Resorts in Latvia. Description of the resort Riga: photos, beaches, what to see, prices, distances Ski resorts in Latvia

900 thousand inhabitants live in the city. Magnificent architecture - from medieval to modern,
Attractions Riga -Old Town (Vezriga), Doma Square, Low Buildings and Big Guild.

Churches and cathedrals:

  • The Dome Cathedral (Doma Square) (Domus Dei - House of God) Built in 1211, the interior dates back to the 17th century. There are many artistic treasures in the cathedral, but the most undoubtedly the greatest of them is the magnificent organ made in 1884 by the masters of the German company Valker and K ° in Ludwigsburg. Its height is 25 m, the width is 11m, the depth is 10 m. Vintage paintings, amazing wood carving and currency currencies multiply the cultural significance of the cathedral. Here regularly pass services and concerts of organ music.
  • Cathedral of St. Ekaba Built in 1226 outside the urban wall. The church has retained its gothic spire. In the 18th century, during the next capital restoration of the master, the remnants of the standing standing in the man's wall found.
  • Reformed church, built in 1733 each
  • sundays are held here, at the same time you can see it from the inside.
  • alt \u003d "(! Lang: Christmas Cathedral" border="1" height="120" hspace="5" src="http://image2..jpg" vspace="5" width="150" />Православный Рождественский кафедральный собор. !} In Soviet times was used as a planetarium.
  • Church of St. Peter.Built in the XIII century. At one time, her tower was the highest wooden building of Europe. The current height of the tower is 123.25 m. The wonderful city opens from the observation deck of the tower where you can climb the elevator. For the church, the best times the statue of Roland's work of Augusta Folts, the copper table in the floor immediately informs that it is here - the center of Riga.
  • Church of St. John. Consecrated in 1234 as the temple of John the Baptist. Outside in the wall there is a born window. According to the legend, two monks were closed here, and parishioners in this is the worst one, I gave them food and drink.
  • Riga Castle. Initially, the castle of the Livonian Order was originally built in the 1330s. During the collisions of the knights with residents of Riga, the castle was destroyed. The current castle was completed in 1515 and is a bright sample of medieval architecture. Now this is the residence of the President of Latvia. The Latvian Historical Museum, founded in 1869 as the Museum of the Scientific Commission of the Riga Latvian Society and since 1920, already under the auspices of the Government of the Republic of Latvia, translated into the Riga Castle.


  • Museum of decorative and applied art;
  • Museum of History of Riga and Navigation. The oldest museum in Latvia was founded in 1773;
  • Museum of 50-year occupation of Latvia;
  • Latvian Museum of Photography;
  • Pharmaceutical Museum;
  • car Museum;
  • Memorial apartment-museum Ya Rosental and R. Blaumanis;
  • An open-air ethnographic museum - 11 km away. From the center of Riga in the pine forest on the shore of the picturesque lane. Yugo. The most characteristic buildings are concentrated here (the oldest - 17th century) from all ethnographic regions of Latvia.

    In Riga, many entertainment centers are nightclubs, casinos, discos and miss you here. And in 2001, Riga marks 800 years! The whole city will be filled with the events dedicated to the anniversary. The main celebrations will be held from August 17 - 19.

    South of Riga is the magnificent Rundhal Palace, the Summer Residence of the Duke of Kurlyandsky, built by the architect Rastrelli.

    Beautiful latvian resorts With a mild climate and pine air:

  • Baldonelocated near Riga - Balneological and mud resort with a picturesque park;
  • Liepaja - Primorsky mud and climatic resort;
  • Jurmalastretched along the sandy coast of the Gulf of Riga 33 km. Here is the dacha museum of Yana Rainis;
  • The picturesque bank of the Gaui River is located a popular resort. Sigulda. Caves, thick forests, the ruins of medieval castles create a unique originality of this place.

