Chubais complained about the blackmail of a former employee. The talented financier Ilya Suchkov stole Chubais' house and the debts of the mints ... And a group of Chechen comrades

The mansion of the head of "Rusnano" was seized by the zits-chairman

The rich have their own quirks. Roman Abramovich, for example, tirelessly builds yachts. Yes, so that each new one is longer and more luxurious than the previous one. Vladimir Potanin loves truffles worth $ 95 thousand for a mushroom, and when asked whether a lot of money is spent on a simple party, he disparagesly replies: "The gnomes will still dig up!" ... The gnomes here are the hard workers of MMC Norilsk Nickel.

The hedonist Anatoly Chubais has his own trick. He costs himself palaces. At the same time, using Abramovich's principle - each new one is "bigger than the old". Only in contrast to the owner of Chelsea, Mr. Chubais is not openly shining his income from his hands. As well as real estate.

Nevertheless, according to the media, today Anatoly Chubais owns luxury real estate worth more than three billion rubles.

In particular, in the Tver region, near the village of Byltsevo, a luxurious estate will appear in a couple of years, the owner of which, judging by the documents that came into the possession of the portal, will become the chairman of the board of Rusnano.

As follows from the same documents, in the same years, a defiantly luxurious palace was built in the village of Peredelki, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region (this publication is dedicated to him). Its estimated cost is about US $ 50 million. The construction of the aforementioned estate in the Tver region has an estimated cost of about $ 1.5 million. That is, the total amount of these expenses for construction fads is 51.5 million US dollars, which is more than 3 billion rubles at the average rate of the Central Bank.

Considering that the actual expenses for the palaces are twice the declared income of Mr. Chubais, it is not surprising that, according to the official version, all the aforementioned luxury does not appear in the ownership of the head of Rusnano and is registered in the name of “zits-chairmen”. But such games always involve the risk that the official "zits-chairman" may refuse the imposed prefix "zits-". It looks like this is what Anatoly Chubais got burned on.

According to "Russian Forbes", across the street from the famous dacha of Boris Pasternak in the village of writers Peredelkino there was a field on which the poet loved to walk. This "Pasternak" field is now built up with spacious country residences (see the map). As it turned out, the estate on the site closest to the Pasternak Museum in the village of Peredelki was being built for the head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, and his wife, screenwriter, director Avdotya Smirnova. Construction began shortly after the wedding.

The huge house is completely finished, but empty. He, the site and other buildings were seized. The owner of the property is the Swiss company SFO Concept AG, headed by a young financier Ilya Suchkov. According to Mr. Suchkov, the main house with an area of \u200b\u200b2,656.8 sq. m, two guest houses and other buildings, his company invested $ 50 million. In June and July, the creditors of SFO Concept, who lent the company $ 36 million, filed several lawsuits for the return of money, one of them was accepted for consideration in court. The largest lender is the O1 Trust Services ltd of the billionaire and friend of Chubais Boris Mints, which in early 2012 issued loans to SFO Concept in the amount of $ 22.9 million.

What is SFO Concept? “For a long time it was Chubais's family office, the company that managed his assets,” says a source close to one of the creditors. - After the law [prohibiting officials from owning foreign assets] was passed, Mr. Chubais sold the company to Ilya Suchkov. The company received loans from the structures of Boris Mints, because Chubais simply needed money to build a house. And Suchkov at some point realized that he was the happy owner and CEO of a company that owns land and an almost-built house, and decided to play on it.

The young financier Ilya Suchkov has a different version. “The house in the village of Peredelki was originally an investment project by SFO Concept,” he says. - It was financed by 50% from the company's own funds. Anatoly Borisovich was going to buy it, but then, apparently, changed his mind. And Boris Iosifovich [Mints] liked the house so much that he wanted it for himself and because of this he initiated all this legal prosecution. "

“This is complete nonsense! - a source close to Chubais is outraged. "The house was immediately built by order of Chubais for the needs of his family." According to him, in addition to loans for the construction of a house, Chubais' own funds were spent, first through the sale of the property belonging to him from the balance sheet of SFO Concept, and after the sale of the company, he also reported personal funds. In general, this is significantly less than $ 50 million, the source insists. If creditors sue the house, Chubais can buy it out, the source says, but at the present time, given the whole situation, he considers its acquisition inappropriate.

Zits-chairman from a respected family

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house with all the buildings turned out to be one and a half times larger than Chubais's previous country estate in the Moscow Region Zhavoronki (according to the tax declaration for 2010, it was registered in the name of his ex-wife Marina Vishnevskaya). However, Mints representatives say O1 Trust Services is trying to get the money back and does not aim to take over the house. “The situation is banal - the owner of SFO Concept does not return the money he took to build the house, and decided to dispose of it at his own discretion,” says Mints's eldest son Dmitry, head and chairman of the board of directors of O1 Properties.

Ilya Suchkov comes from a family that is well known to Chubais. His father Vasily Suchkov worked together with the current head of Rusnano in the State Property Committee, Ilya's elder brother Igor was Chubais's advisor for 17 years. An acquaintance of Chubais says that Igor had many ideas: from investing in a network of dental clinics to building a cottage village on the banks of the Ikshinskoye reservoir. He invited his brother Ilya to manage real estate projects, who in 2010 became the head of SFO Concept.

