Search the treasure in the cave. Legend about putting - where to seek treas

On Sunday, we left with the guys in Diyavka - a distant housing of Dnepropetrovsk, built-up with private houses.
This village is known from the Kozatsky times. Among the locals even left the legends about underground moves, in which the ancient treasures are hidden.
Here we went to Dievsky dungeons on Sunday. True, we were looking for not a treasure, but an ice cave found there during one of the night automotive quests a couple of winters.
The entrance to the dungeon is located near the railway embankment, among the trees and bushes growing on the Broad of the large wasteland used in the warm months as a football field.
A small such hole in the ground, laid out on the sides of granite stones.

Immediately near the entrance at the bottom, the hill of garbage is lying - traces of the vital activity of the Dievsky population. But, it is worth overcome this barricade as you find yourself in the underground course.

It is also laid out with granite stones and goes downwards.

View back

His length is a hundred meters, and he comes to a large underground room, part of urban hydraulic communications.
Here is the ice cave with a waterfall!

True, despite the loudy winter weather, which stands in Dnepropetrovsk last month, the ice is very thin there, fragile, it is impossible to become it. There, of course, shallow, but still a little pleasant would be in wet knee legs in mid-February.
So I had to admire the frozen artificial waterfall only at a distance.

However, our friend who lives close to these places suggested approaching him on the other side. He knew there approaches. Therefore, we moved to the other side of the railway and were on the edge of the beam.

View of Diyuk.

Go down and found themselves at the entrance to the tunnel.

Ice from this side was quite thick.

But it was possible to go through it just a hundred meters. Before the waterfall remained quite a little bit, but it was impossible to go further - the ice became thin again.

Returned to the air, rose, got into the car and went to heal to McDonalds.
In the Dioevka we will back in the spring. There is something to see and show!

Film: "Underground Silence". Search the treasure in the cave. What can be found in the cave. Search with a metal detector in a hunting cave, not far from the S.Golospitus, Irkutsk region. What finds were made in the cave. The author Rudolf Kavchchchik.

In the study of underground labyrinths found traces of the person's stay at the beginning of the last century, Baikal was tightly populated. Buryat uluses and textiles adjacent to Russian fishing villages. Now from many of them there were only the lower crowns and remnants from cellars. The study of these platforms of metal detectors, as a rule, did not lead to essential findings.

Meanwhile, residents of the surrounding village in vain speak of the exclusive wealth of those who have ever lived in this territory. Where did the wealth disappeared? On this account, the local population has its own version.

Licheful times of the degradation of the hardworking men were sold to the distant Siberian corners on the shore of Baikal. Without waiting for people in the leopard and with Mausers, they will be hurry for the work of good, the man early in the morning loaded two carts and went to the forest. He returned in the evening with empty bass. The neighbors were shusking, but they could only guess that the neighbor could take away and where. The further fate of the man is unknown. Where he traveled - now legend.

Where can you hide two vehicles, so so that good is not gone in crude ground? It suggests one logical answer: in the cave. On the shores of Baikal, they are enough. One of these caves is located in the village of Small Holochetic. According to the stories of local residents, the children periodically climbed into it and brought that checker, then a rifle. When they brought a battle grenade, the cave decided to blow up.

Now entering it is closed. In the same area there is a cave in which the men who were displeased by the Soviet authorities were hidden. Only the exact place where it is located, has already forgotten - the last witnesses died.

The cave, which we decided to visit, discovered quite recently, in 2006. Before that, only a limited range of local hunters knew about her. We decided to examine this cave in search of treasure.

The cave is located between a small holochetic and greater holochetic, about 8 kilometers from the highway, three of which you need to go through a well-hidden path (on the car to the cave do not drive).

The entrance to the cave of impressive sizes is at least by car. At the entrance to the cave, you immediately find yourself in a huge hall. Lights lamps are not enough to illuminate the halls. Only a powerful light bulb of our film chamber lit the cave smooth, all filling light. We were amazed by the beauty and grand scale of the hall. It is truly great, the size of the basketball court.