    Jurmala - Sea resort on the banks of the Gulf of Riga 25 km from Riga. Pine fragrance in combination with sea air, wonderful landscapes make an attractive every corner of the coast of Jurmala from Lielupe to Yaunopemeri. Jurmala is numerous sanatoriums, hotels, campgrounds; Concert Hall "Dzintari" and tennis center in Lielupe and the mass of other places to entertainment and recreation.

    Sigulda - Medieval city and picturesque corner of Latvia. Here the castle of Turaida, who served the ancient Liva fortress was preserved. The "Gauja" National Park: the unique beauty of its ancient banks give the rocks crouched by the forest from white and red sandstone and dolomite cliffs up to 20 m high. The highest is a break. From its 25-meter height opens a stunning look. In Sigulda, there are comfortable modern hotels and restaurants next to the ruins of the medieval fortress.

    Cesis - City with cobbled streets and wooden houses, is 38 km away. from Sigulda. The ancient town of Cesis retained the ruins of an ancient Livonsky castle. Now in the castle of Livonian times in Cēsis, a costumed theatrical presentation is organized: guests are found in the armor, torches are burning, antique music sounds, dances are performed, they offer a real medieval meal (in those days they were without cutlery). The neighborhood of the city is one of the picturesque places of Latvia.

    Another medieval monument - KuldigaLocated on the bank of the Venta River. Kuldiga - the heart of Kurzeme - was first mentioned in historical documents in 1242. The architecture of the Old Town is captured by the features of many centuries - buildings in the style of gothic, the era of the Renaissance, Baroque, Burgers and merchant residential buildings. The decoration of the city is the Vent Rumba waterfall - the largest in Latvia (110 m and 1.5 width).
    Interesting excursions B. Kurzeme:
    - Excursion to the Valley of the Abava rivers and Venta (Kurzekaya);
    - inspection of the ancient castle of Yaunmokas (1901 years), built to the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Riga;
    - Inspection of the sights of Kandavava and Sabile.

    Unique archaeological and historical monuments in Arashi. (The most valuable are the remains of the Latgall settlement of the 9-10 centuries on the island of Ozarashi).

    Place Sabile - The northernmost point in the world where grapes are grown. Enthusiasts are ready to restore the traditions of winemaking - at least to attract tourists.

    Daugavpils. - The second largest city of Latvia. Here, mainly presented monuments of the architecture of the XIX century - the ensembles of the former fortress with strengthening.

    In the town Aluksne There is a wonderful park (XVIII-XIX centuries), the wrecks of the castle of the XIV century are also magnificently suburban landscapes.

    Beautiful Latgali, Land of many nations whose culture has contributed to the appearance of the edge: Latgals, Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Lithuanians. This is the center of Catholicism in Latvia, as evidenced by numerous churches and basilica. In the Aglon Basilica in 1993 served Mass Papa Roman. The ruins of once majestic castles are reminded about the northern crusades. Many lakes, picturesque hills.

    Not far from the city Kraslava There is a Suelaescalnes Hill - 211 m above sea level. From his top there is a wonderful panorama of the blue-green kingdom of water and the forest, hence 26 lakes are visible in clear weather. And the children in Latgale offer to watch ceramics workshops and even try to make something on a pottery circle.

    Traditional Applied art of Latvia - Weaving, processing of metal, amber and wood, knitting and embroidery, Latvian ceramics are famous.

    The most popular and widely celebrated holiday of Latvia - Yanov day - June 23. If you are a lover of beer and get to Latvia in Yanov's day, then love Latvia, like beer! In any case, you will get an unforgettable impression! In Riga, the holidays of folk songs are held regularly, starting with the colorful procession of participants in national costumes.

    Leisure. Farm and farms, manors, cottages and campgrounds, tourist camps in Latvia National Parks, among forests, on the shores of numerous rivers attract nature lovers, hiking, riding, fishing and other outdoor activities.

Riga is the symbiosis of modernity and old days. City of old European traditions. Among the Baltic capitals is famous for interesting style mixing architectures. Wars did not touch the old buildings, you can admire the historical heritage of the ancestors of the central part of the city.

