in the hips", adding about 10 meters in each of the parties, then old, outgoing channels for the "outlet of the soul" from the chamber (7) were respectively closed. If the burial chamber (7) was empty, then the meaning of the builders of the third pyramid to lengthen the old channels disappeared. Channels laid new rows of wall blocks.

In September 2002, in one of the narrow channels of "air ducts" from the middle burial chamber (7), English scientists launched a caterpillar robot. Rising to the end, he rested into a limestone slab with a thickness of 13 cm, drilled her through, inserted a camcorder into the hole and on the other side of the slab at a distance of 18 cm, the robot saw another stone barrier. These are the wall blocks of the third pyramid.

From the third burial chamber of Pharaoh Heops, new channels (10) were laid for "Soul flight" to the stars. If you carefully look at the incision of the pyramid, then the channels from the second and third cameras are almost parallel, but not quite! During the construction of the pyramids, the channels were aimed at the same stars. Channels from the upper third chamber, relative to the second channels, slightly rotated clockwise by 3-5 degrees. This discrepancy in degrees is not an accident. Egyptian priests and builders very scrupulously fixed the position of the stars in the sky and the direction of the channels on them. Then what is the matter?

The axis of rotation of the Earth every 72 years is shifted by 1 degree, and every 25920 years the axis of the Earth rotating with the inclination, as "Yula", makes a full circle of 360 degrees. This astronomical phenomenon is called precession. Ancient Egyptian priests knew about the decline of the Earth's axis and her swinging around the poles. The turnover time of the Earth's axis in 25920, Platon called the "Great Year".

When the axis of the Earth for 72 years shifts one degree, then the angle of view on the desired star (including an angle of view in the Sun) changes 1 degree. If the displacement of the channel pair differs about 3-5 degrees, then it is possible to calculate that the difference between the construction of the second pyramid and the third pyramid of the Pharaoh Heops (Hufu) is 216-360 years.

Egyptian historians say that Pharaoh Hufa rules in 2540-2560 BC. e. Measuring "degree" years ago, we can say when the second inner pyramid was built.

In the entire pyramid of Heops in a single place under the ceiling (on powerful vaulted, as the roof, granite slabs over the third burial chamber) there is a nominal hieroglyph, made by the workers: "Builders, Pharaoh Houfi Friends." No other mention of names or affiliates of Pharaohs to the pyramid has not yet been found.

Most likely, the third pyramid of Heops was completed and used for its intended purpose. Otherwise, in the ascending pass (6) would not be lowered from the inside of the inclined plug of a plug of several granite cubes. Thus, the pyramid was tight for everyone closed for three thousand years (up to 820 n. E.).

The ancient Egyptian name of the Hope's pyramid is read by hieroglyphs - Horizon Hofu. The name is literal sense. The angle of inclination of the side face of the pyramid - 51 ° 50 '. This is the angle to which the sun rises exactly at noon in the days of autumn-spring equinox. The sun at noon, like the golden "crown", wrecked the pyramid. Throughout the year, the Sun (ancient Egyptian God of RA) walks in the sky: in the summer - above, in the winter - below (just like Pharaoh in its possessions) and always the sun (Pharaoh) returns to his "house". Because the angle of tilt the walls of the pyramid points to the house of "God-Sun" and the "House - Pyramids" horizon of Pharaoh Houfu (Heops) - "Son of the God of the Sun.".

The edges of the walls are arranged at an angle of view in the sun not only in this pyramid. In the pyramid of Hefrena, the angle of inclination of the walls of the walls is slightly more than 52-53 degrees (it is known that it was built later). In the Pyramid of Micherin, the tilt of the faces - 51 ° 20'25 "(less than that of Heops). Historians did not know whether it was built before the pyramid of Heops or later. But, given the "degree time" (the smaller angle of the walls) and if the builders were not mistaken, then this fact suggests that the Pyramid of Micheryina was built earlier. With reference to the "degree age scale", the inclination of the inclination in 30 minutes corresponds to the 36 years. In later Egyptian pyramids, respectively, and tilt the faces above.

In Sudan, there are also many pyramids, the angle of inclination of which is much cooler. Sudan south of Egypt, and the sun on the day of spring-autumn equinox stands there much higher over the horizon. This explains the large twist of the walls of the Sudanese pyramids.

In 820 N. e. Baghdad Khalif Abu Jafar Al-Mamoun in search of the inconspicuous Treasures of Pharaoh at the base of the Heopse pyramid made a horizontal break (2), which are used by tourists to enter the pyramid to the present. The break broke through the start of the ascending corridor (6), where they rested into granite cubes, which went around the right and thus penetrated into the pyramid. But, according to historians, nothing but "dust in half the elbow", they inside did not find. If that in the pyramid was valuable, then the servants of the Khalifa took. And what remains, then everything was carried out over the next 1200 years.

Judging by the appearance of the gallery (9), it seems that there are 28 pairs of ritual statues along its walls in rectangular shapes. But the accurate purpose of the recesses do not know. The fact that there were tall statues there, they say two facts: the eight meter height of the gallery, as well as on the walls there were large round rapid imprints from the solution, which oblique statues were attached to the walls.

Disappointing those who are configured to find in the design of the pyramids of "Wonders".

In Egypt, more than a hundred pyramids were found today, and they all differ from each other. There are different angles of tilt faces focused on the sun (since built at different times), there is a pyramid with a "broken side" under the double angle, there are stone and brick pyramids, smoothly lined and stepped, there is a rectangular base (Goser Pharaoh ). There is no unity even among the three pyramids in Giza. The smaller of the three Micheer Pyramid at the base is not focused strictly around the sides of the world. The exact indication of the parties is not attached. In the main pyramid of Cheops, the third (top) burial chamber is located not in the geometric center of the pyramid and not even on the axis of the pyramid. In the pyramids of Hefren and Micheryin, the burial cameras are also not centered. If there was some secret law, secret or knowledge, the "golden section", and so on, then everyone would have been observed. But there is nothing like that.

