Rest in Solotcha. The village of Solotchi, Ryazan Region G Solotcha

Solotcha - urban microdistrict as part of the Soviet district of the city of Ryazan.

It is located 11 kilometers from the left-bank part of Ryazan at the entrance to Meshchera on the banks of the Oka River. Near the territory of the district, the Solotcha River of the same name flows into the oxbow. The area is surrounded on all sides by the Meshchersky National Park; the forests located on the territory of the district are reserved - multi-storey buildings are prohibited here.


The village of Solotcha grew up around the male Solotchinsky Nativity of the Virgin Monastery, founded in 1390 by the Ryazan Grand Duke Oleg Ivanovich - according to legend, at the meeting place of the prince and his wife with two hermits, Vasily and Euphemia. The conversation with the hermits sunk deep into the soul of the prince; having founded the monastery, he took tonsure and ruled for the last 12 years, being a prince-monk. At the same time, he lived for a long time in the monastery, on the territory of which he was buried in 1402. The origin of Solotchi is from the old Russian word (solot - swampy, swampy)

After 1917 the Solotchinsky monastery was closed; later, a colony for juvenile delinquents was located on its territory (in 1993, the Solotchinsky Monastery was revived - but already as a female one).

In 1939-1959, the village was the administrative center of the Solotchinsk district of the Ryazan region.

In 1954, by decision of the Ryazan Regional Executive Committee, the village of Solotcha was categorized as a dacha settlement. In 1958, the holiday village of Solotcha was transformed into a resort village; Thus, from a rural-type settlement, it moved into the category of urban-type settlements.

By the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Ryazan Region No. 128 dated March 3, 1994 “On Approving the Administrative Borders of the City of Ryazan and the Solotchinskiy District”, the Solotchinskiy resort village was included in the Soviet District of the city of Ryazan. By the Decree of the Governor of the Ryazan Region No. 799-III dated September 22, 2004, the resort village of Solotcha was excluded from the registration data of the administrative-territorial structure of the Ryazan Region.


Solotcha has a lot of old wooden houses with carved porches and colored stained-glass windows. On one of the streets there is a house that belonged at the end of the 19th century to the famous engraver academician I.P. Pozhalostin. V. V. Veresaev, K. G. Paustovsky, A. P. Gaidar, A. A. Fadeev, K. M. Simonov, V. S. Grossman, F. I Panferov, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. T. Shalamov and others.

An outstanding architectural monument on the territory of the region is the Church of John the Baptist over the Holy Gates of the Solotchinsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery, built in 1696-1698 by the supposedly famous Russian architect Ya. G. Bukhvostov.

The Ryazan-Vladimir narrow-gauge railway, praised by K. G. Paustovsky, passed through the territory of the region. Here was the Solodcha station, which retained its ancient spelling through "d".

On the territory of the district there is a specially protected natural area - a natural monument of regional significance "Solotchinskaya Staritsa".

Every traveler, going on a trip, creates for himself a list of Solotchi attractions that you definitely need to see. Some develop independent routes for exploring the city, the rest order special sightseeing tours. As a rule, they allow you to visit the main attractions of Solotchi and give an idea of ​​the historical and cultural development of the city.

Art lovers are primarily looking for sculptural sights on the map of Solotchi. On the main city squares, you can often see traditional sculptural compositions with which all tourists take pictures. But in the parks beloved by the local population, you can see exhibitions of conceptual sculptures and installations. They are made from the most unpredictable materials and represent unimaginable variations of various forms that you will need to think about.

Religious buildings play a special role among the main attractions of Solotchi. They are the center of the architectural ensemble of the Russian city, many of them survived significant religious and historical events. In Solotch and beyond, you can go to famous throughout the country monastic cloisters: Kazan Convent, Holy Trinity Monastery, Solotchinsky Pokrovsky Monastery, admire the graceful appearance of large Orthodox churches: the Church of the Savior on Yar, or look into cozy and miniature chapels, so popular with local.

Traveling around the area, you can also see unusual religious sites. These can be national religious sites, ancient cult associations, or generally mystical places of power. Not far from Solotchi there is an opportunity to meet the following: Church of the Savior on Yar, St. John the Theologian Monastery, Nikolo-Radovitsky Monastery, Resurrection Church in Lovtsy, Solotchinsky Pokrovsky Monastery.

Pedestrian promenades along Solotcha have a special romance. You have a choice: get a map of Solotchi with sights and routes in advance, or simply go wherever your heart desires. Then it's even more fun. Let yourself get lost in the old streets or take a walk in the squares. And if you get tired, you can refresh yourself or have a cup of coffee in some pleasant cafeteria. By the way, in Solotch there are several places popular at all times, which every tourist dreams of.

