Reference information on O. Hais. (Land Franz Joseph)

Eugene, UA4RX received a license for the call sign RI1FJ and will continue its work from the land of Franz Joseph.
The license is valid until September 1, 2018.
Latest DX SPOTS Ri1fj.
Currently, it works actively on bands 30 and 40 meters using 100 watt transceiver and wire antennas.
QSL via UA2FM, Clublog OQRS, LOTW.

UA4RX / 1 RI1FJ. Heis Island, Land Franz Joseph. QSL.

RI1FJ UA4RX / 1. Heis Island, Land Franz Joseph. QSL 2017/2018.

Eugene, UA4RX from September 1, 2017 will begin the workguard UA4RX / 1.
He is trying to extend the RI1FJ license and if he succeeds, he will again work with this call.
He plans to be active from the Earth Franz Joseph until July - August 2018.
Evgeny Chepour, UA4RX will be re-active from the Islands of Heis, IOTA EU-019, Land Franz Joseph since the beginning of July - August 2017 call sign Ri1fj.
It will work on the ranges of 160 - 10m CW, SSB, digital species.
QSL via UA2FM Direct, OQRS, LOTW.
QTH Locator - LR90AO.

The DXCC Diploma List is Earth Franz Joseph.

Heisa - Island of the Space Family!

Heis Island is far behind the polar circle and is considered the most extreme point of Russia. This unusual place shrouded in snow and ice was opened in 1901 by the Baldine-Tsyigler expedition. But named after the American polar explorer A. Hakes.

Stars in Polar Lights, or Weather Forecast by Hays

50 years after the discovery on the island, a huge observatory was built, the purpose of which was not only monitoring the stars, but also the launch of meteorological missiles. During the existence of this object, meteorologists made almost 2 thousand successful launches. The study of the sky and weather forecasting the case here was not over, and over time, scientists began to explore the ocean depths and seismic activity on Earth. The territory of the island is also convenient for monitoring the polar shine. In the 90s, the enterprise was abandoned, and restored only in 2004.

Where life was boiling and was civilization

On Earth, Franz Joseph, as a different is called the island, is not unworthy, but he cannot boast a large population. Basically here, near the observatory, they live exclusively scientists. Settlement - modest wooden houses, which surrounded a round freshwater cosmic lake. This name arose not by chance. It is believed that such a practically ideal geometric shape of the reservoir acquired as a result of the meteorite fall. Given that the water in the lake is fresh, it even conducted a plumbing from it. On the territory of the settlement there is a laboratory, a library and even the post office. This is the most northernmost post office.

Stern climate of Polaria

The eternal Merzlot of the Islands of Hayes is manifested in endless snowy expanses. The average temperature here is -12 degrees. Polar nights last 125 days, while polar days - 140. Summer takes no more than 4 weeks, during this period the air warms up to zero. As many polar explorers are expressed, even the dirt is clean in this place. Due to the low temperature on Franz Joseph, there are no pathogenic bacteria. According to a net randomness, scientists have found regularity: dogs that were born in this place, upon arrival at the continent, died in a week. They simply did not have immunity against infections, which there are no on Hayes.

In addition to dogs on the island, carelessly walking white bears are often found. They rarely contact people, but sometimes there are excessively aggressive if they are hungry. Among the marine mammals there are nerves, marine hares, Greenland seals, walles. They love these lands and feathery, because here they do not interfere in nesting. Often you can see a white seagull, burgomaster. No matter how surprisingly, rarely, but there are plants, such as polar poppy, stamps, buttercups. The highest point is the ice dome of hydrographs. Its height is 242 m.

Russian-French science

In the direct proximity to Heoca there is an island owned by the French. Scientists of both sushi united their efforts and began to study the influence of the Sun and other space phenomena on atmospheric processes since 1967. For experiments, MR-12 meteorological missile was used. All tests and scientific work had a great success at the expense of modern equipment. During the flourishing period of this cooperation, Franz Joseph has arrived at the Earth, an increasing number of researchers together with families. One of these expeditions could not fly to the island. Two-door IL-14 did not cope with the control and landed bored with his nose directly to the ground. This tragedy is reminiscent of the aircraft itself, which has been preserved almost in pristine form.