Ex-Minister of Archeology of Egypt and the main current specialist in the ancient Pyramids Zahi Hawass says: "As any practitioner, I decided to check the statement that in the pyramid products do not spoil. Divided meat kilogram in half. One part left in the office, and the other in the pyramid of Heops. That part that in the pyramid, spoiled even faster than in the office. "

What can be searched in the pyramid of Heops? Perhaps, try to find an overhead chamber of the first Masta, for which you could drill down a few holes in the second (7) of the burial chamber, until the inner cavity is detected. Either from a grotto (12) to find the stamped passage to the halls (or to start it). For the pyramid, it will not be damaged, since the connecting entrance from the funeral underground chamber in the aboveground room Mastaba was originally. And it should only find it. After that, perhaps, it will be known about the pharaoh of the first Mastaba - a truncated trapezoid pyramid.

Great interest in the Plateau in Giza represents and Sphinx

The stone body of an ancient sphinx is located from the west to the east. The funeral cameras and burials also did from west to the east. It can be assumed that the Sphinx is an integral part of the above-ground construction (Mastabi) - the tomb of the unknown pharaoh.

Searches in this direction would expand the borders of the knowledge of the history of ancient Egypt. Perhaps even earlier civilization, such as the Atlanta, whom the Egyptians were deified and attributed to their ancient ancestors - predecessor gods.

An identification study of American criminologists led to the conclusion that the face of the Sphinx does not seem to face the statues of the Egyptian pharaohs, but has distinctly pronounced neotroid features. That is, the ancient ancestors of the Egyptians - including the legendary Atlants - had disabled features and African origins.

It is likely that the burial chamber and mummy of the ancient pharaoh of Negroean origin is under the front paws of the sphinx. In this case, from the underground hall there should be a passage to the top - the path for the resettlement of the "soul" of Pharaoh, for subsequent life in the body of the Sphinx statue (according to beliefs of the ancient Egyptians).

Sphinx - Lion (symbol of royal power) with the human head and face of Pharaoh.

It is possible that the face of the detected Mummy of Pharaoh (after plastic restoration) will be like "two drops of water", similar to the face of the Sphinx.

The curtain of the mystery over the "secrets" of Egyptian structures in Gizah is raised. Now it remains to "enter." This requires the resolution of the Egyptian authorities, which they give scientists from researchers with great reluctance.

Every mystery loses its attractive force when the mystery is revealed.

Vladimir Garmatyu.

Statistics about the pyramid of Heops

Fig. one.
Heops Pyramid in the XIX century.

  • Height (today): ≈ 138.75 m
  • Side Angle Angle: 51 ° 50 '
  • Length side of the side (initially): 230.33 m (by calculations) or about 440 royal elbows
  • Length side face (now): about 225 m
  • Length of the base of the base of the pyramid: South - 230.454 m; North - 230.253 m; West - 230,357 m; East - 230,394 m.
  • The base area (initially): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 hectares)
  • Pyramid Square: (Initially) ≈ 85,500 m²
  • Perimeter: 922 m.
  • The total volume of the pyramid without deducting cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58 million m³
  • Total pyramid, after deduction of all known cavities (initially): 2.50 million m³
  • The average size of the observed stone blocks: 1.0 m wide, height and depth (but most have a rectangular shape.)
  • The middle mass of stone blocks: 2.5 t
  • The hardest stone block: 15 t
  • Number of blocks: about 2.5 million
  • According to calculations, the total weight of the pyramid: about 6.25 million tons
  • The base of the pyramid is resting on a natural rock elevation height in the center of about 9 m .

Our "important editorial remark" :

Until now, in the environment of scientists and, in particular, in the Egyptology environment there is " sustainable delusion ", what the Pyramid of Cheops And other pyramids in Egypt were built by ancient masters as " tomb ». « Delusion "Appeared from archaeologists who roll the ancient cities and the graves of the deceased. At the same time, everyone knows that in any Egyptian pyramid was not found the burial of royal persons. It " delusion "Until now, does not allow scientists to look at the pyramid, for example, as a unique ancient" resonant device »Cool size and amazing accuracy. It was originally " hermetically closed »As a resonator of a certain frequency range, not to hide the treasures of the pharaohs, it was the treasure of ancient sacred knowledge . This knowledge is still not known to us! Can only " forget this delusion "Which is rather due to the terrifying conservatism of perception by scientists of the whole new, which can relate to the field of other sciences, and try" sort out "In the essence of these knowledge. For example, Egyptologists can internally " shudder "When, for example, hears the words - a resonator," energy Matrix Universe », fizhemia high-precision processing of materials, etc., since all this refers to the field of knowledge of other sciences, which they are not known! After that, another " stable stereotype of significance »Man speaking them about it. They ask a question - " Who are you, academician, member of the corr., Doctor of Science ... so that we listen to your words?! In our small scientific community about such things no one says ...?! Maybe it's just your fiction…?! Goodbye dear... ". All as in the fairy tale Andersen - " ugly duck" Therefore, in all texts from Encyclopedia Wikipedia Words - break chambers - We cateriary. For the same reasons for " air ducts ", In someone, as you know, are" hermetic traffic jams "We also type in italics.

About Pyramid

The pyramid is called "Ahet-Huf" - Horizon Hofu(or more accurate " - (this) huof"). It consists of limestone blocks, basalt and granite. It was built on a natural hill. Despite the fact that the pyramid Heops - The highest and most voluminous of all Egyptian pyramids, but still Pharaoh Snofer built pyramids in Maidum and in Dakhshut (broken pyramid and pink pyramid), the total mass of which is estimated at 8.4 million tons. This means that for the construction of these pyramids was used by 2.15 million tons. Or 25.6% more material than it took on the pyramid of Heops.

Initially, the pyramid was lined with more solid than the main blocks, white limestone. The top of the pyramids was crowned gilded stone - pyramidion. Facing shining in the sun peach color as if " a shining miracle myself seemed to gave all his rays" In 1168 N. e. Arabs looted and burned Cairo. Residents of Cairo removed cladding with the pyramid in order to build new houses .