The bottom of the cave thick layer covers stones fragments. It's hard to go on them. What is the depth of stone sediments and where is the bottom of the cave? Make a cache in such a pinch of stones is not difficult. Quickly and without a trace to hide under them you can anything. On the bare stones there is no trace: I put it with pebbles - and the treasure will be completely hidden from strangers. You can go over him and you will not even guess about his existence.

Survey the bottom of the cave metal detector, a reel into the most accessible places between the stones in the hope that if there is a large volume of metal, we will be detected. In such conditions, find a small casket or handful of coins is impossible - too much depth between the stones, even for the modern metal detector. From the first large hall inland, the caves lead two corridors. Feel yourself in the head of the cheese. Galleries and vertical fireplaces intersect at different levels, get lost here easier than simple. The moves are beautiful and tempting, but hardly someone would be hiding their treasures in such a dangerous place. Here I would not get stuck and do not get lost.

The stone floor began to alternate with a dense clay, where the clear prints of our shoes remained. A strikingly far from the entrance to the cave opens a terrible hall - the floor is covered with animal skeletons. Why did they get into this cave in the dark skeleton hall? No one killed these animals. They lie in the same poses, in which death found them. The cave microorganisms destroyed the flesh alien for the underground world, leaving only bare bones.

Bats are calmly sleeping on a high height of the skeletons hall. All winter they will sleep down their heads and wake up only with the advent of the first insects. In the cave all year round is a constant temperature - near zero. So the lightened Siberian frosts are not terrible.

Going around the cave, I tried to detect at least someone's presence: rock paintings, soot of torches on the arrangements of corridors. Metal detector was silent. We did not find any rock paintings, except that modern coins in one of the halls left by the visitors of the cave (probably to return to this beauty, or this is an offering the underground spirit of the cave).

According to the reports of archaeologists conducted by excavation in the caves, they find convincing evidence of people's lives in the caves: stone tools of labor and life, animal bones. But there is the main difference between the work of archaeologists from the coasting. Poppants with a metal detector Such small household finds are uninteresting, and it is impossible to find in age-old layers of the bottom of the cave, the metal detector cannot be so small. And on the monuments of the Stone Age, the metal detector does not respond at all, and the treasure detector will pass by them. This circumstance eliminates the destruction of archaeological monuments, and in case the treasures will inform scientists about their random finds, the great benefits will be provided to science.

Narrow Lases, through which we clutched with difficulty, led to a small room, which connected with a huge room. We looked at this room from the upper gallery. Lights of naked lamps with difficulty enough to illuminate it. Looking at all this magnificence, we remembered the heroes of Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer and Hekelberry Finn, who, like we, examined the mysterious cave in search of treas.

After some time, the path was blocked by a small, 5-meter, ledge with a negative angle of inclination, descended into another room. It was impossible to go down to it without a rope. Overcoming this obstacle and passing into the next hall, we heard a length of a metal detector, which forced everyone to flush from surprise. The signal is long, non-permanent. Looks like something long underground. Rifle or knife? I can't find the object. And I can not understand why. There is not enough sensitivity of Pinpoineher. But he can throw the goal at a depth of 10-15 centimeters. What is this? Losing in guesses. I hope that this is at least a flint rifle left by hunters. Unfortunately, disappointment was waiting for us: someone scattered in this place a handful of aluminum rivets, so the signal was unstable and on a large area.

Moved on the underground world, we fell into a small room, which was given a delicious name - condensed. Once upon a time, dairy rivers with fermented dairy rivers flowed here. It is impossible to keep in order not to taste and make sure that it is not a condensed milk. Having passed a little bit along the high corridor, we found themselves on the threshold of a huge hall, the size with a small football field. Even the powerful lighting light could not highlight the entire hall.