Silent population

Today, only four people live on Haye. This was told by the correspondent National Geographic Russia, Andrei Kamenev. He visited in 2012. Meteorologists told that there were five of them, but with one of the participants in research work, Mikhail Yerembin, a tragedy happened. Without following the safety rules, he went beyond the house alone, after which a white bear attacked him. Former colleagues held a journalist on the trail, which was killed. Today is a kind of landmark.

Interestingly, the "locals" can easily be called silent, but it is not connected with the problems of the speakerphone. They just do not talk among themselves. According to their individual stories, the correspondent found out that the holidays they also celebrate apart. Such an atmosphere, in their opinion, favorably affects research, as there is no need to be distracted by foreign factors. Unlike Heoca, in the neighboring Isles of the archipelago live as whole families and even give birth to children. Children are on individual learning, and then relatives send them to the mainland.

Land Franza Joseph only in recent years begins to recover after typing. More and more expeditions are sent here to see the most unusual natural phenomena and breathe frosty and incredibly fresh air.

Consciousness of own elegance gives you a feeling of confidence. It is important for you to be "well dressed", tightened, solid. Sometimes your appearance can serve you a kind of shield, allowing you to get angry from people, communicating with which at the moment for you for some reason is undesirable. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, has no sympathy to you.

Haze's compatibility, manifestation in love

Haze, for you, marriage symbolizes the beginning of the mobility path, and your partner must be ready for the fact that every day will receive the "moon from the sky." At first glance, it is beautiful, but there is a small problem: you certainly need the same "moon" in response, since the adequacy of the reaction, gratitude and admiration are needed to you for mental balance. The slightest doubt is that they are selflessly loved and highly appreciated, demoralizes you, and then thoroughly built well-being can collapse overnight.


Your heart is full of love and compassion to the neighbor. At the heart of spiritual aspirations - the desire to protect from the troubles of everyone, for whom you can do it. Even to the detriment of their own interests. To enable and do not ask for this awards - your choice in any situation.

At first glance, this is the life of the saint. That's just not all the permanent guardian and obsessive manifestation of participation. Even the closest people can get tired of everyday care. Moreover, to suffer, because, eliminating them from the need to do something on their own, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop, turn into "plankton".

So, sooner or later you will probably hear the reproach. And your confidence is that self-sacrifice is really able to bring the fruits to which you expected, a cruel blow will be applied. Then instead of satisfaction you will get frustrated.

Therefore, the desire to prevent and protect should be limited to a reasonable framework. Remember this, and your peace will be saved.

One of the islands on Earth Franz Joseph is a small island island. It is named so by the name of the American polar researcher Isaac Hake. Opened by the Baldine - Tsigler expedition in 1901. It is located on the eighty degree of northern latitude, in the most severe conditions of the northern hemisphere.

The highest point of the island of Hays - the ice dome of hydrographs, located at an altitude of 242 meters. The largest island lake is a cosmic. The climate here does not differ much from other areas of the land of Franz Joseph. The air temperature usually does not exceed 0 degrees. June is the warmest month, and the coldest is March. The average temperature for the year -12.7 degrees Celsius. Strong northeast and south-oriental winds with a speed of 5-7 m / s are dominated. Summer cloudy and cold.

Since 1957, the Krenkel Observatory is operating on the island of Hays. From November 1957 to December 1990, 1950 launches of meteorological missiles M-100 were committed, the height of the lift was 200 m. Also on the island of Hakes is the most northernmost post office with the address "Arkhangelsk 163100".

In the summer of 1957, the Observatory from the Bay of the Quiet (O.Guker) due to the non-representativeness of meteorological observations was translated into O. Hais. (Latitude - 80. 37" North, longitude - 58. 03" Eastern).

On O. Hais, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (Aania, St. Petersburg), a new scientific polar observatory "Friendy" was built.

On October 22, 1957, the first launch of meteorological missiles was carried out here. In December of the same year, the registration of all components of the electromagnetic field of the Earth began. Aerological and ozonometric observations began in January 1958.

In 1965, GMO "Friendly" from Aania was submitted to the Dixon Radiometeorette Center (RMC) of the Office for the Study of the Arctic and Antarctic.

On O. Hais was the only geophysical observatory in Russia in the field of geomagnetic polar cap.

In 1972, "Friendy" was renamed to the Observatory. E.T. Krenkel, worked until 2001 and was molded in connection with the fire in a service and residential building that occurred on September 26.

In June 2004, a place was defined for the construction of a new service and residential complex of the station them. Krenkel recoverable in T.G.

