Unusual plates of the planet with a description. Amazing places of the planet

The Earth is the most beautiful planet of the solar system, and maybe the entire universe. The nature of our planet surprises with its beauty, brightness of paints, unique species and diverse landscape.

Beautiful caves and golden beaches, beautiful forests and majestic mountains make up the beauty of the earth. Some of the corners of our planet do not go from the pages of fashionable guidebooks. But, there are places that rarely be found in such literature.

We open our review from the symbol of mysterious Myanmar - the ancient city of Bagan. It is called the city of thousands of pagodas. This place was the capital of the Bagansky kingdom. His greatness was so strong that the best minds and masters of antiquity were striving to Bagag. Thanks to them, Buddhist temples and other beautiful structures were built.

Up to our time, only some of them lived. The most significant structure of them is the Golden Pagoda Shwezigig. It was built in 1057 on the spot, which pointed out a white elephant, caring a dressing, tooth and Buddha edge. The same relics are stored in the temple so far.

At the photo of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, others must also be hit by other attractions of the Bagan: temples Ananda, Hilo-Minlo, Šfelkto and BU-PAYA Pagoda.

Colored cliffs Zhanj Dunxia (China)

The most amazing places on the planet can be built by human hands or nature. Colored cliffs that are located in the Chinese province of Gansu, these are natural education, from multi-colored sandstones. Recent studies show that more than 100 million years ago there was an ocean. Il painted sandstone and made mining education with such original.

Today, the mountain peaks of Dunxia near the town of Zhanie enter the UNESCO World Heritage List. For tourists able to admire the species of these mountains, the locals built a lot of boardwalks and tracks with which you can walk between these amazing mountain peaks.

Yusupov Palace (Russia)

But, back to man-made wonders. In any Almana, the most beautiful places in the world you will find such a monument of architecture as the Yusupov Palace. It is located in the heart of St. Petersburg on the Washing River. Built in the XVIII century for the niece of Peter the Great - Tsarevna Praskov, he only in 1830 moved to the possession of Yusupov. But since then, it is associated only with this legendary last name. This palace is the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Lee River (China)

Another beautiful place in China is the River Lee. This is one of the most picturesque water bodies on our planet. Starting as a small stream in Maoire Mountains, she runs the "silk ribbon" through the Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. Locals call this River Lijiang. It is recognized as the most pure river. Its main attribute are majestic karst giggles. They were formed with the help of water and wind for many centuries. These mining education have poetic names and attract their beauty from many countries around their beauty.

You can enjoy the beauty of the River Lijiang with the help of a cruise ship or using the service of local "Gondolners".

Monastery Complex Meteora (Greece)

In our world there are many amazing places. If we talk about architectural monuments, then most of them in Greece. This country, which has become a source of modern Europe, is proud of its legendary ruins. But, meteora monasteries are not less popular. Their main feature is in an amazing location: they are crowned with the high peaks of the Mountains of Fessenia.

Christian hermites hid in the mountains from Albanians, Turks and ordinary robbers. Over time, students were gathered around them, who were built for themselves and their teachers amazing in beauty and resembling the nests of huge birds of the monasteries. The word "meteor" is translated as "soaring in the air."

Volcano Erebus (Antarctica)

One of the most interesting places in the world is Vulcan Erebus. It is famous for the fact that the lake from the real lava can be observed on its territory. This natural phenomenon is unique. The volcano was named after the James Expedition Ship Clarke Ross, who discovered this natural phenomenon. The luminescence of this volcano attracts everyone who travels on Lake Ross. He is a peculiar business card of Antarctica.

Rice terraces (Philippines)

The list of the most interesting places in the world must be continued by the rice terraces of the Philippines. They are even called the eighth miracle of the account. And it is not surprising. These man-made gardens were erected by the ancestors of modern locals over 2000 years ago. Petshed, multi-level fields, not only fed the people of Ifuago, but also were an excellent defensive structure.

Union of Flame and Ice (Kamchatka - Russia)

Talking about interesting places on Earth it is impossible to go around Kamchatka. On the territory of this peninsula you can find 28 valid and 160 extinct volcanoes. If you want to climb the firewood mountains, see the stroke of salmon to spawn and see the largest bears in the world, then you will definitely take a trip and harden your spirit with the help of a kamchatka. The amazing places of nature of this place are located to walking, extreme and marine tourism.

Death Valley (USA)

Another natural monument is the Valley of Death. It is necessarily included in all lists of interesting places in the world. Will not go around this unique place and we. Formed a lot of millennia back at the bottom of the sea, this valley amazes with its natural phenomena. Here, literally, there are stones. Leaving bizarre traces on petrified Ile. But if you decide to get here, then you need to prepare for a strong heat. In the afternoon, the thermometer's column is rarely lower than 50 degrees.

Gum Gorge (Russia)

The gorge is located in the upper reaches of the River Kurdzhips in the Krasnodar Territory. The natural beauty of this gorge attracts tourists all year round. But, here you can do not only contemplate the magnificent flora and fauna, but also extreme tourism. Especially strongly developed in the gum climbing gorge.

Beach with caves near Algarve (Portugal)

One of the most amazing places in the world is undoubtedly the Portuguese caves, which are located in the most southern province of Portverine and the Motherland of Cristiano Ronaldo. The most famous of them is the cave Algarve de Benagil. It is called the most beautiful cave in the world. Wind and sea water - these two creators created a magnificent example of one of the best travel places in the world.

Bamboo Grove Sagano (Japan)

The beauty of the rising sun in many of us is associated with blooming sakura. In this country, special tours are even created, with the help of which one can observe alternate flowering of this plant in all provinces of Japan. But, another, no less popular symbol of Japan is the bamboo forest of Sagano. Looking through the photo of the most beautiful and amazing places of the world, you will definitely find there several images of the picturesque grove from evergreen bamboo.

These majestic plants with a blowing of the wind make sounds resembling popular wind bells. This beautiful park was created in the XIV century with the commandment of the monk Muso Soski.

Nature Socotors seems to be a decoration to fantastic films. Charming vegetation, many samples of which are present only on this island, Divine beaches and silence. This is exactly what is needed for happiness and a serene paradise.

Lake Baskunchak (Russia)

He is called the most saline lake in the world. In terms of salinity, Baskunchak exceeds the famous Dead Sea. This reservoir is in the Ahtuban region of the Astrakhan region. Not far from this lake is the Baskunchak Cave. Its one and a half kilometer length attracts speleologist tourists.

Beauty - the concept of a subjective, however, looking at fascinatingly beautiful places on Earth, created by nature itself, comes the realization that beauty is around us, and it is impossible not to perceive it. Traditional tourist routes are often not covered by a small part of what was created by the tandem of the most talented "architects" - time and nature. The overview of the beautiful plates of beautiful places of the planet amazing and unique features of the landscape will make it clear that true beauty is not distinguished by affordable, but overcoming obstacles is worth seeing the real miracle. the most beautiful places in the world.