A small lake in the depression of the hall was filled with clean, transparent water. And the water is not at all ice, but quite normal, degrees 25. So it seemed. Surveying this room with a stony floor, I did not even expect any finds - it was painfully far from the entrance, at least 40 minutes walk, if you know the road.

The loud signal of the metal detector spread out echo in this majestic hall. Rather, curiosity managed to me than hope to find treasures. Rather, it is a bank or batteries left by the speleologists. But Nakhodka struck not only my companions, but also me. It turned out, this is a silver coolest value with a small coffee spoon, at the end of which the silver tent of the XIX century was attached; It was not possible to disassemble exactly a year. How did she get here? Maybe this is the remnants of the treasure of the most man? Who knows…

Our expedition comes to an end. What other secrets will open the hunting cave to future researchers? Perhaps someone will find a man's treasure in one of the well-disguised secret halls or to open another cave, hidden accommodation from human eyes.

Rudolf Kavchchik,

Newspaper "Treasureficerker. Gold. Vlast. Treasures", November, 2013

The adventures of Connor in Assassin's Creed 3 pass in two major cities of America, in Boston and New York, as well as outside, in the frontier and estate Davenport. Overcome huge distances Assassin help fast movement pointswho replaced the "travel stations" from the previous parts of the game. For their use, no longer need to pay, but another problem appeared - finding and activating. Initially, all rapid move points are hidden from a global map of cities and surrounding lands, which pushes to the study of unfamiliar territories. Of course, you can do without them, but then to cross the territory, you will have to use transitions between locations, which are usually located along the edges of the card, and this is extremely uncomfortable when you need to quickly reach a certain area.

Everything fast movement points Assassin's Creed 3 is open after visiting the dungeons, that is, it is impossible to activate them outside. Each dungeon has several outlets in different areas of location: in Boston - 10, in New York - 11, in the front - 4, in the estate Davenport - 1. Part of the outputs are closed on the locks that are to be other protected by more perfect mechanisms - magic lanterns (Mason puzzles) and iron doors. Flashlights are wedged by selecting a faithful combination of four lenses. As prompts, when hacking magic lanterns, books (meetings of Masonic texts) are used with descriptions of the device and rules of the organization, which lie on the tables or on the floor in the same rooms where the mechanism that protects exit from the dungeon is installed. When faithful combination of lenses It will be selected, the door will be available for interaction.

During the study of the dungeons, it is necessary to pay attention to rats, walls, lances, elevators, levers, powder barrels (for clearing the passages to inaccessible places); All these tips will help find the right path and activate a quick move point. The barrels with gunpowders are hidden in secluded places to blew them and clear the path, you need to bring the sight on the barrel ([F] key), and shoot ([Q]). Do not forget that eagle vision can help to see the labels in the form of a shooter. Also, do not forget to light the lamps on the walls of the dungeons for easier orientation in narrow corridors. For the first time, it will be possible to get into the underground part of the cities in the course of the development of the main plot of Assassin "S Creed 3.

Boston Dungeon Card with quick movement points in Assassin "S Creed 3:

Solving puzzles with magic lamps in Boston dungeons in Assassin "S Creed 3:

  1. : North - Globe; East - steering wheel; south - scales; West - Cross.
  2. : north - crown; East - Vitruvian man; South - Circle and a ruler with the letter "G"; West - fern branch.
  3. : North - Circular and Rule with the letter "G"; East - male symbol; south - scales; West - female symbol.

New York Dungeons Map with quick movement points in Assassin "S Creed 3:

Solving puzzles with magic lamps in New York dungeons in Assassin "S Creed 3:

  1. : North - Pyramid with Eye; East - Crown; South - Circle and a ruler with the letter "G"; West - Eagle.
  2. : north - sun; East - Circle and a ruler with the letter "G"; south - scales; West is a male symbol.
  3. : North - Pyramid with Eye; East - scales; south - jester; West - Cross.
In front of the points for rapid movement, there are three rustic stores and the native village of Connor (after the release of forts, they can also be used to quickly move). Markers are sometimes not triggered at stores. To correct the wrong behavior, you need to go inside the store and exit. If it does not help, then you need to upgrade the game with the help of a patch to the latest version.

