The road from Muin to Dalat. Road from Muin to Dalat How to get to Dalat from Muin

We tell me how to get to Dalata yourself how much and how to find tickets online.

One of the economical travel options in Vietnam is bus . Buses from Nyachang, Ho Chi Minhina and Phanteta walk to Dalata. It is also possible to get from Muin. Almost every tourist agency Muin and Nyachang with enviable regularity sends excursion buses to Dalat, but mostly tours for 2-3 days.

Time on the way to Dalat:

  • from Nha Trang - about 4 hours;
  • from Hoshimina - about 7 hours;
  • from Phanteta - about 4.5-5 hours;
  • from Muin - about the same, as it is located 15-20 minutes drive to the center of Phantet.

Many drivers refuse to go to Dalat later than 3-4 days (dark in Vietnam at 6 pm), as the road after darkness becomes dangerous due to sharp and steep turns. By itself, the road in Dalat is very exhausting and heavy because of the constant shaking, but it is worth: Throughout the way we enjoyed the stunning landscapes of Vietnam.

You can buy tickets for transport to Dalata here.

We traveled to Dalat from Phanteta. I could not find any accurate information about the schedule of buses to Dalata, so in the first half of the day (10-11 in the morning) we went to search for a bus.

Reaching the bus station, it turned out that we came not quite there. We still did not have time to reach the box office how two Vietnamese came to us with the words "Nha Trang" and Motobayk.Since in English to talk to us "refused", we had to be explained with them in the word "Dalat".

At the checkout, we continued a friendly communication with the Vietnamese peasants, just this time they connected to us, speaking on broken English, a cashier girl. As a result, we realized that the bus was not from the bus station, but from another place. This mysterious place we kindly suggested showing, just these Muzens-Vietnamese, of course, for a modest fee in the amount of 25.000 VND.

They got to the right place with the breeze and in just 5-7 minutes, in fact, it turned out that we could easily reach on foot. Bus ticket to Dalat I walked around B. 130.000 VND.per person.

The bus went at 11:30 , but the first 30 minutes of the trip our bus decided to play the postman, and therefore all this time we rode around the city there, delivering the parcel. Ultimately, about 12 hours we went towards Dalat, picking up people from a stop in three steps from the bus station (!).

Shortly before Dalata, the conductor asks the addresses where the passengers take away, so you can safely call the address of the hotel and you will fall around. We did not booked the hotel, so we just landed in the city center, not far from the Dalata market.

We have found a street without any problems where the hotel is located in each house. Usoffered per day from 200 to 400 thousand VND for a 2-bed room. Surprisingly 200.000 VND. It turned out to be attractive numbers that were more expensive, there was a small balcony with a good view of Lake Suan Hongg (Vietn. Hồ Xuân Hương).

In the Vietnamese village, Mui Na are not so many attractions, and you can go around them alone on the leased bike. But if you do not decide to take a bike, that is, another way to explore all the neighborhood of Muin is organized excursions.

You can buy them in one of numerous street agencies, almost every agency has a Russian-speaking guide. What excursions come from Muin? How much do they cost? In our article we will tell about this on the example of one of the street tourist agencies Mine.

Price of this excursion $ 25 per person.

Included in cost:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Fishing boat.

Lighthouse is 25 km from Muin, to get there on its own for quite a long time, so the excursion will become a good option.

In almost all guidebooks it is written that on the lighthouse you can rise, however, today, the lighthouse is closed for visiting. Therefore, the essence of the excursion is reduced to the external inspection of the lighthouse.

Mountain Taku and Pagoda Lying Buddha

Cost of excursion $ 25.

The price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Cableway.

The mountain is 40 km from Muin, to get there by himself, as in the case of a lighthouse, long (if on a bike) or expensive (if taxis). A minibus is lucky to the mountain of tourists, then everyone rises to the mountain of a cable car onto the funicular (height of 475 m above sea level). On the mountain is the largest buddha statue in Vietnam.

On the way back there is a visit to the plantation of the dragonfruit.

There is the possibility of combining this excursion with Maci Kie, in this case the price will be cheaper than buying two excursions separately.

Day excursion to Dalat from Muin

Cost $ 30 per person.

Duration - from 5:00 to 18:00.

Included in cost:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Lunch with Dalaks wine.

You can explore Dalat by bike (they are often given free of charge in hotels): interesting and useful for health

The only "minus" of an independent trip can be that you will have to move on your own from one sight to another. To do this, you can rent a bike or ride a taxi. But you can see Dalat slowly, take a walk on his streets, look at the market and buy a Dalatskaya strawberry, get your own impressions of the city.

Hot Springs Bin Chow and Crocodile Farm

Excursion cost - $ 45 .

Duration - from 08:00 to 17:00.

