On the hat and Senka. "Bloody regime" is waking up little by little - Alexander Perlin

October 13, 2015

Generally, ISIS was bombed, but the people were concussed all over the world ...
The new dog, John Kirby, was recently noted with an epic phrase: "Russia does not share the US goals." Undoubtedly, he wanted to convey something to the general public, but he spilled it along the way ... Is there something infectious about it? He proposes to share the goals ... We will not share anything, and do not hope! So we will bombard the targets!

Another native of the American continent, Steve (Stas, in our opinion) Warren, brought to the attention of the Russians that "Assad is treating his citizens unfairly." We will leave the clumsy construction of the phrase itself on the conscience of the translator, but about justice, I would like more details, because ours have our own opinion on it, especially in relation to the activities of each specific politician ... More recently, another victory of Western tolerance was discussed on the forums - the opening of a shelter in quiet Denmark for elderly homosexuals ... Sickly sympathizing with the difficult lot of elderly foreign Achtungs, the people nevertheless wondered that it would not be bad to attach our favorite, Nobel laureate Mikhail Sergeyich Gorbachev, there, so that his epic bald head would not grow hair ... Here it is, gentlemen democrats and it would be a triumph of humanism and justice, and not at all asphalting the national leader Assad, defending the independence of his country!

Turkish President Erdogan, he is always for justice, in all its manifestations. Having mentally bombed the Kurds, he nevertheless angrily condemned the Russian attacks on ISIS ... And you can understand him! It is not a matter when, out of the blue, someone starts to dispose of partners in a dangerous business! This disrupts the stolen oil delivery schedule and seriously harms the business! Who does not know: it is Erdogan's offspring, with a fairly forgotten pioneer enthusiasm in our country, who uses Ishil's oil ... Good boy! And this circumstance, and not the more popular conspiracy theories about the restoration of the Great Ottoman Empire, became the main problem for Recep ...

But yesterday, the world was beautiful, and it seemed to Erdogan that he was firmly holding the stupid Russians with their naive plans to build a gas pipeline to Faberge. Having agreed in principle that the bloody Gazprom generously invested in the Turkish economy, Recep, as a reward for his undoubtedly noble deed, demanded praise, admiration, and magical discounts on gas ... It's clear that the benefactor, where are we without him, three times: “ ku "... The impudent partner behaved like a pregnant eighth-grader, throwing tantrums and harassing Miller with his whims:" Stop there, come here! " Moreover, the more Recep was convinced that Miller had nowhere to go, the more impudent he became! And it was already going to the fact that the Russians were ready to agree to pay extra for the fact that the Turkish side will graciously allow them to supply their authoritarian gas when everything collapsed ... It turned out that old Miller simply used a naive Turkish dreamer to implement insidious plans to enslave Europe, used it cynically and mercilessly, how bowling players use a ball that looks like a kolobok's skull to hit the pins with a bang. Miller hit the strike, and, as it turned out, a lot of the credit for this, as it turned out, belongs to the greedy but stupid Erdogan.

Because looking at his antrash, the Europeans made two conclusions for themselves: the Russians are ready to stop the transit through Nenka at any cost, and it is better to deal with them than with the sick Turkish politicians. In addition, the reserves of gas fields in the Russian North, although large, but not dimensionless, may not be enough for everyone, especially since the competitors - Power of Altai and Baltic LNG - are right there.

After that, a whole team of foreign investors, known as the “gang” by the people, announced their desire to build the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline as soon as possible ... And it became clear that there really would not be enough gas for everyone ... Specifically, the Turks would not have enough ... Miller eggs in one basket does not lay down: neither European, nor Erdogan's!

Once again, the partners who went to cut Gazprom's rams returned shaved ... They still did not understand who they had contacted. It's not even about the clever and cunning Miller, if he won't be, another one will come ... In Gazprom, everyone is like that ... For those who doubt it, I propose to trace the history of the notorious Nord Stream, the design work on the construction of which began (surprise, surprise !!!) 1997, when the crisis was raging in Russia with might and main ... On the international arena, on the contrary, everything was smooth, but smooth: in Kuyevshchina, the red-haired Kuchma signed an age-old agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership, the Black Sea fleet was divided, and the gas issue was not in any form ... It turns out that even then Gazprom's people predicted possible complications with transit and started thinking about diversifying supplies!

