Who is the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

    This term has other meanings, see the Ministry of Finance. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Finance of Russia) General Information Country Russia Date of creation February 19, 1992 Previous departments ... Wikipedia

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (the official reduction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) is a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policies and regulatoryly legal ... ... Wikipedia

    The emblem of the Ministry of Transport Flag of the Ministry of Transport, 2002. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Sopr. Ministry of Transport of Russia) Federal Ministry, performing functions to develop public policy and regulatoryly legal regulation in the field ... ... Wikipedia

    Foundation date 1813 Location 196068 St. Petersburg, Sadova ... Wikipedia

    Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Transport of Russia) - 1. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Transport of Russia) is the federal executive body in the field of transport, carrying out functions to develop public policies and regulatoryly legal regulation in the field of ... ... Official terminology

    The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Communications) The federal executive authority under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation from May 12, 2008 performs functions to develop public policy ... Wikipedia

    Emblem of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) Federal Ministry, performing functions to develop public policy and regulatoryly legal ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Misportturism of Russia) ... Wikipedia

    Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development) Federal Ministry, performing functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of economic development, ... ... Wikipedia

The Ministry of Transport was formed in 1991 as a result of the restructuring of the transport industry. Then the USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation, the USSR Ministry of Marine Fleet, the Ministry of River Fleet and the Ministry of Automobile Transport merged into the Ministry of Transport. And the Ministry of Railways of the USSR was reorganized into the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

In the period from the beginning of the 90s to 2004, the Ministry of Transport was often reformed. The last reform was in 2004. It was that the MPS ceased to exist and joined the Ministry of Transport. Since then, in the Russian Federation only one ministry. In addition, in 2004, new structures were created - federal transport agencies (FA): Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), Fa / D of Transport (Rosjezdor), Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor), Fa Air Transport (Rosavation), Also created the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport (Rostransnadzor).

The Ministry of Transport is a federal executive body that ensures public policy and general state regulation in the transport complex.

Functions of the Ministry of Transport:

Strategic programs;

Legal regulation;

Traffic safety;

Environmental Safety;

Unified Scientific and Technical Policy;

Single tariff policy;

Investment policy;

Social politics;

Interaction of various types of transport;

International programs;

Ensuring conscientious competition;

Guide to the transport system in emergency situations.

Structure of the Ministry of Transport:

1 - Department of State Policy in Civil Aviation;

2 - Department of Public Policy in the field of road enterprise, road and urban passenger transparency, geodesy and cartography;

3 - Department of Public Policy in the Railway Transportation;

4 - Department of State Policy in the field of marine and river transport;

5 - Department of International Cooperation;

6 - Department of Legal Support and Legal Activity;

7 - Department of Development Programs;

8 - Department of Reform and Property Relations;

9 - Administrative Department;

10 - Department of Transport Safety and Special Programs;

11 - Department of Economics and Finance.

Rosaviatsiya - FA air transport - is the federal executive body that performs the functions of public services and the management of state property in the field of air transport, the use of airspace of the Russian Federation and aerospace search and salvation, the public services in this area, the State Registration of Rights On aircraft and transactions with them.

Rosjeldor - Fa Railway Transport - is a federal executive body that implements the provision of public services and management of government property in the field of railway transport, as well as the provision of security services in this area.

Rosmorflot - Fa Maritime and River Transportation is a federal executive body that implements public services and government property management in the field of marine and river transport, and ensuring security in this area.

Rosavtodor - is the federal executive body that performs the functions of public services and the management of state property in the field of road transport and road management, including the management of federal roads, performs the functions of the state customer of federal targeted programs, operates through the federal branch system: 10 federal highways, 22 control of motorways, 4 road construction directions.

The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport - Rostransnadzor is a federal executive body that performs functions to control and oversight in the field of air, marine, inland water, railway, automotive, urban, industrial transport and road facilities, as well as functions Technical oversight of sports courts. It acts directly and through its territorial branches.

The main functions of Rostransnadzor on a series of above are:

Issuing licenses for a certain type of activity;

Operational certification in civil aviation;

Conducting research of traffic accidents on all types of transport, as well as road destruction;

Edition of individual legal acts, as well as registration of documents, rights and objects.

Or fly within the country, or privatize. Looker "Victory" can wait for change

The head of the FAS stated the need to privatize the "victory". The agency confuses that the airline works more and more actively in the international transport market, "forgetting" about domestic flights.

Medvedev ordered to store the data of passengers airlines in the Russian Federation. Flights are highly in price

"Policies for the transfer of servers to Russia adversely affect the development of competition and the availability of flights for Russians. This will lead to price increases, as a result, paying the data transfer will be passengers. "

In the case of "threats to the safety of the Russian Federation." FSB requires the right to cancel any international flight

"In fact, this means a practically unlimited list of grounds for prohibiting international flights." FSB demands to introduce new airline tolerance rules to other countries.

"To discourage the desire to break." In Russia, introduce fines for unpaid riding for paid roads

"The total amount should be higher than the cost of the pass." An attempt to drive for free by a paid track will cost the driver of 5-10 thousand rubles. The penalty will not be written immediately, but there are also such suggestions.

Ministry of Transport suggested "pardon" ladies' handbags, briefcases and crutches

In Russia, the rules for carrying out hand-made bare can again change. Briefcases, umbrellas, bouquets of flowers and upper clothes, perhaps, will exclude from among things that need to be weighed when landing.

Drivers will be divided into lovers and pros: a large-scale preparation reform is prepared

"There are concerns that the official idea of \u200b\u200bofficials are discredited." The Ministry of Transport is going to reform the training system of professional drivers to increase their level - while it remains very low.

The tenth airline of Russia is on the verge of stopping. What to do it passengers

The carrier "Vim-Avia" owes the fuel and airport service about 1 billion rubles. The airline made the same mistake as "Transaero" by making a bet on too aggressive growth.

Phone and laptop on weighing. How will the list of free handbag in the plane

Electronic devices and upper clothes, according to the Ministry of Transport, it is proposed to take into account when calculating the weight allowed to carry hand-made. New rules can enter into force in November.

"In fact, tickets will rise in price." Why did the Council opposed the accurate tariffs

The draft law on the abolition of free baggage transport caused an unexpected protest senators. But so far even the carriers themselves differ in opinions, as innovations will affect passengers.

"I honestly worked for two deadlines, and this is enough": who changes the governors of "duals"