Where to walk on Berlin. Berlin: where to go and what to see

Are you preparing for a trip to Berlin or were passing here? Where to go, what to see in Berlin, where to take a picture? How to entertain kids? The most important, interesting, unique attractions (Must See in Berlin) - in this article.

View the sights with the breeze!

Gallop in the city, or what to see in Berlin in 24 hours

Item 1. AlexanderPlatz (or just "Alex")

The main metropolitan area was obtained in honor of Emperor Alexander I, who visited Berlin in 1805. In the 19th century, military parades were held here, and the peasants traded their cattle. Today, in the territory of Alex, you can see both the oldest buildings (Red Town Hall, the Church of St. Mary) and the new buildings (a high hotel with panoramic windows and a 400-meter television tower). Rising to the height of 200 m (1 minute), you will find yourself on the observation site. Wonderful photos are guaranteed.

The area is surrounded by excellent buildings of a new and old time.

The huge supermarket "Alex" spread on the square, surrounded by many restaurants, cafes and souvenir benches. After the snack, follow further.

Item 2. Unter den Linden

Famous lime alley, conditional Broadway Berlin, Center for the fashion life of the city. Stretches from the Palace Square, through the Spree River and to the Brandenburg Gate. Once here they loved to walk heine and Mark Twain. On the Alley there are Opera, Arsenal, the University of Humboldt, the stunning cafe "Einstein" and "At the Opera", as well as the most beautiful Berlin Cathedral.

It is impossible not to wrap in the Einstein cafe, the famous interior and comfort.

Item 3. Berlin Cathedral

Located on the territory of the museum island. The largest Protestant church in Germany. The height of the cathedral is 98 meters! Outside, it is decorated with stucco, sculptures and columns, and inside - biblical paintings and stained glass windows. Here you can listen to the authority and visit the family tomb of Hohenzollers.

The cathedral amazes with its greatness and beauty.

Address: am Lustgarten 1.

Item 4. Brandenburg Gate

Berlin symbol. About the one who walked to the side of this attraction can safely say: as she came by Don, as Oswil and left (from the ancient Italian saying).

The beautiful view of the Brandenburg Gate is watching everyone who came to Berlin.

A sample of classicism, decent completion of Unter den Linden. The "Gate of the World" was erected in 1791 by the project of Karl Gottre Langgans. They were crowned bronze figure of the ancient goddess of the world of Irena. In 1806, she was taken away by Napoleon to Paris, then diluted and returned to a rightful place. Since then, Irena changed the name to Victoria and began to personify the victory. In the 20th century, the gate has become a symbol of the combination of Germany (to this day, the debris wall can be detected nearby). During the war, they were destroyed, but then reconstructed and now they are happy with their majesticity and beauty.

Address: Pariser Platz.

In addition to traditional architectural monuments in Berlin, you should visit, find out what the capital lives at night. Daily in Berlin has thematic parties, parties for representatives of sexual minorities, a party-party, who will certainly raise the mood.

If you want to enjoy shopping full extent, go to Hamburg. This city contains the best stores and boutiques of designers with world name. How to get from Berlin to Hamburg told.

Item 5. Reichstag

Parliament of the country, majestic building with history, full heroic events. Erected at the end of the 19th century in the eclectic style of the Renaissance and Baroque. In 1918, from the main balcony of Reichstag, Germany was announced by the republic. The building was pretty pregnant in 1933, during the famous fire (some historians believe that Hitler arranged him in order to compromise the communists).
Destroyed at the end of the war, he became a lively symbol of victory over fascism.

Be sure to arrange a picnic under the impressive walls of the Reichstag.

Memorable inscriptions on the walls of the building (the case of the hands of Soviet soldiers) remained and understood. Now Reichstag together with a large glass dome is fully restored. Guests of the capital can visit the observation platform for free (ATTENTION: Pre-recording is required, on the checkpoint - the strictest control and verification of documents). On the lawn in front of the parliament building, you can arrange a picnic, read the book or just sleep.

Address: Platz der Republik 1.

A good alternative to independent sightseeing option is to buy a tour of the city: with a guide and learn more and most importantly do not miss. Berlin's two-hour sightseeing tour It is held daily at 15:00. Price - € 15. You can order it.

Here are some more interesting programs:

7 days in Berlin

1st day

We will see above, the route "Gallop to Berlin".