Pyramid structure

Strabo Khalif Abu Jafar Al-Ma'moun. He hoped to find the impenetrable Treasures of Pharaoh, but found a layer of dust thick in half an elbow there.

Inside the pyramid of Heops there are three burial chambers, located one above the other.

Fig. 2.
Heopsy pyramid transverse section: 1. Main input, 2. The entrance that Al Mamun did , 3. Crossroads, "Cork" and Al-Mamuna Tunnel Made "Bypass" Cork , 4. Downward corridor, 5. Incredited underground chamber - ( Pogrechal « pit "), 6. Ascending corridor, 7." Camera Tsaritsa»With outgoing" air ducts ", 8. Horizontal tunnel, 9. Big Gallery, 10. Chamber of Pharaoh from " air ducts ", 11. Precamer, 12. Grotto.

The entrance to the pyramid is located at an altitude of 15.63 meters on the north side . The input form stone plates laid in the form of the arch. This entrance to the pyramid was embossed a granite tube. . The description of this traffic jam can be found at Strabo. Today, tourists fall inside the pyramid after 17 m break, which in 820 Khalif Abu Jafar Al-Ma'moun. He hoped to find there the sacramental treasures of Pharaoh, but found there only a layer of dust thick in half an elbow . Inside the pyramid of Heops are three break chambers . They are located one under the other - " Camera King. (Pharaoh) "," Camera Tsaritsa», Unfinished underground camera – (Pogrechal « pit »).

Grotto, Big Gallery and Chamber (Camera) Pharaoh with Sarcophag

Fig. 3. View cameras king (Fig. 2. - p. 10) with an empty sarcophag. It can be clearly seen precisely fitted granite flat boulders, from which walls, gender and ceiling of this room are made. An empty granite sarcophag is located asymmetrically relative to the size of the room.

Fig. four. Large oblique Gallery (Fig. 2. - p. 9) leading to " Camera King (Pharaoh)"(Fig. 2. - p. 11 and paragraph 10). The walls of the gallery are made inclined with a narrowing up and have symmetrical protruding ledges. On the right and left side of the passage of rectangular occasions, there are also rectangular grooves, located at an equal distance from each other. All these grooves 28 pairs. Once there are grooves, it means there, definitely, something was inserted and probably was removed. However, the grooves could also perform another function about which, to our regret, is not yet known anything.

Another branch from the lower part of the big gallery is a narrow almost vertical mine with a height of about 60 m, leading to the bottom of the downward pass. There is a suggestion that it was intended to evacuate workers or priests, completing " sealing »Main passage to" Camera king" Around the middle of it is a small, most likely, natural expansion - " Grotto» ( Grotto.) Incorrect form, in which several people could fit from the strength. Grotto - (Fig. 2 - (12)) Located on " junction»Stone masonry pyramid and small, about 9 meters high, a hill on a limestone plateau, lying at the base of a large pyramid. The walls of the grotto are partially fortified by the ancient stone masonry, and since its separate stones are too large, there is a suggestion that the grotto existed on the Giza Plateau as an independent structure is still long before the construction of the pyramids, and the evacuation mines itself was built by the location of the grotto. However, taking into account the fact that Mine was drowned in the already laid masonry, and did not laid out, as he says its wrong round section, the question arises of how builders managed to accurately go to the grotto.

Big gallery

Fig. five. Black and white snapshot of the beginning Big gallery (Fig. 2. - p. 9) with a high step, which has fabrics. Right and left are clearly visible rectangular grooves along the bottom of the side walls of the gallery. 1910

The big gallery continues the upstream. Its height is 8.53 m, it is rectangular in cross section, with a bit narrowing up (t. N. "False arch") walls, a high inclined tunnel with a length of 46.6 m. In the middle Big gallery Almost along the entire length, it is properly in section a square deepening with dimensions of 1 meter wide and a depth of 60 cm, and on both side speakers there are 27 pairs of deepening incomprehensible purpose . The deepening ends t. N. " Large step"- a high horizontal protrusion, a platform of 1x2 meters, at the end of a large gallery, immediately before LAZ in" parishion "- predocation ( King) (Fig. 2. - p. 11). The playground has a pair of similar recesses of the ramp, recesses at the corners at the wall ( 28th and last pair of recesses Bg). Through the "entrance hall", LAZ leads a funeral "king's lined in the black granite", where empty granite sarcophagus is located.

Over the King Camera is discovered in the XIX century. Five discharge cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which there are monolithic plates with a thickness of about 2 m, and above - a double overlap. Their appointment is to distribute the weight of the overlying layers of the pyramid (about a million tons) to protect from the pressure "King chamber" . In these voids, graffiti were found left, probably workers.

Fig. 6. Plan in isometry with cuts cameras king. Left is visible to the top end of the inclined Galleries With grooves on the sides, a rectangular step in front of the entrance and a laser to the king chamber. On the right below camera King. Granite sarcophagus in the right side of the camera King. Right upwards there is a rectangular mine over the sarcophagus, which ends with a discharge double " roof »From granite blocks -"

Fig. 7. Black and white snapshot " entrance and Laza"From the inside the king's camera. 1910

Ascending Corridor and Chamber of the Queen

From the first third of the downward pass (after 18 m from the main entrance) Up under the same angle of 26.5 ° goes to the south of the upstream (Fig. 2. - p. 6 ) About 40 m long, ending at the bottom of a large gallery (Fig. 2. - P. 9 ).

Fig. eight.
At its beginning, the upstream pass contains 3 large cubic granite "traffic jams", which are outside, from the downward pass, were disguised as a limestone unit, which randomly falling at the works of al-Mamuna - (Fig.2 -P. 3) Thus, the previous ones about 3 thousand years old were believed that in a large pyramid of other premises, except for a downward passage and an underground chamber, no. Al-Mamuan could not break through these traffic jams, and he simply won in a softer limestone bypassing to the right of them. This pass is used until now . For traffic jams, there are two main theories, one of them is based on the fact that the ascending passage has corks installed at the beginning of construction and, since, this passage was sealed from the very beginning. The second claims that the current narrowing of the walls is caused by an earthquake, and the plugs were before that within a large gallery and were used to seal the passage only after Pharaoh's funerals. An important mystery of this section of the ascending pass is that in the place where traffic jams are now located, in full-size, albeit a shortened model of the pyramid moves - t. N. Corridors of tests north of a large pyramid - there is no bog not two, and at once three corridors, the third of which is the vertical tunnel. Since the plugs still could not move from the spot, the question is whether there are vertical Lases over them, it remains open. In the middle of the upstream passage, the wall design has a feature: in three places the so-called "frame stones" are installed - that is, the square through the entire length is pierced three monoliths. The appointment of these stones is unknown .