An angry Erdogan, meanwhile, announced that he would refuse to buy Russian gas ... And he has a flag ... No, in principle, this is possible, no problem, it only takes a few billion and five years (s) ... Well, to stretch a pipe from Iran, other options are generally dead ... The Turkish partners have neither one nor the other ... In addition, the gas pipeline will pass through the territory of the self-proclaimed Kurdestan ... Let the guys rejoice ...

In the meantime, only Ukrainian military analysts are happy ... I certainly understand that the gaps in a very incomplete and extremely secondary education among the dull-witted public are usually filled with the study of Pedalik's philosophical works, but you need to know a measure!

Now, for example, the news about the Russian MiG-29 shot down by the Turks is being actively discussed ...

- But Russia does not have MiG-29 in Syria!

That's right ... Now it's gone!

If you believe their military experts, then Russia has already lost half a dozen combat aircraft in the conflict ... According to Ukrop's understanding, any monkey, if given a shaitan-pipe and shown where to press, is able to shoot down a modern combat aircraft ... To bring this public to a sane state, wholesale supplies are needed haloperidol from a warehouse in Vilyuisk, and selective enema of the most active users, but we have no time now, so let them live like this ...

Monkey and trumpet. The trick is that the MANPADS is training, but they did not explain this to the four-handed, so: "Your pipe-plane was rocking!"

Spurred on by the rise in oil prices, economists perked up, rushing to convince the public with ardor that there were no prerequisites for a rise in oil prices ... Then they, of course, got excited, because the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant produces these prerequisites in three shifts ... But economists are no stranger to shame, Let me remind you that until recently, when the price was falling, these same people stated that there were no prerequisites for a fall ... They are interested in economics, therefore, economists ... I don’t declare that I am a mountaineering instructor, just because I love mountains ... Vorobyovs ... Elbrus , however, somehow not very ...

However, not all partners are impassable stupid, and quite sensible specimens come across. Immediately after the "Dagestan salute", the former Secretary of State of Pendostan Madeleine Albright suddenly appeared in public and categorically stated that she had never offered to saw our Siberia, they say it was falsely slandered ... Interestingly: a bullet about Siberia, which "should belong to the world community," attributed to Olbreitihe, it is not the first year that she has been spreading the brains of Runet users, but she just decided to refute it ...

Who said that parents are not chosen !? The brothers again chose their father ... For the fifth time ... It is alarming that you cannot hear the angry cries about the need for a change of power, and the OSCE is silent in a rag, and there is no hysteria in PACE, and the State Department is in no hurry to make statements ... Only sluggish local opposition , bitterly state that the stupid people again preferred stability to progressive development ... The sanctions were again lifted ... It seems to me alone that the West has already started foreplay?

Our club-handed Iranian allies, as a result of the special operation, were unable to knock the chief Ishilov godfather Al-Baghdadi, but they upset him greatly, he is now in the hospital, heals neuritis ... One hope remains for our American partners: since they are bombing hospitals anyway, maybe this time they will contribute !?

Material: Alexander Perlin

Desires, they are material ... Our sworn partners, together with domestic Carbonari, have been repeating for so long about the inevitable destruction of the Mordor economy when oil prices collapse, that this could not but happen ...

It happened: oil prices fell, and the partners froze, waiting for the Russian economy to predictably cut the oak. They froze, they are afraid to exhale ... Get out, morons, rumors about the death of the economy spread by a black man are greatly exaggerated, until the oak tree was cut only by another great friend of ours, the King of Emirates, who, according to numerous analysts' statements, organized the current laugh ... The liberal public grieves and sprinkles head ashes ...

The other riffraff, who did not have enough money for tickets to Riyadh, exaggeratedly cheerfully, began to reassure each other that nothing would fundamentally change, the new king would be no worse than the old one, and he would continue his policy, and he would not forget old friends ...

The Chinese, meanwhile, decided to count the number of contenders for the throne in this fabulous kingdom. We counted three times, each time getting different results, but we always got at least five thousand prynts: good and different, small and not so ... No one explained to the deceased in time that uncontrolled sexual intercourse leads not only to sexually transmitted diseases, but also to the appearance of a whole heap unwanted heirs - competitors in the prize race for the throne. The bearded pilgrims from ISIS add humor to the situation, who politely knock on the doors of the kingdom with rifle butts, and are interested in the safety of shrines ...