1. Lake Uyuni in Bolivia

Undoubtedly, in the top of the most beautiful places in the world, it includes this unique, the largest salt lake is the place where time slows down its move. Surprisingly, but on its surface you can walk on foot! In the rainy season turns into a large-scale beautiful mirror area. 3 km from the same city is located the cemetery, which has become the last stop for a plurality of locomotives, once served as vehicles for the transport of minerals mined on local mines.

The Siberian surface has become the optimal alternative to ocean expanses in checking and setting up the operation tools for sensing on satellites in orbit. Within the salt of the salt desert there are whole islands whose flora represents cacti. The spectacle is so controversial and beautiful that it is unforgivable to not capture it with the camera!

- Beautiful Italy National Park in the east Bohemian Riviera. This beautiful place is permeated with the Spirit of the Italian Middle Ages. There are five small villages on the territory, the architecture of which is represented by protective buildings belonging to the distant times of pirated raids on this area. Reliable land protection was provided by the rocky coast, which is also picturesque as dangerous.

This beautiful corner is full of romantics - stone beaches and narrow trails, one of which wears the mysterious name "Road of Love" and tatt a lot of legends about the most noble and temperamental inhabitants in Europe.

South-West Turkey is interesting for a unique and very beautiful geological phenomenon - a rock from lime tuff. In this place, the flows falling on the stone steps, forming waterfalls and unique pools for their origin in this place. Cotton lock - so poetically called residents this beautiful landscape. Thermal sources and natural terraces at the foot of the mountains attract many tourists, as they are a tabletoma of saturated water calcium against the background of the majestic landscape in white tones.

4. Rice terraces Yunnan

Another incredibly beautiful place on our land - rice fields in China, located on the mountains of the province. Terraces have a length of several tens of kilometers, and precisely repeat the bends of the terrain. The uniqueness of this area consists in the nature of the formed independent environmental system. Rice is planted in the soil renewed mountain springs in February, the beginning of the autumn is the harvest time. The tourist season is opened in late autumn and lasts until the middle of the spring. At this time, the terraces are caught by an inexperienced looks of the mirror surface, from which the sun's rays are reflected, forming a fascinatingly beautiful color spectrum.

5. Big Blue Hole in Belize

In the central part of the atoll (one of the objects of coral barrier reef, the coast of Belize) is a surprisingly blue hole, which is flowing into the depths of the cave. Such a phenomenon in nature is common, but this blue abyss affects its sizes (the depth is 120 meters, diameter - 300). A favorite place for extreme divers, paradise for those who did diving meaning life. Here he conducted his research on Jacques Yves Kusto, who brought world fame to this place.

On the border between the states of Utah and Arizona on the territory of Plateau Colorado, there is a beautiful formation of sandy rocks, called wave, due to the bizarre uneven shape and the predominance of saturated paints. To get to this place of pilgrimage of all experienced photographers specializing in the shooting of landscapes, it is necessary to overcome the full "obstacle course", which arose due to the lack of roads. A peculiar structure of a beautiful landscape was created for a long time by transforming sand dunes in solid rocks.

7. National Park Jigjaigu

In the southeastern part of China, Sichuan Province is located, which attracts many tourists: an amazingly beautiful reserve, located in the north of the region, is a unique protected natural object. Many waterfalls and lakes, due to the special composition of the water named with color, are hidden from a curious eye of Tibet mountains.

It was not necessary to get here for a long time not to everyone, but the airport opened recently in the mountainous area created the opportunity to get here from Shanghai direct flight. For tourists, the mountain trails were made here.

Earlier, nine settlements were founded on the territory, which gave the name to the future reserve - "Valley of nine villages".

One of most beautiful places in the world It can boast and notarious Croatia - the edge mysterious and colorful. We are talking about Plitvice Lakes, located on the territory of the most large-scale National State Park. The surrounding nature plunges into the atmosphere of mysticism. Around the park - thick impassable crates called by the locals "Devilsky Forest".

All 16 lakes are in the mountain valley. They are connected with each other, as a result of which the purest water flows form grandiose noisy waterfalls. Every year the amount of waterfalls is growing, as water destroys limestone rocks. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe water area is two square kilometers. Located at different levels, the reservoirs form two picturesque complex - the upper lakes and the lower.

9. Valley of ten peaks in Canada

Canada is the edge of the harsh, but the attractive Ice beauty of nature. Here we find one of the most beautiful natural places in the world - the valley of the "ten peaks", located at the foot of the Ten Mountains with a single name of the Value, not far from the lake of the Ice Origin of Moray. Lake - Pearl of Banff National Park. Many tourist trails are laid here, allowing to appreciate the local attraction. One of the mountain views is called "$ 20", as one time identical image was at the bill of this dignity.

This beautiful mountain is a peculiar symbol of the neighborhood of the South American states of Venezuela and Brazil. - These are a few mountain ranges towering among the Debreys of Amazon. Fame This place acquired after it was designated in the Roman Conan-Doyle about the times, when the land was inhabited by dinosaurs, and the mountains served them with a reliable shelter. The landscape and atmosphere really make an impression of isolation from the real world and are an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Archipelago from a variety (more than a thousand) small islands, each of which is a separate paradise for a tourist, located in the Indian Ocean. Turquoise water, sandy white beaches, exotic fruits are Maldives, perfect, paradise is a beautiful place for family holidays, active entertainment or honeymoon.

Diving is a lesson, to master which here is perfect here, since visibility is approximate to the perfect. Separate uninhabited islands have to solitude and romantic dates.

12. Machu Picchu in Peru

The beautiful city of Machu-Picchu was founded in the 13th century by the leader of the Inca Pachaktek tribe. After a hundred years, his empire turned out to be conquered by the Spaniards, but the city still has the glory of the lost Holy Necking of Inca. The mystery of this beautiful place is due to a historical mystery: after a foreign invading, all residents of the city disappeared for unidentified reasons.

The architectural filling of the city is represented by temples and premises for the needs of the population. All buildings are made of stone slabs. The Efemer Spirit of Worship the God of the Sun is present in this mountainous space and makes the penetrating thrill. It is also worth noting that Machu Picchu is included in the list "".

13. Monument valley in the USA

In the northeast area of \u200b\u200bArizona, a geological object can be observed, which is justified by the pride of the American people and our list of the most beautiful places on Earth. Located in the valley, where the Navajo tribe Indians had already lived, the park is unique in that it is a complex of fantastically outlined rocks against the background of a deserted landscape of one of the parts of the Colorado Plateau.

