We specialize in tourists from China. Tours to Russia for the Chinese

Chinese tourists - the inevitable attribute of megacities, where there are at least a few sights of a global scale. At the beginning of zero between Russia and China, a visa-free regime was concluded for short tour, which made Moscow, St. Petersburg and several other regions with important areas for Chinese travelers. Add a drop in the ruble in 2014 here, cooling relations with Europe and America and the growth of China's welfare - and get the Hermitage Hermitage destroyed on weekdays and the Red Square, on which Chinese speech sounds louder Russian.

Every year, Russian media write that the tourist activity of Asian countries beats records that this year the thematic tours from China, dedicated to 1917 and the October Revolution, the Russian economy, that Chinese buyers make cash with luxury shops and participate in the Relas of Sneakers Yeezy. Overall, optimism is justified: more than 1 million Chinese (in second place - Finland with the same 1 million) were visited by the statistics of Rotuurism for the 2016th Russia. However, some experts that most of the money that the Chinese spend in Moscow remain in the shadow sector of the economy or return to the PRC, because they serve Chinese tourists in Russia mostly Chinese businessmen.

Who comes to Moscow?

Anna Sibirkina

Deputy Director of the Travel Association "World without Borders", Head of the CHINA Friendly program

"The Chinese are the most traveled nation in the world in many ways because the most numerous. But there are many cultural factors: in China is very popular inland tourism, people regularly go to other provinces. The fact that among them a large number of pensioners is also due to cultural features. For a long time in the People's Republic of China, there was a law "One family is one child", so parents tried to make the most in their children, to learn them and give them everything: an apartment, a car and education. After the children grew, they traditionally began to take care of their parents.

Mass tourism to Russia from China appeared in the early 2000s, when an agreement on visa-free trips was concluded, which is why most tourists come with groups. The Russian direction is popular thanks to geographical proximity, low prices and good relations between the two countries. "

Victoria Levitskaya

Orientalist, translator from chinese

"Most Chinese are very poor and cannot afford to leave abroad. The interlayer of the middle class and very secured people in China is very small. Very rich come on their own, hire translators, guides and go to small companies. Middle class tourists are more often moving on buses - these are their crowds can be seen on Red Square with cameras. "

Anna Stepanova

Guide - translator from chinese

"Russia has become a popular destination, because with a fall of the ruble, it became cheap. The Chinese attract mystery: Moscow for them is far and unusual, so if they have a lot of retirement time, then why not go here. Chinese tourists are also different. Some are going to look at the communist heritage, they admire Putin and think that Russia and the PRC are friends. There are those who buy chic tours, or just businessmen who were already everywhere and are now coming to Russia. "

What do Chinese tourists differ from the rest?

Siberkina: "If we talk about tourist groups, they are maximally sharpened under" all inclusive. " With them there is always a guide. Chinese citizens do not always know the history of other countries, the Red Square for them is a place that is associated only with Lenin and Stalin. With other details they have trouble.

Key point - food. At 12 o'clock, almost all of China massively goes lunch: the food is exclusively on schedule, there is a cult of food and catering. Many guides in the go of the saying: "The Chinese group arrived - there will be drought." You probably saw that many Chinese go with bottles of water or thermos: they constantly drink water and tea. This is due to traditional medicine: they believe that warm water contributes to all physiological processes.

But due to the fact that the level of culture and education among Chinese tourists is very different, there are curiosities - some are preparing noodles in kettles. They have a completely different attitude to the purity and dirt: when they eat, they can throw off the garbage from the table to the floor, because it is convenient. It is also important to know that the Chinese are quite disciplined and if you pointed them on some things, they will obey. "

Irina Grishin


"Unlike European tourists, they strongly respect the USSR and the communist past of the country. Many this is connected with the fact that the Soviet Union helped China. They consider us a friendly people. The key difference from all other tourists is permanent under the guide. If European tourists can buy one or two excursions, then the Chinese are always on excursions. "

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Daria Zhdanova

Student MGPU, china, works guide

"In the autumn I was a guide to tourists from Taiwan - and they saw the first snow. It is clear that in Moscow is not a god news that, just falls small gruses. But they were just amazed, told later how cool it was. True, when in a few days the real blizzard began and the Moscow fell asleep, they were disappointed in the snow. "

Siberkina: "They go to Moscow for what they once heard: about Red Square, about Lenin, Mausoleum. The opportunity to visit Russian ballet is very happy - they have a reverent attitude to Russian culture and music. Love the subway, to be at the Novodevichy cemetery, watch all the large facilities. They know the "bunker 42" on the Taganka, and they are very interested in all excursions dedicated to the Soviet period. But in the museums of modern art or some new-fashioned shows they will not be tightened, because Chinese tourists are terribly conservative. "