If you plan to gain in-depth knowledge of the history of the city, come on an excursion to the museum complexes of Solotchi. They contain extensive collections of ethnology, artistic skills, folk art and everyday life, from archaeological excavations. Traditionally, these attractions are located in the center.

At the same time, open thematic museums can often be found in the countryside. They present entertaining expositions dedicated to national life and folk crafts. In addition, it can be a museum reconstruction of historical settlements or defensive forts. Such sights of Solotchi will be very informative for children: the Museum of the Poshchupov Toy, the Museum-Reserve of S. Yesenin, the Museum of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

For family tourists, the question is always relevant: where to go with children. The most popular option is to go to one of the Solotchi aqua complexes. There are often discounted fares when buying a family ticket for the whole day.

If you are planning a trip in the winter or spring season, we recommend that you consider Solotchi ski resorts for active leisure. There is a lot of entertainment for children and adults: various slopes for skiers and snowboarders, cheesecakes, interesting fun parks for experts. Typically, such complexes are located a few tens of kilometers from the city, for example: Chulkovo Ski Resort, Borovskoye Kurgan, Alpatyevo. So it is more convenient to arrive at the place by personal transport or rent a car.

An excellent prospect for a family weekend is active nature tourism. These attractions are located near Solotcha. It can be rivers, gorges, famous nature reserves. Where better to go, you always choose: Meshchersky National Park. It is possible to get here both on your own and by public transport. Look in advance for the schedule of intercity buses running from suburban bus stations in the direction you need. In such an adventure, you will get a lot of unforgettable emotions from being outdoors, replenish your health and good spirits.

If you visit the city on business, then you do not have enough free time for long excursion programs. In such a situation, we advise you to find for yourself a concise index of Solotchi sights with a photo and description.

Such a guide can always be found after arriving in the city at railway stations or at the airport. There is a list of the most interesting places to go in Solotch, with names and photos of attractions. Agree, this greatly simplifies the question of what to see in Solotch, in case you are limited in time.

However, if the guide describes the most popular places in Solotchi, then on the net you can find the top “not hyped”, but no less interesting sights with reviews from experienced travelers. Abandoned adits, mysterious quarries, old narrow-gauge railways, bridges - such sights attract adventure lovers.

When planning a trip to Solotcha, we advise you to get information not only about the sights, but also about other significant infrastructure facilities of the city. To move around the city, it is worth understanding the scheme of urban transport, the localization of railway and bus stations or ports, metro stations. At the same time, these important public buildings of Solotchi can become objects of tourist interest. Often they become the hallmark of the city.

To the north of Ryazan, about 20 km along the road to Kasimov and Vladimir, there is the resort village of Solotcha. This is a favorite vacation spot for most Ryazan residents. The thing is that this place has everything you need in order to breathe clean air and improve your health: a relic pine forest, sometimes turning into a mixed forest.

Solotcha is located almost on the banks of the Staritsa (this is the name of the river flowing here). In fact, Staritsa is one of the borders separating two different natural massifs - on one bank of the river there is a Meshchera forest, and on the other, the floodplain of the Oka, and then the Oka will mainly be followed by fields, the forest will come across only in islands, there will be no large continuous massif. In addition, there are many lakes in relative proximity to the village.

They say that the convenience and beauty of Solotchi was appreciated by the great Ryazan prince Oleg. In any case, the foundation of the local monastery, which you will definitely see, since it is located on the main and only square of the village, is attributed to him. This, by the way, is one of the few attractions of the village. Still, people go to Solotcha for clean air and beautiful nature, and not for architectural beauties.

Where to relax in Solotcha

Everyone chooses the way of rest for himself. Personally, in spring and autumn I just go to Staritsa, lakes or forests, depending on the weather, mood, the presence or absence of mushrooms. In the summer I rent a dacha in one of the villages that are part of the village. It is called Davydovo. For those who will be looking for where to rent a cottage for the summer, I recommend this particular place, since it is located at a small distance from the central highway, the forest begins behind the houses, and it takes 15-20 minutes to the river with a leisurely walking step through the forest.

You can rent a house or a room in Solotcha itself. But in the village, for the most part, houses are rented along Order and Vladimirskaya streets, and a lot of cars drive along them. Not exactly pleasant. It is better to look for a house away from these streets.

Those who are accustomed to organized recreation and three meals a day will also find a place to relax and, at the same time, receive treatment. There are three large sanatoriums: Sosnovy Bor, Solotcha ( prices and reviews here) and "Staritsa".

