Download the presentation about Madagascar in French. Presentation on the topic "Madagascar"

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The capital of Madagascar is Antananarivo

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    The island's climate is shaped by the southeast trade wind and the South Indian Anticyclone.

    Tropical, with hot and rainy summers (November-April) and cooler and drier winters (May-October)

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    The flora on the island of Madagascar attracts with a fairly high concentration of endemics

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    Madagascar, located in East Africa, is home to various rare animals.

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    Waterfall - "Lily"

    There is a legend associated with this waterfall. 40 years ago, a foreigner lived in a village; he had his own field. And there was a daughter named Lily. One day the girl went to the river to swim and did not return. Although the entire village was searched for Lily, she was never found. Most likely, fast currents carried her away. Then the villagers decided to name the waterfall “Lily” in memory of the girl. And the river that leads to the waterfall is also now called Lily.

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    Lake Alautra

    The Maninguri River originates from Lake Alautra.

    Located in the northeast of the island of Madagascar in the province of Toamasina.

    The largest lake in Madagascar

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    The Betsibuka River flows near the town of Maevatanana. Water dust from the overthrow of its waters from narrow ramparts rises much higher than the tallest trees. And the waters have an unusual reddish color.

    Many believe that the red-brown color of the waters of this river is a sign of an environmental disaster.

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    Number - 20,042,552 people.

    Madagascar's main national wealth is children. Their absence is a great misfortune for the family, since no one will perform the necessary rituals over the remains of a childless person.

    All residents of Madagascar speak related dialects of the Malagasy language, which is close in vocabulary and grammar to the languages ​​of the population of Western Indonesia.

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    Cuisine of Madagascar

    The cuisine of Madagascar mainly consists of rice dishes (wari) with side dishes (lauca). In the south, rice is sometimes replaced with crushed dried corn. Malagasy cuisine was significantly influenced by the culinary traditions of France, China and India, and to a lesser extent East African and Arabic ones.

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    MADAGASCAR is an island country. The fourth largest island in the world. The capital of the state is a 12-letter word. The name translates as “city of a thousand warriors.” Answer: Antananarivo. Flag of the state Emblem Money: Malagasy ariar

    Baobab is the symbol of Madagascar. The fruit of the baobab is the “breadfruit tree of the monkeys.”

    Sweet Treasure Island In Anil Coconuts Cocoa Beans Nuts - Cashew

    RESIDENTS OF THE RING LEMURS In Madagascar, lemurs are considered sacred animals. There is a legend that they were once human. Mouse lemur

    Funny animals tenrecs that look like hedgehogs. To protect themselves from predators, they curl into a ball and spread their spiky hair. Madagascar's largest predator, the fossa, has a cat's body and a dog's nose, but is considered neither a cat nor a dog. It is a rare endangered animal. It is twice the size of a common domestic cat and hunts primarily birds and lemurs. The long tail helps the Fossa to maintain balance when climbing trees.

    Very small Multi-colored frog Tropical frog This is one of the tiniest chameleons in the world! It is only 16 mm in height and 30 mm in length from nose to tail.

    Who is this? Leaf-tailed gecko Belted tail Mammal Aye-aye Insect Weevil - giraffe Caterpillar

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    Madagascar Completed by: Tyunyakin Vladislav Group Yu-12 Siberian Polytechnic College

    Anthem: Oh, dear Motherland, Beautiful Madagascar, Love for you is unchanging. And it will never dry up. Give you, God, the Island of our ancestors, Joy and prosperity, And this is happiness for us, Oh, dear Motherland, With all our hearts, soul and body, With everything that is dear to us, We dream of serving you. Oh, dear Motherland, We hope that the one who created the universe will bless you and be the master of your destiny. Coat of arms of Madagascar

    Geography Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, separated from it by the Mozambique Strait. The climate is tropical. The extreme south of the island is often classified as subtropical. The length of the island is about 1600 km, width - over 600 km, area - 587,040 km². The island is home to the state of Madagascar (the capital is Antananarivo).

    Climate The climate of the state is divided into three climatic zones: in the south of the country there is a mainly dry desert climate, in the central part it is tropical, and in the north there is an equatorial monsoon climate. Average temperature in the summer months: from November to March 25-30 degrees above zero, in the winter months: from April to October 15-20 degrees above zero

    Politics The parliament is bicameral - the National Assembly of 127 deputies is elected by the population for a 4-year term, the Senate (100 seats) is filled two-thirds by representatives of provincial assemblies, one-third is appointed by the president. Mark Ravalomanana

    Language The entire population of Madagascar speaks Malagasy, which belongs to the same group as Indonesian and Malay. The second language used is mostly French, as well as English.

    Religion Catholicism, Christianity and Islam About 45% of the population professes Christianity, belonging to the Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism. Most believers try to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. The rest of the population (about 7%) practices Islam. Since the 90s of the 20th century, Orthodoxy began to spread on the island.