A bit of history

The city starting from the 13th century was the famous cultural and shopping center. The main population for centuries up to the 20th century was the Germans who postponed a strong imprint on the culture, the mentality of the modern population of Riga. The peripetics of modern migrations created the conditions for the appearance in the capital of Latvia the multinational composition of residents. The fusion of cultures also influenced the mood of the city, but German remains the main contribution.

How to get

There is Riga in the central part of Europe, near the coast of the Baltic Sea Gulf of Riga. The Daugava River (Western Dvina, renamed in Latvia) flows through the city. The historic center is located on the Right Bank of Daugava.

The city has excellent transport highways. Railway station - a nodal station in the center of the capital of Latvia, a message with any city is provided, there are direct routes from Moscow. For all the comfort of branded cars, the fare has become exorbitantly high, so many guests of the city prefer to move through aircraft. The airport is located in the suburbs, at the near distance, it is not difficult to get from there. In addition to taxis, public transport is perfectly functioning, pay for travel to euros.


The city is located near the coast of the Gulf, which postpones the imprint on the climate of the city. There is no sharp temperature fluctuations, but the climate is close to moderately continental. The precipitation drops a bit, summer is non-jarous, the temperature is rarely rising above + 250s, winter stands with a small frost. The bathing season on the coast opens in mid-June. The best time for trips is the middle of the summer. This emphasizes a large number of Beaumd, gathering at this time in Riga and surrounding areas.

Where to stay

The city meets guests with a large number of hotels, 260 hotels operate in Riga. Main class 4-5 stars. In stock A sufficient number of free places, but in the best hotels it is best to book rooms in advance. Wellton Elefant, the new hotel of 2012, located on the highway from the airport to Old Riga, islande Hotel, located in the center on the island of Kipusala, the former town of students, as well as a boutique hotel in the old building of Wellton Gertrde, a great place to stop the whole family Near the famous Latvian National Opera next to Old Riga.

What to see

During the beach season, it is interesting to visit the coast. Few people know that, in addition to the Jurmala destination, there is a resort area in the side of the Wetsaki, where many giving famous people are located. The entire coast is provided with infrastructure, there are many interesting cafes, open areas for recreation with tea drinking and various places of health recreation. Here you will not hear a little conversion, because tourists respect their opportunity to generate income.

The coast is a paradise for middle-aged people or families with small children. For young people, there are also full entertainment here, but this age is more characteristic expression, which is not enough in the measured rhythm of the resort zone. Prefer young creatures rest mainly in Riga itself.

There are many attractions in the city. In addition to simply sightseeing excursions, you can visit the Dome Cathedral, a huge number of museums located in the city center, as well as medieval castles that are not more than two hours from Riga.

Attend the city of people of different ages. Someone manites nostalgia, someone wants to see a live famous city. Calm and measured, worthy of seeing it. With all the recent affiliation to a large country, a tourist needs to be remembered that now it is a foreign state, and the indigenous Latvians are tuned with distrust of the citizens of another state. Under the mask of European benevolence, you can consider the reluctance to communicate. It is better to rely on your strength, stocking guides and euros.

10-15 minutes by train from Riga, 16 kilometers west of it begins the resort of all-union value - the Riga Seaside, the city of Jurmala. Riga seaside - Pearl Baltic States. The resort area is stretched along the southern coast of the Riga Bay 18-kilometer stripe, a pine forest. From the south and east the seaside for 22 kilometers washed water r. Lielupe. The width of the resort strip between the bay and the river is about 3 kilometers, and in the Mayori district - Dubulta it decreases to 350 meters. The resort begins in the countryside of Lielupe and stretches the continuous chain of country settlements (Bulduri, Dzintari, Majori, Dubulta, Pumperuri, Melluzhi, Asari) to Waivari station.

43 kilometers from Riga is a major balneological resort of Keemer, located 5 kilometers from the Gulf of Riga. On the shore of the Bay ends the construction of the Balneological Sanatorium Complex Yaunkenieri - a new Keemer who will be the largest in the Baltic States.