The price of the tour includes:


  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Mud bath;

Hot springs Binz Chow are in 2 hours drive from Phanteta. This is the largest medical mud in Vietnam. Near the sources is a crocodile farm, a visit to which is also included in the excursion.

Tour "Three in one": Mountain Taku, sources of Bin Chow and a crocodile farm.

Excursion cost - $ 50.

Duration - from 08:00 to 17:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Mud bath;
  • Lunch with crocodile and ostrich dishes.

Tour "Dawns and Sunits"

Excursion cost - $ 10 (group) $ 30 (individual).


  • Dawn from 04:30 to 08:30
  • Sunset from 14:00 to 18:00.

A visit to white and red sand dunes, Lake Lotos, Red Canyon. Meeting of dawn or sunset in the sand dunes.

Red dunes in Muin: At sunrise and sunset, they become really red

Fishing on the lake

Excursion cost - $ 25.

Duration - from 08:00 to 14:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Lunch with Moonshine.

You will be taken to the lake, where the fishing rods and spinning are issued. There are more than 10 kinds of fish in the lake: Som, perch, bream, carp, eel, banana fish. You can even meet a turtle. During fishing, you can swim in the sea or pool. From the angry fish you will cook lunch right on the shore.

Night fishing on squid at sea

Excursion cost - $ 40 .

Duration - from 05:00 to 10:30 or from 18:00 to 22:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Fishing boat.

From the coast to the fishing boat you will be taken on the round Vietnamese boat TKUN. After that, you will leave Thuengo on the fishing wooden boat to the open sea along with Vietnamese fishermen. They will teach you to catch squid, and then prepare a barbecue and treat by Vietnamese moonshine and wine.

Tours in Nha Trang from Muin for 1 day

During my holiday in Muin, you have the opportunity to see another Vietnamese resort -

Tour Bay Nyuf (3 islands)

Excursion cost - $ 60.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Boat;
  • Dinner.

Visiting Islands: Hon TCI (Spotted deer and African ostriches are bred here, (orchids garden, butterflies garden, deer, ostroops, elephants, circus show with elephants and bears, magnificent beach), monkey island (skewering monkeys, circus show with monkeys and dogs).

Feed deer on Orchid Island

Vincher from Muin (plus the island of monkeys or cham tower)

Excursion cost - $ 60.
Duration - from 05:00 to 20:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Cableway.

Viperl: Vietnamese Disneyland

The world famous wants to visit every tourist coming to Vietnam. The longest cable car over the sea, the coolest rides, water park. Oceanarium: Bored will not be anyone!

Excursions from Muin to Saigon (1 day)

Ho Chi Minh City (former Saigon) is in 5 o'clock riding from Muin, so you have a great opportunity to explore all its sights, spending only 1 day of vacation.

Saying tour, tunnels ki chi, shopping

Excursion cost - $ 60.
Duration - from 05:00 to 20:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner.

Notre Dame de Saigon: Vietnamese version of the Cathedral of the Paris's Our Lady

Sightseeing tour of the most famous places of Ho Chi Minhine: Central Square, Upper Street, Central Market, Central Post Office, Cathedral, Chinese Quarter, Buddhist Pagoda, Shopping on the Central Market, Tunnel Tunnels.

Underground stroke ki stretches more than 200 km! During the war with the Americans, they were used as a base of Vietkogov. This is a whole underground city: inside there are rooms for sleep, meeting rooms, hospitals and other premises. Today two sites of these tunnels are open: in the villages of Bendin and Phalnis.

Delta River Mekong

Excursion cost - $ 60.

Duration - from 05:00 to 1:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Boat and junk;
  • Dinner.

Mekong is the largest river Yuva. She begins in Tibet and flows through the territories of China, Myanmar, Cambodia, on the borders of Laos and Thailand. On the territory of the South Vietnam Mekong flows into South China (about).

At the mouth of the river forms a delta so branched and wetlands that people here were forced to adapted to life on the water. The boat is the most common type of transport, the boats live and trade.

You will go on a boat on the river, visit the islands, meet your local life and craft. Ride on a wooden boat along narrow canals surrounded by tropical jungle. You are waiting for tasting drinks with honey, rice cockerels, sweets from coconut and fruit.

Nha Trang and Dalat from Muin for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99 .

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner, breakfast and lunch;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day You are offered to choose One of the three programs:

  • Entertainment Island Winell for all day;
  • Three islands in Bay Nyufa;
  • Hon Moon Island and Vincherl.

Second day in Dalat:

  • Park and Waterfall REDN;
  • Datanla and Electrosani waterfall;
  • Pagoda Truk Lam;
  • Crazy House;
  • Dinner;
  • Temple of Sitage Buddha;
  • Silk factory;
  • Tea and coffee plant.

Tour in Nha Trang from Muyne for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99.

