Laura Track for cross-country skis. Ski complexes



"Carousel" also tries to be in the trend, but the resort is rather designed for a more adult and serious audience. Here hotels are more expensive and decent restaurants more.

Skating outside the tracks is not much inferior to the "Rose Farm" - this season they even discovered a special freerida highway, which is not randomed after the snowfall, but in some places there are signs "Skating outside the tracks is prohibited!". It is rumored that local avalanche staff can even take away the SCIPASS, if they see how you are famously drawn lines in snowy sideways and forests, but in practice we did not meet this. The forests here rolling much slower than on the "Rose Farm", and even in no bad periods on the "carousel" there is, where they are afraid - if you know the place.

The main advantage of the "Mountain Carousel" is night skating on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. These days from 18:00 to 23:00, there are two lift queues, and a decent site of the route is long with an integer. So if you have not migrated per day or for some reason I missed day skating - you are here!

Where to ride: the red tracks are rather sharp here, so newcomers are better to choose blue. Outside the tracks it is better to leave only if you know well where to go.

The cost of day Skipassa - from 1200 to 1800 rubles, depending on the season

Where to take equipment for rent: the rental here is at the very bottom of the lift building and one turn above, on the central street of the upper town of the city.

The cost of renting a set of equipment - from 1200 to 2000 rubles a day

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Ski resort, skiing, snowboarding

This place is a little mansion, the resort opened in 2008 and immediately earned the reputation of the dorrogen and prestigious.

Of the advantages - the most beautiful species, nature just fascinates with your beauty, there is even an outdoor pool at the top of the mountain. So for instagram lovers, it's just a real paradise. In addition, there is an excellent entertainment center "Galaxy", where there is a bowling and water park, but this applies more to entertainment, and not to skating.

According to the height of the height, Gazprom clearly inferior to neighbors - the top point is 1400 meters, so the snow is melting there, as a rule, faster. The tracks, for the most part, gentle, simple, which is very good for beginners or for family outdoor activities. An experienced skier and snowboarders may be boring, although you can try to ride in the forest, Gazprom's regulars are unlikely to leave the tracks and there will not be all rolled.

The resort also has night skating, however, along the length of the tracks, it is strongly inferior to skating on the "slide", again, is more suitable for beginners.

The Laura ski complex, which is owned by Gazprom, is one of the complexes of Red Polyana - combines an elite level of service and comfort with loyalty to inexperienced skiers.

This resort is considered the best for family holidays, there are many trails for beginners, and the maximum height is only 1435 meters.

Gazprom is located on the slopes of the Psekhako Ridge, which is the best place for fans of cross-country skis.

This complex has the opportunity to purchase a subscription or a one-time rise.

The last tariff is called "excursion" and may include different additional bonuses. But the main rule remains unchanged - it is impossible to rise with equipment for the skiing or snowboard.

Price list in rubles for one-time lifts:

  • Excursion tour with running skiing (you can take gear ski equipment and use the corresponding track) - 850 p.
  • Excursion tour with binoculars (5 views of 2 minutes in binoculars on sightsets) - 950 p.
  • Excursion tour with audio guide (listening to the stories about the resort and objects using a mobile phone) - 950 p.

Ski-pass on Gazprom are divided into time and days of the week (the price of the weekend is given in brackets - from Friday to Sunday):

  • Day (9:00 - 16:30) - 1300 (1500)
  • Morning (9:00 - 13:30) - 800 (900)
  • Housing (12:00 - 16:30) - 900 (1000)
  • Evening (18:00 - 23:00) - 1200 (1400)
  • Full (9:00 - 23:00) - 1700 (1900)

There are also discounts for students, schoolchildren and beneficiaries. In addition, there is a special tariff for registered in the city of Sochi.

In total, Gazprom employs 14 cableways, of which 6 are the main (other - duplicating).

The first and the longest gondola road has a length of 3 kilometers and leads from the foot (from the village) to the direct complex Gazprom. This lift is an 8-bed cabin closed (it is also called a gondola elevator), and its official name is "Lift A".

From the Psekhako Ridge from a height of 1435 meters, where visitors deliver an elevator, lead another 5 lifts in different directions. You can start riding and from here, and you can go to other tracks. 3 of these 5 lifts - chairlifts (2 4-seater and 1 6-seater). Two more lifts - 1-seater towing ropes intended for beginner skiers.


The total length of Gazprom's tracks is 20 kilometers. There are 2 descents for beginners, 5 high-level runs, 4 slopes for "advanced" skiers, 3 "black" tracks and 1 mixed, "red-black".

Heights for riding fluctuate from 890 to 1435 meters. At an altitude of 1660 meters is equipped with an overview site called Fixt Polyana. At this time, work is underway to arrange new routes.