Photo. Heis Island, Polar Station. Krenkel (June 2004)

Climate On O. Hais does not differ much from other areas of the ZFI Archipelago. The air temperature through zero degrees on the island also practically does not go. The warmer month is July, with the average air temperature +0.2 s; The coldest is March with a temperature of -24.4 C. The average annual air temperature is -12.7 s, the relative humidity of the air is 88%. During the year 304 mm of precipitation falls. The winds of the northeastern and southeastern directions are observed at a speed of 5-7 m / s. Summer cloudy and cold.

Physico-geographical description

Heis Island is open in 1901 by the Baldwin-Tsigler expedition and named the famous American explorer Greenland and the Canadian North Isaac Hase (1832-1881).

The island is located in the central part of the archipelago Land Franz Josef in the Arctic Ocean. From the north and northeast, the isher is washed by the Water of the Strait of Ermak, from the south. Strait Marka, and from the east. Australian Strait. For them to the north of 6 km is the island of Salisbury, northeast 10 km. Wiener Island, southeast of 8 km. Komsomolsky Islands, and south of 6 km. Galle Island.

Hake Island has minor sizes, approximately 10x15 km.

The relief of his slightly sophisticated, with ripples and cliffs, with the exception of southern - more gentle.

OGMS is placed in the northeastern part of the island, on the protruding Mant of Observatory, in a large (300x350 m) of a rapid to the bottom of the freshwater lake. With the beginning of the launch of the first meteorological missiles lake Received name Space. 1.5 km to the west of Cape is the nearest small (1x2.5 km) Fersman Island.

The jumper between the lake and the coastline on which the Observatory village is located, has a width in different places from 150 to 300 m.

5 km to the west of the observatory there is a glacial dome (local name "Dome of hydrographs") Height 242 m above sea level. Between them from the south-east to the north-west, the ridge from basalt rocks up to 10 m above the surrounding area stretches. Near GMO relief is weaker, and to the West - the plain. South and southwest it has a hollow hilly character.

The soils are quenched by eternal Merzlot. The active layer is no more than 30 cm.

The vegetation of the island is located stains, mainly on the southern slopes of the hills, in the form of moss and lichen. Occasionally there are polar poppies.

There are no settlements on the island.

The Arkhangelsk region is famous for its numerous lakes. Many and in the Primorsky Territory, to which there are many islands among the cold waters of the northern seas. The archipelago of Franz Joseph is located between the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean. It owns a sufficient amount of island units, both large and smaller. Some of them are so small that they do not even have their own behalf, as nameless lakes, scattered on the surface of the islands remain. But the greatest reservoirs still received their own names, such as the Space Lake.

Lake is located on the island of Hayes, on the extreme northeastern point, close to the Observatory Cape. Most often island area covered with ice. There are no settlements here. This territory is interesting only from the point of view of polar studies, so there are some rooms suitable for temporary residence coming here by scientists.


Space lake is relatively small. Its length is 0.35 kilometers, and in the width it is only 0.3 kilometer. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror is 0.105 square kilometers. Thanks to almost the same length and width, the reservoir has almost perfectly rounded shape, a little stretched into the oval. The features of the outline of the lake is obliged to a meteorite, falling here many years ago, in which water was accumulated in the pit. According to the degree of mineralization, the lake is fresh. Water in it never completely freezes to the bottom, regardless of temperature. This is because you are closer to the bottom there are several sources with warm water.

Space lake is located at an altitude of 6 meters above sea level. The lake is unprecedented, that is, it does not flow from the river or streams. In the same way, a single river falls into the lake. The reservoir is located pretty close to the sea, just 100-150 meters away. On this section of Sushi is the Observatory named after Krenkel. Around the lake on the shores built wooden houses that are temporary housing for polar explorers. These conducted a pipeline directly from the lake, as the water there is fresh, clean and quite suitable for drinking. In addition to residential buildings, there are also a research laboratory, a library and a post office, which is the northernmost in the country and has an index of 163100.

The Space Lake received its name thanks to the events that occurred in this territory on October 22, 1957. It was on this memorable day that the first in the history of the USSR launch of meteorological missiles into space was occurring.

How to get

Island is difficult to access. It's extremely difficult to get here. It is possible to achieve a destination only as part of a research expedition. At the same time, air transport is used as well as water transport.