Sandal Buddha Zhuu Zadan. Sandal Buddha - a unique statue in Russia Buddha statue in Buryatia

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Live spiritual teaching applies not only through conversations with a teacher and reading books, but also through the visual perception of works of art, interior, architecture of temples. Training through observation is associated with a visual model of the Macrocosmos of the Universe and a human microcosm. This observation allows you to see the finest spiritual experiences and moral qualities: love, joy, kindness, wisdom. An example of such dissemination of knowledge is religious shrines.

One of the revered shrines of the Buddhist world is the statue of Sandal Buddha, Zhuu Zhuu Zadanan, which is in the Egieta Dacan of Buryatia. He is considered a living Buddha - his images carry grace. He has a special iconography on the tanks: it stands with big long hands to almost knees, among colors and landscape. This is such a bodily human Buddha, such a Buddha Maitrei, but at the same time, among the fertile heavenly worlds.

The statue of sandalwear Buddha is considered to be reached by this day the lifetime image of the Buddha Shakyamuni, made by order of Raji Uddiyana. There is a legend, recorded by the Torak monk Dharmanandi in 385 AD. (In Chinese translation of Ecottara-Agama-Sutra from Anuttara-Nika, according to A.A.Teenteyeva), that the enlightened was at this time in the heavens of thirty-three gods, preaching the Dharma of his mother Maye, which was reborn there after death. Raja Prasountitis wasveling to see the enlightened and commanded to log out his statue. Mudghalian, the student of the Buddha, who has reached wonderful abilities, suffered masters to heaven, where they met with an intelligible. The masters were returned to the ground and pissed the statue of the sandalwood "Goshirsha" on a natural amount of about two meters. height.

When Buddha Shakyamuni returned to the earthly world, the statue welcomed it, making 6 steps. And the enlightened made the prophecy that it will be moved to the north, and there will be a flourishing of Buddhism.

In Chinese sources there are information about its movement from India of the time. In the IV century, Kumarayan's monk from Kashmir, to save the statue from the local wars, took her to Central Asia, where in a heap (the city-oasis city of the Great Silk Road) was forced to marry the sister of the ruler of Jeva and become a spiritual mentor in the state.

His son Kumaradi became the famous Buddhist sage. His glory became so great that in 384 the Chinese troops were sieged to capture Kumaradzhiva and bring to China. Together with him, the statue of Sandal Buddha was transported, after which the rise of Buddhist thought in China was followed.

At the beginning of the VIII century. The wife of the Tibetan king Sronzzangambo from Nepal and China brought Buddhist relics, and among them the statue of Sandalov Buddha, Tibet. Nepali Princess Bhrikuti was revered as a green packaging, and the Chinese Princess Wen-Chen as a white container. And already with the next ruler, Tisarditsan Tsar, Buddhism became the state religion of Tibet.

According to other Chinese sources, the statue fell first to Mongolia during the Board of the Genghis-Khan in the XIII century. And then it was transported to China, where it was unknown how many years was kept in the province of Lee, in a specially built monastery of Sandan-Sy - "Monastery of Sandalov Buddha".

The history of her stay in Russia is amazing.

In China in 1890-1901. A boxing uprising (I-HE-Quan's secret society and-he-Quyan "fist in the name of equity consent") broke out. In June 1901, Beijing was captured by the rebels, burned and crushed. The statue of Sandal Buddha was kept in the monastery of Sandan-Sy - "Monastery of the Sandal Buddha", where all Buddhist pilgrims of Mongolia, Buryatia and Tibet worshiped her by visiting Beijing. Orientalist and one of the oldest Russian buddhists V.M. Montlevich writes about this: "But the scraps of information about the abduction itself are preserved, and this information is more or less reliable, because I told them in 1969. Famous Russian easternist Boris Ivanovich Pankratov, for many years (32 years old, from 1916 to 1948) Holded in China.