In the second burial chamber, a horizontal corridor with a length of 35 m and a height of 1.75 m in the southern direction of the big gallery is in the southern direction. The second chamber is traditionally called « Camera Tsaritsa"Although in the rite of the wife of Pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids. " Camera Tsaritsa"Lined with limestone, has 5.74 meters from east to west and 5.23 meters from north to south; Its maximum height is 6.22 meters. There is a high niche in the eastern wall of the chamber.

Fig. nine. Plan in isometry with sections cameras Tsaritsa (Fig. 2 - p. 7). Left shown step nichein the chamber wall. Right horizontal input in the Chamber of Tsaritsa. Above the walls of the queen chamber stone blocks in the shape of a duplex roof for discharge pressure on the camera. Schematically shows the channels "Air ducts" emerging from the chamber.

Fig. 10. Type of login in stepped niche of cameras Tsaritsa (Fig. 2 - p. 7).

Fig. eleven. Black and white image of the entrance to the chamber of the queen from the inclined gallery (Fig. 2 - p. 8). 1910

Ventilation channels

From " Cameras king"(Fig. 2 - p. 10) and" Cameras Tsaritsa"(Fig. 2 - p. 7) in the north and southern directions (first horizontally, then obliquely up) so-called" ventilation »Width channels in diameter - 20-25 cm. At the same time channels « Cameras king», famous since the XVII century, through, they are open and bottom and top (on the edges of the pyramid) , while the lower ends of the channels " Cameras Tsaritsa»Separates from the surface of a wall of about 13 cm, they were found when closed in 1872. The upper ends of these channels do not reach the surface of the side faces of the pyramid of Heops . The end of the southern canal is closed by stone " doors"Detected in 1993 using a tele-controlled robot" Weight II ". In 2002, with the help of a new modification of the robot " door"Was drilled, but there was a small cavity and one more" door». What is next while unknown . Currently, the versions are expressed that the purpose " ventilation » canals are religious and related to the submission of the Egyptians about the soul travel .

Burial "Yama"

A downward corridor in a length of 105 m, which goes under the tilt of 26 ° 26'46, leads to a horizontal corridor (Fig. 2. - p. 4) with a length of 8.9 m, leading to the chamber (Fig. 2. - § 5), which was called Burial "Yama". Located below the ground level, in the rocky limestone base, it remained unfinished. The size of the chamber is 14 × 8.1 m, it is elongated from the east to the west. The height of the chamber reaches 3.5 m. The southern wall of the chamber has a well depth of about 3 m, from which narrow LAZ (0.7 × 0.7 m in section) is stretched in the southern direction at 16 m (0.7 × 0.7 m in cross section), ending with a dead end. John Shae Perring and Howard VYSE engineers at the beginning of the XIX century different in the chamber floor and pulled a deep well depth 11.6 m in which they hoped to detect hidden burial room . They were based on the testimony of Herodotus, who claimed that the body of Heops is located on the island surrounded by a channel in a hidden underground chamber. Their excavations did not lead to anything . Late studies have shown that the camera was broken in progress, and break chambers It was decided to arrange in the center of the pyramid itself .

Fig. 12.
Black and white image of the interior " underground»Cameras. 1910. On the left is seen half of the body of Fellacha who dried out from the passage to the camera. "


Now we can show on the plan the Pyramid of Cheops In the matrix of the universe position " Weighs B.z. ale court Maat over the hearts of ab (AB) Living creatures" Figure 13 shows the cross section of the cheops on Weiops. It is more accurate than that shown in Figure 2 of the Wikipedia's Free Encyclopedia.

Fig. 13.
Pyramid section Heops (Hofu, Khufu) In Giza. Vaisa.

Fig. fourteen.
The figure shows the result of combining the cross section of the peyramid of Heops (Vaisa) in Giza with " energy matrix of the Universe "Or just the matrix of the universe. This drawing is similar to Figure 8 of our work - Amon-RA opened the secret of the original plan of premises in the pyramid of Heops. All basic elements of the section of the pyramid of Cheops are located in the lower world of the matrix of the universe. The vertex of the arch over " Camera king"Completed with the third position on the left at the 7th level, the foundation" Cameras king"The sarcophagus is combined with a 10th level. Base Cameras Tsaritsa"- with a 12th level, the base of the pyramid - with a 14th level. Passage to the gallery - with a 13th level, pass to " Bottom horizon»On the rocky base of the pyramid - with the 14th level, and I myself Nizhny skyline"Compatible with the 17th level of the Lower World of Matrix. The remaining elements of the alignment of the plan of the cross section of the pyramid with the matrix of the universe are clearly visible in the figure. Pyramid side slope angles Hollow. And the pyramids of the matrix clearly vary. Right side of the cross section of the pyramid Hollow. Directed to the north, and the left side is south.

Now compatible with the matrix of the universe Egyptian pattern of weighing the heart AB (AB) From our work - the mystery of the tombstone of the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova together with the section of the Pyramid section Hollow.which is shown in the previous Figure 14.