This beautiful corner is knitted by Hollywood directors working in the style of "Western", and therefore permeated by the atmosphere of the intended presence of dashing cowboys and exciting adventures.

Check out the most popular in a separate article.

China is a country rich in beautiful wonders of nature. One of these is the beautiful rocks painted in the tricky shades in the province of Gansu. The origin of unusual geological education refers to the chalome period. A variety of color gamut observed when looking at the mountain range is due to the predominance of red sandstone among other rocks, as well as the products of the oxidation of the ilic sediment, which occurs when the terrain is drained over the course of centuries. The modern furnishings are fully adapted for significant tourist positions. Mountains of rust and ocher - the dream of any landscape player.

15. Halong Bay in Vietnam

"The bay, where the shelter Dragons are found" is so poetically translated the name "Halong". It belongs not only to the bay itself, but also the city, off the coast of which is located. Rocky mountains, mysterious caves, more than 3,000 islands - beautiful bay justifies their mystical name. Separate deep caves formed in rocks are equipped with attractions: tourists can pass the breathtaking route with high-colored lamps and feel like a guest in the Palace of ancient mythological monster.

16. Bora Bora Island

Pacific coast - a seductive prospect for a beach holiday. One of the boron-boron in French Polynesia is the most preferred vacation spot of sophisticated tourists, appreciating comfort and "view from the window." This is evidenced by a huge number of hotels oriented on secured guests.

The island is surrounded by small separate sections of the sushi (Moto), between which the delightful blue lagoon was formed. The mother is formed from sand and corals, and the central part of the island is from volcanic lava, since the three highest mountain peak on the boron-boron - the edges of the volcanic crater, now inactive.

17. Tulips fields in the Netherlands

Holland and tulips are concepts in one associative row. In the western part of the country, tulips are grown on squares comparable to full-fledged plantations. This process is organized on an industrial basis and has a huge scale.

Outwardly, these beautiful fields resemble the whole sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, which cannot but cause delight in a person who has not previously observed such a rich paint violence. From April to May, the Netherlands turn into a flowering garden and do not stop them to be even in August when the tulips are replaced by gladiolus.

Waterfalls Iguazu - a complex of 275 beautiful cascades, formed due to the eruption of the volcano. He is two times higher and wider than Niagara. After the eruption in the Earth, a significant crack was formed, which led to the formation of large-scale water flows in the direction of the eponymous river. In the season of rains (from November to March), the waterfall manifests itself in all power, a stream of 13,000 cubic meters falls in a second.

Ancient Egyptian civilization remains to live in monuments of its unique architecture. In the suburbs of Cairo there is a complex of structures whose age is more than 4500 years. So far, scientists cannot establish how builders who prevail the pyramids managed to fix huge blocks weighing a few tons. Some do not even deny the intervening of the alien mind. This can be believed, but it can be referred to with irony, but the fact is that many buildings of that era turned out to be irrevocably lost over time, and the pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly included in the list of beautiful places in the world, and remain a symbol of Egypt and the reason for the disputes of mystics and skeptics.

Another beautiful place in Turkey is Cappadocia, which is recognized as an element of world cultural heritage. It is located at an altitude of about one kilometer above sea level, on the territory of Anatolian Plateau in the central part of the country. Parts of underground monasteries have been preserved here since the origin of Christianity. The terrain relief is entirely formed under the action of volcanic eruptions and their residual processes.

21. Mount Tianjie in China

Beautiful Mount Tianjie reaches a height of more than 1,200 meters and is located within the borders of the park of Wool'yuan. The name is translated as "Son Sky". So called himself one of their leaders of the rebels, the camp of which was broken by this mountain. If you reach the peak, the fascinating view of a plurality of individual vertices of mountain ranges will open from above, symbolizing the soldiers of the glorious leader. Evaluating local beauties, the Chinese love to repeat that once saw Tianjie, a person will not want to conquer other vertices.

Of course, in this review, not all beautiful places of our world are listed. The manifestations of nature are so diverse and often bunciful that almost on the territory of each country there are hidden from a superficial look, and therefore survived in primeval form, amazing corners of nature. Enjoying their beauty is the only reasonable duty of a person.

П Creating for lovers of natural and historical mysteries, as well as for those who simply appreciate beautiful unusual places. Welcome to 65 corners of the planet, forcing them to think about the irrationality of the world, feel the researcher and get a dose of adrenaline.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island, Chile

This small block of land in the Pacific Ocean (area - 163.6 km², the population is about 6,000) is known in the world due to the mysterious stone Istukhans - MOAI. Almost nine hundred statues are around the perimeter of the island, as if watch. Who did them? How did the multiple boulders move? What function did the statues performed? Europeans not one decade broke the head over these issues. And although it is believed that the tour Heyerdal solved the riddle, the locals would still believe that the sacred power of the ancestors of the Khana Mata's clan was concluded in the MOAI.

Aokigahar, Japan.

Aokigahar, Japan.

This is a thick forest at the foot of Fuji on Honshu Island. The place is ominous: a rocky soil, the roots of the trees will deteriorate rocky fragments, stands "stunning" silence, compasses do not work. And although all these phenomena, scientists (seemingly) found explanations, the Japanese believe that ghosts live in the forest - the souls of the weak old people, who were left there to die in hungry times. Therefore, the Day of Aokigahar is a popular holiday destination, and at night - the "refuge" suicide. Books and songs are written about this place, films were removed, including documentary.

Playa, USA

Playa, USA

In the California National Park of Death Valley there is a dried lake that would be ordinary if it were not for a phenomenon that scientists break their head for many years. 30-kilogram stones are moving along its clay bottom. Slowly, but without the help of living beings. Blinds leave behind long shallow furrows. At the same time, the trajectory of their movement is absolutely arbitrary. What pushes stones? Various versions were voiced: the specificity of the magnetic field, the wind, seismic activity. None of the guesses received a sufficient scientific justification.

Plateau Roraima, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana

Roraim is a mountain on the border of three countries. But her vertex is not a sharp peak, but a luxurious, hounded by the haze of the clouds of a plateau with an area of \u200b\u200b34 km², with unique plants and picturesque waterfalls. That is how Arthur Conan Doyle represented himself a "lost world". According to the reference of the Indians, Roraima is a petrified trunk of a tree that gave rise to all vegetables and fruits on the planet. More Indians believed that gods live there, so no one rose to the top of Europeans to the top. Modern travelers tell that in the mooring of people covers just the sacred delight.

Valley of Jugs, Laos

Valley of Jugs, Laos

At the foot of the Annam Range "scattered" gigantic pots: up to three meters high and weighing up to six tons. Archaeologists suggest that the jugs are about two thousand years, but can not understand how the ancestors of modern residents of Laos used them. Lao legends say that these are the utensils of the giakanov who lived in the valley. They also say that the jugs ordered to make the king khung Ching to cook a lot of rice wine and celebrate victory over enemies. Historians have their own versions: in pots could collect rainwater or store products in them. Or maybe it were funeral urns?