Day 2. Along the Berlin Wall on Bicycle

Lovers of this type of transport in Berlin feel at home. This is not an exaggeration. After all, it is equipped with a thousand kilometers of excellent cycling paths.

Beautiful bicycle route with picturesque views. Go!

Seat iron horse at steps Reichstaga And twist the pedals along the coast of the River Sprey to the area of \u200b\u200bSchapandau. You will drive in picturesque green areas, past the luxurious castle Bellevue, Get acquainted with the favorite artists of Charlottenburg.

Berlin Wall serves as a web for German ricers.

The following option is a bicycle walk - along the Berlin Wall. Now in its place - a line of 2 cobblestone rows. Start OT Brandenburg Gate. And head along the cobblestones to the side Potsdam Square to Chekpoint Charlie (former PPC). Cross the spree and twist the pedals along the most preserved area of \u200b\u200bthe wall Mülenshtrasse (You can see the famous Vrubel fresco with the image of the Brezhnev and Honneker kiss). Then, bypassing wonderful neogenic bridge OberbaumbruckFollow the southern bank of the river. Moving on to the east, you will fall into Trepps Park.

Day 3rd. Put suitcases

One day is not sin to devote shopping. Moreover, all conditions have been created in Berlin. A huge range of famous brands, comfortable department stores ... What else do you need a real shopaholic?

Luxury things are looking for on Kurfürstendamm - the main trading platform of Western Berlin

Be sure to visit the department store Kadeve. (TAUENTZIENSTRAZE 21-24) and shopping center Potsdamer Platz Arkaden., What's on Alte Potsdamer Straße 7.

Kadeve is not only style, but also quality.

More democratic shops - department stores Peek & Cloppenburg. (TAUENTZIENSTRAZE 19; Schloßstraße 123-125; WilmersDorfer Straße 109), Europa Center. (TAUENTZIENSTRAZE 9-12).

In Peek & Cloppenburg you do not frighten the price tags for the things you like.

Berlin flea markets also have their charm. Thugs "from a grandmother's chest" can be found among the benches Berliner Antik- Und Flohmarkt. Books, clothes, souvenirs can purchase in the shop Berliner Kunst- und Nostalgiemarkt. All these trading establishments are near Friedrichstrasse.

On the flea market it is possible to buy the most unexpected and original souvenirs.

Flohmarkt am Arkona Platz - Young flea market. The absence of a crowd of tourists, democratic prices, a large range. Do not miss!

Day 4th. Put the stomach

What to eat and where to eat?

Democratic prices and traditional German cuisine you will find in a stylized restaurant Ständige vertretung At Fritrichstrasse Station (Schiffbauerdamm 8). Earlier here was the representation of the GDR and Germany. The hall decorate the artifacts of the political culture of Germany (for example, a chair from the Bundestag).

Places where you can enjoy raw German dishes, do not consider.

Be sure to taste the delicious kebab in the restaurant Hasir. (Maasstraße, Art. Metro Nollendorfplatz) and fragrant sausages of Curry (in the corpal stall Carry 36, near the metro MEHRINGDAMM).

We spend the evening in the warm company restaurant Hasir.

Go to Self-Service Restaurant Lebuffet. (Last floor Kadeve). Elegant, tasty, inexpensive!

To try real Austrian and German wines, to enjoy the Viennese Schniece, follow in the restaurant Lutter & Wegner. (Charlottenstraße 56).

A glass of real wine is worth citing in Lutter & Wegner.

Fans of Chinese cuisine, hurry to a restaurant Good Friends. (Charlottenstraße, 30). Here you will meet the richest menu and the cozy atmosphere.

The most delicious beer - in the popular restaurant Lemke (Luisenplatz 1 and DirckSenstraße 143) and in the town Georgbräu. (SPREEUFER 4).

Lemke beer is famous for all Berlin.

Do not miss the opportunity to have dinner in one of the oldest restaurants of Berlin - Zur Letzten Instanz. ("To the last instance"), that on Waisenstraße 14-16. There was still Napoleon Bonaparte! The interior is made in the style of a rustic restaurant, and the menu is a shot of legal terms. Here you can taste the "verdict", "prosecutor's speech", "testimony". Restaurant and the fact that some scenes of the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" were removed in his hall.

Day 5: Explore the surroundings. Potsdam

The city of palaces and gardens are located just 20 km from Berlin. To get to Potsdam, use suburban trains (s-banes). They depart from the main station every 10 minutes.

Wonderful architectural monuments and well-groomed parks are expected in Potsdam.