Along the entire seaside, one of the best beaches of 50-100 meters wide in the country stretches. It is covered with clean, small, yellowish sand.

The coastal zone of shallow water, and therefore the water of the shore in the summer is well warmed. Her heating contributes to both mongs stretching along the coast.

The beach at all of its length is framed by the dunes, sworn pines. The width of the dunes is about 50 meters, and the height ranges from 10 to 15 meters. The dunes reliably protect holidaymakers from the cold northern winds that blow from the bay. For a dune strip to r. Lielupe extends pine forest, and in places the deciduous forest.

Among the trees are scattered summer-type houses, in some places the hulls of sanatoriums and rest houses. Only Mayori and Dubulta lying in the center of Jurmala, in their own way resemble the city.

At the Riga Seaside there are more than 25 sanatoriums, including new or modernized "Kemeri", "Baltia", "Latvia", "Seagull", "Yurneieks", "Bulduri" and others. Here are more than 30 holiday homes, including The number of the art of the Art Fund of the USSR, the House of Creativity writers them. Rainis and others. Every year, tens of thousands of workers are being treated annually.

In the sanatoriums of the Riga seaside, diseases of the cardiovascular system are treated, anemia, which occurred after blood loss, infectious diseases and on the soil of chronic diseases of various organs, functional diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, neurosis), etc. In Kemere, in addition, the chronic diseases of the joint Origin, applies treatment with mud and hydrogen sulfide waters of mineral springs. The Riga Seaside built a new polyclinic with modern equipment and a bioclimatic station and an agroclimatic pavilion function.

Riga seaside provides ample opportunities for both active leisure of tourists and savages. There are many routes for hiking excursions and water shots on Lieleup, in Riga, to Lake Kisheser, etc.

Favorite places of hunters and fishermen are sleeves and old men in the mouth of Lielupe and especially the lake Babit area of \u200b\u200b26 square kilometers. At the seaside there are sports bases and several boat stations. All-Union competitions in sailing, rowing and water-motor sports are held on Lielupe.

The Riga seaside refers to the number of seaside climatic resorts of a moderate zone, and naturally, its climatic conditions are an important part of the whole healing complex. The climate of the Riga seaside semi-type floor. Summer is relatively cool, winter is relatively soft. Especially favorable for climate treatment and rest of the warm period. It begins in May. May is the most dry and sunny month a year. Within a month, the sun shines 260 hours, and cloudy days only four. Clear days and days with variable cloud are about 20 per month. Solar dry weather is only at times replaced relatively cold with northern winds, sometimes with frosts. The winds from the bay are generally frequent in the Riga seaside, however, there are places where the wind speed is significantly weakened. These are disturbed dunes and the streets of Jurmala's streets stretched in parallel. With an average air temperature in May 11-12 ° in the daytime, it in half of all days of the month is ranging from 15 to 20 °. The sea, however, in May, is still cool, the water surface temperature is only 10-12 °, it rises to 13-14 ° in clear days. On these days, the temperature of the sand surface on the beach is 13-15 ° in the morning, and around noon increases to 25-27 °. In the second half of May, when the cherry, lilac, apple trees and cherries bloom, the villages of Jurmala turn into the garden.

In June, in the daytime, the air temperature on average is already 19-20 °, while in half of all days of the month it is above 20 °, and on certain days and above 25 °. The sun shines within a month of 270-280 hours, and the days without the sun is only one or two per month. All summer, the weather is prevailing or with variable cloudiness. During the day in clear weather, light wind blowing from the bay, sea breeze, improving well-being. The rains fall out 10-12 times a month. However, summer rains are short-lived and usually after an hour or two, the sun shines again. The sands of the seaside quickly absorb rainwater, so the streets and the beach quickly enhance even after heavy rain.

The temperature of the water surface at the shore in June is usually even low - in the morning it is usually 14-15 °, and in the day and evening clock rises to 16-17 ° and only on some days it can be warmer - 20- 22 °. Sand on the beach in June is already very heated. In the afternoon of sunny weather, the temperature of its surface reaches 32-36 °, and sometimes even above 40 °.