The Chinese comrades, took into account all of the above, and decided that it was undesirable to continue to cooperate with this explosive formation, but being educated people, explained to the world community their decision to reduce oil purchases from the Saudis by difficult weather conditions on sea routes ... Storms, hurricanes, tsunamis ... It is dangerous, they say, it has become to carry oil across the sea ... This means, of course, not the weather conditions, but the proliferating sea bastards of the "Ohio" class, which have recently become fashionable to jackal in the areas where Chinese liqueurs appear, but this was not said aloud ... ...

The "Oops" turned out to be very impressive, especially considering that the Chinese comrades found the replacement of Arab oil on the ruins of the "torn to shreds of the Russian economy" ... At the same time, the evergreen dollar was ordered to bite its elbows, since its participation in the deal is not provided ...

Rabbit Senya, too, decided to diversify supplies, he heard this word when in cleaning ... I mean, he worked in a bank ... The fact that Arseniy began his career as a bank employee, we learned from the ubiquitous Yura from Sumy, who, not at all surprised the fact that the rabbit holds the prime minister's post, was strongly indignant, as in 1998 in a serious organization, which undoubtedly is a bank, they could hire such a clinical idiot as Yatsenyuk.

And it is quite natural that, due to his mental capabilities, the very concept of diversification in Senya is very different from the generally accepted one ... Having learned from Miller that exactly three years later, Tseevropa will be able to use the gas pipeline only as a pneumatic mail, for high-speed dispatch of guest workers to civilized baby, because Gazprom won't nafig need it, Senya Rabbit is not that much upset ... He was furious, and on a blue eye, said that Kuyevshchina would generally refuse non-kosher Mordor gas ...

The word said that the bullet was fired, and Senya turned to the Poles with a proposal to build a gas pipeline through which Poland would supply blue (in a good sense of the word) nishtyaks to Kuyevshchina ... At the same time, the question: "Where will the Poles get gas?" did not bother, this is their problem! And, funny, he was right! Poles - they are such a people, they are ready to sell anything, and to anyone, and whenever they want: it makes no difference, therefore, having learned that gas is already available to the neighbors, they immediately agreed to sell this gas ... The situation was anecdotal, the psheks rushed to look for gas, dill - money ... The most piquant thing is that the defendants, by default, decided that the European Union would build the pipe at its own expense (with what fright, I wonder?) ...

He who seeks, he will find, and if not what is sought, then troubles, for sure, but the Poles, in our case, were lucky. The fact is that another small, but terribly proud, albeit blown to the head, Lithuania also decided to reduce its energy dependence on Mordor, and for this purpose acquired a terminal for storing liquefied gas from Norway ... At first, the Lithuanians wanted to build this terminal, but after learning the price of the issue, they changed their minds, deciding: "Well, fuck it, let it be better damned Miller choke on our Jews." However, the cunning Norgi, from whom the Lithuanians planned to buy the same liquefied gas, sensing that the client might break down, decided not to release the situation, and offered the naive litas a way out - they say, why the heck should you build a terminal when you can easily rent it, because it is floating ... Floating in the sense ...

Having scratched their turnips, the litas agreed, signing a lease agreement for ten years, for some miserable half a billion ... Independence from the hated Mordor is more expensive ... Yes, it is "Independence", that was the name of a brand new, brand-new floating tanker terminal ... the matter is unclean, the tenants began to realize when they saw that the miracle of technology was painted in the colors of the hated Russian flag ... However, to find out: "What's the catch?", it didn't take much time, it turned out that the impudent norgi, having profitably built their trough for rent, they agree to fill it with gas only by twenty percent, the rest, by default, the client should look for in the market himself ... Having thrust into the market, the litas found that the American owners were not at all ready to sell their trademark "special - shale", and all sorts of Qatar - Australia, for their resource is beaten with such a horse price that it is worth filling "Independence" with it once and the only break-even enterprise in Lithuania will be the Vilnius crematorium, which will be loaded work for months ahead, because the population simply will not be able to withstand such gas prices, they will take a breath ... And what for, one wonders, in such situations, do you need this terminal at all, for which you also have to pay rent? The one-minute litas were already ready to fall into despondency, when suddenly some Polish buyers appeared ...