In the well-known Egyptian Myth about Osiris « Board of the Gods"In Sweet Osiris ( Asar) called - " PathPaut." Their common numbers were - 42. « Board of the Gods"He helped Osiris analyze and evaluate the deeds of a deceased person for the living life. The number 42 exactly corresponds to the sum of the "position" 13, 14 and 15 levels 13+14+15 = 42 - The lower world of the matrix of the universe. In the same region, the matrix of the universe was located " Double room » Maati. (goddess Pravda and Truth), where on the scales weighed " a heart » – Ab - AB – (aspects of soul creatures). On one bowl of scales was placed feather Maat.and on another bowl of scales was placed " a heart » Ab.. If a " a heart » Ab. It turned out heavier " pen Maat. ", Or Maat itself with open hands on a cup of scales, ( the creature is a lot of sinry), then this is the heart jet "Creature Amit From the head and a half of the crocodile body, and the rear half is the body of the hippopotamus.

Fig. fifteen.
Ancient Egyptian drawing of the scene " heart weighing » « AB" Left - Goddess of Truth and Truth - Maat. Right God of wisdom is. At the bottom of Ammit.

Fig. sixteen.
The figure shows the result of co-alignment in the matrix of the Universe of the Pyramid Plan Hollow. and Egyptian drawing of the scene " heart weighing » « AB" It is clearly seen that the vertical axis of the scales is combined in the vertical axis of the pyramid of the matrix and the cross section of the pyramid of hufu, and the crossbar of the scales is combined with the 14th level of the Lower World Matrix of the Universe, which is also the founding of the pyramid of Hofu on the rocky plateau. The remaining parts of the alignment are visible in the figure.

Now on top of this picture I will write down the word Egyptian hieroglyphs Pasaut (PAUT)which will show us the area of \u200b\u200blocation in the matrix of the 42th gods - Osiris advisors.

Fig. 17.
The picture shows the word record PathPaut. Egyptian hieroglyphs in the lower world of the matrix of the universe, which " determine Osirisa (ASAR). Lower hieroglyph in the form of a "circle with a square inside" " determines »In the matrix of the universe area of \u200b\u200bthe location of the 42nd gods - advisors Osirisa (ASAR).Hieroglyph T (t) combined with the chamber of the queen. Hieroglyph Y (U) Practically occupied all the space from the base of the king's chamber to the sharp top of the rectangular mine over the sarcophagus in the king's chamber. The mine ends with a discharge double " roof »From granite blocks -" Over the King Camera is discovered in the XIX century. Five discharge cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which there are monolithic plates with a thickness of about 2 m, and above - a double overlap ". The position of the remaining hieroglyphs is clearly visible in the picture. To assume that the word Path (PAUT) It was for the priests of Egypt with one of " prayer words "Inside the pyramid of Heops, for example, when they were indoors cameras king before sarcophagus, which could be just open, then such a rite can be called the appeal to the Council 42 gods - Osiris Assistants (ASAR). Wherein pyramid Hofu, as " resonant device "The likeness broadcast the words of prayer in the matrix of the Universe. If you add the Egyptian word to the prayer treatment of priests Paauta (PAAUTA)meaning how " creature man"So" creature woman"(Fig. 13) From our work - who are you Russians, and we know who! , then the following meaningful prayer appeal, for example, is " We pray to Osiris and his advice of the gods (Path) about the nozzles of forgiveness and blessing the soul of the king - Pharaoh and (or) his close associates for the future embodiment of the human being — (Paauta) ". Wherein pyramid Hofu again, as " resonant device "The likeness broadcast the words of prayer in the matrix of the Universe. Upon apparent fantasticity of our assumption, it can correspond to the true state of affairs, and determine the real purpose of construction pyramids hooth. Probably, and other Egyptian pyramids too. This indicates the surprisingly accurate results of the combination of the pyramid of the huof, Egyptian drawings and Egyptian words recorded by hieroglyphs in the matrix of the Universe. Additional " resonant devices ", Which could be installed in the grooves of the inclined gallery, strengthened" effect »Such a connection. Thus, all pyramid Hofu and its specific interior premises were one " resonant device "To contact" thin worlds of the universe "And their inhabitants. The priests of ancient Egypt were wise scientists, owned sacred knowledge, and, for sure, knew how to work with it even " hermetically closed » « resonant device " Today, with a large number " destructions - changes in the parameters of the resonant device "His quality can be" violated or deteriorated ».

Figure 18 shows the result of the recording of the Egypt hieroglyphs of the word paauta (PAAUTA) - "Creature a man" In the matrix of the universe and comparing it with a record on the Sanskrit words of Jiva Loca – « space Jiv - Shower "In the matrix of the Universe.

Fig. eighteen. This is how Egyptian priests understood what " Creature man" Right in the figure shows an ancient hieroglyphic record Pauta - PaautaPaauta. – « Creature man" It was enough to change the last hieroglyph on the image of a woman and the hieroglyphic record would read - " Creature woman", And also sounded - Pauta - PaautaPaauta.On the left in the picture is written on Sanskrit word - Jiva Loca - Space Shower - Jiv In the matrix of the universe. Comparing hieroglyphic recording, on the right and Sanskrit write on the left we see that the upper hieroglyph PA (PA) in the form of birds with open wings means the possibility Soul - Jiva Climb over the previous space and rushing further into the upper world of the matrix of the universe. Egyptian priests knew about such an opportunity for Soul - Jiva, which the Lord gave her, and reflected it by the hieroglyphic text.

In conclusion, we can say that the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding such a huge structure as pyramid Hofu, Only with the aim of " disposable "Pharaoh's tomb does not withstand any criticism. More likely the purpose of such construction was the creation " reusable » — « resonant device "To contact" thin worlds "In the Universe, what we tried to convince our readers given in the article by the results of our research. At the same time, we note that council 42 Gods - Counselors of Osiris (ASAR) or in accordance with the sacred Vedas India - abode « judges » Jiv - Yamaraj., continue to function and at this time, dear reader !