The symbol of the city is the san sousy ensemble. Palaces in the style of Rococo and Baroque of the middle and the second half of the 18th century, temples, sculptures, botanical garden, gilded Chinese tea house, Orangehouse Palace - Real Prussian Versailles. The local gallery presents a huge collection of painting.

Be careful: on Monday, the main expositions are closed.

Be sure to strive on the old Dutch quarter, visit the Palace Cecilianhof (Here, in the summer of 45 years, a Potsdam Conference was held), to enjoy Russian pancakes in the colorful village of Alexandrovka (recommended for the existed in their homeland).

The surroundings of the Cecilienhof Palace are also impressive.

Day 6. Dresden.

3 hours ride - and you are in place. Start the city's inspection with the famous Dresden Art Gallery. The picture of Raphael "Sicstinskaya Madonna" is stored here. Dedote the day walks on the pleasant streets of the city. Admire the beautiful architecture and sandstone houses. If you plan to stay in Dresden for the night, visit the opera.

No matter what Munich has a similar charm. This city will conquer the heart of anyone who at least once strolls at pure streets of the city, admire the architectural ensemble. Hundreds of thousands of tourists are attracted annually.

You can relax from the inspection of local beauties in one of the cozy cafes. Restore the strength and raise the mood will help the German Soup Aintopf. This dish can be prepared at home. The best recipes are collected on this page.

Day 7. Relax in Spreyevald

Under the shadow of branchy trees reigns peace and pacification.

German Venice! And just 1.5 hours from the city (from the main station by train to Lubbena Station). The riot of greenery, clean air, canals, islands, small houses, boats, beautiful park. Here is their gondolas (Kahn) and Gondoliers (Kahnfahrer). Local residents can buy lime and acacia honey. The gastronomic symbols of Spreyevald are salted barrel cucumbers, sandwiches with Shmalts and Schnaps.

Traveling with children

Little travelers will like Berlin Zo, game complex JACKS FUN WORLD., Centre Legoland. and huge chocolate shop Ritter Sport.

Clause number 1. Zoo

Founded in the distant 1844 year. Amazes with a scope. On 35 hectares, the gorillas, pandas, kiwi birds, crocodiles and other wonderful animals are comfortably located (more than 17 thousand individuals). Maximum natural conditions have been created for them: shore with artificial water for seabirds, swimming pools with rocks, frying for sea seals and penguins. In the children's zoo, it is allowed to feed the sheep and goats with the hands. Handful of food can be obtained in the machine.

Cute, funny animals Zoo Berlin will raise the mood.


Paragraph 2. Jacks Fun WORLD

This is 4 thousand square meters. meters for kids under the age of 13. There are slings and mini-golf, and the longest cable car in Berlin (100 meters above 8 meters high). Kids will greatly spend time in a soft gaming complex.

Address: Miraustraße 38.

Item 3. Legoland.

Children will spend a great time!

Here the kids will be able to see the whole city and the dragon castle from Lego, practice in design art at the mini-factory and visit the 4D cinema.

The center works every day and takes young designers from 10 am to 7 pm (the entrance is open up to 5).

Address: Potsdamer Straße 4.

Item 4. Ritter Sport - Chocolate Workshop

Create your own chocolate tile will be possible in the Ritter Sport workshop.

Little sweet tooths and future confectioners, do not pass by! In a huge (1000 sq. M. M) the store of the famous chocolate you can not only try many samples of this delicacy, but also create your own unique chocolate.

Address: Französische Straße 24.

  1. Apartments: In Berlin, it is very necessary to stop in apartments. Previously, without minimal worked with the help of which I booked housing from € 13 on, but now on this site a large number of budget options.
  2. Hotels: At this housing prices are higher than on the apartments and start from 40 €. Do not overpay when searching for the hotel will help. This site compares offers from many booking systems and shows where the same number can be removed cheaper.

Attractions Berlin

Before starting a story about interesting places and attractions, I will give a couple of links where you can buy tickets and excursions, which can help better prepare and learn Berlin.

  1. - 16 €. Replace urban transport.
  2. Without a queue - 17,5 €
  3. Subscription for 3 days in 30 Museums of Berlin - 29 €.
  4. For 48 hours (urban transport and entrance to museums) - 19.9 €.
  5. In Russian - 20 €.