In the winter of 1901, after the defeat of a boxing uprising, Buryat Cossacks, using the turmoil and devouring in the city and a fire in the monastery itself, taken out a statue. He managed the operation of the Russian Mail Gomboev. The statue was put on Sani, shelled straw and chores and disguised as a provisional and postal prop. In total, there were two sleds, the statue was taken on the second, as if freight, sleigh. You can submit a reverent thrill and desperate delight of those who fulfilled this bold and dangerous enterprise, because they committed a religious feat for the sake of extension of the exercise, of course, by performing orders not known for us and revered teachers and Lam. The performers knew that there was a belief: where the Sandal Buddha is located, there is a center of Buddhist religion. What a believer will not admire the soul to consider its country and his datsan as such a center. Without special adventures, the statue arrived in Transbaikal and was covered in the Egituy Monastery (Datsan).

Then a metal copy of the statue was made and placed in the Eginition Dacan; The original was thoroughly covered in a secret place. This precautionary measure was quite relevant.

The uprising in China was cruelly suppressed by the forces of England, Germany, Russia, Japan and France in September 1901 and soon the Japanese experts in search of the famous statue arrived in Buryatia. The Japanese had the information that the statue was in the Egituy Dacan. We arrived showed a metal copy, and they were forced to leave in full disappointment.

After the revolution, in the thirties, when Buddhism was in Opal, the sandals Buddha for many years becomes the "arrestant" - it is stored in a glazed cabinet on the second floor of the Odigitrian Church of the city of Ulan-Ude, where the Funds of the Museum of Local Lore. And, I must say that it was a happy fate for Statue, because in those dumb years on fire and unsightly storage conditions a lot of remarkable religious monuments of antiquities. Only in the 80s, the statue was returned to believers, the posting is no longer secret, but open in the same Egita Datsan, where there was once a metal copy. "

Prediction comes true, and the appearance of Zhuu Zuu in Transbaikalia in the twentieth century. It is a good deformation for the development of Dharma in Russia.

The statue of Sandal Buddha seems to enumerate Buddhist teachings, creating conditions for all interacting with it in the form of karmic situations favorable for the prosperity of Dharma. The statue exhibits itself as a live Buddha, causing interest in texts and teachings, awakening the desire to study Buddhist thinking - the possibility of the practice of Dharma.

Screenshot from, press service of Datsan "Rinpoche Bagsha"

Thousands of believers presented an offering a great teacher [photo, video]

On Saturday, September 10, the ritual of consecration of the image of Buddha Shakyamuni, a 33 meter height, carved on the Bayan-Honggor, held a ritual of consecration. Last year, Bayangol was erected on the hill near the village of Bayangol, made on special market in India, and consecrated three reconciliation stupas. Next year, bayangola residents asked to help build 8 stars around the lake. In Suburgan, it is planned to lay 4 thousand figurines of different Buddhist deities.

Buddha Shakyamuni on Mount Bayan Honggor near the village of Bayangol - the creation is unique. He will assign the title of the biggest image of Buddha in Russia and will enter the list of the biggest images of Buddha in the world.
The idea, build a giant Buddha, expressed bayangola inhabitants on rural gathering. With this initiative, they appealed to Datsan at Bald Mountain in Ulan-Ude, Eshe Loda Rinpoche. The rector of the national proposal supported. Moreover, as it turned out, it was his old dream.

Big Buddha - a great benefit for all Russia

"About 15-16 years ago, we first visited the" heart "of Baikal," Olkhon Island, passed on the boat along the Irkutsk shore, "recalls the closest student Rinpoche Geshe-Lharamba Tenzin Lama, -" Majestic rocks growing out of water stroits and fixed in the sky , Impressed Baghshu with their beauty and power. And then he was born the idea - to make a big statue of the world precious teacher Buddha Shakyamuni in the rock. In Asian countries, this is an ancient tradition, and in Russia there was nothing like that. "

Help Website: The biggest and old buddha in the world carved in the rock is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan. Its height is 71 meters, age - about 1200 years. For the construction took almost 90 years. The biggest statue in the world is also Buddha. And also in China, in Henan Province. The 128-meter monument depicts Wairooman Buddha, one of the five sacred Buddhas, personifying wisdom. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a grand shrine came to the Chinese after in 2001, Taliban Barbarian destroyed two huge statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. Their age dated 6th century of our era.