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

In the Atlantic Ocean, in the "Triangle" between Florida, Bermuda Islands and Puerto Rico, there is an abnormal zone, where over the past hundred years "has been evaporated" more than a hundred maritime and aircraft. The most famous case occurred in 1945. Five bombers "Evenger" took off from the US Navy base and disappeared. The aircraft who went to their search also disappeared. Skeptics say that all the blames of shallow, cyclones and storms. But many are inclined to believe in more mystical versions: for example, in the abduction by aliens or residents of Atlantis.

Shilin, China

Shilin, China

In the province of Yunnan on the territory of 350 km² spread "Stone Forest". Ancient rocks, caves, waterfalls and lakes create an atmosphere of a fabulous world. According to the legend, one young man decided to save the people from drought and build a dam. The wizard gave him a whip and rod to dissect and move stone blocks. But the tools had magical power only before dawn. The young man did not finish work, and huge monoliths remained scattered through the valley. Scientists believe that 200 million years ago there was a sea on the site of the "stone forest". It dried, and the raging and beauty of the rock remained.

Tower Glastonbury, United Kingdom

In the English county, Somerset has a 145-meter hill, crowned with the tower of the medieval church of St. Mikhail. According to the legend, there was an entrance to Avalon - the Outdoor World, where holy people, fabulous creatures and magicians were born, where special laws of time and space were operating. At this hill were buried King Arthur and his wife Guinevera - in 1191, the monks of the Glastonbury Abbey allegedly found sarcophages with their remains. This is not the only legend about the hill of St. Michael and King Arthur. Perhaps this is just myths, but visitors are attracted that the hill has a powerful energy.

Whale Alley, Russia

Whale Alley, Russia

In the Chukotka island, Itygor is an ancient Eskimo sanctuary. In the dilapidated shore of the inscaps of huge bones and skulls of whales. The alley was opened in 1977, but her riddles still do not solve. There is an assumption that in the XIV century this place was used by kitobi for ritual meetings. Judging by the set of "meat pits," the gatherings were accompanied by feasts, and the holes in the tops of the whale "pillars" say that, perhaps, the kitobi also arranged games, hanging the prizes on the bone. But in folklore there is no information about the purpose of the alley. But there is a legend about the battle of "flying shamans" last there.


Gaiter Flya, USA

Gaiter Flya, USA

It is difficult to believe, but this "fountain", as if descended from the pages of the science science writer, is not on Jupiter, not on Mars, but on earth, in Nevada. "Flying" Geyser will erupt the jet of hot water to a height of up to 15 meters, forming an "mini volcano" from mineral sediments. Scientists argue that the surface of our planet Millions years ago looked like this. Geyser is located on the territory of a private ranch, and to admire them, the master is needed. But tourists does not stop. People believe that if we wash with a geyser water, life will become bright and happy.


Richat, Mauritania

Richat, Mauritania

In the West, Sahara is "Earth". These huge, drawn circles in the unknown force and really resemble eyes. Structure Richat is ancient geological education, the age of one of the rings of which is about 600 million years. "OKO" is perfectly seen from space - in orbit use it as a landmark. There are different versions about the nature of this formation. For example, that this is a funnel from a meteorite fall or an aliens disembark location. But the most scientific are hypotheses that suggest that this is an extremely extinct volcano or the result of erosion on raising the land of the earth's crust.


Lines of Nari, Peru

Lines of Nari, Peru

Plateau Naska, as if canvas, is desecuted by gigantic patterns. Hummingbirds, monkey, spider, flowers, lizard, geometric shapes - in total in the valley of about 30 neat drawings performed in one manner. Geoglyphs on the Nasca Plateau discovered almost a century ago, but scientists are still arguing who, how and when they created them. Some believe that this is an ancient irrigation system, others - that these are "holy trails of Incs", the third claims that this is the most ancient textbook of astronomy. There is a completely mystical version, as if the line is the message of the aliens. There are many theories, but none is confirmed scientifically.


Podghetsky castle, Ukraine

Podghetsky castle, Ukraine

The Palace of the 18th century in the village of Podgorny Lviv region would be an ordinary historical landmark (perfectly preserved a bright sample architecture of the Renaissance, the place where "D'Artagnian and Trey Musketeers were filmed) if the anomalies were not seen there. According to the legend, one of the owners of the castle, Vaclav Rzhevsky, terribly jealous of his wonderful wife Maria. So much that he inspired it in the walls of the palace. The Castors of the Podgorketsky Castle claims that they have repeatedly seen the ghost of "White Mrs." and constantly hear the head of the heels in the marble floor.


Devil Tower, United States

Devil Tower, United States

The devil tower, or Devils-Tower is a columnar mountain in Wyoming. She resembles a tower collected from individual columns. It is difficult to believe that this is the creation of nature, and not the hands of a person. The indigenous population belonged to the tower with awe's reverent horror, because there were strange light phenomena at the top. There was a legend, as if the devil sits on top and hits the drum, causing thunder. Due to bad reputation, mountain climbers bypass. But it appears in the film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree" - it is there a meeting with the aliens.


Giol Islands, Italy

Giol Islands, Italy

In the Neapolitan Gulf, off the coast of the campaign, there are two small islands of wondrous beauty. Between them binds their bridge. One of them is uninhabited, a villa has been built on the other. But no one lives in it - the place is considered damned. All its owners, as well as some members of their families died under strange circumstances, ruined, in prisons and psychiatric hospitals. Due to bad reputation, the islands have no host, the villa is abandoned. Only bold tourists, photographers and journalists look at Gayolu.


Castle Bran, Romania

Castle Bran, Romania

In a picturesque place, Bran is a majestic castle of the XIV century. According to the legend, the Count Vlad III challenge is often overwhelmed here. This man became the prototype of the most famous in the pop culture of the vampire. A nickname "Dracula" of the count was awarded for his incredible cruelty: he killed innocent for fun, took the bath from the blood, could land a person on a stake and trapes in the presence of a corpse. The people hated him and was afraid. Bran Castle is currently a valid museum. It is believed that, although Vlad III did not live there all the time, the place is impregnated with his negative aura.


Katatumbo River, Venezuela

Katatumbo River, Venezuela

In the place where the Katatumbo River flows into the lake Maracaibo, there is a unique atmospheric phenomenon: almost every night the sky is illuminated without thunder. Over the year there are over a million discharges. Zarnaya is visible for hundreds of kilometers. Scientists find out the cause of the phenomenon, but his extraordinary beauty still gives rise to superstitions and legends. In 1595, the Lightning of Kathatumbo was rescued by the city of Maracaybo. Pirate Francis Drake decided to seize the city, but because of the light of the lightning, local residents from afar saw the approach of his ships, managed to prepare and disgrace.