What to see in Berlin for 1 day

By purchasing a ticket to public transport, I moved to Berlin a little chaotic, now I would have made a route more organized and perhaps more saved on the passage. Below I will try to tell in the order in which I would do it now.

The removable room was next to the park Volkspark Humboldthain FolkSpark where the dilapidated Anti-aircraft tower of Luftwaffe (Flakturm Humboldthain) which are both at the same time overview.

But here we were waiting for the only disappointment in Berlin. This place is forgetting by tourists and launched. Garbage, broken packaging and terrible urine smell. Photos of such an environment did not rise to make a hand, and the only photo is a beautiful staircase in the park, on which local residents ran.

Park Folkspark Humboldhain - Volkspark Humboldthain

Visiting the park we are going on Alexanderplatz (AlexanderPlatz) This is the center of the city and from here, many tourist routes begin in guidebooks. At the same time, and run the pass wheel with a transplant with U.Bahn.on the S-Bahn.because Travel acts on both types of transport.


Driving up Alexanderplatz. You can get the camera and for a long time it is not turned off. As soon as you leave on the surface of the subway, you will open the sights, many of which became the symbols of Berlin.

On this area, you can get stuck in the presence of time until the end of the day, the first part of the day you can spend in line for the television bag or buy for 17.5 € in advance and go without a queue.

After television, Alexanderplatz contains several shopping centers. Inside you can wait for a big surprise in the form of crowded stores, apparently it is a very popular place and past few people.

Museum Island

If the shopping or a visit to the television, you could not detain you, then you can move on towards the river Spröe until I turn the bridge and we will not find yourself on the museum island.

Here, as in Alexanderplatz, the attractions will be at every step. First will be Berlin Cathedral , and immediately behind him Lustgarten Park And another 5 museums built one after one.

There may be a temptation to stay and visit all museums or at least some of them, but if you have time, it is possible to distinguish separate day.

Leaving the island and go down the street with a beautifully sounding name Unter Den Linden. To another symbol of Berlin Brandenburg Gate, in front of which there is a pedestrian Paris Square.

Photographed at the gate, you should not pass through them and go further down the street, because Skip one of the most interesting buildings in history - Reichstag. It is located to the right of the gate. Turn to the right before the gate and go through a little less than 500 meters.

How to get to Reichstag

You can get to Reichstag free from 8 am and up to 24 pm. In the days when the dome is not closed, the audio guide is issued free of charge, including in Russian. 20 The minute track tells about the main points in the history of the Reichstag, while you are with the accompanying ride to the dome.

To get to Reichstag, you must register in advance on the Bundestag. Registration is free, after which confirmation comes to the mail, it must be printed and show at the entrance along with the passport. After you check the registration and passport, you need to undergo security control as at the airport, so do not take with you anything stinging / cutting. After passing the inspection, you are formed into groups and each group is prescribed accompanying.

This is not all nuances, before registering carefully read the time of the dome, as it is closed 4 times a year for cleaning. These days in Reichstag, you can still get into the Reichstag, but in this case you will not give an audio guide and do not spend on reserve, but send to the roof on the elevator. These days, Reichstag is just a sightseeing area.

Unfortunately, my visit fell precisely on the days when the dome was closed, so I will show only a few photos from the roof of the building.

Visiting Reichstag you can go back to the Brandenburg gate and visit for some not a very pleasant place that can bring a little horror - this is. Externally, it looks harmless, but if you walk between the rows and go deep into, then the sensations may not be very pleasant when the columns are higher, then below you, when you are lost in them, you just have to close your eyes and just turn.

Square gendarmenmarct

A 15-minute walk from the Memorial will be a beautiful gendarmenmarkt area. If you become a face to the concert hall, then the French Cathedral will be right, and the left is German. They are almost twins.

Brandenburger Tor.

This first day can be completed, and to make it paint, you can return to the goal to the Paris Square and go down to the metro station B.randenburger Tor . After all, it is still to leave for a hotel or else somewhere will most likely be most likely on the subway. Going to this station is for the sake of interactive scenery about the history of Berlin, which are decorated with walls.

What to see in Berlin in 2 days

The second day can be left to the inspection of the distant attractions from the historic center, if on the first day the passage is not needed, this time you have to ride along different sides of Berlin.

You can start the second day with Potsdam Square for this you need to get to the same name S-Bahn. Potsdamer Platz. . Here, in addition to high office buildings, you can find a piece of the Berlin Wall.