Sosnovy Bor is located at the entrance to the village, about a couple of kilometers from the highway. The sanatorium is located on the outskirts of the main residential area, which, in principle, is good in terms of recreation - there are relatively few people. The resort has its own beach.

"Solotcha" - practically on the main square, next to the monastery. There is no beach of your own, you have to go to the city beach, which is about half a kilometer along a forest path along the coast. On the other hand, the path is very beautiful, you can walk. In addition, there is a spring along the road, which is considered "holy".

"Staritsa" is located on the outskirts of the village, between Solotcha and Fence. The resort itself is located in a clearing near the river, has its own small beach. Connoisseurs believe that this particular resort is the best in the top three. There is one thing - not far from the "Staritsa" there is active construction.

In addition, in the forest around the village there are many departmental rest houses, as well as pioneer camps. There will be an opportunity to relax in them - do not miss it, it will be useful. There are also guest houses and hotels. Good "Land House" in Davydovo. On weekends, all the rooms in it are usually full.

All holiday options with online booking here.

What to see in Solotch

Mostly people go to Solotcha for nature. In holiday homes, of course, there are restaurants, billiards, table tennis, spas and baths. But first of all, they still come here for clean water in the river and lakes and the air of a pine forest that clears all the lungs.

You can see the sights in a day. You must visit the monastery. Access to it is open, just remember that men should not come in shorts, and women in trousers. Otherwise, you will not be allowed past the gate.

The monastery is surrounded by an impressive wall, and inside there are two churches. The one on the left is interesting. On its outer walls there are small multi-color frescoes-icons.

They survived despite the fact that for some time there was nothing on the territory of the monastery - neither a museum, nor religious institutions.

If you go further along the Order and Vladimirskaya street, then you will reach the house-museum of I.P. Pity. There was a famous engraver who lived in Solotch. His beautifully carved wooden house and outbuildings are carefully preserved.

This place is also interesting because K.G. Paustovsky. It was about this house and the gazebo that he wrote in his Meshcherskaya side. The museum contains the things of the famous writer, in which he went fishing in local reservoirs. They say he was an avid fisherman. You can appreciate the frankly Spartan conditions in which the winner of many awards rested. By the way, Paustovsky got to Solotcha through Tuma. So in the 30-50s it was more convenient from Moscow, because the large (“Solotchinsky”) bridge across the Oka appeared only in the seventies. And from Tuma to Shumashi there was a narrow-gauge train. Then it was the main transport highway in the forest regions.

Actually, that's all. You can still walk to the main functioning church. In addition, across the road, not far from the Pozhalostin Museum, there is a Kooperator store. Go there and ask if there is bread from the Zaboryevskaya bakery. If there is, you should definitely buy it. It is not clear what they do with it there, but you probably did not eat tastier bread. They work very well.

The rest of the time you will spend walking along the river and through the forest. Fortunately, there is a lot of goodness here. You will definitely like it!

P walk around the village of Solotcha, Ryazan region ...
The Staritsa sanatorium is located here, so we walked along it almost every day))) there is something to see in the aftermath. and a monastery and a blue temple and a monument to Nikolai Ugodnik on a ball ... Earthly ...

Beautiful temple, but more on that later...

Invite a rat to the holiday))) guys are creative!

The village of Solotcha belongs to Ryazan (here Ryazan and not regional registration), but is located 25 kilometers from it, on the other side of the Oka.

The village is famous primarily for the ancient Solotchinsky Monastery, which I already wrote about. It was founded in 1390 by Prince Oleg of Ryazan himself.

There is also the house of the famous engraver Pozhalostin in Ryazan.

Amusing place))) cafe what you need!

Yesenin is here at every step. Near the place where he was born.

You can see where the wind is blowing from.

The cherry flavored cider was great))

Probably the fireman's house.

Strange street for Russia - "Order".

Solotcha has a lot of old wooden houses with carved porches and colored stained-glass windows. On one of the streets there is a house that belonged at the end of the 19th century to the famous engraver academician I.P. Pozhalostin. V. V. Veresaev, K. G. Paustovsky, A. P. Gaidar, A. A. Fadeev, K. M. Simonov, V. S. Grossman, F. I Panferov, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. T. Shalamov and others.

st. Order 76 (Latitude 54°47′55″N (54.798527) Longitude 39°50′18″E (39.838346))

Blue Temple. That's what they call him in Solotchi. This is the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, painted in sky blue.