Body, USA

Body, USA

In California, on the border with Nevada, there is a ghost city, named after the gold killer William Bodi. In 1880, 10,000 people lived in the city. They accounted for 65 salunoes and 7 brewers, there was even their "quarter of the Red Lights" - crime, drunkenness and debauchery flourished in the city. When the gold fever sued no, people left. Now it is a historic park. But tourists go to the bodies not because of interest in history: the city is considered to be a ghosts. One who takes from there at least a stone will chase in misfortune. Park's caretakers constantly receive parcels with the return of "souvenirs".


Troll Tongue, Norway

Troll Tongue, Norway

TrollTunga, or Troll's tongue is an unusual stone ledge at an altitude of 350 meters on Mount Skyegedal. Why language? And why troll? As the old Norwegian legend says, a troll lived in those regions, which constantly fate: dived in deep pools, jumped through the abyss. Once he decided to check, is it true that the rays of the sun are fatally dangerous for trolls. At dawn, he stood out a tongue from his cave and ... Possible forever. Rock as a magnet attracts modern adventurers: sit on the edge, make a flip, take a picture. There is no troll, and it lives it!


Broccan, Germany

Broccan, Germany

It is the highest point of the Mountain Harz (1141 m), where, according to the legend, in Valpurgiyev's night, the witch arranged Shabash. At the top you can observe a rare on beauty and mystery nature. Natural phenomenon is the Brockken Ghost. If you stand back to the setting sun, then a large shadow with a rainbow halo on the head will appear on the surface of the clouds or in the fog. Sometimes it even arises the feeling that the "ghost" moves. For the first time, the phenomenon was described by Johann Zilberrshlag in 1780 and since then more than once mentioned in the literature on the Harz mountains.


The votes of the ravine once was a deserted outskirts of Moscow. Now it is a beautiful, shrouded place in the Moscow Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye". One of the legends tells about the strange green fog. Allegedly there were cases when people wandered in an emerald haze, as it seemed to them, a few minutes, and in fact a decade was held. Also, there are stones in the ravine, in the old days had sacred significance: Gus-stone patronized soldiers, giving them strength and good luck in battle, and the maiden stone brought happiness to girls.


Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Stonehenge, United Kingdom

130 km from London, in County Wiltshire, there is a bizarre structure from huge stone blocks. This is one of the most popular archaeological monuments in the world. The researchers found that the construction of the complex lasted almost two thousand years and took place in several stages. However, it is still incomprehensible to who and why it was built. According to folk legend, huge blue stones have a magical force, and the construction elevated a wizard named Merlin. Also there are versions that Stonehenge is the Observatory of the Stone Age, the sanctuary of Druids or an ancient tomb.


Gozek circle, Germany

Gozek circle, Germany

The Gozek circle is called concentric rs with a diameter of 75 meters and log circles with gates. Through them, the sun penetrates the sun in the days of the summer and winter solstice. This gave rise to the theory that this neolithic structure is the oldest observatory in the world. Presumably it was built in 4900 BC. e. It seems that the creators of the ancient "heavenly calendar" had good knowledge of astronomy. It is noteworthy that such prehistoric structures are not only near Gozka, but also in other places in Germany, as well as in Austria and Croatia.


Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru

At the top of the mountain range, at an altitude of 2,450 m, among the clouds over the valley of the Urubamba river, the ancient "lost city of Incans" is majestically towers. Machu Picchu was built in the XV century, but in 1532 the palaces, altars and houses were left. Where are the inhabitants? According to historians, the elite of the Empire of Inca lived in Machu-Picchu, and with the fall of the empire, the inhabitants just went in search of a better life. For popular beliefs, most of the population were sacrificed to the gods for the sake of the Empire's salvation, and the rest scattered along the valley. But there is no unambiguous answer.


Torah Well, USA

Torah Well, USA

The natural funnel in a diameter of 5 meters in the Cape Perepetua was called in honor of God Torah. But more often it is called "gates to hell." The spectacle is really beautiful: during the tide, water quickly fills the well, and then sharply "shoots" up with a six-meter fountain, forming a whirlwind spray. As if the monster lives on the day, which is angry with the flow of water flowing on it and pushes them back. But find out what is actually located inside the funnel, until it was possible - the dive there is too dangerous.


Boulders Moeraki, New Zealand

Huge stone balls with a diameter of up to two meters "scattered" on the beach of the bed, which is not far from the village of Moerac. The surface of some of them is absolutely smooth, and others resembles a turtle shell. Some boulders are whole, and others split into pieces. Where did they come from - the mystery of nature. According to the folk version of Maori, this is potato, waking up from the mythical canoe. There are also opinions that these are petrified eggs of dinosaurs and the remaining alien aircraft. Scientists believe that these are geological entities that have formed at the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago.


Isle of Champs, Russia

Isle of Champs, Russia

Another place with mysterious stone balls is the island of Champs, located in the central part of the Land Franz Josef (Arkhangelsk region). The entire coast is literally sleeping with spherical stone sizes of several centimeters to three meters. Where did they come from a deserted island? It is believed that due to the melting of glaciers, the stones fell into natural pools and rated with water. But why only on this island? Among the supernatural versions - the intervention of aliens and the fact that the stones are artifacts of some lost civilization.


Golden Stone, Myanmar

Golden Stone, Myanmar

At the edge of the leaf of the cliff, the patience lies a granite boulder 5.5 meters high and about 25 meters in girth. For several centuries, there are already a few centuries on the edge of the abyss and, contrary to the laws of physics, does not fall. According to the legend, the Buddha gave a strand of his hair to the monk. To preserve the relic, he put it under a huge stone, licked on the rock by Burmese spirits. The stone is covered with gravy gold and is one of the main Buddhist shrines. Find a scientific justification phenomenon Pagoda Chaittios has not yet succeeded. And if necessary?


Belitz Hailsteten, Germany

Belitz Hailsteten, Germany

40 km from Berlin is a sanatorium that once considered the best in Germany. At first it was a hospital for tuberculosis patients, and then a military hospital. In 1916, the young soldier Adolf Hitler "lied" there "wounds". After World War II, the hospital was at the disposal of Soviet power. Now with a sanatorium of the city of Belitz, many horrors are connected. Alleges there are strange sounds there, and in the walls of the building still find letters of soldiers. Speculation and no more? Probably. But visitors say: the longer there are, the more tired and suppressed you feel.