Reptiloid base in underground labyrinths under Aksai

Not far from the major city of Rostov-on-Don, or rather, even in his suburbs, the spocks of the century, people discovered strange underground structures: deep underground tunnels, grottoes, caves clearly artificial origin.

Underground moves lead unknown to many kilometers. According to estimates of enthusiasts, the length of underground moves exceeds a hundred kilometers !!! I never accidentally mentioned enthusiasts. It is only the enthusiasts and are engaged in similar anomalies - after all, as always, official science and archeology stubbornly refuse to notice such zones. So, according to the estimates of the same independent specialists, these dungeons have at least several thousand years. All who have ever been there indicate their artificial origin. The purpose of creating such a giant underground structure is still unclear. At least a little minimize the secret above this miracle, I think we will help us with the latest knowledge that were described in the "Road home" book.

Local residents when it comes to dungeons, they strongly advise not to go there, even under the fear of death. Locals are experiencing panic horror at one thought about trying to penetrate the underground labyrinth. Many talk about multiple strange cases of the death of people who tried to explore the caves. At the entrance to the caves, livestocks and other pets repeatedly disappeared. Often found only ablodated bones !!!

A few years ago, the military tried to use underground labyrinths for their own purposes. The command of the North Caucasus Military District planned to build a strengthened secret bunker in the case of a nuclear war in the catacomb. Sleeping the sleeves, began to work. Measured, ground samples, carefully studied the terrain. To study the length of underground strokes, several groups were organized. Two soldiers with a walkie-talkie and lantern in their hands in each of the groups passed the cave for the cave, a labyrinth behind the labyrinth. Their path was tracked on the surface by radio.

Everything went, as it is impossible, however, the underground fortified bunker of the North Caucasus Military District is under Aksai, as it was not. All works were unexpectedly and suddenly stopped. Military retired from this damned place in panic. The entrance to the dungeon was embedded with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. They tried to fame - spent hundreds of tons of selected concrete for it!

Emergency order for termination of work came from Moscow after radio communication with one of the groups that studied the dungeons suddenly stopped, and the group did not go to the surface. In search of furniture rescuers. After some time, they managed to detect two soldiers, rather, the fact that they were left - only the lower half of the body of each of them !!! From the belt and below the legs in boots - the rest is as evaporated. The radiance was cut in an amazing way into two parts. Moreover, further studies have shown that the incision was so filigined that there was not a single little crack on e-cards. Real Jewelry !!! By the way, the blood also did not - the fabric bodies soldiers were slightly melted at the scene. There is a work laser.

The case was immediately reported to Moscow. From the Ministry of Defense, an urgent order came: all work immediately stopped! People and technique to remove! Entrance to the dungeon reliably close reinforced concrete! Why and why not explained in the order. Each of you, if he wants to explore the dungeon, and can now easily detect this reinforced concrete wall with easily distinguishable layers of formwork. The question remains: What scared of our brave military with their missiles and nuclear power? And why close the entrance to the old dungeon tons of concrete?
Information on these events Military was classified in order not to raise panic, but the information emerged as a result of the death of the researcher of Catacomb Oleg Burlakova. He also died, he was cut in half, but the lower part was not touched, but only bones remained from the upper part.
Local historians Spokon Vseki mystified Aksai catacombs. A couple of hundred years ago in Aksai came a strange view of the overseas merchant - as a result, a member of the secret Masonic Order of Jesuits turned out. He spent in Aksai for more than one year. During his stay, he spent a lot of money to find something. What he was looking for, no one could understand. Constantly equipped large groups of farms, carefully studied the terrain. It became clear to everyone that Inozeman is looking for no treasure and not treasures. The money he spent during this time at the farms and on all work, with more than enough for several treasure treasures.

After all, it does not want to work near those dungeons from any local money. The merchant had all the time to recruit and bring new people - after a while, people disassembled for incomprehensible reasons.