According to Ilya Suchkov, the company quickly ceased to be just a family office and diversified its business: it began to provide consulting services, for commissions it helped companies that worked with securities to attract clients. Suchkov recalls that he spent two days a week in Switzerland, three in Moscow, and discussed matters with Chubais once a year.

In 2013, Russian officials were banned from owning property abroad. Anatoly Chubais sold SFO Concept to Ilya Suchkov. The deal was real, not fictitious, the participants say. However, it follows from the sale and purchase documents submitted by Suchkov that Chubais did not immediately relinquish control over the company.

Under the terms of the agreement, Suchkov had to pay a large sum of $ 28 million for SFO Concept with a deferred payment, about the same amount the company at that time sent to finance a house in the village of Peredelki. As an interim measure, Suchkov signed an agreement to terminate the purchase and sale agreement without specifying a date, which Chubais could use at almost any time. A year later, the parties entered into a new agreement to waive interim measures and complete settlements at a new price of $ 152,000, determined in the appraiser's report (slightly less than the authorized capital of 200,000 Swiss francs). Suchkov says that he took part of the money from his parents, borrowed part and added his savings.

A source close to Chubais insists that the due date for SFO Concept has not yet arrived, while the transaction price is significantly higher than the authorized capital, and Suchkov has not paid this money yet. “The SFO Concept company belonged to me for some time,” Anatoly Chubais confirmed. - In 2013, I sold it to another person so that he would start organizing the construction of a house and raising funds. In the future, the house was to become my property. As far as I know, the company violated a number of commercial agreements regarding the attracted financing and, apparently, this was the reason for filing claims against it from creditors. "

Friendship - friendship

According to Dmitry Mints, SFO Concept delayed payments on the promissory note by $ 0.9 million, which matured in 2013, but serious questions to Suchkov appeared only in December 2015. “We learned that Suchkov wanted to re-register all of the SFO Concept real estate to himself as an individual, without paying loans,” Mints said indignantly. "This means for us that he not only cannot fulfill his obligations, but he is not even going to try to settle accounts with us."

Suchkov lays out in front of him in his office a bundle of documents - loan agreements in two languages, appraisal reports. He admits that Boris Mints' structures were credited by SFO Concept. But from the agreement it is clear that the largest unsecured loan from O1 Trust Services ltd for $ 15.5 million is due only in April 2022, in addition, it was issued not for the construction of a house, but for replenishing the working capital of SFO Concept AG. Another lender, Crizna Holdings ltd, borrowed $ 7.5 million for general corporate purposes in June 2015 and is now also seeking a refund in court. According to Suchkov, Crizna is affiliated with Mints, although representatives of the latter deny this.

The implication, creditors say, was that all loans would go towards building a house that Chubais would buy, and after that the company would pay off the debts. However, they understand that the sale of real estate on the market will not allow Suchkov to pay off his debts: the current value of SFO Concept's assets is lower than the cost of loans, and, according to them, already at the beginning of 2015 the company did not have equity capital.

Creditors do not exclude the conclusion of an amicable agreement with Suchkov, but so far the parties have not come to an understanding. Suchkov offers to buy a house from him at a price of $ 36.5 million, based on a report from an English appraisal company, whose name he does not specify. Lenders believe that the current market value of the house with all the buildings and the plot is only $ 12.55 million, which is what Knight Frank estimated it.

“Representatives of Boris Mints are forcing the sale of real estate in Peredelki at a reduced price - first they gave $ 7 million, then $ 12 million, which puts the company under the threat of bankruptcy and criminal prosecution of SFO Concept's management,” says Suchkov. "If Mints later cedes real estate at this price to Chubais, this will mean assistance in legalizing income, because his official income does not allow him to purchase real estate from SFO Concept at market value." He also believes that the issuance of unsecured loans by Mints for ten years could simply be a transfer of funds belonging to Chubais to legalize part of the income, and to verify this, he sent a request to the law enforcement agencies of Cyprus.

According to calculations, Chubais's official income in 2010-2015 exceeded 2 billion rubles. He planned to pay for the house in the village of Peredelki by selling the property of the ZPIF "Perspective Companies", established together with Mints (see cut).

“Lenders, admittedly, are fucking [...]. The degree of trust in Suchkov was high, and the credit relations were not formalized brilliantly, ”says one of the financiers involved in lending to the construction site. “We could have had a stronger position in court in debt collection if we were engaged in lending to the construction site as a commercial, tough deal,” says Dmitry Mints. “Nobody expected that they would have to sort things out with Suchkov in court. At one time, Chubais helped Ilya in a human way, ”says Chubais's acquaintance. Suchkov believes that Chubais owes nothing.

In the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Suchkov won: the court refused to consider the O1 Trust's claim against the SFO and the petition for the seizure of assets, since it considered that the creditor had not proven the connection between the real estate objects and the credit relationship. However, the Bryansk arbitration, where the second creditor, the Crizna company, applied, at the end of July nevertheless arrested the disputed real estate. The court took into account that it could be sold without the knowledge of creditors: the site, along with buildings on Internet sites, is sold at prices in the region of 920-950 million rubles, although it is not known who the initiator of these announcements is.