Stepanova: "Groups and routes near tourists are different. For example, there are "Red China" - these are tours in the Soviet Past places. They go to the mausoleum, go to the homeland of Lenin, and on Red Square go to the cemetery, where politicians are buried. We also take a sightseeing tour: it is always - MSU, the area of \u200b\u200bvictory, the Church of Christ the Savior and Kutuzovsky Avenue. There are few in the Tretyakov Gallery, this year, for example, there were never a group there. In Pushkin Museum - more often. Therefore, the main museum is the Kremlin, and the weapon chamber there.

Most tourists surprises the city's device: a lot of traffic jams, wide roads and lack of mopeds and motorcycles. Many people like monumentalism, Stalin Tverskaya and High Trops. They are pleasantly surprised by friendly Russians - they think that they think that very disgusting people live here. "

Where tourists still go

Souvenir shop "Heritage" in GUM

1 of 5.

Souvenir shop "Zhostovo" in GUM

2 out of 5.

Banquet room in "Bunker 42"

© Bunker 42.

3 of 5.

Restaurant "Three wise men" - a frequent place of stops of Chinese tourist groups

© wikimapia.org/moscowich.

4 out of 5

Shop "Russian souvenirs" on Arbat

5 out of 5.

About illegal guides

Grishin: "Now there has been a problem with illegal guides, which tell all sorts of pearls about them. The difference between us and professionals is that we are talking about the history of the country, and they sell amber and gold. But this problem is not very important to see our government, because how much we have said about it, nothing changes. What should I do? It is necessary that only a citizen of the Russian Federation that has a license can work as a guide. And it is important that the law not only existed, but also was executed. Because now, for example, many Chinese guides work in the Kremlin through the translation: they hire a guide with a unclaimed language, for example Latvian, and go with him, and then somehow it translates the whole group. "

What do they take pictures?

Zhdanova: "I drove a small group of Chinese students in Moscow: VDNH, Victory Park, Culture Park and Museum from then stood there" Bryusov ". Also were in the Tretyakov Gallery and in Pushkinsky. They didn't like the museums - she liked to walk around the city more. The Red Square was especially loved - there they arranged a photoset for 30 minutes. They were still very surprised by the Moscow metro, in which they photographed literally on each meter. We went out only on the most beautiful stations, although they were ready to watch literally everything.

Chinese tourists take pictures of all monuments that see on the way. Sometimes still remove cafes and foreigners - especially if they are crowded. It is difficult for me to talk about tourists in general, but the students with whom I went was not very interesting the history of places: for them it was the main thing - just to take a photo. Probably, in order to then post it in the social network. "

Siberkina: "Citizens of China are very connected - they have a big circle of friends and dating, and photograph - the ability to share and brag. The Chinese social networks play a big role - they have huge communities in which they instantly lay out photos. They made a selfie against the background of the circus Nikulina - and immediately posted in Wechat. They love to remove everything that is different from China. For example, white light children - with my child, they constantly arrange a photo shoot, literally passing out of hand to hand. In the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, after the influx of tourists from Asia, the rule was introduced, prohibiting the selfie with icons: they do not have such an attitude towards holiness as we have. At the entrance to the territory of the Lavra, I need to separately negotiate that it is impossible to spit, litter, smoke and do selfie with icons. "

What do they eat in Moscow?

Levitskaya: "We went to" Chinese news "- they praised their kitchen, but they lack pepper, spices and glutamate. They do not understand the borscht - there are no noodles! In the evening were sitting in the "country, which is not", and they liked vodka; Beer and wine - for them it is fine, not in honor. Vodka, matryoshki, fur, jewelry, large-scale architecture and spiritual heritage - this is how you can describe the interests of the Chinese in Moscow. "

They do not understand the borscht - there are no noodles!

Stanislav Lisichenko

The owner of the network of restaurants "Chinese News"

"The Chinese can only eat their food, do not perceive anything else at the physiological level - from meat and potatoes they are just not good. In Moscow, they eaten in specialized Chinese restaurants - and even in serious hotels, for example, in the Azimuth network, Chinese breakfasts and lunches appear. Some enterprising travel agencies are equipped with enemynny, who are fed exclusively to Chinese tourists, for example, Fud Restaurant in MDM. In the "Chinese News", tourists also come and always order strictly certain positions: noodles with beef, tofu cheese, steam dumplings, fried noodles with pork and broken cucumbers. "

Talk about yourself through Chinese gastro bloggers!