The Lithuanians, overwhelmed with happiness, suddenly realized that they were not the last suckers, because they were borrowing! The only problem was where to get the necessary volumes of gas ... How do you like the intrigue? Further, it’s funnier: Gazprom announced that it was ready to supply any volumes of LNG, though only in three years (what a coincidence!) When the gas liquefaction plant in Ust-Luga starts working ... The Poles will just have time to transfer the pipe to Kuyevshchina ... But The most offensive thing is that the dastardly Gazprom did not express any surprise at the fact that the patients are furiously rejecting the totalitarian pipeline gas, but gladly take the expensive liquefied gas: the client is always right, what is there ...

Pop business with dudes! It remains a little to wait to admire how this "communal condominium on trust" will function, when the ukopa predictably declare that they have no money ...

They continue to deliver fabulous losers - Bulgarian brothers ... Whoever says what, to dry out such a deal with Gazprom is what an outstanding sucker you need to be! Here, luck alone is not enough, special talent is required here ... And so, instead of flowing around, the Bulgarians again climb where they have already earned on the sopatka, continue the construction of the deceased South Stream and announce their intentions to build a gas hub ... Lithuanians, with their own terminal smoke nervously! Everything would be fine, I just think that it will be easier for Bulgarians to fill up the Black Sea than to get permission from us to lay a pipe in territorial waters. However, about the sea, this is for ukram: they dug, let them bury themselves!

To whom, but to me, the situation on the European gas market strongly resembles the nineties: the players on the market are fucking, everyone is selling and buying something, throwing each other, fighting, and complaining to the "roofs", but dig deeper, so no money who does not have, no goods ... Some naked show-off ...