Whether the merchant was found to find what he was looking for and remained mystery for seven seals. It is known only that according to the ancient books of Mason-Jesuites, which, according to some data, are in the origins of the origin of the Roman Catholic Church, it is written that the area under Aksai is the Holy Earth, somehow connected with their deity, whose cult they worship - namely Reptile Lucifer. For them - God, and for us - Satan !!!

This information interested arrives from Digger, who decided to take a walk through the dungeon, grabbing the dog just in case. However, they were trapped: after passing a few hundred meters deep, the diggers noticed that behind them in a pair of the walls of the wall came together, and after a few seconds they went again. Apparently the mechanism was so ancient that he did not have time to work on time, giving the opportunity to avoid danger. The dog, accompanying Diggers bounced and having broke down the leash shung back through the labyrinth ... On the opposite way, the diggers decided to get around the ill-fated place, but this time they got a trap, the hole was formed behind them, and then the floor took its original position. What secrets hide the Axa dungeon? After all, for them, people should have paid their lives, and no one had to get out of this labyrinth, setting into a trap!

Residents Axai say that their ancestors, living in the Kobyakovsky settlement, brought human sacrifices to a certain dragon, who crawled out of the ground and eaten people. This image can very often be found in the chronicles, popular legends, among the monuments of architecture, archeology. However, the legend of the dragon lives to this day, since only a few decades ago during the collapse of the floor of the local cannery workers witnessed a terrifying painting: noticed the body at thenime as if a huge snake, quickly arising and disappeared in the failure, heard the devilish roars, dogs Present during the search of Laza - fell off the places and prying the tails were killed, the workers looked dyed, could not come to themselves. This passage was inspired, but the dogs decided to return to this place after only a week.
These eyewitness testimony became the basis of the extension of the theory that this dragon is not from under the ground, but from the water. After all, according to the testimony of geological intelligence under Aksai at a depth of 40-meters, there is a lake, and at a depth of 250 meters the sea. Done's underground waters form another river, in Dona there is a funnel, which delays any items that have fallen into a strong river. Still can not find trailers and cars that fell into the Don from the old Aksai bridge. Divers, who studied the bottom of the lake stated that this funnel delays items with a huge force, even steel safety cables are tensioned to the limit.

According to eyewitnesses, the UFOs appear above the city quite often, they seem to emerge from under the ground, will obey in the air and again dive under the ground. One day, a translucent UFO flew over the city and man-like figures were visible. One UFO blinded by Aksai Lights of Light, when these rays got to the warships on the bank of the Don, the military attempted to attack the night guest and fired it from the guns, however, it did not bring any visible result. UFO disappeared from the scene and dived somewhere underground. Another case is described by many eyewitnesses: three spherical UFOs spit in the sky of the old Aksai bridge. The outgoing light was such a bunch, which began to interfere with the movement on the motorway, dozens of drivers were walked by observed for this spectacle. The arrivals of the police could not move the drivers from the scene, had to cause a profound from Axa.