If you rise to the TV bash for you, it turned out to be expensive, then there is an excellent alternative on this area. In the Kollhoff-Tower building (Address - Potsdamer Platz 1) there is a Panoramapunkt sightseeing site.

  • costs 7.5 €.

After the Potsdam Square, we are going to, for this we again go under the ground and sit down on S2 and transplant on the S7 at the station Friedrichstraße Station. . Need to go to the station Bellevue. . And walking 700m meters. Bellevue Palace is the historic residence of kings and princes of Germany.

After the palace, you can drive one stop to Victory columns per 100 or 187 bus or walk 400m. At the very top under the statue there is a sightseeing platform, to rise to which it will have to walk along the screw staircase.

Berlin Zoo and Church of Kaiser Wilhelm

Sit at 100 bus and go about 10 minutes to Memorial Church Kaiser Wilhelm or before Berlin Zoo . This is a stop Zoologischer Garten. . They are almost in one place.

You can dedicate the second part of the day Berlin Wall for this it is best to get there directly from the station Airbnb on 2nd.

Total trip for 2 days in Berlin With overnight and all transfers will cost from 45 € per person when traveling together.

This is all my story about what to see in Berlin for 1 and 2 days. Waiting for your feedback and ratings.

Berlin. Of all the places where I visited, this is a city with the most free nras. You will definitely leave him under the impression. Berlin is ready to tell you a lot of stories: On the division of one city for two (Western and East Berlin), about the past, present and future, about the tragedies of the past times and tolerance of our days.

Berlin today is an explosive mixture of replication parties, on which beer pours river, and serious businessmen, artists and hipsters.

If you read this post before your trip to Berlin, I will stop spilling and give you several delight tips:

I lived about 2 months in Berlin, putting a clear goal - to visit as many new places as possible, make as many new discoveries as possible and everything is all reasoned. All for what? That's right - so that you can better plan your trip! And do not thank! 🙂

For convenience, I made a whole list of what needs to be done, being in Berlin: 22 things that really cost your time! So, here, actually, and they:

22 things that just need to do in Berlin

1. Look at the impressive Branderburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate is a monument in the style of neoclassicism, which from the XVIII century is part of Berlin history.

This is a symbol of separation of the city to East and West Berlin and one of the most important monuments of the city. I advise you to visit this historic place. Photos there can be made simply great!

2. To admire the works of art on the museum island

The museum island is located on the northern part of the island of Sprereinsel on the River Sprey. It is called so because there are all the most famous Museums of Berlin. By the way, this complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage. If you are an amateur to resemble museums, it is best to take a three-day subscription, and devote to this session all day.

Do not forget to take a bottle of water with you. You obviously want to drink after a couple of hours of inspection of exhibitions, and the water on the island is worth 3 euros per bottle!

Here is a brief description of all the island museums:

  • The Pergami Museum is one of the most visited museums in Europe! There is also the Babylonian Gate Ishtar, and a fragment of the procession road, which led to them, the gate of the Miletsky market, and even the Museum of Islamic art, to all of the time. I'm there sooo like it! More than in all other museums.
  • Museum Bode - here are the sculptures of Byzantine and ancient times.
  • The new museum is the objects of the ancient art of Egypt.
  • Old Museum - objects of ancient art of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.
  • The old National Gallery is a national gallery, which presents works in the style of neoclassicism, romanticism, impressionism and early modernism.

The most important advice: The cost of your input ticket includes an audio guide! Do not forget to use them!

3. look at the sunset from the roof of the television tower

16. Visit the Botanical Garden

And I already told you that I am a big fan of botanical gardens? I try to visit them in every country where I happen. In Berlin, an unrealistic huge botanical garden. It is definitely in the top five in my personal ranking!


There are growing more than 22,000 thousand different plants, among which there are huge bamboo, and white water lilies, orchids and cacti. Even if you are not a passionate gardener, you will certainly enjoy walking among these beautiful greenhouses with a variety of flora and fauna. And what is fresh air here!

Integrated facts about Berlin

  1. Do you know an easy way to determine in the eastern or western part of the city you are? Just look at the traffic light! If there is a funny little man - you are in East Berlin, if the usual circle is in Western! Look at this site to learn more about it.
  2. If you pass plastic or glass bottles, you can help some money. You can do it in any kiosk or supermarket. Usually, for one bottle give 25 cents. You can clarify it at the checkout. In large supermarkets even cost special devices for receiving bottles.
  3. Ride on a kayak on the spree river. So you can successfully combine the inspection of Berlin and good training.
  4. Lifehak: Buy Berlin Welcome Card. It costs only 19.90 euros, but on it you can use 2 days to use public transport and get a 50% discount on visiting more than 200 different attractions.