In July and August - the warmest months of the year - the best conditions for rest at the Riga Seaside. The average air temperature in these months is 16-17 °, and in the daytime 21-23 °, while during the day half of all days of the month it rests from 20 to 25 °, 5-7 days it is above 25 °, and in separate Days and above 30 °.

It is during these months, in the midst of summer, a swimming season is deployed at the seaside. The water temperature in the morning clock is 16-17 °, on sunny days it rises to 18-19 °, and in the afternoon and in the evening to 18-20 °. On some days, when the northern winds drive to the shores of the seaside heated water from the surface of the bay, the water temperature near the shore can rise to 23-26 °. Bathing in such water is especially nice. Southern wind, on the contrary, drives warm water from the coast, and although the air on such days is warmer, water near the shore is usually cool, and sometimes its temperature drops to 8-10 °. Sand surface on sunny days is heated to 34-36g, and on the unconnected southern slopes of Avandyun - and up to 45 ° and above.

In July-August, usually relatively many rains (13-14 days with rain per month). However, about half of all cases, especially in August, the rain goes at night or early in the morning, and the weather is improved by noon on the seaside. The heat, sometimes felt on the beach, thanks to sea brys, does not tire. In addition, from the hot rays of the sun, you can hide in the shadow of the seaside forest. The air, especially in the pine forest, is strongly ionized, saturated with the smell of needles and refreshingly clean.

September is quite often still warm and dry, it happens even that it turns out to be the warmer of August. This month, a decrease in temperature and air, and water begins. The average air temperature in September 12 °, during the day it rises to 16 °, and at this time the temperature prevails from 15 to 20 ° (14 days) and only 6 days it can be higher than 20 °.

Bathing season ends usually in mid-September.

Although in the Riga seaside and not so much sunny days, as in the Crimea or in the Caucasus, still summer is quite warm.

The climate of the Riga seaside harres and trains the human body.

A small difference between the temperatures of the day and night, frequent, although minor fluctuations in the temperature and humidity of the air every day have a beneficial effect on the whole body, they improve blood circulation, metabolism, increase the tone of the nervous system. The resistance of the person is increasing and cold illness.

Sea bathing, air and sunbathing, gymnastics, sleep in the fresh air improves overall well-being, strengthen the nervous system, give force and energy.

Provides the opportunity to tourists who have gathered to visit it, exciting time to spend time in any season. In the summer, here you can fully relax and adhe away, going to one of the beach resorts, and the winter is ideal for lovers of skiing.

Ski resorts in Latvia

The picturesque natural landscapes of Latvia provide the opportunity not only to enjoy the beach holiday, but also with interest to spend time in the winter season at the ski resorts of the country. They will find a place for both experienced skiers or snowboards and beginners, as well as fans of a ski cross. Among the most famous ski resorts in Latvia, you can list the following:

The list of famous Latvian ski slopes can be supplemented with the following objects:

  • Zagarkalns - It is very popular with Latvian, located in, on the shore, in Vidzeme;
  • Ozkalkalns - It is considered the longest route in Latvia, located in Vidzeme;
  • Gayzinkalns. - known as a high peak, has slopes equipped for skiers and snowboarders, is in Vidzeme;
  • Zviedru Cepure (Translated "Swedish hat") - located in Kurzeme, in the Valley of Abava, which is known for its picturesque views. Therefore, here you can not only ride, but also enjoy the surrounding nature;
  • "Lemberga Hūte" (translated as "Lemberg's Hat") is an artificial mountain of 50 m high, is in;
  • Eglukalns. - ski base, which is located at an altitude of 220 m above sea level in close proximity to;
  • you can go skiing in the very center of Riga - in Uzvaras Park, there is also a running track next to the capital.
Beach and Health Resorts in Latvia