"Then we began to look for a suitable object. On Baikal it was difficult to make purely technically. In other areas, I also searched. That is too low, it is too high, then the rocks came across too relief. And last year, when we installed the Buddha statue under Bayangol, but a small, meter, made on special order in India from Onyx, I drew attention to the next rock. It was perfect for the embodiment of the teacher's ideas - even, beautiful and high enough, about fifty meters. And the main thing is ideally located!

Usually, Buddhist shrines are asking "face" to the south, whether temples, stupa or statues. We, consciously wanted to move away from this tradition a little and make the Buddha's gaze to send the side of Moscow and other large Russian cities. In such a difficult time it was just necessary to do for the good of the whole country and all living beings! At all times, the construction of statues of Buddha, Stairs, Dacanov was considered a very beneficial matter. In places where they appear, everything comes to harmony. In nature, various kinds of cataclysms are stopped, mutual understanding comes into relations, they are less ill and die from accidents, all living things acquire peace and peace, "says Tenzin Lama.

"But the teacher then said that still did not come. And now, a year later, the inhabitants of the Khorinsky district themselves came out with this proposal. Bayan-Honggor's rock for a long time, Horinsky Buryat is considered a sacred place. Here the inhabitants of the bayan-goal 2 times a year - in the summer and on the second day of Sagalgana - they spend oboo, and during the year they often come to bow the shrines. There are so-called munhans - small houses in which Thanki and the figurines of Buddhist deities are located. Last year, the Buddha statue and 3 stupas appeared. Rinpoche was thinking for a long time, and eventually agreed. In addition, it is the birthplace of his indigenous teacher.

Help Website: Honorable Eshe Loda Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1943. Three years of age, Elo Rinpoche was recognized as the fourth reincarnation. In Tibet, such people are called Tuluk - it is believed that they consciously continue the chain of their rebirths, devoting to the life of the help of all living beings.
From seven years, Eloz Rinpoche devoted himself to monasticism and studying Buddhist philosophy. In 1959, in connection with the occupation of Tibet, China left the motherland and, through the kingdom, Bhutan moved to India, where he continued his studies.
Lama Dulva-Hambo Tuben Choki, Buryat by National Nationality, is a radical teacher. The famous Master Tantra taught Elo Rinpoche Vinai course - Monastic discipline. Also, under the leadership of Lama from Buryatia - the descent Agriva Nima, in 1979 elo Rinpoche defended the title of "Geshe-Lharamba" - the highest Buddhist degree. In 1993, at the request of the Buryat clergy and, on behalf of His Holiness, he arrived in Buryatia, in the Ivolginsky Dacan for teaching in the Buddhist Institute Tashichoynokhrling. Since then, Esche Rinpoche remained to live and work in Buryatia, for the benefit of all living beings and the prosperity of Dharma.

In 1999, on the audience, Dalai Lama, Elo Rinpoche conveyed the requests of believers from Buryatia about the opening of the Buddhist center and received the blessing of His Holiness to the beginning of construction. After 5 years, in 2004, the opening of Datsan "Rinpoche Bagsha" on Bald Mountain in Ulan-Ude took place.

Imagine the idea was quick enough. All necessary coordination passed. There were sponsors, masters, artists. Local residents actively helped during construction. The image of Buddha Shakyamuni was made as magnificently as possible, but with minimal impact on nature. Carving a full statue or bas-relief did not. Only removed the upper layer of the rock, the contours of the World Teacher of Smear in the Pose of Lotus were contacted and painted painted.