Mystery Spot, USA

Mystery Spot, USA

"Mystery Spot" translates from English as a "mysterious place". In the middle of the twentieth century, businessman George Poster decided to build a house. Chose a place on the hillside, bought the land, but I could not build a building. The house went out to the curve, although the drawings were true, and the builders are sober. It turned out, the laws of physics are violated on the hill: the balls roll up the inclined plane, the broom costs without support, water flows up, people stand in an inclined position. Scientists say that this is nothing more than optical illusions, but many are inclined to see in what is happening a mystical trail.


Heops Pyramid, Egypt

Heops Pyramid, Egypt

The largest and most mysterious of the Great Egyptian pyramids located on the Giza Plateau. Its height is 138.8 meters (due to the lack of current cladding), the base length is 230 meters. Built in the XXVI century BC. e. The construction of the pyramid lasted for more than 20 years, colossal resources were involved: 2.5 million multi-torque limestone blocks, tens of thousands of slaves. It would seem that the pyramid of Cheops was studied already along and across, but the disputes among scientists do not subscribe. How was the construction? How did this gigantic structure used? There are still more questions than answers.


Newgrejnj, Ireland

Newgrejnj, Ireland

40 km north of Dublin is an ancient stone structure. It is older than Egyptian pyramids for 700 years. According to Legend, Newgrejnzh is the house of the Celtic God of Wisdom and Sun Dagda. According to archaeologists, this place served as a tomb. There is also a version that this is one of the first observatories: during the winter solstice, the morning rays of the sun penetrate the hole above the entrance and illuminated the room from the inside. But the researchers are still more questions than answers: where did you come from and what the inscriptions on the stones do how builders have achieved such accuracy, what tools did they use?


Hayucu, China

Hayucu, China

In the south of China, there is one of the most powerful abnormal zones of the world - the Hayju Valley, which means "Hollow-bamboo". Here, under the mysterious circumstances, accidents occur and people disappear in thick fog. No one can find the objective cause of what is happening. Some believe that plants emitting poisonous substances are growing in the forest. Others believe that the cause of strange events in the strongest geomagnetic radiation. Mystics say that a portal in the parallel world is located in the valley.


Waterfall Horstyl, United States

Waterfall Horstyl, United States

In the Yosemite National Park, on the eastern slope of Mount El Captain, there is a 650-meter waterfall. Most of the year, he is not remarkable by anything, but in February, the incident flows of water turn into "Lava flows". An amazing natural phenomenon is due to the fact that at sunset the sun rays are reflected in the waterfall, creating a visual illusion, as if a split metal flows from the rock. According to the legend, on the top of the mountain was the house of a blacksmith, who made the best horseshoes for horses in the district. But because of the heavy rain, the blacksmith was cleaned with a cliff. Since then, the waterfall once a year "reminds" about this tragic event.


Castle Chilling, United Kingdom

In the north of England, in the county of Northumberland, there is a majestic castle of the XII century with a sentigious tower. At one time he had important strategic importance, but in the XVII century became the residence of the aristocracy. In his walls, dramas and intrigues took place, which took many lives. Perhaps, therefore, in our days, Chilling is the most popular castle in the UK with ghosts. There are at least three of them: a shining boy (appears in blue clothes), Perepper Sage (seen in the room torture) and Lady Mary Berkeley (coming out of his portrait in a gray room).


Mercado de Sonora, Mexico

Mercado de Sonora, Mexico

One of the most unusual markets of the world is the dream of magicians and mediums of any stripes. Place if not a mystical, then exactly atmospheric, impregnated with many legends. Most tourists look at the witchcraft market just out of curiosity. Where else will you see bizarre ritual items, masks, dried snakes, spiders legs and rare herbs? Local sorcerers - Bruho - can wander, clean the aura and "heal" from the ailments. Mexicans are often peeled into the market - they are quite serious to sorcerers.


Restaurant T'Spookhuys, Belgium

Restaurant T'Spookhuys, Belgium

"Horror Restaurant", "House Thousand Ghosts" - All this is about the T'spookhuys establishment in the city of Ternhaw. The restaurant wondered as an attraction for mystic lovers: a gloomy interior, semi-semi-fog, moving patterns, creaking doors, skulls instead of plates, an extraordinary menu and waiters in the role of vampires. At first, the black humor of the owners brought success - there were no absentee from customers. But a few years later, the restaurant acquired bad glory, began to happen, as if ghosts were really settled there. Now the institution is abandoned, but the situation and the ominous aura are preserved.


Lake Loch Ness, United Kingdom

Loch Ness is a deep lake in the highlands of Scotland, where, by legend, the monster lives. Allegedly is a creature resembling a prehistoric lizard. One eyewitness described it like this: 40 feet in length, 4 fin, the torso smoothly goes into an elongated neck with small tubercles. People who claim to have seen the Loch Nevskie monster, quite a lot. Fixed more than three thousand cases. There are even a photo and video visibility. But the skeptics are enough. The dispute about whether there is a monster in Lake, it lasts not one decade and breaks out from time to time with a new force.


Lake Kara-Kul, Russia

Lake Kara-Kul, Russia

The Russian counterclaim of the Loch Nevsky monster, according to beliefs, lives in the lake Kara-Kul Baltasinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. This is a reservoir of an elongated form with an average depth of 8 meters, an area of \u200b\u200b1.6 hectares. Translated from the Tatar "Kara-Kul" means "Black Lake". It is believed that before the water was surrounded by a dense forest, which is why the water seemed black. Local residents have a legend of a bomb-like aqua snake of Su Me. If she seemed to people, wait for trouble - a fire or starvation. Documentary evidence of the presence of monsters in the lake is not. But superstitious people prefer to bypass him.


Lake Hillier, Australia

Lake Hillier, Australia

The lake is surrounded by the eucalyptus forest, and from the ocean it separates the narrow strip of the Earth. But the main feature of the lake is that it is pink. The reason for such an unusual color of water is not solved. It was assumed that the case in specific algae, but it was not confirmed. But there is a beautiful legend, as if crumpled, but the sailor survived in the shipwreck hit the uninhabited island. He suffered from pain and hunger and asked the sky about deliverance, until finally, a man did not come from the forest with jugs of milk and blood. He poured them into the lake, and it acquired pink color. The sailor plunged into Aluu water and got rid of pain and hunger. Forever and ever.


Hwitservicalur, Iceland.

Hwitservicalur, Iceland.

This is a 15-meter rock on the eastern shore of Vatnsnes Peninsula. In shape, it resembles a dragon drinker. But, by popular beliefs, this is a troll who went to the sun and appealed to the stone. Scientists believe that the critservoire is the remnants of an ancient volcano, blurred with salted waters and destroyed by cold winds. So that the sea finally did not destroy the shape, its base strengthened concrete. People from all over the world come to admire this rock. And sometimes the Northern Lights observed there gives her an additional mysteriousness.