Material Alexander Perlin

On the issue of sanctions: speaking at the Delovaya Rossiya business forum, Putin frightened entrepreneurs with the lifting of the sanctions ... Well, he scared them ... He warned them to be ready to work as before, before the anti-Russian sanctions ... Business Russians, according to the press, were greatly alarmed by offensive words of the President: “Here you are! How will it be canceled? " Well, all right, impudent businessmen's faces, skirting grandmothers taking advantage of the "open window of opportunity", but the rest are that !? Society, at least a very significant part of it, to the extreme surprise of foreign partners, considers these "terrible sanctions" as a blessing for the country ... Rate the comic of what happened! Sworn friends, they clearly and consistently tried to shit on us, and what's the bottom line? It is just right to knock out on a stone the historical phrase of Chernomyrdin "We wanted the best ..." It turned out, as always, solely because any attempts by the West to weaken Russia have exactly the opposite effect: the "Curzon Ultimatum" led to the growth of mechanical engineering and the aircraft industry, and the crisis ", allowed us to establish the production of large-diameter pipes ... In general, wait, partners" Our answer to Chamberlain! " and learn history, woodpeckers! Well, something will not intimidate us Brussels ... hmm ... Toleras? Or how? By the way, it is Brussels-based - this is because exercises were held in NATO last week ... The legend of the event was pretty amusing ... Whinnying ... Judge for yourself: another fictional state attacked the fictional state ... , therefore (!!!) in Brussels, after scratching their turnips, they decided to intervene ... Well, how to intervene? Lightly bomb ... But where to go if Honduras is on fire !? I wonder how they determined who would be bombed - did they throw a coin, or drew lots? However, these procedures remained behind the scenes ... I hope everyone has reached the depth of the absurdity of the situation? If the Russian army at the last exercises, as well as at all the previous ones, repulsed an attack of a conditional enemy on its territory, then these "peacekeepers" intend to climb into someone else's, and do not hesitate to declare this directly ... In this regard, one question: who is Hitler in this case? What, Putin again !? Why? Ah, appointed by the State Department ... And if we doubt it? Then you fly to us? Are you sure that everyone will fly? The Foreign Ministry has circulated lists of persons whose presence on Russian soil is undesirable ... In this regard, the gentlemen partners made a general commotion in the Euro-chicken coop: they urgently decide what else to prohibit in revenge on damnable Mordor. An ingenious way out was found by a certain Martin Schultz, a tough guy, and concurrently, the head of the European Parliament. The aforementioned someone personally initiated at a regular meeting the decision to ban the admission of Russian diplomats to the European Parliament ... Such epic approval of the walls of the cradle of the new European civilization has never been heard before! They accepted it unanimously ... Then, however, they thought: "Aren't we fools?" Moreover, the further they thought, the more they tended to disappointing exits for themselves ... But a certain Schultz found a way out again! I phoned the Permanent Representative of Russia to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov and said that there was a crisis situation, since the Parliament (who would have thought!), Decided to ban the admission of Russians, and he urgently needs to discuss this problem ... Immediately ... Everyone is shocked, Chizhov is confused: “He gives! I just hanged myself, but now I'm afraid to catch a cold! " By the way, can anyone say that this stunt is Martin Schultz, he is definitely the head of the European Parliament !? It doesn't seem like somehow ... And in general, the feeling is that he was not found in cabbage, as a normal child, but in hemp thickets ... Meanwhile, on the political Olympus there is a certain phenomenon characterized by an incredible coincidence, in common parlance called nonsense ... Ours European partners were surprised to discover that neither the Middle East conflicts, nor the Ukrainian situation, nor the Iranian nuclear, without the accursed Russians, can simply be resolved ... It is necessary to negotiate, not to introduce new sanctions, from which ours, as mentioned above, have fits of unbridled fun happen ... It is necessary to negotiate, but only the American masters who have stopped everyone ... So poor politicians knock around ... Last Tuesday, a conference of fighters against ISIS was held in Paris ... There were decisive guys from as many as twenty-four countries ... They had a lovely time, chatted, laughed ... Even the resolution was adopted ... Exactly the same as in the fall of last year "You cannot pardon to bomb" Ras They did not even bother with the installation of punctuation marks in this logical construction, solely because no one believes in the possibility of a successful resolution of the crisis ... After the conference, its participants, at different levels, expressed the hope that Russia would undertake to deal with ISIS ... They subtly hinted, damn it: “ We shit a little here ... Would you deign to clean up !? " I think it’s not even worth mentioning that neither Russia nor Iran were included in the international group of the main decisions on ISIS ... Australia entered !!! Trash and frenzy ... Undeservedly much attention is paid to the upcoming "Big Seven", which is going to discuss the situation in the Fairy-Tale Land. Moreover, everyone is well aware that without the participation of Mordor, the summit is not a summit, but a corporate party of gay cattle farmers, at which those present will cynically hunt, who else would be bestial ... Since the main overseas freemason will probably not be at the meeting, the discussion will be languid and stupid ... It is possible, of course, that old Junker will be able to revive the atmosphere a little, if, of course, he steps on the glass again, but I still would not wager, tea is not Poroshenko, to constantly drink! So, as expected, the parties will confirm their commitment to abandoning common sense, and they will part with the world ... All over the world ... In general, this very summit is a rather murky thing. .. There was the Big Eight ... The leaders of eight states gathered, had a nice time, drank tea with dryers, then took pictures ... Here is a photo of the Big Eight. All nine people ... Stop ... Why nine? Someone, the superfluous one did not arrive otherwise !!! SUM_350After the Crimea, having spent a lot of time, returned home, we were kicked out of the Big Eight ... It was just some kind of holiday ... They rejoiced so that the glasses in the Baltic States flew out ... Moreover, who rejoiced our partners, or we are a big question, because seeing our beaming faces, they abruptly changed their minds to expel us from PACE and WTO ... It's a pity ... We hoped so ... Well, the Big Eight, having dried up, became a seven ... Here is a photo: 1420704575_90601739 Your mother! Nine again! But what is it! After all, who are all these people? Why do they have such convict faces that they want to call the police !? Where is the world heading? There is no stability, there is only one nonsense: the right-wing people got torn apart with the homosexuals, while, for some reason, five cops were ripped off, the bashbuzuki from ISIS chopped off the heads of their Taliban colleagues, Petya Poroshenko wanted to nominate for the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Americans claim to the Moon ... the realm of fairy tales ... About the good veterinarian Aibolit ... Remember, when the crocodile ate the sun, the bear began to show him for it, and he declares: “If I just want to and I will swallow the moon” ... It just sucks ... For the crocodile ... Cotton aibolit I recommend a passage to raise your mood: Rating: +33 Material: Alexander Perlin