Chinese tourists traveling in groups and individually, on trips most like:

Look at the sights to buy goods and souvenirs Try local cuisine

And most of all, they love to repeat each other - the effect "Sarafan Radio" In China, drives all sales!

Therefore, a story about your restaurant, hotel, a club or a store from the mouth of Chinese bloggers, popular in China, the easiest and most efficient (according to the cost / rate of return) tool to attract Chinese travelers.

How will it be implemented?

Several top Chinese gastro-bloggers with more than 30 million subscribers in China will travel, watch, buy and taste our hospitality!

Bloggers will continuously post all seen, their emotions in their blogs:

As well as on profile tourist forums in China, where, in addition to tourists, the representatives of Chinese tour companies receive information.

Where will you stop / enter the bloggers?
To you!

Do not miss the opportunity to enter your business in the schedule of a Chinese tourist who will go to the challenge, for bloggers, on the "tracks" of his publications!

The cost of the promotion of your restaurant, shop, the hotel or club includes:

Visit to bloggers in one of the days from staying in your city Writing Review / descriptions in three social networks: WECHAT, WEIBO, YOUKU Writing an expanded review for tourist portals in China providing all materials in Chinese for later use

But how will your Chinese customers find you?

We will register you an account in China's most popular in China / WECHAT social network (the price of a blog-tour is the registration of one service account).

A description of your business, address and contact details in Wechat Account will place a link to the account in the posts of bloggers and it is easy to find you by your Chinese guests.

All you need to do, answer at the requests of Chinese travelers!

Do not be afraid, individual travelers speak English, so Chinese learning you do not need.

In July-August 2017 (that is, quite recently), the Digital CHINA SMM agency has already proved the effectiveness of working with Chinese bloggers for the first time.

In this arrival of a blogger to Russia, the task of attracting Chinese users is decided immediately for several Russian companies:

Network restaurants Ginza Project;

Azimuth Hotel;

DLT (the oldest department store of St. Petersburg);

Combined confectioners - branded retail of the chocolate brand "Alenka".

And these are not all tools that are at our disposal to develop your business with China!

Ctrip Attendance: PC Homepage Page View 2 Million Per Day, App Homepage Page View Around 20 Million Per Day

QUNAR: PC - 75 Million Monhly Visitors and 34 Million Activated Mobile App Users Per Day

Elong: PC - 1 MLN / Day, App 4MLN / Day

Leading Chinese Travel and ticket aggregators are multi-million dollar daily coverage and greater variability in advertising placement formats.

Make a request, prepare a personalized offer!

A quarter of a million Chinese per year spent at least a billion rubles in St. Petersburg. The city did not see this money. Market participants speak a small, but strong mafia.

Alexander Petrosyan / Kommersant

In terms of the volume of the Chinese tourist cycle, the Northern Capital is inferior only to Moscow and, of course, the Far East. Over the past year, only 225 thousand Chinese arrived in the city on the university. In May this year, according to tour operators, more than 15.5 thousand tourists from China visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. They settled in hotels, walk, eat, buy souvenirs and jewelry. That's just their money is not settled in the city budget. By sprinkling on the shadow Petersburg market, Yuan return to the Middle Kingdom, and sometimes it is not left at all.

Account and Tips - in China

In the city of dozens of restaurants oriented on the Chinese tourist. Even if you do not talk about small chunks in the outskirts, only in the center rushes into the eyes of the Chinese courtyard on the Labor Square, Tang Zhao on Izmailovsky, "Compass" on the Griboedov Canal. Believe such institutions to the Chinese. This does not mean that there will not be able to enter the indigenous periodburger, but only a tourist from the Middle Kingdom can be calculated for special terms of payment, which came in the group. In the "compass", for example, it turned out that money can be simply transferred to the card manager in China to the future dinner. The main thing is to make it in advance so that the cardholder has information about the transfer of funds.

Apparently, this is an ordinary practice. "They work according to the scheme: I feed your groups here, and in China, if someone will give my sister to this money, says the head of the St. Petersburg Association of Chinese Language Guide Victoria Bargacheva. - It turns out cheap, sometimes about 30 yuan per person per lunch (about 250 rubles). " It happens that a group of 50 people discharge a check for 500 rubles, and even something like a supplied order. As it affects the tax revenues to the budget - the question is rhetorical.