More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by becoming acquainted with articles on the site in the section "Egyptology" - the secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractis and God of Ptah and the secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the Matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

You can help develop our project by clicking in the upper right corner of the main page of the Site key "Donate" or list at your request the funds from any terminal to our account - Yandex Money - 410011416569382 "in 17 books that serves as the best source to study the geography of the ancient world. Strapen was from being the earliest teacher and the inspiration of Strabo. ; The fact is that the followers of Aristotle were also interested in geography and inherited from their teacher some general provisions on this subject. Stoics with their real-ethical understanding of Homer's poems had the greatest influence on Strabo. In this regard, Polybius served as the nearest sample. The essay of Polybia Strabo continued in the extensive historical work "Historical Notes", which consisted of 43 books: Events of Roman history, starting with the destruction of the Carthage (146 BC) and ending, probably battle at the cash system (31 BC) was the subject of this composition, to us not reached, but mentioned by Strapon in its "geography." In his writings, Strakon was also repeatedly referred to the Armymeidor of Ephesian shortly before him. Strabo did not soon acquire Glory; But later antiquity honored him as a geographer, and Storabo plane with small only changes around the edges held up to the V century AD . Address Links on the Internet - Stragone - Wikipedia -

Not many know, but the Great Pyramids in Giza can not only get around and climb along its lower tiers, but climb inside the ancient tunnels left by the builders. The main tourist flow does it in the pyramid of Heops, I will show you that is inside the Pyramid of Micheer.

The third, the smallest of the pyramids belongs to Pharaoh of the 4th Michery Dynasty (Mencauru), who lived in the XXVI century BC, in those days when there was no ancient Greece and in risen. It is 65.5 meters in height, the base is 103 meters.

This is now all the pyramids are yellow from limestone, and in those days the Pyramid Micherina was lined at the bottom of its part (visible and now) with red granite, the above level was covered with white limestone, and the most tip again was from red granite. But over time, most of the cladding collapsed or was cleared

To the left of the pyramid, 3 more small pyramids are located - satellites are the pyramids in which Tsaritz were buried.

You can get inside only in the pyramid of Heops and the Pyramid of Micheer, the first is at the entrance to Giza and there is just a crowd of those who want to be hot, closely, uncomfortable. In the case of a micryine, I descended in the pyramid alone. And for the price it is much more profitable. The entrance to the Heops pyramid costs about 10 dollars, whereas in Micheryina - 60 Egyptian pounds, that is, 3.5 dollars. True, a ticket must be taken at the beginning at the checkout. I agreed with the caretaker, handed it even a little more - 70 Egyptian pounds. But there were 4 people there at the entrance, including policemen, and they won't plunge without a ticket for a pass.

One problem, I took the camera at the entrance. It is possible to remove inside it is impossible, and maybe because I am a shorter ... But inside I took everything on the phone

On this video, I am in the first funeral room and go down to the main burial room, where I had to be the sarcophage Michery

Here I am in the main burial chamber, climb up the first funeral camera, inspecting her (maybe we see the entrance to a false tunnel), and then after 2 tunnels and two small rooms come to the exit from the pyramid

As it should be for most pyramids, inside only one small burial chamber, where there was a sarcophagus with the dead. And this camera is located at the ground level or slightly lower. A simple narrow corridor leads to the chamber. There are no tunnels and labyrinths in the pyramids - this is a fairy tale, and they do not need. The existing move was needed in order to put the body of Pharaoh in the burial chamber, and then people left her. Therefore, the passages are small and very uncomfortable. And if there are a lot of people and heat (inside the pyramid, the air, you yourself understand what), then this is a big problem for tourists. But in the case of a micryer's pyramid, not everything is so difficult - the descent is not very large, the knees, of course, are hard, but tolerant. But if you get into a pink pyramid, then about 100 meters will have to descend cool ...

In the case of the Pyramid of Micheryina you will find a small descent, then two small, parallel land, corridors with a small hall in the center, after you get into the first burial chamber. Here is a small descent to a real burial chamber, where there was Pharaoh's sarcophag. It is worth noting - and this can be seen on the plan - with the first burial chamber another corridor is connected, which goes up and ends with a dead end. It is difficult to say his appointment, most likely his task to lead robbers from the real burial of the ruler hidden under the floor.

In the pyramid itself there are no inscriptions, drawings, decor elements - just tunnels and cameras. True, in some other pyramids, the minimum architecture is found - a stepped arch of the cameras, the stars ... But nothing more.

As for the robbers, it is not a secret, the felled rooms of Pharaoh often contained a large amount of gold - masks, decorations, royal regalia, and other valuable items. Because of this, most pyramids and other burials robbed immediately after the burial ceremony or in the same ancient period. So that this does not happen, the builders of the pyramids did one narrow entrance and then seal it, and the entrance could be at different height and not always in the center. The only thing remained unchanged - the entrance to the pyramid was always on the north side. In the pyramid itself, false moves and even traps, as in the case of a false tunnel, flowing up, in the Pyramid of Mikherina.

In our case, the pyramid also did not remain untouched, in the diagram and the photo shows that the robbers did LAZ in the center of the pyramid, they reached her hearts and began to dig down, but stopped at the ground level. However, when in 1837, the inner chambers explored the British archaeologist, then on the approach in the galleries, he discovered wooden (internal) sarcophagus with the bones of a man and a map belonging to Micheryin. However, later studies have shown that these bones belong to a person who deceased 2000 years ago, and not 4500 ... That is, it was a skeleton of a person of the period of Roman rule in Egypt. Even further, scientists found basalt sarcophagus with the bones of a young woman. Sarcophag himself subsequently sank with the ship "Biatric" in the Mediterranean Sea. In the way, to our time, the pyramid reached empty.

Get around and climb around will not succeed, but it does not stop many

The desert around the pyramid, although in fact the haze hides Multimillion Cairo

View of the pyramid of Hefre

Sarcophag, internal corridors, unloading chambers, sunlight, companion pyramids, Treasures of the queen.

The diagonal of one of the faces of the pyramid of Heops is directed over the meridian exactly to the North Pole, and with the error of less than that of the Paris Observatory. In addition, the Pyramids "reflect" the location of the Constellation of Orion, and the peak of the Great Pyramid looks exactly on the polar star.

The Great Pyramid consists of three cameras that corresponded to the three stages of its construction. Pharaoh wished at any time to have a ready-made tomb.

The first chamber of ossean in a rock at a depth of about 30 m below the base, it is not quite accurate by its center.