(Rzhu, I can't stop)

Barak Khuseynich's pathetic speech at the UN jubilee assembly produced a sedative effect on those present, and the audience was openly yawning ... Our Lavrov behaved well, and was very glad that he did not take Medvedev to the meeting ... Instead of the fifteen minutes stipulated by the protocol, Marriage mumbled an hour, making the audience sleep ... Still, do not say, but without chewing gum in his mouth, the American President looks somehow not convincing: a dull look, mournful muttering about American exclusivity ... I've already heard somewhere about national exclusivity ... It seems to me alone that a black man proclaiming with UN rostrum fascist slogans- is this too much? Or do you still believe that this pretzel, black as a hole in the underworld, and cheeky like a monkey is going to solve the world's problems? Then you should go to a psychiatrist, because it's his life credo to create these problems!
Although in this field, the primate has not worked out lately: take the same Mistrals ... As a result of the brilliantly conceived and brilliantly carried out American combination, the Russians remained in Syria without the support of aviation from ships, because with the Mistrals the Bonjourts broke off, and the only Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" - on preventive maintenance at the docks ... A hopeless situation? Yes, hell there: the Chinese were asked, they brought their aircraft carrier to the Syrian shores ... And everyone is good ... Except for Obama and ISIS, of course!

It's just Aloizych ... In the sense, Khuseynich, I have not yet understood who he is dealing with ... We have how: we wanted to, for example, a reproduction of Zotov's famous painting "A Bad and Good Man" (the original of which Lyokha Navalny stole right from the opening day) on the wall, but there is no puncher ... But the neighbor has ... He, bastard, drills holes for pictures for them every Saturday at six in the morning. We go to him and take a tool for a while ... Putin is undoubtedly our man, and for him there is no fundamental difference between a hammer drill and “mistrals”. We must, then we will take from the neighbor ...
This is Russia, baby, you don’t need to understand us with your mind, and you don’t need to poke a black finger at us, so you don’t need to be left without a claw ... And it seems to me that this is gradually reaching everyone except the dim-witted pendos, with their half-reasonable President continuing to bend his own line ... Vaughn and Cameron, accused of bestiality by fellow citizens, have happily jumped into Putin's anti-ISH coalition, cursing that Britain is seriously intending to cooperate in the fight against international gangsters ... Politicians from the Island of villains, on whose acid soils the gladiolus of the Russian faded from hopeless opposition Borya Berezovsky, masters of high-speed changing shoes, and always manage to take the side of the winner in time ... This test is more accurate than two stripes, damn it!
Of course, in the UN, except for Khuseynich and other inadequate people, the Hohlodelegation alone, which brought a dirty, torn yellow-blue rag to the meeting, is worth a lot. The security guard who drove them out of the hall smelled the rag for a long time and disgustedly ... I did not believe to see that this is the flag of the Independent ... That's right: the real flag does not smell like that, every guard knows this!

Japanese Premus Abe confidently declared that he would not recognize the elections in the East of the Outskirts, even though you cut him ... Why he does not recognize the elections Abe did not explain, but added that the parties must abide by the Minsk agreements ... Moreover, explain to a small trick that these same agreements imply holding elections is pointless, he doesn't give a fuck, he's a real samurai. And a real samurai, as you know, must be stupid and brave ...
And of course, Putin's speech at the UN caused a real brainquake ... Russian liberals, even more stupid than the Americans, happily yelled that he had "putinsl", asked for mercy and the lifting of sanctions, and, in general, was ready to surrender to Khuseynich, therefore he spoke quietly and politely ... To listen to this audience, it turns out that if the Darkest One did not charge anyone in the snout, then he showed weakness, so what?
Meanwhile, what exactly Putin politely voiced in his quiet voice, as usual, did not pay attention to the liberal public ... Nobody reads! (c) But in vain, because our President told the Pindos and sympathizers that the missile and bomb strikes inflicted on the Syrian territory, without UN sanction and coordination with the Syrian leadership, are criminal, and from now on, all those who want to "bomb" will have to coordinate all their actions with a coordination center in Iraq ... That is, in fact, the allies (Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia) have announced the creation of a no-fly zone over Syria. American air supremacy came to an end:
- Do you want to bomb? In line, you sons of bitches! And our operators will make sure that they bomb not the positions of the Syrian troops, and the Kurds who have joined, but those who are needed. Which operators? Yes, those who operate on the S-300 air defense system ...