Image height - exactly 33 meters. In Buddhism, this number also has its own sacred meaning. It is believed that there is the highest world on Earth, the so-called trayastrium - "World of 33 of the Gods" or "Assembly of 33 of the Gods", which is located on the top of Mount Sumery. Thurastrium is often mentioned in Buddhist texts, when the Buddha goes back to thirty-three gods, or the gods themselves are descending to the land for meeting with Buddha.

"The creation of the statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni is not accidental. Buddha Shakyamuni - Higher Nirmanic, was born in our world, made twelve feats, and including the teaching wheel. All the time, while the Buddha's teaching is in the world, it is nothing with an incomparable limitless medicine against diseases of our oversities, suffering. Let the statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni become a symbol of the unification of our clean intentions in the implementation of the teachings and the symbol that the Buddhist doctrine is Dharma, which Buddha has been given 2500 years ago, and now dwells in our world, "says Teacher.

At the ritual of the frame, about 4 thousand people were present. From the Square of Pillarnikov Soviets, 80 buses were exported for free. After the ritual of consecration, a festive concert and sports competitions took place.

Interview of the honorable Eshest Rinpoche:

- At the end of the ritual, the image of the Buddha was raised a symbolic million colors? Is this some tradition?

When the Buddha statue is created, the Buddha image is a big virtue. And when an image of such a gigantic size is created, it is also a huge, incomparable virtue! Accordingly, the more, richer and more beautiful to offer, the more we accumulate good merit. And flowers in Buddhism are a traditional type of offerings, along with white food, sweets and fruits.

- Why the height of the image of the Buddha is 33 meters?

In Buddhist tradition, there is such a good attitude to the number "33", even there is a monastery of the gods of 33 deities. Initially, it was not planned to make an image of such a big, but when I measured the rock, it turned out that it was about 55 meters high. Then they decided to make exactly 33 meters. Very harmonious fit. This is also a kind of sign.

Zandan Zhuu (Sandal Buddha)

Egita Datsan. Photo: Arkady Zarubin

Zandan Zhuu., "Sandal Buddha" or "Sandaling Vladyka" - Buddha's sculpture with a height of 2 m 18 cm, made of sandalwood, according to legends, 2500 years ago by order of Raji Udandy. Located in the Egituy Dacan of Buryatia. It is a Buddhist shrine and is considered the only ones at the Life of the Buddha (in literary sources there are references to other lifetime portraits and sculptures, but there are no reliable confirmations). According to Buddhist tradition, it is considered a living Buddha - his images carry grace. The statue has a special iconography: Buddha stands, with long hands to the knees, among colors and landscape, "human" Buddha, such a Buddha Maitreya.


According to tradition, the Buddha prophesied the movement of Zhuu Zhuu and, respectively, the movement of the center of Buddhism.

  • In the III century. The statue of India was transported to China.
  • In the 4th century, Monk Kumarayan from Kashmir to save the statue from local wars, took her in a bunch,

he married the sister of the local ruler and became a spiritual mentor in the state. His son Kumaradi became the famous Buddhist sage.

  • In the VIII century - Wives of the Tibetan Tsar Sronzagambo brought the statue of Tibet. In the next ruler, Tsar TisronDezan, Buddhism became the state religion of Tibet.
  • In the XIII century. - Location presumably in Mongolia.
  • In the winter of 1901, Sandal Buddha was in Transbaikalia. After the defeat of a boxing uprising,

buryat Cossacks, using the turmoil and devouring in the city and fire in the monastery of Sandan-Sy ("Monastery of Sandal Buddha"), where the statue was kept at that time, they were taken out. He managed the operation of the Russian Mail Gomboev. Upon arrival, a metal copy of the statue was made and placed in the Egituy Dacan, the original was hidden. The Japanese learned the location of the statue. Upon arrival, they showed a metal copy, and they left with anything.