Experts say the whole thing in the traditional tastes of the Chinese. "Once they can try something out of curiosity, go in a huge crowd into a restaurant in Nevsky, to order for everyone in a steak," says Leonid Garbar in North-West, the head of the federation of restauchors and hoteliers. "But it's more about those who came from Hong Kong, Shanghai, that is, the cities open Europe, and not from the millionic village. The rest will initially choose Chinese food and Chinese restaurants, especially if there are agreements in advance. " At the same time, according to Leonid Garbara, in general, on the city's restaurant landscape, tourists from the subwayless influence does not provide, and the market chipping expert does not notice.

According to Bargacheva, often at restaurants hold the similarity of exchange items, where they change yuan to rubles. The emergence of Internet banking and the development of mobile applications made this service less popular. However, at one time, participants of the tourist market recall, in the restaurant at the lion's bridge, the turlocrar, as if in the cell, stored funds, not wanting to escape cash across the border.

Opaque amber

An even more indicative situation with souvenir shops. The receiving party, as a rule, again, the Chinese, create among tourists something like a cult of amber products. At least, part of the jewelry arrives in Russia from the same China: the raw material is purchased in Ukraine and in Kaliningrad, processed in the Middle Kingdom, and then forwards to Petersburg, where it is sold with a crazy markup.

The most notable profile store is located on the edge, 108. The owner is the owner of one of the largest tour operators of China "Efensin" Han those. The defense from the strangers here is not weaker than on the Great Wall in the film of the same name with Matt Daimon. The Fontanka correspondent was denied, under the pretext that at the moment the store works in corporate service mode. During the short conversation with a security guard, three custom tourist bus with guests from China accumulated at the store.

It did not get better with the souvenir shop "Fairy Tale" on the pharmacistian embankment (the owner of Zhan Yu). A low-productive dialogue with the guard was reiterated, obviously not ready for the emergence of a lonely buyer. The correspondent was reported that in an empty store will overcome, although the total atmosphere of the Seside in the hall it was difficult to notice. In addition, the guard asked a question very strange for Retail: "Who told you about our store?". The economic theory of sula, and, apparently, for the "fairy tales" is by no means advertising is the engine of trade.

The daily turnover of large souvenir points in St. Petersburg, belonging to the Chinese, may exceed 20 million rubles. At the same time, in the official reporting, figures are among several thousand, and in Smolny, they know that cash checks are not knocked out in stores.

In addition, the same scheme is used as in restaurants: In China, tourists leave a certain amount in the form of a kind of deposit, and in Russia can no longer think about the payment of goods. The budget revenues are difficult to appreciate exactly. The profile committee estimated that the tourist on average leaves $ 40 per day per souvenirs. If you consider that the Chinese spend at least two nights in St. Petersburg, $ 18 million comes over a year - more than a billion rubles, in fact, who did not leave China. Approximately this amount may slide from the attention of tax authorities. And it is excluding restaurants and expenses on.

Other Chinese stores - in the interval from the "Tsarist Palace" to the "Tsarsky Amber" found on the gracious, Oryol and Michurinskaya streets.

Approximately 150 thousand people from 225 thousand reached the capital to Petersburg from 225 thousand. With the arrival of the Peter through the white-named solvency and so falls, and it turns out that they earn the Chinese restaurants and merchants in tourists. However, according to the General Manager and the owner of the hotel "Gelvetia", Junis Teymurkhanla, also benefits hostels in which visitors and premium shops are located. "Mass tourist from China is" Clapper, "says the expert. - He comes to buy everything, on what then you can earn. No wonder in DLT all the price tags are duplicated in Chinese. "

Labor exchange

There is another interesting observation associated with Chinese restaurants and shops in St. Petersburg, are their activity on the recruitment market. She can speak either about gray labor migration schemes, or about the genuine scale expansion of the inner Chinese Empire in the city. Avinant LLC Zhou Jingfan (Restaurant "Compass") on the website of the City Employment Center searches 24 employees, including 13 chefs. Three Chinese companies registered on the gallery, 28, are gaining 40 people. LLC "Aurora" HU Lyudyan (Restaurant "Tan Zhao" on Izmailovsky, 1), which requires 52 employees (38 cooks). In the "Aurora", they explained their appetites to the extension on this year - except for Tang Zhao, they have a restaurant in TG Gallery, another is built in Peterhof.

The theory looks at the following scheme. We open vacancies with not the most favorable conditions (19-20 thousand rubles for each of the named positions). If Russians are not closed by these jobs, the basis appears to appeal for quotas in Chinese employees. In the future, you can dispose of these permits depending on the authentic plans of the company: to carry acquaintances, sell and the like. The Committee on Labor and Employment emphasizes that the vacancy should remain unclaimed from the Russians within 30 days so that the employer has grounds for submitting an application. After that, analysis is carried out, and in the case of a positive conclusion, officials issue permission to attract foreigners. Quotas for migrants from China, as they say in Smolny, are not chosen, and they themselves are reduced - from 2676 people last year to 1460 in 2017. "The largest number of employees in 2016 was attracted to the public catering: a chef, a cook, a public catering manager and hotel service," says in the Committee.