Underground network of tunnels penetrating the earth

Many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities are available in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, USA, Russia and many countries.
120 km from Saratov, in the neighborhood of Medvedskaya Ridge, Expedition "Cosmopoice", under the leadership of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vadim Chernobrova in 1997, were found in the following years an extensive system of tunnels surveyed for tens of kilometers. Tunnels have a circular or oval cross section with a diameter of 7 to 20 m and are at a depth of 6 to 30 m from the surface. As they approached by the Medolitskaya ridge, their diameter increases from 20 to 35 m, then - 80 m and already on the elevation itself, the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain into a huge hall.
Judging by numerous publications in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, in the neighborhood of the Medolitsky ridges often observe ball lightning (according to the number of observed ball lightning it ranks second in the world) and UFOs that sometimes disappear underground, which has long been attracted by the attention of Ufologs. The participants of the expedition "Cosmopoysk" expressed the hypothesis that the ridge was a "intersection", where the underground roads of many directions are converged. They can be reached even to the new land and the North American continent.
The article "Tunnels of disappeared civilizations" E. Vorobiev said that the cave marble in the Chatyr-Dag Mountainside, located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, was formed on the site of the tunnel with a diameter of about 20 m with perfectly smooth walls driving deep into the mining massif bias towards the sea. The walls of this tunnel places are well preserved and have no traces of erosion activities from current water - Karst Kavern. The author believes that the tunnel existed before the start of oligocene, that is, its age is at least 34 million years old!
The newspaper "Astrakhan Izvestia" *** reported on the existence in the Krasnodar region under Gelendzhik direct, like arrows, vertical mines with a diameter of about 1.5 m and a depth of more than 100 m with smooth, as shown, walls - stronger than cast-iron tubggies in the subway . Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Poles from Moscow State University found that the microstructure of the soil in the section of the shaft wall is violated as a result of physical effects by only 1-1.5 mm. Based on his conclusion and direct observations, it was concluded that the high fastest properties of the walls are likely to be the result of simultaneous thermal and mechanical impact when using some unknown high technology.
According to the same, E. Vorobyev, in 1950, the secret decree of the Sovmina of the USSR was decided to build a tunnel through the Tatar Strait to tie the railway mainland with Sakhalin. Over time, the secretity was removed and the doctor of physical and mechanical sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in his memoirs addressed to the Voronezh branch of Memorial, that the builders were not so much laid out again how much the existing tunnel was restored, Built in ancient times, extremely competent, taking into account the geological characteristics of the bottom of the Strait.

The same ancient tunnels, judging by the publications, radio and telecasts of previous years, found builders of modern subway tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kiev and other cities. This suggests that along with subway tunnels hidden in concrete boxes by rivers, sewer and drainage systems and the latest, equipped with the latest technology, "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, under them there are also numerous underground communications of earlier epochs *** . They form a multi-level, cunning system of countless underground strokes and cameras, and the most ancient buildings are deeper than the metro line and probably continue far beyond the city. There is information that there were underground galleries in ancient Russia with a length of hundreds of kilometers who bind the largest cities of the country. Entering them, for example, in Kiev, it was possible to go out in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And about all these grand underground structures, no word is said in any reference book. There are neither their published maps, or devoted to them publications. And all because in all countries the location of underground communications is a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers that study them unofficially.

From found in other countries of underground communications, a tunnel found on Mount Babi (Serem 1725 m) should be noted in the Mountain Arrays of Tatry Beskida, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. In this place also quite often came meeting with UFOs. The Polish Upholist Robert Lesnaykevich engaged in the study of this abnormal zone in search of information about the events here in former times, contacted another Polish specialist in such problems, Dr. Jan Payonkom, University Professor in the New Zealand city of Danidin.
Professor Pyonk wrote Lesnikevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and student of the graduation class of lyceum, he heard from one elderly person by Vincent such a story:

« Many years ago, Father said that it was time to find out the secret to me, which the inhabitants of our places have long been transmitted from the Father to the Son. And the mystery of this is a hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also said I remember well the road, because he will show me only once.
After that, we silently went further. When we approached the foot of the Baby Mountains from the Slovak side, the father stopped again and pointed me on a small rock, speaking from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ...
When we fell on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. Opened the opening, which could freely enter the cart along with the horse hardened in it ...
We have opened a tunnel, outgoing quite cool down. Father moved forward, I am behind him, stunned. The tunnel, similar in the cross section on the slightly, the reversed circle was direct, like an arrow, and so wide and high that a whole train could fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and the floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our legs did not slide, and the steps almost did not hear. Looking around, I noticed on the floor and walls in many places deep scratches. Inside it was completely dry.
Our long way on the inclined tunnel continued until he led to the spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. It converged a few more tunnels, some of them were a triangular cross section, others - rounded.