Huseynich naturally did not realize the full depth of this humiliation, due to his natural stupidity, and continued to mumble about the bloody Assad, who should be immediately removed, but the rest got into the situation right away! Kerry threw a tantrum in an interview with MSNBC. moving on to threats: “Russia will become a target for terrorists and will see people with MANPADS and planes falling from the sky.” Moreover, it is completely incomprehensible why people with MANPADS did not shoot down American planes, which, according to pendopropaganda, made fifty combat missions to ISIS positions every day. If I were an American journalist, I would certainly have asked him this question ... Just to see what he puffs up in response ... But, as you know, the "butcher cow" ... Hmm ...
I think that Kerry himself regretted what he said as soon as the echo died down in the studio. But, the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out and aha ... The next day, the state secretary, annoyingly wrinkling his horse face, in an interview with CNN, disavowed his words, and confirmed that the States "abandoned the demand for the immediate resignation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad", and are also ready to allow Russia to resolve the Syrian conflict ... To tears, damn it! Wow, they are ready ... Is it okay that we are actually already there, without merciful permission?
Barak Khuseynich is bashfully silent ... He meditates, learns the unknown and penetrates the secret essence of things, flows around in other words ...

Alexander Perlin

Actually, ISIS was bombed, but the people were concussed all over the world ...

The new dog, John Kirby, was recently noted with an epic phrase: "Russia does not share the US goals." Undoubtedly, he wanted to convey something to the general public, but he splashed it along the way ... Is there such a place, contagious? He proposes to share the goals ... We will not share anything, and do not hope! So we will bombard the targets!

Another native of the American continent, Steve (Stas, in our opinion) Warren, brought to the attention of the Russians that "Assad is treating his citizens unfairly." We will leave the clumsy construction of the phrase itself on the conscience of the translator, but about justice, I would like more details, because ours have our own opinion on it, especially in relation to the activities of each specific politician ... More recently, another victory of Western tolerance was discussed on the forums - the opening of a shelter in quiet Denmark for elderly homosexuals ... Sickly sympathizing with the difficult lot of elderly foreign Achtungs, the people nevertheless wondered that it would not be bad to attach our favorite, Nobel laureate Mikhail Sergeyich Gorbachev, there, so that his epic bald head would not grow hair ... Here it is, gentlemen democrats and it would be a triumph of humanism and justice, and not at all asphalting the national leader Assad, defending the independence of his country!

Turkish President Erdogan is always for justice, in all its manifestations. Having mentally bombed the Kurds, he nevertheless angrily condemned the Russian attacks on ISIS ... And you can understand him! It’s not a matter when, out of the blue, someone starts to dispose of partners in a dangerous business! This disrupts the stolen oil delivery schedule and seriously harms the business! Who does not know: it is Erdogan's offspring, with a fairly forgotten pioneer enthusiasm in our country, who uses Ishil's oil ... Good boy! And this circumstance, and not the more popular conspiracy theories about the restoration of the Great Ottoman Empire, became the main problem for Recep ...

But yesterday, the world was beautiful, and it seemed to Erdogan that he was firmly holding the stupid Russians with their naive plans to build a gas pipeline to Faberge. Having agreed in principle that the bloody Gazprom generously invested in the Turkish economy, Recep, as a reward for his undoubtedly noble deed, demanded praise, admiration, and magical discounts on gas ... It's clear that the benefactor, where are we without him, three times: “ ku "... The impudent partner behaved like a pregnant eighth-grader, throwing tantrums and harassing Miller with his whims:" Stop there, come here! " Moreover, the more Recep was convinced that Miller had nowhere to go, the more impudent he became! And it was already going to the fact that the Russians were ready to agree to pay extra for the fact that the Turkish side will graciously allow them to supply their authoritarian gas when everything collapsed ... It turned out that old Miller simply used a naive Turkish dreamer to implement insidious plans to enslave Europe, used it cynically and mercilessly, how bowling players use a ball that looks like a kolobok's skull to hit the pins with a bang. Miller hit the strike, and, as it turned out, a lot of the credit for this, as it turned out, belongs to the greedy but stupid Erdogan.