At this place, at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th century, the wife of Prince Oleg of Ryazan, Princess Euphrasinia (Evpraksia), founded the female Zachatievsky Monastery. In 1682, the monastery was abolished, the old women were transferred to the Agrafenin desert, which was located nearby. Over time, the temple of the monastery fell into disrepair, and in its place in 1843 the construction of a stone Kazan temple with Nikolsky and Alekseevsky aisles began.

In Soviet times, the temple was closed, and then it was reopened. And already modern parishioners built this monument to St. Nicholas in front of the temple, as a copy of one of the most remarkable sculptures of this saint in Demre (Turkey). A saint was born there (there was an ancient city of Lycian Myra). Initially, St. Nicholas was buried in a church in Myra, now Demre in Turkey. In 1087, the relics of the saint were stolen from the temple and transported to Italy to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in the city of Bari, on the way the bones were crushed, because when they stole, they trampled on it with their feet, but that's another story.

Strange things also happened to the Turkish monument. The monument was presented to Turkey by the Moscow Southern District and erected in 2000 near the ruins of the church where the saint once served. Then he was transferred to the Basilica of St. Nicholas, but without a globe. And in his place put a plastic Santa Claus.

Santa Claus, however, was also unlucky, and was later removed. And they erected a monument to St. Nicholas, but different, in a Turkish cap. Perhaps the Orthodox symbolism irritates Turkish Muslims.

Probably this story with the monument so upset the locals that they installed a copy of the full version of the monument here in Solotch and now it adorns the square in front of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

There are a lot of cats here

The resort offers guests:

Tasty and hearty breakfasts

There is parking

Shuttle service available (surcharge)

Booking directly

with instant confirmation

We guarantee the best prices!

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The Solotcha sanatorium is located in the village of the same name not far from Ryazan. The complex has a swimming pool, free Wi-Fi access and parking.

The number of rooms is represented by comfortable rooms, which are located in the buildings. Each room has a private bathroom and appliances. Some have a kitchenette and all necessary utensils.

Accommodation includes three meals a day. Upon request, it is possible to create a menu based on the doctor's recommendations or individual wishes. There is a restaurant in the step, where new visitors are always welcome.

Help desk is available 24 hours a day. The boarding house provides wellness and entertainment services, and is also an excellent option for both adults and children.

The area is perfect for active sports, outdoor walks. At a distance of 300 meters there are grocery stores and a supermarket where everyone can buy groceries.

Sanatorium and resort services

Services included in the cost of the voucher for the program "Climatotherapy":

  • accommodation in a room of the selected category
  • three meals a day buffet
  • Wi-Fi internet access
  • animation program on weekends and holidays, organized walking tours around Solotcha
  • use of a children's playroom under the supervision of a teacher (working hours of a children's playroom all days except Sundays and Mondays), use of a skating rink, children's playgrounds, an outdoor pool (in accordance with the opening hours).

Therapeutic procedures included in the cost of the tour according to the "Basic Program":

  • examination by a general practitioner
  • baths
  • physiotherapy: electro-light therapy (UVR, CUFO, laser: ICL and GIL, color therapy), pulsed currents, ICPEMP, ultrasound and phonophoresis, UHF EP, UHF, UHF fields, IMMT, electrosleep, transcerebral electroanalgesia, TENS
  • thermotherapy (paraffin-ozocerite)
  • manual massage 1 zone
  • inhalation
  • treatment room
  • Russian bath, Turkish bath (hammam), Finnish sauna
  • SPA pool with cascade and countercurrent
  • low pressure showers (needle, ascending)
  • high pressure impact shower (Charcot)
  • medium pressure showers (circular, swiss)
  • contrast (Scottish) shower
  • vibration back massage with heat
  • mineral water 1.5l/3 days
  • physiotherapist's consultation
  • nordic walking
  • consultation with a neurologist
  • massage using the NUGA-BEST couch
  • consultation with a cardiologist;
  • exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises)
  • aeroionotherapy

Types of procedures, number, sequence, methods are formed individually for each patient, depending on the state of his health, taking into account indications and contraindications.

Wellness programs:

  • Healthy child
  • Healthy heart
  • We lose weight with pleasure
  • Liver cleanse
  • Main program
  • Antistress - Relax
  • Infertility treatment
  • New in infertility treatment
  • Forces of nature against arthrosis
  • Back without pain
  • Take care of your health from a young age
  • Correct posture, healthy foot
  • healthy joints
  • Diabetes - no!
  • light leg
  • It's clear in my head
  • Pain Healer (DENS)
  • Living well... without cigarettes!

How to get to the resort

    Travel from the railway station to the sanatorium:

    bus number 71, 110 to the stop "Monastyr".

    Other ways to get to the resort