  • In the 1930s, it is kept in the Queen-Ude Odigitric Church, where the Funds of the Museum of Local Lore.
  • In the 1980s, the statue was returned to believers, placing in the Egita Datsan.
  • On April 22, 2003, the decision of the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia (Ivolginsky Datsan): "To approve as a Buddhist shrine of Russia:

Buddhist legend about the appearance of statues

According to the Thahor monk, Dharmanandi (385, N. E.) (Ecottar-Agama-Sutra from Anuttara-Nima), Buddha was in the heavens of the stew, preaching the dharma of his deceased Mae's mother. Prazenady wanted to see the enlightened Lord and ordered his statue. Mudghayan suffered masters to heaven, where they met with Buddha. After returning the wizard, the statue of the natural size of sandalwood was poured. When Buddha Shakyamuni returned to Earth, the statue took six steps towards him, then he made the prophecy that she would be moved to the north, and there will be a breakdown of Buddhism.

Impact of a statue on believers

Not everyone can be at Zandan Zhuu: some do not stand, come out of Datsan. Others, on the contrary, discover that it took several hours from the moment they got opposite Sandalla Buddha. It is believed that the shrine eliminates negative acts, gives a long life, gives an installation for good luck, happiness, health, if praying hopes for him and believes in it from a pure heart.


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  • Sandalous Buddha Raji is pleased with the King UDayana, A. A. Terentyev, Sandalwood Buddha. In ancient Buddhist legend, it was said that during the lifetime of the Buddha, his sculptural image was cut out of sandalwood. Over time, this statue was transported to China, where ...

Hello, dear readers - Knowledge Finder and Truth!

Until our time, an amazing Buddha monument was preserved, created during the lifetime of the Shakyamuni teacher himself. The monument is a sandalwood Buddha. It is even more amazing in this fact that he is in Russia, namely, in one of the datsans in Buryatia, so we are simply obliged to tell about it.

The centuries-old history of the statue, its appearance, features - the article will tell about everything below. You will also learn a wonderful legend about creating a monument. And for those who have already gathered in the path to see the shrine, we have collected useful information about where and how Datsan works.

What is this statue

Buddha from the sandalwood, sandalwoman or, on the Buryat manner, Zhuu Zhuu - the most valuable relic. Buddhism. The fact is that this is the only statue created during the life of Shakyamuni.

Of course, there are skeptics that argue that other sculptures and paintings were also created before its parubi. Perhaps this is the case, but in any case, Zhuu Zhuu is the only one who has survived until today's time.

Now Zhuu Zandan is located in the Egituistic Dacan of the Buryat Republic. He is identified with a living Buddha. It is believed that the energy of Shakyamuni is concentrated in it, and therefore the statue is capable of granting goodness. Many of those who have happened to visit her confirm such an action.

Zhuu Zhuu has a powerful energy: some visitors go, not in a state for a long time to be near the shrine, others, on the contrary, can see for hours before it, not noticing time.

According to Buddhist views, the sculpture contributes to cleansing, happy long life, full health and successful events. The main thing is to sincerely believe it, to combine with regular practices and lifestyle, worthy of a Buddhist.

In addition to the undisputed reverence of Buddhists in the world, the Buddha from the Sandala deserved the title of a monument of Russian culture at the federal level.

Legend of appearance

According to the Buddhist text "Annutara-Nika", written in the 4th century of our era, the priest of Dharmanandi, the appearance of a lifetime statue of the teacher has an interesting mythical history. Shakyamuni was in the heavens of the stew, where it was shared by the foundations of the teachings with his mother of Maya. At this time, the Indian king Prasative luck wanted to see the teacher, but it was not possible.

Then the Master-architects met with Gautama were sent to heaven. Returning to the ground, they are in memory of the Buddha body from sandalwood with a striking accuracy.

Returning himself to the world of people, Shakyamuni saw that his sandal copy did 6 steps towards him. Then the teacher pre-promptly, that the statue will gradually move all the north, and in the terrain of Buddhism will flourish. So it happened - in the Egita Daman, carefully storing the Allbudian Shrine, the crowd flock every day.

Egita Datsan in Buryatia

Another version, less legendary, but, obviously, more reliable, it says that the statue ordered Indian Rajes suryana more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Shakyamuni then was 38 years old.