Duration - from 04:00 to 19:00 the next day.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner, breakfast and lunch;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day: Entertainment Island Vincher for all day

Second day: Three islands in Bay Nyufa.

Tour in Saigon from Muyne for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99.

Duration - from 04:00 to 20:00 the next day.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian-speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Breakfast and two lunch;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day: Excursion to the Mekong River Delta, Islands, Snake Farm, Shopping.

Second day: Sightseeing tour of Ho Chi Miner, tunnels heaps.

Tour in Halong Bay from Muin

Excursion cost - $ 550 (aircraft).

Duration - 2 days.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Accommodation on Halongsail 3 * ship;
  • Food under the program "All Inclusive";
  • Flights Hoshimine Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Russian-speaking guide on the ship;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Kayaking.

Halong excursion

Kayaking in Halong Bay: You can swim on such boats yourself in caves and grottoes!

Halong Bay is called the "eighth miracle of the world." This is the most famous landmark of all Vietnam. Therefore, almost every tourist dreams there to visit. They are in the north of Vietnam, not far from. From Muin, it is very far away, so you need to get there by plane (on the train will be released about 28 hours). Read our separate article about Halong Bay

Angkor Wat in all its glory

Trip schedule:

1 day (Only dinner is included in the cost of the excursion):

  • Arrival on the parking lot in Ho Chi Minh City and a bus to Siem Ripa (at 07:00). Easy tomorrow on the bus.
  • Arrival in Siem Rip at 12:00, transfer to hotel.
  • Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

2 day (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included in the cost of the excursion):

  • Breakfast at the hotel and departing on an excursion to Angkor Watu;
  • Southern Gate in Angkor Tom;
  • Temple Bayon;
  • Elephants terrace;
  • Terrace of leper king;
  • Lunch at the local restaurant;
  • Temple of that prom;
  • Temple Angkor Wat;
  • ZAEA on the Baheng Hill;
  • Dinner;
  • Overnight at the hotel.

3 day (Only breakfast is included in the cost of the excursion):

  • Breakfast in the hotel;
  • Bus by Siem Rip - Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Transfer to Muin.

To get from Muin to Dalat, you can consider several options. Here are the main types of transport that transport between these points:

  • Bus
  • taxi

If the task is to get to the destination as soon as possible, then choose the bus. If the time tolerates, and in the first place is the availability of a trip, then you should give preference to a taxi.

The fare, of course, will depend on the selected type of transport. Taxi ticket - the most expensive option. It will cost approximately VND 2,717,743. If you want to save on moving, choose the bus: Bus tickets are all VND 120.001.

How far from Muin to Dalat?

When traveling by land transport, it is important to understand the distance that will have to overcome from Muin to Dalat. From Muin to Dalat 209 km. In the straight line - how the plane flies - the distance is 112 km.

How long will it take to get from Muin to Dalat?

Time on the way from Muin to Dalat depends on what transport you travel. In general, the trip usually stacked in a period of 4 to 5 hours.

How much will the trip from Muyne to Dalat cost?

The cost of a trip from Muin to Dalat varies depending on the selected means of movement. The most fiscal option offers Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe): Choose a bus, and the ticket will cost you in VND 120.001.

If you want to travel with great comfort, then pay attention to the taxi and prepare to post for a taxi ticket to one side of VND 2,717,743.

We have compiled a list with tentative journey prices from Muin to Dalat with different types of transport for general understanding:

  • Bus tickets - VND 120,001 - VND 165,003;

You always have a option to order a taxi: the approximate cost of the trip will be from VND 1.902.416 to VND 2,717,743.

You can always order a taxi: the approximate cost of the trip will be from before.

How many flights a day between Muin and Dalat?

Depending on the selected type of transport, the number of flights on the day varies.

  • Buses come to 07:30 am, and the last flight is sent at 15:00 pm. Everything during the day between Muin and Dalat runs 5 buses.

Taxis always remains a good option: Order a car from Muin to Dalat with departure at any time of the day.

Muyne has long been considered a Vietnamese resort for Russians. Yes, yes, this place is so popular among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation that even shops, cafes and restaurants their signs and the menu are duplicated in Russian, and cinemas there even show Russian films. Do not believe until you make sure. :)
In Muin, I got from Dalata. What transport can be used to travel from one city to the other, I will tell you next. So let's go! :)


One way to drive from Dalata in Muin is a light machine. You can take it on the rental through the Internet on one of their sites, similar to. If you did not find current offers, then you can simply contact the hotel's reception where they live, and order a car right there.

Dalata's trip to Muna will take from four o'clock or more.

Cities Although there are 155 km away from each other, however, it will not be able to accelerate well for several reasons:

  • there are speed limitations - 50 km / h;
  • roads are narrow, and, in most cases, it will have to go through serpentine, many steep turns.