The judge also referred to a supplementary agreement to the loan agreement, in which the former trustee of its real estate in Russia, OOO SFO Concept Consulting, was vouched for SFO Concept. The agreement was signed by the general director of the company Sergey Krychenko, a former security guard of Chubais, who worked as his assistant at RAO UES. It says that the guarantor is jointly and severally liable for the loan taken by SFO Concept for the construction of a house in the village of Peredelki. A separate paragraph provides for the consideration of controversial issues not in the London International Arbitration Court, but in the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region.

"The supplementary agreement to the loan agreement is pure falsification," Suchkov is indignant and shows a copy of the document. It follows from it that the purpose of the loan has changed, the choice of the Bryansk arbitration is not motivated by anything, and the borrower has not even been notified of the appearance of the guarantor. For Suchkov, this turn was a complete surprise, because, according to him, he was on friendly terms with Krychenko, although they terminated the agreement on trust management real estate at the end of 2015.

In the appeal, Suchkov argues that his company has no delinquencies on the Crizna loan, so the creditor has no reason to collect the debt. According to him, a month before the expiration of the loan at the end of October 2015, Crizna assigned the debt to a certain Denian Limited (BVI), also affiliated with Mints, and she, in turn, signed a document on forgiving the debt. "The fact that this debt will be forgiven was agreed with Mints from the very beginning, we had friendly relations," Suchkov explains.

Why Mints donated several million dollars to Chubais's former company and whether it really was, other participants in the case do not say. Rusnano emphasizes that this situation has no direct relation to Chubais, since he has withdrawn from all projects with the participation of Suchkov. "The ownership structure of Anatoly Chubais' assets complies with the requirements of Russian legislation, and all incomes have been declared," says Andrey Trapeznikov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for External Communications of Rusnano.

Chubais recently admitted that he has a small family office, but that he is not rich enough to be included in the Forbes list. Like the modest Pasternak in everyday life, he could have complained about the difficulties of life with the words of the great writer about his house in Peredelkino: "It was necessary to decide whether to take it [the dacha], go to watch its completion, dodge, get money ..."

Ilya Suchkov

Distant Island Colors


At first I wanted to call this book Colors of the Pearl Island. But then he remembered that pearls on the island of Sri Lanka had not been mined for a long time, and changed the name. Once upon a time the island was really pearl, because in ancient times the Sri Lankans got the best pearls in the East from the bottom of the sea. They wrote about this in their time (Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. The literature of the last century mentions rich pearl crafts in Sri Lanka. But now, alas, there are no traces of them. And nevertheless, the island can be called pearl. Many travelers and they called it - "pearl of the East", "pearl Indian Ocean"Because the island in the necklace of white reefs looks like a pearl on the blue velvet of the Indian Ocean.

Colors of a distant island! Now, after a number of years, Sri Lanka seems even more colorful and exotic. “This is one of beautiful places in the world… The island has everything that the heart desires, ”Azerbaijani geographer GZ Shirvani wrote in his diary after a long trip to the countries of the East.

The bright colors of Sri Lanka, ”said the sculptor Marianna Yaroslavskaya, who has visited the country several times, in an interview with reporters,“ struck my imagination so much that at first I felt something like confusion. I wanted to convey this multicolor by all means, but I still did not know how to do it. I didn’t know, but I already understood that from now on I could no longer be limited to a one-color sculpture.

I would not like to mix these bright colors as on the artist's palette. It seems to me that you just need to talk about the meetings with the islanders, about their life problems, customs, traditions, beliefs, and give the reader the opportunity to try to imagine all the charm of the distant island.


On the school map, this Ceylon looked like a drop under the udder of the mainland.

Chingiz Aitmatov. "Early Cranes"

The Colombo-based Daily News published a letter from a Sri Lankan citizen. During a trip to the United States, he wrote, I discovered that Americans have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful island in the Indian Ocean, and many of them do not even know where it is. How often in public places, at various events and receptions, I had to take part in something like this conversation:

Are you from India?

No, I'm from Sri Lanka.

Is it in India?

Where is it?

And here the poor Sri Lankan once again had to explain that Ceylon, or Sri Lanka, is a small independent state where tea grows; the famous American film "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was filmed on the island, etc.

Ordinary Americans have little interest in Asian issues. They heard about India, from which "not one American president had a headache", about the Indian "saint" Hari Krishna. They know about the existence of Vietnam, where they could not win. But Sri Lanka?

One could not attach much importance to these lines, full of bitterness. But somehow, having become acquainted with the multivolume work of the Sri Lankan historian N. Ye. Virasuria, I discovered statements about the unseemly role of the West in this region.

In the preface N. Ye. Virasuria writes: “The history of Ceylon is little known, even less understood. During the British domination, Ceylon was considered the Lipton's Tea Garden somewhere in India. Lipton (Sir Thomas) was an English capitalist who went from an errand boy to a merchant and a millionaire. He made a business of planting tea trees, although his hobby was yachting. Later, Ceylon ceased to exist as a country. "

In the sad history of colonial conquests, there are cases when not only states such as Sri Lanka lost their name and ceased to exist. Larger countries and entire continents suffered a similar fate.

For many decades, the inhabitants of the island have fully enjoyed the bitter fruits of colonialism. All the wealth of the country, whose economy was based on the "three whales" - tea, rubber and coconuts - floated overseas.