Because looking at his antrash, the Europeans made two conclusions for themselves: the Russians are ready to stop the transit through Nenka at any cost, and it is better to deal with them than with the sick Turkish politicians. In addition, the reserves of gas fields in the Russian North, although large, but not dimensionless, may not be enough for everyone, especially since the competitors - Power of Altai and Baltic LNG - are right there.

After that, a whole team of foreign investors, known as the “gang” by the people, announced their desire to build the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline as soon as possible ... And it became clear that there really would not be enough gas for everyone ... Specifically, the Turks would not have enough ... Miller eggs in one basket does not lay down: neither European, nor Erdogan's!

Once again, the partners who went to cut Gazprom's rams returned shaved ... They still did not understand who they had contacted. It's not even about the clever and cunning Miller, if he won't be, another one will come ... In Gazprom, everyone is like that ... I suggest to those who doubt especially the history of the notorious Nord Stream, the design work on the construction of which began (surprise, surprise !!!) in the distant 1997, when the crisis was raging in Russia with might and main ... On the international arena, on the contrary, everything was smooth, but smooth: in Kuyevshchina, the red-haired Kuchma signed an age-old agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership, the Black Sea fleet was divided, and the gas issue was not in any form ... It turns out that even then Gazprom's people predicted possible complications with transit and started thinking about diversifying supplies! Can you imagine what categories these people think !? They are now trying to breed partners ... Flag in hand, cho ...

An angry Erdogan, meanwhile, announced that he would refuse to buy Russian gas ... And he has a flag ... No, in principle, this is possible, no problems, it only takes a few billion and five years ... Well, to stretch a pipe from Iran, others the options are generally dead ... The Turkish partners do not have either one or the other ... In addition, the gas pipeline will pass through the territory of the self-proclaimed Kurdestan ... Let the guys rejoice ...

In the meantime, only Ukrainian military analysts are happy ... I certainly understand that the gaps in a very incomplete and extremely secondary education among the dull-witted public are usually filled with the study of Pedalik's philosophical works, but you need to know a measure!

Now, for example, the news about the Russian MiG-29 shot down by the Turks is being actively discussed ...

- But Russia does not have MiG-29 in Syria!

That's right ... Now it's gone!

If you believe their military experts, then Russia has already lost half a dozen combat aircraft in the conflict ... According to Ukrop's understanding, any monkey, if given a shaitan-pipe and shown where to press, is able to shoot down a modern combat aircraft ... To bring this public to a sane state, wholesale supplies are needed haloperidol from a warehouse in Vilyuisk, and selective enema of the most active users, but we have no time now, so let them live like this ...

Spurred on by the rise in oil prices, economists perked up, rushing to convince the public with ardor that there were no prerequisites for a rise in oil prices ... Then they, of course, got excited, because the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant produces these prerequisites in three shifts ... But economists are no stranger to shame, Let me remind you that until recently, when the price was falling, these same people stated that there were no prerequisites for a fall ... They are interested in economics, therefore, economists ... I don’t declare that I am a mountaineering instructor, just because I love mountains ... Vorobyovs ... Elbrus , however, somehow not very ...

However, not all partners are impassable stupid, and quite sensible specimens come across. Immediately after the "Dagestan salute", the former Secretary of State of Pendostan Madeleine Albright suddenly appeared in public and categorically stated that she had never offered to saw our Siberia, they say it was falsely slandered ... Interestingly: a bullet about Siberia, which "should belong to the world community," attributed to Olbreitihe, it is not the first year that she has been spreading the brains of Runet users, but she just decided to refute it ...

Who said that parents are not chosen !? The Syabra brothers again chose their dad ... For the fifth time ... It is alarming that one cannot hear the angry cries about the need for a change of power, and the OSCE is silent in a rag, and there is no hysteria in PACE, and the State Department is in no hurry to make statements ... Only sluggish local oppa , bitterly state that the stupid people again preferred stability to progressive development ... The sanctions were again lifted ... It seems to me alone that the West has already started foreplay?

Our Iraqi allies, as a result of the special operation, were unable to knock the chief Ishilov godfather Al-Baghdadi, but they upset him greatly, he is now in the hospital, heals neuritis ... One hope remains for the American partners: since they still bomb hospitals, maybe will contribute this time !?

Alexander Perlin