    Culture The art of the most ancient tribes of Madagascar is hidden from prying eyes, since it existed only in the imagination of each person and was not taken beyond its borders. This feature is associated with the special secrecy of this ethnic group and sensitivity to evaluation by others. The cultural origins of the island's inhabitants stem from Austronesian and Bantu culture. In music, this influence was reflected in the choice of instruments and singing style. A living example of the successful coexistence of two different cultures is the Malagasy preference for two essentially opposite instruments - the African drum and the walih, an Indonesian plucked string instrument.

    Theater also plays a significant role in the culture of the people. Here he acts not just as a means of demonstrating something, but for the purpose of edification and encouragement to goodness. Oratory is especially revered. A unique combination of theater and singing – hiragashi – is emerging everywhere, playing not only a spiritual and entertainment role, but also a political and educational role. During the performance of hiragashi, artists compete with each other in music, dancing and oratory talent. It was first used in the 18th century by the first king of Madagascar to attract attention to his political speeches, when he was still a prince. Later, the artists themselves began to include political satire in their performances, and the audience was actively involved in the performance process through applause or hooting. And now aspiring politicians are resorting to the help of such hiragashi troupes. Later, the Malagasy people were influenced by Eastern and European civilizations (especially French culture). This was manifested in architecture (the construction of elongated rectangular houses with a pointed roof), in the cuisine (French pastries are widespread on the island) and in the language (French is the second official language here).

    Cuisine The cuisine of Madagascar mainly consists of rice dishes (wari) with side dishes (lauca). In the south, rice is sometimes replaced with crushed dried corn. Malagasy cuisine was significantly influenced by the culinary traditions of France, China and India, and to a lesser extent East African and Arabic ones.

    Unlike African cuisine, Malagasy cuisine is not characterized by very spicy dishes, but recently semi-finished hot sauces have appeared, made on the coast from traditional fruits (mango, lemon, etc.), which are gaining popularity in the country. The popular lasari salad, karauti, consisting of beans, cabbage and carrots, is served with some of these sauces.

    Thank you for your attention

    Anthem: Oh, dear Motherland, Beautiful Madagascar, Love for you is unchanging. And it will never dry up. Give you, God, the Island of our ancestors, Joy and prosperity, And this is happiness for us, Oh, dear Motherland, With all our hearts, soul and body, With everything that is dear to us, We dream of serving you. Oh, dear Motherland, We hope that the one who created the universe will bless you and be the master of your destiny. Coat of arms of Madagascar

    Geography Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, separated from it by the Mozambique Channel. The climate is tropical. The extreme south of the island is often classified as subtropical. The length of the island is about 1600 km, width over 600 km, area km². The island is home to the state of Madagascar (the capital is Antananarivo).

    Climate The climate of the state is divided into three climatic zones: in the south of the country there is a mainly dry desert climate, in the central part it is tropical, and in the north there is an equatorial monsoon climate. Average temperature in the summer months: from November to March degrees above zero, in the winter months: from April to October degrees above zero

    Religion Catholicism, Christianity and Islam About 45% of the population professes Christianity, belonging to the Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism. Most believers try to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. The rest of the population (about 7%) practices Islam. Since the 90s of the 20th century, Orthodoxy began to spread on the island.

    Culture The art of the most ancient tribes of Madagascar is hidden from prying eyes, since it existed only in the imagination of each person and was not taken beyond its borders. This feature is associated with the special secrecy of this ethnic group and sensitivity to evaluation by others. The cultural origins of the island's inhabitants stem from Austronesian and Bantu culture. In music, this influence was reflected in the choice of instruments and singing style. A living example of the successful coexistence of two different cultures is the Malagasy’s preference for two essentially opposite instruments - the African drum and the roller, an Indonesian plucked string instrument.

    Theater also plays a significant role in the culture of the people. Here he acts not just as a means of demonstrating something, but for the purpose of edification and encouragement to goodness. Oratory is especially revered. A unique combination of theater and singing – hiragashi – is emerging everywhere, playing not only a spiritual and entertainment role, but also a political and educational role. During the performance of hiragashi, artists compete with each other in music, dancing and oratory talent. It was first used in the 18th century by the first king of Madagascar to attract attention to his political speeches, when he was still a prince. Later, the artists themselves began to include political satire in their performances, and the audience was actively involved in the performance process through applause or hooting. And now aspiring politicians are resorting to the help of such hiragashi troupes. Later, the Malagasy people were influenced by Eastern and European civilizations (especially French culture). This was manifested in architecture (the construction of elongated rectangular houses with a pointed roof), in the cuisine (French pastries are widespread on the island) and in the language (French is the second official language here).

    Cuisine The cuisine of Madagascar mainly consists of rice dishes (wari) with a side dish (onions). In the south, rice is sometimes replaced with crushed dried corn. Malagasy cuisine was significantly influenced by the culinary traditions of France, China and India, and to a lesser extent East African and Arabic ones.

    Unlike African cuisine, Malagasy cuisine is not characterized by very spicy dishes, but recently hot sauces have appeared - semi-finished products made on the coast from traditional fruits (mango, lemon, etc.), which are gaining popularity in the country. Some of these sauces are used to serve the popular lazari salad, karauti, consisting of beans, cabbage and carrots.