Click to consider the track scheme for Read more

  • Two "green" routes for beginners called "E" and "C" are serviced by towing lifts. The descents themselves and wide, the height difference is 67 and 30 meters, respectively, the length is 300 and 443 meters.
  • The "B1" routes - "B4" are intended for a little more experienced athletes, they are cool at the beginning and gentle on the crook. The height difference is 100-150 meters, length - 900-1000 meters. The descent of "D" with a length of 870 meters is also "blue", well suited for fixing the mastered skills. "Blue" tracks are serviced by chair lifts.
  • The slopes of category "F" - red and black. The most interesting of them is the "F5" route, the left part of which is suitable for experienced skiers, and the right - for professionals. The total height difference reaches 500 meters, and the length is 1700 meters. All tracks of this segment are served by the Lift F chairlift.

IN Red Polyana Tracks They differ not only in terms of complexity, but also in its belonging to various complexes of cableways. The resort in various parts of the slopes built 4 independent ski complexes. Each of them is self-sufficient, has its own lifts, ski slopes and related infrastructure.

Quick transition to the desired section:

Scheme of Rosa Red Polyana Rose Farm

The new complex of pronounced sports will be interesting first of all well-riding skiers. The overwhelming majority of descents have blue marking. But one of the most extended trails, taking his beginning almost on the top of the ridge, belongs to the increased category of complexity. In addition, an interesting slope with a variety of relief provides for freeride opportunities.

Children and beginners rose frost will also like. Ski descents for beginners have a sufficiently longer extent here. This allows you to make an interesting skiing walk even with minimal skills of skiing. However, green trails have a number of intersections with more complex descents. Therefore, novice is better not to travel alone.

Safe and confident can feel in a children's club. There is a convenient modern lift here - "Magic Carpet". He resembles a familiar escalator and quickly delivers children to the beginning of the slide. Teaches children to ride a professional instructor. And parents at this time have the opportunity to quietly conquer the forest route.

Thus, Rose Farm is attractive for all categories of tourists.

Ski resort Rose Farm

Rosa Rosa Farm:

Route Length, in m Height difference in m Difficulty level
B 52 above 1350 2000 250 lightway
B 52 below 1350 2048 180 lightway
Plateau 1800 183 lightway
Boomerang 310 72 the highway route
Triton above 2000. 2063 488 the highway route
Triton between 1600/2000 844 232 the highway route
Triton below 1600. 1743 360 the highway route
Snake 1450 297 the highway route
Labyrinth above 1400. 1726 244 the highway route
Labyrinth below 1400. 2579 460 the highway route
Ozernaya 1870 420 the highway route
Nagano 98. 1750 482 the highway route
Chamonix 24. 1740 290 the highway route
Vancouver 10. 2200 400 the highway route
Transition 206 27 the highway route
A meeting 304 59 the highway route
Horizon above 1600. 4126 920 the highway route
The horizon is below 1600. 3362 660 the highway route
Violet 1650 278 the highway route
Primrose 1130 375 the highway route
No discard 904 100 the highway route
Snowpark on a stone lake - - the highway route
Snowpark on Rose-1600 - - the highway route
Cascade above 1600. 1884 506 complex route
Cascade below 1600. 2266 660 complex route
Ober Four above 1600 2834 234 complex route
Ober farm below 1600 2670 1070 complex route
Veronica 1015 375 complex route
Turn 670 210 complex route
The Stash Park - - complex route
Aibga 1000 144 very complex route
Male Olympic descent above 1600 1336 630 very complex route
Male Olympic descent below 1600 2159 445 very complex route
Women's Olympic descent above 1600 368 155 very complex route
Women's Olympic descent below 1600 2362 635 very complex route
Eagle 984 289 very complex route
Crazy Khutor above 1400 3001 895 very complex route
Crazy Khutor below 1400 1648 306 very complex route
Yuriev Khutor 3234 676 very complex route

More information about the resort Rosa Khutor:

Scheme of Krasnaya Polyana Gazprom

Main lifting complex Gazprom delivers to a plateau located at an altitude of 1436 meters above sea level. The basic infrastructure of the sports and tourist facility is concentrated here. With a plateau down the fan, 6 cableways are diverged, which serve 15 ski slopes with a total length of more than 13 km.

Descents for beginners are in the upper part of the slope. Throughout the season, a good snow level remains. These runs of Krasnaya Polyana It is fenced, processed by randes, illuminated at night and equipped with artificial lightning systems. There are within complex Gazprom And such descents that will delight well-trained skiers. Extended, sufficiently complex and interesting, they descend to the very foot of the mountain. But because of the soft climate of snow in the lower sections of the descent does not always happen enough. Typically, black and red runs of Gazprom Open for skating in February and March.