    A visitor card is an indispensable thing for a tourist. It gives a free passage and a discount on visiting a huge number of different museums.

    When is best to go to Berlin

    I was in Berlin twice. The first time went in October and it was cold. And the second time - in early September and the weather was beautiful! So it is not particularly predicted here.

    In Berlin, generally sharp changes for weather, so it is better to see the forecast before you begin to pack the suitcases.

    In any case, take warm clothes. Here windy!

    They say Berlin is also beautiful in April and early May, when the cherry blooms, and the gardens die with all the shades of pink!


    Any German will tell you that Berlin is not Germany, but Germany is not Berlin. In addition, in comparison with other cities of Germany, Berlin looks poorer, but somehow ... more interesting, he has his own soul!

    No wonder it is called - Poor, Butsexy! J.

    He will tell you a story about two cities - East and West Berlin. In the air there is a spirit of avant-garde. The city is filled with free humanities who belong to each other with respect. And yes, the beer here is poured by the river!

    Berlin is constantly changing and developing, and nothing in this is no interference.

    I'll come back here more than once and I wish you a cool trip!

    You, as always, can ask me any question in the comments under the post!

Partner response Thequestion

Berlin is the most beautiful capital of Europe, and at the same time one of the most expensive places in the region. However, in conditions of a limited budget, you can find entertainment to your taste and perfectly spend time here.

To begin with, I advise you to save on flight and accommodation, having traveled to a low tourist season. It begins in Berlin at the end of winter. For example, tickets there - back to February with departure from Moscow will cost you everything. The cost of the night in the hostel begins. I advise you to post closer to the center so as not to spend a lot of money for transport.

Start acquaintance with the city best from the Reichstag building. Not so long ago, a glass dome was erected over him, where is the stunning view of the whole city. Moreover, Reichstag, where parliament meetings are held, can be visited completely free. You will even have the opportunity to observe the meeting if you register in advance.

You can also visit the famous open-air gallery - East Side Gallery. It is here that there is a graffiti with a kiss of Brezhnev and Honecker. Pay for looking at the work of street art and make photos, you do not have to. Here you can see a part of the famous Berlin Wall, which has recently seized the city into two parts.

Be sure to take a look at the monument to the victims of the Holocaust. This place in the heart of the city is one of the most visited in Berlin. The memorial is a huge field, on which rows are dark obels for different heights.

In many Museums of the capital, the entrance is free on certain days and hours. For example, you can visit the Hamburg railway station on Thursday from 14:00 to 18:00. Also on Thursdays you can get without a ticket to the Egyptian Museum. In the Red Town Hall - a place where the Senate meets meets - you can freely enter the whole day.

In Berlin, even night partition fans can find a budget place. For example, in one of the most popular clubs in Sage every day, free entry to 22:00, and until 21:00 there are "happy clock".

I will share a few ideas of free and at the same time an interesting pastime in Berlin :)

In particular, if you are not so closely familiar with the city, you can take part in. Participation is free, but everything is built in such a way that at the end of the walk every excursant makes the amount that he considers it appropriate, as a gratitude to the guide. In Spain, for example, on FREE Walking Tour, I left 5 euros. Here are also the guys engaged in organizing free walking tours in Berlin. Promise that you will see the city with the eyes of local.

You can go to the open (they pass on Thursdays) - the contribution here is also voluntary - depending on your financial opportunities, or visit in the direction of Swing on Monday.

In addition, many Museums of Berlin can be visited for free. For example, on Thursdays in from 18:00 to 22:00 Entrance to the following museums are free: Museum Bode, Pergamm Museum, Old National Gallery, Old Museum and New Museum.

You can get to the dome for free, built in the Reichstag building, and admire the panorama of Berlin. In the same place you can watch the government meeting. Pre-registration is required.

Even on Thursdays from 18.00 to 21.00, visit the Egyptian Museum, where the most extensive collection of the exhibits of an ancient culture is presented. And the Red Town Hall, where the Berlin Senate and Burgomaster meets, is available for free visits every day.

And, of course, visit the Berlin Wall - the object is really a global scale.