Historical reference

For many years, the statue has undergone a lot of movements. They can be traced on the map of Asia.

Created in ancient Indian territory, in the third century it was moved to Chinese lands. There she remained relatively long - military actions were intense in the 4th century, and one Kashmir monk took her with him to the former Buddhist country - a bunch, where he himself took the post of chief confessor.

By the 8th century, the spouses of the Tibet ruler brought a monument to the future Lhasa. Very soon, Buddhist teaching conquered its truth of Tibetans. By the XIII century, the location of the sculpture is called the Mongolian steppes, where she stayed several centuries, and then - the Chinese monastery Sandan Sy.

Tibet, Lhasa

With the onset of the 20th century in the capital of China, the riots were created, and in January 1901 in the monastery, where the sandalword was kept, a fire broke out. Cossacks come from Buryatia killed him from the fire and delivered to their small homeland. So the sculpture was in the Eginic Dacan.

There is a version that Buryat masters created a copy of the shrine from the metal, put it in the Hall of the Dacan, and the original was hidden. When the Japanese learned about where the statue of the Buddha is stored, they came to Datsan to take it, but they found only a copy.

In the Soviet times, religious objects ruined, temples and churches were closed, and Buddhist datsans did not exception. Then Zhuu Zhuu was sent to the Buryat capital - Ulan-Ude. He was kept in the local history museum and only half a century returned to Buddhists.

In September 91, an important event occurred - a statue in air transport was returned to Datsan. At the beginning of our century, it was counted for Buddhist shrines of the Russian Federation.


The statue of sandalwoman looks very majestically - 2 meters of 18 centimeters. It is made of sandalwood, but some researchers argue that in reality the material is linden covered with paint based on the sandalwood.

Sandal Buddha in the Eginic Dacan, Buryatia

Hands Zandan Zhuu Long: Right raised and bent in the elbow, symbolizing the greeting and good intentions, and the other - lowered down, parallel to the body, but the palm looks out. There are eyelids buddha covertly, and eyes look a little bit top.

Temple for shrine

Zandan Zhuu Temple is located in the Eginuy Dacan, which is called Damchya Ledeling in Tibetan. Built in the 19th century, he did not survive the 30s of the last century. By the beginning of the 2000s he was re-built.

Some visitors are surprised by the facade of the building, made on the generally accepted canons of Tibetan temples, but from ceramic tiles. Such an architectural solution is caused by the considerations of fire safety.

At about the same time rebuilt a separate Dougan from one floor specifically for storing the statue. The trends of modern architecture are observed, and the implemented technologies help maintain the desired temperature, humidity, lighting. This temple was consecrated in the summer of 2008.

Today, Datsan is a pleasant place in the midst of the picturesque nature, where pilgrims-Buddhists come, as well as just curious tourists. The territory is quite extensive, circular, bells and other attributes dipping into the atmosphere of Buddhism. At certain days, hurals are held.

Helpful information

How to get to the Egituy Datsana: from the capital Ulan-Ude 280 kilometers along the eastern road to the Hara-Shibir area at the Marakta River. A full address that will help to find the Navigator: Buryatia, Eravninsky district, village of Egita, Datsan Street, House 3.

For visitors, Datsan is open every day from 10 am to 7 pm. Khuralov schedule can be viewed on the official website.


The statue of Sandal Buddha is a unique heritage and the main shrine in Buddhism. Therefore, it is especially nice that it is located in our country, in the Buryat Egituy Dacan. The sculpture was created in the very teacher, and later overcame hundreds of kilometers for 2.5 thousand years. It was where the statue appeared, Shakyamuni's teachings spread.

Many thanks for your attention, dear readers! I want to believe that by reading our article, you will certainly want to visit Datsan, where the statue is holy to see it with his own eyes.

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Zandan Zhuu. (Sandal Buddha or Sandalus Vladyka) - Buddha's sculpture with a height of 2 m 18 cm, made of sandalwood, according to legends, 2500 years ago by order Raji Uddiyana.