The chamber area is 8 x 14 m, the height is 3.5 m. This camera, like the second, remained unfinished.

The second chamber is in the core of the pyramid, just under its vertex, at an altitude of about 20 m above the base of the structure. Its area is 5.7 x 5.2 m. A vaulted ceiling reaches a height of 6.7 m. Previously, it was called the tomb of the queen.

The third chamber was the tomb of Pharaoh. It is the only one of all three is finished. It was in this room that the sarcophagus was found. This camera was built at an altitude of 42.2 m above the base, a little south of the pyramid axis. The length of this room from the east to the West is 10.4 m, from north to south - 5.2 m. The height of the ceilings reaches 5.8 m.

Pharaoh's tomb

This room was perfectly lined with immaculately fitted granite slabs. The ceiling is formed by nine monoliths, the weight of which is 400 tons. Over the ceiling there are 5 discharge chambers, the total height of which is 17m. The oldest ends with a two-tie roof, built of huge blocks that make up the severity of approximately 1,000,000 tons of stone mass and intended to not give it right on the burial premises.

According to one of theories, the pyramids are the most powerful Earth's Energy Center. They say meridian, on which the peak of the pyramid of Heops is located, divides the surface of the sushi and the sea equally. The parallel passing through the center of the pyramid, also divides the planet into two equal parts by the amount of water and sushi.

All three cameras have so-called hallways, interconnected by corridors or mines. Some mines in the lower chambers end up deadlock. They disappear in a stone laying at a later time. Two such mines were laid from the royal tomb to the surface of the pyramid and outward almost in the middle of the Northern and South Walls. We are unknown their original purpose, but, undoubtedly, among other things, they had to provide ventilation.

At first, after the construction, the entrance to the pyramid was located on the northern side at a height of 25 m above the base. Nowadays, you can enter the pyramid from another entrance that is approximately 15 m below the original, almost in the middle of the north side. In a narrow and low horizontal corridor with a length of 40 m, it is necessary to go bent, since it was not worn by no means for the convenience of numerous tourists and is the result of the long works of ancient robbers.

At the end of this corridor there is a wooden staircase, rising in which the visitor will be in a low granite room, representing something like a hallway. Entering him, a person falls into the heart of the pyramid.

A large gallery is a unique structure, even on the scale of a grand building, which one can consider the great pyramid. Its length seems to be infinite, since ground walls reflect the light of electric lamps installed recently and illuminating the room, like an ancient metal plates. Thanks to this effect, the entrance rectangle is completely lost.

The length of the gallery is 47 m, and the height is 8.5 m. The angle of lifting is 26 °. Limestone facing plates are laid on each other in 8 layers, each subsequent layer of 5-6 cm comes for the previous one.

Even with modern appliances, the pyramid would be very difficult to build. Japanese enthusiasts tried to work on ancient technologies, but it turned out to be an unbearable task. A mound to raise blocks should have been huge as the pyramid itself, but they collapsed under their own weight.

The sarcophagus is wider in the burial chamber. He is extruded from a solid piece of brown-gray granite, the date and the inscription on it is absent, and all it is quite damaged. Sarcophag stands right on the floor in the western corner of the chamber. Most likely, no one has ever shifted it from his place. It looks as if cast from metal. Naturally, from a person, for the eternal soothe of which he intended, no trace left for a long time.

Building around Hoeop Pyramid

The Great Pyramid is surrounded by no less laborious and expensive buildings. The ancient Greek historian of Herodotus, describing the road at 18 m, leading from the upper (clock) to the lower temple and laid out polished slabs, said that the work on its construction was almost as huge as the construction of the pyramid itself.

Currently, only a few meters of this road have been preserved. Lepsius and some other Egyptologists were still lucky to catch her remnants with fragments of decorative reliefs. The road erased from the face of the Earth at the end of the XIX century during the construction of the village of Nabol-Es-Simman, which, like Giza, in our time is part of Big Cairo.

On the territory of this village and there was once the bottom temple. He was distinguished by an extraordinary beauty, towering over the ground for 30 m. Most likely, people destroyed him in antiquity, bespreading with excellent building material.

Of the numerous buildings that surrounded the once pyramid of Heops, only the ruins of the upper (funeral) temple are now preserved, as well as three satellite pyramids. Traces of the Upper Temple discovered the Egyptian researcher Abu Safe in 1939. After World War II, these excavations tried Lauro.

Traditionally, the temple was located east of the pyramid. The length of its fronton was 100 Egyptian elbows (about 52 m). He was erected from tourist limestone. In the courtyard of the temple was 38 square granite columns. In the lobby in front of a small sanctuary there were another 12 of the same pillars.

On both sides of the sanctuary at a distance of approximately 10 m, archaeologists have discovered two so-called dock in the limestone plateau, which, obviously, stored solar turbo. To the left of the road leading to the lower temple, the third such dock was found.

All three discovered docks were, unfortunately, empty. However, in 1954, fate raised the archaeologists an unexpected gift in the form of two more similar docks. One of them turned out to be a premises for perfectly preserved the rook, which today is an oldest ship in the world. Its length reached 44 m, and she was made from the cedar.

After extracting the rook, a conservation was subjected to and placed in a specially constructed pavilion located near the pyramid.

Pyramids - companions

Pyramids - companions as well as the temple are located east of the Great Pyramid. It should be noted that they usually built the south of the main tomb. Most likely, religious traditions were violated due to the difficulties associated with the terrain. The pyramids are growing from the north to south. The side of the square base of the first pyramid is 49.5, the second - 49, the third - 46.9 m.

Each of the pyramid-companion had a stone fence, a funeral chapel and a root chamber with a room that served the hallway in which she was led. According to the most common hypothesis, these pyramids were intended for Hoeop's wives. The first of them, the so-called major, according to ancient tradition, was obviously his sister.

All three pyramids are well preserved, losing only external cladding. Underground structures and the surrounding territory scrupulously examined.

According to some information, the east of the first pyramid was supposed to build a larger, but its construction was discontinued before the completion of the work in the burial chamber. The Raisner put forward the theory that she had to serve as a tomb for the mother of Heops - Hietepheres (his wife Snofer), because the tomb in which she originally burned out, was defeated shortly after the death of the Queen.