With the onset of the summer season, a lot of tourists rushes to the territory of Latvia to stay at one of the numerous beach resorts and enjoy relaxing on the seashore. Resorts in Latvia are famous for providing a whole complex of wellness procedures, it makes it possible not only to relax, but also significantly improve health. Among the most famous resorts can be listed as:

  1. - The largest Baltic resort on the shore. Its length along the coast is about 30 km. The unique combination of marine and forest air has the most beneficial effect on the body, and thanks to the fact that Jurmala is characterized by shallow water, it is reasonably known as an excellent children's resort in Latvia. Jurmala consists of 15 villages that can be called separate resort zones containing comfortable beaches for recreation. The most famous of them include: Mayori., Yaunkenieri, Dubulta, Dzintari., Pumper, Yomas, Vaivari.. To get to Jurmala, you need to get a train that follows from Riga. You will not reach any problems, as the trains are sent regularly. Another option will be reached by your own car. In this case, in the period from April 1 to September 30, it will be necessary to pay the entrance fee, which is 2 euros.

  2. Resort - Located in Jurmala in the territory of the natural reserve. The date of its foundation is considered another 1838, when the source of sulfur waters was discovered in the estate of the local forester. The uniqueness of this place is explained by the presence of sources of sulfide sulfate-calcium water containing nutrients and trace elements. Next is located near the peat mud deposit, which is used for therapeutic procedures. Arriving in Kemeri, tourists will be able to undergo complete diagnosis in order to identify diseases and get qualified treatment with the help of various procedures. So, it is possible to name such types of popular methods of treatment: climatotherapy (carried out, due to the unique location of the resort, the proximity of the reserve has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs), balneotherapy (treatment of mineral waters, which are used as drinking therapy, as well as for contrasting baths and underwater massage ), mud (useful for diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, digestive organs). Kemere is known and as a children's resort in Latvia. It is effective here with the help of such methods as ergotherapy (used in children's cerebral paralysis, animal pulp (rehabilitation with animals) - includes canister and therapy (treatment with dogs) and richterapia (treatment based on horseback riding).
  3. Resort Baldona - It is famous for his mud hospitals, located on the territory of the picturesque park. A unique climate and numerous procedures make it possible to improve the state of the nervous system, get rid of diseases of the organs of movement and hearts, gynecological problems. The hospital is located in the center of Latvia, where you can get on a public bus or by car along the P91 or P98 tracks.
  4. - Health complex, located 200 km from the capital of the country. The resort is different from other peculiar climates characterized by soft in winter and cool summer. It is recommended to come to Liepaja only since the end of May to avoid sudden spring frosts. Here you can pass wellness treatments and enjoy the beach holiday.

  5. - The resort, which the first to receive the cherished European Blue Flag, demonstrating compliance with all the necessary standards and the absence of any violations. The width of the beach is about 80 m, it is covered with small white purest sand. Here you can not only enjoy the beach holiday, but also walk in the park, ride water attractions, surfing. In Ventspils, many children's towns, fascinating parks and a variety of water rides are built.
  6. or sunny coast - Ideal for family holidays with children, because it is characterized by a calm peaceful atmosphere and a mild climate. Here you can not only devote time to beach rest, but also enjoy stunning picturesque views. One of the local attractions is the White Dune - a place where newlyweds come to exchange rings.
  7. - Located 90 km from Vidzeme. The proximity of the National Park, in which coniferous trees grow, makes this place unique. Here you can relax on the beach and to improve, thanks to the healing air. The area is incredibly picturesque, there are luxurious waterfalls here, one of which is the highest in the whole country.

Jurmala is not only a popular resort on the Baltic Sea, but also a terrain with very favorable natural climatic conditions.

That is why Jurmala's sanatoriums enjoy well-deserved popularity from local residents and tourists.

Already for a long time, the sanatorium and the Jurmala spa are considered a good option for sanatorium and resort and treatment.

Sanatorium Resources of Latvia were known in the 19th century. Already then, Jurmala was known for his mineral sources, which in those days were considered holy. Here came the richest people from the highest sections of society to correct their health.