Infinite monopoly

By agreement between Russia and China, tourists can enter 15 days on visa-free lists in quantities from 5 to 50 people (Rotturism suggests allowing it to groups of 3 people). The agreement was created by a specialized information system (SIS), which increased from the data exchange system between insurance companies (and still implements this function). Developed and maintained it at first LLC "SK" Mir without borders "(now EIK MBG). In March 2016, Rosturism concluded a contract for 1.7 million rubles for maintenance with another company - LLC MVK Service. As a founder, Tatyana Vvedenskaya, the wife of the Ex-Deputy Head of Rosturism Ivan Vodnovsky, was faced as the founder. He is also the deputy head of the same name with the developer of a non-profit partnership "The World without Borders". Judging by Spark, the director of the NP also was also Irina Yartseva, who ranked Head by the heads of Rosturism.

The Chairman of the Council of Association for the Assistance of Russian-Chinese Tourism, Yuri Tsurcan, argues that for many years the segment of receiving Chinese tourists was practically monopolized, and now beginners are strictly recommended to join NP if they want to get into SIS and earn on a growing tourist project. It was the partnership that has developed which is currently implemented at the state level, and also supports the introduction of a new specialty accompanying for Chinese groups. Interlocutors "Fontanka" from among NP members associate Curcan's claims with an attempt to take as much market share.

"Our task is to avoid any associations," says Andrei Mushkarev, head of the St. Petersburg Committee on Tourism. - No one is obliged through them to work, just like to fall into a specialized information system, it is simply not spelled out in any regulatory document. Now we launch the process through our urban tourist center, there will be lists on the reception of tourists, we will declare them. "

In total, according to Roshurism, in 2016, almost 1.3 million guests from the Middle Kingdom arrived in Russia, their number grew by 15%. The head of the Department of Entrance Tourism Company KMP Alexander McLarovsky believes that only 15% of the Chinese tourist vehicle can be called transparent, the remaining 85% in the shade. "They work with them a strictly outlined range of companies of Chinese origin, withdrawing money back to China," said the expert. - Tourists sell quasi-tech trips, but these packages do not include many things that you have to buy in place. As a result, they bring money more than the "dear" tourists from Australia or Brazil, just not to the Russian state, but those who provide this opaque system. It harms a professional community. In fact, the market works, closed on themselves, let's say so, small peaceful mafia. "

Mais tour operator presents to your attention a new direction in the tourist services market of Russia - reception of Chinese tourists in Russia and tours for the Chinese to Russia . Our company develops and offers both ready-made programs and individual excursions in Moscow and other cities of Russiain Chinese.
Especially popularity of routes for 7-9 days with visiting such cities like Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and others. During tours, Chinese tourists can not only learn and get acquainted closer with such an exotic culture for them, but also admire and enjoy the picturesque views and scenery of Russia.
To date, our company provides a wide range of services forreception of the Chinese in Russia: excursion programs, meetings and facilities at airports, hotel accommodation, invitations to Russia, leisure and entertainment.

Special popularity among Chinese tourists are the so-called Red tours, during which our guides introduces guests with memorable and world famous places that are related to the history of the USSR and the October Revolution, such as Red Square, Lenin Mausoleum, Aurora cruiser in St. Petersburg and many others.

Tours "Red Route"
Cities and routes
Red tour to Moscow 3 days / 2 nights Moscow, Gorki Lenin
Weekend in St. Petersburg 3 days / 2 nights
Red tour to Moscow 4 days / 3 nights
Moscow, Gorki Lenin
Moscow - Golden Ring from 2 to 6 days Moscow, Suzdal, Kostroma, Yaroslavl
Moscow, Saint Petersburg
Red Tour Moscow - St. Petersburg 5 days / 4 nights
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Gorki Lenin
Red Route in Russia 9 days / 8 nights Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Kazan, St. Petersburg

For each Chinese tourist and for each group, we are developing special individual programs that take into account all the wishes and capabilities of our customers. Only in our company you will find a huge variety of excursion tours and programs, and attentive attitude and approach to each tourist you are guaranteed! Having visited our routes, you and your tourists will remain only the most positive impressions and memories of Moscow and such unusual and interesting Russia!