Treasures tomb tombstones

T. Fisanovich
Secrets of ancient pyramids

Great pyramids in Giza. Pyramids of Egypt.

Pyramids Snofer
Great pyramids
Inner design of the pyramid of Heops
Pyramid Hafra
Pyramid Mencauri.
Big Sphinx
Ancient information about great pyramids
Secrets of great pyramids

The check showed that the stones (of which the pyramid was made) for 8,000 years. And Heops lived not earlier than 4,000 years ago. 80 centuries ago People still Toleo studied bronze melting. Who built the pyramids in the desert? And on Mars are the same. (Http://
30.05.09 Crazy god.

i have long been understandable for a long time that the pyramids were built long before the Egyptians are more highly developed civilization. They just could use it as a grave)))
28.03.09 Ali-Balala

It looks like the next interpretation interpretation on the topic "What Herodota meant". And he has in the text there is, if you look no translations and translations from translations, not "mechanisms", but "devices from short pieces of wood." In all the parameters, under the fact that the builders of the Snowfra and Houf were used in reality, the simplest "sleepers" E.Diomedi are suitable.
Moreover, any individual numerous "mechanisms" to apply in their conditions is fundamentally impossible: they are inadequately slow and on the leafing clauses (their width is 80 - 70 cm) for them and work with them is unacceptable. And any attempts to expand them lead to a stone-earth and transport work of a greater scale than for the pyramid itself.
06.12.08 Rustem.

If anyone is interested in exact numbers (and they are impressive than the volumes of common Slavoras): F. Pitri revealed such a royal elbow (no need to find fault in the fourth and further decimal numbers, it is the average arithmetic measurements on the ground): 524,0524 Plus-minus 0 , 1016 mm. Multiply 280 and 440 - and get design (ie, theoretically desired by the creators) the overall dimensions of the peyramid of Heops. But what the bottom lengths have turned in reality: 230 358 mm, 230 251 mm, 230 391 mm and 230,583 mm. Corners between them: 89 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds, 90 g 03 m 02 s, 89 g 56 m 27 s, 90 g 00 m 33 s.
15.12.06 Rustem.

They write perfectly located on the north-south line ... how to understand - the base diagonal is located in the north-south or the average base line? :(
22.05.06 , [Email Protected], Vlas

How to make a mini-pyramid at home? :) How many centimeters need to do height? \u003d)
22.05.06 , [Email Protected], Vlas

How to place a pyramid about the Milky Way? Can you help?
23.04.06 , [Email Protected], Dmitriy

well, idiots ....
05.04.06 , Gary.

there is a useful book of Peter Tomkins "Secrets of the Great Pyramid", and and "Secret Doctrine", of course
27.01.06 , [Email Protected], Yuri.

Eternal Pyramids !!! Eternal theme is to solve their riddle ... It would be good even closer to the truth information, and wherever you read about the pyramids, everywhere different numbers. Of course, it is 240 meters or 220 almost there is no difference, but even if it cannot be measured exactly. Oh, as everything else to talk. By the way, about the Sphinx. In addition to some rather solid articles, its length is determined by 73 meters, and the height of B15 matters, and in other articles, respectively, 50 meters and 20 meters. Sorry, this is no longer trifles. Where is the truth?
19.01.06 , Alex

What, to build a new one :) It is necessary! Who will pay?
14.01.06 , Aleksandra

Heops's pyramid is the most fascinating and the worst thing that can happen to a person ... Her crazy sizes have an indelible impression on the subconscious of a person who will hold more laid in it ... it pulls me to her ... to her mysteries ... I want to her .....
19.11.05 , Kelly

Not bad, make more pictures / photo and more fascinating design ...
19.11.05 , Kelly

I am 15 years old deciphering the proportions of the pyramid of Heops - a "Divine Scheme" ", whose subordination has many ancient monuments
31.10.05 , [Email Protected], Plescom

The pyramid is a tool for entering the communication channel by which you can get information about the future and past. The dimensions, the proportions of the peyramid of the cheops correspond to the numbers of fibonachi (L-233, H-147 (D.B. 144, mass ~ 57,7000 tons, d.b. 56,470871 ton). Zero fractal or a golden section. All living and not alive subordinate This or other numerical rows. In nature there are no any size and proportions. The structure of objects is in a completely strict number. The parameters of the pyramid affect the biological processes in the human body, affect the perception authorities. The pyramid interacts with the gravitational, spatial and temporal parameters of the Earth, the nearest and far space. A person who inside the pyramid within a few hours (up to 24 hours) comprehends the knowledge of the past and present. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the three people in Europe who spent a day in the pyramid. Their impressions and new knowledge, like people in touching With the fact that a person has no right to know, do not give in to joy from the standpoint of modern science. All three Europeans experienced what people who visited Tibet were tested. The view that the Tibetan Mountains and the Pyramids of Egypt is related to each other that some Tibet mountains have an artificial origin and are essentially pyramids, but only much larger size. The beaten weight of the pyriramis, the lack of vibration, sound inside the pyramid (chambers of the pyramid) should strongly affect the human psyche and change its functioning.
26.09.05 , [Email Protected], Varry.

write me on the soap, by whom the first went to the pyramid of Heops
07.05.05 , [Email Protected], Sancho

What a pyramid !!! The construction of the pyramids was engaged in the Egyptians. And there is nothing to flatter to anyone else. It is not just beautiful figures - this is their life.
13.03.05 , Nati.

A big request to all who likes this topic, send me to the link on this topic. Infection Boladarnva [Email Protected]
21.12.04 , [Email Protected], Alyona

And why not build now Superpiramid, chotors archaeologists in the future was the lesson?
06.12.04 , LI

And I want a pyramid !!!
29.10.04 , Vika.

And how to build a pyramid for yourself, alive, because somewhere there were descriptions ... or is it all nonsense? Can scale needed? And important ...
29.03.04 , [Email Protected], Alekstendr