While living in Sri Lanka, I traveled a lot around tea plantations and saw with my own eyes the hard work of plantation workers who spend whole days under the sultry tropical sun. I also had a chance to meet with planters, these heirs of the Kipling heroes, whose life is steeped in legends. I was especially struck by the story of an English planter who spent most of the day in his pool, where he was resting and "working". A clock mechanism was installed on the side of the pool, rotating a paper tape. Above it is a magnifying glass, similar to those that can be seen on our boys. A beam of sunlight, focused through this glass, left a black streak on the moving paper tape. So, if the sun is in the sky, there is a black strip on the ribbon. Clouds are falling or cloudy - the paper strip remains white. The tape fixed with hour marks gave a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow many hours per day, per week, per month were sunny, and how many were cloudy. The tape was then carefully packed and shipped to London. And since the best teas are made from the delicate green leaves harvested in sunny weather, the owners of the Piccadilly company could easily determine how much tea leaves the workers had to harvest from the plantation. "Reporting" is simplified, managerial staff are small, tea factories are not being modernized either, and profits from the exploitation of the island's wealth and cheap labor are expressed in tidy sums in London banks.

Only in 1972 was the British dominion able to finally break the chains of its European “partner” that were entangling it. Then a new constitution was adopted: the country was proclaimed an independent sovereign Republic of Sri Lanka (translated Sri Lanka - "beautiful land"). Those who have had a chance to visit this fabulous land put a special meaning in this.

Over the years of independent development, a lot has already been done: an agrarian reform has begun, the state sector in the economy has been significantly expanded, large tea and rubber plantations belonging to foreign and local capital have been nationalized. The Republic of Sri Lanka did not want to put up with the colonial robbery that lasted for four and a half centuries.


Sometimes I start to wonder if I'm doing a disservice to Ceylon by painting its charms. Huge jet monsters are already landing one after another at the Colombo airport, cameras and cinematographic cameras click and chirp everywhere ... But there are still hundreds of miles of the seashore that have not been seen by a single tourist, and virgin reefs, near which so many curious fish fearlessly float to a person that they have to be pushed away from themselves in order to take pictures.

Arthur Clarke. Taprobane Reefs

Friendliness and hospitality are characteristic features of the inhabitants of the tropical island. Over the years of my life in the country, I have not heard that any of the Soviet comrades complained about the dishonesty of the Sri Lankans, their unfriendliness or snobbery. Even during periods of political climate change, the bulk of our acquaintances were always ready to help us in one way or another or to advise us in case of any difficulties. This greatly brightened up our life in a foreign country. Even among those who did not share our views, I did not meet people who were ready to cause us any harm. Apparently, the Sri Lankans have long learned that regardless of views, sympathies and antipathies, people must coexist peacefully, otherwise it is impossible to live.

But this does not mean that there are no difficult situations or heated discussions. I recall meetings and conversations with the owner of the Davasa-San newspaper concern, Mr. Gunasena, which often took place in the following spirit:

Good morning! Sit down. What will you drink? Tea or Schwebs? You probably prefer Schwebs, because it's red !? I do not like him.

We, the TASS correspondent and I, agree to Schwebs.

Tell me, gentlemen, is it true that in the Soviet Union children are taken from their parents from birth and that the appropriate state bodies are involved in their upbringing?

Mr. Gunasena, where do you get this false information from? You cannot take at face value everything that your newspapers reprint from Western sources. You can go to the USSR yourself and see that this is a lie.

Oh well. But tell me, why are your ships in the Indian Ocean? So I think sometimes, you wake up one fine morning, and in Colombo they are already red. And Gunasena will remain naked like a falcon! AND?

Mr. Gunasena, at first you are doing the Americans a small favor - at their request, you publish the materials of American agents in your newspapers, not caring about their content. Then you become a victim of this scribble and begin to believe that your newspapers are publishing, including the "red" or Soviet threat. You mentioned the sailing of Soviet ships in the Indian Ocean. Why not? After all, Russian ships sailed here a hundred years ago, went on campaigns from Sevastopol across the Indian Ocean to the ports of Dalniy and Port Arthur. The participants of the first Russian round-the-world expedition of 1803-1806, led by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, were already conducting oceanographic research in the Indian Ocean. Why now, in an age of colossal development of technology and broad interethnic economic ties, should the ships of the first socialist country limit their navigation to the waters of the Black Sea or the port of Nakhodka? But our ships have never appeared in the Indian Ocean basin and in the ports of coastal countries with the aim of seizing foreign lands or creating military bases. These are the facts of history ...

Anatoly Chubais "parted" with businessman Ilya Suchkov and a group of comrades working for him.

Businessman Ilya Suchkov, a former confidant of Anatoly Chubais, was arrested in accordance with the ruling of the Tverskoy Court of Moscow. The reason for the arrest was the accusation of extortion and libel put forward by the head of Rusnano, and, possibly, “fraud ... which resulted in the deprivation of a citizen's right to a dwelling”. Anatoly Chubais promised to take action against the former manager who has lost confidence and is causing more and more troubles back in the spring.