At the same time, the first chemical analyzes of mineral water were carried out in St. Petersburg, and in 1838, Jurmala acquired the status of the resort town.

Currently, well-known sanatoriums and spa hotels are located throughout the coast of Jurmala, offering their guests a variety of medicinal and rehabilitation procedures aimed at improving health and general physical form. Jurmala spa complexes are among the largest complexes throughout Eastern Europe.

The popularity of Jurmala Kak. recreational resort, Ideally suitable for sanatorium treatment, also explains the possibility of combining health procedures with a beach holiday, entertainment and excursion program.

The sanatorium industry is developed not only in Latvia. Having been in Jurmala, you will probably want to visit to enrich your holiday experience in the Baltic States.

Do you know that the sea is not the only water entertainment in Jurmala? Read about the Water Park "Livu", and be sure to visit it if possible!

The main advantages of sanatorium-resort treatment in Jurmala

Jurmala is a major Baltic resort city located on the banks of the Gulf of Riga, 25 km from Riga. Currently, more than 30 hotels and sanatoriums are operating in Jurmala, offering their guests a vacation and resort treatment.

The main advantages Jurmalas as a resort for sanatorium treatment are:

  • Unique natural climatic conditions. The mild climate in Jurmala is combined with the purest air and close to the sea.

    Treatment in local sanatoriums, located next to coniferous forests and sea, has a beneficial effect on the health and the general condition of people with weakened respiratory system;

  • High quality spa treatment recognized worldwide. In Jurmala sanatoriums, highly qualified specialists who use modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment are operating;
  • A wide range of medical programs in the most different directions;
  • The presence of healing mineral springs and the reserves of the healing peat. Jurmala rehabilitation centers are in close proximity to hydrogen sulfide sources, as well as peat and sapropel mud, which are actively used in the treatment and spa procedures.

    It is important that all dirt, unlike many other sanatoriums of the Baltic States, come to therapeutic procedures. almost immediately after their prey. This ensures the maximum effect of their application.

    The main advantage of mineral sources of Jurmala is a different composition of water mineralization. This allows you to treat a very extensive list of diseases;

  • Large selection of sanatorium resort procedures prescribed depending on the disease.

    For resort recovery in Latvian health resorts, therapeutic measures are used as balneolesee, diet therapy, paraffin therapy, various types of massage, hydrotherapy, modern physiotherapy, physiotherapy and other methods of resort recovery;

  • Ability to combine sanatorium-resort treatment with beach holiday. All Jurmala sanatoriums are near the purest beaches of Baltic.

    Back in 1997, Jurmala joined the Blue Flag Beaches known worldwide, which was organized by the European Fund for Education Environment.

    And in 2000, the beach in Maori re-received a blue flag, which testifies to the purity of the beach, the high quality of sea water and safety;

  • Big choice SPA proceduresallowing to combine treatment with rest, relaxation and improvement of physical form;
  • Affordable cost of recreation and treatment. Despite high european level The maintenance and availability of the most modern equipment, the cost of recreation and treatment in Latvia is very acceptable.

    Prices for health treatments in Jurmala sanatoriums are beneficial from most Russian resorts, not to mention European sanatoriums.

    It should be borne in mind that the quality of treatment in Latvian rehabilitation centers is at all inferior to the European service;

  • Lack of linguistic barrier. All employees of Jurmala health resorts are fluent in Russian, which eliminates some misunderstanding in diagnosing, appointing treatment and conducting procedures.

Indications to Sanatorium-resort treatment in Jurmala

In Jurmala sanatoriums, there are resources for therapeutic and wellness procedures for various diseases. The main indications for sanatorium-resort treatment in the rehabilitation centers of Jurmala are:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • diseases of digestive organs;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gynecological and urological diseases.

This list of readings is not exhaustive. Depending on the specialization of specific sanatoriums, you can choose health programs for the treatment of a number of other diseases. Doctors highly recommend Sanatorium-resort centers of Latvia for the treatment of many child disease.