Manpouvenur, Russia

Manpouvenur, Russia

Other names - weathered pillars and mansionic boobs. These are mountain remains high from 30 to 42 meters on the territory of the Pechoro Ilych Reserve. It is believed that 200 million years ago at this place were high mountains, but because of the snow, frost and winds from them there were only small pillars. Many legends are associated with them. According to one of them, the leader of the tribe giants wanted to marry the daughter of the leader of the mansi tribes. Having received a refusal, the giant attacked the village. Well, that the brother of Beauty arrived on time: he saved the village, turning giants into stones with the help of a magic shield.


San Zhi, Taiwan

San Zhi, Taiwan

San Zhi (Sanzhi) was supposed to become the city of the future. The elite residential complex consists of futuristic houses, form reminiscent of "flying plates". In each of the "plates", there is an elegant staircase, and descend from the second floor, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architects, you can right in the ocean or pool on a water slide. Huge money was allocated for the construction. But the company that built San Li ruled, and accidentally attended unkind rumors. The complex was completed, but the advertisement could no longer change the fame of the "damned place". The city is abandoned. The authorities wanted to demolish it, but locals - against. They believe that San Zh is the refuge of lost shower.


Singing Barhan, Kazakhstan

Singing Barhan, Kazakhstan

Near Alma-Ata is a three-kilometer barhan height of 150 meters. It offers a beautiful view of the river or and purple mountains. In dry weather, Barhan makes melodious sounds, like an organ. According to one of the legends, he wrapped around the light and built by people of Koznya Shaitan in Barhan. According to another version, Chingiz Khan and his comrades are buried in the sands. Barhahan "sings" when the soul of Khan, "exhausted from spiritual torment, tells the descendants of his exploits." It is noteworthy that Barhahan does not rock on the plain, and the millennium stands on the spot, despite the wingness of the sand and strong winds.


Silence Zone, Mexico

Silence Zone, Mexico

Anomalous desert on the border of the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coauil, where the reception and registration of radio and sound signals is impossible. There are stunted receivers, the compass does not work and the clock stops. Scientists tried several times to establish the cause of anomalies, but their conclusions are reduced to about the following: something suppresses radio waves. With the zone, also called the "Sea Tethys" in honor of the ancient ocean, a lot of mysterious incidents are connected: from the disappearance of aircraft and falling rockets to evidence of strange travelers, leaving the scorched grass, and landing UFO.


House of Winchesters, USA

House of Winchesters, USA

At home number 525 on the Boulevard Winchester in the city of San José is bad glory. On three floors, 160 rooms and 6 kitchens fit. At the same time, many doors lead to a dead end, the steps go to the ceiling, and the windows in the floor. Not a house, but a labyrinth! Created this architectural "miracle" Sarah Winchester. Her coarser did a weapon, for which, according to the woman, a curse was imposed on their genus. On the advice of the medium, she built a house for the shower of people whose life was taken by the invention of the old man of the Winchester. According to rumors, in the house number 525, ghosts really settled. But without them, the gloomy layout causes a frost on the skin.

Melnitz Valley, Italy

In the heart of Sorrento, at the bottom of the gorge, dividing the city into two parts, are the ruins of the medieval city, the "highlight" of which were water mills. Hence the name of the valley - Valle Dei Mulini. The walls of the ancient mill almost collapsed, the wheel of a moss - in the middle of the modern city, is like a fragment of another world. Perhaps therefore the valley of the mills is one of the favorite attractions of the fans of mysticism. They believe that the mill has otherworldly inhabitants. Allegedly from the gorge is sometimes heard laughter, and strange light is visible from the windows.


Dancing forest, Russia

Dancing forest, Russia

In 37 km from the Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad region) there is an unusual coniferous forest. Trees trunks are bizarrely bent and twisted in the spiral. The forest was planted in 1961, and it is still unclear why pines "went to dance". According to one version, the trunks of still young trees are damaged by the caterpillars of the wintering season. On the other, the reason lies in the geomagnetic effects of a tectonic crack. Ufologists are seen in the intervention of the alien mind. In 2006, new trees were planted in the forest to see if they wake. While the seedlings grow straight.


Plalls, United Kingdom

Plalls, United Kingdom

This place in the English County of Kent, where, according to legend, no less than a dozen ghosts live. On the road from Plalli in Maltmanz Hill, there is a carriage harmful from time to time, the spirit of the colonel wanders along the pasture, and on one of the streets can be stumbled upon the Phantom Holder. Each of the 12 ghosts has their own story. Local residents say that the "neighbors" from the otherworldly world are accustomed and are not afraid of them. But many believe that ghosts are an advertising trick to attract tourists. True, prove it, as, however, the presence of ghosts until it succeeded.


Catacombs Jihlava, Czech Republic

Catacombs Jihlava, Czech Republic

Jihlava is a city in the south-east of the Czech Republic. One of its main attractions is 25 kilometer catacombs. Once there were mines for silver mining, then they began to use them for economic needs. In 1996, archaeologists worked in the catacombs, which recorded that the sound of the organ, and in one of the aisles, the researchers discovered the "luminous ladder" emitted reddish light. Archaeologists examined - mass hallucinations are excluded. The reasons for mysterious phenomena are unknown.


Thahua, French Polynesia

On Nuku-Khiva Island, which is part of the Marquis archipelago, in the town of Thames-Thua, found the statues of strange creatures. Disproportionate torso, elongated heads with big mouths and eyes. Creating mysterious Istukhans Archaeologists dating about X-XI centuries. Why did the aborigines do them? According to the official version, these are monuments to priests in ritual masks. But it is strange that the masks themselves were not found on the island. Hence the assumption that Nuku-Khiva once visited aliens, and the locals captured their appearance in stone.


Big Blue Hole, Belize

Big Blue Hole, Belize

This is a huge funnel with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 120 meters. Located in the center of Lighthouse Reef. In 1972, Jacques-Yves Kusto found that it was originally a system of limestone caves, originating in the ice age. When the ocean level rose, the set of the cave collapsed and a karst funnel was formed. But there is an opinion that flooding could not provoke destruction - too large sizes, too correct round shape. It should have been an external impact, for example, a drop in meteorite.


Lake Paastelli, Finland

Lake Paastelli, Finland

By the autumn on the lake Phaaste, you can observe how lights wander the lights. Some of them are spherical, others resemble flames. Under Finnish beliefs, they point to places where treasures are hidden. But they lure the greedy people to the depth, from where it is difficult to get out even experienced swimmers. The wandering lights meet in other corners of the planet, but they managed to appear on Parasselka. Miscellaneous: whether there are electricity discharges in the atmosphere, whether there are out of the ground and flammable methane, and maybe traces of movement of UFOs?