“I hate legal squabbles, but in the end I decided to file a statement with the police to initiate a criminal case against Ilya Suchkov and a group of comrades working for him ... - for extortion and slander,” he told the readers of his Facebook page in March ... The court delays took about two months: as Interfax clarifies, the order to arrest Suchkov was issued on June 29 (and he was detained, according to some sources, two days earlier). As a measure of restraint, the accused businessman was taken into custody. In accordance with the chosen measure of restraint until the end of the investigation, he will be kept in a pre-trial detention center. The materials of the case are examined in one police department of the Moscow Region - at the place of the crime.

Ilya Suchkov was charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by an organized group either on an especially large scale, or resulting in the deprivation of a citizen's right to a dwelling). It is, in all likelihood, about the troubled estate in Peredelkino, which, as the media reported, was being built for Anatoly Chubais, but became part of the tangled property and legal relations.

The property, which is estimated at about $ 40 million, was registered in the name of Ilya Suchkov (who for several years served as head of the family office of Anatoly Chubais). The house was erected by the Swiss company SFO Concept AG - originally owned by Chubais, but after the ban on the ownership of foreign assets for Russian officials appeared in 2012, it was registered in the name of Suchkov. According to Anatoly Chubais, the company was sold so that the new owner was engaged in "organizing the construction of a house and raising funds." It was assumed that upon completion of the construction, the head of Rusnano and his wife, scriptwriter Avdotya Smirnova, would settle in the estate. But something went wrong ...

When in September last year the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region on the claim of Crizna Holdings ltd. arrested the property of SFO Concept AG (and Anatoly Chubais said that “the company had violated a number of commercial agreements in terms of attracted financing”), and the land plot in Peredelkino and the estate built on it were arrested.

The troubles did not end there. As Anatoly Chubais later said, he became the object of blackmail by some "wonderful company" (presumably - Ilya Suchkov, as well as "a group of comrades of Chechen nationality working for him"). First, they demanded to redeem the Peredelkino house at an inflated price, then “they began to send secret records of business negotiations, with the threat of their publication,” the head of Rusnano shared in the spring. Today he is more stingy with comments.

“I have only one clarification: Suchkov was never my partner, he was a hired manager,” Anatoly Chubais reacted to the news of the arrest of Ilya Suchkov. Ilya Suchkov has been working as the Managing Director of SFO Concept since 2010. It is worth clarifying, however, that not only this connects him with Anatoly Chubais. The businessman accused of blackmail by the head of Rusnano is the son of Vasily Suchkov, who worked with Anatoly Chubais in the State Property Management Agency, and the brother of Igor Suchkov, who worked as an advisor to Chubais for 17 years. Ilya Suchkov has no comments at the moment. Earlier, he stated that he had no debts to Anatoly Chubais, and the price of $ 36.5 million, at which it was proposed to buy the house, was confirmed by an independent appraisal commission.

The beginning of the public part of this story dates back to September 2016, when the media neatly wrote that Ilya Suchkov, manager of Anatoly Chubais's “family office,” took over his real estate in the famous Peredelkino village at a cost of about $ 40 million. Six months later, it became known that the chairman of the board of Rusnano decided to file a complaint with the police to initiate a criminal case for extortion and defamation.

... And a group of Chechen comrades

As stated on the Facebook page Anatoly Chubais, - he asks to initiate a case against his former manager Ilya Suchkov, and "Groups of Chechen comrades working for him"... The report also mentions a well-known investigative journalist Oleg Lurie and TV presenter Vladimir Solovievwho appear to be acting in concert with Suchkov and his “Caucasian partners”.

The LiveJournal of Oleg Lurie recently published a publication entitled “How to quickly become a billionaire. Instruction from Anatoly Chubais ". Apparently, it was she who became the catalyst for the subsequent violent reaction. In the material, Lurie tells in detail about a number of transactions with land plots, to which Anatoly Chubais is allegedly related, and, summing up, promises to transfer the documents he has "directly to the prosecutor's office." Lurie's assumptions that Anatoly Chubais had legalized funds through real estate transactions for a certain period were re-posted on Twitter by Vladimir Solovyov, announcing a TV broadcast dedicated to this topic. But what relation the mysterious Chechens have to what is happening is still difficult to say.

“At first, they demanded that I buy a house at an inadequate price,” said the head of Rusnano, “and when I categorically refused, they began to send me secret recordings of business negotiations, with the threat of their publication.”

Friendship is friendship, and tobacco apart

Ilya Suchkov, who is mentioned in Anatoly Chubais's message as the main culprit in almost all troubles, is indeed his confidant in the past. Strictly speaking, a representative of a whole group of confidants: he is a brother Igor Suchkov, who for 17 years was an adviser to Anatoly Chubais, and his son Vasily Suchkova, who worked with Chubais at the State Property Committee. Ilya Suchkov himself in the past headed the SFO Concept AG company owned by Chubais, working in the regime "two days in Switzerland, three in Moscow."

In 2011, Suchkov became the owner of the company. A few years later, the relationship between business partners changed radically. Anatoly Chubais stated that he had become an object of blackmail.

"Today is an amazing day in general - the day of the blackmailer", - Anatoly Chubais noted in his entry about the altercations with Suchkov. It is dated March 13th.