Dental services are very in demand among tourists. The high level of service in Latvian health resorts is combined with a very affordable price. For example, in comparison with Moscow, teeth treatment in Latvia cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.

Contraindications For sanatorium-resort treatment in Jurmala quite a bit. Finding and treating in sanatoriums is contraindicated to persons suffering infectious diseases, mental disorders. And also to those persons who find the resort can bring harm - in the aggravation stage of various diseases, with malignant neoplasms, women in the third trimester of pregnancy, with the tendency to bleeding.

Sanatoriums Jurmala and their specialization

Almost all Jurmala sanatoriums have a good number of rooms, excellent infrastructure and a modern medical and wellness base. Each rehabilitation complex is equipped with high-tech diagnostic equipment And offers a wide range of therapeutic procedures and methods of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Some corps of reducing centers are located right in the pine forest, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and the psychological state of the person.

All Jurmala sanatoriums have developed infrastructure - Shops, restaurants, parking, cafes, bars, beauty salons. They don't have to miss here, because concerts, popular festivals, fairs and other cultural events are constantly held in Jurmala. Sanatoriums have conditions for conducting training seminars and conferences.

The most large and popular Jurmala sanatoriums are the sanatoriums "Amber Coast", "Belarus", "Yaunkenieri" and "Pegasa Pils".

Sanatorium "Amber Coast"

This is one of the oldest Jurmala Sanatoriums (see photo). Despite this, "amber shore" excellent equipped and has one of the best medical diagnostic bases in Latvia.

Highly qualified personnel, modern equipment, a large number of recovery and preventive programs - all this is a distinctive feature of this sanatorium.

The main profile of "Amber Coast" is the diseases of the peripheral nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and musculoskeletal system.

In addition, the sanatorium offers figure Correction Programs, treatment of skin diseases, rehabilitation after eye operations, treatment of chronic gynecological diseases. Additionally, programs for pregnant women and rejuvenating wellness programs are offered.

The healing base of the sanatorium includes the mud of the famous Kemerian sapropel muds, balneotherapy, paraffin therapy, galosheotoraterapy, anti-gravity therapy for cardiac patients and many other effective methods of recovery and treatment.

Sanatorium "Amber Beach" is located on the territory of Kemeri National Park. It consists of the main six-story building and cottage with VIP numbers.

From the sanatorium to the sea - about 200 meters. The sanatorium has its own well-equipped beach and developed infrastructure not only for treatment, but also for a full-fledged holiday.

Vacationers in the sanatorium can visit the pool, sauna, gym. "Amber Coast" has tennis courts, a volleyball court, a billiard room. Almost every day in the sanatoriums are concerts, film techniques, discos and other entertainment events.

Sanatorium is running year-round. The cost of living in the sanatorium "Amber Bust" with treatment and 3-meal nutrition ranges from 41 to 134 euros per person per day depending on the number. The cost of additional space with food is about 25 euros per day. During the period of mass demand it is possible to increase prices.

Sanatorium "Belarus"

Sanatorium "Belorussia", located in the very center of JurmalaSanatorium-resort services have been provided since 1976.

Profile "Belorussia" - Treatment of diseases of the nervous system, blood circulation organs and metabolic disorders. In addition, there are opportunities for sanatorium-resort treatment of diseases of the digestive organs, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, skin and allergic diseases.

Sanatorium is designed for 257 seats. Works during the year.

Location: 15 minutes walk from the main pedestrian street of Yomas and the famous concert hall of Dzintari. Distance to the sea - 200 meters. Located in the dune zone Pine forest.

Sanatorium infrastructure:

  • indoor pool with mineral water (25m);
  • sauna, Turkish bath, infrared cabin;
  • hardware massage;
  • fitobar;
  • modern simulator room;
  • sports grounds and tennis court;
  • cinema, Library;
  • children's playroom.

The price of sanatorium services varies from 37 to 80 euros day / people. Depending on the number, season and treatment program. The price includes accommodation, 5 meals a day and the selected treatment program. Children are provided discounts.