Cold Zhuu Zhuu Egituy Dacan

In the winter of 1901, the sandals Buddha was in Transbaikalia. After the defeat of the boxing uprising, the Buryat Cossacks, using the turmoil and devouring in Beijing, and the fire in the Sandan-Sandan Monastery ("Monastery of Sandal Buddha"), where the statue was kept at that time, they were taken out. He managed the operation of the head of the postal and telegraph service of the Russian Embassy in China N. I. Gomboev. The Buryat Cossacks carried a precious statue from the burning monastery, and thus saved from death on fire. As a trophy, the sculpture with great precautions on the sleigh was taken to Buryatia.

According to another version, Zhuu's loan was delivered to Enthann due to the incredible efforts of the sorce-lades of the Egitu district Datsan Gombo Dorges Erdyneev and many other people who risen their lives. Upon arrival, a metal copy was made of a statue, which was placed in the Eginic Dacan, the original was hidden. During the Civil War, the Japanese interventions learned about the location of Zhuu Zhuu. Upon arrival, they showed a metal copy, and they left with anything.

In the 1930s, sandals Buddha was kept in the Odigitrievsky Cathedral in the city of Ulan-Ude, where the Funds of the Local Lore Museum were placed.

In the 1980s, the statue was returned to believers. On September 25, 1991, Zhuu Zhuu is driven by a helicopter to Egita Datsan.

On April 22, 2003, the decision was the decision of the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia: "To approve as a Buddhist shrine of Russia: a statue of Zhuu Zandan, Atlas of Tibetan medicine, the precious body of Hambo Lama ITIGELOVA."

Temple of Sandal Buddha

For some time, the statue was kept in the Dugan of the Egituy Dacan, in a small wooden single-storey building, not adapted for storing cultural and historical values. In this regard, the Buddhist traditional Sangha Russia decided to build a special storage room with maintaining a permanent microclimate. On July 25, 2008, the Sandal Buddha Temple was opened.

Buddhist legend about the appearance of a statue

According to Dharmanandi Thaor monk (385, N. E., Ecottar-Agama-Sutra from Anuttara-Nima), Buddha was in the heavens of the carciste, preaching the Dharma of his deceased Mae. Prasative lucky wanted to see the enlightened Lord and ordered his statue. Mudghayayana suffered masters to heaven, where they met with Buddha. After returning the wizard, the statue of the natural size of sandalwood was poured. When Buddha Shakyamuni returned to Earth, the statue took six steps towards him, then he made the prophecy that she would be moved to the north, and there will be a breakdown of Buddhism.

Impact of a statue on believers

Not everyone can be at Zandan Zhuu: some do not stand, come out of the temple. Others, on the contrary, discover that it took several hours from the moment they got opposite Sandalla Buddha. It is believed that the shrine eliminates negative acts, gives a long life, gives an installation for good luck, happiness, health, if praying hopes for him and believes in it from a pure heart.

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  • Buryats / resp. ed. Abaeva L. L., Zhukovskaya N. L.; In-t ethnology and anthropology them. N. N. Mikhlukh Maclay. - M.: Science, 2004