Lost Peredelkino house

The stumbling block is indeed the very real estate in Peredelkino. Mansion located right next to the museum Boris Pasternak, was built for the head of Rusnano and his wife, screenwriter Avdotya Smirnova... The construction of a mansion on a plot of 1.56 hectares began shortly after the wedding; it was CFO Concept who was involved in the project. The company was acquired from Anatoly Chubais with "encumbrance" in the form of loans for $ 20 million received from the structures of the entrepreneur Boris Mints, specify "Vedomosti". With this money, construction was carried out. At the end of the work, Chubais was going to buy the house for about the same amount. But CFO Concept evaluated the site and the house built on it with an area of \u200b\u200b2,657 sq. m much higher, at least $ 50 million. It is about this moment that Chubais mentions in a post on Facebook, speaking of "inadequate price."

The refusal to buy out the mansion and the plot was allegedly the reason for further blackmail by the former manager. "It is unlikely that it will be possible to scare or even 'upset' me with blackmail, extortion or another check, since my income has been checked many times, and for many years it was generally public"- writes Chubais.

So do not get you ... Anyone?

Usually a medal has two sides, but this "medal for the capture of Peredelkino" shines with many facets.

SFO Concept, as a Forbes source told in a September publication, for a long time was the so-called family office of Anatoly Chubais, that is, the company that managed his assets. After changes were made to Russian legislation prohibiting officials from owning assets abroad, SFO Concept was sold Ilya Suchkov.

“The company received loans from the structures of Boris Mints, because Chubais simply needed money to build a house- continues the interlocutor "Forbes", close to one of the creditors. - And Suchkov at some point realized that he was the happy owner and CEO of a company that owns land and an almost-built house, and decided to play on it. ".

Ilya Suchkov has a different view of what happened. “The house ... was originally an investment project of SFO Concept, - he said in early autumn. - It was funded 50% from the company's own funds. Anatoly Borisovich was going to buy it, but then, apparently, changed his mind. And Boris Iosifovich (Mints) liked the house so much that he wanted it for himself and because of this initiated all this legal prosecution ".

"Plan of the palace and its surroundings" - this is how Oleg Lurie signed this photo. Photo:

Meanwhile, Mints himself said that his company, O1 Trust Services, does not apply for a house in Peredelkino - it just wants to get its money back. The eldest son of Boris Mints Dmitry (head and chairman of the board of directors of O1 Properties) in an interview with Forbes described the situation as "banal". According to him, "SFO Concept owner does not return money"and home "I decided to dispose of it at my own discretion".

As told Dmitry MintsSFO Concept delayed payments on a $ 0.9 million bill due in 2013. And in December 2015, O1 Properties allegedly became aware that "Suchkov wanted to re-register all the SFO Concept real estate to himself as an individual, without paying loans"... The information was regarded as a signal that Ilya Suchkov "not only cannot fulfill his obligations, but is not even going to try to pay us off."

There is one more stakeholder. This is the company Crizna Holdings ltd, which sought from CFO Concept to return the $ 7.5 million transferred for general corporate purposes. In the summer of 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region, upon her claim, arrested the property of CFO Concept, including the notorious house and plot in the Moscow Region. According to unconfirmed reports, the company is affiliated with the business of Boris Mints. When making a decision, the court took into account the fact that advertisements for the sale of a plot with buildings on it (at a price of 920-950 rubles) had already appeared on Internet sites. The seller was not listed in the ads, and there was a possibility that the property would be sold without the knowledge of the creditors.

Oleg Lurie, who was mentioned at the beginning, reduces all this tangled web to a rather simple scenario. “Why, you ask, was the situation so difficult, - writes Lurie, - Chubais in 2012 borrows $ 22 million on preferential terms from Boris Mints for the construction of a palace in the Moscow region, and then, in 2015, playing with the same Mints an adventure with the Tver land (also described in Lurie's publication - ed.), allegedly gives him in debt all his profits, equivalent to 23 million dollars? "... And he himself answers: “Firstly, Anatoly Chubais decided not to“ shine ”his tens of millions of dollars and additionally legalize a certain large amount, for example, with the help of Mints' subsequent forgiveness of the debt to him. And secondly, Chubais and Mintz, again, in my opinion, decided to try to hang the return of 22 million on some, I beg your pardon, a scapegoat. ".

Popcorn urgently needed

“Nobody expected that they would have to sort things out with Suchkov in court. At one time, Chubais humanly helped Ilya a lot ", - reasoned one of Anatoly Chubais's acquaintances in the fall. Apparently, no one expected the subsequent transfer of the case to such a scandalous plane (with accusations of blackmail and the mention of "Chechen comrades").

“They decided to cheat Chubais. Either he has grown old, or they have forgotten who they are dealing with, "writes one of the commentators under the Facebook head of Rusnano. “The text is about nothing! Only emotions! Where are the facts? Go to Solovyov, prove to the whole country that you are honest and decent! What is the problem?" Another asks.

In parallel with the protracted court proceedings, a resonant reality show is planned. Or - a master class on eating former business partners. Let's see what happens.

The story of the palace in the Moscow Region Peredelki, which was built for the then state official and billionaire Anatoly Chubais, has been dragging on for several years. Let me remind you of some of the details that I have already covered.