Runs of the complex Gazprom:

Route Level
Length, M. Average
width, M.
Middle bias, m


heights, M.
B1. complex route 973 23,9 19 29 12 195
B2. the highway route 835 28,9 21 34 4 195
B3. the highway route 420 36,7 23 70 9 195
B4. the highway route 1435 28,8 21 32 9 195
D1 the highway route 1292 34,86 26 87 9 131
C1. lightway 402 31,9 9 11 3 26
E1. lightway 702 21,4 10 18 5 64
F1 very complex route 856 35,9 31 67 9 529
F2. very complex route 235 40,1 51 87 12 109
F3. very complex route 1263 36,1 49 107 18 356
F4. complex route 600 40,8 43 67 18 173
F5. complex route 1715 42,1 37 67 19 450
F6. complex route 753 39,8 35 73 9 224
F7. complex route 404 34,3 35 73 23 219
F8. complex route 823 32 23 42 9 154
I1 lightway 477 56 7,4 13 66
G1. complex route 1900 53 15,9 27,6 530
G2. complex route 703 59 17,9 34,4 195
G3. complex route 1650 66 14,4 28,6 450
G4. complex route 1900 55 16,3 28 610
G5. complex route 156 55 19 21,9 40
H. the highway route 736 51 10,8 22,5 165
H1. the highway route 427 42 12,1 23,4 95

Detailed description of the infrastructure of the complex and the price of the lift you will find on the Gazprom Red Polyana page

More information about GTC Gazprom:

Scheme of Route Red Polyana Mountain Carousel

Sports and tourist complex "Mountain Carousel" - Olympic object. The construction of a major media education, hotels, shopping and entertainment centers, sports grounds, and TP are being built. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe ski slopes of the Red Polyana will be 135 hectares here, and the length is 70 km. It offers 6 green, 8 blue, 16 red and 6 black descents.

In the 2010-2011 season, there were 3 mines of the new gondola cable car, serving several breakdown options for well-trained skiers. Since 2013, the lift has functions to the foot of the black pyramid. A small slope where it is possible to practice beginners is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe second stage.

Complex Mountain Carousel Attractive in that it is closest to the residential sector, in the village of Esto-Sadok, within walking distance of some hotels. However, the snow in this part of the ridge is faster than everything. Thus, in a good, catabelne state, only the uppermost route marked with a red level of difficulty is most often.

Detailed description of the infrastructure of the complex and the price of the lift you will find on the Mountain Carousel Red Polyana page.

More information about STK Mountain Carousel:

Scheme Trails Red Polyana Alpica Service
(before the reconstruction of the complex)

Very popular among freeriders and well-trained skiers complex. The upper part of the slope has a black and red marking. On both sides of the lift are the Shumykhinsky and Salymov circus, where the virginity is practiced skating on the Red Polyana And backkaland. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower station, the third line of the cable car there is a small area of \u200b\u200bthe slope equipped with bugly lifts. They serve a small route designed for beginners or students. Under the second line of the lift in the wooded part of the slope runs the blue route. Under the first one - green. But because of the warm climate, they are rarely in an acceptable state for riding.

A detailed description of the infrastructure of the complex and the price of the lift you will find on the Alpika-Service page of the Red Polyana.

Alpika-service tracks
(before the reconstruction of the complex):

Location relative to the lift Location above sea level Extension Height difference Difficulty level
Alpica 1. 550-790 1309 240 Easy track. For beginners and sunshines.
Alpica 2. 790-1144 1100 354 The highway highway. For prepared skiers.
Alpica 3. 1500-1144 1050 356 Complex track. Increased complexity.
Bugeli. 1180-1227 300 47 Easy track. For learning.
Alpica 4. 1500-2238 1637 738 Red and black descents of increased complexity. From the crest only black tracks. From the storage station red with the variants of black descents to the bougid lifts.
Rodnikova 1112-1561 1312 449

Complex track. A separate trace is under separate, with nothing with a linked lift in the region of the 3rd stage of the main complex.

2. Control speed.
It is not by chance that the tracks are car and ski. On the slope, like on the road, most collisions are due to exceeding speed. Namely, because of the exceeding the threshold, behind which the skier or snowboarder can control this speed. Before starting the movement and in the process, correctly evaluate your abilities, the features of the relief, weather conditions and the density of the slope of the slope. The reduction in the speed is necessary in the places of cluster of people, on narrow parts of the track, with poor visibility, on the edge of the steep slope, next to the lifts and at the end of the route.

3. Choose a route.
As with the highway, the one who goes ahead has a priority. Therefore, the skier or snowboarder, who is behind, should choose such a trajectory of movement so as not to create any danger to descending below along the slope. To do this, it is sufficient to observe the distance required to perform any maneuvers, including the possible fall.

4. Obgon.
When overtaking, it is also necessary to observe the distance and make a maneuver on sufficient distance to safety. The distance is necessary not only for overtaking moving skiers, but also for leaving the vacationers.