In Berlin, you can even eat for free: every Sunday from 16.00 in the veto cafe (Metro Station "Samariterstraße", Scharnweberstraße, 35) serves free lunches. Here are the food remaining in hotels with "Swedish tables". Even in one favorite among local institutions - Alte Kantine, which is located in the Kulturbrauerei cultural center (Eberswalderstraße Metro Station, Knaackstraße, 97) every Monday at 22:00 for 3 € Visitors can enjoy a dinner of three dishes.

And finally, about the most fiscal way to move on Berlin. Cheaper to use bicycles that are leased for a very modest amount. Bicycle parking is located at the metro stations and train stations.


Tickets to Berlin We bought immediately as I remembered that in November, the Motherland will give us a couple more days off. In June, through the site airberlin.com we bought two tickets back and forth for 9842 rubles!

German visa

Since last year's annual visa, obtained from the Spaniards ended, we had to do a separate visa. In fact, the whole process took no more than a few hours. The filing was recorded by the Television of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bindicated on the website of the German Embassy in Moscow. In half an hour to take a picture, half an hour - fill in the houses of the questionnaire, and go to the Embassy to come to the embassy twice. At the embassy, \u200b\u200bthis time, everything was very fast. Half an hour for feeding, half an hour to get. For visas paid the standard 35 euros. In terms of visas, they did not bother, asked for those days that they planned to stay in Berlin. From the date of filing until the day of receipt it turned out something about a week. Together with the copies of the tickets filed standard help from work, an account statement, a hotel reservation with Buking.Com and the questionnaire. In general, everything is simple.

Where to live in Berlin

In general, in Berlin, there are two centers on the territory of the former West Berlin, and the other is behind the river, on the territory of the former East Berlin. Surprisingly, but still this border is noticeable, and in Western Berlin, of course cooler! As usual, climbing the hotel reservation sites, we chose 4 * Hollywood Media Hotel at Kourfundum Street. This place was once the richest district of Berlin.

Brief Comments Hollywood Media Hotel:

We chose it because of high marks on Booking.com, mostly obtained due to good location (near the metro, buses, shopping, and only half an hour by bus from the airport) and excellent breakfast. Well, I also seemed fun of his interior, after traveling on the US, nostalgia was already tortured \u003d) in general, all truth. Only champagne in the morning (which is really there) did not want to drink, there was no desire to go to the pool and sauna, and the place is actually on the four, so in fact it is better to live closer to the boulevard Unter den Linden, as close from which Located most attractions.

Prices in Berlin in November 2010

In general, prices in Berlin liked. It seemed that he was much cheaper, and most importantly, my taste is tastier than for example in Italy. And branded Berlin baked potatoes with sour cream sauce! Mmmm, fingers license. Ate four pieces for three days \u003d)

  • bus from the airport to the center of Berlin - 2.1 euros
  • complex breakfast in a small but very good cafe (boiled egg, toasts, ham, fruit, coffee) - 11 Euro
  • Welcome Card for 72 hours (free public transport, discounts on museums around 20%) - 23 Euro
  • museums - from 2 to 7 euros
  • success grill at the metro - 1-2 euros
  • dinner in a restaurant (salad, steak, beer) - 40 euros for two
  • dinner in a restaurant with wine (plus meat, potatoes, salads) - 57 euros for two

Berlin definedly liked! Modern architecture, prices, compared with Moscow, even the capital of Germany is calm and idyll!

Amazing was the weather. Four days that we were in Berlin three days rain. But warm and messenger. It was very nice. Fiction!

  • Kadiewe Shopping Center, which is sometimes called the largest store in Europe. Absolutely crazy atmosphere and design!
  • Modern architecture near Reichstag!
  • Exhibition "Hitler and Germans"
  • Train Station
  • Museum of History Berlin
  • Berlin Wall
  • In general, the atmosphere of East Berlin, including Alexander Platz
  • Shop Gallery Lafayette

Where did not go

  • The famous Berlin Zoo (well, just did not have enough time)
  • Reichstag (at 11 am there was a big queue, probably necessary, as always in such places, come after lunch)
  • The inner hall of the Dresdner Bank Bank at the Brandenburg gate with the awesome design (it was closed on some conference)

On the shopping - the largest shopping center is located at the Metro station Alexanderplatz on the territory of the former Eastern Berlin and is called Alexa. There is everything from the TNF brand store and Jack Wolfskin to any Zara and Mexx.

It seems to me 3-4 nights the optimal duration of the journey to meet Berlin.