Excerpt characterizing sandal buddha

"Oh, it would be so horns ..." she began, and, without having agreed from excitement, graceful movement (like everything she did when it) tilting his head and gratitude to him, went for aunt.
In the evening of this day, Nikolai did not go to visit anywhere and stayed at home, in order to end some scores with the sellers of horses. When he committed the case, it was too late to go somewhere, but it was too early to go to bed, and Nikolai went to go back and forth on the room, thinking about his life that he rarely happened to him.
Princess Marya made a pleasant impression under Smolensky. The fact that he met her then in such special conditions, and the fact that it was at one time that his mother pointed to him as a rich party, they did what he drew special attention to her. In Voronezh, during his visit, it was not only a pleasant impression, but strong. Nikolai was struck by the special, moral beauty, which he noticed this time in it. However, he was going to leave, and he left him to regret that leaving Voronezh, he deprived the case to see the princess. But the current meeting with Prince Maria in the Church (Nikolai felt it) sat down deeper into his heart, than he foresaw it, and deeper than he wanted for his calmness. This is a pale, thin, sad face, this radiant look, these quiet, graceful movements and most importantly - this deep and tender sadness, expressed in all the features of her, worried him and demanded his participation. In men, Rostov could not tolerate the expression of the Higher, spiritual life (because he did not love Prince Andrew), he contemptuously called it with philosophy, dreaming; But in the princess Marya, it was in this sorrows that showed the depth of this alien to Nicholas of the Spiritual World, he felt irresistible attractiveness.
"The wonderful girl should be! That's the Angel! He said himself with himself. - Why am I not free, why did I hurried with Sonya? " And he involuntarily introduced a comparison between two: poverty in one and wealth in another those spiritual gifts that Nikolai had no and that was why he appreciated so highly. He tried to imagine that it would be if he was free. How would he make her an offer and would it be his wife? No, he could not imagine it. He was made terribly, and no clear images were presented to him. With Sonya, he has long ago am a future picture, and all this was simple and clearly, precisely because all this was invented, and he knew everything that was in Sona; But with Prince Marya, it was impossible to imagine the future life, because he did not understand her, but only loved.
Dreaming about Sona had something funny, toy. But thinking about the princess Marya was always difficult and a little scary.
"How she prayed! He remembered. - It was seen that the whole soul was in prayer. Yes, this is the prayer that shifts the mountains, and I am sure that it will be performed prayer. Why am I not praying for what I need? He remembered. - What I need? Freedom, junction with Sonya. She said the truth, "he remembered the words of the governors," besides misfortune, nothing will be from what I get married on her. Confusion, Maman Mountain ... business ... confusion, terrible confusion! Yes, I do not like her. Yes, I don't like how it is necessary. Oh my God! Display me from this terrible, hopeless position! - He began to suddenly pray. - Yes, the prayer will move the mountain, but you have to believe and not so pray, as we prayed to the children with Natasha that the snow is made by sugar, and run on the yard, whether sugar is made from the snow. No, but I am not praying for trifles now, "he said, putting the corner the tube and, folding his hands, becoming in front. And, by the memoir about the princess Marya, he began to pray as he had not prayed for a long time. He had tears in his eyes and throat, when a laurel was entered into the door with some kind of papers.
- Fool! What we climb when you do not ask! - said Nikolai, quickly change the situation.
"From the governor," Lavrushka said with his voice, "Culper arrived, a letter to you.
- Well, well, thanks, go!
Nikolai took two letters. One was from the mother, the other from Sony. He learned them on the handwriting and printed the first letter of Sony. He did not have time to read a few lines, as his face turned pale and his eyes frightened and joyfully revealed.
- No, it can not be! - he said out loud. Unable to sit in place, he with a letter in his hands, reading him. Became walking around the room. He ran the letter, then read it once, the other, and, lifting his shoulders and collective her hands, he stopped in the middle of the room with an open mouth and stopped her eyes. What he just prayed about, with confidence that God will fulfill his prayer, was fulfilled; But Nikolai was surprised by this as if it was something extraordinary, and as if he never expected this, and as if it was exactly what it was so quick, argued that it did not happen from God he asked And from ordinary randomness.
The one seemed insoluble, the knot, who connected freedom of Rostov, was allowed by this unexpected (as it seemed to Nikolai), who did not cause Sony's writing. She wrote that the last unhappy circumstances, the loss of almost the entire property of growth in Moscow, and more than once, the desires of the Countess that Nikolay married the Princess Bolkonskaya, and his silence and coldness lately - all this together made her decide to renounce him Promises and give him complete freedom.
"It was too hard for me to think that I could be the cause of grief or discord in the family, which I treated me," she wrote, "and my love has one very goal happiness of those I love; And therefore I beg you, Nicolas, consider yourself to be free and know that in spite of everything, no one is more stronger to love you like your Sonya. "