In June 2012, the joint-stock company SFO CONCEPT AG, registered in Switzerland at the address: Canton CUG, Baar, Oberneuhofstrasse 5, 6341, buys two land plots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Peredelki (near the famous Pasternakovsky Pole) with a total area of \u200b\u200b1.56 hectares for 246 , 4 million rubles. Since the ruble price of the plots under the agreement was paid in US dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank at that time, which is 32.1 rubles. for 1 US dollar, the dollar price was 7.667 million US dollars, or almost 5 thousand dollars per hundred square meters.

Everything turned out with the building. According to available reports, at an accelerated pace, in less than two years, work was completed for a total of about US $ 30 million. And then - more. Now the total costs of the Swiss company JSC "SFO CONCEPT AG" on the "object", including land, construction, communications, etc. have amounted to about 50 million dollars.

In addition to the main residential master's house with an area of \u200b\u200b2 656 sq. m, the super-complex includes: a guest house with an area of \u200b\u200b585 sq. m, security house - 736 sq. m and a garage - 374 sq. m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot is, as already mentioned, 15 563 sq. m. m or almost 1.6 hectares. The cost of the entire “object” is estimated at approximately $ 55 million.

And here three very spicy moments come to light. Firstly, the money in the amount of 21 million 900 thousand dollars invested in the construction of a luxurious palace in Peredelki, the Swiss company "SFO CONCEPT AG", it turns out, borrowed from the Cyprus offshore "01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED" "to replenish working capital." The loan was made in two contracts: April 03, 2012 (loan agreement No. LA-01-SFO-03042012) in the amount of USD 15,500,000 and on October 1, 2012 (loan agreement No. 01-SFO-011012) in the amount of USD 6,400,000 USA. And the most interesting thing is the terms of loan agreements. The money was given for ten years, until 2022, at 2.5 percent per annum, interest could also be repaid in 2022 and (attention!) Without any collateral for the loan. Just.

Secondly, it is not difficult to guess that at that time the owner of the Swiss company "SFO CONCEPT AG", which received such sweet loans from offshore, was none other than Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. As evidenced by the extract from the register of shareholders.

And thirdly, the final beneficiary of the Cypriot offshore company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED, which “lent” Chubais 'company almost $ 22 million, is Chubais' former colleague and business partner, billionaire Boris Mints.

Immediately after the entry into force of the law banning officials from doing business, in the same May 2013, he sold his shares to another person, a little-known citizen Ilya Suchkov, whose relatives worked for a long time under Chubais's wing. The latter, having bought the Swiss company SFO Concept AG, naturally acquired with it the debts that A. Chubais had incurred by his decisions, but also a real estate object in the form of a residential complex in the village of Peredelki. To some, such a deal may seem strange. But this is only at first glance. In reality, Ilya Suchkov acquired the company, although with debts, but also with real estate, the potential market value of which exceeds the amount of debt. And the maturity of loans comes only in 2022, that is, in five years.

The head of Rusnano, having turned from an official into a businessman (he created a commercial structure - the management company Rusnano, which now “manages” the state company Rusnano, and having received almost one percent in it, the state owns the remaining 99, became no longer an official, and an entrepreneur), apparently, decided to return back to himself a luxurious estate in Peredelki. Moreover, return in a very unusual way.

Anatoly Borisovich demanded that the new owner of the Swiss SFO Concept AG, Ilya Suchkov, according to him, sell him, Chubais, an estate in Peredelki, in which almost $ 50 million was invested, for ... twelve and a half million dollars, and the SFO company itself Concept AG ”(with a multimillion-dollar debt to Mr. Mints) to keep as a keepsake and pay off debts. Of course, Suchkov, also not being an idiot, flatly refused such an "offer" and, according to him, received a full set of threats from the head of Rusnano - from international courts to the initiation of a criminal case and other equally serious problems.

Currently, there is an active correspondence and arbitration courts, in which the structures of Anatoly Chubais are trying to take away the Peredelkino real estate from the Swiss company SFO Concept AG and leave it only debts to offshore companies of Mints. And by the way, one more fact confirming my version of "kidalov" from Chubais-Mints - at the beginning of June last year, the Cypriot company "01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED" filed a statement of claim with the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region for the collection of a debt in the amount of 22.9 million. US dollars from the Swiss company SFO CONCEPT AG JSC. The very money that was allegedly lent until 2022 at 2.5 percent per annum. Is it funny? Not really. The plaintiff, a Cypriot company, asks not only to recover the debt from the Swiss company, but to “take interim measures” in the form of “arrest” on the property of SFO CONCEPT AG JSC in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Peredelki.

To be honest, I thought that after Chubais on your facebook accused me , as well as a certain "group of Chechen comrades", in fact, thereby triggering interethnic strife and hostility towards people of Caucasian nationality , in all the deadly sins (for the fact that I dared to talk about how he “earns” billions out of the blue), I will never again return to the story with the “Chubais palace”. The case is over. And I will no longer remember his accomplices in the division of wealth, such as Ilya Suchkov or Boris Mints. But it was not there.