Lake Erzo, South Ossetia

Lake Erzo, South Ossetia

This is a picturesque reservoir of 940 meters in the Dzausky district of South Ossetia. Locals are often called him by the Ghost Lake, since all the water disappears from the lake every 5-6 years, and then returns back. According to legend, a greedy rich lived in his shore. The angry peasants drowned him, and since then his greedy spirit from time to time heats all the water in the lake, and after again flowing into oblivion. Geologists also assume that water goes into karst caves under the bottom of the reservoir. Uflogov has its own version, as if under the lake is the base of aliens.


Shichery, China

Shichery, China

Ancient city flooded in 1959 as a result of the construction of the hydropower station. Shichechen, or "City of Lion", was laid in 670. Five urban gates with towers, six stone streets - everything turned out to be under water. The size of the "Lion's city" is about 62 football fields. Surprisingly, even after half a century, the city was perfectly preserved, including wooden beams and steps, as if this "Chinese Atlantis" inhabitants and someone carefully supports the order there. The mysterious underwater kingdom enjoys greatly popular with divers.


Hasima Island, Japan

Hasima Island, Japan

Located in the Pacific Ocean, 15 km from the city of Nagasaki. The Japanese call him "Guingzima", that is, the "cruiser" is the island like a ship. In 1810, the coal deposit was found there. In the 1930s, Hasima was a significant industrial center. In the second half of the twentieth century, more than 5 thousand people lived there. But the reserves of coal melted, and together with them the population was reduced. Currently, the abandoned island is partially open for visiting. Tourists like to wander among the gloomy buildings, listening to the history of excursions. Hasima became one of the illustrations of the deserted world in the series "Life after People".


Amur pillars, Russia

Amur pillars, Russia

Nature Monument is 134 km from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Suspended in Tale. Granite poles height from 12 to 70 meters stand on the slopes of snow and have their names: shaman-stone, walls, bowl, church, crown, heart, turtle and others. Local residents talk about strange stone stones, and shamans still spend rites there. Scientists express various assumptions about the origin of the Amur Pillars. According to one of the versions, it is about 170 million years and they are the result of the activities of the underground volcano.


"Holy Forest", Italy

"Holy Forest", Italy

In the city of Bomojzo there is an ominous, but beautiful "Holy Forest", or "Garden of Monsters". In the park about thirty inspired by the mythology of sculptures and fantastic buildings, crumpled moss: an elephant, a devouring man, a three-headed monster, a dog-dragon, the gates of the underworld and others. All these are the fruits of fantasy Pierre Francesco Orsini, who decided to perpetuate the memory of the tragically deceased spouse. Orsini's heirs did not care for the park, and he acquired a sinister look. There were rumors that evil spirits roam there. But despite this, the park became a source of inspiration for El Salvador Dali, Manuel Muhki Laisa and other creators.


Hotel Stanley, USA

Hotel Stanley, USA

Located in Colorado, not far from the Rocky Mount National Park. Built at the beginning of the twentieth century, the hotel consists of 140 apartments and is considered to be a ghosts: for example, ghost musician playing a piano. The hotel has never had murders or other terrible events, but the place is literally saturated with mysticism. It inspired Stephen King to Writing the Blood Book, which later filmed the series - "Decorations" served by the hotel himself. And the Stanley Kubrick full-length eponymous film became one of the best horror stories in the movie history.


Nesvizhsky Castle, Belarus

Nesvizhsky Castle, Belarus

This palace-castle complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The legend of the black lady is connected with it, the prototype of which is the cousin of the first owner of the castle - Barbara. Her mother's mother did not bless their marriage, and when they were still secretly married, poisoned the daughter-in-law. The spouse killed by grief asked the alchemist to cause the spirit of his wife to at least once to look at her. During the spiritual session, the widower in the impulse of the feelings touched Barbara, which it was categorically impossible to do. Since then, its ghost allegedly lives in the walls of Nesvizhsky Castle.


Teotiuoisan, Mexico

Teotiuoisan, Mexico

"Teotihuacan" means "city of gods". This mysterious place is 50 km from Mexico City. Now the city is unudensed, but once he inhabited more than two hundred thousand people. The layout is striking: the right streets of the streets form quarters and at the same time are strictly perpendicular to the main avenue. In the city center - a huge area with massive pyramids on platforms. Theotiyacan was built on a carefully thought out plan and flourished. But in the VII century it was abandoned. Why, it is unclear. Whether because of the ingenic invasion, or because of the popular uprising.


Skeleton Coils, Namibia

Skeleton Coils, Namibia

In the midst of the sand dunes of the National Park, dilapidated ships seem phantoms. But these are real vessels that have no time in the storm and moored to the shore to wait for the storm. Due to moving sands, the ships turned out to be cut off from water, often at a fairly large distance from the ocean. One of the most famous "prisoners" of the mysterious shore is a steamer "Eduard Holy", who has acquired his last refuge of about two centuries ago. The southern part of the skeletons is open to visits and is of great interest among the lovers of mysticism.


Hick Point, Australia

Hick Point, Australia

In 1947, the Australian's highest lighthouse caretaker went to the sea on fishing and did not return. And new caretakers allegedly began to notice the oddities: the scarcation, heavy flow on the screw staircase, sighs polished to the shine door handles. So the legend was born that the ghost was settled on the lighthouse. Currently, the Lighthouse at Cape Hicks is open to visitors. There you can admire local beauties and swell. Every year, thousands of tourists come to Hick Point hoping to see the ghost of the caretaker of the lighthouse.


Column Candagupta, India

Column Candagupta, India

Iron seventere column included in the architectural ensemble of Kutb Minar. This is one of the main attractions of Delhi. Its uniqueness is that in the century it was almost no corrosion. Assumptions were expressed that the reason for this is a special metal and a favorable climate. According to another version, the column is preserved because of the oils that the pilgrims were watched. But none of the hypotheses is officially confirmed: it is still unclear how in 415 it was possible to obtain a prototype of modern weatherproof steel.


Apartment Bulgakova, Russia

Apartment Bulgakova, Russia

In the 50th apartment of the house number 10 for the Big Sadovaya there is a museum of Mikhail Bulgakov. The writer lived there from 1921 to 1924, and it is believed that this place was the prototype of an apartment, where the "Master and Margarita" romance was held by the "Satan Ball". All the parade is written by lines from the novel - visitors are immersed in the atmosphere of mysticism, not even crossing the threshold. There is a city legend that the sounds of the piano are heard from the "bad apartments", and strange silhouettes flashed in its windows. Therefore, the museum is visited not only by the fans of the writer, but also lovers of mystics, confident that Woland, the beat of the Hippo and other characters are not fiction at all.