... Father spoke again:

- on tunnels that diverge from here, you can get into different countries and at different continents. This is the one that on the left leads to Germany, then in England, and on, to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, in the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there - to America, where it is connected to the left. You can get to America in other tunnels laid under the poles of the Earth - Northern and South. On the path of each tunnel there are "nodal stations", similar to the one in which we are now. So, not knowing the exact route, they are easily lost in them ...
The story of the Father interrupted the remote sound, similar to the low hum and metal clang simultaneously. Such a sound makes a heavy loaded train, when it rises from a place or slows down sharply ...

- The tunnels you saw - the Father continued his story, - not people, andmighty creatures living underground. These are their roads for movement from one end of the underground world to another. And they move onflying fiery cars. If we were on the way of such a car, it would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel is heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, and besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our territories ... ".

Another mysterious place similar to the Maunditsky Rud, Mount Baby, Nevado de Kachi, and, and, perhaps, Shambalu is a Mount Shasta high of 4317 m in cascading mountains in the north of California. In the area of \u200b\u200bG. Shasta quite often, UFOs are observed ...
English traveler and researcher Percy Fotette, who has worked for many years in South America and who has repeatedly visited North America, mentioned extended tunnels located near the volcanoes of Popochetetet and Inlakatl in Mexico ... and in the area of \u200b\u200bMount Shasta. From the locals, he heard stories about high gold-haired people, allegedly inhabiting dungeons. The Indians believed that these are descendants of people, in the Russians who came down from heaven, who did not manage to adapt to life on the surface and went into underground caves ...

Some people managed to even see the mysterious underground empire.
Andrew Thomas in the Book "Shambala - Oasis of Light" also wrote that in the mountains of California there are direct, like arrows, underground moves leading to New Mexico.
Maxim Applers in the book "Aliens" they are already here !!! " told about one interesting fact. The underground nuclear tests on the landfill in Nevada (USA) led to very curious consequences. After 2 hours at one of the military bases in Canada, located at a distance of 2000 km from the landfill, the level of radiation was registered, 20 times higher than the norm. It turned out that there was a huge cave next to the Canadian base, which is part of a huge cave and tunnels of the continent ...

Underground repostidov civilization

We have already written about reptoids - the race of reasonable lizards arising at the same time, but most likely to a person. In the publication it was written that the lizards went off the scene by giving way to a person. Correct: There are good reason to believe that lizards, leaving a man the surface of the planet, went deep into the earth.

Unknown land

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his apartment. Places remain, where the head of the scientist has not yet come. In other corners, if he appeared, only in order to write on the rock "I was here" and leave this area in virgin purity for another 200-300 years.

Studying the world ocean, a person sank to a depth of 11.000 m, but is in absolute ignorance, which is deeper than 200-300m. (To visit - does not mean learning) As for the natural voids of the Earth, then the person has passed no further "hallway" and does not even have a concept as in the underground "apartment" rooms and what size they are. He knows only "a lot" and "very big".

Infinite underground labyrinths

The caves are absolutely in all parts of the world, on all continents, right up to Antarctica. Underground corridors are woven into endless tunnels labyrinths. It is 40-50 km away on these galleries, and without reaching the end of the tunnel, for speleologists is quite common, not worth mentioning. There are caves with a length of 100, 200, 300 km! Mamontov - 627 km. And none of the caves are considered to the end of the studied.

He studied a long time Tibet and Himalayas scientist Andrei Timoshovsky (more famous as Andrew Thomas) wrote that the monks spent it into the tunnels of an infinite length, according to which, according to them, it was possible to go to the center of the Earth.

After the underground nuclear explosion at the landfill in Nevada in Canada caves, located at a distance of more than 2,000 km, the radiation level jumped 20 times. American speleologists are confident that all the caves of the North American continent communicate with each other.

The Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids extending from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In essence, we have another continent - underground. Is it really not populated by anyone?