By the way, if you decide to travel on your own by car (after all, you can rent a car directly with the driver), then a temporary driver's license in the local department should be previously issued. Of course, most firms providing rental services often close their eyes in the absence of such rights. But, in the case of an accident or stop by an employee of the Road Inspection, there may be great problems. Therefore, it is better to follow the rules and contact the local driver's departure. Among the documents that require should be the right of the Russian Federation and international (text translated into Vietnamese), photos, completed questionnaire and passport.


If we talk about public transport, that is, only one option is a bus. There is no railway service between these cities. Once I thought that in Vietnam buses travel - this is not an option. For some reason, they have been associated with a large cluster of people, a foolishness and the like. However, when I myself used the services of local carriers, I realized that I was mistaken.
From the Dalata in Muin, the wonderful buses from The Sihn Tourist.

They are departed from the car station Dalat, which is far from the city center.

The easiest way to get there from the hotel is a taxi. There are several windows on the bus station, where you can refine information about the available flights. In this case, it is better to write a question on a piece of paper, which will simplify life and you, and the worker of the bus station. :)

By the way, in some hotels also provide information on flights to a particular city. Ask for case.
The duration of the trip is four hours. Not for a long time, but time to pass the TV, where you show funny Vietnamese movies, or beautiful landscapes outside the window.


Dalata ticket is from Dalata ticket from 99,000 Dong (4.5 American dollars).


You can buy tickets as follows:

By the way, if the purchase was carried out online, then at the design you only receive a voucher, which then in the office of the company can be exchanged for a ticket. The Sihn Tourist address is located on the web page that I specified above.


In Muin from Dalat, I traveled by bus. Car rental is not my option, there is no driver's license, so I had to use the services of public transport.
I was satisfied. The bus, although it was completely filled, however, there was no stuffy in the cabin.

After the start, they distributed the water for free. Good service.

Last year, I was lucky to visit Vietnam. This country has always been associated with chaos and a stuff. I am writing these lines, and pictures with crowded streets appear in your head, where motorbikes, cars, and in the fire buses ...
However, in Vietnam I managed to "dig" one terrain, where you can hide from all the fuss, and this is Dalat, which often reminds all the French Alps.


The first option is a passenger car. I did not find current proposals in, but try to find a company in the city providing a rental service, you can. The rental price is from 500,000 dong, which is equal to $ 22 (everything depends on the car brand), plus it is worth expecting that there will be about 330,000 dong on gasoline (14.5 dollars).
But a foreigner will be difficult to reach a car, because there are several pitfalls that make this way of travel for me irrelevant and inconvenient. I will explain why.
The driver's license of the native country and even the international sample is not suitable here. We need temporary Vietnamese rights. And it leaves for about a week, because you first need to contact the local department.

Further. In this Asian country, as well as everywhere in the region, a foreigner who arrived from Europe will be hard to navigate on the roads, especially the city. It is necessary to have not only a lot of experience beyond the shoulders, but also to respond quickly in emergency situations. After all, many drivers in Vietnam are not driving according to the rules, but most of all the motorbikes are annoying, which constantly flashed before their eyes.
Plus, the road from Muin in Dalat will be with steep turns, speed limitations also exist - 40-50 km / h.

In short, if you decide to drive the car, then it is better to rent it with the driver. It will be more expensive, but safer.

By the way, on a passenger car from Muin in Dalat can be reached in four hours.


There is no railway link between these cities, and the only public transport that goes from Muin to Dalat is the bus. In Vietnam, there are quite a lot of various travel agencies that, in addition to their direct duties (excursions), also provide services for the transport of passengers from one city to another. Not all of such companies have sites where you can see the schedule or buy a ticket. Their signs are located throughout the city. Problems with their search will definitely not arise, there are many flights during the day.
Here on the Internet I managed to find two firms:

  • Dalat Open Tours.

  • The Sinh Tourist.

I liked this version of the trip, so I decided to take advantage of this transport. Convenient buses run on the route, some of them are chairs that turn out the bed. Therefore, those four hours who had to spend on the journey, passed simply unnoticed.

I was pleased with funny Vietnamese videos, which was shown on TV. Of course, I could not understand anything, because they broadcast in the local language, however, they cheated. :)
And the most important reason I chose this option is that buses from tourist agencies take away passengers in the city. I got into transport at a bus stop near your hotel. Cool, right? After all, in Muyne the bus station, as such, no.

Ticket price

Ticket price starts from 100,000 dong (4.5 dollars) to 149,000 dong (6.5 dollars). The cost here depends on the carrier and flight (night or day).


You can buy tickets just enough in the offices of tourist companies ,. On the sites of these companies you can find the address.
Book a travel yourself online. But his hands still give out in the offices of the same companies, that is, change the reservation for a real ticket.
By the way, some hotels in Muin provide services for booking and selling travel. But in this case will have to pay the commission.