As it turned out, the war for "Chubais's palace" continues. And not only in courts and investigative bodies, but also in the information space. From a certain anonymous author, apparently, as a great specialist in the activities of Chubais and his business partners, an offer came to the post office to participate in a big PR program under the conditional title "We expose the swindler Ilya Suchkov and praise the great statesman Anatoly Chubais." The letter was accompanied by files with a list of media outlets where it would be desirable to place information, and with the main "theses of the journalistic investigation." Here are just a few, if I may say so, theses:

« 2. Criminal case. At present, the “Odintsovskoye” Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has initiated a criminal case under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Fraud on an especially large scale). The victims are O1 Trust Services ltd, which issued a loan to SFO Concept AG, currently owned by Ilya Vasilievich Suchkov, in the amount of USD 22,900,000.

As the investigation found out, IV Suchkov, having received the property at his disposal, immediately tried to steal it. IV Suchkov entered into a purchase and sale agreement with himself. On the one hand, he, as the owner of SFO Concept AG, owns the buildings and land for which loans were given, and on the other hand, I.V. Suchkov, as an individual, entered into a real estate purchase and sale agreement. That is, in fact, I.V. Suchkov took out real estate worth millions of dollars to himself as a private individual, and SFO Concept AG was supposed to be without real estate, but with debts of $ 23 million. The next step was to bankrupt SFO Concept AG, and Suchkov would receive real estate in Peredelki as his property. The fraud was not followed through as the property was seized.
Currently, I.V. Suchkov is still in the status of a witness, but since it was he who carried out the criminal actions, it is possible that he will soon be transferred to the status of a suspect. A copy of the decision from the criminal case will be provided ».

I didn’t wait for the “Resolution” to be sent to me and remembered that the Investigator’s Resolution on the initiation of that very criminal case was at my disposal and I already had it. It was there that it was said in black and white that “... an unidentified person, acting on behalf of the company SFO Concept AG (Swiss Confederation - ed.), Intending to steal other people's property, acting out of selfish motives, under the pretext of investing money in the residential complex ..., concluded on behalf of SFO Concept AG with a Cyprus offshore company 01 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED, the ultimate beneficiary of which is citizen D.B. Mints (!!!. Auth.), The following contracts ... ". And then it turns out that the loan agreements were signed by none other than the then owner of SFO Concept AG ... Anatoly Borisovich Chubais.

So, the questions have been removed, but now there is no less interesting point: Did Ilya Suchkov really want to transfer to himself, as a private person, "Chubais's palace" and the entire enclosing golden territory? Well, that is, to steal from Chubais and his partner Mints? Judging by the "terms of reference" sent to journalists, it turns out that way. However, if you look at the sale and purchase agreement of July 22, 2016, then it really says that Ilya Suchkov, as an individual, buys from the former Chubais company SFO Concept AG, which now belongs to the same Ilya Suchkov, the same "Chubais's palace" with the adjacent territories, and transfers this happiness into its own property. It seems that fraud is evident, if not for one and very significant "but". According to the sale and purchase agreement, Ilya Suchkov must pay no less than thirty-six and a half million dollars ($ 36,500,000) for the real estate of SFO Concept AG. And where is the fraud here? Moreover, the cost of the complex was confirmed by the decision of the Maloyaroslavets court following the results of an independent forensic examination.

This very agreement, which, by the way, was never implemented:

And now we look at the "terms of reference" further. Here is a list of mass media and blogs where it was planned to place a “order” about the “Chubais Palace” and the terrible criminal Ilya Suchkov.

There is a full set of various resources - Forbes, RBC, and many others. Of course, I doubt that any of my colleagues would take up such dubious material, where there is not a single real proof.

And here's another amazing quote from the so-called "terms of reference". It looks like a court verdict: “ 5. Conclusions. I.V. Suchkov is a fraudster who, working for A. B. Ch. and having received real estate worth several tens of millions of dollars in his legal order (not to indicate a specific value), he tried and is now trying (including in the courts) to continue his fraudulent actions to steal this property».

I don't know if Chubais' former partner Ilya Suchkov is really a fraud or not. Maybe so. But while there is no court verdict, where Suchkov is designated as having committed a crime under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), I cannot call him a swindler or a thief. However, those who sent the journalists a proposal to hold a PR action, apparently, knew well that in the very near future a number of court hearings would take place on the very "Chubais Palace" and hoped very much to influence the judges in this way. It happens. Black PR classic.

The threats in terms of civil cases were allegedly realized. The decision of the AU of the Bryansk Region was issued, but did not enter into force, which is based on the decision of the court of the Republic of Cyprus, rendered on the basis of fraudulent manipulation of facts, about which the company is currentlySFO Consept AG a claim on the fact of fraud on the part of B. Mints's affiliated companies has been declared and is being considered.

Of course, I cannot say that such a “order” is sent directly at the direction of Anatoly Chubais or Boris Mints, but it seems that someone from the subordinates of these economic beacons tried on their own. Yes, and the money to cut down on kickbacks for PR, apparently, wanted. The same Chubais is a very smart person, as can be judged by his cunning business schemes, and, I think, he will not be so stupid and openly substituted by sending proposals to journalists. Although, who knows. After all, it seems, in the matter of returning the "Chubais Palace" Anatoly Borisovich fell into extreme imbalance and began to commit rash acts. I really want to live in a mansion worth fifty million dollars in Peredelkino.But in the end, I still have the feeling that, in fact, there is a protracted war for a "club" called "Chubais's Palace". Who has her ...