5. Departure on the track, the beginning of the movement and movement up the slope.
Before starting the movement and departure on the track, look up and down the slope and correctly appreciate the situation, as well as your location about other rides. Carver skiing and snowboards allow you to move up the slope in the turn, against the overall movement. Snowboarders and skiers should be particularly attentive, making such maneuvers.

6. Stop on the track.
Stops on narrow or poorly visible areas of the route are prohibited (except for extreme situations). After the fall, it is necessary as quickly as possible (if possible) to leave this place without leaving on the slope. You can relax or move on foot by the edge of the track.

7. Lifting or descent on foot.
Do not create obstacles to the rolling. Move on foot only on the edge of the route. In addition, traces of shoes spoil the slope and can cause traumatic situations.

8. Observe the labeling of the tracks.
Before entering the slope, read the tracks of the tracks. Do not go to the slopes that does not correspond to your training level. Do not ignore forbidding signs or ride closed tracks.

9. Assistance in accidents.
In the event of the incident, the rides are required to provide any post assistance to victims. For all athletes, one of the most important is the principle of assistance and assistance in accidents regardless of any legal obligations. At the incident, it is necessary to provide the first medical care to the victim, notify the relevant services and in any way indicate the scene to prevent other rides.

10. Identification of participants in the incident.
Each skier or snowboarder who has witnessed or a participant in the incident is obliged to exchange contact data with other witnesses or participants. Only full and accurate testimony of witnesses will help restore the picture of the incident. Significant value in determining the measure of responsibility are the reports of rescue services and photographs.

I am sure that this is the shortest guide to the ski resort in the world \u003d)) Here I tried to collect the most important thing about riding in Krasnaya Polyana. Someday I will definitely write "Tips, how to come correctly" and something in the form of the "Red Polyana program for 8 days" with a check-in on Tuesday-Wednesday, with the days of resting Ski during the peak of the influx of the people on weekends, and " the reverse "at the beginning of the next week, but it's somehow later ..

In the meantime, just photoranscases and impressions of skiing on each of the resorts:

What is the difference between these places? What are the pros and cons? Where better to ride?



  • The coolest blue highways throughout the resort
  • The largest zone of riding from three Krasnopolyansky "Resorts"
  • You can live directly on the mountain, at an altitude of 1,200 meters in Ski-Inn / Ski-Out hotels. For example, at the Rider Hotel S Lodge.
  • Cheerful Party and Night Dance Club right on the slope!
  • Steep stash park for lovers jump
  • Landing in an empty bus (final). It is important if you live in Adler or Sochi and want to ride standing.


  • On holidays and weekends the biggest queues on the lift
  • "Middle" from the tracks of the Outrass zones are rolled out in a matter, no, no days, hours !!!
  • Riding and relaxing is generally more expensive than on a mountain carousel

Mountain Carousel


  • Good red highways
  • The largest zone of fetrass
  • Very beautiful zone of riding in circuses!
  • The longest season of skiing due to the circus routes at an altitude of more than 2000 m.
  • The cheapest skipas


  • Low blue tracks
  • Lower station of the ropes right on the track. "The atmosphere" of the resort is the least Prazdy \u003d)



  • Excellent green trained tracks. It was here for the first time I got on a snowboard!
  • On weekends and holidays, people are smaller than on a rose farm or mountain carousel
  • As the height of the tracks is lower than that of competitors, there is warmer, if the weather suddenly cold


  • Due to the fact that the tracks are located low, very often problems with snow. The shortest catal season. Really - January-beginning of March.
  • The most expensive resort of three. Very expensive food on the mountain. Hotels too Cosmos!
  • The smallest riding zone.
  • The best time to travel to Krasnaya Polyana is February. 100% Snow Guarantee, relatively not many people, good snow for freeride, avalanche from non-spring snow is the least dangerous.
  • Optimal trip format to Red Polyana for a week: two days of skiing on Rose Farm, two days on a mountain carousel, one day on Gazprom and a day of rest in a water park in the middle of the week of skiing.
  • At the weekend, do not ride or ride a maximum of dinner, since there are a lot of people from lunch.
  • Live on Rose Farm in hotels on Rosa Plato. Awesome beautiful views of the mountains right from the room + you will be the first on the rope!
  • If you do not know how to ride - take the instructor, for example at the school Riders School. It's worth it!! Save a bunch of time and will begin to have fun of riding. There is a great excellent ski and open rental.
  • Cultural program: half a day in the water park on Gazprom, jump from Tarzanka in Sky Park, a trip to the "Volrier complex" (a small zoo) for Gazprom, for children - Amusement park Sochi Park in Adler. You can take a taxi and go to Abkhazia for one day, for example, in Gagra or just get to the Imereti Beach in Adler and throw pebbles to the sea. Well