The owners of the underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply confident in absolutely reverse. Traditions and legends about the intelligent lizards living in underground labyrinths are among the peoples of Australia, from the North American Indians, from the same Tibetan monks, Hindus, residents of the Urals and the Rostov region of the Southern Federal District. Did the accident?

Most likely, as a result of climate change, life for lizards on the surface of the Earth has become impossible. If unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went under the ground, where there is water, no murderer temperature drops, and the deeper, it is even higher due to volcanic activity.

Leaving the surface of the planet's surface to man, they took over the ownership of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday a long-awaited meeting will occur. And most likely it will happen in South America. It is here that the dividing two civilizations of the wall threw up to a thin partition.


More priests-Jesuit wrote about the presence of a huge number of underground caves in South America, connected together. Indians called them "Chinkanasi". The Spaniards believed that Chinkanasi created the inconsiser for military purposes: for a quick retreat or secretive attack. The Indians assured that they had no relation to the dungeons, they were created by people-snakes, which live there and very much like strangers.

Europeans did not believe, according to their reflection, these "horror stories" were intended to do not give valiant immigrants to get to gold hidden in the underground caches. Therefore, attempts to explore Chinkanas Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador there was a lot.

Expeditions are not returned

Most adventurers who went to a risky journey through underground labyrinates, did not return back. Rare lucky people came without gold and told about meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed. The authorities whom PE with missing "tourists" were absolutely not needed, borrowed and fell asleep all the well-known entrances and exits.

Chinkanas and scientists were investigated. In the 20s of the 20th century, several Peruvian expeditions were disappeared in Peruvian Chankanas. In 1952, a joint US-French group was gone under Earth. Scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the Filipp Lammothier fell on the surface after 15 days, slightly damaged in the mind.

What in his incoherent stories about endless labyrinths and walking on two feet lizards who killed everyone else, former truth, and that the fruit of the patient's imagination could not be established. The Frenchman died a few days from the Bubon Plague. Where did he find a plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, at the exit?

Who lives there in the dungeon? Studies Caves, including mysterious Chankanas continue. The returned members of the expeditions are confident that creatures are living in depths of the caves, possessing a mind. They found by them in the dungeons of stairs and steps, halls, whose floors are paved with plates, sweeping in the walls kilometer gutters do not leave other options. And the deeper the researchers go further, the more often all sorts of "surprises" come across them.

Scientists of France, England, USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful streams of electromagnetic waves, the source of which is in the depths of the Earth. The nature of them is unclear.

Excerpt from "Interview with Reptiloid Lastea"

Lessa: When I'm talking about our underground house, I'm talking about large cave systems. Caves that you discovered close to the surface, tiny compared to real caves and huge caves in the depths of the Earth (from 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but are connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies within such caves.

The main sections of our caves are Antarctica, internal Asia, North America and Australia. If I'm talking about artificial sunlight in our cities, I do not mean the real sun, but various technological light sources that illuminates the caves and tunnels.

There are special areas of the cave and tunnels with strong UV light in every city, and we use them to heat our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of solar places on the surfaces in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think I will inform you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you must look for it (but I would advise you not to do it.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used the entrance about 300 kilometers north from here, close to the Large Lake, but I doubt What you could find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - a much larger amount in the north and east.)

As a small advice: If you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even something that looks like an artificial mine, and the deeper you go, the more smooth the walls are the walls; And if you feel unusual warm air, flowing out of the depth, or if you hear the sound of the flowing air in the ventilation or the lift mine, and find a special type of artificial things;

more - if you see the wall with a door made of gray metal, somewhere in the cave - you could try to open the door (but I doubt about this); Or, you fell under the ground in the usual type of technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in depth, - then it is likely - entrance to our world;

if you have reached this place, you need to know that we have now identified your location and know about your presence, you are already in great trouble. If you entered the round room, then you should look for one of the two REPTILIAN characters on the walls. If there are no characters or there are other characters, then you are - perhaps even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our view.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My General Council, if you find yourself in a strange underground constructure: run with the speed that is capable of.